JSUTHERLAWSI Wlbll the contents wnen umuuvuruu. George A. Parrotb. Thurlow, a former reaidentol Napanoe. was arrested, Friday, for selling certain property which belongs to relatives. Parrot.t. a Iawyor succeeded in having the complainants withdraw all charges. Jnmnl Armour. registrar. has nurchaa- charges. James Armour, registrar, purchas- ed Lhe well-known Bell property, Perth. from James Bell, and has let the contract for improving and altering it to W. T. Wodden. The house will be raised four feet. and enlarged. Hilliard (`.nln hen received W0l`d fl'Ol'!I hi! feet. and enlarged. Hillinrd Cole bu received brot.hor,- absent about 3 year, that. ho hum rounded Cape Horn and enlisted in the British army, And will sail for Indi: soon. Heia I son of D. B. Colo, Green Point, Prince Ed ward county. . Mr: Avian finnhlnn. nf th mwnahin Of rnnoo rm wnra county. Mn. Avico Coghlan, of the t-ownahi Kitloy. near Toledo. pruned away on un- dny lub II`: the age of sevontyloig ht years. came to Canada from Ireland when only sovon years old, snd settled on the fun where she died. \\n.:|.. .....n.a..... :. ck. Ina nlrl Jnlnnn one turn wnero the men. .\Vhilo working in the hay eld James Mnnnbun, Lnnark. lost his gold watch. A careful but fruitless search was then made for-it. On Sunday, whilo croasin the ald. W. Mcoo came screen the wane and rutnond it to an owner. ul1`....I_n I-.. u...a..:.. -3... 1...` Incl ma rut-area is to no owner. A "Uncle" Lon. Hudgin. who has had charge of the Selmon Point light.-house lor years, bu, by order of the federal govern- ment, netted the position. He he Iakeu no me residence. with his wife, in Cherry Valley. The poeition of light-keeper in now lled by Ana: McDonald. The Innmharn M the Church o! Enzlnnd n nueu ny Amos mcuomuu. 1 The member: of the Church 0! England ' at Scotch Bach, township of Grnuan, wan greatly indngnnnh at tho treotlnonc Mr. Bnmilton roanivod at the band: of the Pan- broko nuchoriugg, ho havin lately minio- torod to them, They the their estima- tion by tendering lain : 9 public dinner lut rank- K.- Sympnlhy in fol: for It. and Hrs. Wil- liam Hurvid. Denronto. in zbdr bonus-. none. Mn. urvid Ind gone to virit. Im- aiator In Cm-byville. Ihr twin bubicu. ngod about (our monthl. VII IIO voty ' wall when she started. bl! I110!` (I0-ling ' to but data : they both became worn, and I dud A for day: apart. n.. n.....n. um. ulrowninl uddontwu Good low day: npnrv-. On Mondny Int 3 drowning u ddoalwu I natrowlygvonod at Lannrln. Mrs. John W. Burns and um nl oclnr indict van OIIO I the oldont sud ntronnac of British H10 0 cu. Tm undonlxnod Annu at King- nol fur tho at-on touch a old English Inn Oomp-my an prcpand to accept. this on Al- Iloot ovary tloorlpon qt property at current hr. Dwolun and their oontantmchnrchol 00 lolonohoo I and Pnbllo Buildings min on upoohlly lnvonhlo hum for (ms or three D. IINNES, JAIES SHANNON. 160 Wellington 81.1009. T yncnmn ntvfshapsnsl , third son and Mia: P 01 Louis in matri- llllllr ' ---- ' I naporror the naive lam: 7| 3- 1 H , ontnloeltiro. '4 T E London; August` '3.-ThO ronl 59. ll mission on lcnlture has issued ard- lport en. t nu various palliative: tor II -Til ,the exist|i:'|depreuion in agriculture. It ODIN `which the communion ettribute ulnar mainly to` the ueneralsand persistent full of priest, and of foreign GOIIIPOW -:`.n ho! commissioners are" very much divided tion, which is not likely to abate. The - om. died in opinion with reference to a remedy ` lfor falling Eices. ' Ten of them. In- cluding the `am Hon. Henry Chuplm. Eh "W `president of . the local government` ` red gourd. Land tbengltight` I-Ion. \l\"esltert` ' H 0 ume ong, co` ervet ve mem r_0 no yum. parliament for the West Derby division Iutinge. of Liverpool. sign a supplementery`re- 3 ocuoe. iport, ttieclderingt their Reiieturhthutl men? t.0old. sures en In 0 note se 95 Va 116 0 3" k 1,5, silver wouldggrently assist agriculture, "M t but no roagommendntion on this subject ` - ' i ed the ommission as nwhulm j ll8`h:ag1lipplel{1entn.i-By report ex reason the ' .' opinion that de reesion prev: Its `Mike 13 protected and ree trade coun r en. rm '"d f is especially severe in the United Staten: 3h"!"- 'tlmt. heavy protective duties. when im- o ed i Ge an ml France, failed to I60!!! M We eilnher ::ill1t l"}?lOcl.ll`lt)' n ninst de- ar cheese ` ptessinn, and luczesu that 1. ie reason `for universal (lapresilon may |)e.t0ur_Id -- l.-L-l in nu arnn! mnnamrv rhumres made in for univeraliu tlapreuion may ne.iuunu in the great monetary than en in l Europe and in t.he l'n|t States In lgii nd 187-i. Siggeti he (`mly cour}tr(i`e.s w to appear to ree rom euci e- r pression are India. MR1 Argentina. the u framers of the sup; eflnentnry report conten tmt a rimu ncie case is es- ' tnblished for th(i)n.ssertion that the dep ' pression in the outcome of the apprecia- tion of gold, and of theldivergence up i xlmlue of metals `l `ch gives an airti- ` c a advantage towucers in si ver using countries. W ile not suggesting abandonment of the gold standard, the signers of the supplementary report pro- pose an international conferelwe to or- I, range for til? opening of mints almond and in India, and the restoration of sil- |ven either wholly or partiallyl U116 ' position it occupied prior to 8 .. n 'fit-ontlusi(`), the supplergetntory report I l'.1"`ui`.`i, reoff.`ilf..i?:'$,.u..`.i i,Yp?.rii- ment in I~`ehruury, 1895, in favor of such ' _ II. conference. ' The Elton-ta of Dlatlllorn Have Been Suc- oouful. Chicago, August 6.-According to :1. story printed In the 'l`i1uos-Ilerultl this morning, the efforts of leading distillers | I v i ' and distributors to form a combination to control the production nnd price nf spirits have at last. been :~xucvesst'ul. The final details of the plan at agree- ment, it is said, have just been tleuitletl upon, though frequent uieelings have l)`.`l D held, mainly in ChicnK0_ New York and Cincinnati, during the, last, six months. I '1-11.. ,.nmh.muinn in nn the percentage Bttnnuryrntgomn) Jouvnnt. 7 Though our mmns of inl'urmution_ruI to the results of the stump mill worlgtng nl this minc Me tneugri-, every possible 1 olmtm-le In-ing plum-.cl in our way NV lthe trmnngemcnt. still pnrticulure lea ' nut in lpllv of all efforts t.o stifle them. - Since the mill commenced three clen.n- A ' inge have taken place; while th;=..fou1;th' `- run in near com letion. The irut )e- 1'he'l.eodI_ 1 int: more of n t1-t than anything else` ' t, low graded ore was put throu` h, still _ a`! valuable brick was the resul ; wltilel _ the produce of the other two was almostl `Hue NM '0IIOII: _ - 7` , I of incredible value, and what is now in Miles Menlutder Dawson. ; ' process promises to he even more suc- She stun beside her mate, companion- tteneful. The fact, however, goes to le-3 was , ` ,nmnstm'te what we have all along con- E.-e(-_ self. ised, with clear, ltnlht- '.tended-the material is in the localityl for-war aye 5 for the handlinmnnd it reflects hut lit- [for what. she know! he II ehe hold! tle credit on the directorate of the min: him dug, in: mmpuny for keeping so, to -And not tor whet the fancies hlm-with I therneelvea information which` ldhe bu, I an incalculnhle boon to the 00/ try at I In-e,_ and in the long run of infinite 3,, 3 `fit! Dininnnionllod, `a lift; | henotit _to the eheteholdere who have win. 1, mag: women but u nu`; [ put their money into the concern. u U in gun. . . _ I - - _- . shen&nIut.ereeIvl!IUJn,.1._ henvsfil lo lhe shareholders wnn nave 'h3[ mmaer woman our nu lluuvuuj [ their into the . in ~ ' v she an but. an the npndhnJt_nn. rl YIK Attlfhl lAIO'0llIl'I0 X a. H." R 0 $7 , :: Avgthnow pootu-cn.eoIIIIlv' :_ '-V` a `wad- -uni Lord Inllubnry And llr, Ohgmbarlnin Are Both Acnnled. London, August 6.-'I`he Morning Post, renews its attack upon the gov- ernment for yielding to the United States in the seal controversy. It says: -Inn! .cnIi.almrv is |)l'o|)uhly afraid of seal controversy. [I says: Lord Salisbury is p1'ol)uhly the United States, but the British nu- lion does not. shame that fear, and nny nllnlstnr convicted of it would be out. of office Within a week. The American war party will make the most of the triumph, n.nd will soon find fresh cause for quarrel. we may` become involved In wur hefore we thin ." In another editorial, the Morning Post complains of Mr. Cluunhvrlain, sec.- rsjtury of state for the colonies. [orde- nounring the commercial treaties with Germany and Iklgium, and thus mak- ing enemies for Britain in Europe. -Infant lncnbnlam The latest addition to the Ea_r|'s euurt exhibition, London, EI1g`.`MHl.`1`l| number of iilftmt incubators. 139.011 consists of :1. sort of box, partl[v Of H10- tul and partly of gluss, moun ed on 11 metal stand. The child lies upon a.fl'n$* wire humniosk, and under this there in M lurge copper pipe kt'[)i full of hot water by means of ti. snutll boiler and oil-lzunp or gas jet fixed outside the up- purutus. The regulation of temperi- ture is ziffet-te.d by 11 rnetnllie thermos- tut, which, by it system of levers con- trols the nmnunt of heat that: `teaches the boiler. On the ulternrttive plantb-3 thermostat is plitced in the hot water of the boiler nnd by its contraction and expansion with nlterntions of tempera- ture. increases or diminishes the quan- tity of gm; eon.~4ume,d by the burner. The, former arruvgcitient nutomn.ticnll_y keeps the temperature t-onstnnt to about it degree, the latter to about :1. quarter of II. degree. When u child first comes under treatment the tem- perature is maintained at. something like blood he.1.t, but it is gradually re- dueed till it is about equal to that of the room. Air is supplied through :t four-inch pipe, and is introduced at the bottom of the box under'the hammock in such 11 way us to prevent drn and to insure that it is properly ed. On its way it is littered n from any germs by being passed through absorbent, wool moiste ed with an antiseptic agent, while it. is remov- ed through El. three-inchtchimney fitted with a small revolving fun. It is stut- ed that in the it-ontinental cities in whirl: it is employed, it hits been found possible by means of this apparatus, which is constructed on Altmnnn's pa- tent system. to preserve the lives of about -seventy-five per cent. of prema- turely and weakil-born` children. The 0.-cupunt. in one incubator weighs ten pounds, namrnmu-ed with three pounds at its birth a few weeks ago. ?__--__._____. QALEDONIA SPRINGS All comers have bee om- % fo ly, zooomm ted -at . V watering . ! lees include in lhei_r me_mI)ersmp every important interest In the country, and wnll control the new association. Thu cryllnl uola lino. Sudbury (Alcomn) Jonunl. 'I"|.....~|. tutu! nr\ntlI\Il nf infnfli chuss or `me 0:`:-SESSION AFRAID OF UNITED STATES? A COMBINATION FORMED. WI!" ha"! What Minder women our ll neavuuu mcern. `ta. Sholukglhut. rqnodUJ_t.nn. no oh. noTu*.voI|p-lava` we will save you money; on your between season ; neds. This Stock`Adjustment Sale hastur'ned up Some s.mal_1 lots this week. We want to close them out and so we put Small Prices on them for qulcl: selling to-mor"row.., I - . V women-s land Children`: Lisle Leather Belta, With Barnes: M Gloves. colored, several styles. were Buckle. 25. . 10:: to 200 pair, for 50 pair. Belt Grips Bo ill. `Human : (`mama TAN and Brown . TIP` You wu..u I LET Us . M1510 M1555, regmlr HUB. It)! LVU flu. Women s Black Hermsdorf Dye Cotton Hose. double solo, spliced heel and toe, regular 250 for 150 pair. TX7nmnn'n Flnnvv (`.nf.tnn H038. mack, gumr 100. 101' 1:40 yam. Boy? Heavy Black Cotton Hose, ribb medium to extra. large sizes, 250. for 150 pair. n_:.I..v II`... .3 R.-mum nnmm Hon. BeautifyYour Lawn. zoo. tor 10011311`. Girls Tan and Brown Cotton Hose, ribbed and pla.in_, regular 15o oncI'20o pair. for 100 pan . \X.'nrnnn'II 1 Joint. TAD HOSE. fB8hi0n' women 8 uruluu, .Luu. Iuu lhisle Mitts, regular 200. for 100 \X nvnnn a Hlnnh I-Tm-msdorf D76 and toe, regular 200 10: Lou pun. Women's Heavy Cotton Hose. fut black, Pegular 180. for 1940 pair. nan ' I-Innvv Rlnnlr nttnn HOIO. pau-. 101 we put. Women's Light Tan Hose. fashion- ed, regular 25c pair. for 2 pair for 260. Women's Silk Stock Bow Ties. in assorted patterns, regular 250 for 150. Women's String and Silk Bow Ties, regular 10c and 150 for 50 each` Chion Neck Ruies 750 each. Lawn Hankerchiefs, Hem Stitched and Fancy Cord Border, 6 for 250. Q:-ninn F`.vnkrn;(`nrnr` I4`.(`(yn nd C01`- anu ranoy uuru Duruur, u l.Ul. lauu. Swiss Embroidered Edge and Cox'- nor Handkerchiefs 100 each. 11`... L1LIL_I.-.1 T ........ `[J'.....1]n..m1.Cnfn Swiss lmbromerect Luge and uor- uuu. Print W1'api>ers $1 for 750. } Hem Stitched Lawn Handkerchiefs. Women`: Cloth Jackets $5 for Embroidered Corners, 8 for 200. $1.95. Starr & Sutclie, a Sacrifice. is `be Best Cook Stove made, and there are over 5oo in use in. and about Kingston. U0 W `AUG pull`, 101' no pun. Women'a Creme, Tan. and Brown :_v. uzu... ........l... on. {ma ma nnir. Get a Lawn Mower, down to cost price at A. sTR5H~AN*s, I18 and 120 Princess Street. Sole Kingston Agents. H_._AlNES 6: LOCKETT :2:-Great Thirty Days Sale. All Good: sold at Successors to J. M. RICHMOND & C0. 114 PRINCESS ST. FORLMERLY RICHMOND 11 CO. 69 and 71 Brock Street. _._ Undo:-hlorundlnrnltun I ICIIIIIIO Plllollrod lJUDU.\ll.lIlII, \IDI IIIIUII I UNI! -Camp Cat and Stools. Pillows, TH and Mantle Bods at grout roduoons. GBEATULEABINGSALE| Trim Up You-r-G-arden. '. ThiIBoiroom Be. in ma. Century and Antique Oak Finilh, onl $18.50. Bont.Ohairu, Ou-amen`: mo Scull . IL..- 11-: -...`l cu..|.. D:1l._. ll- nth. Holt Bnuklpn 10o emh. Stick Pins 50 and 103 each. 2 Dreuihing Combs. 50, 100. Ho. 20:. 5o. . Tooth Brushes 50/. 100. 150. 200. 25c. ' T . . Bl._'il'.'d Hair Brushes 860. 500. 750. Mon`: Negligee Onmbtio Shirts. 8 Collar! and 1 pair Cni Ipeoinl at 8!. Me`n'|,Knol. and Four-in-hand Silk Ties. rogulsr 20 And 25 for 100. Mm. nan. N... W...-_ mmlu 60 :r"'Is'3." "" "" "" ' Boys Web Braces (6 pair. 1 Men's Seamless Cotton 80: 50 pnur. Men's White Duck Yachting Caps nn- Luv 200. zuo. Creme Sateen Parapols. 90 for 500. n_:..; n1..:..a... A....--:....... ll`.-mu (Sin. ouo. Shirt Waists,Amerioan Fnncy Gin- ghams, Detatohable Collars, 750 for 500. - n,:,,A \17_.-...__..- Q1 1.- UK.` OF` FURNITURE mu! AND Auaun. 9 he done. I \'I)'. _he who bolt-unwillingly I010 ceuvea, , . Known not the tnlluorhbd Joy ohl troo- ly gins. . . , ' 2' .. . mu"-. vmvruu su3'mnot'w1ch'o;u open to `I You can get the best of Tools It rock bottom prices. kD.......oL:-- `II III` Hlfdr liuefsauahtnucmugtgyn .`\n" H" [BIL ml! Ulfl. WI -UI' II . lnllldl; rho new morality, the nrt of life. And notiobodlcnoo, hold: In as his I ; VIC .7 L 1- cl n'.n. :iL' :w'uoJ.a:"ny.u: chic: L` . - ' I-I L , IQ!` _ wpvyy gt! V-`I Emnncl tad. on firm tact Ibo And nrtlnt mu encuothor In-nnv to buy a. New Cool: Stove don't forget that the When You Ileeide Happy Thought ange II HUI! nun 300 Jul Lvva `tel. ragu: _ Mon : Silk Neck Welt. regular 50:: ... (ll- Wouuu ` LJIIII at Kinguton. II III UUIIUIII yuucao Euqtlung in the uudwm liho at tight prices. AUGUST SALE SIDEBOARDS. Inunonno stock. Iowa wondorfully cheap 0 n_A.|h and Oak. Almont on ohonp u on wood ntylu were sold 30-. llpoohl value: In Bedroom Suites. Soxno llhpl in Ad: and Oak. Van-s There has been no lack of room at scnnm " IUBILEE DAYS PDINIS. Payment of accounts requested. Are days of rejoicing. Bargain days are also days of rejoicing. Many will therefore rejoice in the announcement that for the balance of this month we willcon- tinue our Great Cheap Sale. Bargains in every department. D. xmm-.'s, JAIIIGH 31 .I Kinnton. OF LONDON. Yonn. A perfect uid I F and ionic. 4:03:35 OIIII `for khlrovlu E:`lIOIImo, sum M h I" l"NOO7u`t n Dylan n nah. h1lul 1`. F`. Harrison Co. TACE BALM. 1 MacLaren's `Potted Cheese L was the only {Cheese classed _ "perfection" at . the world's fair. I T h e richest, 3 crcamestjcheese f made. ' 25. soc and j 3! pots at ARCHBWS $0 ' . *5. or Dntlu. om lnumon, and +.'.`.`aa 1-m6nsu,Amo1u 3:.` Ih.l;..puwot{ndl11Jl.Illu'; min! . ' 160. un ; roduood to V rive nun: sooo'mpc1:l.u. or onoontnlh or our HI) `llnol. Ilnlmlnn chin for A nation. ma. _ _ V1 nunn J.uL's unawuuau Anasurs Dr. Cyrus Edson, un eminent New York physician, has given it as his opinion that the slforts of cyclists to cover two hundred miles, or a double century run, in twenty- four hours, are not only foolish but suicidal. He declares that only thoroughly trained athletes can take a run of one hundred miles without serious danger to the nervous M system, and even they are fortunate if they escape with no impairment of vital force or nervous energy. While they may not sustain any immediate collapse, the strain upon their nervous energy willbe evidenced some time in the future. Danger undoubtedly lies in the direction which the doctor points out. the tendency among comparatively untrained cyclists to attempt feats safe only for the best conditioned. The privilege of making an empty boast later is small reward for an effort that has resulted in permanent weakening of the system. Some evidence of this was afford- ed in connection with the twenty mile road race on Monday last. Some of the competitors came in strongly, and shiningly. none the worse of the test they had undergone, while others were visibly fatigued and distressed. Bicycling ceases to be healthy when it is abused, when one undertakes todistance -I 1---- __.1 LI... l...u.....nbiun -nu-I nvnn DDIIIUU, wuuu uuu Iluuvlll--vv Irv -.....-....... the `hone and the locomotive, end even time itself. Followed in reason, ee an ex- hiliruing exercise, and as I rapid means of transportation over a reasonable distance, it in all right, but the feet: in which some of the cyolinbn are indulging in wheeling then into the grave. They do not lee the danger they are running. and they are deaf to the werninge 0! men who do know and went to save their Iivee. new lot sun gnu. -uu-u-m . Iuqo:{::t::i;::1il moon no made for I Go:-no tor muunnt nnounoomontl no'Ju.o: bl wanted. or sale. -109. NW snnon.no'o=:1t 50:03 or mu?` ::tu:o?|f`:: Illouncxnludod. rdnpoooiforprofuolong: innnnoo annoy announcement: no :11. hot to ulnar rutrhmon. Oontnot adv n Allowod two chum not wait; non Wont olnnuu must [add (or. Tho nbmar will not o no u- nlbk r lnhun nu of vor 51 o n. Writ 1: direction: nhonl be laced on 51,-` (min for lnnrtlnn. All Adv! fumonh III tio an (ii and psumo in |dvuu`u. ' .oos.'s'.." s3:'u: .`."` i 1 p'o -'."on.T1':'.'3.'.`po"i.`'m`I. {or onion they (in. ' Every' Shag in the house marked away down. TH! wnnv 'n-'rIsn WHIG a pun. M oolnlml. in pllblllhod ovary Thnmin mom- I0 I you, I! paid In ndunoo; ot uwiu O1 . 1115' EH5-wxuLY u pnblllhod on non- dngund Thurudln 5:81 A you In advance; 81. othorwiu. , A_ _ _ _ _ 8-1:30 Attached to the pint: in one o! the t Job Once: in cumin; npld. ntrlinh An oholv work; man improved printing pnuu. nuw. 4.1!. RENEE. JOHN OFIORD P1-oprlot.ol.v Aumsnt unlneu lumen. TILIPIDIK. Inning-1 una - - - Ill. LLAL1 uvL\s;n-{guy V.--.-. .... -..... The man who clumsily undertook to rob warden Metoalfe s house goes back to the Kingston prison fora third term,snd enters upon a five years time with a long period in the prison or isolation. This prison is designed to work some curative effect upon hardened criminals. In lonely cell, with- out contact with anyone save the guard who attends him. with plain food, and nothing to do but ruminate upon the sins of his life, be if expected to begin the re- formation in his life ivhich society de- mands. . ... . . , .-n.;. A_. .L- -1--- Ilbb nhundonto or vu-nu omen. she can for inurtlon. Mlvo monh MAKE to the sum-oval '1 tho pnbllnhor. lot sdnrthomonu and subscrip- ag no no in nduuoo. can of unlnoornonud 9_uooioMonn___n- IIIPIIII-ID: Is this design veried? Are `the plan: of the prison authoritiea bome oub by ex- perience`! It eeeme not. \!'..-...-.. Dnkingnn . Qknnnhflnl man |IUllUlI\pU - All -vuu-u Iovvu Norman Robinlon. O thoughtlul man. if his writing indicate: nnything. discu- aou the qnutlon in the August. Atom. In 3 bright And vigorous any Mr. Robin- son demands chub also people should dooido. and with expedition. what in the but way ot bracing prinonol-u-by nggrogntion or gogrognion. A .:An In QLA uuunnl-n tun rumours". THE DAILY _VVI:IIG.` ..s...,......... Agregetion is the popular or prevail- ing plan. What in ibe record? To Mr. Robinson it in dienppointing. The run who eaten a prison cell for the tint time, ee e reenlt. ol eomo eudden and overpower- ing hernpcetion. nd: himeell in 1 new` environment. Everything in enggeetlve ol crime, even the ntmoephere he breethee. He in in the devil e own treininfeobool. "Whatever pdeon rnlee may eey there ere oerteln to be olmdeetlne rnpetlnge. eeorec oonforenoee. in which." in in re- ..| nlAL_ .____1-_ 1- I_lAl-A_J 1-4- AL- -vvuvv vvv-nun u. - Iv -- av mu 1 my mvcam I n"a;{1.m_' mo,un'| -,, 1. _A_, 4: AL- l--_._---__._ _1__1__ It .1-I Ivvvne-I er nu-vnvvw Iruvv higher degree oi the lroeneeonry of crime." The oonoloeioo lollowe: In In any won- der the this are! oender oonee out of prleoo e conrmed crhnindl. end that He lute geiewoteethnnlaiellret. Ie no help for thie ease of things 2 Ir. pl-opoeee eegregeon. Re- A__.__;...l._ -L_..I4I L. L-Hal In. Iknnn Al AGAIN FRIDAY NEXT mlo luuuuuvu rlvriavvv -nu.-v.---vu. .- Iornuotiol should be build for thou hopulouly violent Iondoncicu. tine: crimi-~ ml lghouu in sign] and monlly quite so dindtolu u is physically that ol cholcn u null-pox. The union clan: of lint kl dolkl in opurthd into distinct and non-communicating funilios. They should be nbjauo land lnhourund discip- llugqivcloonubutvholtullno food; [when tall to undo I plan oi nlonnuory puli-III. AIIIODII um nakedn- ulnulnld haul inluuou obbali bou- uuhduvounuwdnquw novol; hull. nluag and Medan to "bonny KI int Quin hpdy Inh- THE CONFIRMED CRIMINALS. nu- ...__ _.L- ..I.....-:I.. .....lm-hmly on - -WHERE THE DANGER LIE; , ; `EAA \1 ulna SCI. ttflll loo-I - - - no. IVUIJIIIUVII III vuv nlvuu uugnvuy-z an "Welhd villages," he I-enlerks, `imight hehuilb with all the safe-guards which modern science and inventive skill can eupply for the absolute and permenent isolation of bhoaelife criminals. Some- thing akin to the ancient. cities of refuge, out of which it was death to es- cape. "Behindp these never-openning _._L-_ II --..- ll... `Dnkinnnn and gates, says Mr. Robinson, M "and under condition: that should relieve the world at once and forever of their pres ence.these avowed and irrepentive enemies of social and civil order should be compell- ed to work out their own salvation. They would have to learn self-government, and they would learn it since "the murderer does not like to be murdered, the robber does not like to be robbed, and all clause object to take their own rnediaine." The sexes would occupy separate villages. H7: in -4..- at... _._:L.... luL:- nlnn nf [W \ -Whotohout thoiuounigihleo. tho unso- hsidhud, the usually abandoned. the non who hue "out thonselvos oi? from oil re- trout, hurried tho mag. behind them. and ontorod in A life wu-lure against human society and [iv 2". `Mr. Robinson declsros that "most Ieoond oEondon`; snd those whose hrutulput points to on il'l'0dO0ll|- able future, should properly be cloud` is lile criminals. and with these society should deal with rm hand 'ond inennhlo justice. This dool not nnsn to he bathed end shoved and 0.061106. 3: in the one of the In-den s burglar, end stated on e third form unid ell the oom- lortn the stotonon provide. With 3 rascal like that. no deprovod .e.nd demoraliued It to be without hope in . the world, what is isoletion but another name for that vicious idleness which he has ounnlngly cultivated. He needs something ditferont. and Mr. Robinson in the Arena suggests it. ..rn_n-.1 __:u_.__ I! h- ....u....I.. tlmhul-.o_ I01)! Wuulu vuwuy, uVtJIaeeavV -uu-By... If, says the writer, this plan of permanent segregation and isolation were carried out for a single generation crime would sensibly diminish, the courts would be relieved. taxation would be lessened, and modern civilization would be relieved of one of the heaviest load: it is now com polled to carry. llTL..L ..L....L ti... -u-in-m hmunn nnw in rvllvvn vv vino: ,. What about the prison houses now in existence? Mr. Robinson has a use for them. In the classication of offenders, and their nsaiznmenb to penal villages there would be some eontrooioualy and endiehly criminal that it would be cruelty to prevent them to go beyond their present prison walla. By the plan suggested the penibentiariee, now no crowded, could etill be utilized for the confinement of these parish: d\crime. mL:- ....s.y.|_..'.. 51.- A..-... -nuh wall Great Bargain Day. Fntnlltv It meddlng lrolle In A Restau- nut. Clscmwirl, Ohio, August 6.-Otto Adlerkept an all-night restaurant in the lower story of the house in which three men and one woman perished this morn- ing. There were seventeen men and wo- men in one room in the second storey of this house. The occupants of the build- refuse All information. None of the dead were burned. They were suffocated by smoke from the tire in adjacent rooms, The only exit for esonpe was blocked by a. bathtub set up on end at the head of eteirway. The smoke came from an adje- cent room where the re was soon ex- tinguished. Iuaemn that it was A weddimr frolic. in gas IIIIU U vlsauvn This erhble-in the Arena reads well. The argument libs bogebher. It. is the pro- duction ofathoughbful man. But he is not in harmony with the inen who are managing the prisons, and whose business is to study fsllen human nature. Granted that they are not making headway with their reforms, is Mr. Robinson a leader of new methods who will command an eager following? It is possible. Like Henry George and his single tax, he strikes out vigorously. is not afraid to state his opinions. and is willing to debate the issue with all comers. Llngulenou. It. seems that it was a wedding irolio, which Guth, one of the dead men, was bridegroom. and the daughter of landlord Adler was the bride. Still there is some doubt about who was the bride. The cele- brante of the wedding used beer and cigarettes very freely. and it is now sup posed cigarettes started the fire, and that beer caused the somnolence which with the upturned bath-tub was the indirect cause of so much fatality. It seems that while out of seventeen four snifocahd fatally, the other thirteen suffered slightly. The fire started from the explosion of a gasoline stove. llle Name Received with Derlelou In A trench court. Pnus, Auguet Ii.-T|1e Turkish emheu-y here. under inetructiona from Yildiz Kioek, brought suit against Ahmed Rim. editor of the Meahveret, Young Turkey journal. end hie ueietant Genem. (or insulting the eulten. The eccueed were found guilty. but the court deelered that the univereel indignation excited by the Armenien mee- aeree expleined their conduct. The judge merely condemned them to pay A line of sixteen ireuce end geve them e benet oi the int oendere act, which exempted them from ying the ne unleee Again offending. he decision was receivedwith ehcute of "Long live Fnnoe! Down with the eulten, ' . ` Little (ill! Burned. Ll.Vn.~un', Ont... Angina 6.-Wednoodny the Iovon-you-old daughter of Mrs. K0 Io, Boer] strut. wu novonlr burned. or lmlo bl-other Iaon und herself were pl: - ing hound I mull hon-u, when tic aunt caught the uni. rt : clothing. and before unimnco hot the Inn burn- ed About the arms. neck And bud. M The boylndbbth Innda burned also in st- :-mnunp In man his dun. boy Ina noun nnnuu oumu tempting to am his minor. A Light 1'0 lo [ands Tho oiootric Iiglit stationed At. the north- wut comer of King And Barrio street: will bonoud from in peanut silo touloontion |cI'&HIIllI'f-.0lIt|I0loul.h`IidOofKin nun.-outolighgup tho wuutnpsno! King not no Inll as possible. Acpocinlmoolingolthobou-do! educa- tion mil in bold ohibly yin tho quugjon olunngi`? 9001?: $ug'Inc| dpnz pi stand ug lqhto, Inui- thu :i'|liodhcIcod. UIWW Iywwu J. Cluniqhg, ` For loowvurt It the If ;Idq, gwqwlal Neylo (UV). 000 ch. L Fnndnahnk Crumley Bros. FOUR WERE SUFFOCATED. DOWN wm-1 n-as SULTAN. A To Dhuu The loan Question. ......'-I ._.4Au'__ .1 AL` L.-.) -1 -. THE` DAILY wait}. Fntmn. Qwevsr 6. 1897 -- -- ---.-- rrmfutwsr ms n1sm1cr.| one: or THE AImcL:'s m T7-IE1 nolbwunsneoocmo-n'osnpo-rm! slphodurhtbnohhlkhlltotno. ` trvud luunbolu-A Ooh-n unen- uthl no-n. Batty brother: intend creating an at Delta. ' . Mrs. William sudmnn. of Verons. 3 on Monduz hat. I Au...-;n., A.....`t>..n. L... kmn-.l.l>. Hm` Infrom the roof on Vornnaun. abort Glamor has sold his farm M 160 acres. in the Ugh concession of North Elms- ley. for 85,000`. to John Matthews. Iain ammd that J. W. London. Bollo- Clilldly morning, I300 uxlny-ulruu _y_UInp | Apple: in Pnnce Edward, Huunyrh [Amara and Normhumborlmd are . . Henfngon. Pioton, has put Gold- on rince In tniuing for the track thin! full. ' ' |..|... I , m....1.. u...n. innmh -hrtino . in an 01d mint r. | M. McDonald, Ganenoqee. dinpoaed of bin pacing gelding Acorn to Mr. Bhv ock, ' Izondon. (or $220. _ ' ' The srensurer of Frankvilla cheese fac- tory bu received nearly 84,000 for for the month of June. 1 u I 'I'|.....- |..;.. at Ru-pin`: hotel. UNION ASSIHIANUE _SOGlETY, for the month of June. M. J. Tovsy. late of Bu-rie's hotel. Perth. has `bought the butchering hosi- nesn of Job I L. Charles. Allen Embury, Brampton, inspector of ubllo schools for Pool, in paying a visit: to in birth place. Thomusbur . On Thursday morning uomas Spence, of Lanerlr, had his wrist fractured by full- lngh-om the roof oh versnduh. ah-or I1:-Arunr ha. nnlll hil farm nf 85,000`. John Matthews. It is stated that J. London, ville Intelligencer, will sever his relations with the concern within I week or two. The C. P.R. car-shops, Perth, are about nuttinginndyunmo for the purpose of doing their own incandescent 1ighLing.| A. W. \Hendricks. B.A., Toronto uni- versity. has received the appointment of mnderns master at Picton at I salary `oil 8700. . - , (inn.-an fnndiinrrln (7 R. mrent. K|\l' Manda Mac. I Alba}-I5 . Agnr,`Port_h, bu boughb the` groom-y.of Gonrqe Warren. ` Ahrnluun Kerr. of Smith : Fall. died on l'000I'y,0l UOI)|`I0 WITTOII. ' Abraham Kerr, of Smith Falls, Tuudny morning. nged sixty-nhroe yum Annlan in Pfln Edward. Hutinsn. . nu. - John L. Charles. Perth. intends starting for the Klondike non week. Mr. Chgrlen ' in oid mint u u..n.....m n......m... dinnnnu! of 8700. 1 George Woodhouae. C. P. R. A ant. dar, is advised of the sudden each of his hrothur, a prosperous hardware merchant at Fort. William. " rm... u....c..,.... n.......... mnhnlinn are nnn- : `LU 1"0I'E Wllllm. The Renfrew Roman Catholics are con- aidering the advisability of removing their cemetery. since roaidonbial properties aro closely surrounding 1.. Tum mnmzim mm the Discinie churc-.h,. closely surrounding Two months ago the Disciple of Wash Lake. established I mission in PIC` con. Rev. W. Y. (lharltoun. evangelist, is holding special meetings. - hp [1 Wnkinnnn in nnl . nnw ll felidel b holdinepecml Dr. . R. Robinson is not now I: reside: If Nalmimo. 13.0. He is surgeon on board R..M.S. Warrimoo, sailing bebwaen Van- couver, B.C . and Australia. n Hunrlnn "mu: Jnrnnn CI`0I.l COndl1Ct3d L. Borrowman were unpuzea. . Theleaae of the Corey Spencer borne-, stead has been aonsummnt.od- by the Picton . board of health for Bid years with the? option o_f purchasing at 81.900. Mn. .1. Ward and children. spending Tove-:'s' B.C and Austruna. .~ On Sunday Rev. James Orola conducted 1 3 baptismal service an McIlquham`a | bridge, when Mrs. James D)dds and Miss I L. Borrowman bnptized. I I In... 1...... nr than nnmv Soancer ` option of purchasing an l.UU. | Mrs. J. Ward and children. spending the summer with relatives at Conwcon, left. on Monday for Kingston. After 0. short stay they leave for California. | Rm-um Parr-v. I format 8. of 0.. R. agent`. | short any may leave [or umuunuu. Bowen Perry. a former B. of Q. agent`. | at Camden East. in now in the employ of she C.P.R., and has bun promoted to the position of station agent In. Ulcmlllo, Que. Fldvsn Mathodiats of Winchester. WHO position 01 canon ngenn M. umnvmo, uuu. Seven Methodiata of Winchester, severed their connection with the church there. to join the Holiness movement, were recently taken back into the Methodist church. 11.. D sis...-..u..-. -vita n! A nrnminant church. Mrs. R. Sturgeon. wife of a prominent; farmer of Glen Buell, died Wednesday. Mrs. Sturgeon wan A daughter of George Fletcher, Elizabethtown. a former resident of Brockville. m...-n.... -r.-...n..1. su...|.mn|m, third mn or nrocxvme. Charles Timlick, Sherbrooko, of Joshua Timlick. Drockville. I Sarah Owens, eldest daughm Owens, Brockville, were joined i mony on Wednesday. A nlmnina event. took place at Wednesday. A pleasing event. took place at the reai- l dence of W. J. Gxiitll, Carleton Place, on Monday last. the marriage of Mrs. Grif- r.h a sister, Mina Rogers. Brockvxlle, to ' William Lovey. Ottawa. u..- A [1 I9--. Pf`-mncl has nnuxlvml Wulhnm Lovey. ucuwa. Mrs. O. 0. Front, Tweed, has nseived the news that her brother, John Heoghtr gun. late station member of Bndefordf died as (lulyton, Devonahire. on the 18m May, Aged seven!-y-seven yearn. R. Wsntnver. a caroenter. of Belle ville. Jgeu seven:-y~seven years. 8. Weatover, a carpenter. ville, fell froma building on Wednesday and broke one of his legs. Mr. Wesnover has had hard luck lately. His wile at present is very low in tho honpital. . ` Karin Rrnnnnn. ll little llirl of Ganano~ Is very low In Lno nonpluu. Katie Brennan. :1 little girl que, had I narrow escape from death on Monday last. She got hold of a saucer of y poison and was rapidly making away with the contents when discovered. n..........A 1).......u '|lun-lam n fm-mar Ignltutedln the Reign of. Queen Anne. ,. AD. 1714. Ceblul end Accumulated Funds over 813,000,000.