my own ll Dung propnrou. boovoour orders for pruu-ving plum: with J. nig & Co. ,1 Rnnnnl Dmnldmn I'>.'.|....... .....o..... uyvuu spun: uuura uvcr uulllll A gang [oi men from liinguton no pub!-ing lu bho new wool tlumo for the water power company. (lananoquo. S-nrdlnea in mustard, lOc Crnig I. The 1-boamor Uolumbinn carried her lull complomono of oxcursioulou bo-day on her trip so Ogdonoburg under the auspices of the local Masonic lodgea. Preserving pours. Craig's. The Bollevillo about plsyoru quilt in the higher norms of the Kingston plnyera,who were a gontlemnnly lots 0! follows. They onjayod being shown about the city. A runavnv borne on Suunrn ntrnnh Inn ll an uppeunnco. Excelsior Headache Powder: will roliave tlnb hoadnchc. Sold at Sills drug store, `.260 Princes: aueob. Good packed bubur, l6u. (`raig a. The K L . members open up csmp no Ccdar island tonight. where they will spend spare hours nfoer businou A Dunn Inf Innn from Kinamluxn --.. TU Evaporated apricots. J. Craig & Co. North King leaves for Alexandria Bay Innduvl an 10 am. And for Rmhnnmr nu Newly Pslnxrnphn Picked Up By Our Bononon on their ouudl. Clover honey, 10. J. Craig & Co. The statiomry engineer: called A mech- lng lut night). bub I quorum failed so pub in an appearance. Exnalninr Hnnnlnnhn Dn-ulna will ...I;..,.. uguunuo mu cnonn. Mr. Duly nddrouod tho court in very Boning lnugnnge. Woigbing the little in what: bud no be done And those mule thing: wore uuicionb to point: toward: their guilo. He could now dinbune his mind no the Inca hhob IOIIIOODO in him bunk hnd boon in communication with the rob- born. There was no doubt but: than the one would have no go to n jury. Ha oom- mibbod the three prisoners to stand their Mini on the now aaaizon. Ponbon be ad- mitted 00 ball in the sum of 810,000. Iuuggls I." we crime nu LDID umo." Mr. Porcugrooo and spoke of the lower wxiabon by Pa`ro in Ootebor, and showed shun a conspiracy must have been on foot: ugninno his client." Llr. Tlnlv nrirlrnnnu-I lm nnn-n in ug-u l1l[U Ill IIIIEIK "A few words about Pure." said Mr. Ol- ler; "No men can escape the noneequehcol of tile nor) by making a false abatement. Hie hope of being accepted no I crown win- I nose is than his !DOl _V must: (in in wibh the act. There is no objecb in his implicuing Ponbon, only to tell the truth. The letter to Poi-oer in cogent evidence of his know ledge ol bho crime oh that: time." Mr. pal-IA: Ann: Anrl um-ulna nl uh; hm.- I Iuhomonh no she detail: of Ponl:on I rooms. Where did he goo bhomr In in pouibio that be, oxpoooinghnch I mg! n bhil, ontorod u I burglnr and got: I know- ledge of them? '9` fn Qnnln `Kn-uh `Dc.-Q `-2.1 `I. f\- PE RSONAL MENTION. Y`Il.II`IIn!lR I00 INCIDENTS 0% ms DAY. XIX r7uh. 0---.nL' i ,. :. ,;_ *1&i1bAr. AUGUST 19, 1s9$s.\L% `Ibo nu to like Michigan porn fro. Baloho Irduautlltonlh. uculucuguu. Onllouduy tho cannot Dan- eunvith not eolhdod In`ch_tho Iluul uu Iuul 1&,UUU DIIDOII OI `fl. 'i`h0Ing land I... oinod by Capt. Kathy, and which run not in Angina`: hay, tn nilud ycutudny by tho lug You vs. Th zug Active nnihd {or Pnncou with two gtu`n~lndon hrga lat night. than IXCHIZZ Inn: and rnhnnntl lhin Scranton Goal Donor. nut IUD-Ind DOHIIIIA. ITOIII IJQCJOJ. arrived u the )l.'l`. company : obtuse: to (In; with 2,000 buhoh of then. [mung Il._.I I -__..| L_ n... |uu;uUI.I pvru 50 Ill]. , ' The -`unmet Bahamian. from Montreal. nod Conicnn, from l_'orooto, touched :3 June: Siilt & Col whnrf today. Tho wanna: Banhni; from mm. CWIII 3 U0 Elevator No. 2, ILT. company. hon the government grating dock lot inepoc~ tion and n `:2. V The (as n.:nosA. W her. from Chu- lolko. vi three human on with cool. ruched pod to day. ` TM 1111113 Rnhnlninn fl-nan Manly-an` mgnu. Tbonchoonor I-`locating, Charlotte, 1:- rind to dny with I cage of coal for Juno: Swift 3 Co. I`l-...-n.._ \'- a II III ,,_,, Itlllla The wealnyacht St. Emile, bound !or Othwgconlod up at Swift : wharf lseu night. 'l'}..uh.m.\m- I:'I..a-:.... r~v.._-|....- __ I ' IUI vwwvuu I0 I10 CT] {or `DID port. " ru. steamer Bothnia is in the Wolland cannlwith wheat: from Toledo :0 King- non. wcuu to (II, wlrn coal. The schooner Ibioln cleared lush oven- infor Ourego to loud coal for this part. he Bo.-mm is in un. Wallmd us -- us I Inc IUjIlI. The schooner Acwcu Arrived from O5- wuzo to day with coal. Thn mhmm. I`.b.:.,|. ..x....a 1... -..._ No Danger apprehended. Leading mariners and managers 0! freifxhu hoaue her no danger Iran: the poo- eihn ity 0! direct ehipmeno 0! inland lake freight to the old country when the en- larged canals are completed. Some stea- mers may all from the lakes acroeoto England, but. it is claimed, the trip will not pay. James S. Dunhaln. of the lake carriers aeaociation. does not share the be- lief that veeeele will sail all the way through. The plan has been tried before and owners lost more money than their boats were worth. Export ire-`ghh will naturally nd its way to Montreal or Que boc for Lranehlpumm to ocean linen. Welland Canal Toll: James S. Dunhern. prouidenn of the Isle curlers` naeoggtion. any: late Ontario veeeelownern ere workiu herd I50 have the toll: smack of! the Glleud canal. The manner will bq brought up for con- sideration before the ` commission which shortly meets. in Quebec to some dilTor- encee between the United State: end Cunnde. The Association will recommend lhnb hho tolls be taken off, but bheo I8 about ell it: can do. The present calls are two cente 1 ton on vessels. Den cents I ton on groin. and twenty cents on cool. P; WALSH, manna Dru! C be I tour! today. wanna Bonhni-I. from Dottoinl II `hi N T rtnnnnnv'n Ahrninh On. nother grievance to mariners is an old whiff at the foot of the Cornwall canal. Through agelhe old piers are breaking up, stories have disappeared from the cribs. and old timbers project above the water in a dangerous position. Vessel owners and the forwarding companiee feel that they should receive better treatment. and more provision made for the safety of their boats. They pay canal tolls, according to the tonnage of the `meals as well as of the freight, and when these glaring traps exist they are burdened with additional expenre. On windy nights the Richelieu & Oohario navigation company's boats have frequently sulfsred damage in being forced against: the pier all Harrisburg, and the grain forwarding companies have also suffered much, in fact, so much that vigor- ous protests have been sent: into the do partmenb of railways and canals. The superintendents of canals should be pracr tical men. familiar with the ways and needs of navigation. t. n. e 8 Ir r i It `int Objectionable Plor en Ilorrlsburg utlll llemnlns Urmltered. and Oontlnnes to Do Damage--Vessel Owners Went 'l'olle Taken OI! Welland CisnnI-No Dnnger apprehended from Direct Ship- ping I`:-om Lakes Across The Atlantic. That troublesome pier at the lower en- trance of the Morrisburg csnal still remains in its dangerous condition, and the rough treatment which hosts receive on it is costing come owners and companies a pe The attention of the canal superintendent has been called to the un- desired lccation and build of the pier. and overtures have been made tothe government but apparently the appeals of those inter- ested go uuheeded. `Promise alter prom- ise has been Riven but the grievance still pier is a new one. built on the starboard side entering the canal. is strongly nished with square end. the corners strapped with iron bands. model pier, but unfortunately made worse than usoless by its location. point the river currents are strong und sweep around the end of the river bank with great force, cross the channel to the lock entrance. and strike the pier almost broadside. The eouth winds, prevalentin summer time also blow almost directly against beats weather, and tone of barges attempting entrance to the canal when the wind is I high are driven against the pier, and it is practically impossible to control the boats against the oppoaing inlluence of wind Consequently bests forced ngniust the heavy iron girtbed timbers suffer more or less damage. The pier laced on the i-nnth side ng to the lock. where it would war 't;.i.h8llll'll5h of the cur- rents and form`! a calm basin for boats to rest in when waiting entrance to the lock. A._aL.A , ' ny or two. remains. The It is a At that the with the sides and the side high pier, and current. ehould have been of the chan I lea ! ii AFEW POINTS UNDER MARINERS CONSIDERATION. MANY MARINE MATIERS.| Few: of The Vocal; L . I ' y. and uuhbd About Mun on'| Stomach and D spa; cm-on ll form: 0! lndlgc-Itlol um trouble. burn as rlulng ur fund /mu utln, Ihnrtnosn of breath [Inn and n all :-vtlnma of tho In-u by lndlgelllou. wind on the Man mm-, otrmmlvu bn-nth. loss or fulnlneu or \\'onkm-j.-< of the headache from [lung ` tlnn. aorcno atomlch. coated mm: ... n..........._- I Trouble out a loan Oovorod by 3 club! -UIVKIIQ Al the police court thin morning Fnncia Tn lot. King not out. In charged wit unlawfully eooudine I Inna. tho E-opony o! B. I. Britten. QC.. MP. ooloctodlo Inlriod by thouagiuhnlo but did not plud. inking an In adj um I Ital until Ionurov morning. TI: cull f 4| -u'r1lI` JEIIIIII `ICU . This morning while Onto Davis, hell boy in the Fmntoonc hotel, In: cleaning 1 Iugo pinto glua min-or than hmgo our f thounntel m the otlico of the hotel. it slipped {tom its fastening: and fell on top of mm. knocking him o I stop lndder and throwing him to the oot. The huge weighaol glans full across I-oven! chsin. basking them. but stung: to any tho glut vunou injurod. Davis In hurt in~ anally and nquind the actvieeu at a physician. I - uv nuupnuyuvu Ilrxinllbn I The employees of the oleckic street nil- ny company met :5 the ca: bun: this morning and orxnnixed thcuaelvon into m auociauou. The ollicen elected are: Pn- aidont. E. Gemnin; ncrecuyxrunnr. . Juno: Hollidny; committee. 1'. Ryan, W. [ Haulcy. D. Uonnun, J. Kemp. C. hIcDon~ null, J. Clark. Another meeting will be held thin Iron! to arrange for their umnal picnic. Iluug nuguv. I-`Jain VUII astonished lb 900- ing a blank coc)or spaniel thrown from 3 window on the second oor of n bu amass `noun. T be animnl alightod on the na- phnlu unit with considerable force uid for I moment or mm was stunned by the eom~ pact. Upon Arising in Itnggarod around as though dazed. Thrown from A Wlndow. Yank-rdny nlhornoon ponom passing along [ingot ntreob were I8t0n|Oh0d so imr I blnnk amine nnnnnl Mun-.. t........ - Cap; Vlnooat And Bohr: By the fab steamer Richelieu, Swift : whul. Saturday, 2:15 p m. Round mp. 250. J. P. Huxley. agent. lllll Olonrllg OI! Our stock of dry goods. drou goods. twoods. hosiery, gloves, utc.. an loss than coon. Pnrav,-ole no hall pnco. We have I placed on our counter 75 plirs of odd lnco l curtains to be sold at less ohm cost. Our summer blanket sale in now going on. By buying now you can save 50c.. 75c. or 8] on 3 pair of blankets. R. Molhul, King- ooon carpoo wuerooma. vu-uuuu wlsn A wnxgou Lub evening the street: car on the depot brunch struck the rig of tho Cnrnovnky wood manufacturing cam my, overturn- ingio and mocking iw ho driver wu thrown off bub oecnpod with I Iovoro chuk- ing up. The bone Ina knocked down nnd rcrnbched. Tho outt Inn on Ordnnnoo conch. Attempting to cross Bagot Ilroob when the uccldouc occurred. steamer `KIchlIou" Losvoe Swift : what! an 9.15 pm. Satur- day for Cape Vinconb. Fsro {or round trip 25. J. 1'. Hnnloy. l20nt. V canoe or Hon. 0. A. Klrkpalrlok. boaul. hilly||un|w(l,uppnu|ln mulmmlcl Park. A] ply to KIRKPATRICK 0 Moon.-s. Unl-Irln BL --u--j-:1 uxuu n ll! Ilnprovllll. The Bollevillo Bun says abut Rev. M. W. Mnclou, pubor of 8c. Androw nob improving nn honhh no u ndly no bad boon hoped. Mrs. Mncloan lo 0 to join him on Tuesday and will likely remnin with her husband (or some timo. Mr. Macloon In at Raybrook, N.\'., In the Adirondacks. nuuuruuy. At 3 l .lll . The modern. aide-wheel steamer "Amer in will leave Folgera` wharf at 3 p.m. for an Attractive sail down the river as far as Alexandria B15`. The street. cars will mean the America" on her return trip and early excuraioniaca home free of charge. Reduction In Price Of woman's, mianee and childrnn a can cohrod shoes. To make room for our tall stock we will call we balance of our stock of above linen an n discount: of twenty per cent). A $l.`. .' shoe lot 8|; is $1 50 shoe for $1 20, nnd no on. l)on'b mien thia clnnoe. Hninoa & Locketb. They All Smoke Plpou. A resident: of Syracuse. N.Y.. visiting hoi-e.u-ays he never saw so many pipe smok- ers no whereas Kingston possesses. On the obier sidoib is the oxcepbion rather than the rule two one is man smoking a pipe. Cigars age smoked over there in preference to pipes. um: nru DOOM [iron-class n. HORSE OF IHFMEMB ER. Grout (Jlooulng sale For one Ionth. Prevoub. of who New York olobhing abore. has mtfde a great. reduction in his order clothing department. His 815 mica will be made for 813 50. His 813 union will be mndo for 8l5. Remember oho above suib- inga are Scotch weed And be guaranteed a tin. I.nrdny_A~fcornoon _ The clean. aide wheel atoamor Amorioa" leaves Kingston at 3 p.m. for in tour of tho Islands. 25. Supper, 350. Free treat cars will mean the "Amencn" on her re- turn. . n- run street car llldo. J The America's excursion ndvol-Mood for lab Wednesday will be" run on Saturdny. Tickeba 25c., including free street: car ticket), at) Sawyefs or Ferry Dock otlioo. a__..__._. Ior Ohuv Boot: ' Call at Abomobby a, 127 Prinora an-at 960.` nlcnoznoifiao. Snburdn , 2:15 pm . from Swift : wharf. for Cnpe Inceno. Round trip, 25c. J. P. Hanley. agent). A llnor- Aculonn In-apt. nun-.;.... ...L.I- An. I\._.:_ L 'l'HRlCl\`.-s'l ()l{Y BIUCK HUUHE. MODERN oonvonlem-ea, ullunlud 24 oln|llon.`lroN. (Uurnar of Barrie, uppoum Inhupha Palace Apply to B Uluwmyn, n orQu-on Hl.r~ 1 he luployooa Orxunu. .._..l........-1.L- .n_ . - Oollldd wm. :W;[.gon nunninn AL- -L-_g __.. Ai -I Health Hot lmprovlnl. lnHA..lIl.. LL... -.-- A` A CITY AND VICINITY. 8ivm{r1;y`. it 3 l .Il J--- -.--|- --I - ' ` ...;.; st{{}.i uTu7. .g_.'-_ I _ . V V ' ` aces [`o A$l.`. ?0, us I: I.-ml.-n. I fund `the !-hB||h..Q |Ir'l|q- *,hvil|bpniu!ulu-u lospoeu. .|w minor lbllr. Idw$.n.b,ho R- Kmplu nhoolounurtho nu. ochool.0tuIu.viuoIo-illioolnu unchcn cl (hunch no syn.- .[snc l'I .! In i"eoo1 _._.x.__I WE HAVETWO NICE l>l0UsI'.`HON J non Stu-ct to rent. between Clem 8 ulanhun Htreeu. Apply In HIIITH I&K|ngHu~eoL IIIU jtlj itch coda-Ind uuzdul In Oulnnaln. ll ahpud vuj aruuhuiin umnhuh hhti-In-In Ew "tIuh.:- 11.. I.,,,_""'hHp=:..,...,':,`. "n-In "3-cum-I--. [uuu lvcwuu Uuullucu rluillllili I In-ikyolshovtisiugvu angry- " Iooaol uoinuoduaioaol tho units! that it in tho nbjgugf pun! cor-pldncby unuvhocnniucd Ihopnporn Ilia Iohhopd an ... ,|I|||BUOIIIJdilIIIlqmIt50bIj, glholehorslchildnun vtllbopunithdbgo `bu.-kw tbonnubb and ntunl uylgu Irvin`. I c on -all L.....;.:.| ._. ..\L. n_..._ UU I IIIRI KIILV VIE! TI T ICUKIII um the `waning ntylo Illd than the vertical "system." not product Imting the lottcs Fol which pin! in vu-ion: dlncliooa. At the neon! mince: uuninsliun Ch. ! hvnrnlnrilv nl IL. noxinuv unn an an... we IIO VII In us In Iul pllnm: unools. Inudhooqloclnd to tuppreait. Thom. all in this udighhotbood lino hontlnl tho boyumdgirls wlhohad Inna Inoghtnl thn `hlnncino nlvln nnd than [In v-ruin-`I I Hnmlllon pa-IM-ir. A. F. Newlnnde, writing Inutor in the public schools of Kingston. hm Iuigned. When it in mentioned that Mr. Navlnnda io-oecordin to the Kingston Novo-"tho chic! promoter in America o! the nyotom known on union] writing" - Iiuiy people J will congratulate the Kingston school boynund girls upon the ruigootion ol the writing llllll . Thin lad louod in my into Wcntvotth county. W0 do not know whoclnt it won inuodnend by on-dot ol Goorro Wuhiogton Ron ornoubnliomuolhvoknovnthol the fad rain on in the public othooi nndhnnnoht-Ind In Iunnrnnil Tina; -ll`l'J\ll|R'\l nu Iluluvuur Iultllllbllllll lllllfl. Principal Grant says he doe: not know of a nicer trip than that (roam Montreal in Newfoundland. Taking the Intorcolonial line at Montreal the tour-int is carried through ever changing scenery. pact aea coast, lords, rivers. inland lakoa, forenu, hills and valleys. Au outing ol from two 00 pix week: could not be more protably spent than in touring through the I maritime provinces and Nowlouldland. The people of the treat do not know what a splendid country there is to the eost of them, and now that it is -o accoaaible they should embrace the oppor- tuuiay ol vmting in. Canadian: should know their own country. and eepecially the eastern portion. The lnteteolonial in roaplendijlme. The road s. unooth and the Ierviceis exquisite. Along thin line man`: paradise. IIALI" Ul" THE FLAT OVER 00': Clothln Store K! 31 Built : Prln nz Utoo. 0%] oo. no `III Instruct Teachers In `the New Hyatt-. l.In-nu-u. E-....n-:..- UTICIIIK Illa IIIVIKOTIIHIR. The French ehoru treaty bu had the ef- lecli of recording the growbh of Newfound- lend to a vest exunh. By thebernu ol the treaty the French hove nob the righb of territorial poeeeeeion. huh ore merely per- mitted to lend and dry their eh. How- ever. they hove seeumed they hove the right of occupation And refuse to allow that put of the cone!) sob sport: to their interests to be settled upon. This under- etending, however. in is expected will he settled at the meaning ol the commission appointed to consider international Arhin. prnnninnl l:Pl|' Aura kn H.-54: -"st Ir...`- A` UWIUIIIKIIIHU. The natural reeourcee of the inland have not been developed. The inhebloenba ere elmoee wholly devoted to nbing. conse- qnenbly the cone he been settled and ohe iuberior neglected. The island in elmoeb wholly ln ine natural euro and le plenar- esque beyond deecrlpelon. The climate in healthy. the uunperntnre being lower then that 0! Ontario. The people have I more rnduy, robust: look than hue thooe olthe wen-tern provlnoee. Even the logo than rlrifb when are healthy end bene- cml, inasmuch ee they obecun the 1-nn e rays and keep :he Atmosphere cool. The eir ie brecing end invlgonting. The French nlmm trnntv In. hul nu .0, unto us Iuuuau marunxn D0 prove I uuure. he matter which way it: goes the govern went in bound Do be eheed by the deal. If ho proq-era, in will be along with she counbry, and the goverrr rnouo will shore in bio prosperity. but. should he fnil the government: will hug hi. $1,000,000 and the med besides. and meenwhile the people will have bene- llued by the business eriuing lrouu the op. eretion of tho made. Ono thing. on loan. ho hm done lor the in and, end then in bringing it :0 much nearer the mu-ioime provincee by piecing e first clue eteemer on the route benween Gepe Breton end Newfoundland. TR- ..-e....l _......._--- _t `L- :_a,_ 1 n Juuuwuu wluu a Son 0! ll` i5:lD(1l0l'G Nem- `mg, built. the Cape Breton government railroad. He also constructed the Lachino bridge. Mr. Reid has purchased the en tire Newfoundland government: railroad system, paying the aum of $l.0i_l),()0U cash. He is to operate bhe roads for fty yearn, and should he fell to do so they revert: to the government) egein. If. however, the roads continue in opera- mm for tifoy veers they become hiepro- l-y. At the oxpirnbion of that: time the $l,U()u_mm he peid over to the govern- ment: will have grown to 87.000.000 an compound iulereno. People onnnoo eoe wheuinduoed Mr. Reid to make such: bnrgein. Having no much money to opera the wonder in he did nob retire toprl vete lilo instead ol entering Into e apecu lnclon eoglgentlo and no uneerbeinu no the outcome. How he expeohe to unto the enter `no pay no one ventures to ex- plain. an unleen he sees eheud some sure awheme of developing the island. hie enter- gtiee ie elmoeh mrbein to prove failure. a mum: which view in once: oh. am... waa accompanied by Sir Sanford Fleming, nnd reports having had a protable trip. Visiting his native province is always ll aouioo cf great delight to him. He spent the greater pail) of his time in Newfound- land, where liu found many things to in- terest him. Newfoundland is now roach- od by a call of cl": hours from Cape Breton across Cabot atraita. A steamship equal in appointment to any of the Cunard liners. has been placed on the route. and the ocean aail has been reduced from sixty to aix hours. Railroads now reach all parta ohbeialand. Upon landing from the steamer it is pos- sible to talie brain for the south. north or eastern coat, or almost any part of the in- terior. Those railroad linaa ware all built by the government but aubatquontly sold to H. (E. Reid, a contractor of continental reputation, who constructed a great por- tion of the C.l'.ll. system, and also. incon- junction with a son of Sir Sandford Flem- nu) iman. on. mm u--- ---------- --- Prlnolpnl (inn: `thlnh Newfoundland Ila: I Gnu lPnturo-Rol|ot Wanted lfrou N the Dlnngroonblo French Show 'l'I'onty - A Railroad apocnlntol--l`Irl.nreuquo Country and lipurlunnvn Panmlu. Principal (Imus roturuod homo Wednes- day from a ploaaano holiday outing spent in Nova Scotia and Newluuudlnud. 110 was accompanied by Sir Snnford reports hnvimr Dtntahle mm. mlpnsssnous or THE EATERN Pnovmcss. " HOME mom NEWFOUNDLAND. 1 uuun: VVILLIAM s'nu':E'r, wnnfou Kitchen, rent. modurau. WHTIAGY a HTIAUY. - HE GOES UP HIGHER. BARGIIINS .. Bicycles I ll. BRECK. - 539 KIIO ST. v-- - ~---- --- ya -91- Asian `lat Ilpi-Ij ..".....`:,".:*.'.`*.-::.r:.'-.:'" "::-.:.+-.:..-' I QI " -V-sn- pun un BRICK HUUHFIUN QIYFIFZN HT|(Rl1TI`,\V modern Impmvt-m<-mu; mu-nalon chm). Apply m.!. H. (.'ARNUTllKl\'H. ...a Call and see our samples befop buying. ` Cabinet Maken ad Uphol. afar-2 IMANTELS. I111 "lhlno(dllIi1 BI-cuvnuuou. .'CHAWF[!l1!], Fnnfnga PLEASURE Ar-Ininn -I... rnowpt. 1=obi6u'ee'n:'st. - _ _-: - - --un-II`; Arv-nlno 'lmm nut of ten om-ta wholuu-o taken auI\'.'\nl|zIs of every opportunity In mnknvhe-lrwnrk Muller and h--Her. `Hwy nu In In lruv ucuuum in [IN to pay In right prioe hr anylh nx that you n.n_v want. Put Ihlx rule In nu-[Irv and _\'-nu \I'|Il pm` how muvh ms or [Irv 'oalh'hL \\"h--n ynu want a llrlllalmu lulu! Klnclllnz Wu.-I vunw In us and wo will sell vnnlhn rnzhl kind. rrve {rum knots, dry and quiet. burning. Phone Nu. I P Its supreme merit has ,becn proved and is ac-_ knmvlcdgcd by t11m1s:mds of the 11lL)St fastidious coffee consumers tlxmuglh out the land. Grorwrs lcvcrywhcre sell it. ALF 01 On : 1 In: Bnlllu its purity and its strength being guaranteed by their lktcal. I Clear as :1 cr_\'s`.nI and delightful in in invijmab ing and arom:1Lic;odor is the c:fTce that Cmnvs to you in pound and two- ppund tin cans from the famous coffee importers, GRA TES AND TILE. Chase 6: Sanborh I32 ST. and nuuurl-III` L` Uurruu I011! Ill. HOUHE E VVILLIAM KTREET, wnnfo u A `HTlA? A I-I1-mu-v. I `Hl1Z`IUlVBE UN `nu; VUHNEIL ()1-` I- nn I went streets, ocruplcd by Mr. Mlldla . ' ..__ __._. __...._.{ HE HOUSE ONTILHE l`()RNE[l ()l" I M :1 Btreeul, Ill 1 _ , .--.,.-....... "mu (III we ntumuch, bad bra-ugh, nppotltu, utnmnvh, llldlg-e`Itlnn. wrcnons of tho Itomlch coated ton n In-nrtburn, uhootlng paint 0* the en, comtlpnllon, dI:- ggneu. Islam and luck or energy. Prico ; .....-..._ -,,, - WIDHBBIIRN I-`UKME LY THE .1 canoe or lion. 0. A. Klrkpalrlckm ully Iluulwtl. uppnulln Purl DYSF- EPSiA c_g_5E BRICK HUUHI-ION QIYEFLN H'l`l(RI1?I`,Wl'l`H |llll.)r0\'t'lll<-llln : mnonalon kn, Pcrnonnl letter: to I` I... Phllldeluhln. Pn._ I LP` OI THE FLAT OVER THE 01' CI UI S! ! l. Bn'.l.lll loPlI'l: n5r(:?`I`-\. nirgnrlgen`. an onxcn: on mun` rwon urrumorv Block. Apply to J. 11 c. [Ill- I \l \IvI\J\;u `, Llutthv-nstinh-& j-:.j--j---j-- _;roaa I;E"rT 0,8155 'l"l:[1{' BIBII I l &`- 0 506. pply alwn uuysnigntf FIUOII um] utnmm-h 1 r mm], dlstreu breath, pulplYAI- If In-urt canned ntumuch, [on nmmutu, KEITH UK Jhvoalld -..4I Lg-I MORE BARGAINS. Ilguln---.._ - -...;_...a nu. _..... I ` m{'D9 tn Lure Hf fnml `Hun-.... I ON JOHN- `Jnrnv nnd RESI- :, beauti- BI BBY . Admin- ~' Kim r. John . CA3- lullollt. Ryntnlnhalst. luitruau outldgol Ln-AIL-an ups-cu. nut `CI Inllcl IIIIGI dgnoolviohnenuod count ujln-y. Tvovulouhimliuumnnnlhuswhd an Inuuuvut Illlll `:0! Illllll IIIDO eouckuon.` whichol olanriclhoooo! ltunylnthnutridjuy would tnigh thug buyout worship vouldinler tho koocldgsono land Photon." -v-xu cu I030 It] `CI JIGIII lt: they vunhptin Ihobud olcc; cvoty undqnn Poona`: hnndvritinxungnu-y ol thouovue undo. Nov illhu iilho ulnlnnium -Lin-h nl Iln L... :. |L......v LADIES and GENTLEMEN, Look at Your Hands. Hail: mnisnd Friuhyund Sunday $51.-ldiuuiutb IcI:..hd&yan1l thug. gnultylo uppunno K Iadiu hh Iliova Mair an-uznn-u L. I`: nngnplln-IL.--nllggl I am II` uul up" Irvin TIIII I unnmont. V In Pun`: information poaibh without knwlodgo from `main: I don ! an if O!I amounts at one: down Into nolgivnn. In it pnuihlo mnbhn could have known from any cnurco outside no umploynn that than won bond: or n tnbit of Innding any bilh of 0:80! Innis. or that tho nnnngnr wu going shing? Thin iabiauund mun hvncono iron the inoido. Now that untbo circulnolnncnn which would iuplicnto Photon? Bninu III`. tho hand: can run lhnrn- Dan-.5-.- uww w-uwiuu ICU oollllui; [W3 did ootknow thug Information WW II II .' "We find India thoir nuocintoo." uid Hr. Oolor. "W0 nd nloo an instance of 1 team being hired for Trenton And the tan coining in Another direction. Bu that I connection with the format at- tompt? Wu nd Min French telling about seeing tools on the bod. nnd writin to Durand. Has that any connection wit: the former attempt on the bank 3 Then VI! only one construction to bo pnton tlnt |ctuI~-tbo robbing oi tbobnnk by n hold up acbomo. Tho prilonora Macho ond Holden worn aural] tntciootly idon- uod to warrant committal. Then what 0! Ponton 3 One would like to be nbio to any there in nothing "want the young mm. Hus ho hllon Iron: thought to nc~ tioo in thin mutter? Ono Mac atop Ill enough to Unto him into the math: so that be oonid not roll back out. Wu tboro somebody within the bank who ' fun inforuntion-n traitor to his trust? I -- 1...-u-'.d.._.. ALE- -....n 1...... I3.._.'_ IIJIP. Ir. Oeler eroee end in his clear. oool. deoieive tonee hold his worehip than he wee then for the purpoee of cumming the evi- dence. end then hie worehip could diecheege one or two or three, or enmmio one or two or three of the prieouere it he wished. When eceee pneenee iheell (or niceuy ol deoieion e megietruce hed the opuion of sending the one to e jury. whre pleoe wee to weigh evidence. end t e judge would tell the jury to plnee each weight on the evidence of an eocoufplioe es wee right to be pleoed upon ib. All the crown wee door in thie cue wee to gen en the truth. end that in ell the dieunoe Pu-e'e etaory would be used. In wee true e crime wee eouunithed. Were there only cwoiu ll! ` till]- R_.l Ll--I.:- sL_:- -..-.:_A__ n - .- I uvv Iuulrull-ulll-i Krlll 60 ill '1!!! .' fun cooidoring thin apart Iron Pun`: Ilnhmnnl In Mun`. inlnnnnhinn u-...a|u. IICIU Cli- I). H. Preston. on behalf of his clionh Holden. addnuod I {ow words to his wor- lhip. III-_ Onlnr Anna and in him nlg-r nnnl Taking Pare`: nbory u I whole t.weut.y- nine mic-ebebemenhe were dieeovered, and nine witneseeo. whoee testimony could not: be doubted. bed sworn clearly them they were false. Mr. Poroer made an elcquent. eppeel for his client`: din-cherge on the ground of iueudicienb evidence. and after ve hours of onhion he gave way to Mr. Wilson. who tho tddl OIDOd the court ebmngly in (ever of his clieub. |leokie'e innocence. ehowing than the `nu brought up were not euicieuo no .n.E:'ouu A prime fecie cue. II II II_.-;__ -_ L-L_IR -r 1:- ,1,-, . IUUKEU IITUF I5 HIIIIIEH. Coming mg-Lin to the method "of obtain- ing the combinntion, Porbor said Pare was making a vicuim of Ponton to hide his knowledge no that he could ply his voca- tion when nguin A free man. The discrep- nnoy'ol timo in I`nro a' bgory Mr. Porter very strongly emphasized, showing that) Pure had accounted for only fty-one day: from June until Augugh 27th, when in reality there wan eiqbtylour days. This alone would be onouirh to (iv: the lie no his story. so according to Par-o a abatement the robbery would bake plnco tbirt-y.throe days brforo in really did. The finding of the key unproaaiona in l'ont.on s rooms. Mr. Porter argued. had nothing to do with the robbery and might: have been done In I moment of irllonesa. If for aha purpo o of crookodnou. Ponbon would burn dost yed thom. 'I`-L2_- II___I- _L_: .. , ,, l,,I, . , A llalluu someone I`:-.rn lnlldo The Iuuk llnut linvo ulven In!ormntIon-Mn[lu- Into Duly In of The Home Opinion- l ortor'u Appealing Clan of III: Ad- dress on llolnlf of III Ollont, l outon- Ilr. Dnlvm Anldnu to `tho Oourt. Nl\l'.\NlB, Aug. 13 --Tho lub and most importano work In the bmlx robbery wn completed yesterday. Ab ten o'clock Mr. Porter continued to tell of Pare : mis- ucatemontc on 00 how he gob into the bank on Augult Bub, the nighb on which he said be got the combination. (In bin examination he told one story and nndercrosa-oxnminm lion he forgot: the limb one and told on an- tirely diiferonb one. Mr. Porbor said Pan had mado up his story from the theory ad- vnneed at bha former trial, and mixed the court: whether Pnnbon would bo fool enough to entrust his monoy with crooks like Pure and Holden when he could have looked after it himseli. I I"......l..... -.._x.. A- AL- _-AL....l --`R -I.s-:_, `ms SUMMING up as THE aw. ~ name:-:. 55-57 Barrack Street. [Sl.ER S !_t_I_l_|_ Annm:ss., fontn Authlttcd To Bail In 810,000. _:-:__- IEBMIHED Ill TRIM Juet 1 word with you at the open- ingof the full season. We presume you no considering your stronge- menta fore eupply of non] through the winter. Do you went to place your order where you will get A rs!- clenqulity of Coal ; whore delivery will hepmmptly mode ; where your ordere will receive careful end prompt attention end courteous treatment will be extended to you et all times? If these considerations eeem importsnt to you tend us your order end we will eee shot you are not disappointed. Don't forget it. Why not order to- thy ? Hoke a note 0! thin. mun. on aupuuuu an. W. S. Kirkland. 9.mIIh'o Falls. In: Inca uppointod acicnco manor in the collqiuo inoxitutzo; Mal-inbnrg. Ont Ila. J. A. Hchactuan. Prices! Knot. loft today for Ounw: hvidt minivan She will to shun upvudn of one mouth. 3 C. Gildcnlanand G. H. Snytbc. Vthoupnlnconph ofvuhu tbcnnoo anponhvoinlnnd. nturnodlaonoyor huh 1- - Thoma Vicknry. Iolhodiut divinity Ihdonl. Snlthb Fully. eons: Io Kingnun Inn iorBcv.T.l.`.BI-owniutncor pk `lit- M II...` T-II`: .__ -1 I II IDIIXIVII CW0 5.- W. Sinquoode, Buy ingot. . lnllngb, Y. II. C. A. nuclear}. nnniuduo Ii: Snlnoud, Brant- Slg-.n--.I... `-1. IWI KI Mrs Henry `ads, K" danglnu. Mn. . J. lunacy, via`! to but Btockvillo. {`...A [W :___._J. I)__ _._-_. IIIU. Mina T. Jackson. B` English nod Town. Kingston, III winning 1:: Guano- nu. Him! Lillio and Kuhn Alhn,Wuhrtown. N.\'.. Ill visiting that gnndlnhor..Divin- ion anal. "Tia. Lnn Todd. Browns": Mills. in visiting Mr. and In. Dnrid Bunch, Yuk um. ' unsung ulna: ucuunun, aunun I fills. W. C. Kan and putyplmo up [mm the A.C A. camp Iut mght in tho yacht Goi- she. vusu lnunui Ili nroclvmo. Mn. .1. Anderson. Ronfnw. in the gun! of Mn. James Reid, Princes: tenet. Mr. R .l w.nn... n..'m. a. -;-n;.... 1.-- ._----.--- nu -us uuu'II- W2! 111 III 11!!` And Doug. W. ll. Faber in spending slow days with lriendn At Broclvillo. Ll.. I A...a-_.._ b-_:__ :_ AL. 7- ul JIFI. dunes (Sela, rnncosa tenet. Mn. 8. J. Wmt.on.0ril|ia,ia vidbing her mower hon. Mm Kirk. Brock sateen. ` Illa: Ilnlhrmnpl Rum. gs.-.3 .... :- Ion-uh at the I ooulc- Win that Ara bu-9 A-A nun.- IIIUMIII nut. Mn. l\ll'K. mock sateen. Illa llcbunnott. King nu-no out. in uniting Mun Ilcbondd, Smith`: Fnlls. `V. (L Kll And ngrr`-Anny- nn fun... 55.. nl u nngnson tor Uunrlouo. J. 1'. Han y. agent. ` Fresh eggs. 12. I down. Melba Bron. Bollovillo rntepuyera vouo no-dny on 1 by-luv uboliohi tho ward system and I0- dnciug the num of Alderman. I! the by-law curios Bollovillo will be governed by u mayor md hon nldoruncn. olocud by the whole city. nuriu IXIDK loaves ml Alexandra lily Sundnyn LIL, Ind for Rochoohr nu 6:45 p.m.; Tuesday: sud Thursday: Hero loan: to 3 p.m.. connecting with North Kl :3 Brighton for Chlrlobto. J. P. Han av. manna. wuu J. urllg a U0. Samuel Donaldson. Pittohurg. postma- tor so I)u"on'n pooo oioo, was loan with rnnoculnr rhonmnium for two you-n. One bottle of Dr. Hull : Rheumatic Unto cured .IilII Anni nlntnlu IPA- .-I.. -5 II7-.l-`.. J__._ uuuuu UI ur. nu: I nuonunuc UIIN cured him completely. For uh uh Wade`: drug won ou]1_vIu umng euuwll IDOIID U10 Cllly. runaway horse on Suuaro street: last: night made matters lively tor a while. He pursued his wild race on Bagoo street, and did dnmege to the buggy no which he wan attached. Armour`: goods. J. Craig & Co. The inbetior of the (l. N. W. telegraph oioe is being remodelled and xed up. The walls and ceiling have been pspered and the woodwork painted. The otlice in now neat: and cheerlul. Blue Ribbon tee ab Craig's. The primers and hailore' unionl have secured over I00 prize: for their picnic to be held at Brophfa Poino on labor day. A line programme of eporne and inheren- inn evente in being prepared. ' 111% vnur nrdnra `r In-non:-vino nlnmn T0 THE HOUSEHBLDER.