pun 0| lno next year. I feel mqxund that your dvlihrralinns ii I)! \`hnf.1I'lOl'iI'd by mi.-dmn and pmrinlian. and that tiny will madam. to the Inppmea and xflunperily ol the rook. .. - - a --I he suhmittezl to ynll. . The proposed |e;'.i<|.|ti-in in respect tn the tan |n.lI'JnfI| [i0Od questions is among the re.umns tnr your having 1`:|||~ ed together at this S'Inlv`\\h_1I. ummnt season of the year, and l trusq thw- ynu will deem them ul sufliviently pressing imp0l'l.'nn'-9 tn an-ure your apprmal of the course which has in-on taken. It is presumed that when ynu have dispo-ed at the matters which arr J immediately urgent, you will prefer" pm-ironing the consideration .3! other . nd HPXTII 'IIlI;uhQna nntulu OK` ---In JIIU mrnl nevuaren In M` .suh_I'\`l \\ni|l_\ tn innnnion legislation; and the gm- ernment of the dnmmmn is held en- tillvd to impose .1 tax fur revenue pur- pnnea as .1 condition of the right In tish. It is desirable in the puhlit` in- tereat to make immeuli-ite prunsinn lur tho due ndmlnidrxuion hy the prm-inre of the important right: and interests whivh are now definitely muvrlnined tn helong tn the prnvinue, and fur lhn ml- lec-tion M the revenue tn he derived therefrom. .\ hill fur this purpose will .7"l.4 `Hm nr...........a |...;-i. .. ' Ill hl'l' [)llT])l|SQ4. `Hm lung (`0lH0,\H`t! (||lO'.'4liI)lI In-tiworn the pmertinionts nf (`..'mnda untl lhw |ll()\illI`Q`S relating in the riuht.-4 in and nw-r prnvin<`i:il fisiioriiw has at length been finally do--iiiml by the imprint! privy vnunvii. !.o.~i:aw of fishing rights in prmvinvinl \\'nters_ .-ind |l(`I`n.*w.~t and pi-rmits to fish in prnvinvinl \\|l(`l'R have horvtofnre In-in u'r.inlc-d by lh.-Is-- paitmrnt of mairinr and fishvrimi umle-r tho |::\\s lltl roguhiliun.-i of the lumin- inn. Tho Jinlgim-nt nf tlw privy mim- (`ii has dewrmim-.1 th-it tlw right In tho. fish in pl'l1V'inl`l.'l| \\.-ater1_ iir`|uI- inn th'o- titers 0! the great lakes and intern.-\tion.i| and iiitatpruvinvial riv. ers, can he granted only hy Ilia. pru- vinivs. and that ihvi rtwenm-.\i I|PflV:|i)i` than-from rim p.'I_\`:IhlO` In the |il'()\'lll~ vial gnvrrniiwiits. Tho ru-giilatiun-I as In (ha lime and m.-unnvr in whivh fish m.1_v he taken, llw instrunio-nt.s of vap- tum \\hi'h may he 9lnp'tD_\`P(|, lhv fix- in; of III? (`lust |\e.'|.~4nIls. :Inr1 _.mnw nlho-r minor mnttrrs nt` reapl.iIinii .in= by llw jud mom devl.-an-d ti-`M .sul>_ya-vt \\h.>|I_v In lllllllniun -In-I I5-n nu- Inainlnlinn - nu. ., nu nun , ..,...... o':II|_\' purl ml` the `runnmz _\v;nr, ml a hull \'.i|| ho` mhnnllml (or. your runsil`r:\linn making; prmuiun fur tha- .~p-`mix lM`rnnunIu>n uf Ihv quv.~tmn~f. HI!` lhrhf Hf ll)!` I`|o*\`lnr~i [0 Volt` \\I|'> h.'|\'o\ lmvn xuxllo-:1 upon qr nppmnlml Ivy tho! Ielurninu nfhmr ur Ih`p\H_\-l'o`- mining nfl'm`r.~a mule-r lhv vlmlmn wt to art :|.\ (`nn-4l:|h|Q`.'( or spvvxnl unm- umhlnn on c-Iwtinn or pulllnu I.-my, ur In pa-rfunn nllwr work nr puhlw ululicw -'unnm`Iml uilh lhv o-luwlmn, and fur nl he-r purpuw-4. Thu Kuhn) l`f\l|l0n'ln' l..-hrnnn nnuul inn Tn t his unuunum uunng In!` M-HHIIIII; Ill llI.'|l (`M80 .1 tum.-mrc-_ mnpplu-nnmuury of [In- l'urq~.-zl ro*s0r\'e :u't n! lu.-`I .'s`v\.\Iull. lll'|_)` Inx .~ul~IuiHml for yuur vunHiI-rnlimn. In \'|'v\\ of llw grunt nulnhn-I HI 1-IN`- Iinn petitions nnsnihnu trial, it :5 |e~ sil.Ihl- In f.-n~i|it:|l<\ Hmir (lI.`i[N).'-UH h_\- lho rmnrts and tn low.-wn lhu expo-nw nnul lulmr u{ the trials .u\ {ur as mu lm prru'lit"n|u|n_ and so lhnl llwy mu)` if pns~6|>|c-, I-0 In.-qmswl of h_\ lh!-, tum` lhix :lri`lIl|s|}' nmy .uz.'|in Invvt, In I'M` nl 1-unnng l`nthi.~4 1-ml \uur .~. .ui.lnr..I. ..n ....n|...... .... l{lII I'( Thu work of the crmtlltixninll uppnint- ml lust ywnr to enquire` intu thu prmw Iiv.-ultilivy nf pr`(\l'\'Ill|.[ and rv.~'lurimz mu u hite pine upml Illltd in tlm pru- \inm not rumpled fur ugrivulturtl pur- puw.-1 or for .uettlvnu-nt_ Hll ulmse pro-- Iiminury ra-port uith rocmunwmt.1Iinn.\ was [ll`t`M'IIIQ`tl lust ewssinn, lm.-4 hm-n mnlinuwt during the _\'t'.'|l. Thu {inn wpurt uf the vulntni.-wivme-r.-4 is I`K[)Q`I'I- ml to ho (`()n1p'I'U`(I unul ro`.'Itl_\' for Im- tvihutinn during the .w.-shun; III that use .~utmitt`d vnur (`unHitI1'r.'|tinn m unu mmmunuy. ()\\-inn, I lmlievu, tn the l1|m<-ttlml rrmditiun nf vvrlnin hr:|nt`h(`.~1 of trade in the ntljuirning ropuhlic arising out ni Hm wnr with Epuin, nnd to thud-|t_v imposed by tho turiff of Hunt nation rm lumber hon imported, Hm lumlu-r mnrket has not hovn as active as in fmme-r years. I am plvmu-ql to he nhlo tn slnle that ahipmonts tn the British murkt-ts hnvo granny invrc-xm-I, and Hm! s:1li. prices have been uh- luine-d. 'I`|... ..-...~I. ..t at... ....-...... nun: IIH` lII|lIl'l-|l \u'.'I|Iu HI lIUllIH'rl) ()n|nrin is ha-ing sic-znlily dv-H-lnpwi. It in grntifyirig In re-curd the |n<`r(\.'iq- ing inn-i'o.-xi ulnvh is lwing tnkv-H in ll>(l(i and straw`? iinpruvoim~nt 1hruu;zh~ nut Hm pru\im'(`. .\ii.'i`i*.~x.~ifii| (form to bring nlmut reform are app.-irvul in many (iiRil`i(`iS. Thu fuller-it infnrrm- tiun nppmrs to he Io-.~ lay hulh urlmn -Hll(i rural ll]lllli(`i[){|ili(`.\' rmmrdlng lhi.-1 hinm'h of public xmrk, the inipnrlnnvo of whivh t-miimt ho. mwreslimiile-(I, in- f|uvnvI'ng' an largely as it does tho com- morviul, nn'it-ulluraul and social \\`ll'1ro uf lhu vnmmunity. ()\\'in0 I ho\0\.'II In ihn nnanlllml Hly. I rejoice on being zihlo tn vongr.\tu- Into you thnt. the ui'm'im'e is living {It- _ vormt with another uhumtaint imrvest, mid thin the prives of nlninut. ull this products of tha Linn have htwii autis- I fut-tory to the ngriculturist. l`heroh:is L In-on no nlmtt-nu-.nt in the (torts (if the depnrtuic-nt. of ;igri~u|tur<- 10 pro- xnote the welfitre of the hnslicimtmun through the uporutinrts of the nunier~ uus ngencies and orgmiizntiuns under its din-vtiun, nnd hy the pr(`p.lr-'llit)ll um! wide vir.`ul:ition of hulletins :in-t H`p()rti of tin ins.lru(`liw tli.-irzwte-r. `Hm priu'tit'.'iI and ('X[K`l`tl1l( tH.`|l work in 4 1-nnmwtion with the ugrii-ultur.il `0l- 1 Iain,` ctmtinnvs to ziffnnl min-h v:i|u'ih|u t iIl.`ill`ll(`tt()l] an-I (`l1t`Iit.l'tlt`IlH`lll to those \\1m('.'1n [)(`l`.`it)li:|)' Invo.~ilignt- it, its is o\'itl('m`t*(t by the vunutnnlly in- rrmsing nuinlmr of furim-rs \\'hu mn- tinuo to visit, rind in.~ip it.-i upm"itinn.~4, not [038 than thirty thotisuntt li:i\'i.npr visitvd tho ('t)HPgu. nnd fnrln during ` the month nf Juno` Inst. It |\` gr'itify- inn` 0.. In-urn uni (I... ....ri. ,.r ii... .I.. I D I ll. BDECK. - 339 KING ST. I Iowa! unvlovu nu Work or the Pan- , Provlnohl `India Inc! Oolunoroo In- oroulng-A nun Dallas with Ilqhl or Oonltnblu to Vote -the llunorlu onu- tlon. - Toronto, Aug. 3.-This afternoon Sir, , Olive-r Mowut, lie-utenunL-guwnmr of` Ontario, nttcnded at the purlimno-nt i liuilding und opened the first B1 HSt<)ll ' of Hid new legislature. The :l(idl`t'sH_l from the throne wus ms follows: I I Mr. Fp(`l|k(`l` and g'(`llli( lll(',n of the` ` a legislative zisswxility; I I have great [)it'i|Slll't! In \\'t`lt`()ulill` you tn xynur legislative dutu-.-I at this" Iha first meeting of tlw t|*l5(`|lli)!y sin:-0`: ' I `the lpoceh hon tho `u-ono-III Ollvu-1 the last general elwtiun. I hnvo diret-ted that tho urdo-r-in-' council uulhurizing the hunting of :1 I puwtnmution milling tug;-the-I` tholegis- C ltlli\'0 assembly, with the rvpurt upon 0 Vihit'h the ord(`1'-in-uuun<`il is l)1l.'M'(i.`l slitting the reason.-4 for summoning ymlii; to nwet at this curly poriml of tho ywir,'i1 shull he laid before you withnut de- 0 luy. I rninivo nu lminu uhln In rv\nnr\ln- FORMAL OPENING ECF THE TARIO HOUSE TO-DAY. mmclsinmssnuml "ts H` nny l'(`)'||u|('_ Iv, mlsly rl lhr-1-unnmz 'l`nthi.~4 I linn r`l`rInInnlu>n T n null... .. -A. I |-- -w- ms new r t. wibiwics % GUST 33. u-` xv, ` 1:;!" -'-' an vrr. - -a"-":$wux,swg- .. I. III I -7 .I urrsld` mum.- (`(|Il| ll|1`T nu` \\II" 'R nnlml Uh` I`plH_\-lo`- I 1 nmn bu ~xnl my my, `d ' Illbliu-A '0` I-H` mm. .1 llinllpll ` f HM` It'- uisiunw of |\|:l\4x:II` 0.. , ,_ , _ __,___ _._. '-v7T>4HV\'C1- .-w.. ..,-w-nun. Look at your On md Electric nxlurou and 9- o II they an I-|rnlnhod- We can mlucqu.-r, Itonn at [lid mom. nnd make than look like now. Eh; 3}` may Iwunly-In Kinptonhno |:::lo.:'l`I-0-out puktoonp lot a fun wukn. Thai: camp VI" to known on tho "Sonou:lon Rah-at." On Sunday lol- ' lowing they will gain in the union! nt- viun in (Bruce church. god` all) provide cnhthinnnun In g In... ...;.| 4l...-- A- nus: m uruw uuuuu. |na~ also provide ooh:-hinnoullotalnrn Iocioldurtng the junk. mom no mo nonr plnnnoa lot the compo. Pun canned on invoohi noion when he ' cborgod dopnty-wotdon uimoc with ac- ' copnng8300 no I bribo to Mount two con ' vicu Io capo. An invoaunion Ill " hold MI Ouimol wu d Innooult. utho nun who had git-an an smaam corrobol-suing Pun`: oviduct could novor Do found. . Afar Pu-o had boon in prime four bo had on inurviow with dotocuvo (7: 0! Llontronl. and Fun hold Cullcn than wulobo on oltonpo upon Sklaolbo Innkollionknnl. and unoomon in the but In lnonblo. The witness in very I unwilling uodot ca-on examination and ` cootndncud biuuolf lrcquonlly. VIII II. TIII In IDOU." ~ Ben the prisoner nhbod the occupy of Horwood and Wullium and msud am; 5. was Iuppoood to noon thou. but ho did 000 lot. away because he wan not with than at the hour pl:-nnod for the Pun cunod m inngnipninn -L... 5.- "I III`. 0 'l(he narretive brought him down to the yeer 1368 end efter thie he went to De- troit and rented a lager beer etloon which place he kept for two or three yeare end ceme heck to Montreal to stay there. "After e yeer or no I rented e belreehop on Logen etreot and ran thie for a year. While there I wee drunk end wee erreet- edon the etreet wlthe revolver in my poseeeaion end got three months for this." Here the prisoner eteted thet this wee his first connection with orooke whose ecqueintence he made while in jail. "A few monthe after my releeee - 'I wee erreeted for robbing the till of a butcher shop and for this offencs I got three yeere in St. Vincent ne l`nnl peni- tentier . This wae in 1878 or 1879. I nieho my term there during which I learned e new trade. After working for a time in Montreal. after my release I went to Qiieboc toetey with a friend and wae ready to do enything. rather straight or crooked work. whichever offered. In com- ing hack to Montreal I obteined a clue thet several hundred dollere was to be in certain piece thet night and over- heering the convereetion I mede up ` mind to go and get it. I eecur the eervicee of e friend end we entered the bro|(er e nllice and got the money, eomo 848,000. After doing the job we went toan hotel end played cards with the hotelkeeper until three o'clock in the morning. Thie job wee given away by my partner who got drunk end gen the thing away. for thie I got eeven yeere." Here Porter eeked the prisoner whet he did with the money. end he emwered. "I i put it in Mr. Len man`e aefe. who in an uncle of mine. hie man wee u with holdi I the etolen money. I told the aethoritiee e was perfectly innocent of my knowledge that the mono wae there. end he eneeeeded in eelahi-hing hie innocence et the trial. Fer thie offence I got eeven yeere, five and a hell of which he put In;an ellowonoe wee eiede forgeod conduct. 1 ceme out of St. Vin- cent de Peel in l8e9." ll... AL- ....'.....-- _.I-e-.I .|.- -_,, `"- Om Iournttllut 00350 I` U lb Dun-Q `jg lilljvnnmqhgni-.I.I:..I._L..: N'| uuuu-ou-uunxtr lollnt. On loud: I -I Knnptonhno` an Int TI'I"oIII'l.:I.k,lo`;nn rm . og- ' JUIFI 0| [lull] cunt In PHIOH. \ He stated that: he got a fairly good edu- cation and tuna I-Inter by brade. which he learned an So. ochee. Que. Mr. Por- lur asked him what: he followed alter lemming the prlnblng buelneae and he amwered man he could not remember what: he did thirty-eeven or rhirhy-eight years ago; nally be nid than he went: to the aware: and enllehed. and after he was dleoharged he came back to Montreal. and run the Waverly hence in Montreal for a year. For the next. we years I did nob do vegkmuch. 4.-u-..--al..- L_-..._|.a L1,. .|._ -I -` If don ! wish to dual at the cheaper! place. Vi`: Vllh In druv your attention 10 our Table On I-Steven, with Portable Overs. WI have them ul prices from 3l.50 upwsnlu. 1...`.-. _...-n__ _.._n nu-_._._ -. . . wing one money." Prisoner aid I! ha wu nob mintukon he wrote 1 lower to Mnckio in June lub, And M under the mmo of Bellnn or or Howard. he could not. remember. as known by the mmo of "Old George for eight: or ten yuru. Gob that name in Monbroul. He wu nkod his sgo, and he nnaworod fty- alx lub March. He was born In St. Thoma, Qua. Bponb twelve or fooon year: of mm time in prinon.\ lhbod that: ha not A kn]: myul nrln. Illl morning II) 9:30. ,' Prompoly eb 9:30 o'clock the court. o5)en- L e.l. The room was agnin erowde to i exceee deepito the sultry weather. The . interest: seems to be growing as the can ' receede. Pare again took the stand and r `otter eterted thecroeeexuninabion. Ash- ed by Porter hie name,he answered Geo: Elward Pure. and he eeid he had other mmee ouch ee Howard and Bellanger. Those he eaid were a line. Some 01 my chums call me "Old George." He said he went: by bbe name of Howard six or eight: yearn. Asked under what circunlbencee he took one name of How- ard he eaid "I thought: lb was time for change." Further enquiry elioibed hho face that he went: b the name of Howard when he wont: to {lannheeter to reeide eight: or nine years A o. "The name 0! Bellan er I book for 0 e purpoee or depol- mug t e money." Prisoner said I! ha nu mm ..-.:.o..|.... 3... EIpI`<'H\l In me Whig. N-l|'A\lCE, Au . 3.-All day yesterday wu occupied in gearing Pare : Itory. Dur- ing bhe roolbnl the Iihroo prinonoru impli- oabod, Ponbon. Mnokio and Holden. `In looking intontl at the narrator. Holden and Mackie in. vorynnxloun oounbonnncu. bub Ponbon nomad quite cool and sat with his arms folded and liahonod. up :- rontly, intently no the mrnbivo. {be crown ninbod wish bhq prisoner Pare :1 five o'clock. and bho courb adjourned until this morning to 9:30. Prommlv um (um n'nInn|.- H... ........i ......._ ~ or nuoiuto no uoloronoo." H l Mr. Ouldr ulod no bnvo moro detail: at -. no how Pantzon gave him the combiunlou | innd how he tried on touch him the combin- ` `olombut ha aid Ponhon wunomechnnio and Flu was diiauio to gob him no undoutand gllho mabbor. Afcor making a model and " explaining it too him he was beginning to see through it. Alkd WAI hhnm nnvhhinn Anna kn not Proooudlnu on Iodnuduy. Bpw-lul tn the Wing. NA|`A\KE. Ana. 3 -.A" Jan luau} vvo uuruuxu Ill. Asked was than anything done too get , an impression of I key no (she manager`: . compnrtmenb he answered you. He `hold him (Ponbon) ho gob an impression ol i any key he could and be said he goo some '- improuionl lrom him. Ponbon abated {lino improuionn could be union on wax, spar or cup. We brlod one bun in di no? work very wall. Ho denied luving Any communication wloh Mr. Bainu. Durand or Green. The court ndjournod until 0:30 to-mor row morning when the wibneu will be orou examined by Mr. Porbor. :1..- ----~~ ----. ..-.- _-vv-, ' . o , - hon him money. We did not gin him the unaignod noon boooun In though he Ind Ill could do to nuke n plan for who to land. We MI that ni hr: and I000 homo -L I In: in Nnponoo tho I ho was roloord ~ nod wihnuud the co obnbion W llc ` in Kingston I hand some people but about the one. They Mid in In: the niuhlnz d: and I wound too no how in cans o'. ncomlug hero in the cpl-log ,Ho|don and Icuno by brain from Baotou `bo Churlohto and chance by aboun- or Roooluto to Domonbo." Mr nnldo -dig ! 9... 5.....- _....... .l..L-:I- -- ms Nannie nun GAII. ---n-:- (Continued {tom Pngo 'l`wo.)M Wh do dcl I [1 V1 h annfbr me ch?! r;$: -ru-your-uuuJ1Il' Q I DO Inches: enchant . Ann- htbu an uovmuplngoucnm uofllnlud. Educ: shing}: an inur- uuingnpuujutnw. Gown ouuptovod hinull Chou onlohtnun by ulnbiq out n flunndooohllpoundn. Jo-In ~oolnonnn|n- $1.1 L land can. Lana --4I "` """" ,|Mondn in diuonl health: In. Sunun Luz. An.2.-'l`In liulo min 1 Wlluoundhnily hnnhndh Ihit shuhll budom u looolpod. puma; gutsy has shut opudlq nun Ii-o no ounhonny Iirungi tonnd about In. `their Iunhl aunt nun lush On'l`uudAyovonin.JIy8Ih.Iho `Id Mnoyluvhvidli hhudlinliillil-`allot gunnnocislinthoxtovo. union ad-`II ndinrnnls Ilotpundi nudnyonniugtho-villiaq W.C`I'I'I`|c:"... . L00: oath mun. pua. `Both an vou`1:.uou.ruu-.uausoAmu-.xs..- for Sale by; J. S. HENDERSON, KINGSTON. PATIISONS, LIMITED. SOLD EVERYWI-l~ERE': )"UI.E PROPRIETORS :- SIOPTHATWE "'D ' ' ' ' `' I """"" `" Oulr Men's Furnishing department is specially at- tractive just at present. Men's Negligee Shirts 50c for 39 each. Men's 4-ply Linen Collars 2 for 25. Men's Ties 25c for 15. Men's Plaid Gingham Sh-irts 75c for 50c each. Men's Braces 35c for 25. Men's White Unlaundried Shirts, linen front, double back and front, 5oc each. Dress Goods--Special value in New Black and Navy Serges at 25c, 33c, 40c and 50c. 44 in. Black Cashmere, ne even weave. all vivool, at 50c yard. Starr & Sutclie, 'l:`r\`I3`|l`h4l:n' 17 I5'fIfT'lDt\nIFI\ . -4 Sliaeakijng of the Civic Holiday, as there will be a big crowd in town on that day, xing up a bit will be in order, and no house can serve you etter. Just now the clearing of Summer stocks is an extra help in sav- ing on your purchases. n..- 1,1-..-.- n-.__:-L:_-- J-._ can see the prizes in our window. Tickets are on them glvmg informatlon as to what each is for. C......l.:_,.. -1` AL. I`___:. 17-121 .1 Those Who Are Interested in the Bioyole Races onf Uivio Holiday TOYE S. King st.l Nearest Agencies-D. W. DOWNEY, Brockvlllo, THE KENNEDY CO Limitod,Montronl. FORMERLY RICHMOND G 00. I18 and I20 Prlncpso Street. What we want is Peace and Plenty of--"I scp TLA ND .S BEST. Lmrn, BALI.l.\'I)A[.I.()L`H, um Loxnox. nuns ctsLw|u-vulnun--u us uu\nunvuu|Js9vUI\A\\lo Makers brand and price in coat ket, --$1o.o0, $12.00, ;$I5.oo, $18.00, 30.00 per suit. Catalogue free. IyAl\r Iltll llllp QQCCIIJOI Qmet fabrics should be worn, as Worsteds, Serges, or Homespuns, and large patterns should be studiouslyavoided. "r\`vl`co:1 Lu..ouA :|\f1 r\v1.r\n :II nrxll on-n`p..L UIQHQI, \.\I 6IV\- l|kl\-Ull5554VV `I5 .V'II8\.l M ! 9 IS The waist in t type of Fit-reform " suit is also apparently rcdfcagihna {He fulness subdued, by a uniform ivision of the upright seams. 011100 rnhrinc chnniri "Vi mnu-11 an lines below chest! smaller across back. His most effective coat is the close-tting Morning or Shooting" with cutatay front, having seams placed lower t an usual, to give ap arance of longer body. is - . _ . - --1-~&-o-bu-- Wm nus An.1 -Measures larger than normal lines below chest! smaller bac ` 1' V0 . A` . . ' . I 1 R. The. Ta11:Stbut Man. HIGHLAND DISTILLERS, "Royal Gordon" Blend Fruit is healthy and we have plenty of it. Pears, Peaches, Plums, Bananas, Berries, Etc., at small cost for much pleasure. To Live We||.I We help you mean [or the nnlnl City or lilmpnon. And nollce In hen-h rurumr given that, am: {out wean nouov o the min; or denoclv. or the nnld Inn and descrI&)Llun, the unld The No tmol nunpnrtnunn lnpnny wlll aply to II Ixcelloncy the (love-rnur (lonuru lu Council for nulhorlzntlon and approval or the said work: and Improvements. And lhlnnollenlu lvon In urnunncn or mo Btntmoln that balm f. belng vlnod Bunnies of Olnndn, (`hapter 9).. ngfted M. Kingston lhh mm day or JIly.A.D. IL H.llRl'K'l\')N. Bollcltol` fur the nltl The Montreal Trnnnpormuou 00. Lu_llAl S Harilwarc -l T llopoln ol ml klndnprompuy Manda! In luv; np'PhomN. N UTIUE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Montrvnl l`runupormlton Uunmany pro- [DOSOI to conutmct oertuln works and lmprm-LL menuom wll. as lnar) lu um nmvluahlea waters ottha Ivor st. Awrenco. whhln mo llmnn of the hnrbouror me (`My M Klnmclon ; and that I plan Ind description or the worm! havn be-on doroullnd In the omco or the llnnnuuble the I ulster or Publlo Works of Canada, at Otuwn, and In the ammo or man Hpglntrar or Dead! (hr the ssh! hereby ulven that. amu NOTICE OF APPLICATION.` _ __.____ _v-v- NOTICE IS HEREBY Uumpan ' hnsmn Innnnulnml mu-Iuln no.1... .....| n.. .._.. HI-Ollnn. ' The hlfhenl. or any tender not umoacumlly to bo'naoo-p ml. `mm cl! 1. - u To be removed It. the curllonl convcnlem-e or w lll`l`hl0l'. Ttgzdorsw benddroued In the Sear:-tnry on the Department of Mllma and Defence Untum. The word: "Tender for Rmou" to be wrilllen on the upper Ion hand corner or the ouve ope. D. A. MACDONALD. Lt. Colonel. (thief Huperlnu-ndt-ul. 0|` moron. Department or Mllnln and D1" fence, Ottawa, 25th July, 1898. New: apers lnuernng this udvertlnomenl. wlunou rrevloun authority mun the Depart- ment 171! not be paid for It. ..__________. 1 unnutmo 01 um um] upwards; 25 rounds of Imnun|l.Ion will be Included wlmanch rims and puraluner will haw muopuon oneonrlng further qnnnm.louu )Lu. ><)rm:ndn per rie at 85 per Luv! rounds III as ruervo |'I'l.IIllEd In more. Price 1' rim to be Mam! and the number ruqn rod. The uhuve rllld no In Hlnreln Montreal In good order ind survive- able oondltlon. Salnplm can be won on I )p- llnallon w the Bupurlntendent u! Stores at t ml. Hullnn. 'l'hn hhhn-I. nr Ann nn.Im- um ........-...n.. ... qul uu mr um Mllmu of Cam In owing to their u pmonl. with [Ave Enalel.--'I`-nderera are at body to nmr for the entire 10!. as show or In 1 lmnllumo or l,l)0 nnd umvnrclu; of rllo ' `lzanunuus wmue received by this Do ark mum on or before 'I`uumlay, the NH: or Auxunl. next furthe purnlmue of About 26,0 lung and Ilflhorl. HQ Iur mile: no longer re- qul ed for tho mum. 0 in t_9q_u ' l2Nl)EIu5 wlllbe ruuveu by this Do Antunt not! n-lha nnrnlunun no ..n ... nr-Inn. J. R. c. 00333 & co., Columbia balers, KINGSTON , ONT. L uT- 1:-Q BARGAINS In Bicycles Columbias. 'Ii3?tTdrds' EVERY DAY Bevel(iearChainless Bicycles EVERY i STEADlLY_ GAINING FAVOR.l TIIIWTAI ' HIZITIAQ SALE or RIFLES. DOPE MANUFACTURING CO.. Hrtford. Conn. I 51 \IvI\JlIV. LIuuI(hrun'IVhvlmlI. :-:- OUR CEAINA WHEELS. we imvo fresh evidence of in auporiority over `chain machines under all conditions. thx [.rmy of Columbia Ohuinleu riders is increasing. Catalogo Free. - --v -:1:-rt W XV. :_vHtclIvylr.hIIII'.undIIuol1uIi:nu Inn hanpulul lull: that linin- ," ,,_._.__ _.._..,I_-_--. on Uvuvcu nu uullnlhllh puny cnnoilonnihd whilohptqu-nblqd in. non nnlln Ihl his dad: Inudnlho II- _.. -...----y uv-u-n an int 'Il'l'Iil oldnnnnlouzhil it ndphlic up`. diuiuollhnnnnbcdlolnnily who hobcnwonltoponouuptophot. IitQu|a.uc..doounoIto|lnllbo how: lllodidlhonwocldboncplng vdvciixnnigjiafdhnil. Ho Quixnnhghnhg _..._ .___.A L- ;--'--I T1` .._-..-. -vuv-v - `yvul. Ill, III,- y.`|hCnnodinn gonmnoot will not hodilpuodlohruo dluolulion in in I'_...-....;u._.L:*.n. .1 .n._ , - Tune: ..__- _...... .. -- uuuuurvuuvel. TIC leader 0! ch eppoeltioo eeee the he on- not hope to run I chow on hie own IOBOIIIII end denle the people with it, to he wiee- ly decide: to unit the reeclt I the Que- bec ccolereocc. There in e decided difference between the two Tuppere u to the probable elect cl thie greet meeting. Sir Chtrlee, the younger, in e pebliehed interview lately. give it out that there would be en early election, that the oegotietiooe for -redpro- city bin; at ell ellering the government could;-ah;-gn .....u.. ..._ .L- --A, ,..' -.._ uuu -nu ZICIII` i gvvtllll woulduulunnp verdict ron Ibo doc- borl. Sir Charla. the oldct, don not ex- ... nu. Cm- ...a- ---A-- - -....- ...... `nu-vuw uwvu. Road bctwoon than linoa and one ban the heart breaking confouion that lortnno vill pa-um In uniling upon the liberal party. Event: will occur which can to hop the liboul government bolero tho people; lncidontn will occur that enable it to catch and hold the public attention. and give it about {or ntolnlnoa that _..J ...........u vv nwvu-ul nul. No ouch conoidorooionn. ho oboorvoo, would hnvo counted the liberal: under nimilor circuunonooo. Surly tho libonlo would nob bognllhy, through my of their laden. 9! this silly thing. It lo not the Quebec conferonoo thou hoop: Sir Charla from going upon the In pooh. Ho lo not concerned obonb its auccou. H0 in Iimply chatting when he MOORE than he would robber tho llbonla uvope back into powcr upon 3 wave 0! populariopoccuionod by this oonloronoo. "ohm the they toiled to echo ndnnugo of this great opporunniby um nov prooonu lcoolf. u--.a L-._-- .- ,__ -- -_ .........u any natural Il.llll|l!lIliI I- oion. Ho did not Inn! no hnmilioho them. did not want: aha American: to say. Why treat wioh men who no longvr ponou hho condence of mo pooplo." And no he untol- lully decided to rennin hiumolf. A ____L __,,,-1 Befoee leaving England It wu hle inten tion. his serious intention, to inengnnte I ounpelgn thet hed {or its aim the complete deetruction ol the libenl government. But on coming to Cenede, end hearing about the conference st Quebec, in regud to undo between this oountry And the United States. he concluded that the time we: not oppor- tune lor politioel Agitation. He did not went to omburrue the Iibenl edminietrr f.|'nn W. Aid ...\A ..__A A- I---- ..... -......... ....y,n-u -an Ivvuruou D0 unn- nda And resumed his balk. Tharo in no one chat on any so much and moon to lloulo. He has Always grub plans on hand. plum hhnonro going 00 unuh tho government when pub into prucbicnl oponoion. Ho bu than now. and be in going to hold chum. THIS \\'l-ZEKLY IHHTI.`-Ill WHIH lpngnn, M vululnn:-c_h< puhlla-the-d ow-rv'l`lmrH rnr lug nt in u ymr, Ir puld lnpdmnoo ; ouwrwlne $1.30 por _\'(-ur. Altm-in-I In the paper In one or H1nl>oslJnb ()m-9.-A In (`:mmlu; rupM_ ntyllnh nn-I cheap work ; ulme Improved prlnl lug pre.-nu-:4. Umm`.-A In (`unmlzn chul nine lmprovcdixrlnlln lbw. .. B. l l~lNHl JOHN 0|-TURN, l rnprlvtur. Annlntmu HIIHHIOHH Mnnngvr. ______.j_.____.__.._:__ uunu urv uur mm pnynhlv In ml\'I\n(`('. I Umvc-rs M unlm-nrpumlvd Imam-.lM.lnuu or so- clullos will he Iwld personmlly mnpun.-elble fur unkzru they give. mmm-om--nt uf gnmlx nr lmun1l'm-lun'N fur Kill!` are excluded. Tin` mhllulwr will not lw l`l'!4{NJllliH)|U for nIh ml \`l'I'|)l|l urulvru. Wrlttz-n d|r`<'Hunu ntumlxl he plum-d nu ull 4-opy fur Irv uerllml. All mlvu-|'llm-nu-n1.-1nruuuhjevt In tho- ap{)r0\'|Il nrum puhllulwr. . ll l'lIl|lp[I`H for mlvon-xI.umnomn and Hllb8Cl'lp~ Lltmu dur nnd pnynhlv ul unlm-nruurnlvd IL\.H(n'lnl,Innu nr .n_ THE DAILY WHIG. mmrgv nor a nouru. 100. (70ulrn(`tu (hr in upv-elm-(I npum urn mmln for Ron It-rum for um-rvunlllu zuumuIn-4-Ixlwxlu, but not (`I'M M` lwlp wnnlml for mule, in-let, partner- njnlps. It-mlvrn nr nnylhlnx ln-_vuml uvtuul un- uf wnuun, 1.0241, and Found, Permnnln, Artlolos for sale, L-lc..1c per wurd lu dully 1.-mo; xn|ul- mmu vhnr 6,2613. llvmllnf unload, 150 per llno; r(`(lur-rd mm who-u n I upluy advonlou-`nwul m`('um mnl':4,ur on <-nmrmmn for over 500 lines. hhlnllnuln clmrgv fur notlm. 200. vcmlrnwun for 30 rum-In: .\ daaxiofi oh) MAN. Sir Charles Tapper bu robumod to Can- .rl. ..-..l ..........a |.:- A.-lL __-_. ..--_- vvnnn -narinv THE DAILY Bnrrnm Wum is publlhotl every evenlng M 300~:u)H-310 King am-et, Kln ~ mu ()m., M pux 1)ol.LAu.-5 I l".R \'1cA|, puynbfu In Vance. A lull-'Ir'rluuun-nu-u AIIVHIITIHKM ENTIKI. First Insertion ve linen: and over, I00 porl Em-h conuovudvu lmertlon, 50 " Once a week. ve llncs and over, we " Fwlcc u week, " 8c Fhrce Llmeu us work, " 61-. " Mmnulrmnmmn hv n .unlI.I nmnln 9.. nnrce umeu work, Mmnmrerneuus by It solid scale, hvdlve llnes In mu Inch. U_Irlh:-I, Marriages or 1)mt.hs, ouo Insertion, 50}_; lwn In.-usrtlun.-4, 750. u_Iruu-I, Marriages 50 - numa, 1.0241, and Found, dullv 1.-Lmo: mlnl. THE WHIO--65th YEAR; "Cpz/or per Orbau Ddcor. :-.-j-1---jjjj And other Models at Low Drlces. -.Iy 5-. uuu"ol J. lty. Walli- burn. and W! Lninur. oooolGunooquo`n popnlnr young tndcnlnoo. Tho br "co- nnid vu Inn Noggin lilac. Kinguon; Ihgroonwunpponod by hi: hcotlnr. Solo-on 1453:. T50 bride and kidn- pgid nu` chnninplw than-..a ..m.- .-_ uavn u-u-uy I cuurcn, Dl'IVII"l `HID, wnlho canto ol a nutty wedding. on July 2505. with Rm. Fnluc Cony unilud Mary L. Enrol Jana Kenn. Wuh- ooool_cnnooqu`n nu-ulna ----_ A--J---- --.-u no -I'IlI -A I'IIII IIOZXIIIICIOI KI.\'uw'n).\', Aug. `. .-(To tho Editor): Tho O.T.R. shareholder: over the wnot muod iuntucliono to induce the y roll. Tho bigomcialu bud inuooco. g: tnin opauivun dongotouo uuociutiom. but the tnck-nan with udthot in: out hon: mo uiuoty cont: 3 day. An ddonnun pro- noutodn propouluonoooonluoucu no lopnnd auto u out Ihroughoul the whole list. Ono uoliury vuioo wu mind and that to on tho auto! router from 8| to nvonty-vo eouu n day. I! the young nu ably Illiug that position would do luau work and npood non tino cultivating Ihouoquuiutnooollhonldcnuoubowould ooougol uuiuauuo ohuluy nudsu no- 3.|.-Nn.uI. `...uml` w-`,Nn.lIl. MORE BARGAINS. r llno W I ,,-_- _._.. --.- . vv uu-nu my mum, in commorciul lilo, not A: ho is doing! Would my prints corporation cxpoco thin of In employees! [9 in my wonder that the public omoinla an Ininc Mciaod! LETTER3 TO THE EDITX. --light II II[lIt"--A nun Do-onltntlon RI\ A!|l`I'|\\.' A..- 0 HIV- .1, an- This is a good time for the city engineer no ho asking a vacation. when the threats are being horn up right and Info ! would any an... in ...._._...:_| In. Clark Wallace on nl had bobbor bo warn- ed in time Sir Charles Tnppor will have none of ohoir nonsense. Ha in just road 5lr.TwoodIeout: 0! the puty.and Mr. Twee- dio in A lander in the government 0! his provinoo. Can Mr. Wnllnco stand I shock like thou? Con he doly the lightning .` Anything for an excuse. Sir Chnrlu Tapper aye he is non going on the stump j-no now u It would injure the govern- monh in in negotinhiona on reciprocal crude. Bub the (act: in he in non in eoumplng con- dnoioo. Hie luau experience as I uzulnper Ins nooquine ubiofnzbory. Uolhg Doll: 4: Inca`: 8|. Burnaby : church, Brunt : Milly, VII. EICIV Ddinn 1-. The plobinoibo csmpuign will be ohoroer ghun in will upocood to ho. Tho duo in ud-Bophem'bor 29.h. Nob lone enough it the people have to be educated u 00 M10 uoconiby (or prohibition. In bakes time to you inlormnn and circuhte la in the public interest. -4ArnA\JlIAaL4 I-LI\I\J\lI1IDu Will we hnvo prohibibiou if the plebis- cito curios? That In the quoabion of the day. The manner in obvioul. If the peo- ple no to be given what they want: the voice of aha majority will be roopoctcd whichever vny they go. -..-. uwul -u vs--uu nu vaav unuu. The People : company. composed of American capitalism, prcpocee to invade all bhe ciliee oi Onbh io. The Bell com- pany is Canadian. in i`: membership. ibe capital, it: manufactures. in operations. In will meet: compebiuiou honorably, and. bbe new company will nob do any better for ohe people it in contribuoea to the public revenue an it: ought to do, if it pays for the public franchise. and meeta che . public : reqhiremauta. In in pushing the Bell coupany upon ion memo, however. and so ii: le doing good. .I mj I The Bell company has mob the cub in London. and the inference is than it cm 5(- fold bo do so. In in tn unupeccod pro- ceeding In view of the paper: before puliunonb. but it: In the only proceeding than can be baton In bho cue. nu . tn, -1 --..- viv- Meanwhile who is to bo oxpectod from a riul line '3 Not: much, if the uperionco 0! London in be be I criterion. Thorn 1 new company bu gone to work, tho I ooplo I. and 0110 roducbion of tubes in nob material. In is not such u would warrant any city in allowing in corona be be torn up and disgured. though in Klnglbon bbo affect: in this roapecb could nob be much worse than in in{ ..v -w-- ..u-u--uvua Whether in la uccompllohing ln bho pub- lic inborub all thnh lb should in the ques- blon of the hour. In undo I minute in going to parliament so in mo union and nooklng the power to lncrouo in mm. The evidence it: laid baforo psrliamonb nub to thaw that II: In: spending I lot of money in permuuonh work. some 0! than oxponnlvv, at lunch in the clam in which the brolley nyabom of sore can nocuii- owed the inbroducbion ol metallic cir ` cum. Bub the company bu no! loan by this oxpendlburo. It will nd iba return: by and bye. . ll--__.L.'I- _|__A 1- L- L , V A I I -.... gaunt: noun . ulULVUl'U'4l- The Bell telephone gompeny hue bed I l monopoly of the telephone bneineee. It has not eecured Ohio no small cxpenee. In penbedly. and hue bed, like eo meny other com lee, on buy oub the smell plente the w 0 being operated in cities and dlebriete th no particular edventege. The efelenoy o! my service oetabliehee : ilae velne, end the Bell company eervlce hee been epeolelly velueble in than to he: been improved right along and ll to-day in ice been condition. urn ,.u . has been threetened with oppoeition mi Mfr: a word Sir Chnrlu Tapper under- taken to mold himself into power. And he will hnvie his reward. I -v --vw- vuw uu-an nun VIIAIIII II; ,_.. pained by Mr. `l`weedie a attitude and warn: him to beearelnl. "Kick egaineh me," he remarks. in euenoe, "and it` will be ac much the wane (or you. In in language e! that kind that ha: diarnpted the conservative parby-rn all the pro- vieoee-and keepaih dlernpbed. Perhaps there never wee a time when conciliation waa more required. and never a blme when in van leer in evidence. I'_ _ __,,J 11. r u - ALIA THE TELEPHOI`{). MONOPOLY. telephone commnv bu bud .j_A_j__j:_ EDITORIAL 'l`HOU(}HTB. I _` I_____ iAA...... .. P'NP0'I IM comndoratinn at othorl "d.l\`Iornl business unit the early PHI ! of the manna nun I-nur dolihornlinnu What Ladle Want to Know: How to leap Cool ? By llnvlng Head Treatment. Wanna`: opporbnnlliu for donlophg hut! an increasing nun dn. W.