Weekly British Whig (1859), 12 Nov 1856, p. 3

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Bwrcnu on ma S:ua.-HollowIy'| Ointmoul . and Villa. llemy lhllldny, E;q.. of.s l.John'I, N 13., was severely nlietodrwith hlolohen all over the body : the Irma, luudl, and-face, wore like- wise disgured with than unnlgluly eruptions. The medical men candldly told hlm is In: Iho nmnll pox, and prescribed wootdin 1], however. he was not beneued. The flu tho blood In: impure. and hence ncuro Ina out of thr- quealiyn. He resolved, as nothing be had tried lmd improvel him, to commence using Hollo- w-|y'a ointment and Pills, which he did. well rubbing lheiutrnenlon the parts a'ecl.ed:Ihoso remedies cnmblnad very quickly omsod III in proved uppnnr-n.nqo,|nd by coutlnuin with them for tire woekn, the blolchu entirely lnppenred, leaving him in the enjoyment of the moat robnn health. Inlh uao Inolum I uuuput Gina It-u;Llli;;o;ch'.:`ol"`cul Qmbu-. !:;No- vnnbelt I855. . ` Wu Hum;-9 Kn:-I-n' Qua 3nd Nov. I836. Aniclulrmon at Ibo Ion: ofTnutuuof the High School in this cixyfl Inn much pleasure |lIelpI0u`.x;'[.III[ oI_l`iro uutnvnleo in an Cu ll mu in! round" ._ * _ ' P m,o':u'.Coox, D 11.. Igiuiu at H Lulu-I` llnnla, .:._ IL it hereby cetlihed that Hr Procpot Louh boner hu I-nu I-`reach Manor in In High School ol thin cuy, during u pain! of four -nu; lhul during this lime in nu conducrnd ul clnnn with mrch train to hmulf. Iolhl entire umfuclion of his elnployeu. mud in hit- uiony wilh MI noociuotouon; Ihnl Immun- 11 comlucl has been nneu-ancient`: ; ud mu what i( in planning In iuoi lhul M nip: his pregonl charge to pupa" himnll IO! hither and , more acid duke, the pupllo `Id nll countl- ed with tho lnulnmou ngm bio doputnro. Gina It-the High Idnnl ol Quebec. lnl No- IRIV. Hm. Rn. . L :-. ONS. P. L. LEGER, (from Borduu, France) lnlely I-`ranch Muller in lha High School of Qnehuc, now Slndom oi` Divinity in Queen sCo1lago. would be hap- py to form nclm oayoung mag and I ulna 1 of young ladies, iron: to hum the ` French language. Tim: in arm: undo known hr innit- II ?`ni'|::ol:I15 made known by: pp};- ing In Mr ll. Campbell, B. A.. Quinn : Cul- lego School. A n: lmun will he donated In minn- Iago uonool. A few hour: `will be devoted lo privy: luilion. ' n I-and-ntuiuninrsn Inge or amuuuown. Uoudnlionn of III!) mule kunwn on the day 0! ule. or any be noerulnod on lptiiellioll. by louar (post-pnid) Iddruud to the `cumulon- on, Trust And Loan Compaq], Kinguton. Ab- urnclu ol thIn'n'n`y be seen It Lho ollioo of the Solicitor. s::...-u ~ I A rnnnnn nonou amun, no urnmu mo vmg : The North hull of Lot 11. In Oonr-union A of the Townohlp 0! Brighton (fornorly Inrrqy , containing one hondrod um; nlno. Ibo Non ` Inllor Lo! 32 in the lam Oonoouioo and upwa- ahp. cunuinln one hundnd um; IIIO, the North halves o Lot: 23 Inc! M In Ihnpmo Cou- olssion nod Tuwullip. oonuiuing uro hundred some; also, South and Want parts of Lot `H in liroknn Oouceuion A. nod North and Wu: Pr 0! Lot 24 In Broken Oonceulan B, in none ownnhip, contiinlng about 5ri| ncrn, more or lou, All in tho Oounly of Nonhumborlnnd. Thin` very valuable property in ohioll under cultivation, Ind Ila In and our the vlvllngo oi Srnilhtown, on tho Jud between Trenton nnd Cobaurg. A Inr put ofil. can bo mm in V"- Ingn Lou. The um: um provided with excul- lool. lrnme Imildinp, lxooIu,bIrun, to. There is 1 valuable Iuur privllogo nml--Sow-mill on the property, and nine I frumo lluro in the ril- lngo of Smillnown. Uomhlionl of nlu mule knnvn on Hm duo of . was r. nun. can um um vnro ; Tao nuns of Land at tho North-out ugh of Lot 33, in tho Int Oonceulon or the Towinhip of Sydney, and Ooumy of H:-Iuinp. Thin ul- ` unble Lot In just onuido or the Iimiuoruhc Town of Bcllevillo, and Inn upon it a good (run house with Iublo, lo. 6. Alan; Illl he Iold.nurlun.nl In thn noun h'Hl-`. GR}'~`.ATES'l` SCHEME EVER 017`- ~ I-'ERED`I`D THEPUBLICOF OANADA. liable; Also; will be sold, pursuant to tho power ofuleln 1 lot! to the uidonpauy from Robert Smith, and lulu: MI wit; The North Inlf of Lat 11. In Dom-auinn A nf cnlunuon, and man an [Doll Dulldln. 5. Alno, will In uold, pursuant to tho pour ofulo in I Iottpgo to the aid Ooupny from line P. Rana. and Jun his vifo Tan non: of Lnnd :1 III: Nnrth-out nnnla nf III`. II; New, I350. Inum warn, and uurgnru ms wuo: The Wm Inlfol` Lot No.1 in the u-math Oonoenioa ofabe Township of humlugdou, nd Uoumy nf Hutinp, oonlnlnln one hnndnd lcrn. The grain putof um am I: under cnltinuon, and Hum an I004 buildlnpl Also. Iold. pursuant novu nu uny. "*'?"'""}6'5. 1.. lm: Il `IMO I! NC UNIX. K.ir}g|ton.`1|I_t oousn lha Illd Uumpuny: 1 Pan ofhot No. 3, In the nut Concession of the Township of Thnrlow, Ind County of Hul- ingo, being 3 uluablo Lot on this min, or from nsroel, of the Town of Balluillo, with I Ironing! oi about fty fool, and extending back our hun- drod and fty fool, Iovnrdn Ibo river. On Illil 1 proqorlyyn eteoted ulono dwelling-houn and I shop, with outhoum. 1 4. Mn. will belnld. mnmnnl In tho min: I 8110;`, Full OIIIIIOUIQI. 4. Also, will buold, puruunl lo tho power of uh) In a Mortgage to the laid Ubmpanyhnn luinh Ulnrh, sud llnrgnm his wiro: The bnlfof Lot No.19. in tho Dnnth IIBCXI DUNGIDKI `Id I SIN-Illlll 00 "IO FIVE. 1!. Also, wiilbolold, uuulutlo the pattern! I-Io In two Horlpgu tom Samuel Storms In tho nid Company: Pan 3. In the tint Com-union of may-mu.< n:l\/7:4-v -.-~..--u- U31` mmive-I durooi from the Hunt. um-v Tm-nnln. I lunnwunnlhu .1 n--q .---.---u_v. in. Paul. Gunman, D.D. Vice Prlnoipnl. In. P301. Wnuuunol, L.I..D. In. Jomu Macun, DJ). Hiriguon, mm Nov. 1856. uenjnunp med, IMI Anna [all into. Lou 1 In-J 2, in We all-vonlh Oonouslon of tho Township of Hunyorford. and County ol llnuingi. oonuinlng about four hundml scan, a. large part of which (I under cutliullou. Hood bulldingi ml I Suw-mill on the Farm. ` 1! Aim, Iiil balold. nnnunnl In [ha nninr nf pnvuogo on me mu. . 2. Also. will be DOM, pumnnt In I power of uloln Illorl ' to tho mid Company from Benjiumn Roe , and Anne bin WWI; 1. nu Ooaauslon of VIII 1. Parlof Lot No. I14, inlhc Bill Township of Hllnullxliull, and Caunly ol Hul- Enga. gm: tor Ililhcd privilege contulalng About n;-ve acres. tbs put under cnllivlllon, null the fun fur- with good buildings. A ulunblo inlet on the LoL 2. Alan will he sold. nunuunt In I {over of `Con. or tho mo power or sun oonulnoa III I ooruin llotl- ` 3: Iron Archibald Thompson, and Hum hi: hi o, to the Tnm and Loan Ooupnny of Uppu Cumin, the Innlornentioned nhnblo propec 1;, ril:-- v 7 jn ILL be told by Public Auction, II `II: Sale-room at June Linton, in the Oily of Kingston, on Wetland: ,`lh 261]: day of No- mm-r nut It 1'! o`r.-In noon. purougm to the ofulo ooolnlnod in main llon- ` IPIIQ lrmn Archibald Thummnn. nnd Ilnri: hh aging anon` powulul man. The uuonuon of hymn in pudcuhgl ro- qrotcd 4; thin ulo, lho has boll; nq ibu- ` 7 For full prlicnlnu no Incl Hind-bills. Tuna. -Unde`r 15 (Duh ' out lhl um. ii: nonlhsl credit, upon fund at mud net. JAM ` "- NTON. . an av vvuvvu. nu -. ' Thu iliova being tho propny at lone ap, ` Rog). In` has-inn cnugplcud his contract on (5.. Ki Inn and Phillipuvillo Road. in rlniuon oi Iilltl-f Rh III! on louonlblo lonm. ` on on lumen won wholes! by cannula! ' jsl-I301. horn sob-ye Io Btlhvilfo. am` an well `nlculue-ll-at an Omiqunnduliboun. hgin; won; porn all human. ullcnlion cf burn: is milk-ulu-II no mil`. pull w . return. I of K|:;`IPI=uP:Ih.O; 'nm':u"ia': . . Iv. UN ICCUUNT U! INK TRUST D 1.03] 00I!LlY OI` IUD lilhl Nov. ll, 185$. Signed. `l0|lOl`- Signed. ll` HOEIS V1090 01 SLIIG auuriss. noun. Lungs` annual) ` BADDL IRIDLIS. AND A QUART! Y 0! ROAD `D0014 ONSISTINO ofShnl|, Pith. Ploughi, Bonpon, Crowhurl III! 3! which wilt uh p.'|o cg Ilonlny ` the `uh day at Running Mn, ulvlho . Sl`Al1l!I1|'l\ an|r.nu,\ J "M "'i:iiTiuuNIuu.T _ Q FEW GINTLIIIBN an in noun-V . .....I-|g.I nhln Iaunnlin - nninnln kin. Kinptnn, .0.-,1. sent; me. IIUUI U HUB. 352:: ouuuu. BY JANE-S I-INTO, UP Rl..VU3Tl)'.V. vA'Lu.un.: nan. :s"u1':.. 0! ACCOUNT OI` `INC arm-n awn Inn nnlnunnu .- ammr `Aucou ' j ` J.'...' co... Iinbfor of 3. Andrew!` UIIIEL III cvuvu "KiiKE'1` s3WA'?:',' --' in -|... .... on ma Iahuls, and main In tho glut. E. W. Palmer, Kingston, genornl sglnt; mo, told by I.,H. Pork, do; I. man, dingo t 00 , Mammal ; Biuklo &'Son, Immoxi. I. I` .41. ll nnrnn, Uonmlnionor. I. JOHN A. |lACDU.`lALD. Solicitor to tho Company. , O`.W., In Non, I856. - IIICTIGN SALE` nnnannncns, l'-__..- II VI`. m. HARPER, Uoml WI. ttullr $m'lII.' lleelu. T1}: nA1Lv+Nnws-Nov1m`n.1zn 12. xus?EAriic&. sh.`--ah`-rv-u nuuudtuun-. Engual . our` '`I|IlIXl. La h_ll\I`U. Aucuoloot. v mu. unuauuua tuna lllllll Iron Bolluillo lo Nupuoi Iuin boon mplohd. tho eoilucht will 0%: at lo I number of_ - .g CAPITAL HORSES, In naval mhhl lcl lll Inlrnll Lincl-AI- Wlhhlhlvl nunl!-n1 nuuunln. : Kingston, Upper Canndnozh Nov.1S.`56. ._.._-._._.-.._._..---_-._.._._.fr ._.-.- ' llonu. Waggon. Cam. guilt!- lilo FOB JALR. fll Il;.n..l.-.u.A II;-A lgnllga. I`.-- JALR. ` HI! lhudaniud llout_ loading from l_Jo|||_vil_lo _N|puog__h_vi|; boqu ;'v`:'a'<";'cao':'c:;,'(':';\-13-a,"'A;4'n_wAoao: Am mu Hanna. ' Bun IMIII on IOIDAY lhq Wit :1: of Noun .3: FANNINWB. oni, `Ila I `clout, ` I. lUL h.':T OPIIIL P RAIIDLY, Announce. Propmm. npnovinc, 0o1.'80:h, um. \ll'Il'I I III`, KI\IDBG' In good uaulilha, hd nal loroll ligdoof ` wort.` Moog unhu of A I -..nn.:-vn n.n- Ann uh.-.-.-... ...- I-IIII l0I' IIIIII -IIII. [Nil 7' [OH I -V-Io Mr Caron wall nlno lake pupil: II his own homo, ot Iljld oluou in Ichooln, M puintu tuition in funiliu. For Inn: in. lnnlv II aha Anulmnn, t Ilxtnllv Iluv -lJ_ I.GlIQ ` HE submibor pu just re :-and dine: tron Hsunn, I for Ilwnund Clnoihu Hrlndu Cinn. Alan, 20,000 Mll-II Choroou, (uent (Lasting ` a W. PALMER- - ' Cluo, from 9 In l0- .A.M.; Yong Ladies` from I w I P.&i.; Etching Clua [or Young Man. Iron 7 ms P. M. Mr Ctrnn illl Alan Ink: nuniln nl his I` I U-T-CV JTXU-J I (run nu nun noon. I6 aonluon-ct.) ITVII. NCH CLASS]-I8 an no: 'nnan. aouuuot. Kingston. Nov. 3rd, 1356. Nupunen Bnndn-I ud Rcfonnor nnd Nav- blngh Index to copy llll (Inn of uh. ZIIKIUIVIIQI XIlI'K- Al Sw|n' Tailoring Fmlabliulunenl`. We would-ndvln our hotly alloled wllh Rhaumutlum, Nenralgll, {long Luubago. Soh- Ilca, Bvrellmgr, Spn\ln|,- Anthms, (sud cum complninls named In Dr. Smith`: Bills) to try tho Euscrub On."-It In inking rnih cure: every when----Enmlna the nuns "J. .8m'M," me labels. and hlovu in the glam. Palmer. Kinnlon. nanu-nl umnt : nlm GHOIOI uloelhu o(_ hney`Trow|orin[|. Unmmlnp, Buud Cloth, Onulnom, Illch Votlingo. la. la. Raglan Oluh, chat! and npldor qnml. -_-_4_____ A_,`-_ DI Ill IIIFB. The term: ol nlo will be, one-Iovonlh down. nnd the remainder in six equnl un- uual pnymanll, Iilh inloml on unpaid halunco. 1`- .m..|.--_..- -4` __.. n.-- -__ L. - l|IlIIIl"n To purchaser: of morclhnu one In: A fnnhol extension of thn mm of payment would be given if uirocl. Applicuion for urthor inlo|:m|li'm,_or wuulu uu [Ivan II lllftl. infomnlian, or for purchase of lots at priuloulo, may bu made to me Subocnbor. THOS. PARlR,Jr., Snliuilnr. . ..._._._..-....._.__.... `sale it In Hanna. HR following Village Lon maul? laid out by I! lulu oflho late 1. . . Cmwricht, Elna}, and tho Ru. R. D. Cm- vrighl. in the torn uldlliou In the vil- |nge_ of Nlpnnoo, will be aulcl by public nuatlon. upqn the ground, on Tuesday. the '2"|h November. mat. viz: Iu lulu on the month uido of Dundu ulreol; I0 lots on the norlh side of Mill meal; I0 lots on the south nude 0! Mill moon 'l`lIouluIu contain such, one-nh I of an Inn. 'n.. n...... .-.| ..|--:n L- ........ _.L -IUI DAMI- AT the Klngoon Suh uad Blind lun- __ factory, .000 foot 1.11 and! inchu Souonod Lumbor. Lumbar Du Grooved. and Tonga`! st FIFTEEN SHILLINGS put I, feel. For nub only. How in Iho than for hnildin`. JOHN WAD ELL, Division Snnn If All orders Ibr union or pnchgu in II ` of {helm-y|udLo1.miu, ulll main won I Irtention, and lhudmwin Imllod to all puro non lmllltdhtzly mar It our. Addmn 1'. 1]. Hanna t On. No. 30 Fnnlh-ct`, or Box, 100.40, Bnllln-on. Ilsrvlnnd. p VVDQQI. . Tho unolnu or [III dilhrul an M1 print n Iimiluy prlntod and cncircled, nu plncod In : moth r whaol. Mm revolving the whole. a number In drum from the vlmlof numbers, V and at the acne time a who I: dun from the other Vwhoel, by boy: who in bllndfoldod. Tho number And Ihepriu drawn out an opinnd and exhibited to the and-once, and regllhnd II u the Uonmluioner, tho prim lining pl: ngninu the number drawn. Thllo nllun ll 1 reputed .unl.i1 all thopriun nu Ill out. Tho drawing in than prlnud, and am oompoh ` Inn. an Oomnhaionor on-ulna to la oonwb , nun. ` I-IIVIII IIIIIUII II lI-l||In For mil la. app! at tho Aonduny.` H. J. RTHWICI . 1,: 10 pruoo. Thu numboru from I to 30.000 cor: udlu Itlth the nnmbon on Ibo llhn, priu on up- Iu-Ito Ilipl of paper, no rollod up and encircled `yvilh o|nnll tin tuba, and pinned in n'G|Iu baa . 'I`).- -_..I..o. -1 .L- `1.4-`-l mu mu __;_-. vkipnlon. Nov. I . __..j.-o-.--_-.: ll IlI'I|`VI no. I of `IV !!! IMIIIG DO IIIIII. I110 ipptoxiun-lam will he on Ibo um prlnclpln. PLAN OF THE L(l1'TF.R\'. In Ibo than what that un 30,000 tlnhu nunh-rod from I to 30,000. Than an :22 fun!` prison, nd 838 Approllnnl-Ion, I-`akin; In Ill l,l10 priuo. to with u-st: llinl nl lunar an nnllul nn nml .-.1-.I..I EUUIW Ml .. ,0. l.no~p:-mu - - 3:31.500 `. Whplo Tickets 3:0; mm. mo; Quuml 05. APPRdXlI.;jTON nuns. The two pnoeding and the Inc uuooaodlug nummu to than drawing un In: In ptigu, will hnnth-d tgtho B88 appoox_|_uuIion prizes. For 1-nupior If ticket No. 11150 dawn the ,$I00.ouop|-11, Ibose lichtl nunhond lll mm, mm, and l|,:5l, will not he ouuuul I to 800 dollnrn. and man nnordlno In tho nhnn n.n:-, uxnn, nun II,:nl, Illl non no nuuod dollars, man woordln lo tho than Ichemo. If` tlukec No. I would dawn, tho nrproximnuun would In 2 3. 29999 Ind 30,000." I ti:-in No). 30009 Ih0|I'd N drawn. nu ap- r-ulimuiooa would In 20993, 19909, land `I. rnirlm No. I or 19999 should be drawn. tho innroximnllann will In nu um um. m|..~|u~.I.. II XIII ELIII I00... [0 J0llII`I VRENCH CLASS)-I8 no now '0 an` I0-.A. xnn l.ItHQI' [mm 4 In I P. L3,: Roan Pl-tau glnnnung uO3_I!.I00 \ wulu mam-a non:-ll" u unronunug aplanllid aohnn :- so,ooo n_unuuI--1,uo maul Prim pay- Ibfo In full Illlloll Dolllcilcl. ' ` unlln uh Gonulno nunn G KNE nhunihnr has in-I inngi-aul J3: ~ `l'o [ago drama GRAND OONSJLIDAT D bollfov llfl 0' fl! 0. V In Indus Ind, Nonnbu am. I MR % ;llugIr:.* % cu-mu. nun 100,000 DOIJ-AyII.. `N - - - lI,W0 of, v - - - 11.040 of - - - mm of - - - 3,500 0' ` - - - 1.000 of - - - LIN of - - - man, or - - - I00 Allllfhl III. 8000 Approx!-Allng. In I'l00'000F 2 000 Approulnulun to 00:00!) 600 " Iio ;_ _ gamiu "`-II......__ Iolm Buildings. neurons: at insuring their llvu. Biuhri, Glyn, Halifax, Mills b 00. Proponllfortnumnco In the above-nnmad Com 1 united and an infurmnion given by 8. E: llldl, No._ 4 W11- T-~:` u Inn nnvmunlzn. H156. rnuioig ie.};-"iL." ulv c|_n| IODII. 16 min: I'll HAVANA nnnm ton novminn, 1 mnum Wnanlnn Rn-h am! I I ulmy. w. p.u.unn. Che ' C D! ' "":nuu.a%`::'.. actual; .ymo-cl`, ma, no. 44 Bnllln-on. Maryland. Inn lsauauaI.-Tbo unmh Commercial we Inqurnnop Com puny` ol Londnn, um: lisbod M1330, caplznl And um: out on: million sterling. norda tho hlzhan ucnrhr In mm... us: as umum Mute: ug._o.,_ I W n uulsI.l.. Division Snell ._.._.. - J7. Soliuilot. uqm MU '.Ilw ll,ooo I Logo 3.000 w,vw 25.000 H.000 1 L040 nun. II TIIIIIII um ' _ DOWNWA . Wm Inn `hum nu I qrchuh A. u., and Ihlhvubnlt robot son, he Ihpou, on-N Ilugnlamnullm pnmov V ` .'l'lYl8DLv-Y. THUIBDAY And In on , .-.-~..... -. u--------. nu nu.-tau. XI" II ul cu-undlm pom. 7 `WIS u','1'u5unn' nl s.":'&'.m. " "*-'*"'`':';::.` *m......- L n'.r gluihvlo, T 1. norm 5 oe,~m..u._.` . Dnhruncu hurl. ' thpm.ooguhum,1m. .._.. .__._.__ __.-.. ___._ _._.- ....___... 1 V Illa: Tfollon :- wonnugalv nq runny at 10 a min; II Tuliul ID! hm DOWNIA in 1530, capunl IIIII sterling, hlghm locum} to person! dulronu ol insuring Bnhu, llnljfnx, Prollollllforlllnrnnoo VF V Wnn l00B.E'8 ETPRAGE AU SORT! ._.-.._ .-..-.. .-'__..., 1.- .....4...... "`.'s'.`.7..-" """% " mi in lucwirdof Mun will on bum` in; than no the Dun, Run 0 :0. -~ 1,51)! [1,0]], Can. Nmwon-nut,` curvnv n.__ .11- .1..- _.-L_ _|___ _ "W UPIABD8. [nova Kluuon he Bolhvlllp and Tnnton, ` calling :1 lam-ndlllo pgnqnfory Inga}, Ioduqduv on may it nofsba. A.l., u- l X. min-1 Tnnhn in: [nu KINGSTON Plllggrl` BUILDING B0- _NOTlCl-3: The Subscription Book for me am Cluu ol um " Kinguqn Pu. mnnonl Building Sooiol ," in now open at the Sonic! '1 olco. K In Snrutpfor lhn entrance ol labor: {or stock. nnnll nnnnn nf wanna: A-I'll A`4\ `:4 3-. l'll!l'IIl0lI 0| |VllllIWl'I |OI' IIOGI. Small sums of money will the be to- uinod on daponil. ' ' By order oI Ibo Bond. lllll IIAYTRII, -----cu. luv .1 sun swiv- UM Ilzl f - LI-o I _ a'.:':`}','I.'.i ..3.'u . .' ..'.aI G'J.'..'...a..' ' V .4 ......a.__._~ 4.`... _.. ,.., non. All `romrnunioutionu mu-tly conldcminl. Prin Tachll rutml or naval iu ollm Tit-hull It oilllor ollcn. (Ink:-I n 1iPiII..I$ Hat-lionlnn man Is: I I(`Illl ll OIlll0l' Ollllif Urdu: rm 'liekn|I, or Uorlianm. can be ` uidmund um In ,, sl HIAN I. n... A.|'..... :2. no no-nl lo pulcnuorl Immenllllnly Inn Iha , dram-ag. Onion I-Ir Tlckoii should In an! in only. Kr Purvtlwvn WI plan-9 write Iheir num- luren plain, und glvo lhoir Pool Olce, County md Sula. kl Rnrnnmlnrlhnt nun: lhic. in .|o.c--. mu puynum In um, wnumm ugaucuun. 11' All Print of II .000 and under, paid im- mediately uller lhn drawing---dlhor mun: ml the usual lime of 30:lAvI, in full wilhuul d0dIe- linn. . . . _ . . . ._._ ...V..., ,_.I , , `..mai~u at part of lho new buory Brirk ck, us lbu Om: oi I-mndan, U. W.. `known as ' Uomm.-uzial Bmildiugn , uuuued in am most Lu] pm of Damian Street, and Idjoininq Ihe vke_l Sqmuo, yielding nuiucomnol 81,3.-0 mmurn. with every pronpect pl` inclolle. rrur cu.-nnvun vnlzla mimnn nna auto. Ir Remember that every Prila in alruvn, nnd puynblo In full, wilbom .1;-aucmm. ll All II .000 And undn. min! in- non. . lujonk.-ring Ticlu otthrlicntoi. no.-lone the money to our It ten for Iho Tichn or- dueal. on renipl of which (hay will he Inn`- \nnhl by linl muil. The List or Dawn Numbnru and Print will In um lo purchnou Immediately nnu Iha dram-Kn. muuun.Iu..1 In to CLUBS. 1;, by [Iain scheme, on: Ticket in over] In: to gvnnulocd lodnw 140. In willaull Canin- cum ol Puhquol I0 Tickouu Ibo hallow- iu; run, I hid: II tho risk on ILcm.| All that my draw our the amount unru- nu; run, In men In no ml nun.` All may the snout gurno Ind mu In an rchnur. . ' Oenicuo M 10 hold Tkhln, I60 " 10 Hull Tiehll 30 " I0 Qunmr " > 15 ll:IiI| bl pcolvod, 5 this plnmlhul fut 860 the pnrchllu ha I Lutmculu at I0 tickets, what! In bun Iirhtu. In would only at to: than III!!! 8 `Whaler; llmn by lnlyiag armi- can! he huh luur mou chancel la: the Inner Pmen, Hahn"! and Quinn lhchgu In pmpoI~ Iion. " V I upon an 500; 4 Prison o[ 8150 uppmximnling lo $40,000 prim-, an 8600; 4 ol I25 approximating lo 4 at I00 npprornmlling to :>,oouI no mo; 4 of 73 .ppmximu`u In 2.00:: an 300 ;8 0! :10 uppmximuuu; In I000 Print an 400; 40 ol (5 ngupmpmutnng m\lo0 on 5800; 3.000 ol 10 In l'.*0,lkJ0.--:|,'28u Pain: unonll-` in; lo 0204.000. Whole Tickets 810, Hilton 35, Quarmn OH, PLAN OF THE l.0`l"l`El(\'. )t`).00u nlmbgra corral Ihu`l`ickIln.nn-placed in am col. 'l'ln rll 216 Pun: no plant! in another` wind.` A number in diam: lmntln Nani vinyl, and at the amt line I pm: In darn mm Ihcolhor wheel. The P151: drawn it placed nguimt the numbardnwn. Thin oporIIioninrepeuted'un- _. til all Iho,l'n2-I croclnin nut. Annhnimntinn Prinu .-Tha Iwn nu.-..l:-.- ponli wilhlhoonn ` none. 3.00:1 Print of no will he data-mined by m. In! fr to at _lh ngunhr which draw: uh` (I I ' ,. F II It: mh .?.'..'3 .-1'} x'T.:`uo,o%'o'f~T$E".Za .m."i`u. 1'. llum Ill Ila Ii`:-hon when the number and: in I, will be tnmlulto MO. I! III: nulllut ouch \ with No. heg all the Helm: when in mm- her an in 2, will be onuund `loilo. udooon lo 0. ' _ lnwinwwannntwnnt-uh I-.\ .-. -__ III III l|!O.l'lOI III IIIIWTI fllll. Appmximuxiun Priu-.-The Iwo preceding and lint mo um-cuodnng numbers to um... .1,-. ingllu ll! H3 Prim. will bcoulitlcdvo :5. (id Approxiuutiuu Pnlu ncordi I rho Scheme. ' " Inn Drinna nf Ila udll h. .I..a.._x-_; I... ac: Ihgulou, in Nut. 1850. `VIA- -.___- -lII -__.. f__ -__ 1:: PRIZES ulounlin to SM! 000 will In dmribntod scam in; to IE0 lollowing oliginul schema. I Page uf 8-l0.m0| I Priu of Il.0M | -- mom in PA... 211' on I3` Pl;N'hIIl`.'I 571.. 0 I-bola chtn an `gunnl-ml I I'm`: ol I0; llnlna and Qan- mn propomon. . Wlllllll. UNI].-JV. I . ZYWIII. '8. llovuuna in agent for the aboro-ntmod Om ray in Kingston. Olco No. 4, Wilson : Bail in , Wellington Strut. : _ For`: hum 53:70:: lamry. CLASS 2|. To be dawn in the on 0! Atlanta, Georgia. in public, on ridny, No- vembor 28, 1856, on the plan of 'llT B EIIIIIIQIIQI v|vww n u----w r---vwv-v Q In-in yjv. lent` runs on run to_ Inn run TICIRII. -nuns: an A Q ; I:-u- ._ ._ .... 4.. . _., .-_.........- I5h`iAno' ofmourl. nu m.Tnm.I.n. ` 1' "-`I'll aim :.'.':'.':."---- -'--r - "Milo-. ISM so. use. , In uoonunt of IIVYIII Goon, In Black, ` 0 and am! Ohnhd SLIM. Poplin Fancy Slpoc ni Oh: (Johnna Prints, 50., lo. luvolIaollu.II ollcm, In and Ball- oblrh. Oopond uuhlnh, hay Bou- nu Silks ad Vol lone: Ilblou. nation and ma , lunch Olmkkfn -and glrkl Trtnnlql, Plhlu and W hug- II. `"'zi'Jr-an Goods. J MOCIIADIIN will about {lb day`, . 1' lb and luau, n UV 0 0` III` PIIBHII nnni sm L. sw.uqTco., Mangen. ao.ooo 'rIck`:1?-a,ao.rnnnn .__-.-g`-..... rlhklhlnlbh L Io"|hI data or at anon, ply on lhl afQulIto rout an I'I V ' (.g:A:'i:} iv 3: 53:3.` 33:5`) 8.800 ulna t--Lawn: am. 840. Ian: TIIAI [III ball: 9: nnnnur un- at ARTIES chairing Ibo` than Inma- nunu mud and ropoirod will be `lilghmal 3.. --L_ LL- __.`_- |.-__J. -. Il_- .u-mu sum or unnlj in cm Pliilldel hlu onh Amman for the prompt mnnuor in w ich Ihla Compluy aegllod H-I loam on their estab- lhhmunt, lhul onnbllngbgm tonnune buuinuu w_iIhnut delay:-JV. J ' mu. 8. llownum in mum rm M... n...... ____ -.z `mm rolrrss. ulmnlton M:-` columns um ILUTIN Tnndd uni Iopuirbd. ' IvIiHD'll%II'II' II. .1`. IIIIIII` gland to ash um may hurt I! Mur- och`I Alla Stan. . A. w. nunnocu. Km-rum Sam. Eh, mm -w...---. -u, ...-u' up cu run": 1;: SINGLE HUIIBE38! H: W-- __..".LI:':--v_'.- ma. mo. mnuomn-rma -ro wns. BI Ihil ERIK. lll `Th-ink in Au: I.vvv-I APPROXIIATION PRIZIS. tumor m s.nw.wa . ' ~ 0' 8- "Inn: mo::o3o-9.-`:'}:fJ.0" - swam a on. Lorrnulaa. nl....'..J 1.. AL. 1n_.A- -111, _, Iilulllu 1-guns l_I_A_l|I'rll1`i. on ma noun. GEORGE IAXTER. See. is `fun. Every Twelnlcket 1 Prize. $|,om 200 NJ PA! of III! 10 , `Ln -v-`---' Pl-Vllili that non} an-prom building on Princul Ilrul, ll T at occupied by B. P. I. A.` Ron. ho pmninu are huulululy mind up fog an gmluive my pal: buinnn. Apply In Georg: llnrdl. Ilapbn, `his Nov. 185%. ,.-u---- .~_. .-O-- 1 T WU 1.'|uunI'.nu_ wuuwu1mIuorIIa- . I 1- A Iv }'E_9..`'!I"`Il.IIIl|'l'||'] III I-III OI I|llI|IlI| IIUHI. ll fllfo In In (um! um lhu thrust. in hit unr- mm to ptoduou lholl, in not paying out- tioiuu Iltonliou to lhl aunt of our `loan . I o I nd it in nu ma nu-ulu ."n}'a'. ...ason gm! .'. ."f.. lhlph mg} 3. ch- mu-d Iluou the Indy nought for, will Ii: in anal of tho gull ivdmgu 9! the w ill. 9. u. vnulfovunnrr, -.. Iiubm o'Am.1m. to ,% Toronto, An]. 18. Ili. ` 094 :--... - ._..........-._ HN Duaiv hum received ;. TM OWJIIIENB And the (NF A333`- TY8. A Nllinnnl `his. ,7 Billy Hot n, Mllbltcd ll- -'.`hI9!> |1.. Mao nth, U. L`. La. 0103 New _ an Ambroognl. ilzloia. 10:.` - v P khuli or no `sumo, _oI P?l.|ll'||"'J:`"."7. . ~` gt ` liognolzold Word! do. Li `H ' - - In. The Eat to ho fnruiahod to tho buruu by the lab ny of Jammy nut. and who dent mind by: mall, I copy of which Ihal alto be forwarded in 3 Alan! new with the nlmu Ind Iddrau of the` author. '1' he Prlul will In nwurdul according lo the doollion otncommiuu to be unmul by the Board ol Agriculture lor Upper and Lower Cumin. 0! In dnhult :1! any aueh dociuion, by the Human, `ho Euayn tel:-at Ind to bacon. tho prqperly of the Bumlu A mulum will only be unwind in en M an ` y 0! Iumoiom mm in prndnchd. II In {and Ihil. lhn fannar. In his ulnar- -nu I310 ' "ruin: above Premiums will bq paim thclhmo but him a rnpeclivoly on lhc oriqion, numro, and ubm,'u'mI the Mo- mry ofllll ogreumomnmo Io man. and the auto 0 the Vilil of tho Wuil,lioninn Fly Midgo,|nd such other Inuctn n hnvu In a nugenon the whpu-crop: in (Zon- odn, and on web diumu u the when crop: hnn bun nu!-jnctad lu. Ind , on the 3:! mum of analog or guarding sguinlt n. -vbI'II III I!!! III Dllvj GI . FOR SALE-A mo ntorey dwel- ling house Id Lot, :13 x I32 IL, ohgl ly Iiumod on Barrio Street, oppooizq ` tho City Park. _AL- . mu `VII rlrl. , `-ALSO-P ' : To LEASE. for 3 mm of yum, I. la! Ind oulmluing shout I-l0!!I`of an em ' situated on the corner ol 0 0 god Okili menu. our the General Hon 151. On ma mains in n nublo Ind lounda-n_1 o! a mu, my oomletod. Eoquire at Mr Rowlan |' olco, o. 4, Wilson : Mild- J I, Wollinzlon Strm. - ' , mguon. Nov. 1, I358. .:----_._..._ _....-__ ., upunum nu Iylmuux pruonu wllli, tolu- ; cone bound mntlu luiommc noun 0! moo, n moo for umm (law. or such contract an my In cnlmd Into. 0. E. IlACDO. ~'lLr., wmua. mt 10 Wall sum, bu ban 31: mod gratin this guy or an In-mm Md oclnmca Fin Ill Maniac -lnlunnu Company of Phmdol hh. -i . This Qomrny in one of the moat rupoeuh In Phitudelp ind Iu lh_o Hon. Thoma B. Flanges for Pmrdom. ` It has compiled win. my My or um Ema in re rd :0 com `Mu bohnglngtoother Smu,I.n bu provi an I Lccmlngttun Fund of $100,000 wilt: Noun unmm,8homnut0o. lle|m.BuuhIn tog hlllliih curd of Ihsnkj in tho Phil: elhlu 1 mount mnnllnrin - .-... mu uu.-Ir Aubrouenr. 1'ho'npmn, No, mums will be mama u an me. of the Ponllgntlnrgountll Hominy ur. ml. 4., ol Doounber nut, I ponou lling Io rur- nhll nah quuuuiu _ of R-ATIONB AND I-`ORAOI II muybo required fo the l cnmm.Inry, pm :5. 1.: Jay ofJ..w,, nm to Me 31:! day of Drcmber, lI|"u"1'lM . No `mam VIII be noclrod but much II In an printed form, which, Inn on other puru- uul on be obuinud at the Pen Luntluy, and each nan mm have us ulnnum 4:! two ro- oponulbb sud syllnhuz pmonu wllli, tolu- I1 Maud In Ilia moon nun f the oorvlm of ' non eh! I In : .u.'u..'...%'.'.. :"u'2T" rgownouu Nov. 7. mm mm Illlll clulum Iml ivnlgi. ,', Oyulon in Mail und :1 -Bnrnh. and ethos rcfro-hmonu kept oonmmly on man . 2. y um. auulurlncr rupoemauy m.o|-`mu his frianda and mu Pnbiic lhll ha ha: gland Ihn Imornnlloul Sateen. tfonr Iho nth! . mm. whom he imanda lo lambs vet) wen Wow: and Liquor: in lulu r, mud to doovomhinu in bi: para: la Immnmmllll all those OM may favor him with their alum-n and Manage. _'_ Onlon hall 'BIrr|\:. and IFIIII hand. c:v -u-wv----uvIoC' I) uoc: a-run-, nun rm: uaujr nun. my s._;h.`orabor'Tup.mr.m', inform: hll PnblicLhI7l.`hn Ln. .......gJ AL- I_._-_._.:-__| u, uonozuhnm uneobuun. IJELPIB D WILKISUN. . _ Du-than ud Mm-M1,: at hi. KIND ITIIII`. IllNlI'l'I'I. 0.W. -IJIVI` II IIUIIIVII via I-nuiu" `tn unt. Balm in In U Ipet Cabin. ' and uuoollom noumnodpl far pu-3 '0! Flhinhl all panama: nnnlu In "anna- "rmxlzrs $5 men. HIE vniuo of ltIe-l }oporly 10 be dis- posed of Is 3 2 6 . 0 0 0! -:`::';'.ui It or-Pang: I plylo Hoary Prouy. Bcloullu; lu'aI'ol;d I Farrow, Monlrulmr In the Ca ulnon Board. Kingston. April .9. son. mar.) ' % .'e"..`. I.`.".1J?1%':"n'a"':3';"-`.9 i'a':.l'.i'li r.. llollovillo and Tnnm and inlemodiuo tiny Thumb u 9o'clock P. IL, and in | e r mrdu mm` at- 7 o'cloo:: :l:tivi':n ul Tnnlzn on gftnr-_ day noun Iifhn KI`, I-Inlnn inn: nn "nnnr nnhin, man A. nononuo. I. 0. mm. ml. was IANDOIIL, 1.1:. Human. ....._...-- _:_. ;.[a`l`I`|. 5lI'IiIII5'ILhI,_ E'lA.I'l'I. r ` ur a; o pnuom lion? ` mnko nqulu Wnqkly Trip: mm ` the hood ol the Bu and Bollullloto ou- uul._u follows. -via :-l.nuing `human onq Monday morning at O o'clock. Bullo- vlllo the sun II! It 12 o'clock. EL, and Kingston um: owning an 9 o olock hronlronl ind lntomcdlnle Pom. Mr}- V ' in llonuul`n'p Tuudny awning. I'nmnn:-- ill Inn Manual WILLIAM ROBERT sou. Innpm. Sopl. am. new .-,-_..<.--.-o.._ I wo comm-:as nmd imuodlum I. A mm: In Iihugh (Fulani Gunman I856: rwgx i"m';uT.a Pan`: new lam III` Lu mi sale. Luann GAID A ...--...._ 1- v Inruu of Agriculture Ind Eminlicu, Toronto. 1511: Auguu, I856. DDIUD `D00 A \Iu JAMES`! I -.juu--......._-.._-.. `lntoxnlonnl Bgloon. m-I :1-nut`:-, nan: 1-nu MAI!-n ...... In if Qlhwnl lllvor SI. pRiI'iii'"'"."s'.W". ' read ` E above Premiums will ha r jiriji nations and range. uunulu IIII nlwllixl II II incur, Imam-II, n A-.n-Ann-no. I- .1 __._.._ at. 231.23. c. n. cunvs:.:n,' Murat TlI".l. nhninn Ill` rinnnavu Rm ii;`/1T7'./ usuunsuu, Wu'i!oo,_ 9.1 . 1866 1' JAHES I W: I". I B{V|[.L[AM nonnnr MINGAYE. !4.....o.-.n Hnnnr f`;nnrln Irh Nan IRKI wllllllll. VVIUIEVUIJ lllUI lUI.L gn unav- THF. SECOND PRIZE, $5,000. r.-.;n. ..r :5... nnmllinu unnln gnrl Du HE rneelinz, pretlruovy to the Anni- vermry Assam I) of this Society, will he held on Thursday the 13th imluu, M 7 P. M. Busimm-Elemia'n of Office-humus, Gm. JAMES F. ~MACL|0D, Sar.rnlnnr_ u no w-vv-v-1 v JAMES! Inn b3l'4\J\IA'Il' I llllllig fwgvvvo ruin uf Ilia Dwelling Houlo and Pr:-Ininu 1o|uutSlm(*.t, lnving Imnlne oi 80 fl. no`-I` pied b D: Modro. Dr M. in willing Io !r`Im I )9 -Imwev wlilt OI Rh!!! Pramincl t`lIl-ll of $30?) per nnnum. . a drawing will lnko lacs :1 London, 0. -n In llacembar, lib under tho Iupmlm urn of we Iollowin ommiuoe: _ JAMES SHANI. , Eoq., ` Bnrrinlea, Jun, W. W. SIRE! -2 l'.Esu.. UIfl1IIO.'I, M, W. l'.Esq., A an! 0! line Got: Bonk. ".1.-w.n.m I-1113,!-Zoq., Burk r-I Upper Cumin, .JA.\2E.s' HAMILTON. lino . `Er J77Es'.f .Tdi's 1 Inch as? 53-12:, 8l3,0m, noamia suvri." [st Andrew : society. rurcnlnt, llunillon. iv MOFFATT, Eng. Alde.mnn,' ;- be obtained ol THUMA8 WILSON, Agent for lingual). Inn :1 Upper Cum-II. i HAMILTON, Elq. Sharilf, Ool Iy of Midelloux. i MA'I`1'H[i`.50%T, l=q . M1-rchu. Hamilton. I THE Undernignad, an Auomey or Hot Q Mnjasly a Conn of Queen's Bench and i Cumrwm Plans, at Westminster. and | So- licuor of Hor,,Majeuy`u High Conn of Chancery in Eglind, imond to apply. at nu next Session of Pnrlinmenl of Canada, . ` for an A131 to aulhorizetbe Court ofQueen a I;'on:h, Common Plan and Chunceryin . Upper Cnnndi-,-err-admit` me lo praoii:-.o as an Attorney and Solicitor Iherain respec- IiVI'I'1. VId\'l'I'HlI5UN, li=q Mu-rchunl, Hamilton. IOFFATT. Enn.. NOTICE. "D0139 muss LINTON, Auctions: $1 3,000 1000 500 200 I 50 I W 80 ...--:v__ t--..._g 1.. I II 1 U1! , Aueuonur. |\tI.4II\l ll` Secretary. 31 3,000 5,000 0,000 Ami aw 151! arm 80 until tho ln dny_o!' Fohrnuy, 1858, A deposit often eat. on tho amount orod mm In pl? to tho Tnonm, sad the team to _lm| um nuioloqt um! um- twloty Smuu. to cum iquund hoopla bound with him in the Loan In [In no pcrfomnneo of it 0 conditions and pay of lb: mt. ' ' IAIIDI Anulsur ill! 5` livel _ aoonun Ooc of IM KIll(I`lI_ Pittsburgh and Ganuoqu John Stock Read Go. Z _ linpeon, Oct. 9?, 1351,; \JIILlb L` M ARE NOTICl:.`.t!m on an lam day `of Nonnbor next. at I P. M. on the gronmti`. in the |'I'ownIhi_p o! Pitlihurgh, noun. 0 bud: inn the Kin non, Pim- bnrgh and tnnnnociga Jointswct Roms Company Iv | I.olI A public nuclion, 1 `One of the .'l`o|l- col tabla :1 Tall Gala No. 6. on tho Kingston, Fimbnr h and Gnanoquo Mnullmiud non], or an lOl'I_I from the l3m_dny ofoyombu nut, Idll lhojtl dny_o! Fobruuy, dnnoni: not an. an m. ......m qavlnl mglrll - ,. HE Subboribal Vhu raooivod ditecl mum lluvana, n lutofchbiu Ciguty. of ma following 'llunl<: . LA RAVADDRA, . I IIIDUIIIOII I0 IHDIB Wllll IIIUIIIIU Hlllllu The Travelling u`.-lie will but in mind Um the mama-It a cab in ensued it will Ilnrl for the place Illntvd, no that lravollaro will-experience no denlenlion an Ihe Depot. The: Cuba employ no runners. but they will be punctunl Ill ll'l|il unend- onee when the min: nnin and depart. Thu--nnhlic urn wnmnd lnninul nurcl|u- I WEB IIB Iflll IIIIVI IIIU HIPITL _ 'I'he-pnblic Ira warned upinn purcha- ing my mini: on the can. Kinulon. 61h Noir. 1856. _'_"" "___ .' ' 1 cw, anon way. The Cnbmon ol lhu City of Kinplon mot together Ind agreed In lh|lTIPi'. The Cab: will hit regularly nI_Ihq Jlotela and Inn: each dny. lo rennin pnoongun for the Railroad. and will give very accom- modation to than when nuouize than. .4. am. r1~.....n:..- ..v.|.'.. ..m 9.... an \ PUBLIC NOTICE, W ' TO AND FROM THE? DEPOT, FARE , `lid. 7 HR lravalling ublio no rupoolfully informed Ihu I a fare Iran: the Hnloln lo the Depol, and from IIII Depol to my p we wilhin_tho limit: of tho Clly proper, no only SEVEN PENOE HAL!`-PENNY In Cnh nnnh wnv. DE ' I'll` I-BHUR by Cab, each way. Thu Cnbman ol lh< 5.7` u\JI[IIJ .I`\lLl\,lIJI HE Bellovilla and Brockvillo Train wi!l`hu discontinued during this wink of the Railway cnlabmion, and a train will leave-Bal`leville.ou Tuesday the llth Nav. 1:13 A. M., for Montreal. clapping ll all suuions. and wi!I rmurn from Montreal again on Friday the Nth Nav; lloppin` also at Ill Slnlionu. " S. KEEPER. Kn n l Grand Trunk Rauwry. Prizes. . $26,090 Tn: emg.r1lmPuizn being payable inuh. h .j I.\I JIIKII-III-ll-IJI`k}o ANTED,-An ox oriencod MAI.T- STER. A you study man will meal with oonulnnl employment. Apply nuhiu ofoo. Nov. 3. msro Y 01-` Tm; RUSSIAN wan`. ICTORIAL HISTORY oflha Ruse-inn War. I851- -'6, profuaely illu:-trnled with Mapa, Plans, uni Woo] Engnvinga jam regain], price I7: 6.1. W. at R. ClM.IIIIu,. Joun Dvfr, Edinburgh. Kingaton. 00!. `Mil: , 7:;'."ru7i-1 FE` `YT."('1."F` . :" "V`?a ;f7il"iED;`TE`EEFKNb:T5TT*i;I _pIy M lhia oioe. ..`..u__ II\'Il nuu vuuu I Inna no- Milllnery and `Mum Boon Will open for the season on WEDN ES- DRY, l'2lI1 NOVEMBER. Kins-Ilnn '|`.!4h Nnvnmh.-r IQKA .,.-- -v-_ _. ....- ---- J UST- received 3 nupply of fresh COD LIVER OIL. offiuaal quality, for male in bottles or b1 the gallon, 1 Pnlmm n Dmn Suva. Broclxvillc, 4th Nov. 1. n. Lulu at La. Cheminl and Druuisl, Princan SH-eel. Nov. _.'Hh. man __._ pnmouu menuouiu. I .. The. n willpotnvnoncctt hn-put I0 o'clocIr.'pu'noIua2ly. on the moaning of the Ian November. and oonlinnrnoh day onaocutively, untll all are diop,ouo{of. ' N. B.--Pmioulnn in Btz` . J ACKSQN. Anclionur. If!.._-n.-u Onk alnln-o IQKR i0n which -d`aw.-I-i'll;on;f'uilV.'Ii|:'Iro will be ` SOLD, WIT OUT ANY BESHWE; II JAUKSON`S OFFICE. KINGSTON, 0|-_ nah, gll Ihl Above enumerated II Illa tho full bud AYRSHIRE prariounl memiond. 4 The. n will comvnoncen hn-out H8 IOIIOWIII llfllll-I12 L4 BAYA mm. LA AURORA, LOS AM|cu.s'. in. menu Lns cqnrbcuua. ' 1:. w. -mcne, to which we oaunuenuon. wmu nun 1" , welmve wimesud u nuwrul of our Ic- mluicca in 3;. Louie. lair one guy met , r view, buck or bruw nun tho cue might be, being the color of early Imnhaod; and as fine and glmay as silk, and than without my Olhlr npplicu-ion than the Ila.-torntlva. if it has done this upon others, will it not do the same fur any ufnur renders 1rhosa"froIly paws" were once llkll 1he"_nu'en loch" ofhnchiolh wnrlikn cliel`, if they will try It? We think ao.--Juok- mnvilln UnnalitnIionnl,Oaloher 5, 1654. B .__. IUUII LIV V VIHVVI . On an . without fail more will-ho lunl n un-r nwr uuv imam` .. III I . IKIII UV I-Nlull. Kinmtgin: 1`2h November, I856. u- ......`..n...-.... Inpuwu. : P ed til Tnooda . th atponlswmfiowmhu. y O (L. -|.2-|. .l.u -I|n-nu! Tn" Ihnra I-HI Inn IUAII4, III DUIIUIHIUII. Bolongiug lo Igual. Jwnol. Esta, Dunn R Ram. in, ponirq MID? of :30 Gun lhllvay Ooh- bflillg I V R__A__, -,I 44A -__-_1__ AL- ` _ I ........___._._.___-____.__...i:.--... (DPBNING '01?` Millinery anLllantlo Room. nvv null-lI$H 33 ltjj C -BLEIGH GA RT8, HAHN lllihl HI`- TING. RAIL WAY PL E KATI- `RML,nnd 803001` 3. Bnlonnlnnlo I3 (WI. Ilfllllll. IIWTIDU, GIL, GI`. PAUL & LAIDLAW. Kingston. 99:. 25m. IRB6. RIIC Kingston, `I811: October. 1866. T ill I'.\l\llIlI\JlKIJL` BEGS to inlimalo to ma Ludiesof King- llon Ind via.-m'Iy, lhll his -IIII-A-3 _-A II-nil` Ila`:- um um wvupwry an vi nuuun 106 um: srznn nonsns : RT FIHTIQ IVIIITG IJAIIIYDOII IEAIII H Hl norms s1.A17_E.*_ ol tlpuior qnlji , mpnliod In rgrdar on application II R I cc of line D:Iy'Nn,vhan priest and 1 marks obllitlid. Pu-Iicl than! to 1: their rooting. or vhu an orcati "wow Idingu,-lruld Ipply only mg an r or- mny be lled. T pt, I856. SPECIAL NOTICE. Ell` D..!I_..:lI.. _..J l)..._L..:|l.. IV DUXCI W \a|'0p IWIIIIIII. 20 do Livarpoul & Pulo. Soup 15 dc-x. Brooms, assorted. &n., 1 PAUL & LMDLA ECElV.ls.`l) u mp Cimon Tu Iro- hnnna I IIUIIDU I I0 hbln Cruahcd Sugar, 2 hhufn Muacondo do, bbll Honey Syrup, hep do do, I5 qumlnla Tabla Cudnh, I0 boxes New Crop Raisins, `ID nln Lilnrnonl & Pnln Sn: 1`0AmLTSTERS:" A\!'I'|l.`l'\ I... ..-..-..:-..-.. I Ll punt}: uou Lmvxn mu. _lIOTlCE.- Xl`\ I'5Il \I'_` nL_| __ lL_ J. Mcocxax 3 ,. ... ....- _ ..nL-l-.I:,. U.` I Iacanu:-1 ulrocurnm mu llllllllua. mry, Toronto,` |_Iu[rguInItly .1 knlovel of various 31:21.61: now pa. :1 with double Tin and upper Ragai. a, champ lac ca-h. An early applica- in ctuirnule. god may be ullt nu IlI'iber'l min mills. uura I` Inrrnu -rm mupmy sun omm T `$113 BTDCR E n ma gaunt`, ' Kl Palman Drug Store, Mlrkot t4qnaro.___ .-u-nuqnnn -An JAM`! .AGNlW.' .nnnnn._ unuu. PALMER. Math! Squnru. mus vunm_ I Copal Vgrunh, 2 Lemma. 1. B. EYRB -3: Co. upaial Drinnnan L`vm...1 ran, Sup'l. `ll. PM! and n thln City. ' Pm Inn ruw UI'l'I..lIII an woun- =-oduod with loud in uprinn f in- ily..'|looidonoo mu Q-nu`: olhgo. :- oum at this Ooo. H2..--n..n -II-n (`Int IIJLK F" Mo '_ V Tiaml WuIpu1of.l.oI 58 at tho _ gym: Ila; and frincou Smelt in Jmn R:aT~cu-Ix :-rz\1.-In our oolnmnn today will be round Prof. Wood`: advertisement of short nniclo, to which call nueullon. What II. Inn .9`b wnhavn uinmnud unnn Innrll of run an.

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