Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Aug 1897, p. 3

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T Must Have 11. one moneys. nxluuar or Illllfy Organs. Bimhche, hondwhe, dizziness, diaboboa. Bright : disease. gravel. ebc., all yield ruadily to Donn : Pills. Price Kfby cents per box or six boxes for $2.50 at all drug- giata. 7 nuns." Mu. George wu quite enthusiastic in harp:-eie of the new kidney conqueror. and wished every one to know what a re- markable remedy lot :11 kidney troubles Donn ; PiI|I_ `are. Donn ; nun no. A TM ic and direct action of Donn : Kiday ills on the kidneys alwoyn re- thom to stealthy acnon, than our- -ing All diueuu arising from disorder of mg kidneya, bladder or urinary orgnn. Rninnhn. hnndnnhcm di1.1.inann_ diAhnr.nA_ At all Drugzlsu. Price on aha per Box. ` or 3 tor $:.5o. Sent by Mall on roeclpt of price. 1`. MILBURN 6: 630.. Toronto. -cu n 9 -`--v--v A Bolltvllls 30! hlslnxnqricnoodtrr. E. Geprce. B.Ol.lev1no. Opt. Tells the swnrot tn Bnaoueox aqr Bonjrrod From the tqthoa otzmuay n1a_qo. Buy! Mn. Gooxgo. "My son End,` mi thirtgaan {can at me. how bean tmupd with his idneya for tons time. Painuin the book were froquont and [nos-on. And ` he ulno Ind urinary diioultioc. He was vary muuh broken up inbealth, and dospitae the no of n largo amount 0 doom:-a` medicine he vga unnblu to ob n relief. I have started to Kim him Donn : Kid- my Pilll, and can In that it is truly won- nh rful how much ha been holnnd bv My rllll. I-nu OBI] Z IIIKIJ II II [rly WUlI' rial boy much he boon holpod by t sin` use. Hail no r_osy and vigorous, and oo,oms to be getting haste: all the time. ll... flgn-an -nn nu; An6.}nunInnMn ha ENVY. Agnoh lnonuod Il15.81l.l. or ovulpu ., --_ _.__ _ ___ so? win! Th9_9ardi_aInl$'- Laxa_ Liver Pills ourewh_one othera fail. LITTLE FRED. n -n....uI- 3.. has gu-VB.-xgulmnng 4": Trunks and Travelling Bags. Sherwin-Williams Paint does what you want it , to do, stays put. ` Y)_-___. Al._._-'- sv hour urns-Jun r.... Reason--there's a special kind for every surface. It's not too H early to select colors now for fall painting. \\fu on On can XVI lull ylllbllln \Ve sell to sell again. T AND M35. PM-5. :1`:- i J. - Agent. xlnfston The Chin Wall. This China: wall the most oxtamlvn fnrmlonlhl In the odd. Aoontdlng to thosnrxqn `mad: within the Innlrw :ecn.IhlnIullIpl.`4'28mosn lensht, Chinese Dnrwlnlnniun. As in everything else. observes an ex- zhnnge. the Chinese have their own and .nrigim'1l Darwinian theory. Explaining the movements of winds, ruins, clouds and of the earth itself in n unique wny. they go on to fl-are the descent of the human kind. When the earth b\`i"hill0 timid to sustain life. small herbs were the nut to put in an appearance. Then oame strong shrubs and treen. `As the body of man. unwashed for years. breeds vermin, no the mountains. unloved by the lean, bred worms and inleete. greater crenturee nlwnyl developing from the lesser. In; the course of untold nave beetles became turtles. earthworms be- came eerpelftl. and 'high [lying insects became birds. Mice developed into wild- cat: and the wildcata into tigern. The mnntin was by some method tmnatormed into an ape. and some of the ups! wete ilnnlly horn heirleu. A hairleee ope play- ing with tyo ilintn Accidentally kindled e re by striking them together. With the re than obtained he cooked food. 4 And lm nntlnn nf fnnd thnn nnmu-nd III`! IIIIII UUHCIUIWI IIU CKIIIEU Illlly #5 :3! the outing of food than prepared mule him more tuna; and incollectnal than his follow up ` the funnel; In The Ladies Home Journal Mrs. S. 1`. Rover writes on Canning and Pre- serving." _At the outset of her lesson the emphasises the value of securing per- fectly sound and fresh fruits and the ne- aessitgif getting the cans and cunning appu nanoen in readiness in advance. "To prevent breakage when lling the lure." Mrs. Borer advises that they he slipped aidewine into a kettle of hot water. rolling them no that every pm-t is made quickly and uniformly heated. Fold a damp towel. place it in the bot- tom of n pudding pen. then near the preserving kettle; stand a jar on the towel, and, if the fruit in email, ndjuat fill quickly to overowing. Run a heated siiver knife around the in side of the jar. to break any air bubble.-l that may have been caught with the fruit, and adjust the rnber; then lift the lid from the hot wnter nnd place it nt once. If large fruit. fill with a wooden spoon. arranging the fruit so._thnt the weight of one piece will not destroy the shape of nnother. I-`ill to overowing with the liquid, water or eirup and fnsten tightly. After sealing stand the lure out of II draft overnight. The glass by that time will hnve contracted, nnd the lids will in consequence he loose. Wipe each jar mrefully and give the top An extrn turn. Put away it; n cool, nut :o|d, dark closet. At the end of ft week examine each jar cur~fully.wlthout shak- ing or disturbing more than necessary. If you find the lids nlightly indented. the aontenta free from air bubble: or froth md the liquid settled, you mnv mt natured `they will keep.` if you do not find it so, open the jars: to prevent bunt- ing. Reheat the fruit, being careful to bring it to a boiling point. and reenn." UI ILIIIIIIIIHJ III \VlllUll IJIHKIUIIUW IIVUIL It is marked by n pretty garden, and II kept In exocllenu repulr, making mu an- othet literary shrine of which the univer- sity city may well be proud. puuu. Perhaps nothing would have planned Lowell more than to hnvo known that the Ihrubbury and aims oi which he thought nomuch were to be preserved nnd cared for just on he would have had them. The Cambridge people nm the prime mover: in this plan to honor his memory. although they have received many outside oorn of help. The total cost will he 086.000, and ` one-third of this in to be given by the Metropolitan park commission oi Boston. Tho Cambridge park commission is expect- ed to contribute another third, and of the remainder 810.000 has already been collect- ed from private subscriptions. Winn Inlnntnn n-nlk fl-nun Iclnuumvl down blortugvhduognrh A movimant which prbmliiu `to ho (no- M caudal 1: bang mum to ntuus a pub- liopnrk a put at Elmwnod, tho lnnntul 2 Cnmbddgahonmqt JamenRuIaa.1j1.oweu, j` and to press:-veil: an umemorlslot the ( poet ntnhunnn who made It famous. We have I0 {cw literary hndmarknin America that than one would be almon O novelty to the public. ' 1... Imnn honn melt in sun oocuniod J50 Uidloll UIIDCHDQOIIGODB xlnuton Gilli aw;-.:.:.:'.-..':.r' ':;:;::'.:.:&:.-.::: not . - don 'l`olophon:No. a:. the pawn. The Lowell home itult ooounlod by Mrs. Burnett And other members of the Lowell family, and the portion of the mag- nicent estate which it is proposed to set aside lies. to the went at the home. It eon- talna about three acres, 'nnd rum from Brattle street, the old Tory row," to Mount Auburn street. In it are some of . the favorite nooks when the poet loved to Linger under the splendid his trees. All through the estate. in fact, are pontterod grout trees, with uhndy paths winding along at their feet. Lowell loved his semisylvnn retreat, and appreciated all lta benutiel no much that he regarded the time which he spent an ambassador to the court of St. J-mu-nu nu-tn! `nulls. For him than opens Ill OIDDBISHIIOP I0 me cuuru 01 Du. Jamuuaourtotzexlla. For him than .7` -,.,.r . V, ......_,....,'_,,,,.,..,.~,__. EHLWOOD. . was no place quite equal to Cambridge, where he wan born, when he pnasad the host years of his life, and where he did hll best work. 1lI'\A uonnu -Ah -uuIn|| In AA IA In.--4 II - cu ITUIII PKIVIIKAI IllI.|UUl'lvBIUlll- Five minutes walk In-om Elmwood down Bnttlo street Is C!-nlglo House. the historic old mansion in which Longfellow llvod. It In nnnubnd Iain Inuit!` anrdnn and In D055 WOIK. Do you not wish to goto Egypt," I mend once asked mm while he win In London, and see the works of Rmneses!" T nannld nannh I-nflnnr non RnIninv I In 11111001], "IIDU I00 EDI! \VUl'tll Ul xuuxmsuar I would much rather see Ramsay : in Harvard Iquare," replied the homesick hnnl: Iilnu oi Canning and Prone:-vlng. A LowEL_L MEMoIi1AL.- l.u-nulowuo Lnconlcn. Lnnstlowne, August l8.-Miss Ada Johnston, in. highly respected and must. oslimuhle young lad prussml uwny Inst 'l`liur.sd:iy, after a niiort, illnrss. Slit-. hm! been in poor lmulth for some time but nothing serious was apprehend:-I unl il in few hours before her (lduth. The fune~ru| look plum` on Saturday to the Union cc-meter_v.- I`he many friends of John Tn -lur will regret to hem` of his death, w it'll took place in Victor, Tolu- r.ulo, last Sunday. The cause of his (loath is not us yet known. The re~ umins are Pxpuctetl to arrive here some fill this \\'(~.ok. llis l.iughti`r Ada, of \\'invhe:-zler Springs, nntl son Churlc-a, of llnrrowsmith. um hvro nt present. -'l`he llzmrl of Hope hold their picnic in the ngriculturul llull lust \\'elm-s- Iluy as it was too storm) to lmve it i 11- open A load of our church poo- ; went. to (luminoquo Sunday even- i , to attend t'l|urrh.-Ilu|u-rt. M()Xi|`y hu.-i n-turned from llnrrowumith, wlwm he was visiting frii-mlu. Mrs. Muxlt-y remained llu-re.--Misa Muucl Terry has n`turnNl from 'l`urnnlo.--()ur avhuol rhildren are happy, as they have secur- ed un extra xwc-k'.~; la0lil:iy.-Mrn. J. Uowsley, of Winnipeg, is visiting friends here. lizun Bull. bflansroaa, returmu numu on 'I`hursdn.y. after a few weeks` visit with her pun-nls.-Our pastor. Rev. A. G. Robertson has gun on u short. lmlidny In his former hume at Clnyl.on.-Rev. J. Ilunnn. of Clnytmi. will officiutc dur- Inn hiu :||mnn0.-Mr. llnd GPOTRG um-nu. you nA.n5:'xns admix- Ian I to no.7 um . l.'.'|nr1"uI`Q.O.o _ 11.1. Lion. J. llunnn. ol Limymn. win ()ll|LIlu.l(3 unr- in his n|)senct`.-Mr. and Mrs: George Du. ton, South Augusta, are visiting at. R. '1`. I`aber`a.-'llie new Mccormuok hinder recently purchased by N. B. Howard '3 giwng splendid satisfaction, nolwithannding the first trial was not. very womising.-Mr. and Mrs. George Kt-eler, Prescott. and Miss Berry, Pur- ishville, .V.Y., were guests nt. R. '1`. 'l':|.l.1\r'.-3 lust weok.-l)r. K). und Mrs. Lillie, West ort, wt-re here on Wednes- day Inst. '1` e doctor was attending tu his profosnionxnl duties. We were glad to ace the face of in former pastor. Raw. (1. A. Bell, of Frankville, in uur midst. one day rm`:-nl ly. soporton tlaylngn. Soperton. August l7.-Mr:-1. William Sheridan spent. in few dnys lust week Visiting friends at l.yndhurst.-Mrs. J. Johnson. Ilrm-kville, nnd daughters. have been spending two weeks with Mrs. Mury llowanti--llenry Il`homns had the misfortune to full while getting over :1. fence, last week, crnvking one of his. ribs. He is able, however, to be around. --Mrs. McCornm.ck. Mclnlmh Mills. is spending :1 few days with her daughter, Mrs. C. Andress.-Miss Gladys Suftel has returned from u week's visit to her aunt, Mrs. Hanna. llurlem.-Mrs. Wil-i lizun Bull. Stan.-xtoud, returned home nn 'l'hnral`nv nfli` tl fnvv \IL'EI\k.R' Vii; Invent. Your lune] At Home. Geo. Cliff celln the ettention of the public who went eefe investment for their money to give him shall. lie oerl special in- dueemente in the reel came line. 95 Clarence em 41:. . senours. WI`Il I gun-In unit In Jung Home M. Todd`: auceeu in her nominee tion as Bydenhu Francis rind James Huston leave tomorrow for Trcil. 3.0.. so rcsume their duties in connection with e gold nneltcr. having opens the cpnnner monthsethomc union; us. A loner re`- ceived recently from James A. Todd. who wont nest last full, snd who is now located at Trsil. reports good time: in thnl. country. Wages` on good tor sober industrious men. Some of our young men in!ond.gol'n1 west. later inthesesson. Bus why should they go west to seek gold when we hue it in Pitsoburg. It is rnniored sround that gold- bcsriug iflll boon found in Pilplhburg and should iuprove prollbchlc operations will be commenced in the near future. Mrs. James Thompson hue rclumcd to her home at Bcdford Mills after spending a couple of weeks with her psrentav. Mr. end Mn. W. Scott. W. Carey is in the em lay of the G.T.R. es Ballsnt no. The `res Methodists at Pine Hill mil continue to be an attraction for both old and young. Misc I In Carey mid us in llyin viait. xocoutly. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickson. Sun- bury, at George '.l.`homp.-on s; Mr. Rogers, Gnncnoquo, at Joecph Vnnalclindr; Miss F. N ubtull at Thoniu Todd's. I;_I' CUT- IT TUWG Woonnunt Wax-. Angus l7.--Bu-L ' noun '9 pcognaiog. owing to In wuthnsr. that crop In unusually lighuin this notion... llin Manic 800%! hn mumod her duu n catcher nt.Jo;u_o- villa with quite a large mgndancn of uhohru. ` Wouo glad -to hear of Iag I-Inl.l.iA M. `l`ndd'n mm-an in her numbn- Ioonj run laVUlIl-Io Loxa Pomw. August I8 -011!` school opened on Mondny with I small attendance of pu_ ila. The xrarrlage of one of our most popu nr young ladle-,Miu E lilb Pmnltgtl. m Rvrnn VV. Holden. of Fmnkville. taken popular young ladle:-,uIee 1'. urn riuuueu, to Byron W. Holden, of Frunkviiie. place today at Smith's Fans. The young c')lIpiO are to be uni:-ted by her -inter, Miss Maggie, nod R. Running. of Frank- ville. We otYer them our good wishes for future happiness. J. hegge, of Gammo- que, was in this neighborhood on Tuesday looking after hiaintereat in celeltite. J. Stevens and son Frank visited at C. O'Connor : on Saturday and Sunday laat-. Miss Ella Seabrook returned to her school near Athens on Saturday. Congratula- tions are extended to Miss Sadie Bryan. who wns successful at the recent examina- tions in Athena in Form I, nice to Fergus J. O'Connor. who peered with honors in Form 11. Mrs. Luther Murphy and daughter and Mrs. Lewis Murphy and children returned to their home: thin week. the former to St. Albany, Vt... the letter to Brockville, nftor visiting relatives in this neighborhood for the put few weeks. `U UIIIQIUTIIII IUICCIUIIIYI inis En: Ytllinvxn n-1| Harm-nun hinnnlnon much W'ai'tmih, Iinnkloid Hing; [A Wonderful N|:9d!`c|no.l l ljllamlall Puu..uv capital on I'll! AND LIFE any Company In the Allllc` 30-. world transacting s """"' mu: nmnnou I_l'\IfI'\I\\l Ell!` `l IIKIIAHH Pl hit: as W nit non cm: I I0 ...$`.``:'. ' rnomntlv runon ; 7'?" -`$' V` W". ."I they Adllkeunglc-awlootI:l wort W SDI cnlnc (ha muocdu Syau . n For lb.-owing cl (can In but clinch: my an Quits: rascal. `has on 00:1: 'f&:: I Z N For Dllioun Ind Nctvovo Diem-don. get. in Wind and Pain in the stoma: k HI iDOI. Pifunand I- Ing nl:cr muls, Dkuincu and Drowsi- ntuz. Cold cmn. hashing: mist, Lou ftvencn glztehu ..":'r.`. `tin. Bifmrhd " Dnuu.uIdan`Iluvuno I and run linxscnuzionmh. 1:111. 1. an nicumuu-uuu.uu 33$`.-.i`.". .`$``i%;4:`s`}:`R3:.1 I: no men. Kant-I ouonr HIIIIH Olllll IIYIIITV IXTII. `nun II Mtlon. Bu ouonr In val-handy Invited to 1 out 1 at thou a, uni uuvwlu unknown to bo -14:1`; A Luann-Q4 4 1:1 --UlInlI_'u| :- an: n to? In It . y can Ann-iname! hum compluu Dunn. `nu up wt ht! lloo.nl2)'|.I OOII ntnet. But- &.D.S.. H.D{. DIN ` Ina. 1Il'Unlvonlty Avonnn. Oloo honn. I .Q C . . Sltllfd .I 10 lV:::ho:o ."o.r.mu3_Jn . .. 13;: Aulnhnt. " `tum: mm hag`..- V I-long Q C! S IIIQ s .__' w--_ ..v A wonrn A own}: a non. ..,',f....f,._g_,`.2','f..'..`x{... .':..*'.:. 1: -_'__v_ _- ..- Imp! .. .4 In. Inn-I4~_n u-`Inna. goal vuaggluvu, lrod 7 . 9?. nmi ` ion. Long Point`;-vents. A _ ._..-- -._._ L In ('1 ""KWUU UIIVICKU I r.':.:v.:'z..:~:,'.' j I`. Phlllfc E13. `Heavy Div 375 0nI:8`a.sopeouI.aoxima. anwo9n_Aupgq.YAD.' n. .3. Hanan.` 354?:-Ineoust.-Stnuord'|OkIq l'Iu3l-I-UY IUXT? OALVAIIZD Ina tall #11 tronmo toihpcnllllhotu A lunoo. the cheapest ual but {an Also on hosdmu ol0.Iuputq,5I:oA won nuulutuu by I ,_ ,__.- _-n_.A*.__- av. L 'n9lsn#.a* #15 W` hkcliine Mado_ QAI.lICjI -'Il- ' - inoua A %?"" .'l`.'3v'.`.:'. ...'.`.`.'-.. n.....9""'" Ioolnpuu DIIIII not JAME"'L'74"f"ui'EV," -n Dplnnnnn ntonal `III: I Bu-cot. Mum. . as Alhod 88.. bongo and DC "`. hows Cl: not In ' \ King ndGo St all non I I. . 0 Inn. at. neu(}or'ot. W -utn-wt` T ` `I. I lnlno Bonus Bongo 5`, loan and lot. oor. an: ,1 .1 \ Earl Bl... non Gordon 86.. 410 Johnston 8%.. now ho ` ' " homo hlw ' 414 And no other propontoo In OII1 Ill DEM tor solo. to lot or oxohnngo. ACCIDENTS Ill II . bwwozn 1:1: hnd '3.- o euro. B` v.:'ll IIIIIO 5 "31 of Hull. IW0 5 oolnpluo p CI. for Inoaulutul convonnou o! O_ n A cure I KTII FINE Iuophono I Aulntuxt. not oomwoon Jonn Stun. unto. Alhnd box: In " hon Sold in Kingston and ovl Ada by all roaponnlblo dnud w-u-------up-u W .15$i_!T1`__Ei.s#i 3" I VI U-at vs Xzw not between Johnston I Iollnl 891009. N ` . r It reaclfu uemin nun professing. xherefon. to go ylm I, in _ ' f. 1 these remediu pro`: I...-_kn.-an tn 1 I ma , ` , . . . . . .3 woon-s pnoupnonmi. *3 The GI-dot liidllih Renoir. ".- sgz Ibobcqgu Gu__guI|b_oI'II ` bbaooo. op: or sum- B0f0"9 `md1"- :53... which ....3."a_..a nob; -__, .. , w._-_...n_. n.-.-.--uuninnnnrllli. .uv;vI V""""`J "' ' kuul.IDnwnII.IuIuuuuwaw- ,.,.a,,_ jpuqqy, omuunumon and to curl! 0'0- nu boon pg-ogcrlbed over 85 you: In IIIOIIIIIICI C cues; in the only Rouoblo and Hosp! 104? hwum. Auk dz-uwmo: Wood`: Pho-ulnodllu ho one:-I Como worthless modlclno in WW` `` mi Inolou price in Iowa-. and V will and 51 |'`l"l'u mull. Price. one ounce. I I I18. 05- OM ~-~~ - ~'*~..::'":.:::::.:'.;:.;-:'.-`"'.,. wn..a.m_ Ont. annuln. . Ipumbugi . (`-.....-nu humbug: j_ _, {B fa; Consumpon II I Blaine which delta]! -a%5'.' uh 1 tissue of ma! On ' ' ., ~ ':eplIoe that us: ` ` , me disease even am: on linth . g u longs: the other rennin: sound. Ono: ` |mp|a(&gd,lh9w5vy,\t_h0viHIif|I :..`.. mg: ... ...n`. should rink aim live: to u. Jun why pebple should um to uh dread diaeuoundgotoglnllllfinl to check it. it is hard, to eqneem. It in In , L e..aar'mm.a Ihui " 'I`.h`i=-t tmbg ....u ....... Mm. into. n`-ml fuuulmell. ENE lltvunul llll-ll uuu-xu g----- --v-- and mu colchiroiuhiunl fuuun-non. ` '5'`!.```.` b,$`9.` 3- 9!!!!" PF" " and `tn-pcntlbio will drive these away. 1! K without `doubt. the but medklno ht I purpou to bu Ind unywhcn. 3 \ J 5!. Rontuinilvoolitrt Olnuunoul. loncdughutduhudmi Kingston and ovoawhuo Inll min by roanomlblo dnll - . `1 uInI:I('a Kuu u-can up 151 W IQ '0 III} :01 to low M. owo}:s6u . 1 '-...*:';*"'?..{"T ' T. };.. :`*....*?::.'..t*.?-.2: a?,'..:*.r?.?f-"~= Lt IJIIUXUUI-I or:-luau not no vacuum: '3 n Ihnnl windows. .. -v For Sale or Bxcing, _-__ I_L_._A_.. ..kJ ...`-I `Q I Irnnoou aunt 'n 3 who! windows- "u'nu.-"" mi oizneR$' - *"n'"1="r3'-Tin-~ ; _!_EDl0AL. mammal-UWWW '","'. ` Abner; _, ` ,M oo-rmoooluuiibd _ qf:lbbaooo.Oplunov-Inna -1m.n.mMaAooonlolloh- woou un-pun-y, Wlndnot. Ont. OIIIIGL 5 [NIX IIIW IlIlllIUII.II tutu Inf ` `_ 3131863 0 STRANGE Aunt. ` :.v;.a::.m.'.*..-r-*-l--t------. UHUY TU. .`n3'g:' 0" I It It . L0 13 Oounxtv &:on'turu.. I 111. Hunnnnl Pow ~ 16 A.BOB1'Il'0'I`8, ugh; on _ , _ ,u-emu Btook and We II.` . 21!. .__._n_4 LL.A1.__._JQ_;;_._lL._.. I-IIII I Illld II XUEITIIIIXX O `UV!-INIIB IN T8091`. 031103: In- rot in-at Auhnmcnh mild . __,._,_. ,_ I I. INA!!! Alvlll` AID HILL In col- ` "..:.$.... "ng:".._..u..`au.. SMYTHE & LOSCOMBE. XIGITIIH TN Vflffl`. FIFTH!` n 1 I `V :. . . , 3. 'h1l1..phnAusA`.~. It I1U`l'l'. no mad; :1` Ian Maclaren Rsmpx/AL. WILLIE Prlnoou). T ttclnnil cuunor '01! ' Amen #- ..r-.._-....-... "isunmca. 3)! ID I. .88. ` TR mpnuniut %fl1[l%0I; nor . Coroner for city and country "1"Al'.. '.T?IlVN'I`K IQIJ T _,E Godwin : "Insurance. Emporium Removed to Anchor Buildings, over nuunotnoo. oomor Inna Ind Brook tnnatn l'.l'RllI'.|' (NRA) Tolophono. M. Denhigh, August l6.-H:urvestiug I3`; progressing very slowly in runwquenre, | 0! the thought. Some h v has boom; spoilt by heavy and long (`on in-nod ruin, [ but beyond the delay in lmrvost opern- ,. lions very little damage has been done E to our (min omps.-l'nuI stein hnsput I I his grist mills in thorough repair and ' , expects an increase of business for it, ` as the {geld o( ruin promises to be very ll nnnd .. vs. I'._ hum. of lhmnmlo. \\'hn.' \ Inc mm (X rnln promises 11) no very 5 good.- 1.. mm. of Daseronlo. who. ' with her youngcet son Harry, has I-eon rust icating n couple of weeks unnng her It-lnlirm and fl`I0nda\ in lhis vicinity, starts for home to-day.-Mias Martha Greer. now of Cnnandaignn. .\'. Y.. hm nlso been spending 3 couple of weeks hero. visiting her parents nnd numerous friends. but. has now returned home.- Il. Gage. tho populnr teacher ot our vil- |a_g_e school. who hug spent hit vacation . running his lriemis in more fnvorv-I parts : the conntn . has returned and I us ton to resume his most arduous. nlnlnn 3 Lnrant. August l6.-.r\. M. (`urns paid 3 visit to the iron city house. [-3. Turkimrton paid a Visit. to Helleville and vicinity.-l . IA:-0 spent 1; few days as the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. John . \. Mc- Dougnl. Miasissippi.-Miss A. (I. Iturton has returned, and has been successful in renewing her c-ertifia-am-.-|). ll. Caimphell, of Shnrimt Luke, is spending 3 few days rustivulH)g in this vicinity. -\\'e are pl:-use-I to tlnal \\'ull:~r Lumh union 1 us ugain.-Quite a number let: t is in-ek en route for Mnnilubn, British Columbin. and some for Ren- frew.-Measrs. Marina and Blnkely visited friends in this loc:ility.-Ali.\ Roche. of Wilbur. has gone to Missis- sippi to visit Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mi`- Dougul.-'I'he rnspberrias have been nbllndzml. but are almost over now. KIIll'!,.WIl IIDDI IAIU II II!!! "856 of Opantlonn.-0. I-`nirhnllkau ar.. has n (Inn tiold ol foul nun.--lent: (`an-onn and lhnhell bun Vunhnnd 3 new nap- er. and C. `l`l-node I n nu: nelf hinder. J. (hwnn hnsgone tohoJ.othl:aid_e..`.' -@5135 I0-(tted III on 3 III! In in_cl!-nnul nttondnnce.-Ili:a K. Kane. of Kingston in in in clntn.-l|`reo Holhoduln nu norvice nl Catara- Sjunn _Snndny afternoon and owning. . &nII Inn pnrclnnul 1 new buggy and bl. not n gay turn om.-Mr. amt In. 0|-Inlay and Nina Inkinn. Kings- ton. won nt Bl. Grove. the rosi- dnnnn at 1` (`ou1linnt.-A number tnn Into nnondal tho prden pnrly :23: | The Globe, August lR.-lluing isovet and the rain I: in being lurvmlodua Willie nun wl net as guide for u hunting put`. which will tour the buck counu-y,.wiI Bob`: Luke` an the hue nf nun:-'nthaunn._l1 I-`nix-hunks. at. In: 1 Mill Haven. Au uat l7.-School open- ed on Monday wit an nvernge attend- ance.-l-`. Outwatera. of \Vatert.o\\ u.has returned home alter spending a couple of weeks at Mr. Slar|ing`s.-Misx I-I. Film! on 3 nt last week with friends at Ste la.- Iiss M. Baker visited friends at Ernemtown lust wt-ak.--Mrs. \\'. Cook, of Kingston. was the guest of her mother. Mrs. Nicliolson for It few du_\'s. -Mrs. I-`Ieming. wife of the hill` I)r. Fleming. of Puuionzi, California. furni- orly of this plture, is the guest. of Mrs. J I'lnIninr,.- Vinitnrs: Miss A. Unlu- scout! out Qpeu In that llhupundnudgsolnine. vnthn by cqunnyiulqhnud then. thopubliathn ugumtwuannu 0l'l_\ 0! mm place, is um guest. Ul Mrs. J. Fleming.-- Visitors: `Miss A. Urqu- hurt at W. Miller's; Mrs. Tracey and daughter Annie, of Kingston, ul`__0. Ame-y`.u; Mrs. L. .-\mey. of Ruchestor. m B. Ann-y'.~\; Mrs. W. J. Lea and daugh- ter Ethel, and Mrs. H. II. Cook, of Kingston, at Mrs. l~`leming`s. gift |'.'.".':'x_'_.'L..:.;..':.:'..m:.*.%'-A.;'.-.".:'.;5 Elginburg, August. l8.-The farmers! are nearly through their harvesting; and report a good yield.-'l`he threshingi mm-hine is again in our midst.-Miss' Viola. Lawson gave 11 tea party to in number of her friends Monday evening. A number from here will ntiend iho band picnic at Rnllton to-day-.-Mrs. \\'hu|e_ of Hamilton's Cornor's,.is spend- ing ll ew weeks with her daughters.- Aluunder Smyth was the guost of Miss Hewlon Inf Sunday.-\\'ilford Lawson made 1: fl ing trip to Butter.-sou lust Sunday. on Lawson will visit Wesl- port. again soon. Miss Edna Smyth opened her school yestox-dny.-T. Sands spent. Tuesday visiting friends in this vioinity.-Visitors` Mr. Smith, of \\':1-, iertown, at W. l.nwson`s. Kulndnr. August l7.-Some tell: of the In-rry pit-lters going out o `lee. ns berries are scarce and buy 3 a plen- ty.-Mr. and Mrs. Alex e Forbes were in Tweed on Saturday.--Wurm-r Williams has relurned home after in few months nlnsence.-Miss Allie Dunham, of Perth. has come a nin to visit her- muny friends nround 1ere.-Mias Scan- ten. our teacher. has returned after spending her wwntion with her friends. on the front and re-opens the school. -Mr. and Mrs. Ellalm Loyd-, North-` brooke. were visiting her father. A: Forbes. A good many attended the C. RR. excursion to Hnve|ock.-Miss 1.. Jones; of Gruaaport, is visiting at her sister's, Mrs. C. Kell .-E. Mellon start- ed his road job Inst "uesduy. Iunggtuu. I` U - r- ""` ` Asselstfne, A ust 16.-Farmers are Centl'0Vm0: Aui`-`t 17:`Th'if`j'm."' busy with theirulfnrvesting--Miss Lane. M0 Vl`,h3Y 8`3 ` `M 3'n' our popular music teacher. and Miss M 310 mm` 11.5" kept um h".e"` VMY Genivu Aylesworth are spending . n `Mes--T50 110' f "19 " 3h'3 m"'week in Kingston.---Miss Kate Wood is Shim is `O b9 h"d 3` Present-`A (W on the sick list. The funeral of the from here attended the C.M.B.A. excur- ; `ate ML wood took place on Thursday _ sion.-'l`he schools re`-opened on Mom of but .eek_ Deceased has been ag,-ant (18! with H39 P9 'd5"'~'e-"` sufferer for years from. rheumatism. Some of our ent_erPI`l8|n8 YOUNG me!` `"9 His end was peace. The sorrowing wife Nllki 01 ENDS `D U10 K1nd:" l and children have the s mpathy of it James McConnell s ent Sunday v|s|t- wry kn. circle of him 3 in their time ing his daughter, rs. Charles Dewey. of tmub,e__om. school opened on Mon- ---- , ldny last with the usual n.tlendnnce,und WW0". A88l- 17-T119 ""` T`t ` we are glad to have Miss Howard with lent meetings closed on Sunday even-{us .8ain__Mrs. Arthur Fraser spent ins. Mid 016! hi"? DOW P|`vh"3 _" last Friday in 0des'sa.-Visitors: Mrs. J. 1-Ont It "iolet--M133 G*`"'1'd M``- Lowery, Mrs. W. Burns. Mr. Chevers, W110 113-5 G90 V931 lo is mm!` l "`r' l Nupnnee, wer eguests of Mrs. James on but '55 nbl '0 1'5m 1"" .`. ."3 , Tuesday last.-Mnster Harry Lucas at F&iI`\ i6W M0l1dl1Y--MT;`3- """ spent last Thursdzr at Le: Seccomb`s. Ovens and Mrs. Peter Mumon are also I 0dee3,,_,_M,._ and ,-5_ H. Benjamin on the sick list.-Misses Bertha. and 1 M,_.,_ M L um at an nenjamin-3; Mr, Stella, Neilson huv_'e returned from :1 and M,-5_J_ cCoy,Kingst.on,spent sun. Visit Wilh ffietl-`I "1 05W* 8' ml R""'," ` day at D. Snidc-r`s; Miss Wheeler, Ports- ester. und have taken charge of t.h_nr : momh` at Arthur Fmsm.-8. Mrs_ G_ Tm._ 9*`h00l3 N O15 5" M""-"M"" nor. Kingston. at R. Aylesworth s: Mr. Millie` 1`7l1|l`lIl |`U"'nd _h" 3hl `and Mrs. I-llison. Odessa, at C. l at Mississippi, M_m_1duy.-l\lnss Sprnu_|e ML and Mrs_ Sharp` at Mclmyl-9'5; 31;-g_ l\\'e8|rhm9k. ll`-`l_Vll"|_"8 "'~hIl:; l ;:t`ul_Dg;l(i I J. Sproul\e, (|)dess1L, alt Sh}1rp`sfs`M:1rdy er`a.- ass we . en son . swung, Vi ton, nnz iss .ou .` orm's, to her home in .\'npuuee. 0de&a_ M Mm 1)on{1I|.| '](;h()u]ps(}n's,- Mrs. Joe Lucas, and - rs. -eurge lucns Ku|n.(lnr.:_\ugu1-lll7.-Sometull smut last 1.',.id,,y at M,-,;_ Secco[nl)'3_ tmke. Odessa. ll!` has-run: nrn um:-an and lmv nlen-l _ _._ CIOIVQIIOI III WOIITIII uuuvuru us. , Iclllonh at rgigng-a um:-m- lltt|o`BupaIoIIu.l.nd Inch Locu- myonnllnd lonothlng o! Into:-on. , Violet, Almnt, l7.~-A large crowd at- tendad church hero inst Sunday even- ing.-Mra. D. Dennison is spending a "kw d with her daughter. Mrs. W. Auleut ne, Switzerville.-The evange- ' . Birdaall and M son. are holdiu tent. meetings here.- jaitors: Mr. 011 . Mn. -F. E. Vnnluven and two daughters ' Napanee; Mrs. M. Vunalstine an Mrs. J. Johnston, _ Kingglon. . . `l\hbnnotkIul.coyyrkhhduIun uurnvrmeninthobatvdnofthis ....g.. __n.__. .n.A..L.A.4\ n..:._ L__ (`u.shenda.ll, August, l7.-Our farmers are right in the midst of harvesting and quite naturally are under the ne- l`(`.\illl_)' of being partivulztrly industri- ous. The stnnding crops already rut wesent .1. fine appearance. and this will -9 ll promising grain :l(`:ISOn.-SL'V8l`{|l new hinders have found their way out here Intely.-Schoo| rt-opened at No.9 on Monday last for the full term. The pupils have enjoyed their holidays, but think them unusually short this year. The new fence surrounding the building will receive to coat of paint some time 5 soon. The Free Methodist meetings will 9. he ronductetl h the lady evangelist, ` I Miss Change, this \\'t-ek. Mr. Uverpaugh '- being nhsent. A number of (hinnnuque ' and Kingston c-yi-lists wheeled to the *` grounds on >`unil:i_t afternoon lost. The Huttendnnce on that day. nt all three meetings. was lnrge.-- After spending - the past six weeks holidaying with her Vlpairenta. Misa I-Idwina Scammell left on '- Sunday afternoon to resume her duties 1 Ill South I.nke-Being slightly improved '3 in health. Mrs. W. J. |"rnnkl'tn has left -i the Kingston general hospital to recu- ` pernte and vkit her mother `for the next few weeks. We are pleased to learn that Alfred Todd is doing well in the weat. He has a position as over- seer, which nets him wages. his earnings last month neing over the Ihundred mark. The other young men . hailing I'rom that direction, and in home -visiting lntely, return to their work . lhis week. Others may follow them.- lour cheese (ac-tory progresses favorably and. this year in particular. it in II paying institution for its "local patrons, n: the demand has been steady and icu li_kawiae.-'l he weather locally been "moat. pleasantly cool and re- heahing. for the otherwiae nerall ayrelting month ol August.--. lthough right in the bony eeeaou we are favored with plenty of Visitors. the tent meet- innn an-Irina to than -111: than was fl 1 vuln plenty 0! visitors, the win. Incu- i toning to ulnar more than wn at rwino would ham.-.-D. Robb. of Clinton. public achooi inspactot. at Mid- ` dluex county. Incl" viaito J. Gordon; In. Benton tad .unily. of Kingston In Iptndi I for days at the nine lace; Min to Blaaey. of New York. is I Martin. Kingston. Mrs. A.Simp- \ son. lnpton. It C. Iniph; 8. (`crim- nw. at KiJ10I. It In. S. 'l otld's.- Thn unfunny other anon at uri- ou Ioanlitiu. anon; the lumbar bong: II. III III. "lIhalI Til . II . Le- I3... .1 T'nnJnIn all n nrrI-f'mlJ- Sonbury, August 16.-The past few days have been cool, with very much the npppt'urunt'e of full weather.-En- sign Sims condurted II. phonograph con- cert at the Salvation Army barracks on Monday evening, and those who at- tended were satisfied with fhe varied progrnmn1e.-Sacramentnl sax-vices were conducted at the Methodist church on Sabbath afternoon. Rev. Mr. Brown of- ficinted. and 0. very lnr c-rowd was present-Mrs. Andrew cBride, who was taken suddenly ill last week, is im- proving nicely.-Lieut. Sprigge, Salva- tion Army. is enjoying n few days` via- it with friends near the village.-lhr- vesting operations are now being push- ed. and in a few days grain will all be taken care of.-McBride and Smith will shortly engage in the threshing t.rude, nnd A good sQ:ison`s work is looked for- word to.-'[`he l`IltlP:l\'0l` still ronducts regular nieolings.-.\. Austin. n. noted I!il`\`l`ll\tl_ -hzul his wheel budlv smashed I`. II he- J. Iindnle. all of ttiofiold; W. 'lhI'nn|dn_ Kinnslnn. J II. III III. vuuuln Ion 303! _ . Dunn. lhlr. soup. J. 13:51:. an on xntrluuuu; . Reynolds. Kingston. J. Dixon. num- -n_ ihd dhnrn. Elgin. August l7.-Mrs. Jurvis Ran- dolph und son Fred, of Gunanoque, nre visiting reIntives.- l`he pulpit of the Methodist. church was ably filled on `Sunday morning by Rev. Mr. H.-irren, iwho is visiting his brother at Philips- ville.-Miss Birdie Hnlliday intend: tak- - log a. term at the conservatory of music at 'I`oronto.-Miss Jennie McChz1ve, who thus been the guest of the Misses Smith for the past week, has returned to her home at. Athens.--Mrs. Fred \\'ood_vis- ited relatives in Athens last. week.- Philip Ilnlliduy und family have return- ed from their summer cottage ut. Jones` Falls.--School re-opened on Monday with _a. number of new pupil.-a.--0f the - pupils of this village, who huve attended lschool at Athens. Miss Lnurn Morgan lnnd Miss Mercy Smith were surct-ssful in obtaining third-class certificates. Jose h Summerville has been secured as teuc er at the Dnncy school for the full term.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood very pletusuntly entertained the members of the Epuorth League and young people at an at home on Friday evening, ice cream and cake being served, after whit-h music and games were enjoyed by ull.. regular l'll(`(`lInRS.--:\. Austin. :1 nuum li(`)'(`list'1.h`| his wheel badly Ihu other evening while r:icing.-Thu lodge hunal lmal pruclica on 'l`uesd:i_\' c-vening.-J. Mu-Ilride has lmvome quite- nn expert on his wlic-1>|.-'l`ha we-ekl_v pl`:l)`l`I' meetings are still sustain:-rl.- Butchers are now doing :1 very quiet lrzule.--l`Zr1.~ziluge corn promises :1 very llt*iIV`\ crop.-Mrs. James George is im- proving in health. spanning a. 1 M1`. Ff/}nk. __;,;_,._- -.33.. :5` '...::" '.;.'.. 1 '*'T'` 3103 `AL? Q%l_IOI - l5..-.-_ Ln... 5" Ir,"'-"r'.."3""j* ??v`-:"* 'v,_a<*-- .;:" fa-"?~" '3'!-.1." n -:.1=">.7:n~`-=* _V- 7; r._--,wa;,- ~,., 23- -;- ; ~,,_=,_=,- A; V`-7? -.,~ ` V I 151 riite}, 'r'ioI.s1i1 nz.` AdeUs'1V~1T9_. e Oor.PrInoou and Wolllncton It -v King ston lpYIpl,I us on Iinoattighrpticu. ICORBETTSIIARDWAREI Get agooti Lawn Mower, down to cost price at A. STR_(_3HAN $. i The North American life Assurance (Io s Position At tho and on I. compared with that of 105. shown the lollowma nouns : What She Could low lntnnnoo lmud lnenuod mum on over is par nun. \ Total Insurance in force Inoicuod 01,114.15, 0: out 1}! pa cont. Ronni Pqnd lnonuod anmuoyu Ibpuoun. In-unto pdhrholdon huncul um; Qngorovumpa am. In no lo:-not your Inn on! nnnlnguu noun: has qttslud. D. P. IRISIIMG, lunhltnnt IBM"?/-'*!r W"-I We ve gone right through our warm weather Shoes and made a mark down. The weather is so warm we want to do business lenough to make a breeze. [Sum erland s( can holInlnounnd1.ln.u, or on: 10 pt euro But the prices-the August prices-that we have now put on the remainder of our summer stock are so low that no one need envy, for all can buy. :11: .l,,,,,I The only time a mermaid is supposed to envy :1 human being is when she looks at such a Shoe as a fashionable woman now wears. London dghnncqphlrp Life As- aunnooeompany. 1A1-Iunljj A nAIAhlAI nnnnAuI In-an

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