IIC `Olin XIII IIIICYI "T DOOBIIIIII W the homo ot the Flyin Rollon in Dotroit. and can Ininn mini R111. A- H. Hnn lake Ontario`: low Llno. l.:wIa1-ox, N.Y.. Jul lU.--There is conuidonblo excitement on over u rumor uhucn lino of magnicent bonus is to be built to ply Lalo Onhrio. They will more lrorn human and run down through the 80. Lwranco river until tho Gulf of 8%. Luvnnoo in ruched. Than but: will can-y Quh merchandise nd and will an! ,i t- :nonIo the L trash Inutlcr It In add that Ibo mjoct in hing hacked by Col. Oqlfhin. of ow York city. III:-uvlululn Art or -c , CUNHINDALL. July 10 -Fme Methodist Ineetlnge ere being held every evouing. They no conducted by Mr. Overpeugh end obhere ol his flock. The eotendnnce is lerge And the meelsln I interesting. Mr. Simma will bethe vpee er one week from Sunday next. Mina May Franklin, Mleeee (Jor- crude and Down Bounmell no home for thelr holldeye. The meulee epidemic bu eh lnb penned ewey after I reek number of local cellq` School see- I. on No. 9 in closed for the `summer vaca- tion. A ooneldereble quantity of local rain was taken totaown letely. The Eng- leh church plonio at Todd : Hill was A social and llunnolulnncceu. thunk: to those devozlng ooneidereble time to lb. The Al.- hendenoe was large. vveetler propilnour, end uncle for denolug good. ell going to unto the event eooceenlul. W0 UIIIIIIII DICK tor WUIK vu bu! Uruw I Neat Pan rulwufv. The Winnipeg tradee eud labor oounci appointed a eputatiou to wait on Mr. Haney. with a view of ee- certeinlng whet truth the reports cou- teined. while me or Mocreary opened communication wit Mr. Silton and the Montreal huthoritiee on the eubject. The deputation was unable to see Mr. Haue owing tothat entleman having too muc toarrange be ore leaving town. but Mo- Creary received auuranoee from Montreal that American agent: were in no way authorized to employ labor nor of- fer tree trennportation to the scene of work and the preference would be given toCana- diana and aamuoh money in ible be kept in the north weet. Mr. aney left. for the vent laet night. A large batch of oontraetora went out on a_ special; onli: one,G. H. Shovel. taking an outt wit him oonelating of eighteen core. U105 RIO enu-rerneuua party In nruulullg up. The election ot John Ha don for Roa- common would he moet eigni cent of tho- eucceu of the Purnellite protest for the lat low eere egninet clerical lnlluence. Mr. 3 den he been for years in direct contact with the biehop of Mouth, who hoe publiehed repeated paetoxele de- nouncing hlm from the alter. The blehop eleo lorbld hle llock under pain of mortel eln to reed the Wm Month Ex- emlner. Mr. Hayden`: journel. But rn epite cf ell thle the paper llourlehed.end now Mr. Hayden hlrneell la about to be aeturned without o poeltlon eememher ol pArlie- ment for ounnon. the clorlcol party got venturing to run A candidate eglinet Im. Onnndlnnn wm nan the Pnfu-onoo-Inop tho lone: non. Wnuurlau, July l0.-Re rt; have boon noceivod that. men were he ng omplo ed in Oh: Unlmrl Rub: fnr work an thn (.1-mt - r.c'.'s;3'rTI 5.32 {.2}. 'b'Z?.'.iI:2.3"ai the United States for work on the brow : MAAD U--- -gul-nun The `mnninnn trngn oe larger won over um you. ._ On the (Joy following the procession a oonve_ tion of Pnrnelliteu fromull porno of Irelou willhehold to consider the boot way of spreading the organization inde- pendent. of the league, which in already in ourishing condition. John Redmond, one Pnruollwe lender. expressed himuelf on being condent in the future. He points to the diuensiono between John Dil- Ion and Timothy M. Holey no proof that the onti-Pornellito party in breaking nn `Flu nlnnlhlnn nl Jnhn I-lnvdon for Ron- unnun - nu pangs. Inc um pau- uiono `bot incompatible. 'On this nubjoclz Sir ill:-id Laurior nid : I know of no rouon why 5 cannot be an urns-gononl. and I nowof no with or t onglab dloplouing to tho protons agent.- genonl. lngrozord to C dupamh from Ohhawu in- tlmotlng that the Oumdiun cabinet change: were impending, whoub Sir Rlohard Cartwright. minister oib sand commerce. would succeed Sir Donald Smiohuhigh commiuionor. Sir Wilfrid Lourier said: I know of no changes. an- tuol or oontomplgtod." I :-anal-nhinnn Am nlrmulv on foot. in Dub- run! oontomplqwu Propurshionu are already on (ooh in Dub- lin {or the Parnell nnuiverur domonnra-_ tion in October. and it ll be ievod its will be larger than over this your. On aha dnv lallowlmt the nroceuion ' IMNE .`(',".g.,,""":,-,,;'.',':: ulliu. onval. umnlng hi: pangs. the uonuu ` Dlllllvll, mu uuuuuunu uggu aomnlulooor would raglgn`on mm. bolus incompatible. `u connqlhn Punk! In loop 3 lurptlu Ill Bonlulon nl 05310101 --A Parnell llononlrnul III! In Iloldln Dublin in 4|.o.I-.- 4 Loxnou. amy w.~-11w Jnnugo an au- oomo only an echo. The oloninl pnml} Aretirodhlhnlpg Mod and 3 their `dopu-tuna. Thu vlnio oltho premier: Inn to Inlay Englishmen oomothlng in the numn ol 5 dinoovory oi the Bmluh oolouiu, ioulsrly In, the -out of Sir Wirid mice, the prank: of (kinda. who has boot: I Iurprlainmrovolation of capacity. Duly hatter bu had am In! Incoua Ioehlly at her hulund bu pol tloally. In than Hnuldinn colonv than bu been IOIIIIII] II nor nlllnum nu poumcuuy. In tho Uuundinn colony there but oomldonblo gouip nuggonting that Sir Dnnnld Smith. the Cnnndiln MRI! eo.'.'52'I-'.b:"I.'"E'o32.:'i.".'u".'{, ,'q.?s'.I.';' 'mi'.u"s'aI- Domld Smith, the Onnnclian high nnnnnulnnlnnnr Cnnld raglan . ll ll. Tun he `an: V_Vl'lLFiIII_' Lkbnlsn ` na- [omens NOT succnsrm Pnlhcliwwalcac. Wunxlrn. In. Jun I0 --Ir. Du nun:-dun ha nnlc nnl An! W. n_ . ; ' oxxioit, July 10.-4 jubihc Ian I!!- mun an]: :1: Quinn. `rm. cblnninl nnmlon NO TRUTH IN THE STORY. ) 3&0 II II In In In. `. hid into n Dunno. `July 10.--Eln Gourd. in .3; M kl lod spins? '. lull Ithat. bl: wile hi: nlmhn, nn xhnt ?8n`$"E6?a fo}IE6}I. A It-out nun louinon. ,,_ nnv,1 n Inc :9 OIIIOCCIIOCIIIOI. ._ 1;, A I_.I_ In L Olnhondnll Nun. _.. I,.I# II\ In,._ nmfmr vime. SA1`tIBD.L.Y. JULY zb, 1397. V--u-'-1'! BlLl.l\'lTI.'I-. .07: - Jun: Clark. 0! Skinny. did lat night from um- -.:-.-. ".....---. -:.-~......._'"~v .. e.:.."'.."ni.:.`....';:.r.- - -~- l.::.:'- - -- :'..: DHC "IE 5"` l'I\". [III IUII IKE '1 main in two was and his huokhono And tbrihon Iultdtlonnnluohntcn. ll- \lnC`l 2`: slut. again Al an; anal IIUI1 lvunu. u-uuutn, nun um coming at tho hospihl iron I; poodloinlo. Ir.l'ovdI`vIovulu1-twuyctnol A:-n.nLjnIl:nKuI (EA n-4| Ill `If?! TTUTWCUIZTX llr.lloIswnolxtyyoa;IolIo,snd Iclnllwldovusdtwonou. C I` I I VII XIII XI`. I'lIUl' VH9 run amok und killed inohntly by `tho Into upon. Ho wu `thrown `on: tho ` bddco into the l'i\'If. His loft Inn Ill Laugh... in Ann I-Inna: and hi: hnnkhnna Ant. Conned To a Block. Nulrru Hnun. Qua, July l0 --'l`hin village was startled thin mornin st six o clock by I passing engine of the . & ll. railway signalling oi re which wu located in the Icon of Jun Lnborn. gononl dealer. The building with its slack. the public hull and an ndjoinlng blwlmlth nhop were o-Jmplotoly douuoyod. The summer ml- donu. ol which than an I largo numbor from tho Unilad Sumo, wore vary much alarmed. but notwithstanding the hok oi upplinnou the 6:1 wu conned to the gnu` block. IIIIQI IIyA'l`nln. Wnmmul. Ont. July l0.-Whilo omn- in the 0. P. R. II-Idp about eleven 0' k Int night, Goorgo 1108, I forum who VII mu` hero. on nu-nah And Hlld inntlv hv `tbs - uuumu -7, --n.--.-. 81'. Hmuun, Q-.10., July l0.-Burglere visited Sb. Hilere eerly this morning. The were fortunetely surprised in their war before much demnge wan done. A. Peuier. hey merchenlfe ollice wee opere- ted upon whore ea {er en cen be eeoer- eeined nothing of velue wee teken. other then e 8400 cheque out of tho eefo where it hed been pleoed. The rele wee unlocked. Find- ing bhil unproilteble work, ghey repaired thomlelvee to the her room of the Com- merciel hotel. where the proprietor. Mr. Cherbonneeu. (eve them. three in number. ohot reoeptionwith e bull-dog revolver. Severel ehots were fired. They bed gein- ed entrenee to both pieces by oerolully re- moving e pane of glue, mum ll] lo Kanpur. Tnuv. July l0.-Geor Boron died at the Troy hoopitcl Tug uy. and Ohu-loo A. Pixlcy. an inmate. oh: that ho had boon murdorod by Phlip Crouon. the ni ht watchman in the Indian- tiou. c bod hnd boon interred. It. won cxhumod lnmda and an autopsy wu held by four coding physicianu. At the coroner : inquut several wit.- ueuel tootiod that Crouch, the keep- or. hud Itrnppod Horan to a cot and beaten him in the {coo with a strap.- aflcr which he left. them there until he died Tuesday night. The inquest was concluded last night and the jury found that Horcn came to his death possibly from alcoholism, and that its was hulened ' by blow struck on the face of the docenod by Philip Croaacn. (lmnnn will he nlnnad nndar u-rut. Duty on salmon. Vncovvnn, B.C.. July l0:-A new dil- culty hue confronted the Fruer river oannere by the announcement that I duty of one cent per sh would be char on all salmon brought in from the nited States aide. Ae most of the cannere hrwe ll-ih trope at Point Robertson, on the Uni- ted Staten eide of the line. the duty, if enioreed. will amount to a considerable item in the expense of oennors. It it claimed by cennere that while they had no oiciel notice that the duty would not be obon ed. ver- hel ealurancee were given botg by the looel member": of parliament and oioiela of the marine end lieheriee department that such would be the case. They are thus highly lndi nant at the action of the gov- ernment. here in no change in the situa- tion re arding the dispute between cannon and tie ermen M to the price of Ileh. ION (X)lnP|'WIH Ill! JU|H'll0y- He is remain ng here over Sunday. and spent to-day fishing on the river St. Law- rence. Ho did not appear to be in the least. exhausted when he reached the Bri- tish last . evening. noiniepuere. ' When he left New York he weighed 200 Foonduand he has been reduced so much u eeh by feverrwhich he haeaulfered and by the constant travelling, change of cli- mate. eto., that he now weigh: but 135 lbe. From Great Britain hewent to l'ranoe,and he rode his wheel. a Columbia. over the celebrated Peria bicycle path. He rode within seventy-ve mileii oi the place where Frank -Lena, the American around-the~` world rider. was killed while attempting to out across the plains of the Boephorun. Phelps went around the lain. though it made 300 milee, juat twee aa far an it would have been uorou. ae Lena attempt- ed to make it. Mr. Phelpe has had many thrilling ex- riencee, as would naturally be expected tom euch a. trip. one of them being a fall down a mountain in Switzerland. He trpvelled as much as l75 milee in aday over the smooth roads 6f Franoe and Ger- many. He was in jailin Rueeia for four days on account of being without a e- port. He etill has to travel through outh America, Central America and Mexico be- fore oompletin his journey. rm Sunday. 1 ; K. Hui , ll id at the BC t.iohAlIrionIi Iota! |thll- punovon o'clock Int owning. an strip round the world, undertaken on I an- or, `with p Now York club, for '%,000, and: unilhly 4th. 1895. Ho agreed to ourtvout ylnhoub clothes sun! with only three cent: in money. The Iain` was 83,000. and during his trip he must earn 83.(I)U, beaidupuying his expanses, the `condition being (hub he must. not bog. bor- row or steal. Ho mnob ride a whool M12.- 000 mile: in such llominpheu, and he in ul- lowod to ride on`bootI and can. u . --m nut. ah. 30-at. nlnmn that ha loved no rule olrnonu Ana out. He said that the res clothe: that he land were rude of paper. He auctioned one of his three cent: andemege money that h blanking the nhoen ol 1; member of the ew York club, then. after having hie picture taken, by telling a number of those. endby avers! other way: of nuk- ing quell unonnu of money. he Mt. New York {or Liverpool. He bu now travelled `across both oceans and through the Outem LAB: Khnlnnl |l'.I.l'Iolp.of0|Q!;I.!-In-dig ?! `llnioir n-nd j. ,. J ' July l0.--Lt Ihofdl U LnmIh.nndiihnnAnd-l-n-n IL.` rump \JI'0!lI|l- Cronon will be placed under nrrut. ..?._..j_ Ancrrign atdat 'rko r1':n. Orcuunoorlouclm -n Cl` I..h- Vlnlled By Bnrglnn. ._.. l\,_- 7._I__ In -~:0lDOf Dllfl rllunou. V7.0 WI hothoneaagt tbowehlnd} an the tank of may nypuund nu-van. no . v to In in at 1; uuuruuy nu um olticulmtom attired In royal `ivory. A Wold: ndlcal mon- laor. mistaking the date 0! Portlum lot nnnnt. naked II: the In to Hue ntnnhnnm marque. The Ink! con:-toouly led the wan number than. audits hunt to man his I2k1.|X hf I|`l I-Ivllv In-.n-n-4| -ah: - nun. Inc we must to nuns an n aehtlou 0! his civility. pruned ash: - Waite the as`: hand. nuropo. Dglrin the SIM: bbriod the Amencan (Umtod mien). bishop in have Increas- ed from sixteen in 1:18? to r%nt; oigpt In 18%. uvuty-(our being I t United sum. and I r ouuglu. i.o.. in `rat A Claims, n Hnytl. Then an In t Unwed tutu hotwoon four and {in thonund clu-[yuan o! A John 00 b In The Dana. London. July IO.-Sncbty In pmunatl by cjoko on tho data 0! Banana. auto: 31 born in tin? queen`: bonu- I hold. Atatho 31:01:`: put: at Windsor LII oichlmron Ittirad In IIIIAI `inn. A `I'AInL I-nlnnl nu..- Prognetot the I P. 6. During the genre I me When her majrsty succeeded 10- the throne there were only eeven Anglican hiehoprics in foreign parts vim. two in British North America (`Now St-otie, founded In 1787. and Quebec. 1793). two in Asia (Calcutta. founded. in 1814. end Medree. 1885). two in the Went. Indies (Junaice ind Berbedou, founded in 1524). end one in Auelrelie (Sydney. founded 1838). There ere now nineti- in `two bishop:-ice, twenty-two being British North Amcrloe, nine in the West Indiee, Centre! end South Am- erice, twenty-one In South twenty- two in Amuelie end the Pecit o, enven- teen in Africa. end In the oqntlzgul. ot Europe. Due-Inn Hm nevmo I\`.-:...I an- e............ aeu uuun ruuner Just me some unma- sen. How much will it, be to (ix mine up His hissenl Mine is ull iron wheels. Do you punch the hollow hole threw the injun rubber or wlll Ihave to do It. myself? How do you stick the emls to- gether nfter you get, it done! If your injun rubber is already holler will it come any cheaper gg1_trl I can get all the wind I want on. are in Kansas free. Ebeneeler Y. Jenaon. l .S.--How much do you charge for the doodod you stuff the wind into the rubber with and where do you startl pull '1 deer sirz.-I live on mi farm near Hamilton. Kun., am 57 years old and just :1 little sportu. Mi neffmv in In- diann bot himself in may icycla and sent me his ole one by (rule. and ive lenrnod tn ride.aum. Its 11 pile of fun, hu.t mi hicyclu jolts cou.sideml;lo. A teller come along yesterday with n bisicld that had hollow injun rubber tires stuffed with _wind. Ile let me try hissen and mi ll run like u kushin! He told me on sell injun rubber just the us is- RHIL How mm-h lvill it ha fn fir minn nun Dy Ill! uuuer. - Had William Moshe!` and his accom- plices been successful in getting the re- wurd they asked for the "return of Chur- ley Ross they would have opened ll crim- inal business that would have brought len-or and dismay into many house- holds. As it was, there were many imi- mtors of _the crime of child-`stealing but it. nlways bro` ht trouble to those I who engaged in ` . The life of little Charley Ross. "therefore, may be said In have saved Hm nnl inn frnm n hnrrlil Wnntec n Up-To-Onto Wheel. The suhjoi_ned l_ettor, publishod by the American F|e|d,"|s sand to be an unis-.1 sent by a Kansas man to u. hicycaa coun- pnny: . l)mI.r n|r1,-I livn nn mi fnrm nnn'r IIUIIIUS. ". The sad fate of Charley Ross. reveal- ed by Ellsworth Masher, is 0. mystery_ no longer. I Ul ..I8 gang. I In the basement of the house, No. 55 ltlramd street, Mrs. William Masher. the wife of the criminal chief, kept a res- taurant, and, sixteen ears a 0, work- men, in tearing out t e old msement walls, found the skeleton of aboy. That skeleton, Gilbert Mosher told his son, was all that was left of Charley Russ; that the bright. little boy was murdered in that house or the one adjuinin on the corner of South l"iftlru.venue. gills- worth Musher has now, for the first time disclosed the statement made to him by his father. Had 'illi:uu Masher and his acnom- wuu ungugeu In by. 1|.Il5 um um Hula to have saved the nation from It horrid industry. `which munngod by such a heartless wretch as William Masher. proved to he, would have wruoked mnn homes. 1 'l`|u. and rain I\' l`k...-hu. Dan. -...-....I I<`.llswort.h Mosh:-.r. the nephew of "Wil- linm Masher, chief of the desperate guns that kidnapped Charley Rcisa, still lives in New York city. He is representeol us rm industrious laborer, and bears the reputation nnmug his acquaintances and friends of being an honosl man. and one who feels keenly lhu associa- tion of himself and family with the mysterious crime tlmt. is linked to the nzune of his uncle. It in lannni-u_l|\v-an unnra ninnn (`H-1|-- IHLHIB Ul HIS UDCIC`. It. is tasenty-three years since Chan'- ley Ross was spirited away, and all the nclors in the scenes are now lozul. Wil- lium Masher and his uci-.omp|icu,Juseph Douglas, were killed luring n burglisry and it wus nuppused at. the time that, Mosher hdd (mrried the secret of the {Me of Charla Ross with him go 'l.he grave. But th s was not true. (iilhert Masher, before his death, told his -son Ellsworth Mosher, the true story of the fate of young Rosa: It is remem- hered than Gilbert Mosher was the per- son who put the police on this Lmil of William Mosher, his brother, and elacler of..the gang. In than hxummnnl nl' lhn hmumr No. 55 . -T I Ellsworth lunar : 8tory-'l`ho Skeleton `of I Boy Found In I W|ll-'l`|-oublo to All Who Won Into the BIIIIIIIII. Bulhslo News- EII .... _._LI. Il`--I .... AL- ._-_L..... -3 'll'!l IT IS A MYSTERY NO LONGER. ` --cHAm.:vVnoss~ was MURDER- E ED ABOUT I6 YEARS AGO. 3 W`!'5`?'5 $.! JHXYIXIEW Wfjjjw l5cp0I'yII'lI. gutm U[hI0roIn9,32-in. Bat u Pdntshnu pmnmuum no at ' ~ - (hh!dBotI|CA IAVQWIIMTOKIA '% AllonrInJlu udH%Su-uVdInQiuuIhIur0o. unouu-u.au'Iunwu-u. luau pnoctls 0lII.~0I.u. gunman lcuIn|.f7lonoh.. O-nouduuha. A A ccldwwlbnaaunhnnddal b. ` ea uullhdgdb-unllhbn 1 on l;onday'lomIn no will offer thoziollowlnc Uo-. ` equalled Burg-am: In Warm Woathoroodn : 8-hoIAnu-ianblni undulating uhhld A|loIrl2o.lo.l8oOo|u'oI|IAwnn. ';qunnlaut.loI-any`... IN I)II.I0.IIQj, lvfafpfeauaareooas atwa1sn'sm=eatsmorsuo 75} 77 pmncess smear. - . KIIIGBTOI oi? American Blue Flame Oil Stoves. Gagqllnp` _ Stoves. Lawn Mowers. Garden Hose. etc. THE SLOAN IIEIIIGINE 00., 0F HAMILTON, LtII., imporulblc for mom wall I am: or do` no home work. but after tukin ono bows of8I.uAN'u lumua Tome It. took over: on-tlolo of II: dluud om. of my a uum an math 3 pen-rust. me. it bu now boon Int yuan maul tab the modh inn and ho dluuo hu not n-turned Iinoo." |Sloan s Indian Tonic, o to enurcn. ntonnod the oourt that Dolllnn to the altar. July `F continued tollvo with her ._ 1'3. Cruelty upon the lab in tllio hntalu of t`ho unit. - one y rum Iupp nu _'I (not VIM: but open hand NI lllo with n hatchet. tor moat utrocloun Mt. , _ the bill. was that qt cutting from hi: clothing to `II: nttondln Sunday so ool. `II In. and to her hun- _ M this bill states. Lb A-nnnunn at um lml. "REFRIGERATORS. A REFRIGERATORS. We have them from $8 upwards.- Come ' and see them. ~ ELLIOTT BROS., wA'Ei IuU _"3&o"f'U' &wu- Price $1 Per Bottle ; 6 or from Lubontory. Ice Cream Freezers. all sizes. AFIN NTTCO ST, I I mEde,E _R E `n cey 50. A FINE CORSET, with extra 69 side and bias support slips, 0 A FINE AMERICAN MODEL , ' I I 0 JOHN LAIDLAW at sou. W ._ . `% -IL: Summer 2:` w emf P.O. Drawer 33. . (Successors to~BURTCH..BROB. & 00., Ottotvillo.) Ilna Tuouu Honnn, of Aylmor. 0119.. any: .4 \ "l luvs boon 3 rent uuoror far 0 [0011 Dill! _.$ on r-with Halt cum. no bad at than II_ was nlposulbll for mo to vuuh am. do n boto Tome oven nu-tlolo th A Medicine of mm anVd Honcst Value. ' Cures Eruptive DiIelIcI,. Tetter, Eryaipelan, Salt Rheum. Shin lea. VScald Head,Itching kuhemetc. An Aylriacr may Outed. '\ . Ix T on `I :-ll quunpcn. '~'=' " r.1.':1s;':hn':m.; his clothes. so that . `uni. :1: In nlnu-ch. ?:# :;?iNISBET S` A also at ` comm , . tghubnndaiayi. nl:o . mg - `kn n olllann an-.l oourttopluothom _ T Il`I'l3lIg ll Ulll ILIDUI. Eh Cation of the hut. ` - 'III|:lIt whaigcompiinh MIDI U0 ' Illlrtu when the 11:: . mic wool`: accumula- `uh. 'n...1....u .. ... .1... ;(l'uI] Sheet 37 llyllic size) of .. ov. `G To '-a 5e.'r-.- :~_ns:__ II I I. MI in -vv --in v: .T'_ A .....:.... ......_ 4 Popljlaysungs. outrun gg on M t. M. loo. 3%.`. I FoLIo.| us:-'.u.' :4. -.`."'5.'.'a$ u.' mi o&I lb in loan actually 2 MI lhnn ` -T 51 j- 1 T EKIIIIJ I at '.l`|uur\ um An`... in -`n- .-lm] an-an Kn.-Q hog-n Pcpuljncllcnlo. `lbnnloworld. AA AL. .L..nn... __.I .._...A.l... . X IWTIIIU IIIIIIIIL III WWII the I was a n condi- and th bu-go i had don. Th on and low 10!: Tronhon yuurday not-nl wit.hHI.00.000 forddlunhr. They II port a pnuulod on down toward: Onion. The nnidont am but occurred lulu but night or curly III! coming. The stranded bugs is owned by the Ki 8 Ilonlnnl lornrdl oom- ny. dual: with which tho it Lad F 7`.2`:`~`.'.".".1a`.,'1."..n.a"" '.f....E". ..';' !nn|I0.hdi|nnnoIknown|Iuuy_ hihanulunohvluu. ICI'-K VV :1: yuya. ;;;"l'u?`.) ~;..|::k.u'i|`- Th dutch! Ina 'AI|:i_u :odG=vdnun." 2 0' ` I mamas sooxm, OF LONDON. ` I the of Queen Anne. A3. m4. v low In Inc pnono. ' Clnh-npn Donnolly. In opouin the mating, told the quoction of what or or uoo I second bonus nhould ho ofhrod to out that tho oloohou should `ho oonuilud upon. Exoldormon Roddon. -and nltloruun J. `Smart ogrood with thin opioloo. Anouaor Inooting- tho a print; one- vnn hold this Alma-noun. WK IIHII IIIII II Afar oolno discussion I oommittoo. con- duit ol idonl Chndwlohol the board at I . o nmnDonnol|y.of the olonun-_ douultuo, Ind uldcrmtn Elott. wu sp- polnud to launder Mr. Moon: on the mbjoot. W0! VII FUSIVCI III` III IIIONIIHR that the bu-go Biron. in how at tho noun- u-llllldolllodwlllndullund boundlrwu '|`nnuuIoQuoboo.Iud uuok I rookln Lhnnnldnhnhu Paula}; and had nan.` TI `Wig H1 .5I`I I [WI In tho npu. mow atom on Donn : island. The Mug:-um inll Llnl tho Lanna In in n hul Mnull. Prescott. and bad moo` a lush; Bald lanai lvanlng to Oonaldu tho Projut. A joint maatlng of tha board of hrada and the spacial alavator comlnittoa wu held In tho board of trade room: Int ovaning chairman T. Donnally. of obs eleva- tor oomlnmaa, pmiding. The moat- ing waa called to ta a preliminary action with regard to aacurinp ehaataouon of a aaoond alavaoor in Kings- ton. '.l`ha praaa npraaantativaa wara uk- ad to raoira. an it waa not daairabla that aha pmnaadlnn Ihonld In made known In who to aha public. ' Chainnnn Dnnnnllv. in nnnninu the human. The nrgnnh oi the Hub P. W.O. R. won to hovo mot lula owning {or organi- zation and otchor purpouo. but owing to tho than notice givon then won not. A outli- oionh number tumod up. No busiuou wu sronuotod. Aluuub -I-ton -nnnn I|AIn\'A ghinng mknrn. Il'IBIIDICUu \ About Iixty young pooplo enjoyed them- nolvu Int evening at 5 "mu-ahmnllow bake" at Bu-hon-`I point. They rowed down In nkilh, pu-took of map r. the "buh1ollowing. The all home 1 magn- Ilghovuddighuul. M hm` alum. nmnn nnnnn or nm-um: lmln NIB! wmulguuun. l . -0` zoom ponou or rlomotoo \ chm mun tho oummor ruldgrzoo at J.` D. Thompson. looacod out of Fort Henry. out who military has ital. Tho their. man buy: him plant at: in the evening or vary only In the: morning. Anosnur IuuIuu[- uw wan bold thin Illa-noon. A `AA: -an-an Jinn-unnlnn A DI . W. W. nononor. v.u.. OI Unuwu, was opening his: modioino ouo. nnd n he did noanix-olinoo bottle 0! ammonia ox- plodod, lling his eyes, noon and month with pun Ammonia. lilo hoe wu terribly but-nod. -N5` an-uunnnfn A OJLA ilhh D R % - wumrs n-om mo unuou auwi. This ntumoon the clun in mineralogy baking tho oummr union an the wheel of mining were taken `over to Bu-rioold by Prol. Elliot and shown the poculiu-itioo of ab: rook formation then. \. III III Ilnnnluguu Vi nf (lunar: THESEOOND uavrron scnms BBO Iulanwy aonool an uonuou. In a handball tournament at bheY. M.C. A. gymnasium yeetarday, George Kennedy and Herb. Aleln defeated two other teams. winning four and loeing one game. Jung. Oalzalann. a hmdon fruit dealer. ll `roloun. U. , Rev. E. U. Smndort. brother of the late Dr. Saunders. nu-lvod in the city today to vials hm trloudl hurt. R0 in an _ ardent whoolumn and brought his wheel with him from the United Shut. 'l"|.l. .09.-oumn Hm nl-an In minnrnlnnv gunner. IHI generally felt by citizens that tho Mr ground: should not bound {or peanut- ing purpoue. Bow: use surely can be made of the rope:-by. Manager . of the Grand open house. in endeavor-hm; to nu-In a circuit. om.- hnoinn Oulwn. Brookville. Kingston. Bellevllle end Petetboro. - In Algunnu hm. hunn mndn nnrcmnn. DIIIIVIIIC Illa I"Wl'DIJ|'IIs Dr. sursss lass bssn msds surgeon- ms or to the lnlsmry school so '.l`_or9nl'.o, Dr. 0. W. Bolton surgeon-Insjor of Jobs lulsntry school so London. In A handball mnrnsmanh It bhoY. running war one mung one pme. June: Oeuleno, a London dealer, wan stung by I block scorpion. It was `thought at first that the eting would prove foul. bun the men in rapidly recovering. HM-lg W. Vnnlmrnn- non of `C. H. Van- IIIII. mil in! men ll rlpluly rvruvuullu. Ohs. W. Venluven. son of `O. B. Ven- lnvsmjsnlsor ol the Wmo buuldinmlefn for s two weeks cruise on the schooner 8. oT1::l:`|"yOl.W0l'dIy. His objecblve point. Uu Ila \. nlng. I n the an an`. nan- ` `O: IIII U1 lull` IIIJII Wu. um os' s . in r. uJm3 gm of mu Ad: Jonno. Prlnout an-non, Mr some wooh. returned youurddy to hot homo in Port Ham. 0 on 'whlcI: amount we will my `v..x-.. sleogothor too mm for u-gurnonu. on the out to coll our unmet uuiu. Grand nun! IIIIIIIIIIII olma nunwouu gun woman: In announced to ndduu a mnl mqting as Vordln, Man, on D. Oollinn, W. Burns: and J. Glou- nnnnlna t.hu-an Lmnriann whAAlInQn_ArI`IIIQd Apolnuan mum:-up; , Iuyvo or_oIw|ngppIpg. Pmidonu lloliiuloy in "ipoud again at hhlnmluunuuohonthb Ihounollako ` Jonpll llocoqluoll. VH0 .31!!! family. la-union. Pm. urrindln the city unity to vidl nlullnn. $Ix..'lh..; Vina-an CA-no ninnlnnr ll no van nine loin onyuu nufno ; Iudmtollnu. _ Torthulvubpciou inbooeuud qhou gnu Awash) ; . H. H. Walla. Pmcobb. bu boon ap- ....:-ouI A I-|.ny\n`I-inn Am-vnvnr nl nhlnninm 1!-.'"\'V':I'l'a'I,."Pl`>Olc0b. nudn us-win ._|_|1!'.V9 .910! -hi.9pi.nz- poghnnidnna Malmflu nil tnonif maul: |Zy`IC\D'"ll'f." F ....+ N:-.2 :.";.."...:`."".`..:"......"' -.9.-..'-:; running. nuroo Amononn WnOIIlnIn.II'nvuu city today on the Cape Vincent Anon In `tho Inpldu. Word wu roooivod ban this morning hnl Mn hart. Hiram- In MI 13! tho nhnm. FIIO IOOI l0|'DII'5l0l| Il|OI'I- Dr. W. W. Bonohor. V.8.. of Ottawa, nun nnnnnui him innlnldn nan: In!` II M E"? II III! VIE IIIIIIIIII Iuuvv. u-u-nu non. - lucnl Inomborrol the Manitoba gov- :-nnnnt. urn nnnnnnnad tn ntlllllll I IIINEKAL PMIAGRAM-m. Uoumu. W. barns: Inn cl. unu- . three American whoolmonmrrlvod nil: in Ann: an LII. (`Ann Vimvmla hwoaonb lorry shunt: was :1. uunnonn an hm noo'n |pn--nI-y-d-I-- UCIIUC Uidwtlvi uonnwn.Ont.Jnly I0.-'l'ho unmet with Ih0|I'|opnIuuoohtioa an alibi! haothbnou-aha. `an putywuonotouurlul byunnnyor nndannndlhnd Inlunlarndtinnonnd Iluvauul. wu'.'3.\, In-Jo: handgun no ducal pnnldcut nun cl dnhggtntln of the rnrnIdn:MQnln1&H$kthn;`: 5. 3 III IIIC llylll ISDIIICI In ICU). and was Union away Rev. A. ll. Barr 3! hot on request. In llclaan will vidt Hands In `I looked and Drrlorr. Ilioh..Ju|y I0.-Mi -I Kutroonn Nolan. mo Scotch lam Jrhb Ira nllnrod to this country in touch of an up-to-duo aligion, through the agency ol prinoo Ila. NO on her return jonrnoy yuurdny. llm Melon can direct In-on Scotland to AL` Lang` nf Ih '1-Inn `Allan. In Tinbtunib