.rggiLag'){ August 10th. Lawn social at McMichael a grove, Cata- raqui. in grid of Christ church, on Tueadny. August josh. ' Mn. and t.ha Missal Elamore. Uuivag-sity I August Nth. Mrs. and the Mines: Elamore, I avonug, left yutardny for Curleton Plus to vilb relatives. u...l.-o. 1:.-....o...... up nnnnhnl l;'in.. 25c. to visit rouuvos. Baskets Sweobwabar pouches 15c., 25c. And 50c. at Cirnovukyh. Nun. wool: n nnrlhv nf fteen Win leave And we. at Unrnovskys. Next. week 5 party of fteen will for McLean : point. Loughboro Lake to spend I couple of week : camping. Miss Lewia'nnd Miss Winifred Lewis, nieces of the V.ory.Rav. Dean Lander. of Ottawa. are visiting an D1 . Knight's, Alice nbreeb. mi... .......l:o:nn nl Mn ll)r.\ Tillman. ill The condition of Mrs. (Dr.) Tillman, at the general hospital, has improved somewhat , and her physician thinks the danger point has been passed. Miss M. H. Giifard, of Watertown. N.Y., who from infancy has been alicted with 3 speech impediment, visited Prof. Clark, of Wellington. in week ago, and is now enjoying the full liberty of speech. She, with other skeptics. has been made to believe in the curative power ot Prof. Clark : treatment. No method of treat- ment is the name. rm... -..-..... oi... Rnlrlwinl, nf Ol-.t.a.wn. did ment. In the The reason {she Baldwins. of Ottawa, not appear in eeveral nal beans at the bi- cycle meet was they had to leave for home on the Columbian before their races came on. Dude Baldwin won a trial heal: in the quarter. beabing Axton, one of the fastest. men in the country. in .33, the fast- est. heat at the race. Benny Baldwin got I into the nal in the mile amateur. I) A 'nn|ynnr\ nlllllfili mmr Verona. ; the facts. into the tinnl In cue mue amnwur. R. A. Jackson. assaulted near Verona was thox ghb would die, is recovering `steadily. He denies Revell s statements fnatohis falling out of who buggy while drunk. He declares that. he was not. drunk.`and that he was struck by Revell. [Tho erroneous abataemenba appeared in `print while Jackson was still unconscious. A trial will soon take place and disclose by a companion named Revell, and who it. Kilekod By lEorse-IIlovomentI of The Rot-Id-ntn. Stella, August 4.-Rev. Mr. Ilurris, former minister of this place, und Mrs. llurris, Montreal, paid 2]. visit here. lust week, as the guests of Mrs. Williuin Montgomery. 'l`heir many friends were pleased to listen to Mr. Harris` instruc- tive preaching in the Methodist t`l)lll`l'll on Sunday evening. There was n suc- cessful ice. cream social in nid of St. A|h:in's ('ltur(.'h on Stella point, ll few evenings ago. A number of Chiiiese Inn- tarns lighted nnd In-u.utified the point immensely. Mr. Wheeler and friends, who left for home last. week, gave. in, grand display of fireworks previous to their visiting the Ritlenu. A large number assembled to see the fun. Mrs. Wilson and family are spending in few weeks here. They O'.!(`1lp_\' W. Beau- hren`s house. Mr. and Mrs. George \\'ri'ght. and son,Grand Forks, North U21- kotwt, are visiting Mr. Wright's mother and sister, Mrs. William Allen. It is about; fifteen years since Mr. Wright, left this place, in which he was born. His many frlends and school matle.s are much pleased to see. him again looking as well as eight years ago, when he paid us tl visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanders, Buffalo, also John Sanders. St. Louis, sons of John Sumlers, are visiting their parents and other friends here at pres- ent. 'I`he_v are looking well, nnd every holy is glad to see them after seine ye-nr.~t ulisence. A team of horses helonging to James FIV- Lsko Ontario whitnsh. fresh Fridny ....-..:..n .0. (`..unnunhw l. absence. A belonging to Mt'Mullen `ran away a few days ago with a binder. The tziacltitw was badly broken, but no one was hurt. There wa.-i another runaway in Stella lately, when E. lilson's horse was out. badly. Mrs. Miller pre:-u-.rile(l her husband with a bouncing eleven pound son a few days ago. A fine daughter has arrived at 'l`. M('Cormit'k's, .'Ind.a.nothrr at J. Mu- Mullen`s. l`hP trounril lias bought, the Select Knighl`s hall. which is a lino builtling. It will be used for township ('Ol`l"(`l'l and other purposos. The old hall was sold last. Saturday by public auction, \\'illiam Chown being the pur- l ll:lSt`.r. The Orange hall is undergoing extensive re[)n`5`s. Rev. Mr. Roberts, Mt`l'll(EkVill( , paid a visit to Mr. Mont.- ray last. week. Mrs. llogan, Kingston, paid a visit to Mrs. S. Pringle last. weok.; Miss Walker, Toronto, is visiting Missl Moulray. Mrs. Roach paid us a visit last week. Mrs. John Robinson, Grand Valley, is visiting her mother and oth- er frivnds at H'l .St.'nl. Miss Jennie Wel- ler visiting her sister, Mrs. C. Girvt-n, lately. Mrs. Saulsbery and Miss J. \Vilson, Kingston, aid a visit to Miss Jennie Fleming. Niiss li`. Johnslonlms returned homo-, alter a visit, to her brother in llu Milo. Mrs. R. Henderson, dangerously ill lately, is much better. Miss llrophy, Ni-w York, is visiting Miss Maggie Hill. We are having fine wea-, her this week, after pelting rains near- ly all last week. A bad not-ident occurretl here Tuesday CW5 l1ARDW| all last week. A accident evening. While Robert Couhrune wns mkin shackles of! (1 horse. the animal kit-ke him on the knee. inflicting 2:. large gush through this flesh and into the hang. It is mid the knee on is hroken. The people nre sorry for r. Cmhrnne having such it painful n.cci- dent, at the beginning of the harvest. Dr. Kennedy caught a very large pike Tuesday morning. Mr. Mclbnough also caught a number of very fine bass yesterday. Milford `August 4.;-Mr. and Mrs. John Burie-_, and Will Hurley, of Bloom- Ifield. 5 am Sunday in the village. Man- ` Iv Me ibbon has heeg_spendi_ng_ _a fe_w Wield, sgent Sunda) in the vumge. man- ly Mclxibbon been spending a few weeks among the Thousand islands. Misses Libhie Bredin n.nd Louisa Love were guests at R. Ostrandder`s on Tuesday. Miss A. Sutherland, of Kings- ton, is visiting her sister. Mrs. G. Dodge. Arthur Dodge is in Kingston. Miss Tracey. of Winnipeg. is the uest it Miss Jessie Dodge. Mrs. C. iller is visiting in Bellevill: Mrs. George Wnggott left this w k for Montreal. Mrs. Jackson, of Ki slon, is the guest of Mrs. Paul. Mrs mpey and daugh- ter, and Mrs. Huy . of Black River. were seats of Mrs. Hnggeny on Sun- A... 3.. nu-Mn Hmdin has returned Dunn of In. llorbon. Waller-`l'ho Vul- onn Vlulton. _-..- . . ,,_. 1 II . ......I M -. nests oi Mrs. uuggeriy on aun- dny. is: Berth; Bredin has from Guelph. Miss Addie Lobb. of Bell:-ville, was the guest of her sitter. . H. Dodge this week. Mrs. Herbert Valker [tuned away on Sunday night. Consumption was the cause of her death. Much I path; is Ielt for the bereaved huehan and Infant eon. Little XIII Norms. and mentor Clerk Vundervoort. ohellgvillo. the eat: of Site. I. Achnmn. J IOoo,ieependIn I at: t Alexandria Bu. Rev. B. - lntunetinc 2.1.. `an in WI-llG'8 WINVD WAFIE STELLA OCCURRENCES. MILFORD TIDINGS. 4.-Mr. :1 nd H Ilurlnr nf mnnm. To take less than regular prices for goods now unsold rather than hold them over to another season for a pro- t. It brings to you fresh goods each season. It saves you being confronted by relics of bygone days. It may seem odd. It may be difcult for some to understand why or how we sel goods without prot rather than carry them over. But-watch us grow." \ v-u-:--- -. -_ - , Oonfrlnoou and Whallinuton st... Kingston jj lt s Con1rnon A Sense FOR THIS REASON we are right in it hot foot for a general clearing out of all Summer stocks. We are watching our stock close- ly. VVe are making the loiterers get a move on. We are giving the quick sellers an extra push. It is an opportunity to economize that should not be lost sight of. It s :1 timexito anticipate wants. 1:....... A,,m....+mm~.+ .-nnh-il.~.n+s-c if: hnror:1inS_ Dress . it 5 2.1 Llllltiilu .I.I1Lu.ipcu.u waum. ,3 hvery department contributes its bargains. Dress Goods, Silks, Dress Trimmings, Men's Furnishings, Cottons, Sheetirigs, Linens, Wash Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Embroideries,'Women s Fur- nishings, Gloves, Hosiery, Belts, Fancy Goods, No- `tions, Mi11inery,Won1en's Wearables, Underwear, Etc. Starr & Sutclie, cenou Arriving at unmp-Geunnoque Inn Rapidly Fllllng. GA:uxoQU:, August 5.-Fred. A. Brouae, of Chicegomailzing friend in King- ston. wheeled down yesterday and H nb a few hours with friends here. Miu eunie Raymond. of Chicego. whcrhu been visib- ing her sister. Mrs. T. 0. Middleton. for a couple of weeks, left for home Tuesday night. Canoes and cmnoeiebs no arriving daily for the A.C.A. camp at Grindetone Iahnd. The Valeria makes the (map I park. of cell both way: during the cunp. Yunnan`: mzmor at. the Genenoque porn 0! cm DOM! way: uurulg UIIU umup. Yeeeel-dny'e regilter Gnnenoque Inn was---Mr:. Leonard H. Daving, Ilu-old'A. Dewinv. Hartford. Conn.; Mn. 0. P. Mauengale; St. Louis; J. Fred Gould. John Dunlap and wife. Philadel- phie;Collmgwood Schroiber, chief engineer cf government comb: Mien Fellopn. Mien Fletcher. Mater Lewis And A. '1'. Phil- lips. of Ottawa, on we chem yacht Bun- ley. The Innil repidly lling up. large numbere of guests errivin deil .1.....'. Lnttimore an Wi {rid Wm numbers or gonna Arnvm uluy. Juno : Lsttimore Wilfrid Wm: spent today in the Limestone city. Mia Lollioin Burnl, of Toronto, In aponding 1 low dnyn at. hot homo bore. 0: u. Holmes. of Nnponoo, and party in their OIIIO boas no but for A few dnyu. n. ....I Mn Edna: nook. ol Ottawa. iEi51?6ERAToRs. % REFRIGERATORS. Ice Cream F reezers. all sizes. American Blue Flame Oil Stoves. Gasoline Stoves. Lawn Mowers. Garden Hose. etc. hero tor low unyu. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cook, of Others. who have been viming Mr. Cook : parenu here; lenve for homezlao-dny. W. J. Hnldl. of Toronto, spent. a few day: with friend: hero thin week. W. E. Orlnieton. of To- ronto a V. A few days in town thin week. 1!. R. t. of Toronto. formerly of this plnee, in in town for nrfnw dnyn renewing umnginnnoen. The Tenphra. excursion "?Xi55E: town for slow day: renewing ' naintonou. Tompbn. cxcnniqn Io hyton Tuesday ovouing. sun In; onooul. 'i'ho~ Wnndonr Ind (our `Inn- .:...| ...A 41... an haul. 'l.'llI ` W Inna ! dud sud voon bond. Policy Dangerous III uuuu-um.-vu. hnanox. Angulh 5.-Xn the house of common: yooturdny Sir Wilfrid Imnou. liborsl. in culling attention to nwtudo of Jouph Chonburlnin to South 75 & 77 PRINCESS STREET; PU RE ;_-`-v-'[" ' v howtoprepure `. it on every package. Pure fruit anon"-- Lemon - Orange-V-Grape Fruit -- Pineapple -- Straw- berry-Raspben-y-Vanilla and other favorite avors. . ' ARED IN TWO MI I8" .n.. 13% PREP ` NUT 1,4. I? II I lll FORMERLY RICHMOND at C0. 118 and I20 Princess Street. Always in Lead Hllts-eNcver in Bulk. We have them from $8 upwards. Corrie and see them. Authorized Caplfal. . $5,ooo.ooo Subscribed Capltnl, - - 3.5oo.ooo ELLIOTT BROS., I rw - ' -a GANANOQUE NEWS. Load Pscksgea only 250. 300. 400. 50c and 60 per lb. Sold by JAB. CRAIG C CO. - J A omonous nun A Powder prepared from the -ned: quality calfs foot jelly. _ ....-__..A AT ALL OIOCEIII canon fut Tho onua nu Not Lm-n no anon BOIHI. Nunutn, August 6. -Tho mother of the child loll. on the nmndah of Dr. Edwards house wu arrested Ind taken to the jail patio:-dnv aihomoon. At um oho doubly deniod the charge, but nslly admitted bar guilt. Shel will appear inloro polioo mngintuho Duly next wank. The child wu taken to the full to hot 50 her not. The infant has boon alto ill. Ibo doctor! but it will not l u. Ab M..- ..|..... hnnsll In-tn:-tlgw Imx doctaorl lot!` In will no: Inn. At. the oboooo board pmrdoy 600 hoxol ol ohoooo were boarded. 390 wlma cm! 176 colorod. 290 white and 176 oolorod told :1: Bio. The {noun from thin nation to- port the dun: to onopa by tho rooont woo upoll not on u M lint supposed. and any the all landing rain will In hordor to huvost. but own: to tho nln ha done no Ioriouu damage. All tho luooropl and tho root otopo Inn boon gnuly bandied lvm an min. by the rain. John Low Jolt yomrdny with nacho: can-loud of onto 16: tho, north-VIII. This union the third MIMI . Low: Ilu nun want that tho spring. I` E Thompson und lunlly loan lot the north- wcut to-day. whore they vlll ruldo. Waltor Bayou. of`l'omnuo. lo vllltln his ma-gm llohnn than In ntnnnl luck lnoicuod $215,815.00. or our 9 not _._A (III root WU] by the ruin. John Inn 'g5n:. 1Iuu'oi1o.'. John .,w.'.?C3. ouiunodnnlnuto proud! Igaiuulho oxeoulvotmdunvltnnhd 1110 to III! o|:loo'z.ofA8.0()0 tor o:::uu. rant 2:: , utnlinn ll Sun I`:-aucicno. Ir. Want; "It wocldlu but hold CI , llu .n.....IoL...u. nah -nah can-unnnunng. pannu. nonorunnurynunuruuuxwu n mont.h'l vacation apart In Toronto. Rnlfgln and aunt cumin mink. MOl!0f|'I bank. Morrulntgnl nu spun- in` u but bohduyl in town. than bill ill, dyl very Iuldonly. I EXVIII VZDIW IFIU III I ` Bulftlo and oehcr wuthn points. Ult. Auwuy In My hthnh-bu, M j Inn-I 1...... Nu Ilulw-m-law, -. fonntl llglggnnlg L.-L Ara IDOAL KJABD. KINGSTON : Thanh D. Ilnnon, Boo :- 1`rou.; E. J. B. Ponlo. 3. Crawford. J. Harald. ll.D.. E. 'W.vSnlun;'R. Shaw. solicitor: J. H. Illh, Vulnntor. THE WOMAN WA ARRESTED. o.;....`:.n..o..u Lo. . AI 5.-A dup- n..n..:3:r,n, _. nan Ilnl tin ` `III . IVIJCIU Inlu wuu -wt-uvv Bayou. vidn Robert Henry has unturned .'n vnnnlzlon In-II: In Tcrullo. KINGSTON ONT consult me free. or write for boo mi. Smbm. use 3-r. JAHES svxx, , _ MONTREAL. QUEBEC. PEOPLES loan Iqomd on any terms. An Investment paying in per cont. Undo: uovornmont Iuoorvhion. Six you cant. pot unnnm guarantees! on per- lllpll nook. ` Fol lull lnlomnuon apply to /'65 5/4" A! I " 1 mac n O MEN," free. sealed, upon request. It gives cause and effect of early lblll: tells how I treat Weak Men gonna or old) without mediclnen. over ON cured last year with my wonder- Vorklng Electric Body Belt and Sup- porting Buspensoryk soothing currents through the wenkenedparts all night. Guru drain: in thirty days. Lame 1 back in one week. Dlssolves the clot- hed blood. develops parts and cures 1-: . -._ u-4-;u4I-CCCI , 1-Tunmm cussias. Bendmn and Reliance] tho 0! . DIIMI , `utalot rid the maanonon '91 at 3:13. -0 '96 at 875. o- mean at no. .-jnnAI@1 _A Qtnll uaI.IAI~Ica at " XAIIIIIIII hub to . found only on I-BO . (`uh puon . noel o!.I'rio:-.::nmIIn: wn'u?1'. B nun. Inn to but wl.u|n. can and no. (`lit gnu oc'n'I'u2-'$n'n'.uK' wn'a'o':'1': in Int. luv by .: J. ymoonis. `-1.: mg :nnuaQQAI lcf 9 Gd ngooni Lawn lower, down ST_RHAN S. In no format you hnve nnoh magnicent JIIIIIGI boon nttnlnod. - The oompnny has I a undid polltlon for an oxporlonood man In tom Ontario. All domlunnlontlom to bo sddrouod to W. J. IA1B.Innpootor. Kingston. D. F. LRISTRONG, W. J. FAIR, _Beaut`rl'y_Your Lawn. v: 3 II IUCI Iluuoul a-'5 myth mg in chi Hudvun 'nddntvviceI~ 00,... hand only 1 . (`months no on umuogtlq THEO 0 u uv-j AIIII5 I; XIIIIIL IIIIII. It matters not which is your favorite, we can supply you with all the necessary ac- cessories for driving or wheeling. ' Bicycle sundries, Fly Nets, Whips, Lap Robes, Chamois, Sponges, Brushes, Combs, etc. B|cYcL.Esj. As The North American life Assurance Co's Position OR THOMAS D. MlNNES.' Building and Loan . Association. Inspector. T1 em case or nmznnsss. ~'l'be Hamilton Spectator hastens to al- aurethewlathatithas heard the newa, about the, German and Belgian treatiee, and cannot see any free. trade in that." Poulbly not. There are none eo blind as those who will not no 1- anything that is at all lavourahle` to the Laurier govern- ment. Sir Charles Topper and Hon.`Mr. Foster, and of `course the Spectator, ~ couldn't see how the preferential tariff . was going to be elfeetive while the A German and Belgian treaties remained. They prophecied--not the Spectator, but the other fellows, our contemporary having no claim to be one of the prophets-that ' Iomething would have to go. the burial- preferential tari` or _the treaties, and it would not bethe treaties. Sir Charles went further. He said the Laurier proposi- tion waa absurd. He said thiain England, in one of the hills following the Queen : jubilee proceedinl. and when his little voice could beheard. And theimpossible and "abiurd thing came to pass, and it sets the quid nunee of Europe atalhing, while the Spectator man, high up on the mountain at Hamilton, sits and blinks and fails to see anything. The issue opened up by the Laurier govern- ment, and promoted by Sir Wilfrid in per- son, in London, has been commented upon favourably by the British press, and its importance has been even admitted by the Canadian papers. Strange that such blindness should have settled upon the Spectator. that it cannot see any good in a liberal premier who has challenged the world s attention, and done so much to open up trade between Canada and mother country. ~ _._._.. .....vnn uvn THuE_ _DAI.Y L WHIG. . MR. TARTE WAKES UP. Mr. Tarte has been irritated by the Simcoe Reformer, a liberal paper. which made recent reference to the Drummond railway deal. The insinuation is that the 830,000 which Mr. Greenshields, Q.C., of Montreal, contributed to La Patric, in purchase of it from Mr. Beaugrand for Mr. Tarte s sons, was a corrupt pro- duct of that railway transaction. Ms. Tarts declares this to be a false- hood. and falsehood is defama- tion. and defamation is the term used by dishonest men, disappointed, ambitious individuals, and rogues. Mr. Tarts continues that Mr. Greenshiolds acted in the case simply as a lawyer, that he gave advice but note dollar towards the pur- chase of the paper. If, he continues, "it were shown that Mr. Greenshields had given mysons"83U.000 to his own know- ledge then the Simcoe Reformer s attitude would be right, but as there is not a word of truth in the statement the minister of public works feels that he has a right to stigmatiae "as energetically as he possi- bly can the infamous tactics of a newspaper which still calls itself liberal when it echoes the hatred of toryism against him. He concludes: "The extension of the'Intercolonial to Mon- treal by the Grand Trunk and Drummond railways is one of the best political acts ac- complished by Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his colleagues, and the future will demonstrate the wisdom of such a policy and the per- fect honesty of the negotiations that led thereto. This may, or may not, suffice to quiet the attacks of the press upon Mr. Tarte. He is a shining mark, a nervous, excitable man whom the papers like to prod and make talk. He has reason in this case to speak out an?! repudiate the statements that reflect upon him and his- friends, but as a rule he would fare the better if he let the criticism of his oppon- ents go. The men who are easily touched will have occasion to be worried. MR. 8MITH S MUDDLE. The Farmers Sun has oremarkable arti- cle lrom the pen of Goldwin Smith re- specting Canadian fortications. Hon. Senator Mills is interested in them. and questions if the time has not arrived when the coast line should not. in some degree. be protected from possible invasions Mr. Smith reasons that while war is a pos- sibility. and that in the event of it "our coasts and commerce would be exposed to attach," there is nothing to he get nervous over. "We have. he re- marks, two courses before us. We may either nd large sums demanded .by the present state of the art of war on fortica- tions and a war navy, or hit upon some method of keeping out of quarrels which we have po share in making and in which we have no concern. pesed. when England and France were going to war, that the American colonies of both should he allowed to stand neu- tral, and though the proposal did not take _ sleet at the time. it has received the ap- prohation of history. Canada has by her separate constitution obtained exemption Iron the imperial tariff. She is now com- paesing herexemption from British com- mercial treaties. Itisa pityahecsn-- not obtain exemption from British were. To which we all feel like saying, "hear. hear." But there is Isotope of this exam this happy experience preced- iuj iheeenihg el the mmenismior the Ila. In hall at war hall. .._.-._I It was once pro- ` III` Illiwlllllq U: can u--.......... .-. ...- ptuunt. The air In full of var talk, nwln-und.tho nations to the cut and n wuunrlmllingonoh othorin thoir pu- puuiotujoc oonicfg and Hon. David Illlohhhotolaod iuonnltol his ndihtlonqho consult the further pro- hotiuuollbuudhnoanqtlino. Andho u-Catlin.-ulpwiehnushningnusdoc iylc. lull. I|ii`"ho hug nrrivul |bIoi&thQ the nnhpohh -IvIIII'UUl~u-uuvu-- --`-- *- - * |o1n."Iht '5Ioooordi:'l: `*4; did: td Co B I: cl uni) . `It : I hr- M n anti o mi. compared: with that o! 13, shown the followlnc nnultl a CITY ASSESSMENT. Bonn your ago, when Alderman Bir- mingham wu mu.` council. In carried to 0 hood tho p}-opoul` to print the unu- Inonlz. II nnlly revised, in \order that the people might make reasonable competi- Iom. Some men `are not swore of how other: are unused. and, it in interred that ll they did know there would be the agita- tion: which would lend. eventually, to (pry neoeenry n.dju'et.mente. Mr. Birming- I.......I. .....mm.I ant-nnnrled to A certain ex- `book, but the edition was limited. all the so the opportunities for good, so far as it "is being published broadoset-`-the news-` wry --ww---.v --;---------- --- ---.-~~.. hsmjs proposal succeeded to a certain tent. There was a considerable study of the ratepayers did not get a glimpse at it. and was concernednveresomcwhat curtailed. A better plan is being adopted in some of the cities in New York state. The assessment papers are the best and quickest way of getting the information to the people. and to the largest number of thern-and with the result that the assessment is being corrected in many ways. and very materially increased. The announce- ment is almost incredible, but it is declared to be true, that in Syra- cuse there has been an increase in one dis- trict from 83,000,000 to $15,000,000. How such could be the case is inconceivable ex- cept on the ground that the assessors were wery indifferent or very incompetent in the performance of their duties. Leaving this case aside, however, the evidence is abundant that the publishing of the assess- ment when it is made, when every rate- payer is interested in the contrasts it pre- sents. is to the benet and satisfaction of the people. Some men could not have the hurdihood to go to the court of revision and ask for reductions in the assessment of their property ifit gore generally known how they stood as compared with the posi- tion of their neighbors. It is worth the while of our council to consider the" ques- tion-of publishing Kingston's assessment, this year, as soon as it is completed. Not only this. but the appeal! against it should be published, and if the result is the same here as it has been elsewhere the experi- ment will be a proiitable one as far as the city is concerned. I Street By-Law Vlolnted. KINHHTON, August 4.--(To the Editor): The by-laws governing the use of the pub- lic streets have tor a long time been out- rageously broken by certain shop-keepers, while others dare not allow a box or eo to remain on the sidewalk or a policeman would come along with a summons for him to appear before the magistrate. I know this to be so in my case and with others. too. Then why are some allowed to so tranegress without any punishment being meted out to them according to said by-laws, and others made to suller? Among the persistent transgressors there" is one on Brock street who for many years has been allowed (when some dare not do so) to monopolize both the out and the inside of the pavement. thereb doing two busi nesses for the one tax an makings market place of the street with cases of liquor-, kegs of beer. barrels of potatoes. barrels of pineapples, counters of fish and with other goods. On some occasions these almost make It complete stop to the trellis of the people. The street is aplace of pas-_ sage. not for obstruction, and all this is still being done by this Brock street shop- keeper. in some cases in lull and agrant violation of the said laws. and of the notice by the police which was served upon him and others in trade a few days ago. Mn... .i.- I rnnmut. an A hnainenaman and others In trace a law any: ago. Now, air, I request as a businessman this law carried out against all transgress- ora. Then justice will be done to those who dare not aoviolato, undlahall watch to see if the city commissioner and the police intend to do their duty in this matter. I think it's an outrage that some men should enjoy privileges denied to others to increase their trade, and officials to wink at such vio|atione.-Ju.-mo: To ALL. Vlnlted by a Mldnlzlit Ilaraudcr In Search 0! Plunder. A telephone message was received at the police station at 3:30 o'clock this morning etating that a burglar had broken into the residence of M. Btrachan. Barrie- field. It appeared. on investigation, that the intruder had climbed on the roof of the kitchen, from where he could reach the window of a bed- chamber on the second story. He removed the shutters from the window and crept through. Mrs. Higgins, Mr. Strachan e daughter, was asleep in the room and was awakened by the noise made by the burg- lar. She called to her father whenehe saw the man moving "about in the darkness, and then demanded of the intruder: "What do you want? What are you `doing here? No answer wae vouchaafed to her enquiry. but the man made a "bee-line" for the window. went through it in a hurry. over the roof of the kitchen. and made off along the lake ahore. Fortunately he had not time to ap- propriate anything before Mrs. Higgins awoke. The police are on the lookout for him IWUI` him. For six years I eulfored from cancer. and at no relief until I.ueed Burdock Bloos Bibtern. I need seven bottles {eith- fully. when the clnoen gradually dried Vupnndnellydieeppuned. Iennov anti!-alv well and reioioe that by using up Ina nanny cunppuluu. 1 en uvw entirely well rejoice by using B.B.B. -I hue eecaped death. either from the surgeon : knifeor from the cancer it.- lelf. Signed, Mus. Emu J. Trxrronn. Paris, Ont. - g .|, n_,_.I Gull Income lmmued 000.800., or over 10 puoonh Iuw hnnunoo luud lnoruud 856,110.00, 0! our ll pot cont. _ `total insurance in force lnonnod |1,'m.7a5, or our 10 par cont. Buorn Fund lnouniod t106.10l.(l), or over 10 D0! cont. n-u-a, V-... 1 It ha been the cuntnmol the Grand Trunk. :0 wall at of All other nilvn 3, to carry nunpnpenubaggngo. The nnd Trunk. howovor. bu mndoaelnn 0. Be- ginnin yutardny. nowspapuu wil not N and n humus. but only an uproot gmnu yutcuny. ncwipuynw wm nun nu cani u huggngo. only uproot `mtg, At. the nu of hsl! 1 cent per pound. According to I Tokio pa I`. thoformou nboln rum to have so um:-uunding with tho high oicinll of China. and thcir plan in to snack foreign office: And residences. and otborvin molest fonignu-I, to an to Ihrtluhgmsiooollroublo. , r\..|..\t-.4. ...alIu-nu. Iivin nmr lhrl Ialntnoslonol IIOIIDII. Qnrlu Ilia. Inillunnn, living mu- I- G I. can 8:231 ..`u`""'..'. ,'.'.`.' *3` 1. . While onduv:::n.g'ho and: crust, Hooch v':Iuo|ot.uduot-ally qolndtd by u do- '0. T. J. KO), H5 Jh `IX. Nl H--tdn. n: I hr! lll Hf! lull]. In John luau. naru : "I have Ind Minor : lhuiltoh. Con ndI':o{n.vPillaaudoonIidorIbounu Mum tonic. for do by I}. C. hull. n.n1 u mu; ngnnuuniid , ._ --.__,, _, , LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. BARRIEFIELD THIS TIME. Cancer (mun no Outed. I _ n-,,,-.I 1--- ' hynonuco volley-holders lnonuod 0130,- HIM. or out In par cont. DAILY wam, '1~nURsmu. AUGUST 5. 139`: [CHILDREN'S no soclm. cam or neglect and lInmor|lIty-V|nlt or In. H|rvle-(n]er Iron is clergyman -ClI_o of Iolienllo. the Blind lpoy, Con- sidered-Questlon of (lounge system of - IIOIIIOI toBI`.I.`;kon up. . 1 The regular meeting of the` committee ofmsnsgeznent of the children s aid so- ciety was held yesterdny afternoon at its otlice. city building. Present: E. J. B. Penee. chairmen: vicsr-general Kelly. Revs. J. E. Starr. C. E. Cartwright, J. R. Black, S. Houston and Prof. Dyde, secretary. Mr. Bgck, the society's oth- cer. reported sever cues lately coming ` under his surveillance. One house was reported for extreme dirt and squailor, the children being under the care ole step- mother; improvement had taken place. A Busy street house was reported as contain- ing four dirty children, not properly * cared for by their mother. They were re- moved to the House of Providence. A women on Brock street was reported for severe beating of her children. A man was reported for not supporting his five children. his wife having left him in dis- gust also. He was --duly wanted and will be prosecuted unless he obtsinrworlr end cares for his family. Four girls between the ages of twelve and sixteen were report- ed agsinst for street walking andimu1o`r- ality, and steps will probably be taken to have them sent to the Mercer reioi-mstory. Mr. Black said he was in almost daily re- ceipt of complaints of family troubles, re- quiring no little time and tact for discharge oi his `public duty. Mu. Hnrvie. actinmfor the Ontario nov- 1 MANY CASES ws.m:`oEAL'r WITH or mapuonc uuzy. Mn. Harvie, acbing,for gov- ernment, made report of vision to ve of the aociet`.y e children who had been placed out. In every case they were doirg well. with the exception of one boy at Mountain Grove, who had been eaunioned. The ap- plication from Elginburg for adoption of one of the society : grown girls was recom- mended for acceptance. ~ new (1 W. Vvntnh. of Brighton. Ont.. n mended tor acceptance. H Rev. C. W. Watch, of Brighton, 0nt., leader in cbildren s rescue work. made an 1, olfer to receive seven of the aociety s wards V, under joint guardianship. He places his 3 children in some of the best homes of the in nor thwest. and they are clothed and fitted d out at Brighton before starting. They are d visited by Mrs. Harvie on behalf of '1 the Ontario government, and reports `p are regularly made of their where- A abouts and condition. The next party it will leavefor the north west on Augu-at' lilth. There are places for 190 children. but i Mr. Watch has only about thirty to meet l applications. Mr. Black was authorized to u see to the transportation of the children to Brighton and to execute the necessary indentures. Mr. Wutch s work is spoken [ of with commendation, having been Clll"- I lied on successfully for a number of years i X l with the assistance of the Royal Templare. rm... ........ n` Ilia lnrl Mr~Knn7.ie. from _ become almost unbeumble. with the assistance or we noym Lulupuue. The cases of the lad McKenzie, from Battersea, who has been a trouble to the society for several months. and of the boy James. who floated in with his mother and sister from Gammoque, received earnest consideration. It is impossibloto get a place for McKenzie. He was kept in the hospital and the home until his presence He is almost blind and cannot, therefore, be made use- ful in any household. Tho`other lad is crippled and feeble and unt for service. The only alternative in such cases `is to commit to jail or to send to the Mimico home. Theexpenee at the lutter place is 8`.!\weelr and the county absolutely re- fuses tnineur this expense. The mngil- trste will not commit at the city s expense and so the lads ure running free. A gov- ernment institution is much required for this class of youth, and until it is provided the provincinl authorities should adopt some means of curin for the unfortun- ntes. Childien s in societies are not assisted by government aid and are scarce- ly in a position to care for the nblobodied children let alone for the cripples and feeble-minded. The cl1ildren s aid work L .. L-.." ...... at I... nrnnfoll`. achievements leoble-minaeu. 1116 Cluluruuls ulu vvusn h-ll! been one of the greatest. achievements of the Ontario government, but the authorities have nob gone far enough. The societies will have 3 short: existence unless more provit-ion is made for their sustenance. Volunmry contributions can- not. accomplish everythin . The provincial superintendent, J. J. else, will surely take action in these cases in view of the activity of the Kingston society and its many diilieulties. Ir. mm resolved at the next: meeting to dllllcumea. lb was resolved meeting take up the question of the cottage system of homes. The building on Union street. is not. adapted to the joint. purposes of the infnnlin hnmn and the children : aid Iociety. dpbd LO U10 ]O|Il(a purpuaua UI uuu infants home and Iociety. Six children are now in the House of Provi- dence and live in bile orphan`: home, and many other cues could be ected upon were it. possible to provide suitable cure and mninbnnence. Spools] Aunt. Kingston. Ill PUBBIUIV maintenance. may at nu The passenger: and crew of the steamer Passport who shoav woll marked evidence of the vaccination taking, and peraona thoroughly disinfected will likely be is leased from quarantine, at Toronto. if home boards of health to which they are going are notified. They will report for fourteen days no to their condition. A lnlhfar shown the Toronto World gays : Iv:-aw-n "A green inyumce nu! Dean uunu. um captain of this boat hea been allowed to pace inspection and go eehore, and yet. he had closer contact with the patient. then enyone on board. He goes to take charge of another boet. at once, and mix up with the travelling public once more. while we ere` imprieoned hero like convicts. fourteen days no weir conuluuu. A letter shown the Toronto World gays ' "A great iniustice has been done. The nnnlznin nf this boat "has A IJlQl'[y Innu u-uw uuu. Nl`.Pl00N,Ont., August. 5.-Rev. Alex- Grant. putor ol the First Baptist. church, Winnipeg, yesurdny evening mot. death by drowning in the Nepigon. Mr. Grant and A. II. McDr-ugbll lot: {or camp Alu- ondria about oloven o'clock Ind in ascend- inglho rapids chipped Iomo water. Mr. Grunt. who won in the stem ofjtho canoe, in Iuppoood tohovo risen in his boat. to en- capo getting wot. when the canoe upset. throvnng both into the Inter. A tag and I pony of Anon on now trying to recover the body. V I--_ -1.-.`--nah: HOW VVIII-rvuu-u. 01'I'A\\'A, August 5.-A company but been foamed with aoapitnl ol !50.000 to oomtrnct vote:-work: in the town ol Perth. In the company no Hon. John Huggut, Bandford Flaming. jr., W. A. Allm, R. 0. Cole. ond A. Clnrloboia. The cont:-not to pot in tho system" will likely ho awarded in a low dun. and the work will In ptocoedod with immediately. A amen n in A llnd In. Toronto Globe. n, _u can... .L. _.n I.-nu-nn nan! Toronto mono. Cecil Elliotmho wall-known prolcnional lacing man. in thronunod with eoncunion ol the brain and rpiuol unable an avruult of the vault of yr: Ilclaod, at King won. on llondq. Dr. Verne: has made its hngdng pt-ououncoluut on the can. As any rub it will In aouotinohdoto Illicit will In chin to ho Iround. * ::_.-._,------- A Olorxy mm Drowned. 1cvcLE. YE8TRDAY. ay Bo lloleuod. - ,,,, -...I ..-..... at 5 _.__..__..______.. New Waterworks. A ,A 1 I -.._ :'..@ '.`.`..`.'.';. and Col. John` I . IAIQ Ununo wmwul morning 1% Cnrnov|ky a. Rn: E. R. and Mrs. mnrning uh Cnrnonkfa. Rev. E. R. and Mrs. Kelly, Huron- llulth. are visiting friends in this city. `n. Rank Rm-minzhnm. New York. is viniting his mother. Prmcou nu-eon. Mrs. Pen-in and son. Prescott, no the guest: of Mn. N. Palmer, `Mantras! wrest. ~ . n....,u-.. .....+... in .;.-I M zhg nu-nonano Dr. Funk Berminghum. York, viniting his mother. Prinoou m-eon. * M.-._ Pan-in and son. Prescott. no visiting menu: In mus cwy. ` Inna Ill E110 Pl 10th. Lawn social threat. Garden party in aid of the parsonage fund in the park at Elginvburg on Tueldny, A nnnnh Inn}. , HORSE