---.-..--------_:m::-_: FF?` A . I Ann. 4! Oloronoo Ber .; We hg_v,Q nice 18' {aonmeht ad ".3 yopo l_>o lm inds 0` kthgli goodness. \. Foot. of John- ml ldI'"Ol In A--pg-w_-- lam!-`I-on-u lath-,.. 0! lM!!II.l-[ KAQDAt:,! 5.3:: 56. --1`ho r in ipsni ,,_- _.u._. _, _ 30130 fave antfrmd piciin . gbl6i h|r- ....nn .- nnmn.-- M In Bras. mine-in not but ngnruou plan 1 u u gonna. u. .- vqoor oous9.- n Bros. not oangavom Hot n so on cod s........ .. 1.. wand` bv m.5.'.'a.. Ethan: talk. The mun purpose of their 'uu-om: lion ham to ndinp than for duya ll 00. Co onuu . Their dlmu. ups- Il obltmntodnlooba ulford the random th s n r 1. r 1. e o .':'.:3$..3 s 1 ."1':n{. 35$ 3.. 3:... `E33333; com; on. u alnn mug of Sto; m`on u-o`thl1o m on s to . in nu" hoirgoIug.n1!Ilo to ma III In In .gv,u wlgnn tho w_mor_1s at mo \10'OI`_ pol -. _ _ - Nouns am dam nu-vice will appur- to . -Pununn from ltlnunoonggp 7 so on boo ounvnadnluhl before (agar 0.5.! p.In.) -_.n--... _... 5.. ha. Ina-u I on u. never u ....... but on 3 n%'v`:c|:;1Pb;' RN31-sudu when`. -L--`r ', B 9 ed on nlhwu In `nned Int 8:- M `F. Willinurlntl J. Roluta. Perry oud. wou'vioit`.fng`ftiendn hero on Sun. :1. ' ' ` _.___:... .._L Iincll. A-o Austin Willluns, -`., T . ` A J bu. July 7---Sqhool clued lut Woduldny. _"I'hO`t-Ifllltaoql hnvenpgagod Miuhuio Grnhumgof Lunudowno. for next. turn. 3|-Mr. Shrmn, at Ashonc, ro- aig_nod.--A: nnmbqg ol__our citiunn wont to Glnanoquo yutorday 1.2 had: the oodingnt. bhoffmnoh ulkod of" lawsuit. bouwcon D. R930:-Mon and Ac. C:-our flu jud e decid- ed In two: 0! Mr. Roblthlon. uliel Ind Net-bio Cnrpdnter. oi Gmapogue. no vitic- mg their` uncle, J. McOnu. -Mu. E. A. Wohlur continues to hnvovery r health. --Mr. and Mn. Lqycdck. ol. nadowno. were at J. MoCrea I Inn Sunday. V 1 E .5? J} . ` .,;'%:.=N ,- :4 a; };~H3'1` 3? Ibwasbus `STAFF %- or connssrounstdwlre. BARBIIYIILD. Juty 7.--'l`wo,bakoru ar- rived `(gem London, 15:23.. hum started a bnkcry horo.--A viczoua dog `in Green bay sbbacked 3 lime girl passing on the moot and tore her dress. Several clmps dog: at t.he'mu'no house have without: any provocation lri htoned nnd hurt poople mnin.-0n odneadly at noon the that: p'ueing,-Un Weqnepany ID noon we mar: momeber registered` l'l0"_.-Rnp tell` an around In on Mandi ; b,utenW'er 1,. tire I came within three in on of our high rock ; peinu.-Geon-go Alien, with his wife and son, are visiting at his fether'e. W. Allen; Min Donaldson, J oyoovillo, is also as Mrs.` Allen's. - nu nu-u nu.-__ ..-_. ;:-ovoontion htouea End` hut-Tc poopfe p'auing',-On odnogday momater mriatorod l'l0".-R|in {all Wxm-ox, July 7. - Mina Hicks and Er- iweli Miller are on the sick liat.--Mrs. W. H. Neileon ieibelsber.--Miee M. Emerson, Mieaiulppi. in home for her holideye.-H. Mill: end Mrs. Oven: have returnedlron; a waek s vieil: with friend: in Se. Catherine: and Thorold. They were accompanied by Min Beulnh` Milli, of Detail! indies col- lege, who will spend he:-holidays at home. --Sunday was 3 big day for the Free Mebhodlam, seven of their convene being immersed.--'l`he Horne:-ibee are holding lorbh in W. Wnllun-`I grove all recent.- Mr. Clerk. ol Arden. visiting . Scott. preached in the Methodist. church Bun'day_ morning. Puvru. July 6.--George Stovonuon, of Toronw. was bore and started 0 ntiom on mac Tooloy mica mine.--Card rou. no ongsgod tnking a drive of pan: timber and lumber to Miuiuippi.-- v. W. Higga punched his m -Hermon hero on June `lhh and nude: lavornblo impres- sion on his congrogabion.:-Quoon I mtrriloo was oolohrnted by u goodly mun ob Wemlefn picnic. QM good timowu no- rtod.---Sohoo` cloud` for the nummor olidnyl lab Wodnuday.---Mr. Gun, II'.. in recovering from an uou.ck,oI pneumonia. -Viuiv.on2 ' Miss Rowland, 0! 0m in, at P `G. OIt.ler |: Mr. Wilson. on. of I bin, W. King. of Hulowb, ah~G. Wilnon I. _ Cmmn. Juiy 6.--Minee are atill haem- ing. oepitelieu and prospectors ere pourin in ery dey.-Jo1m Graham has rocurn homofrom the north wget. after an absence of we weokI,-Meure. C. and M. Creigen ere epending slow deyn in our midst.- Wluh deep re rob we chronicle me death of Mn. G. ieho . which occurred on Wedn ey Int. er death was caused by pn umonie. The bereaved hmilyheve the deep I-ympehhy of all in the end hour of bereadvemenb.--Mien Annie Murphy, of Eiineville, is visiting friend! in this vicini- mu __\Nhhm|-n- Mr. nnd Mrl. Rlolnrdson. Erinavule. in viewing menu: in am: wann- ty.--Vlll:orI: Mr. and Mn. Rlohlrdson. of Whitney, W. MoCaralnnd'a; Mrs. C. Thurston at her fathers; E. Harrison of Bridgowahor. at Cloyuc; Min Kate Hunt :0 Hugh 0'Donnoll I.--Rumor my: a wed- ding m the near future. ' Jllll man, I! _`!;..lUNh , -- 7Js'"I LA :2, mm "a ll lplgfonton Ii iaidtdnv = "Ba ogb;g-m so ya no u1:;;go;, qoa. ::o`t1`)lJvnrpo`r 6I.LIl|d`|f unduly .30: . Qmonnown. Bollpuo. Ill. to O in Ixloonn. cloonlo lichunpm wolncnudo oo_h|. - - :n_..n_-_ I ll -13111;-IA` Dnsuvur Lfuun. July 0.---The ehowere of last week have brightened up everything and mate ere growing at 1: rapid ret.e.--- C. Meokenoe and Min Annie Wilson were quietly married recently and have taken up houeekeoppg.-I.ime Florence Onei- ie very iil.-A no'w ntoreis opened upin our mide1>.-Mi`ee Aime!`-ryon ie vieieing frionde hero.-Mre. A. Oner preeented . her huebend on the 53!: inch; with I heby girl, which tips theeonlee at ten pounde.-- Mre. Koech in very poody.-Florence Llnnnk Inn rnlmrnnd tn Qudanhnm. M38? MM. IXNCII ll very p00ll_y.--.I1 Iulwmn k gnu uburned to Svdenhun. Master "J n Snook sud sister Mai! have returned from visiting friend: in an-owamiuh.-- Foxes are numerous Ind are out-ying oil` A _ r. numbu of {oil hon.---Mr. and Mrs. oberuoon pod ohilron, Wllmqr, were to- mwing gqquuirmncen hero luh mu. . Gumnowm, July 6.--Gordon: no look- ing wolI.--some at our buy farmoro have commooood haying.-Statute lnbor has been found in this auction, and under tho I la 'mnm monk. `of W. Mcl\`lcbolu nae rand: have very mnohimprovod. ---Min Lizzie Kollymmnding the enennoo examination 30 Sydonhun. has returned.- nnhml ah-ul Am Jun: 30th sad both onmlnnion st Bydounun. nu nun-non.- Bohqol cloud on J nuo 30th sud bath union and pupils will enjoy; run for Ioua inch vnaulon dbl tbeic udnouo I-L4.. 0.... 53.. min: :31 mnntlnn ---T. Kllov non vnauon nut new nruuuu lobto for the six month:--'1`. Kiley in satin I nu bluohmithduopinlhiu __:-;_:._ cm.....g....- S... n-uh NI: An. HUI`! IN` IE ll! l_'lllllIlll-1. luluy bllchmishuhopinlhiu vicinity. . Silvcntono bu undo hit up- nnnnn In an coin that an IIIIOOOO of vicinity.--H. allvcluono nu llluo nun Ip- pannoo in one O.ow"n two mont.hu.--Vlumrll: Donald Inrldur. Newton Fullo. M; J. O'Roilly'n; D. Albert.- Iou md mm daughter Noun: st J. '1`. Babeoowuziiiu Ann: Niomooon, yrucn-o. :8 Int In-of.hot I.' J. Niobium. Bun Poun.July 5.-0ro'pu In looking wall but hy an it Is! utlnntod as that ha a P. It! baa my in IIOII mm acrop. r. -nun Inuw any In Ihlucotlon. lob: thnoolx that non- nnullvohu. loorinohu. H y in tho ltd. owlho listing thiuhnnin w 6|: now pIhtuI.-HodIq' inthoordu-cl thodty. --i.`'IIlI vunqbonthor um. utoowingb and. Sons puns an hviq to ho ploughed npud nmetiu idly nun hrhd.--ll. Junll and Ian- n....n. our nidn |nnin.-OaI' school `nlsggxtr mes. ily no in our midst ugnin.--Our oioudluvwadw-daytot Ihllhltmorvm :=:*i-..;...*1-:..*.*`._.h.."*'?;:".;':.,~..a...."" -"" C `Univ 1! Royal Mainsiamships ' : M I` "-T7W 'W' "` eqgu. Tbooblldnn Moi provin I; thank: to the (anchor. ~-'Ma.Uorknnd out lam nurnod to wn.--In. I'.`1'n0.UoiI ionongsln oil -405: Brad in s - - kin: Mk I In ho _ it the n|hrnnlnI n.-Iin Scott in viaitinn II 1 Ioljyu, our Iucht Him In pptlnhoillbysu .-- `Hut and hlby HUI .....a.... In--In-.nu1|la. BASIL--I Iuar arm -n uni .,...ae.. I':7J. mum. an . no. Coy. Kingdom -JIAD '3 building uuwhm. Hohqda onnuriuy 0! hi VIC II chic-up -' uxtyy-mg h'a.0nuI er.'++.:.':*"..:'.:' ` '-.'..:-5;; Q Iii. W853 ' ..DA1l;Y _ , --1.. % Ay Isllrl. . Wihan`uud family, Camden Eat. an viIit.ln;`nhar uodurh. Mn. J. Fnlon.` -II--j ` 1'} _l'|[IU!, T 1` . 7., 3::. M 2:...."*'[ 7 - --IIU ` V ` _ ` Pins. July 'l.--Ar lugs number at Pobtbltu was to Ogdoniburg on Monday. July Rb. and nperbt-ho olbnoou It tho. la.` ,u binnovu-.--OnTlrldy `ht or:'.f.;'?:.u'. . can .....a... .1 ca. '.'3...l yggqnllgd by who to diiouu sh: ilu\ "gx-alga qhiliif-' intonuing and tuba:-olxoiting. u noun 0!? t liamombon of the council ysrmod up to their nbjoob. On Tuesday the veto {or lhonosvorugowutnkon. resulting in tho datum of the unsung; by-luv by a major- iny of l44.--Porth swept nearly all who lxonordao Om-loton.Plaoo on July lati-A lrdrty of `seven gentlemen wheeled to mckvillo on Sunday orouing over to the bu-rfin the evening to be there In Ilen- .s- .. .......g. _.'r. A. Mann hm-omoved his bu ,-inthe evening so be more you usu- dq` n sports.--'.l`. A. Moon hpsromovod hi: groeoryto the non door.--'Eoy|or took I u_rondpriu(3l5) in the milo, not no the race: so the hung on the 5r,h.--A good msny citizen: no not guruing choir twen- tnon to the lake and are proparing to 2 pond the hot woelu there. 74' _. .... `. ., ylvllliuwun vuvvnuu J; D. Ilium}. J. Dlldonleovo. n....g n -nu, nnunn. n olnenoo 80. ~ "HA1u.own, J uno 25f-'1`bo jubiloqrpfcnic is over. It wu n great aucoen. The pro- Acoedu were givon in support of the minister. Mr. Leigh. '.l`hoJvening entertainment .wu well amndedflud the rework; want ' t `final . `Jim .--A. Wenuley. R. Wqmlgy. _|@ju '( `nal KIM; Womley. Mia B. Wanda, Miu_I. Qunckonbunh. Mina Cnndm nnock and A. Quuokonbuh have left for Nupanoo to try their rupee- tivo oxaminnbionn. three bomglor public uhool leaving, two for primary and one for third tnnn; Mia: Corrie Wood bu IIIO ........ ...- nrmnmn him to tn` the nublio third form: M155 uarno woou an Inn gone to` Bburbob Lukas to try the public uohool leaving examination. It in to be be they all may put. uly,6.--Not many {armors have hogan their buying yet, but tome few have start- ed_to cub their Juno "gun. The grain ......... ... nnmawhnt. hu-Ixnmrd M vet. but ed_to out their Juno gnu. "um gum crops are nomewhut bnclmard M, yet; the min and warm weather which we are now having will likely make thomvgrow botter.--Mrs. A. W. Wood in ntaying with hot mother, Mrs. A. J. Wensloy. while L-or daughter. Mia E. Womsloy, in in Ot- triwn. A. W. Wood and his duughtel; Helen were also up on Sunday lut. F. Wenlley has returned from Ottawa nor- vnnl, ' _ `V VIII mnl. IDA HILL. July 7.-Farmers are outting hay. The crop is it good yield.~J. Fetter- Ion has moved into the village in the resi- dence latel occupied by E. W. Hodgeon. -Mrs. Wi linm Webb und eon John re- lurned from the Friends yearly meeting held at Pickering on Snturdey.;-On Thurs- day afternoon the community was eedden- ed when the death of Mrs. Andrew Jacin- oon of the villnpe wee made known. Al- though being ill for or few months her. clenth who nor expected. In the death of Mrs. Jeeluon her husband loses a. devoted wife. end- her childrenn kind and indulgent mother, the eooiety of Friends a consistent member. and the ?eommunity a woman. much beloved. "The funerel eervice wee conducted by Rev. Mr. Curtis, of Inverery, after which the remains were taken to Uuterequi cemetery for Interment. The oartege thet followed no large. showing the deep regret tb whole community heel for deeeeeed. Heart felt e mpnthy in ex- tended to the huebend on family in their preeent end bereevemont.-E. Hudson` will u e few days. remove to the homeeteed, `nt present ooonpied by hie father. John R. Hude)n.--R. Shannon is performing etdt tute iebor thie week in uper Queen etreet. -J. Kelly reporte trede risk, in hie line of bueineee.--Smell `nine of work have been glilven o'ut letely in t e Weehburn roed. in t e vicinity of the mereh:`-Whet thie vil- lege now wenteieegood general etore. eerrying ell linee of trade. i Lona Porrvr. July 7.-We ere having: ver. warm, dry weather. Every one ie win in; for rain.~Th e'elleged discovery of gold in this eeotion ie ceueing oneider- eble excitement at present. - E. C. Sliter. of Lyndhurnt, mode e hueineee trip through here yeeterdey.--Mire Annie Townsend. who has been in Herlrimer, N.\'..for the poet few months. returned home on the 25th. She wee accompanied by Mrs. G. W. Devio, who in visiting at her fetber e, G. W. Lee's, for a few weehe. ---Our eohool cloned on the 30th.---Miee Elle Seebrook. teeohing near Athone. is home for her holideyr.-Mr. end Mrs. J. Plunlrott vieited Kingnton jubileelweelr. They repel} I grand tune there.-- Our annual eehool pie-nio was held on the ltlth June, on eooount of which wee given in the Wine the next week.---The pie-nic of the `20th was arranged by the"l`owneend Bros., neeiatod by Nina Virtue. end held on the farm of D. Townsend. Some of the people of the section were invited, but the majority of the crowd wee made up of pie from other plecee.-Mre. B. Beck is e ingz this week. at - Toledo with r daughter. Mre. P. Gem.- F. J. 0 0onnor_end Mire E. O'Connor visit- ed in Delte on Fride end Setnrde oflut .....n. ,_\u.. hmmon unmne. of At. enl visiting at her uncldc. U. U'Uonnor. It pn- aonh.-Mr. and Mn. Jerry Townlond. of Achcnn. spent. Sunday with his brothers hen.--John Townnnd hn mods I uupbor of improvomontl on his place thin Iummor. -Miu Kalb But. of Brockvillo. who ha: been at her aiIhl"I. Mn. R. J. Oran}. lot - n-n-L rqhnrnnl` tn h`IId"n"" ed Delta In-inn and ensures week.-MiII Lenora havens, ot Ag:!'I$' her unclo'c. C. 0'Oonnor. at pn- ..\..+.,._Mr. ma Mn. Jorrv been her ainuro. mm. 5. a. _urwn_-. nu" 3 weak. nturnod to Brookvillo Maud .- Sadio Byun.-ol tho Athena high nchoo , is home for the holidays. : - o Navlgt n complim- `his scimlc um; on AIIBRICA. Pl'onTonnto\o Mlmlw Buy. suucnny. Goo -In. _ civic hot taunts! for O. u:.-__ .v`.__ am. '3. `P. am... no an-on Toronto. cnrod o! No a. by lack`: Rnoumntlc mun. Nostalgic numn will hollvl h dollght I an that not on joliovu wt out-us. 3 turn 3 [III ulnar, and null: I . H 0'! omen. :- w NI or to '33:. Lola] nourucin 3 soon to 553.- Iunm to all tonodiu. Inch. Rhnmnlo Pill: wurprocounundotl. and I and than with the round I an. . --.--.- -don: Blunt not o-at-I-a`lu gulch. ltmnlldrngglntl. t.-!1HnK "|yI.0.Il$d.lIl " Drlnj ,.-\/--\ 63 ' "'~ `tum-was Annluna-woos:-uulnolh at oonIv_ cg.-amen-coo Ollldrufn low shoes. 50; Minus low that. 850.: Women's low about. 750 : Woman : kld ulippon. 75c.; M Inn... & r..m.n. .. lb . > P ` W 1 1 .32 u... a" a..',"."u'.`."n'I u'z.'i`r'...' ""' out ally pm (except. tho Boy 0! Qmnto by daylight V Womqnl Inn support. cum; At Hllnu & Lockowl. rnnhonu duh. old man. undwiolxu. wme, rntmstimir, Jifnr s- .4`: ..":.`.`&"-.... human. inlrlnllc . . Alimony coho :1: `map: qt com hero up I have `been `ritual in then- mjovpl of the former potmugqr: um I nlkbd the llhol club tp`u'Io In intoneo to Ian hfu; roixovbd in orgejr that Lmlzht uh Tlliain du!l_l'y 9 lab- appuhpnuonm Inovcr roq oi-Jag; gqahd the pootmuou-`u I noni- mpdo any application {or tho. aob, either verbally or in. writing. I or qotnndcshny maa: gh9r!3L'..h9' tar was 993% dileuuod. [1 nova: IIi_` my mambo: tho liberal club or `y and odtaido the club to use his vote hbinounoo in In holnll. '1-at n and Lhq fty mom rs of tho ber? club witness to-the truth 0! than mam _nt,a. I iny any further I never lnduny cmmnnh cation with Mr. Dawson,` the doparfvnnt IQ Ottawa, or any are in` `ivhloh ubo`uupjoob of nut. nmnn in mnntdnnad. I HOD}? 80- I i7`I""3`* .'W"`.l"""1" Ottawa. or may we Ill wlnon In Ilnquuu opooe omen was mentioned; 1 din qnienood in the xequeu ol my'h-lg ..-O H`. Yomm. An-lulu 4nd neputuet Io: the Pan Wok-A `Light Lin. - Arrivnln-Ste'smor Rolnnount-.Fort Wili Ii :21, 79.000 bnbholl of Kvhcooz Itulnor G engnrry nncfooneorh Minnod0II.0h' . 80,000 bushel: 015 com; schooner Fabio '. Oswogo. coal; nbouncr Bochnin. Elk Ra- ixida. timber; uohodur 8. H; Dunn. To- odo; timbor; numb: Nioholl. Dexter, N.Y.. angle iron; schooner Amok. Ouc- nn nmls nnlmonar John Sbll. Tllidy N.Y., angle iron; schooner Amen, unru- go, cool; schooner John Shun, coal; aqhoonar Nellie Humor, Ouvpgmooola uqhoonor , Fleotwvin , Charlotte. coal; schooner Ballou. We ington, 4.000 bushel! of_ pan. 1 `lnnmnnal: Slammer Rocamounb. light, 01 `Clean-ancou: Steamer Rocamounb, light); Fort William: steamer Glengarry, and con- adrb Minnodou. light. Chicago: schooner Pilot, Pioton. 3.000 buahela of what; auhooner Eabiolu, Oawego, lumber: doing Luura D. . light. Oonoqconz schooner No I` Hunter, lights, Onwego. Palmeruen. as payment of ` roodbed from Mieeleei J uno 7.-U0\lnou man. made pnthmeeoer ineteed of Arthur John- auon. Ordere'to be peigi : B. Donaldson, for road repairs, 320; Issue Allen,`regiebie.- tion. 81.43. The council accepted Slarend twelve deye road labor as full peymenb for back texen on lot 14, sixth oonoeieion. Counqiloiferod $25 to Robert Shenlu to; right. of way of roedbed eoroee late 30 and 81. conoeeeion one. Boubh Cenoneo. on con- dition that Noble Potter Ieoeph pert oi boundary line beaween lob 32. oonoeeeion nine. Palmerston. and lose 30 and 3|. eon- oeseion one. South Cnnqnto. in payment oi roudbed ecroee lot. 82. oouoeuion nine. Palmerston. That. Hggh Cameron Accepts the oonceenion line between lots 31. concea- eion eoveu. end loo 31. copoeeeiou `eight, roedbed eerou lot 31. concession eight. PeIrneret.on. Robert. Shanks to be permitted to keep 3 note on inid road lot ei hteen monblu. On June l`. ulv the oounei will exeninee I etetion to Roberta- vlllo. Ienc Allen ,end illinm Miller were named e commieelon to Interview counb treasurer and obuin e complete list of e l lolzejn hie boolre end emoun eimh eeoh in this municipality 1-euurn lor beck taxes. Ten dollars were granted the eeuete of late John Doweon in peyrnenb of one acre of land in roedbed on lot 28'. oouoeer eion three. . Inn. I9_nunr' met. J. M. M30115!` '7 III |.|Il LIIIIIJIII Cannon 0: Pnlmerlton. `No:-tn And loath Quanta. J 7.-Counoi| mob. William Ranniar nrnn. Order: to paid ---wv`-- --- --v- -- ---. 3.5-... Insulin... 'Innnl|In_ Ilnnnlnnr. I1!!! was offered a romlwon ox uweuvy-I cent. on back axon on K. &P. compcnyh land: up to Doc. 3!. 1 ncrnr hnnncanted a bylaw bo prop: Juno 12--Councll mob. J.' } offered remission of twenby-ve For ! -----s .. I...nI. urn: nn K. &P. min ng back 1x. or. mmmg company : 1896: ll oller benocopted bylaw pro rod bo- fmenoxb meeting of council on lmb be withdrawn from land nlo. 0ou_n no- oeptod 82.25 -from Irwin Donnie an puny- menb 101-. back mm the on lots N 2). con. 2. and W; 2l.oon. 2. for the your l898. The council offorod Jame: Hnnnnh 310 per acre tor rand bod through his lot lending to Donald MoDonuld o thence to Robertavllle; and if not Accepted arbitra- tonbo decide the amount. That 810 be granted R. Sproulo for road bod moron": lot` '20., con. 6. That Donald McDonald be permitted to withhold his Ibabqbo labor un- nil `no but an elbnbliahod mud to hit lob. V ' 9 if '_ Iydnnlsn rm mu... 1 ._-n. on ha $ nnininn nf gonna h0I`0 b Codrl. Of Rovlllon. W. J. Don|ldIon a lieu of name: added to voters list for 1897: G. Innnox. ro- duotion, 8175 to $125; James M01-{innon hnd eighty-eight acres added: Jnmou Dixon from 8100 to 850; Robert Shanks. SI75 to $150; Samuel Shanks. jr.. {I90 to 875; W. G. Mundull, Ereorun Donna: and H. Cameron oubwiouted for R. Wood in three cuou. Lots of the K. at P. mining company changed from non-maidens to re- aidont. roll. ` Wood Yllrd. James Celnpbell. corner of Wellington and Bunch an-ecu, ulisye Inn on hand I ood stock 05 beet mnple. out and uncut, ry slabs. pine and cede: blookn. All cheep for cuh. Telephone 116. , , Emlnsro TI-==;77 sum - CASTORIA -.-.__.-.,-u------._---u-- PORT or-' xmarron. V V Won-l'I.uuA! u lo 9.31. lb amen. ouo mu . ro- nu. 0:11.110. Ion ' burn. an ucl la In |_ war. OUIII om undo M on to: (fully or Lhulnn and III Inhl. - 1 er_InhntI and Ohlldron. . DR. J. Idouua BN0 3 ., . W... 9.. U... CHLQROH. 0.1-c_ry.-a-_;THE oRIGiN%AI'.`ANDioNw - <!:HLo1ioI`>Yr{E i..&':?o::L..?'a:::`.:.`;':.:`.*' '3 ' F: W.V 11 But .lD-f dale N53.`-` no.px.5`, Lond:x.1.-- ha no '..1u.'e:'ndfx'K uvn: 0:21:V0lI . ` .a T5 1th I R! . 1 Ant 1! 3:113" zon M at. Il`) l:n[l`n`::am:'n:l.o::l}:ur d1I.0.: rO'I`?:;`I|, :1: oath 1:1 `I h 5% "1`h*` M-l.I'-lnuullcommunlu to the 001110 h I so v OAUTION--Vin:-Chauoollonh W." Pun Wo I u o dbtlluhlv t. I ' which hl to 0! odfollnt 3v'l.&113:ee1u'L3.?v1ch `.22l`..'a '3 my h:d `i:J:_.'v _:'q'o;._`; HM. v Sold In bottles at 1a.1|&l;, 8:. ad.-, Ca. 0d..|nd 11;. oh. Nona in [canine 1:30 I I Dr. .I.., 00111: Browne": Ohloro ` " on the Govornmont Sypgw. Ovorw uh. T:{3"n`i"n'ii"u":}`}'I' roam. as unis numxr` "I$..V`..3l'(I$):`ll1lll !g[l)I.a&_lhI` `N it ~ from Hot llnsealwn C-onuul at nlllmto m. at Moi` , _ ' that the only Jllll3\A1`)IfTlf3Ig aws: 0g;9;oxwxg& t _ g,. ,. . oh tutu eh Vsnlluo ' .' onmgd In ` I ______ -&;.-~.:-__.j-- EFR1.GERAToas. R1;-:ff`I=21oI;:RAToi-`ii"j$` . .'ff`$i':s.;7 `a~` - -3%.?"-. nun`. . ........ ..|-h Ice Cream Freezeijs. all size; W` M American Blue Flame Oi-I 8tovos."6qf,; Stoves. Lawn Mowers:. Garden Ho`lB.'eibi. is .1 77 pnlNces's'smaa1:; onxaxxxt. V Sold Wholesale by tho P:opm co:-1' lllnnnnal-An 0 DDIII Vluuluallq U; luv I qvpn lvuvav . - Worgqmr; Crosso an Blual:woll.'Ltd.. I-onion: % and Export Ollmqn genqrpljy. 1 V "':-golaght.` mac n lonlnu anuy I01 1 . ` `"135. gcux no, ;-ya u A `038ERVE`vTHAT THE lat -3-d Prices. M KELvEY%;89B}I ' VWT Vvw gamma: J. u.=n'oug1u & 09.` and U; , rm. -1 W . - 1. , `H A` . . in 1 '.': ._`. .-*.{.vi,,M,A_7`. '7` ,-% We have them from $._8, upwards. ' ` ' 7' -`ifs ` and see themxs I 3 V : All Size}; TT 9? uuiuil-n--- ninn. |vILnv\'m'-clan"? 5*n;1_.E oi2iGi1`AL `A1ID 6NE'fGa Acanoxxonma :.*.::.'r::.`a`.2r.:j;.1.".:;,",:`,;:;.;iAi..`:`f;`r:1 cnLonommB &s.:..;:,r;::.*.r::..`::..t*"-` '* , CHI-0RQbYI!:.:`2.'::`:'p:3a::::.:?s.':::?z:.:*.$?a: , --A 1. AI Us ru uuuuvyg trot nnoh 3. man ' _ _ __ .....unn.n . u-.3: `of npgorg sgxqhnixugna The! M *cH`LoRommB ss.-.m::.~.:-::.-.::..::`-~==- "~ % hoomma smm than $phhorl.a. Favor. Oroup. Ann. _ _ I _ `~ .. we _ . ` 1 . F.cnLoRo13YNE a:*:..e:.1 W.`:l;3;>g- fr; f.cHLoRonm5 ::'.:1:?31. .,`;:`:a::.*:':.,1.`.`..:.:1*.``f .'%, F? A . .. 3 .*`~'.L.3?.:\_.`~;i'.`:-- 69 `an d" 7 #18 Brogl. -oocoooob " T III-AAA-..` ., r,`,`_ _ vo_,_ IT *7` 1 _u v|A_' imlf `~19? :.v.:.:.-.::%:;.:?a;`:..Ef' 't"",._ urn -W-s I-In - . ? . L. L I W - "|l"- --v---- "v ' TfM-de_s_r-voi. .. ug_`u.no co no single; 8106 co O1!) 3354 OoblI-O|I up dag!`-a, W-75 *0 \ NWW. }.;_;__`. .;-_`.__;_...T 9.--.-- . IIIIIIIVIUIIIIAVVVI -V 1-'- -*- 1"` ' ' `Q-nglh` 1 5 . , s . . is, ` nlpo Hand 1: London ' w`. qno:'-oowx'.`a.u.'. o. ma)` on on? In nloom. lizhtmlpaoloun ' I am _ . n .\!f.|\o.RIVOI'II 4 MI ; 0o'I(Llm|tg,d_);,:_ ~..,_ MONTREAL I 7 y ..-:1 r . .A~` _ v`-,:>~_ _-.._. __.n. n.s.. vm-Ir (inn:-rm`! E: RICAN A LINE; sic` " v -` " ` no I *- UIIDAYI _ ooI- EIDAY :1 non- In |n.lunInn.ll0. ions: ziumv lm _- F:'.'6...."".`.'o .`. :. !".'n'`.i`.'%'.`}'-i'&` ::.:.`s.':u sh! loom. chunpnoloun maa ml ' Iru , I , with their are escgnvv late and, iwlnu ion 3: ;c.*:=_-mt-_2';*:.:*`;.k?.`.::::.....`:'::; ? 1I:ol.LIu.I`wvn" `(II ', ,1!!! 3: lion- 7. lo rs vlnunouvvuu .. anon. Q guenooo. n! at a pan. LY at lo um. I IIIIII. KVIIVI . -5 30-; `lav ` `I15. W nu-` h 0 ` do Icahn mu pan. '.l'u_sdsn.;'l'|mu- . ma. . 5U " m'.'n nu ma mama roam. `In/J Ptuoott and Cornwall. ,. .~ HI - rs-I-Q- I'!'Ql- ` vlnuw-In mm: .7, `are. Hm " Jail) mh, 0 mm " 9' IMh.9a.m `Au. Jlh V "7' V 7| Into mu. 8 q_._m BoI6on.,8rl~ VII In uAIuuuuu.- -- v ia'n mii'-:hooui" T ant: unu-dun pluto '0 ll .g|'. |=v\Iuu-pm -----v* . ` ' lh%'--a :Fmv"!I:`Y.(bou|monoiu;`3& Juno. T .u.. u\l...LI. In... Inning lhminn nM:I5 ml Illotrmn... ..3rd July`. ................ u; 0 v .599 - ' V ,1 r."J.l'. ` t . _ I ~ u '4! latest-Btm [s:r.-716Ef'H KING | < --`n apngbkellnnnau And noahnator. t5'7o:"+'u-FFE5 iyoiiwtlo 1'iIo|I'"ud- vim Hutu of modem uhlphnndinu have _ om; cabin: on mun and woman- Mlo I an that: contain: hllnhlh nu ue nnmn nn Le. \..-...-..x_ '9-W-g |'::':$:::>-s...,.d..#x- .3 I I It ouud oniliuenn '"'" """'.'.7.7'.i.. hot in ` and lulu, `pp! to H. 11. DE (}nn.InIulO Ind mums up: On. lluuiu. ---.---...--- III uulitvnn --nun ` tun. .... ..M. Junmla oshlnonly. > ~ mh .lm.hJuue.........`..........Nth ,.2ath June. 2nd nsbln only...96th Illotmn... ..8rd Julr...... ..............Ith ;.. .2 =::-.-mi.-;z:25:*m"~*'.f' A North lung Boohutn). Humlnt-S _ uvlnnn yaw.- from lone:-cal. from Quoboo Ma June. In cabin only. . . .Mh .... ..}_:3.l_: %'l`he Bgst and Most` aoiio nu. - nonco man. No. llxwou, 2.10 am. No.) xp;u|.,1.l0n.m . 5 I.4M..m In In It " Olxpun 12.00 pm. "11! jphp.:`lo.lAA. vlllxu V : 11'Ip.m. " 7 roalicou 4623111 .. 6.453.111. Ill c- P: H 1:` Train: Nan. 1. 2. a man-an an . No. Is` daily oxoopt; Monday. All other! tn us daily ompz nndn. Tum leaving AMIIO noon. veg lu.0lMVI at sup p In, tr:-Mn I093- __ ;._ anuy axoopu Jlluuu-1. nu ......... ......__ ..,,___ Ept Hnndpy. Lo mm .Indk-ll - .13` :;3'n E... u.3.` sa.op2.u.?)7, uswn, arriving at 9.90 1.111. ~ Irm t.iukat.a. Pullman ucoommodntion and K2331 "I:u`.".';`i.'i'.:.'7...'.`.r. and their mum: - I wv.u II their min-In. uuqnodg i'a1'CvKI s}'E1v1i<'i.It -' - For Nukes. othor information apply to %H%9vri5i9te!i2*!"_8:9%s!b"W Wunor Palace snooping guru nuwuu 0 v `mu. ma.-w vzonx. ah?m ;:heAcM1g ma :.n.bn mm). A. IMEB. any mm Ame n. w. t 0. RB... Foot Brook HI. ,Klnston. nrulrn nl mvnnn n'mr.n_ ""'"" VV `.!Ul3`.`l."- Roma Utloo. Album Now Yon-X.` Phllndub ph'lo,BaltImoro.' nmhinuton and tho ' nr\1"rr1'IT_`l'. lure: -'nprmr$}1' 'U'tr.'= mu 1-. .1 :- `E: ';V r. 0- . . I x . . oonneo I Vincent with tflne to 311 pointe In the P. '|'.!'NI~.'I`B' STATES- Wennor Peleoe Sleeping Qere between nuns xnnnlmvr ' AND NEW W) GOVT! an pm. (Sundry: o;upd) uh. I Duoronto. __-_ _ _--A-.. ix? (alum Brute. `YOU ~ $J'!0.ULDN*T coyonc V I -.'!:`Y.!bon:monoiu; I) wt` 45 IGt.)lonh King" luvu udnn at 0: In M,:."khto" lawn Tnuoln s and 1']: An -:.:e;.e-ze.*n=2::`-..:.;.:.::...:`:.'it`3z':."c:.a'i... KINGSTON_zn:E1BROKE ill lush Ulla min : I .Cannd,a PETE: Railways . . F ~. . Winn. nun Ivuv uvvu - *3 V n'_ ___ __V___ ood going June 19th. Rotum nntil.An. 88th. 09d 0 a `my Ml. R an topt. uh. good` gs July )0t|la. l2t`ur`I|1::tilSopt. nth Ow IOIIIR a:ll?U':t"|WlI. lR\I:lll n o no ny .1. autumn.` . . good coma soth. luturn until Sept. -nll nnbtlnnlil Al I. h P. gn 0, E, _ ; _Humg_A %S_e7%tl|<;eis' Excursions L ' r K J o-- T V niAI\iII0BAj1.::h.:::! A _ nnAL -\-,z . -.-.-_-- 6.1, cm Pnnonnr Btntlon. I a... chat, H lvuninvm L I [burn 511 I An. nnd Zmo Good going July mu. now:-n unm acpu. um. PIIII . . . . ?:.?`... $3""'5`:". C '23.: P ' A..e.&n?r.u.inf ' 031:. lnn. ICON Au. ( Wan dniuhrooln lOI'Y|cO up puuiuu .. n........, dnlu. Thus graceful hosts no I 5r11}1'"nuu by olootrlnlt .amd oqulm o , am 1'5 slljnmg nth:-_dq1_o_'_'('!t"on.}. ...:._..._...__..._.__. .._..__........___..._...._. *rncy:L|NG-'aY RAIL. Balm 0 Glove! n nu` `h`l'ao`IP.`1 __._ vun-- Ann..- \l`.uv Vm -revs-3' I U. II-.n.. rvuu ulvun nu .n.u..-v... .nm-rnmrmnn ' u.x>,.T1s. we 0. Jim. ammo. N.Y. TV*.-.192 Desire Him HIHWB di ngy played out Pots or Pam; itisn't healthy. Ro:to'ck your kitchen with ;`,$c.?..``:T'.,';.?s`. ;`.I u.. Itdn ntd sizes, gtyong and ml! nfihod. II .'...$IA.$LL d_....-__...L - to ` on tho st, Lnnonoo lvoc. ` fnnnmon Allard: puwnaon Ion oi onjovlnc the oxoollont. r; oxponu In spur to makee o d n n-room urvlce an povfoojz _u_ (`\Al17n|_u_-Y -rr."m|:.o'3::::5- 6 .tl?:'qt:. WGII II_II|I|I'UUo . Vjfinilow Screens-nd- juubli to fit any win- .a..`...t. mind Mn. `:'3_ X""._-4?!`-v1~ ` `Niagara Pane. Olwe 0 Syracuse, Boclxeatnr, Bu n 0. Cleveland, Q1_p_cln- I nnuvug-n u Ellington, 7 ' U - U pm. an n.n.jnn. yuan. mt ; ma =Lna..`.... mg g||- Jug: 3' as |i:<`:'\:loo; g?0IH:)I`O5::-:1`: u u 1 11; M !1l0l'I| W Illuulu uvu . J. P. HAINLIY. Aunt. 1-,-` -1 I - Uomfortabyja Line. --q-:__ W` `V `V `-"V `[9 "Hf. xi . n I lrn `nth:-salts Coal. Vhla M-count: fm their immaculate alumi- Ilmaxad the uuI|I'o ubnuoo of unoltn (he ,0 Jul foumu of 5 nu boat trip) rep- I_ In tho wall-morltoqdm. notion of the " Ulllilfl-" Thu are roudlly realm- ! I 0 New York Oontul Shield on the V m nnolu Inch. ~, llOlI no jnnuunll my line ho pm-pone of t. air careful nnnanllon ham: to nd;p_t,Mt11_exn_for