Machine Made OALYANIIID VIII fnll rnult honsmioihpntndtlllhllllhlfbtl lcnoonhochuutsuhatfnnfcnunndo Ahovu1lonolhunnh.lWl IIIZMU 1 j 1--L 1-! B.=-'; -`$9-939! p;__.._..A _ _. I` ll-IU EIIIJILI DIII XIIIIIIICI -ID Oil.) ll (IRS- Gormnn Wool and Silk Mixtures It would nnu-Iguana 1- Avalon nuu uvn Iunu yaw-u 5 unusu- Mlo, 35 00.05.40. 40 in. Shot. Tweed lorschool Dnuu, only Inc. An In Clhnb l`.-...I -u.nlnl -6 Oh: 10 Au. ouuu I wuull Iul ouuuvn .llII!DCUI' VIII; unu- an In. Shot Twood, special n 25. . New Blast and Colored Jut. Gimp: to match. English Walking and lfolt Snon jut rr ngl -`A uugunu vvunnung nun lvun uuununu pan: av cdvod. Jot Ornaments, Bird: and Ribbon Trimmings lax-so nuortmont. at Lowut Cnh quota- Nona. Crumley Bros. T OIIIIIOI [VI IIICWIIIIU. HALL PAPERS. DAIXD. INGBAIN8, IIOULDING. Inc. All tho newest putcunn and sink. Pspor Run and Polntinl In all It: bnnohu prompt undptoporly onouhd. Get a Lawn Mower, down to cost price at A. s1`RAcHAN s. I-am Up vouTZmea. You can get the best of Tools at `rock bottom prices. `n`uAu-:29`-J`-nu ha Clan 1-Int:-1|-urn Y - `III 3 CW Jolnrum-can-y. Prue :-shoot. ALLIIW AID BIO-DAT! T L..G'ourdit, IFBBEIGN BEAUTIES 1| Pretty double fold Drou Tweed: st 50c and 65o Fine Finish Silk Iuxtunl I3 450 and 60:3. 11.-..-- IlI....l ...a sun. |ll-A....... -5 AL. -n.I Beautify Your Lawn. GI. IUDB IIVIIUIIJ Illniic Everything in thc Hardware line at right prices. SCHOOL REQUISITES ot| Donor of Princess no Ioulngwn llrooll lhuton Punt Shop and Boolnlhpu Dnot , oomnnocxunomnnxn 1 SCHOOL BAGS, F. NISBET SI `LOJI I10. I got e box of Milbnnfe Heart and Nerve Pills. and have need them with the greatest success. Iem now very much better, root end eleep well all night. my appetite is restored. I em vi roue, cheer- ful. and happy to nd mmef restored to health again. Two boxes of the pills were ell that I mag]. and I can recommend Milburn | Heart and Nerve Pills very highly to any- one euering all did. [mm Liver Pm: cure constipation und slot headache. 25oouu. All druggiuca. Al.` 31: rvvyw want 610' ncbmty. Hour: '1`:-oublo-"rhoy Give Home Testimonv. Mrs. Mary-Costello. of Kin in, Out, says. For many years! vs been :- larpnh lnhrnr from II'D"ol0lI Of 311. Lays. ".l'o|' many yin!-I1 nave nun :- morer from pslpibmon . aloepleuneaa, norvouoneu, etc. My hurt smamd frequently sud needed to rite up into my throat. and I van I0 bad Lhabsnimes I could not stand to_ my household dubiu. -' An. _.'_LL Y.....I.I n-A. ml.-n -nu nnnvnn household duh. ' AI: night I could notoop my no were so horribly unutrung. I untforod vary greatly. much more 1 can tell you slnn I let Anybody know. So miserable VAII that I would not hive and when death `book I'...-L .. L4- nl Illllnn-n . gait and - Ptlu go cents per Bax. or 6 to: $3.50. A! Dnlgglsts. or Mailed on Pxcelpt oi Prlco by T. MILBURN & 00.. Toronto. V Um ""fjI"'I Idovuuubovo Opinion-0. `Pineal; School Books, Scribbling Books, Exercise Books. Wlllnd donixnn In our stool that that cannot get cluvhoro. I14 l.l. IDA Illllsl nnnr TNIIIIATHR. T. MCMAHON & C0. psutaaaaaanaa , LN-:l'BNDlN0 Puacmsans SMYTHE J LOSCOMBE. A"".`.R"llP`. "' ?."'.i'n'.2" ,-,u.<.'aa->.. 1: * Lxijiii The comer Bookstoro. all kinds at WALL PAPER] Inn *7. -In-an` I may. tutu Tell. By using ration: and other Iuppliel as a lover, 1 induced afew more to cut. and then Idlrected the police to cut theirs or leave. the force. They reluctantly oom- plied, but once accomplished they were only too eager to compel the rest, and they cheerfully under orders arrested and brought to me every educated Indian on the reservation. There were 20 of these, gorgeous in paint, feathers. long hair, breeohclouta and blankets, educated at an expense of thousands of dollara, living in their brush shelter: wilder than any un- educated Indian on the reservation and fully as lazy and mnbltionlees. The "leav- en" had tailed to work. The man eb- aorbed th I!) and compelled them to back- sllde. They soon had a hair out and a suit or clothes put on them. The Indian oillce issued a peremptory order for all to out their hair and adopt civilized attire, and l in six weeks from the start every male ln- : dian had been changed into the semblance ` of a decent man, with the warning that connement at hard labor awaited any biaokalldcrs. There has been none, and the tank of moving them upward ha: been peroeptibly easier iron the time eclaeorl clipped on their wildness.--Outlook. avw-n-we -v -u-now-nun -The immense amount of study and time applied by Ambrose Sweaoy to the con- struction of on engine of perlect pre_oision for grsdneting the circles of I telescope has been rewarded. Caseicr's Mnynzlne as- serts, by the production of a dividing en~ gine unsurpassed {or accurate menarc- mente. This. considering the dlmculties involved in the case of such engines, is sci- entically n worthy. Thus, as one-third of an inch nbtenda an engle of one ecc- ' ond of are at A distance of one mile, it is xneniteet how minute must be the mens- nrements on the periphery of e circle, esy, of 8 ieet diameter, end, ee there ere 1,896,- 000 seconds of arc in a circle, and es ell seconds must theoretically have the same value, the dinlouities of dividing e circle in which the errors Ihnil be less than a lens. A! nun -I-n nhulnun nnmnunnnui nf in WIIIOII EDD ll'l'Ul'I Illll DO Hill Bllll ll ond or are are obvious. Homogonsity of material, proportionate parts that will equally respond to slight changes 01 tom- persturo and various other factors enter into this dimuult problem, ssida from the final corrections of the dividing mochsn- ism. Every approach to perfection, there- fore, be it nevcrsttuined absolutely, brings gr:-qtar assurance to the astronomer of the scum-say or his measurements. London ch Lmouhlro Life As- ounnoo Oompany. n-.nn'nAu.o A lhnnnnn lhnnnuu run Hill. Milk should always be sipped sioyviy, so that, on reaching the stomach, it will be in the form of nspongo. through winch in gastric Juice can pcrirn its duties properly. For dylpcpcics the milk should bobdiid. Cases of inammation of tho uoxsch hue been cured` by living on ham! and unllh `Inn (M A Minn, 'I'hn ul. 'rypewr|ter-I am rapid enough all Indontuul human form: all right. but I must admit that I cannot upon. Bmtnai In---You won`: do. SIC. cwusnbopncu. I can qua unit.- htlmqnlhlounul. I IGIBI Alvtili AU 1:!!! Thou ~ Wild! AI with Samson of old, the Indiana` wildneu lay ln their long hair, which the rem:-nod educated Indinnswora because. as they boasted,` it made them wild." All margin were bent to compel the adult malelto oatthelr hair and adopt civiliud attlrigln vain. Even the police would not war llieir uniforms. A proposition to cut their hair mm a former a, M result-~ ed in u mutiny. The duties of the police are tonrrost oonen and to herd the boar coma urohuod for their own consump- tlon. tlom werooonsidera bly inamnud on 5].. nnllnn on nrunlrn ll. nvnvth thulr whlln non. nluoul wens oumnuaru my Inuvuauu to the polloo to make ll. worth lshulr while to think twice before legvlng the force. and they were informed that when there was no pollen to herd the been: the trlbe would go without. Thus was a dlflon-on: proposltlon. Two members who had been to school were discharged for wearing long halt. One old follow, an a special 1:- vor, cut his hnlr. but it cost mo I5. Ill: wife made his me a burdan, and he In sum appealed to me to human with the mat. A Notable Pull` of Boynltltia King Chriltlan and Queen Lenin of Denmark are a notable pair of royaltiee. in 1842 King Christian was a poor young onion: in the Denlsb army. and when Queen Louisa married him inlthat year she did her own eewing and kep_t home in its practical sense. Between them they had a email income. In 1858 they become the ruler: of Denmark. and their children have made exceedingly brilliant marriages. Their eldest daughter, Alexandre. married the Prime of Wales and some day may be neon of England. Their second daughter, ar, ie the dcwar empress of Rue- ela. One eon, George, In king of Greece. and another eon, Waldemar, will wed Prineeee Mario. a daughter of the Due de Chartres. the Orlconlet pretender to the throne of France. IIOIIIIBI III"! II!!! cllrul` uy uving on Mud and mllk nhno toe to than. The ud- dltton of I ma. limo water make: It um luMer.-Honnwl!e. A young 1391: once calla; upon `rants. tho votcnn all meet operator, and aid: Mr 'I"Innnt-Q Y Inna Iml nm In hank. '.ITUV'I'UC CU HIIH WIIH ii W qnlntcnl look oi his and "ll.h.&v mu nun-tang" QUIIIIIIII IIIJI II [III IIII "B4:-lay uh-ch not-mayo." lnlna Ccnpnny. 3__4I--_.-jljj In gjldlann lgnhl-L |.-aa;-swrr+--aa:4.Ia.u--rK' `- `D'1='<.\uv._. I V, kn:-rv----- . ,~ _~ " IIIOII ` and 10311 lbs) to tho at-om: -an-aha. sw:nxn.:nmnus'wharon:'1?oc1gunu-. A .ouondu`u-Inna . '8'lgo'ryatArwithtink=i::ln'ong. Tothonondnwfdmlclheurliodling. Gnllllllllldtlntnnthsnlxhtnlong. IIIO veteran nun luau oponwt, nun -m; "Hr. Tram. I have 030.000 In bank. which I obtained by mortngmg my home. An you know :1! about stocks, 1 Ian:-Q nnllal nu -ck hits: `I dull hnv, " IIOIIH9. (II ,0 KIIIIW Ill HIKIIII Iill have called to at what I dun buy." 'I`-m: --I him fth LI:-A LII In`: nu _sw1ndqvnnooIiboII!0oIBI.' ltlogld ' beimwith 13 V1118!- ;1I|J.ugnt'|y m ,a'nh:?`1l| ammonia ! Bllhllllddnnptnqwhlbnothotdnli Uphunthoucathuooauchonb a.:ll::yrnva ant an hunting npc-nth: to Auhough ohoynn groaning In nngdnluld magnum. . Allnuugn wuvyuv it-uumny In uugu-n---I mouths. Bcmouuag the ship that shall come no more. ; But :1 nale pigeon. and foldyuu wins." i I Lit_tlo Alu_e 1>_igeo_3n_\nith_monr;1f_ul_sye|. l But I_l `null! pigeon. Illll Ioulyuur VIII! Little 1110 pigeon with monrnfnl eyes. Am I not-singing? See. I am swinging. Bvtnctu I-In nan where my darling Ila. -Port1nnd Oroconln. IIYO C`-SHE II II `III I H31] D0,." Tluvcneyelunwlth that wolliiownl nnlnqh-nl lnnk n! hln nnd j. '10. O O O THE APACHWE9 HAIR. }QT..T..:r: Wjioiy. .__ ____ -_II_.2 _` wnem my uaruns um. fPort1|nd Orocllll. -I`n. LII. bro. Dh`:..u mat .-can `nial; n.nn.._n.._~ I..n.I. Lgl awwu out u-w--u-u-- -nu-out The noun told of a Sunday shoal` which oooohml a tack: mud Amlnh ; dIhW|Ik.n nilkmm. 0noy'thdub- } joolotlhole-on wutho!uoto(BolnInI- at. but the clan wu Incas inattentive. Ilnhlnn ha nnrn innnulh stunting. `:15: boy flltengly onlwllli. "Pi. Iv. tum]-hny hrhr." 'l'L-hnd:Qunnn-nn_ blhnnhj A T U` .1 lxohlnco I: `nal. in [[10 011100111. ~ It. needed masterful, determined om- oers to keep such men under. nud the packet owners were of that kind. They - were lighters always ready, and their 01`- durs wcro sharp and stern. with a nurse. and perhaps a snatch block or Delaying pin coming close he-hind them if the men were slow to move or to understand. A Black- bnll ship often came into port with fewer men than ahe started wi h. and many an officer found it Ixoconyfyicgularlyto leave the amp before she came to anchor and \ stay in hiding until the nailed again to avoid the warrant: oi` arreat against him on account of his tr:-atuu-nt of the crew. `After a lilac-khan ship had cleared away it usually happened that a Whitehali boat ` put out from some pier and net on board two or-_three men who, olupping on `round. ~ an-night vlsored omcu-3' huts. went to ` getting the crew into working order at I short notice. HI up-n nan 6|\n Irln nf nnnlrnf. nnllnl ' anon-I names. "I want not tho kind of packet sailor I have been telling you about, but I mailed a number of trips in the Blnokbcm ships during the civil war. snnon were Ion-ca. uud tlnoipay of 880 to 8100 in gold tor a trip was too tempting to ml:-u. Being I good snilor and tempcmto, I not on wail wllh tho omcm, and! managed to pull thnough without trouble with the nun.` but I now some rougiuightl and doinn. The thing that imp! -cued mo moat wu whn. I saw one Christmas: (My, with the ship lying out at anchor ready to nil It turn of tido. It was bitterly cold, The crow hud come aboard in all stage: 0! dmnkonneu, from lighting to dead drunk, i and the uproar qbout rtho tononltlo was ` like what I have hmrd told of Ihool. unuumn elm nmn man in war: nl-Mani ` loollllg om luau, wurnuy uluu, uuu www- ` ing. I remember. a rod omnl_o.I-tar round his Insult. I don't know whether he hml been drinking or not. oi-whether he accidentally foil or was poslwd down the hntohwag, but he {all some )0 or 19 lost down into ~ tho iorchold. A song of the packet mu i followed him down to where he lay; haul and kicked him until he was "lnpenailale. and rubbed hlm of everything they lunoied about him. When the ship wu t under way mid the crew were mus nmldahlpu to be ..|.n..m n Inlm umfnlmn thn nld nun: ntnnd 5`). CXUW WUTU l'llUl|ll.'l'\Il Illlllllli IN-I VB ohoaon oi! into watches. the old man atood among the not. looking in mighty had ahapo latter the trantmant ho had andr- gono. Ala rule little notioo would has been taken of the matter and no inqnirioa made, but it chanced that the captain and he wore both Fnaamaaona, and the old man gave the captain a Mnaonio aign, and that \ got him notice. The captain a eyoa blazed \ at he heard the old man's atory, andho ` told him to point out the men who had baatun and robbed him. Ha idontiad aix or aaven--ona of them was Iuaring hia rod oomtortox--and thay were ordered to ` stand out apart from tho teat of tho ox-ow. "Thar -an nmnnallnd no dnlivar Inn to Ilillll our Ipuru lrulu um nun 0| (nu urvw. "They won compelled to deliver up to the old men everythlng that be nld In his. then the mute and wound name. the boatnwaln and carpenter put on me) knuckles and walked into them. The fol- lowewen knocked down and hammered end then pulled up to be knocked down ngaln. the eteel knuckles, wherever they lunded, cutting llke knlree, until the deck looked llke a slaughter pen. It was I cruel punishment, but none can my the ll ` I '3 deserved. ` 0 ..... ..-I eknn g nnnnt nnnc nnhl W 'I UTIVHI. ow and than I packet olloar would bekmed bytheuz-aw. Who! thuooontu rated wont wan to nd I lnndlnbhn chip- ped u n able numnn, and they and to make the` trip 3 mlnroblo one to him. Sena at uni! punl-um wen quot: anon. an Iotttng a man todllrwnla tron: one bnokcl to Another with: tu- spoon or tting cnnvu wings to Mn and making him no the wud out can yudnn. crowing like I cook at nay two houn.'?-New You-Lsun. Ilfg UIIIII5ClICVV$Ill%lIlIUEllIlVG Wishing to unit lmmulhtl summon. Vhoanalounnn-at tlnioyn-hndnp unloa- "dun, VIII?" llle Wnlli 1 nave nruru tutu un Inuul. ` Among the crew was a very decent looking old man. warmly clad. and went- Inn I mmnmhnr, A red nmnlm-Oar round h'II "They were beautiful Ihlyl. thb old Blnnkbull patch: long. trill ollpprl. that more through the woman: ooeanumlc! V a cloud of coin-u that wag kept untold at long an it wuu'1d may to thiyuldl. Hunt at one had never I dry dock or-ttloujwl dry-stitobof clothing In n ddun plllllget niuning. They wore nely tted up In the cabins and did I great: part of alto overt sea: passenger carrying up to the end 0! the war. but they were tough crown nd hard mom that nailed them--tho tough- eat and hardest. I reckon, In the world." nm Rn:-nnv Rnnlrn. the nhlnknnnnr ni A"`.'., :E`...'.".:"`c';.f.u`3 e?.`3 [hoot ` Dual. ton. (hes I lIl.`l'p EUII UIIIIUY lUl' llllll-I "GET- '.l`h_cre was the regular packet sailor; who would ship on no other craft." ho want on to my. pocket rain. we called them. When one ot_ them was xed out in his regulation togs--o red Havro shirt.` biuck lrouaerl. o glazed cop and neat OM19 skin bootu-ho mu lmowrrnn o 'Bucko' sullor, and put on great ulrs. They went in gangs than uhippodtoaotbor for the trip across the Atlantic. They fought the oii ccrs where they dnrod nnd robbed and multrcuted tholr fellow Inorn. A green Dmcinnan on his lint Blnokball pocket trip was their special mark, and he was lucky ll , bosidos lmvlng hll ohost looted und the very boon ltulen from his toes, he were not brutally beaten. The regular pnclrot sulior can-lod no chest or bag. only tho clothes on his back. Ho onmo nbourd drunk. was driven, mined and smashed through the passage by the omcoh and `made in pior hood loop from the am home she was fairly xuoorvd at thmwhar on who otlwr side of tho wutor. Plckpookotl. bur- giur, criminal: or every sort. whose Inl dust:-lo: compellvd them to make sundry ohungel of l'('llId('llc(', nhlppod in the pooh ets so on to gun from one side of tho ocean to the other. Such n man, if a good nea- nmn, might get through the trip ull right. but it not. lag fnrod hard at the hands of the ollloorn. Hit u....:I.uI nnnnnn-In] alnfnluulnntl tum. `rue sAu.oI_xs `mac; inuuneo `rad: aucxuu. cuanna. . {nth crown Ippt In IIIII by Toljio -___ AL- -_...n........... UHF "nu IIIIIVIXW. I. l'\`!IU" III II! WUTIII. om Barney Bocklim the qhlpkeoper at an Bust river whart. was talking. B0 was A deep sea sailor {or many yenn. 'I`hm-p wan tha remnlnr mmknt mnn -...__- .-. :_ -. -- - Robbed III! FIIOOI-PIIIPIQOII TIIO Wu lolnounnu lnlllud. '01: , ";;l I'x.a:.wh plus! tho wall; C It Olt nnonnnnl"-III. Itdumnhtvhthhwntonill; Iovueuhllnllltlno muons . hilndnnn--. IOOOIOI I `III IIjI in bula:-HF` ---fb AxfxmnmEm.AnoTmfn `damn ' |_ ooonntnnn. Book: opened. Itodmn t.- od. Trial baunuou and nanola uutomoltn I futon. Basin condonuu. Adduu Kinc- Iton Bushman nan. Jnbotuu lsrmnaf Wm. Allen s..s u:osc_m.:a:.... 0 Inn I Mot 1130 of on. lroll uuvl In onny Goblm. unlublof up olu and quite lnupomlvo. We have ihoolnd I u olnllyno like that on very in who. on should qioiqhun bofonthoytn cons. uuzapoum looking (Inn. in low Oovon. um. in lung cull. ALLEN'8 SHOES; . .. f.:E_:._..-______'..i Blootrblu . 1'A-hInhnlInn.:l%In11- nun. Baum comm Iton Buslnuo uon. T. F`. Harrison Co. ROCKING CHAIRS. Inluvuhlhhc. `ii`"e'Bf5)i~L. Best. 2.`.`%"` In nnnhtl on 01:: nv-- cu I -v F-I '1" . -1- 'v- ..s:'.; t..,....' 5` .```t:>.`. .'u``25`. .`.'.`.| :: 3:: ':`a2`:`2.`.2'f.'.'.'.`.':.'...` " 3:43:33 U EH80 I. HAIII III IOOOII moafod. Ilon`o:.t.: lnnn st lotus run. In Elna In. our WIdo'I Dtucton. j: A14 XANDEE ooonncnnl Id. `Pplnl hnlu l.B.:0:)iN (XX) LNDBIAL 5. Boats uoounl 10:90:. nlnnlortg Um I Inn": v v v 35.5%! OPIN DAY AND NIGHT. -iabu _;.Aun ausmsss. wrnun ELL!!! 01 not Eh o*`r"ruu;m amen. > AROHlTED'l'U.Al- ._.--..._..___ madman. canns. Eons: LIVERY. KC DWI I1!` % ......=.e.*..-m-...."..-'.:';-::s.:..-4.. INSURANCE- _' _.)_ .3-mm. IBLANUHABD UHLRTIE I. Boon conned. nontad. am I-IOAI. $0. IVIUUIPIOK IIIIQIJIIK. 0| VVUIHIIB. Mn. Henry Meroin. Selby. after spend- ing Bnndey eh 'l.'honund Inland perk on her return epeno e few deye vieilsin friende here end in Getereqni. Mr. eel end Mleeee Bennie end` Annie Muneio heve re- turned to their home in New York. On Sunday Int Rev. Mr. Robeson. Cetnrequi, viellzed Bunniside Sande school and gum n preemies! leokhoerd son from the next Come Unto Me. Junee Walker, wile end family epeut Snndny at Jacob H|rpelI e. Augusta: Ely after en nbeenoe of name year: he been renewing |cqIlIln' hnoee here and et Cetereqni. While in Kingston he won tendered I lcnlc by his lriende held in Lake One 0 perk And much enjoyed. Mr. Ely in childhood dnye reeided In Oehrnqui end in now in reilroed employ in Oh` . Hie wife And two chil- chen, and Mn. urphy Accompanied him on hie vieit. ~ :I`Ic clvhnnvn $nA1I A. nvnnunt A.-Ag `Copunentu-1 `trip to Weetport-1`he cllhollo Plcllo Poetpoued. Du.n. Sept. 7.-Summer visitors are becoming lever. Mn. W. H. Demuu and den hker. former residents, now of Brockvil e. here returned home after I visit. t.oMrI. B. Seunsn and other friend: here. hlre.Aunio Denant bu returned After visiting in Genenoqne and other places. The herven dinner given by the nonoranntion of the M. E. Church wee places. 100 narvun ulnnor given Dy ma non rogation of the H. E. Church vol ascended. Mid In I nancial, as well u 3 social. mecca. The school children and choir Iuohon An propuing to give anonurtninmont in tho town lull in the courts ol two or throo wooh. A _n-|.- nl Inaliga Igsnlvuntlunni-non nl @|II'X 9| 5'0 0|` "WC WIIII. _A nnmhor of Iodioo nooknodvontogo ol tho oomplluoulnry trip ovor tho B. t W. rolling to Wootporb givon by tho unpain- tendom of the road. .1. Moonoy. Brook- villo. Iotho wivoo of tho pntrono of tho mod. on Friday. 8rd inn. and tho pro- ooding Fridpy. That Ir. Mommy ! jour- uoy through life my ho no ploooont. on In thottip ironlhoro to that churning vil- hgo nt tho tonninuo of the B. &W.. io tho wioh of not A for oi his triondo hero. Tho Coiholic picnic. which Inn to ho hold in Ilgin to-doy, hot! to ho pootponod until to- mnnni no: amount of thn min. A Into Illll to-any, nun In In [lncpuuul unul Io- nonow on account 0! the rain. A largo crowd wont to the gmundr. but were loathe to wait until the wosthoiclonnd. A larger crowd In upoohd to Inorrow. The manor oochgu on tho inland no again mound. Ahwyoungnon (tom Innate an ontlnllldon. Auongthouuro Wlluln-n_H ,RmouL In ? VlUIlIl[ "Tl XII UIIITI Ililllj on Uppu lake in quite I hr can the Is` he dun. Visitor: : n. W. Show- on U uu ll qluw a nr IXIIII Ill. hnlow days. Visitors: :1. Suw- ut, Wok:-town. N.Y., and In. ll. Hun- um, ftnnhvinn uh II, V:nIn'ne firth: A `1 i`.u"i"""""n.~.... ."m'Z'?"i'a`.$"vn'r'.""'n;.....-`.'aT. Ncvhuo. H. Bnuo. of Newborn. bu Inonvinlting Moods Inn. Duck shooting on Unnm Inlnin nnlh A nnnnhr m-an thn WUVCWIM nth. -.II. 3. null- Ihuhillo. at . II. Vnnloodl: II J. `Connor. hint, II J. R 'n; Ilia ll iih-I. lnnntmn '_ K|~,Nnlnnn_ Int..,... hr... p1CIIUl'U TIE!` IIIUKI UUWI llGIl' lallI IIU gets on the ni ha of hbor. day. Mrs. Dexter Powley so returned home nicer apendiog about three weeks on the lake: and no the diereut pone along the route. Dr. Bpunkie, after visiting the echool. re- ports the school room and teaching Ami diecipline good. but) suggest: that the oeuide eppaonnoe could be improved, and we think he in right. Mr. and Mn. L. C. Heveoolr. of Oeterequi. have returned home after npending A few days with their daughter. Mrs. Charles Walker, end their Ion. Frederick Heyoook. ol Weosleke. Mr; Hnnrw Mnrhin. Hnlbv. nflnr mend- Suxrwsxnn. Sept. 8.-Hu-vesting in about over, and the farmers time is occu- pied threshing. ploughing and marketing. Oliver Fairbanks iragain buy with his steam throaher. He had a mishap while at J. Johnar.on a. a horao-shoe going through tho cylindar and breaking out hwontxy-nix tooth. canning quits a dalny. John Aylouvorth bu hi: barn about oom- plotod. Albert Aylouvonh bu purohaaod agang plough. A bun with a load of puaauro Ionian broke down near the toll anon on aha ninhh of labor dav. Mrs. ounru xor cause. The proprietor of the Bruce bone was and ton dolhrn for sailing liquor to a minor, and thirty dollar: 1 cost: for uolllngin prohibited hours. cue for. kooiug u dinordorly house was diomihqd wit coats. M`:-I. W. N. lloseylefb you corduy for Oloan. N.Y., to spend I few wool: with her daughter, Mrs. 0. Fun- . ning. |IMlglQC_I!.0Io-lomo run Moths Ia. to `Hull Fun-Ino ooutnlqi the Unit wm. outlo-nod Ior lolllng Liquor to llnon. ` Nuuxn. Bopt. l0.--Word has been :0? mod tron: Harry Litdu-. of Ghoburwho ` Mt than about a year ago {or Brlulh Co- lumbia. that In in on Mt wny hump with $83,000 from the timed Klondike country. No mm :5 uooivd from Hurryy hi: pqonu for non: time, gnd thcy nu go?- tlng anxioun. when judge of their nuprnb as rouivingsho glad nnwru tow day! ngq. Rnhn slninmm cnnturod I fortv-nound I If ' 300 UK ` _ . ' nua."`:pm.".pc:Li '.":I';- .lo'..'3 `long. while trolling in Key Boy one day `this junk. The sh In; I benqt And ans. full justly proiadjofltlscntc . E. Vunolshino was Moo successful in the pie line this week. wring}: twonty-pound om. Chu-In cmm end with removed to their form on H: Bey this week. Mr. Romney; with J. . Bayes, will occupy their housp on John meet. John Creighton. at Hsrnbnrg. sold the lot ot l`suwor'thhogs` he took to t.he'1`o- ronho oxpooition, reclining in the neigh- borhood 0! 0150 not then. M. N. Einpe us also successful at the someplace. vi his Ayrshire cattle` and `Dorset horned snoop. can-ymg olf prim: on both exhihiu. He eold one of his sheep to I party from New Brunswick for 830. John Hillrnlno took second prime for his yearling colh, and third for cheese. ML- -...,....i_b.u- 1.! (Jun R:-mun knnnn uni Jllohnn to I 'l`hroIhoI'--Ilovcmont or the Buldontl. 11 _ .- , 2- To-uungv Lqiguan. or Lemon, * mimzpuy man. ` stjnnvslnz surrmas. DELTA HAPPENIRGS. II I WIWHE, XII U DEBIT of nunllmn have collopud. One has I ' oxpott rmulonohuslout 3,000.lX)0 roub on the fullment of contract: undo byit in Ihcoxpooluionlhnthsnwould ho I niddliugcrop. `With Ilnucopon oihu-Icy all Ihooonnhnnu light as tluynnnuulwlilothohctthntthogov. cmnonlhunldooxtnordiuarypuehlu blgninlor loodulcn u n pncantioa agninos unotlnkfunino hlinctuod the j. Ienu llIl' Wlcll IIC DIG X0 I%II. "Tha enwery monster wee hooked. end efher struggling veinly for e week. geve up the ghou. He we: then cut. loone end towed eshore e: Deuboronzh perk. He meelured eevemeen leet. four end e hell inchee lrom mount to tip of teil, end we: -ix lee: four inches in hreedth. He hed e ehell which wee soft end pliable, end on eechnide ofthe body were nix ippers. thirty-two inchee long. end erlned with I-even inch clewe. The monster weighed 643 pounds. end his eyee were eeven inchel m diemeter. The leil wee ehont four inchee long end fen Iheped. "Dr. Daehrnnnh. who in A wenlhhv nhv. IIIIIII. III! IFWICI III I IIUW plkg nuu suffered the penalty of his temerity. The place in Port Say. elend-looked boy on the eouth side of Lake Ontario, about lty milee eat of the mouth of the Uunoeee river. Hie captors ere Heeld end Weetfell, veteran huntere and shermen. who to well-known in the vicinity of Wol- cott, N.Y.. which is the neereet: village. They have recently been engeged in war- geon nhing. and were well prepared with linen linee end heevy books. The monster had been noticed in the bay for several dnyl. and they made up their minds tr beve him. A epecislly braided line was prepared and baited wlth salt pork, than leetened to I hickory tree on e point of lend neer which he had been teen. u'I\L- _.....-.... ...-..-L-.. _-- |.....L.\.l -...l IKICHX IOIIR IIICI [Ill IIKWI. "Dr. Doobrougb. who in I wonlthy phy- sicinn of Utim, and owner of Doobrongh park 1|. the by. paid the lucky shermen SIG) for the moment, bu had him skinned and will prueno the at in to _t.l|o Smith- Ionian institution :3 Washington. TIC Ill TIII1I nlllI I11 TH IIIIIIDC` ed by the inux ol 3 ball Ieoro Hungariin conniuianon, who no purchasing when "at any pneo at which they can obtnin it. A majority of the grntgnin exporters are in I pnenrioupontiua, mud n In-gonumbc of mall rm: Inn enllnnnnd- Ono Innn Oontnoton nun snllotod BI; bonus In Dnnllnn II-darn stuvvuuu 53-7: auuwuvu 3:` nnrxuu I- looting onion. Onmu, 80 9.-'l`ho otidl in the grain `trade in Soil Russia ha been onlnnc- ..I L- AL- :-`..- gl - knll -...._ III.._.....`~. EDI]. On his return he will replace the small plans with 8 large mill capable of doing work on an elabornte scale. He spoke in the moeb favorable Denna of the mineral wealth of uhedietrieb. and stated that in lees then A year Knlnder will be one of the moot protable gold producing eeotione to be found. He expects to have hie new mill erected in about three months. ' 7 DR. BBC`. 2oa.m:.=W| Dr. George Doohrongh. 01 lltlcn. wun Pn- nnl It In lnltlnonluu lutlntlon. A Rochester doapataoh mnyu: "I! re- pom be man, the no uorpent. or one of alum, hu npponred in: new place. und -..`.._..I AL- ...._-IA- -6 Li- LA_.-_lb-p DIKIIIEKOIUDUE UK BBC lllllla Ill lxzununl. Mr. Shannon stated this he was on his way to Bu Rule in order to purchase the ne- ceesary machinery for working the mine. The machinery that he had placed at the mine was merely for experimental work, which he had been carrying on for some weeks in order to satisfy his company that the gold wes there in peying quanti- tiee. He had sunk a shaft to e consider- able depth and bed made ecross out of `.250 feet and found the ledge twelve feet inwidth end showed signs of etillwidening. He had wested 100 lbs. of the rock and from it took $1.95 in gold and is quite positive that it will everege 825.00 to the ton. f\.. L}. __L...... I.` ._:II ..-.I..... I-Ln -nnen`l Tweed News. , R. E. Shannon. the minor who has an option on the Golden Fleece near Flinton. and who has been devoloping in dur- ing the put. few weeks. In: seen just bet'ore_lie left. for Bullhlo. Mr. Shannon ie eminer 0! almost: unlimited experience. having irilited nearly every mining camp on the continent exoepn the Klondike, and his opinions therefore carry considerable weight. More than this he represents A very wealthy syndicate controlled by Bu'f~ {nlo capimliehe, who are determined on Lakinggoldouc of the mines in Kalndnr. Mr, .-lhsmnnn embed mhdn he was on no ugnu. New hnulwood oors are being put in the Provincinl hotel. Mn. Mnrahnll. of Clnyton, in I guest of Mn. A. H. Allen, Bmnk` obmoh. A ud' boroovuIunt bdoll AI-.......-lg. Mnughnll "nun Island. in tho Bx-not canon. A noruvuunu uuusu Alexander Marshall, Howe Island. in the death at his wife. that an illnoan of 0:3 a few dayl. Interment took plloo you 1) on the iuhnd. Min Wilson. of she King- uon boapitul nurain lull`, in here abund- ing Mrs. A. Edwar I. Ieriouuly ill for the nail: wank. ll) lllrl. A. nuwutui. Inuuuty Ill un. pub week. IMPORTANT MINING NEWS. Kaludnr In Donluud to Bocomo a unit Gold Produolng Dlnrlct. m_--..I \v-_- Twoed Nun. R W. MINI UAHABUQUI, Duyv. ll.-Au Iuuuu or any from box tour tone the brfgede About 1:3) o'e!oeh` odneede . The re van on the roof of W. Ed furniture factory, having caught from I ape:-Ir from etnoho check 0! adjoining leetory. In wu exlingniohed before mud: deluge was done. Mr. Peoria. :6 one time manager Morchunw bunk here. in in town on A visit. The old personage. nlnme build- ing which. Xhu been on the Heihodiec church `property before the present church In: hni t and which has heeneold eineethe recent enlargement oi the church. in being removed to Brock ltreet by its preeent owner. It. bed become oneof the 61d lend- rnuke. being about the oldeoh house on than Itreet. Mill Belle, of Brookville, in ewending the model, Iohool hare. ' hr, Rirrl hen inn: remand to hil new Iwinulng no modal, IGIODI nuns. Dr. Bird bu iult rdmoved hilnow midouco nnd omco. He has one o! the but bonus in the town,nn ointment. to tobopluoog sad I audit. to the architect: who bud it in hand. Albert Brizbon. of Mont.rul.- in here for a few dayn. The electric light compgny no buail engaged in rou-nnging their wire: an uynhoml. pijopuruory to inaugurating the new con- tact. with that town. which call: for mural more incnuduconb lights. us well u morn no ligliu. Nat hnulwoad oor: are boimr nut s;'._;_sg'- 'cn..'.'.'. ..""` -W `n. I.L!ou. c--a---a-u-u nun. nun; 3`ubovud-'-nu: Annun- . I... ulna null lnnnn. run-Ilnugu nun!` a-u-wvu---.., ....--.- lllvlllll ill Ill!!!- Gnuxoqvn. Sept. 9.-V-An ihm of u any-In Inn! fall! Irmurht. ll}. Eh bld GRAIN TRADE CRISIS. THE SEA SERPEN T. `$23 - I i'i'iiiA ITFTEWE` Engllsix Rough Elhotn at me and 750. 54 In. Shot Broadcloth M. 01 And 01.10. Elegant Fronoh and Gqrmnn Drou Puthrns it an lslll OK In lmlod from no P.L. ofA.nt chatti- on 5 rnorou Inn: now donlounuh h | EA! ntxmod {tom LL. |:lfA. IQ (EIIIOP an nporhnnn 0 opoatlll $'u1...u,u wiuoconeohhr duo. ohoIwqu_oo;hn.andutuc 2, ___Agz_A___.1 , -_ _-_ -___ A- $'.:.";'wmw"' -13:11. am.