'``For Making a Delicious Health It-I-I. .n Q_-n 1--.. IIIIC UIII cordial. I.._JI Wlll UH Icccprou I5 I CIUIII XIII. In support: of Sir Claude Mucbonald, the float has been conconttnbod an Wei- Hoi-Woi and Hnnkow, and n|l the war- ships under 5,000 tons have been mobilized in the Yung~Tao river. The mvnl de- monstration is solely dnrochod agninss Uhinguiu In semi-otciully abnbod than the existing rolsuons with Russia are nm-dial. KTUIII LVCXII W IIUPKXUW. The Pokin comeepondenh of the Dxily Mail says: The snuetiou has suddenly become Icnbe. The relntione behwoen the Taungeh-Yemen and Sir Claude Macdon- Ald, the British Inxniater. are strained to the point of rupture. Sir Chude Muc- Douald bu intimated that any fuilure by Chine to observe Greet Bricein e wishes will be Accepted as I cum belli. In nnnrm-n nl Rir Iflnnrln Ilnnnnnnlrl lutlre Brlueh Meet In Ohlneee Wnten line leblllxed on the Ohlneu Conu- Blr Oleude lecboneld Aeeuree Chine 'l`hn e leuure to comply with Britain`: Wishes loans 3 Guns BouI-'l`ermI Wltll llllleln Are Oordlul. LONDHN, Aug. `27.--The Daily Mail s Houg Kong correspondent telegraphs: The British consul at Kmng Cheu Lninnn hes asked the Americeu consul st Canton to urge the Viceroy to send soldiers to Nodo. near Hoi-How. to protect the lives and property of American miesmnnries there, who heve been obliged to lleefor their lives from Node end seek the pro- tection of the British consul st Hoi-How. Te-dey the Americen consul et Cmtou no- tied the Viceroy ol the stete of et- {nirs,eud requested him to immedietely telegraph perem tory orders to the ow ciele of the disturied district to disperse the riorers end to protect the lives end property of the Americans. Reports just received from Heinen indicste renewed successes on the pert of the Triad society, who. stren thened by e horde of pirates, loohd end umed e number of villegee in the lioi-ow district on August ltlah. The Britieh consul appealed to the Teo- Tei to protect the threeteued Americans, end soldiers were deepetched who succeed- edm rescuing them end escorting them from Nodnto Hon"-How. ~ Tl`- D-Iri.. ....-.-........I.._e -1 LL- l'\-:l__ OTHER INTERESTED POWERS MUST RECOGNIZE THEM. lsruanns or INFLUENCE. Lnwoox, Aux. `l7.-`l`ho Timon cones nndenl up that M. Pnlctf, Rnonun hgnyn 1|` gffnr: in Plnn. ha; |........ ISHE MEANS BUSINESS.- Britain Will No Longer Standi China's I-`oolcry. Pnvloll Now Iluuor In con; ,_A,, n , .x~ -In In I70 WELLINGTON st; NOVNINE-HOUR DAV . KINGSTON. ourifzru, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 189; VIII-!|l$ Naval expat: nlomthut Ihagnnd In-lqyhtho N-s sol mnturksol ownin- nou. Itunvrmpoa Ihnlhmbmuutcodily Improving since Ilodqywbeohwn nd rilhnmatchu the mochholqnnd ilk pontblclhnl unnrlho lapuot Ilnnno omounlol lino Ibnthanbmughtthngun to In pnuzcnl pllchol perfection Ihn tor paiomnybnuhrmigabhnmlmmudhl nnwundodooaoulhngnn "Wantin- ulthelorpaiohusoklanhopuantago ol the gun," my the aspirin. and pr-vpb may have awry much knneroptnion 01 its drIOt.:cth'I9 morn; " Onto! ourncwmst Inrpedobcptnlstho Rowun. which was nnvnlly completed ml Ennnh The Rowan in hunt looting anttviswwd Inrolsbvcnunol herhbgh frvehaum fnrvrud This fntnn In uboptulfwnho own in shodaeslguaol (`bkf C~Ja.su-ucmr Ill-than In con..- qurncvol Ihehicl an In-unnluvdon Ibo I uc'xt.uIlnInnwnstrurIudfaI ` lioasou Ilowutconn. "Tish high mn- hnudglvuth Hahn-uni nmhol lb Iupnclnnuas Inllnpktnnolunoauun II-tr. tlhehtuhlbonkyahnifoul Iuetnbonthedx-ctlhoalcxu.-uhlunu cndbtnnconn. Sextwotyo farrqutulnblbolugul dthurpnlohnnyiltonnuurnd Sh: In simple: In-dunno! Ilmt. I7 huchn-ullhnnnrtyla fnttumhedi} phcunnt B 18! tom. and till twin unwsuntlunhalqmdruplo oxyalutol axgilnsuinfscxp-turd mnnhkuon Tkkverysunllcrallitllhpopcllevlly engines hvtaga b'II'.-uni oltl. Sbvr:llIsnn&.kotnpu:::y latcotuuolmnl than-.u:.mc heuzangmngntxp. vtllhw not-otythunrptioon-in nu unnmr mono!-I'll . ' The dcnmyen ham oen a higher nh of up-xx! than the Inn-vdu mus. {hay are warning or ocean wsuds. white the smAl|~ ct huts no deslgumd for an In harbors or mmgnrixlwly mu waton and do not show much mm; In stand tho bulfmngs ot the man \ ---I --_,_4_ __A_. -_. -x _- -n - an IIIr[II1|U III!!! The rush which an pr-(`bully designed for the tornado anvrvim Ana clazlal no- cvnrdlng to aim. the -nqulng map:-do boom smm~mm~o called mrpodo hm dostrnyrrn ur lnrpnlo l t cutchrrs. bclii often from 150 so 350 I .In In-nglh, Irhxba the small- -.-! sin or third class torpedo hnuno an {mm 40 to norms and olonlymorls ton: hnrdm The 3011::-do hm! dectmyorsun small mono!-vnr carrying on nnnammt ol npld nu gum uumclom in an and Immlxvr to lend?! them lormldublo to larger m~nol-Inr. Th. A4..-`-n... |.-.~. nn-_ - |.n.L._ _.._ \ DIR` Uklwf U|V`K_ The depot ships ran dmnuriru on onus- ninn play the part of lorprdo bonu lndcrd rvvry mun-of war. lxutwhlp and cruiser alike is now ue-d out with tnrprdo lube: (rnm {our to olnh! being placrd In onvh ship, 5:) that every war nut] h practically :\ lnrpmdo I-ml 'r}\4 A-1'! -hI.sh --n -g-u_..l_II_ AA_.|._.._| -n~r:n:1>o non nmnx. usand for 011: service hoingjmmed on board the dvpot amps and bestowed In ctndlgs on the upper dwk. Tho darunl nhlnn nun I11`:-nu-I-an an -.4-- llll IHIIII UIIISS (ill IKWIIJ IHXILI. Tho torpedo dopol ships am malty Itera- ships for the us of n vorpedo boat otilla Thoy am llonng machine shop. carry- hm omrything nocmsary for the use of a u-3 and for such l'1`pQIl'! as can be mado without ducklng tho wands They nlso carry torpedo boats. the small craft New Fall Jackets lUl'}R`\lU IIUHII UI VIIIIUIII IIILC. No noon, in fact. in complete without torpedo boats, an no army is complete with- om light artillery. Vessel: designed to light with borpuioos are divided into sew omi cin.-son Thou an turpodo dlnpot Ihips, torpedo gunbontn or torpedo vessels, Bengnllig torpedo lxmu and rst. second and third class torpedo bontn. Thu lnrnndn dnnnl china nun I-nnllv -mag user Ull!Ul'U\\`l|.|x lull!) Ilplllllll DQHL That. the Unltul Shite: naval auIhor1- ties have not lost. faith In the ceotivonosu of the sorpedo boat It uhown by the me! that work In still by-In'( pushod on tho doz- on or more of them both that were orderod months ago. Whvn thoynm A" completed. we shall have a otllloof oomo twenty odd torpedo hnntu of various lllm Kn nnt. In hurt, in nnmnlnuu u-Hhnnl IJUI II IRES`. I bellow that just two torpodooa were launched during the units war. Both wore aimed at American wnrshlps by the Spanish. but. with the ounonuu-y lack of accuracy. One of that torpedoes, you may remember, was actual picked up by a daring Amorlcnn Jnok nrwho wont over board after It and towed It back to his ship after unmrowlug tho oxplodlng heart Thnt tho Hull:-I Rinn nnrnl nnlhnu-L ( Iorpodo Boat: `rook lo Purl; In no lo- cont Boo lighting. It seems that we have boon too hmty in condemning the torpedo boat. Llkewiso we were too hasty in assigning It superla- tive virtues. Before the war with Spain had actually begun the experts loudly voiwd their ulnrm at our lack of this clu.-st of war cmft. They proovodud to draw thus our big bnuloclnps would be at the mercy of those terrors of the non of which Spam had so nmuy nnd we had so few. Hut. Hm nunnc-nt. tho Km nhtlno wnc all i pl'l|(YI]UP|Hy UHQHUHI It'll! Ul. IUD HIIVIII $l`\'|(`O. The fact is that at no time during tho war was tho torpedo boat given a chance. Ev _ naval man undvratanda this. In the rut. place, torpedo boats are dncignod to do their work undc the cover of dark- ness. But both of tho grout. son battles. at Manila and Fnntiagq wvro fought in broad daylight. An I result torpedo boats: were used lay noithor skin The two Span- ish ciostrnyorx which wu`-e innit nl Ranti- ng-o had no hualnoss to be out there. h was the nim-rest. (oil that ordered them out That was mum I suorioc. Is was not a test. I |...II..-.. 01...! land 0:.-. 0.-._.....I,..\. ......_ LII EU lllhly lulu \'\`U nil BU NEW. But. the moment the non llxtlng was all over and lz was apparent that tfm torpedo boat had played no purl at all in tho ualr those same experts or other equally ready to jump In conclusion: clmntod a roqnlom over tho torpedo boat and pronounced l\ I practically useless Ann of the naval aorvlco. Thu (art. In that All nn Mm: dnrinu lhn HAVE HAD NO TEST. WEYIWEIWIWJI I.nII.nr\IU|-g II`. o~"IKU I!U- "roIn'ncnnInnILna'tyyuIu3, to cl" 'IootyIcn. Thin -mclunfonx. fun ma Vnxxxwvln. 3.0.. Aug. 2`.'.-A at duos: iolnhko plan hnhvial, and hshcouctnunuulluhonbunluumg hcnughuupsxuhndthlray. Tu clcclinnwillbcmounigh puny has on II-lIlIZ'IZBjZlFV'DKj T} haduuunvtnlny pudmrlkt b ouiuibuonllutlondninnuuuollh Yukon uuuhu uh: lb but ol the IL... _..-L g-`A 5:-'n.-u..._ `mad. I g guy: on WI In- rqcuy VIII II ochuucnu. adv:-'d |-nIdnodu'- culsy In [camp up money. Sacha Plr. Hahn`: nary. H it it man II mu go 3 Doug way toward throw- mg hgbntpun thin tuuuknltlo can. llr. Hahn wnll by in England for man nooxhgund 8;: Reg`: and In hvyon wall but plenty 01 cans to uh llo nary nndutcnmnhowtu st in ninth, and vnbclktil mil juuly Ila-in the nun: no man lion no work. n-uvu wo -NM uiuuwvuu OO>~I.lJ$Kl Du Rogu a8l2.50Kx which u: not my van obtuutd hon lh Sydney Indy. Orton Inn: 8:: Rant : ulna on-nllv -its Ln IICIDIZII III; ll will If . know 8:: Raga : duo eqully will in aahnr-on-rain. nnudirnVdL.vnI.n4Inn4InK, UVTX Ij IKVU Unif- Orton nnd Cromwell always pulbd to gasket. nud, In Mr. Hahn : opinion. was anoiodonhu in the compxncy. Who Inuun VIIO rip: for tho minded coup, Orton. he noun. pmved Nan Io Cun- VIII and second In ncucuuion inn nqhn u I haunt, and than cure to Knglnnd With tho cspuld npplnd with In own 33 58!). Ciuwulh 38;) and So: I)..-.. . (I9 Kali -Li.L ._ g...` _.- ___ `IVE "I III! IIIIII II 3% uxgglok Wlnlo the thug men was at om.` Sir Rogu dnnppund -- murdered. in Mt. Hales : opunoo. He was 3 dunker. And when m but capo lot on lnnunn coooocud -nu: bio put, winch run canalully nond down by Orton in 3 pocketbook, the!) 3 already known to the vmrid. lu urn mono amnion Inbblmgl oi Bur Roger was ksd to bin annual dunppennoco sod all me noun that Mr: folkowud. (L... ._J aV_...._...n -I____ ___n_.|._ auuu Inning Lu Uncu lulu IUUII 'O,JUU. Orton and Urcumall than ongngod than (shun lo 1 mm named Unit. and SH Ro- get want turn them. They were all in mortal ten: of upturn for some ol that hwlcta expedutiona. and Mr. Hulom no- at: tint Bar Roger was sending, or an supposed by his companions to In about to send. the whole ol has money to some lady In Sydney. to In held under I fake nultn. Sir Kogcr had. IIQIdI the $`%_:')UI) from hm shun oi tho blnnont. nomo $4,000 in nug- gets. purchased lrom nnou drama. I: In hn Intention to leave tho country with than $12.54!) no ooon as he could mange It, the nngyou having been obhmed to ndd color to the story no would tell his mk- twm of his luck 1: the dxggmgs. \\'h|h khn than man inn: .3 ll.-i-` i- After all the dressing is not complete without the Gloves. See our new ones, $1, $1.25. Every pair anar- anteed perfectand replaced if they break or tear first going on. IMBDY & 6'0 pqluguuwnnu In In: uqgwu on In :3 now the town at Muyhorouch. Ir. Baden the mute the they Duo bush. rungon. sad that the prot: ol an butch- ary won added to by obtaining their Ina ock by other noon: booidca pltcbu-u. Enutunlly they dinolvod pumonhip. the onus Inkling to each being about $8,500. Ortnn And (II-nnnanll than nnognnd rim; -uqglu. In !l]I\ wun punuun Ill 3 nlaughhringundbutchotb Iruinuu. up- plyinglhowumollho djgun on that m not tbs loin nl Msnvlnrnnoh Mo Illh IIDU. Heelern has broken up hie home in An- tniie. where he was living coiniortchly on money made at the digginp. And it In so theee digging: Uh he met the lebe Sir Roger end his companion. His story, which deele with e period of ebonl forty year: ago, in in in main point: ea lollowp, leaving the minor detail: to he tilled in whenever he comes up for public examine. M00: 9.- D._.- A_nL_- r\_L._ r\_.-__.n ,,.| BIIU IIIISYKUT WHICH HUD IDW DOW `How! DIT- Ho bu come to England, although Ans- traliln born-in connection with money stfaira of his own, and will settle for the pronoun in Lincolnahiro. But he has also been in communication with Sir Roger and his lnwyer. and expects that they will shortly put bun in tho witness box. OI" course no hope: to rap tome prot out of that Illlo. lJ--I___ I.-- L_..|.._ ._.. Ll- L`... n_ A ,,- Ill: SI!` Roger. Arthur Orton, Crotnwoll and Morgan. be up. won partner: in g nlnnnhhnrinnnnd hnhehnn-'3 Inn-`n-nu man. UH` HUI E }!III'-I'n Mr. oalotn is an oldlah looking man. and would page wall for a farmer. Ilia (ace in clean ahavan bub fora mugs of hair down each side and under the chin. He in not particularly communicative, an no hopes to be of menace to Sir Roget Tichbome in helping him to obtain the whole 0! the lamnly property, instead ol the quarts: which the law now allows him. Ha ha: nnmn In I-Tnolnnd alohnnnh `nu QIZII-bjizulli lahnprudIhaIInjuWo|ailco It jinn-aux`-vial`! Inr-s5lAI'LioL in Ile opee To Be Ofllervloe to use 'l'Ich- borne Family In Helping to obteln the whole of the remlly l'roprty-`l`|cn- borne'e Partner: In 3 Butcher Buuluou In the Dlggluge Know A Good Dee! About HI: Life end Poeeeeelone--Isle ludaeu Dleeppeeruuee. Losnox, Aug. 27 -Among the pasteu- gere on tho Bribenuie, which arrived A few deye ego in England from Auetrelie. wen u men uemed Heulem. who, il his story in true, can do much to clear up that mystery of myeberiee-Ihe lamoue Tuchborne case. There wen a good bit. of mystery About Hoslem himself, According to the eute- monteol hie lcllow pueengere. He occu- pied one ol the oeblue on the lower deck, At the eecoud eeloon eud ol the ehip-oeh- me oxproeeively spoken al by &he paren- gere no "the dungeons." All the ventila- tion they received was from e wind sell. end even than we: taken in in nlny or rough weather. Yeb Mr. Heelem encghle wile were never eeen on deck. end even did they indulge in en Airing no the lower end of the wind eeil they did no one at as time. The other remeined to guard cer- bein velueblee end documents which they regerded on too precious to be incruebed to bhe ehl e pureer. Hr aelnm in All nlrlluh Innhinn men Hcalcms`Q`pl,;uI' n of the Mvstcrl- " oiir air. mum on A srnnuce cuss. THE AUSTRALIAN TELLSVOF sun Roeerrs LIFE. IIRIPITRICCS HlEHBRNEMllR[|ERE|].I E An Important { Branch -w `turn. Us nwvt out TI!` 1&- Thh lnxnllvv BI'ovn~>QIu\Ino hhh All `Rugs: I-emu! Ibouosqy If It bun D an. nrjcu uuauy ngnu III LVOVIBTBIC. Th all of Wenunuh In but nppoiuud nanny cl Ibo musician. _ Jppohullylinclllaln. l.nsm.w,AI.`.'7- Sir John Bnnnos. KC)! H, undid-irnl Sn Jnn Klpbir nouulinkiu-.l(C.li, hmoIIunnppoiu- ed conoicioocn no ooquin in Ibo I !-such truly rights m Korwlcoadhud. Tim and nl Wnalnnnjh I`; hang .-nu`-Q-4| Wf IUUIHI IICIWWIK III IUI IIWII '1' F.` (day mornmg by he wilt. Ho '58 I an aged About buy-dgbl yarn. and Ienvunwidow and than children. No cant tot lb: ulcido 1: known. A II_t;:I J:&:IAD|ROVIfY. Co\`sv`u\. Out. , Aug. 2'.` -000:-go CAlI' rite, hung A for union Iron this village. Inn found hanging In In own hum yer --_J__.._,_..__ ;_ L,_ ___A_ II- __.,_._- , __, *_ ,_ ,, T that a (`data one Dupl `huh: [Anni-an In-nn..u1..anI_. 'I\nLJ`n_ nu Ion. Thoma: lboysrl Ill. l)l.mnu, Ilun.,Aug. `.".'.--Hon. Thoma I`. Baynni. form ambassador to England. ill at an homo ol -`nu chugltor. Mn. Counsel D. Wuroo, lxuhuin, In reported to In in A move Qriou can this noun: :3 a rank of the chmgubh vnotbu the hen. Uoooidcnbh Anxiety in fall over Na condition. winch in not yu cnual. IULLIIIJIQ " $6.50, $7.50, $9 for ele- gant garments. (`Inn-..-.n_ ;._.... it -_.__- _.._.A. rout load Ptbhlcl Pom`: Roan, Aug. 2. ). -'l`ho woothec continua dry mdvnnmquito hvonbk for tbruhlng, bu! Ibo rerun-o fol ploughing. The Tax (hen no phuufnl on the catch. A party of Anuricsdn an eunpcd on Belle Island. Mr and In. John B-cilii haw returned to than home In Saginaw. Muss McKee. Totomo. n nailing % um, Mn. Medley. V IIKI 6 DC WWO IIHIDIO (:0 IIWIII. The dincion of the Millard dock com- pany expocl a lane 0! acumen will In on ublmhod lnumen Hnliford Haven md mono Cunodinn port. HIS`. Tho Allan atounnhip company In looking to the naming ol the contact Pnonon. Tate & ()0. IIIB unable to fulll. `PI... 4I.`.....s...... ..o' .5.` |I.'nL...a 1...; ..._ Iqyloantboooutvnot. Lmnox. Aug. ?7.-`l`bo Icicle for u I`nnch0undim nail pm-vim bu co|- lnpcud. Ihwu louud inpoooibhio nib the nomy nocosunry tot in inaugura- lion. Ilnocltd out In lonueonth lonnd. 1.0m-u'n.I.v4, Ky., Aug. `26 -Tbe colon of no upirnnh in the waiter-weight chun- pionehip won trailed in the dub Int night when Auotnlinn Jimmy" Rym ditpoood of "Bobby Douglas. us: not St. Louis ghter. in fourteen rot Ac 0! scientic ghung. Ryan In the fourteenth round lnndod I brric tighh hand [all Owing on the jaw. The form of impnce fnitly mind Dougln In the III and he came down with n thud on also hard oor. He tried to lilo. go! to his luau but fell back Ihotoighly lnazkad nut. Anglo-lgyptln lxpedluoe IevIng-1ln- lheellow lrlendllneee. Wu! Bumb, Aug. 27.-The Anglo- Egyrtinn lorcee hogan the advance on Thursday, moving in live penel columns eh deploying diuenco. They were led by the Julio gnidee and by bends ol pipere. who were plnying. In wee an cngrooeing epechcle. The lriendly nnivee en the op ire banks of the Nnle indulged in de- Iig ted war dnncee. The camp le now: unlderneee of broken bit-cuia bone end other rubbish. The dervieh ooonte ere active md in is rumored them there in ador- viehee force on the right bank of the river under command of Turin Zach and Wulbiuh-An. In is alto reported than aha Khalnfs in preparing to mule e etend II Kerren. seven milee north ol 0mdnr- mm. and will ddoud the Mahdi : tomb 00 the Inn. |Il.||I|I' Illll uulrleuuny. The Spectator auggaata bhab England will not waib for America to ask for the abrogation n! the t.zeacy.bu0 will arrange A troaly by which America and England will mutually bind themselves to allow no power aavo the Uultod Sum to make a vanal acrou the iethnua 0! Panama, the United sum to keep lb opan on equal torn: to all nations at poaca with them. The paper aaya : "If the diploma! mush have a quid pro ([110 there are a dent: Ca- nadian points which might In 000 again the tearing up ol the treaty." IITIID, ll CTUUI WDII. Thc Spectator u not utromzly lot the nbolutlon ol t o Clayton-Bulwer truly and up : "A movement muoe noon bake place in Ameriu which will inevita- bly cneu tho Uniood Sumo to mp up ngulmb the trocmy and mute n vohomout: demand for in abrognhlon. Tlnb demand. union in, were propuly understood And uplnipod bolorohund, Inlghb loom hon uulnir and unfriendly." Thu Rnnntntnr nnnannfn hhnh Ennlnnrl -r----- nm w`in- could Be wand Imnou Pre- pemtlom.-A Point Rained. Lu.\'lm.V, Aug. 27.-The Spectetor Inn: The Unltodstetee inionrning with lndi ne- tion the detail: ol when its troops he to endure before Sontiuga and in inc!iued t9 make u Icnpogoet of Mr. Alger. Obvi- ously Mr. Alger ie not 1 Carnot. but it in hudly Mr to put all the blame on him. The real ceu-e of the misery end muddle warn the absurd beliol. uewidely entertain- ed in America. that you cm make war without properationa. Amateur eoldlern, especially amateur tremporte and commie- urieu, in cruel work. Th: nnnnnn nu-nnnn AI:-Ann`: Una IE-(`IAN T HE ADVANCE. "5a"?B}: if you want them $3, $4, $5. LN ABBURD BELIEF. vvuucu Iv; nyncti. AI Bjm II: Oihn I. National lam-o--M Chicago 3: Icon 9. AI huohrg 2; Brooklyn I II! had I; Now You 3. AI Dachau! I0: Bolliuon 0. AIS; huh I; WnoNq- he 8. AI Loniuilh 5; Ilibhlphh 8. ___:_,-_.__j_ _ _........ ......-... Kuhn haunt - Ah Tuna 0; Iculll 3 AI Bufnlo 7: Wuhnlun 3. LIPID- T.. '1 l(.\ murzn mum-.~ WW7" 0 . `l'N.`1 IHIIIZD RI`\.\li WITH RI )AI.. (`KN- n-;.||_y luv.-gin! ; ru, ho! um!-`Y IOIII II` gal mminrn n`I>\\IQ|'\I*v.s. Apply .0 =nl0 nu-wt, mu I-I \'.N.(` A. __.________.___.;_________.. NI). IN `ul.lh)R.\ l-I TllF.lt."I`. NKAI Nu-Inn rltrwt, emu |h1nwu_ (lllnlq R-mm Lu-In Raul: Ronm and W. C. Ions (`hv'I\p. A pp _r us w}mum an-on. .;. l' RN ISM Eh RIXDI. WITH OR W hnanl, M Na CI) Prtxwuu an-ut,\ T.wr-.u-a 'nrrIr.u: r'.\R.\utns' now; on vnrm Invlu-Irlmu pr~m- or ran ahmnllmu la vrhum mu :\ month vmuhl W on Irina mvnr. -`-vuli al-n vlga` 5 Fri India In llv-Ir nun homes. T. H. l.x.-csmrr. `hr run!-x H.\l`Hl".l{S-l,DCANADlANTFlL(}nm nu-Cowl now In nmlrnrl Mt not! turn. `nhnn xrsr rnnnvu nnmv vnnnnu-Inn Ilnlnln P_L__ (IM ,/ Al'l'KP.`V'l`ll`P2H ATMIL-`I. Al.l.AN`R, BRIE and .\IanlI0 Mtslor, Ii! &(0l aunt, neat Wllllnm. l`unn-ln Kinpton. Augul 2.-Ml. Aldo 1%., young!!! daughter oi tho IMO Wil- liam Pod. Funeral will his plnco Iron Ibo ruldono ol In. Ross. `:33 Johnston Gnu. Bu- dnv .n........ A: `Lil n'nIu-L A. I`. Enl$l\lE\.I(V UUXFEIVI. Undertaker: Ind Rmbalmorl, EB Oni I l'r1m-an I-unxvl. 'Ph(\nl`>:-\V'Il'0l'lIC| D: Rmlalenrl. Open day ind nlghl. .__.._._:__._.____i__.___._.. Dc 9. uunDnA L. FUN!-TRAI. ~l)lRIi`l`0R. ill Pllltlf 81' Klngnmn, nuecmunr to W. ll. Dunn; __._Z_.._..____._ -. 1-so nacho. sup:-In An.n1w 011'. NJ, Aug. 3!- mdnwu mind for Hanan: a. Li. 4. ISTEACY& STEAOY. EKUIIIE QUICK} HR RITSINR}-0-\ UP` THF. l.)\TE HENRY In-nuns, Un-Ioruler and Uphumeror, VIII In arrival on M Ihenld numd on hnhnll M Ma Tm: l!l`HlNlx}'lH or `nu-`. LATE HKNRY Ihenld numd on hohllt 01 Ml tutu. E. Bruin. Admlnmrnlrlx. .__.__.._____:______.__-._. I Aug. otn and 30th. we will have our FALL OPEN- ING display of ladies and Children ; Im- ported Jackets& Mantles. "lupoolIon Invlml. moms Iigonns g-A-. - Monday and Tuesday 003!!! AND II)Amv. 31 \\'ll.l.lAl II . Illh all mo-hm an-oumurluuou. . JUNIOR DRUG 0l.3K VAIITIIK AP- - plyu Wnmoilleo. UlZI'U~I'I'KuN1II0DDCT| Z 4.; nflonoon u 2:!) o'clock. _ jjj_ HOOD (IFZNIYRAL HKRVA N1`. APPLY In Mun .\I:u'Iu:unn. 11 Wellington Iltrwig l`l`Rl-Z`VTlf`l7.`4 A1` MR-*1. Al.l.AN'F. N03 .\|:\I0r. ii! Bmml anon. nan! raw. nvona, II Lnanum Unnnnurn.-m-I-It Pnlan BL 'lNephono lnA. Open llqy and light T. F. HARRISON COMPANY. tlnrtnhnru nnrl Pnuhglwngpu $0 and WEATHER PROIAIILITIII. l'|l9'Vl now U0 nmlrnri I0! mu IIWVI. rm:-tn many vncunclax Uruon r.n~` Am N183, Pillsbury. I5. KID GLOVES. nial! innit. 1.. ___ A- l\._._._ .\ Onun und t. Lawunoo (I ) I0 n.m.-North wumly ado. Mr no day. Bnndny light winds. line and warmer. LAST nnlwldk. _.___4.- BRAKE ESTATE Iuruu n\I` I-nu.` I Am 3. 3 conaarrr, .IIl'lE"'Y\R Q! DIIII wnlsn. JAB. REID, Ihlnn-1-; nrIn_ is in your thoughts. V` Sup- pose you call and see our new ones. Quite a few callers came our way the first few days. Some sales too. Pretty and be- coming styles. Prices for guaranteed quality are small.- mn J-A Al-u HA 4; . n That Fall Jacket RECIPE 2z6i>}i}.Ee's's 'r2` From Germany. ART SI ORE. -v \.'\r' I rames, We ate selling large quantities ol Plums. They an cheap. We would advise you to buy now. 123 Princess Street. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Sunny Side of Street. FOR SALE. Kilkpalriclfs Art Materials, ru-uuu-nrunupnn at-uuuuu-I. 1'&-s&y.$q;Ilu.9n.n ddlin- id (551809:-Quail lcctvilh Indium. fbuhnnu hnl nQ J. I ,-man -u--gym I`. in u Hanna!-J` pg J. P. vuuynivitf Rn Yonl. Lug. `. 2.~'l\o Plinth ll-can an uxnnvonliun clahdceusynnlny. LnnIoI&u: Cyndi: via;-vui&. P. J. Gunny. lnhncud.Qoo;0u-din: extinct pu-uI.I".K.Inl.l H-r|uI.0uL nun:-nuvuryunuxps-. nu-connect l'I'ne$undGoI'donouuh. Anon` In neuupuehuauulvovuy hndtoan. -.Ichdun-svhzluand eunuch: ll inlt.DldIaunon -ninauionlo have ho ouhhlinluontltcnoanonono. Chxcnsru Lug. '!. .--A dopnmel lzafnn, Au : liner. up us: down ..._.-... ._...... Juno llctlnnon in muting quite I change in Inc may aubiubunqk unto In huunnnod chug; Thooten has but nnonatdundubobuil-inn`: but I" I'V- cdnd h-an punt. locnnducunt bghu Inn bun phat thmughonl. New has-us. not vrclogunchdiog I aim Ind ncwhnrnou hm Dunn nidtd. Tho Cahnqnivan in 5% Ijhidlnd, and -In Iunvolorlhocunoury duly at 1-. honthlnvuyundipn. In-cnnuol l'rncnmnnd(`.au-do-nun-cg Anna. L .- Iljll CI III, C-IUII& All of the burnt, dnuing can and clofol drunnwero found dust: on sud nnuciod. A cooddonblo qunuly ol jowolluy In stolen and too burglar: lets no (no onbot 01 that cntnmcoot uiI.'l'bopolncungudthocuonrunuk~ ably nyoluioun. The dying roman is Mn. Annie do will Kn TI I`-Mnn rnnl And Ihnd-ml I IIIII` -"pill IU Zr` Alan}. 0. Win, No. `:1 Fun nut. and the dad baby ran her manly-IIu-noo|hn~old non, Jnnonlx, CV51 Tho moths mll, in ail probability, die. noise was punch a turiblo Mow nu ma toroheud. She In null nnccnacno-s a: 3 Into hour yeuudny. In in though: that her nkull no lnchnod. Several pi\;.1iI:nm were in atundance upon hot And they ex- ptct dud: u my uiomens. 5|" nf Ih hnrxn t.rn.AJI'nn nix an.` IIIII Ina IIIIUIIIUICI Iltu CUIUFUIUIIII, I clotg unturned vnth the drug bung found granted corn upon in face. Them In: nlaotho null 01 I blow on the chum : -L..L __... ..--v.-`---- uv -rw-vu- on-n-I nvuuh bly Wounded. Ntw Yolk, Ana. `.'.'.--A mother ind the lube sleeping in the crib bumdo has won murdoronsly attached by bnrg'|n in Brooklyn early yoetotdny morning. The hub was unotheted with cblurolotm, I ml nnbnrnlod 1-nth uh- rIrnuD Lg:-nu Inn-I limbo U-other!!! to Donth--other Terri. 51.. 1-..- 4.4 v-11:1 I 5.4: - l.`Kl)l`>~ l`Rl-|l'.N` .\l.\N'Hl>' VH \l{.\1`H`.li TU Inn-`I am! nppmnl ngrnw r-at.-|r_\' :u)s|- `- |-Ql|\t.~ gs-auL Bu-u-un ~u;u;..r1.~\ L nil` \ \ \ . l.xIxn:I-. Tun--xtu cu1an_:1 I `rs .\.\l Jl'SI' 9'l'A|lTL`Ii TIIH Ill-`ST Tlll.\'li fur nmn.~y-m:\IIm: `nu h:\\-' v vn (or many in -In) \'gIur u.uIw In: u-Iula -.n will lmmg NH`, golden: Iulurnmlmn. Tx ll. l.I.\'9I'vv'rr_ I1-rnnln. vv run` 1 hala- IIE N nR`l HERN LII-`F. .v\5*l'R.\N(`E (`I\.\l- pany ofthnula wl~he< In engage R Ilw, nn.~r-Ill unnn an lnulrh-1 \.m-no r.u- |h.u`.u.n| \' IE NI II\'l`HEILV |.l fl`; .v\.`"`l' lL\NL'l'2 ('1 |.\I- Nll`l'0HI` man as lllstrirl .\::2*nI for lhe(`ounI_\' of l~`nonlm|nc. nlnn I/Iczul Ag;-nu In over)` luwn and village In the umnly. Juux )Iu.,\' r.. Mnmxgt-r, lnmluu, Onl. and village In me u. _ _ _ . _ . _ _ - . . . . V _ _...__J ,.._`- 7-, I All lNS'l'Rl7C1`Ell T1)SELLAT2\`lQl'EI-IN Suva-I, without n-serve. I l'|-rl In Piano, In-arly new; Parlor and lkxlmom . nus, .\l:u- |rv.RP'?`.SprInt'l. Plllmr.-x. Quilts, rnnmbu-r Nels, rpeha_ Ullt-Imh, llnll Hack, Table-9, Pnncv Chain. Curtain l'!)|c~.-_ Bunch. B-gnaw Hull vale! andK|tchu-n Rang (both nearly m~w\, IISO other Slrn cu. 3-llI\'orwnre, (`ullen-_ Kilt-hon ul.cnaIInx,u-m Jars. [Au];-'5 rum nd- l|e,eIc. 'l\!rmn strictly cash. as we say all nmneyovvr lo \-vendor befnm leA\ln I no pm mines. Sale I013). D0 Y0! W.-\.\"l` llU.\'0R.\Rl.lC Tl~Z.\l>\' wnplnynwnl the )rar mum _ M wood wngex nu. yuur own lmmv nr In travel? ll.-n, renal Um names and mlulnxuw of (hr:-13 parliw an rvfo-rvneunnd 13. 51. $3. or $5 nun N\.s`||Ih1'ur- It) for vnmph-la mum and lmlruxctlom. .\l~1ne_\' refund-1| um` lime _\'-~u rvlurn lhv nul- III. A In mlllvislmlr lluzm nny ngunvy. .\`-1 ponl tanls nnuwvrvd. Time is muuey. l h~m- M`I|d roruulnl and vmunnenn` wurk nl onvv,-. .\.Idn-.~.u-H. .\I \IL\'lIAl.l.& (`n., `:1! Dundlui SL, l.onIon,UnI. I Auction Sale weaucsuay,Aug. 31:93 I All lI!l`IIl'l'VI`I| 'I`n\QI`I I LTIKQ .|I'I.`I`\! llllllllll Ill IIQU children. 10. IIIWIKJII IIKU BUB IIIIKUUU U101)". LICIUUI. {all}- Remember the Portemnuth Presbyterian Sebbnth school picnic to Channel Grove on Tuesday nlternoon. 30oh inso. Btesmer lonvu Folgon wharf all 1:30 and Porn. mouth at: I:46 p In. Tickohe, ndulbe, 200.; nhildnnn ln .pnIn-nlvnuxllinuclcl-'-1'}. (hut in -up II-who -In vuinyatuqhn to &'nnI&- UUIUU DOUI Illllllu DWIIUG \Jo- The ladies excursion {or 86. Jamel! church on Monduy evening, 8 to II, by palace steamer Colombian, wil| be at the height of the moonligho, and bhero in no moon like the August: moon. Tickets, `. J5c. RAmnmImr thn Pnrfgmrunah Prnnhvfnrinn III Dull IIBIIU. Stonmor James Swift: for Obtawn every Monday and Thursday so 6 nun. Bond !or Guide Book boJu. Swift: & Co. lI'\L- I...ll--| ....... A. L... as 1.....- IA` collu extra my shape with every dress shirt cold tonight or Monday. Hir- d '9. y"R.amomber the Cnlnmhinn anon ho hhn BXCIITIIUIL It you no anving cash coupons be sure. and take ndvnnbagoof the obr In the tdvb. in this issue. 05--..-- 1-..... G._ll'n. 1-- I\u. . _ _ . . . . -.. u,':ilemombor the Columhiun goes ho the Burg Labor Dny. 9 mm. 25c. Hibernian excursion. \AJl|IInUIIlI IUI" \JII,UUII I-U Illglllu; IIOU. Harrison I. Go. Inske August) 1 plounro to lurnituro buyers. Read their adv. Go on bho Columbinn with (me Cit band to Olnybon no-night ; Swift : what , 7:30` IIIUIIIIDII DUPE .IUIa|.Io Don o forgot: to gel: Aboard the channel Columbinn for Clnyoon to night; 7:30. I-Inn-innn `I. n, mnkn Anonnh A nlnnnnl-A no nun; now Book tor Wu; lumen 11: Dan-Q 'I`hn-unQIwAn hb Ii Xi! IIIUV IDIIVQ - Ill Vvull. to Post Tluonnlvu by. Onk Hall, open to-night). Toronto fair shark Aug. 29th and will luhuntil Sepb. l0l.h. nrm n lnnnh to nab nbnnnl than -Mnmnr ~AifA- Zairndauncun Drink at Small Code Abm Ind 33 Runes hinbunn51'cI . . . . . . . . . . potash I-gr G.-._.._..J. Tmsoou MOSOON Monsoon Indo Ceylon Tu Ila nectar among toss. Rich sud ripoin body And strength, sud ralreoblngly grand in trauma. Sold on-er_\ whereIu lend packet.-umly. fhqlnl \' n,._ LOCAL MEMORAN DA. SURE PER SALARY OR DAY. COMHISEION. ' F|Tl~Z.\l>\' wnu-nl [he u-nr r-nun` M. wood WANTED. you \-.\v.\1- . WANTED In-nxv I run I (`av I59 Ptlmcss SL. - lingual. Ont. AGENTS. 'I`nID1`IL!.~ J. S.-\ l.T!.R. Ancliom-er. tixuiInsy&p:qa. IZTIICX I GO, O -fI. "Rcolvodlhssu cannibal in to nppuinlodby lhocnuvuntion. to when uhnllbnhndthnquuuu ch! -0- nn.ilany.gnnb adopts! by the on- wheh will -do 3 chant: dnypncllovilhoua. ch:---o-ndnnlnn-un.nL._...I.._.. nuuyp-tut; uduolanupanthocployvn. andlhnnueuu.-itxh uulhorrud |O ajtilhl vA .5 ._n_. cnnluiilhllo Ivnljhtivun cl sour ngfjnl nninln-Q nun.--.-'. ._J _..'... Styles and Prices, Fit and Finish, are all that could be desired. Now is the time to make a selec- EEO. MILIS & c0., puucua I11 ul Iittxultl I) in D1te.l nnychngo in tho tunnel that with nxitnhnclgu-'3-nth -II ya` III I Still continua a dnfa Ink. "kjv lbs: A can an uypvaxtqnuaa Inlnllzllll. vnnrnouun cnnnnuan hm pin: the question euniulnndounulddiluruion in all its bunngizthetufoli. Ion unit`! by tho unutod Iypoholav oi Anthea that tho hodydoooootdcouxl pncticnblo u a. promo: tine to nconccnd to in acute.- Ania-Kg`h.n in :3. La... -3 I.L... _L;.L pa-mugs a un hunting IEOIIIILII: "Wham: tho question cl uubtiulingn nino hour work day in mo pruning bui- ncsnvubvongnllolbo situation of the causation by conminioocn nppoinud by In inutnuionnl printing pnnnonn uni neintnnli amen. uni mo intaluiiom 51 |}|*8| \pl'Ial union; and, vhonu thin ctmvnnunn hunt on-nun nu ......~;..... In the Prlnllng Iuunoco-1 ho Bclolluoa or `[50 In-eunvm 3lll.IA! Ktli. '23.. Aug. `.'I.~-:\hot struggling through thrto long cuuuru unions. annng which the mno-hour dsy was the subject of warm debnlo. the nail- od Iypothotm ol Amoncn diepoucl ol tho qncnuoo lot the payout at but. hy the lguxuuu III I01 @311! I6 3 punngc of tin folloving ruoluuun; "\\ ha'mn IL: an.-nan nl -u..I.la. puuuuu nuulln ll:III)IIIu' I0 lJ0I'C~ W nth mlennco lo the aoueauoncl Chinese dorpncbcn to the Duly Hui and to 3 noun uzuncy bone. it should be observed that the Tunes` Pokin conupoodeoc. Dr. HOFHOOD. `Will Ind bson conspicuously nlort throughout, always gntmg informa- tion shad ol the loraign olcos, hat that In blogruphod nothmg no the subject. The nppunlmont 0! LI. Pavlolf on Russian lamina to Corn would soon to mdncno bouor ruluiom botwuoo England and lindgunce l`uv|od' huheoo Ubeucuvo aguntmnll Rona`. adnncuinChms.H y.IuuvIII II ! nun! ll. l IYlCll, nuounn charge d nlhurl in China. hu Incomp- pomtcd Kunmnn minor to Cont. \\u at}: rnlnrnnrn In uh. -on.-.tuu..I{`I........ CUT!-I. Lord Selisbury hue sbendened the policy of the open door. suhsbibuiing for ice policy oi spheres of inuence. Diplorueaic conferences have been oi constant occur- rence within the less few dsys. Lord Salisbury insists upon the recognition by the other powers interested in Chino oi the boundaries of Great Britain's sphere oi inuence. in the same instrument where- by Green Britein recognises Russia's posi- tree in lsnchurie, Russia is required to echnowledge the parunonntcy of Englsnd in the Yang-Toe Volley end ginrnnhee than our temlrrisl requiremenhe ehell be perInonenIl__y respected. Greet Bnuin is willing to drop her pro- test in re-pech to the lliu Ch Wong mil- Irny. huh Russia is required to cancel her Agreement with Chine that the country having the largest nances interest should arbinreto in disputes connocted with the Pskin Hauhow nilwny. The negotiations are conned to Pekin. Importers of Clolh jackets, manu- facturer of Fine Furs, Etc,