Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Aug 1897, p. 4

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_ T ` T The corhor Bookstoro. : ';`;w PI-huunnolnunu anon IDCII uullx `HIE LID Illvu - -J .. ..... . _ morning In question. The ma `strata " .*..7,.j..--- ruorvbd bio decision until the 26 lnet. E_ E. R,,[o,d_ av; -- '`1'``-* Th bo h ' 1 ' ' smear on ma sunny. rr`m u`.`E.o'r '2n``t .'..a`i?`ii`.f """ But never tri in mettle. "A colllnlon on Aura! Itnot In-Ly `Nil: 1. {ho ho, any bound to .9, lfI||l- - His_plnn.n all c to failure. Edwin Ohown Inc! I very narrow escape` `Hun hope: and- in defeat, [mm dgn; hgmgu. ch. what. of m glgc. For that : w_hat comes when wishing trio car on Allnd mm: this fonnoon. Ho! Mid Wl'k||1l 11 i0 IMO`- d i i I b l Allrod t 0- A , . ::":|';gn::. igychtii oppoenz r:.- The boy who wishes this thing undone: of city clerk Dnnnnn ho mmd TIE`: :n::, zctizg Iaoorotitliotrnok to the oppoiibo aide oi - W W H0 4" `M `W? xvii`: :tt7>'i-'uh:z':``er{i-i't'i. on clouds on V-I -pro-oil: iron. win some an surely wln ' N i'~l- T5` 9d'`'o 7"l- For he works out what. he winhu. ably. on tho ti on tho track.` And um`: when lucl come: in! Ohown um vary nu-row u-cup. I ` trio car Ho was driving in I buggy along street - ,` mound Prinouo un when oppoeito I.ho' ` ruidonpo any Iuurtod | . boron the moi . ` moot. notion that,` an conductor, 1 rig mun: toqml! Ibo Inn: and nlnohn, .:.......a..n an-. Notmithltnndinz all ` moms -nit--rwo` ` . Tho conuuowr, Innu- In use scum nlnohrl; Mr. 09.: audio; I.T-'n-A Iutillo. :.:|.______:-.-- BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE. `hula when sppnea exwmauy, ... sores ulcers. abscesses, scrofulous sores, fblqtehes. eruptions, etc., leaving the babe clean and pure as n s. then lnhemnlly it removes all morbid orowaste matter from the system. - th hly regulates all the organs Wm. restorin the stomach. , u__-..-|_ ....A hnnrl to healthv UIIIl'UQ]- dllm-hero-ncrtov. BY WIND AND WAVE. Welland Canal Poport. I\r4._-....... I'\..t A-um it-tins or `mt -:`81'A'R|'E8. V TIT ttlwundn of Iuodllul-lulu Ann: on-l -A 5.. I-Ilelnharl. E! III 1'IvIuu-u Daily nun. VLoa`doa."1:n. nm; of the mint: that body. resum luver. bowel: and aiding London.`En. _ One of the thing: greatly rut- flea Uncle Burl the In Make that British cltiuna have In h a country. no :. ...u.mm.d that he myn over 50.- Britinh In me country. .11: is calculated tlut he pays: over 50.- 000.o00 every you to torelchere an inter- est on their holdlnge. 0! national. muni- cipal, and commercial eecurltlee. These -tomeiznere are mainly Britons, whoc; mono American breweries thhn Am ru- ~ cans themselves. aumwlnoeeinveetme ' in Yankee railways. mines. and general trudi concerns are enormous. But . what rote Uncle Sam more than any- ! Qlui-an `slam in than vant Bltllt O! frets Sam than a.ny- ~ thing else is the vent extent 02 United States territory in x-British pououion. .` One of the Is: at British syndicates V is that which inc mien, among others. no its membership the beroneee Burnett- Coutta, earl (Judo n. and the duke: of Beaufort end But end. It own: no less than 8,000,000 acres of Land in Toms. Further north, in the zreat grain noun- trv nf Illinois. Iowa. mud Nebraska, B great grain try of Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska, syndicate. presided over by Vincent Seuliy. owns another magnificent es- ? tale of 3,000,000 acres. The vastness of this may be understood `when it is re- membered that all the landowners of Wales hold only 3,810,000 acres between them. There is a third syndicate which- has the distinguished membership of the ` ` duchess of Marlborough, lMl`{eR&nd0lph _ Churchill. and Sir Edward ed. uni is proprietor '0! the nice lit ie plot of 2,- |'000,000_a.cres. S `ndicate number four, of which the I ear of Dalhousie. marquis Cholmonde- . 1.800.000 acres in fertile llBl88ippi,lLn(i .' a firm called Philli , Mansell and Co.. having among its c ienta a large num- ber of the aristocracy, has 1,300,000 acres. A nnl hnr immense Anglo-American ley. lady Hamilton-Gordon, and vis-. countess Cross are shinin lighta, owns ` `acres; Br an Evans. of London, is ' down for 7 000 acres; the duke of Suth-' erland has 000; lord Dunmore has 120,000; lord Ifoughton has 60,000 in Florida; lord Dumaven 80,000 in Colo- rado; earl Verulam`s sgndicate has 110,- 000; Mr. Whalle , of etc-rborough, has .'3l0,00(l, and R. .ennant, of London,2-l0_- 000. Some couple of million more iwres are owned by the English land com- ` puny. the Dundee land company. and ' others. And when the whole are added it ether, they make the enormous to- ta. of over 20,000,000 acres. That is to I say, people living in England, lrealnd, land Scotland own as inuch land in the t. . United States as the whole acreage held . in Ireland. or equal to two thirds of the are. held in England. The little tract 5 | would give thwe acres apiece to nearly 3 `I000 000 families" or almost the entire ........`1..o:m. nf Hm United kimrdom. aristocracy, has 1,aw.uw aureu. Another immense Anglo-American landowner. is lord Tweeddnle, whose acres run to 1,300,000. These are the Ingest owners, but there is quite u. host of proprietors of snmller, yet still` hu 0. stretches of American territo'ry.__ '1` he no-n. , '7.000 OOU or the an popu'1ntion of the United kingdom. __. _._ -- ,,,., I 5 F of the church because t i 3 I I-II us |-v w--,, _____ _. London Standard. '[`he ideal function of the ideal church may include all that aids the uplift- ing of the bod , mind. and spirit of men; t the met.` rai unction of the individual, loca church, of a iven denomination, cannot include so wide a ministr with- out assuming a dangerous an often crushing burden. Precisely that ab- normal condition is at resent forced upon our down town cllurches. So- ciety, represented by municipal govern- ment, by the family. and the larger so- cial groups, has failed to give the "sub- merged tenth" a fair chance to breathe, eat, sleep. earn a living, or enjoy rea- sonable recreation. The church must carry the double load or retire from the field. All this is in asense common- place. We all realize that the times. are out of joint. must be constantly emphasised is that the goal towards which christian citi- zens should struggle is aharmonious adjustment of social burdens, so that the church may be free to nttend to its highest function. As the Rev. Wal- ter Rauschenbusch expresses it in a re- cent article, the church has a stake in the social movement." Its interests and tl`.e'intere.st.s of society at large are intimately related. Every step of industrial progress that makes the la- borer more of a man. more his own .1.a.s- tor, every reform that gives the city dweller more favorable sanitary con- ditions, contribute directlly to the cause ' ey leave the men Whom the church is tryinglo reach `freer to choose the moral ideal which is offered them. But the lesson that. Ilim ! `He dressed hisself trom top to!` -r..- lmnf nu. ln.lAsL fashion: ` 1| -ruuuuun vu--.- Ila dressed nlsseu Irom mp us: um l`er lmn.t. the latest fashion; llle give his boots :1 extra glow, .Hia dickey gliatered like the snow; He slicked his hair exactly 30. 3 An` all ter indicate his passion." He tried his_ hull three ties More He kep the ones on that he wure. Her! All uxlernoon she laid ubed Ter make her (natures brighter. `She tried on evfry geoun she had, ,She rnaped her nails until they bled, A dozen times aha luvad her mnd. An` put on'atuI[ to make her whiter, An` fused till she'd n-cried. she said * But that `Id make her eyes so red. ` I O O I The luck that I believe Ill . . In lhu which come: with work. And no one ever find: it Who`: content to with end ehlrk. The Inn tint the world can "lucky" ` Will tell you. every one. nu noon: comes not by w in. ` But by hard week. have done. Tank 0: `rho (my church. rILA_.I_..,I Them} together in the dark , light, except their apnrk; tmr could have told or cues: -----.-.L.:_. AI II. Jana` church. - Q2_L_.. II... --A A noun|n' Dull. tvE-. I their apnrk; guessed un was dressed! ENGLISH cnuacn PRAYER BOOK--toc upwards. we Are Sparin mi `,3 Thought,Time'or A nergyi in our effort to have (if? `stocli for the` right up` to the` mark. We mean to; on- strate to you that werknow how to make yb Dry Goods buying pleasant and satisfactory, to make this thefavorite shopping piece for those iwhomfre for `; fresh up-to-date goods at honest fair p_riccs.- Every ; English mail brings us invoices and advice of -new English man. nrmgs us IuVUlu:a llu ........ -- --- goo 5," some are here now, others are on The exclusive goods, the French goods, start the trip some t-ime this week. We are importing ..direct from Germany from the_ best German makers as mantle stock the like of which has never been shown `before , in Kingston for variety and quantity and the values will be such as to please the most critical bu er. , The rst lot goes` into stock to-day. ew Dress Goods go into stock to-day. New Dress Trimmings go 1 into stock to-day. You are welcome to come and loo L just to keep in touch with the new things. V T- JAMES REID. Tho Mod who Dld Not lnvo lone: It Homo Are Not Iuvlug It `then. Scuttle Timas. Thorn run In There are many men on the Klon-l dike. who. it in clujxnod, will {irolmhly never return to civilization. '1` is lathe stuleumnt of Jack Can, the mail car- rier, and it. is not very oytul news he hringa lo anxious relat van in this city and elsewhere. It in not because the "hoya are not making money in the north that they cannot. come home, but because the temptations of the au.|o0na nnd danm halls M. Dawson are too much for them, and every cent. they earn is spent. thug way. It. does not hum very long to run through asmnll fortune In Alualm, it one is inclined to he the lean hit sporty. It coma from fifty cents to 86 (L dance in the: n....-mu mmoe halls. and wlt_h_ whiskey IL coma Dawson dance halls, with at. seventy-five cents per drink, in man ` has to be very lucky to Keep the pace. " n nation are not excer- t.i0nu.lly lucky. ' hey have been on to no river u. long time nnd hn.va_n good claim it they would work it. induatriougly. The sawed no money when they warn worfxingiiown here, and Can` says they cue not doing it in Alaska. They have hardly enough to purchase it aupply of grub for the winter, md as 3 result of their drinking and dancing. live in :1. terrible fashion. They nre on auproe for about hull of. the time. and the ot.h- or days in the week are too much play-` (wt out. to work. The stories told pt this Klondike whickey are interutinu it true. -rs...-n ua aeven or eight. ui9onI_ in Hynm Book, Em, I0 cams ugwums. if.Tr\ie. Thus no uloonl Dawson. counting as new one that ha: junt been atzu-tad by Pete Mclhmld, the well-known 8nohom_iI_h `saloon he . _.. __r a ..... nttutett hy l (`l.6 mcumuuu, the well-known Snohominh saloon Itch er and vt-ietry mu.n. At. Louaq tow . above Dawson, there are four more. It is from the house town saloons ttun; the whiskey stories come from. Their whis- key, it in add, is made from nlco_hc-3| and brown sugar. With every stun plmved on thcvbu A whim; broom In trlnced Ire- nldo it. A_ Sgnttle mu wu tolling tha story 0! his but drink to I uw Ir ends yesterday. and In tho noun V0! the ntory `ox lninod the no of the whisk broom. 11 hi: calling for palm or whiskey the \s~h'lnk broom wan hnndod to him IA to other: In` thoglpr. Not within to allow Mo on no wait- ed untl the ot I'I llnh . M- ..- nlnnnlnl the l.xhu'c_thIy t o_vor WHISKEY IN THE KLONDIKE. FORMERLY RICHMOND & 00.. I "W u-~- -~ _ *'--=-`"'- :'.::.*.::'...'.:'.:.....;".'.';'::....': "-""""" D0155. In IVBII \lUll|lIlI and Antique Oak Finish. onl $18.50. Boat Chairs. On-amen`: one Betti. Cam Ooh and Stools. Pillovu. Msttrul ,nnd antle Beds at great roduotionu. - -~ A-- -A-_. In_..-I.|.A--3 F`. NlSBET S GHEATEEAHING sun OF FURNITURE JULY AND Auaum h K ` Ilu Kin Welte 010.000 from It; Je - earn rer Breech or Pronlee. Weterlown, N.Y. Standard. - A eomewhat eenlat onel breech or pro- mise action has bee oommenoed by a. young lady named Kerr. elchteen year: of a%e. who llvee at Lee. Onelde county. She rlnge the action through her guer- dlan ed llteln. Bert Johneon. of Lee. against Szrnual J. Johneon, o aeron- t --tour Y on. of Albert Lee. inn. The n ntltt all ee that ehe war on- gage to merry r. Johneou end the 0 made improper propoenle to her whlch ehe lndlgnuntly rejected end that there_upon be refused to our: out hle promnee of marriage. The dunno: to tllxe 3;`oun.ll:t(lNyK`)e cart and bend are p ace n , . Mr. Johneon. on the other hand` claims than he never met the plelntlf untll heceme out this Iumlner to I00 hle nephew. squire Johneon or Lee. The mung hf!) hed been bro ht up in the umll ' o the latter. end '13 detentlans met _ or there. He nllecee that their rulnhonn were `entirely friendly. but denies that there wee my thought of man-rinse between them. or that he ever mmleoher any Proposal. He aleo denlee the charged o improper ndvenoee 3: III! pert. He in now In Rome ehd l \ elven 08.000 ln bell. under can order of l nrreet. bel e non-reeldent ot the . mate, to do end hlmeelf on the trial. Haynes. Seerlu &. .~ lee ere ettorneye for the plaintiff. an `Hon. 1. J. Evenl ; hue heen relolned on the other elde. Mr. Johnson la as widower end hereon- . eulereble property. . , . uni " '66 '.:.'.a'.,; 1 Inrrol this naming. In Cronin Antllli `` until MI. E lIII"II g Ill! IWT 3"` I In twenty-no duyl. A 5 II VI A I Nod ill 2:: n.:.'.:... nnngilnx 'II;Vi from Ann In nnuu August Inna. In oo ha pm up all n on. Winn will nod! to tho qnutlon bull; and by dais-undoouuunumnndnonnncoolo -. -`A In gluon, ugh: than out snug. ;Tnm`a?rwms| uyulnglvon. . We hue just received a culoed of theee from I factory needing money. We got up-o et ounowu muons. endwhiio they lost will give you the `ednnlqe. Our interest: ere mutual. Yours. cwyu wt--- ---_'- :.nuruun!lu.\uInadnbA`|hnr ' l.InC.@ll.Iiq _ jj -__. en: la no.1}: as 14. 'IIICI' -IIII Ti 9'0 not 0! our ulvuncul lllun cull . on Saturday. and truly um! I M. nmnlnn. In tnntmno duo. flour lull 001:; Up- _. -1 1...- -A..._..J IQ BTION and II$ II-I' -6-`. _;hllud;lphh Times. `I t d l = n non In m our our ova. - $3.. 1' A`: not .51: to-nxlht. '-'.l'h}'e":-$n ii my heart. dear love. 1 at I this not am; to-night. Tatum` thoughts. like storm-driven To then would take their flight; Qw bltterueee of my longln Id weerily beet end than : Tfletch the night. wind no thee. love. It A bopeleu, pitiful nob. For out 0! the lowering derkneae. . 'Ret`hen|:uv`rith the euliuneir Esau` one eon; 04: 3 ave. 3:: at one teadeq refnln; I love yam end ell the npeoe. love. _ under: an In epert. Ienleh thy hoe. love. - ; thiclh at thee. from my bout. " II\O_w0ul1I III! in find thee! 5, their veer llght. " _ eheveqdu X .. eedper It: * }`lESTAMEINiTS--xo cent: up- wards. POCKET BI.BLES-25 cents. w_:l;.AitG1-: TYPE` BIBLES-4o mmuson co. LIIIIAOQIOG. |_ k _.-l_l4 .SidehuaIds Bedmom Suites.` Some special I Snaps. AND `n buyun'oxcm-lions at ugh hruhto ctpotropon from all points in Oqnndn. II in. uunlora. concluded, that hun- ddl qhnrolnnu dob; buainou in on- L-. -......:-n- 1.40.:-Ann vrm-mm nnd . ; WAKIUP. TORONTO. The 'l.'omnIo Bar has undo _| diooovory. Ihloto Ghotlootthut the dry goods non of Manual have undo an unngoniont with an Grand Trunk nil oompmy ,to ' '~-~~' --A---I--m -6 n nnln .111 to UIUI-U QB wv`-- ---,,-- nirlo, ooopooloy bobwoon Toronto sud noun-ca. will )3 mama by um. chap, trips and do this "buying in loimgsl. Thin. any: the am. "In a blow to'1'oronto oommroo. Jud unlou ogr wholonlon bo- _ _ _!II I.- .....- -n-hung 9 If` ` sud unless mgr wholsssl stir bhunsslvss viii ho vary ssrioos." It sddodohst tho hunks. tho wholsuio and othor houses. no not opon soon snough. Thou hss to ho s ohsngo in either respect. in tho opinion of the Star, "sndths secon- nodotion oi customs:-s should he hope more strictly in mind than is nsusl with no. It is surprising that than Toronto people should he quiz-distanced by the Man- bronlprs. ` but between the business men of tho two places than is s . -_|__| _sza....... ML; 'l`no-nnlin mu.- I'll!!! 0! Hill Inn: Plnuvu -.--- very decided dilerenee. The ;roronet;|I:eh- ere ell cells; they heve`n t time to net). The Montreel men ere ell eotlon: they haven't. Mme to hells. But. in the queen city. which, U the Sher`: on-itioiem be wholly ee- oepted. ehould be called the eleepy city, there promieee to be e greet Iheking up of .L_ .1-.. 1...... mm. ulmlgnle honeee end pmmm. W D. I KIWI: In-nun` my V. tho dry bonus. The wholoulo _houIoo the bmh. lit. the hotels, will be A--- -u ..:..|.o.. Hm drum- O Dlllll. III! IIIII uuwu-, u... _- nmn_ on night; the drum- : I 1 niere, increaeed in number, will board the traina at outlying etatlone, rogue the paeeengere from their olumhern and cnnvau then (or bueineeagthe more impressionable oi the traveller: will be de- corated with button-hole bouquet: and sprinkled with eau de colognefliveried foot- men and rig: will meet them at the depot and rush them of!` to the warehouses; here they will breahfut and buy goodl at the lame time: the banks agents will be on hand to cash their draft: or give them discounts; apecial mum will he run for their convenie3nce;and the evidence generally afforded that "Toronto in do greatest place on top of do earth." For thepreuent. however. it ie a satisfaction to know that the city which in lo graeping in it: tendenciea has been --3----- O Inna:-on HI Mnntfli II W III III FUIIIIUIIUI: up. ....... given e leeeon by Montreal the meaning of genuine enterprise. Tstibstitution YOUNG TORIES IN REVOLT. Mr. MOLOIII. of the Toronto World, has broken one in e new pleoe. Things ere. eooox-ding to him, moving rapidly uow-e- deys, end he thinke in well to make e eur- vey of the elbuetion. The oonservetive perky le deolered to be sound in its principles. but "meny 0! its leeders ere wrong. end never so die- eredloed. They went eetrey on the Meni- eobe eohool question. dieoxedited themselves In regegd to in, end "neglected everything else." Mr. Mobeen you on : ..-en- -_|.. Llnlnan Alan than Ahtnmnlhad || OIQ." Ml`. nluuxu `Vin Ian . The only bhlng elee they Attempted wee I revieion oi ch. bull!` in each u we`y shut it wee e Inomenbuy oonleeelon ol went: of condence in the netionel policy. They eelked e greet deel ebouu eloeer trade with the mother country, and of e Cmedinn policy on egelnet. the hostile legislation ol aha Beebe. but they did little beyond hold- egeinet the noetue ueguueuuu ul the Btete. the ing the Ottewe nterooloniei conference. They hedn't the oourege to mekeeetreight offer for preferentiel trede. end they would herelp luten to the little bend of young ' ooneervetivee in the honee who edvooeted en export duty on eewlogl. pul wood. etc. The reenlt wee thet the perty out ite con- trol of the oountr through the blunder- inge end qnerre e of the leedere, end through their feilure to etrihe out in the direction of oetionel policy on newer end wider Iinee. And ell thin time the prlnoiplee of the perty end the heert oi the not end le o the ooneervetivee were both of the ronndeet. AI for the leedeu were the oeuee of the dieeeter. they ere to-dey dieoreditad in every querter, end they ere dieep ring forever from the uhlio etege. ot e tingle minieter from nterio. et the time of the fell in June. B00. will ever come to the front egein. There ie nothing but eheolute retirement for them. But ee for the netionel xpolieyz preferential trede with Englend, e thorough Cenedien policy. ee egeinet the United Stetee, e -ijomee effort to eolve the treneportetion problem. the conserve the perty is eminently on the right treok. In e word. the coneervetive perty hen onlv to etiok to ite prinoiplee. reetete them with teeter vi 1- then ever. and get rid of it: ieoredi leedere. Newer end lerger men '0. will eoon oometothe front. ...... .. .,. . an... ....e .0 eel]: hen hngn Will Illm uulnuvuuuu um... Willthoyt Thou oath of um: Mo boon hoordhotoro. Iowolhou-d Ipoforo and ol- urlhohoooloctiono. Ilwoohoord wbon tho oonoorvouvro potty ouoyod to go! to- gobhor. tho Irogmonto of it, whoa tho Lao:-for pony had gono through It in Juno. 1800. It won bond ovon Imr. obounho than than ooumono oooomblod rfonholunino. bofoaollwuolou who ' ~- -'A- -I --A-1- ..n.ul.ln;Inngndgn}_g YCIDOIOIIIIIIII, uuvwu w......... ..._- tho poduonof oorhln qua!-lndopondonu would II. 1! van supposed to it bcltdlorbholubhinqwhon. Dion Ibo dopusun for Bnglnndol tho ' and land: at tho puny. then was 5 mm- lurohholdguvd to Iiuhlppmiso.t.o Iuonuhir panacea. phdguhdr Idiglnmothc and aounmangmu pun. loI\.itnoMll.Gholncoood|nb|II -.___._A l..I_JI- II: hid _ nu IINIIII. I-0----c -=- -'----~ no unnnwkwu burial. `l'ho_|Ii|IO of F... and and acid by all no- `XII `IIK|llZ]III`UuIIuu-v-uvu-w Win It. Ielau qyu shunning:-It pulyhdvcqnuiludgnlunn Io Iuslvqyouusdluuwlzlnld ul- npupqvuilululnlultntlnh i as unplug may in wit. `-I-ll 1-; j H! .-A-L no other. tnugunoo dad out-ru`P- Th Hr` Mnlock. u pa-taut-r-800-NJ-_ 5" W doi his but to sonnet the poshofvt _ .1 :g. Aglgnhn and than I't' {.... .. < . '||.lllI,w-can--v ---.-7----~.. "o:n.a.uW.,.ndehopezoy: he not wiped mi til! unlit!!! Policy, el- eogeehet. but no pets) ie."loein the con- ldenoeofhthefoonnhry by the iooiieh pro- . lenione ol Sir Wilfrid Lem-ier." Moreover. `loll:-. lleLeen e opinion, Sir Wilfrid ie non etebeeman, end hie hit in England dnnhlonndedbord Sellebnxy, the Duke -of Devonehire. end lli-. -Chemhetlein, He einned when he eeid Cenede did not wens eny pa-eletenoe in trede._p he provided by hull elnkerlng. but by eo doing he voiced _ the eentirnente ol the people of Oenede. Therewee no hope of goong what Mr. Mebeen hee deolered for. end there i_e no evidence um Lord Beliehury end Mr. Ohemberlein were ebonb to epeek in its fevonr. but there ie evidence. the record of prelerenoiel nu-ilfe in thy peel, them the n.:.... .... mm hnnnntlbl end not work- bhin; _ - LI- IDIO. Q The exhibit of the World in magnicent in thet it lndicatee the rebellion that in going on in the conservetive petty. und e rebellion thnt in gradnelly. but surely, die- ruptlng t. It is signicant. too. on the event e rovlnciel election. in which the discredit- And repudintod loedere are expected to beer e hand. If they are to be cub-o` the sooner they know it. the better. If the young men ere to rule it : pretty nee: time obey showed themeelvee. -_._. . _ . ... 1111 _1:_ ;vn-V, -._- .. -.. .7, _ W. 0. Mu'n'.T. of Smkvillo, N.B.. dia- miued from the pout oice for uotivo par- tiunuhlp, write: to the prom in glorica- ' L dhiu n-by. The Mon- . .|,x_|_ L -......n p uuu: -ovlI T.-- -,,, trul Gazette doc: not. think 3 ogovem- menu will make many votes by turning such men who! oloo. It oertninly would not have mudo any votes by keeping him in 011109. ~ .1 .L - I_--I III Uluuvo _.._._._.__._. A story comes from Calgary em I local editor bu been sindlod out of 811,000 on It gold brick deal. There in an element of uncertainty about) it. The amount in too large for tho man who in said to have own edit. _" ` " ' I '7 K . . _ . . on vuuve Nicholss Flood Davin, having been sus- tained in his seat. has resumed the practice of his vocal chords for the next: session of the commons. Whether there will be nny change in his music is another question. v,,,_ J. Lookie Wileon, I piller in pets-oniem. we: in the city. He "made many enquirieo shout Frontenac. which indicate: that he hue some concern as to whether it will re- main true to Hnyoock end Regen. Whoul: 81 but-hol in Chicago on Satur- dcy. Will the price hold out? Some think no. Other: do nob. Perhsps in this there in an nrgumonb in favour of only deliver- no` .3: " ' cc! imitatimis 5*!!! lung Color Wrapper. H Iuvvunuxuu V. -,,......---__-, Detroit. Fr Pun. "Our bypovn-fur girl is uvfully clover; she can than-pen loud pouoiln. "Pooh! Ouu can but that. She has vo clerk: in the ooe dying to sharpen them Can Man " OIOYII In 0| for her." VIIIIIAII winun an-nu-V. ________. Cornwall Freeholder. Kingston in really making up at last and in now talking ol 1 big summer hotel. The limestone city should heve 3 good hotel. and its natural edvnnte ee would noon at- treot many tourists. if t ere was e really good place for them to atop es. Aohuni of Wlndoln-`from cape Vlnoent. Oepe Vincent le. It latobedou ted about 3 man being reedy for heeven. although he may profuse to be I Christian and heve hie name u n the church book, it he owes the butc er. the baker. the druggiat, or even the saloon keofgzr for the beer and whiakey he drank be I he experienced this change of hnnrll," Boston Trevellet. Old Mre. Kelley entered the perlor un- expectedly. and spoiled u very nice Mb- leeu. "I wee just whiepeng eeecreh in cousin Jennie`: our. exclaimed J immle. III -m nu-I-I, Jllnl." H10 Old lldy IIII-II -pp-u nm Mm Kaila` exclaimed Jimmie. "I em sorry. Junes." said the ledy gravely. shut your eyesight: he: become no had met you minute Jennie e mouth hut `nun ALI," I0 nun Duty ,1 for her our." .__._._____._.- Wm , ggygnrming doom : pay? Gene-lleu F`:-eemen. Kingnon um retains ite position ee e me: of eminent men. J udge McGuire. of Prlnoe Albert. he: been selected by the government. u Aleeke'e reh judge, end e court for the edminieernuon of civil and criminel jueeioe will eh once he oeubllehod in the Yukon dietriob. With thouennde rushing to the Klondike gold region. legal buaineee in :3: M ha hrlek Qnr the non few yeere. o Klondllo gold region, wgu uuemuuu .. .37.. to ho brisk for the years. bum ulootion oould have been undo Juaioo |(oGuiro in young nnd ucbivo. on- dowod with An uhnndonoo of hp! and [on- ohl knowlodgo. and in an honor nos only on his native city of Kingston, but to the dominion oi Oooodou well. In acceding to tho roquoob of Hon. Mr. Sifkon to nooopo the position, tho jndgo has certainly noricod homo oom- tom lot hlo country : benet. Alain. h~ouullooooonb.hd nonooplouun I plan: to Inside. Thou?` the chute for gold will inonuotho popu Mon by thousands nod louontho pcoof food. lihon the Kloodiho will to hooped with Anxiety for can \imo. Eovnvor. is loan honor to ho Iholm judged as nowooonltyond tho luunn ooogntuluou our Iownonon on Ihodbuoodon. whiohwill ho oototodon r .5...-M h|nn(}nnnllhlII!. I 9 FAMILY BIBI_.ES-81.5o. Ilodbuuclou. Vlllol will no unwr-. Ilo pups oi have Gandhi Ihtoq. , __ -._ .,__ HOV. I. 11. Hanna... wu Ohlouco. We had tbs phnuro ol 3 all from Row. Jinn App|llIng-8hortI|3I:todnou. _-A-.. 'l---AII-- Would loan ARI-not Tourists. _- II ll_.-|.-IA-- Olovorneu 0! 1`ypowrIton.. . I_-A 6-`;- ._-._ PR E-S8 COMMENTS. ! Illllu In my pun, vu-v ...- nob Iooophblq work- .__.:?j_..-__ [ho Yukon : Ilnl. Judge. K Is : en.-5, To oeapeu'louI_a IeIp "Wllltlueuot.lon olenelentorlnthe Montreal tnrontpartnlon oompenfdumege the Mooen elevator?" won the question uked of a leading ruin dealer. ` Notoo ion; nt 1- It will been old to the Macon elevator. II `the I. '1`. G0. done not bulld on elevator here it will either move elsewhere or do u lb has been _ dol . lnndle port of its boeinele at Pre- ` cot _nd Ogdenuborg and don little here.` A If the` city gt-um" 835.000 the .oom-`- puny will do I in buineel here. What will talnb meen? That the 500,000 buolael elevator and one on of owing elevston may not be eble to handle all the voeeele reporting. With almost; two mll|ion`buehele' oepncitay eh Prescott and Ogdenabur , n glut in loc- uninnnllv muxuul than. he an-sin H10 VVIUII IIIIJIRI Ilvnl. uuulvn --..~_--- Prescott I .15`; `ii .05- ouionally csusod chore. gain nnmnnnv could not: handle would nstunlly cuxsod than. The guun Wu company could not handle bosons to Mooeru elevator nthor than lnvo domnn-age ukod. Thin would be I noneh to the Mooora qonoern. "B9t._wnnldn b Mooern-got it anyway it ,, ,L_._CII Owen to me uooern qmuar-._. ` But wnuldn It ` . '1`. Ind elevator? mtsplam-n::.'il.`.:n v\'r`1?.u the comm! the M. '1`. company out no elcvuwrz "I.don b think I0. What compcny could noo handle here, under cxiIbingcu'cm- ctcnccmvould go to Prcsccbv. for storage. The Moocn concern mono mnkcita own busi- nccs. ltz hn-nt leach ih in Itcbcd-tiuc wcctam connections. _a.n_d of course will -I - __L-._ Time got Pun Ilood *. ~ -~i [by aging I.I.B. Nocrher reinedynroasesses such pet- fact ing, he in Ind Eurifymg not only cleanses internally, but it ly, all `Belles applied external Inna: nlcerl. abscesses. scrofuloqs sores, Mooerl concern mun manna uwu .......- h` note. d; connections. and 0 have the grain of the dealers they cater for to handle. I-hope they may get lote ol it. 0" If there were no foxwerdin eompeniee herethey would have to toe their own 9. trade. This they must do new for the Km I4 sent forwarding concerns are Ieekingt elr ca own benet nmlwillonly usetheMooeucon- 1` corn for convenience. With all the business` "- done here and with 0 second elevator eon- h trolled by the M. '1`. Co. I oan see only ad- 1` ventage for the Mooere elevator. _Both elevators will have their own bueineu to conduct; one would not xeceive it all. Both ettraetin trade mutual advnntagoa 0 ` . ' , is that! a hope to see the citizens give the . 6. ' the bonus the council oflene. I supported :1 AI... llnnnra hnnnl and I be ; C I: I] I. the council onon. 1 luppuru-zu - the Mooere bonus and I think it. _wiil the host thing for us to have a second ele- vntor reared within night. of the firm." Ilovomonu or crarinm Ply the men In- ' ' land Ben. The tug Hull cleared from the MIT.` Co : dock to day, with three grain-laden bugoe, for Montrpnl. I Thn M. '1`. mmmnwa tug Thompson ar- 1 Montrpnl. . The M. T. company's tug ` rived in.Ihia morning from Montreal with ` three barges, light. rmm nmmar Glemmrrv cleared for Fort. _. light. , The nbeemer Glengnrry William today with "her consorbs, the Dam I more and the Selkirk. The steamer Gleegsrry arrived on the M. '1`. com ny s wharf -today with five barges, lig uh. from Montreal. The stesmer Topeka brought 53,000 bushel: of corn to the `MT. Co : wharf here. to`-ay, from Toledo. 0. The tug Thompson oleurod today for Oswego. N.\'.. with two barges light, to load coal for the M.T.. company. -- I Wllllnu Unnuu : vyvn .. Pom` D1u.nousur.. Ont.. August 21.- Puned down : Steamer Topeka, Toledo to Kingston, corn; ammo: Cuba. Toledo to Montreal, general oargo;at.oAmor Seguin, Chicago to Pxooooth. whose; schooner A. L!) Andrews. Detroit to Ogdennburg. VI ant. mm. nmmnmc. Ont... Aunuab 212`-_ wheat. Pom Oomonmc, Ont... August: QLQJ Pnuod down : Steamers Seguin. Chiugo to Preooozt, Cuba. Toledo to Montreal. eneral cargo; Juno. Silver Wotor to miltoo. wood: Tooumuh und barges. Avhland to Collin: Buy. timber; C. H. Greemund barges. Chicago to Hamilton and Poott, iron ore. Pom Gouaomu, Ont.. Auguut 22.--Ar- rived down: Steamer W. P. Kotchnm. Chicago to Prescott, corn; stenm yacht Alooy no. Aahtobulo to Sc. Luvxonco river. ._,.___ n were Ohm-god mu: nob. ry of Euro Boxes "Willinm, ulian Chrictio" Ormnn and his a n, Orr \ Orman, were chargod in the poll "abut-b in morning with having at- tom ' ouxmib mm at. the car hum: of 31a Kingston. Portsmouth & Cataroqui street railway commny. Both prisoner!` pleaded "not guilty" vary ornphoally. William Aubin was tho` nt. witness Ormul And pleaded not guilty" very utupl -u.u..._,. William the (int. called. Hole employed at the street car borne. and sew Ome Ormnn trying to open the who between ten end fteen min- ` utee peel: one Sunday morning. The key` wouldn't work. and prisoner went. to the vice and ied at the key for' some minutes. _ Then hie tether` entered end said something ebout greeee. The onng man went out. then. The outei e doore were locked. Witness our the elder prlaoner unlock the door of the safe and bake out fore-box No. `)2. He turned it. upside down. on though he were trying to shake money out. end ` bhen witness eccoeted him. Prisoner had a returned the bi to the left: before he saw _:....... vri...-.. mu monov in the box. but roturnodt.h6b6iwmolu1u_nuoroneu-aw -A . `"0 .t In K_, witneaa. There was money in An."(3ed nth ahe9dm:_cri` or3`r.Irl|`nl|'l|`;in'(;htiin::)n.'bo'-:1? mid and K WM gum oh" tn won that they had no intention of noni- ing. Tho fnther uid he found the toy in_ the yard 01 U10 born. They not together the and won Inoroly tr ing to see if it `Ithout. a the would opon the nafo~ oor. The younger I An` neither could tol denied that ho ied any key on nho.WhM way the other un iatnto ..;_.,,._n ........4 M. dmioion _ New Presbyterian

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