Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jul 1897, p. 6

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'r1m37nAI1;x'~ A ood` Ilcnlo. __ IIIAIIS..- wT1}$.VVM(INnA.Y. JULY 12. -- 1 T -C - clumsy and Ion, cg`ngonnoo-l' . .._a....g-lniluncnntlnannu. ' "1'oIoiuv;Jn|y' 1.-`l'bo orlngn punu this morning was one of the largest on re- ......a .hnm.n_()u0 men boinz in lino. The bhiunomingwu opooxuwurguu unn- com, abouw.000 men bclngin lino. on Hand up at php onnty hall and bmoo grouuaq when lunch uju Iorvod. lacuna at the ptogmnme nu mu ungnu; oi the national anthem by the who mo mud ontbo Hno .s...,``c mhuoipnrpouo u the cloekuuuokt vo. noon. The nhu-ihiu god condant ooohnnoo continued in" union: this no ng and not through with nonnldonhlo umeu. continued IH Iuuunl um ug ...... you through . tho pnnuapul manor under mlonguun wu- Thu cure ol tho Innno md Epilouoa. upon which two able paper: won road. A revolution III dnlhod udvooning 0 move-. .....o n. nmvhln far lm cu-Q sad OMDIOS` arurnea uvooeung an uwv-. ment- to provide lorthe cure employ- ment oi than who bud recovered. but again when mung prejudice: olhnpoaa tinue to exiu. i u in mi... former-Iv rondwnv engineer . I`-I-L a~--- - - pwr with one or two r Ipplicutions of exist. H. 1). Elm, formerly roadway engineer in Toronto. and well-known throughout -1.. .....&nm_ In: haan umolntod commis- and won-known wnougnuu. who provinoo, has boon appointed sioner o1 works of North Borneo by Rajah Brooks. 0! Bu-unnt. ' Propnntlqno for the grant Epworhh luguo oouvonhion which open: hora on Thuudquooomplotad, and provision in undo for 30.000 uuuu. Two 0! mo big-` ....s I....'I.limu in nhn nitv will bn utilized for l|U.UUU auuu. 1 we 01 m gut buildings in the city will In (or the meetings. . rm. nmmmr muohas hum been the vneeupge. The niehing touches have been put. #4 the dehelle of the reception no be given blu Canadian jubilee contingent on their at- rivel on Wedneedey evening end the public demonetretion will be one of the meet. not.- -I..I.. in -Anon}. Innnrm QIIIIUIIUUIQUIVII 7' run vw nblo in recent years. m... Rnnnimrr-_ nu Clan Rouim. an old woman. loll oh` 1 King an-00$ car while it. was in motion on noon to-day and nuatuinod oonouuion of brain And I fracture of the skull. She was token mhho holpitol. but no hope is enter- tained 0! her recovery. 1... u..r.... nrrnntnrl Fridn night. oi her Jeck Mcbeen. arrested Fridey night, ehnrgedwilli nmneroua ante bnrgluriee, om. . in various pane of the province, and who ween companion of Meloney and Clark, who Inhde such A desperate uptempo to eeoepe from Barrie jail on last Friday night, broke out of the cells in the police heed- quartere this morning and escaped. Ba wee-up before the magistrate an hour he- lore end remanded for the arrival of en oicer from Barrie. ms.-- ....n. n....... in tlrm call he broke I , gpggloultvulllnuuunuuclluu "r oaoido; July` 1:2.-'-The puulo` `s.:. _.....i.... In: one of the In-nut. on from Barrie. When puo been in the cell he etool in pieces. and with it wrenched tln here of hie cage and got out of the building uneoen. The wildeeu kind of excite- ment exiate round headquarters, end some members of the lame are liable to gee into serious trouble over tho. gross cereleuneee which nllowed the dee parade to eecape. He in not likely to be caught without. serious trouble. as he he: bhreewned to kill rather than be when end he he elreedy carried out the threetin. Michi en. where he killed Ieherilf mo serve ten years for it. _ u...n.. `Ffnhhnrd. father of eldermen served tor nu. - Moelleg Hubbard, {ether of Hqbbe , died this morning in hie 100th year. He cememcannda in 1837, lived `twenty five years at ,Niegue Faun end einoe then in Toronto. Hie wife died eeven years . ego, but eight. of nine children eur vive him. Ippncuu A Coniilot of Arnngomonto Botwun lou- nl `hump. '.__ . . gv :1 111...-.. Waco:-town, 1\'.Y.. '1 imes. Therein: misunderstanding u to the ball gime too be played here by the King- nmn nine Monday. Tho_ Kingubon nlm ha: been advertised to p|a_ ngainuh the Wntorbowna an Athleiqpir Monday Ll tel-noon, while the threat railway com puny ahd the Copenhagen team I-taste that their hnve 3 contract with the Kinguton slid the Uopennngen ream -mus um they have n contract clnu to play at Glen perk at the same mue. Meneger Lemon, of the Wetertowne. nyl- he has telegrams which show that the Kinglton captain expect: to play egeinet the Wetertown: at Athletic park, and he re oeived a telegram this morning ranking the! the hour `be fixed at 2 p.m. at Athletic perk inetead 0! three. ae edvertleed. beceuee tin Kingston teem desired to return home Monday evening. Mr`. Lemon announce the game between the Welertowne nno Kingston: et2 p.m.. end the street rail- wny nienegement ineiete that it has a con- tract with the Kingston teem ngeinel the Copenhagen: st Glen park at Lhru o clock, and thet the game will take piece there. a.......a..o.m-hut. Hmihh. of-the Itreet nil- IDA LU-InI| `Waco:-Oo_wn, 1\'.Y.. '1 lmes. nu ___ ___ __ Bupcrintondonh Smith. o6-the way company, IIILQQ than he understood [hub there were owo Kingston mum: and that both teams were coming here on Mon- day. This would explain the apparent conicbion in dutch. , [Tho Gunitu. uf ahin city, will meet the Coponhngonn Ind the Victoria the Water- wwn club.-Eu] -aAsEam.L IN WAT ERTOWN. The lemons. or convey. ed Thelr lvorr named on Inlurdey. vAboub three o'clock Saturday morning Inc the general store of Neiieon & Co . Oonwuy. wee discovered to be on re. Every elfort wee nude to erreeb the pro green oltbe re. but the re-ghting up pliunee being inadequate. the effort: oi the people proved at no eveil. The note VIM: in content: Wu entirely de- stroyed. `There wee ineurence to the amount. of 8700 on the Moro. end 8500 on the stock. There wee over 81,000 worth oletooh `in theuore at the time. A -.... ..... I-:0. rum ll-e. Neileon ICO. GREAT aim}-no`: mm or. '7 T~ lobnyibl-IOOIIIONI.` VA!movvI.I.B.C.. Jun 11+-OI Isht- dgycipgovu-I-ont mu thoolluuur III "WWII. II month; gt. '1 : A Bottle: Sold duly ag % rnnue STORE H10 building In wmon mo numn brain can nudiowu [donned Iron ch hgiuni no ruldonoo 0! Ir. wrsgm nu-row} g...-nal than-nation, Jnnf. hat `Hm ll The nluunoo or II. vvngnu IIIITDWIV uonpod destination. Just. hortho in mud In not known. :0 every precaution wuuhn to prawns Inch dleuut. IN: likely another score will nplnoo the out I|nrnnd_ wiyjjuuu Oornnualx, Ju I2.-A luau. un- Ablrlt mind hi It | gt A. vluhgiubll TIT AGEN A SUFF ERER. IDIIUI nish. I mo mg- ms A Bmmu sm:cn.| H .m.'tow`Ano sun.-at noticed AT THE CANADIAN DINNER. ' new oocu. Iona. I-310-`"30" Aud hon! lent!-ogtu splendidly I!- pneeed--elven In All VI!- speoiel ..oon-espondenoe 0! tin: London Aglvertieer. ' The following in the speech of R9.`- Edwnrd Bleko, |l.P.. pt `the Cnnndusn` dinner, Hotel Cecil. London England, on,Juue 29th. last: as. nnnlll mith. my lord: and gen- on" Julie ` . Sir Donald mma. m tlcmen: I rise to give he toast of Our . Guoula." cou led with the nuns: of lord Balfour of urloigh. aocrotnry for [re- land' Mr. Reid, prime minister of New South: Wales. sud Sir Gordon Sprigg, prime minister of the Gaps. I reioice that on this occasion tho_ very recuy re] colonies nlnhnv huf And the islands by the sea." Aye, sir to the islands lay the seal Nor could any fitter personage be chosen than the Scottish secretary as the embodiment of this, the chief ele- ment of my toast. For Scotland has sent out to our dear Canadian shores, as to other colonies, men of such stern courage, dogged perseverance. untiring energy, thorough education, high prin- ciple, and great capacity. and, above all, of such unflinching love for the prin- ciples of freedom that they have played it part in the advancement of their adopted untries (and. incidental- ly, may I 'hisper, of themselves), whol- ly disproportionate to their too scanty numbers. And sometimes, when they have grown quite too good for Canada we send them back to be made high commissioners. or peers of the realm, or both. Lord Balfour of Burleigh. then, well represents that part of the toast which we drink. To the health of our English brother. (And we hoie he'll understandl) To the healt of our people s eople, To their well-ploughed. win y sea; To the hush at our dread high altar, And the abbey that makes us we; 1. u... ...-in nf Hm nlnwarround ages. the abbey that makes us we; To the grist of the slow-ground ages, To the gain that is yours and mine; To the bank of the open credit. To the powerhouse of the line." Sir, I hnd wished. did time allow, tn -'onl the power-house of the line. Sir. I had wished. to '1 trace the change and growth of Cami- dinn sentiment, and to talk to you of trade, defense, and federation. But minutes are olden now, u.nd I will say nothing 0 the latter, and a word of the former topic. y earliest memory in life is of the women of the family ousting bullets in the Upper Canada rebellion in 1837, I am afraid, on the wrong side. The situ- ation in rebellious French Lower Cun- uda was for olnious reason: then far more difficult. And, in 1845, seven year! later, am-.r great, though incom- plete com-eesious, xi blind and impatient governor wrote to those people: But all these acts of consideration, grime and mercy have up arently had no ef- fect; and if they have imperceptibly mitigated malignit and dumffection, and thereby promp ed order and iron- quillily, they cannot be said to have prclnced attachment or removed ill- wn .' `But, air, all the.time. though he -mw it not, a wise and just policy was no.- complishing its gradual and therefore lusting work. I can look but k over a. public life of thirt ' years, and could murli by cogent proo s the steady improvement in feel- ing effected by the steady growth of freedom. I I-mun hnrl nnnnninn to vindicate my 1 ( I have had occasion to vindlcnte my the house of commons and elsewhere;- but here to-night in the presence of 1 French-Canadian i`ellow-countrymen in I 1 I their most illustrious son, the prime , minister of united Canada, and utter his 1 speech they need no other vindico.t.ion. He is their vindication! lie is my proutl Sir. it seems that diamonds can now be made by memonl miorbscopio dia- monds, it h true, so lr Gordon Sprigg need not fear just yet for Kimberley; but e"en microsco io diamonds require ~ for the nulklnga ervent heat,8,000 de- green. And to weld together a great empire by the concurrent wills 0! tree . peoples also requires a fervent heat! You may not have, in truth you have not, as yet attained 8300 de reee; but that you have learned someth ng of the great secret. and ought to advance In your` experiments. end roeeoute your uired arts. who can oubt to-day? his empire is not and various, and scattered beyond description. The condition of the island. its eart and centre, is absolutel unenmpled; be- an. .. H in still tie great. manufac- la aboolutely unenmplou; no- lnc. u it in. ntlll the gran tutor and louder. nnd still more the (rut Jnorchanl. and carrier or the world; oontontod with but nix week: apply 0`! Lb: `Iunounrlu at Me at`: home; and ever extending its concerns abroad to sll lnblublo and unlnbablu able corner: of the earth. was nnnlu -II llllif nd limb in of the earth. For each an empire and luck ielend. (ortunetely for it_ and for the world, the ineomparehl `greatest in- tereet must be pence. such an in- lend and euoh en empire the only real strength must lie in the cordial attach- ment of it: verione lee. And its most potent nleene securing that xaeece and attachment ere and nut he the uninching prncthe, in ite reletlone with its aim rnenhere end with the world. at the principlee at Jeetice and I end freedom. Vanni: amen: ml`: lift W t Xntlhl An overwhelming too, of which I will only that I II your nupoulbn us no heuviar than than nmun cmntn has not born A In; .4 I.-Inuit I know all hero do I know all here (In view}. home be are. look nt Inland! not . are e` . n omu"8.~ ` l light!-lotto u ornoio ot use pooch 1 Ron- st-rthe Cgnndinn` . ondon r 3 ;he he acretnry Gum-_ uccuxon the 9 to respond am.- . l feature of tlxjg umely. that won- will and patriot- xent and the sen- Lween the rent srland, whio has fruit of enlarged Ltiona and local ' which has provbd at every gelling ml liberty confer- eficet, but most nmuted into a link pnble indeed -and .t very fenson all .'e_ enduring. L have named di- Inoet important t quarters of the for more to-night; for New South :1! Australia; and Tueedu we win place on sale 80 Ladies` Rain Olnake in Black. Navy, Fawn, Ox- Y lord and Small Cheeks. These are the latelh ebylee. all bought: ohia qpdn$|nd arevghg beet. English and American manufacture. The material: are Oraveneuea. egtoneegu and Rigbv Proofed Rubberebu. Each garment: s. um mm: the but ellk ru her. J will be offered at the following prices on Tueeday : Former 88 50 Garments on Tueeda 84.29. Former $10 Garment: on Tnelday (5.41. ., , Former 8I2 Garment: on Tuesday 86 49. ` ` Former!!!) Garment: on Tueeday 87.49. ""' ; -` Former 890 Garment: on Tuesday 811.49. ' ` ` ' 12:. Ladiee' and cons. Steel Rod Paragon Frame Rein Umbrellas will he'.aeh{:ah',` , 500 on the dollar. `_ Tuesday 890 a yard. `.750 yard! 68 inch Cravenet.oeIiuBlaok, Na` y and Oxlord. Former price $1.50, `-.|~.` This in a great chance to buy _wet weather ooda ah leu cost of `ilI[$0IIo'~" 1l |'i `\.') [WET wEATrTI?GooDs% At Walsh's Grcat Summer Sgal;.m -----------.___... _ such signal fortune, have applied nlnnwhnl-A. sucn slgnur uutuuu, nu.-.. elsewhere. . v Sir, I believe that no such object . lesson has ever been resented to this people as that shown y the great col- onies this month. I thank God for it, and I humbly pray that they may take to heart the esson. To me it seems His truth. and I make no a logy for stut- ing it. Had I failed I s ould have just I come under censure of those noble lines. with which I close: Think you Truth a Iarthing rush- ligllit, to be pinched out when you w: With your deft ottioial fingers. and your politician's skill! Is your god a wooden fetish. to he. hid-` den out of sight, | That his block eyes may not see you ` do the thing that is not right! But the Destinies think not sol To I their judgment-chamber lone Comes no noise of peiular clamor; there i Fame's trumpet is not blown; Your majorities they reek not. That I vnn arnnfi but than you. any Your lnll,)0l`ltl83 Lney mun uv-u -....- you grant; but you. That you differ from them somewhat. Which is atrongerf You or they! Patient are they as the ineecte that build islands in the deep; - They hurl not the bolted thunder; but their silent way they keep. Where they have been. that we lmowlf Where empires towered that Vwere . not just. . 1 n' 'l`hn nknlkiml wild fox scratches F` Lo!_ --:----- Propoee to Hold the 0. `I. Oonventlon `there `int Yeer. BAH Fmmoisoo. July 12. -London in 1900." Thetietobe the rallyin cry oi the christian endeevorere for t e next three yeere.' ltie the ambition of presi- dent Clark end hie millions of follow- ere to ehow the old world eomethin `ol the etrength of their orgeniut on. Nuhville bee already been ohoeen er the place of meeting in.A1898 and at the annual meeting of the oloere Tuerday - morning the selection of a convention city of 1890 will be diecue-ed. but the ueetion m_ey not be settled then for the o ere of a number of leoee ere to be ooneidered. Denver ne put in e strong hid. end both St. Louie and Cincinnati are enxiouo to have the young chrietiene vieit them. . All that can be said now II that the met- ` ter in unsettled and all epplioante have an equal chance of eucceu. ` 7.-.. __-- ... anal Ann-\' Inxuun nu-....- -. - SMALL HOP cnon m sucuxuo; -:-_:__ of Diff` `kn. '7'. ' tad Imus. PPOIPOOI III lit]! -ayuu-u -.-... -... - IO` .3IKCIo Nnw You. July 12.-It in nltbpthu likoly oh the Iurphu ooh of hop: In the Uniud Smut. held principally by how- oro, will have oomo Iorloul inroad- .n- :_s- ALAnn this I3!` '0! Cliff to PM! undo int them this you not upon in Europe bonus 0! the puullnou oftho crop thou. tho scrap being the uullool known in twonty yous. u`-d with an average add at wo poundlm non. bio`: in I 70 tho no prod at will prohobly null 400. Inm- dmd sinus and OM chuuou no slug prodIt\ct. will -prouuuy n-uu wv, dud weight tho -5- -ill in Jdnold II! IN I ! `weight one no Hum this will be ruined by nngu oi, vonniu, which III In all the hop prdonl of England. II the imoct pat hold: until avoring u..- .1... .:.m cm honull further cunnil- him the yield vi bold: Inn: Ilowuuug ll in sun lounge us nor u--u nu-._. Annux, llnoh.. July l2.-Ilro. `Ron Solloick. I prominent nnldont 0! Clayton. thueouumwu Jaildhnonn qlnrpd anon. Much Nth Iuuhoourhg am` of hot dlvotoud huhuulwu bII!ldl,h- volvi local loan of NOW. A Gilt null intend cri-non uuwonu. Au Adrian nub nlno_quid Iobo iuplionuduu nanny. ..._:..__?_-.-- just. 40! The skulking in a little heap of dust!" ` Gentlemen. Our Guests!" . 4 Summer JOHN LAIDLAW 8! sun. A FINE NI-:1'r CORSET. nlcel ` % made. - - y A FINE coizser. with extra 69. me and bias `support slips. A FINE UUKUI:-I, w.II--- v----an slde and bias 'slIPP0l't sliys, A FINE AMERICAN MODEL LONDON IN I900. At Walsh's Great Summer Sale. Jury Connolly. out lawn. VI: 5 Inc It IIIL.-n I-no C-an (Inn. ' :.n 1-u - III? Illwlqg IIIIII -I-vvlp In an -v-v no Than lint Inc on : `-'44- N:w.Yoxx. July ll.-,-Jon-9` Ollhlw` ol No. 2 Juan not. It 5 big. good-nu cnrod oonlhuvor, who worhl In` 3' yud at No. 877 Wm: Itmot. To luvollttlo ohtldx-on from bdn-`Mum by . mull Ann unnnnlnv. nnnn In-nhhod nvollmo onucn-on mm on -mrun ny n. and dog yuurda . Oonno grubbod the hour. and hold an until .|~po|loo- mm ondod tho Imam : lib. The dog`: tooth piorood tho" ak ol Oonnollyh hand. but In hold on despite tilt in until the animal wudud. Thuho II had tho wounds and uluood to go to a plus! un- til `or-cod to do no. The dog was ovoroomo by tho bu! la n......- .n.....L 'rhnnnimnI.noIlowud by I .`..'x I 0.-I-ma TIII cog VIII ovilwmo Ivy VIII nu! In Omar uuaoh. Thnsnimll. xollowod by a..x.m...uI Innh nnul mhmnnh nvcnl Ou-or mun. Tnounnmu. xouowou Ivy :5 lrlghtonod mob. need through uvcnl sonata until Connolly onugho ||lIn._ loath the lbotol mus: ' on II" II) for I110 !Ql'I.; ' Wuunmmx. July l2.-Tbo dam Bulmday approved the and ndhir in the cute! comucndor uh W. ullnn. at tho navy. oonviotu qt drnnkonnou. but command the` Iohhbo of dl lual as follow. to quit tho oclul l manly . ` 0| III I?! II IUIIUWI. Ill Ivunlu vuv vn-v-cu i moat : "To to rodnood in rank to thn hln name shall ho lnood no the foot 0! tho lint ol commn on in the - navy. And to In I - pended` lrom rank and duty an alibi of no: pay for a period of live youturing which him he ulull nhln III: plug al tho foot of aid lint. ' Commando: glullsn zkd Iooootl on the lilta 0 `u 3 9 PV9".`W 3 up my woulduhoruly Inn boon (Inked. -II IV. -Il.-- IUII Nnw Yon. July l2.-Ohio! Q'Br u up that than no new nodovolo ta n regard to the killing ol Gal omuppo. Plan: fur hohu boon unnhlo to locus the murdered mun : watch, which Thorn in said to have wind. The auto ol tho But that for (Maldon- euppc u head was oontlnuodnndn . but sh. annular: {mild to loan it. ldoo eupptu noun III uullunucunuuuu mu. the npplora failed to hows aha nggln and grappling n dim will ho ongagod in t. hunt at tho bottom 0! Rollo E111`. Hill . ` TWIIIV JOPOI UK [III [III lII'I'. 0l.lAK.N.Y.. July 12.---Lightning attack a 4,000 bcrrol oil tank two mile: north of hero Friduy night. A cannon wu procured and sham tired as tho surround! lth allow the oil to clap: ind t or tank: exploding. Tbotvpiul M A t uorq cl In ignited sud now won , Immhm. Bmnl no hdnr lIII'U.-Orr allow but oil to Inc prvvunwuuuu mnkxxpzdlw. #0!` i it am won: umq ligourul . Boon: no holng- bdili, - coupon! tbti 3 to ll. main! lllnrlflf. rTnhO ? . L-rj '7I:IiU8IC. Msoucsv wmi `'`'.`7,5 V `J. V Bpoolal `Indhoemonts. .V:, ' ` F :1 '`Ii?l `& , -v=' nun luluhnnlnout. :11 an In. rouooacrunn Iounoh. "5 Ilonnuu. au:`l!.nl'2.-Mur I print of I II It. It OWO .'?`,.';.uo..' 1`... .......`.'.'...u- u'3.'.'L" ..i In the toluene {notary at W. 0. Ilolhnnld. gs HmI|oIgg|,uId ntbounndhuodlduh PAIN, July I2.--Mitt and 1&0 at dllloul but Mil] ` g and Gc:uu inn maa: I annual: ol deli-ab: ol the Hlolulud lira: ( dgununuon ol no uuuu1uIII twin rgpundlhhouoy. B thou-south vonuoulnua zzloncloucnmvubounnnynuuu `laioknl. .:...4l--an Hnnnl M aluoiuyuun In-uu |%I,-uh--viii-1~ Dustin. Ap-pix. W101. '1 ramnldhnnp. commmpah oub_oFAoo.- T1. ' t n. Z` "I! TOWTEAVE OHlI..DREN. jnr-:50 CENTS. `twenty Aaron or on on tin. , \v I! !__I_ In I x_|.A..:.._ n .___..____,_. land 1103 lound '01. 1,1, l.I l1I.l_l . Bfokltoro. 1 WnI|lu_Iun_hv-auto , Q 7 I IVV'al_`-Ila, us- ~ ~ . mu! price soc yufd. T: LEDRESS GOODS _ % - Regular 75c goods. W %"C`b&ucedatontSum- Popular Songs. ;3..P1NK. sL1Ns & WASH . 7c, too, 12);, In tho Ilouhvon cm-aumngpu :~XC|". Alamo: thupnpr. QM jbbl CREAM. FoLIo.| Sammy I530 . LB 00 MLLI` 15. Va; nun nun Dnwdvd ` In-onus or ID000- _- ... a.. _ n__;.... It..- -luv----. -_ - - I ' 1 u `..`i.'u."'."3.H.. ;` :13 You |. Illlvdlltrtnout. _ull_u\ylpn.. Gaol-nnkuthn, visiting monan non Ior tho put hut. hurournod toil: honest. Dunn. . Mn. Wodull. Boston. vlnlng Mood: `in tho city for coma Inch; MI by ur. ilton bl` Hamilton and knit. " Dr. D. E. Iundoll mg} Dc.-J. Third pl_ nu. do-, -`man Ahnalnfuod 60 fab! holi at uh I win Iron 81. Chan A 8 5400.; Soul: Final: at 8}c.z Path-from Co. to Rim; Sbolburno as 7o.; London from 7 I5 I60. tn Rio. ~ A libblo girl uhdug fl-om diphthoriunl Admitted to the general lmpiul for_ trout- IIICIII this morning. Her punt: reside on Alfred unot. non Brook strut. - I`. 0. Myer: made his eighth oontmy run on Sunday. onvoriu tho. dintmco be- moan Kingston, Bellev Ila uni! roturn in oipho hour! cud {oi-by minutes. W. Norril. tiokoh collector at bholonoirn -tad---val eight hours and tony nnnnueu. W. Noni-. hiekeh the onere_ home, in thinking of writing 5 hooro! hie expettenoe eh the ogre house. naming it "Sixteen Yeen eh &_ 0 re Home Geee._ ` oi the new stgeel ~ I-gee building sh Torootp lot the Bell ttennporheuion oom- P`!'u Ogennburg. he! been completed towed down the river by the I. Proctor. M ` ` ug/in Clerk. lute of the north mmmmi pnliee. hu mnneoted him-elf A eld Be hed been down tn New Brunswick vieiomg hie perenta end came here with the intention of joining the `anal cor enter, the funous old ruhnlng horn. ownad b Howm. of Brighton. died in are I`: are lut wook. Ho wu well nown hero. having raced on the, local n...n|.n in-ni HIIIAI. IDMICHCQ here being on May mm. The may friends of Mn. Charla Hur- rii (nae LIIIPI Mjllignn), nnd two sons Charla and Alexander. will be pleased to Jnlaono her back "from her Ivoltorn lgomo to visit the home 6! hot parents. Capo. And Mrs. Mllllgun, Wellington stroob. ` IIIOWII non. IIIVIIIK run amok: mnny timpo, his being May 24th. In. mnnv friends of 1 Wok own. N.Y-. 8tlnd|rd.- Suspicion ognbros upon the sudden dooch-of Bol-Bol, ho brown horoo owned -by Edward Do Oomoo. of Now. York. who 0: rod Thurodo night other rooin in the 2-` trot oh Kit k. Byroouoo. It in all! nod thottho no woo foully doolh. wlr ond morlod sign: of oroonicol poioon hno hoon found in the Animal : nom- ooh, tho. contento of which are now undor onolyoio by Dr. Williom Monliuo dlI|.||,". . human will ho hold in Na xocx cwy. vioitiug Mood: hero for a.. nut inn. bu rouruod VIII `III nutty u vu- ` no-n. ` nmnininn mnm-es noon U llCIIl' I smlt.h.\ A III. smith; A Wuhrbovm man up mlrpm in no doubt that: Bel Bel, was poisoned. I-Io"tt.'atcc tint. when Dr. Henderson ordered the horn out. on the truck in tho hat. but he frcthcd at the mouth. Doccrucu commenced an mcion cgcinct the ictlon to recover $5.000 dunlgcc for the death of ,tho borne. Ho blun Dr.. Hcndcrcon for ordcring the horb to race wbpn ho wcc not: in condi- Dlnn Young Woman llaalng. Mina Grace Bravanaon. twenty-ve years of go, fair "complexion. ve loot. aix inn`---tn". him oyaa. brown hair. alizht built, Con : lookfho be over Vvranty, _ oolnplauon. iaiao booth. left. her one, 1478 Beacon street. Brnokline. Mum. at aovon o'clock Monday night, April 2631:, and baa not baon soon or heard of since. 8116 worn a black jacket. black droaa and black hat and oiippara. Had no extra valuables or clothing at any kind. Had abounl in her pocket. She left on anon-and intending to roturn in hui! an hour, - Any information in roioronoa to bar I-aunt vhoroabonta. dud or alive, will `thankfully roooivad by hot diamet- AA mnmr, Will DI lllllll ed mother. Hunk In 0 od mother. 811131) to the Informotlon noooivod this morning by chief of police Honey, who hu Instructed his mon to hoop a ohorp lookout for tho mining girl. Toofolonilill. It haahoon laarnod that tho matter dia- cuaaod at this moi-nimz a joint mootiilg oi tho board of trade and olovator committee of the city council, and surrounded by ao much myator , wan the aandin of two dol am to ontnaltoaooortaint "layof tho and" in rogard to tho tion of tho M. 1`. Go. in tho matter of hm ding an elevator hozo, tho pro:-poota oi thooom y movingita plant. ota. in tho ovont of 0: elevator not bolng built or a bonus granted the com- pany. and auoh othor inlou-nation as could he loarnod. Alderman Elliott and A. Chadwick will form tho doputation. The dooumont in mention was circulated among tho aldormon for aignatnro and authorizod tho deputation to make the trip by cuaraniooing tho noooaaary oxponaoa. On Satan-dnyx Int Oluudg Kont: non ol Neal Kont, nude 3 gallant mono near the yacht club Iouao. Two young Ind: ..... ..I..l.n- Inn lm -Inn-I. Ihn yacht club IOIIIO. two yuung Iluu won playing on the wharf. when you ovorbolsnood and fall into the Vital`. He could not win and tin chum 0! Na drovnhng won good. Glands Kent wlmouod the accident And u once dived In that the young lad, :'.': E..`."F".L I "....."`:.`: . '22: .X`. .`:2 Kant sun I In tlnwhnrf and um um thud out with It blxdon. llqwuwu-mly ooupllnonud tor Ill! gallant sol. The Inn was united hnnotonl by the con- pcnlou of lad who toll in, uklng, "Jimmy. on onvu? to "Jimmy" mu pnllid out. VIN IIIII Gill llvlu I'l'll0. vvuuu tho cured Indcr his Arm young Um III IIUUII IIIu_uu' `for I hvonbh silo-(or an open home up tho old Muokhnon moon Prlnauutnolilthobutphooinshocity lxlhoouetlcnoln oluuuouonl. Thoopurchohio con to lush. yard without lnlarlnting nth tho [mu OIIO. Eutnnoo could habit! from Prin- cuuutnu. an walla tron tho luau lud- l_- n... An . lingo: and King llj. GENYRAL PARABBAP8.__ Alluonln-Ion Book and Wolllngton .-----..-Z:-_._ In the lion: Poisoned 7 s___. u V ungnagml . Aoooun-women` . _ _ ._.I.A L_` L..- `A Ilnvo Lot. { III)!!! Uu uuu, luwu bin. lut uppannce m. "- n.,|luI.. an-nd it In-hull`. nu Tho` loom ignm rgynovgn. IX FIIIIUII at Iborvillo chm-ch you 9 . .`ljE, - _ The innolvonb clubs of btnnnda pipe Acompuny, William Olmdlnlng and non: pdotnrl. was sold by tbpi abort! to-day. a nu purchased by the In: of Sn. Henri for ll2;434. The town buf `A Eorhgngo on um m-nnm-Iv. lor 'l'.Io':. um ....... ..., .. _--_,___ the . . dea in Montreal laeb week were abnormally large, reeoleed largely from the_.el!ect_I of the heat. They numbered 325. aeoompared with 102 In ehe oorm- ding period of Ines year. The death- or the week were the laljgoet in any one week einoe the emallpox-epidemic in 1886. mm. mm mulun. has undertone a de- 'k M" in. IWIIIWK-UPIUUIIIIU Ill lvvuu The `cotton me:-ken bu undergone cided in rovernenr. within the pee`: few weeks. he rnennfeoturere have edjueted bhemuelvee to the oonditione created by the tori! chen ee by over-prodncbion. The cotton etoc e nmled in on the etook ex- change heve edvenoed en everege of Jive points within the put week. .'.l`herolioe hm. -?`bd . uor named Riche Crow one olferge of breeking open e trunk on the BB. Venoouvgr "end eteel- ing wet medele belonging to e plll0lt0l',` Lieut. Brown, of the Bripieh army. The Eroperby wee recovered in a pawn I-hop. ' ieut. Brownie now on his wey to Eng- lend. The prieoner pleaded `not guilty end mu. .-.m.'..m.d. Illlu. 1 {II pun. was remanded. The Great Ronhorn Will 30 Died lot In Trnnlport. , Wumu-:0, Mug. July l2.--President J. Hill, at the Grant Northern, makes the summons mm. the road will ship nob loa- umn ninety million bushels of wheat from "the north-wont. touninu and Jnpan by wsy of Battle. He was r.hab`il we opening up of mm new market prove: I aucceea In. wnll moan abut. north-wean farmers will get. bower price: for Iohoir wheat. ` Han. Mr. Groanwav. who has been price: xer their wneeu. hen. Mr. Greeuwey, spending eome duye at his farm at Crystal Unty, returned to the city on Saturday evening. he spoke very cheerfully of the nppeuunce of the orope In southern Meni- wbe. The recent nine were general and assisted the growing erope woentunting the hopeiulueee ol the farmer: of bounti- Iul hnrveet. While the premier was open in his oonvereetion an to general mutton. he resumed 3 more reticent mood regerding etete thin. I heve been on the term," and the premier, and that in not the beef. piece to hear the intern newe.- Mr. Ureenwuy, however, in answer we question, and there were no new uevelopmente as to his Intent rnilway nehemea, `but his tone indicated that the negotiations were progreuing favor- Ib|];auI1 lrom the hot that the premier Iummnted that probably during the week the members of the government would meet to disease the projeotit is inferred some denite propoeel In in the hnnds of the government: and shut the negotiation. IIIVG reached thgg atngo whgn in must. [ghg action. \ SCANDAL IN` HIS DEPARTMENT. 1-10: B. D. I. Tyler. Iormerli of Oewego, u Been `lied to Beelgu. WAHIHNUTON, July l`.3.-Mejor R. 0. 8. Tyler, formerly chief of police of Omega, and for the put eleven year: chief of the mailend equipment divieion of the poet department. at Wu-hingeon, has been asked to reeign. Major Tyler has mode and pe- tented eevernl vnluuble inventions, from which the overnmeuh la recelvingthe bene- he. He 3 so mode many other changee for the better while in otce, and" succeeded ,in reducing the weight. of meil pouchev eeverel ouncee each, A big thing when the fact is taken into coneidemlion then thousands of them are in use daily. Major Tyler in at preeent uny from Washington nn A have of ihaenoe. Hie eucceeeor. mnjor Tyler: I lulu mu uplnsu. ; uu change wee suggested by second uaiuunt. pouunuter general Bbellenberger. us A re- sult. of rm investigation recently made by him. It in alleged tlnt Icendeln developed III we mail beg nhopn during mnjor Tyler : nbeence. . `I.'yIOl' 1! II : pronoun uvny (rum vv uuumguuu on I have of ibaonoe. Thomu 1 . Graham. will tnkn char 0 when _..-l..- Q`-u`hu3 n I--1-A `It'll AID` , Th uI-\l\vIrvIrv- , II I IUIIVU VI Iuuvuvwo "i`homu taklgghnr major 'l`y1of I lu\'o has up! . The nhnnmn Inn nnmrmmd in A Very Envy norm. ~ BIILLIVILLE, Jul l'2.--Mre. Mendel), widow of the late . F. Meudell. colloctor of cuatonul. died on Saturday night. aged eighyy-etx yearn. She leevee three deugh-' late. one of whom is the wife of" P. J. M. Anderron. county attorney. A thnnclnr etnl-In uhinh lld I {OW Andorron. attorney. A thunder noun which paid miles north of this city About three o o|ock yesterday afoot-noon` did great dnmlgo to crop. orghards. buildings nnd foruta. To l`oI-on `rho Eighth}. HAVANA, July l2.-(}on. Woylqr has declared his invention of making I an- pnmcoort to capture Gan. Homes. If no fails inthnt, and Gun. UQIIIOI lollowu La. ........ ....h,-.-A intn lhhnnn. than fails mum, I-lad uon. uqmn Iouowu hi: Anny wobtwnrd into lhhnnu. than Gen. Woylor. with tho Spanish forces. will prohbly follow in tho `rear. The insurgent: would then lnvo unit In- tront. out om and 5 forcod light would fol- Tl! low. I Zllilulubuuy UIYI Ab their store on Wellington street Null 8 Co. will have on exhibition for e or two the letut elyle ol the lemon: . & I). reoing hheel. whloh they will he pleued to ebow no one intents- ellirereellyhiglloleu 'l`hle.le? the deplioete ol the wheel ridden by Her- ley Devideon. the Oeuedleu oheupion. 10 ie fully uerenteed. for reed es well Oran} rid l'|I. ' II [III] nun Instr (:3. WHEAT FOR THE ORIENT. Polfulll. G0-. July 12.--AItu Phl- n.Ihohulu' rm-cu-ova. On.-vb .|a_nn.--cl -in unnnnn. habit! loat- -4Iln|flIE`lv' nor. lhoiuotlol ronuumvu. um. mggppuudix not-no. button lor-t~ VT lI'w:vvu----- '-.----.--_.

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