Underwear UHPLIIII}. WIDII IIWU DIKDI, UIHUUU I40 LIIU rescue of A wounded comrade. cut their way through the enemy and brought. him safely into the fort. Thnrn inn nimilnr Inn-I nhtina flu-nnnh- IDIU5 I00 IUIIIU I IMG- The gnrrison was composed of165 Sikhs. commended by major Des Voeux end Lieut. Pratt. Surgeon Pull, Mrs. Des Voeux, her four children and two nurses. were eleo in the fort. Ab four o'clock in the afternoon the enemy closed around the place to within ten yards of the `wal|s,snd at times rushed up to them. The garrison repeatedly repulzed the tribeemen at the paint of the bayonet and there were remarkable exhibitions of braver y. A hnveldnr (nntive sergeant) with sixteen Silrhs charged into the midst of 300 tribesmeu and esptured three stand- ard-. Another havdldar. with ten men. rushed out to help the tint party when the latter was hard pressed by the enemy and before returning they captured three eddi- tionel standards. A sudahdar (native captsin). with two Sikhs, dashed to the rnnnnn nf A wnnnriui nnma-Aria nut. their Ilx nuurp. M _ Lien tn. `Pumpkin: and Bailey worn killed. Lieut. Hu-rington wu dmferouuly wound- ed. trwo privates were kil ed, ve privatol were wounded and twenty-ve horns and mules were killed. TL: nan. AI cl.` ...I:..l Al L.-A fl..II-b--. IIHIIOI W011! KIIIX. The news of the relief of tort. Guliuten b the troops under the command of Gen. eetman Blgge in conrmed. The gnrrieon of Fort Gulisten mnde A most geilenu defence. The enemy appear- .ed before mm. place eh noon on Sunday lest and by one o'clock the wane tanks were filled and other preparation` were made to reeilt e siege. The rnrrieon in nnmnnnod of 165 Sikhs. no lklnh `hoop: Attnolod-sonnl of - IIO Olccu Illlod. Emu. Hopi. l6.- The I-ecdnd `brigade ;o'! the Mohinnml punitive loves. command- ed by general Jolfroyu, watched the foot of ' tho Rune puu on'! noudny Iub. Darin tho night. the British troops were struck by the enemy, who kept up | body re for six bourp. A `I i-nbn `Fa-nnl-:..--_.I II-l_.. --n-` L:`IAA aunsecTFH'WE6'rT MAN. lhporor limb-`I uoolno. I\l\`l B._; I A n , , , -OI BLEW His new OFF. MET :fHE ENEMY. lII'CI-\ l QT Wm-on. Ont. Sept. Io -I;.obort Po- ooct. an oldlriuoh poodonor. died at tho v-lI!- vv cu-.-u. Rov.`J. K. Mollorino woalcnllod upon jut ovonlnu to t-wicu perform the bounti- ful msrrilae ceremony of the church of England. In the second instance the con- trootl puruiu were Mn. Georgina A. "Ball. aughtor of James Reid, furniture dealer. Princau Itroot. and William Bloom- cld, captain of the awomor Hero. Ml-o Ebbol Reid attended her uiuur. while W. J. Dlwoon supported the groom. The bride was attired in a travellinr costume of: blooming color and loolusd charming in llw ntood before the ulnar. A.i.&..i..-p .r, oh- Lnnnn nf I... ..-.-..A. -l an-vuuauul. In an uncut!) Oh- I at-pa nun Icf_no3uy`onvIhoh mg.` DUCIRIS 0|` YORK. prince any more than they noognin VIe- ` not-in u queen of Ireland. Hudnsq, 0 utuhllnhmonl of a nominal Iriih ptina in luck:-on home. Elliarncy. n in magent- od. would he luilyu hooopuhlo an evi- Oonoo 0! British authority on in the pics- aonl residence in Dublin. Vilh what no- oinlqnyety the Duke and Duolua of York would bring to tho Killarney union. not to mention the prom which wonid eons 9 (mm the oncarinme-no oi the train 0! no- blilty and tantil which would follow in their rule, it in pnohulnh-Mint the hub VIII` N lunmial int?! Ivy the c-.luIn|L' Um: SOBBIL U HHDIIIAIIUUC Ill gvuuug llllll LU lK'U. There has already been some foolish talk about the possible danger to the future king of England should he take up his residence in Ireland. Why such talk should be taken seriously is not clear. The Irish have never been nasusaiul of royalty. True. some representatives of British `rule in Ireland were removed" on one notable occasion. but it was not a blow aimed at Queen Viotorln or any of her children. It is a fact that her majesty has visited Ireland but three times during her reign, w"ilo she has gone to Scotland every autumn, but it has not been be- cause she feared violence at the hand: of the Irish. 71'}... I'\..!... -0 v..-:. ._.l_|.a. L- I_|_-I-_| FBI! LTIIH. The Duke of York might be labeled prince of Ireland In dozen places. but the hub would never recognize him an n ` 1 IUl'l.'l] H! II uuuur. since the position has been an expen aive one to fill, it has been the custom to Ieleot for It ll peer with plenty of money. Whether he had hrnina or not was it see- ondnry consideration. So it has happened that sometimes thequocn`s lord lieutenant in Ireland l : been a mun who hna not re- ccted credit on the royui house. There was one vice.-oy who. won drunk so much of the time that ho was in disaaruce even in convivial Ireland. The int-orosiing fen- turo of his failing wna thnt whenever he became intoxicated he showed a desire to make use oi his princely prerogative to knight folks. On one Lxtcnsiun he confer- red this diminution on tho bocts" of in country hotel. boots having given need- ed nnsintauoe in getting him to bed. I`hnpn Inn: uII\A.nl`v Imnn ntunln fnnllah 0-nib IGUII IHU IIBHF ID EHO Ullllll l\lll8(lUlll- He holds levees and drawing rooms ju'i: as the Prince of Wales does. and his guelta, even ladies of high birth, uro oblig- ed to courtesy low before him. H0 is the only Viceroy who has the authority to oon- 1 for knighthood. Yet on for taking any ` hand in the government of the country l.o is n more Ilgurehcud. True, he has is sent in tho cahineta. but tho seen-r.nry`for Iro- land is the active agent who oxecutes thn wishes of tho nubim-5, the vioeroy serving merely us an buffer. Shunt: Mun nncltlnn hm: hann nn nvnnn UTUI; UUILIIJLFUIIUI` Ul IJIIU IIUUIISIIUIII, EQUIP!!!` men in waiting, aids-do-camp, and the like. He has been hedged about. by strict rules of etiquote which compel him to lug along an cat-ort of cavalry when he rides , or drives and to hnvo his doings published dnily in a court cnlondurwhich is the nun: mirth provcking bit of literature which sees the light in the United Kingdom. Ha hnldn lavas: nnrl drnwlna I-nnnu: hut puluuuu LU IIHU pmu. Almost anything would be better than maintaining the viceregnl furoo which now holds the boards. Every effnrt has been made to invest the Irish vicuruy with dig- nity, but somehow enuh added frlll of pomp and circumstance hm: brought only increased ridicule. The viceroy has been given Dublin castle as a place of xosidence ` and a salary of $100,000 to keep it up. He has been surrounded with a mimic court, with the usual complement 01' state stew- ard, comptroller of the lluuuehold, gentle- nmn in Irnltlna n|:ln.nln.nnInn nnd IJIA DUKE OP YORK. little doubt that they will not fall to Ms- ugree. The scheme in detnll ls to create the Duke of York prlnoo or Ireland and to have the title desnond to the eldest son of each succeeding prlncu of Wnlus. The few loynl peers of Ireland nml the Irish Turles of uhu south of Ireland would be greatly pleased, and lt is probable thus no: u tow palirlutlo Ix-lshmen would nd no great op- position to the plan. Ahunnt nnwvthlnu mnnhl lm Imttnll than The proposal Iiouboiish the omen of Irish V Viceroy and eetnblish in in stead a prince of Ireland, with n royal residence in Ire- land. is the latest. post jnbiiee gouipof the English. The project in said to be viewed V with serious conuiderntion by the govern- ` menu and to have "time sanction of the L queen. ` Jun: hnw thn I :-ich -nnrmln will IRIIDIIA ` ID.` PIICO an ill CIUIPETDIIUU. It will bog-omomberorl that the Wmu oxluoivoly LE1: up Su`-Sergb. Long : cant. Ind had the necuanry potitfon pre- menu] to 0 city council, and application mldotol a society. When the Wmu`.~; report of the alhir was published 1 friend of the (lmndhm humane society wrote for particular; to 1: Kingston ucquninlunce, and ilnwup thought. conga. Lon would re- ceive each society : modal. nthing has been donc by the Canadian organization. '.l'In Dnkoo! romwm: n mnanuna .deno'o It Klllarney and the `mu. 0! u._.__, A- -_.,.__u g.__ n_,,,,; .g, U51]. Just how the Irish -people will receive the now: remains to be seen, but than in WA PRINCE OF IRELAND ` AN ENGLISH scneriu-: to s'rmuLA7I LOYALTY m emu. ' Prhaoo or Ireland. any snooodd on ` Vlooroy. l mu: Waco" Arrived yesterday one To of my ne Oounmo Cloth: and Pntum D1-mos. to be sold 5: loan than the out of importntian. 10 pieces Covert Snitingnin new Ihndu of (run, fawn. bloc noiigrq. at less thin cost. ` > `Ji Dress Patterns. in nun dating and wonvu. toga 1: .n . ' - , 15 piecol 54 inch Tweodu. walnut mixln vurqib ' " for 59c. 76c for 450. T. ~ A gr ' I iocu Oruoncth. navy III Hack. but ' $1.60. or yard. - " " ' 4 pique: pm-ac,-. n-(In QIII n HI: JAMES REID. gU-5;, `Kin (HO IIIGUDI OI EHO IVOyIl nu- mnnc society of Great. Britain. for his gal- lant ncon in saving 3 youth nam'ed Dalton I m death by drowning last aging. he pvoselntution will be made in to prounce of the three regiments in camp on Barrieeld commons and will take place on tho cnmpgrbund. II will ban romnmhernrl Lhnt the \Vnm \A/F\l._5l"\ S. ma SLOAN MIDICINE comp/M, or HAMILTON. umuzn Beg to announce their V1'VlANTLE DEPARTMENT COMPLETE, and are now in a position to show one of the finest assortments eve ' shown in the city and at the most reasonable prices. Special attention is called to their Children's and Misses Ulsters. As they only show Imported Goods, which, when sold out, can- not be repeated, early buyers will have an advantage in selecting. Next Door -to Standard Bank. 4 JOHN LAIDLAW & son. t MANTLES. MANTLE. sPE1cE & co. fi I`hed eoxmom real .Fx9en:h 1{i{ E16, embroidered back, black and fancy colors, quality guaranteed, - - SI 00. La Premiere," ; white, grey, lemon, large Clasps, - Will Incl-lent. Long Bo Doonntcd For Bravery. Arrgngomenbn are in pmgreu to pre- sent: 8t.a Borkt.. Long. A eld bamny, R._C.A., with the medal a! the Royal hu- lnnnn nnninlv nf nu-Ant `ll-itnin fur hi: DAL A Fine Kid Glove, embroidered back, with 2large clasp buttons, in all the leading` tan shades. - - - - 90c. that we have pleasure in `announcing the arri- val ol a large lot of Kid Gloves. After seeing a good thing, trying a good thing and proting by a good thing, you.become "" a regular customer. Therefore SO PRONOUNCED has been 3 Special Makes 11! Kid Elnves GEYLOII TEA Always in Lead Packets--Never in Bulk. -* KUHMA SPENCE & CO., Makes the nest cake in the world-you useless quantity than most other baking-powders-and the cake will be li htet and of ner texture and ` will retain its reshness longer than when an . other powder is used--no adulteration wi ammonia or alurn-at all grocers. ruy. Price $1, 6 for 85. All giealers or address Lead Pack`: only 95c, 30c, 40c. 500. 60 per lb. old by JAB. CRAIG & CO. TIC ooutoh for hot wntcr boating. plulilnf. [utting and metal work st. '1 J. A. W on, I'll Princsu street, IA: Iain I In Jnlnrlh Jnnninnnn or-* I=*uRNrrui': JULY RID RUGDST. and Antique Onk Finish. only $18.60. Bout Chm :-.0. Ou-amen : Cane Sula`. Camp Cot sud 8toolu,Pillown.Mstu-can ; und Munro Bods at great reductions - 1"" '*`.1.';-:.E 2':-.m.*ss.-s....!.*.=.=:*=.*e.:-.e----~-- This bedroom Son, in 16th Century" *-" nu, `nus 'om.v - V - u 9.... -..-... the success of our ?s;a1;e:r.;`1 Kidwclove, ET; black, 2 fancy buttons or `I HE ......'-E.-me;-Z--'- ":!.`;'.rT a'is4'. .`;.%'#.` Heedeche, Neuaoe, Dizzinou, Feinbnou. Lot! of Appetite, Fletulenoy. Coetiveoeee. In. J- Dynen. No 1! Ian 8%.. St. 'l`honu.. vrriteu : I nuorod from Dye pets for re no bad at times that [could no partake 0 any food wlvhoua nan. dhM'oee- I tried eneet mepr medicine: end dlffermt trentmen te. but IIOO|VO(l nu henvm until I neetllnelre Indian Tonic lo relieved me At once and effected O urmennt cure. It in I grend hlooo medicine and I Cm navodr :lI9"h`%ut It in the home.` I heave` recom- men 9 mod men) peep e. en 1: ever case It bu done all that wee claimed for than II`-:0: made e number of wonderful ouree {nude 1- y. AIII I II SLOAN S INDIAN TDNIU sum cumune sm CURBS DYSPBPSIA, 148 PRINCESS STREET TAYl0R S. uvvnuu Ill 'Alo_fa complete stock 01" Ladies White Cotton Under- wear. V are prepared with a cl;e`a'n:,unew Stock at reasonable- pcgs. 12%|-2c. 15c, 20c. 25:, 35c and up. comuenczn. Cmlh IIIDUI `LIA UFO. ' Insfetlioll inviml at ' wnm r-'nTrnNe":ERE'MdNTE` 'Ii:`: ;the light weights is now !l`l demand.` Wotldodlt at Janna . A Quiet Woddlng. L II..\I....l..- ....._ . unn-Iuj - IIOIIDIO I}OllIII". l'.0. Myern, ol tho Kingston bieyolo club. who has boon i unbrionoly Inching comm-y moo thio no or in companion for tho Ncyolo olfo(od' to the whoolmnn who union the [nuns manhu- ol oontlriod during tho un- I Inc muonu rqmunng choou won: Colored: Artur. 50; Bun:-nu. H5; Gama ii. I): Elooldior. 3.1; Finh CROI. 87: 0%: Edge. 6|; Hinohinlu-ooh. 57, Kama and non. 100; Ioplo Leaf. 40; On- llli. 00'.'P5n0 Hill, 75; Pin Ga-on, 00; Snub-ny. IN: 86. Llvronoo 30; Silvk Spring-. 1': Vichhovno. 40; Thouuud lo- land. H! I.'iJ up!-my-. -M: l IN"O"l I had. 05: Union. I50. whlgo `ink 13...]. cnouu uonru mo top pnoo otforod was We. mndoh John Nieono. who Hound the lnplo Ltd. Ontario and Silver Spring lactation. Then Iron tboonly ale undo. The {notation npinuring choou I ghhmd. Au-hn~ Kn. n........ HL pmusnlp trnpny ullll sen-`on. Cherlee Wilson hue gone to Ottewe to play full-beck with the Ottnve city foot- beil teem. The onpitel men are not run- ning env rim-kn, but are wxinlxinx up all ilegibie Mower! of the football field. Lediee stationery. R. Uglow & Co. Aldermen Johns. injured last week by 1 block oiioe felling on hie heed. ie re- covering ea quickly u can be expected. It will be rome time yet. however, before he will be Able to leave hiihorne. Cnmmereiei envelopee. R. Uglow &Cn. Eorte ere making to have Queen : lontbellere begin prectice On Monday next. Some of the old teem will he in the city on thet dey. end it pouibie all the pleyere will be out for practice the day following. Commereiei envelopes. R. Uglnw & Co. Rev. John H. C. McPhermn, lute pastor of the Union AME church, of Chethem town-hip, wee charged with diehoneety and untruthlnlneel. end his name he c- oordineiy been etruck oil` the coniere ce roll! efter due inveetigetion into the chemee. : nu-nu-nu UIIIIIO UIIIPII. At. In da '1 union of the Fronunnc cheat boocxitbo Mp prion otfurod 93. Jhll Nieolh- who Ianlnmrl uh; LIIIIW II IIIICUIU HIITUCW. AD a gathering held a few evenings ago E lnwrenoe. an employee at McKelvey & Birch e. wee presented with A beautiful walking-stick me being the moeb popular young man of the party. Commercial envelo . R. Uglow & Co. The eteuner Hero I! flying all her bunc- ing to-day in honor of the marriage of her commander. Capt. W. BloomGold.wlm was the recipient. of presents from the officers end crew of the Itenmer. A nnnuxnnenn AI f\..--..l- f_..lL.|| A~- IIILI CFUW UI IIIIC `humor- A Iupportcr of Queen`: football team but Already registered I bet of ten to one dollars that the wearer: of the blue. red and yellow woulul land the Onbnrio chum- pinnship trophy this sen-`on. nhnrlx \"ilnnn has onus: on l\5|-.._ L- uu-Ir Juurney earn. Compare the beauty of nish, elegance of ntyle and ruperbnevn of quality of lhrdy & On : mantle: and millinery be- fore pnrchn-ing elsewhere. One two three Princess street. A .. .-..ol...-:..... I....a..I - I--.-. -.,-..!__- - UIIIIK IIIIU only PIDCO OI DIIUIDOIH-|e"l. Arthur. son of Rev. J. K. Macmnrino. has neourod a good position in`Lho olco ol the Brown company. proprietors of a large departmental store at Portngn Ll Prairie. Commercial envolopea. R. Uglow & Co. Dr. Ryan. president: of the local Muc- donnld club. has been selected" to deliver mldro:-non in several eastern and woltorn con-tmuonoiea on behnlf of the conservative nr'\`. I Two young Brooklyn, N. Y.. ladies. num- mering an lnng I-land park, hooked a thirty rig-H` Wuml rmulxinongo yeatordny. . They l...u . luml tuulo but mnnngedbo land the manner. I` III DX..I.-AL ..l I\..-__V- .._2 .... -!A- [HUN] 0" nlnlllller. I". W. Blrltett. of Queen's university. and Allan G. llurdmnn. arrived in the city this afternoon from Ottawa, and will re- main here for several (la)! before resuming their jnurney cut. f'n|nnnI-A Hm Irmnuiu nf uid. -l.....-....- Ill UIIU IIUKU UUVUII Ullys Acibizsn in talking of purchasing the vorieoope piotum of the Fivzsimmonm Corbett. prim-ght. with the object of giv- ing exhibitions in Kingston. Wednadnv mnrnina vn hrnlrn nut in IHR BXHIUIKJOHU In l\.l"K'tr0n- Wednoday morning ve broke out in Toeberville.Ont-., And doatroved the greater part of the village, J. `P. Scott : Lin shop being the only place of business-left. Arthur. Inn nf RAW .t, K Mnnmnring 0|` VJIO WEEK IOIIOWIHR. ' The Inignde canteen. at the Barrioeld training camp, has been equipped with A Move against expeced chilly wenther dur- ing the next Iovon days. A nihiznn in tnliina nf nmmhnninn Hun ll`KUII [PUFEUIFIUIL An unusually large number of farmers and their wives 1.-ma to the city this morning on the K. & I`. rI!ilway a weekly market excursion. ' Ladies atntionorv. R. Uzlnw & Co. The city clerk will make his nal count. 0! the ballots cut yesterday for and again- M. the M. T. company`: bonus, in his own oice this afternoon. _ I.`..-.l D........I,I.. ____ ..:.. -: .L_ n:ns_.,__ OIHCU LIIIH [[rn00n. Fred Reynolds. captain of theQVilli|ma- ville b-uwhall (`Nil ), 6:: nnxlnun to arrange a nmmh with the Capital: Ior Saturday next. or the week following. Thu hniondn onnrann at Hm Ran-innlrl Iu uuuuruqul. . Rev. Mr. Cri-p. curate of St. John : church. Portsmouth, has rented I:_he Braden homestead on Centro street and has already Inkon pone-ion. An unn-nnllv Inn-an nnrnhnr nf fnrvnurn :}l.;;rxnutic inetructor Bu-ton, 0! the lo-' ca` Y.M.C.A., returned to the city to-city after anexboudod visit to friends b To- ronto. . IIVL- A... I.._ ._-- _.._.:-.I L- _ _._L- _I The `by-law Jun carried by a vote of about six to one in five wards, by ve to one in Ridonu wnrd.nnd by thirteen to one in Cuboraqui. > now. Mr (`.rI'In, nurnhn nf RI: Jnl-In . sun. I: umon. wu. Whiu: run easy. 27. I-IIIIIUIU IIIIIIIUH. Jame: Duly Ion this mornink for Otta- wa sonttand the or uibion there. where he hu onforod an ex H) of fruit. Lndioo stationery. R.` Uglow & Co. Ir. wu Charles Kennedy. who nboppod Dr. Fonwiclu horse on Tuesday Inc. He ilh in the employ `of P. Walsh, coal mor- o mt. n.........-;:.. .'_-o....-o.... n..-A.... -1 u.- 2|- VVHIU Olfo ` Horb" Robin:Ion.'uI Toranto. in in town to-dny Ind will probnbly remain over Sunday. PC. Gan:-on Kannodlv in Ahnnt. oh 3. `V O VET UH llllyo P.C. George Ko`nnod _v is absent 0}: 3 clay : leave nndia in Outnwa many on 5 buuinou mission. Jnvngn nnlo half. H15: mnrninb fnr (Milan. luluu. , . Six oicoro compooo the brigwdo staff of the autumn camp of training uu Burioold common. ' I A lulu . n.-.4 huuul in thy. aha an Gnu}. W UGIIIFWIIC Zaiiv TV. I9 -luau:-I. -rclpu Qloboluz Pawn: I common. . _ A lady : cups. found in the city on Sun- day evening. 5th, mny be reclaimed at the Wmn oioe. I14-I." DAL1...n.... ".1 VI`..--...l.. X- L. lwnuny next on n nuuuuu tnp. Worlmonlro engaged ho-dny repairing" thq plank aidonlh on Princou meet. The gegulu weekly dance n the yacht club houu Iru well attended last evening. R J Raid rntnrnnd 1-nntnulnv h-nvn Tn. CHI!) Iloui WI. Well IWLBIIUEI III`! .V`IIIlIKo R. J. Roid nturnod yesterday from To- ronto when be viewed the furnituro exhi- bition. ' Aldornnn Donnelly hu nromiud to hnvo the `cow nniadnco if: Victoria ward nbsted. m- -a:..-- --_.L-.. .1... I.....". ..n.. 4.2 -1 Tho Vi!) latent NOW! crowded Into TIC Ilullut of Upper. India ntulouovy, B. Uglow & Co. Octobu Indian that log the ukiog at Hnrdy |. V 4 B. W. Fuhrer. ma. noon to Toronto on B. Folgor, n-.. goes `to Toronto Monday next on I business trip. Wnrlmun-Am qmnnad m.dnv rennin-inn It-II-1 A Down century. M-._ .1 .L. tr.-__..-_ GENERAL PIHABIAPHI. I :-unto clung Board. . .l--I_ .._..1_,, ,1 -`I Io) Doing Ion. lent lmod. Aunt. N.Y., Sept. lo.--Wnllio Burke. fourteen-50-old can 0! Mr. or. an- unou Ibohlnolb. I`. On! in. null- out 0! this plane. inulnoh by lightning whilo riding hatchet. `Pin hing -UlI|'. [ml nuung Illfl Inoul Ion . a non. ure III III: I to Joseph Jnmioqon. `hon Iocloly Iuloood. Dl'l'l.0l1', llich.. Sopt. l0.-'l`ho national ulooiuion of building`! now in nonunion but how c, and tho nnnoo! their nintton to that of international 0 ` _ pndlng impucton. Among the thirty at {arty building jnuphovlotl In ntundnnoo an uni-cl rcpnnnming Hon- tnnl. Torootouud Hamilton. The motion to Ilbotltuto tho won! "Int|rInA`.ionnl for "National" in the num ol the naociatian an made by John Anionon. o! Eunilton. nu. In`:-nod AI Brookvlllo. Bnix-xvu.I._:,Ont... So t. 16 -Lut night George E; Smuton. rillin. led to the alts: Min Lonioo Mallory. dwghhr 0! Mn. `Ella Swnrthout. Rev. Dr. Gnflinh pubnnod the ceremony. The bridesmaid wu Min Ellen Trothowny. 01 Surnio, and the but man. Mr. McKoowo, Bollovillo. Among tho gift: to the bride was 5 Iilvot nrvioo from tho urooIu't pannu. And I SL000 check from Mn. Svuthont. They 30!: by tho midnight train [or 3 short trip. and will an up their noidonoo-In Orillia. ltonmhonu In Oolllnlon. N nw Yonx. Sept. l6.-'l`ho steamboat: Catskill Ind St. Johns came into collision Int evening on the North river, of? Fifty- Nunth street. this city. The St, Johnna- tnrning from I do trip, had 1,000 oxcumoniato on nrd. The Cats- kill in A wreck, one ol the puaengera in o pusienb at the hospital and three obhurl are said to be no the bottom of the river. The St. John: was dunand. but none of her puangen or crow wu lmrc. Thou lniuimr nnrl nnnnnnul ha Ind-n-n. nor puungen or crow nun. Thou mining and supposed to bodrown- od.u hr :9 known. II`O: Benin Tim- rmrmsn. live your: old, of Leeds; Mrs. Marin McDonald. seventy-ve youn, residence unknown: Suun Morris, forty- six yearn. of Gnttonburg. N. Y. unln e no uo no. _: Th:e convicts at St. Vincent de Foul are still locked up in their cells. Last night ohev renewed hbeir singing and bowling. and this morning Hooper, Bene- diec and Traverse were removed to King- ston penitentiary. This evening six oli- eere of the dominion police ere expected to assist in mnintnining discipline. under Douglu Stewart. inspector of peniten- tinriee. -uuu-uuuug utuur. l\lo.~:1'm:.u,. Que., Sept. l6.--The body of the young woman who committed sui- cide at the Cadillac hotel on Seturdny night wee identied this morning so that of Mrs. Alley Werner, of Burlin ton, Ver- mont. The lady who called at t e morgue uid deceased was a former resident of Montreal and her maiden name was Guth- rie. Over eix't_v people celled at the morgue yeelerday to identify the body. but were uneh e to do no. TL -.._..:_A_ -5 an 113...- A ,1, {hi I yuan uuu utclanulel ITO nu. Seorotny Robbins writes stating that no change has been made in the city : chasication. Convlcu Btlll Lookod Up-'l`o Aullt In nulutnlnlng Order. ll............ ;\._ I3_.,A u. run I 2 uluavy null; ulgul. urumull pnsnenu. Steamer teat. Merryweather re lit at 3:08 p m.; pumping at 3:22 p.m., through one 200 feet line. and one-inch nozz`e, with eight pounds ateam and 120 pounds water. Ronald re lit at 3:13; p.m.. pumping at 3:24 p.in.. through 200 feet` line and one- inch nozzle; steam, eighty pounds; water, 180 pounds.` One length of hoae burst. Both steamer: could have commenced pumping aooner, but eighty pounda of steam wan waited forin each case. Theinnpectorthen given a list of appliances in use and atatel that the deficiencies are nil. Qnnrnrn-n D..t.l.:... ....:s..- -a_a:._... u.-. IIUU eullunru. The test of fire brigade was as follows : `Gave alarm, from box No. 3. Queen and Montreal etreeta, about 1,300 teen from No. 2 nation. and 2,000 feet. from No. 1 station, at 2:37 pm. Hook and ladder truck and two men from No. 2 arrived at 2:39} p.rn.: chemical engine and three men from No. 2 um 2:40 p.m.; hose weggon and three men from No. 1 at 2:40 p.m.; did not throw water on account 01 the heavy rain: eight remen present. Steamer tent. Marrvwanniinr r: lit. at ,1 `An Axle Irolto. A hrmer who had attended this morn- Ill"! market. nu driving along Welling- ton mum at. noon, Acoumpnniod by his dnpbur, and when they had ruched the count of Princess the front. axle ol the vnggon in which the pair were untod Note In the contra Id cauood a Ipill. A pollcunnu wont to the farms:-`u nuisance and tho born In: unhitnhod" till the . wscgou win taken uvny for repairs. DUI` llllll lIgD COHIITIIDKOO. The inspector deaoribea the changes that have been mnde in the brigade since his previous visit. : notes the new bone bought, new firenlarin boxes pub in. addition of two call men. and the alteration of the coal oil limits, as agreed to by the Unnndian fire underwriters nuociation lie says further: "Powder storage will ehortly be regulated in compliance with the standard. |L'I`L... L__A _t 12-- L__:,_-_)_ ___- -_ n,n, Inspector own`: Report In In Every Way Complimentary. Inepector Howe, who some weeks ago inspected the local fire appliances and re brigade. has reported to the Canadian un- derwrit.ere' Association. and copies of his report hnve been eent. to cicy clerk Dren- nan and chairman Minnee of the re, we tor and light committee. Tha innnnnfnr dnlnrihnn Hm nlmmnm Hm}. This morning cheque: were lent out for twenty-nine oente on the dollar to the creditors or the estate of J. W. Lang & Co . wholeeele grocere. It WI" be remembered that Mr. Lang recently sold out hie stock to his book-keeper. This is all the estate will pay. The sugar reners of Montreal are largely inbereeted. _ V IDIIU ulnu. . At the police court this morning Ed- ward Hunt was cent to the Central rilon for shading 805 from a guano at tho; llioht bouao.` I|'I|_: _ _ _ _ __g__ _|_ _ _ _ , , _ _ _ , _ _ . , ; _ _ A 1.- IN! tor Iralguli Iarvlco OIDIB 0! Ioronw. The council of the board of trade met this afurnoon to dincuu the quontion of mnkiug changes in the gratuity scheme. At the present time the oomplninb is made on the put of the younger men than they are taxed unduly for the older members of the fund. As ml..- ....l:-- --.:_A AL! . _ . _ _ ..:.__ I:I.I UEIIWI I0 IIII||loOI'I. _ Three new O.P.R. engines grrivad in townthiu morning from Montreal. They Are for freight service out of Toronw. Th: onnnnll nf hhn hnnnl nf h-nrln mat WI! D, INSIGH- The Canadian Pacic will in future run a through eleeping cur on its expreee to Buffalo only on far to Toronto, where 3 parlor will be Iituted. A Iimilnr chnnge will be mode in reapoob to sleepers from Ottewn to Hamilton. Thug. ..-.-. ('1 D `D -....:.... 5.4: ......I :_ lllll Ill DU: IJIIHII Ullilllfll FIIII IIICITIIEII bf William H. Cawbhru. Ion of she late John Cawtbrn and Min Maud ttyrecond daughter of W. H. Bout of Queen : Park." The ceremony was porlormdd by bishop Dmnoulin, of N iagara. auiatod by blnho Sullivan, manor of St. Jamu. Th; churc was orowdod, aluhough admiuaion `was by ticket. Thu Canadian pamn uill in luhn-a I-nn Ioddlng cannon) Porldtnod This Hour. Iu-ohng'o bye). 1'. II. In mum to Iluplu (bjo-uo- lnglnu An-Ivo- Dluuud nu Gnmlty Icl:oIno-Ion- tonood lo the conlnl. - Tonozwo, Ont. Sept. 16 -A van- fashionable authoring witncuod the w - ding in St. James cathodnl this afternoon `.3 I.I.':lI-._ C {V--o|. . . . . A- -1 uh- lab- I A FASHIONABLHXTHERINC. vvuw-cu n u an unlulvu St. James` church warn the scene of n Rretuy wedding lam. evening, when Rev, J. . Mmlmrine united in hymen bumle Edgerton B. Joyner. man of Capt. E. Joyner, township of Kingston. end Miu Emily Alice Woods. of this city. The [room wee attended by James Corneliun, end Mia B. Mcbomld looked after the min of the bride during the ceremony. church wee lled to the doom with epeouton, desirous of witnessing the cere- Inll`. PAID ONL_Y TWENYY-NINE CENTB THE |-DENTlF|ED. CITY CLASSED AS A I. ON 1"H'noLLVAn. um Dani ` time; munsuxr. smpwnmmn 13, 1397. Gan. Guanine : Inn of absence in In DOOM, to than vol! pound. a iininnry to hit rolcuo tron tho pose of odjuhntgomnl at Ccmdinn militia. loop your 0 0 on tho indicator and touch ":=.'.'.'&:.....h -`*.......:.-....."""'.:.".*..-:::-.': " v'. i &1.: :'.;`.`:.`.1 ?7...;2'...".`.'.."x"`s..':,': 3` ::"3." M h".u in -31.8` means I ' to ' t nbcllun 0:: Fun ` 0' `l'Io_ Iiilunonnnuuoa sin 5 Hg and.` ....LL. L... 1.... n._. _ to Ill!-O;WOl'I. ` ' Prrrnvno. Pa, sopc. 16 -'l'ho oonl minors strike u {at u Pmiburg dint-int in eonoomod. in of. and the 22.000 dlggcn will I-Inna work today st. the sixty-In one man. DI! DOPII "Ill IUIIIIIIII. Eh majntyh notion: that the quota thou!-I visit him in April. oithor at Cob- loou or Potsdam. , - I'llIIUII'I' II: VIIITK. C H. Martin. Itewnrd at the Kingston pouitoncingy `oat 1 valuable dug ygamerrl.-\_y, through that Ill I-More 01 amino honrtlou rouidontm The animal Ina a l' ciai pot of Mr. Nubia : children, Mid of I 0 children of his neighbor : on Uuiverrily uvanuo. Mr. Martin sun nurpriaed. when on return- ing {ram his oioo to his renidonco. hut ovonlnx, he found that the dog had been poioonod. W. J. Morgan. I).V.S.. mudo npout moi-tom exnmhmtion of the body and uooruiined thn kind of poison chm had been mod. Mr. Martin will take crop: to discover the p0i!0n0l'n idonmy, and to Inn him puninhod for his offence. -$yUI'wI' IV IIlII!'I XII`: Loxmn. Sept. l6.-Emperor William intend: to Buy 1 visit. to quoon Viotorin at U! lntlllnn. In Innknln In ._.x..__ AL-` 41- , ,., `rho Again Aoeuaod. Lounox, So I6 -A doapaooh to the Daily Mail lnCapo Town lays that the Afriun chief Galiehwa was: re- cetly baplurod by the British accnaaa the Transvaal agent of inducing him to robal against Bribinh authority and olfumiahing him with arm tocarry on tho raballion. WI! oougau D0 l'BIll|' Y0 nernuorn. INC 0' Zuland. where his physician in attending him. ` Aooldonl To A KIn|'. Lormou. Sept, 16-A deopntoh totho Dnily Mail from Coponhntren nyo thut. king Chriutinn has suffered I uri- oua aocidant. While `Ascending a spiral Ibnircuo lending to the ban- con at Middle Hrnnda lortrou. in Ore Sound. he stumbled and tell, seriously injuring bin chin and mouth. The pain from the blow was intense, And the kin was obiigod to return to Bernuor`. [ale 0 Tnnhnrl who:-A hi. uh--iaign :- .n-..J:__ VICTORIA. B. C.. Sept. 16 -The story of Hugh O'Neill s resurrection to oppose with an alfidnvit of his own existence the application for the administration of his estate, is a very strange nnd weird narra- tive. O'Neill was formerly collector for a depertm`ental store here. and about or.e year ago lelt to try his luck in Kootensy. Months passed and some returning miners brought the news that they had buried the remains of is man whom they had found in a desei ted cabin, and that they found papers in the p'clrete bearing the nameof Hugh O'Neill. The victim's name was entered upon the provincial register of statistics as dead.snd the Vancouver and Victoria papers dwelt with regret upen hie tragic death. A sister in Toronto instituted proceeding to secure administretion of thesmall estate. O'Neill has just returned and at once led an {fi- davlt that he "has not been dead 0 de- ceased" since his departure. He egplaine the l-tters found by as ing that he spent several days with the eoessed miner, and left eome of his clothes there, intending to return. uuuluuu umau mason uau uommlueu suicnue. No cause can yet be given as to the rea- son why Mason committed suicide. Deceased was in good health and not in nancial difficulties. On a bureau in the room near the body was found a note bidding farewell to his friends and saying he was tired cf life. Deceased was in his twenty-sixth year and strictly sober in his habits. He regularly attended the Church of England. Hugh O'Neill, Re-ported Dom]. hll Now Deliberate sulelde of a Young runner- Tlred of Llfe. Sv.unon.u. Sept. 16 -Albert Mason, is well-known farmer residing on lot 31, con- ceaeion 3 of the township or Soarboro, com- inittod suicide yesterday morning by shoot- ing himself through the head with a shot gun. Mre. Maren left on Tuesday even- ing to vieit her eieter. The next morning her husband arose and prepared bneakfaat for hirnlell and his two hired men. Later on when the men returned to the house they unelled powder, and opening a bedroom door behold a horrible spectacle. The body of Mason was seated on a stool with the head leaning back against the wall, and a doubleharrelled gun was lying acroaa the knees. The face was almost entirely shot oil`. A cord waa attached to each foot and connected with the triggers oi the gun.the muzzle of which had been put in his mouth and then diecharged by the loot pulling the cord. An inquest was held and the jury decided that Manon had committed euicide. A nnnnn llnll nab la- .-4...... ..- L- LL- --_ X16! IIIIU llll IUIT. There wse similar hard ghting through- out Monday last. and until the artillery 0! Gen. Yeatrnsn Biggs Iinslly scattered the Afrldis. When this was done the garrison of Fort. Golia- taan ' had been at their posts for thirty consecutive hours. The cssuali- ties of the British forces were two killed and thirty-eight wounded. The women of the garrison attended the wounded under an unceasing fire. It. in rmsnrrntl t.l-ml-. the Afr-irlin and all UIIUUKIUIIIK Illa. It. is reported that the Afridis and Orakzaia have left the Samana territory for their homes. I. I. IIIUUU DVIUTU IIIU IIIIIX Arriving at the homo of her parents A!- tor the ,-ooremony. Mrs. Bloomfield wan mob b bar lather. Iuobher, niatau and broth ru, Ml Assembled lor the occasion. The adding was of A quiet. nnturo. the in into relatives of the contracting pu- Mon ly boina pronoun. Captain and Mn: B ald. hit. on I tuur uf New York nuantfwillutop at Now York city bo- fdll luurnlog. Thoy will who up moi- donoo opcolhorno Itrooh.