m L xuououam" :A rye ltlal Coll-Us In Inn nk Y.-u-Q h|_._a..._.. Yukon. A-..I. unv A:uIuullU l 3810 rpoul.` Wsl 3:-coo has I A .1- 4.1.- ..-|.| ):-- Woman. Ont. July Q.--Iuuul"vnoh znlbhddunadl abu- logboludvii. bluntin- Ln-AL-nn-n 4|.-ad. -ll-_- 5. '-4..; 4.- IHIVE IIIIIVIIII !% NOW XUIUI HID` day bought I oondgnuun 0! 150 hollow logunboutltgonhct in bank withtho 0! ingniu. Iophvolnudopud II may nun DIIII Anon`: llwn. The Wad lino utuuurbpnncmwlnioln urlnd as aunt has New You-ion Bun- tlni hi - Anna]--snags A. Iln I.-ll.- {me Tit % an at ta?` ol ununo am: quo- wu n onyu-tad: . B decided to hold tho maul gums`: futnn uttholuno on ullsognnd lodge of coding Tn Aloctor from Capt. Lolnmn. ho: tho Doulnnilynppcur out oftho popon oboiurdsm to_ chonoct that be any `curious object looting in the Whiho an on Jul 17th. which was noltlur nuhlpnotn dntfwlnlo. but numllcds balloon, ond,Cop6. Latino suggests that it may have bun And:-I : balloon. Th wild uh` L11-15:4 xla mm, 1. .O.l`.. on tho pr`:-` 1- A oo lug: use we utnaunn nclnc runny. :l`ho Annual union of the grand encamp- Inout ol the`. ol Onurio and Quo- boo Wu bald In Inntlnn vndnnlnv, in un- Wlllmli F0 IIIIIC PHIL Raymond Blashwayta. afroquant non- tribntor to the London magazines and nawapapera. la making a tour of Canada for tba rpoaaol wrmnya aerial ol articlaa on mmigration. tha Kinguon military oollaga and the Canadian Pacic rallviay. Tho aaaaion of the Inand -manna. menu. uvenuennorg, Ion-In-law or Dr. Otto Nordenekjold, the Arctic explorer. reportefrom Auoenelununtif nothln le heard from Herr Andre in six weeks He not likely that anything will he bird from him thin year. Eleezar Mnncle was bronchi . before lice magistrate Bedford I0 Deeeronho on ondny on A charge of noeivlng stolen good; from I nun named Reindeer who broke jeil some time ago. Manolo was committed to stand trial. h.-_.u..-I II.nI..__a.- _1....._._;. ____ UOIICIOIIUY OI CUUJRIU DIG HOOD IOIHIG. Sir Wilfrid Leurier will be entertained lbl banquet on Mohdey by the French friend: of Cunede in Peril. He will meet president Feure on Thursday and will be the gueet of M. Henouux on Friday. George B. Reeve. zeeerelynto meneger of the Grand Trunk nilwey, eeye he is greatly pleased with the evidence of re- turning prosperity in Ontario, which be everywhere obaerved during his recent hour. I'lllllIl0l'l ICTDDK. J. B. Lning. provincinl Iuditor. has been examining the boolu of Suhford, the brou- .urot of Simcoo oounty. who nbncondod 1 few weeks ago. It is nid that nlrondy I deciency of $60,000 has been found. Rir Wilfrid Lain-inr will LA nntgot-lngd an or aunaly. oronto bee boon oelcctellor the next biennlel meeting of the right. worthy rend lod eat the world. Independent 0 er of 0 Template. The) order it over half- :-million strong. J. B. Lninm In-nvinninl nndil-Ar, Inn ham. ` u8'3'ChnrIu Rivera-Wilson. pruldont "of the Grlnd Trunk railway company, nilod from England on Baturdny for New York and in oxpoctod In Montreal on non Sutur- dn or Sunday. m-nnln hn hnnn nnlu-0n'lnp Hm n.-I. w|"I"bo Potroloaooil crust. boring for oil In the Gupo district fora Ion time back. hu ntlon th Boon rowntdod ys gather. which wil give as loan in hundred hm-olu d . ` ` Hg! nhnrlnl Rinnn.WiImn nu-n-hi;-A --0 uuulur ucnorll l'IllWIy. Ex`-Unitaod Sula senator Doolittle, of Wisconsin. died in Provldonoo, R.I.. Tues- dsy morning, of Brigitfn dllouo. Ho was oi hey-we can of ago. In Hull u an-ri-on in tn In lhrnnuth. PIJNCTUATION MARKS LDC nnmux garrison II to 00 Intel) I'.n- I end by nix hundred ublllq man mm England, Thai 41! in nfi '-fa Him UIIIG D] II! IIIIIIGIIII I|'DllIO_ D!!! "DUI Enghnd. my iii! ho p ` `fn it gjfumbforuathoukn of tho har- DUEEIDDOUF PTUIIU. I M h e suggestion in pa ic y repec t at the propoecd Devonshire ball for cheriby be abandoned. Most of those concerned have received the idea coldly. A nnblecrnm mnaivnrl At VLnnnuvAr An- :1 Gun rum mwlvotl In vuncouvlr un- nouncoa t at $400,000 of British capital has boon nubncribed for the construction of the Cauiar Central railway. Ex`-'UnitAd Shh: nnnntnr 'DnnllM.|n, nl A rich troloum strike is `reported Amon tho upo peninnuln oil walk. They -have n worked there I number of you: but without profit. Thu lnaaanhinn in nnhlinlv rnnanlmnl Hunt Us I n IV: The governor-general in will uh Stnnlo house on cho Cucapodin, but will lit my 5 ying vinit to Owun and Toronto nut month. ` A -X-Ir. o..L_..I-..... -L_.'|.- I- '_.._-_A-.I ox umoao, (HOG on uunoly morning. A doc I: from Cairo uye it in rumor- ed that rlendly bribe: have occupied Abu Herald without any reumenoe having been eered. ' ` Olurlee A. Bouford. Brookville, has been nppointed private eeoreury to G. T. Be!Il','Ruamenb genenl pueenger agent G. . . Li'ont. Svondonborg, uonln-law o! Dr. Mn Nmd.n.H..m 9.. Armin ....n...... EH38 AKd'i1?.EiiZ'c"JJei'nE' ""7 " "'"'"' Rev. A. A. Cunoron. of Brooklyn. N.Y.. may roooivo 5 call to the pubontao of the Fiuu Baptist church, Oumn. , Wlrd S. Mlnllpr. nrivntn nanrntnrv` In 500 BLOUSE WAISTS ' 75 .Ce;nt.sE.ach~. VVIHI Do .|ll.lI'lIlEI', PHVIW ICCTUFITY 50 Geo B. Swift while tholatur wu mayor to ioqo died and i . 0 A dumckh I.-0;" (1:im..{v.ns:E..m.... I3}. 11 urmgnu, I ;vhilq ing. U0 nun: P. And! IIIDIOIIII UXpOIlIIOIl"|II 1 UV! - ` A bnkumnn named Charla Luuly vu run o'vor by 3 Toronto. Hunilton & Buhlo train and killed last evening. Dgn A A f'`._.._._ A! I)_.-I.I.._ IYV an walla mg. MOI P. ndy has been appointed United Batu missions: to Paris Inter- nnt.ionIl'expooitio `n 1900. A hrgknnmnn nnmnd Inn:-Inn Tlinnlu man lruly. The C.P.R. compu& will imugunto it: now`; nri of mu to on Kootonay point: 130- I . Bo lovillo pooplo contributed $832.10 to the India fumpo tund; Brookvillo gave 0338.55. Howard. the oi ht-your-old non of John nun`. Oonrtrighh, nt., was drbwnod Tua- dnv Ihiln Mina ' 1'nomu':,m1 V ` I vvmwy runner, died Iluddonly III I vnunIIy_ ." ` ' The prollnimry ring of the Wong Al- urgbds election uh! bcguuh Begin : you- to ny. Thn C P.R. nnmnnnu rill innnan-in an vuvvitvo Ali '11 ha Hall ax gun-hon in to In ubron}th- and In I`: hnudrnd Al-Mllnrvmnn nun Ivprnoy-- loOtIl`I'o-Allonr--ttlo Ivan- Thomu Bmi 5 Whitby died lnddanlv hum I in vnnmhv ' JULY 23; 1897. % NEWS [IF THE !VllRl.ll. lrnnncnnrnswlnmn ur. cmwromrs. TELEGRAMS FROM THE EAl'I"H'3 FOUR QUART ER8 GIVEN. What `Cong; `to ifs` from Alll 'wuIvuu and mi! oolcuy. 1 A cubImn roogivod at Vanoouvor on- nnnnnnn f at IAIYI lI'I'I nl `Initial; nnnil-I L`... `ll'lV DIPFIIII ODIIIUII, UFIIWI. Ward 8. Mlnkler. prince secretary` 6 loonn B. Swift Ihiln ch. lnttnr in nutm- will convince you that they are the best in the trade. Try them PERFECT . . FlTTl1. sums j You Before Is what our.ne w custom-" crs constantly say. One trial of our - low wll nnoillt 1`. VVOIIIIOII now his gun worked. when the _u-igmor mapped. nod Waldron received the ontin charge in oidoolthohud. Ann and an on no s>Lnc,and be may lie. 0 in at tho helpl- F. J.` I`:-nah had hit fuoand can land- ly bumod yutuday by tho oxplodon at a bicycle onunoling oven. Fnnh wn thnvnuoronthoroombytholoroo olbho oxplodoo. Hiqonlaud wn bully out by the iron door of tho own. ` Aoosaouu-A370-alps. Guru-u. Ont... Jul 28. Hul- lott wu ahowinc '1'. uldnfn how in vol-kod.wbon the mug nnnnul. And ` `CID Ellllll 005!- snu IHIITIX `V IIIIIK l`'l.ro "om Whom aha wu divoroqd. Thin, after I limo, cams her prcun husband, Glulord. Mn. Glutortl bu boon collector of custom: at Port Sherman and putmimon at Bin!- mn. IVIIOIII IDO IIIO ODIIIIIIOU I (llVOI'OO- In 1889 the moved to Hunk county and marriod Wimnn Fowler. ram whom I.IQ -nn Jinn:-ngd in... -CA.- - |.'_- goonu. ma me eervea u e nnrle. For meritorious eervioee an Eerrleorfe Lending ehe wu preeented by resident Lincoln with A beautiful gold In el. Bim- mone was taken prisoner, nnd she never heard of him again. After the war` ehe married Andrew J. Harrington. Divorced in 1876. lbs mar-rind John wlm... lman IIIIITIEI AIIUIUW II. l'1Il'l'|l'|`FOI'I. IIIVOICOC in 1876. who married John Whiu, from whom she also obtained a divorce. Tn III!) also nun:-A an Il...I....._ ......-a.. um uu uluuuowon ol Illvlng mu IIVO nul- ben I, end: of when; we: I war veteran. She ie A well- rved women of lixty- one years. an of etlzlveetlkep renoe. Her Bren husband, \vVlem O. immune. wue member of the United Btetee Dre- goonn. end the served e 135' Far mnrhnrh-nun nnruhua an `an-I-A-J. `nu Iunurkablo Booord at nlllohlyna ` '0-9 " 4 DICATUI, Mich, July `Z8l`--`n. Km L. Glulord. of Musk on county, bu tabo uni no distinction of ving had live but- bnn I. such nf whom in: A Inr vnlnnn Inrrlliory. _ , Tho minister ofonuom hooboon_nthor- ind by ordor-in-council to omplo oxoioo ooou in tho bondod worohouooo o to oco ond cigar Iootaotiol to not on mutant I k- oro {or also colloollon of onooouo (lotion on {n loo! tobacco, undo: tho norm` ooh of Thorn bogino to he talk in oonoorvotivo ciroloo horo no to Sir Chou-loo '1`uppor'o in- tention: in tho mottor of tho pony Indor- Ihip, And it in again uoortod shot ho hoo hope: of being olovouod to tho rugs. which would moon hil rotiromonb rom - nodion politics. 3'. X. Fnnnhnn Inn-may-Iv nannl-. fmu OJ.- muun pouuou. F. X. Cauchon. formerly agent for the Dolunru and Hudson. Manual. has been poi ntod tidowulbr at Bonavontun depot. , ontrul. FIVE HUSBANDS. ALL SOLDIERS. culinary 0! Origin Ina nouwuo W0 conco- tion of revenue when the good: 300 over the mountain: of Tngish, which in Britith territory. Th: mlnlntnr nfnnnlmmn hnnlnhn -nhlm-_ Dunn Not Llkoly to ho Oollootod It D:-on by the Oonndqnn` 0 ynlloou. OITAWA, July 28.44 ' gm nooiyod _by tho minister of custom: from Vaohorin tutu shut the Britiuh Columbia gov- emmons bu contented to and four pmvinciul polioo with tabs customs oioeru who ' b tbr ntoamor I. 0 au- thority of her majesty : ouatonu uh Dyan and Tagioh. It In that likel am; tho oioor nh Dyan will attempt to loot duties. but he will inspect ontriu and cam! to tho count:-v nf nrialn and lnnilitntg t. A nnllnn. mnncinn. Ei ;a'ni"iiii}i.B'e"&"nE:J.' IrTi'o'o}c'1?"'& Iii country of origin and luoilihtao t 0 colloc- tinn of rmmnun ulna Mm panda than n...- IIIIDIII II] WIIlIGl'IWlIlg N10 `limo Alta argument by council the magis- trate diemieeed the one And thus I; an end to a long end tedious proeecut on. nluul nnli DI nu: .$KCl@I|'slII DI!` with Ferguson. the bartender, for domutic purpoul. Ho then call- ed tho wltmu who tootlod to too- ing the pouch coma out of that bar- room, when the crown nttox-no ohjootod thst u witneu who had Jioli to tutify to thonumo of tho pox-non he now oomin out of the bu--mom when lnurrogu , lhduld not ho alloid to givi vidonoo {Oi- tho Hofonoo. Mr. Hsvoroon settled tho muttcr by withdrawing the witnou. AIM! Araumnnh In mnnnil an tannin. IIIODII. OIIIIKIIIRV WWII I..P' ing the bar opal Iughd .d"ul|ln On the unondmont hoinc ranted Mr. aver- non, of the Iioouo hol on ulooiuion. who conducted the dohnoo, plnood tho non of the ddondsnc Young in sin box, who un- hiod that ho had antalldo the hu- Cill Fnnnn Inn u` Iugnubnaulnn Inn Ill] UIDIIII lalllll FIJI CIIIIIIIIIIIU JCT` gnnon coma out of who but. Tho one was again ndjonrnod until yeitoniny, when crown attorney Mnlloch. who lppotd for tho limpootorduo lid for an and- monu. o ' . . wit oop- imr the b.':'o":a.. `H .dnlllna. On IIIICI. IlIl l'IT' ` null hlid. 05!` 0` Io liqmyw on Bunduy.` sppouul Ilf PR3 lI'I FIJI WIIJII. XX. HI Cull doolmod to` IIIIWOI` no question: tending to orilninato himulf, in mud Shh` In now _on the day in qnution I - non obhnr than I-.hn dnhndnnli Ar. any can, no sppunn union Inlyor au- hnnnd`nugMn` in Ta ID!` on Ju `loch. than than wuodjoamd I|llJ;iy lilth, whuen ltxn prooadod h '0 tuna. on Using, bnogulul up to drum shun, doolinod to aunt on Nag: that tho Illlizl w'o:ld and to Ill than to I pronoun on I poult I gr thqlioonlo not. Tbodolundnnt xoon donlod having sold liquor on the Jail: question and an wife of tluoohcr d dust know nothingofsny drinking in mlii homo. Thoouo wunn Id and until the Hub inch; when one on witnouu was any placed in the witnou box. no will quutlona 9.. ..-:..:...-s- \.:_..n ... ..s-s..l Ah 1.. Who nu uninten-posted IoBu".voIv|dunu!' II__...... 'l\_A ',_I_lu I '9 l7._._. `I uvv V ...P-;:.*;......~~- .:::;.~:r#....** '.:::| hbhmdn. wan churn! In innnnlu Ila; can TO INSPECT ENTRIES. a:rusI:u..;roTT'I'tIi'r.T A. c. JOHNSTON 1: mnlnhj n`. In:-ll..- -ruu-vuuvruljiiii On ma. ' on "E-pin If Inning 9 5.3.. wan ;_}_7 N Nomi! lyn.-`H. .3. tan. luau-n|onIcr- IIu.I. E31773? Poxn Enwnn, Ont, July !I.-hI this moraine thoubodor Oonrll. , -. Windlor-Boo Ilu. struck I ah Cl - ooni of the point, and wuddvh ononiononluaa I450 lions. Th hangar cod cow lwdodln ml taken to In-uh. Th Gunilla In nonvn A tnlnl In- IIICI T XTDII: T` Iopnvonoul or sum; part In Iouou will 2:6`, and promoting the line: oi t..Iaddmto angntfgr now Th luonoltho nhipmvhilli; of gogzl:-'u:o.tion will be uoonldnhd nah"; um an coming you me in-at die}: dam. . ~` *"' We have full assortment in every size, 12% to 15. -- cu Tj-'?-`w' Wouhnohuu udhvua, 3...- Q. ' ronuua mm Innllpc. * Lonaox. July 2s.-In cumulus! Ely, homo at common! m.., ~ 3: on.GooroJ.0ouhcn, m . +`,:`: udmiralty nnnounood 5 u - ' nan] oullnah of IOOOMII. ` ' f,/ uid.wu noo'o`umtId`by npld - ~ tolorol an as. t Ipropondb , -` the ongnnb nonoultlln the ~ ~ -` oomnunoomont oltho ~ , four additional vary but I ' V of 11,860 tom cull. aldw dnty of taking part In not will Ihinn and nrolAnf.inn u Ilnnn nl TO RENT. AIUIIIB. 001'!` ll 03! I Lnwnnoo. no 1: land. Q the city. contain 1 roonn. nu-ll: Nu A 1 oxnuinis i OAK BI MIX) _ with boch nhcldnnd doubh ` modem oonvonluwu. at Q Qua, A I'm)--UPB.IGll'r AND ' ,. nut]: on orlndi mauve I nihlo nub 51.4 house 11 Ontario _ M6 and oxponuu. Puma: Ikldy. i Enolou -olruddruud sun on Tun Dounyou OOIPAIY, Dept. &..`0h O . Tu-vynn an; IIlIf:.lIIIh glllt honors! ..':'&3. an lg:t.Yo#llI. WAN rln-BIoH OHADII I church standing III `I ` - 9. .9 . In to .. ` buntnoumthontoul M 3:10! I shat hon; salary nun. 0? ` mud otampod onvulopo to ./ . ` General lnnunr. one DAILY ma. ANTED -- urnragrr "'"i .TE'.?3.aI 32.1 W All!) to have n fI-l- -I- ` , `[1; ANTED - HIGH - GIL I W gozd church standing our but! on. than to no u , ` , rupondontlll 'IIlI:zl, V - (I I OI \ Go oral Aunt. MIC Am (Llrnlt to each Customer.) ' IKIUIII UIICHTAK-U Prlnoou has 00 I phone Mlvu-Entoud into not A0; L notary on she mot-nigf of J Julia Ann: Pnunon. dowel w. Bludon Mayor. 0! quue.-3 ' 88th var. JAB. um.- inu than Maw uvvry Duals uuu uwuu this your : niche. No old I all new and up-to-date. Come and on them at W _ 1 I-Jus'f6'I3 Eni%i N W New Whitolluoks for M An 41 my .st.v.1.es.}. AT one-HALF.Rafd LAR VALUE8. `:9 A-'Mil`untiI 5 PM. To`-Vmorrow. SPECIAL PBIOE8- , , l5c. 30c, 40c. Bola tank for Duthrlol I W a 88th year. lxuual. APPLY! 'rl.I lamnownus oI|,ll ' HID I03 GENERAL I10 Apply :0 I06 Eu :1 Hind. - E irt "`- ::'.'..."......:..`.?':'::.-..`.!:'%e` York sum Wam;,% Word : 3 1.` Hill! IIAII. ;'!H--. Ilhllnrin A-I| D-mi W. I. DIIUIAI. Innnnn AIII In-nun wanna?" BOARD. `Fl `bin to on nnh A In t mum on.- marks ti` nhonou pout. nun lion point than coming. 1510; 174. an all . " ~ noon in 3% alt` 11:`: In it won of nodal do: can of ulnnl torn-10:51. V000 tluou on '| nu ma: nan," `H m!'l_nhn' r. 1. n. p."'u.n$. an ocnupu vlulh '"!oiT :.-`.-...-'.:`'x '1....':..'-.....-"..'.~ % - MISS KBYES. JTILIIL I83 Brook Otroot. db-nit: &-Am-1. Q-Ilr-I-mhagyum. Evotything reduced for this day only. Don't miss this oppottunity tq Iocnug Bupins. ca-Zillijij Q in 9.: run uamqnnn wanna] |Sutherland sl . In-I-5 nn-nuu.I.0..J a._aa Hvblo-hymn -sL.I...1_ Will be a day of special Bargains In shoes at FRIDAY! oun snv`Io3nnn ART." To learn that next KlNOS'l:O'N THURSDAY BARBAIN UAW thd bacon Hutu! a nunlud r Jwo than intohor bud,udtIIan killed f binned! by loud nbullotlnh llil brain. Ou Phohnh ywnfonud the follow- Inoeo: ":50 wonnn'icie:in:ndKn':o |."`h9 `I W: 9 ' Chin. and but nuny n ma Mann Ullll strut. out but no lfllll w. rnollll. 0! lb. notudloborludoronlridny nl annorlnhlinlouvomou-bolio AOIIIIJVOI 0 Mb of Ilmludlatlovor QIIIQA -n-_ Will 00 IO CDC- "P. .-A low Alncriogn vanhlpu In Jnpunu nun would do no hm." uapan uou to say noon 1: nnynow 1": We publloh a special dospatch con_- rming one printed in the Tom , relative to the protest of Jo na lnot t cannon- tion of Hawaii by 0 Un tod Stator. We do not think that the United Btatoo can our entertain tho proteat con- coming it: policy from any non- Anglo-Saxon race. England in an Anglo-Saxon raoa. on and simple, and ban for tholaat two undrodyaarl vornod V tho world by in common aonao. oroo and oivillzl Instinct, and today 83,000,000 of tho An o-Saxon raoo acrora thayptor nd tbomao was confronted with one of thooo Mongolian, Indian and Aoatralaalan con- tinontl. Wa know varanvoll wbt Eag- 1".;"..":':'1*.':'..*=:':'.-'.__..%*.*.*_-:-1-_-:::'..-_-; A nun wuulu no unau III! ovrannnum and yo trust that the Anglo-Boxgu Um: Bl.|t:`will do the mm. _A 4.... A....z..- .......u__ ; I III DIIUTIHIHK nw You, July 28 -A a xociol to the Herald from Puia says: he Herald : European edition publishes the following editorial, under the heading, ,"WItu Japan Got to Buy About It Anyhow 2": We nnhlioh n nnoninl danmtnh mn- IIIIIIIIIIII lli IIIMIOIIDIDOIJ Willa. The Globe, after referring to the "Cyni- cal Insolence ol the American Minister." says : "Should it be our misfortune to engageinuquarrel with our kin beyond the sea, we must seize Hawaii immediately, but the stats of things against which it is necessary to take precautions now is the by no means remote contingency of a war ,between the United States and a European power able to take Hawaii, whih would then become a strategic point or great im- rtancs against ourselves. If Jupan eb- icatse or commutes her rights. it is the clear duty of this country to interiere.even at the risk of another abusive despatch frgn Sherman. -m V..-" t_|_ma A .... -:-u r- .L- Cmcmo. July !8.-A torrlblo and use nl`ruIIW.Ph0|I||.0lC%.LOIII.u|0 fllldmtilfkldnv nl-ht Inn. nan Iroln one nun nun II? II no concern or Great Britain whether the Unicod Slate: nnnoxu Jlunii or notz, but Japan : pro- mo nhould gin the Amorlcnn jingou nolnothingto think about. It mmino to be non vhothr American opinion will ntify tho nnnointion polloy. Ilia does, the matter will become important, for Japan Inc 3 powerful navy. and u it. dou- noo. noonury Bhornnn, and llln nu rllldonh HoKinloy. will think Ow bo- f invihinn hhn Jnnnnann Innvw in (In (In t"DONl` MISS THIS CHANCE. No% Waiafs willbe charged, `sent onlpproval or exchanged from I ghia ule. HARDYS, (09. turn-nu-visga av-ni-urn-an ....uu...-..--. _ IIIIIIU -UQ|lI$ . Will Illlll WWI DC` rs-'0-inviting tho Jupnnooe nnvy to do the mischief it undoubtedly could. Tho Glnhn. nnr rnfnn-inc tn lm "(".vnL LII! {Ill lllI|l UIEFIC Ilyli "WC DIIVC nid from also nt uh it in concern of am... `II-u..:.. ..|.-n... oh- n..:....I |:u.-;.. you ulluurlulnu. nuglllll l'Btlll:El0|)l con- veyed in previous ietwra In this qiciai were veried. _ ` Lonnox. July 28.-'1`he Bt. Jamee' Ga- zette commenting upon Japau e rotut in the Hawaiian tar eaye: wording to European :1 it amounts to a threat to reeiet the transfer of the archipelago by force. and in uivaient to warning the United Steteeotlbat they muat give up their view: an to Hawaii, or repare {or war. It does mean juat ao mm: in the mouth of Japan. thonghihe Americana do not` seem to think no. But they have ouch odd ideea of diplomatic language that thy are no great authotiee. ho PAH Mn" ntnttn nun - "TU: lunm lvfIllVlI IIIVU IIUUII UIICTIIUI-"WI II IIIIU Ja eee venment, and carry in ad tion to t e 1.600 pueengera, arms. ammunition and milltari etoree of null!- oient quantity to make t lute:-eating for any trying to prevent thbir lau inf. In dit on. three large men-ol-Inf are al- ready prepared to leave Yokohama to at- rive at Honolulu no ab5'nt the aalne time en the landing of the eo-oalled emlgrante will take place. The correspondent, who bee beeu educated in the United, Btetee, need the expreaeion, no doubt acquired when here : We vvlll get there, and don't you lotget it. end rernerked further : I can- not write thia in my own language. but you understand. Engliel: redlctione con- lecture -am val-{Hall LITIIIIIIVIQIIIII II. IIUWJII FD. I'I'I' non utoognh. being ugldion in the apt- nou Iorvioo. And will go on than in Hono- lulu an Iimplo citoiunl, but diillod and ready for military duh Iv once. The ntoamou have been "oinrtorod by tho Jnnnnuo novnrnmont. and mum in WYIFIOII II, I IIIFIIT UIIIOIII I III I a fanny! Jnpunuo oioor livin in thin city. conveys the information I: tho J govonunonb will forward to Hono- In a in the lnthr put of July. 1,500 Jqpto nan aminnnu. Lon Amzus, 051., Jul written by: Jnpnnuo o oinl in Japnnto former Jnnmdn oionr living in shin upon Inn ro_n'ma Moo human to Honolulu-All mum no load: For Vlduuotjpolnqllnhu Ia-v|oo-Itpn `rayon-ups-'1 lfrouu la; 5 Inn!!! to Unljod lo!-Iollllly All Ibo!- IIII VIII" `HIIIR rum-=1! 783! `IF dlonlu `nun In-Ital: lust um-nu. 28.-A letter DI-imam luv u Jnnnnnnn I: ah! in Jgngn tn |"'.. rn._LE W 123? PRINCESS STREET, comments 3ip; s Pro- test In liiwanu Platter. I - wmutas no NOT uguoznonuo; DIPLOMATIOW KANGQAGE. lV"1"F"E%P"'1 ICC IIIUSC GI IIIVIVIICXUIIO I$ll`K-.W UI-l-U ebb he PAH Mall Guano aye: We have mid from Hm nt. Mun it in no nnnmrn nf 3 C nun. Thozlfndividunln an nowxln the 4""- nn .o.'\l....L. Lninn AAIASA-. 8- AL- nu.- A TERRIBLE TRAOIDV. xums'r`o1*.T %oN'mnIo.` W]:nDN'DSDAY, runl-um-puny: ....:"'., .':..:".:::'~. ~...... .. Gdoda will be laid.out dccording to size, so that choice will by easy. ' Aculllnlvoodlntoq. ' Couuowoon. Out. July 28.-Iontlny honing. hub euvaol u Bho loun- Nn.Iu'nrOol|ioIrood.n mull pa-hut` hmnnnlonhlotouwulanul an an uncut ox no puouonvcnu. Tim 0 nomuoluvorypnu-nllyupprond 5:`. `cliches: who uh an Intcndln `thonpot ..:.-- Ioyslty To no input. Ornvu. July 28.--At a cabinet council` \ yonotday Ihonubjoct of the Yukon was I nundoroonIldontIon.nndiz wu do- odthnlbuglnltyto bo loviodontho [old hhn on that count:-ywould be ill potoonl. onsll amount: hhn out of $2.: an claim up to O50g:hwuk. and age: t twenty cont. ought to V0 Ihodouinion: boatlumo rowan. And in addition, uncut be nmolaborod that. an dandy uanonnad. :2:-y lI&0l'lI|(Q_ , Ihluhlbhnnrvul hrthobuudtolthopu nvcnu. `Phil 1 NC `El In h Vfillnlli nnnnnuntl euu-crouury. SAN FRANCISCO. July 28.-'!'he leteet rumor from Aluke ie ee to the wonder- fully rich quertz in lerge quentitiee on the Btewerd river. Pertloulere ere vague. end beyond the feet that the bdge in e [ergo one end thet the rock eedye 8300, nothing an be leerned. Thie. ll true, will meen much for the Klondike. district. The, Bteverd river rune into the Yukon not ler ebove Deweon. end it in reeeonehle to lup- thet the pleoer gold now being found low mey heve its origin in the Inounteine to the h or the Btewerd riverend neigh- boring e no. Hnunm. July 28-'1`he project of eldermen Miller end George Findley to leed e pert of elx up to the Klondike die- trlot on oodey wee nipped in the bud to-de by e oommunioetion from the front ` edvl nu theedventurere that the country ` would he lroten eolld b the `time they ` ooeld errlve. The ex tion in eewpoet poned till April. , . UIIUIII We Walf etreet become reetly interest- ed in the old discoveries in the Klondike regions. noh men at James R. Keene. 8. V. White and Weehington E. Conner, are giving a great deal of thought to the matter and admit that they are eerionely' thinking of putting mono into the Yukon mining ventnreeu A syn ioeta hee bought a three moothe 0 tion on the claim ol miner Be:-r . who bolt t out over 3150.000 from the ondike, and eont one ot the younger membere of the exohenge to Alaska to in- veetigete the minee. Jamee Rice, former- ly eeoretery or state of Colorado. has or- ganized one company with a capital of 81,500,000 tohelp develop the Klondike re Ion end to buy cleime. t is reported here to-dey that the trou- nry will gain about $700,000 in a day or two. I: the depoeit at Butte. Mont. ' ol bullion mm the new Alukan field. It will be paid for in check: at the Chicago eub-treasury. HAN Faln .'nIn OQJRQ I-Opglu ~~nuuuurr run we Iuonallo oxommont will hmubl nob tho oxchaogo sad that none Klondi 0 III; 50 lined for` `v!1!lncpurpo~o- Toe-niorrow at 75c Bach] urpung we proeluonu, W. U. ucmln, nave retired. The changes include George A. Drehe. made rioe- ideal: in` place of Louie Rose; D. G. nle. treeeurer. in place 010. M. Steed; G. D. Hedien, eecretery, in place ef W. C. Dcmin, jr., and Bruce E. Ohilton, chelrmen, in plnce of John Guy. The etebexnant wee nude at the ex henge to-dry: that moet of the chem ee represented the retirement -of the so-cal ed "bortoiee elemenI:"ln [ever of the"huetlere, el the new menegeuent le pleeeed to term iteell. It in exeeted h come of the "huetlere" thett e Klan ihe excitement will! bl he dthet :?Ii`nn 1:: far new Is Icmuo Inanard no can tong. Nlw You, July 28.-Tho mgnggemont of blag mining oxohan o of New York bu suffered a change. A! thd old oicora ex- cepting the president, W. G. Domin, hnvc rotirod. TIIQ nlnnpnn innlndn an:-an A worn no war: on men poor alrt. Slosn exhibits a very large nnrgot. while Wilkinson intone nearly no In-e on n men : hand. Sloan up thnt he could `in into the Klondike now in thirty days vi out unpplieu, but he verv much doubt: whether the hundred: wholnre starting now intending to k imtheir own outtite will get through e the Yukon in frozen. noting in with honey, he aye. in next to im ble. Sometimes the horses hue to he nuled up steep plnoel with ropes. end food is It-moo nndhud to take n'ong. NIW YORK. Jnlv I_-Thn lngnnunmnnf. vuonr uunuw, Iuucu wugnea I Ian 00 6&0 men. Evenwuh shut. nu ly their pro- vision! no out, And both goal: and Wil- kinlon believe thet there will be Iulfering thin winter from lack of toad. They may 3 men can `take one hell en ounce 3 day almoet anywhere, but that they would worn to work on much dirt. QIMHII I varv IAPDA lInlDlI|_ -Ml: minor: for youo to come. - Ilr. wmununn does not belittle the bud- obipa ol the Yukon oxperhuoo. Ho up he ooood at tho windlul on his chin: whon tho tompontun wu sixty below mono. and it took bio pan three month: to pack in their outts. I ich waiahul . am on aumh --v vv-- IIIUII II Welt -IA! wwlvw IIUIIIQ In its; per; outts, II ich weighed ton as each Evenwh that nunnlv their nm. xnlvn. ' A look oonhining over $50,000 worth of V ooxh, die ed 5 ' None! wi w to-duehowen` vivic; than word: .eou|d expceee the proteo! Mr. Wilkiulop. Bloen hoe ea` much or note and they both have their oleime, whlohere'eeid- to he worthelnillion eeeh yet. owlkineeo Iee3oetiveuet,dereforthe oooeu-notion of one of the ueee houeee in Jmuuhgolnnu-. Bpeeking ol Klondike he aye": "QII Bonenn cxeek there are elxty good yin; oleimo below the discovery thin 1- end fuy above. Every one of then I require from live to eight. new to get the gold out, working twenty eeouh. end ellftahe time. On the or o on are any good peymg chime. Beuidee theee creoke there ere may more i which the pay dirt in plenti- ful. eo Hill: on in mdm for Lhnnnnrle nf L7?uTmu'.'s"`y7hs3"Zi. ',"5?ro"i'."p'iuI'a'.' ful, on is rodm for thousands of_ lninm-1 Inn wanna h: an... I) ll, X EDIE NIH` ll I00!!! [0 minor: for to HI`. Wfiilnl (Inna uni In Nnauo, 3.0.. July 28.-`I'M: ton in IIIIO with uoi%t out ch di_u~ caution in tin Klondike. Al! the la- tigoanat to `move to thogold T bo- uutwoofih oibiuu but oonohomd Tvithdaulinz fortunes midoinn. ton xVTn.m the Yukon. John Wiltinlon and Sloan. `tiud 1:! coal mining, want totho Yukon. - % fvkl ii1i%t}i}7ou} nti Bbdtlsis wmsi rcix 31.00, $1.25; $1.50, $1.90, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 waim an in