Ill be cllcn lunacy-lour, all. I midi! 809% the You mint G I III 1 `slum! "try an dri MM -1 '.`.`:. thnuou! lolhl I38 nus yur 10- , ll 4! In `I 4 Anni- ah. .... ..n . 1 '_"."'f"_' ."'!'.'-V. uuuuuuuu um um mucus to II. conngfouu Ilhil III onil lnlrolnutf unong IMI, of; {Ed II! swam |z`coI:l::Ilyt.ho Ileana. I ah IO VI I I F" u_agtI:'Ic Ind ha: I L In I :1-HIT! -hon V ma llnnlly no uu nu vrp-ul IIUII, no III! fa pon- thu ram u n u to an Inn holplnu And umntn elil `run that an out upon 3 from vntchodnuu sad Kn-uinr The] we commit- M` to nab; our lmvcnly Fnlm, and stun II gudlnu of no uuu `? `Tho Helm `of In- I In the only hone far donned and omban I .5120 I|IllIIIdbome|lil1 In winter oro-dud, and monlly by thou Ju- lian" who on undead honalou by lain-union. souuu-on nu am: In , cnnun ` n of Hip an all, In uny kl In Ibo luv-cu. `I'M Ion vlolonl A:d pins ofhubebonrd vice sud ` abandoned ' 'uI|hm,bo-uubmh number 5 J I t l 1 n I I ` nu mun I0 ruanrunu by getting up n sale of . work, to his place during the Provincial lx- ` , hlbltion. Thmnewmlngly chose, my a Com- , illltlo hon Auoclnlu, two ladies from ` null col` not,` to font: pl: for the curry- , lug ouo 3|; object, unsung um all the la- Ilbl ln Klnguou would cordislly um with then In on undoruklu which Ind such ug- dogbud clniln Ivan cl .' luy hon not Ind the o portunltlon rhlol: In in bad of vimunig I [raj usually I: lbr sq Orphan one, and the rapon. ` Iihlllt II u * gun um. ennm an anal: .. . A ___.__ -..- .....w. w vuv uuuuuuuuu, U] `V which ugnngolnont tho won: undo acquainted '!iIh,UIO condition o the oblldru, and this [mi annually for an Ur bun` Hymo wan pnutd upon ihom. They 05... spoke in in at uni: meeting! and at In: de mined to nuke an ton to nimlundn by got: u; work, to place durinnr Provincial lag. were no more 3001100. in 1347 when I0 men] widowu end orpherre were left here by the rev es of Typrhue end Oholere, e number of the le ice of the Femele Benevolent Soeiety need every exertion for therr relief. The] procured work end eituetione for the widowe, end engeged a terteher for the or- [when children et their own upenee. it won at thie time the: the Hone: pi lnduetry was first opened, end in it the ledieelwere permitted to eee e room for e eehool. In` 1852 thie Society wee revived end re-orgeuiud, eud took the eeute of The Widow end Orpheus` Friend So- elety. A etrrn of money, ehout-. 100, wns pieced et the diepoeel of the -Ieyor for the re- lie! of wldowe end orpheue, pertioulerly thoee ofemlgrente. The leyor end Oonucii eppoint- ed e committee of iodine, vim, lire Idbeoti, lire Oerfwright, Ire Gnnnter, and hire lecher, with power to odd to their nrrmhere, to whom thin eum wee committed. lire Ilubeod, Mrs Herpt-r end Ire Counter, who bed before been direct- reeeee in the Femele Benevolent Society,` were egein choeeu direotreeeee, hire Certwrlght euce retery, Mile F. Dunn; and Min Fowler 'oint treeenrere, end, re Mrfuher nominated reti- dent. The Oommittee who rude theee lip- polutmente were ehoeen denominations of the city; there wee never my exeluelreneee in thle Society, end we welcomed to oirr us from every denoutinetiou ell who wort telre an in- tenet in the obfeet end work with us. The Buhooi wee rev red hy the Society, who were etiil permitted to hold it in the Bouee of indus- try , end eleo to bring in e number of deetitute end neglected children, to receive the `hem-t or ohrietien lnetructlon end treiniug elung with the orphen iurnetee of the House. Theee re- ceived eluo their dinner, after the menner o! the Ragged Behoolt, to preeerve them, ee fer as poeelhie, from the evil inuence: of their miner- _ eble hornee; teeny children lreve thus been sev- . ed from vegreney end ruin The reports of the Society. their reeeipte end expenditure, were [inn through tire `puhlle newepepere. The 50- cietyited nothing to do with the Home of in- dtutry or its men meat, but they did all in their gower to eree iorete tlre__ condition` or `the erphen children in It. The echool wee daily 0" vieited by two iedlee ofthe Committee, by It erteugementthe '| with line onndltinn n or... ..t.rr.e..- .._.- .L - IIIII URI . A: then my) be mnuy here who do lml. un- douumd hollvogse ladies who cums-one the Unm- Iuiltcu warn to Iakooo r0lllilI0lII. in art in the undemklng, il in but rivglnfhntnu expplanm llon would be given, swing ll in circumstances which hue led to thisjranull. We hnvc` no in- llrell in it nor any ob em to nerve, personal or donominnllonnl. All denominations are alike f ooncoi-nod with our project; it is neither Epis- ` eoplllun, lliolhodial Prunhytdrian, Congrega- o lloml nor Blptill ; it in the cause of all alike- tbo oausdof Ohriulan humanity, and we mny not put it an from us. In: oflhe indies grant will remomben-_ me E hulls Bouovolonl. win}; some here were mmhon of Is, In-I olnco-baron in. il. nfnu ` yarn it win in open-I:iou,. sud did inuc I. good in III: city. on:p_o! Ila maal_ active number: hnvh Ion nnoo gone to their real, ilolb hzihumd Inn: Knunn II than of the Inn `f u 0 II N irby, will long be held in Iqtlonno rqneinbrnlce, nmludlng us to work :' whllc it I: lied to-day. The ol-joczol this Annotation wan to Iollen the nick ;nud for 1 numbei of yarn the nupponod an Hoapltnl for lha dutlumud ulo during thl winner, by their krollocuonn and voluntary conlrlhvitiona, until the General oupiul us in opennion, when it In no more needed. In Ill ! -inn In ._...- _m.._.. -_a ..-_I._-- T __ jflfl alum]. Julian ff-alliinkn l| n nho in dol- hfl hi I Glut uni)---Wc can do no- un! luau In an tame--~ $13 I`: ii` -_-A 1.. .... a- ..._.._ Tho suond public meeting of the ladies of Kingston, concerning lh ulnblishm-nl of non Orphans` Home In this city, was held in tho Tomponnno Room, on Thursday, the nu. iust_ Mm the meeting but! bc-on opeuul by rm-ling I portion of the Scrlpturea, the (allowing n-xpIa- Iutury report wu rend : ' REPORT. A- .|__... _-.._ 1 , , u nun:-noon. _ uhcour G. Knapp, of Ruin. bound` lu lhll port qlthl II;d1:l'- lumber, and having I drew ofdjln Inn on board, wul struck by a bony oqnnll,Ahout 8 A. II. Solurdny, between Iuilovol III! Blllbo gun, And innnnuy cav- lllld. The B!!! II nuuaeudcd in ggttiug Idol] is on tho pained "ms! nnddhe-ru ru- mmd no A. u., can the {mg m,...m.n., 0093-1001`, of IN] pm`! coming along, 1113- sound their peril, |nd_immedinIul_y m-In to tho rnoue.. Onpt. loan! lnid his rem-I along- Ilde the wreck`, picked up tho crew of the Knapp mute llmn column able, and men went to If mad rlghlod the Knapp, plllfld hm out and took he:-in tow: Whip this Iide of Port ` Washington lhl crow of tho Knnpp got sail 0 hurnpln, Ind the tow being cgn all`, went on their way rejoicing to Ruin. Onpt. Home I'll billy Iosrlynll dny Suunlny in the gum] Iiork, and um Into port Suudny, lump] in thy ` oonu-ionlnuu at huh; mcuod right brother , nllun from n watery gnue.-Mn'Iw. Scnhml. In no Inna. Iwru. TM In-lg Duo an arrlnd II lilwaukao dillnu on_8nlu|-sq, huinhjmtixanod n pa uonol heron uqu the n om. Bhn w bound down I uh` In frolhicago. Thu Glsldlnn. n bouhd down men Ii Donna GOWII Fun` In Iron]-Unlcago Tho Gltldllgl, I boubd down dlnulur, nnd ntumed to Iilwnukoe x int nnmmn. - =nol `nu fray, hand up, with 0 incl of manhu- ' an hrnul mm. mun, mu-m the nah bolow Iutinno, and II full uf want. Her paunpn and crew nu taken In Pain! Hal- no -bf-gglhl Plymouth, which an-md hon thing 1. . `I'M nchcourlndu grown in a me! mu alu- nuuaufroon Bo: and mu 1 hula in her` button. I] oonrlnf `I lllh main, and keep- In an pupa at work; uh: Incbcd Iiilw-nuke: Bands; sight. Th hhnooor Inn, of Gran ay, mu lost in the unomwna. 1'3. hula umnnn Arrival at Ililuanlmn in `Hanna In ulna: man this city, but an Moolho. ol cool on i thud. not ' ' I v -nu ._. ..__ . { I _, ;!`Inl,__ went I In Illhj In A t of Lulu-`.`-.' 310. The errw I'M 5-nileuunu worn nil 4 we--pl one mun, aim in dlownrd fun n [in about water. from Iiekneu and Ielhu-Ill Eh`:-`ruuwiei ':u vo ~u'fl4'->5" ..a. -5-: `Eh:-unallcr Hmmvo` man, _._-_n a--- bvajguun um your-"tr ' : xi"t;'fns..n..'w-`. :`a3I? l;!r1':|:u::;'l.4` 1: Home. '-""' "" ..r.':"=.:a""*'.:;"...-.;..,. `AI'ln'HlInu'puh auwumn Iliihtlomllnndyi OhIi-lo. You don t nudorltlnd. I Wu In In ulcuhor? An` : nnyouudn Itlqnpht Och--`lo.,il' on I.Ivunuuqo,wunnudthn. 1%: Hnill-mthwinwllh electricity IHQIIH _ `E New York whlmur yunwinly :3; was w.u, now, ' ....n..|.. I'...._-L. ," D:*"I$ ` .nI nu. hnnv-(I at Iilh xtur- wnnc u-I or In Toronto Ilmnon in up:-emmd_ II hlvlng ban in our; way disgraceful. Hr Booth :1 Applied to nu Ghndlury at Toronto huh MIC sonhu-iouu, udh In all `liIIto|r` mwmhumm -uugm of IQIIIIII-nuthtlmnn r A Dnancucl. Ann:-.--Soverai Compnniu ` oi iimntn from Toronto. who wanvlailing Ibo Fniiafon ho ndq illi, became Invulred in I nimnnfnl Ijut, which mailed in tho nrioul in- jury ofiiootb, tbniuoeunivo proprietor of the ' luonnn, nolr Tabla Rock, and the destruction ; . of mm of his niunbiu property. A Bufnlo ' . 0onpnny,No. l,Ii\l prudent, mud endcmvored ` to protect lln bnlcn nun; but Ievuni of their numliu wu-I bad! pmlndnd, sad but for no I ' uriolordono oiaou,tin whcie Gonpnny would prohdliy Inn [ole in up udd their cum- ' ulmudhonovu-pound by nunbcn. Nu-' Hill in , Iiluhs llifunhhm human" , ginning Inca in am: it! :iunnruI_ In F Ku.uo.--Clu-srlrn Ilemonway, at-com] male of the Ichoonor Dtprcy, of Onlqgo, Vwu iaumlly killud nlfolodoj on Ibo lls hut, while naming \ l_o-I-dm.iuuoow.. Hohlllntu the hold, loll I blrlff won fell upon him, crushing his skull. `He was about 15 yam of Ago, and In n mun: qfowugo. . I nnq nnparunt ougact. " ' 3d. Thlt while no orplmrchild shall be u- ludad from the orhlunge on nucountoflhu ro- ligioul creed ofiln pm-auLa, Iho Institution shall in under the management of I committee oom- poud solely of Proloalunls, and the religions in- ulruatlun given in 1! shall be from lho Bible. -uh. Arit in axcnedingly desirable llml all Prozuuun denominations should unite in this Christina object, vfhich would be rendered im- poultle were the finuro mnnngemonrro fall In- to the hand: of any une i:hurc.h, it `is hereby` l'ul- ly and diatinctly understood llml the manage- u1ent._of lb? Orphans Home, at well as the en- tire control on All funds which may be raised for its uupporl, than be vealed in 3 nominee tube composed of landing of all Christian denomina- Iionn,and if practicable, this committee to con- rirl of memban from Prmellnnl congrognuions in the city. . lllh. That to concentrate all eflurul in the os- 'l.ab.l|hm'ent of an Orphan`: Hum:-, it is dcairable to postpone cxerlioul for other luunlobji-um,l1ll after the sale at this Agricultural Show, hm Lug; I panlea having other uhjects in view may na- chilm all properly mmnixiing unsold tu uppro-- prints to other purposes. ' GUI. That in cnnlrlhnlimm nf what:-vur Iilmvl guru or u an uwrur curse is pronounced. `2d. Thu this meeting, recognizing the solemn obligation renting upon in Christian conimunlty to provide for tho orphnn Ind children in Provi- dence out upon it, cordially unit: to do all in ` their ownr, by their personal exertion: and by their nuenoo, Io forwnrd this man necessary and iniparunt object. That while no ornlmnrnlzilri nlmll h .1. wuowlng II I copy : , - lot. It in the solemn command of the God of. all our moroies, Add olten reputed in His word, to can for nod ho kind to the widow and the or- plum. To the obaurnnoo of this `command a special blessing is pmnglsed, Illd on the disre- gard of it an uwful is pronounced. meelimr. rrcmmizina lhn mh:-ma ` "XIDIYOIIIIIII Hll, Inn, form m m tin in the laluokgnnrdn put ` Oltlk--IIunnI'| and moan; by Is!- `[ an: in '1. whgm -nu-In` 0 'I!.`nn...:......':r.;.-I WU UUUIU B05 TIOIIVB IIIIO DUI" HIIHHICI. - The resolution: pund It the rat. general meatingln April were also read, of wlueh |l1e lollowing In n copy Isl. It in thu solam cnmlmmd of the (1n|}.nf llllu LU `VIN-lfll UV$r H3 llll('l'I :lE Ill illlk`.l' ""HI'9. Yet. in were much Christian In-ucvulence among us. We know of many instances where . orphan clnilclren lmvu burn kin-lly lrontul, and . christianly mlueuu--I um.` _ll':Ill.ll`|l. Suvrutl of them are nowrespecmblc licmla t-f'l'mmlirs, and . christian members of society. And here we would relate It. noble instnnco of sol!`-sacricing . humanity. Same fourteen or lo-en yrars ago, . .9 poor vrouno, A totnl lll'X'lHg('l' in lngaton, died, leaving an orphan buy four or five year`: 0141.. After sotna time n fatnwr from ti diamuco took him to his bomb. with the intention of bringing him up. Ho was diseeuud, nud tlimlly lost his 0 night. Being a heavy burden to tho (Armor, us kind protector applied to know whether there were in Kingston u}? Institu- lion vlte:_o_ho could`lm takcn cure of. Find,ing~ thut there was noun but the Home of lziurtry, 5 bl resolved tokaap him; nod be is still with him, treated 1: him as kindly as if ha,wc-re his own ntld. ow, who of ul would be willing I9 tnrlro the burden of rearing a blind and {cable child 7 Snroly It in dsmall thing in `oompm-is non tn mike some ucrico to provide a. com- fortable home for those pair afflicted ones vihom we could not twelve lnto fmnllics. This rnnnlnitirmn nnnnml -I Hm R-an ......-....I I I I | I III! |Il'0 III III DUI |.I|J'Ul'H. ' The history of norm 01 me children lulu-n uvgy from `the House uf Industry has Iululy come to our lmowlrdgn. Sumo, Inning bevn hnrlhly mauled, have ran away and Income wnndomrs; others have burr slnnmufully na- gleou-d,oblige1l, early age, to do St`-TN`! Irork,nnd notevrn taught 1: read Such, we- fum, may be the condition` of many of these poor children in MM bands ofullish and llnpriudiplrd mualera, from whom mlonllenl tyranny lhl-y but no means of escape. We sympathise with lhl miseries of slavery, and gmw indignant at ' the of-{Jrenions ofsoulbern plnnlrrs, but lhuso I vary 1: ildren at home may be naluu'sh|_\' treated nd 1: Irul_y.prevenled from laarulng to rvud the Bible, nail in were donu by legal elm(`l men! Now, one special Ub_j8('l. of our Urplmn lnslilulion would be lo see that its (zhilnhvu were plucedin humane and Chrillirln liumiiil-s, mud to watch over lhelx lull-rum: in ufwr ` Va: is nun. m....'I. n|.-:l..'.... I 7|`-|--r\ '.if'| V lllll .Il|!` lI~ll`I')' lllill WITICII` .9 in g |.rui.ui.ii`ity awaited Iiuuu. Than unto nds allow.-d fur clothing l'tKlIiLeaI.i.linio;I|.BnAi. wit-n the it Iqmr'u|uin, man ur them wtgro with- out Ihoog orltockingp, ur almost uny clothing tiufwonid keeptimn warm. Tim India who vipiud done all i&-ih&i power to improve lbti! cditiun and bcggedfor them till they `got that wmaiui kuup them fruxu tin- ' gold. A few very yuan]: Indian by their york hisad u; wards oi :33 In assist in clothing them int winter. it has been said Lin-ru are few or- piml cmixirt-n-, IIhdYbnefr:re it place for them is `. not nqldod. Atrgstni tin.-re lire few orplnnu ' in it House 0| imiuntry, bul many 'hnva been brought them during the last few cam. in 184'! niche. that _dn-uifui yon? ni'TypIiun, were ten between sixty `ind uuenty. `Where no they Iii non ? '1 he liq-mun Unthulicu provided ` a place for their orphans, but thin Protestant or- phan! true given to'an_y one, imiisorimimueiy, who Hunted n Iittir boy or girl to be uu-Sui, J without mgimlto the cilnrncu-r ..f Um person, , ` pm! withoutnnycunditioni impound. Tin o:- I phans lhlll taken Itwtlx from tin-. ilousu ur iti- duatry are unaltered out the country, and there in not a rodord of wituro the greater number are 10 be found. The lad uecesuiiy timi luai flu this ` diapului of them is the most urgent` ruusuu for i 4 1 the institution of` In 0rpimns' Hume. 'i'itore : was not mom in the houau to contain them, and I they WM!` tiiareiuru given to till! rat uppiiglnl. 1 Were the scourge oi ii fut.-ti epidemic, such as i `I`_yphuu.ur Cholera, again to commit its range: ` among uu---and we know not imw soon such all C 1-`vi-at ln_Y_1Ik place-~-.wu should just be in the C lrtmu condition 11! before: it is not a lime to l build hospitals for Ilia ail,-it and dying when `C they are laid at our doors. ' i` Thu hi-Ilnrv nl' nnma no line nlliidrnn lulu-n h - gm. ehildnu btougll; in macaw.` , Lu! lhim II! no one than in care "or I kind mm}, and may soon 0 __ -1-gal {mans lninn in rhn `ma. IP'|L ITCVFIHI ll] uffmunlie-a, rind " snll -aucrilicing '91] \ Pl" n uunoll unmnnq at 06 a `too. ' In Chm than in a large bdll`; doing, and the nmrkln in rnlbor Meier; 05,000 buholn nix- ed Wutorn at 58.u62c. Out: 43:48:: {or San And. Wukm. - _ nu-n uuuuo ul OV,UUU IMIIIIII I`.| C... for common to prinomhiu Bouchon. $1 5! (9: km mu: so for law Baln mm IIIBMPII unlmd A166 agloo. or ...' ` Gun than 1. . In... |....--- -I--- - - - SI 45 fur Ouudhn Olhb. _ l'ho mrtn cloning; r Iuvu arm IIOIIIIIIH Ill! same. , ti:-nin.-;H ow w an: In demand for upon at Outer ricos, while old rule: rather in II` dull. II of 30,000 bushel] IICI GO] 1 'l0 prinomhih Bouunn. I! H 5-- It: HUI- , Thai: `Wu -y lunch. - II II Illtlinl in New York`? ' Ya. ~`nyoII.yourmun;e PO`-0 iIIIIl Dlviilnodofgivon I ' lndclhr Hill, turn In milk :3 all, an alt. Jun 0`. `I: Ch Llnnb-.3. . -..a . mm a moderate uemnml. Sales 300 bbln nl $6 '20 a $7 60 for cummuu to choice oxtrl. Solub- un our in doing bitter with sale: 500 bbla it 3725 AS`! 50 frm ed: food And O160u' $8 25 fun funny Jim 31:1. 0 ye l|'our Ind corn` meal irqnouziull the ulna. Gain.-New I nut 'ln 4I.._....| r... ------ -A .... .. . \-nu .u_u_nn|uno. -A August I6. Flour, &c.--`l`hc mcrlm for common and me- dium grades of our bu xdnnced 5 3 10 cents par barrel with c. limlnd auppI?"`I`ll|`I fnir ll1_- quiry for the Enicru nod loco lrsde ; there is ` -190 a moderate export demnnd. Solo: 6600 `bola at 36,80 an 6 for common to choice Iupurlne ante; 36,10 I 6,40 for euro do; 36 1 6 30 let common to choicc Inpernt Indiana, flllnoll, inconrin. m1d'Ubio $6,401 7 for `common to good extmdo ; and 88,50 1 9,50 for an en Genenr. `The market clfng quiet and rm. Candis: our may be quoted a Ihnde rmer with a moderate demnnd. Sales common doing With llhu Mn Hm -- The alcnmur Aug: niled from New York on - Thurmlngj for Huvre with 18,000 bu. of when mm: 2,000 lgbls ofour. [ V _ _ .._..._--_..s__.j___... were in glut requisition by the erowd which had assembled on the wharf, and it wee not un- til the Citizen returned in n qnnrler of an hour aerwnrdr, with the gratifying new: that the re was on ehore, the! their fears were Alia ed, end they dinperned. The Citizen procoede a long way out, when A council! Ina held by the dimnt cllplains on board ; And lhe computes huving been brought on deck, it Ina discovered but llw re could not proceed from any veuel, I _u_nd that iv. must be on. shore. Thu vessel was ' Lurned homcwerda. The [in Ina some ten or twelve mile: o`. On enquiry it. turned out mm the Eur:-pa" was starting on her regular trip to Ugdcnaburg, when it. wee supposed that she was going to resaue the palsengen on the smppusud burning vessel. Grant. prlilu in due lo the prompmeaa of Mr Quinn in hulening to what he considered a fcenn of danger, nnd nine to those .lhnI no ably unlined hinJ.-'I'urmlu Lrmrler. ...q.... .. mcnunuui WIEICOPIB EDI} spy-gllllli", To run ltaaoua-'-A Soaxs.-'l`hnraday ann- ing, shortly after thowteomor Uitiun atartad from the inland, at halt`-pant unn'o ulook, amea,uccompnnied_b_y a dense cloud ofamoko, wore diaoorerld nrtho direction of Oalvilla. Various conjectures wort made an to the cause- ot` so unusual an up nranco; until by the time that the boat naare the wharf, tho opinion had` gone abroad, and been ganornliy adoptad. that the flames proceeded from a atoantor on re. Tina excitement became very grcat, an it waa uuppoobd to be the ataamor Banger, which. land lime to reach tho position in icatad by tiio lianm.lf than were any doubt: by thin Iimellbat a steamer was on ro, they were romovcd by the fact that the atoamer Europa wan run to got up atham nnd make all speed in the diractioa of the tin. The paaaen on having boon loaded from tho Ottizou, Mr ninn propoud, that it he were supported by the passengers, he would run for tile burning vessel. The reposition was at once responded to, and in a :1! minutes some twenty or thirty men wnraengnged in loading ' the citizen with wood. The Captain of the staamboats lyingnt the wharf lent ovary anio- tance in their power. Captain Pinclrlo, of the Provincial, at once placed dome fty _or Iixly lilo-proservora on board, and than not angagod in loading tho vessel with wood, employed themtwives by inating the life-preenrvern. ,a boat having been placed on board`, word given to start, and in about five minutes iron the time shu touched the wharf the Citizen was nmkingnli speed for the scene of the auppoud diaaster. Meanwhile telescopes and spy-glauas" bv crowd which wuuayr. zuu nlqe-1 01 lull!` Hill. I! unnnowu. .\ o roliuble new: from Gcnernl Walker, though report mm, that -{icon in in poueuion of ox- Preaidenl Rina with 3' force or live to nix` hundred men. au Juan healthy, bulinou dull. at-vognnl, 46 uo ;- xsuryance 26 no; Uapoq:k,2l.1. do; Tartar, `:1 do; Archer, 16110; all under cummnnd ut Adm. Erskine. And the gun bums Victor,Pionaer,a.nd Intrepid, each with sizguns. Eight other! no said to be elptbk-d no naf. The ohjevl of their visit is unknown. Nu Ealinbla news from (hnnml Wnlinp uI.....-|. IDTIHPIIIUU I-" ' A British linen, recently Arrived, is lying at .`3'mIJ1mI1, consisting of the falloiving named ahips;--Orion, in guys; lnaporituu, 60 do, Arrogitnt, 46 do Eurydice 26 do; Clpoek, 211. dug Tartar. do: Archer. 1611:): all unam- gun. u zmama Io us II. muul. cununue to recog- uiase the Rina Government no long niit is. in puwor, and hlsnot beun revoked by 41 clear ex- pwsuicnn of the peupiu. We do not regmd lhu election 0? Walker, by the votes of his few de- luded folluwuu, sun fair expression ntlhe senti- ' meme of the poupla of Nicaragua, und we pm- aumu the United States Government will Illa Vivw it an an unlnir expression oflboir Irish. '6 do rm: hllliiu [hut nnnun will in I-annu-4.! new u as an unmr exprelalon 0! their wishes. We do not helivu that pouzqwill be restored lo Nicrngun until Walker is dFiven or withdrawn from the c0unlry,und us he in now an iutorlopur --~nu usurper-it is the duly oflhe Uniludsuuen 1.0 ium-pose, us they did when he invaded Muico and forever pm n slop to his schem' ofuoIf-ag- grnndizlsmvlll. 'l`hc_r owe it to themselves to do no. Thu commercial mud business resource: of Nicaragua warn: nssuued,:ue in the worse poni- ble cunditiqu. Business of every description in entirely suupended, and them is little or no momvy in the country. The greatest diutnla pzornils, and |..'tu mtru as well as the ptweaonlof Ni(a'rngun presents it and picluro. Tim Aaninwull UmJI'iar hu tlm fullo-rlnn in. nu uugun pru.~ienL:`u and picture. Aapinwall Uourier has the following in- formation .\ ll.l gal curmus so now now lulu uovernmenl mu not in view of the present atuta of things in Nicara- gua. It seems to us it must. cunlinue to no lam: min. is in \"UHQ` IUVII um puuplu ul mcnrngun. do not re- cuguizo. They regard Rivas an rightful Pumi- dcnluf the country. He is so rueognizld by `lha Fnitud States (iovornnu-ut; and In an curinus to know how that Government" will not in vi:-w nf Hm nrmumt nlnln nf Ihiulnl In m....... cuum.r_y nupvngunj nuns mm; Illtl Is no IOIII hora upon their invitation, M be nllegeu, he should now Is-nvoysiuce by his not: of cruelty he` has divou them from hi; support. They pref--r one` f their own cmuzlrymon to pnclde over them; and hence they cling to Rivas. Walker '5 nrmgnliug to himself the right to de- l"\|g.,` ltini the pooplu of Nicarlgmz do not cuullilct-. Thev renvnrd Rivnama riohlfunl Pu:-ti. nnu purpgm; The people of the United Blltol have _,bIBD deouived and mink-J with regard lo Walter : ` tfua cnnrmtu and lb: and: he Inn in view, not mg nqonor their mind: are diaubnud, Ibo better for the cause of truth and humanity, II it msy hanfthe eecl of restraining young men from going to than sickly and inhoipilabln uljma. The annual that imlnllod Wnlinr In an I. going IU IIIII nanny Inn mnoiplunln ouma. The cause: that innpollcd Walker to go to Nicnngnn no longs: exilt. Thetreople of the country nolongenj want him; nn :3 he `hora uuou their invitation. sun In Alison: I... rugs: an In an uaurpor. . At V rst they were ditpoied to look upon hfm as {Mir delivorur-but hi: may blunders `and acts of ruelty bin induold than to change their minds with regard to his clmuctu, sin: and purpgou. The man}: uf [In United Slain hnrn hum I --1 \ -.1'lu Pnmuun Slur nndllonld an`: W|lke|J'I position in 3 mod prourioul mu. ' U4; h.-u only Iwolia hundred (ollmvt-rl--Ill told, Rims. whu sutl eonlcmdi lhnu. ha in Pfllidltp is r.-rlifying himuaif It Unneudngua. and tau Il- reacly lbw. lhuuaand wall urugnd lroopl. Ho has the aympulliy uf um outiru minlry snap! the fair American: who still Mil!!! to Walker, and hen countrymen ure daily rushing` to his ulandnrd. Honduran Ind Guulelllll Iri urgnniaili forceajo inndq Niun us Iid drlvo Walker -our the cannlry ; Ind It Imdumnod um: as won as the dry nun u-nnmu-now war at |mnd~--lhuy will make I demon: on` NI- cnmgun. liima will, of courts '1-eecin their by-npull-y and competition, up Walker in now raga: ed In ` rs: flmv were dinnoaed tu Inuk unun hfm NEW YORK MARKETS. An V Illu In 1-in Tuuuru Or- -nil.-.-NAs'bIH'oIn uognptn" hnlu Ibo uni: dny. n he `qoohshofnnuarhutlaiap. 7 _ it Inn, a dialogue en- i, Wllulliohllowingiuunouru I i&ilnpuIuaunportorwuub|uo m . lAl'ionragnn.nwL'dr| . ` Pllliok Luna, but H50 Willi committed to ` pa, In an no to non -am-.-[GIob.. ; v u...' "..'..".....,.......'"'".'.7.;..:f:. . INS:-I unturn- HQCJT Kllhout all night, by Brianna. hand from `Iii II Ila! of Dr Garner, who ` lilloooulld, it appear: that the 1 I01!!! at` blows, or other in- : _ __ Ah! _I patient hearing of 1 W. h `El! Rhivnntlnvnnnu-Inf #11!` W1! WHY` BUIIIIIIIII` IIII Ighling. They had two illoiu, 0 girl, about I301` 14- and nutmeg ma emu or nhoycmdd. Thodoauud Inn with- h llnq hulk qfbor oonlnomm. Tho` Lggltltuutibisoaioruoa nmbodn hot Ijul V worodrlnking on Sunr- gullhlwonhalhu hot nothunnordyin Ihopitob thousand,` onlhoolbotofwbiah, it. `qmlllowunrubo ' tohnnboou} Mink` n-nah:-_ n ulna` hm! Ina. nu-1|- . auunut aaooaarswme. inictod by E Innnd- "III I'D! I nnnml Inna: Liih ` " ni'{n;{a:i;I'ia-l>i$l;:lV ' hr Cllpl. Inn by, 1 Cutout Jones T In (I lie I1M`uId~, It Imus an and woman yarn. Frmn the 7 up n E1!!! Ilhhrdn, when were continual- ` hjnnnml Igluin- 'l'|.-.. L-.l 4...... IT:-.-aliinhrnoninz 9lq-No. I wand lo the huniuou A; 52- `P2-:5-`; I I~-_lIi{1:`n'fkl; mu 2 "315 0:0 I; onlnly. Jun ulu dfk II hill : III: in: Jul- UKwvIlU"" I Inltwt; my to your! L TI! Wally IIIIIIII. of tho New York Unm- - Ihionm. of Inlgtpuon, uhnmod at lhlll mollljflhnlny, Ildilvlhl din onigrnu nun! that L: thlllyonr,` number Il,o3I_; to .13: his Inuuqamol. lnlgruu no new calving In [tutu numbers than at this anon` built, Ind lb and unlgnuon for was will In Allpuhligy uud that 0! 1856, mm bu nmvul nu Qantas to August am, can `r-r.1I.IM r--um.-I-In-I 15.03.! to was ; the int. ` _ , In an Lnunruu-Wougugc to bun um .3 tdlhll IUll`|I,y,ln Ibo Tovnnllp Illlllug luring mi 1 and burnt! to full I [uni-5 jut by `no mo mm; `IIU VIII ml)!` in ma neighbor- Til l$IUWIIu"'I II. \IUIlNlI' IIH ' has!-t qn:-0: n vhlt an other day In '_l`IOIloI,'n charted lb nil: Inn laid in may plan dug III nqud to had the unexpect- : ldlljll otu-u_l'! Iron out" In motion, hu- ~ hgognnl hlnnunohod gnu! badly onpgod : II than (on or n IIIHO Inn of ldflpols Wonntoll tlun the` work: were bio pub! fbrwlid with the [natal snug -In u. thank an was working I" {my on M hllullluur 'l`nIIa-|ud thtifnoooulty ` Iltwuiwnliho oonilnod during mu. 3.. . Inlldudqulnudcr mlunlh mu open: lloobly. lhlnuitldglurwnhufrnnlb " ullhhonnrynprlor plus olmuhnnlnl at-oginumgnun curd! voltIIIoo|.ng.1 has in I Iununtln hid it hum on I Iullqylnlnncbuhln Q Wolnudny lul, ' nu` u.-,9 anunma-an wish non : -_Ju.'; L. :.:.n..; 1.. ....- -_.-.. |.........: .......'..,.* ." luv 191:: -- nut:-Iuuull VIII lllli UV III Up in blind of, En! list they will oontla ms to run an Icmolhu, null` u non mnunomuvo up roundup an to undo. . Tnmm In no Tamil` - II `nd kn I sugar. I M nnlnlaond I... ll. - `MI pqpon oonplnln oftho unununl , [unions of nu-dyhln In that ally. and oi uunolou Am 0! vlolouo and lllohhf-pofpI`Irr til Ild com oftln night. A imlbor of ns H3, IIIOIII EV public uplrltod lldlvidunla hlyhlhl [In spring slang the Bordon of tho minglnvu bu duwoyud, and cum: minu- !) lljlllnl. In lb cannery, toonnu, wh`l..-h htl bun plnbtl all land at Inch uponu, hills Ion up by tho mu. out clown nod _..u|- ..A `A- _.4__. _.._.. It lpplln II the msmn, Ibo &dI|,I'|ll uotbo laid up an ..u..a on line nun at... -m .....n..... o- ...- _-........_......__.__- ._ ___.-.-, 0-. If Ban on nnouumnt ol the Illlry Plo-Nlo In our udnrunlng column. II FIUI T KT VI XIII: I'M JIIII _wlll`tqMor non-I130 tom, and vqhgouuuln one the mgr In uh no- tlu. thl [ho II II this ucuu will be Ipol tonll with us built, oftho ptopor alnl and Ionian. The prison an Ilrge, and wuxpui to be club to unonnoo than as men ll lhl pnuninrha Inn boon dodtlod upon. lhptoahthnbut port on the l|ka,und has I the npumlou olbnlldlug the Inuun mu. ~ lrmmoi "Bun-n_.-`- K niiinh Imlu P IR olviry In [Inn and proportion: um lulolotl mg In-PI4;oon'n yard M Pommomh` II Iuulqy dhnobu. $1 the lmbiuon Ru- n to hit phat during '00 Provincial Show? C "l`HIJ , MIN Supt. 550 ill Ohffgkned the = lolly ollinjutonf by Ila Oorlmt uu dnu gh- Ipf Uh SIIIW, Ind ll Mm Iplilllly to com- poll VIII thlanr an In brought qnimu In t ouugputohhhhorlllnt. u. ...-Ln ..II|`....:.a.. _..-I- an 4.--- -_.| I Ilghly-lnnllu 0! tin Inbnuluo ulogrsph I Ilblohllhon nonufclly lnld bolwun Now- hlnllud llll Otpo Briton. The llno lrom SI. - Joli !-G00 IllI4lo Non Booth, which in to sunset lb wholn line to Benton and New lYoI_k,lnxp|hllo be hid nuuumh. The I wink Ila I0 0190 Bum: will ha in opu-alien F um lb m or own. nu `Flu man; u. - wlin II: n oflho lnropcu oontlnont. Tho `hm-ninth III: to count at Capo Bulon -1: b in lull law: an you. run when connect- CII will [In II hourlyannnunloatlcin with Ibo` old will. `li llll In I world of wonderful nnhhnnhnnln ' or In llm.wn.-'l'ho Oolborno 1.-_....l_n ........ I\_. _ __n_n .L_ ...| . F `l'n`ou'o.--'l'h club! of the City of Toronto shout; to III III oruoagu curnnoy. The OHQIIIIIII HI jllt dlnpoud of I oonlltionblo ilnlll I! the Olly Dohontnnu lodbondou cupi- hlllh It-pr. * 0. -_1IIbdduWmlVd n xuiulhnboudonwlcig cargo of tag ionl > olpndn. 'l'Io uurluooupiuunlynmll champ. uni. he aging` are but lullluy to bruins. Killldctholrlpln 2| dnyanpd ' lllQ)llql|oVHI;'IhIBl_hPrhIc,IvuIIlof llkodlnullou 7., Q` llgli copies of the Cirulth and NIH an the nu onln not my be had, in nppou Iuljllj. Price M. such. lnuml over) Iraq nanny. . Give my bin "Iiok"wluH lnl=IIgo||,|:Ht:IlokWIt3 lycodlut Ann I 0 3 his dad that hum nouns, I ' .' '0--Ahfrl `_ I130 nun'e. D.` ' via:-' inhonin many C o 'IldI'nrnnnnm-. : or` I nu inlhtnnogan, I ha burld the family I UCv- IlA`lIZE$I` F Indiana 3?. ' xupm,m` : mm ' my `Dunno I Odlnuhuu P3113 ' M Baum ' lbtlirluu nohoyo w I' 0 ggnlmou gum: to Onmllu ` Quub:g Kangaroo Phlluhl llln Dnahnn llndln IIIDIALH I31`. I Anilo-&.lon I -nolnnn HQU I0?! Alfl lonflnchlpur Phlluhlph. llnnn . Boun- W s..;f:;:i `Aldon ....-...l 0.ufIAnclul'r.l IL `llnrluu. .l ` `j J ruin. II-II.;- lkpn ..... ..l.InrpooI.. LIntpooI.. Omflnlliuon :.`5'voupool.V. I-nu. . rum . . ..' .' 1.1:. I. In-vuunl IIIIII1 I lndln. . A.|nIn.H ?."a.`f.".':;:.`x:a`1........."""`: :.....""-.: 1 2 :`5':':'. *3 .....0cI.2'J non umso I1'A'rn.AND 0.uu\1).\. .. .u,'.. ___L._ _ I |___.,_':,| A ,. , ..a-ugh.-. mum? Ioima. Auauaf. -um-njm nmmnainor " % r....a...""' `T" 373' .'.'3.?`'sf.I';."".3.'.. India! A ` Gui--lhow am. am... a. 1.. un- . ht--Whthoalldf 0! mu,a. % HIIIHIIUII7` oI.I|IIl:iII8hillo-' T_`?`rnoI nwnon ' hn 4 l.:_.-- -, .. n .1 `% my maup"iigEg: ilnrpool v York Lin:-pool Philndolplt Llurpbol 3L .'.. {:'.""'i Phllnlnh. Llgml II!!! at York p Plulluhlnh grlmlph. guise Liverpool lithe Llurpoul Ll I 39...: .;.-*..m. -Il -ulna:-savanna v-u 3:050 Ll " ` at York L\l:::p&Il Pllhddih. M I In Yer VIIHKI . New Yor llama um. ~ .r'``lI-r ? Jhllndnl 1! July 3` In`? ...Aul I rwucnpnn A __ ` . II; :1 . . Jung 1! -- You-L. Aug 27 -ruugil Iuauqau Now`? ...Aug IN.'Y0fk.-.A|l 9 .PIIilnl&1p|:iA Aug I3 . ooh: . . . . ..A--ula `.7 ' YeI`k...AIr[-4": -- Ior......An[ll ..lII YoI'k...An`$l .FH|Ido| h.A -:1 . .5 3: Ill DIV` Bulb llnrpuol Liverpool .Lnryool wr- Oct. On. 1 Oct : Nov; Aug. 18 Au 30 Aug. 21 Aug. 23 Aug. 2'! Aug. 30 `$0.3 &|). 10 y. 13 Sup. I? St 2'24 Hg. 21' uonlnptbno inch of on . ' IIIHI. ` T u N . n.d:'y=:.ln' r?b.'a'nnI Vcnvlu not on lucky. had cut ulna II: On the In 1. "'3'! Hun nut: norm and rd:.:Inru punllod ovu- i l` V :`::.`.`{.?..': `` On Ibo Mu: of March. on: only hour in ID! am. Thu Snnglr lolnl. when the Ihqqcko won lgmn ' In h|uIIlIohohkl.lWl,l`,1u Ln V A uh`vuiuupuuofII ||t6 Iunuuuuuoinuo-or auuu; vuuy our uu uup, IlIIll!lI[ Inc Vol: lljlll of day. On of an not us hooked on and unnnod for A line. but not notional . Th mt: wu blindd by II, and pnlnbly pl not noon: tho night of both 9100. Had It not hon M In in. alum and run which dolnpd Ibo ip. than unto nodonhuh would Inn has on In from the lrnckto tho um. Tho lhnlopull Inn New out of the bol and the to .uu-lmlnmolullum India-la: Nip; all lb lip tho uhlp rod which, 1 uqy,Iholnm,uuvgry' . .1 II`dI1`Il.lII. IIIII. Vnnllnnnnnn u uuulun nu n,monH.W.byW. The air Inc vs .o::,`f:a u: 69 llllllf an immune on than from an Gulf, vhlal con- gulod Inoon null nu, |_ml wu Irina ful- ouly am the ship, excluding the vo ugh: of ` day. of cu invoked in-n ua \ um 1 Inn, to Iuwnrn, IDOII llllploiled Illll `I and upon and [rival commotion. Than rm aural men mun; thojlb n the um, ud tlnoacudon In: no pun um it llfhd than .-my our chin boon. `nu mum mud nll next day utlnlglt, monN.U. by W. Th van uoltud lo! 69. nunlnd :- pxoulu Imu mmcnaonl Ioroo, Iilllng tho duck in mound Ipu-ks, with oouunod oxplouion of tho puuolu, like dnumnlng powdor or lor- podou. Owing to lb: ice, nlool, Md now, with which :50 duh Inn amend, the In I'll I00! ullnraod. About bl ulnnlu -nu. a lo- oand 'lunclmufho unto plugbntwu` drlun B 150 force of the win! jut char of III- IhlII'I I. I6 lniud. II): II. A-rnlmhnl -m. I IIIIIIIIO mu at up much tho nunroysl nut- hcui, nnd than fall on tho |uInhuch,~ when II. plodld with tnumnlou force lling the duck hound apart: with ooatfnud Alnl- _-_nl_I.. I:L. .l-n-__.:-.. _ _ __ 1 sumac. '5! (~`9Im'r I'M! Enquirer oallnrlch 25, co- lnlo an: rag nor, oonuinu o to lowin :- ` Inch 3d,Ihlp Juunnm. In hi. 3! 30,112. long. 70 40' W.,-unpcntnn or water 69 dog, air 38 dog. Fnhunboll; Inuhn duh and loworlnmwith Ihrp Ii Inning. At 8 A.l. oonllllnood blowin h with heavy rain and 1100!. A1 1.30 ., ., whlio Ibo:-toning all, an immune hallo! 7` much the ndhronl M haul. and M nun-much, aim. in ` -l DI? I331-IIUT -' The Oauricr and Enquinr of thin nnrniag ronulnl I thrilling autumn of Volouliu Inp- tlnuln lb Ioluoou,-on lhl 2d, 3d, and 17th olI|'rulI,ol`tho puunt ,1. On nfotrllg to our natural plunonon or the gun period, we and um Ihonnh uul its punuphm won n'i- . Ilulunooluly shawl, our 1 gm! aunt of Illlftol. I'|m (bun-r nail Hanan`:-r nf Il...I.' on .. l`l.lVoI.onuo Inun-ml ll nu Io|.uoo1|.- Prol. I. Uh-hm, on the MIh'1nIt., wl-on from Brooklyn Holglm no follow: to the N. Y. Cour- iar and Enquircrr: ' |l|u l'Imao.'.a- a...) D.......`.... -0 u..I- ;.-.._:__ pounun. nunrnmg mu mu at n no Ion It all, cu nnca mun prunilau, nu. Inhalat- ing: for mun: you`: In abject ponuty, dlod ang- god bogjlr nl St. Giles In London. , urnulumo mom or support. Thus bounnd-I0 mind to no 0bIIIl`|-|od[- ' log in n chap pay! or Ibo town, nuhnhtinj pub I ly on ehnly, oopotinu acting on tho mother 1 at n hilllnnl lnblo, npd occasionally on o holpor _ In 1 llmy uahlu. In thin minorublo oondhlon, L with nakedness Ind funino luring him In tho hoe, upoued In tho tnnnla and Innum of thou whom an bod anon supported, ho Wu rooognlnod by an old Mud, who you him ton ulna: to \ purchlu nooouulu. Ru upended we In pro- curing decent Ipplnl ; with tho rornnlnlng live he ropnlrod 10 I common gunln boun, and il- crnud them to my; [in than `mum! to on; or the high" order or bonus, not down with forum nuoolnln, nod won Ivianly thonlnud ponndl. Balm-nlng Ilnu nut nffh In Ion I: III, no Ina fnr In-nu Inn!-A In ulniann nanny: tllul Anna. ' hams Ibo trinlmn nod loose money in MI poet 7 nluml in | lump :1 I mriniu sum, Ind nun an ounce on-|oovn_r, or ngm Irma mm. Bin I-ropolltlou Ru thin: um bl: cnrriago In on, In town louo,|1nIe and furniuu-o-i short, nll ho had left in Ibo worl6--Ihould thrown al n single can. No pernnpumnl ooul prevail um Lirn Iv deimrl from his purpvoo. Ho Ilmvr_nnd Ion; thrll conducting the winnr to the door, he told Ilse couohmln than no his mum-, Ind mnrchnd forth lulu the dark and dis- nul mom, without huuav: or l:ome,ur any one cmlmbla means of luppori. bonnnd-ho mind an an nhlur-Jndn- vunlli *- Aocordin lo Ihc story told oflhil madman- for we oalllm nothing Iln-when he Ind jnl oomplotod \ 0 loci of of hit Int sure at I hung house In London, :4! no prqceldiy ' down H10 lulu to throw lmelfinto I can! to noun; hlm homo to his home in town`, , rnolnq upon huh: one throw mum to mgjovgg Hi liiliil, Iiilln nely roturned loilu room ' when llu` nlnv inn aoinn nn. Hand In. um - WW-pm. IIIIIIOI l . ru-out Inauiu rum : argue uullmm. in I. Q nrlnmnnu his n-In-D .-.l ml mun, Ina Iluluuueiy murnea to ma roour whore lhi play wan going on. Nerud for the wow that mi bl. happen, ha Innialed that the. mom: he ha bun playing with should `rt in one chance of noorery, 'ur ght vrllh`, in. H1: I-rnnallllon in thin : lint hi: unriuu Am! :31: a_ A Gnuua.-Anon; Ibo innumerable nu-xbdolu ralnyd of tho ruin `of plrlonul plu, than Is on ' wotlh rnlnung whlulu-um-I to 1 Mr Putin, 3 gomlenun wgo, in tho riign of Quinn Alina, pouuned undo! the ban! eiii-tel in line Ooumy of N01-Ihnnblllund, Englnnd, Ihe whole of whleh he lost II bum! in about twelve nont|hI:- Bye: Leg ea, Wider, I I I II III) Nlcho| do Plan do Dumlgar nol put WIT. II!-llll II I lllnilu Tomlc in illicit, h by Pa:-noun, Purloui o 'by Kingston, b by Elliqu, Johnson 0 by do In by |`u-Ion. -Phillip: c by do 11 by do Gluplo run out, I) by do Slurp do b by I-`unmet, b ti 3%?!` 32 L! '..`!i`.' ` Ullslll III Illrlllillvnlu-I In uUlvI--v,y- -' 1:3, and aloud :n'lv`r4I|lg,"'i:l"i_ - 41.1.. Inn H IX liilu `rm lint, (cu-.aua.ui.1guuo;, um I IN mi: Inky: not; 3: follow: :-- PUIIOII u h_n_ {L L In Petllr 331;! bula if 5; Hill: Giht b by I'm:- 9.3 lllwn c by du I: ha. flan Prrlb E: D! I- InIl II My km. , i,5._ , Plouzcm. Cami Wiiil-3-A u` [nun an Elm-rl up ` V fun I|t":_i 0` UP#i, Canada In oomuqneti ll 1'09Ul`0.j` 75".! 1 I _..| ,... I.!.1.I-- '3-I nnnnhnl` In riff 1...... .=.;'.. am. |.I,.n . :_lIl:.U'Il{U.:.I"Illl tony Ioyour Pu unnnhinsohia had with u uulod nu); Jun ' am, just be r diu- nIdI 1vid Hanna: uynlihl '.'."'...`;.?':'.*.." ""`..:'..": "`: '""" " 1. ."?'..... n. 13:0 IP;?:'.v. Toullminuius I _ ' vlmnut union. Pm: I by I! tea I by Pnnunw Johi c |> `mom I: by Ilnpi-~r Glllupio 0 1 do In by Iiuplvr Pbilllpl, 0 19] do B by Patton: gilt 0 by In In by do rp c by do 6 b do Nluboll 0 do b y llllal llllo oh} I11!!! I: by Ila Dunbar a by dob do `form 0 by. do b do Purim n byllu b b do llll-In l: by In I nxnun Pmoon a bi Hm 1., Pluiulng n_ $10-11 I" Flu: lain-0 by u h b 3 In Mcunllu fin om. ,h;.Juhn!bf Du-am do In by Juhnwl 'Nnplg'r_u`l `um - I. Bye: ~ In: baa. Whlea Total two lnnin 3|, WIT, llooln Illlnu. s.. mm. n. 1... n......... `I '1 W:-:-9- by Ion, by hr, by 0 by Elliott, by do liirllqg E`-""*{" H6