Grand Hotel, I room! on rronn Iuoeo. The bio; clo noes conducted by the gro- cers no their picnic this afternoon were sanctioned by the C. W.A. Mrs. T. J. Binnie, Kingahon. and Mrs. (Rev ) A. W. Mnin, vizibing Mrs. Shnnln parents at Belloville, have come to King. -Inn. aton. Mrs. A. E. Moore and family, Bagoo atvreeo, low for Montreal yesterday to jnin Mp Mrmrn nnnnlnvmi in the eastern H16- Mr. };en2e has been appointed a mem- ber of the pmvlncial synod committee to conaidnr A scheme for the mrcnlnlion 0! church libernburo. |....|.;L_v.I I ".\nInu -nn nl A Iinnlnv, commlblu 0! the nlomoalsl cnnrcn. Mrs. John I". (7-arrocb, Houston, Tens, arrived in the city on Sgtnrdgy to spend two or three week: here. She will return home with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bnto. In D nl- vs-nw:nnlA` -any-an-u-v nf Hm clear on the lccll ueocmuon ouuuvug. A short: time ago C:pt. Lcefouoton. Tex. spent: week in tho cuy. While here he Venn out to Svdonlmm lake on I shing outing with June: Bate. nr.. and rammed with twenty-eight ne puke. l` I lgnIann r-`n-H an M18 I lHIhm' remrm-0 With twenty-mum uuu put. I`, J. lawless, clerk an bhe Bntinh-Any O-`An howl. has recovered u-nmciomly {mm the effects of his recent illnou to m- numo duty behind the dock ones more. He was welcomed back today by his friends. A. n.- .....o;.... M Mun dinmtnrn nl Hm like Igloo of lnlyuy MRO-VIII II! Pooplo Arc inking About-llonnng Dupe: tho Attach: at than Inc An Tuna; Noun. Bwooh Mboou ab Walton ; '.l`. H. oulm-. Picbon. In in tho ciby. Allun Tumor. Brocknlle, in A guest? ab the Brichh-Amencsn hobol. u) I: uI....b.n .....m In: "\I.'hn!: Hun. I UFIHUI hero. hero. R. W. Anglin returned homo .""'d')' aim-n nuccoaful season on the ntogmer Corsican. IL. lnunn Knnnulnu-Ono: '0!` vllfl. mane mty. Tho electric lroighh mobor car nu on` the mile in lronb of the K. & P. Itntion bhis morning. Funk Nmhnlnnm Pm-hamoubh. Is for 2110 rnnoua street. The Portsmouth lyoeum club will re- organizo this winter and open up club Fronb Iuoeb. I IN... L.;.....I.. ........ ......{.mr.ul In: Hm am. CUTQQD, I0") [Of MOIICTBII yB!!l'Ul\.In_y vu Jun Mr. Moore. employed in the Matern me- tropolie. Mr. Panpe been unpainted church noeranuro. Archibald J. Hanley. son 0! A. Ihnloy. of the local inlnnd r-avenue uice. returned yeoborday to Montreal to resume his anu- diea nu the Grand aemimry. `Flu... nl-on Avlrn hnnvv hnV'I Illitl uumop a, lung auwu. This cold weather in turning tourism hoximward. and lush night: the British- Americm hotel wna lled with travellon making thou way home. Mdnrinl fnwr in nnibe nrovalenb It making tlmlr nomo. Malaria! fever in qnibe provalenb Tote dn Pooh hrmcka. Tue old peace uhould be vscabod and new quarters erect- ed on Barrieeld commons. I u u..,..... ....A nun: nrrivnd 6n nnrh ed lnrnenem commons. J. M. Moore and puny arrived in porn luau evening on the atonmyachb Vurginua. They will opend tweak or ten dnyu In shing and hunting u the Ridenu. Nnrbh Kim! lmvm nndlva for Roches- liming um hunting ma muuuu. Norah Kinglouoc undnya bor to 5:00 p.m.; Tueodnya And Thnndnya Hero havoc st 3 p.m., connecting vmh North King to Bnghtou for Rechoeber. J. P. Hnnley. Inna. H R "|n`V_ nnnndina hha nummer Ih J. r. nnmey. menu. Dr. R Hnnloy, spending the summer Tndouaac. Qua. romrnad home on Mon- day. He will Iikoly mend the winter months uu|kiug the ew York limpi- talc. A... ....... :..o-.....-l in Inn:I'nn Innr olnlh. talc. Are you intoruuod in buying your cloth- ing right: T 0! coune you an. A saving of 82 gnu-unuod on ovary man : can ever 88. Dunlap :-. King must. n M, nnnnn. (J C. has been unnoinlod 88. Uunlopm. lung unmet. B. M. Bricbon. Q C.. has 0 pointed n nagouh of Victoria college and bruhnm Shaw I member of the book and pnbliohiug committee 0! the Mothodhl church. u-- 'n'\n\ I` narvnhh Nmnmn. Tun. HM ml Innbtaoi. op] ply Knuvnn. nuts. '1`. 1 Cole. provinolsl secretary of the \'.H C.A in expecbed no arrive in the city by blue and of the truck to union in the work of colhsvting the funds lubccribed to clear 0!? the Icon! A.-eociation buildmg. A 4...... on... ..n (`.u\f l.m,`Hnuotnn. PARAGRAPH! PICKED UP BY OUR IUIY REPORTER8. the urmnn-Amenom noun. W. 1!. Wright. spam (or "What Rup- ponod to Jonun ?" compmy. is in the clmy. A rm-nnhlnn tn vnunn man WI" be bold Uornlcan. Up town hndquu-tare [or fresh oyuors. Wn|ker a, `74 Pnncot-I Itreob. 'r w Pnhnrhnrn. of him rm ed omploymonn. Excelsior Headache Powders will mlieve that heudncho. Sold an Sxlla drug won). `260 Princess ntroet. lI"I..\ I).\pl~n-unnkh Innauln lllh rn. dies tn the Unuu aemmnry. Three place. extra heavy boy : suit! 33 l)unlop`s, King attach. mm. mm wnnhhar in turning WBICOMKI DICK I-0-(lay Dy um uwuur. At. the meeting of bho director: 0! the \'.M GA. held .\I.m-fay evenimz. the quot hum of lowermgthe foe to $1 50 to students was ditculool but no Icaion was ulou. 'l'Le matter will be mmidemd at A later moofing. \\`;u.'.m ll-Ilonn lmhthnu.-n kaomu. momma. William Wllenpie. hnhthou.-o keeper, Woe l~.lm:d.wu slucnd with muscular rheumatism lot two wash. Two dozen of Dr. Hull`: Rheumatic Cure curod Mm. Fully cents: botth. For sale at Wuddc drug wore. n....'... mm want me. nu-nmar no has drug wore. During om week this nummot no has Lhsu thirty ncidcnn oi Hon-ton.`l\no. wan whiting in thin cily. If Kingston was advulicod nbrmd no it ahonld be the gtoouy Inctuluu. W. K. (Bower. Montreal, representing tho Auotieou mum company. win in Ibo city yuoorday introducing a patent ntoku-, nimllu to {last in no at Ibo ponitenliuy. Bo Innis the city to buy cm for the wnfnr vortujsooor home. n n..- Ann IHh`l Ianlnrn hunt- ll -...-. PARLOR sblfa. _-_. A..- .. ..-n_ A- ...__-_..._ |.. I-..` A..- Un Ily HICKIODIIIII I llrrvu, nur- riuun. hand a writ on bohull M Abbou Bram. lloutrnl. against the Kingltm. Ponououlh & Caunqui nilny company forgoods to the nine of "I`2,IIppIiud lust opogmnd for which Rn ruin con- psny nhun to! pcy. The phinti a an :h3_A|boOh who VIN aim Ilia I),(ll) us. Last uooiog no the open. during omol nvniu hcwnuucu.tMotchcIInphy~ ed Hod 8sn'|`lnQnus." Thruuzwllr ncncudohocupying again the unho- tncim. t:nc:\cuI:n to ad: but In: nun at i u ' I mud: ' :3. "'-F...-. n`an::.nn~ wnrnr vvnu war noun. 1! every y our our goods bdvon buy- ing we wank! hum an ondhn amount 0! Isuineg. beenueo to no in to buy. Dun- lo n an-uh. F6: Hausa] hhcdonnoli I Fnrrdl, lur- -hanpn innual 1 hrs ! an Iulmll M Lbn DORIIQQI |lll|Q-. IHIII pup-u-t cur tioa VII loudly npphudod Iytho out g-aligns; IICITT Ibbllhcani , wilnno u... w... 11.. a... .. uymlabcotnu mcumurs or um nu. Cklllll SFI$$. gm nmyn, smzau A Iollnluo-unto Iv Deal In. Pnvont. of we New York clobhmg store. but boon ounblhhed since 1872 and but alwuyu hop! a spoon! line for order work. Hi: 03 50 punts. bin us 50 cum nu! ma. II`) M nvnrnnnhn am nmgh wnlnn. Inn 5 [FBI UTIIIIIBT W ISAVV. (V U.I'\l\. Inabion. For time tabla use regular ad- vertisement. Single fare 25. Over and back name day 25. J. P. Ehnlev. tlckoh naqnh A Urns! Shaw. Io will be I grab exhibition (hub ar- rowamich will hold to~mor`ruw and Friday. The prize list is ex taneivo. the horn moon are good and the ntbrucbiona an lirnh cluv. Large numbers are going out from King- ston. There in to be a nnd concert. in Harrowamibh town hall. hurnday ughb. Harrowumith show in nlwsgu a glut um- run: Putting In New Lqmlon. Wontmen are engnged in putting In new lockers In the \'.l\l U.A. gyn naium. The \ old locierr, over which that I! been con- siderable complaino. have all been torn out. The new ones will be built on an im~ proved plan and will all be expound to wow. winch ib is hoped will put. an and to pony tlnevmg. The new lockers will alpo nllouv of better ventilation in the bath .0`... n IlI||- u uw; :- James Swim has received a copy of cl Subtle. Wnclx, paper in which in in abated ` bhno the captain of n atonunhip which bud jueo srrived from lhwaon Ciuy. has posted the Smio Donoghne lhnley rty on the common Lowe and New Yor on August: 2am. The Moamer in quomon Ielc Daw- son on August: Lllnb. The Kingston pnrhy, ibis expected. urived no Dawson about Soptembot lam. wuunuu. nu; --.-ur--cu. We em showing splendid values in while and unbleached gable linenn, mble nep- iins, linen and cotbon sheeting. linen and cotton pillow covering, pillow ehemmoweln Ind Uowolling; opeciel value in two and e-hull yard wide cable linen. Hem stitch- ed table cloths. 85. $6, 88 and N0. table nepkine to much. d oyleyo uervieueo. trey covert, etc. For houee furnishings go to R. Mchul. Kingston Cnrpeb Warehouse. Should A rlvuuue oium. Jemee Bute, Houston. Tenn, who hue spent. meny cummere here. is of opinion that the edventegea which Kingebon poo peoeee on e aummer resort is not fully known upon this continent. In the outside world Kingeton I! not known. If its advantages were edverciced many summer vieitore would be attracted hem. Thl! carries out. theconiention ol the Win, than either the city council or the board of trade nhonld {eke up hhe question of advertising Kin - hon in diatom. [Mrtd from year to year. Tile reoulb reaped would more bhen repay the outlay. loot Oil! For woo wouthc. Ooh your boot: um! rubber: to AbII`I)I\:h]'O. ' Cit-I IIUTK-I-I In India bicycle boou. 800 out win- dow. Hulnee Q Locloob. IIII '0 UV FIIC. IIII I10 DU Iulll $l`2.b0 ovorcosbo no grab vuluo. Olvll In-vloo And Ihorlhnml. Ladicsulneo him. in limited and who desire bu learn boolloeping or ahorbhand. or prepare for the civil can-ico. ml! lb range to roooivo hutruotion [mm A. Blauchnrd. O A., 472 Brock numb. city. -`. l`hoWatox:;.ansoldby but G1-ocaxs and Hotels Run. To Dupe Vlnccnt luau-n. 250. The "Rioholieu in the only steamer car- rying pnsongers to Cape Vmcoun for 26c. and A frnn hnmnfnr hn R.W. at O.RR. rylllg WXHEDTI I30 DB V IUEUIIU IUT ZUC- and a frog bl`Inlf0l' no KW. & O.RR. .o...t.X.\.. In`..- 51...... A..I.|.. ugn .m...uI-- ad, A omm nuy Amend. On Monday the little eon ol Mrs. H. Homing. widow of the Into Gupta. J. Born- in .diod nuddunly no Ulonvalo. Tho libtlo ln had ten freely oi gm 3, and was stricken with an illness 1-can den and lsbnl in ice eifecbe than he died baton medical aid could be summoned. He was aged three years. ` v-vuuw-nu-. - -~..`. The number of bald head: in uurprieing. Over :l(`).iM) men wear l`rnf. lkirenvrendh ert heir coverings. However there are many you who should use them, both for the an of he ilth and appearance. Pm minent men all over the continent weer then end it ie only necessary to try one on to be convinced of the advisability of poe- eeoemg one. It prevents the dangers inci- dental to cold. raterrh. neurelgia end other tmublee. The proleeeor in to be et the British American hotel on Wodneetley, September 28th. where he will be pleeeed to show ell the value of his productions. The P1-hu-no Hung! Ilre It loolia .\e though the scheme co erect e aimnuer hotel at Kingston had not been lost sight of. A citizen who had intended building in e certain portion ol the city. was approached recently by is local legal light and advised not to do no. as e syndi- care hed in new fire summer hotel the site on which he intended building. He contented to give up the idea 0! building on the! particelerepot il in wee dew-ind for e unmet hotel. end wee seemed that the site wee level-ably coneidemd by the syn- dlcnae. The newer ought to he brought to e locll thin winlnr. vuiuvu uluyvnu nrvvii All reduced in price. See our window. Heme: & Lockebo. Word Inn New Wntnlntor. R. Clark. M.A.. Iuchor in Ibo high school at New \Vontmino0or. writing to hianotht-tin Iboci&y.m'vII a vivid don etiptiou o! the mm: (in. which amp! the bmlnoau pore oi the ransom dny. Ho any: llamas. decontod hem and then with cum ` walls, in about MI! I mlh Iquus. n brain on at OIIVUII o`c|ok Saturda) night and was under con- trol n on o oIock Bludny naming. [I was an awful Ito. Vanda in hunt norm in; down the rivoropruditslonqlho whole rum-Jruno with in face own- Iouu. Tho pcoph ted blue, but haw` ulrudytuiowuk no nbmld. Than in oulyouoohonlnfu in\wo nihgnooin I suburb. Bloehric light. hhplonox uh- qnpbo an ktgoihn Iueimto. In tho tutu Iupplyin all righknnd pnov1'eio1II have been arriving (to: Vveboth and Van- cuuvu. hon tit n'vl,..l-M pinto bah Iiluclovnthuihcd iunhmiu-xhtl and (lucid Jun If`. It. Chri was a _ -.. ._.. L- AL. 1... L-.`_.. I...` vacuum: I`! -u. hwy on \y Ito In. may v-nhtbbboohud VEII W1- Iqvsaclun pun-vocal Venn. KINGSTON oh Imtr. Thlnl AT`!-I-971 Arc inure. u...-:; |,.. __-_.'._-.I - Lumen Bfcaclo Boon ,.___l 3.. _._l-- B _ _ _ . ... C-3-n`r\:tv`I|o En-ollcd. anal lhrgsln 1.1-- -l_ L-..g- U. Chnlrman MoKelvoy. nldmnen Wrlgbl. Ellionz and Bell were prevent: no a meeting of the wnberwoikn eominmno held youn- dny elteruoon M. (cur o'clock. The quea- liun of imurence wee taken up, u some of the policies on the water work: buildings and machinery. amounting to O8i700, will ohorcl expire. Pm 0! Chi insurance in place as lullowe : Pump home. 3760; machinery en-l pipel. 8750; Blake engine, $1,000, an one tiruoinanred for O4 000; noel shed, $50!); plumbing shop. WU; mole, 8150: ebook, 8400; oliice furniture. H00; dwelling house, boiler liouae and old on- gine houoe. $l,.'U1l. The imunuce on the old Blake engine was reduced at no he: do- preciated in value. The nxnlrlmr inmrlnoo wen dlvldtd 50 in we meouer. Petiuone for water meine were received I lmm John Mudie. Frontenac etreeb. lrom Princeen eireeh be the leirgmnnde; Uherlee Selby. Victoria ebreeb. from Princess to Johnebon ebreel; P. A. Monctiel. Pem- broke elreob. between King end Union etreete: 0. Given. Beverley etreeli. be- tween King end Union etreen. All they were inmtlicicnbly ripno-' they were non grenbed. I-`renk UM ! petition for e water main on l`ront/enuo btreeh. between Union and Earl ebreebe. wee grenhed end ` aha work will be ebertved at once. Ixenrelon To New York. The New York Central will run their thirteenth ennuel excureion to New York on Tuendny. October lob. Thoueemle ol peobsile patronize Isheee ennnel excureioue no ew York. and have been no well ploee ed end eetieed with the service that: they ..... ........... m... The nennneinn will leave 1 lNSURANCEONWA1`ER om; EXPIRINO PODOIEI DIVIDED AND . REPLACED. Alderman llall Onllu I'M a lion Iqullnblo mvmnn of The Olly`: lnnnnnco-lmsuv 0! The Wmer Wurll Blip lnolnd-0|. goon:-n Talon To Luau`: Dub-Iomng The cup -PIll lonl mm alt! UIDIIIIGOI. precllte In value. The expiring insurance tween three companion in thou nmouum London it Lnncnhiro. J. A. (lnrdinor, agents. 82 500; Soobiziah Union, 1`. D. Min- na-. 8l.iiOil; Union, Jnmoa Shannon. Si.- 501). Aldornnn Bell argued strongly for n more equinhlo adjummnt of rho unwr- works insurance. One company held in- nuance to who amount of 8|`. ,00il. ville other companion with city agent: were I overlooked. Every agonh in the city who my! tone should have ashore oi who huei. man. He felt: that: memhoni oi the council were showing a spirit of favoritiun. Tim Muir-mun nnhiad hhn mmmihhlo warn snowing n uplrw UI mvunuuu. The chairman nohitiod him commihlno chat: the lam oi the waist works slip. held by one Donnolly wrecking and salvage company, had expired. The lento (no iihem the right of ingress nnd egress to the aid I-lip. The com nny has been unbloc- bing the clip to the `hounnd Inlnuul thum- bmh company for wintering one 0! their bout. the New York being moored there an present. Tim the committee ohjecbed to. chiming the wrecking company had not the right. to nnh oiiy propcrby accord` mg to the lease held. No action was tnhen in the mabbor. u-u;...\_. 0.... -ntnr main: man: nnonhrnl ed um! nmnou with me service mu huv.-_y goevery yoar. The excurnion will leave who line of the New York Central (R. W. .\ O. drvinion) on Tuordoy, October 4th, lwli. Tickets on good on that day only. but are good for rotnrn passage on my regular train from New Yurhuccpt limit- ed trains. nnnl Ootohor Nth inclusive. The fan for the round trip lr-om Kingston I! only 87 50 to Now York nnd mum. Eight lpeclol solid tninn, consisting ol four day trains and four night trains. with n-t clnsa coaches sud Wagqor solace con attached. will run through to ow York. No change ol cars. The price for nloopin cor berths from any station to New Yorg in 82; section 34; drawing room on chain or rm mush Huann in nlnnninn nr drawing!- 1!! ii: sermon is; nruvung ruuiu cur vuuur $|.."i-1 each. Space in sleeping hr drawing- room can can be soc)-ed by apnlicntion to F. A Folger, tick-(sf. agent at Ringemn at which ntoumcr will be taken for New York. on or before October let. For the con vcmence of the excurnionieba nrramzemenh have been made to check all baggage through lmm Kingston to New York. A beautifully illueerntnd folder containing rnnp of the city of New Yoil id other mlunble information: aim (in! and fur- rhnr information run he obtain l of Fnd. A Folger. city mivht manta. Kmgaton. Yltont Report. Pnhnta reported ulna wool: by tho Uni~ ted Bhutan govnrnmenc to (`nnndinn un- vonmn by Mu-urn. Marion & Marion, Montreal: F-dwnnl J. Chsmlen. Wood; amok, metallic tim wheel-=; Robert Fletch or, at cl, Toronm,s-(mm; l`mlip (Y Folwoll, Toronto. an aim cut all for gun burnou- Frank I`. K , Tau-onto. vending nu. chum: I-lmulien \A. Manny cl nl, llos\nlur- nous. canal lock; Alonwler McKay. Mont. mnl. dual tight nilmr for uhov: Elijah M Mann. Pnlmernmn, wheel hnlz; Wulllnm H. Nmbxtt. Roland, nut lock: John J. Senor, Poplar Point. mnrlune for bnmmg mad: 0! noxoue wwedn; Wxllumt 8 Shaw. Bram- bridgm, leather dren-inn machinery; l.9I'lI H. Slaugllh, 9!. nl, \Vamrfm~d.lcwn mower; Willmu S Smilh, Toronto. bicyolo nad- dle; William T. Walton, V:ctA)r1'a,BU.. A, .. t....l4p Ilivfri [III In vugnuvusvwu The city cmmcul ol Syracuvo. N.\'.. lu- cnntod an oire M inspector of cigtmthe, for the purpom of controlling the cigar- euo trade in that city. The impocoor in ;.L. - nunn at umanihlr an-nmnn. whn ZDITIUU -I Irvuuwvuux - Bldwell Silln no in Belleville yhlor day than he porformul the functions 0! an an the unrrinpol llm Loni, dnughlot of Mr. and Mn. John Ilutin. or man my. to W. S. Billq Nowpon, Vt. . son 0! J. R. Svlln, Bollevllo. Mun (Halo. about-oC\h km`-lo, auppothd Int mm. Tho Itppy couple will ruixh at Newport. euo undo In mu. cny. Ann um-pucum :- ho In 3 man, or ponibly n I-omm, who shall have Ind long experience in thew-0 and tale of cigamth.-, and who ctn.`hy pumnnl experiment, as well an by the an. nlynin o! n vhemm, judge ol the qnluty o! um hag!-snh weed. Home in To low An A! name " Th Ki hie chi will be "At um. l\II`Dy:'0.t' club Ions, Wot hound`: pomb. Isnaorrov nigh. The nurivd mo 0! the club and unit viva an cunducung the |I\.sir,Iwot which 3 limit- cd number ol mviuuom but hon hunt Ttn ml! be dancing during the Ivtllinc. Do!-on no u n . n,n .. ALA_._,.n_n, .n Ifiuwwu Natal thou? Gun 5...... but and cbnpot in anti}. |.u:`.?.' cnttnum luau shyly, Inuperhsr or Olga rwuvo. ._ -.__._ _.x ..l O.._-....._ N Iunhd as noaiohni. .. .. .. ,, .-_, n_u. .1 A JAS. SWIFT & CO. `Phones 113 mu! 1:17. VVVVVVVVVVVVV Are Justly Celebrated for em oarefully acrvonml coal. lt`s wiwto bum. O SWIFTS % SCRANTON COAL You can always mly on it. O IiI|IIIlCIllIliIil!IiI-tlvllzlnilliii ulf 3.1- - ._--.I ;L:_... ....J IIoTesTyis1n[e First mm; nu Hm mm! to vuwmun, |m| was aw :\ prvuy hm; way um um! mud. Hlrunn In my. wv mrry mm mun-nl-mvt. "lmmc-1.y" In mn- pnclmtn. `Than: why vwry uncut` our mm: or wumlulvm |nI|.~A0\\`l|m|. ' lE.BA.\!.llFiD. September Queen 0! Autumn crowned. Comes with gnon nndpnld o`or horbmuu Lana-um] 33?3ooooooooo Rqthn hon.-all with pen and peach. Apphn and ups-icon. tips and rich. Neath hot hot. the nummow glow Tums to tempo, rain or mow. out of coal then. you will find Noam... mm the sermon ma. Coal from out the Scnnmn mine On!` by holophom one hundred and \r . H. Al I`. Walsh`! you can choon at wll Loni: 0! cm! your bin: toll. ' 0 km . In-Inntulnuhpnuntyuluhhhs v~ lnup'Pl-`$00. , l__I|. IRECR. . an yams?` 55-5;;;r_rZac; Etna. A conveniences. Illuutluoaonnumn ulna} Owner or narrjo, oppoulw B||h0p u P we pply Io lLOILAWl_IJtb. I00`, .'QlDOlI _ran "~`l!ouv|<`\":wI Inlenlnt mo.` V. . '0 w m II! 1) 3 mt thus nu mans, rug [M-nth We bun men all Mk!!! man (LI up In\i.n!ywnr(MIuvl nmmh oulnhqynnul-II Venn ::\uorIId\|cu. nnnllnu . I |nnn'F"`nAn mus AD. :._'.':'_;...':~;.v:..:=$v.::.*r.*:.-:mf..w PEORR .. tnlntozuz I90. ';%;o;`ci.;..'.%s. `mu swmm M; non nagnam. Mon nltrltluaoom AND mnunmoor Au.` j ,,_ PIRPUMBS POI `l`llI.";. IIANDIIMBIEF, TOILIT OI IITII. 1;; many, rangggni n Mqrray&~ 'Robinson Bros., IAOOI` B1113 . own mutt I-Inuove Inna:-um: mu m In mv:,'.."..*.:.~=~.-. ~.m.~. " '=-2 =::"~ p y no u some m wrnn 9 Int! wlllumn sh ynu. We luwn for 32 ) 1'1?` 'Il:rA`.Rlo(:R 8q l'll'. Good (|?t`v)v`*el'u, Mia l`I:`|u|| mmn,.Yholn1amI eoemnnnlm on Pull: uI(?egIro blo. his In only one ".':'.'.*'r:`"'.-..*..::':..,':'w".:f.*:."` - . 0 I on-\ In u an n all . and Inna unuunllf good values at 3\.50. no lulu; no nplend d,]unl In. ourn. -ng 1-. n L i!IIli _!. .-. !V,}5..'!:,. ` I...i." Lan}nan s nonma w.maR PRIVATE TUIYION uni In mama; r in Coal Jme and bath. IEIIIILIEILEI8. lllnyslultl IDSIBURN lbnunnhf THE mm- D mm of than 0. A. KlrkDttr1ck.bennu- ".?.'.`."'..m.`n...`*`'.'. `.`.?.'%} o""'.... .`.`:. an [inner name. onnoulw Bishop Pallet!) Alt uhrolnoly nervous nnd irritable and umhlooo nocouub for it. in in more than probable your oyuighl in Mhctod. Hundrodn hon goon through the name ex- ng-lnnnn And an Inn hnvn found not- IIIII [VIII uurvuuu sun Iuuu lanes and at In! have found - act ruin! by wearing our och Gating gluon. If you are troubled ma Iny or bus ooculoonl head~ when look to your 0). iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii :_T-: If You Have Ihat Iired feeling Fnmitum and Undertaking. If it : a good thing wd have it." Tuuvz-\ tutu: - --v Jul nowpur unck In unusually lnrga. Our mote. Home mg Inhdn-mm dad In wpoalmwmn some hnn some preuydm nnml-osuurul wrn at prl Ihnl Illlnalnn vuu. We 8251' ---#-- --* ` 'r"v I91 PRINOIBI B`l'Bll'.'l'. 'Phono on 1'0 II L31`. 5: ..._.._...--nn$n- ""':Ef}....;`.':a" ..'.:..:` I` 0 , ll ~ gfokfwdonnld Park. Ap- : A Rnnllu. Ontario 81. slto Mwdonnld Park. Al I G Roonu. Ontario 8!. - And Tumor! cured to on cund. a homo: no Iurcd. ll 0ll'.U' bulk plaster llnlnv` no-Dana A llngnou sud Nnpnnoo Dopntntlnn In I Trip to AcunnlII.o-'l`hey non Inch About tho Inn-notion of Arsenic and Illlplnl 31 un Iothinmo Ohunout or can On: Thonnftor. Gold. unoaic. mic ioklo. omlgnmtora. Iolnoiono. worn wot u glibly spoken you- many. Thoy nomad iudigononlktao tho territory A large dolognuion of Ki ston- iuu sud Nupsnouno vioiood. nn the gonblomon rebut-nod homo planned but they hold about lnuoompuny in which oho tonne won Ind, and wool: A good proc- `pact: of ruliling vnlunblo dividondl. For Iomo hint the Kalndar and Angluon min- ing and dovolopinono company ha been nogotinling with Dr. R. H. Enmu In ro- und no t patent ho hold by which retrac- boty out containing gold could bomudily Nduoud to I {too milling unto. Ind with n RN30 In eho Byrproducca. chiey rod, um nu Antl -him Arlonlul. TIJOV $0 Oilb town. - About eleven o clock e etert was made in cerriegee for Actlnolite - formerly Brldgewetei--e dietenoe of five milee. The drive wee exhilereting. The air wee lreeh end caol, the eoenery up the velley of the Morin decidedly pictureeque. The lead wee rollln , well wooded end the cloennge exoeedi y vet-dent with evidences of good on tiverion. Pine ferm houses of brlohetone or wood lined the roe] end the outlook geve evidence of thrift end proeperity. Aotinolite eoon ceme in view, e decidedly good looetion for n villege It bed been the eeene oi excitement in peet deye, the gold lever hed ceught the peo- ple end for eome yeere it grew end boom- ed. Weelth wee inveeted. rent mounds of rock were reered end to hedolthe river hed been dumped upon the banks by pennere in eeerch of the precioee metal. Then the lever wened. e penie fell on the people end they ed. leeving meny merit of the then hietory of gold mining in North eeting:-. But thle eveneecent ee- reer in gold collecting did not demon- etrete thet "the yellow etulf" wee not there; it only proved thet it could not he gelhered without long end leborioee work end the greet meee were not inemood foe tient, plodding toil. But meny heve h leith in thequentity of hidden gold thete. end time end egein oompeniee heve been formed, lleuriehed end died. end ell hecenee of the nfrectory cherectetol the one. Gold conldnot he eecured in pmliteble qunntitiee hecenee the weete weeeo gteet In the proceee ol exuection. -_. ....... ... - 5......-m nuenhln nu-none: xuscuon. d Bonn pan 1 bmmo cynul 0 process wndovolopcd..`'l'ho one was treated to mating: in solutions. and while this plan in much ahead of any other: hitherto in- Induced. you than are those who believe thnt M10 problem has not been lully colvod. They no looking to no Esme: process so I mothqd that will touch the dooirod -t. T.F.H;fison Co. and. Dr. Eamon. on Engliahmsu 0! about sixty you-1 0! ago. I mm of oligbu build. ns head And a wealth of onthuaium so thin discoveries, wnuo convinced that he had "the real thing" that ho `am In An-cunning}: kin i-nth hnlnm III II, IIIIIIIIIDS Wluu vunvv -wry. Tho no woe undo without nnnocooury jarring, proving oonolueivoly one Idmirm blo cbunobor 0! M19 road bod. Ah Tweed I hslune made an hho Hgyok house and I briof time grnutnd to annoy who smart hn-n um no and "mo nu mung sun no agreed Io demooatnto his work before making my nanciers to invest in the pro- cun. To this and he not up a furnace. ll {win a fume structure aundingon nnnd hill on the Clnpp turn ovorlookinq the rivcr. Kore be had 3 recon sad con- de.-won-mmuIocbnrcd in Kiognton-Lnd '8! ready to demonntuu. Monday 1 ton ol onwn pm in tho retort. n stoned. snd tho routing begun. In in A mull! ad fnrooco had his pmconl ol the applicauon ol but led to the nmoul of .L- ...I._L.... __.I .......z. Inna. uh. nu-nu H000. Ab Ynrlor they were joined by Captain Holman, H. B. Sherwood, J. T. Grange, Clnrln Shanna. W. Templeton. T. W. Casey. Nnpsnoo; W. H. I`. Ho|Inoa.Chi- cage; 0. Grunge. London. and Edward nrnnnn, Mnflill collars. MOIILIQCL Ol DUI` ICU I0 `III IBBIUVII In the oil Ir and sreenic from the one, 3 ng liko nolueoa through the man and falling into I nccint u the bottom of tho rwrrt. Altar the routing had been well done the receive was vriuadnvn Ind tunnel of Li: introduced which led to tho onnnption 0! the nunining mlphnr nudtho lama ltomthn hob Inunpuood .......-...I. :..n-. .-....I_....n. and nnnoimlnlinn |'0|I0 Ill N10 Dyrpllllllol, uulcuy rvu, yo ow md whitnu-uuiun. They yoobrduy no no I domonltnoion ol the pronoun. A: in our wu chuoorod mm! the run to wood undo our the Bay at Quinta rdlroad. Thu Kingston pu-by oom- prilod: Jung: Minncl. nldorunn Juno: Minna. prilod : Juno: Minna. nldorunn W. H. Manna. G. A. McGowan, J. How- Ion, John Braden, W. D. Karo, . Hui- ... .1 n...M.n. w. Johnabon. Prof. John Isroaon. W. U. nlru. D. unu- nou. J. Roddon. W. Johunbon. Nicol. Prof. Goodwin. W. R. March, A. J. Maedonoll. T. C Cuber snd J. 0. El- lioob. An. V.-I... ml.-n -mu Minn` III Cnnlmin U. unngo. uonuon. anu nuw-nu Grunge. MoGi|l coll , Montreal. Tho bhirny-n unlon to wood were oovond in tiny Iniuubos with hhno chops. Th` mm in mndn rihhnul IlnnQ(!0Il'V IX `I10 IIIDCI VIII 3 DUB Iuldiyuvrvul upward: intn coodouun and precipuulion hd nu uh. nnllantion of whim u-sauic.n QOIIOI IOOI U0 y0|ll' 'y..o = $5. c. mtcnen, 3 cum: and Gndnnto opuclu, ` I114 nnvnvrvhnn Qlntill Ip'Il'UI IIIWI CWNIUOEUFI Illu fllvulyluuuvu Id In the collection of u-sanic,n product I.-omowlnt Ion nlnblo than the nd at vnllnv. Winn complete :0 0|`! I0! somownu IOII vuunuuu uuuu Luv If G yli. WISH Lvluytvsv nun `QC vu dunpd and the chimed Ihnlilwu innfroo ailing nub. nu? be tho ennlnror Ihlp mill and the um - gunntot. Thocolhctiou at gold was no- cund 5 tin In ol mctcnty. coagulating the partition. Although Dr. Banal had not routed 5.1.. .... L. ..m:--I- ..b.;..'r.I `ha: ha Ilnmvmla or IIO llrncou um I) an heir howillingly uhihittd who In on vithovnhllbclcdons. Tho ninnwndumpommd fat MI! abom- Ihuwchtonhptblhwinzlvndolsh nits the nnniul In-on which on vary Civict in the Inm- n Ahunttuongrut GOCOTIIICJ 3"!!! Km Inucqgmuuu Annie and nlpzur with which Hun ugud.Rv|ryompI1unIvnno|vbcd Ihouhiopunohhpmhunrk clsinhd bun III E Dt. Inna. i utowhshhdplonuhiinhcultyond q-0% In shit that the by-pm~ dune! uonnnlciutly nlnbluo aniupunnuglcpumgrundtogivoa ....J....A;L.....I.. __....| .1. lwmz mu an Inn cow. EXPERIMENT TO REDUCE THE -.-:: - 3:305`: R'IZ- REFRAO'i'C;RY ORE8. lute in honor of the agship Trenton; the name harbor on nighe More during the pro- pteee of a norm in which the storm toned Trenton goes to her doom;--0heee end ooher nceuee are wonderful. astounding evidences of when can he done on the wage. The acting or the entire cant oi characters was highly creditable. Charla J. Harris, ae Seth Baldwin. a man with- our. a conscience and the lowest: 0! the low ecouudrele. no well portrayed the character he represented than the audience seemed to for-gen he was merely an iinpereouator, but. seeing before them the euppoeed real villian. showered upon him Mreir hieeeee and taunte. Scarcely n hector complimenb no the impersonator of the villian could be ptid than to any that he wee roundly hia- el by the audience. The person and the old eailnr crested amuoelnent while Blanche Shirley and Pearl Seward. an the only two feminine cherechem, did excellent WIIIBII B03 IQIIIDIISI WEI. Vjl HIV I II` work. ` party. Actinolito rock in ground so a mill in tho village and shipped to Chicago. II in used n a eutatitntao for Asbestos. A..A....l:>. nag-gggn g nnnphln nhnvuvk LII: II I Eutuuulvv IVI nun Actinoliuo only one in &lTIldB. A Dunn Aud|onco-Au Ixounonc rlgy wan Pruoonud. lb was not qniho a modium Oiled nudionco bhuuoomblou last night an we urmdtouo one 0! Lincoln J. Cant : grub drunn. "Under The Dome. The play montod a pcckod bonus. The county in oxtensi we and realistic. The rupneuouhbion of New York as upproochod by A forty boat, with in lighten ohifting and growing larger and mom luminous an the boat noun photo; the corn! tool harbor nos: Apia. Bunion. in which the stumbled war vouch tin n u- I..._ z. 3...... -3 oh. n...-|.:.. 'I".....s..... ah. Judgo Wllllnon uecldu Against Doclnlou at the Oomnloclonort. In Ihocouncul chamber ye-tterday judge Wukiuon hum nppula ol rstapnyon ngmiml tho docmion of thtml 0! revision in the mom ol utuunenu for cotton. Judgmous Ina undated in Macao cues: Runin nrnnh--V\'ullinm Music. it. an- The Kingabonimn amused bhemaelvu pounding down rocks in a morbar and than having old miners wuh the powdorud atu. Tncingo otgold were easily dia- cernnble. h- I'.`...... I... AL; Okgn-up A` OLA pnnnh. JIHIKIIGII Wll nluuvusu Iu vwveu ; Banio uneb--Vhllinm Music, jr.. Iosnmont roduoud from `94 to 160 hot. Hon In-uI-ThoIo Ipptllhnla had choir upped: sllovnd: James Wuhan. W. Pot- nnnnn. MI1 Ilarv Pawn-. R. S. N N M $3 .1 KN K K) {N \ euq prcooso or enrecoioll VlnI.u ylemuie bdl soles; they were grniled on what had been demonebrabed during the dug and prediched |l`0VlVIl0flhtOl`OIh in II lag in nine section. Profs. Goodwin and icliol were caubioue. They had been plowed wiineseee of the day`: experiments, and ii obey proved 4 financial auccone the here would deeerve and receive the uhaoka nob only of one people oi North Helbinge but the eatine people 0! eastern Ontario. Dr. Good win bold oi experiments mode at the school of mining with mis- piokle and of the taco than the waste was too green to nuke extreohion pi-ooablo. [I Dr. Eamon method wee ll success he lied assuredly solved A problem than for blie paso bwenty `wears bed been before him mobollurgisbs ofCanadn. He trusted the enterprise that the gentlemen had gone into with so much courage would meet: with emineno success. He urged the em- ploiymonii oi careful men. men of honesty an ability. There were boo msny incom- peteni men in the country leading msuy companies 3 dance alter their money end ending in probleoe enterprises. Proi. Nicol uold oi one workiuge of mlspickle in Saxony by the governmeoiig if it could be done eleawhere in could also be done here. He urged intelligent: diioobion in the work- ing out of the dooeile. He was euro bhe iubure developments of the company would bowetchod with intereae by Canadians. He hoped for coinplebo sucoesa in obeir undertakings. Pu-nimn warn suid iihh kind Twd and unaoi-Innings. Pu-hing: won said wibh kind Twood sud Bridgovntor friends And I start undo for King-hon. which wu reached an nine o clock. N D . Eamon In} for your: noologiub for in. m of Minpuobn. Ho nu boon at nearly 11 bhe mining pgima on blue conti~ noun. 0 In: been experimenting with nlraotory on: ior many you-a. Ho cams. to North Hnstingn from Nova Scutia. A Kingetonian in his aurcboa for nug- obn locaocd one in I piece 0! white mono. 0 In: quihe jubilouu until a farmer came along, looked at the I k. licked in with him tongue and the gel lingdioap;-cured. The Kingobonim doclant the humor : tongue was like a mop. (Juihn a number 0! [Arman wore on COITIIDIG. Dr. Eameohu she thoory ol the roub- ing of ore: quite poo. If he can show commercially that his plan in tuoiblo he will make 3 me In Norm Frontenac. TI.` -n|..u.I nl nm`n`-nth nu-nlnnnnrn Iirnnnhh DOIIIO Illlny lpicllnonu Iur null]!-Io. Thom won an uunpnpot men in the party. Antinnlitn rock in urmmd an a mill tho lppellc MIOWII: Juno` "luau. u. not- uson. Mn. Ilary Power. R. S. Wnldroo. . Dmcoll, F. .\lcNAb, Uubuiuo brain. A. Huxley, J. Huhv. utatoo}. K. Mac- nclcy, J. Ilcl`u'hnJ. Charlotte Mncnloy. Rum nr.nu_Jl'hn Kingston. Cgtnnuui aclcy. :1. -cl lnlllu. uuauuuuv ulI\;uIu ~ King utraob-~Tbo Kingston, Caunqni 8 Punomouth olecuic nilwny IQBIOIIOOI nductd from 132 to I00 fut. B. W. Yol- gu I appeal, sgunat building of drain, al- lowed. A-. -_..h .-J H.` inning . rlnnininn tho Iovnn. At a null oi the judge : docinion the Gen mm drain. use loan. will not In con- nlnchd who the city undotkku ulmoul Ibo unite cont. ung nu-an nu! mioqllln on the oonginonb. All of mrmm vlnmd yield the poutblonnlu; ` -A -L.s. |..A Lg;-. An-nnnahl-Ah-rl Hui-Inn thn tongue Wu nun a map. Quite I number 0! farmer: wore hsnd with specimens of gold bearing oru found on t.hoir landl. They were open for options. Th. Kinnmnimn nmulod bhamaalvu 00!. DIR [Janus to Pn|0On- Luann: Ic- n.|__- In Abbnn--mg I:- III IAZIIII IE I - -nwvu:-- -<- lung In Ancudunco. 0IiuhillnauOoLDc'. police angio- Iruq vn Insblnhopnndonuionu-n~ iufunnhnoltbocous. Aldcrunn Mc- Wlll UBIO I IIII Ill norm lrunusunc. The school of mining profoaeoro brought: homo mmy npocimonn for analysis. Than-n ram :1: nnunnnnor man In the I` U -V-U-vu uu --v Vvvvuru ---v- Kolnyuuinidgnout. William Ilebngnll. Iuthrnunun] btl wukludruohnn-. vu ullovrudhodb prguuquuuuodmuuuaumn dillijk R Cebuano.|nnn.\povh|opuhr. villdulvmh Donluvoquniouino .1- Lgll 'l'Lnn.LI_&nJ_ I In: No `city hll x. .3`: '.Z""'a..."...." "7; You an ulunysgu n an Wdkga Pusan utrut Ta'?au ~INu|tp'o&&%` II5 %...'fs-J2`?-`.'..`.'.` .55 """?.'`.. x`y' ALI I n'.A'r ovnn ml IBBY APPEALS WERE ALLOWED. POLICE COURT `NDINOI. A T T HEVGRAND. DXE1. I I matblo church, lobe n. wnnsrggm`;-453nm` A" ma. cg, T- ponod toJonon 7" I! an mucuy. A racophlnu to `mung men will Ab the Y M GA. full on Friday, 30th Inn. Mr. and Mn. W. (jpnn, London, 0nt.. former raiclenu of Kingnbon. are visiting Hana Wn|her'a, `:71 rnncot-I are. T. F. Mnwhowc. Poborboro. of tube of George Mscbhews & ($0.. pork pnckonm Lnuho city. "I`Im nlnnhric lrainhh manor bhis morning. Funk Nicholson, Porhamoubh. left Valley eld lnb night, when he has accur- ed employment F."-olninr Hmdnchn Powders