mound U1 Qua rocurn. -up--_.____% |"'MY SISTER 112mm." [Jinan it'ghm u will no "nu-Mount." H II! '9' W !!! 1| 1009' an Indo us. pnihlnc pomp. who _._-L_ nu.` -an A IAIIJIIAI W11` DILVIIIOII `nu Iuuursug. _ Henrietta Ronan was born at Treguier In 1811. Her life was early saddened and tilled with stern duties. "She never knew other joys." writes her brother, than those bestowed by virtue and affection." She inherited her melancholy disposition from her father, who, though a sailor, had none of the jolly tar in his composi- tion. Her mother was the lively one of the family, and retained her gay spirits even in her vigorous o d age. Her father inherited money hm-,' aving no faoulty for keeping it. his family found them selves penniless at his death. lt was then that Henrietta threw herself into the breach. Her education was limited in certain directions. She did not go in for `the higher mathematics. but shollwas taught music and languages by the nuns and became quite proficient in Latin. A young girl, a member of an impoverished noble family. who had been educated in ltngiand, taught her other branches, and hy this means. and with a remarkable mind as the foundation stone. she soon became the best-informed woman in the province where she lived. She was pre- vented by dire poverty from giving much of her time to study. She resolved." says her brother. to accept the struggle of life. and single~handed took up the task of filling the yawning gulf which our father's ill-fortune had dog at our feet. The manual labor of one poor girl was wholly unequal to the work. The career which she embraced was the most oruel of all. It was decided that we should return to Treguier. and that she should assume the onion of a teacher. Of all positions which a well educated per- son without money can possibly choose the education of women in a small provincial town is undeniably that which demands most `courage. This was the period after thorevolution of 1880." 4 Her school was not successful. and she was obliged to give it up. She then determined to drain the bitter cup to itsdrogs (1835). A friend of our family who about this time visited Paris mentioned to her a position as an under teacher in a small school for nirls. The poor oreature accepted. she set forth at the age of 94. without a pro- moter or an adviser. for a world of which she knew absolutely nothing.and where a cruel apprenticeship awaited her. mu... ....1- mm. in Paris were her- (`IIIOI npprenuoesmp uwnlwu nus`. "'I{er easly days in Paris were M rihie. The! world of coldness, rigidity. and ohsrelntenism, that desert where she lied not e single friend, drove her-to de- , spair. The income love which we Bre- i tons fuel for our native land, our customs, and our family life, awoke in her with the sharpest koanness. Lost in an ooeen where her modesty caused her to be over- looked. prevented by her extreme reserve from forming those friendly relations which oonsole end sustain when they are of no other aid. she became a prey to a profound homesicknoss which effected hor seriously . . . Lime by little. how- ever. she was appreciated. She was put in charge of II sohool,a very respectable one this time, but. the obstacles which she mot. in twins to carry out her views nmidst. the petty miseries insepersbia from private institutions. slways kept up by their proprietors for the sake of triing advantages. prevented her from over nding much pleasure in this form or touching. She worked sixteen hours A dsy." n-_u.._ _..-.- II. has: amount` IHAII at noun I GI]. Feellna euro! 0! hg__r_ ground when at any former time, the aunt for her brother 'to joIn her In Perlenvhloh he did In 1838. He won then only Ibyenn ofngo. All I of his edncmlon had been renewed at the hand: of prloeu and bl: Inollnntlone Vworo devldodly olorlonl. Ilom-Iona wee prnud of Mn olovernou. but dleturbed by me oleoel Ieenlng. for ehe wan Already beglnnlng to waver In the ma: of her nnmetore. Her work In Pu-II resulted In eovornl eovuro Illnoseen, end at the and of the years the accepted the poeltlon of covcrnosslna noble family. The posi- tion proved a pleasant one end her work and chu-eater were nlnoerely Qppncletetd. u... nnmnl nn Intenetlnn ehnntlr. not ` nnu CllIl'IUIVI' WUIV lquuvnuly y|uvvI--vnm Huo comet an lnluutlna ohnptor. only bovauno of what! Is an 0! the utter. but for tho his 0! autobiography In It. ..n . .. A_n_n a_I_I.. __I---`In IIAI UIIB nu" IIIU nu u. -v--v....v....,.., .-- - "I left Saint Sninioo Eeminu-yin isu. . Thank: to `tho lihtl-cl and earnest Ipll which ruled over that institution. Lau- xlod my phllologlc utndles vary far; my religion: opmiqns warn atly shaken thomuby. Hon again Bonriotta mu my support. She had onfptrippogi mo in this pull ; he Catholic hoilob had wholly din- uppuu-ed; but IIO hnd niwnyl nfnlnui {mm exerting any Iuilunoo om no upon this Inhjaci. When I told her of the vdonhtn which tormented mound which made It my duty to abandon a other In which nboolnto faith was nqullilo, tho - ._- 4__L-..n`J . -_J AC-ad In ntnnnh ILA Whit`! HDWIUK IIIDII W1 Ivqul-luv, out wcc unclumtcd. and olcrci In smooth thc dmlcnll pccccgc I cutout! upon II! ccuoc us yccrc of an oldlnoho Inlccncunnos-la. nalnbnt at no vrocld, cc any on could puchlbly In I was not cut: c Bcohclot 6! Ann. I: rm and that I should ccuch the bonding- cuhcolc ct Pcrlc tor cumc position which would nncn no. cc tho clcndthnco Ic- Hill In. vopld 3190 Inc bond and bulging wlthocl slag. In tho unc tluc Ichvtng III chlndcm Ilnc tot Iadcpchicnl duly. 'rv`vcIvc hcnclrcul hue: which chc pvc mo dncblul no to wnlthudtonpplcucm all the Icllotcwdcc which nah A position -03 man. u I'L.... n can 0..-... nnaanmnnu-um-I1 Thus [J60 francs were Ihooornontolo at my um 1 non: ubsnuetl than: has Il.oy pm In no my-nlclb tranquility st and to think so u: can and undo-It uultannryuvnouoovcbnuda -tall . . If JIANNETTI I4. Glhhlln ._`;` 2 . =. ,- J; - eaxg,x,4.- mt.- A T _| _ . T9. FEIDAY. %snprrmwn:n_ ,3. ,1 1 Arm nigh wn down under f 0I_i`I at and wu-k,_ `and it * than decided ahe enould come to Pail ind there mate` a hoinc with her ".'.l`hen begun (or up those delightful years, the mere gunnery of which hrlnu tears to my eyee.. We took a email apartment in a garden infer Val de Grace. our eoiltude wee ab- eelnte. She had no friend: and made lit- hleho to acquire-any. Our windcwe `idqgga out upon the cation of the Car- ineiitee in the Rue d'Enter. The life of tlioeevreoiune. _du`ri np the lonmhoure I which I epent at the library. in some eort regulated her existence and afforded her only eoureeot amnaemont. Her respect me, ecarcelr breath n3 for tear of `inter- rupting me; yet could not bearme cut of her eight, an the door between our two bedrooml` "wee always open. Her love wae I0 dlicreet and lo eecure that the 9 eecret communion of our thoughts wee enough for her. She, naturally eo exact- ing, I0 jealous in her aection, ,waI con- tent with a law rninntce out of the day provided ehe was cure the alone was loved. By her rigid economy she provided for `Ah-ahith eingularly limited reeourcee. a home where nothing wee ever lacking. nay, which had in auetere charm." liiilc. Renan was no mere houeewitc. She will " her brother : intellectual companion and advieer. Her share in the direction of my ideas, he wrote. (`was thus a very large one. She was 5 matchleee secretary to me; aha copied all my works and grasped them so fully that I could depend upon her an upon a living index of my own thought. I am innitely indebted to her in the matter of literary etylo. She read the prooia of everything Iwrcte. and her acute criticism. with intinite keen- noel, dilcovered errcra which I had not observed. She hnd acquired an excellent mode of writing. wholly taken from an- | tlque sources, and ac pure, so precieo, that I think no re aince the day: of Port` Royal ever set up an ideel oi diction more perfectly correct. This made her very ` revere. She accepted very low modern writerl, and when ehe saw the ceeaye which I wrote before our reunion. and which I had not been able to send her in Poland. she was only half eutlled with them. . . She convinced me that one may any anything and everything in the eiuiple. correct style of good authors. and that new expressions: or violent images nlwaye proceed either irom improper 1 uilectnticn or from ignorance of our genuine richca. Hence. a great change in my mode of writing dates from my reunion with her. Iacqulred the habit of composing with a View to her romnrke, risking many tcuchel to see what oilcct they would produce on her, and determin- ed to enorloe them if she asked me to do to. Thin nfental process. when she coated toflivo. became to me like the painful feeling of one who has been amputated, who continually note with a View to the lost limb." II__...n_aL_ -....... .. l......I-I-us -e..-..-. 511;` IUIIII Ianu u Henrietta was a feminine woman. not- withstanding her maeouiine intellect. She was a wonhiper of miefortzune." lllyn her brother; the hailed, almost cultivated, every excuse (or town." In spite of an ugly birnhmark she had in her youth much charm; her "eye: were wonderfully soft, her hand was the most exquisite and graceful conceivable." At 'thia time she was not without. oan of marriage, but she declined them, preter- rlng poverty with her family to luxury without it. nuI....--|. _L.. ..-......1 11....-- 5.. -...--..n "I|IIUI.IIl Ill. ' Although the urged Ronnn to marry, she was very much cut up when he incid- od to do an. Sim wished to yield to ma dosiro, but she had not the power to comply. "At last." write: her broth:-r,i wan compelled to put an and to this ornol uncertainty. Forced to glmona hotwoon two ailootlon.-1,! mm-llioed all to thd mm at older limo. to the one which I0(\llIl`(l must liko duty. I inl'm-mull Mina Sahollur that I could nnvor am her again unless my dour slstms honrt ceased to bin-ui. This was in the evening I went ltomoaucl told my sister what i haul done. A violent revolution took plaoo within hm-; shn rolt crnui n*mor.~`o at having pruvonimi I union dmm-ml hy mo pml highly nppn. la- tmi by her. Na-xt nmrnlng. vary om ly. aha hastened to Mr. ;~chuffel-`s hoqao; aha spent several hours with my hoiruthod; thny wapt tomit-hot; they parted clitor- fnlly. umi frlomla." Iv_.__|,,-n.. ..-...I.......| On "-Q u-Mk Mun Illlll. uuu I runnlu. Hon:-lotto continued to Ilvo with he! brother otter hln mm-rlngo and accom- panied Mm to tho Holy Land. wluu-o uho oontrnutod l| {Mal lljnms and dim] Ienvlm: him alone nnd hm:-t broken. This tribute to her nunnory to n mnu one and II doom an-dll 10 (ha distinguished plnlooophur that he not. only npproclntml all that hln ulnar hml done for him. but that he was nnxlouato acknowledge It 90 mo world. (I . nu...` .... .. ,. .,- .- -..__ . Th:-rel.-us certain juago In one of the higher courts of this lby who rmlwt )rhleslIlnuself on Ms knowledge ut the {mm The otlnerxlny he was collsptfllod to listen ton case must. had been appealed from oueof the police courts. The young mcmioner who nppeutod for tho_ appal- Esut. was Lona am! tedious: he btouxm in- MI of the elemow tars` text. books and quot.- ed the fundnmc-um\| {$1-oposltlons of law. At In-r Ilxn hulrrn I Inllllhf. it WI] lllh N) 011 Ill!` lllll(l||nI'lIH\I Yrupumuullu U! 111'. Av. last the judge t nought. it was time to * make an effort to close the argument. D... .-.. um nnllnll " ho nnhl nnmnnnn. law nsell." 'l`hM.`u/the very mlsutkn I made In Vtho other cpurt. answered tho young omtor. undl don't. wnn`n to let It. defeat me twice.` Motion don1ed.-Nc\v York Re- eonlor. they Agngd. _ -303 pm-don. sir. but I have non not days than this. . DnnnnI|\v-n HAVA 1- II Clnlf `I ' ' Allen! 0% wbolonlo u.,`531``"5euaa ;':a man u, .u draught: And nlnotli kll. noyani1gi:sta1ashIps 'LI"vaaPoo ' A L Sanvica or `frosty tun` Ixpu-Icuooiblli what I Ilnnllc Inll: I '3 Inn In loo: to In In: clout. ' mail. In mm; cm: I Luv. been 1 I.a{u' Inn for ma put hunt: you us! I am ploun-lhnulhntortbouuu pug; nun!-er o! my uni lo-Its how 1 W0 mun lulu nu! hi u-nun-can Iuwon rut. coal ii! I-cannons! It make enort to CIORE we argument. Can we not zwsunxe." [to salt! pomponv I) , that the court known I little about law itself." I-'I`|...gI./41.- nnvu -nlnfnin I mntln In Hun Inner days than Ulll. P|uuhy-8o have I. The weather In ho!-till. 5 by JIDCI B. Ielaou Illll III drucgma and gonad dunln. I umsi~uns_r_i A Young lawyer : Minute. . .. . \,,, ,__ 7 WHEREAS tho- Conpontion of the ' City of Kingston. on`the one t. and The Montreal Transportation ompany, M n... nlhnr mu-t. have entered into A By`-lawto iiy my of mu 1 on the credit otthe Debentures of t the Iltmtetpallty or the ct-y of Ktngston the sum or $35,000. and `to grant the same in am otf the erection ot :1 Grain Elevator in said City. ' _ ____ ._.,,.,., On Tuesday: Ion. Tronton. to be a. Qortlon, or tma ny-mw; And \\ home: it is e client to pass this By-Law and to an mit the same to the electors of the said Municipality to nuthorize the issue of debentures of said Mnniclpaiity to the amount of $35.- 000, for the p woes of uiding the erec- tion in said City of 11 Grain Elevator as particularly set forth in said agree- ment in Schedule A, hereunto annexed; And Whereas the amount of the debt to be created by this By-Law is 835,000. Anal \\-`harem: the total amount ro- be created by tms Hy-uuw us wou,uvv. And Whereas the quired to be raised. annually during the currency of said debt by a. special `rate on the rntenble property liable thereto for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is 82,578; And Whereas the amount of the whole nteuble property of the said ,Munici- pullty. being for the year 1897; is $7,- 57t),(`>()0; ` And Whereas the amount of the exist- ing debenture debt of'the said Muni- Icipulity is ss32,2217o.1oo. and no part nr Hm stunt`, or of the interest thereon The Transportation Uompany, on the other put, have entered the agreement set forth in Schedule A. hereto nnnexed, which shall be taken on In A: nnrlinn nf this Bv-law: nnnexed, wnlcg {nun us be Qortlon, of this By-law: it exped_i_en_t_ t< lcipulity is $U3'.'.,zz1lu-xuu. unu uu pan of the same or is in arreur; Be it therefore enacted by the Coun- `vil of the Corporation of the City of L'innulnI| ns fnllm-mt (`ll 01 the uorpunnuuu ux um uu, u. Kingston as follows: 1. It shall be lawful for the Mayor of the said Municipality for the purpose nfonesuid to niso by way of loan upon the credit. of the debentures hereinafter mentioned trom any person or persons. body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advance the some upon the credit of said debt-ntux:e.s. :1 sum of money not one ing in the whole ;the said su of 835,000. and to cuuse the same to be paid into the hands M the 'l`rc-insurer of said Municipality for \ I uu nun. .. ` sxnmeul-5 i);\idw in'lo the of the 'l`rt~usurer nu. nnrnrwgn nl'nru.ani(I_ the purpose uforesnid. 2. It, shall be lawful for the Mayor of the said City, for the purpose of mid loan, to cause uny number (if deben- lures to be made for such sums _of mop- ...- gm mnv Im mnnirad. and which Bald made for such 0: mon- ey us may be recxuired, and which debentures shnll )0 st-Med with the seal of the said Municipality. and ui nadby the Mayor and countersigned y the 'l`rea.surer thereof, and to ether shall not exceed the said sum 0 885,000. El 'l`lun nnill dnht. Of ahull `)0 of the 'l'rNIsurer on sum uforesnid. I `2. II. shall luwfu thereol, nun (0 euwr auuu .` i`i `~i`1.`.:`fi`.`:`. $a`5o?o" ;`. .`?.".'. 2. ":0 sun ) . ., payable in annual xnstalmeinta _wtttlttI`l; menty years front the day Ierelna (I mentioned f_0r_ this By-Ltmtv t"(_) ta'L`e e - feet at, the gftqe of th: sxltllfl stgl (Ligati- ` i I an . t V - lghtftll haveyatt.ached to them cou- pons for the payment of the interest thereon halt-yearly as hereinafter pro`; vided (w_hu:h coupons shall. he atgne by the stud Mayor). and sand Insttlillltlltlllt-8 shall he of_ such amounts. t 3' ,1 amount. _.(nllmg due In each year 0 ttt 0 mid penpd of t.\_ventyyearsslillnothtb we *.**:' t.2*:n'.:` year exceed the sun sum 0 t. . -l I. so that the aggregate amo_un PM! for larmctpal and nterest In any 3701` shat equal as nearly 119 may b0_10 what. |S payable T0!` Dl`|Cll"1l nd " terest. (luring each of the other years of said period. and the stud debentums uhn hn issI1mIn(`.(`0l'd|nllI.V~ of said period. auu Ina smu uuucubuuaa shall he issued ncvortlingly. 4. The said debentures shall be dal- ed on the day this Dy-Lnw takes ef- fect nnd slmll l)Gu.l' interest. M. the mm of four per cent. per annum from the (late thbrrof, \\'hich inlorostahnll he pay- uhla half-yozlrly. on the second day of January and July, in'o:ich yt-nr, M. the offive of the suit! City 'l`rc:isurer in the (`ity of Kingston. is. For the mum:-.nt4 of the said debt Kingston. 5. For payment. and the interest to lmoome due there- on. an annual sum of 82,578 shall he raised in each year of the said period of twent_v.y(~un4 by a special rate suf- ficient. therefore to be rai.-ml. levied. and collected ineach year of the said period of twenty `ears upon all the ra eahle property n the said Munici- pa ty. . It. This Dv-Law shall come ln tom} pnllty. 6. This B -Law form and take ef act on the second day of Jnnun_r`\`r. AJ). 1898. A Jnnunr . AJ). 1898. 7. T o vottm of the duly qualified electors of the mid Municipality shall be taken upon this By-Law on the 15th ll:|_V of Sqstumlx-r, 1897. counnenabua at the hour of nine u't~lot-k in the foreman. and cloning at lhu hour of five o'clock in t-lm utter- nuun 0|` the mums tiny M. llw tollmsiug rlau-an in the mid Municipality Inf tho` ( | illuwing Deputy lluturuing Ut unmolg-:- .\`i.-ah-nhnln 'nl`d-:\l Mrs. Sll"iVl||)`8 cent. Sydonlnun \\'nrd-At House, corner of (Euro and Wellington Streets. by Thoma; ML-`Adams. Deputy Returning Officer. nnnn-in \Vnrd.-At Ontario Hall. by uu -n |\ Andi; 'c.": in; Ogioer. ht, Lawn; Ilnmer. Doput` Returning umcer. Frontenac '9:-d.-At Gilbert Au- chin\`o|o'a Shop, corner Colborne and Clergy Streets. by \\'illia.m J. Suvuge. Dolguly Returning Officer. ideuu \\`qrd.-At. Mrs. Nicholson`: no University Av.-ep o. by June: ` uflckwood, Iloputfgloturning 0(- ` . cer. Victoria Ward.-At In. Re and`: House. Butte Street. by John Rat. tenbury. I)epnty- Raturnlng Otoor. 1 On the nth dav of Bontunlnr. A. Returning Officer. Omnrio \Vnrd.-At Andt C. McMu.hon. Deputy Return- nlnn I final-_ Y - .. -. - .. _. .. - - Duly luv! the Picturesque Buy . .~ . 3t"Qu1nu. I358`. [-056 iii hm lnnlnfn nnnantuh Rcturning Omcer. 8. On the 10th day of September. A. D. 1801 at the hour of eleven o'clock. In the foronoon. the layer 0! the aid (`.:|y elsl inttagl at thta oftoo of the Fly .r n Cityorle In-pom of appointing and dull L pognt in writing signed! by him. two ton tq attend at the final summing uglot the votes given for And acnlut t in By- law, and one pot-non to attend at each mu place on hohult o( the person: mutated in and dulrou of promot- Wiy the paint 0! IN; :1-Lav. Ind: Pun` N"? "4 desirous Y1 $35. .2. .....'.? um By-l.ow`.)pvrl:S:: FIIDO. Ill! IIIII IIIJII" uu -awn, nrphua. `.7 9. On the l_'Ith an of September. A. D. 1907. at the hour at two o`c|uoI In tho am-upon at his office in the City of Kingston the Clori of the and Hum- cipolity sln'Il um-ad And an up tho` nnnhof of votes given in nndflcuint the uy.1..w. | an 11.. annual hub uncut! __.. PABSED..,.........1897. cu--u- _ This indnanture, nmia fapligu am ' ` sixteenth 1141* of August, AD. 1 7, 1 be M BETWEEN dntrehl '1` ti V Qin- t'o Com . ot the that part and ` l n pmfon of `Ian- tue Cm-pora,t or the Cit ton. herelnaittor called the I-pox-`scion. of the second rt. - v ' . Whereas to Ultato tin tr porta- tion of grain from the want touas un- ho.-urd b wsy of the Gxgoat Lab: 5951 the St. wrence River. u.nprovad_(ac|ln- \ ties for tho traauhipmonupd tempor- ary btorp of grain are reqmrbd at the Port. of incaton: ` ' . V And Who:-cu the mid Corgordtion. in order to promote the one {on `and operation at the Porto! Kingston of a pultnhle grain elevator. have offered to aid the same by way of bonus to the amount` of 085,000: . I And \vIm-m.-. the mid nation ohthe nmou to! wuv ............ .,. _ _,____ _, Ami` Whereas the said pertiee of the ' mg the said deT>ent-1:4-' from time 6 11 t th Mobtedth ` `I: `.9 ton 5:1 35: cxtmoteg and eucukdo. :37 514- u . ` of;-nhr erect, operate and maintain a grain ele- 05 5 98 `*0 00 vator punuant to the terms 0! this `hi ,'33-INPIIJUH0` ' ' uapegment; -- `Of Kingston Ilnlid `b0 Now this Indeuture witnesseth that U10 S`- Lawrence ver ute. I in consideration of the premises indicarril Of IJIINI _9-ot ill`: of the stipulations and covenants here- it `B N04 at ti in on the part of the said parties new W031 01110!` P031011 II erally cohtained. the said parties here- C9l`P|'3Un Elly I . by covenant. promise and n roe each `;"~"d P011 the _3I (1 91"-'30!` I 4 P with the other of them as to Iowa; `.`-9 '0 dt,"n"1 'hW|' W0 PN- v rim. nnid .,,.,u.._.._og ,5 first part : Y.i_Ior1.1 of lhll agreement ere beinc tul- of them rouows; ` l. The said partieaof the art~ shnll erect a grain elevator of In em design and substantial construction, coating with the site not less than 8100.000. and with a. capacity of not less than 500,000 bushels of grain, and as herein further provided. 9 Tim nlnma and specifications 0! the! IIIQIC IIIOIVOII $0 OILIIJO IIIIIO 'I|`olIOIl provided. v 2. The plans and specification: the! said Elevulol` shall be submitted to I committegn of five persons namely` the} (Mn Pnnunnnr nf the of City Engineer of the sun buy 01 mug- alon, the Cpulrmun of the Elevator Committee of the Council of said City` of Kingston, two members of the Couna ' .-il of the said Corporation to_ be so-. auid Elevator snnu uu uuu.|Iu.uu W .. committee the Engineer of the suid buy Ing- nInn_ the Chairman Elgvgfor members or me bouu- ' cil of the Corporation to be levied by said Council, and a fifth per- | son to be nominated by the parties here- to of the first part; and the said plans and specifications shall be approved and n accepted by the said five persons or n. mujority of them, before the construc- . tion shall be proceeded with under this n nu-nnunonf agreement. ` 3. The said elevator ahall be built in . a. good, aulistantjul, and workmanlike manner. and the material: and work- manship shall from time to time, as the work of construction progresses. be in- spected by said Committee and approved by them or u. mafority of them. 4. The said eevntor shall he built within the limits of the City of Kings- ton nt some point along the front, between Earl street and the Cataraqui bridge. 5 The said elevator shall he go lguilt. IIULI auuu u 3. The at! Cnluriiqui 5. The said to built. that vessels may load and unload at said elevator at. the sums lime. in vnm mid elevator shall have mil- at the lune. 6. The will elevator wny connection and proper facilities for loading and unloudin railway cnrs;und nll railways now or erenfter connect- ing with said City. shall have neeeea to sald elevator on reasonable terms for the purpose of carrying grain to and from stud elevator. '1 'l`lm said elevator shall he provigl- said elevator. 7. The said elevator shall ed with a modern marin leg capable of handling and unloadin at leuat 12.- 000 buahela of qmln per b 111'. and shall be furnished wllh such power and (ac!- litiem from time to time as shall be to operate uld marine leg to its full capacity. 9 Thu mid nlevnlor shall be a public capacity. 8. The mid elevnlor shall uhllc elevator for the use of the genera pub- lic. and grain in transit stored in said elevator` may be stored for ten succes- sive days free of charge save the charges for elevating. unloading and spoutmg grain from und to ours or vessels. 9. The charges for elevating. unload- IIII IVTIII-I`---vj `tn-Woo Kingston and Rochuur. N.Y. ( mmouolng Ink Juno. 'lh."l4rO| Inna" mm Sluului at n 81:. "Hero" lonvu Tuudun and Thunqlun nlpm Oonnooun at Brighton with 8%: North km." for 0 mom. xx. (Port ol Ioohonhr). , ` and or vessels. 9. Theycharges unload- ing and s uting grain from and to vessels ah I in no case exceed one-halt cent per bushel. 10. if after ayment of said bonus the said elevator is all be destroyed by fire or other accident wit.hin the period within which the debentures issued in respect of said bonus by said Corpora- tion are payable (namely, twenty vears from the passage of the By-Law ere- innfter mentioned) the said parties of the first part. shall within one year thereafter rebuild the said elevator in the same permanent aml substantial manner and of the same materials and dimensions as the elevator now proposed to be built; and the provisions of Sec- tions 2 and 3 of this agreemen t' shall apply to such re-building of said eleva- tor. or in default. of re-building they shall re ay forthwith t.o the said par- ties of t e decond part such amount as shall be sufficient to satiety and dis- charge the then unmatured outstanding debenture debt. of the said Corporation created in respect of said bonus. and the interest. from time to time to accrue thereon; and to the intent that the eaitl Corporation may be secured in the repayment of said amount. the said par- ties of the first part shall insure and keep insured the said elevator and pre- mines to the full insurable value and shall assign to said (`orporation apolioy or iolieieu ot insurance to the amount of 35,000, to be effected with I com- nnnv m- t-nmnnniea approved by said 835.000, he eectcd wun u co|u- ,~ -- . . . , gzw ',.~'mv"';,-*7 ;',W{';*;* _{'g';;';: ' `..':` ?;.li .? s'3.f.....`i'c.ui`.`.`a'3?'.`.'..'I`Z :3i.s` orpuru Inn. on o_ us e o _ m , . _ _ ` ulvts to_ (`orpromtmn all the rI`gh|ta :1{).n",`i:"';'v`:`|f"":;',-3:`n amt`: `:::....'*::.`..t :`:.`t...`:s..:*"::.*,*:::,';.`3.t 2-:;' .:..:.. . ac ;,;;s,e;,;s;,;,o r-tr..-Que, _ a. ma insurance. and in cane the said parties , hi . u" `?` L b " ottho first port neglect to insure said` "I i`:1";'l I b:| 3 ." q-lovntor nnd premises us herein provided | 'f' 5 5` d? M I` i d . i "'3 or to pay the premiums in rt-apoct nt` i`.` "w';" 3 ".` ta; 3"` I such inam-nnoe from time to time, then 'l""p'.)"l, "` "' ' 00 a` 0:1"? the Corporation may insure the name "1". "`;`I . T. "3" ' n | n and pay` the premiums thoreon and re-I ` "hm C ti "W "7 cover the coat of such inaunmoe from " m. :;'::l ':` `mam Q `hm . . _ . _ ugqg yt .`.*;:..'::.-`...:`.1r..:'.::.:2:;*.. ,, -,wi;,~;- whom an --a 3-; ~ ~ - (`TO 0 V` $7 :?.'..:*::'*`,.:.:`:*:::..`.?...'.: `..`; .?.;';.P.::':':::: an an -a :-"`tB'-`{'--z parties oi the first. put. to collevt. my: ( larger sum under any policy or p0HL`|t`.l . ,- ot msuranoe on said elevator and pre- '1`3llON1'R%!6gLNIPOl`1'A`If L .' hld by tiin|>ni (`him the r$.g'IOl.|?(.' 1'10 Alf}. o t t en unwn an nnlnatu tut. " ` ` and interest created try the CUf`|I)l'l\- aUa` '" tion in res t of said bonus. " - V. . G. I. KINOEORN 11. Sub t to the provision: of (`ilnuao l0h.o'lt:ia cg:-e4~u:`nt. `the said ii` eevatorn moinuin on oper-uh _ - ed by in aid portion of the am put. . " 't" .',`-.,, d ' the IIIIOI 0` ' U in h ' ' - yin`:-rnfor 0. period of .2Iavy|'e:nuf|ran.|e'5'l'.- 39? '3` 45"." H F.` time of completion. under I penalty of I 0000501 H mt d5 , D` O `J _.~ _ my recon: on hanidund dunngeola-on uwuauwutvm. the `dputf otnietint tt . . 1 urhlndenrrday thtnldmvnlg M V shill not be maintained and operated , within the intent. and ail; at this ` D. I. ITTII. ecieemcntbynuonoltlio lcctorusaotov it} of _ . deli-gilt": tho gttieu or thoiti dpuritdi 3.3. 3: , `. wot to tract on ."""'." elevator old! as within .7 0` `W-D \ Oxnnfn `t-Q `"1 (H M m 'i7;-.,.q_ ." hunt; on s alter tho u! pangs ny the (`ouncl olthonidcou-pa-anon of t: By.-Law huvknllu national. and an 1| Ionur an II it! appliances 9... .....1:s.. A-4l`dinnl`urdnn lulu to ole:-nor dull be conlnoluu vnum: twenty utter tho uslrunnco by tleOoIncIotthnHOorp;u-au_ouo Hun orontovl um to receive [run nn.uq ~ ..... In a lay. [MIL nnd when such oomph II 3. evil! Q :1:- `*-.'.*r.'.:.'.*"'.`: *.::::.";::.r':'- 3-: M-.~:...'-.*'....-r :::-* an an ~~ par ' or one ;tb|e_to add ynrtiu_9l an on mm name on tho your roudod um the uni ` tho Drlehh Whig W 1 `rings: rt any deity ell: ouon IIOl0l'0- which first MIN whl b&`I and you! the L9! . I3. but day N L313! C7. 2 in such event the dd inn hull not r! _ '2n"` . `..`.'.'.'a`.!..'. 1."`&.i`.'.: .$?'l.u - ~-""'.<. ~: my . `|?doluy|iu=.- "' "' Tm :gIudIuJcl!.|Q.IhntHnqI'cqIIt Wm SCHEDUITE` ,'i'l"du redo" Utnop won: 1 0? Cameo 0 of. mo provid- . e that Auoh mo lien nll not , c tit,ut_e I charge u d cluster: 5 and premiauo any create extent. that .00 amount 0'! princ l and mtm 3 at of de tu _ flung mnginndinn Anll `\|nl|l.t|I.l`._n J NOIIII Klh Inohutor). lhnndnr-BI `gun: othuw; 3` It, my a an ` 1 - toAn.nd upon as tmiaes determine whether . visions this lfilled. \ 4 ur. -M... nnltl Pm-nnntlon' nlnil; It |nuu Ill `mas ` . Gm-nor tlon shall by its uounou pass me um By-Law, and upon the com Ietlon of `said elevator pursuant to t in I Iment being oeftied as K reo- .0!` (` poration I `to t mg Altos` 31%! 06.01:? t plrry tho: o . . ' ~. ~ .' 2:m~.::w_=?.:;.L.r*..-!L..;: 1!. In ODE U1! Ell! `IV-ugw pun: 1-- on such aubmiulon motive U10 aunt of the electors as required by the M nt- ripul Act, then this agreement and mid `By-Law shall be null and volgl and of . nnnn affect. . L Hy-LIN BDGII IN llllll llllu Vvlp -nu V. none effect. . 4, - 13. In case the said elevator in built. pursuant to this amqnt. .t.ho.Ou- porntion shall by a lawful InbIub`en- douvor to procure the Municipal Ap to be amended so that tho Council said Corporation shall lnvo the nuns power to exempt aaid elevate: DIG.- misea from taxation as they now have under said Act in respect of man no- turing eatubltshmenta: And upon id nmmr in exempt helm: conferred. the ealubllshmenu; um upon um power to exempt being conferred Corporation shall exempt the said elo- vntor and premlau from tnutlon (ox- cept. a6hool mixes and local irnmovun rules) for a period of hen Will. d shall nenew mid exemption tor_ I fur- ther period of ten years. 19. The llid unrliea of the fit |)Il`C period of ten 19. The said parties tim she. within ten (lnyl aft. the ;O!,ll3I,- tion of this egreemetirt. epoei 1.9% tilled cheque for the sum of II. I City Treasurer of the said Oorporet on tion, and the said Corporation shell thereout reimburse themeeivee all ex- penses neceeeuily incurred in end ghoul: the submission of the mid By-Lew. in case ttfler the passe e of the name. the said parties of the rat part the)! (Oil to perform the provision of this eree- DIGEST. 01llh:hei{`dplI.I`L i at at t ` . " an pert ea . e. , sltialll f0l'ii;Vilt;iyl {titer `tihe Mil `Cg o tieaei -n.w,. .1 _ City Treneurer of the said (Sorporetlon a. marked cheque or deposit reoei t of n. chartered bank for the aunt of as It forfeit that the term: and condi- tions of this agreement shall be fulfill- ed and ehnll forteit the name should they fail to fulfil the rune prov dot! however that said cheque or ddpolit N- oeipt. shell be returned I) id Gor- porution to said parties of t e int pert. when the aid committee ol five or 0 mnjorit y oi` them shall certify tint con- atruclion of mid elevetor to their net- isftmtion has Srooeeded to the extent or value of 05.01 . -- . 21. The said parties of the first &I: hereby covenant with the aid )0Tlli ion that whenever prectioehic`-the ul.or required for the erection and com- [)il*ii0nt of said Elevator shall be the illi|()l' of residents of Kinfeton. , , ?.i. The said parties _0 the_firIt page of maidenta ot Kl Lon. 0 the (int pl henhy covenant, promise and ran to nncl with the sold Corporation, that in ronnidernlion of the adoption 0! thin agreement and By-Law. they wllltor a. period of twenty years from the 3!; hereof continue to transact in the \y of Kingston all their buainal 01 Ihip building. Whlch they may do thnnuolvu by their own employees. and In their business of ship ropnltlnj. Io utultho ume run he done at Kinplaonp mi that they will trons-ship or cau|eto%o.tnlII- shipped at thehnid elevator no to be (`rooted by them at. mid Oily all rain in transit. which phall a palm. inlcrmodinte 1 Can tho ofmblpment lhdl ' ' ot_Ho _ I when tho pllre nna_-ahipa mid grain is controlled oir lei llllllhd hy said Com ;. 11 am; (the sold (`onnpany wll mnlnun iinddolilinzn `at mid city no fur, the no` no- sonablylno Rune craggy nnd ;\whs auxiliary thee 3- bn of _ ,.- :4 .......a. `mi,- sonnolyno nun: ; rq, u . ...... `on lholr said aovofal b by watar And b Idol! `And In irpra cl uhipn and nasal . nd [credo uvernl breach of the covenant: contained in n.:. .1... an nM.Cnnnnn.I shall not N'0Tl`I_3. Pnndu-B\r. "North Kin lava: at O in. he Thousand Island: and Alonndrln Bu. llhhl nnnvod to nlnnnc limo without KLLAN LINEI 'o.-.'s' Visa `Do- tonto. . lotuna. nu Hanan , 04 return. can an 1 a b an . o "5. mi-'.iIs?33m1"L1E` o': " .%f `.'; 2". 'uuwxim.oo.. STR. "NORTH KING I5-L\DAAb|n Kin-not-an and Rnnhnnijr ._.4, ' ,p.4g;-:. - ,5, .. `T _inonihi \rs. wnnnasnus. PIIIDAYI. am 1:z1r.': "*- x .......J|I5AI[............... 01:-\h=.|:i3'.i.'.?1:: an out: and non lnmrnslion Ippl) to .l n nAI.I' Ln... . qp-u:.u--` -:.__. 000 foiuur to: dawn: wool. - ;Z. -._.?___..__ Klondykc Gold} on ofAu5nbs:u.: em burn & co-s " can uiopa gm. 'lIUI.0- f. DWI nd Ind Yul .AA_;_`g__ ..r- us: -.v- .._._.___ 1 nQMv.VJuly 7. vi ` wnxpsuvxoo. ~"%-mm` xvi" uinmizsnhvs. mum. II c . 3:03;; to l.aIvIrpool,l.ondond|rIm London`, E}l_9u_sgo_w_. Qno_onnit.own_,7 lfut. m. to M8 50. ,, -_4_ Au_._-.. _.- -n-_- ;=;i'IAvI:; BOAT. For Thousand Island: and Iuoxnndrlh Bu. thigh! noorvod to olnnco limo I0 co. T'? E3.T.`Tt'H`L5E" gs--:.3+,t:-1.-.'.:.:=.::' _ _=.:.-w..-as '3... (Jr uuon um will be made ION- Y. sopmoch. n ` I-_ A; Ionnmn. _ mi Bunion on an Ploturolauo B: ` - Iluu -I. P. GIIDIIIIAIIV LIOIO C 00 3|! nunan --JUL sauna" _, , _ n 1.4 o_|-_n_ wlnlouln. ' Wm `I p In. Icahn. Wodnor vo atten 0:15 pm. Tuudnn. Thun- Ilatudun. . . 1 .-8Iumou `M11 igi IIIIIIU olhh. kvlllo. PIIIOOM F4` . . o Alnorlunu I. no of . on In the lat draught pauonnu In on this tech _n tuthi gab. an ' gran whznr ..~vuu}'.ld nu: ,:."k:.{.*:'.:`.::' '_` =.,:m.:::: '3'..J`:,"'!":";. (calling sh Movilh for y Buturdny from In- sl. Mcllllug Quebec. I...-. u..o...L Lats nhn Iran mvupool Londondo motion` hw. Quoonut.own.'Boll`ut.. `to 50.` nun nlooln. Ilootrtc Hlhtlallitotolu {YUKON Will oi burn. but Quoonnm #3?-3"` Fc}'vi:"Jl'fiiE iii;Ko' In :.. uioome unto. moxou J. D; ougoysicovo. nu. blnanuo St. VIA LONDONDIILBY. ltunor. Iron Ionian! Iron Quebec. lAbndor...Sopt.. 4,dqyllaht., Sept. 5th. Du-m `Van:-ouvu. -- 13. - -- !Dth,Ilu.m Hootuman...0ot. I. " Ont. ,1-s,(.ua.m LI|oudor.. " -' H 1u.h.nn.m Vnneouvu 1.`). " " :mh.un.m my ou..Nnv. 6. . Nov. 6th.Ip.m ..'.}m., ll. " " mh.9u.m 88. OANADA will nll from Boaton nth tunbor Nth Oobobor and mu November. In of` punu to bondondury or to u 1 :e"f a't.m-ouxom no |inllo;t105, to was return. Souond Oabh-CI to 08! I8 dull: |U.'l8 lac , 7 I. A." lOLGIBo mu Pnnnnr All I I ll Oluonuo ---NI! - Mb O ` ` " `swab! -,` * Hope M11. iouuum ya. 0.. mg. 1891. In.` W`: `IUIIII ', IEIII} amm- . 09.10` um Tic ::`||IIIn.0:m_n. IV! Vi 5 `d ' L1 ,\&3`.'. _ sjgntun "'7" ,.{.::-_`.'~'--, ` on [in - Wagner ruuwo nwupluy vuru mu-wuuu CAPE VINCENT AND NEW YORK. 14... |.._--a ..o... I... 4..).hm um! I-allnhln `IJl$54I.l I'II\ !VzI Victorian exposition Industrial Fair` TORONTO, AUGUST 30th to SEPTEMBER. 11811. On Sept. 6'11 and uh return run will be 0850- A. MI! HID!-. Mil YIN`. ltd. Ith,5ih. 1: am and mu`: round nip rate will be no.4 u. uoknu good to ntun to Sept. lull. HM. AN' EXCURSION T0 OTTAWA. N N'!'RfAl_a AKND QUEBEC. k ' E : 2-itlifxlnu Pro (0; $0131 1 `I 0| ) t t 0 . ( .60 to'tufii 0I|.`0I` boioro dept. 30.51. ` ` . ASIDE EXCU |0N. ' u. th, Nth & ;|.it.h. Rsliuos I-oi-iiuna ll Ih...lohn.`N aqllllli 0l00llllh,Ql10........\...Il ob [0 I633: III I until _ I-.O,n uuvn Buy pu._ w`.::`. Troy. I .I:..I.a.c .I. - TIME TA x Steamer for CAPB VINCENT will luv: , OSTON my (Sunday oxoo Md) 5 A.n. and o P.M.. connecting at `ape Vlnoentwlth min: to all points in the -ugnn-:15:-\ x;aI"l\al\E Nth 1115* Unru VLIVUIIINK any man luau. For lowest tutu. tlmo tables and reliable Information apply to ` FRED. A. FOLGEB. 011;: `Hotel; Aunt I. W. & 0. ML. Foot. Brook St .Klnnton. TRIO. BU'I'l`EBl*`IElaDlt.` l ;G.P.A. [Wk 0. . Sn-noun. N.Y. p cu xnnnutionn. Hy ti"-lend the newlpnper mm told me ll funny little utory which happoned during tho inst election in a certain no; r omco in this city. , pressed for mengud had to tq blgolo at the old printers that w_u;x_t5o `tc! o_ withthc usrivniof the Atypcqet ng` ihncliinea. Ono of tho edi- loriil Wilton ivrot-0 what he considered I nc effort of rhetoric on Mel-iiuloy. Every page was Ioroly crowded. and the that had gcnc forth that nothing should be loaded. uot own editorials. In tho midst of tho editorial otfusion occurred tho following iwntouco: McKiulcy'a nnmo led nll tho rt-at." m\..i- -;...... -0 ........ ...... an-nm! Invnr in Inn! on It `mrnllllvy I name. , "There in tho copy." amid the aged mo. ` `Right uor MnKinley'n name you wrote `led all the mat.` and I loaded it. Pulling the loyal Iooloty. Tho proceedings of sub Royal society of London were not taken no seriously 150 years ago In they on now. A nail- ur who hnd broken hi: logwu advised to and to the Royal society on uooonin at the romnablo nmmet In which he had healed tho fracture. Ha didoo. Ilia story was (but. having Incurred his leg y tolling iron the km of a nun. ho had ironed It with nothing bit at and onhln. which had ptowd no wonder- fny ecoeiou nut in 15:00 do )! he wunbh (9 walk jut on we}! on befoto 3110 `accident. This x-emnrhble story um:-ll: .9II|l'd oomopxcltunzont among llltlnbexjl 0! Ihuoclou. Room bad pxavlouly ngpodtod hr and ookum of pain Ilch nlnonlnuyhnling punts Thonohowruu ton-(usher ticillliu.l|INO.|ooI|.'Whe|v- to tick; had '& thllyhuotnred. mt fiqlhil td the Ivory. ho: .` ` ' Ibonhulov maximum n..'.i.'p.'....r oh-Iiniiuhhdil- Iw; hur2Hvl F nu, av. uvuau noun --v WEST. Rome Imus. Alba: Nbw York, Philadel- . Bclnong Wmngtou and tho n a omno Nulgatlowompany. hm kamc Lmln-` M1'ERic`A, Phil Tochto lw'li'u4y._a`,`n'oi|ny. lillllnu It'll nu IHU Ivan. Thin piece of copy was turned over to one of the old dinchm-god men. To everybodyha uatoniahmrnt half of the editorial in point was loaded. making I very nvudiug column to the eye. fl... nI.l nu-incur u-nu nnnf fnr Hn rln. Y(`I'_\` nnvuulug Culuulu mu um 1-; c. Thu old primer was amt for. Ho do- olnnad he had followed copy exactly. Asked to bring the proof. he hurried up Itnhju nnd from a bnndlo of written O(`.C9t`xtrI C$8(\ what he wanted. Ingjhu meantime the odltorinl wx-lea: had scovoml that "led all tho rout" had boo omlttod entirely, and he wan mulderl an nor. an 1111...... 4. 5|... -..-0 nl Olunh nnnh'\nnnV" manner rnluz lrvur. "whom in tho rm! of that sentence?" he growled when the ancient toss?! up- penred with tho copy. "You've chopped {Ma 08 It `McKinloy`| name.` ,' oum....... 1.. u... ...m.. " Ania` Hm sand WIIJIU IL CA oh-nuns." IL- ..IlAA- DI (`illu ' The oditorhl wrifvr had nothing man to any utter !bne.-St. Donia Republic. I I. uvguu IUIWII Ff` Urtwtvu m"",.1 moiety age! the banana un- ot. whooolnilwod to am: most column- lythsthhlrnkonleglnd bu-um-nod with ur Ila! oikun. nil with thy-so (V0 only. `!`hd- moiety haw Ii-nailed pulthd for u in- Ilul ah! the latent all- _, , In upumggmcomnuc ;i`ut.tolollyoIrIuovnIhu|Io Inn --n n -nnAn- 1-g"-IIA!j'l lm}.i=..".. WIlIW| A... o ._`_r-w 4: I .6 pm. \VnnI.-lIl.IDAY 3| 1|) run. '!""' J . D; ..1g 5 i: ;,m ;c.unu.u;in. - _ I\II)I:l"l` cuncrr \JIVlILau.o `turn-a-:-ru Wagner Palace Sleeping CI?! bot-wean non vrnnmm ANT) ml.-w YO! (JUN WATV Aul. GIL} 1100111 : Wllall unnul Ito In |lUlI.|ll All one UNI TE D ETATES. nu, _____ n-|.. _- nI-....|.... (1-... I.-om--n 'rnA'\ ii LL|ud-aYi1AII2;' -EXs;URbIONS. n-.. uc_,___un__ A l_.I___4_.!-I 4 am. ....I in. Illll nnlm . JIAI3II)l'Ig%VI4lIl|1CWV|| I SOUTH- minnnltl. Hirtfnrd. Wom ZKJ. '\J `J. -F1- rtnfold. Hi:-Mord. Worontor. Pro- v danoo. Bolton and the 1'! A ('Qf"W ' ' "~""r"51'3I5E!'i?. "" 1 7: uhwu 1-an lumps 1-o noumnn. 4.I`._.-_4~|...._... IIIAA--`Ann Inlir W. c "`.o."'`.';'.*J.`'..`'11`s'i' 7 0 I'll 0 Y` U-V--nu-V ...-V_-_-`___,- , `C. III lId"li'h, {sun Golndl Aug m. Ind. d.h. uh. `Rh. 9 am All tloklk not to rcturn not Into ;"i'>f|ia7 "n'3'?' um: _-yo- `Niagara Falls. fhwnun`. linnnnnn. Boohuhl`. III` I V Ialllllnrl I uvawu .I`u dish an an A .. lnd.`I'l'd. uh . `uh. 1ch?x?J: .1 Uuuu. UV: I-vu uuu EAST- I - -I-nII-\nI In: I". iKlo"b]3\?Tiiud. 0Inoln- nntl. Qlhhoull and tho rrr-tn a an l':_Korth- II IIICII vi. yllluuy yvuspn.-,-. want: to I latchkoy Ma`nd.weu- k-uiokorbookorn; She won.` howowr. u _re'mm'kI`bIo wdmn, and the wouduuvu nus chldky` _n-om the an at her-(atuouo brother. `Whah'6hdn`viou thin memoir ln van for prlvptq erdiqlntgdh, ind oh]; 100 oopleq we}-e printed. ""h'd'z_`VI'!bsIfgo;- wt: to moqoqt." uld he. "she `hag! sunlynn KVIBIQDB Io publicity. that I-would hue Ieltxhul Ibo goproachod me from her tomb -had I than thou pages to the world." 16 a council to II: will he anehorlnd the `book to be yylntcd. and moms. Roberta Bronson. who are the publishers of his Life pf Juvfu," will publish um mbueo to him ulster : memory within a few days. It is a bountiful nary, though one: of pxlntlon (ad muttering. Hnnnlnttn Roman wan born Trauma! I UWIIIII I . - o . V ' I1 ' 6 God h Pg`m`a:&e.i: p.o'r':|..m. 3.3 tnorillalonly poll: on far an Ploton. cud Thnnda withh- ......-r..m`L`I' '` . " '"