THEY LUNOHED on PEAOI-(I8. ; Julianna-pout. , - On-AVA. A: not l.-It. Bhutan. jjlllllilliololdn -._... `IQ A_._.AOl_.`hh-. Export Bounty In Jnpnn. A __ _.._L rm IIVL Swept our the `lulu. _. II... IY \' A....... A sailor`: Gnonnoo. _A (IQ Y'_,,__ NEWS or nu: wmu.n.| What Cones] tag fun All` lcnnm=.usm"iA}AcaArns.| 1 ELEORAM8 FROM THE EARTH ! H.mnr64g| -' 4-: mm lulu! that hung Inryboy-- lounh-onnlonr--Illio of Ivan- thlng luuv Inland Icnonbonlb! `II! DGIPIIIIIO. ' ' The Quebec bnhh of Mellon: bank in to be opened in October. 'I"m hinh noun . nf tho Ancient Order of be opened In ucwnor. The high court of the Anoiono Order Forester: month in Owen Sound today. nu...-.I Amman... oh. nun Qmninh um- NOVOIDDQF. '1`hoproopooI'.`of settling the grub engi- lneering diapu_to in England nppoun to be u amok u ever. M. l .. `Djuimm M D hug I-mnhrnnd tho roman Mr. L: Riviera. M.P., has rouignod the odibonhlp of La Uonndn, Ottawa : French oonurvnbivb daily. The Hudlon Buy Go. In: pruontod the historic Fort Gnrry gateway and [sad to ` Winnipog for I park. Th. nminh bmrd of tndn nnorb shown Ball. 0; Luruuuu, -1. u: I Shamrocks. 6; Cornwnlla, 3. ll'..m|nnIp Nndunnd nf Nm IOIOOIOII menu In uwun nounu Lu-uny. General Alcungs, the new Spanish pn- mier, bu decided to oonvoko the cotton in November. mu- .............|-`-3 ml. nmnn Anni- wlnmpog tor part. Tho British board of tndo report a considerable fnllinc 93' in the number of bankrugtcioc has year. On , gnu-dnv fit! Mnuev.Hn|-ril bankru when tun `On llurday 520 Msuey-Harri: bikes were shipped from Toronto to Auotnlis. Their value in 831,800. lgnu-Anna I-nnfnhhn Ran"-dnv 3 Ah OEIAHI. Thou` value ll ua1.nw. Lao:-one matches Saturday : Ab Ottawa. Capitals. 5; Toronto, 4. Ab Cornwall, Rlmmrnokn. G: Cm-nwalla. Shamrocks. 0: Uornwuie, as. Hnvelock Nodwood. of Nova Sootia. ha been up inted inspector of mince for Yu- kon. T is make: twoinepeocoru. 1 Emperor William will attend the Aut- trinn military manmuvrea, and will spend three days in Tomi: in September. Ii".-uiau-ink G. Wade. of Winninea. bu three days In `rows In aopoemoer. Frederick C. Wnde, of Winnipeg. ha; been appointed registrar and clerk of tho an romp court for the Yukon district. .....-........ mam... Kn. nnnnn-nrl A nan court. lo!` we 1 IIIOII UIIDIIUD. mporor William has proposed 3 new plan of concerted action on the part of the continental power: agninat anarchists. an:-on Knllahar. n Galt lawver. is no- Willum glue, wuooo omos nujoma um. A dozen homleu carriages. impelled by electricity. have been put. upon the Lon- don auroota and no giving grub lM'allflO- tion. Robert Meigben. president of the Luke 0! the Wood: milling com ny. utiuiaebee me when yield of bushels. Queen Wilhelmina, of Holland. stl ro- enibo at 22,000,000` fnnnn tn mnrrv nrinna Bax-nerd of Sue- Ol- I 0! tho nnrqu connlnencu power: against; uuuruuwuu. George Ksllohor, u law or, cuood of stealing a watch and sin from William Aldo, when oioe ndjoins his. A nonvn hnrnnlnn nu-rinoan. lmnallad `JV queen wunelmma, or 'l10IlIllu, unu ni- funoa to marry prince Bernard of 8529- nm-. whom hot mother selected an ftho young queen : huhcnd. mm. Kane. who won hinh cruise for nueoenu. Capt. Keno. who won high preiee bringi I-I.M.S. Calliope out of Barnes harbor nring e hnrrioene in 1889, has re- signs! on account. of ill-heelth. ago-a4InI>aiu&I.n1nI'l Ii Mm-hnhnll In W I0 X lllllllllllllu J udgo 006, In I half hour : decision. found tho minors nnutod n u Fninnout, Vn.. guilty of violation of jndpo Clu-hon : injunodomrcnd unbound All of the men to jul for than days. and but on-dated than to In nhuod on Monday. A lobar nouind from London up tho Hnddnn lino oi uluunllips huwuu Auc- tnlhnnd Vnneonvu-huhunnld to tho British-India utnunhip company. out at the Input Bridal: in companion. It in tho and lb; now engnpny will put {nut vault on its lino. Atlhollunguhnoobn . our White- vood, Inn. yuhnlq. Gaga. qul n--_1-.d.LA Lgal - nnnnunl -{IL hi: uni A CAN T ; KEEP ; snu. I . jiutuduy. Aim Gngmqd twat;-J:-N. had a qnnul with Inn 1300 hump awn Lhnnnnnvinnlxnehhkl signed ION!!! OI Ill-DQINI. crowduhtht-Inn II Murlonbnd no pun about the pr nee of Wale: whenever he l`f0Il`I on the struck an to canoe bin to ighnon oxbremo annoyance. he Iuggeotion is rognrdod favonbly to on-one the duke of York prince of Ireland. and no make that birds 9. ponnnnenb one for the oldest son of the Prince of Wnloo. ML- 3.2-1.-.. .3 'u....... 11;. DI-inninnl [or me eldest or we rnnoo ox vuuoa. The bishop of Enron. Rev. Principal Cnvon and Hon. Edwud Blake were pu- oongou on the ahounahi Numidinn, which Arrived At. Quebec from ivorpool on Sutur- (Inn ..v_ _. V_-..-- -_-_ _,.-,`,-,, , cit . `ho Niugun If tom-nunonb, which for bwo years has n wounded by come of hash plnyon in bho sum and Canada, wililbo hold on September 23rd, 24th md 25% . n..u' :- ..:A 5. In... LA-n invnnfgll in Iavonty-nvo yearn 0| ago lnu upwuuu. The annual awimming noon at the Non- treal club took place on Saturday. when aha ona lmndnd yarda ohampionahip of Canada was ullod of and Ivan won by Lawless. vi Tom Idghtbody aaoond. Tina. l:l9 4-5. A .I.....o..|. an u nhrinziania Fm. Time. l:ll! 4-0. I A dos tel: so the Chrluionio Fro- nnkridc tom Sondpo . up thus a balloon Ins noon on August IN: movin at I an lnlgho and lo: nortlarly di on. from the balloon dopondod Q tackle. which up- nnn:-ntl in h. Ilunlninnl "OBI! Golf it said to have been invented in ancient times by nlonoly ehophord who had nothing bobcat todo than to knock round Ilouoa into: rabbit. hole with hi: crook. Is in mm!-.-Isl; Hut. n nnnvanlinn ii X crook. It is probable then I convention will be negohieted between Spain and the United Same for the settlement of cleim: on no- oount of the Cnben trouble, by e claim noun -uni-ah-Ln V communion. ' On Saturday the striking minors of Plum Creek. PA.. tempted to much. but may were promoted by the uhoritfn dopntiu, and several of the minors were stunned, and will bottled to-dny. Th: nnnnn hm nnnfnrrnd hha inbil wold nlioblo tho) ore. about our COAL and WOOD; have to"bx-uh out." ovary now and then. And tell you hot thoroughly good and A, 9, IA ____ 'onI conlorrou on royu pursoulgua. he qnoon, acoompmnod by Prince: Bauioo. will proceed to Balmonl this week. where she will take up her projoot of providing pension: for widows who no seventy-ve years of ago And upwudu. 'l"hn nnnnnl ntimminn non the UUIIIIII Ill OIIU \ commission. (1.. -s....l- and Inn bemed to-any. The queen lane conferred the jubilee gold model on the wife of the Rt. Hon. Joeeph Chamberlain. secretary for the colonies. It in aid that no a rule the gold medal is 'on_ll(hconlerrod on royal" pereomgee. a nnnnn nnnnmnnnind hv P:-inane Inc nuuxll uupvuuuu I 3 pound to ho `lumlniouu. Jndnn Oak. in I In! r3h"'EuXi{rEn5 Enisu. `llo Wurlunc Iujllht Iulllvun to II- I _OI -I]X. ` Bonox. hlhn. A i .II.--John L. Sullivan willvrun M all done condi- deao for mayor of Booton this full. with the evowedlnhention oi detecting mayor Jo-, Iieh Quifley democntc cendidxbe lor re.-election. Wheu major Quiey refused to choke head: with John ` A Sullivan. I native of Boot-on. Inhegeooptionof Ten-Eyck. the ooumen. in l`nneuil' Hell, he commit- .whowlllhe'l.h'ereguler` tad who may we to he o lohel pciiti-' eel miehke. ulliven wu dumbfounded. According to one o! tihe meyoi- e omciil or- nr, the big ghter woe easily the idol oi e e occuion. The crowd ohuedv end cheered him. Ten Eyck we: elmoob ig- nored ab timu. Sullivan : amusement to the oi ht gr-eduolly changed to onger; enger on become vindictiveneu. As first. after thinking the matter over. he woeinclinetl co oontenb himself Wiigh eu - porting Another candidate like Mr. We - nor or judge Slonker. Now he he: crossed the Rubicon and pub his foot. through the bridge timbers. John L. Sullivan will ask the Iupporb of his fellow oibirena us the polls. At one time he could hove gone to congreee. but he declined. Then in pro- feeaionaldutiu were in the why. Now he feels that he can spare the time to serve his townunen. V K The Time on the Klnnton Turnpike Beet- en at forealo. Tonorvro, Au uat23. -The annual twenty mile road race or the Dunlop tro hy waa ridden off on Saturday on the ingraton road, etal-ting at the Woodbine. under the moat favorable oircumatanoea and Ira won by the Ramblers, of Toronto. with the T. A. G. aecond. Queen City third. and Tour- iata and Royal Oanadiana tied for fourth lace. The iirat man to nlah was Billy reatrix. of the Queen City oluh. Hia time wan fty-aoven minutes and ltygaeven aeconda. Thla ia the laeteat time the race was ever ridden in. There were thirty- ve atartera. ll a\vII n-nun D: an" Laanaanii 03 _Jl\I Thisisasmallodvt. justtnsaythatour _.-__-_ ..._' ._ II`: harder 5: to do it our way. of court. but it pays big- ger prots in the long run. by M bringing buck old customer: and 1 misting new onu. in IJYINGSION am] mre starters. MANIIAITAN BIAOII, Augueh 23.-J|mee Michael. the wonderful Welnh ruebit. men and lowered the colors of J. Frank Seer- buck on Saturdey at the Monhotun track, betting all records from fteen mile: to thirty-three miles, including the American hour reoord, held by himself. Michael did thirty miles, twenty-nine yard: and one foot In an hour. \l7..nnnu-run Ila.-n Lnnnh Q3 __nAnI`DI | ups. Tho male was ulruu my ll . nay- At $30.00!). and was ruined by John Dun- hmof Byncon. to 830,000. Mr. Hap Ind Nd vu 837.000. zoom nonr. Womvns'rnn. Mum. Angeli 93.-Goorgo B. Tincloa dofenu Thomas Oonoff in 3 match moo for I mile It the Woroewor oval track for 8500 3 side on Eutzuldsy in 4:15 1-5. the mutual: time over undo in this country. Oonoff wu twelve yard: bohind in the ninh. The roan wuonoo Ion`: onblon. but A ahnn ma nun nvool: ' I RUSHING OFF SALE] his right lung. T wounded men in re- rted ea reeting quietly and the unend- ng physician: think he will recover. Lew- renoe surrendered himself to eheri Thoma alter the shooting. hwrenode wife lets him some time ego end eecnred an order from judge Beaver Appointing her gnerdien of her child. I girl of eeven veere. end ordered Lawrence not to inter- fen with the girl. uwrenee yeeteru . Inc Inn peuurnwu lulo or none mun Pu-I, Round Inland put III told on Sunday morning on lonclonnn proouodinp by uhorl` Kellogg to Jacob Rays. of Now York city. This inoludolcho hotel. but union no ohm in tho ownonhl ol ooh- sm... 'l`IuAnn can alarm-II III 9. Lil A Prenohel-'e Plight.` PAnun.snum, W. Ve.. August: 23.-- Rev. B. H. Burgoyne. aged eixt.y'yeen, e highly respected Methodist minieber. of Rulings. Tucker oonnhy. III murdered on Fride . Ooleinen Pitzer. e young Iehorer, wee gei with the deed. Pine: was committed to jail at Pereone. end mode A oonfeeeion. chergin hie brother Lewil with the crime. golemen held e hill egeineb bhe Rev. Mr. Burgoyne. He eehed the aged noher to pay no. and when the letter ni he had no money and eehed Fiteertowoit, he wee eeeenlted by the Fitness with stones. one of which struck him on the heck of the neck. breehing it. $1031.: II-uli. yhtioml longuo-Ab Boston. 13; Pitu- bu . 12. At New York,5:LouiIvillo, 1. Ab hilndolphin, 8; Cincinnati. 1. Ab Brooklyn. 3j;8b. Louis, 4. At. Washing- ton. 6; Chioogo, 4. Ab Baltimore. 12; (`.In\y.Innri R, QUEEN ST. son. 0; UIIIOI Cleveland, 6. IT. -0;-n In nauum I I - In human. 0; DOI'IlI' son, 11. Ah vidonoo. 2; Syracuse. 4. A15 Springeld. 5; Montunl. 1; second $1110, Springeld, 3; llontunl. 2. At ilkosbsrro, 8; Toronto. 7. sunny nuns. . Entom lugum-A0 Hulda. 9; Wilkes- bnrro, 6. At. Providence. 8: Bynmuo. 1. -IIIDI 'I'IIU UUII`Uo WO0DS10(7K. Vt... Anguob 23. - Hon. Thomas C. Savor. judge of hole for Windsor county. was shot by illiun W. Lnwnnoo yesterday. The hull ponotnted III: nhtlnnn, Th: wounded man in The Iruonoo Ion`: union. I A ehnngo nvul; `lho do!-y In low : emblem now- It looks more like 1 wluol. Inna no cum In IIII ownuunl 0! con- ugos. Thou I-uohrudbyi-.HuyI| n 830.000. and was In Dun- Clotlnets and Punlslen. u-animus:-3.. oumvau A bumuxrs. ` gains. in in full swing. Don't failto come and take a `look at the `Special Bar- : ' "I "'- Summer Clothing and Colored Shut: reduced at smksuma nacoos. lWF|l'S 0 At. Butfulo. 6: Serum- -itlgnnn 0. nun-Annnn I E"!1|iII in ,QXL `_ lnobnn (Inna. Ibo! 'l'IIO Judge. 4.. 17; A .. ._..-L Something very spcial at 81.65 yard. Finest Quality imported,`- in a full range of exclusive Ihtdel; j AUTUMN I897 > New [lressBuutls.V? French Broadclolhs. wauunlnn` cumin.` ' mncdnmnatijn . .g AIQVH Sangllcr `Cloths, 54 in. All wooi, suitnbl` for: Suit or Dress, only 81 yard} New 'eEcf i`t1 tyle Ind "'3--7nT...7..T`g| U @0353? `F -% Handaorne New Dress Good : in other styles, 25 to 75 yard. Inspection invited. lunnl. Dunno: an con man. block above 01 uuncl. CID: HELD. nu. Open Day` It you want anything that` would be sold In a l'l'I!tp"_ clan Jewclry Stars |STEAGYh&T_EA3Y. FROI POBTBIOUTH, FRIDAY BAIT. IOW- ln` Skiff pu [run outnlds In 3 . 16 foot on; bu toll oqntnboari. guy ponon giving Into lot: I vdg ' recover}-1:1 W. B.- IITLAII. I-lnogl vnnn!.h_ ponon clung Into nlon IOI noon?`-`by W. B: IITLAII. . Hotel. 1-canon . DOUBLE FOLD D `with roonu.n: rooms wlum ll- fornd, At no Brook Man. I ' u sun room. U00 0! one all 0 Inodon oonvonlonoo `blag noun 5-? Z.` T ! Sum-nun. Mich." August ll.--III! E.8uabb|o,ouhhtol tho luuuo`huk.: .`111.'}:`...a".`S.'.'f`.. ..'i:.'2"ia..l`."sL"s`i' vuhvhoulh Ihoilwlolul. in tho hunk win (then. Th not known. ' T` Gnudooouruo-nonowovoubg. lAT Onlarioparhby sh vol!-how: tub-- villondoooltuo city. In an and ' _ Mahhndinnanodlnoo. Making 1` I I no an . [PI guonontuzfo. 12;?!` 113:`: .1. !:l.`.0Ia` In II- onrd. 00:1 and mill I. `g mo I In In - any person gvlnq halo rooovou by . Bum-u. Ponunonth. .' Ivlna Inlonnouol louulc rooovmv by Bum-n. 22::- GOODGKNF-`ELL SERVANT. N0 ' in; or honlu . Apply to In. . Human. oornor Un on and Alviutoqt --j-2-jg--n-1 ANTED - UPBIGHT AND Ll . gentlnxnon or lodlu to have to male onhblhhod house in Ontario`! OI d . Pod 'n?..3'.'.."'. 3r.'22xam.3' '. `i$.'ci -T nllal -RELIABLI MIN IN IVIIY I40- oulltyounl or tnvulllnlz to had anew dhoonry. And loop on show tmkod In on has font on - IO! 8 throughout town uni country ploymom. Oommiulon on salary month null uxponun mud mom: 0- od In uqrllmnk when n nod I add:-on I Wonnn Ilnnum. .. London. On , Onnsda. Brrlxllove-\I.xa1n1v1.tI0r E. L: ` b '39 : R I (2on\'r :r.n.|::mn.l`lI2:.{.Vn ion In. Boptollbu. Apply non door to B. Wnncn. ~ -__, ,_ I POE OUTH LAS Y F 391;-an `35.... mimu oogtoru. gun: on I. had lnnldo. tho` this popular price we " f _ a splendid line of 7 GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. N0 W - Ina Mnmnn. am-nu III: on And Alvinon Avl. Bouuus on an MXXDIIODA with both duh and double ` modern oonvonhnou. at I out: ` McPumsoN-In Au alt Slot. the wife of J. A. MoPhu-con. o I dngha _ mar ` nlbln ontuhunhoa house in Ontario Iuy nos And upurun. Poulcaon Adz. Enclose Had I III :11 0)! Tu Donnuou Oounn. Dept. . Oh no- AN rlD-UPB.I`(:5l"l' W459` `rtmnrun .n.I. ".`pl3a"l`u?I'.nn5......"a'.. o.u:'1o.'M': ` at; human. , ll nut sud cut win and cool no-day. boooulnphouu-yutnigll. loin hulk Ior Bntkrlokh GOOD GENIBAL Nuru. Hint bun gvonlnc to liIIVI'I"..n::F I d N O u. Inqwnnw. `5 -` Fnou i'on'rsIo'tJrn,r7iiDTY - inn Skiff. not [run ouuldo. Inux . ounnna om III A Iw '-m. menu. or room: It thon tthlthll -ucmiau. unnvnrr. liver In I rooommondod. Applyn nouohuon ' `GOOD GENIBAI. BIIVA . ALE Ln Nun... Hunt Inn mod 1-: union. wsxmcn ;I6IiAiaLwu- 7? TI. DABDIRS CAN III MPJIIY rooln. or am hfnfrld. AI I) Brook DGIOOC. W REMEMBER 4. P. MI. El).ITION'.` Anna: nun notion. _ |n1_L . A__.__A It NBRLL BIBVAFI`. APPLY rant. WANTED.- ' s'rou:i._ _ TO LET. JAB. B-III). Hun-1uIIl_1 3oAn6T i BOBII. . , ., n, WILD DUMB: alumnus ahd binding or self $133. 5:195. Z III! III 6893.81: fonnlty looo;-ox-wugnuunl . 1-. Dan fhnnnnlunn iv. - Iofootfhonuolvu an. 4 l"oy|cr`c am inlhlmnt ot Imported Vdrou Marlon now on male. Banner Juan Bum for Oahu ovary n.....I.- ...:I lI"|mu-uh: II: I 'n.m. Jung Bhcmcr Junta uwm tar uwuwu uvvry Mon sud'.l'hundy It 6 `can. Juno: Sum 00,.` scans. The Itnot mlway omplcyocc hold thclr annual picnic to-non-ow aim-nobn. commencing st 2 o'clock. Inn Lam Btu club will Rho their commencing en 2 moon. The Lone Burr club give their hiende e concert in the bemck eqnere nexh'1`lmredey oval . By requeez eno her tare to ledlee will be given In Y.M.O. A hell. Tueedey. 24th, at 8:80 pm.' Subject: "The New Women." by Ellnbeth Sblelde Fox. Ad- enhnlnn In-en. VVIHIIIII. :11 I mlulon (no. IIIIUUUII auw l'ul`IIIuII U, ounces I-0`:- as wn1.LINo'roN STREET. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25th. I897. [RAVI BBOEIVBD INSTRUCTIONS IPBOI MR 0. IUNROE to all at his Rulclonco. Onpoto. Fancy Booken. On-Oloeh. Mu-blo Top Stdoboud. lxhnalon And other `I'M-Ion, ueollont actuate oater. Oook and other utovu.Ot-oo uwlsuund Sllvonvno. 3 Ice of Prourvu abondu. Dump Ooh, Sofnu. Lmmuu BM`! unk sud nriom othor urti- olu. his at l0.!I0|.m Tu-mu on-h. J . SALTER. Auctioneer. Auctlon Sale Furniture. Stoves. Etc. an 1lYD1',1',1 kllI|l`f\\l n'rRI!l!'!`_ INawF Boot and Shoe Stqm, - , , LEXANDEB BLANOHAIID. OBAB'l`IIB.D A oumun. loo! 0 mod. ud.nudn- . In bulunoou nmolu nuomum toko Buinou oonldontlu. Addnu Kinc- nnn mu Couou. Cd. THAI balance: um tskon oondc ntoqulnou Couou. It. Iotornhug will lnvo o Grant Groce- Inn for lln. 81'. Prrnsnmw. August 98.-'l`ho muni- cipality of St. Potoruburg. which upon: 10.- 000 rouhlon in propu-in for the visit of the on of Germany. v ll opond 1.000.000 NI looin in olforho to do honor to tho out 0! Fronoo. who will nrrivo or. ctodh ho-dny. Tho initial; R.F.. "Ro- publlquo l`nnooioo." ond the intertwining 0! oh: nnhionnl ll of Ruooin and Franco villlorni tholood n `looturo of the gon- orol doccrobiono. ho central basin of tho Aloxnndor om hoe boon convortod into luminouo oontoino. while the tree: And lnwnc hove boon illuminolod. Tho vilitlng Fronoh ooilcro will be oncortoinod loviohly by monogonionco of the lending otlo concoct: and rnucic gordono. A num- borol honquoto hovo boon orronaod. Au ono ol thorn 3.000 poroona will ho cooiaod. Monitor Mon. bicycling moon and othor loohivo hnvo boonorgoninocl in honor of M. Fouro. JJLLLJKJ ALL; .1. .l.Jkl Drolamskor. I53 Brook Street. 3.... al...... -hang In-AG Hiram}. wlu uuvuup A vnuu. Loxnoxt. August 23.-A -pooiul doopotch from Oonotonbinoplo. ouyo that tho Inoollngol tho pooooooohronoo to-day io likoly to dovolo oorioio. It in undorotaood that Sir Phil! nio. the British ombu- oodot so Tu oy. bu roooivod from in- ohructlono. tho IIIMIII of which will be dovolo on tho mooning. Aooondingto othor oopotcboo tho rovolutionlry threats 0! |hoArmoniuuoroonuoin oolnoonxiooy. Tho Arlnooiop uutoro tho city on oponhlly pouolla and other uuono ... hninn hkan. An oncvoli donouno- nponuuy llllll Ina Dunc` uuuuu an taken. An oncyoli lnglho bthmwucwauud in I the Arhlllilll olmrchon yutordny. A-union Annual K--A mnnnnof urging IIIII an `IQ govumlnuns an n- ouonho pom tasty bounon unwound rhynodlonnnohooulion which was innn-uphd by tho undo. Tho satin pun. honvor. and I rent. Injaityol Ihopubliool Athonneoo n tlougihlionforn nnnption olghowu-. I00 Ill IlIllI' I1 lung uuxgv. urgng him and Ibo govunnont so ro- nnnnlnn mnnnnd mun trucv fAllIlHESS mans} Ounn1nhu.m'a Old Stand. opposite Johnmorooory. Princess Street. L.u.1. nnw AND UP-T0-DATE uoons. 4- MISS KEYES, nmnnmnkor. 3i \JI\ `nuns : Four door: above Bum strut. LOAL MI ORANDA. :_' TO HONOR FAURE. |nnaunxmt;_muunuEv| The Grain : Speulators Are Gathering In coin. lmmnn wum IN lIll|1IA(:ll| `fneavy cloth,dark shades, Pal] Sailors. with overehot figures, will make splendid house or Ichool dreuee. Colore- Nnvy, Garnet, Brownand Bronze and Green. \ SOMEWHAT OF A V/H`EAT FAMINE IN SUPERIOR. Iold to Do I Donor st Duluth--Ilnt the Ionltoln Govonmont In to In About ` the crop: 'l'horo-I`Iou nun: Ihut Down owing to on liability to Go: Who. Cmcwo, IlI.. Augutt 23.-Do|l,ar wheat VII rooobod in Chicago on Sotul-dog. The Sophmbor option ruohod this guru I few minutes bolore the clone, and wound up an oxoiood tiny : session so ninety-nine ond a half on odvmoo no six and I half cent: since Frldny. Dooomber closed :6 on equal goin. _ Dm.u'm. Minn.. Amrnoh 23.-Acoording to o resort on "cnnnge" new we uuunu ere have cleared up from 81,000,000 to 81,500,000 by the recent edvenoe in wheat. There in: rumor here to the effect that oeeh wheat for delivery on Sept. lot has been oornered,bnt nothing authentic can he learned regarding it. There ie. however, eomewhet of.e wheat famine in Superior. All of the flour mille there have been ehut down beoauee of the mobility to get wheat. W1murm.Auguet 23.--The Manitoba government on Seturdey ieeued en oiciel ulletin on the crepe. The totel wheat yield in eetimeted at 2l.284.274 huehele, the average being eetimeted at 1.049 buehele r acre. Manitobe e production `of All knde of eereele ie forty million in bushels. The imperial mill ott city in reoeivin wheat from Iowa and Nebmeln. for the no time in the history of Duluth. Flour hu advanced meterielly end bekere Announce thet the price of breed will be edvenoed next week. In! Vnuv Luau-h `H! _4r`.'||l'lI\l A. equal gun. - Dunum, Minn., Auguab 23.-Acoordin to l`Ito0l I "change" here the Dulut. I. an luv: nllnlud nn {mm 31.000000 advanced next. week. NIW Yoruc. Augusta `.!3.-oChsrlee A. Pillsbury. of Minnesota, is the holder of 5,200,000 bushels. Philip D. Armour holds 2.500.000 bushels in Chicago. John Cudahy. of Chicago. has a great amount of options in wheat at his com- mand. Thomas and D. R. Francis. of Sb.` Louis. ere said to he the holders 0! 2,000,000 bushels. 'I`homes~ Francis on Thursdey cleared 3300.000 . by sales in wheat. He has an enormous amount: of o bions. Former congress- man 8. W. Co I) has 500.000 bushels in opeions. J. Pierreponb Morganis said no he one of those who aremosh deeplv interested in wheat. George 8. French, of New York. who en inesred the bull movement in wheao, as holdings amounting to more than halfa million ushels. Former gov- ernor Flower. of New York. is also inner- estsd in the new rise. Y A an A n thaws: A sannn Q ._whAAh.&n}s. Ct III "II IIIW I'l$. . KANSAS CITY. Augunia -Whoob_'n|c[:- at! one dollar hon jun boforo noon on But- urdoy. Sopumboro ion. on bholooding luburo. told at one do In for the first time alone 1891. I: fell I-ht" cont stool-words but odunood 00 one dolhr and throe- fourn of: coal). The grain for the day Avenged about four oonto. It in oabitmtod t.hnc't.horo bro loft in Kunu 40,000,000 buoholl of when and an result of the ad- ..-....- ._ nnlngn 05- 'n|I\v|ADQ nl lm: ntnfn nlvn Tilt] aw IIII nun lwwly up mar 509 od 0! the band. creeping our tho top a nntingon thoonuidoot than-on. Afurtwoda thofnlnroouldotnnd it no lounge. 0 nnloonnod the thumb main and tried to an oltho hcndmhioh would notoonooll. nil vuinboddod in AL. I..L Ilghpkluuu nan. nnllntl in and Illnilqclotuoournnulruuuunclr child. A ndghbot cnlhd in I again doo- Iot. Ilowuhuthd ulthobtnultrut non! and ndviutl no punch: to Inn "Dt." Rnhl u-tutu]. It slowly Gounod to-any none on Friday. A Blind Gill Alleged To Have Been Tor. tured lye Queen Doctor. Nnw Yqnx. August 2l.--The horrors of emodern gerret have been experienced by Annie Fein leee. e hlind girl of Wil- liemobu . hile elie etood in the ehedowgldeethaulferin from A chronic dieeeee, Siegfried Reuhe . e Bpeninh Arn- erioen queok doctor. heering of her illneee. went to her rente. ol- iering to euro her. Bel owing thet he oould. they ooneented to eooept hie eer- vicu. He took the delioete girl. put e greet iron bend on her heed, etteohed thumh eorewetoiteo thet the torture might be inoreeeed. end then went ewey and never returned. Before he left he gave inetruo- tione to the perente that In certain period: the thumb ecrews were to be tight- ened. Blind with voter on the hrein. e tumor in the need. the r ohild euored untold torturee. Vein y did her week hende try to teero` the cruel iron hnude, en the illiterete to. under the he- lie! that to folow the dootcr`e in- etruotione would oure her. for forty- eight home at certain `ode eorewed tighter the bend o iron thet ete elowly into her delioete esh. They eet looking at her in herterrible uzony. helievingheroriee from pein were put e pert ol the treetmeut of the "doctor" They our the eeh elovlylep over the ntlnnn nl um [um]. meeninn over the hon _ `Slew jaunty Sailors in Felt for early fall wear. New shapes in Cardinal, `Navy, Green, Black, Tan, Brown, with contrasting I.`-.4_I `LA 'In:un;`:nnnn nun gglf thouh. Ndghbouvon ullod in und thopootlnotnhdhondhd to ho sound in gun pour baton tho Mrtumu inclus- tllolorlltlwlluu uuu In In Iuluuu in warn that baton tho torturous instru- Egni could he pt-id o`. loadi- , - 1- _.__ _...... AL. ..._._A. Dlllnoll OI Wllult Illll llll IIIUID us Luv nu- vmco in prices the tumors of the mm are to-day richer by 82,400,000 than they were nn I`:-{dun A HORRIBLE STORY. Boys'.Schol Suits. l.ING8'1`0N. QN'1`ABIO. MONDAY, ;_AUG}`US"l` 23. 1897. BIYIIIII In-cu: Into I Itoio an Inn may night. -_ Dvxuus. Ont.. August 23.--Bu-Klan vilitod John Kenn : lion Friday night for thomoeond time within thirty days. and the sixth time the store ha been robbed. l|..t..-us; -g- nah-ma-I hi vumnvinn hurt as! the man was we own an nun ronnou. Entnnoovu gainod by mnoviug roof I pane of plate glut which In boon onckod for some time. The mm. got any with a. large Amount of goods. In- oluding cuolory, pipes, plotod wore. opoouolu. stationery. peaches sad it aynuty of biscuits and canned oods. hey ovidontly mod the pogchgo: anon, on the batch and none of the fruit were found bohind a fence about I00 0 from the otoro. No cluo yet to the dontity of the thieves. Death 0! A Begletret. Guam, 0nh.. Au It `23.--~Williein Pur- her, J.P.. regiebrer o the county of Holdi- mnnd. died at hie residence Setorde as ten o clook. Hie death hoe out I ((0011: over the he [go heldin high respect by All who knew him. He wee on hie usual dutiee an Wedneedoy in the regis- try oioe. The direob curse of hi: deeeh wu h melignnnb rowth on the lower howel. He took Ill denly ill Wedoeedey night And from the beginning little hope wee held of hie recovery. Mr. Parker will be mined in Oeyo . He no on elder in the Preebyberien e urch end was devoted to the work of the church. He eerved in the Royel artillery during the Oriinee. He Ieevee n widow and e large family to mourn hie loee. I ` v got it owing `..`I'I' I IlI'IUVCuXa 0'l'l`AWA, Auguob 23.-_-Honry Mclilreo has been ghting with the department of the intauior ovor since 1880 about obtaining sputum lot his homonoud. but hilod to to some taohnioslitiu he. in was alleged. didn't carry out. Hon. Mr. Sifton hnorderod that hi: pnont. be iuuod. and in thin -mu unnhhf annular : nrinvnnon Thrown tron A Big. A H Wmnson, Ont... Augnab 28.-At Kings- viile on Friday a bug; in which were united Mrs. William rooinnn and her duughtor, Mrs. Albert. Wiglo, was over- turned and bath women were thrown out. The young daughter of Mn. Wiglo, also in than rio. manned without. iniurv. The Not Yet Been llslsed. SAN Fmmvnuro. August. 23.-Nsws has been received from Honolulu by the steamer 00 his, to the `effects tlm. the Ani- ericsn flsg ms not: yet been raised over Hswaii And there is no indication that is will be. Just before the int steamer left. for Sen Francisco on July 27th it. was rumored that on August 2nd the United Buttes minister would tsln possession of the island. He sue to denite in- ssruotions by the ates er Mouns. arriving so Honolulu July 29th, but they failed to IUIIIIQ. '1'llO aeugnter 0! acre. vvlgle, men in the rig, cace without. injury. condition of hot. women in reported on be- ing critical. Mrs. . Wi le attempted to turn round on the road. us the home be- came unmanageable at the eight. of 0 train. The engineer noticed the eccidenh and stopped hie brain. Both women were un- conscious. III! -1-I CC -v -out Baunx. N.8.. A !l-I|iInI|oI~ ad Ihouholptinghillnsldnonnullout In huh. An Inqlbl iuhmd pnnlauuo. d ILA nu-an gamut unlpuro nvuuuy nu or-p-no \VAsunm'roN, August: 23. - The auto department. bu inlorlnntinn that the Bol- giun [governments In about to modify exist- ing lawn to on to allow on export bounty on Dutch .roned supra. 10 in aid to the treasury ohm this occion will neces- ninto tho lowing of on inonuod an of duty by the Unibod Bush: on than nugaru, oqunl to tho export bouuc paid. Bimilnr notion. in in aid, in u or consideration by the Netherlands goxornmono. '. dur hoy| Clothing Clear- ing Out Sale offers the op- portunity to fit the boy out wall; and cheaply; Good 8tiii"i of Tweed, well tailor- ed. good material and trim- minga, $l.50, $2, $350, $3; A Oenedlnre `Brave Act. Tonox-m. Augnet 23.-Word bu ruch- ed Toronto or en not of con performed recently in Colcbeeter. En.. y gunner J. J. Ournett. of the 44th battery, Royel ertillery. who apron into the Inter with ell hie ulothee on on reeoned I drowning boy. He in 1 Toronto Inn. hie family livin at 385 Snckville etreet. He has only in the urn A short time. Ineqreuonweoc. Bwnu.n. N.Y., Angoet 23.-BeAlo in crowded an it he never been crowded be- fore. War veteran: from evuy me. in theunionereoeking here to ettend the maul enoemprnentof the (read may of the republic. which begine to-do end con- tinue: dnrinr ll j. fol 220.0! out tupilvllv """' "3"" 2: an:-:`oxpcoud\oIIoin t $15! 33 .. b-I LIV I1! IIIUI uyutuu. \ Axmouvn., 3.0.. An;.-'l`ho {all can 0! British Ooluubin gun jndgncns on Sunday. diuuidng Ibo I 0! Would. Ihunvioutl undue oc olnoo. M Ito nights at judo: in dudiaotl to Inucuinlhocnmlln Iswvill Intuit: uunond sh priaonu pay an amino poultyollloluvon Wduuduy nut. DDI&VOI|I~II III can Ihuononcnhnndlhpuootonnpnny with to main an iuttug Ihldbut ognuhlnlothncvonnmn. A Prlnoely llsslonery. Lmmou. August `. 3.-Pi-inos hlsx. of Saxony. sfter three yenrs of missionery work in Whitochs I. has returned to Dresden. He says e ewsits the decision of his bishop whether to return to White- chspel. though the royal fsmily at Dresden are exerting their inuence to withdraw him from such work end instel him in some court religious position. The prince. however. is disinclined to socept such an nffnr DWIVE Ilvur uni unnu- Nummx FALI.-1. N.\'.. August 23.- Fnnk Wobor. 0! Buffalo, Wart-on Bush and Charles Glamor. of Chicago, who bud been camping on the banks of Niagnrn rivnr vnnmrdnv. hired A small bolt Ind been camping on (no Dlnll ox ullgnru rivor tordny. hired small star to row Across the Ningan river to the Otnndinn Ihoro. When in mid-stream their boat bocuno nnlnungoablo md cup- aiud And all shmo men wore swept over the falll. - amen nu oraerou null nu puulnn no Iuuuu. And in this way another settler : griovunoo bu boon settled by the miniuor.