jjwuuj -vv- ->-,, I it ` tain- `I `x vithnhnueo tolhi h . ugnhndzodinuwo van {...a....u. .a.{'. .`" 33:` Agoho Int ohlutug liluuuoupcuiu. `Th - |b|o|ovunncn\nhru:hovthsuho lLICgU.lll. gUULl.`o auu C.\I.ld. Suuu valut... BLACK DRESS STUFFS are unusually good value. We are showing a large range and the lot is made up of as handsome a collection of this season's goods as one could well gather. They demonstrate their excellence at a glance. They comprise Crepon Iiffects, Novelty Effects, Sombre Blacks, Plain and Figured Combinations and Rich Pattern Dresses in prettily wrought designs. - - 't`L,. 11.... -.+ Ann rnn Aer -1:0 unrrl an-A cnnrinl in PlCLLlly VVIULISIII. uualsnxa. . The lines at 40c, 50c, 65c, 75c yard are special In value and design. . Starr & Sutclie, OIXOIIAL LE jtj VIII 1' uvnvinua II] wuv I n urn g-wu- - Worcester; Crosse & Blackwell. Ltd" London : k and Export Ollmen generally. | -:_.:. LEA Ann PERKINS? ORIGINAL Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors Illa-nnutnn I 1!. J. UOIIII nnnvnu I uluuruuiuu uu uuv uvvv-uu---u ..--.-,. vv.-v--v----% V,..,_V O M I h b 1. . "s("L`. :" :?1:T(r`x?n:;-.:?. '1`.IAVEN'PORT. 88 Gun maul! IL. Bloomnbury. Londomhg ------------------g- AGENTS: ; .- I-`ORMBRLY mczmdnn a Go. 118 and I20 Princess Streot. oasmvs mr THE sum runs . T. #9`,-_ /new m BLUEAAINK agwonmr AOR038 me Pk/N150, RITAII. IVIRYWHIRI. WE CLAIM E. J. COLLIS BRO\I|lNE S : J. M. Douglll & Co. and Urquhart & Co., Monlinll. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE CHLORODYNE 5 A CHLORODYNIH CI-ILORODYNE I CHLORODYNE I OHLORODYNE S , CHLORODYNE I ORODYNE- : in Admitted bf the profoulon tovbo the moat won- I dorm! and VI noblo remedy our diuonnd. i `a".?.'..,?1..'."3e'z}3'..'.`.f`" " ""`,'t ,""" "' I \. LOPS ( on SAUCE. A."-e.r'<=.='2 ll`? sum umnm inn utnnrn-in `Battle of the i ESTERIHIRE 69 a 1: Brock street. KlNO8Q.L __ ;;.,Z,:'::" in T 3hoo Windows will attract you. _' ALL PRICES. Como and see them. nockmo cause. Jmeeetien Threatened. w.`.. Fang gut SUTHERLAND wouldn't quit. The Street Riilwey people ecomphln that we are hurting trade by not hurting feet. .... EL--- _..- ...-.`I4 611: Shoes are made for comfort. All sizes for all peopfe. SHOOT DUCKS. ', FAIR PLAY ACJEWEL. The ordinary reader oi the daily pagere muet have been etaggered by the conflict- ing repcrte that have been put in circula- tion neepecting the feet Atlantic eervice. Interviewed about it when he returned home Sir Wilfrid Laurier eaid he had every reaeon to believe that Petereon & Tait. tho oontractore. would eucceed in oating the echeme. and in going on with their great undertaking. Lord Btrathccna (Sir Donald Smith). who arrived eomewhat later, and who had all the lacte at hie nger ende, gave the poeitive aaeurance that the con- trectore were making reaaonahle progreea with the plane. and the men who are moat reeponeihle for their utteranoea. who know Inoet about what Peteraon & Tait are doing. thould he `believed and ahould have what they eay reepected. But along comre hlr. Torrence. who hee been abroad in the intereet oi hie line. (the Dominion! and who in evidently iealoue oi the government contractore. and he announcee that their eeheme haa failed. and the coneer- vatlve preee adde. juhilantly. "Aa dead av a door nail." Next day a cable- gram lrom Mr. Petereon contradicta Mr. '1`orrance'e etatement. and declarea that the orgauiaatien to which he hae put hie energy le eatleiactorily proceeding. . Now it doea eeem that thoee who were admirere oi the late government. and who were will- ing that the feat line contract ehould be given to a foreigner at hundrede oi thou- eande more then Petereon & Tait accepted, are ready to chuckle over anyaeeumed or alleged failure. and ready to hell any con- tingency. injerieue though it may he. eo long an it embaraaeee the government. Mark you. the preeent government hae not been indiierent to Canadian iutereete. The Canadian eteamahip men had the chance of engaging in thie enterpriee. with all the eeeming advantagee In their lavour.and they failed to eecure the contract. Are they oonapiring to ght the eucceeelul man? One would think an in view ol the tactlce rel%d to. In thue acting they are plac- lng themeelvea in a very had light helore the Canadian people whoee nancial and commercial intereeta are at atake. and whoee poeition the government wae bound to etudy on giving out ite contract. Fair play la a jewel. and all true Canadlane will want it ehown to Petereon & Tait. , -'AQ`VA`N0_I~ IN STOCKS. enry Oierree. New York banker. giver out eliet-oledraneee on the etoekem dnenge from July Bad to Sept. "let. The higher: he been on American eugar item 188 to 157. a gain oi twenty-nine pointr. The eeeond higheet ie Mieaouri Pacie- irua 19} to Q0. doubling ite value and be- ing ahonanaa to Klngeton inveetora oi thiryartiouler nook. Tbehethlrd the in in 011%. St. Paul and Omaha from 64 to Imam! in American tohaeeo from 77 to 95. Every leading stock. but one baa ad- vanced. and that one, Long Island. he remained eteedily et 45. The avenge riee bee been 8} pointe. Mr. Olewee iurther add: : "Trade meveunente about no Abatement ottheir unlvereally hopeful eepeot. In the nerehandiee uarleta the increased de- mand ie uoinv a eteedy advenee in pricee. he iron tradrcontinueeto gain in activity. andthe me in valuee ie ex- tending over the whole range oi metellio ...wI.mu_ The -oolan iaotoriee are clear- heading BIN WIIOIO rqnge In mun-nu Products. The woolon nz o` thelr pub Iocumuletlon of etoolu end ooneerveeively increasing their out- put. The ooboon" goode trade. though in 3 some of the eeuon when ordorn oonhrnoo. In you doing more than A good avenge bueineu lor bhie period of the year. Oat- ton he: been showing a fairly rm tendency in eploe of e pronpeohlve era 0! 9.000.000 belee. In brief. tn III the up brenohee ol trade. there in the some story 01 mn- eerubive eoblvlty. Increulng demend end on upward eendeno in pioel. while nil- mui. an-ninn non nue no ehow Insem- III IIPWIIII WIIKIIIIIJ III pun road: nrnlngl oon THEA%DAI! A DECIDED BNUB. Tho Wookly Bun. dovotod to tho inw- ouoolohofun and tho homo. ha boon urged to shook nod oondomu tho qrionl- Innl oollogo out! fun. And it has mino- odoodooo. It not no nuon vhv tho non: of tumor: should not Inn ploood at ohoir diopoool the opportunity. undor tho /moot hvonblo uuopiooo. of pursuing ohoir nudioo and no oi qualifying tor grotto: uoolulnou in thoir ohoun uid oi ooouplion. A nnivu-oily. opigdidly oquippod. to I oouot 0100.000 g -1: no main. mn hdinintoiuod `ll T0- Sutherland s.| . WW` II I vuuv Ill vnvvgvvv I yur or non. an bdtninmuod nntbiorlhobontllntthouvhom nudylngfor tho prohuionu. and thoym donid noooufonmdonoounpnontzbnv. Ibo bl-Ion Ion Int have I college in vhhh they on Inn at the way. adorn and okllhl. oi dohrnlnln; lg auditions by which an oath`: `**----- ---- A-L-ggmggl n; [K 3% II] C UIIIIUUUII uu-. .- Noruoshyupnohtltobourvdhy (hit) nhooll. brim` lutillh and tho uh: tloviouol tlnpvcruuulhc nding nah! Inht-undo: handout. --....n........h Thnnnnauavttin W TI! uuvnuuu-vvwu. -..__.___, aunglhpopy Thuonnooucuvuiu hula. unduno toonnpllty sh dump cuddling Iatcnotvhhh thpnny bu '-X-Ftiyvln--uu-v-.-......_,__ IIl:uvuhn.undvouuwlovInoxpno- hihpoddvullloulthhthpolhnnd Idhlulhy van loll. Pnnuiu In ludwdihsbpludunpuigmnndundn Ihocluhr an dqnndun with I dun! Jnlvlllolhhowu. ldthbb math .uduI|ooouun\ln pub 'IooI. wnuu nu- ` lnrgo in- the dloulty reappeared.` Lent year Dr. Oonnell. the heolerlologlet to the Kingeton delry eohool, discovered the: these etreehe weredueto e bacterium which many be readily deetroyed. When It in remembered that thin province produoee ennuelly one hundred million pounde at oheeee. __-_. .1.-. L-!l -0 '_|.|.I. Ami. a mu. WOIIIII III III pII'uI- my run In .- -_,. port. It would be will. boo. to recagnin blast. it the work of farm oduontlon in to bo done at all! it should be dono woll. To do In well. we mum have well paid men And oxponllvo lnboratorlu. We much oven hnvo the "experimental plate" which an spoken of lightly. It in out of the quubion so expect my of show agencies to ho loll-mnlnbnlnlng. n--L-._- -n-- old- LL- 4-... runny-n wlll UIII uuuurvu Iuuuvu yvuuuu wu ----_-. mom that half at which nd: a mu- koo in Grant Brllsln, booum it in of even quality. who imporhnnoo of such work om- nob In ovormtimitod. The work of ex- pulmonb in. in our opinion. nmply justified by oxpontlonoo. So with the work of nond- lng out roportl, the work of Iooburon. tho lumen Institute: mud uuoolnhionu. The ugrloultnrnl oolloge bu boon long nough I bone of pu-tiunohlp. W0 would ask all pm-Hon to join in in Iup. _-... n _....u L. ...-n ow. on I-nn.I:rni!.n 11., II IIIIIIII won .1". F`. Harrison Co. Porhupu, ulcer this the tory papers will go Ilowor in unaillng the lumen institu- out. QIIUUQLLUAVQIJ 82.180 The leader of the oppoeition in this pro- vince in making much of public school education. and of his deeiree to improve it. in his touring About the country.` He does not diupprove of high schools. but he object: to them being megniiled at the ex- pcnle of the public Ichoole, which furnich ell the education about ninety-ve per cont. of the young people. and elpeciully of the working clueec. receive. He demonde relorm in two directione, ii) in the enlargement of the pub- lic school course. carrying echolere fur- ther And freely in their etudiea. and (2) the control oi the education depcrtment by an cdvieory committee outuidc of the recom- mendation: 0! which the minister will not be {roe to not. -I - ,,,Lu, _-L_-I -.....:-..I..-.. U. HT UU IUIIe Reepecting the public echool curriculum eouething very pertinent may be eeid. It cennot be enlerged. ee Mr. Whitney urges. without teking ewey iron the high echool progremme, or without dupliceting the work et the people : expense. Illuetretion of thie bee been bed in Kingeton. Some yeere ego there wee e lth clue in the pub- lic echoole in which young women were eble to quelily for third clue certicetee. The reguletione were chenged end to the effect thet theee cendidetee for higher hon- ore. for certicetee of e higher etenderd. had to etudy lenguegee, end no it wee ielt end ergued thet they ebculd begin thie ee coon ee poeeible, end in the inetitute; ctherwiee they would euifer e eort of down greding when they nought the higher cleeeee. Beeidee the inetitute. in ,_-___n.-___ L- I-.. L-.I L- Hindi vuv uuuuuu ---.' ..- my one. and according to law, land to A- `I..- n...H.... ngngnnnlli Imp nrimu-I DI-I VI-U. uuu wvvvleau-an Cw .--v, ._-_. -- do the teeching necessery for primery quelicetion. end the public sohoole bed not, end in the intereet of economy the work wee lelt entirely to the inntitute. Agein the institute end the public echoole hed commercial clesnec. end it we: ergued thet one could meet the requirements of the city. Hence e coneolidetion of them occurred. The pupils were sent to the inetitute, heeeuse the reguletions re- quired comlferciel subjects to be teught there, end they did not impoee thin duty upon the public schools. Morel: If Mr. Whitney is going to incist upon e chenge he should dene it. If he wente the pub- lic eohools to go further with thelriworh- end e very strong sentiment runs thet wey -he must show how it is to be eccnomicclly conducted. It hewente certein brenches or clecese removed iron the institute he ehould eey so. end in tune which cen beunderstood. At it it be it too vague eltogethsr, end there it no eetieleo- tion in hit telh. The eleotore of Kingston ere. perhepe. better informed on the sub- ject then Mr. Whitney. end. to in es they ere concerned. cen vote intelligently it the ieeue is pleoed intelligently before them. DBL- -A..:.....- .......II TM. in A hrl nl IXIIU II PIIUVI-I Iuvtluuvuull vvuv-v vuv-- Tho odvioory council. Thin ino ind ol Mr. Whitnoy'o. Ho inforo than tho:-oio oomothing onioo ohoub tho council by which Hon. Mr. Rcoo hoooorrondorod him- ooll. tho non who, in oil coooo. hovo dio- oinguiohod tholnnolvoo on odncooioniotm out! who hovo boon coliod to Mr. Roos oido hocouo choir Iihnooo to cccnooi with him on oooiu point. would tho pro- vicco ho tho honor oorvod hy __-.. AAA]-.. IIIIUU IOU Uuv vvvvun tho diotnioool of thooo. now noting non-politloolly. and tho onhotitnting oi thou hy tho oloct ol tho toonhon. and hynon who no politioiuio Int and odoooton oltorwotdt! Tho monitor 0! oiootiug thou. tho nonnor ol clotouniuiug thoir qoolilootiono. and A lot of othot thiugo will hovoto ho oottlod holoto tho Whltuoy {not Indo fovonr with tho poo- plo. Onohu oolytogoohtood. tou- oniuo into tho Iothouln oloiootiug oohool oonniodonort in tho Uoitod Btotoo.onddo- totniniog thdr Ionioo all round. in oldottouohov ounlo it any pnootlulo vhiohwiilhtooouido on thin pt-oviuoo. ootloooohiohvillgivoodontionoooriooo ..AL._I. V Dtir Qi. ;h$!.. sii*`rI:u11:n' |..:'.z.-:,.....:r.-.*.-.z:."""| WQ hue n uplendid assortment of Pdwder and Shot.om;$ty and loulod Shells. GIDI.' Rie: sad I the equipment necessary for EDUCATIONAL PADS. ,_1.n___ 1.. L \ leer lnepeeterntea !4eu-lelorma In the Iallweylell lervIee-laeI'I0 hvlhl In the loll!) IeIIl-oleIele low love In Werk-le new Appolytmente. Toronto Globe. Ornwa, Bept. 7.--Some monthe ago Mr. Muiock came to the oonclueion that red-taveiem had eccolnpliehedite work in the poetodice department d that a num- bif of inlpectore olcee an other poaitione had been created tor the advantage of oiceholdere rather than for the public good, and that it woe hie duty at the earlieet moment to relieve the poo le of come unneceeaary hurdene. 1n n- tario eix. in Quebec iour inepeotore' divi- aione had been created. each provided with an inepeotor. auiatant inspector and a large Ital! oi clerka. In theory theec oicera were appointed to perform the work oi inepeotion. which invo ved travel- ling through the country from poatoiiice to poatoilice. and aeeing that eiiiciency and economy at ell time: prevailed. Instead. however of the inapectore no conducting their ciiicee. they were permitted to nettle down an mere city oicemen. al- most wholly neglecting the work for which they v were appointed. keeping ordinary moderate city oiiice houra. with no peraon to euperviee their work or to give Ita uaeiul character. Tojuatiiy the exiatenoe oi theee inapectore` eetab|ieh- menta they were given control over the railway meil eervice. directing and con- trolling the movements oi railway, mail clerke. Thin wee o moat unbuaincuiilre arrangement. for with thin province divided up into nix dierent inepectora diatricte and railway mail clerks hein attached to a particular diatrict and eao mail clerk recognizm the authority only of the in- epector 0 hit dietrict. nothing but oh- etruction to the proper working oi the railway mail service reeulted. To much an extent had red-tanoiam crown [Inn swnsrlifisnucrlous. mmv ounce ; m rm: POST- rauway mail service reeuwuu. To such an extent had red-tapeiam grown that in Quebec. and perhaps in Ontario. it wae the rule that when a mail clerk travel- ling from his district in a mail car on duty reached another district he vacated hie car and a new mail clerk from that dietrict took his place. Fana a mail clerk start- ing from Toronto for llinuwoodin charge of the mails. and when reaching Barrie be- ing required to step out of his car and put the mails in charge of a mail clerk from the Barrie dietriot ;not that thin occurred in thie province in this praciae way, but thie illustration will aerve to show how this practice did to some extent interfere with the proper discharge of the mail serv- ice. Some months ago Mr. Mulock deter- mined to take advantage of the earliest op- portunity to do away with such methods. and last seseicn eecured an amendment to the poet olce act. whereby he detached the whole railway mail service lrom the jurisdiction ol local inspectora. and placed ` it under control ol one man at Ottawa. doing away with all divisional lines, so that now railway mail clerks, like railway conductors and other train ofiioiale. are free to discharge a full day's work as members of one eervice for all Canada. The first effect of this has been a considerable reduction in the num- therl ol rail mail clerks. Under the old eystemi many caees two clerks were ,4--_--__ A- A- ah- -nu-L nl nnn An!` Al. `bar 0! mil mill OIIIII. unuor uuo nooousry to do tho work of one, and al- road your oorrupondonb learn: that the mm 1- of railway mail elorln but been re- duood by botwoon thirty And forty. runltu inn an . nvilm of over 830.000 ayur. duood by DODWOID Iinlrliy Inu xuroy. runw- ing in e uvinu of 030.000 e yeer. which in combined with e greetly im roved eioienoy. {or the reilwey meil ole: I ere now directly eooounieble no the oontroller no Olsen. who keepe en eocurete record of the menner in which they perform their work, end eleo been them each half year 5... . m-.m.in.i nxnmlnntion upon the dutiee uebec. Theee changes in the inepeotore oloee mean u reduction in the number of oilloinle oi eome Iwenby-ve end I reduction in the salary hill at perhnpe 895.000 e yeer. In no sin le ineunoe in it or has it been the inten on of the government holl my 0! the poeilione eo nholiehed. The retirement oi theee ollloiele involve: their being paid under the not under which they were em- ployed I certain retiring Allowance. but u theee ellowenoee ue e were trie competed with the nleriee they would dx-iv if con- tinued in oioe the dilferenoe ie I very green eeving to the public end at the eune time will greezly heneu the null eecvloe. lleteeher lnepeelore. ineteed at A: hereto- hve eeullug (learn as mere governlnenu olllciele Illlng city olhoee. will he re~ qeiredio actively exert thelneelvee thmugh on their whole dieerieu lot the heuemeno .0 AL. -gIl Q`-`Kn. nntl lhn zggpgngiag .1 Do you want to any In ltnron Invillno oobl land to mum :4 ...n._. 1- n.. .A.l`. at OLA unnnginlnn din. III] IlIlI0&l'x IIuIIbIIIUI. lllll III` struts will no nodal In the man of tho nnainlng diu- man u o unitios stint. Owl lathe large an: cl inns:-can odd - con wound M the null union - l:aCIl`OVI' uinoo uh! ooo E MI it an to Int wluol ninth: to tho nuou |o I-uulnuuh at the union. and sounding`; IIUBIUII Lu-tor. Ihnn TorFI:-i:'-:>-t-:-i-X mam. "3' Svomcnu, Sept; 8..-About ll:80 len ` night the mhehltnnte of the `Kluge were ewekened from their ulumbu-u by loud onel ol lite. and hutening ihto the nreeu. they discovered that Jooeph Woodhull : nulln. consisting of (four. new, plemng and shingle mills. were enveloped in Ila-mu. Almost every nun in the uuege mu noon upon the eeene and rendered timely and oourugeous service toward: sewing other places from utter destruction. 1:. en neon at once then the tire whlc ad elut- ed in the nhingle mill hed gem too much headway touve the relnelmng mllln, which oloeely ndjoin one mother, so ell elfortu were directed town-do the saving oi Mr. Woodrulf a residence end that 01' Mr. Le- oey. and also the planning: mill or Mr. Davey. Alters herd end etubborn hettle lun- lng nearly three houn. theee pleoee were nevod from danger. but not belore the north side of J oeeph Woodrul handsome residence wuy badly scorched and the leave: at the beautiful maple trees in front 0! Mr. Lezley : renidenoe were burned to a crisp. . Nmrnr before In: the villuo been in orup. Never before he she villnge each dnnger of utter deetrucolon. 1! there hnd been the elnghteeo wind from the north the homes or mnny heppy families would hnvo been to day as mu: 0! smoulder- lng mine. end the inhnbitnnue of nanny of chem left. deeticute. Never before, too. hunt. been no forolbly pweenud oothe minds of the villagers chub nhey ere eedly ln need ohire exomguiehere other ohen bin peile. Theeo. no doubt. lnet. night. were of green eervnce, but in le oeronin had there been e good nro engine. some valuable lumber contained in she ehede would noo have been consumed. Isle I-inoerely to be hoped that. the residence will take notion no once before there in any more fearful dnmege like Lhie to record. um. Inn: m Mr. wood:-u`. in exoeedlnnly ;nrInuun;k in: rent. `u-I-J'-- It `II WIOIQC Gib. T WWI I'll.- IIJI. clnmege nlxe um 60 xeooru. The loan to Mr. Woodrulf. exceedingly green. numbering away up in the thou- nude, mud non only II In a lone toMr. Woodrutf but: also to the whole village, for farmers come from mileu around $0 unnu- nou buuineu there, and while here left. money in other iuduonriel connected with we village. \Vhnn mate: it more ad to record in the fact. that Mr. Woudrulf. wine and dmghber were an the time on a plea- sure trip to the '1foront.o industrial fur. Win it. me work of a re-bun l` in the trip the lzoronw Inuuunsu uur. Wis it the work of tire-bug question now uppermost in the minds of the people. A laut which goes to strengthen the idea that it want liendot this nature, is when most ol the people had returned;home alter the re,the residence of '1`. P. Holland was discovered by Uherles Ruttan and duughtcs on re. Many who had not yet return - fter the first lire were soon on hand. and alter a short etrug- gle succeeded in extinguishing the blue. but not before considerable damage was done to the house. The lile of Mr. Hol- land was in jeopardy. for at the time of the discovery 0: the fire he was sound aeleep "and but for the timely arrival of Mr. Rut- tau, he would hsve been enveloped in the ames. Now this house is situated at the other end of the village and was certainly set en tire because in raising it plank on the verandah the ground was dleeovered to be saturated with coal oil that the end incarnate hsda just put there. It theee buildings were set on tire it in a mystery to all. ~ All 0|`- Innilrlinan urn inlllll`, hnf. HIA Iiwvuuuvwu w----..-` W0 luv. u `loo nu ot on only Birch and Hanan: no lm. w\r.blo for any home and Q sfluoioclvo. ohnvo Inn noolvul as `no II) in on tore up low In prloo. 3:: :11! l nan: 30 on the an 3630. " \I II 3|!` I|h0W VIII. .-Om. In ling won All. All the buildings are insured, but the full oxbgnu of the loan in not known. :.?_-_?_?__.. 5: What the Buy] Baporton ought on the llv. J. L. Whiting in in Tomato. Damaged corn very chem nu Fiolm-'3. Ernuo Morgana return last night: from Toronto. where he Attended the exhibi- Hun tion. II... non. _ Damaged corn very cheap at Fiohor`u. Mm Dniay Ashley-Dunott. loft today for Toronto to resume her ntudioa At the Presbyterian ladies collogo. "M. n.-am. nhndnn and the latent. ntvloa I'ruoyI:orInn lIC|l_Ol' couogo. The noweot. Ihndoa and the latolt. Ityloa of boots and shoes at Sawyor`I. Dnmngfd corn very chomp at Fisher's. Rev. L. O. John!-ton ha! been invited by the Bathurat. nu-cot. olliciul bonrd. To` ronbo, to remain a fourth year. - Dnrnagod corn very cheap at Fisher's. Alexander Sbewnrt. inspector for the Guurdinn fire ineurnnce company. I! in tho city for the purpose of aeulin up the loss incurred by, the fire on W mi`: mills. Sydonhnm. T.ho famous pug dog Fimbury Buttonr, ownod by John Taylor. of this city. won uocond prize at the Toronto `bench Ihow in A very large class. Trilby. of Eberbon kounok. too! am. prizo. ` 'l`hn (ll-Anita: hnd A fnIl.d|Ill Mhnrnl leunele. tool nru. prlzo. The Grenitee had A full-dreu rebeeree of their entertainment ea Rockwood lees evenin . All the performere noquitbed themee vee omditebly end had eome of the run I: epote eliminated prior to to-nlgmfe hAl' nrmnnnn. fl . ZUIIIIIIIIIU IIIlCIUI U-IlUn The ennuel eeeeionol the Eeelonterio Free Methodiet conference will convene in their new church. Trent Bridge. Om... Wed- needey. Sept. 22nd, et 2 p.m. Rev. E. P. Herb`. of Alernede. Celilornie. eenior general superintendent will preelde. Mr. Hart lee preacher of coneiderehlc telent `end executive ebility. Treined for the proleeeion oi lew. he ehowe in e rnerked degree. the poeeeuuion 0! deep logic- ecumen end V ehill to nee it in expceing error. He ie e eefe end wiee ed- ini_nietretor. Delegetee from the verioue clrcnite in thie dieu-let have been elected. I`. I). Bradley in theohoeen re eeeutetive lrom thle city. Al eteen ence in ex- ted. Rev. A. 8i e re now holding hie urth round 0! querterl meetinge on the Hevelock dietrict end w ll be in etiendenoe _e AL- ..._I..-.u.- g um -y--V. -. -- - -..~.._-...` 0. Ellen |oIIIO-At Toronto, 18: Spring- Idd. Cuooood IIIO. Toronto. 18: Spring- Iold. I9. AI yruonu. 8; Batman. 1 Iooond guns. 8 nous. 9:81:-not-on. 0.; AI Bulnlo. 4: WI tuba-I9. I; ueoudgano. lulhlo. O: Wllhobun. 8. M Iontnnl. A. Dnn\d(Inl|l&_ I. lllllllo. I: VVIII1 B;Pnovidonoo.8. Ouhlnonuul Wcnlnnon ns..nu.uon.\ IIOIIIOI A IIIOOIIOI . BvIu.uIu~rox.0nt.. . 1-At clown $2100! Int ugh John `gr. eat! olhtho brigade. pad 1 or no donut. 0uvpodvm'a'I.ho liver can can ol lath. Ir. Tudor In highly II- upoud. llolonnln widow COGJNQ mm cbildtcn. III rywonuuuu EIVUITI IIIIEKIIII I no the oonhronoo. T11: National |uno-At Nov York. 8; Pimbnrg. 7. A: Washington, 8: Clon- lnnd. 7: Iocond mmwuhington. 0:,0|0vo- land. 9. At. mohlyn. is Cincinnati. 4. AI Bnltinon. 5: houiutllo. I. At Bolton. I7; 8%. Louis. 6. Ab Philsdolphia, 5: Chi- IIICUTIUU U } Sydonhnm. Thu hmn V.II-IlG'S WIN D WAFTS. In-so Ioumdlut oouhnnoo. %CORBETT SHARDWARE| :;:'.';`:*::,:`3&,:.E'*:::.`:a:f`xr::::f:a.t;`:.`:.'rA:`:a?"'"' :.:;*:,,':;*.:.,:.;*::':'.:'.:. `s.`. ::z::*;.-' ' " **" W ::'.3:`.i!`. ..`i`.:x.:.`:`:'..`.1'..f,`..'.`.`.::." ' `""- "" ::.:,`a?o:'.:, ..'?%`.&:.*.$::..:?u :;`:::::I:~..':*"'"~ From W. Venliun Pettlurew, M.D.. {ormerl Lecture It 80. George ! 0'1-V3333"! Hospital, London-I have no hesitation in awning G et have never Inn with any medicine on eloeclous M: an Anti-spasmodic end detlve. have Ind It In 003- Iun} tion. Aqthnm. Dhu-rhmu, and other dluenu ; and cm 1' ectly utlgegl with the l'OIIl\." arl Russulloomnnuniommd to the Col] 0 of Physio Mu theta he ved 0 I! no from Her Majesty's Consul at llanllln to the 0 eat thet cholera he: been 3 in . that the only REMEDY of am service wan 0ru.mmmrNI.-See Lancet. In December. lil- CAUTIO '--BEWAIlE OF BLRAOY A_N_D_IH_I l`_._A'1'IQN_. . ` %ixva"t'ho only. l{1iI'I&n'\r'6'f' Fn" V :1- \'r'iV;i van 0Iu.ononvNI.-Soo Lamont. In Dooolnbor. IIII. CAUTIOR-BEWARE PIRACY AND IHITATIONQ. OAU'l'ION-Vloo-OhrmoollorSir w. Page Wood mud um nu. J. oouarmowu im undoubtedly the inventor of CIILORODYNI; that the whole story of tho dofondgnl ll :3`: dollbonstoly untrue. which he rojnthd to In had been worn 60..-800 Tina-rmll. , __:AL _...A AL- `_J- Dr. J. ()0 Tutlmon SOLI A Timely Tidings of ` Dress Goods Values.` Than the HAPPY THOUGHT" in the bent Cookinz Range ever offered to the public. For conrmation 0 this we refer to the many users in and about Kingnto , a number now exceeding five hundred. Don't take our word alone. Reter to any one of them. Remember the HAPPY THOUGHT in made in six than and twelve styles, and in the culminating triumph of modern Stove construction. ` vvuuu nu.--rv--.-u-. ....-._-, w...... _. -._---V-_ 7, - last. T i . .. .0d.. .6d. dll . h. N H: can Ina witholn 6!: w 1 ` "D:-l.q.}f` E'I.1'i'n .m1.'o'3.}3~."`h1?;'roa 1:2 on':l:|o G1.w.o::montg%IIIII>- VOPVIIOIIIIIIU ` Tuumony nooornnnnlu ouch boat. a. ,, , _ -_ . .. . , . _ ._ . You are invited to investigate our Dress department. It is not necessary to pay fancy rices for High Class Dress Stuffs, as you will seeyalook \1. I with us. All 111 1 `IN! I -.__I I`_'I-..-,.I L` A _ ~ A n u - n t\|0`I\ JMGKELVEY & amen lumasiraln. - n us. , t 44 in. All W'ool Black and Colored Serges, worth 35c for 25c. - 40 in. Silk and VVool Two Tone Effects, worth 65c for 50c. 40 in. Shot Pin Cheek Effects, worth 75c for 65. Handsome Dress Patterns in Tweed and Two. Tone Effects, worth $6 for $5 each. Dress Patterns at $6.75, $7.50, $10, $12, $15 each. Elegant goods and extra good value. D1 /\t`l.' `l\Dl.`CQ Q'I`lTI?I7Q nrn nnncnqnu rrnnd moan mun ngqnsnon