%;j\.1V1ERlCAN Fv.-"Stnnge. mngeton. The Norma is eligible for the thirty-two foot oliu, which not lling. obliged the Norma to go up one clue to mulxe e_ race for she thirty-seven footers. The etdrt wen I eplendld one, the three gchte getting ewey well together. there lng not fteen eeconde between the three tlyere. The Vivie pointed her how across the line ret. followed by tho Dlueh, which was to windwu-d. The Nonne came next. Beingtoleewerd the two leading yeehte euooeulully blanketed her. Thev undo the etert at 10:20:30. keep- uuooeuiully blenketeu ner. They mede ing well ether on the run down to the southerly uoy. Greater interest centred in the want - seven fool: class. there being nix trim litt. 0 unit: in the race: ' Mirage. D. Stevenn, Toronto; rNeuti|un. W ned. Onwann: Kaebrel. W. J. Brigger, in the Toronto: W. Coed. Orwe o; Kestrel, Brigger. Hamilton; Gel: I, W. 0. Kent; Hustler. A. F. Mqcnee; Ghlohdee, H. Cunning- ham. Kinneton. "They at ewey en 10:40 in this manner: Keure . Mirage. Huetler. Nnuoilue. Geilhe. Chickadee. The first fouryechta were well ,together. the lush two crooning elmoeb together. At 10:50 o'olock the twenty-two footers Iterted. aettln Away in this manner : Pedro. Perry & iller. Charlotte: Wldgeon, L. Konney, `Toronto; Wenete, H. Cerb- wright). (Continued on page six in second edition.) on Money Lenner. Loxpos. July l7.-In the house of com- mons yesterde Mr. Ki:l:wood.e money 1 lender who. h refused to enswer certain questions pub to him bye committee 0! perlissnent. now investigating the methods of British money lenders, wee summoned ' for contumscy to the her of the house. After considerable hesitetion he pro- mised to answer the questions of the commissions. The nutionelists then crested a scene. John Dil- ion vehemently denounced the govern- mentend contrested its persecution of a humble end unfortunate money lender, who hed refused to ehswer questions. with the tectnce thehhed been pursued in the ceeesof Rhodes end Hewkeeley. He he- ueu todiscuss the report oi `the select South African committee when he wes celled sherply to order by speekor (luliy, end set down amid the cheers of the Irish members. Accident on The Oentrnl Onterlo. PING". Jul 17.--The Central Ontario reilwey trein eevingr Trenton 12:26 run. for Pielon. met with en eccident et Niles Crossing. lour miles south oi Conseoon. The engine end tender ere lying on their sides in the ditch. end the smoking end begun e oereerseentsd overon their sides. T e ............ .... .-....I-ad rinhe side ur. Denounced the Government For Imposing { I 1 r A * mm nu u up line. QNIIICINX IIICII lluw. IIU punogor our ruunlnod right up. AH who punongorn and min crew on- mpod wjthons injury. ucopt tho on- ingot and Imam. Theymn slight-' y bnnlud. but not Ioriolnly hurt. who vholb train no dnggod nearly 209 foot ovortbotiu before the ongmo wont intotbo ditch. Tho Dar of the train orowiu mirnouiouu. A ohctivo Iwiuch win an cum of tho aooidont. .. - -g _ -n..--- ulna! Ilrolqlouu III unity uu-mg nor 3 ohtomont rogu-din; tho wage: the ra- ooivo for publication. Thmy-ninc III non s.. up. nlulnv Omsk Valley have been U0]. Uluwu. Wltl or `I'll! -mu-. Cownus. Ohio. July 17.-Pnsidont Rntchtotd hennilod pol-and auto GNU lot pnllncauon. IIIIII,-IIIIIU unnu- iu_ the Sunday Omsk Valle bun ~`~i""" bllhins .100 pages (full Sheet .. Music size) of XIZK ` Iuu-v-vu--.'-.. Pnddun can climb; nnplodthconclitlon Ihnlmu. DILLON CALLED TO ORDER. . 15% II II Alibi!`- Luann. July 11--A in-hi L.a.mnn-nnnmdtlnlolnll _________..._..... Inst: of `u linen. _..,- Au- `lulu I'.' _1 `emu in-In tum.on.u about mun. .- ' -I :i.`~::=-....*~:~~-*& e in the l in` int n territor * from For ery. l placer dlfclngs` was George: Carmen , w 9. poor In I who George." The 1 ed on , Klondike, the tram nothin`, mates mode expo _ output of the district. /durin~the~vnex-t I . night,`-and within e, .. iswild with the ite- out of-`the fabulous 1 nd! w_h_iohiu.riverempty- " uh Yukon, in the northwest It; `is fiftyfmilee by river . lllle. on the Alaskenj hound- hereoent. finds etteidahft Klon kke R1 to A esoene ot.,t shout tortl miles in e The discoverer of the nor.` who was known as si- firet claim was stok- Bonenn. creek emptyin into the August 1 ? last. 8 nee that 400 ole_,lms'hnve been located and population` of the camp .hne_gro_vrn' to. 4.000. Reliable "esti- y Canadian officers and rienoed miners give the prohehle five years at over ten millions. ' The tales that had been told here- tofore about rioh strikes .pele into no- thingness when compared with the re ports brought down yesterday, The steamship arrived shortl after mid- twoe ours it was known that she carried n. score of pros-v - pectors who he struck it rich. and who declared t t the gold mines of the states were poverty hollows when compared to thewenlth in the Klondike camps. More than $1,000,000 in gold dust was brought down from Dawson city and surrounding claims. The min- era who were aboard the boat say `that enormous quantities of the precious metal are being honrded in the camp, and that the lucky prospeuctox-s are not telling of half their wealth. New claims are beimf worked and the rush in Dawson city s so great that suffici- ent food cannot be tmnsported. Scores of new finds ure in everyl)ody`s mouths throughout the valley. and the men who arrived this morning are telling tales that make the brains of the listen- ers swim. vnu. Pm-H.-md hrimrs more than xv. ton The Portland brings .0. of solid gold. and eighty-s'1x passengers. In the captain's cuhin are t.bree chests and a large safe lled with the pre- cious nuggets. Molt. of the metal was taken out of the ground in less than three months of last winter. The nug- gets range in size fromupeu toaguinen egg; Of the siety-eight miners inboard hardly 0. man has less than $7,000, and one or two have more than $100,000 in dust. Among those holding working claims are: C. Anderson. British Columbia; Richard Blake, Dungenese, B.C.;`\Vil- linm Sloane, Nunnnimo.(B.C.; John |Will_{iuson, Nnnnnimo, n . Pukrick 7 - ` ` ' "~ --in ' Inn- GOLD IN GREAT Aautfiie. % hum manna, nuuuuuuu. .... ,., ......__ Wilkinson, Nunmmmo, 13.0.; Patrick 'Copelu.nd, and Joseph Casvlais, "Mun- irenl. Among the passengers on the Portland was Joe Keller. In speaking at the new country, he said: It. was six'y'-'e'i'ht:`degrees-below zero last win- - tar. and the around was frozen to in country, ne Stun: it Wu. sixty -'e'i'ght`degrees-below ter. and ground frozen in depth of forty feet. 'l`he snow does not full to any great depth, three feet being the greatest, und that wus light. und [leecy frost. All the gold is taken out of gravel by thawing in the summer. We left Dawson city in a. river steamer. on June 19. and were eight. (in s reach- ing St.. Michuels, 1,600 miles. l`he wen- ther in Klondike wus warm. sultry, much warmer than it seems and mos- quitoes were in myriuds. They are in the water one drinks; they give ii. man no rest day or night. It is n horrible country togiive in. hut it is extremely healthy." ' Another one of the passengers was Joseph Cusclnis. n French-Uanudinn. from Montreal. I-le went to the Yukon in 1880. He returned to-dey with 315,- 000 `which he mule in six weeks. He sold out his claim after taking out 36,000 in nuggets. His health has given away under the long strain of hardship: in Alusknn winters. '`I`m going home to rest awhile," he snid, I came out to kee from dying in the camp. It Iget wet I may go hack." Cssolais' wealth was packed in small buckskin stwke like the others, and he curried it with him from the steamer ..,, L..A..I . well 1 go unun. to the hotel. : ' The regular Alaskan steamer sailing to-morrow from Seattle has all her rooms engaged. mostly by men for Klondike. The Portland, making a re- turn trip on July 20, is engaged ahead and booking passengers for the next. ...:.. whiln several schooners_are out- hooking passengers [Ur um um... trip, while aeverul SCh00I10X`8.t|l`6 (itting to sail within the next few days. __________. w0ll ` ed out the admission that he didn't seek make permanent that policy. `e 11 ::_j That of The Oorrnptlonlst is worse than The Anarchist. l)imock & Co. s Wall street weekly letter. "The black flag of the corruptionist. is more to be feared than the red flag of the anarchist." Wayne MacVeigh in an address to the students of the uni- versity of Virginia, indicated by these words the danger which menaces the life of the nation. The proposed tariff is in undisguised programme of plun- der. A special session of con ress was called ostensibly to {use a b ii to in- crease the revenue 0 the government. No such pur se influenced the NI. No such resurtowill follow the legisla- tion proposed by the dominant party. `he chief of t.he lrureau of statistics says that neither house nor senate hill will provide sufficient revenue. The purpose of the session was to skin the people to clothe the syndicate. A tax beer is opposed because it would he collected of rich corporations and would go to the people. A high differential on sugar is favored because the people must pay it and the sugar trust receive it. Driven from one cor- ner of silly so histry to another, a bait- ed republican eader in the senate blurt- revenue through a tariff on su ar. An- other republican leader, with t is voice of Jacob but the hand of Esau, saidthe committee had no purpose of abandon- ing the republican doctrine of recipro- city, but hoped to greatly ext nd and no expressions at command _\y_hich would. adequately character` this statement. Germany is to-day payi the penalty of industrial de jvsty triing _ working of eoonon e laws. in can industry. The shadow of the black ac of the national s dieate has fallen upon many of the a to govern- nxeats. Ix-congressman Buttsrwfrt :'.I:Iio is in more mat every nntnieipal snag than in m Illtlihd ldilf. {hut reasion. to {OVER FORTY soncs wxm * % MUSIC. ` % T PRICE-50 cams. % mat. every municipal and auto u.-gnaw turo than in am on-nailed lysndim that donundn tribute and all: leginlution. The most prominent Pcnuylvnnhn rzlltician II 0! his legiulnture: "The on 1.iuuv'o mum. to; which he took on-darn. nd dolinted the good: us note wrung. Either through no nun-an him`: 3 pmdul nvoluthu, or Inch: Iii lidnnnhy ~ A {:._.-__T. BLACK FLAG AND THE RED. EVEN MORE SENSATIONAL Than anything we did during the Great Sale is the ef- fering we. 11: forward to-day. We "have takenf Para`sos_. _Women`s. ` rappers, M_illinery,Glov_esf,e 'Hosiery."Undr- wear and Men 5 and, Women s Furnishings, _and made the prices more than interesting, which is hint erioilggh ..dt_h'aht Buying should not delayed. ` K. _ Pa' i'asols._ I 1\ , 1 Paiasols, H I Dresdee. .Silk...Parasols,, self cdlon-lined.....S.iik.EPggg:_,h sols, with fancy woven border. Shot Taetta Parabl. All_,gointo one lot and one price, and you can make your selectipn knowing you age pjcki fror_n amongst _$I.59 to $g..75"goo_ds and paymg just I for 1t. Creme Sateen Paraso1s,w1th deep fr111,re.gular9oc for goceach. Women s Print Wrappers. _,.__A_ LL- --..A. ..-1' LL.-. ..i..a`...~nA :91 `LA rI*\'|'!;H(+' (PF. woman 3 I ! nu.` III appvuu. I _ Count the cost of the stuff used in the rnakinggseel how well they are made, try them on and see how they t, and you will marvel at the little prices we ask, 75c, $1, $1v.25. Women's Shirt Waists- 5oc will do wonders in Shirt Waist buying this a e reat week, for besides the Waists that Qu have seen 50c, there are asman `more adde from lots that have been 65c and 75c. V ot all `sizes in songe of the pat- terns. Some have detachable collars. ` WomAen s White Dnck Skirts- -.- .............A. an 1-nus:-n cl-nl-11.. '. .' 7 nu oomqr aoonmoru. 7:. than at PI-bu-33 we-omn-u dunno II UIIIUII 3 II Ill av uuvn noun: Unv- . Our guarantee is on every garment, on every state- ment. Your money back if ou want it" says 50. T hege Skirts are well made and ull sweep, $1.25 each. Millinery: 117`. I mmmery: . .We have taken all our $3 to $5 Trimmed Hats and put them on one table and made the `price uniform, $2 for your choice. Some are just fresh tom the work room, but we want to keep the work people going for a while longer. Some Other Specials- , r*_LL-__ C--. .a.. -3. T Inna Q1-xntnlc some Utner apuuano A Men's Seamless Cotton Sox 5c pair, Linen Spools 100 yards, 2 for 5c, 36 in. wide Fawn and Gray Seli- cias, regular IOC yard for 5c yard. Imitation Hair. Cloth Lining 15c, for IOC yard. Tan Solid Leather Belts, with detachable solid leather pouch,` buckle lea- ther covered, regular 35c for 25c. Belt Gri 5, regular 10C for 5c. White Cotton.S1:am ed Pillow `hams, re- gular 35c for 25 pair. Stampe Linens, with started embroidery work and Heminwayiilks, shaded nd selected to nish, special at 65c, 75c, $1 to $2.25t*'eath. . Such values as_ are shown in our store wefewlgover known in Kingston before. ;They are never likely to be known again. Starr & Sutclie, Iho lard of II. New York, July 1D.-A due! by (inti- ouffs between `two arominont young society men of New oohello. for the love of a beautiful haired: of [Arch- mont. the summer home of wealth near this city. was fought by noon- light at Premium that bridge, nou- New Rochelle. The portion nnmul no Harry H. Young and Dana: ll. Wood. Young in the son of W. H. Younu.-oow York urcliitect. and Wood wu lounuly in the uartonnulu"n dopu-uncut on David`: land. It in said amino dispu- ncing remarks were mode by one 0! tbs contestants regarding the young lot which could o|_:ly_bo wiped out wit blood. \l!nnlI nntod to tight Young}!-_|th_ FOUGHT FOR BEAUTY'8 -----_ } York urcuueu. Iuu u... uni mud t? ....m. nnnld only be 111 JAMES Rm), Wood wanted to nun nu... ...... pintola or nwords. but they oourd find no ocondn for as duol ot this Had. no tho! usual to Ionic it with nm with ' EQIIIIQ: which .W0l 0 but and furious. i-M ally in the Inter round. when o od flanked I heavy blow on Young`: ` the around unoonsc tum ed to . nd. lined him up. sud tonigh- od: " ' God. Hug. Ipuk to 30.. Ha callod to Y ng ml 3 acts: timu but the lunar did not ro~|yo_._ runniy You; win Imus in non- riqo. on the toad IIIIIO Y to- vlvod. Both of the yaw win covered with b|'ood.froIn totlott. and showed an result: at a Ho. So true In: thin men our-board cm. to do hot beyond when chiming aha will Inn with Incl who uni n$II.' E13837 wnn J.-O nln nr Ifd I-`ORMERLY RICHMOND as 00. I18 and I20 Princess Street. ".'a'3:f.r '33: . I. Inlnd -n `Ibo Inll!) ll luuuuv wv-- -- [Us GORIIOI` III lld I5 and Iunliub Qlulniturct. 0 Duncan Inna. FAVOR F. NISBET S JULY AND AUGUST. This Bedroom But. in 1681: Century and Anti no Otk Finish. on $18.50. Boat 0 sin. On-omen`: 0 Batu. Gum Cot tnd Stools. Pillow, Msttuu uand uncle Bods at great reduction. - - --4_. __g Q___lA-no `QM-ml OF` FURNITURE ` HAS NOT_ IATEN FOR MONi HI. T 3 rug. uuun Pnvolll I III ` ` n. it m Itnngo lcdunl rnvuuu :-..,........ In from IwIllowIlI"IOC- Pittabur . Pm. J uly l0.-A workma- mnn who utnn noun for nine- toen month: provod at tho prothonoturl oftloo Ho cum to his out his tint mun ..n.... nnnnrn no u to an uxnon In- s cm curiosity b in Pttriok Boyd. and n'o\v.I'IddII Isl` cum f spi I.no lnrlg`4g...Two mu no he sun can- ployod at n tsctoty when lsi-gs quan- mm o! vltrol are and. On day he ullppod sud fell into tho nt mm with the fluid. Although the bang VON horrible sud his nucrh lawns. in recovered. It won that by the ph sicluu that the fluid lad do- t ' th powrolovnllowi . The ._|:)?I |ckn| .doold:d to ash ul-`olden fun below the ribs And hurt I tuba nto tho staunch. 1' II this who LT Changed. , the ball. who called her beau IQ Indian because ha was on her Tltail all the time. we are on yout and won`: be satised until VI Iaoura your patronage. .2-than n `L. '. .._a l'\_-..-.:_. `ginning a ~`,d l?y' -q___. Your lxnrleuo `roll: ` "Win 3 III.-nil; ludlsl Wonsrn n.':_ -nn an: In It! 'II7Pl- Wcar 1 0 0 C75-7 IAGOT ITREIT. Alunohnutlh hull. _.- -.- &A IL I. ._.hn The` " rg-xnnuauou-no-u. The 'You-ng FOLIO. all luau: unnu- ! , I to `lg! , 3159 certify that I ILIVI bun I is in` - the was twenty your sad am . `II! M for u mot vo your a _ :|iy_pM:u bgvcglld Indian Wo- - - --_-. - ...uuI nun:-an Lady nest-| 1 |1nonndov'a..10a.ln!I1no. 'ovor, . - '. -up-q-o CE W. ` `E-In T . .....*'.-:':-m..".e'=':.*:.m.=*:'.'el:g...`.;. I. O` ` lo 'x'..:.:.,*'.V..: .`~..:.:,:':...'.-..:*.;.::.':.. AUV'IITl%`lI I Th!!! `wool. . Io. " 6| his solid sub. twain mm at uuuwuu.--nu ......- _-._, - -' no. . `Loot ;.:"f'.`.`_._..@,*:::`a`. :. ..`.'.'..`;'3.?.;`.F'.. ' I Illa. llnr riducod nu V W .,B'5.'.'5'*;':<~'....':.':"I'a`a.'r.:..:?m:'..:`.';a *A~ -4- _ _-u-_ .5. lll TIIII Iv Illunnunuun ---~ > - - no of Inf wnud, for nlo. oo-M.vut- no I , an or on I Ann out of or Inn ooturu lo: - uloptuxolldod. npnoulor profmlonsl. hungnoo or none: aunouounonu on lab- hoi olnllu rootrtoclon. ~ Oontuo uvortlun Illowod two chum`: For rook; non 1 non chanson nut and {on Tho nublt I w1ll_not_bo_ unfou- UVIIIIIIII Iuvvtuuuu -....--?.`-. W, , nun, . ooh- mdgor. '13:" u %n not to us uh """' '"= N 1` 'r:::.: 2... 3: WI onl Ihcnl M or Inna-Man. All utlvo somcnu no nugnt to u approval of 91:0 publlnhu. ohm. (or ndvuulnontu and nuhlorjv on: an no and payable In sdunoo. Ollloon of nnlnoolaporutod nuoohuonabci: noolotioo will be In! pononsll: rupon `lot ozdou tho: civb. ---n A 7%.... .---n n _-_-. um wntmr nirsa wnm a GI columns. In publhhod ovary Thnnrln $1333 It I1 I you. I! paid in ndunoo; oe crwlu ll . 1'35" '-wnxm 1. pnhlhhod on non- dnn nnd Thursday! at u 5 you In ndvunoo; ' '1`!!! ll!-Wnlxnx n vunulnuuuu -.... (MB and at you I1 ourw In. Aehohod to an 1. Mb mu 1: Olllou In o.n.dTs;"';'3.';51a, ?.'e`yu31. n.m1 ohogn '"` ` " "' i?3`v" z'a"n9`x`x's ' JOHN 011030 . I. Auhhnc uinou Ihnuor. ' T. ' -`r IPI .' Duo: `9 . THE PEST AGAIN I The Kineu-dine Review in e conservative pnper which reeervee the tight to speak out in meeting. and dinouu the leaders of both pertiee with equal freedom. This in one of the moat signicant emong ite intent uttonnoee : Al~4 _I__ all. `I-nIoAnI`A Rnwg" uwonncou: "Tho other city Sir Muckenxio Bowoii book occuion to repudiate the locdorcbli? cl Sir Chariot Tupgor or the Hon. G. . Factor. Ho woni ockncwiodgo neither one of them u bin iocdor. Some concern- tivo paper: no criticizing him adversely become of that aoohomonh, bub Bir Muc- hnlio would in ion thou mon if he could may follow tho iondonhig of men who plid _ tho kniio into im. cm! for I v `o wook kopb hitting in until he in go hil hold on the premiu- Ihip. '1' 0y played on him the diroiut trick choc won over ioyod on I put loud- or in this or on oi. or country. o and; could juctiiy 3. amount they adopted to not him out of the wcy. Ho woo wrong. wo boiiovo, in adopting a courts which olicnolod I in-go ciomono of bin gun-ty, but boy if he no no . so were they. wore .......~2.. Ilnnn n tho mud no he won in the M In Shut-but an an . *:"|'Ii.;:In .3 ' av. d lovo;-I\ Isd1 :x`; strand muons rt noonuund no tho). `racy wuru qunwhe deep n the mud mire. No one but I dolu believe! this Sir Ohlrlol Tapper was not hand in glove with the seven tnltoru and theta in van for Lx- -|-...n.... nut Rir Mmkanllo VII de- tnltoru and was nu mu :9: his olontion that Sir Muokonxlo throned. Phcod in I similar position. how many 0! no would min. 3 chance nggctting book at the no of tn-Alton 1" ' ------- -_A 1.. LL` A-`In? n ll. h Blot M We nun 0: Human . Al the gonrnlnonc. In the opini n of the Spectator. in tottering to I (all, it in well to know more -0! the matorinl that in at hand with which to form I new one. The Rmr_iow _I oudnnbisln will hnvohhoir weight. WRONGLY ARRESTED. Wino rodroln in the lay roodoromilbon to rlooivo for mm 38 Pombroko, or near to it, on suspicion tint ho was I murderer of one Hermann. a fugitive from Salt. Luke City ? Ho wu unduly luid bond: on ond inouroontod. and for dnyo uuiforod bhe dilzrnoo of imprioonmon M Why wu ho dohinod no lon.or doui so an? Mun- dual Ln given to some nro diu- guinu. nod some very bad man hove boon iinpooing upon_.hln pooplo on clorgylnon or roiigiouulondon. GI-onhd that Hamilton. in uppunnoo`. wn lilo unto tho mun whom 811% Lnko vn.nhd--that the phobognph Ina vory ou;gutivo-tho priooner should have boon given a ohnnoo to _ -IxLl A. II. in In` mnv IIIVI IJUIIII I vuu u u .... u. -- prove on olihi. A; it i ho may not ho muohbdomogod In oinrootor ond iuiinonoo. Ono oi tho moot uuoiui and oioqnont miniotoroin tho Mothodiot church to day woo orrootod in Toronto under dio- troooing oirounutouooo ond ouhmittod to indignity. But tho oiroumotonoo oddod to hio popuiority 3nd` preutigo. It my ho tho am with Hamilton. ond it may not. Ho in young, with C roputr Al`. AA -nnlnn nnul Ojl IHIV II) III] nus. nu II _yvu-nu`, -nu. .. ..r..... on to unto. And thin dnwbugk my oporgutohjo diudvumgo. In an cache in to In plod; my, more, In is entitled [to tho oouldcntion of the government. when ololtll, by 3 bungled Iorvipn, have conpwnlnod It and thomnlva. s ORITIOISING. NOT DENOVNOING. Th Wain ha to rcpt. tor tho bonot chin Human Bpoohht. in nougllnonovor 3|-on onni to undo liontolilollhnlpuny. -.-n,_: _ _.-_...._..._A t./A-----.hu IHDIIII In In uuuru "say. "When: government irdcnon by follows that followu`. in tho of contour." up Ibo Bptchoor. and when IHI damned by nohpany pupa: an an nuuungoeamuuufnoauca ape; mtlnoookdotnonllllwhonthou-pa ooool\houiaiIuu.Ir.'l`uto.ohu-go: thI_rq:nnnh|Ivu an puny lmlrg Iulolnlpwcrtoiunodoothounuour `vuihg he so aunuirouu pan. mnlhinshmunh I nllhut gguuunvpaa. - mu. su M. In. ndltlqnunlhuudulu L45 AnNou_c_amaN1`. I l'hhi.~onolnurIIon. M` ' - .. . opinions,` bq,e"uTy c.i:fnc ll-'0 In `ham making tbs 2" _ ,A .n_AA...; H A `fnntln-an hil- "Outt." no Huntington Ginn- uhumlod toiuopluionuponthqanaul policy of the govcrnmoumnd my uuuno. uh dun honestly. that the oeonony and oazolnlnpu in not hing practiced which in oxpootod, but in _ dou new II Ulyuvvyup `W-U -- . ._,-, thlnhho. government _ie `Murine. and would be v eI-y lorry one . M `it tell hook inooothe booth at the on- oenetiveoeoneplnooro; The Hot-blk Ile- endoderloh Signal my hove` '\heh-`looelctieveuoee. and any given- preeolonuo chem, eh. the Wnmhudone" whom`-ooudon neouumud it. end etlll have no data to noon gap of jog... _imroIho_aed. The spocueo: is deceiving mu end ml reulen. by not reeding the nigh: of the time: oovn-eotly. It can real! the times when it end the Toronto Work! and other . good. ooneerntlveo paper: felt that they were oolled upon to differ Item the men who had preeumed to lead the pen-by. They did not -"denounce" these men, eloe they .. l,_,- p.__.| n. .. -mmh harder to dldnos Paonounor mun pm... ...... ._., would have found it so much bu-dot to champion Ella pu-by cnndidutu. the party plutlormaomodinl bill and all, whon the election and A crisis came. FIV- Frouhenen ogre. cold` meek. sandwiches. The elevator queetion can produce some striking` ergumenhe. [The we been fine: have been remitted by the canon: authorities; m|.- .....:..n no Itinanmnh snorting events bhergqemnoe mbihlogihlat; ' e no eat o in n nportin one being reserved foE.g\)an R The Sundev yachting guild has nude a second record. What. wili the next: nonu- tion be? "Major" Terrell, a. negro, who murdered and burned e white women. was lynched ..--... mm. Al. mm tho Buy Reporters OIIII ` ' ` F. l __ , . ,,I1`.._-_A.- .....I- BUG llllfll-I II I | near Elba. Ala. A Imlllnna I Elba. Ala. A bullfrog wu captured nut Hndlow Station. Quo.. weighing ve ponndu. In cronkln a could be heard I long distance. The .P.R. hu senb very fine rnt.-clan couches quid ales we to Kingston to carry exouruionilta to to. Anne do Beaupre ho- -nnuuunu marrow. ` ,. . Theliingeton twenty-seven-footeruhould get. in e eurply of top-uile end extra cen- vae genera ly. Their place is en the front of the roceuion. The unday exhibition in the city perk wee premebure. In was mtended for On. cede perk, where the can run, end where there would be 1 large and appreciative eudienoe. ]_Apuie_0ojne, the eh music hall 011 Anengugg nudlenoo. ` Lottie Collins, Eu lish artist. has been award 25 damages against the London newspaper society. which published an article accusing her of Iiriging vulgar longs. ` _ Nobwlghaganding statements that have .. LI ! ___n n 1) `D :. um Wlllcll punuunuu Ill unuwnu --mug... ..-_ ,, Nobwihhannding been made the K. t P. and O. P. R. in the belt. moth direct. mm! the only all nil route ms. Anne do Benupro. Excur Iionma urrourrlod in through ret-clue coaches to tho churoh door. No todibua lorry trunnion via thin route. uuuusuv -v.- ...._- ..__,, , , Piltshurc News. ' I can see the old hlue wrapper that my munm used to wear. With the bra ding round the border. and the bits of lace so rare. i For I`ve_otten dried my tears nneinst that wrapper on her breast, When my boyish heart was breaking and I wished to be caressed. There was nothing half so home-like as that old blue dress E0 me. There was nothing half so rich as those old frillings seemed to be. And no arms have ever pressed me with u love` 0 rare and true As the hugs} g from mother when she wore that dress of blue. I have seen old Ne )iune's color. as the blue waves hil owed by; r 1.....- -nun Hm vnlvnt. ntnrliht in N18 hillowea ny; I have seen the velvet starlight azure tropic sky; - [have seen gfmnidena glnncea (hut the Ii ht 0 heaven bore, But theres not a hlue so pretty as the dress my mummy. wore. Pm. All udelphiu Press. dressed she stood for `~ nintnrn of HVEHHGSB N1 I`hil ,ndelphia Press. she the party, (1. picture of llvellness rue. With jewels ngieum on her bosom and flowers entwined in her hair; And her husband in proud contempla- tion surveyed her from triues to feet. And glomied withupride o'er the pic.- ture so dnintily lovely and sweet. Her bright nsure eyes she turned on` him with sort of n. questioning glance; - He!-`roar Jig: parted. revealing rare are t t :3 god would entrance; An moving yet closer toward him, with modest and lndylike grace. She asked him in musical accents: / Does the powder show on my face!" Q Ioolnnor In Now loulrocl. Nnw Yong: July l9.--'1`ho bond of di. rectors oi the unicorn bucbull hnguo luck! 1 npocigl muting And formslly transferred tho Roohuur fnnchiuto Montreal. The Hontroololub will his the standing in the ynunnnt ntnig lo oomplqd by Roohcuur. and will comp on tho Ichodnlo ol the city without change of mu. The Montreal Inmgounntuloounod topny Ill!!- ---nn lnmu-lull III` h nhno, THO ` IIE Ifu 30 pl] -1: un- ponun incurred II tho dunno. gronuduu-snow nglotod up to Mon- brul. cm for wool:-dc gum: and tho ..L.. A. L. and an Rn urn. ilrul. for wool:-da pl: coho to be and on Bo up. _ _` AIICOI ulluiruvwuu. Thdtkmon In sinking the oil at North okoburg have L... .|.I....I In Inn! -nah: hv n nhoo of oil IO 36 noun Il'ClII'IOIl uuvv but: do]: lot tour not: 3); root nupl VIII vu much by the drl I in In dqnnd unit. Mu-anal! `W __..|-.- ....s 1.. no-mung tn mmuvltln cur` I dqnnru nu-uuuy Ivur Inch out In utuupting to nuuvutln ohltnet it woo found to blunt out. Tihwudooo Ilymd opondanhcvohoonnqmndsndnnnow In Ml prngnu cpl. WH|G'3 WIN D WAFT8. xuljuuun _._________.__ alumna`: and mu Wrapper. \v__-._ --__--___-.-._-. A Vlcnl unoulon. . _ 11-Au- 1-:I:l_ol_u._ A IuX - -_ - glut: THE DAILY WHIG. "opifor M9` O9-been Dloor." mum vii. imiwn. .1 ULY 19. min T TICK Will MIDI Wind 'l'OII Iii Colt! When the Ipon lu.u-low nu Yum: Jtnltul 0l--AI Account at the D33 : , ' ->---n-[H ' ` _ THREE OI-'1TH CLAUSE` ALONE . ' HAD ENTRIES. D$Il- . A clan ukyaud n lighbwiud from tho loath gutted tho ylchuman this morning for Ibo ranch under the nnopiou of the Kingston yacht club. The sky mi se- mnuui vital: (nor. but tho Amdbur Iuilon yacht cub. TM uy ms nu with kvor. but amateur Iuiloris ` 0090011 . woild have liked jun I little more wind. Anxioul oyu counted the bluo houvono hoping to col: eight of oven s lnndlul at "hand" which would betcha a.` little suffer bran. `M , the -club house all wu lnmlo '|nd~ busole`. not b of the two olllclsll (in- on the T xlnir work ad all been arranged previou- ly and carried nub with proois on. It. In: .5- .....:.... m... with bani:-md' themselves. IIBP. Regret `wui expressed that all the alum did not ll.` Out 0! the six classes for which pt-fun wort an-unrgod, only then of tho smaller tllled. Tho were the twenty. two, twonty-seven Ln t '1-ty-oeven foot clause. The cbaenoeof th larger debt: in ucuountad for bytho fa t that t e um- jrity olynohtlmen taking their holiday: In-nm nturdnv last could not mnko King- otynohtlmen taking unonr noI!un_yu from Saturday sbon in time for the meet. the distance be- ing too for and the wind light und un- favorable. A 5 0.`!!! n nlnnIr W. 0 Phillim. R 0.Y.O.. At. 9:30 o'clock W. Q. Phillipa. olclul of the L.Y.R.A.. red the pro- liminery signal for the ya'oht.e to repute. The course mapped out. was: rom e buoy off the club house to e buoy o George's born. Wolfe Inland, back to the charting buoy. thence to e buoy olf Four Mile point. back to the Inning buoy and over the course egnln. twenty nautical miles for :11 claeeea except. the twenty-two foot. clear, which sailed the diabenoe once. The thirty-seven foob oleee was sent off. there yachts helng entered : Vivie. G. N. Gooderhum. Toronto; Dinah, B. E. Mnllooh, Hnmllton; Norma, ' F.-`Stnnge, Kingeton. vmm Norma is eligible 1=1nsI%or ran gncmas.