ICC VIII 1 COUIIDXCI IIIXB. Tanighl the commissioners till he dined at the made! by the gontnor-general and counts or Abudeeo and they will Inks pan to marrow night In the grund boll given by thounyot md citinnn (1 Quebec in their honor. A ..4\-n;n.. .0 UL. II-$03-}. Mam}. L-ngrhsan xnuriuiny morning C. H. Babcock, Rocheeter. cheirimn of the committee on e-hcriee, game And linh culture. oi the fish and geme coinmieeion of the state of New York, in hole to appear before the America: high conilnieeionete. The secretory oi the Americsn commis- sioner: wrote oicinlly to governor Block, informing him than the question of the ihuriel in the great lakes between Canada snd the United Staten would beone of the enbjecte to be taken up by the commie;-ion when it re-ueeinbleeon the 20th. The governor Ine reminded of the joint ooinmieeion rela- tive to the pieeervntiun of the eberiee in Intern eontianona to the United States and Cndg which not in 139. . and naked to eend A repreeentntire in case my opinions rate to be expreeiod in respect to the neominendutione ol lhut commission. Governor Black eeut the letter to the 6:1: and prune commissioner, end hence Mr. Babcocifa pretence hete. In in nndnnhnnd that the nherv menu DIiiI I PITIIUU DUI - Iu in nndonlood shut the shery matter will be the first question to be taken up by the commiuion and that the qnctoion oi reciprocity in ugricultnro And other Inhnl product: will he conoidond nuc. Tmnihl ma enmminninnnn II Inc Rosanne no BIIlIll|I- Ihluuhlpn In the Harbor. Qrxm;:'_ Soph. EU -Tho members of the intetmmonel conference resumed their eibbiunqe no ll:3U this morning. Sounbot Fenlkoner. successor of eenetor Guy. as member of the conference. I'D" be here Thursday morning I`. H Rehm-mi llnohanhar, nhnirrnnn nf I IDS IIIOIIOII Ill CIITIGQ. Complaints from local union: 0! nheQqni- ted zsrmenu Imkue in America were re- ferred to e commibeee for Inveebigehion. A reeoluoiou wu rend edvocebing in one veri- oue province: the eppolnbmenh at an in- epoclaor or inspectors of I" boilers except muine boilorl. which are Already ptovided for, and fnroher ndvoonting the Iioeneing ol ell engineeu; nlno the: en etforb be nude ho ebolieh labor-eeving npphenoee in the pens] inebibnoiona of the country and than all goods burned out: no such inauibnhioul heat A distinguished lnbel. The reeoluhion pronuou '00. Ron. Alenndor Murray, ox-speaker of the Mnnitzobn logialnbure. men with I oorionn Accident nu his lu-m in B0. Chulell on Thursday last. A broken rib, bogocher with nu Attack 0! plouriaymill conne him for some time. A __|.. .._- ...-.I- 4...o--..l-.. .... oh. .-..-.i.. [or tune. A ale was made eetrdLy on the grain exchange of `0,000 bushels of No. I hard when no tiny-nix end one half canto, aoat: an Fort William, to be delivered on Damn}... lam IIIUDU III l'\JlIl October lot. Well! Better lalotooment or Inno- r|ee' Act-Letter 0uI'rIee' Olnlme In no I'IAIIO|I-`lIoOl-loll 0! Children Ilould be Oonpnllory. ! WlNNlPlu,BOpt. 20 -Ab yeeterdey ether- noou u union of the Iebor congreu the dincusaion of the motion in relation to lab- tor carrier: wee resumed. In seen: their any letter cu-riere who take steps toward: orgenisetion no dismissed no the earliest opportunity. The motion no press their claims Iue umnimouely curried. 'l`.-n nnnuin rlnlunnn then moved bhlb omme unenunouuy cerneu. Twp Ontario delegetee then moved them coogreee urge the Ontario government. {or the better enforcement 0! the hobo:-.es'ecb. The mover reed e long list. of eocidente in lactoriee, which he em-ibuted no the pre- sent: unnlhhctory condidon of things. The motion was earned. {`....-.l-._e- l-.._. l.....I nninng nl rI\n,nni. u-u-v. Wmlnrm, Sept &).-l`. W. Thompson. Ibo Ogilvio -ilhog company. bu ro- @I|d from ('56:: through tho whoso- gtovlqg districts oi Inniloht. Ho odd : "Th vinld And nhqlliv In nvrundnal puooa. 15 was Also reoolvod than the provinoisl govornmuou be petitioned to no unoud their respective education acts, that the education 0! children nhnll be compulaory and aim books and school supplies be providod free. Ron, Alu-nndu-Mn:-nv. ax-snooker SOME IMPORTANT MEASURES l WERE ADOPTED. |wo1m or LABOR CONCRESS.| Itolhgumjfodooa. Tunwuflx X. bl. i)-T&I `I 3} -mdklnllnnnd (Imi-L-I15...` INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. WHO OWNS ANTICOSTI ? READY FOR GERMXNY. I On IUIUIII Uu Iuulu II-I QI0YC'0~ monk odunh ol the crop will be uoultlotl ~h_y out Conn million bush- hk I Iillk ILQ NI-an Al QLQAI Inn P T-- S1` l t1u.arn~._s.pa.:>-Nora\n'cr-- Q-at-unacuulmuuua.-us- 33:0. Puriekonnvainnnulykilhtlj llcvuovunixnyyunoluu ` Intilonnilx J ph.\'&nwupu~l `Innuhnllviuiu`IliahhhI-uni 1"`??? J P din U: gm! ;hpuhnllyIu;uu.n_ 131.; Lhdlyauhcduhnnnpuuunuunuo-] la:-3. Irchdldlhhnnhdryhjuud, Inltillpnlshlynewtu. _ - h -__g.- CWT -IIIEI` IIZIIIIZXTT T the Dtqfu hnvly. "You all no.'hnnyo."ill was -133. tn. cg-cu, employed by Ihfnoch nzhugxy Iallolllch Ibo ahbchcloltholuugn pout: lnnovurlhallochdloynllyum tlaun. Iyiuuieniom-hnllhncdo phinu the props: lino. Ihichiu ruy turn hand. "Youvunltoknov vit- Ilanydmdnuuclmllcfor Dnyfus X nlruthcloololn thou:-ad doenunnnn I-lhcuplhlhqfudccsiuppauinlh eumlknowlhuoixllndrvlnllrgcd. lunpopuudloohor hryvbou uudun out that circtnotnncoo than ` --In:ninnl I'D-chnlhnvfhlln Iuvuuninnd. W|oIIII)I-uyfuilho innoanthit ch:-poem nppono nnniu Hahn: Tlunnhn-Evhhlnlhn ll laced Pnponln Ibo Drcyfu cu- Would!!!- Losx--:<, Supt. 1-lnjor Bltuiuy in about with 3 full confusion (I! his cum -...Li4u- -iAL IL4 ml.` 5-. tligapgng Ah- I'TIliWIZI1w TUWJUIX Thonujorhnbannhlyul-ying inlan- Inclnvnnhhonlynuunpludhiitlhht Ihinhnptovvod ucionl. n his then- ubonu nnniuod undioeonnrl by print: thnnliunq Lnhh Kn-Ii-L and "rm:-L, -hn ICXII KT? Ij-I:U"C'Tl U, FIVUK doluclivu. Incl English and Punch. who luv ha hunting Lin inlhintuult of IL: Ihaulnn hnvh j I ITIIIC IX CIIIP OI `HQ. [3 Isaiah thin nu ml :!2_1l)0,(l)0. nnd \ nllaninallllllll In. an .....n....... .... a H`. The ole-cunt J. H. Jone-. 0! Wiartoo. tu sunk in a collision otf Kugrortk. Mani- toulin island. with the nouns: Pmilic. of Collingwood. on Friday 30 midnight. Tho Pacic struck her in the porn how sad she can} in ninbl minntng Tho nanonnonrn rfllc IIIIICI UK In Gill WI`! 1)? inc BBQ sunk in night Ininntot. The puoenzcrs undcnv Inn saved. but her cargo oi gononl nnrchandiao and I largo unounl ol mono] were lost. Tho name I'll in- `And lo `7 III] ` U135--I'll CTIITIIET [Ill '.'I-I` JUT. Ill` [WHICH IIIUWKI Ill [lUK'U~ Nearly I mo Iulon in the big -hoo he- kvrioo of Bmcaoo. Rocllnnd, Whiunon, Suoughton. Eu! Woymoulh. Middleboro And Randolph. struck on Monday for nu incrovno cl wages. A long tight in axpocm ad Icquonu umuzuu A pchod buds occurnd on Monday between strikers and nonunion men at tho works ol the Arnaricnn wire company, Chnlnnd. 0. Seven] Irunlnrionoly in- jured. The nolico dioponod Ihs riotnrm l Nnnrlv I SCI} Iulnrn in Ihn bin nlmn Inn. VUCIIIIW III \JI|IFUYI'IlI~ Nu. Hugh Clary. Hichon avenue, Ian on the noon tnin to day for Oahu: to vieil her (on. John J. Clary, locomotive ooginoor on the C P R. J R W'nllmn`- rnnirlnnnn, "'l'I|n Til. Eln 0| Iuuululug pulcuualltr. A dozen students no vricing on Ibo undies! Iupplclnenbuy examinations st. Quosn'- nnivorlihy, which will be conclud- ed on Tuesday at ;WodneodA_v of next week. Thin mnpninn at Don n'nInoi inthrn K 00 lllZlIy ur :Iv IIull$u|_v ul utxu Ivuul. This mowing st ten o'clock, judge Wilkinson oponcd u some in the council chamber to but the nppalo sgninlt the unonmorm on seven in King. Gan and Burio ainosa. I\ (1.1).. _..i.l:.... _..- f".m_n.n..i I.-- UIYTID DIXIE )!- D. Snidor. ridding our Cneu-nqni, bu some corn not being cut that meunred eleven hob four inches high Pretty good. considering the Iron in July and tho lub- ucquont dmuglm A nohnd Inll; ru-onrrnd nn Innrlnv IIIC sllcviq 6.0tl).(l'll) for In uonh--an lor- riiuiu. in will giro I! a ton! crop of when mrly donblo that of last year, md uh . inIhhhtaryol_IhoII'I. Zllj VU~|l' II JX_lIRl_llR.I. Inn | IBID I0! Vvlnllrluwn, n l ., yuuulu-y. A. E. Hu-0, B34-ton. Mn-,3 . rammed home this Afternoon After spending the summer with friends in the ci*yonddin- trict. I1. I\ I` l.l.....I..II Iglm 54. Ag: `nu KY..- Dr`. I) E Mnndell loft` to-day for New \'mk,Ihcre he will "unlk the hospitals for two weeks. paying 1-pecinl attention to unr- gicnl work. Min Iulnbnl Braver. Snn Fnncism. C&l.. KICII WDYK. Iliaa Mabel Braver. Snn Frnncisco. Cal.. in the guest of Mrs. P. 12 Ward. Front road. Mica Brewer in one 0! the loading vucalintn in California. Ll_. II.._._L l"l.._.. I.I:-I..;.-. `..4-u..- Iglh WIW DUI UIIULI I l\. J. B Wnllomb residence. "The WM. town." Kins I-tree! wean. will hoopm on Thur-dnv. the dny before the sale. for the buot of intending purchuon. A (Innnn nhndanh um -rihinr on than ' IDIIITIII ICIVOIH Dodohil no use the greltelb of scenic sou-ucbionn. "Under the Dome, no we opera house 00 night. Thu ntnamnr Wnmr l.ilv is At bhe Grnnd DOIIX N) nlgllh Tho steamer Wnoor Lily is at who Trunk freight shod whuf with I cargo of general merchandise. Tim nlnnn pllh. from bnv Dorm. dil- genaru IIIUrUII0(]l5U- _ The shop Pxlot, lrom bay pol. chtrgodncargo of gnu an Rnchudaona elevator thin nlbornoon. l'\-..b. Ilnfliln ll` 51.. "innnrn nfnanrnr III mgnu Dyl IIIFIIIUUFD. Min Nellie Donn Mn to-dgy for Buffalo, N'.Y., alter tn extended visit: to her mochor. Mrs. Dean. Ridenu shroot. III I14.-.Li-.-an In--an--In A. III: Inna-\n1nA Inonuor. nil`. IFBIH, nluulu aurvm. W. Hopkin-on, formerly ol tho locomuA hive works, and T. Brvnnr, cigarunkor. lolb lot Wnbortown, N Y.. yeotoxday. l A Ii` Iiu-Os Rnrnn Man rnknn-nod mama so rormnonun. _ The ecbomor Fusbioll, from On 050. ll exvoctod in part: this ovoning. _ _ _ I3` Jnnluinn Print-nan nlreah. ll Vllitlnlll I fIoI&PnIlIccl!uotIIu.noIIhIho, -.--gt 1-- WGKO [DID ILIYGIDOJH 10 I050 0')!` I C. B Baron. Wntex-town. N.Y-. II I guouh uh the British American hotel. Tug mmmmm nn unmr works mu cI`l- gun! III) we nrumu Amonou: uuwa. The coumnmoe on water works od to moon at four o'clock this nice: noon. 1-...-. u-n-.. :- 3.-...." . rnnmr. nl on no moon It tour o'clock unn nucmuou. Janna Mqlon in bu-mg a new not of Fuirbanh male: placed in his woodyut . The I-ohooner Annie Falomer ruled for Chnrlohlo yesterday to load coal lot this nm-In UUCI I` port-. porn. _ Mr. And Mn. Burhnm. Howe xglgnd, left on n visit: to friend: nu Lake Oplmcon to-day. Min Jnnnin MnNnmnn lafh for Domronm no.0 y. Mics Jennie MoNunoo left for Doeeronto this Afternoon ho spend oovenl weeks with friends. mg. .n..... ..-- L...... _.m L. ...nI.oul m. menus. The ntny gun buoy will be npltcod on Bumoiolsnd reel, lute Eric. I! I000 I! pouaiblo. Thu nnnmar Hnrnilton. on route to WXIDIU. The stunner Hnmhton. on Monorail. touched ab Sum : what this :1- temoon. n:-- u 0.....- n....I....o....- NV i. temoon. lit: M. Payne. Rochn-tor, N.Y.. in Ipending holidays with her parents so Portsmouth. n n..._-n.. t.....__... ,6 D-ul.L....'. .l.in ' on DIIIIIIOIT. Llonl.-Col. Drury. oommmding "A" eld buhuory, in connod be his home with mnlsrinl fever. Y\-..'A I- 5.. .4. 6kg nnnginnh nf -nnnin BE A WELL DRESSED MAN.I GIOVIFOT Ellll ll%I'D00ll. Capb. McGitiin. of the Ningnrn steamer Chippeun. will nil the summer Ocean for tbo remainder of the aeuon. n..__u l_;| ....... Al... ......o...o at mgnan BBO TBIIIIIIIUUT 0| IJIIO Elull. l)3n h {nil loose the greatest of scenic um-notions. "Under bho Dome," uh uh: open house to night. A Inlljnnin wnnno uinamibh WI! freo- nonao co mgnc. A loll-known young uinamibh ly congrutulnmd so dsy. He was busy lash nighh buying lurnicuro. Minn Nnllin Donn Iofh tn-dnv for Buffalo. 1 ml puum: In alirnly attended. Mr And Mrn, ` amnly lttoudcd. Mr. and Mn. W. J "Keeley are visiting friends so O'.bnIu. n 1 'l'|....|.-.. nu--- NV in visiting . menus in we cuy. ' R Keuerv. R-Jchutor. N.Y., in visiting friends to Portsmouth. 1*... ...L.. ....... v.|..;..|. In-nun 0.. mm in ----21 `I"|o Von Lnun cwl Oravdoil III 1'50 H g-...|I--9 an! anal` | menu: nu uumu` C J Tucker. Olun, N.Y. is visiting : lriooda in the city. ' R Kauai-I, R-mhaurnr. N.Y.. {I Vilnlibl exvocnea in porn mu ovomng. F. Jenkins, Princess street. in visiting lrienda ab Allen. Wolfe Island. Th: nnhnnnnr TIA-I-110 D`An.l '0!` OS lnenaa nu Anon, wouo luunu. The schooner Floobwing clone] {or Os chin nfrernom load cos` I`. R R;.wnrn_ Wntnrtnwn. N.Y.. il Vial kip h lnnltobs Inopuounlly Lnnan rornumouuu. . D. Dmnelly. foreman of Ra!.hbun a shap- yuda, Deooronbo. In: in the ciby to day on buainoor. 1:... (Lu n....-.. ..............l5..- --A" ru-n--tuna vu ---._ The public market. Lhi! morning III limlv nrrnnd:-d. ESTERHAZY CONFE38E8. Ckuhglndnlnluon. GEN ERAL PARAGRAPHI. I I1 Bil uni Ii` van Iatlhct-nag the nip Anna; I--:2-.=::* -:-_-,.'*.-;.-:2`-.. I.oNnnr<,S0p0. L U--A ddpniclhnulk! Duly Tchgnph Iron SI. Poconbctg up ' than inlorunlion hu but naivod than I) lhclleci that Lucchui. Ibonnin ol t|otnpuuolAuIn'n.blnngn to aunt chino pug uhieh val Io Auntie: Ito, undo-bdfyunagmhnngnhcdlhir. wands: in Europe. The gang inad- ocdcn Iron Anuk.-s,vMn who penal` nlnn-`shunt,-hi, Thnnnnhrnhnrnnnnl gwwnqg uuu-nu cl uunwos. no can "Tb yiold and qlslhy In cmtod my upootuiom. As a nun ol this tn Iunlotuduoulninthnulhogonrm mm! flash (I the mun -ill ha OCT . "'1 jkbgii 1 WI plohvuhlchnd. ThncuIaohnuov no-u-nod to Bumps, bpn Ihochida runnn: in New Yuk. g v-"--_y - ----- 81 Pm. arm. 8.90. 3) -N_ora Varn- 'w..l'IU IIIU Fm Cl:I'T}` ncntcooluoaen II n Iblod thuunor` Dojadn. Sponioh -inhur tolomccn. will boappuunuclnocroury ol no pocoeou-` umnon. Sonar Iootatohion. pnndoau of 3 tholunmundptuidontollhnputa eon-! mission. had I cantuunco to-duy rub the ` qua: aunt I one lrom wntcu any uvu vutuq puuoluiy game, And the moon ncrod ml-gious anh- nmco, the sacrum: n.`. the wotld commun- ornto-9 vim dampen uolemnily and honor. in one in which man in used an I symbol. Tlhozolmo I drama the oubjod A: one an- Vonhy 0! In much aglmlxoo. ' \ -Iuruv-I-iv------vrv-ll . In lnmun, Supt. $).-'l'ho qnen agent` has npllodtulho circular olcounulnr ,' nit.-I. tho Rumba fonign ninnucr. pr ' - posing tho Induction of thooxcxin AIDA- uonl ol the pawun and tho naintoonnco I of run! And hazing pace. Her In.-jun,` pruauthocufaprojecu and ptouunu to` nnndpdnhmnn tn Inn rrnnunad di-rnn. }[xlllulUw-uIpxuJc\.'u auu piuuuu nndadologuolo the proposed \ Innnk onnlnugnnn II In nhnnd lhgl n-nor Ilnn For tho llllnoln. Snu.m:ru:1.n, lll.. Staph. 211- (lav. Tan- ner Anya shun if the decision is left. to him the bntlenhlp Illinois will be nnmad with champagne. Arc mlinz to the exam honond cuaaom. He made thin Announcement in I letter sent to the committee 0! the Chi- cago cnntnl W L T U . iron: which h' recently main-od a request that the battle 3 ohm be christened Imh Inur. He wn:u- * "In the minor, holevut of following` the Mme-hon-and custom oi chnntcnmg hchcloah ,5-. than in no duocrmtion 0. tho ; laws ol oempcnnco. The ceremony in not one from whxch any owl ooulj pouch! -'5 nlnn gnul {ha Innnh -t-rad r.\ln.1inunnrh.o DIO|_V H00. l:\'.\rmnrm', Conn., Seph. `_'0 A Enquiry I mode yer-Ierdey in connection with the latest phase of the Bridgeport: murder mystery pave! the way for the conclueion that the girl who was ellorded rhelter in the home for ueocieted cnuitioe of Bridge- port; hy metron Gibbons, end who hue been coneideredea poeeihly the victim in the mysterious tragedy. wee in error when she connected Rev. Father W. J. Slocum. ol Waterbury, with her cute. Accordinc to uhe stacemenb of those ronnected with the home in Bridgeport the girl etsted then she had been cent to a New York convent: from South Norwxlk end that Fshher Slo- cum. then in hheb city, was Instrumental in placing her in the convent. Faber; Slocum, when eoen today. said am no (area he can remember while in South Norwelh bub one virl wee cent to my content from that city. He edded the! Rev, J. H. O`Donnel|, then hie ueietenh. . now ol Wetortown. had that girl in cherge. Moreover the zirl who was placed in the convent: hee eiuce mnrried end hee been A member olthe Notre Dune congre- gei-.ou in Waterbury. Fr Slocum luraher - nnmhilnree the theory that the former South Norwalk girl rney here been the` Bridgeport victim, by storing that he had heerd from her within three days. nIIlI \a1I`II-|D`I` nnnn Qnnh `.'~l _"nnrI ncuu noun not wlwlu unrw an, a. Blunntrnm, Coun.. Sept. `20.-Hcnry Burlu-on. mo hatchet who undo Inch 1 commotion in Mntounn. N. Y.,luI Wtd noodny bounce of bio lnppolod counocnon with the cue. returned so his home here yutory. He laughed as the attempts made to conocct him with the Inynhery. l Wllull UIIU bflglyu Detocbiree ere hulily engaged in a | search for ayouog women who has been missing for some time and who may have been the vichim of the Bridgeport tragedy. To a reporter Cepu. Cowlee of the detec- tive force said: `'10 is true than we are looking up a New Haven girl ee a poo-ible vichim ol lhe_Yel|ow pond myetery. Thin girl. whose name I cennou diecloee just: now. has been miaaing between two and three months. She was the daughter 0! New Haven perento and we are told than the was in trouble at: the time of hot dip- appearance. She was about twenty-one yeere of age. We hope to eetble the quee Lion today and it mey turn out than the gurl to whom I refer may hwe been the victim of bhe Bridgeport tragedy, but pro- bably nob." uv....-.......... (V... 9...... -In l'.`......:.u KIWI-`T31?-3"": uvutp-sol." ,se |.~:)--wt N. n ; mm; ...m`.':. :`.., l0nINv\ I .33: '5 dd.OI0Il:com,now.hI{d;peon. M :51; con. nun; lud-N; Inow 1un..,IIN mi: cull. hcn\'y,lIM; gnaw; uhutouh. nu-on chun-- as-N; lhbdlhol The Theo:-lee Advneoed llnvenll Been lx- I ploded Io hr. Bmrmnrom`. Conn.. Sept. `. .0.-Dovel- opmenu in the Yellow mill pond murder mystery ere of the mono meagre cherecbor. The remeine ol the victim, now lrighiiury dietaor-ted from the eifeooe of much expoeur e and the embelming uid, are still eboxe ground, medical examiner Down: having not) you reached 3 decision no to the wie- i dam of permitting the buriel of the bend with the obher dismembered portione of the corpee. The only tangible piece 0! infor- motion Mme hr obcnineble onnees New Haven to once moroloom up ee 1 highly importnnt. centre of eciivity in connection I with hbe tugedy. lhmmnirui no hnnilv nmnaed in n` MYSTERY REMAINS UNSOLVED. Monsoon Indo-Ceylon Tea comes direct from the tea g=ardena-thoroughly cleansed of dust, and then turned into the lead packets sold in the stores. No expert treatment with chemical avors; no expert mixing with other teas ; no dust in the package. No wonder Monsoon, which costs no more than other teas, is bettvr and goes further. It : deliciour, refreshing and cheap. --"|j` - jf uthhuuhanhug 1 1 I I i 1 vv [Lu mums. uu.. ncpu. 3lD. true: `M tilitfl IBVCC ductile Kuhn and Ihfx _....;_. ..- - ....nr.Lua ..|..m`.. yard `tnocngnaurdubocltinonlotiunb. It'_aa dntyyou owe to the world, to ao'ciety. to your Iricndo and to yourself. for it will tend to your advantage. no matlerjn at walk of life you are. The Best Fall and Winter Overcoats. 3 HAD A IARVELLOUB ESCAPE. il'jfTIlV!I'$IUCyIrI-w--- Doulorn. \"ILV!l'.Vx.`1'k)N, DOL. Supt. $l-L .-...- _.. ---Li-n chnnnnl II:-Isl Oval na. L\AL( aqyrvvgaurn `cw gnu-4 bun- Large numbers that have visited the department and bought testify of this. JOHN LA|DLAW&SON H . `III (Xx-n.&iH.o&$o;h-nq, to 0'0: . uoloaao: Barley, 37 10 .90`; memo lone; hkvhoIl.I7cIo49a;0umenl.3I.70to3l.8J; (lrnmul. tllotulocu Pmvldoun-Porl, 31:00 In s17.uo- Lud,`uo bl-|o; lhaon. Un toI3o:Hunn.1lc Io 13; $35 no to no . Butter. mwuhlp. I70 lo we Vu\un.1IoIu|5::Rll-llololx; '_l'HE L0w_Es1` _gN "nus C_I'_[`Y. On the 1st of September we did not have one Mantle in stock. To-day we have a large department upstairs completely stocked with the Very Latest Styles, every one made since August 1st. We are showing Mantle: that every- body fancies and many are buying. The wide-awake policy of quick sales and small prots is appliedyto our MANTLE DEPARTMENT as to every other in the store. A _...al...._ I......... In: ........l....I A ...-... xv \. I\.n_, u`.-ya .-.- s-.y nouns- Another large lot marked off yea- terday and ready for l`o-morrow'a trade. H. I]. BIBBY Ell 1'1 'VIl'I 1|` YIl I'XI2Tf\Il ffljislll I IIIJIIIIVI ZZZLZIC. lumnnl. Quc. s~ nl. -.51--l7'lunr-neoo1 u. 0.03 brh - market cm at. Quouunnn : nt wuuu-rs:L`nn to sun; Ptlnul mg, `moo gk Slhtlhl RDller.51. log lulu, ` I0 gun; 8\|tIIn&,?Nw8`. . :&rung on Qt ton On ol I.7oms1.Iu. 0ln-Wh&l. Nth i an lob: Hard. Tile In W, WI. j Into 3 non -nJ ILL. n_-_:`_- -&AL |$"'.n.....u"" L. I _..a. _Lx.L ; nnun `I0 Poosou AOUINALDO at u--u-wu w-q-- - wus- Ihochl-ftluup. IAMLA. E-750 l rl- n -an: an nj -no 1&In Tujljj Q._4 n Q`. _ IJIUI \ar|IvI|1- dream orthuportamon from now on will lilo vwkl picture: of nmlnbll And oh- Hginu heubor wiry ot- all noru. noun 1. thohunua up at-nulls In uhapo now. on want to I am about, on know-nee which Iwnhlnbobe t amok ind but prices. W0 vmum rather you did 1. bebn you I) here, for Lhozgou will nppno nus what woo you tho mo . .._, "W3 .A.- MITCHELL no mmonas s-ran-r. ` I Till`: IA coums or Aaalzm, NISI ' PI`! yo no r and Tormmer and uom-ml Goll Dollvor ,for the Chunky 0!]-`rontenav, will at 0 Court House on MONDAY ;hor of September No: I. M the hour u} 0 . All 1 non, Inuinnlcl Jurymon. con- ltAh|o- and other: luwlna business Lhoreal. wlll (ovum V.hNnnl\"mI nnconlmxly. sublet and other: luwlna bunln [ovum unnnlulw-n nnc)r1lh'|ll - WILL! A. BIG GAME. Mk. .I-`--..- no noun: jrmn or LAST YEAR. BIIOIIII I. Dnuvd llth 8ovL, I808. 1*EX- Q. E?R.EN- .1; __Lt__n Q I1&I` I 1 "W : Illdl. Wllb and K " nun loubook. Promos h l..ndym<:5c1: at Ionclulon. tun nocuvunn nnurn vtv. um 3,. 7 -v_`__ ..?_- .--._-. vs --nu JV`: 3451.. ` We can dress you in 1-.Ihionaj,. and Well.TaiIor- :4! Clothes at priceu that will induce you to give us a 0-8.] . _ IOKTIIAI. PBODIJOI IAIISFU. untlndolutlblo Rio allou NIv.0o...... uulmnl Euros! Klllwnu llunlmtl 6|. RIL new slocl Hunt-ax Elvctrlu ludlwuy. . .. '|`un)IIM) Ihllw ........ . lonuuun on at-up B-In `N10 hono, Rumor uuuitl . Anlnno Bunk ... Ville Ilnu-le..... . . . . .. urunvunt hand 00.. uulnnl (`ouon (V2. . (kn. Colored Oouou . Ii-cnlnlnn Oouon . J-Ioqm-n l_`utIIuI' Momnnuwunut lomlunuv link 0! Hllltll ltnnln-rn Tmnnnhln . . . . . . , .. ununnn l'|emo;m Duluth ............. .. Duluth PM. ....... .` Inctolul cubic . N51. 00.. llnnumnl Nu-gal llnll JIIKHO nun: . . .. Mouton`: Bank . . . . .. B|nkul'l`unmm I-Ioqm-n I_`utI|ur Bank Mommuua` Bnul .. ....... n.`.`. I.` 1: Hunt uf ()u:nuer llhmlnlon BQLK. .. Ville Mu-le........ Nurlhumul [And (30 D-Nnlnlnn Q Wu EI(lo.. Ilomnunur lhlll IX Eluu-rn 'l`0wunhIp Quoooo. . . . . s . . . . . .. hon nptuinuuivu duh `dunndpn nnhnl right: hllnnu Rank of Iluuuul Jnhno Bank .. lohou'I BIml.. A CHECK FOR 8l,415.000 IUIIKIAL ITOOI IAIIUII. . _- `- HVIIPOOL IAIIITI. ..uanl \I.m4\.. 51...: a\ III|_...- `I OOMElIC|Al AGENTS. |n-AA__ tang - Nil ! unvluu uunlucna bnunvnu W n. rlwn nnc)nlu'wIi-_. ICRHUSON. shorm County of Frontenac. mL. byonvydr ww uuHunbuo_ohun_n~ "no "In ..lII) .. 5, ..ISI . IIH _TH . ms ..I|`.' ..|l|; ,.I-5;`; (III In l.'>_I Lil |;H Inn `H I82} ll) RR 1lfb1"IX'I lIh. Thin nuniq D. Button : lumbar In-tlotlauekiuthonilunylncl nIIhlnoIdPhnd'ArnnuIhoBayol Qnioblnilnvuohunthg out Hot! in unit has oaonnd the lolnwunld dull. I. IIIKZJ Cl`). 1 III. ClU_V' Id` `all morning for Ottawa. that in will In con- nocudwilh tho Pros Prue. Mr. Allan ionconuibnlot to the Prubyluinn. lb 9ChriI\ian Ouch sad Inca! out pro- _:_._s -.l-.._- ....__-I- II- L__ -I_- i`.'.'a.`..':u":u.-`*"":.': }'.:'m.1'"n:':. `:3 j bun connected with Boston and Mental nnnlinnim. Inn... In. I-_;|- _.-n .~ WI. ' VII. an ,pnblnbm lbouu. Bu hotly will to- `innninthocitylotthovint. I III. IIIUIIII IIIU UIHHIIIIZIIIZIU 0' II- thoInnnol8850,| lhn nrno M In innnrnnrn nnll 1-and: '|l1 WT Ill II.T'_IIICIKI1uuJ ado cooduchud by tho Milieu Dorothy Phil- lipa. Jonnio Phillipa. Millie lIoodcnoo.lun- bolls Wuldl-on and Nunio (Bantu. Tho gift 0! the little tirlto Inuppliodtosl. Gongs`: mg. in hilly nppuciuul by tho holpnnl nu _ Tho fnoeul of the Into driver J. Burke. "A" Gold honor}, his plan Io-mono: Afternoon 3! two o'clock [tom his Into rosi- donce. Wellington arena. The union will be borne on a gun vnggou. drawn by u hornet. pnoodod by I largo r- ing puny. which can drilled on tho hunch uqnuo thin dtomoon. Tho Nth bnnd will furnish the (goon! Inuuc. Anon; _ x-ul csriugs no truth: Iron nub iviaioo No. 1. ol Ihich the do- euuod III 3 nonlnr. had from the hut- know uuu u-w-a an an: wv-u-. In a lengthy aruicla in in iun for Do combat. the Canada Lancet mate: who fol- lowing nbaoomonha with regard to Abbey`: Eorsoacenu Salk ` Many physician 0! Canada are now prescribing Abbey`: Bifur- voacono Salt. which baa recently been in koducod here. After a careful trial we conaidar than this Salo ia absolutely the been Effarvaacing Salt unada in any conn- Iry. In Fever and many Innnmatory Alfzczoiona in is invaluable. ['1 is parhicw Ian-II oanhivn in Kitlnnv hr-nnhlnn Dnnhral. '-I13 U1 IIJIIU HUI I\uUKIIID'CIII. Abby`: Btfervucenh Salt Inn been to cogn and, for yours, in England and Europe. as I marvellous mguhhur at health. A bonepoonfnl 5-ken daily vnll top you healthful All uvumziata sell thin Itundud Bngliuh |m,..rul rvn II 60 cool: I Inge bohlc Trial in 25 cents. IIIIKCHIEI IU II IIIVUIIIIIIIC. I1 I! WHICH` luly effective in Kidney troubles goons!- ly. nud upocinlly uuoful in Urinnry troubles. hioulnoob uoollouh upecc In ceruin forms of Dyaopuin and in the Iinunonh ol (hub and honnntialn." ALL.-'. I`)? s Clgls Iu-- L... -4 I hvonayu vinud bunnounao gov. uunnl ninth. in in quiio tilhin the that the than crop ol Mun- tohnd the uonlrvul urtitoria Iny Avnnndl Inch. -II'uu-n " Anu-lnddI:t Bun Word to Buy In Reply to I. II. 0 -1 !!! QIIOIQIOII Donated. Km:s1~o.v, Sept. 20.-(I`o the Editor): A: : general rule I pey liule nbhenlion to the eoluhion ol puule: aim nppenr in the column: ol the daily piece. The one of M. So. O. :, however, hhne he propouude for "C::er:qui :" hene8o.i: :uch n :n:p um I cannon reluin from Answering, with :p3lagie: to "Cnbnnqui" for to doing. The queuion "Doe: prohibition prohibit ?" would he "Will prohibition p "bib 3" in this Camd: of our:. whole we have the highest ordorol ed uanliou. health. hnpplneee. proeperivy. And good will among men. In has not prohihioed in the United States, and the inference is rouonuhle than is would prove n woree hilure in Cmede. ln regard to the puzzle queecion 0! "M. St. C'e.,' all the oppoeing Iorce: are not eeloon heepera. etc , but: us regard: the opposition lrom liohel proprie- born. liquor deeleru and eeloou keeper: hheir otlorn: we put forth to prevent. lune- Liciam lrom Nrrying ice point, in the en- deavor: to make good producuse unnulac. burere, merchants. hupuyere. and citizens, ouI.l..w-I eimply ho Ietiely n lnd.-A.\"r1- L'AI|l|I\"I' unumo. near Afnptlor. j The pout: allies doponmogah hmo out to now: 1- ollicou uhrou nun omn- - ion I crclrlnr romlndingfpubliahuru ulna ;ult:orJunuu-y 1:0 poabago no oho race ol .000-qnurbor ounb per pound will bu im~ pond upon nuunpapun. Altar the lint ol July next the impoot will be hall a cent per pound. Tho non ol lulu union wsich rolmpoou nun u nocnpuporo on not: uppl atly 3:: monthly public biomud round to place: not more than twenty Iniloo dlohuub from the plant of pub- liunion or lucludod within no not 01 may mile: in dismount. HOT SHOT FOR CONSIDERATION. IHE4 P. H.lj|M_.| WIll- In unpoud blur January lut- ` other oapuu uom. O`!'l'AWA, Bepb. 20.-'l`hin wu citizens` day tn the Mr and there In: a big sound- nnco. The union broughhlugo number- frun nll partl. An n-Ju-.in mmnnil In msatd bv the tram nu paru. An (rder-in council was pxsatd by dominion govornlnono. giving the civil nrvioo I holiday to unload bho fsir. Ooo half of the urvico wall go one day mod the othor halt mother. so um tho oicoo any ha kopa open to the public. `Hm. Dr Bordnn. who nhurnod ho bhe I In tops to the plume. Hon. Dr. Bordon. who nburned I city yesterday, Inoondu going ho Quoboc. Aunhln Boron nnd W. J. Mauls! were i 013] youotucy. IIIDIDGI going Du Quuuuv. Auuhin Boston and Motley both sent down for urisl an we police court today on I charge of plotting to tob W. G Mcbnchlnn, puymutor for Gnllioa Bros. Bruoldo. Arnprior. 'I`hn mun ninn nlnrlmlh hll 1 I T. Dnloy Allan. ol this city. loll thin nnrninn In: (High; ulnar. B. will In: no... olnrtlnblo Ialttlo I'll!!!- Thiu mo:-nix the uupuintondeul ol the rnnnrnlhnnni rnnnivntl lhnmunnlkn --u-iq;u---uw- uuuvuuuzjitii, Inn-Quinn. ` Pnnunuunu. Sept. -5).-A :l.c:a.ooo.s. mu .1 ca. Inungpouf an-i-gng on:-pg-r Al ILA gs." _.- .__.__.., NEWE PAPER POSTAG E The IIOOI In Tho World. jjCIlIIC"- lninlinullhl duh Bani "*"...I'.'..".'.'.:~"-"'*' `M II` 0-g D-iIIIud.It[ lninhincnilh-n Jul. nu... El . Sgiiztj TC 38% band. who iolloptucntovnonncqnig. odlhoinlnndlacndinlhohoiiulthntbo IAIICI Canuhivnld gunnllo Lin 3!! ` A ZWTIZTM Im? list:-1:-lrlrblb N!hWuhn,_l nlBotIiIcnT5u=:.ug':I Dc. Luci` -Quit:-I-gnu` inn-&-nnnunh. j.%I'1I-Igju-jjoll cnnuillh Q I1 00 friy lach Wolnpu an cup: spa O-tihIlndtilLiI`b-&n-nulh .a ,|uuvIxoIInIIII$'$nll 2:.`~..`..`."." ..... ........,_... ljnllrnngn tublnnq-at Iownnn, Sept &1-JIInI Gannon- nggovunu ol the iolandol Aneicxti. Ihnnrnbnhindiiiehlnnnxunnnin Inn -` Fifi? ll ll SUIT 1 Q-5.'I. Ihovocuhipolvhielbu nations, Lina nnnItnvQnI_ h in aging! Th. Cit VII]. - It HKIICL IX gonna up Ila uh quuuioa not at music uinpl n quuxon ol or-ucuhip. Mr. Iain. Flue! chocolsb noun I;-A-n-p -L4. igignnnhn-.2`. _.._:_ KI1 I T XIX`! IIXITIQ lcunnoiginthounnoollho ialuud eon- hiningthio `I. Th*Cobui inn ptiu which Gun may ght!-iolnohvo in than by n rnnnr ngllvlnclalolhnnhhdunrr `y l`lII".IIII)XVU II IIIUWII U, I Input oanllylndotolho sub deput- uols, uuhnndnt Buy. -r.KZ O'U?fbO Ilhi. III Laugh. lun._.a.; Glcllluy Uwuuy I lion II III Thu Germany in mixing up in tho ash (or in cvidoncod by the following dupneh received hon Dent Sinus, naval nacho of the lfnilnd Salon in l'.m'9 : "Hun Io- enind reliable unlormnlon um the com- nnoder-in chic! of IhoGou: vqnndron in Chinnncnnuy fnrvudod Io Balm an extan- oivunpond tluGcnn.In onginecr at nine- nl resource: 1:! the Philippino ulnndo.pnrti- cnlotly ulphnr. ueopzinx onn dopouii which hi Inn Iron lnlpbnzin uncanny In Ilsa I III Quin] l&-rlun _.. -_--rr -_. ._.r._.. nigh-n-,in no war nouor. A portion at the British Nonh Amoricon and Wool India eqnodlono arrived ho at I023!) o'clock this morning to Into pot! in mud odd och: to Ibo Champlain monnmonl holivitioo. Tho vessels on H. II. hauls ship Renown. hosting the SI 0! ViQ- Admin! Sir John A. Fiohor. K C B . and cnnlota Tolbol Ind Indololigtblo. It shobou Not loop on or the Philip- pl|I-llot IIIOIIIOII. W`.\~un.\':1uN. Sopt. `:0. -1: any ho aid, dal-lootod. Ihul tho udminiaunuon is raw dyuoxo hr with Gummy 3! oh than not keep out 0! Ibo Philippine: and the propu-uliooo now muting no lo the cod 0! touching Germany a boon it and be. `Plug: (lo:-cunt in nirinn nn in tho nab