In ono oi the prevmiosi, uuoiasi, and most plounnm summer rouortu in Uoumda. being Iihillloll the banks of beautiful Luke On- 0. . it. is noted for its iine Fishina. Bathing and Hosting. The minds are always in ext-eliem condition for Biq-y<-ling an-i Piousumi Drives. Tllo beautiful driva-I\ uilntancn of five miles Iionutlm white mm! lmiwh to the famous `V001. Point. summer H.e. `THE .DAILY'Wl1l-G. TUESDAY AUGUST 3. 1897. 7:3?!-`E. DIIOIII In lungamn. . Anmallexcuraion of citizens of New York mu. came over from C-90 Vin- cent Ind Sachem : Huber on the steam- er Oolnmonmsnd took in the sights of the town. doing thmzrnnd tour. over-the DOW Iinb. otc. . TI.` D|.D-Dunn. -I-n In-A-unt n nnnlin. bow Iono. etc. `!'bo,Pnh-opont nlao brougt I; contin- gent. of skim: `.350 Cape Vinmnt. cilsizons, when pdncipdl object. via to witngas the bicyclqncu. The Y` Arrived gt Folgoriwinif n few minu after mid- day, and thomnjority oi tho excuraionniqb remained in tho city until to-dny, when tho`? rotnrnodon tho rognlu boat. Iinnmnuhn-n nl Kinnntnn nnnnoil Nn may rammed on no rogunu non. Thy Inolllberl of Kingston council No. 20. C.OC.F.. hold their third annual ox~ cunion to Long Island park. yhoro pp ucollent programme of parts and gnmtnwncsrod out. N` the least. interesting portion of the - mmo war the liuobfll lunch was the Athletic! `sud this Beavers. whiuh was won by...thn latter mean. an 0001-0 shading: Bounce. I3; Atlllotil 9. `Thnnj hdnldnrinl III ditto- emong me passengers. The Ottawa. bicycle club ran an excur- e'ion to this city that broke all previous records. thereby proving that the members of the Ottawa bicycle club know a good thing when they get within nlle range of it. The R. & Oetenmer Columbimi car- ried the visitors from the capital city and intermediate points to the number of about, 70U-rnen. end women. and children. The vessel reached Swilt a wharf nt three o'clock, nearly an hour later then was ex- pected, and the excureioniate were given until 5:30 o`cloc|: to see what they could of the bicycle races. and the eight: of the city. And, although their stay in king- ston wee not no long us could have been wished, the meet was made of it. and e well-contented crowd boarded the Colum- hien at the hour leet named. A number of the Otteynisne remeieed over night, and othere are here for A few days. TL- .s.._._. 1!... are L-n Iinlinlnll be-in Inc owner! are nere 10!? I now uu_vI. The steamer Hero. on her regular trip, brought quills A number of eight were from "down the buy," all of whom made she been possible use of the, time al_lowe.i them in Kingzamn. A nmnll nu-nninn of citizens of New nor. me leans plenanb pan. UI um uuung. The Empire State carried a full comple- ment; of excursinninba from Ottawa, Brock- vnlle and down the river, arriving at one o cIuck at Fo!ger s wharf. The trip. ,_outward and homeward, was one of the most cnjoyablo of the season, and the scenery among the islands and along the river banks, which was never more beauti- ful, was duly appreciated by both Kings- bonians and at.rangers~aud of the lormer, returning to town after vacations among the 1slands-there was quite a 1.-prinkling among the passengers. The Ottawa. bin-rle club Ocoro cunning; uonvore, Ia; Al/IIIIUI U. The gggg mud during the alm- noon nnlud .'" : D_el0V0(l CIVIC HOIGIGEY. As a rule, civic holiday is chosen, by the average citizen and his better half, or his better half that is to be. as the most suit- able occasion in all the your to shake the dust of the city ofl` their feet, and to jour- ney towercls some neighboring town or vil- lage, where kinsmen dwell. or to the coun- try side. where beside some "babbling brook or on the deep waters of some placid lake, the members of different nny tribes are to be nllured by wriggling worm, or glittering spoon, "played during the period of gamoy strugglemxnd nally land- ed in triumph, on bank, or in boat, to be the subjects of `filth stories innumer- able and astounding, that shall be told in the days of "the olterwarrl. But city attractions, outweighed, with hun- dreds of Kiiigntoiiiunn. the ollurements of out-of-town trips on Monday, and the great majority of our citizens i-taycd home to tnke in the bicycle meet arranged by the Kingston bicycle club. and which was the lode-star that attracted hundreds of enthusiastic wheelmen and wheelwomen to the. old limestone city. Still there were out-of-town trips. "All the world loves a lover, but all the world loves not :1 bicycle meet. . The Innnl garrison of the Salvation armv. O Q I O llnocto! Wood Working Parquet:-y ooring. _ M _ an and cared mums, numb. Wu-droboa. `rubles. Ito. , . Onion Davina. Pumas. '.ux-Inna. Ito Inn and Door Wort. ~ lvorylhlnc In Wood Work. Iuudturo Bcnovntod and Upholsund nn___,_- ~,,, ,, ,,, curmonlans DECK In um uvuumg. The steamer America carried about 200 passengers to Montreal from Kungwcun and other ports. Among the excuraioninnn were about fty school teachers, who had been attending the convention of pedu- gogues nt. Thoumnd Island park. Hnfhnl Rnnriut nhurnh "ideal n-Tcnie gogue-3 nu Lnuuwmu u'mIIu punk. Bethe} Baptist church p?cnic to Jones 1~`nHs was attended by abnub `. .")0 persons. The steamer Princess Louise carried the party to the falls. and. with the usual games. sports and various other means of amusement and enjoymvnr., a thoro1n_rhlyplensanL afternoon was spent. The return trip was made in the cool of the evening, and the homeward sail wna nor. the least pleasant. part. of the outing. The. I-`.mnim Smte carried commie- mcycxe meet. I. The local garrison of Salvation army. under command of the principal oicors, marched from the barracks. corner of Queen and Bngot streets, to Folger s whnrf, where at two o c|_ock the detachment boarded the steamer Pierrepont and clem- ed for Channel Grove. there to spend the afternoon in such manner no only the army can. The band of the corps was present and added greatly to the enjoyment of the douting. The Pnerrepont brought the ox- curniouiats back in the evening. 'l`hn nnmmnr Amm-ir-A marrind nhnnf. `JIM l The Blcycle eet the Prlnelpal Attraction --Ruy:| Canadians In the Front nunk-'l`he Day In Its Dllforent Aspects-Plcnles ~m.|d Excurslous. , . ' Kingston` weather, bright, beautiful and BUM) . smiled on civic holiday and gladdened the hearts of thousands. who. work-worn and weary. looked for a day of recreation under blue skies and amid cool breezes and of west from the changeless rounds of everyday toil in olce. store, or workshop, and who shall say~ how many. and not all of themingstonians by any means, enjoyed `_`a day off, and to revel in the delights of freedom from the cares of labor, physical and `mental? It was no diflicult metterfeven on Saturday afternoon and evening, for resident King- stonians to see that something unusual M as on the tapis for thevery near future. For the streets--notably Princess, King and Brock-were unusuallycrowded. Citizens and visitors. and-of the latter there were many, strolled up one side and down the other of the principal thorough- fares, and enjoyed the cool, bracing and re- freshing breezes that swept in oil` the mighty St. Lawrence from the cool green glades and dark wooded recesses of the ever-beautiful Thousand Islands. Down by the water-front where the busy wharvcs and railway depots are, swarming crowds of strangers came ashore oil the ditferent steamersor stepped from the trains that came thundering to the city from every direction, and anon, the streets leading up town were crowded with visitors seeking board and lodgings for Sunday and Men- day, and in many cases for the coming week or longer. And so it was until the bril- liant shop-lights went out. and the streets were dark and silent save for the keen. steely glare of the swinging electric lights, the rattle of the belated delivery wnggons and the slow and measured trend of the blue-coated guardian of the peace. the silence of the night broodod over the sleeping city, waiting for the dawn of the bright morning that was to usher in a day of rest and recrea- tion, of visiting and returning visits, of sports and games, of picnics and outings, and pleasures of various other BJl`l.i~-bll6 beloved civic holdiday. An A rnln nivin. hnlnrlnv in nhnnan. bv the [VERY JOLLYCIVIC HOLIl)AY,| HOW K|NGSTbNlAN8 E_NJOYED IT `AT HOME AND ABROAD. Not on The,`--'rogrunme. McLeod allowed M: Search temper to V `gel the better of his diocretion yesterday at the nish of I hut. in the mile open pro- ieneionel. Mclaod -elid Elliott promised tonuint. him in the "race but did the dirty. and pocketed. Mm. throwing Mc- Leod into tlnrd pIIQ Raetnrnig to their qeerten Mclnod wu Angry as e Scotch- man could ponibly be. Some won-do pou- ed between the two rider: when McLeod "threct.led" Elliott. but Ins made loose his hold before doing my green injury. Aid, Rllinu. nu thn not and called nnnn IIOIII KID!` GOIIIS III, KTIID llljllryu Ald. Elliott. saw the act and called upon polioo oonluhlo Aiken to arrest. `McLeod. This Ina not: done. however. but the alfair wu rtcd to the police rnagintuo. Mn! nvidnnv tlmnnht diucrnhion the WI! re rlc T [00 "C5 TIIHKIIIJIIC. Mcboogoevidontly thought discretion the ` better part of valor, no penned to the magistrate an n logy for his conduct. He was sorry tn misunderstanding bo- tinonhinigollnnd Elliott _ eonstng unbrncholtbopoaeo. 0 nnd`i.Iliiott. houid. ` frbndl {or any ..._.______T____a___ made A III: Cltt-h.~ Ueorge- Coxworthy, of the Rokwood hospital staff, while shing from the wharf fronting the institution one day last week made a strange catch. He hm been en,-, joying good luck, catching several four- pounders and was thinking of giving up the sport, when he felt a nibble at his hook. The next instant he felt a tug and was nearly pulled into the water. He did not lose his presence of mind but began playing the catch and soon `had the eatisfnction of landing a bruising big six pound black bass. The most peculiar part of the story is the fact that a small perch first took the bait and the bus had partly swallowed the perch. Doubtless both had attempted to reach the bait at the same gime. but evidently the porch got there rst. _ .___-_.- --..__ -_--_ -._ "_-..--- -_ lung`. lmprond Bloom:-. (`Arpot Clan- hcond Ionavothc Machine in new man- Ild by thin oonpgly. Snvcmlnflll Lawn Bot-Inl. > A very successful lnwn social was held on the evening at the `lzlnd ult. on the beauti- ful grounds of John Pnrrotb, fourth con- cession, Ernostbown. The hmn was bonu- Lifnlly illuminntcrl with Chinese lanterns and boniros, and the Ycrkor brass band Ii.-`court-ed sweet. innnic to tho delight. of tho largo crowd of persons present. Much thnnku are duo to the enblmsiu.-Jtic commit- tee who haul the nmnngemontot nflasirr, and especially to M r. and Mrs. Curl l'arrott. und family, who did e-verytliing in their power to nuke Lha social in success. Mr. 1 arrot.b may look out. for nmuch larger crowd the next. Lime it, in mmnunced that, a lawn social Wlll beheld at. his place. Net; proceeds $41. n nu nu -u \n\.-or n\ . Two Kingstonians. one fl. l'mtostnnt, the other a Rmnnn Catholic, nro candidates for the position rendered vacmit by the appointment of inspector I). O'I.enr_v, of the dominion police. to the deputy war- lenship of the Kingston penitentiary. One of the applicants is 8 member of the local police force. and the other is an ex- znernbor qftlia mine body. Erich brings strong influence to bear. but the friends of the (-onstnlilo are condent that his clairn~' will prove invincible. Friends und sup- porters of each of the men say that as inspector 0`Leary was nppointed from an Ottawa post to a_ Kingston billet, it will be only fair and equitable to send in King- ston man to fill the vacancy at Ottawa. UIU`: ullIIUU"' V` . UUIIUE, lllb; IV a t3Il|U||' second; W. Gallagher, third. The other sports included foot-races, wagon-wheel-mcea, standing nnd running jumps, hop. step and jump, single Indies race, married Indies race. three-legged races, fat men's race. lean men's race, clog dancing, etc. James` orchestra was in at.- tendanco and. in the evening, furnished music fordnncing which was indulged in until about ten o clock by the younger ex- curaioniate. The Paul Smith and the Hero carried the membern and their friends, to the number of about 1,000 to and from the picnic grounds. The outing was under the management of chief councillor I). J. (laubutt and recorder W. 1 . Bell and was 9. success in every way. 'I`lm rnilwnvn (lid their full nlmrn nf tho P.`IH|*7C. I)UL'u Childron a tan colored rinty. 50c. Man : tnn nnlnr-mi lnnn I'mr.y, .')uc. ~ Men's tun colored lace boots, worth 32, only $1.50. Hainea & Lockutb. Huccess 1:: every way. The railways did their full share of tho tmllic, each line having olarod liberal in- ducemeuta in the way of reduced fares for the trip to and from the city, and by every train, larger or smaller number.-K of pleasure- Eoekers came into town. At Lake Ontario Park. The chilly weather. doubtless, kept. many from attending the biograph exhibi- Lion ut Lake Ontario park on Saturday night. The views presented were all new nnd were greatly appreciated by all in at- tendance. Among the number was one depicting nspnnish bull fight. It. was ubirringly realistic and gave a fair idea. of how these biutal allhira are conducted. The 14th P.W.0.R. band waa in atten- .l........ .....l muuln.-...l .... A n`In:.In nnunin IHU lILH F. VV IlJ- IV. Ullllll W35 III lall dance and rendered some choice music. noauea we, M. Ladies one strap slippers. pointed too, patent tip, 31. Ladies wine colored, two-buttoned Ox- ford, var?` neat, $1.2. . I -ulinu n; nun vfnwl nhnn nnlrr I: `All? X0), V01` ' H835, l"..'{). Ladies gipsy Oxford shoe, onlyafew left, at $1.535. Childvan s tan Oxford, strong but neat shape. 50. (`.hildrnn n tan nnlnrnd hnntn. tyrant`. vn. Ms. REDDEN 8:. co.{ ."Y".""`.`._'_?" _ u man; 1:. 1ucue:n, seconu. _ - Waggon wheel race---H. Fowler, first-; E. Storms, second. Standing broad jump. and hop,,step and jump, boys under sevent.een-.A. War- wick, tirst; G. Laturney. eocond; W. Lzxird, third. Waltzing cont.ost-Miss L. Jackson, rat; Muss M. Burnett, second; Miss M. Sulli- van. third. In... .a........ n7 1,.-. 4:...o. IV GI...-.n summer Shoe Bargnlnl. Ladies one strap slippers, cum sole, bonded toe, $1. Y.urlim: nnA uh-an nlinnnrn ntnhul Inn ona. Hundred yards dash~W. Dahaney, rst; F. Tucketb, second. `Vnannn ulhanl rnnn_. wnWIAP, Erit- E80000. ' Fat; men's ruce~Dr. Ball, first; '1`. Jen- man, second. . I .nnn man : ~rnnA_q -pnrknr rain (1 w. uenaneyc; aoconu. Standing: broad jump, and hop, step and jump-F. Decker, first; G. Cnlbutb, sec- ond. !.I.....l.....l ....-.J. .-lmsl. \U Hnknnnn MISS A. nnurp IOOOIIG. Ladies race. open to members of C O. C`F.-MiuAboz-uethy, rsb; Mrs. Hughes. \ second. u....:..n..n..- ........ u... n......m...+- nanny, ISL; D111. VV. flw, UUCUIIU. Children : race (under eight; yura)-- Boriha Pipe. x-st; Flora. Elmer. second. ; V. Hughes, third. 'I`l1ran"lt.rairrhb iumnn (Indie:-1H\-Miss V. DUgllUE, l4H,lI'U. Three` ituraighb jumps (ladies`)-Miss Lena Sbnley, tint: Miss T. Gollogly, ae- cond. ' . I73..- LL`... l.......u.l ......n. (1 -Tnh.-nan Conu. _ Bbye three-legged ;nco-G. Laturney. E. Storms, that; W. Storms, W. Laird, second. 141.4. .....-J.` _..n.. T\- `Dali R....K.'I" T4... mun, wcunu. Lean .men aymce.-S. -Porter, rat; G. Kennedy. second. `.220 vnrda raca--Sbanlav Porber. first: Tova-s' won by A. Fowjr; K. McMahon, second; A. Potctigrow, third. ll ru\a. ainht roan and under-- A. ruuwgruw. nnlra. 15 race. eight year: ,nnd undor-- Alice Sharp. ue; Ada Hughes, second; Maggie Jamioson, third. ` Yonna Indian r`nce--Minn Shnlev. first: ECCOIICI. ` Married Indies race-Mra. Daugherty. rat; Mm: Willie. 2nd. Lurlinn` rnnn_.l.Han r`2.Im.+.+. rntu Minn HTUE: NIKE: VVIIIM`. ;:nu. Ladies` race-Mias Calcutta. rst: Miss Gollogly, second; Miss Mouck, third. Ladies rune\-MiAn Ahar. \1U|IUgIyy IUUUKIU; AYJIEU HIUUCK, lclllfuu ' Ladjep race (curnmir.coe)-Mx'ss Aber- nathy, first; Mrs. W. Pipe, second. Childmn n rnna (undnr oiohh vans)-- nenneuy, BECOHU. 220 yards race--Stanley Partner. first; W. Debaneys; aocond. Smndimr `brnad iumn. and hon. amen and IVIHKSIU JBIDIDIUH, IIHIU. Young ladies r`ace-.-Miss Sbaley. rst; Mice A. Sharp aocond. Indian race. men to members of . C O. `an. Dlllf. ` Clog dance-vW. Jones, first; W. Sharon, `nrennris \V, (lnllmrhnr. third. CITY AND VICINITY. ' boota. great va- Keep In Sight Your In-ongth-It is I! well dlxutod. It you -tomsch In not. doing its dutyjry I1). 0. Khan is not I pernon suloring from In. dlueanouhnt It won`! help-that it won't give more Inc and --omfon to. K. 0. C. PIIII In wlendod {or the Liver and novels. They eure uonntipntion Jvlun taken with K. I). 0. amp aunng me year nsmrruu LU- The majority of the K.. U. camper: re- turned home yeaterdny. The balance, in- \cluding J. D. Cannon. B. Anzli , H. Bryan, W. Woods. H. Ovens, W. ing. H. Conley and I). Volume. are on I csnoo trip down the Gannnoque river. They hnve four canoes and will return home this man` week. tucker. agent. Ex chnef of police McKinnon. Hamilton. is utter the po.-itionof inspector of domm- ion police, made vacant, by Lheuppointment. of U`Lonr_v as deputy warden ot the King- ston penitentiary. Rnhnrc. Knnmnf the Gran!) Northwestern aton penltencmry. Robert. Kane,of the tulegraph (:omp:m_\', hm: been called to the Lead oice at Turuubo. Manager K0:-.rns says Mr. Kane was one of the cloverosb oporubors he ever had in his employ. 'I'hirLv-nine vnumz Fnen formed apool opornbors he mm in ms employ. Thirty-nine young a pool at the road race yesterday morning. putting in t.wonby-ve cents each. Norman Robinson held the lucky number-twenb - and secured $9.75 for his twenty-ve cent. investment. \r..-.|.. us..- Innlynn m- Alnvnndl-in Raw Investment. North King leaves for Alexandria Bay Sundays st 9 n.m.. and for Rochester" at 6:45 p.m.; Tuqtdays and Thursduyn Hero leaves at.3p.m., connecting with North King at Brighton for Charlotte. J. 1'. Hanley, agent. Ruv, .l I-`., Rtnrril uoimz to tllk next namey, agent. Rev. J. E. Starria going neg: Sunday on bicycling. He said from his pulpit. on Sunday that he hedwvitnoued enough that day to make his theme t.`mo- ly. Really the city street! were alive with cyclore that day. The members of Kimraton council No. witn cyclere mar. day. The members Kingston `Z0, C.O.C.F.. proudly carried to their annual picnic yesterday the handsome ellken banner won in 1893 by the council for having the lergeeh increase in member- ship during the year referred to. _ 'I"hn mninritv of K.. eemnere men aura nlnguon curpeu wuruuuuru. Hugh Hinds. Ottawa, is deadmged sixty- onu years. In me times he was a resident. of Kingston. He was a very prominent. Urangoumn. ` .Inmau A. Elliott. non of Alexander Coal andW0od.| st.reet.. J. H. Smellie, of Hammond's l`nrt,.'.Y., left yestenduy for his home uh that place after lmvmg spent two weeks in this city on n pic.-mun. View to old~tnmo friends and acquaintances. h'nrm4mn4' annual excursion to Rochester ucquullmmces. Fore:-tons annnnl and Nmanm Falls. Take an`. Columbian Saturda_v. Aug. 7th, at 0 p.m. Fare only 3| 5|) to Rochester and recurn and $2.75 to Niogarx; Falls and return. J. 1 . Hanley ticket. agent. Rx nhmf nf nnlice Mcliinnon. Hamilton. Urangoumn. James A. Elliott, Elliott, Belleville, died Saturday morning. He was twomy-six years of ugo and leaves a wife and one -cbi_ld. u..-..|... -...l ....._.... 11.. n.n.... :n.An|-. o . ` Adolph Gaiger, Brockville, attending Kingston buoineua colloge,wus attacked with malarial fever, and vvpu taken home. He is reported considerably bemer. Tan omnn gem inr PINES inst to hand at b_LOV0n.`e()I|, [Or we next, (Mu muuunn. Arnotfs Arnicu Anodyne cures neuralgia and Lrmthnche. l{ube"'Richardson, formerly conductor on the B. of Q.lR.., bubnow on trhe Uanndu Atlantic and Parry Sound line. spent. Sun- day and Monday in l urLumout.h visiting re- lzmvea. ll... I`..I \ln`r'ir~nr- nn lnnr tiznurlllnr lauves. Mrs. (Jul McVicnr and her daughter, Mrs. A. Armour, of Rmrheater, N. Y.. are the guesbs of Mrs. B. F. l).w_y, Rideau sbruot, and Mrs. John Carver, Nelson Bf-l`ef.. I n u......u:.. n` lfnunvvannrra l nrf \' \' Olly. Miss Sadie Godwin, Kingston. guest of Mrs. A. S. Donpldson, ville". - , ' A}...-.L .. -`III. nnurnu nnnulinnbinn nr wiui relatives Miss Minnie 4. accompanied by Bollo- villo friends, his left. for A vacation at Syracuse, N. Y. Takes a camera with you on your vaca- tion, we have them froin$2.. >() upward:-. E. (J. Mitchell. H. Driver, of Elliott) Bros ., is enjoying h' cation. Hie-I dubics am being attend- owtcmporurily by 8. Burton. E. H. Moles, of Brockville, left for his home last evening after having spent a few days in the city visiting E. W. Sullivan. Ii`.-nnk Kane. nf Lhn nnnmliice d!!!)tut- Guys In LIIB cltay Vlulung 1:4. vv. nulnvuu. Frunk Kane, of the puatoice depart- ment, returned on Saturday from Toronto, where he spent; hii three weeks vncalzi on. Rmwpm. In mm nut] ILHUO narmnu wure WIIUFU UU apuuu Ill! uuruo WUUIB vnucunuu. Between 10,000 and ll,UUO persona wore C&l`I`|0d on the screen curs yoswrday. The mnjoriby rode In the afbernoon and even- inn`, BSOTH & co., mrr. fjharlea Walsh, lobe of J. Reddon a grocery store, loft. ydtmday far Philadel- 1vhin,l`n, whore he has eecured a good position. Think nf buvimz taueatrv comet 20. a pouluon. Think of buying tapestry carpet; yard. Bring your cash and get. it at R. McFaul a Kingston carpet. warehouse. Hnuh Hindi, ()r.mwn. in dnndmued aixl:\'- ll WHO RHLI OHB-IJUIIG. Sticky and pdnaon y paper, insect powder and gums. Pure hellobore and Paris green. -Low prices as E. C. Mir.- chol| |. AA.-.l..|. llnhvunu R.-m-.I...:IIn nlhfnntlinn 19. U. Mnbcneu a. On June Huh at Oakwood, Ont.., Mrs. Rilunco, relicl. of the lute W. Rnlnnce, and mother of the Rev. W. Rilance, of Chelsea, P1,, died in her eighty-fourth your. Miss Carrie Mue _Yuuugs, of (iorham, N.Y., arrived in the city on Sunday, and will be the guest. of her cousin, Mrs. W. H. S_Lcvons-.on, tor the next, two months. A......o`- Annin.-. Annrlnnn ruirnnl nnul-nlain Inge, I.` rllel VVIIHU9 I'l9I,U|(Illllll LUIIIIII. V Midsummer carpet. sale at; _R. cF'aul`a. Tapestry carpet. at 20c. in yard. Cash only. n D:..I..... -4 'I".......,I I......l.-....... .-... Hm neaaucue. The appointment of Frank L. Cartwright bi) be an Inspector of the mounted polic: is gazetted. _ Pnh:-1| . mall`. at E. C. Mitchellu 30. a gazoueu. Pabst: malt at E. C. Mitchell r, `bottle, 33 a dozen. The "BeeL tonic. T. J. Morency. Kingston, is in Brcc`k- ville, to spend a few days with his father, 1:}. Morency. Mi:-ma Flora Anhin and Allin Mnlntvre. L. moreucy. Misses Flora, Annie and Allie Molntyre, Toronto, spent the holiday in the city wlLln relatives u;.... u:.;..;.. . .....m........n:m-I Inn hall- us reported consxueramy Dewar. Ten gross gem jnr rmgs just E. (J. MnLchel|`a. n.. 1...... Iul. no nabumml nt. Hm ALLEN'S SHOES. . . . You'll knpv It by tho bx. `rho lploo or Ivory Day LIu-Whnt tho People Arc Tilting Abdul!--Nothing ll cupu tho Attention ol `thou who Au rum: noun. The next holiday will be labo: day, September 6th. ; F, AI-matrnnsr, Tnrnnlhn, vilifnrl friends Ill IJIU Ullly ycawruuy. ' Lots of germ` jar rings. corks, wax, etc., at Mitchell : drug score. Minn Gm-tin Mill: Kintrnfnn, in rm :1 visit DEX UIBICT, MTG. UT. Lulfu. lnllllo F. -G.iKirkpatx-ick occupied the pulpit at St. James` church gm Sunday morning. E. Thurston, New York. in in the ciby on a visit so his parents, Bnnack street. Rev. Dr. Ross, Kingston, is at: his cat- tage, Frileigh White Heud.0uahiu Island. Midsummer cnrnet. sale an R. cF'nul`l. only. - _, 4 1). Rickey. of Tweed. brakoeman on the B. of Q. R11, s-pent civic holiday in this nirv, viue. `Arnotis pills cures constipation and sick `headache. rm... .`.,.....:..+.......o at l4`.....1. I (`uptu-nho. be PEOIILDET Dill. F. Armatrpng. Toronto. vieibgd friends ` in the city yesterday. ~ I.nt.n nf-(ram-inr rinnn. nm-kn. wax. atc.. III LVIIIAUHUII 3 llfllx H0070. Miea Gertie Mills, Kingston. is on a visit to Mrs. Robert. Uraig, Brockvilla. Mm. D. VVnlI.ern_ Bellaville. in visibinlz L0 L\.lI'l- KVUUBIW D7815, DlUCKVllIU- Mrs. D. Walters, Belbville, in visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Third. `Kingston. '1` -ll Kirl.-n,-zh-ir-Ix nnr-uniml the nulnif. PKRAGRAPH8 PIOKEQ UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTER3 INCIDENTS or THE DAY; .- ..._.-.. ._- __-_., calm cum non}? Teal ,,ruo`a-pun. o. o.-un.n.o.ruu unndhh, HIGHEST ENDORSEMENT WR F 000` 3. I . In Zn: yocvhl. ia the Brock- ,IIA~~XY 8.'i1AR0LD. __.__:-_ Steam Carpet oonvuynncon OI IVIl" ll IJAMES muann, no Pvinnnn shunt. Thu I LONDON. INC. I HE A'l'Hhl$'l'lU ASSUUIATIUN PROPERTY north ufthe fanned grounds. The extan- Ilon of Eng! Street will run directly throuuh thou lots which are (`lone to 1 growing neu- tlon of 0139 city. Apply to J. 8.SKlNNI-In, Solicitor. Glarenue Street. Umlor new nmmuremont. has been thoroughly n!1t.t.elwlhnll modern cmxvaluelmos. Mriutly Hrat -1-Inn uccmnmuduuon for In Carpets clunod.-Amnl. IICIUIOI and ma. cm Woon AND COAL mm. __- _ ._ -4- .1;__-4 llheuardknl F. PARTRIDGE, l'II L-oi I--1-`r-:1 354 Princess St. - 8trattord'a Old Stand Acc.!9ats V I'll! AND UP! Auunnco` 00., GALVANV/[ED WIRE FARM FENCING from 50-, to 75cper rod (16; feet). A perlootlock fem-.9, tho chenpesv. and but farm fenoo undo- A um -...... .1...-.-Minn .r nu-munnntnl Wit: IEDCO, (HO CIICIDBHI and UOIW 133171 NHIUC II-IFIUO Also every dunription of Omnmontnl Wire Work manufacturer: by tlon of um city. Apply 1 FINE III VII \Jnv-uw-.-. Hus returned from the P.A. MA. at Chant- r[1un' nml raporhc many new devblopmontu In hnt.uaraph_v. which he will at. once intru- duco. He is ulwny-o on the alert. Incl if when in anything nuw he has it. You an uuujoo bo pluum-.41 1! you no photographed at i(. W. $nidef s Photq`-JParlors 8 doors uhnvo Open Houw. hone 316. Eifarming Effects Machine Mai; Heavy Dry Slabs There has been no lack of ' room at I ` "'";'.Tv:;p`1;Is:` RUBBER RINGS SEALING WAX 1 Union Street. near Division Street. lately occupied by David J. Whitehuul. A small expenditure will complete it. hot. adjoins neon : Uollano grounds. Apply to R. V. I33. Barrister. CALEDONIA SPRINGS All comers have been com- fortably nccommodated at this popular watering place. WAP'5I _ P399... ._T.9}3~ Well-knovm cltlzens Tostlly To Bmi. Benets BocemI., . Got Malayan : Guide to Health and Cute You:-solves with a D5-Cent Ben- edy-Po:Ith'e and Permanent Cure: for Cute:-rh. llhumntlem. Dyupepelg. liver and Kidney. Troubles and All Spoclal Blood and Nervous Dlleaees. b WNWN s% FROM BROAD HOM(EOPATl'lY - luagn. Prlre 25c. ' . unyon`n Kidney CuroJpQodl`|i1 om-cl puma Jn mo hack. lolm n`r mlnn. an II] form: ,9! kidney diueuue. Price `.bc. Mun_\'un'xa Nerve (`ure alopl nervomneu nna lmdn up the nyltom. Price 260. _ Muu_mn'n Hetulnvhe cure otopo hendncbo In three minutes. PI_'|u- 251', Munynlfn Pile nlntnwut positively cunt II [mum of plleu. Price 26`. , Mun)-nn`u Blood Cure eradicate: Ill Immu-Imo of Ihe Mnnd. l r1<-e 25:`. _ Munyorrn Female Ilemedlel no I boon .00 Ill \\`(Ill|O'H. Munyon'I Cntnrrh Rt-motile: never nil. The (`ntnrrh Cure-prlce 2c.- dicatn the dllauo [mm the Iyntem. and Ilse L Curl: '1`nblett--prlco 26c.-01-clue Ind bu] the DINO. _ Munyon'I Autumn Re-mdl_e| rg1f_evo_I_n (hm minutes nnd cure permanently. Price M. Munynn'u Vltallur. I neat tome and I !- uom-ot vlml. um-nun: to weak pooplo. 81. A Ielmrue cure !or.nch_d_l|euo.. M Ill drug. HE ANDSOMIC NEW RESIDENCE ON Union Street. Division lately nnonnlnd bv David J. Whitalnnml. A small cI's'u. hiiiitlir 25 canto I vlol. . ` Pcrnunnl letter: to Prof. Hanna. 1! Albert germ. Turnnlo. Ont... answered with nu ma. an udvlcu (or up dluuc. emu wonx run uumum People in Every Walk of life Acknnwladgeis Success. WORDS FROM THE" HEART me has been umply wonuenun. Mung-on`: Rheumatic Cum Mel on fan: to to- llevu In one to three hours on cum in I In! unyl. Price 250. Munron'I Dy-papal: Cum ponltlve_ly _-\mg_nl| Munyon'I D -papal: Cum ponltlvely curn all terms 0: ma usual: and uoxnnch tmuhlem. Pncs 250. Human`! Cold Cure prevent: pneumonia um breaks up I cold In a few noun. Prim Ne. Munyon`I Conn: one Igonu _9l|}. _nl|_ht hr. Ne. new coughs. night tun-nu. nllnya Iomnesn and speedily hell! tho lumzn. '25}?-_-3* l7;n'in'|e'nnu) ' Munyon'I Remedies rfevo In Q1. Munymfu Vmullur, nu} ton|_c Mn. 01. Iepnrne lonrlch d|lII.~. gm; mostly ' PrIun_nl letlurg up Prof H_nnynn. ___.. _.nn. 0...- -.-AI, Ont... nnuw on HAT LAIHHC Ef9'lI)lN()E UN l\()H.'l`H nido of Johnston Hmraon, first house west of Ernie Htreob. with furnnco and other modern cnnvenienca-.~n. Alnm Hm Stuns Dwel- ling, I38 Barrie Street, with modern improve- ment: Apply to Jun): Mums. : Repairing a Specialty. Give us I. call. H. E. HBRODo II-A I\_A__`-- t Qbunnbloln f\I O: anus vvvv-._.-_ 3'74 Prlnoeu Btroot. Bunch oloo-235 womlnon Strut. _: lo V1 0 QIIIUCI .5 I Ilvw u uu -up Only 2.50 pe'r cord, delivered. For Bottles awn}! Jgra. all sizes, . . v\v1nl-I IVII-\J Ll` I IIIIIII. I . loo Princou u . The wnuoonn with the wheel win own. ausss .s57.:.::: ;n-d_ Elrgck tr-eo'ts: V --?_:- I...-:1`: v For Bot;.l':'s-'a.-11d.Tnrs at WADE'S. will hnxpcn und vehicles booomo worn an tn-nlnhod In who of the but of euro. Bria`) than Inn and wo`ll mnkonfood so of them. Wo vo I complete p ant for msnulootutu eon vonncoo 0! our: dnorlptlon. urn I A1-unnrv H15 URINE H.l`Jl')ll)ENUl. 75 UNION S'l`., non King. Heated by hoe water. gas,ev.u. Lnwn, mmlen and stable. Apyly to Du. OLIVIR, corner King and Gore Streets J in 8l'MMERlll;b[NEBY. Wolool exceptional induoomontn In Btnw Hutu. Fnncylmpomnllorn and Lou- horns. etc. Our stock In tho but we have over can-led. 0:205:25; -won: "1*$}"c}; Jars at WADE'S. -__ rvv Cleaning Works. E - Agent. Kingston. I07 OOQIPIIIY II III! A 113] Bullnocr. --`-7 FOOTWEAR. CRESCENT WEI WORKS. 176 King M. I57 PRINCESS RTREICT. OOMS TO-LET, WELL l"l7H.NI:H~lE[J, Iuitablo for Indian or gentlemen; latest. Improvements, electric livhtn, use of tele- phone. 380 Brook Street. "elephune WI. LOSEBURN F()R.MER.LY IlE RESI- donuo of Hon. G. A. Kirkpatrick. beauti- lnlly Iltuatud. oppouizn Mnmlunulul Pnrk. Ap- yly to Kuuu-A'nuux & Ruumu-1, ()nt.nrio Ht. HAT LARGE RES[I)E.\'(3l12 UN I\'0H.'I`H nf Han-in Htrunn. with furnaces and other URNISHED. THE IJESIRABLE RESI- d.onoo,1H9 Johnston street. Good locality, pol-foot drainn 0. all modern conveniences. ` Apply to D3. ADDILL. HE SIUNE B.ES[l)EN(}E. 75 UNION S I`.. gas, aw. Lawn. anuhm and ntnhla. Anvlv to Du. Wear EIOK SHOP. WITH GOOD RESIDENCE overhead` No. 351 Princess Street. App! a sine! & swncv. * 9 HALF OF THE FLAT OVER THE BIBBY l 00': Clothing Store King street. adjoin- Ballleh rrlnting0 09. Apply It WH10 co. HE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PROPERTY north of the (annual nrnundu, l"|m nxum. MIMI LL lull uuuu UL \.\.r llbk nu uuxvu v u..\ In ll-old throughout the voL PM-rut D. 19. Ccnr-.,.V T. -om tgroughoul I co. Com-., W-lo . anon. "' I I to (Jun `rogurlng uunon," mo. BBY 8 SKIN '{1:2.H`y"u":'. 3_:i'5 J`..3` V T T T Skin: on ilra WWII torturing, disguring, Itching, burning. bleeding, scaly, and pimply . huunon, instantly relieved by a warm bath 7 /wm: CUTXOUIIA SQAP. 1: single application of 2-"'Cu'r1o1'1u (ointment), the great skin .cu_xe, and 9. full done or Cmxcuna Iimonvuxr. NM 4 4 _ _ 'A ' _ - a L 1 _ . . _ n_. _.Iu\. A..--u-. ..... I`Kn:vnIIIv\Iu gun I LII Ivvu nruvu. .4 gr... Int`: Haunt. " lnvnnnnn Wu at: on mill. " AN In-o. Mm Good Quallty. Low Prlces. Prompt Delivery. Wquaro Dealing. 3f\I\"I`IJ D, f PUT Carnovsky Company, OFF WHY? Oar. Ontario and Want. Streets. IT 1 ONTARIO STREET. Wli7()Z'l:l3ZLZ WELLMAN. ( Ph;m; 133 for u..mmsa.) TO BE LET. .__.__`..._.__..._.:. _F'b-R A'L`t-:7 -'-'0-W The { Is a bad maxim rto follow, parti- I cularly when you , are` thinking of ',preserving fruit. [ 'J`lm berry season ! will soon be over lhund to put 05" : any longer may s menu that you'll '_ have to do with- ` out. In California I fruits we`vePears, ,' Petiches. Prunes. _ and Plums of all { kinds. H IO'l`Il.lI'l'. Proprietor. Bcst.l past. The intruder effected an entmnce by cutting through the wire screen on a win- dow in the western side of the house. His boots. cost. and hot: were found on the vernndeh, just outside the window. Before making an entry into the house he had. llnleimilar manner, made his way into the greenhouse, and had taken out Mr. Sutherland`s bicycle. which he took to the gate and left there ready to ride away on when his work had been com- pleted. He took from the greenhouse half-s-domen eggs. and their shells were found at the gate beside the bicycle. where he had "sucked" them. He was armed with sheavy knife` when he was captured, and, he doubless would have made edespernte ght had he not seen the ready and fearless ettscl: made on him, Ind hsd not the electric lights been turn- ed on. It is thought he had a companion who made his escape on seeing the warden returning home, Is no burglsr s tools were found, And as. it is thought, thst several Articles of little value were taken out of the n-house end carried off. mud in not helm for the nromnt And in- n-n0IlFI Inu CII'l'lUlI UH. Had it. not been for the prompt And trepid conduct 0! Mr. Sutherland in giving chase to the intruder, on Mrs. Metcnlfei cull. the rnhn might. hurt our riod of! considerable booty. Mrs. Mot- calEe s conduct wn duet-ving of the grant. an pl-nine, as she hhowod not the alightaat sign ol four, but u soon as the man left bu-`room, sprung out of bed and looked shoot the room for I miuilo to in-ow at at the running and cheeky buurgiu-. Ileelone In Japan. a A report from Japan to the Metho- dist mission nnthoritlee 31:01:: that in -that mission eld the Canadian Metho- diet Inieeionuiee and their native help. ere have baptized-394 persons. the net inereeee in nenhenhip being .142. There bu been an Incnue in the euendelfoe In the Sunday ecbeole of I03 ecbolere. In the Japan conference they have raised $2,409. or about e dollar: heed {or each -...-Ln- H10 I8 WOTLII Holilllllg Hll'YWlIy. An escort was called from the peniten- tiary, and the burglar was taken to that in.-ntitution and locked up until to-day, when he will be hzindenl over to the city police. He in ii burly Irialiinan, aged about forty-ve. weighing about H5 pounds, and standing five feet seven inches high. He speak: with a noticeable brogue. He stated that his name was Mo(i:irve_v. and he confided to the warden: When [was here bcfore,1 was unt to jail for ten days. There 1 was put to do unclean work. and 1 determined that, if I ever came back to Kingston, the people would hear of me. From certain cxpreneions he used. it is believed the man is an ex- cunvict though he has not been in the penitentiary during the pint ten years. He used ex-warden Creightoifs rienie q uite familiiiily, and it is thought he son'- od time during the term of ollice of that cllicial. When he was being taken to the cell to be locked up for the night, he ro- mnrked to guard Robert McCormack: "Open the door quickly, Bob!" thus show. ing that he lmd-known the guard in the past. 'I`hnintrurler affected an entrance bv ,_`__u_gEo--voun uiia n I|nIAL" lnvcI.I And Ioggi-:;;:'1::'.'in stock `:5 will oolluont. A. Ahlnoihfu, I27 Prinooi 11 All was Bllenta. nowever, wnun buoy ea it. They turned the electric lights on, but even then, nothing out of the way Was to be seen. Going cautiously towards a bay window. the curtains of which he be- lieved he saw moving slightly, Mr. Suther~ land, with revolver ready levelled, lifted the heavy clapery, and disclosed the shrinking form of a man, crouching close to the wall. and endeavoring to to make him.-iolf as small as he could. Hands up ! I ve got you covered 2" com- manded Mr. Sutherland. and I have you covered too ! exclaimed the wdrden at his side. No second bidding was neces- sary. Up went the burglar s hands. and he growled as he raised them. `'You ve got ma " ' me! The intruder was ordered to sent him- aolhwhich he did, and he was then sub- mitted to It searching cross-examination by the warden. After having elici- ted all the information that he could, vmnlen Metcnlfe gave the culprit a lecture, containing so many home truths that the fellow broke down, and boring his breast exclaimed,dramatically: Shoot me! Shoot me, or l ll commit suicide E My lilo is worth nothing anyway. An nqnnrf. wmi nnllnd frnm the neniten- aeiiuerateiy to "go turuugu uue pmue. The warden yesterday received a num- her of guests from Ottawa, and after the V pleasant intercourse of the afternoon and evening. he aucompilhied them down town at about one o'clock this morning to see them off on their return trip to the capital city. At about 'two o'clock, and while he was still absent, Mrs. Metcalfe. who had retired, was awak- ened by a noise in her bed-chamber and in the dim light was able to discern the gure of a man standing just inside her bed- room. She called to her son-in-law, James T. Sutherland, who resides in the house. and the intruder at once turned tailand ran down stairs. As he ran Mrs. Metcalfe continued to call her son-in-law, and the burglar, turning his head, shouted back to her, "\'ou i'e making a devil of anoise up there 3" Mr. Sutherland, hearing the calls, and the noise made by the in- truder, jumped out of bed, dressed hurriedly, seized his revolver,` which he loaded as he ran, and hastened to the scene. He hearda noise as of someone at- tempting to open a door at the back of the house, and a similar noise at the front ulso. He ran to the back door first, and as he reached it he was greeted by warden Metcalfe s voice saying: If you stir you're a dead man! I have you covered. Informing the warden of the facts, Mr. Sutherland opened the door, and he and Mr. Metcalfe proceeded to search for the unwelcome visitor. Hearing, in the the parlor a rioisch as would be made by a pers i endeavoring to break through the wire screen that protected the win- dow, they hastened to thul:_ apartment. All silent. however, when they reach- nu ll 'I`|mu fnrnnr` thn nlnr-trio liuhml nn_ A Daring Attempt at Bnrglory-lntrepld Conduct of the Intruder : Canton- captured at Plstol`o.l olnt - Prisoner Thonght to. Be an Ix-Oonvlct. The warden of the Kingston penitenti- ary meets with many and varied experi- ` encos during the performance of his duty, but never before has he. nor perhaps. any of his predecessors in office, ever met with such an adventure as he, and his son-in- law_James Sutherland, went through. at an early hourthismornlng. And though the members 0! the burgling profession un- doubtedly work in strange and, unexpected, places, occasionally, it is safe to say, that seldom does one of the fraternity knowing- ly select the residence of the warden of a penitentiary, situated within call of a _groa.t penal institution. as the scene of his burglarizing operations. Yet one enter- prising knight of t e jimmy actually cut his way into war on Metcalfe s resi- dence early this morning and proceeded deliberately to "go through the place. The warden vmlterdav received WHO Tum ENTERED WARDEN METCALFE S RESIDENCE. [THEY CAPTURED A BURGLAR All tho Ilqolo I00 __.I_... _- L--- :_ -A..I. lliu l`(o|;|-.40 St. _.I street Toron- to.` tail: "To Mr. natty. toiniltg Place and me another hoxof Miller : Compound Iron Piiln. Thoy no Xolping Go." For sale by E. 0. lliocholl. R. A. Rnllivnn- M.A.. Ph..D.. of Wuh- Wellington Summer Resort Y. nnn nl Oh` nu-ntnui nnnlnnf. nun] mnuf [W DI! IIOVIII Kl` IVG0l|'ll- For my one of nervousness. sleepless- nosunsk utmuch, indignation. dyspepsia. try Oortofo Liulo Nun Pilh. Relic! in sun. The only norvo nodioinmfa that print in maths. " ruuuuvnn vv Iunuaa. A singular disappearance was reported to the detective department on Monday. Thomas Thompnon, of `Kingston, arrived in the city on Monday with his daughter Jennie. Aged nineteen. They walked about. looking At_ the town. and when passing a St. Catherine street fruit store. Mr. Thompson asked his daughter to wait a moment while he bought some fruit. When he stepped out Miss Thompson win one. Detective Cnmpeeu wu notied, on put A couple of detective: on the case, but pp to the time of ing to press the young ledy had not on diacovored. As she could hardly have been spirited away it in preeumed that she left her parent volun- tarily. she in I brunette,Ind ween I blue dress and white hat. nu. -. vn sq -w---. William Lambert. of Kingston junction, who for over forty years put. bee been in the employ of WC U.'1`.R. company as in- epector of mu-onry. received notice on Seturdny that his eervicee have been die- penued with. Duriu his long period of service Mr. Lambert _u not bed A eingle compleint. entered ageinehhim. only It for Light-Uolgln Dunner Cuts. `lI_._.-L -5 LL- \Y-_ \V..J. ..I..a.I.;L.-sL`... u--y vn -nu uuguruwuguu u---v- \4v-Ur. Provoot, at the New York clothing ntbro. Brock street. has roocivod thin days aplen- did loo 0! lustre coats. which be will olfor to the publiclor II. All sizes from 36 to 0. They cannot. be batten lot value. lo!` Ill! Dy lb. U. llwnou. R. A. Sullivan. M.A., Ph.D.. 9! Wash- ihgton. D.C.. .-.p:nt.| couple of well! visit in; nld-tint Manda in this city. and loft. let his homo lac tuning. In: AIIC an-n nl naval-nnnn, nlnnnlnnn. HEIG- Ottnwa city has organized. and will have an exceptionally strong fteen this season. Besides-having the pick of Ottawa men, they have secured Roan, Kennedymnd Roy- aide, of Queafa: Counsell, Mclhugall and Kingetone. of \'oreity: Mcfxlibbern. of Hamilton: James, of Ottawa college, and Young. of Toronto. Smellie, the famous quarter-back, will also play his position. With such an army as this, the chances for another team to win the dominion championship are very small. If Queen a ` are to uphold their former reputation of always putting out o first-clues team. something will have to be done immedinte- ly in the wny of organization. ' . Flrlt Form [llgh School Exams. Athens~- H. B. Blanchard (honors), L. E. Brown (honors), S. Bryan, I. Co- burn, 7.. ])eWolfc, L. Drummond, J. M. I)unn,C. H. Eaton, W. Empey, H. K. Fowler, K. F. Uilroy, J. Pale. J. Hum- blou,A. \V. Hnnton, H. E. Holmes, M. Knrley. J. M. Kelly, \\'. S. Muckiu, A. Rape, (L Rappoll, (honors): C. I). Rihumo, W. Shaw. H. Whicmore. C. C. Wilt.-co (honors). E. B. Wiltso (honors). E. Yoaten (honors), 0. York (honorn). Y. I). York. Picton--l.. Barruger. H. Blakely, C. Barker (honors), L. Boultor. M. Brummel. (1. llegg, C. R. Cryndale (honors), O. N; ('r_van, L. M. Dodge, J. M. Eaton, C. H. Eyre, A. M. Johnson, (3. Hill, A. W. _ Howell. M. llunter, J. A. MncCaule_v (honors), L. Mnccnuley, L. Moran, A. A. Minnker, W. Sullivan, B. F. Stortta, S. O. Smith. H. Swetnmn, M. A. Smith, Bella Shannon, Rose Shannon, J. S. Thompson (honors), E. Vnndewaber, R. L. Worden, A. W oodrow, E. Welbanks. \7nmkn-n_\ I Ilnunn Loloklng l"or-A Daughter. Mont:-enl Witness. ` A ' , I I` - -an up. uuugu; - u-gv-an After what has transpired during the past. wvck. the outlook for Queen : rugby football club is not very promising. 1):`. Ar- thur E. Ross. the rodoubtable captain of `Queen's, has decided no practice medicine in Ottawa, and, in is said, Gaorge Ken- nedy has been offerod a good position in the capital city. Thisbwill be a grant blow to (,!ueen s. and it is very doubtful if 11. first mam can be secured in the college thm nl1t.t.elwlhnIl mo-turn Htriutly first-(`Inns O In-go numhor of mxllrhta. Secure your rooms in advance. Connected With the Brltllll American Hotel-BIll of Euro. Fresh cooked meats, per plate or pound. Roast; fowl, spring chicken and turkey al- ways ready. Pastry of all descripbiong. Ice cream 5c. and IOC. (including cake). tea. coffee and sandwiches. Open day and night. Telephone `.292. Wellnnd Canal Report. Pom` l)AI.n0usnc, Ont:., Aug. 2.-Paseed down--Steamer J. R. Langdon. Chicago tr) Ogdenaburg, general cargu steamer Rosemounb, Fort William to Kingston, wheat; barge Melroae, Fort William to Kingston, wheat; steamer I)enver,(JlniccLgo to Prescott, corn; y;v:ht.An1anadsi, Cleve- land to New York, light; steamer H. S. Picknnda. Toledo to Kingston, corn; steamer. King, (lrand Marius to Og- denaburg, lumber; barge Wenono, Mur- quotceboOgdensbu:g, lumber; barge L. lcuwson, Marquette to Ogdensburg, lum- ber. 1)...-i (`nu nnnu-n f\..L A n... 0 Dnnan\:' DUI`. Pom Cm.nunNl:, Onta., Aug. 2.--Pnsaed down~-Stoamer Aragon. Norwn|k,Chicago to Ogdensburg. corn; Omaha, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Prince, Chicago to Og- denaburg, general cargo. HIUFIIIIIK, llgllll, IUF IUTII VVIIIIBILI. The ateambarge Katydin, lying at Prea- cotb, has been 'lightered of her cargo of grain, said to have been damaged in transit from Chicago, and it. has been found that no blame can be attached to the vessel or her crew, as the grain was of inferior quality and in poor condition when it was put aboard. uown U0 rreucuw. ' ' The steamer Glengarry went down the river yesterday with four grain laden barges, which were exchanged with the tug Thomaunfor ve light barges. She returned with these to-day. Thu ntnkvnnr R.naArnnnnr. and nnnnnrf. Mal- TUDUTIIUU Wlhll LUUHU LU-Uly- The steamer Rosemounr. and consort. Mel- rose, Fort William. at-ri_ud yesterday with 117,000 bushels of wheat. consigned to the RLT` (`.n, The Rnanmnnnr. r-lnnrnrl thin an we pemtenuury uocx. Th; schooner Emery, Toronto. amvecl yesterday with 9.00!) bushels of peas. She is at the BLT. Co a anchorage. 'T'l.'A su\hnnnA\' Lnruan, nnnnnrf. nf Hm I5 RU (400 M. 1. U0 ! CU0l'BgE- Tire. schooner Luzon, consort of the ateamorstreet, arrived in port last night with 39,000 bushels of corn from Chicago. The Street with another `consort went down to Prescott. ~ mm. .a............ ru......-...... gm. A.-....m H... I I. l.A,UUU ULIBUGIH Ul VVIIIUIIII cuualguuu DU LKIU M. T. (30. The Rosemounb cleared this morning, light, for Fort. William. The ntnsamhnrnrn Knf.viin_ Ivintv At pran- 5115 H1. 1- U0: The schooner Burton is unloading a cargo of coal brought from Oawogo, N. Y., at. the penitentiary dock. The nnhnnnar Emerv. Toronto. arnvecl (I. A. WELLTIAN, Thegnteamer Farowoli, Duluth`. is at the I M. T. Co a. anchorage with 35,000 bushels of wheat. OI WHGRE Tho steamer Denver, Chicago, in in p"ort with 50.500 bushels of corn oonsignedm hhn Mfl`, an. WILD J15) I /)l]B OK C081 [OF lJHl.Vi'IUI'H N DU. The Lug Jessie Hall arrived in port. to- day from Montreal, having four light barges. ~ I The nnmmnr Fm-nwnli. l)ulut.h. in at the wuu uu.uw I the M.T. Co. ML- -..l....... Report: or Vane]: At nu Busy lake on- tarlo Pol-I. Tbenchooney Nellie Hurrter `is in port with 375 tons of coal for Cruwturd & C0. rm... ...,. t....:.. tI..n .....:....a s.. N... M, I. VYUUUFUW. ID. VVBIUIIIIKE. Newboro--Mabol L. Pierce. MARINE INTELLIGE NCEJ FRONTENAC Plck or RuzI)_y-l lnyors. __`.-L l.,_ ;...__,__:_._.I .1... knot Bony Years. I ___L`_L -l l?l__-L-_ Wm. Allen & Son, Brock Street. ?.':,':,:,'.,.,.,.