Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jul 1897, p. 1

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I] U! gfllll In NH! UIIIIOG DUIFX Ina Uln- E Ede eeet e! the Rocky Mountain: no the detee mentioned below end ohenuee for the week were ee followe: July 26:h. 1807. 16,031,000 bushels of wheat; l6.l70,0U0 buehele corn: 6,051,000 buehele oete. In- creeee 707.000 buebele wheat; 1,049,000 bunhele corn. Docreeee 352.000 bushel: oete. There wee an increue in the visible ' euply of wbeet from the oorreeponding wee of lest yeer of 309.000 buebele, en In- creeee in corn of 144,000 buebfele, end e tite- creeee of 674,000 buebele o oete. '1` e vieible III pl of wheet in the United Stetee en Jenede, end' the amount of vvheet end our now in trenelt in Europe, ie equivalent to `.. 8,l0l.000 egeinet 67.302,- 000one veer no. end 0! corn 24,399,000 eglinet 19,130,000. wncrurgooouu-rnunuupaa. `Arman '_I- Z_. \-._- _.__4 river. This body is ukgd to support the civil Authorities in the ndministrntion of law and for the protection of vented ri hta. There in some doubt of the power 0 the preaidonttoentnblilh 3 post on propoood without congruoionnl Authorization and that upoct of the question has been broughttotho attention of the Attorney- general for an opinion. ` nun unyylg vl urlun null VIIIUIII "NEW Yonx, July 27.-Tho visible nup- ply of grain in bhe United States and Cm- Adl out hf tho Rnnkv Rlnnntninn .n thg A Illlltary Poet hequll-ed. WASIIINGTON, July `27.--The secretary of war is considering a proposition that has beon madoto him to establish a military post in Alaska. At present the govern- ment haa no troops in that vast territory, and in View of the heavy immigration now going on. and the possible danger to life and progity, and the lawless characters, be has" n urged to create an Alaskan military poet. The commercial interests of the territory are at the bottom of the movements and have requested that a com- pany ofinfantr and a Gatling gun bri- gade be locate at a post to be christened "Fort Alger, near the boundary line, about 250 miles west of Klondike. and 2,200 miles above the mouth of the Yukon Bllll DII6 OTDP yCIl' IVE! IDDWH. The water: In the Rod and Auiniboin river: at Ohio point have risen hilly three {cabin the In much i no ooquonco oftho the Iozth and won and plan in this diltrinh. gunarm nouplnl luv mgno. The Calgary Honld states that from all pnrtn of Albania roporta comb the this is the but crop year ever known. Th: IAIAPA In Il.|IA Rad and Aninihnin uruwnuu. Winnipoife exhibition for 1897 closed last night. Yoeterdny wee citizens day and about 18.000 peo le were in Attend- nnoe. President Sonia; chime the fair was 5 grand aucceer. no withetanding three day: of rain. Arthur Eon-I. nnnithnhnllv nlmf. ah Hm IIIII OK I'll- Arhhur Egan, nooidenhlly shot at exhibition shooting gallery, died` at general hospital lull night. Thu (hltnrv Harald nmtm that from or we nuvy ruuiwo and uloo in this diutribb. '. Pretty, inexpensive nnd styiish Dteutl at small cost. ?OrguIdio Cords zoc; Organdie Figures mic, 1 5c,2oc. Real Zepher Gingbams Ioc, Inglo- They won lone of Leading neeldente at Whgtewood. N.W.l'. WINNIPEG, Men, July `27.---A deepetch lrom Whitewood, N.W.T., eeye that three boys, nemed Roy Guerin, eldest son of Dr. Guexin. and Harry and Glendon Hewkel. eons of John Hewkee. editor of the White- wood Herald. while our. in 3 bank. yester- dny afternoon were upset and all three drowned. \I7:....J.....l- -..I.:LhL... 3... Ion! -l---J uyua. "An (area we were able to ascertain there ere many diiIicul_tiee.' That from Dyee would be the shorter for the reason that only some eighty miles of road `would have to be built, the reet of the route to the mine! being by means of the river. 0! oouru. during the winter aeeeon this route.-pvould be closed on far as the river in oonoerned. This roed would do awe -with thi diicultiee of the Chilkab Pau. is naturally would be e cloaer means of oommonioe. _wit.h San Francisco. and for that reaeon A not likely to be favored by the Cenedian `government. The other route in about 5 milee longer, but, being entirely withinthe dominion of Canada, is likely to receive` earnest conaideration at the hendl of the government. The monied men of tliht eectlon are willing to moist in any enterprise 0! this character which will tend to develop the country. The atten- tion of the world has been called to our oountry, end the idea. that naught but fairy telee have been written about its wealth is being quickly diaeipeted. wyaucu ll'|I0 we Ianu. - ' "While at Circle City and Forty Mile last year," laid Hr. Piootte. "weeoneideh ed eerioeelv the poeeibillty of eeourin aid from the Canadian government to uild a railway into thin district. We located as reliable data as we eould and forwarded it to Ottawa. Finally an appropriation of $5,000 wan pound by the parliament, and aurveyora ordered to take the eld_ this year. There are two practical routes by which the country might be reached by a railway. One 0! theee in from a point: on tbhe Canadian Pacic; the other. ie from yea "An laral wa um-n ahla In an-m-lain :3: -Irv Zwu IIIIIII KUI-I U- p.P_.3.. otlur Iron Dyan. Bu Fuxcxwo, Julv 27.--N. E. Piootto. of tho Yukon country, who bu been in the city Iovenl d:&a. gave an inroltoing ac-, count 0! the ,Igta.of pioneer: of that lo- cality to care more modern melnaofoow roysuce into the land. "Whila at Cimln mm ind Ir...-9.. ml. The supply or Gnln And When. KY..." \ ...... 'l..I.. 09 `BL- __:_:l_I_ RAILWAY INTO KLONDIKE. THREE LAOS DROWNED. Iron Point` on the the wrvw v-----. - -- _-v--- ifiz. ` ox.,-.o, z'i.e'..'m for we'll 1:13;. ood ttipsz, good ma- o-.h`| (`l..-u- ff|O uunujluudrluu but vacuum 100. vlnaunon hunk! Hvotycul shunn- tdv|InuuI.ondnghIInI nqzb. Illl IIIU III IIITVIUW WIIII III. |loon.,A young uurriod nun. about thlrwn of ac. and his an-van girl. In 0. who only uinocn, Ht Nownu actor Tomato has Wodnuduy not-nlog. end Inn not ntnrnod. Ir. lloonhodolmwlio and two littlo Iirlc :I`:d':lLbnbooHounontl|igood-byohdon am no octopus emu on an uonaul Smith, thocnnndinn Mob oouvniuiontt. And Ind nu tutu-View with his. I1..._.ll- _... _ _....._ _.._._l-4I _..-._ 000 [Full llllp tn c.n.as.m 3.4: mm; on sand. . Before lowing. major Muon nddrouod t o_ nun. Acknowledging the exiotcneo of the most friendly relations throughout and oongntulnlnp tho mombon on tho luc- oo-ooo shay oohiovod. They won about 500 prim Inoncy. ' "Mgr. Ion} dol Val, tho pupal dolcguh to Canada. and Gen. Guooignomommndor of who Canndiun nimin. ruobd England on tllocunpuh. On his urinl In Lon- don the dolquto ohd on 81: Donald miII|_. thnfnnndinn Ilinlh Ilnmlnhdmur, llllll III I III" 50 I I UOII. Exports of onoooo rI-om Montreal to Europe ulnco May he won 717.040 boxu. while tho roooipu of choooo during tho put weak were 116,835, making I total of 854.867 bout to data. For who corra- ggding pox-iodlut you than were 552. be M . 'l'hl:].n.n.mIipAnp:dIAlf. Rlnlnv an Inn-nigh IIQIIUH Ialllfl I0! mlny y$I'I. - John Lainey luughod no bud at 1 ball game non Uarlialo, pm, when the bull ruck another npoout_.or a hood and bound- od high in the air. the he oouldn'0 oloto hia month ngsin und had to be osrrhi I mile and 5 half to u. wrgoon. ' I`-.u...s- -1 -n...... running company. One of the convicts pardoned by the governor o! Indium on the round hhnt he Wu so ill of consumption t. as donth was only I question of A short time. in roportad to be bicycling daily and to be in better health than for many years. Jnhn Lydmv hmahnd an Inn! .0. a Dull Wall ulnull, Uuu uulng, guyu ma terigl Clot ing. The making niobdin wotth the price. yUIK"o J. W. Lang, wholesale grocer, Toronto. bu diuppeered from business circles. and no I meeting of his creditors held yester- day. it wee decided no proceed against him on I writ issued by the Canada Inger rening company. Onn nf the nnnvinhn nu-dnnul he I).- nu! Imruuuulw Illnlly wu I large one. Mrs. R. B. Armuronggvife of t.ho,l oI:or- boro town clerk, died on Sunday morning after An illness of on] a low day: from poribonitia. Decca wu thirty-four year: of age md Ind been married twelve years. J `V Lana In-hnlnnnln DIIIAQI Tnunnbn llu DIII' l'lKIIUUo ` The Japnneee minister on Washington bu oddreuod to the state department. on behalf of bio government, I polite but rm protaobngnimt. the ennention of Hewaii by the United States. John Hulfdied at Hyden, Ky..nt the Age of ninety-ulne. leaving seventy-eight. grandchildren. 142 great-grandchildren and fourteen greet-greatugrandchildren. His immediate family wu 8 large one. Mrs. R. 8. Arman-nno.wiIn nf Hm Par.-. man 1; row any: ago. The Putin Fignro predict: the early in- mnnoo of I papal oncycliml computing the priests who continue to excite the working- mon of France and oshor oountrioa to do- mnnd their righta. Thu Jnnnnnnn minintgr n. Wunhinnlnn nor oonnnemonu. There is I fteen-your-old widow at Ooving n, Ky. The girl wu married 3 you to 1 nineteen-your-old boy. all the parents consenting. Her husband died a few dnya ago. Thu Purim Fianrn nrmlintn Hun nnrlv in. DI uplnw In 000 province 0! Quebec. Alice McCnllum, the daughter of are- spectod Hnrwich fnrmor. died from the elbow ol a gunshot; wound in , brunt. supposed to how been noaidnll y'roco1v- 1 ad. VBL- n-u:-|. .....-____..L I.-- _I-_u__.I A- uu. The British government has declined to interfere with the romance of Mrs. Florence Mnybriok, the husband poinonor. or to do nnythin to amqliorate the conditions of her con nemonu. PIVL-.. J. . an..- ..--.. -1; ...1_I__ -4. nniiwnxca county, ula. Thirty-ve seizures have been made thin year by the inland revenue oioialn in their efforts to In preu the illicit mmulncturo of spirits in t o province of Quebec. M:-_(`.;llnm, Ithn nnnhinni of sun. FIT] OI IBICC. Near Alvord. 1a.. a can of stumps. which w stolen from the poet ofoo an Luter, in I. mt.'ua'bo. two years ago, wu plough- 'od up recently. Wtmb nra nunnnnnd tn In Hm nnmninn n! VUI'y large. n It in very currently reported that White- law Reid, proprietor of the New York Tri- bune. will succeed Mr. Sbormnn an secre- tary of state. NAAI` Alvnl-(I In A than A ntnmnn uuluinlu punt: up. Hundreds sold the pagt 3 days. I-Iunreds yet to sell. on up rocenuy. Wtub are uupponed to be the romuina of Minnie Williams. one of murderer Holmes victims, have been found at Momenoo, Knnhlxee county, Ills. Thirtv-vn -ninu-an hnhn luau mud- this All- The new mill of John Hurley, S0. Gnbriel do Rimoualxi, Que.. wee destroyed by fire. No leu then 42,000 logs were also con- sumed. A ....... ......I _.:R_ ___I ;L-:_ _s,.___ __,,, aluuuu. A man and wife and their Iixbeen-year. old daughter were arrested at Jeolnonvillo. 01-0.. (or shelling vases end dishes from I grave yard. 7 Whiln the nnnnh ran 1': HI-AI: On Inn KTIVU ylru. While the peach crop is likely to be short along Inke Erie more this year. the yield in the Grimsby district id reported an very large. It. in vnrv nnrrnntlv mnnv-Marl that Whitn. uun DI we ruonulko ulsmcb. For uaaulting A servant alleged to have alienated her mutedl nffecbionn. the man- her : spouse was ned one cent at Mobile, Ala. I`l`L_ ..-... .._:II -1 v-L_ 1,, n. n u, -,1 Iall IIIITICC UK BBC ground. It. is probable that the dominion lovem- menu will lane a royalty upon gold taken out. of the londiko district. 13:: an-n-`Nina 5 -g-.......L -Il.._`.I 5.. L-..`- -.-jg: um.` Hum-n I-nununu Ivornoaym Ion: from All over--Lltth of Int)- tlnng luuv Bad and Bonn-Ibo:-ad by `Ibo Don! Public- - Sir Wilfrid Lnurier has returned to Lon- don {mm Paris. U- |A..-a.... nun :- :_ n__I.__| __ IIUII Fill rune. Mr. Marter, M.P.P.. in in England or- ganizing for 11:01. 0.13`. Th aunt. and nhhnfnir Mnntranl Inn: ownou may we Clliy. Two thousand three hundmd garment. worker: in New York and Brooklyn went on utrikyeatardny. Thu hllll fat than nnfarlminmnnh nl Hm OH IVIIIU yoawruly. The bill: for the entertainment of the coloninlund other guest: of the jubilee now aggregate $400,000. The tmannrv (`lanai-t.mAnl*. gt. W.-hinatnn tll? HOW IKBIWKIFC \.KJ,UUU. The trouury departunont at Washington holds that the Dingley mritf went into ef- fect: at midnight July `_ 3rd. In antmm Ah Mnrinn. Tnrl Iiuhtnino loco no lnlunlgnl: duly zaru. In a atolm at Marion. Ind., lightning tore up thirt, fees of tiling ve feel: below the nurfnco oftbo ground. It. is nmbahln that than rlnmininn onvnrn. 1 ELEGRAMB FROM THE EARTH-s roua QUARTER8 pavau. ll'ARAGRAPl_lllIIl.Ell ur.| gumzlng [or we 1.U..l'. The out and abbntoir, Montreal, was burned Sundny. Lou. 8200.000. It in owned by the city. TWO thousand thrnn hnntlnarl mnrmnnf. What come; to us from An! QIIl'tCfSo I INEWS IIFTTHE \V[|Rl.ll.l V1 Ill \p\IIIVlIl\.r% JVJK Ulla` `HQ, are the best in the trade. Try them. U111N93Il' U311 I c . will convince that th an Hun. 5-met uyfutlun H-ncny Is what our new custom- ers -constantly say. One trial of our ' j;Tl1e' Millinery `Closing Sale PERFECT FITTING nwuugvv-UII. I Owin to the nnluonblo wouhor the Rays] omplon hnvo postponed thdir ox- cumion until to-mormv Wednesday) night, at 7:39. Alltlohh no! no good. [ You Before ' AF EUIIFTXI. I0; WIIIU Mo, 5; Spfingold. 7. 0; NOW lwlg 0. Eutam uo--At Syracuse. 8; Scran- ton, 0. At oronto. ll; Provldonoo. 8. Ab Montreal, 16; Wllkolhurro. 11. At Buf- M.._ II: nk-inalhhl. 7. -luoholl onus. National lgno-Ata Louisville, 4; Brook- lyn, 1. At Pittaburc. 6; Philadelphia, 10. At 30. Louin, 3: Bouwn. 2. At Clovoland, 5; New Yotk. 6. F.-ntnnn IAnnnA__`On H-pnnhnn R. nn.uL uvlluunultu nut nypvlulutvuvo Nnw Yonx, July 27.--Dintriou uumbly. No. '49 of the King : counby knight: of labor. pm.-nod throng resolutions condemn- ing the appointment o!.'l`. V. Powdorlyu United States oounmiuionor of omigntuon. The ombo wu commanded for not con- rming the appointment. Powdorly wu donounood u n ronogsdo and suitor for turning to gold after speaking for yours in (nor of {mo silver. Irvin. nu -vII!vIv. Burr/mo, N.Y., July 27.~A party of fty-thno physician: 1|-om Moxioo.on their vnv totho international moijiool congress no Moscow. Ruuin, gonad through the city this morning. ho irony left the city ol Mexion Int Tueoda . On Thurs- dny they nil on the ormnnnio for Hnmburr and upon to reach Moroow two day: be ore the congress meats. Some of `he most prominent. physician: of Mexico turn in the group. including the president of the Moxionn modionfnuoointion. Prof. Bbuthloworth, of Toronto. nooompuniod the P|"'- - {cum "'{ni'nn7 Isak" ` -`42L-`.L4-1L_4_4v H0 IIyI. DUB |lIlII'DOFIOI'l DI DIIO IIIBIVOI in will in pro reee. From preeent indications. and mm all I could learn during my eojourn in Manila," he eeid. the Bpenieh euthoribiee will never beuble to eubdue the insurrec- tion. It in e common report in Menile blue the papers are not allowed to prino the truth. They Are ell under eeneorehlp. Io wee credibly reported in (hit oiby short- Ii other e reqont engagement elm the no-_ hed killed eixuy oi the B nieh lol- dim. end low only we the r-number. Ae eoon an the rain weeth nu in.whioh will he very ehortl , you may have some further report: of she boetilltlel. end the victories will be on the eide of the rebels. A regiment. of the Spanish eoldiere come into Manila from the interior during my they in the o)ty and they were the oddest lot of men I over now. Some of them were ehoee end other: did not. Meny wore no lieu end were more or lose dielzreued for the went of proper clothee." In order togive more room to our Mantle department we intend giving up the B0 3' Clothing. That : the reason 0 these prices: C{,OI. ,' 0:30, 82 per unit any` lath-in nruu` Inn- Vlotorlu In lump on the Bldo of the Rebels. SAN Flumclaco, July 27.-Among the passengers on the ateamor China from the `Qricno. wu H. D. Lwimohn, the repro- senbotivo in New Zoalnnd of one of the largest. sugar factories in Mnniln. Levin- eohn has just come from Manila, where. he says. the insurrection of the native: in mill in nrnaran. "From nranent U, OI V` IBOITOWII. W. F. Newton has been eppointed poet- mneter. The cause of the ohenge wee political. The work ol the teachers institute in moving on vor ntlefnntorily. Tho attendance in double t at of Int sea- son. Services were conducted in the tabernacle yesterday morninw-id evening by bishop Mccebe. of Aubur . M and `III! TICGI, Ina IIIO I DID B0lll'lII- ant. grand pyrotechnic display and bal- oon ucemion. The management; of the carnival has been entrusted to L. G. De- Cant, of Wuterlsown. I W NA:-fnn hm: Egan nnnninfnt` nnnl-.- urea: Watt! ceruvu--new roar-aeeenu `Benton nuuugo work. Q Tnousaxollauann `Panx. July 2o.-l`or come reaeon ghe Dun Wnxu doee not gee here an prompt an in other year: el thin eeaeon of she yan In uled to gen hereon theday lbwaa laaued, but ehie year loin one day old and Inn week in was two day- old. equal to winter service. According to the preaa the eteemera New blend Wanderer and Inland Belle have been sold a number of time: in th./a lacs owo weeka mvarloue lee. huh At eeeme an oil is in a auteft. lngthia tiyue. The Thousand Island ateamboaa comgiany are the purchaaera. and in looke no! at if the steamboat war long waged on the St. Inwrence her ended. The eoeemer Varuna arrived on Saturday night with her usual compliment of peneeugera. The New Inland Wanderer carried a large loud to Gane- noque on Friday nights. The excursion was under the auepicee of the Citizens hand, of Gananoque. b There will bean excursion of over 300 Dana, 01 unnnnoque. There will bean excursion of over 300 wheelrnen from Boston to the Thousand Island park next week. Two hundred members of the Epworth League, returning from the Toronto convention. arrived here on Monday evening aedleit on Wednesday mbrning tor Montreelper atr. America. During their stay here they took in the famous eearohlight trip on the steamer St. Lawrence on Monday night. and on Tuesday the fty-mile ramble on the Ielander. A great water carnival will be held at Alexandria Bay on Auguet 6th and 7th. Two thousand dollara will be expended in prize: and re-works. There willbeeailing yacht. eteam yacht, canoe and skill` racer, and aleo a band tourna- nnnnt. an-n!` nnnntanhnin din:-alga! and HAL Gnu Want cnnlnl--llov I .n._-n..__a I....I._n- 1 SPANISH 0ANNdT SUBDUE. condcmncd `rho Appolntnont. -_. \.'.__.. I._I_nH I`\!_A_!-L __--_.. FROM DO__WN THE RIVER. Oolng `to loioow. `V I7 Y_.I._ nu Boys Clothing. -I:;IOpoud.1 - .__l_ ..-_. LI- smnrsl A. c. JOHNSTON a. 330.} Canola-Ln-.-.l.h.._n.. coua} Button -4 sconno at Ill-hulch. ` W. A. (loan has boon Ippolnhtla h-` lngglaiut in showman: Iorv~'~o M gf M ' . ..` rrugmn homo Abulmhfu. uoullnghl. _ III-lad `rho Twuv-fllli OIIII. B:u.:vn.x.n. Ont. Jul 21.--Ir. y Mn. Ncloon loom y burial it` twenty-chlrd child. who limo one was but. a my van old. `rho mocha lo lo throo non at up. 5 ` X . I3 "DIVI- ASUHHER COTTAGE ONTHI II n. I l;atnwrona';.`un`:n land. A six! 0'1-In . . I-on nu room: I III Ap.p?y :9 loqgni Bun. h".l`.A`l'I'0frI. no _-___ __..._ ..-_..,..---u-vnuvvu (Aha silty: l'l(I`Qa);I:.l`7 2231: partly full as A MI ornom Kmvucnot. Klnuton. ----- .. - _.v._. .. we-nova. I-uq-un- . . Lndlou can ohtnln n lnxurlnnl bow m three months. uonuomon. after, you: b-Hl;:neuu.c?n be 93:`-insufusly cum - ,am vn an reuan ' chnxaZ".n'.n :.|ny'a5:'.'oa to. . . _Mu- oolobntod oh and HI": ng - In I noud comfort and on IId0l'lOl|' gaiolczln rofuiiionigllao no `nodal U ran on orono an Inn! otfnu uovu-`amen lnhltnlonu`. Try It: , toilet prapnrnuom and watch nuulu. HARDY S. <~- --Vii" Th 7 O 1 1: tea 3 I ' Boos mgzlnn. "dam: mo 0! Onord'a Blook.Brook t.. { l-.u-- ..-.. -n.;-:- - u_._.__.-_. _._ AL" -- , Bolmmms one an Aooouuo A " with both single Ind do No Ivollg modem oonvohlonoon. 30 ll noon 88100`. ----::: ` Baldness Po's itI'-\}ly 1Y>E- .'85A*II5s' 'l" g I1..1_\..--4.- .. .......u.. ..... In our huulnonu, than toumulgn i'|'.'L'.'\" Iyollliu pendent hot-0; ulnry I900. nolou lnuud thumped envelope to A. '1`. .' (lononl Ilnnunr. ouo DAILY WIIG. A1u'n;:r- Ul"BllG5l`T `A50 ll;An'H'UIr nut. omen or I an 0 Mn om ` at Alhlo established house in Ontario. 3115 and oxponoon. Ponitlon Iundy. loft _ oi. Enclose pol! aulalronnd sum OI Tm: Dmmuon (mxruv. Dept. . Ohloa was run-man mun}: Iux orooon ohm-oh standing willing to 1 un our to but an Ian: I` It pendent uh:-.7 I900. nolon an M Auuuu PLAIN 000K. 1 nhronou. In ovonlng Oman. lloonvood Bonn. win rgugunu story`: `:03 0 O0 OOIIVII whnf. dau'h.wum 3:. ' ANTED -- HIGH-GRAD]: , f 0! good church `standing wllllhnw` ' f` .onr business. than to an on Inrt an renpondout hon; salary 0900. c on u f - .3 do 1 I wA.v'r.x'W? uro.;::sl :l:::s'::r. 3:: Bnv WIIO. mu. lblophono I. u.:`.'I` yuung Ill riqhtprieu U druud unmpoul onvilopa W KIT`. Gone:-Al lnnaur. one DAILY - /m1'm>--u1-nxanr AND 1.45%]. liln ..";".`.:.'I'.`.':*..:1:91'::*2.rmUa:92ezx: wm rnn-anon mum: orooon, zllllnn _o1_l3|'r_n our hunllmun, than in gut -- ---M w. n. nnixuu. ` .\5'1'~ lvunnnnncmn unmnumlnn-%u oou stunt. block above old ndnd. ' Z` ulna. nnuu. - _ . ,' Tn nun Ulnnnln-It-It ntroob. Tole no uu. Open Data 0 ` 1 IIIIVIII Lnmlouunn-nu! an 1 sin. Oornor Bydal phone communication MOUNTAIN-PO0Ll-On Juno Mb.` 1897. `C2,? Bhnnklin. Isle of Wight, Englnndhlov. `T7 J. J. 8. Mountain. motor of tho onnofg Min Family memorial ohumh OofIQII&`g O b..toLoi Min Poole Jun Ml ; thno Im 8. G. Polo, 4 Emr. 7 six .7? A m':..- -:3` ' } o ur ' - " bgnlonesn. zlron :0 SI I`:nnnn.2 mum VVUI lllo fl l\l\lI\, IlUV'VVGI' `VIII ;V . press you with the fact that mateml alone is worth mlichg, more than we ask forthe garment; read) to wear. ' .",. STEACY& smcr These are four VERY; CIAL PRICES in ` 3 Puucnumon MARKS mouse and Shirt waists. We won't 3: what the worth. A look, owever, wi I `mi; r\ nnnn urn | I u n 1:0`: Ck- (Ant IL-C son. Asont-0 for nummm 1-mvu-um: Yes! THE sainnnzcryg (J10 Eng. `GOOD PLAIN 0001!. APPE nfuenou. owning In l .. f II 0 Eu. `Iavr'cnno.-- win . anal with Ihninn. 30 % 50 75 15 `wenuan PnouI;LitIt I} j------:jj Inns In !o'c.unM nu gag. I...A.. An AL-___.L-n, The Comma , IJWTCIUFPI ` w`iJng:roo:I`with `jlgtl TO RENT. RIIXAAG an -no- KINBYBBAKI. IIIIIIIAIII Ann` Dn- wawrao. BOARE. IIARIIED. :% pyorlztucass 81'. CRAWf0RD 5. ' ILID IOIIIIIED COLL Dllltlllml I.-HDIIDI 1 An and $0 call 3 I I 0 n M on b o noun of oxplunr lion. `Mun On oxplnln the rumor: {or n 0. o 9 pl II 1 an 01-uwford`| Ooul mne. ' ID! to- forauoo :6 bot- tom. mark: the * ,nhoruoI plllll. math 3 long! puma thin 0 00Hl`Io _.,_n_, _ I;._____ V math I longer nnnn tlnn ho J Lawn Mower, damn Eacgutptiep at - 3. so." 173. you man ll! 1 alum Kn". knI\or.y.. J-'.'i'351c'.'i:1 Tlzotr ION! Implo and drilling span and ding vi lion. Adda-u (or fill up . . . . 1. . I'3.u.u..'Kv'.`.`.'.cm...`?. ""' " "-' Auction Sale of furniture, An. nun! nw. THURSDAY. JULY 29, I891. `IIAVI IKIIIVID 1l`l'l|U I03! FBOI. Janos In-skull 00 all M roildonoo. I000 Ihonollu *1! rllulnsunbtw coblto. nhonl-. 00! I Ivtu L000 Our him. khan 0: IMO and Pam: ing` to Inn. to. llolooton lrmluthn Ion. gall Inc} sad but oltlaonloln. not-lot ` I Ida ()uI"D`:|.looII MI: and 1 `II: $90.19: `labia. 1| 1! ``"`-ac.-.. In boot." up another. along blah undo mun ox Vanna at church -Sanding should noun than my to at once " n n oven um. on on you In In 0 M - an onion tor Is." Also 0 an or woman ol val on man an noun unnlllon of Auto ulorrllox-y.:v`n"d'ovo0o all Iholu H1104: nmn Au!-Q n-4| 4| Q- gngnln A--I u---Ir-a|n.-10 `I83 Brook Btu-cot. i_, aunt-nu-a-an-as L. boolluuobosu that when yooplo no I9 `NI want M H N-I1` ("MN `-I 4'!` THE Pl&UIIIIIOU ll'l"l'lLlS'lOIYl " is!!! no. (Ito Oillrn val`: wortv 0. the book." uothor. sumo high undo at good clan-oh ntndivu W ovor nromo to nbllnh. 'Oon9alno nearly hu- 0 onnav an 0! Mn Saviour. by tho Illlo an. Inn plasma In nwoduoad run noun famous punchy. Aaonh an tal- lnc from that In annoy orders POI day. The booklauoboou lbs! whoa 9 want I0.-H` LAN IZIIOUGII` 'l lAl3'IOIY I121" Everything reduced for thi only. Don't miss this opport to secure Big Bargains. ` day unity ) ``'l`HE LIGHT or THE wmun] |SutherIand s I Will be a day of Special Bargains in Shoes at II In an oluldl I OBI III` There will be I nun-nd bid. The other non- aitiom will be the standing oondiuionu of the i h gonrt. or who: pution an and condition: of uln apply to A. B. nninahnm. Vumlox-`n Solicitor` Noun. Inedonnoli It Pun-roll. luau. iimytho & Lyon. John L. Whiting, William Iundoll, or tho auctions It. A. B. CUNNINGHAM. Vondoru Solicitor. lYlJ lLB[PL[AS[l FRIDAY! vllll the 5 m-obntion of His Honor 0. V. Pile-0.!-q.. rune: Court Jud e. by John H. Illln. Au--tdonuormt 11': Ann on l|oomI.No. In Brook Street, Kingston. on $1-1.-A-`I--. Inln. ndln A I\ III !- plan undo Ohm-M Doom. In tho II land: in being created I largo thno noroylhriuk Dwelling homo naming oomplocion. with all modorn Improvement. Th! smut on In is donlrpblo one Tllll I` |I|ALI- I`nn mar cnnh. mnh at of a Valuable Detached Brick Resi- dence on Albert Street. MOROBSII VS. GOODFELLOW. URSULNT TO AN ORDER FOR SALE made in Shin noble. and bou-in late the Ufhdp of Juno. A.D. 1&1. thew M be nold. with 0. e 5 x-robntion of His Honor 0. V. Pile-o.I.n.. mun Jmln. by vv UIuIIvvwu;' out-J -noun. ruuuru liirlp M tho hour or Ii o`olook noon. the following land: and promluu In the any of l(inuon.in tho Count of Frontonn-~. and being compo of para: o 1401'! Non 10 Illd H on the won I do of Albert so. .|u laid down on I nlsn dnu-d am of of Lot! Non 10 and the this ,|u plsn August mm. by Ohlulon Booth. PJ. 8.. of the subdivision at bot: 4.6 undo. In shown on 5 Inn of Ordnance Lon: made by J. 8 Dennis. .L.8..whlnh put: of Lot: Noun. 1- and llruo than oomprhod. namely: Tho. month In not of Lot No. 10. and the no:-Oh I) {at of Lot No. En` `;';"n?;'.`;5`f.':5'u1`.".`3:`:. .c':`. '..'}"'.`s."!3.n.'. . ':`. .'.`. Tlls OF` HALl-Ton per cone. club at time of uh. bnlnnco to be Ltd In onn month. There will be room-veal b 41. The other tlltionn will In ch. nnndimz condition: of the MISS KEYEB. fhlllu -l BT00` HIITIUV` I\InIl'Ull` Ull }WOdlOIdIy, July 28th. A.D. I897. A A AL- Ln..- It In gvnlnnlu vuuun 6|`; lnllannlnn asp mgnu, to 1:80. ~ Pandora for mukot Ida and` weighing charges of market No. 2 rooolvod by set- ing city olark Gordon until Wodnoldny noon. TL- In-n Anal-I Kn nhl 45' Rana` IIIAAAQ D00. Tholuvn social in aid at Brook In-no Methodist church to have been held ubi- ovoniug At the ruldonoo of W. H. Godwin hn hnnn nnntnnnarl -lnr A task. IVUIIIIII Ill IIIIU YXIUCIIX In W. J ha been postponed -for a week. 7 ueman on. per coat. -1. maooou. Thursday. Ipocial bargain `day at Bardy I. Watch to-marrow : tam: out: a paper. Donmorgooeo mend bicycle noon at .A.A.A. ground: Monday, Aug. 2nd. _ 1.! . V In Royal .'.l`em lan have postponed chair axon-don, mi to-marrow (Wadnoa- day) night, at 7:80. Pnndnrrn Inn mnlknh Ink and ralahina am: 9! pmpurwy ID um! luuuon runn- Wodnudnynnoon. For to-marrow only choloo rod rup- herriol Ge. per box. J. Higoook. 'l'|.undAv nnnninl bu-onin `dnv at HArdv l. mu Id yxounuu' _ro-wujlnun E` Cami TI-tlnl-an hi I\Ul IIUPIIFI I-III!` TII6:i .a`isvt _Sale oomplouon. with all modarn Improvements. Th! donlrlblo TIRES F` HALI-'l`6n com. call: at that uh. bud IIU III! HUT TU-I` WIITI 'l'oPou'l`IonIolvco_IV.' 4' , Wilnojfi lllllo suction room: oun snvlblh IN ms- To learn that next JUDICIAL ALE LocAL..M:uohAN DA. `liolldtnnioung Inn. Pun. July 2 l.-A rpocisl from Grenoble up that the Indy at young sorrel. the damn Mpho cliuhu. when vontmropno huh vs amend uthnlion this man. uodvhoohnodou the lsqh to nah the auto! loans Tclllobr. ha boon found nthohttonolndtup cnvuno. with his nook Ivoho. Me. Send wuhmlv mnotun 11$-an `-ILAIHL-LAJI-AL.l.-._ court: In: avvrujvn Lmsnox. July 27.-1`bo Am-icultnnl C-unto neatly can oucnck-hr asking lnhrmtlauou Ibo subject at stop proo- pouu. Their ' hr clldhd nsupliu VIIOEHIIQI naph- II but hlov the snap. lI_Ip In its noun. can and was ghlnh nndryh -_W_a_sh Dress Goods. III WOUIII IIIYU K" IUVUITIIIIIHE Ir. Clmnborhin annodnood shut the chant ol the company would not be re- vokod. but Mun mum would In ukon to the diuotouto to an to moan more diroothnporhl control of Rhodooia. 30 van pro in; I Iohouo which be ex- pooudwou input In mnponiy dupe" onion Hanan: not Again. Nu. I hating In: last ho ma KUITUI Uw IIIIII I [III ICU EUTVIOO. I00 would elienete hie oyelt to South Africa. Mr. Chamberlain and we: glad to be .eii|e to ma that the ihiou of South Africa we: better now I. an it bed been at any time time the raid. end preeident Kruger wee deuiroue to meet the [overn- men: in e proper spirit. He believed the: the time wee not fer diecent. when Rhode- Iie would here Ielf government. II:-_ hnrnhnrhin nnnmirmul glut. Lh- [ZYIIIHICUIE VLIIU FPQIKIY CUIIIUIIIIUU VIII` Rhoda Ind thud] boon heavily punish- od. Tho ovornmont was not going to an im. and to dohrrivo him of his nu-{Irv nnnnnillnnnhin whip hurl hon nan- PTDPUOIIIC llllll, Inn 50 U! l'lVU nun DI ll rivy oounoillorlhip. whic bud ban con- rnd upon him I his grub aorvioo. and y_onld uliotgntg oyglty Sout._h fxmcy 0 H16 CUIIIIIIIUKE I'U['0l'Kh Mr. Chamberlain reminded the opposi- tion that it was due to their insistence that the committee had been appointed, and that he himself had been made a member of it. He had been in a position, he said. in which he felt like judge. witness and defendant. and he thought he deserved the sympeth of the house from the fact that during t e eighteen months of diliicult South African negotiations he had been worried by constant irresponsible charges and suspicions. and he was glad that he was able to speak at last as a free man. Asto the telegrams, he said he had nothing ` against their publication. Whatever they contained was no evi- dence against the colonial oice. He was convinced that, while Cecil Rhodes fault was as great as a politician and statesman could coInmit.thre was nothing that affected his personalvcharacter as a man of honor. It was said he had deceiv- ed others. So also did Garibaldi, Cavour and other triots. It was a military l necessity. r. Labouchere. by bringing ; outra sous char against Rhodes. Beit ` and arris. ha abused the privile e of l l parliament. The speaker contend that Rhnrlnn had als-adv hnnn hmavilv nnnialh FOR] UK IW IUIWSIIIOII. ` Sir H. Campbell - Bannarmnn, liberal member for the Stirling diaoricb. support.- od the committee report. Mr (Eh-rnlmrlnin rnmlnrlntl thn nnnnui. neon prouuoeu. `Sir Williqm Vern Harcourt. the neon! leader. defend the committee. `end egld he thought` the re to conclusive on on important point. e ncrongl de- t ded `Mr. Chamberlain and decla that h 5 action, at the time the raid occurred. disproved ell inuinuatione of complicity. The chergee that the committee had plotted to euppreee certain evidence were worthy only of contempt. He hoped. he eeid. he would not live toeee the day when I majoril. of the house should declare by vote t at. they did not trust the yard of its etetesmen. Sir H. (`.nmnhnlI.Rnnnm-man. liharnl nuvo nun upu I boon produopd. - ir William Henry Labouchoro Ipoko in the same strain. He said he thought that if Canada should be raided by the ucrouri of state of the United Sum without the ascent of the rouident, Ennlnnd would nob bo nuis- od f the secretary of mm was treated on Cecil Rhodes had been. D3- IA:-L--l 'lI:..I.- DA-A`: nl.--an-llnu AU UOOII 50000! lll 000!)- Sir Micheel Hicke-Beech. chenoellor of the exohequeneeld the government would heve to consider whether Rhodee should rgemein in the prlvyoouncil. But in deal- ing with him, is must take into oonelderm tlon the services he hed rendered generally. All the deupeging rumorn, alleging oom- ioity on the pert of the colonial olllce. ve been exploded ee feet ee they had been nmrInnul_ Amce onarwreo oompeny. . After a number of questions, the Hon. Phili James Stenhope. radical member for urnley, moved, amid loud redical cheers, a resolution that the house regret- ted the conclusive character of the report of the committee. more particularly its failure to recommend that specific steps be taken with erd to the admitted com- pdlicitiy of Cool Rhodes, and asking that r. awkesley. the sttorney of Rbodes.be ordered to sttend at the bar of the house. end toproduce the telegremswhich he refused to show the committee. Mr. Sten- .ho , who ha been described as "A Re- vo utlonery Aristocrat Without Being a Mirabeeu, supported his resolution in a vigorous speech. He attacked the char- tered compeny, Joseph Chamberlain. sec- reter of state for the colonies. and Cecil Rh es, end expressed a desire that the letter should be deposed from his member- ship` in the privy -council. He also wmted the charter of the company materially modied. ll -..-n T..Iu\unLn-in -nnlpn in Ohms: -noun Loxnou. July 27.--'l`ho house of com- 'monu wu crowded yesterday in oxpooty tion on spirit debate upon the report of the saloon South Africa committoo. Ip- pointod to inquire into the ciwumntancea of Dr. Journos : roid into the Transvaal, and into the conduct of affairs at the South Africa ohnl-fared company. Arm 1 number of auuhiom. In. Iuuuopo land a union nognmnc Ohn-actor of Report--'l'ho Son-ion llodu Inn Bcndoncl Gdnonuy-llr Wllllnm llnroohrt Dotundod the com- Inlttoo-Ir. OIIIIBIIOIIIIII Bald than was Nothing Agulnn Colonial onco- Poultlon of South Africa Bonn Now than Any `lino Ilnco tho Bald-lotion I',1nnO I IIJIIAMBERLAIN AIIACKEM THE coM,PLIcITv or CECIL nnonzs WASDISGUSSED. ylunmnnnms LnsI.| Debate on Report of South ' Africa Committee; In full of interet to economical A buyers,nll`si;es, 12 to 15} neck h1nd,and a large assortment of patterns. `Inning.-`A- -A`;-` 6"` nan` -I Anna xmesrox. o1~mu:1o.' ` TUESDAY. JULY 27. 1397. | ta 3.... ~*'."""*I-.1 m Iplu ovum IIwnIu.n-lino Inn NO nu! lull!!! Hulda. . In in fooling Inch um: than In HO lull wink-. Holnpindinoungluluuuoon to Ito cod: 0! lltuiunl uthltna mhinjhrlvh nacuuy. ol IIIIIII, Ilmlglli ill! EH30 I0! aunt! coals. Ir. Loo did not nah Ibo lotouob between two nun. Tho pt-upon hi I: In In hor I uuhInnnld ln'rI.(ll) ..a':L.:.u'.'.":`.{ win n1x_u'uIIvUUu-|.`C_ZIFIl- Lennon. JII fI.-'l`bo conu- 0 wk new Guuthnytehl lllhdlwhi hill Ihundlniln/dink. hgh l ' W M E.`.':'.s.r..'?'..: '."..:'.'..'.'.t*.:..'*`..." "'*' -"5 nnkhnuhood hnnin. thorn nuxnocyouuruallni Burn. Ilon\..July 27.--'l`hoto In not 3 niacin tho noun whlohouuhow nah oxtnmonrintiona nthoprtoosowhiohlo lqblduthobiunond mnonuroloou. Iowa-coldh3yurUo nsootoluyndionu bl-ll.8m.000. Fman yurlnplllohud ..`*"...'.':.".'.."".'.':f~ .'Z ..T'.':`..`..`:' .:E:.':: `I !-oln oooo `narolglz A Trootlo. MAurrrA, Ohio. July 27.-Ao on excur- oion tnin no roturning from Zonoovillo. Ohio. at 9:50 loot night, tho treotlo work our 5 bottom land. too And A ball miles from Moriotto, govo VI], And two of tho four ooochoo won droppod to I corn old bolow. Tho coooboo woro llod with ox- onnionloto. but no ooo woo hillod. Fiftoon poroouo woro badly injured. and an no Inoro or loan bruiood. llioo Nollio Pntdy will probably dio. Ono of tho ooochcn took re. uni aono ol tho pulongon won dngod holoro thoy ouch! compo. `Ml ihis melt. Pretly much your own wn `-as far 31 prices go. '.Nevenod no many Hats in one season began. 25:: and oc for pick of the whole stock. lowers all reduced. Lowly goads xoc, 15c, 25c pier bunch.

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