11'` ~' (7. " gr - we UMBBELLAS ,,s . A lather 1: union. 00lul\\'AI.L, August '10. --- Mrs. James Guinea. who died at the midenco of her hulbnnd in Kenyon township, Glongany county. and eighty-throomu remarkable. She stood nix loot all and for mnny you-I wig-hodllo poundmnducod ul-ho time of her death to 5350 undo. She vu the author of u very E-Y huly. On an- oountolhorgnn nix cnuuwuusudc lot bot. which. by dropping bschword, could also lag and an 3 bod. The Odd fellows Grand Lodge. BaL1.avn.L:. August ll.--This morning the oicore and representativee to the Odd- lellowe grand lodge were escorted by the local brethren through the principal; streets to the Carmnn 0 re. house, where the sessions will be he d. There was a largo attendance of tho public. Mayor Johnson extended the free- dom of the city during the week. Grand master White made reply. apeaking . in high terms of the hospitality so far ex- perienced. He made eloquent allusion to this district aa originally peopled by united empire loyalists. whose deoendanta are an true to the British og as were their {area fathers. He hoped they would escape the vigilance of health ollioers, receive a pass- rt and go home with a clean bill of ealth. Bro. W. N. Northrup, P.G., faad an ofdgreeting from the local . e ran maeter,in re l ,ho thsl.he'.Reh5kah degree wouldptle eetg lished. and made a touching reference to the death of Bro. Badenacb. grand treas- nnar (Ir-and lnrlnn wan nnanpd in rmvnlar U00 UIIKOII 01 DH). DNIUKIICII, grunu IlI'OII' nrer. Grnnd lodge wee opened in reguler form and committees eppointed. . The and mater : report. ehowed three new I ee inebitutad and two relnetituted and that the mu 0! the order in generally eetiefectory. The grand eerezeriea r(- pzrre than 22,825 members; total relid lent you to 3.113 pick members. 840.999 ; total relief, 882.530 ; total lnnde. 8925,- 773.94. Grand lodge in chin pltarnoon en- 'oyingen excursion on the bay tenderei y the locel brethren. ,, ~ A ll.Il'I:llGI' llllpruvulnonu II luu|I:Ipu|.uu. G. B. Reeve,br-sfiio msn tger of the Grsnd Trunk. in reference to the rumored notion of the United States in wighdrswing bond- in; privileges. says Lhsb representations hsve been made as Washington to nd out. exsotly when the law mesns. Ho considers shun the wordin is smbiguous. snd thst. the government. as no intention oi Wilh- drswing the privileges. If this were done it would mesn sn entire suspension of trade with Csnsds by rail. WWO UITUIIIII JIIUKK IUD Ill lFUIlUl|'IwIlIlIK. The wholeealo dry goods merchant: ro- porb I decided improvement; in trade. Col- lections are better in the `farming dietricta owing to the good rice: received this nu- aon for cheese An other dairy products. A further improvement is anticipated. (l R R-avoJ.r-nin men nrnr nf Lhn Grand Mowrnun, August. 1l.-The friends of the Hon. 0. A. Gootfrion havo gone to Ottawa to "secure the n pointmonb of Acbille Dorian , non of law gir A. A. Do- rion and law partner of Mr. Georion, an a third circuit. judge in Montreal. If the appointment is made a complaint. will be raiuq by the English-spoaknng lawyers of this cmy, for three police magistrates and two circuit. judges are all Fronbh-speaking. Thu whnlnnla drv rrnodn mnmhnnu ra- Uepu. uuuwp, wno mtroauceu me suoyuuu. of the collision. He was sngry. and sp- plied en epithet to Cspt. Hinck ey. which was suicxent to arouse any rnsn s temper. Instead of beoomingdncensed Capt. Hinch'- le tried to pacify the other man. shying. unlop. you and I do not went to quer- rel over this matter. Int us be friends. Let the two companies do the fi hting. This seemed to incense Capt. unlop, who caught Capt. Hinckley by the breast of his east end sttemptcd to strike him. The last nsmed was just as trie too quick for his-antagonist. end hsuling back. he struck Capt. Dunlap on the face, lrnockin him hsckwsrdr. A runner for the R. O. navigation company rushed to the assis- tance of Ca t. Dunlop.and was about to strike Ca 11. incklsy,when the mete of the steamer t. Lawrence jumped to the wharf snd tsokled the runner, "doin'g him up in quick order. Friends then interfered and prevented s resumption oi hostilities. Capt. Dunlop wears s pair of besutifully hend colored optics as A result of the affrny, while Capt. Hinckle has A small bruise and scratch on his right cheek. The Funny Hide 0! It. During the eng ement" between the ekippore of two ingeton steamers. at Clayton, this morning, e well-kno'w'n King- ston auctioneer interlerod on behalf of one of the oombetents. A pertisen of the man whom the auctioneer intended to protect, thinking his interference was I reinforce- ment to the enemy. deelt him e eoundinz blow from the side. This wes sucient t) cell the er/tentiou of the knight of the hem- mer to his own effeirs, end no loudly offer- ed "85 to whoever would show hirnth`e men who struck that blow." The offer was not tempting enough, end the suc- tioneer is still trying to discover who struck Billy Patterson." H Aohlllo Dorlon In Appointed-Wordlng ll Ambiguous. A. nu... tn i-mu-a than nnnninfmamr. nf [THE CAPTAINI ALSO GOLLIDE. ---_l---_-- Alnony `ll-on u Winn ncunon. H.v 1- .-} `'~ fhuloll-hIlIu;n. I u.ui.:o one Peueegeu on the nteemen Aleeriee end "Algerian. end A few roeidentu. witneeeed A lively Ierep et;Gleyton eibout, ve o'clock thie_mornlng.- The eeir we: the outcome of theueent III eterinne teuehin es the foot of the rep` e few deyeego o the two boete ehove mined.` for e time it looked ee though the crew: of both boete would he, pitted egeinet eech other in rfree and open llght. alter the etyle ol Donnybrook hit, but fortunately before Inch an extreme wee reached the ootnhetente retired to the Ieolueion thet the oehlne greet. and shortly efterwerde the boat: pulled ewey {mm the wharf, eepe;-sting for e time at least the prin- on e. inee the day the two eteemere collided there he been A he:l feelmg between the brain. end it I-net-Incl`: mulminntinn. this men nu linen I nail Ieeung Dupwuu one crewe, and it reacheda culmination-this morning when Capt. Hihckley, of the steamer America. and Ca I. Duulop, of the Algerian, met on Iahe I arf at Clay- son. The res narned wee approached by Capt. Dunlap, who introduced the auhjeot of the cnllieion. He waa annrv. and an- A HOWL WILL BE RAISED. Iu:-Iod on A Tallow. Hohoxlx. N.J.. Auguot l0.-John Mo- (}innh,n wnitor in 5 Hoboton concur: ball. and Ruth I-run. u auto conic oi at tho Inna uhbliohucu. veto ` cu- III IICIIISIKI IIBUII `Inna Bu C1". Mioh.. Augnnt ll.-John Bnndd. I {armor living nur Kookvillo. I for miles nouth of this city, has been ur- ruhd and brou ht hero charged with oountorloing. Ho alleged that Bun. dol oolnod quarters and halt-dollpn. and that mine was In his own {Arm-homo. Th. olou-searched the lions and found I hdh fnllol mud. In unnlahod Oun- onn qurun. sad I gu uovo. Tho Uniud Shh! ooon claim Bnndol has bun qnlctly opu-sting for wash. and has punish dronluionn In-go quantity 0! worlhlul but olovctly undo coin. . EIIIIIIDUII IVUWII Elginburg. August l1.-Joseph Lew- son, an, is in poor health. Our school opened last Monday. The band's lnwn social at Kepler was a success. The rain spoiled the garden party here last night, preventing many from coming, and causing most. of those who came to huny ewav, or repair to the church near by. where the band played in few hymn selections. Capt. S. Knight gys whoever reported his having two lulu-ii must have wheels in his-head. us he owns but one. Joshua. Knight owns ll young thorouihbred A 'rshire bull pur- chnced from t e Hon. . Ballnntyne, of Slralford. Mr. Knight takes much in- terest in dairying and agricultural mut- ters. He gave your correspondent some interestin figures for the Whig that will be of cred next week. Our paatgr spent 3 day in llelleville last, week vis- iting friends. Mrs. Wceac has returned from II. `hip to Picton. Lillie and Metln -Weese are sgending a few weeks at Lombardy. isitors: Archie Bruten and family, Nnpanee Mills, ut Mr. Ferris`; Olive ltaycrolt" and May Haw- key, Glennie, the guests of Lydia Jack- son, their music teaclrurj-Jessie Clow, Harti ton, visiting Neilfwcum; Mrs. G. H. erex. Picton. and Flouie and Lola. Weese, Bellevllle, at the person- | ..... lllll after visiting in our midst. C. Vimluven, of the Whig office, no- companied by Bert Pense, and It cousin from Montreal, camped for a few days on our lake. A arty of Kingstonizms are camping at. cLenn`s pointat pres- ent. Among them are the Misses Reid. Driver, Iinlligiin und Kennedy; und Messrs. McCummon, Craig. Frye and Corbett. Miss Jenny Dnlmnge, of Clif- ford. sndz Miss Miiy Bannermim, of To- ronto, are the 'guests of Mrs. l'`. W. Vunluven. Other visitors at presentin our midst nre: Miss Lizzie Theme, of Lowell, Mass; Misses Mabel nnd Bessie Eb and Georgina Loveck, of Kingston, an Rev. Mr. Lnnderville, of Prescott. Among the names of those registered at the Granite for the past few weeks, nre:-Messrs. J. W. Wickes, James Mo- Leiin. Dr. William N. Landon. of Sym- cuse. N.Y.; E. 11. Thomson, Auburn. N. Y.; Rev. E. C. Saunders. Rhinebiuk. N. `Y.; 'l`heo. unders. Cleveland. Ohio; Messrs. D. Weismiller and A. Gardiner, `Kingston; Rev. W. Roberts. Merrick- ville. cents per nunnren weignc now. Lyman Pixley, while heated one day Inst week, took at large draught. of cold water and then sat down. Soon after he was attacked with hemorrage of the bowels and has since been in a ver Cl`!- ticn.l condition. Dr. Abbott. of I ings- ton and Dr. Luke have been in attend- ance. G. S. Wnkeford is negotiating with the owners for the purchase of the Yarker roller mill. Dan. Keeler, of Carrying Place. has sold the balance of his farming lands to George Sleeth, and has gone to Manitoba, where he nur- chnsed efarm last summer. He wil re- turn end remove his family there In the spring. Charley Sutherland and George Holder have also gone to Mani- toba to spend the balance of the season. From there they will go to British Co- lumbia for the winter, and may possibly go to the Klondike gold regions in the ring. Sam Anglin has gone on 3!. visit to friends in Picton. Misses Het- tie Anglin, Edith English and Lena Eloy, of Kingston, have returned home after visiting in midst. (`. Vunlnvnn, nf Hm \\/bin office. lovluh. B-Balaton. .--%4 lo Oonntorloltod cola. 11:4 `,4 ____` '1 llglnblng News. A .........L II 1 .- Touono, August I l.-A kw` Iota up the nownpopu-I draw attention to tho but tbonnnovu 30.ooouunnonu- L.-A U If] CD It?! I2` I A-LI. had :1 $5-dg _.l..I -I oh- OI! IOIIIO cnloruuynu Inn IIIIIII II wt m inurnnl trouble of hi; own. H0 in- stantly diooonnd his minute, and culled upon the uniuonc for NI enulo, which be swallowed. but without ucin any eoct. Ho Ind uhn on to d in- stead of nnlnonis. and the chlotodyno had destroyed tho small. 110 at dawn on tho edge of the sidewalk. And died in Ion than Mann minula. The doubt urn gononl hvorito, when In in ooooouhlly pm)- tiood for lovers! yarn. It was nn enthu- uiutlc Iugon. urn:-my - -u--co Sun.-r an. Inn. On. A 10-- Sunday Dr. W. R. Hunter. on ed up to attend I potions In the Inn god. wont into hi: brother : drug Icon to undo up 3 pro- ncrlptlon. He took up I bottle he nuppoood to contain oplrlll 0! am- i rod on I qunm and 33.3 mpg nhlorodvno ma drunk, for I IIMIII. WITX Olll I Illlllli 1 and ` nddod come ehlorodyno And drank it for u. inn.-nnl M-nnhln 1:! his own. H: in. l or. lunar. or Inn Ito. lnrlo. Iskoo 5 I Deadly Ilnuko. n._,__ n__ lA._._ l\_A A..:..L In mu an on where. In` Beetle. Wuhlngton, outfit: to the VIII}! 0! 0852.000 were sold during the lul. fourteen day. It miners un- "donned the! they could get. these In cheaply ln Victorig and save , e dutlee. they would come here to ` . It may not be possible to convince $1 the peogle who 0 from the United sum of t in hot; ut there should he no dllfloulty In making it clear to Cana- Ilene. I UOOGS, llsellll anu SCIISIUIC hut: uhu. vuu |u|.uu:aL un: vunvuqu uululu The Balance of our Stocltvof Prints, Lawns, Mud ' Drugs Goods, Ducks, Fancy Wash Goods, Embroiderics, Luwns, umqier Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear a.nd`C4rp:ts,will_ be simply Slaughbgged. Come any day this week, it will pay you. - '.,- ` 11010 8. general uleuu up aura. - , t Everything pertaining to the Summer Trade will be sold st-'9. great loss. , We have arranged Dozens of Odd Lots of Summer and Stwple Goods, useful and sensible Lots that will interest the Careful Buyer. `FL- D..l-..-.. .J' Ann D1\I-Ir.n D:-:nQn I awn: unnlilli nrtl JAI WALSH S GREAT CHEAP sAi;ia. IA amwmlfmm up SALE. Before beginning the Sale of the Fall and Winter Portiqn of our immense Stock. we will for the remaining days of this mgth I hold a ge eral Clean up Sale. * ,.I_:__ __..A_........ LA Gk- Cunning: '1`:-nt`4n mm Hg nah` nO'v'.Ja is the Best Cook Stove made, and there ardover 500 in use in ' and about Kingston. M KELVEY & BIRCH flay All was land. ._ A._....-A II A l_.- - A FKTAI. TE!iiROR. 69 and 71 Brock Street. (XI IPII; -OIIO I M Wlnlonlll 0 4 3 out . on on ::)`;mstr.a`IhI not tto L g I 4.3. km - I . '3: ;&'r: In. to he ' ' Ind lmplre '_ reilwsy. of reaching the coast. though it is. no ` lson trade. sen exeuse such ignorance. Thousands of pen is in Toronto are thinking of the Krondlke. end wondering how to UM. there. When they look in the Mail for information they find lib reference to the Canadian Pacific iucomparshly the best means reference to Csnndian lines of steam- "ers up the coast, though they lll`8 equal to soy. no reference to Victoria or Vau- eouver as outfitting points. In the -name of common sense when will east- n Osnadlsn papers learn something ut the geogrslphy of the west? "Merchants o t e coast cities of Can- Ids` here the right to expect the news- rs 6! the east to help disabuae the V mfle mind of the carefully fostered that the eld m` as are in United ltltu terrltor es, en hence that the laces to outfi ties. Victoria is making ugn.I- s elnst United States com- is proper share of Can:- Eastern newspapers will not he backward in giving their assist- t fl ht tors` for are the United = Gees. We ask thet the give pi'omin- * euoe to the feet that t e best way to ~ from the sent to the Yukon mines to travel over the Csnadisn trs`nscon- tsi-lines end by Canadian steam- shi rnnuln north; also that in Vic- they wi find the most experienc- ed outfitters for prospectors and min- srs to he found in America. The men he outfitted for Ca.rihoo, Cassinr, and nees-or urneys quite as diffi- t and for lstion more complete on ere connected with mining in the nkon-ere in business in Victoria to- s_y. The papers also should tell that the Yukon, being in Canadian territory, (It must he paid on outfits from the Ull ed-States, and that ever thing can he purchased Just as cheap y in Vic- ` torts where. Wsnhlnnt,nn_ nutfiin to In t Inn}! A lolnul. mo brlu; -.a?.'1*1 .`}.'.',".I!..'.'..L.`.. When You Decide to buy a New Cook Stove f aon't forget tht the` H3PPV Thllghi Hangs nonnum rnonuol nanny. I412-Al- ling Ann II ....j...Q..L COMMERCIAL- IOIIIIAL IAIIIII-M AK ouudlnn hail: Ionian-.. in 1! mgggggnpoonouo-ooouoooono ` 6| Anal for Isl: Ila: on the Pun VIII bill. I 0-. Oolonln. `A low (Inn 130 the Mail and Empire p:'|l|tOd-I Inn of the northwest coast, Ilwwl the londlke. The only town: on it were Seattle Juneau, and ' III. It uenu nbnoluteiy impossible to oonpnhond how a. Canadian paper Oxuuu Inch ignorance. Thousands nl nnnnln In Toronto thinking :j'glhrptice3:_.z5 now 75. imanE1.LAs for soc, ' 751;,` It, Cms. $1.50 and up. , }'qC[.[)` LI;$xfUMsRELLAs. A new Very low prices. A :,I_ '.'f'.'.`.`.i') nngo for 50c, 75c, $1, ' ' '$ i".V2 5 01.50. 82. fuuuzn GOODS, all a} reduc- < `ochgrices at PARASOI.S,.with min; [Lg cleaned` out "at A. Paductlpns. `uids... ; lbblsuf. (TAYL0R S3 OLNADA FOR OANADIANS. .Ymn bolidoli, in Hoot:-cal, and W at low tho ovolution ol Cor- M ....*.-r-..-. : *"-*.;u;..:.r Tum . ' 1 W0 ' this nu; hnniaau can not Id}! up but (at an der- .. :. '-'s.:.*-"-.'..` .::,'.-. V w * bI|ious- i ion. 1 &..`}"a.?.."7.`n.a..."":'..`. ; y nronounull STORY OF A PILL. _,__..____.._. Ihnunocl lbs:-. Imam). 8 gm. 'nnqo.-sauna: donut "lupin '-~..... '-::'.:-'=*-......--"v....-*.-:3 local Dory! ICC! Aootod. The means mum. gononl on-don oom- mhding ~ hunt of all omoon out n oortofn " In each rank will have no ooct on oi the Kingotnn eld battery ortho Nth balm. P.W.0.R. Ono or two 0! the oloon of the nu Hanan will come within Ila 00090. W X 3|` I VJ!-lo BAIUIIIVU. Tho steamer Colombian took 000 - canyon tron this no on the 1.0. J`. oiau-don this mom tag to Bollodllo. when thognndlod ohbo order iainnuion. Ito called as and Duncan II but way and took thou-d quit I lap conun- gononuolpon. Km -jv-$IUu bounox. Ann ll.-liu lnonuo of I oonizrbd lIovIIn:'ot' by Iuopun ":'....'.:er::* W"! W aunrhnvn an A nun For unll. Plnunlu-nu. Angus l1.- 1`ho lu-gosh am of vocal: chat. over loft E land in ballue hu nailed within 8 Inch or Delu- Inro brukwnur And Hampton Roads. for orders. Largo rchuu of ruin ham: boon nude in in country by mly.Auo- I is, lhnoo and Egypt. looapod ltom Quarantine. Oioorn of the sun or Punporl. any that 1 local physician. poenger on tho stum- or on tho tome trip on which the annull- pox patient Whitney unburied at Bella- vlllo, should have been quurnntinod on walls: the mmoindor of the passengers ond crow. They cloim be converted with the sick man and did II" he oonld to ro~ liovo hiu ouoringt. Fortunately for the doctor he dinomborkod at 5 port out of Toronto And uoopod the todioumou of A period in quarantine. . X4__- u-_n_s. - 51': V; gnu:-o J. H. Hogan. Ionhnood to 0 term in the Kingston ponitontiuy for breaking into the rouidonoo of warden Moboalfe. in a. non, chap. Boin troubled with tooth- ache he took I "co d chicol and hood io n aims the offending molor; mi in; who chisel I lhlrp blow, mo booth wu knockod. ouh nontly. Since his but nppoannoo ah the ponitontiary. about nine years ago, it. in thought Hogm served I horn: in some Amonou: pom! inntution. IUIII lIl'IIvI-l.IIl'VU III!!!-II--l.wv n-nnyuu The Steel-nu in oepturln event: hands down. While the new 0 the Klngeton vlotoriee in yet current lselk undng wheel enohuaiuu generelly. the Port Hope meet. on Auznet. 45h eddu lreeh leurelg no she moriuu M the nnnuler Yellow Fellow. Hell mile_u u, R. Phompeon, let; R. Axton, 2nd: . Davidson, 3rd. One mile, open. (proleuionel), A. McLeod. lab. Threemile handicap. (emebeur). R. Anon (eoretch), Int: J. Davideon (scratch). 2nd ; A. Mc- Enchern (eunuch), 3rd. One mile. open. (emebeul). R. Anon, lab; R. Thompson, 2nd Ila Inns: 0! a cannula. nu Adolphu- COWI I07. Yuan and JOIN ago there lived in Brio. P_u.. I physician nhmod Carter, who hnd I lame practice. Dr. Cutter hid troquont oooulon to write a re- at tion for connti lion and Iver `tron! mm! the ilu consequent to `thou. ck hendnche. indigestion, dini- `I&. Inow skin, chorinou etc. Very ` L `in lilo he realized that his pn- IIII nhallod at the big, o|d-fuhion- ` .d pills; jnpooiniiy children could not 1 , _ . and many crown people oom- . ` ittorly. So. the doctor. after .. ' you-I ot study. tormuluted a pm- "a ` tion which onnbied him to accom- II III the remit": desired with n Jlttlo" plll. Inn can-n ha uuui than little niiin an r- IO Q nntrvww nnuunyw. The Brockvllle Recorder reports the the ` little daughter of Rev. W. 0. `Henderson. narrowly eeeeped drowning. While hy- ing eboub e whert ehe fell in. The ibule one went out of eight. but epperently kept. . her heed. for when she eroee ebo clutched the dock end yelled luetily. Her oom- lon ley down on the dock end oeught. er by the bende, end they both hung on till thelr crlee brought eeeietenoe from the Menn Worke. Lmle Miee Hendereon re- membered being told thet. people who fell in the were: "oome up e couple of timee. end ehe kept her mouth cloeed eo ebe could yell when ehe reeehed the aurleee. "I ." old at have In pqu np.nuIInn ah youlordluc. "Ah," -mu yougul-loony. "You II ` . `I *2?` 1 ml; '-In Yell roar llntl-`three looo|ds-1'wo Thlrjo. nun n.,, , ,A ,_1, ._ _,.__;_ L__.I_ mmora would nave unonr gonu mlnwu m Canada instead of taking it to San Fran- niece and other cities south of the boundary line. at It would pay them to do ao,inatoad of carrying thair nda" from the mint to she citm rdorrod tu and paying the heavy, carriage raboa. ZIIW II "UI-1I LB VDZIICI ' A former resident oi Ottawa, now living in this cit . any: the ogfiution ngoinut ul- lowing t is moot niny oongfnny to double track Prinoou street 3 non- sense. If merchants would look Ah the nutter in the right light they would loo thus it in to their interest thovhulliomon be brought to their about no quickly so pouiblo. The loan time it. taken for pooplo residing on the border: and ouukirh oi the city to reach tin busi- ness notion the bother in in for merchants doing business there. . Fm-t.hnr_ In Iowa hlmh the some uzibotion doing oueaneee mere. Further, he says that the eeme agitation was felt in Ottewe five years ago, when the inerohentl clelmed then by double tucking Sperke meeb bneineee on that tho:-oughfere would be deecroyed. The very reverse ha been the cane, and now you could not pay the merchants to allow . of the double truck being removed. Oupt. Baden : Plan. Capt. John Bredon. whoee experience in` the gold region: 0! California is extensive. end who he travelled through the north- > em dletriote of the Canadian and the United State: northwelt territories, has n oohene whereby the dominion can avoid the lose that in being euifured by` Yankee rninere carrying their gold from the Klondike. He suggest: that the dominion government shall establish a mint, and on I that, if this were done, the miners woul have their gold minted in Flannel: Kn-inn!` nf tulrlno if. in Run FfAlI- t no loolllwlnoll to mom mat coin: to him. they would to I my store and uh for ` I10 (1 Dr. Cutter I Liltlo Liver Pills." Dtlgsl than you: than had lived 1| II N!!! York city. nomad Brent 5: A Radian whoa whole life had spout In tin modlcino buainou. I the ulna oi "Carter's Little III." and he also know that L `I could Jill! lot the people 0! the " nlhd tntm lnnw About Lhnm that l|nIlIf'l'0IIIlI, N. running-ruvm. t-chm, am. It in Ix ted thAtinul_n- bor of American pin int: who) but had Ixpu-Zones In tho IIIONOII and mango- ; Inn: 0! much hotel: will sound I mooring. andwill gin tho mombon aha bonet. of Ihalnx ~ It-in mounted to onrunfu a ntock oom- Iii) U|'Illl$ I PUIIUI vvur ruby to 0 hold of tho project and curry a into oxooution, nnd.`no donat. the mute lug will be ottandod by sll the members. I xv ll pro UlUl'Il n bond 0! undo within I in day: to con- aidor tho advisability 0! Cabin; 3 winner hotel at Kingoton. The supporter: of -the project an outhulutic sud pnpouq to build 5 struotun oouuining No room. dining-room. oco. tending-room. It tlntnnulm |._- -: ;....z.... .....nJ"...?. -LA hum hail Thuowillboamobtlngottholocnl. loud urn do m_n upuun no njoot um-ur. L- - __r.u__ -3 LL- Inn-I rota A summer: -HOTEL. ,--- ,. , r, BII I 0.0.1. IIIIIIIQ. L--4_-_ t'|-I.._L:-_ A.AL low It Wotkod It Ottawa. I ,,,:.I.,,. -1 l\._L__. ..-._. "lolylu .L_|n.._An_p\_..L_I 30 Iwuu nu n nu: ouuneu. so no work and bought the rocoi t the rights to "Carter: Lin 0 " from old Dr. Carter, and floo |II New York. It was work to let all the mph or country know 0 t the virus: 0! Outer`: Little 5% ` II`: '0 Rank clan: and -.-nab: A Narrow lumps. .I_...lII- D---_.I-_ 3-..... A luv) `ruck. -_ _-._A-__-_.I L- _ IDOOK 0011]- D . (aha maul..- Iuuuu-mus. -lI Inuit, un twin! bill`! of pillow-ullpu. tour linen halo-clothe. a lo!!! Ilioong and 5 navel:-qunhtuo. llIdn'0|lupuId, noglrllntho non- tycvcwnn." In an lint. Aauuwoodnjurylnndowcinjuiu oourIhloubH||Mnvud1I:- 7 `.1 n I3 Ind thn ad-Q3 Quilt. wun ll'V|l|'lIl II III! vII'uIcI:- "In. the 1:17. In! the prisoner nmy at hq-chill In the In! Ounce. an` innings! in long Ila." -"n"h*"'j Inn. Inn woman wno IIIII coma In In mnrrlou. "And now," he said, in closing, "I hope youottuilnnllu tho can In- porhnu stop you an lag, and that you an pupnnd to: II." " Y" the aid lnnoootlyz well, it I ain't . `I don't know who in. I've no our common gums and two Mon 0000. and tour hand-new Cnnlnghnn Ann annn -n l:-!-. -.l- `E u unit: 01 enter: utuo It took dun and week: lath nd you-3 oi toll and it re- 5 hit 01 ndituto of mono to if `t.- he (I it. To-dny the r- E. a-nAnI in In houuu in fanthu-hub, tun theta. and twelve pain 11! n|IIn.nIh|n Inn! llnnn hM....|.n.. .. mu oouuu X [III]. The Kingston lscrouo club any and out. two tum: to play on lnbor day, one It Wntox-town and the other 5% Ogdemburgg As tho club hu 3 momboruhi of thirty than will be no difficult in so acting two smut teams. The 0 emburg Ipomng fmtornit-.v ch: 3100 and I silver cup vul- uod at 350. Vllll. The minister nlwnya felt It to be My duty 00 give to each young oouplo A mu. u-out udvloo be!oro he performed the marriage oonmony. and for this purpose ho usually took them aside, on as a tune. nndhlkodnrylqbulytoanch of then rogudlng the non Importance of choottpthoymro tobko. nndthonow ndbnmu they was to assume. I odnyhotalhdlnhlnnon on-nest ` manner for uawnlvmlnutu to 1 young woman who hndoomo to ho married. H Aunl Inn: 7' HA ghl In `I..I__ III II |")VUIg OUIIQUIIITII IIIQ IUOIII|lIIDBI- our Ryon olforod on Toronto auction about I million dollars worth of timber berths on he Kippovn river, property of the Mcblchlun BroI.. of Aruprior. who are retiring lrom buliuou. There was I lame ynetondonoo of lumbonnon but not I single `bid oould_be Ind. Mk. I(...... -_ |--_.--- -|..|. ___ -__.| MIDI] DU IOIHI 50 WHO l'Ol0I'lJlIDOI'y. Bishop Carter. of Tunpaca. Chill. has iuuod A circular to the prieuu of Chili, de- olnrin-g thn civil mnrri e. the only legal one uccording to the Chi inn low, is noth- ing but ooncublnuo. which thoclivino law to nvu. condemn: And abominscec. gt-.. D--_ .J!`.....l -3 'I`.._.._L.. -....LX.... Wu Pnpnrnd. A minister : wife, who I; not so seri- ously minded at all times as her husband it, tells some laughable stories relating to marrinp ocnmoniu which he por- tonnod while they were living in a unall village. Th: vninhtgr 1|-an (alt In Q1: 1.. Li- TUHIH IU|' DUI ? nouns. At; noon to-dn . the two boys, Irwin and Mm-tiI,Agod 6 been and nixbeen rupee- tivoly.conviot.od at Lindsay of burglary, were brought down to the penibenhinry. The younger ono, being under age, will likely be tent; to the ro!on:n|t.ory. Rinhnn Cu-tnr. nl Tnrnnnnn, Chill. Inn Glly IE DB6 PFOIOTBHFIII NICO. 0. G. Johnsoniu pleased with a copy of the London. Englend. Daily Mail of June 23rd. In is remarkable, being printed on- tirely in gold to commemorate the diamond jubilee Anniversary of queen Victorie. Ht. And:-nu : nhnir -an-nhliaht. gm-I WW3 Will lllrllll programme. ILVICKBII Jac- Alderman Canon seem: sensitive about the WllI(l'I criticisms. The pa r temper- ed in romnrlu with kinder t inga than are usually said of the average alderman, human n he in. Some people can see only one side. ` For Mun nnignnn mnnlinn in 'rnrnn.n only 0110 IIEIO. . For the science mating in Toronto next wook the members of the American nuooiation have been made members of the the British uooointion for the Advancement. o! science on the some footing u the old annual members. A -I-ILL... AA-....-....:-I L....-ll-_ -A-A-- IIIIIIIII IDUIIIKFI. A vinieing common-cinl cmveller mm that the storm At Lindsay yesterday vs: the Ieverut in thnb section for mnny an. Several houses were struck by ightning, and the rain came down in hot- rent: for three hours. At ........ 5.. A-.. AL- 4...- L--- I .....:.. -_.l JIIDIIZ IIIIIIVUTIIKY DI (`HUGH V IOKOTIC. St. Andrew : choir not-rchlight. nnd moonlight excursion to Clsytnn, Empire State. Tuondny evonin . Augulb 17th. 14th battalion band and ouble male quar- totbo will lnrninh programme. Tickets 35. Aldnrmnn Cm-nnn -nnmn nnnnltivn nhnnh HOT 101' IIIIUIT COIIIDTIICLIOII. At Toronto $27,000 worth of hymn hooks. printed at Oxford, England. for the Canadian Proabytorian ohurch, were to-day pauod through the custom house paying duty at the preferential rate. 0 G, Jnhnnnn in nhunarl \m'f.h A 1-mu: nf IPTOIQ H10 IHVWILHOH. Groonnll. uilor boy. beaten almost to duth by the mate of the Mary L. Bun-ill, loading on the Sdguenay. has died in Quo- beo hospital. The captain and mate of the nhip have been Arrested. u.....:n..-u....- I... L. In.-- -3! y....I.- 4.. UIIIP IIIVU DUE IITUIV-UH- Specioetione for tbelarge oil tanks to beua_od`in the Queen city oil compen s new Isorehouee have been received in til city. and local llrme will be uked'to ben- der for their construction. AL 'I"........A.. 00'! mm _.....eL ..t L.l._.. (D9 UIIDU UPIIUO. The Toronto prou. with I habit: that can only be described an gall. claim: credit for the boom for farming land: near Dry- den. II: was the provincial prou who opt-and the invitation. ' u-nAm|lI_ nilnr bnv. bantan nlmnnh tn CHCIII "D00. '. A number of Ontario papers, dailies and woekliea. are publishing a sixty-line ladies , col! 0 roadin notice for $1 each. They won] charge I: oir fellow nownamen $6 for the same space. 'l`hn 'l`nr-nnhn nrnn. with a habit that UIICTCIOTQ Inlllli nnu ILIIII UU BUPPFDIIUU. Mrs. Idelln Banks, of Quitman, Ga., has been arrested, charged with killing her child. She confessed that she drown- ed it "because it was too ugly to live. Tim Imlln nnllnntarl in (aha Cnmutlinn 0015 "DCCIUDC I5 WIB UUO ugly D0 HV6." The toll: collected in the Canadian Soof canal continue very low, not more than one-half what they were last season. The name conditions hold good on the Am- nrinnn "Ran, . oltarday members. of the police force won; around unnng the aborokoopora and wnrnod them not to obstruct. the sidewalks fronting their premises with goods. An. hha nu-mt. rnilwnv amnlovaan outimr "lIIIl0" plll. ~ In` ho used these little pills 3-I; MI tloo. until all the people - `It accustomed to them that Innhul nl coin: to him. than would lronlilng men" pramleu wnm guuua. At. the street railway employees outing at Lake Ontario park next week, motormen P. Ryan will sing an original typical song. He in et led the motormen B." VIVL- :......-A.u. \l4Ah..| in.-I--Jn An, 1'. nyan Will llg III urlgmu UJHIIZI lllllu The ingebon Medical uerterly op- poses the oounbeae 0! Aberdeen : Victorian orlier of nurses. It. hurts the doctors, and therefore mueb and shell be euppreuod. Mn, Yrlnlln Ranks. of Ouitmnn. Gm. AND `I'M: ur.ws`1'oLn m imsr nsmon. lumuou I0! wny yulri umyau wuulu. Fornwhilo you the bud pooplo of To- ronto may look at pictures of prize-ghts. That ant:-picture by-luv bu been hung I) II. - [SHIPPED BY mg sc1ss0as.| m;B::IP:;oxjDnrzwogto on duty us the` ""1"i:.:mu:; u :uh. u'nuku. .1 Crsigtoo. Mr. 3na- nu. norm nu-ie. Duoronto, an spending I for day: At W. Allen's, Rnnnh ncnnh. , .IIlIUUII'ul' Incl uunu, ulnluoquv, an the `uncut: of Milt Annie Fnnklin. ~81 - donluu am. Attend Sutherland : bugain pale Frls dl .' `Flu omployooa of the Rockwood hospital Mr lm innnn hum hnrnn trnininn for tho '-In omployuu DI FIIO IVOCKWWII IJIKPIIII for tho inuno hue begun tnining for the annual athletic sports In October. Knnnn tn: nnn l'. ha hut. J. Grain & Wiohn O'Donnell. lute atorekee r at the Kinguon penitentiary. served n that in- animation for forty yeen emli-nix weeke. I'm-Awhile war. the Ind nnnnln of To. In Jun: In use people on use to know shout them that It _ Inn 3 nut business. So he `-1L.A'u-ark And hnnnht than I-anoint `u Vary Lotus Iron can And oontlncnt .... _II1.- nggh-'n-A LI-an law Igninthnrl In If Ulli till Juno. KI`. Uulnglqn I Thnonudoolootionn will not be bold III `Inn: ' . IIIIIIIII IVIIIUDIU I[l}I|'Ial Ill UUBUK ` xngm. ea "can't in boot. 3'. cm; & -`IlII Ilhinuswu Jinn av; JIUPIIIUVUI ,AIltho Noun`: lawn Wind 20 Iln| l\---Jlnn `Inna- Ol IWXF. Stucco:-tor nnd Gilliu, Ganuuoque, xth `angst: nf Mini Anni: I !-AIIHHIL RV. `THE mun? WIHG. ~v1m1~u:sDAr. AUGUST 11, 1397. Cj UTVTT BX? I3"I'TCU. lnzux Angus ll.-Gold proupoaton Inn u now "K|oodi|xo" about the Iakflouhuluooko, at Indian Harbor ad udlnuut pnnilu. The dis- I-M. -unryiapuonodlobobyfnrtholoon lnmn no-nub coming. Lolnor. August lOf-Tho nunu-hhlo Klondike Itoriou still crash 0 omin- Iuoot. Hon. Jana Bnrkr . l.I'., Inn ht tho :'londi;o n|ng Ho up:-cunt I in 3 icon inlhopid Golds. gin ygnsnnzr Mocha-. Iduud Rock. In; hon in I. on for """` """'..`.'.'{1s.." .`;' '`.`'i... n..' 3.` ptoopoh an ' 0.. any good china lpouod. `lI.~ Io ml ll. mo U0`!- ` company In house n London. 311: