ny to buy it: mam-ialn lot we uuvuux 3. And for tho amp out at Kings- than on the woxfk as 1;-_u pnctlc.\b|o. IIICIIIIIII vv ---7.. .__.- . favor of u..T.'?.: glues, uni the cola bu written the D. .C. on the aubjooc, n in in daily oxpootgbiqn of an answer. __.____._.__.. -:----u-- Andlo Iolhwlng Pletuun at uh onen- rlo Park. Snowbslling. Fnnonl in Csiro. Feeding Bvumortnn of CI Qnaml ut. Ohildl-on : Ball. an on Fin. Spanish Bull Fight, 8 for the Pitt. Gnu Dinnbr, Diving ch ilpn, Atlanta Bunch. I po In summer noon. Mu: bnndin stun moo. Adniuionm oh. WI! nanny In-uv Yolhtday ulturnoon named Thomas gonny had; nu-mw `W po from Inling Iownod. opthor In a com on- ho van aking from the !oo:3.Quoom.root. when he Ilippod into the nut. He was unable to swim And At. one: Isak. Comin to the nrlqoo he was In-uok on the has with I plank which In knocked into the want by his com ion: in thTFo`oru to align: menu. 0 again wont down but what: Iunrooot-ho out time two of hi: hhodl to Old: hold of his cloth- - W -_.I ....n x.-. ....s It...` .._,;, .,_ l . UV uuuu um . I "A" BATIERY RIFLE TEAM. 3&3 W CIIII Inn in nu uwur lag and pull in out. own nurly ox- huutodundlndtollootrriodto noon-by 1...: -1.... nnnhu-ntivdl wan nnolhd. liuwdnudhndtolounnatoumu hood whats tutontivu vac app! 5. corp: mu J ' 1 them .. ?:.'tIn galore the I glen. huiuny quip tilt: when :11 out mu. 3., n._..u.'_.unu'.n;...- UVI 'Juno, PgiviI':-E" th;I-n- an opportu- to do so beforo wines: oath. 7- annnrllnnn with `ha in- KW` JOEL! lo it `oh. `rom- `Ila nyuirlot Laud- l ------n.. .stnnwni.I'.AA ` ' - v auu. FIGHT TO-NIGHT. 5 "IO CIIIIO II XIII` llv `unau- membcrl `of Ibo oommittoo L Iflh 2-: Ian dill if." M -_--:..__-..-_--.._ I In Real! 9:? _ ,nL_.._--.. - _. It IIIO BIIIGI IUIIUI ., md PARAGRAPO:I8 mono I39 or out: -.A ._-.` ---_-cL-.ng l'I'IlwUIII-- --w - -vv--- w- ~- V - nus? nzpoafzm no Ink. 0! Imq oh stool tuna-ans at noon `mun. 25.` pair. two vfor-260. Qnk N;panoo will hguro 5 hiogclo mat on Aug. ch. vnmm cu no union of the nolico court am. There wee no eeeeion of the police court thie morning. ., A , The market to-dey yneone of the let-glib in ee verel`weeke. ' V T The Wino will not be publicized on Mon- de --c_i'vic holiday. no! m 5:: tinge. oorh, vex. etc.. at Mitchel `e drug store. , Midsummer carpet ale to R. HoFeul'e. Tapestry cu-pet at 200. e yard. One!) ml] . . gwing to the muddy condition of the streak lest night the oontenipleted bicycle parade wu cancelled. T. W. Hermon, of 'Picton. found A pelt` cg gold-rimmed epeoteoiee while in King- I on one`dIIy`rwIn&ly. _ Full size men : black eetin claim, 35c.. 45c.J 700. Oak Hell. ' mlm nl than member: of the American wane. sA.wunAY mm mclams OF `_THE nu. 701:. Oak null. Burke of the member: of canoe association no nlmdy camped on the foot of Grindstouo Ieland. n..u......a .14.. than nnllu-n md cuffs of Grindstouo lelmu. Colored shim. two counts and separate. 753. Out Hall. ' Parsons will take canon off. Chosen 750. Uni lull. Persona cupo_n Friends ticket. and keep it for dnwing uf prizes. before giving ticket at bout. Pabst malt It E. 0. Mibchell, 300. I Ivinuz-'3'-#"""-"` .4 l : .;u. I-...;.. Inm rizel. before giving uclcu 95 nouf. P Pabst malt 0. Mitchell Pa 30 bottle. 83 a dozen. The BeIb" 00050- nwam. nm and I-nlhhla insurance annoy Dobblo. 0.`! a uozun. mun ' nu-v wuw. Swift : old and reliable insurance agency deee the business. ye loeaeu rompbly, land edjuebe them In 1- and heneet y. rm... mmlv umointed nanltentiuu offi- and adjust: them Mr and nonecuy. The newly appointed panltontiuy cinla assume the duciu of their several otoos on Monday. Aug. 2nd, Sunday be,- ing the first of the month. _ Rt.-Aw hat: reduced. The bulanco of our the r-ab of the lnomn. Bcrnw but: reduced._ nobby straw we sell 31` for 7%., 81.25 for 90o. Oak Hall. "`n|.In n nnlnnrn V On 170!!!` V503- HUG. UAI nun. Take a camera with you on your tion, we have them from 82.50 upyvarda. E. C. Mitchell. v...o...l.m.frm-nnnn l`_ J. Rigngy and g Mitchell. Yoaterday afternoon T. J. Rigney couple of friends spent 3 few hours at Collins lake shing. They brought home ten ne bass and three or four pike. Think of buying tapestry carpet 20. a uni. Bring your cash and get. it. an R. oFaul | Kingston oarpeb Iurehouge. Rtinln: And nninnn v onner. insect MoFaul Kingston carpet Wlreuuuec. Bticky end poison y pnper, powder and gums. Pure helleboro and Paris green. Low prices at E. 0. Hit- cholI s. Children of the Methodist Sunday school, Nowburnh. will picnic at Lake On- terio park on Wednesday afternoon. be- ing the treated to ride: in the electric cm k d 1 5 Cotton soc 2. 00 unit . c. A it. Oak Hall. g q y P. The crew: of the steamer Glengnrry and schooner Minnedou. together with other employees of the M. T. Co.. will attend the funenlol the late Capt. Irwin in: body tomorrow afternoon. Hoorta Revnoldr. in the employ of the afternoon. George Re uoldo, Kingebon H; t. neat end power company, has purchased the dwelling on Alfred etroet. near Union ebreob. formerly owned and occupied by W. Moebley. rr... tn-nun cam in rimn just to hand et. occupied by W. mommy. Ton gt-on gem jar ring: just E. C. Mitehiwl. . TnunAn' nrnhhltfl nhtandl "P.l E. C. Mitchell ; James orohutn attend: Smith's excursion sad danoo nu.-. u._..iaM\, Lanvu Gin SmiIh'e" excursion no tunes to uunuum Grove to-nighb. Leevu Oieronee Itrcob wherf at 7:30. Round trip 250. A neighboring oounty editor uya he wrote I etroog article on, pnbronizing homo indnatrieu, And one of the aborekeepera wrote to him thanking him for tho senti- ment, on A letter hood printed in Toronto. Workingmen'I trousers. strong. service- nllel quality. 81, 81:25, 81.50, 31.65. Oak 3 . mu. -1...-nla.-mt.n nf tha iibbie Granger Hell. ' The whereabouts of the iibtle Gran er gi-rl, who diuppured from Wiiliamavil e a yor two ago. when the oicer of the children`: eid society went looking for her, is egyet. unknown by the authori- OIAI Arnou I anuuu nuuu; uv ......... .----_,_ , and toothache. Foreetere ennuel excursion to Rochester end Niezere Fella. Take ebr. "Columbien" Seturdey. Aug. 7th, en 6 p.m. Fare only 31.51) to Rooheuer and return and 82.75 to Niegnre Fella end return. J. P. Henley ticket Agent. A nnmmaruinl traveller who returned ` cickiib A commercial this morning from a tour of western On- tnrio. report: great. devastation to the ntanding cro Hay and grain especially culforod, whi o the berry crop was more or lose dunagcd. 1...... mlv. who {or many years put. hog dunagcd. Janna Daly, who many years he made oxhibinlonn of fruit st. full kits. will not exhibit. at the Montreal ex uition this, season as in not yoga. Thea ow begins VIII DOW X l'VIu_V III u-nun Tho "Johnston" Co`n make of fine t ed units, 810 und 812.60. Oak Hull. 1.. :. .e..u.d hv those who hnvo run 810 and 812.00. uu nllu. It. it stated by those ruson to know. that applications for the ponition 01 trounrcr of Frontonuc counts) no pouring :_ ..m. ...........a.nmd nnidity. Thor: Frontomc counoy urn pounu. in with unprooqdontod rapidity. are now our twenty upplioanho, one o! the .ununb,- nnnnlinlnfl IQVQ, IEO now ("It vwvllq -pr. county councillor: nys. 'l'u-uln ham And In at 001105] 00|ln0IlI0rI II} Trade hon und I . Oak Hull. g-nnnvn -hn ram will" run.` u-.- `! 7 Begun, Indlny nllovod `-1 clmovn minus. I ~g:.-_-....-..-_ tocub their hey. leevinrit. in the 5 before the recent reins. have suffered the loo: nlthe commodity, as it` he rowed wbereit wood. Being green, is heated -_.a A---nnrl um-v rnnidlt . and damaged very rapidly. North King lava for Alonndriu Buy Sunday: n9mm., and lot Rochester at 6:45 p.In.x Tnudsyl and Tlmndn Hero loan: nt8p.m., oonnocting wit North In... .5 nriuhtnn for Chulotto. J. P. wboroit wood. noun; 8"` ` fIP- u....n. mm. Inn: for A oonnooung mun uurau Kin at Brighton Hun y. upnt. lion : nockwou-. 250. tin. two for `. 5c. Oak Hull. Ruin ha fnllonln Rochuhr and our- rolnding bonntry for an nooouin (hp. and thank eonddunblo uieknou thoro- -u...... .. . mnnnnonco. Begwoon conduct-uuo Iluxnuu unwri- aboctc u c . conccqucnco. choviltlncilulhooolcccb. aching tho chnosphcn clccc cad irony and cumin; 3 diculby. ' . The gncdcct cut for your-Chctcn I :-lands picnic at Long Island Park civic holiday. Bccohcll. Athletic: n. Bantu. 1... . nan: cl moot]. min wclqjm. pa-igc ion. A1-not : Arnica Anodyno cures neuralgia ....I o.....o bunk; BIIIIDIII. `$713 VII-ilivujvi--y or: mo mouoy, an wntgng. u dni; ot lifo-the crayon sud Innamndo of tint on holding lucky cnpoo nuubor. onodounphuuophocouot l.hochi|dh_oId- tog lucky F. noun, jnupinpdoooiag. for 25c. and 150. "Y ----m-- n houdul not-kn doc! :00 I|Ic.Io..illlor25c.Iua1ou. Inppouthu boudufvoth dunno! iuhnltonpdr Ihnwalkanulooqopoa uuiunluakgandontunnitfor ll. nIurhdncmnurthhnoru- i Aclldunhhdovcndtopiuthlidr _ l at the with-nth:-u hwncduhd a 1---.-.._ napqpuuui v l'n time. _ `n" tailor- ..I lit) Rn ak HAIL Iime Ill The Year |I_Vl. I satised. Ono prie. the Pull to Channel `-an... nlaponh ` - not worn. V ~ L.` z B: HQ`@ W`- .* Ontnnol :3-1 mmnz- Mm uionlo cu. ~ ' Ana! the III: Gonna the nnhinn. Gone to Jena? Falls pn Hominy next, (Civic Holiday); A niatrfpr. "Duct lava Folgu-'5 vim-1 an 9143;. l'in_koh:,.50oenu. . . -. ....,. .. .. onwhi ,l'oc.I.on_:.-w3I:`I?'u:`-n-n-n T Patent, it-thn New You clothinguou. Brock street. lnrroocivod this day (uplan- am lot _of lustre cosbu, which he will aim- to &ho publiofol-'81. All rises from 36 to At Thaw mnnnh ho begun for value. bathe public tor :1. All nun nun on M. They cannot. bo_ I lino: luuwn: nun-. Jmiu 1mnaq..1.oqx9im for can moot railwsyoolnpnnv, has beonjivn the luv lntaandency 0} the trolley cable. vioo F. - immoha.` 8. Bou-moo will make all ro- sin to tho osblo. Hitherto the work In: ` ug dong b_v't.ho emp!%o:n of `b__ho light`. but and power oougpgg w nnmn- niqhwntc an at the street `and . W. O1-man. night.\vnt;&)rnn.n railway burnt. in C practical o inoor. And during the ue evenings he w ll run the angina for the merry-go-round at Lake Oahu-io park, prior to going on dutynt eh. hm-nu. \llIUI|`IU ya ` the bums. ._._____._______.. IIIIIIIIII` llxoo Buuhl. hdiud om Imp IHPP0". turn Iolo budodcoo, 01, ` ' Indies gno pump slippers. pointed loo. patent ti .81. Ladies wine colored. two-buttoned Ox- ford, very neat. 81.25. Lsdiec gipuy Oxford shoe. onlynfow Ulllluluu riety. 500. `Ann : km gm " III B IDENOI 75 UNION 8T.v| 1. ghdbl #3` ".`,`!.'_-':""'.3`." rie?j'E63." ' Men`: can colored lace boots, wofh 82,` 1 only 81.50. Hainoa Jr. Locketh. ` - - -;_._-ns -..._, _ , .s_j Alpeolmen I`:-on Detroit. Yesterday evening a middle-aged man who said he had come from Detroit, Mich., in search oi work at his trade. as a brick- layer. oocosted passer:-by at the corner of Princess and Wellington streets, and. with tears in his eyes. and subs in his voice, box god for enough money who a meal. citizen handed him twenty- ve cents, and as soon as the donor was out of sight the beggar hastened to a hotel where he spent the money for liquor. Having accomplish- ed this he started out on another he ging tour, in which he was again successfu ,end which also was followed by A visit to I hotel. The police should deport this son of the great republic who lives by frond and imposition on kindly-hearted oititens. .._. A_A A Thoughtful Act. Yesterday afternoon W. P. Aubin. bar- ber, heard a noise in his residence. Coiling- wood avenue. At first he could not locate the sound. but. after considerable looking around concluded in emenabed from the chimney. Listening attentively he was led to believe from sounds he heard from within that a bird was imprisoned in the chimney. Wihh considerable dlliculty he disjointed the stove pipes leading into the opeuin and removed them from the chim- nav. nro enouzzh. there was is sparrow opouin and l'0l'n0V6u lauuxu uum vuv ........ nay. are enough. nspu-row uttering in the noon and nearly exhnuat ed. * Ho tnndorly liftodit. out and placed it. in the open air. After A brief rent the little fonthorod wsrblor ew away. |ppa.r- ontlyluono the worn for its exparionoo. In wu 3 humane net on the part. of Mr. A..|.:n {J7 WI. | Aubin. Ella, In Chin. Children : L...` m.. V ,,_____ Iovunontu or the People--Wlnt `rho: Au lhylng and Doing. ' J. A. Madden. wife and family, Napa- neo. are visiting in the oibv. m.. 1.... Minmu. Kimnton. is the guest in the city. Mien Jean Minnee, Kinguton, is guest of Mrs. (I)r.) Black, Gnnanoque. Mien K. Whulen. Kingston, in visiting her mother, Mrs. Whalen, Lnrkina. Mina Pibmrm, of Kingston. in visiting her cousin, Min Clara Leslie, Melroee. W. M. Derbv. of Toronto. has been 3 ,-. _. .;... w:..A.m. meal for several VV- In. guest at d . . `.'.. .1 iia n. gm. J. T. Porter and children of Mom.- real, are visiting Mu. Weston, Ellis street, for ri few weeks. h-- J W. Rain? arrived home last even- %.StnLherland s weeks. Dr. J. W. Begg arrived ing from Dalhousio, N.B.. where he spent a con ple of weeks. Miss Edna Menhsrd. Kingston, is mak- ing her annual visit. Among hex-many friends at Fsireld Wesb._ Wayland Smith "And Miss F. E. Smith, of New York city. are in town to spend a few days vacation. n. A. F. and Mrs. Movety. Toledo. fsre vacation. Dr. A. F. and Mavoty. are in the city. the doctor to remain A few days and Mrs. Mnvety as couple of weeks. I... .1 H H Coleman. Dose:-onto. ac- Mrs. Mnvety coupxe ox wwu. Rev. J. H. H. Coleman, czmpnniod by Mrs. Coleman, I min two weekn vacation at Kingston In Arnprior. t.--.. w.o..-mm, of London. mnnuzor of vacation on mngswu Inu n-..,,..\.. Iuno Waterman, of London. mnnngor ( the Im rial oil company. is in the cit 0 his ponodionl visit. be the company : 3 cc` harp. D II FE hero. here`. Mr. end Mn. Fred. Byers, Montreal. are visiting Williem Mundell, Alfred street. Mr. Byerl wen formerly the editor of {`.InlinD. olmg. $4 a Timmu. conned in the general hou- Fltal for a weak or ten days. bu uutciont y recovered to be enabled to go to her home an Glenvulo. To-marrow will the Anniversary of ,_ . .. ,;.|_- 1-`- Iy.:.l.nn'Rrinn_ And home er. uienvuu. will be of the death of the late bishop O'Brien. end his memory will be fondly remembered by his former pupils of Ibegopolle collwe. Edwin 8. end John . Elliott. lelt. lees evenin for A few weeke vieil with relative: eh Bo well. The rth named will meke A tour of wentern Onterio before returning I.--_g homo. . W. Davidson. of 8%. Johns. N.B., in mending 5 week in thin city, and will. no ths and o! than than. take I trip down the 8:. Lurronoo md among the Thouvnd In- lnudn. W. llonbloy. pninur. and (nail have gone to London. En land. ` Mr. cable) was Ian a. forums 3 I ort time ago And hu returned to his native city In chin the mo . J _ JYYV. Ila-on. uni wife. J. E. Iuldco. ll. 8. Madden. und Min Edith Ilillnr. Nnfunoo. u-rind in tho city has night on ~ ------ s-:-. -...I -III rand: bu` ovu- ' ~ FIAT gun in BIBBY ; n bthiI_BtogoJ_ Ln; IC-roOG,A|(`I),0;ln- not . of om! ANl)_TI]O|l!01TY. 31} 1397. Woingwu Summer Resort -9 . ..... .1 as. human. analog! and melt o _____-_-_.:_..._. PERSONAL MENTION. Altar Thu III: ,_ -Ln.___ r\___ .'Derbv. the Windsor hotel hll DUI! I for HI`? U I ed: ma mmE__1N_rEmeEz1cn. T ,1 mm v:i uaLs ARI auhourird ____4-go: T _ rug Inga Juudhg For an unusual '1':-uuportsol company win It In the mutant olou-The lovonoui nu v.~....I.'_`1-5. bani: Aiiili` The shunt! Kotohnn ind Own. llh%.oku-odto- torn ,.lsn `In. `The qohoonor, dz-ton. Cispwuqo 1- --...o-. ukahv with A nu-no Of OOJQBIWQ` "fho Burma. uawqo Irruvu in 21-`E with a cargo of ad Booth Qo. . . The steamer `Anbin, Duluth. urrivqd in pore yesterday and lightomd 24.000 of when at. the M. . Co`: olohholl. Q _ lug nguin for Montrosl. ' The stunner Elnmoro. Chiqltih Ir- for Montrou. v The statue: Elnmoro. 0h_iouo.% rivod yesterday with 492,500 hnuholl of non for the M31`. 00. She wu dioobu-god qnd cloned to-dny for thy west. ' The stunner Glongarry towed tour "grain ' lddon burnt down the river yoctardty. exohnnglng with the bug Wllkor. and bringing back four light bar?!` -8110 went down this morning with dg h min- laden barges and exchanged bow: vi the tug Thom n, roburnin with foul-light bu-gen. o Inorrow ni' 8. hlviug the Minnodou in how. Ibo I ll leave for Form William to loud grain for shin porn. - ; `rho n-neat: In-nun: onpuu Trude Bulletin. Montreal. . nu- n_...-..n .I.u.o.ina nnmnnnv Ion Bnlleiln. Montreal. The Prescott elevating ccmpenooded two of their new steel rgee with 26,000 bueheie of grain each t in week, which ere now on their woy to Montreal. This con- ny will soon hue four more steel barge: in use which are egreet improvement u n the old wooden barges now in uee. he Prescott elevating cornpanyie doing elorge business, no loee than 535,304 bushel: of grain, chiey oorn, having elected from Lhico within the put week or eight deye or this company. as follow: : Stam- er Neweyzo. 41.405 buehele ; eteomer Ni- oaregne. 64,700 ; schooner Grumpien. 57.- 100: schooner Paisley, 63.000 ; eteemer L. J. Murphy. 69,055 : steamer W. P. Ket- ohum. 57.549; schooner G. B. Owen. 51,- 803 ; schooner Godfrey, 41.000 : echooner J. B. Lozen. 39,152; steamer J. Ruyco, zn llll 50.000. Since writing the above the following additional vessels have cleed fromOhiesgo for l rescot.t.: schooner F. D Ewen. 54.000 bushels ; steamer Sir S. L. Tilley, 42,000; etaeamer Servie. 56.500; steamer Topeka. 68.000: steainer Pueblo, 53,500; steamer Josephine. 40,800; steamer W.B.Moeeley.` 72.500; schconer T. L. Parker. 43.500: steamer Colonial, 01.000; steamer O. A. Street. 28,500; steamer Ionie, 53.500: steamer Eltinmere, 42,500. Total. 801,300. This makes over 1,100,000 bushels of corn that have olesred from Chicnio for Men- treal vie Presootb during t. e past two weeks. This clearly demonstrates that Kingston is losing the min trede owing to look of elevating feoi itios. end as Pres- ooet has taken the nude in will be a dim- oult mstberfor Kingston to get. it heck sgein. . Welland Ounnl uepon. Pour Comomua. 0nt., July 30.-Paued down : Shr. S. L. Tille . Chicago to Prel- cott. corn: Melbourne. oledo to Montreal. general cargo; George Fuirwell. Superior to Kingston, wheat; barge T. R. Merritt. Touawanda to Broolrville, iron. V Pom Dunousm. Ont. July B0.-Paeeed down:-~8t.oemer Sheree, Duluth to Oswe- go. lumber; huge Mlllawen. Nepigon to Ogdeneburg. lumber: bur Weteon. Nipe- on to Ugdensburg, umber; Iheamer opeka. Chicago to Ogdeneburg, corn; steamer Street. Chicago to Prescott. oorn: barge Godfrey. Chicago to. Prescott, corn; barge Lozen. Chicago to Preeootb. oorn; steamer James. Chicago to Odgennhurg. general ca 0. eheemer Arebien. Duluth to Preecott; w eat. Klnglton vcuou Illporlur. The two new noel bnrgu built for the I reecot.t. elovntor company this Iurnmar aborted yesterday on thoif rst trip from Prescott to Montreal with wheat. The ------.I- .-. and `in clul Bl. Tho barges Montreal mm wuuu. Auv vouolu are mud `in clul being built by the locomotive work: com- pany, in this city. for the M. '1`. Co.. are in olsu Al. the different prndu being .- Olnu Al. clue Al. clan A2, ulna A2}, and clnal Bl. - - RIGHT FROM THE MINES. Inmlly Tlee lay lie Broken In The (lung ulh For Gold. But Wluvl Wealth Without Ienlth -- Dr. Agnew`: Cater- rhnl Powder In A Wonderful Cnn-e-ll. Never l'|ll| To Bellevo In Ten llnutu. Fred Lewrie. ol Trail Crook, B. 0.. writes: I have used two bottles of Dr. Agnovfa Ouumhnl Powder, and have been wonderfully helped. Ioeo recommend it- very highly to nll auerera from Oahu-rh. And hope is (mother:-~ B. L. Egon. Eaton, n- ..... --um... I rand thn Dr. Ag- Am] dinothor:-~ B. L. ugan. nuwu, 1'A., says: "When I rod Ag- now e Cntcrrhnl Powder would relieve Cntnrrh in ten minutes. I must. any I van lar from being convinced of the fuck. I docidodto trylb. I purchased I bottle. A single puff of tho powder than in the blower afforded inltnntaneon roli . Sold by W. H. Medley. .-__-_--._._._.___ Chlono J ourn-:1.` Now Willie. -..-...I has in . Oh: {or `Indian or onus: . Io, olooitlo 00. I . llpllrooh snub. olophr Now VVIIIIO," nu: ma wquuu. w...... cecond boy in-the g ph clue, em you tell me why it in st `t. 0 sun. never tots on the queen'e dominion: ?" uw.n m an there ain't. no tellin whet Eats quun'o dominion: r Well. pa up than tin : then follow: would do altar dark." . An tho Ilcyolo loot: And leggings In have in stock In will all us coat. A. Abormthfn, I27 Prlnoul IGN00. Mriun Irohnd'I huh! complexion 3-pug. 13. 2 for 250.. shoving coup. 10. `I I DAHA , I0! . 180., I w E. Mitchell. INDIGESTION and CONSTIPATION. 3:. 1.; gpplu. huunonhb and nuns- I&IQgQ O . . ldw'dI:nuvl There has been In lack of room at CALEDONIA All. comers have W ' Li Klngltoin Vnulu luporlor. A-- __._. -....l I-nnnl hnilh Ilfvlllaill III -----v- --- .- V , audio! Clo nnulcn. man` i I no: man: in Osman. being p 0 ball: 0! bocnulul Lalo On- lqsodlotltn Inc l'hhln|.Bathl ond . `III rand: no ulwsn in one lent `mlbnllu and Pluunc Driven. I drlvo-n dlntnnoo of flu mulu whlto an bitch to tho funoun Wollnnd (Jun! Report. ~~ ------ n-u 1..u.. an . u up: -.P.,_- I. D. 0. OOIPLII. mo PREVSVGOTT-.` \ `K V M ix. nfc. mus} Iolknhnd Olli 'l'IoGuMTvIIIIDc American A 1 Lif Assiirance W5 P55170'.`% . E VI Idln vv nan-n--u--. ., In muunmunt. ha bun thoroughly with all godun oonvonlonou. 6] Into II nooommoduuon for I M! of touthu. at. uonuponnnodv :5`. 1 .L_;...`. _. . .'. I\_...._l.A-- bore-nu "' Roi ininnneo _ J orqutllpotun ' I0 pit Dun. Pcyuonutypollort-halductloroiliul 'l59.!M.nrovuIIInroont. ~ \ ,_ ____ __ ` 'UU.R|Ul' vvIIc-.-u ~vu--- ` Inna tumor ion Inn out IICQIIIIIV3 hnnlh bun astound. - duh 4_\..iAl.- [AL 1:" . Th 1: ml .....'.a`. :2`.?i":Z.:'.':. ~ , E.``:::ui::I". ghrnon. D. I. AllI8l`R0ll, spoohl Anne Kingston. Luau horouolti -Auk U`I'6\_.JI~xr ,s_nu...7 7 AUCTION SALE OF TIMBER u----- NOTICE V13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT under nubhority of 0160!! in Council. Tul- nnn Bnwrua u bonuudot mentioned hobo NIPISSING. - ALGOMA uni. .R.LlNY RIVER DISTRICTS, viz :-the Tow ships of Rnnnux. Knuv. Dugs. who Half of scumum and elm porn 0! 1iA1uin South of tho VIRIILIJON Rxvnn. all in who n:.L..:.o. nl NIPIRRING: H10 TOWIIIMD O` `did. 1: .. Isuvn. on nu ma District of Nmssmo; Townnhip Comm Avomoxur. and certain Imnll non on the SPANISH Ind Busconmm man in the District cl Anson; And Bonhnund 37. aloof 1892. D3. D4. D5., D0. n; Mnzrmu Lau, and certain mall Iostmud am: in the District of Rnynr Rxvm will be oerod for Sale b Public Aucbibn. ah the Department of town lands, To nbo. at the hour of ONE o'clock p.m.. on ED- NESDAY. the EIGHTIBNTH. day (of AUGUST next. ' T u.----- Sheets containing Condition. and `km! of Sale, with infornntign u to Ann. Lou. and Concessions computed in each Barth. will be fumilhod on appllasbion. personally or by letter, to the Department of Crown Inndl. or to the Crown Tluiber Ooa st u-nun and RA!` POITAGI. `- Ulndl. m we Uruwu nu. Ommvu and Rn Poznan. IIIII UTEAWA uuu nun ; v-........ J. H. GIBSON; ` Commissioner of Crown Lnndl`. N. B.-No unauthorised publication of this advertisement will be pofdlor. LVhIJ,n-e- _-` The col bu dngtlr at Room: 5 use Im II. .4` ouox-die B1ook.Brook t..Knnaeton. _ youth ladies on ohcnln e luxuriant {new In three months. Gentlemen. I Mr re of be ldneemcan be permanently cured Hhemponieg and dr Iflll I. eltlve luxury. Children`: heir qr-vi: It at nded to. 0 Her celebrated lot. and Hhnvlnn Rang: are n eolld oom fort and are endorsed by O mndkml nrofeeuon. __'l`t_ne;_e.p_e___ . . cum --BY-- . )Ml)_[~_3.A IRELAND. ._.. uv-a.. nnnlnliltl If II*l;.nru<)Ul`l :'l`,`>'<;;':r1"f<:|-1 .'nVI_:'ci ondorud hy my land. II Jho kml XPOTOI Lion. The ! In : al 8 ok 01:11 ran`: Ho apical. or 00.0 `nun: lnnmsu II; but other Hovovmont tpllot pnpnrn ionngnd watch runltn. \V`1'SNlDER l\o vv 0 \.n--.'--. Bu returned from the EA. 0 a pm w. `u`.'.'.z".'}r.':hy. ih? y1_|_l d I l ` . 1-"y1.n.xn..':.`.n'v"?.'3't .{`s planned it you no photocrsphod at ` " ` "`~-`- II-I fl ll 00. _-....--n I I fv mnnfii? "87'.|l'KR0I.i liuunv uuuuu v -.__..- ' Q; I. J unuvmznn Wm: `um `mono {tom we to `(so not rod my tool). A pulogtl fan who , pound huuln -in 33..-..... xndiinn .m.u...' 31;.wu. at-3*- Machine atly" nnunnzin arm: 1'; AIIGIOIIIV Iuw-uuuu ~ Work mcnuhoturoa by won lnunlu-uuunu u, . PARTRl06_. %.;&:3':...'::I.` -uvv `V- , cm wooo mu COAL wan. ' `an IL-1-u-`X M Heavy Dry 35559 only $2.50 peg cord. d01iV"3 ,___ ..A.n IIAIII 'Dnrn.-run-r or Qnowx man. (Woods and Forest Bnuph). T ' Toronto. J an 9nd, 1907, new-Inncsvocllltvij. alvountosn. i'c`c'_i'9I:.~Ts .":.";:`:ma.'f.' -..-ma to vvramuuu gs yum... 3 doors shove Opus Bonn. UIII vvvvv um... --__ -- 's'7(Px-Inoogn an-out-A 7 - ausmasa Pom1'E_ns, 'Ja}i;}75ivu5oa. M... . .-.... .5-.. nnnrn Eonu. `Phone 815. CQ,1_andWood. oxupuopsl I uoum in Straw Hutu. Ifunoy Shspu. Ballot: and lag- hotnl. oto. Our noolh thc bqt V6 how our ourl9? - -- ' - 1 ,__._-.u-513.3 [3-mm M3 llllli`-|: `Q UIIILAII un- wm haw: sun 6 but M can. tom 0 . - K _0RDERED` -nt\l\II I (one luuull Il.7M.7Uq ` Vfi rt` 4'35"` 0 `lot NW! C "IIl.ll'\I . MA. Maw: Luv .dcvolomnIa 0 will I! once Intro- . n..-I.-t..And.1l&Ill I. 1. mm, ,g:dv0Il0' gqoru a. co.. `V- ....__.- __j n9..AA...A. In N W nnalnulun on , B Q_,nonr vino nommuun -M aid .1. Into A I w oomploto it. t `agglu- W U 0 (rounds. Apply to . V. . I` ' . `ALu=.N's SHOES... Yarn nu an 659 ha. W';*".-95'! .!.`3"~ - -Lt----: &'u. and wuguuou. ,_ -'3' 0000 sunuimhuwuunvu :_....4_._. When? our stock of shoes be- comes depleted in sizes. Af- ter an unusually busy season we had lots of odds and ends in new stylish goods. We are anxious to dispose of these before the arrival of the 1jll"purchuses and will offer by inducements in order to olenr. See what we are of- , fgriog before you buy. "way z doou Qumr- luovt Prloa. -5 .Iu.Ih-a "F-nBmruLT"?'" 5:4 Vliny shot!-Ibuao. :---- `III -Illuqnvu IIUU-Va - horm. WELLMAN. A .~. ._A 5.-- L... ALA: : ' TO BE LIT. n..._.,__... . IQW rl Ivvil Prompt Iquaro Dogllng. 'l'l'IiIlII Dvuywu ' u Oqunro Digllhg. FOR SALE. ---_._._---.-..._._. -WVVTCCI &:--v- ---'.'.'._.. .A__nA_A_A .A.4- A-mend Ind: IIII. Ihh. U tn,--v ':Phono 133 for _____________ ` nnsmmrm: on ... vmou Mrut.lAt.ol1 DESIRABLE RESI- -p ootabod bounty. an m oanvonknoon. no the Bum uvo|- h {notion improve- DI st. 0 p1';.n't.V ll PBOPIBTI l a. The oxun- | and: lunch u Best. scum. v csvnc`-s*couI' wt: HELD A MIETING on q=moAv. ._,-*._, hob Oonuy 00 E10: the lulu Privi- bcu And Int:-Icaouu-olnuao In an ,.HI!l!P&".!. !l.'|.e.!..!,|.!!!3|- llolmsul u Go-jtll. J alumna noueuy-use to "annoying ----A -....|.... 4:! an ooooinl olontor unuwwy-.... punt! members olthq opooial oiunittu Tyutudor In the any Ouginou-."I oloo : Auhunon Btowu-t.Cu~ nu. UVilI|T-Oy Buihudaon. EQHOW M3 Ryan. Oisy ooliclbor Hclntyro nu also in Alulnduna. 1 4 ~ 2 Chfnnln Dooullg` explained tint tho- prir.oips1,nuon for o culling of _tho com- mitten V r Wu tooolnl tolomo un- daubmding u so the cg:-oounnb to be cum-od`in:o by bhoyllonuul I_mnoporu- llon oompnnynd thooity council, pro- idpd u pond bowl I; -law. rnnbing `mam mpg. comma]. rofaoivodssho up- w [or theoommittee to have preeenta memberol the company. Alderman Liv- lngeten lelormed the board that Capt. Galhln wee authority for the etatement that. ll. Brittee. 620., 11.9.. wee au- ter. Theoommittee wan nrt informed that Kr. Britten van out of theoity. waa than lgllhd that Mr. Whiting be aehed to attend the meeting. repreeentinlz the oompany. but he could not be looa , and it wd pointed out that it wou1d be uaeleee to at Capt. Gnkln to be present. Alderman Livingeton wanted the commit- tee to poetpone ooneideration ol the agree- mentnaying that no matter how mnoh pro- greee weemade at that meeting.the ground would have to be gone over again with the oompany e eolioitor. The chairman con- tended that the committee had better make a etart. The members" would not be bound by any agreement arrived at during *_ that meeting. Alderman Stewart aeked if. in the event M ol the by-law oerrylng, would the elevator etructed by the Montreal trnneporte- etore-honee. The chairman replied in the : nllirmative. If it was not to be a public elevator he would not support the bonus by-law. Granting that the honor wee ctrried by the oitizenr, alderman Livings- - ton wanted to know if the M.- T. company I would he held to an agreement similar to K the one entered into by the Mooere com- -.....- hairman Donnellv renlied in the thoriied to aettor the oom in the mat-. i by the Mooors com- pany. Chaimnn Donnelly replied atrmetive. AI far M he was concerned each company would enjoy the same pri- vil on And reettiobione. A dernnn CALI-non bhought thooommittaoe " *L--- 1:: nnnf. Lh And restrictions. dcrmnn Canon could not do better bhnn to adopt. the ngroomonb. in so far on `in would apply. on- torod inho by the Mooors compuny. This mob the agaroval of the cnmmibtoo. The xuolution ing seconded by aldenmn Suawaro, wu udoptod. Aldarmnn lemon unmoved of the agree- edopteu. Aldermen Elliott approved egree- uent in so in ee it went. but it did not fer enough. There wee nothing in t e egreement which. compelled the compeny to remein here. He wanted thet ettended to. and eleo e cleuee ineerted to the eifeot thet in building e elevetor and mate- houee meterlele mu he pnroheeed here end oily Kingeton workmen muet he employ- Alclermen Oel-eon-You eennot dreft eny egreement which will compel the com- pen tohemein here. A dermen Elliott--"I at you thet. but on em put~in e pro eo providing ior ' the orieiture of e tum ol money b the company in the event of it not comp ying with the terme oi the egreement. City eolioitor Molntyre wee of opinion that there wee e oleuee in the egreement entered into by the oounoii end the M.T. Co. et the time the oompeny -.-. ........i..l nxamntion. whioh oom- I Bi MO I. (III! Pill wu nbnd exemption, pollod company to remain in uho city for 5 term of yarn. Alderman Elliott. thought thou wn uomobhing to shut. otfoct. but not Iuoiontly brood. The by-Inn granting exemption, nnd also the agno- mnnf. antnmd into by the company were grunting oxompuon. Iuu luau vuu ....., mono entered by looked up. The Ink clnnso forms put 0! up by-lawn, the eooond clause in baton from tho cg:-omens. which is signed by Hugh Mobounon : "If the said compuny cone for 3 period .1 .g. .......u.. In ha 3 uoimz eoncorn. or "1' '1. Illa Compllly U13 IUI u `nu-V... ol nix month: to be e going cone or omio to cnneect their whole busi- neee in the ptovinoe ol Onurio. in the city of Kinpton, eo hr es the eeine ere cepable` of being treneeotod in the eeid city of Kingston, or if the neid oompeny M1 or omit. to observe or full eny of V the follow- ing condition. the eeid exemption from payment. of texee ebell from bhenoeforth oeue end beoome determined, etc. 1.. n.. .i.....d md eeeled enreemenb. and booomo aotorunnuu, am. In the signed and sealed agreement. opukin of the oompsny. In this oluuoo - "The r successors and assigns. oxoonton or udminiutnbon. shall and will. upon any failure or dolunlt. hnpponins, lonluvith pay to tho aid oorponhou. ml: 1- Iucoouon or anigm. tho sun`: of 82,000 ol the lawful mnnav 0! Canada. OM. Illignl, mo Iuln on O`- ! Canada. mm! :v.hw in dstod fl money 0! The by-law in from 1893, huhoon three yous opontivo And has Iovon you to rolnnin in (om. The company pay: $217.- 86 in school tugs. Alderman Ryan aid that oxomphion would new hog the com ny in the city. but nldornnn lllou up iod that sin city In: ptohbhd against tho oompnnyh going for non: you-3. Alduunn On-non thought tho company was not fullling uho tn-Inn o! gs. -mnnnnnl. Ho vudvou to n not! Quinn-nan: I-Ill undue I clean. humny suuo j ugmuo` as . Iuuginhin. alder-mu Riemgnqn. nldor:o?'RicuIiou'.' and lllio. vmuod tho chino his udliuhdr Thiay ulldtor thought it had` both: In Allowed t.onlu.in._, The Snuptny {guild not he inixjnrod Iby is. in annual ammo ! nion. t Ill allowed to mod. op Chan btzlfoon Ira IDII-0pIt|l':tl;;. also :3 ...."'=...........*""* ';"m.... .....l 1 thrqngh and Amanda. uauruun l\Iouuu- Ionsobjuulodv go -ulnula clean and thirties. tho-hat for uuonn plyady -no-' tiohod; That part 61 alum olovon ho found fault with was who payment of tag: dollars 5 dn, for each day the algvuor use not in and tin the hon of navigation. --....:.... . ....-a `(J nnnn van. . Ho l|UI1II UK llflli IIIU IIII-vu Iu u--.........., covering I ' of twenty yearn. ohnnctal-ind the abuse as being no "good. ml..- nmhnr member! `of `$50 Onlrluwrlluu vnu Ill-In-w - ......a ..y _--, , The other thought slut if "it. can no gnu] it: would . do no ban to h_o,|f; ulna.-i" .n.a........ mlinnc m-uontod 3 rough no harm to mics; nun = Alderman Elliqtt ptjolontod 5 rough dnft of his chino. oompollin the com-V ray it: mam-iuln for I olovuot um. um for tho ompkmunc hero. Ana. nor FIJI um toninnu work 1 "V In Honduran. A moetin of the committee on Iron nut and ghts, was called for thro o clock yootordny afhernoon, to deal with the noeounuthho hnvoboen Accumulating since the lat mooning. Thou were not enough member: in nnoudnnoo, to ion: a nnnrum hounvar. only chnlx-mun Minna. enough member: in eneuaenoe, no um. . quorum however. only end eldonneu Rioherdeou. end Llvin ton being present. The meeting wu doc and n3` mherafnra. The lllylnlrnu un--cw The city property committee met. lat evening. chairmen Livingston preeiding. and eloigrmen Toye, Tail: and Donneliy in ehtendnnce. The object for whioh the meeting we: called was to open tenders for the lease of No. 2 mu-keb for the coming year. Fonroere were received. John Del oifered 8575; Maothew Keno offered 851 ; Junee Dnnlop offered 8384. and Ch` Voe Qninn oered 835i. On motion of n- -__x m_:s LL- lg.-n urn Dung pnwuw. o' therefore. I516: Janna uumup uuuw gm". -.... Quinn On ale an Donnelly and Tait, the lease W givn v0 John Duly. - ~ .. All I-IA-I|"vEI3\I DICI = Imlo an Excellent Doors Yesterday. The members of A" eld bntaary, 11.0. A.. riila team red their fourth and con- cluding match. in the Lea-Enald carbine aeriea oi the Canadian military rie league, yaatarday afternoon. The aooto was the highest made by the team this aeaaon, and will. in all probability. at A battery team at. the head of the int. in the carbine -;...:Aa a 4 serioo : 1 ` Lieut.-Ool." Drury, 96; Corpl. Benson, 96 ; Be:-gt-. Bnmah. 03 ; Sorgb.-trumpomr Molilnuon, 89; Br. Kelly. 89 : Bergm- inlhrucbor Lon . 89; dfiver Dsvin. 87: Q.:M.. So:-gt. owglll. 86; Caps. Ogilvio, 83; Driver Cook. 70. Total. 878. rm..- mmmaamn man: the four mutab- Cook. 70. Tom. 2513. The og rogntm ma.do`Ib oa,wil.b I. o gnnd totol are or follow: lob mat.oh,646: 2nd. 733: 3rd, 753; 401:, 878; total, 3,010. The standing of each member of the boom, judged by bit grand aggregate for the neuon is u nhown below: 1. Lions.- Ool. Drry; 2. Borg:-instructor Long; 8.` Q. M. Borgb. Hewgillm. Capt. Ogilvie: 5. Sam. Brunch: 6. Br. Kelly; 7. Burgh. trumrguotor lloliinnon: 8. Col-pl. Benson; 9 D vor Davin; 10. Driver Cook. - tor An Autumn Onmp. From tuonb lndlculonn it look: on though rrioold oomrnon would loo an "autumn camp of bnini for the bunch of 4_:hobo_ that ld not drlll _:..:-.. Okgun an nnnnrtn. nii do berore me winner song. in. In accordance with the tention `to have every corpe drill every year. communications have been sent out from the militia department to the commanding officer: of all the corpe in the district. enquiring whether or not they tould bewilling to ut in their drill for 1897-98 this tell. he Ganenoque and Port Hope betteriee end the 56th butt. have signied their desire to drill this ...o,..mn, and Lient.-Col. Hunter. of the signied their desire Aw um: um. autumn, end Lieuh.-Col. 47th. he written enying that he will call a meeting of his omoen foruhwieh and de- cide the question. No answer has yet been received from the 46th butt. All the corps in the district, with the exception of those nnmed above. have declined to go in- A- Answer` -anin thin VAIP. H1050 nameu nouve, uuvu uvuuuvu w 5.. ... to camp again this year. The 47th Wlll Drlll. Lleut.-Col. Hunter, ol the 47th batt., wae in the ity this morning, and was `uk- od by a Wnm re rter whether or not his oorpa hae decid to go into camp thie fall. He etated that the battalion will undoubt- edly take advantage of the opportunity oered it, and put in the annual training this autumn. But he ia, ae et. unable to any whether the camp will at Barrid eld or at Bydenham. The ocere oom- tnandlng oompamea have all decided in the latter glance, and the colonel I... ...:oo... oh. n, ,f`.. nn the eubieot.