L THE V V 5FA SHION E VENT. COBOURO, Sept. `24.-A kissing cue oc- cupied some time st the an-izoe this week. The pleinti wee Mre. Ems Blanche Pelky. formerly 5 school teacher at Trenton, and the delendent wee J. F. Hendrioke.' of Tnnnnn Oh` nInnfi"a nnnln wgnnirinhn Very Little Oppoition to Ad- vanc; of British. ITR|BESMEN_gljl[lAR L`llWBll| OVERTURE8 OF SURRENDER ARE EXPECTED SHORTLY. DUCT! "I FUIII ID1139- Accor ing boinbolligonoo received from Samnnn an advance body of over 2,000 of the enemy bu arrived in the Khsnki vul- ley, nnd is wutchin the movements of the British troops. T e Afridis are spread- ing 3 report that tho Ameer of Afghanis- ban has demanded boaulgol from them, and will help them if hostages are given. The man: from laha Mnhmand axnodi. runnnnn muunn FLEILI anu Wlll lp DUBIII ll DOI5IgBI ITS EIVOH. The news from the Mohmand expedi- tion in very ntiefnctory. Gen. Jeffreyn, whoi: meeting with little opposition, in deatroying the enemy : fortioebiona and villages. The tribeemen appear co and overcurei of surrender are expo very shortly. In nnnmu-1 than that Innf. nvnr Imrnnf. very Dllflilyu In appear: that they lost over eevont killed and a large number wounded durin the nighb nbtack on Sir Bindon Bloo 5 oolumnmheir heavy defeats destroying t eir faith in the mullahs, who promi to close the muzzle: of the B `blah gu s by divine means. I nnnn u 63...; n: A -...._A2.... L- --.---I finance `to Iran The lfvn. Vmonu. B.C.. 8090. 5-1`:-on Ash-` mh.nal.hn'l'hmnnnrlvm-.mnanlhn They Want Pu-llnmont lnmmonod. l-.... ... a__. nu I'-L_ 'luII__ ll 9UP`". > A Klulng One. Is...` n: A L.-__: KINGSTON. 0FTARI(), SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,- 1897. "LXwIIU|K$lUI'illluKiII'f' I Hoops": shod `Int. Induh tho niob- hto(jut5oo':[nntlhnlcuu._ Jdcrodtonn no-ionpa-; pan to annual: oath gnjhnhhuu Eapwoouo. nlqnuu. "Upon the nppool of norm of my friondl, made to Sir Oliver Mont. the miniator of juotico. tho latter acceded to the request, sad I cum hon Inc Thursday. having driven put. your plsoo {mm Sc. Vinoonf-. but no one know of tho tnmfor n. that than out two or time. An prison. I on well pound to In with thin plooo And tho gontlotnnnly octn. Everything in going Iynuuucioally bro. "A: to tho 111-091 of mv man. I lnolann `mug Iyiwmuuuuy "A: to the progress of my cut. I onciooo to you I olippi . by which you otnnuo tho progress III The mayor of Joli- owo. Thus Riven. Ottun,Po|-0 Hop and nthu nhnm.,Clt.h one nvl thonnnd ci. UUUC. 717"` IUVUIT. \J5UIVU'l.'UI'I I10 IIIII other our town I-houund citi- unc. n and` dpnod. I hon Imy cltrgymonontbol. R-onnncotholicund Protestant. The dominion oonnnon ll Boribn and the Auction: convolution at As- lantic City. N.J.. on you will no by on- olond '. vault! in bo- ...u..'i`." ...'.`.`.T"$....'.1..".'..'.!.... clout` 233': "' nnoluuonn my 5; half um y. Uuazohunntahwol our friends on unload I, and gnu- ! nhllnn inn WHO "` "Kingston. om... sopt. 21. 1391. "My Door Sit-,-AvI promised to WIND you. I now take thfub opportunity to do no. Io. "Probnbly you are already uuro that I but been bnnuferred from St. Vincent do Paul to Kingthon penibontiury by special request. "Unnn tin Annnnl (1! mm: nf [III friondm The fo|lorwing.let.ter has been received in I Montreal from John R. lloopenoonvicted on eohu-ge of etbempting to murder his wife :- uI(:.....o.-.- nnl-. Ln; 0| Innv Auction ale of Furniture. WBDNBSDAV. sen. am. A! tho llolldonoo nl Iluoa. nmoms No. m n ;..n at an olfootrvln : ha an no: to.lodnon uoe.n oa..sprm Innuoo. Cantu `hum. Onnnino. Poly. in manner camps. on. Dr. Borden, minister of militia and defence. denies that there in any truth in e rumor that Col. Paneb. deputy minister, has been asked to resign. and will be sic- ceeded by Lieub.-Col. Pelletier, I).0.C.. of the Quebec milibery division. who recently succeeded Lieub.-Col. Ducheeney. There in not an ions of bruth in the rumor," said Dr. Borden. rolls 0! The PI-oguu 0! Bl: campaign To lhxnln Ell Llborly. ll--`Cu-.. I D1... l.l Montreal Benld. ,, I run , 1,11 ,,,-, `tho lploo of `rho lornlug {upon um tho I Lntnnl Donnnuahnn greamy aumlrucl wnlle viewing In aoomunu. Adisastrons explosion occurred in the Williamson county coal mine, Marion. Il|., killing several men and injuring many others. Thee dead bodies have been taken out, six or seven others are entomhed and thirteen of the injured have been rescued. It: is announced unofficially at Cincinnati pending the arrival of the pa rs from Rome, than bishop Maes, of bovingoon, Ky., has been appointed archbishop of New Orleans. Vicar general Bossart, of Covingbon, will succeed to bishop Maes position. The Onbnrin mwernmenl: has forwarded POIIIZIOII. The Ontario government has forwarded to the mayor of Seult Ste. Marie. 0nt.. I cheque for $500. the amount of ueietence contributed by the government toward: the heavy expenditure incurred by that town laet year in aiding nick men from eurround- in timber cempe. nn, hr, Rm-den. miniumr of militia and IIII up-wt on nu. -an-uu. 9 upon: --u u-- Intact DQIPIMIIOI. Prof. E. Stone Wig in: up I grout storm ianppgonching. e expect: in on Wednesday next. ~ \ 'I`!m Iandint mfh coal inlm-uh in the Arnnau nuey. 10 in reported that the governor of the Benk of England was induced to wine hie recent letter to Sir Micheal Hicks-Beach. by A promise that the government would guarantee the bank against loan on the silver bullion it: bought) or sold. A nrn-n nf Rmmh trnnita. tivelva fuel`. IHVQT DUIIIOII ID DUUKHD U!` emu. Across of Scotch granite, twelve feet high. has been erected over the grave of Harriet Beechei` Stowe. eh Andover. Mnee. It in copied after one in the poueeeion of the duke of Argyle. which Mrs. Stowe greatly admired while vieibing in Scotland. Adinntrons exnloeion Nll Parlor um. lad:-oon sot. Bodmprlnga, glam Cum: `akin, Oanaaulu. Psn non . 0 00:90 . to ` t, ' l>oua.lxuu1ou'r.me, }huno .?io'uu.hldo ` ton . mum [And Oano Oholn. Plum: Won. Bod Olothoo. Table Linn. clooln. ttiu.-Olunbor Soto. Wrin r, Ioolon. gm. Burn Home Bangs. on v\ oaneaauy nexn. - The leading loft coal interest: in the United State: hue decided upon An ad- vanoo of twenty-vo_ cents I ton, beginning October lat. ' Ink-g Mnnnunanll fnlrnn ill in tnninvin, Ucuonar 151:. John McDougull, taken ill in Louisville. Ky., with yellow fever. died on Thursday. He was a son of William MoDouga.l|, of Stratford, Ont. Ir. ;. uuud that hhn anvnrnmnnh nf u-. Europe Inoulu IIIOW EDD UIHWC-I I-U drive Spain out `of Cuba. At Cobourg unison yoabordny Mu. Chur- lotbo Smderl, of Cartwright, I widow, Wu ncquitbod on in `abut o of murdering her newborn infant on uno 7th lub. ML; nluunan inn Annm-align fan-Inrnhinn in Ana nan been II) we cuuuory luur yours. '1'. M. Humple. of Toronto, has begun proceedings for 8500 because he was dun- ned on I postal card by a debt. collecting agency for money be 311030! he did not. OCH. be an. ghe London Daily Mail say: that Joseph Chamberlain baa lost $250,000 in experi- ments in sisal growing in the Bahama Is- lands. He chose land unsuitable for auc- ceuful cultivation. ' A...1..Il-u- in flux nnvnvnnrninl nnnnnlnl A` husband was ecqmnuea. Harry Reynolds, of Senneo Lelse.N.Y., has discovered near his home quartz which yields tome gold. Ho bee received an offer for his half interest. which he will doubt- leu accept, and a. shaft will be opened. `Plan nnnln man in England will be I unrauora, unc. luie stated that the government of Ger- many in earnestly ooneidermg whether Europe should slloiv the United sum to drim Hmin out of Cubs. new-norn Inllnu uu uuuu auu nun. The chances for Aunbnlinn federation in the near future are not very bright. The smaller colonies are selsh, chiming equal to rosentation with the larger onel. av Wnthnr D, Murrav. Mnhila. AIL. roaenumon wlun Luu larger ones. ev. Father D. Murray. Mobile, `IL, the filth victim of the yollow fever. died Fridny. `He was a native of Cork, Ireland, And had been in the country four years. 'I" M I-Inmnln. of Toronto. hut bemxn owe. The greet strike of the engineering tredee in London. 15:13., is neering an end. Strikers ere nnxioue to return to work on the terme prevailing betore the strike haann We venture the asser- tion that you'll see more pleasing: and becoming styles. in Ladies Head- wear than you ve ever seen in `one store in this sec- tion. New_.Mil-liners. New Stocks. Nothing but tasty, up- to-date goods marked with reasonable prot, no more. You're invited. Bring your friend. ~ In an _ j IN- ceullll cumvnuon. ing to the commercial agencies of sun. Dun and Bmdatroob, the improve- ment: in general buainou continue: steadily to advance. The trade outlook ieregarded as most encoursging. In Rm-lin n wnmnn nnmad Kvrialaia wu moan encourugmg. In Berlin a woman named Kyrieleia wu convicted and sentenced to, eighteen months imprisonment. for eollin spurious autographs of Martin Luther. er insane husband ecquitted. u-rv Rnvnnldn. of Sm-Anna Lnke.N. Y.. Ieu aceepn, Ana a. snail will no opunau. The apple crop in England small one. as also in Germany. Csnadta yield is placed at only 300.000 barrels as against: 3.500.000 Int: year. The demand in keen and apple growers will gob good prion. - Them in an nlarminzoutbreak of bvnhoid pnou. There is an ularmingoutbroak typhoid fever at Mnidsconu, Kent. Englnnd. due to blag drainage from I hop;piokera en- campment polluting the water. Three bemponry ho:-pitall there nlready contain 6`.0cuea. |r...... `l1nnt|.,'I"nnIynn- of fin: Hnlvatinn cues. Emma Booth-Tucker. of the Salvation Irmy. Inn arrived in Denver, I000!!! niod `by officials of the Suns: Fe rail:-on oom- Eny And the land company interested in ving the colonyxldcntod in the Arksnau n y. 1.. .'- ..........a 51...; oh. ........m.-..- no 0.]... Bldu-phci--! 1"! - "I15. 050-. Jill! I`. HINPI." lounge : shntlnninl. Intlnn Lhn mini; I "Yours. 060.. Jon: B. loo:-II." uunllhinn ant: Inn. .1. A-nn 0...- PITH OF THE NEWS. HOOPER WRITEB. II I\tnIJ\Jl New Mantles and Capes same days. V [_u/mr&co Ill`- Tbo mimic Ind dofouodcnthoritiu dony the Birmingham rumor about purchase 0! big gun for either Iold or gun-icon chr- Acut. No purchuo in bun undo since that unudond I7 the pollutant Infota- IX` IIQHTT U `ll. Wlllfli IIIITT ' cry lost car. This your`: human punchl- nd far I.` nun-ulna: cl nunllor twuhld IIUIXF XE llilII"X|'IXHmIi|RUV|C' Vcd !or in plruhoo 01 gum in twululd `hutur'|IIaItooIBolCl00.W0.5UtnoIdOr ihahunginnyu. - Illa reluvny. The government perty which leevee this efternoone for Yukon-word: comiate of Hon. Clifford Eifton, mayor Welsh, juetioe McGuire; A. J. Me urn. Iecretery wthe edminintretion; F Wade. regmrnr end clerk of the co; Mr. Collie. private nec- retery to t. e minister; H. A. Bliss. ac- ooununt. in the territory; Mr. M00 or end Mr. Norwood. mine inupeotomngr. Pnltullo. of Woodntock, of me or Welsh : nail , end Dr. Cerrlnherl. of dinburgh, Scotlend, who, elbhou I: not of the Yukon pert]. will go in with t. m. Re secured this privilege through the Iriendehin of Lord Serebhoone end Mount Royel. on ofthoeenemedere ngthro hm Dew- 'eon, but not ell. r. Bmon ntende to erase the end then return to Ottewe. He will Ii eIy ehooee the Chilcoot and not the Whit; nun. which thew new In: {Allen IIIW XII IIIUB ho Citizen this morning given I rumor thst Sir Charles Tug?! bu gone to Win- nipqitonrn 17 Hugh John Mac- dom d to I tho oonnrnvo party in the dominion. Sir Charles would than to- Alu- III Will IIICIJ I`. the Whit Into bod or. ML- l\lA:-._ I EDD WIDIIUTIWIII QOUU,UUU. The government hae decided toextend the prelerential tariff to Britielrlndia. Application will be made by privah Eartiee to parliament next eeeeion for a ill to incorporate A company for the pur- pose of constructing and operating a rail- way from a point near the head of Chilcoot inlet on the Lynn canal to the Rink rapide. on the Yukon river. fol- lowing ee cloeely as practicable Dalton'n trail, with power to conetruct and operate branch lines. bridges. ferriee. wharvee. telegraph and telephone linee. etearnboete and other craft on the lakee and tribute- eriee of the Yukon river; to acquire there righte and land for etation houeee and all neceeeary powere and privilegee pertaining thereto: also to acquire landl. bonue or other aide from the government of Canada, provincial or municipal hodiee. contractore or reone to aid in the conetruetion of eai railway. Th: anvnrnmnnh nnrtv which leave: this Bridges oliskaguay Have Been Washcd Out. tn LMlIlSL|IlE`l|l1lIlIRS.l lawman rmzxens um} Our Autumn Millinery Opening display of Paris, London and New York Millinery style: will be held on Occurred on the Ohllooot Pnhl Lest sun- dey~-0nly One Body Beooves-ed-Ien Returned Who Were Unable to (Iron the Pus-now is six Inches Deep-lol- Here Leave For It. lIohnels-WllI Be stationed at Dlerenc Points. ` Pom TOWNSIND. Wuh.. Sept. 25.-The tug Pioneer. which left Puget Sound on Se)t.ember 12th with the herque Shiriey in bow for Sksgney. reached here this morning. having made the run down in ninety-six hours. The Pioneer brings a report. of a landslide which occurred neu- Shee camp, on the Chilooot peel. last. Sun oy morning, in which eighteen men are said no heve lost their lives. Only one body is said to hsve been recovered. that of 3 man named Choynskia. cousin of Joe Choynskia. The men so pared to have been lost: were packers on t. e Dyee. trail. 'I`hn ninm-in nf lzha Pioneer snv hhnl: the Trunk were Looking tor Drummoud County Line. Orrawa, Sept. 25. - The work of com- pleting the Drummond county railway is proceeding ra idly, according to latest re- ports, and will) very noon be in Ihope for the ex riment which ha been authorized by par iament of uaing it in the I. C. R. extension to Montreal. The reports from the _ government engineer are that there are no gradee of any account. Wil- liam Wainwright. of the G.T.R.., who in here. says. speaking of thegovernmentfa ar- rangement:-We coneider that the gov- ernment has done the one thing needed to make the 1.0. R. a paying institution. It may not be generally known, but it in neverthelees true that the G.T. R. had an agreement all framed and practically agreed to for the Drummond county rai - way when the plan was spoiled by the meeting of the board of directors in Lon- don. The atepe which the latter saw fit to order knocked the purchase in the head. So that if the government had not boughtitit would doubtless have paued into our hand: to be used an a portion of our ayatem. Thu dnnnaihn in the nnwnrnmnnh anvinaa our Iyuwln The dopociho in the government savings bank for August but were $715,000 and the wimdrnwnle 8600.000. Thu: nnunu-nrnnnb. M-n l'nlI:I`QA n Avian!` AVALANCHE . CONSISTED ~ ROCKSJCE AND DIRT. DOOH I055 W073 PICKUP! on DIIO 11,83 |I'El|. The oicere of the Pioneer any that the ` story was brought to Slmguay on Mon- day evening by three men, who told it in such a. wsy as to leave no doubt as to its truthfulness. They described the avalanche as consisting of rocks, ice and dirt, which had been looaened by the hard rain which has been falling continuously for the poet month. All the bridges on the Slmguay river have been washed out and the river is e rs ing torrent. W. V. Snraoua. nl'l`nnnmn. who started I! I TI "lg IOTFUHU. W. V. Spraguo. olTacoma. who started eight . weeks ago with a three yous` outt. returned from Sluguny on 1 schooner. 'I`hn nl-Anmnr Alhi, A DIIAIK nvnrrlnn frnm I'0lllI'GG "'0!!! Dlilllly on I BCIIOOHUIH The steamer Alki. a week overdue from Alaska, arrived this morning at four o'clock. She carried a large list: of men returning from Skngua who were unable to cross the pan. '1` e snow is six inehea drop `at Lake Bennett and three inches fell on the summit; of the Chilcoob pus. Rant-rrl, Wnnh. Rant. Q5_._.RnlrIinn And IUHHDIU OI DUO UDIICO00 Pill. Sn'rrLI. Wash. Sept. 25.--SoldiorI and civilians mingled together in A busy crowd on the dock where preparation: were being made for the sailing of tho steamer Hum- boldt. for St. Michaela, Aluh. Lieub.-Col. Randall, with his twenty-ve men from Porn Runaell. looked {in to cope with the rigors And the hsrdahipa of bho winter con- fronting them to the Yukon. The oom- mmv Ind 150 mm nl nhnrnn And nrnvinionn. ITOIIDIHK (H9111 C0 ISDU X|lIOI'h IIIC OD puny had 150 tons of stores ind provisions. Beside: the bag age of the soldiers, the Humboldt can-i 400 tons of utonmbont machinery. A part: of the dotaohmonv will be atationod at St. Miohula and the rest: will go up the river being stationed near the Aluhn-British Columbia bound- try. _Tuesdav. Wednesday and fol- lowing Days of Next Week. DID THE RIGHT THING. Ell FIIU IJIIIIBXU Dllll DUI . which they any but lallon OF Io. uvmcsrou am] u- ----w r-v-v-. -- lma Double nuuo:1'u'yT-'5." SUIT at 03.60, and another at $6.50. The latter nlwaya looks wall. It keeps it: uypearmce und lull lunch longer than two of the cheaper kind. The Q3.50~8uit does not you nearly so "long and soon get: shabby. Our nose of Buiu-"om $5 to O7. in three pieces. in vary lu-go. V Single -._j I'\-._|.I- D_.--l-.I -A_I_- It peyu to get tho boat. They no ulwnyl the cheapest. Take for in- _A____ - `\f\K'I(` IIIIYTIDIZV YIYHIVII .......,- -..- -_...,--.. atnnc e a BOY'S TH.fii| Il|lUllW WHO II ! I Il'l'UIl"l |Ul' (IIlUI- olwoll tailor has my better goods! than we are showing in our 813.50 win. You would ply 820 so 825 for their equal, ond thin in no drum. us you will say upon enminotion. Oak Hall. VIVL- III..u..'.. 0.... ......:.I nnI..-...- Ln Baku so oook IIOH`. Turn: nah. ueuroyed By Fire. Tns\vA'rl-:n.0nh. , Sept. `. .5.-A dlcutrouu fire occurred here early thin morning. re- .,ult.ing in the toteldutruction of shelf doun properties. By splendid work, the remen caved Ferguson Broe [er 0 herdwere store and Mn. Baden : bull ing. in which the public library is located. The fire origin- ed in Mince livery cteble. Origin un- known. Wl.lUl'U-- UFIIIU UIIIUII. A meeting of the civic oommitteo on nence wee held yeetordny afternoon. Ac- counbe were peeled. end the an collector wee inetructaed to iuue wen-Ante for all do- linauentae who ere in erroere for tuee. ...-..lI L_:|.... I.-. --`II Late--u man)`: UXIIIIIHIWIDIL UII IIIII. The Wum`s {our special column: by Geraldine. Broidbrim. Enud and Home Circle, are designed {or Beturdey end are in addition to the full news. If people will read on Sunday it in well to supply them with wholesome food. known. ` lipluuululn. ' Dr. John Gnitcras. the Philadelphia lnedihal export who has been sent by the government to the yellow fever district of Mississippi, has frequently served in a simllar capacity. He is probably the most skilled and experienced ghter of the dread disease in the country. He is Uncle Sam's yellow fever doctor and is always called in when yellow jack breaks out in any part of Columbia's household. The organisa- tion and control of the quara nt-ine are gen- erally put in charge of an omoer from the United States marine hospital, and this omclal in st necessarily be a physician. For meki 3 an expert diagnosis and pro- soriblng general courses of treatment, however, the government want! the best medical talent to be had. and so Dr. Gui- tems is summoned. nu...-. Hm unllnw (mm! anidemio railed h1I'Il'|CI UHIOIL Two reeidente of Wolfe Ielend efpearod before D. J. Walker. J. 1 .. yeeter ey, one charging the other with ueaulb. Mr. Walker advised settling the dispute out of court: and hie advice was noted on. VF.` ....-el.-..- II` I. A u . - . - . n I.-I -an nnmn IJUIITU IHU [III IUVIUU WI! IUIEJ "5 To mothers of boys we would ray, come and soohow mm nylon can't be soon also- whoror Grand nion. A .....H.... II` LL- A:u:n 1u\nI|Iu\:5`AA\ An noon . See the New Win At thq opera houlo to-nighb. ' Hhnrr. mntq for tha bnvn at nhnrt. nricnn. l'4O'l'|Igl1U. Show punts for the boys at Ihort pricoa. Grand Union. 7l'\_.. ...-:.l-_L- Al IITAIJ- I'-I--ul nr\r\An~nt' Dr. Gnlteru In In IIPOTIGIN III luv II-.IJ.-In-_ DIKDI It has ugh. summoned. When the yallow {over epldemlo raged in Key Went nnd vlclnlty in 1887. Dr. Gul- torna was In command of the attack nnd won high praise: by his successful work at thgt time. A year later be oombntod the epidemic at Jacksonville, and In 1393 he oondumted the campaign in Brunswick, Ga. He was also employed by the govern- ment to make a tour of lmpeotlon through What the Buy nopdrtcn caught on Mud I17. Swhoob blue. green and red grapes at peuteo Lu the summer or uwo. The most disastrous yellow feyor epi- demic which ever visited this country was that of 1878. when donth rsn riot through all the gulf ports and stalked up the His- sissippi volley. No less thnn 100,000 men were reported, and there were more than 00.000 riotims who died before the oool westher brought relief. The crops in all the southern states were unusunlly lIb0D- dent that year. but only e small part was harvested. The remainder was allowed to go to waste by the panic stricken people, and the mmels_l loss nmouutod to many millions of dollars. The marine hospital service had not then been so thoroughly ` orgsuieed ss it is now, end up to then * time the government had never thought of hiring experts to. tight the plague. Today . the system of disinfection and qusrsntiue ` is so nearly perfect thnt it is. almost im- ` possible for the disease to goth strong foot- hold in any of the more important ports, sud the smnli epidemics only ocmir when It oneps in through some unguarded cote. l "WI ` DR. JOHN GUITICRAB. the mouth In the numniu of 1894 an a pre- mutlounry measure against aha possible outbreak of the dlnonsc. This tour he re- peated Lu the summer of 1895. M vnm moat dimntrnua venow foyer onl- A YELLOW FEVER `FIGHTER. uautnnaand. WHlG'S WIN D WAFT8. Do wear out a lot of Clothes. watch-mu cannula-o. ' oanutcIPIhoonanVT A A ugh Coal Looks I Alike to You. But pretty wuinquirod 10:. They bud come to the right mm for Chin. Cut Gllll, Etc. It in tho Mould Ptoaont bayou. They know thd something cun slwuyl I), found but -4 .1 mgwd tvuto nH.h;wiii:od!otpnoo.' V` R`?-!".WF `.330- Not only in opinion but also in health. Some are strong and health); and require but a. limited amount of bed clothing in winter; others not so strong require more ___butl D BLANKETS It-vv vnnnvunu av-your Prrrsnuua. Pm, Bopt. 25.-Ouriou too- timony woo oddueod in tho oontoob bolng mode in tho court Against tho will 0! Jun: Dolan, on ecoontnc old man. who dlod looving on ootota of 880,000. Tho oonlooi in boing mode by rolotiveo. Loonord Alton- hough tootiod that during o lod H olovon yoon ho had novor not: Do I: oohof. During shin timo Altonhough cold choc ho uw tho old mm froquonoly, ood in cash ond ovory coco ineoxiootod. !pEoT>T.E IDIFFER nanny. Mownluv--Ao Richmond. Sept 18th. Wil- liem Idwurd Mowbrey, eged iorby-ve yearn Mncmmnln--Al-. South Frederiehbnrg. Sept. 19th. Jame: Mc0n-udden, aged eleven monthu. Hmn.n.ma-roN--Ab Nepenee. Be 6. 21. Ureee M., infent daughter of obn Her- ringbon. med seven months. l)nANs-Ab Deeeronto. Sept. 20th. Violet Deane. Aged one year and eight month. WM.-m-Ah Montrenl. Sept. l7hh, John Walsh, formerly of Duerouto. Aged seventy years. CAill0N\t New York city. on Bepi lsth. John D. Cameron, Nopenee. aged forty yearn. Ammn--Ab Deeeronbo. He ta. 22nd, Robert Adams, sged eighty-eig t eon. Romm.~4-At. Heneel, Norah thou. Sept. l4I'.h. Rinhnrd Rmnrn. Inn nl I`:-nnnh III-1 vv nr:\I4usuv-ruuuuvsa I rIu\&Vl\?I DBEBSIAKING. IN ALI. ITS BIANOII cxocuhd with human sud dupotoh. 0 moderate prion. spools! attention (I70! 00 Chlldnnh olomhou. no P|IlclIII1IlI'I`.ov0l Kun Plano Wnnmonn. are 9. necessity to all and NOW is the time to save money in buy- ing them. _.. r-nxvrc L....- .. Id... .-..:.- hut Ills luv 75 CENTS buys a big pair, but, of course we hle the better kinds M for $1.65. $2.25. $2.50. 33. 53-56" and $4. ' _-I2.:-- -...I 1-.-.-- .__:___ We are willing leave the verdict to you. BUAlH)lHl.8 UAN an AU()()IIUUA'?P with roommor rooms wgthont but I rofcrrodmtamrook Strut. lloutrlo (III n every room. U of tale homo and Ivor! modem oonvonloneo. Talon onouo. (7hlldNn'I olothol. I15 Pl Inuu 71- Better qualities and lower prices is what we claim for our Blanket Department. STEAM STEAGY. BOAR.l)lHl.S CAN Bli AOOOIIODA wgthout boo: nrofnrrnd.nt..m Hmnk Hm-nnO.. Ilnulrln lllnl JAB. Iuuu. Tn Lnmu Uunn-nun-Iu-ll 0000 send. lblophono mm. 090:: Damn It flj 3 I II-311$. Luna: Ulnnnun um nlnnlil-10 Prlnoou mt. Oornu Bydonhun throat. T010 phone on nnlouuon. Pr! was 00 I } .m%::%L..ua:.,.a::. BORN. Humncs-In Kin non, Sept. 25th, tho wife of W. B. ughuof 3 daughter. HAMmr-In Picbon, Sopb. 13th. wilt of Normnn Hnmly. of 6 Ion. I(nm_..Af. nannrnntn. Hnnh. 93rd. in ormln nlmly. UK I Illn- KINa--Ab Deeeronw. Se 0. 93rd, wile of John King, of e den; nter. Mn~c1m1.x.--AIz Deeeronto. Bepo. 23rd, wile or J. K. Mitchell, or twlne-eon end daughter. FLoon-Ab Deeeronto. Sept. 17th. wife 0! Owen Flood. of e deughter. Harman-Ab Selby. Sepb. 22nd. wife of George A. Heinee. of twin boye. Vx)uI---On Sepb. 2let, eh Nepenee. vile ol Jemee Vine. of e daughter. MA'rImwa-On Sept. 22nd. eh Neenee. wife at John Mechewe (nee Klee name Fleh). of e eon. _ MoWm-In N I`:-ederichebu-3. on Sept. 2051:, fl oil`. 6. MoWe!n, o! e B()Al)EltH (JAN Bll AU(X)I$)UA'l'I with both ulnulo und donblo IooIn|,wl modern conveniences. at Q QIIOOII Strut. |IAVIfll S IIIIIID. Buowmc-A Sept. 14th. Milford, Edward 41. Bronx , Symon. ' to Mu. Carrie Ackermsn. uth Marya- burgh. Boiniiicna can an A000 no A3 Ioolm, modern oonvanhnon. A0. 3 Dunn Slant. NEW DRE$SMAKlN0 PARLORS. I\IIGIlAFI\1() II! All IIFCI II-l\llIIlX VOUIIIIJ4--Al : IEIHIII, NOTED UIIUUI. DUFF: Huh. Riohnrd Rogora. Ion 0! Fund: Rogers. Duo:-onto. sgod lo:-by-two yclu-I WE`A:l'7HR, PROBAIILITIII. isomethjina Importcu Silk: and Dru: (lootin. NOT expensive; 4 P. M. EDITION. __. ____._..___.._.._.......- Gan cu-Ion rem-on. .... .... D- 9...; n: fI....l. QUEEN I sj. 1 B6 Lunonoo (uppor). - u. nnd warm. HENRY DELHI. -n---A--n Ann M BOARD. DIID. Well, there is not much dif- ference in the general ap- pearance of Coal. But buy uton from us and com are its quality, its freedom tom dirt, and the delivery-;with that ol the last you re_- ceived. Lawn Ynui. No. 223. JOII H. II] Anti; an Inn \ urlou wu Uvr I-IUI' no-an There wt: C In: in the Yorkville court In New Yuck Sqturday, churged with nogaiancy. who mmimd um ho had pnotleadhhcgging ma szdurt for laoltthul t you-3. numb-' tub Wont h `tht ho.workod 1 :.` svnno out In the wool. IQ B ndhnn: much up man; :.i'ii:E "::'.'+.'.'$=.:"u';i '."..`r"y' .."..`.}'.I: in is collected enough to cubic III In an in Inputs wnloth .- ---v--' -.vw--v---' .-v.--- _' -w~ `T,-. Eda nuns. correct this for .`E. au-_.A.L'.- _ .l._..-_ ._ Ahll nan nun-I I I011-CLASS Dlllsi AND IANTLI MA!- or. Dun Cutting and Inna; perfectly taught In ml in various brlnolol. 'I'h:o required to loun-!tom onozto :12 won: 3. Inch ntndont bung: nor on sud funny union to pncuoo on while learning. ` Underiakers a z:mba1rn{axs.| PB0lE-Wu-noon U1 loddonoc. '1- Q0po| any and mum. l'I&IIl`y '7 XKEYIXEIV I 0 II OALVIN OOIPANY TINDIB TIIIIB but thank: to all who u-mud In the ox- Mllllhhlll 0! III: In on Irldu Ind in II. 5 "':'.`.3"".'.. 1 ""p'.`:`a`:"` "4"? 3: n 0 avg. d 'l.:d' o to on 1 I ' n. A. OALVHI. PI-oddcnt. 0. SM QUEEN SPRINT. NEAR Y.l (LA. Buildmx. suitable for bou-din: homo. Eleven mama, food eollu; necnzly concrotod sud newly drn nod Ihnt. modonto. Q Apply to III.x.a & Omuuolul. TUBE 1.u.'r, ruumsnxcu. wrru l|lIElJ- lnto pououion tho Central Hotel corner Quun and Ontario Rn-cot. Apply to WALK!!! & WALKII ol'CAl'1'. cnwronu. BRICK HOUSE, 1RlDIVIsION STREET. AT pronoun. -occupied hy Prof. Day. Modern Oonvonlonou. Hut. Water hxrnnoo. Possum- lon In Sopcombu. Apply nut. door to E. B. WIL()H. _ HE 810!!! RESIIJINUE. H0 QUEEN Street near clorgystroot Rated by hot. tutor. All modorn oonvonhnoos. oxunslon kitchen. ow. Apply to Capt. Thomas I`. Tay- lor. on the premlson. HEhP-ElLIABhE HEN LN EVEILY LU- cslltnlooul or trunlllug ; to Introduce snow discovery, And loop out show ondu tuchd up on track (once: and brldcu throughout town an country Study em- ployment. Commluton 0|` ulu-y. ooopu zuronth and uxpensu and mono: dIIp0slt- odln on bank whoa Ital-tad. [Pot pnrtlonhsu Iddrou I Wono Ixmcn. Eucnxc Co.. London. Ont , Cannda. my BRITISH WI-11.0.. FURNIBHISIJ. sumo Blullll Huurslc. ALI: modern lmrovomonu : hot And cold water. rood Itl lo and lighted by electricity throughout. Apply through this office. THE STONE REiiDlNOE. N0 QUEEN wnhr. All mmhrn nnnvnnhnnau. nxun-Inn BE LET, FURNISHED. WITH [MURD- Unnnn and On tnrlo 1-it rut. Annlv in \NAL|(Il URNISHEI). SOLID BRICK HOUSE. ALL lmrrovomenu wntmv. -and ntn all; and Hlhhd by clot-.trlnMv nnot. Page 2-Pruont.ln I Medal; Keawick Conference; City Tid ngl. `Pun. Sl_In Rinnntnn Rnnhl n World: I ANTED-IF YOU HAVE CHARACTER. fair oducnflon, ood nppenrnnco. can convene frooly. are in untrioun and not mak- lngitho mouoyfou desire write to me. I will Ml you how hsvo heipod scores of men. and name women, to paying pmitionn and haw: lives. The lntm-motion will cost no nalin ndny olvont. nnld it Ilnngln to your (man 4 out 111. V. ". . lllC0 1"r. Bxnnord. Ont. contented dost] Btunord. UOIICTQDOO3 Uliy Tllgl. ' Page 3-In Kingston Social : World; District and Canon! News. 1)-.--1 `Polite.-I-I Irlmuunnnnnu Talk nf mo uay. Page 5--Brondbrim'a Latter; Budget: of Recipes; General Information. Pun! -B|oodr.hirat.vCroola: Talk About ueonpee; ueneral mxormnuon. Page 6-B|oodr.hiratyCreole;'1`alk Steel; Genenl News. Page 7-The Home Circle ; Ereud'| Qoninh "Between Ourselves." Dun. R...'I`hn Ann:-nnnn Telegram: and uomnn "maroon Uuraolveu." P: o 8--Tho Afternoon Telegram: and Oiby appeningl. - Ion on monany. M You wnnlz that new but for Sundny. We chow the lntmtaouh. Grand Union. `:..|. nun-0 nl In-Han Iunfnrn Hunnn Fl`. pays. Don t. forget that the teachers of St. Paul : Sand: school intend giving an on- tertainlnent In tho school room on Thurs- day evening. Sept. 30th, at 7:30. Ad- minion 100. Il:\l:......- an.-`Inn 'I"u-ulna nu-u-I lnnnn. mmlon wc. Millinery opening Tuesday and Wednes- day, Sept. 28th and 29th. The Mines Henney and Herold will display a. ne selection of English. French and Ameri- can patterns. _?: 1-nu warn`: cowrnwrs. Page l--'1`ho World : Events; Racy and Brief. n...-o DuAnAnnm - AI`n`o Ifnnurhvk UIIWICF Ina UOIIOTII HOWE. Page 4-Editorial Utbemncea; Talk of the Day. `Pun; --Rmndhrim'n Lahtar: Budmeb GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO IRS. CLARK! Bookwood Hon. Must be: goodcook. he washing. OIPETINT NURSE TO TAKE CHARGE .01 children. Strong bud for ohoro. A. `STIVIIII. Anglo-Axnorlosn Hotel. Kingston. Boom: and 511- Iodorn oonvonlonoon. in- ud Fm-nnoo. situation oonlnl. Reply to P. 0. x 1100. Klngnon. 1VOEEIT. HOUSE HURT HAVE SIX BE!) 3 GENl'8-"KLONDIKE GOLD FIELDS." I and cheap valunhlo book. umng liko I whirlwind. Beautiful prospectus twenty- vo oonu. Books on Man. TH: Baton!- GAIIITBOI 00.. Llmltod. Toronto, Ont. Opening. `~` in Iran: In A-nnnn-n A nun-un-ml l4l|dI&W'I navy. Anothdr bi 20 per cent. of!` uh uh Tay-' lot : Mon y. Van want. thnt. nan hut for Sundnv. uwnt. a uo.. menu. The plan of mm for the Now Wing no the open house to-ni hb wil! romam open ti`ll 6:30 at Sawyo 9. Prices `.!5c.. 5013.. 76c. Wmnnnnnlv in ndvm-t.iIinn--An in aA|:imr- `doesn't consist in eeeing how Iitbloo ouc.. (00. Economy in edvert.iIing-ee in tin?- it one can do and live. To-day : Wam is en evidence of live edverbieore who nd it Dnn t. fnmmh thnh the bombers of St. AN'l`ID-LADY OB. GENTLIIIAN EX- rioncod in canvassing for book: In tun nnd nnoolnc nmnh in Cnnndn. No WANTID-LADY OB. GENTLEIAN EX- have and npooln agents Canada. otnvnsalng. Radar and expenses paid. ls`.I.uo1-1- Run. 00.. P Hadelphln. Pa. "TIE 119'! W In` Ill uunuu vyvun uvu-v to-night. - Three [mt bnrgainu for Mondny. Boo L|ld|nw a advt. A....ol.'.- ;.:...'on nan aunt n In]: an "`AV; lnow me Iluoln oun. urlnu UDIOII. High court of juetice, before jiutice Fal- conbridge,opene Mondey "afternoon. Sam-r & 8ut.nli'a n ndvt. offers mnnv ber- commago,oponu monuly uwrnoon. Starr & 8uI.c)i'e | ndvt. offers many gsin opportunities in Iouonable dry goodl, Ct . . ?l`|m nlafnntinn of tin Indus: in cnllnd to exoouonu ranges; Elliott Bron . sdvt. lm. man Jnnnnn R mnouu mos. lava. Stunner James Swift for Ottawa every Monday and Thursday at 6 mm. James Swift & 00.. went. "Wan n`nn nf nan}; Cnr hh "NRC Winn IVIUIIIIIQI I WIIIIWI 5 Wobcj Iounolnoo soonpnhomln ox- ;.- Inhuilull that to now In Inlhh. ANTED~-lF YOU HAVE CHARACTER. nnnvnnn hanlv. Am in nntrimn And not. mnk. Ila Dally ;oto Book, In Wily IOOIIIII `lo root rhoulvoo iv. Om until 11:30 to-night. Oak Hall. II New Wing 56 Grand open house tn.niahh_ otp. The nbtention of the ladies in callod to Mn. E. 0. Redick | tdvt. in another col- mm. H: py Home and Art Amhont are two exoolont rangu; more About them in lc`.|IinM~. Rrm . uivlz. U1 IUSI. [I V IUIUIII I HA8! Pouunu out to llltllllli from any design. `O. can QUEEN 8l'BIR'l'. NEAR Y.I C.A. L Builclmn. boa:-dint 81 PRINCESS STREET. orrosrrz wcmnu nun Dan--.. -5; A- ..--_...._ 1.... --.. .I--1_- `BRICK HOUSE. WITH ALL MODERN oonvonlonou. Apply at 46 Clergy Strut. GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO MES. Dvmc. Quinn`: Oollou Groundn. KT HOOEWB IILIVATOE. A FEW`IOI.E Gnrmnhrl and hnndy man At once. *v'u}ii'I.TiJ.Si;3a}}o-29. :3. 9.4.4.. ....|..u... ......A .a.|.. 1.- [\OBllI'I`. HOUSE MUST RAVI SIX BED Boom: oonvonlonoon. "EL'P-B.BLIABl.E HEN IN EVERY LO- nnlltmlnnnl or tnvnlllnn : to introduce MRSI E}"0IED%I`CK. T. r. numgou co.. 233-235 PRlNCES$ s1. I` HOOEWB ELEVATOR. A 1"liW`l< Otrpantan and handy ACKNOWLEDGMENT. I nAI viii l\llI.-A" nnnnhun III` LOCAL MEMORANDA. "WANTI.-:p._ _1`o LET.- `V. ......Y.;. ... ........... ......... r `thin: Iona. -_ E- AL. \'.. 3 Robbed An llolel. CoI.nmo..v:. Ont.. Be t. 25 --Some time during lees nigho the rueewick hotel wee broken into end the eele robbed ol between 8200 end 8300. In eddition over 818 wee teken iron: the oeeh regieter end end eleoe loeded revolver which wee lying in the her. The hurglere geined en eotrence by pry- ing e window open with some eherp ie- eerument. as e iece oi the eill wee tnrn ewey. The re her or robbere did their work dexterouely ea none of the ooonpente ol the hotel were ewelened end noching wee known of the robbery till the morning. `A Lee Wee Illled. Toeono : Ont... Sept. 25 --Fire did 815.- 000 demege yeeeerde e ening to the Bijou theetre. the Uni 'ice oompeny'e clothing etore, H. J. Ietthewe picture gellery enll the Cherlee Rogere & Sooe lurniureeeore on Yooge etreet. During ehelirethehdteeeeueohed to showm-.. one need: engine heane frighwned end cm down Vieeurie eemeel. Puoy mu ..;.a`.s.'1I"'.u...'.;;'.'.`;.:."'..`.'.."'...s..." "" ly, uh neny. leee eeverely Injured. luv] vv-en: I Ilelullluueu Ilellllleullvuu LONDON, Sept. `25.--John Dillon. M.1 ., end other high member-e of the house of commons have eent e memoriel to Hon. Arthur J. Belfour. requesting thet. perlie- menh be summoned to meet immedietely for the purpoee of voting funds for the re- lief of large dietricbe in Irelend which the memorieliete ellege are threetened with femine end ruin, owing to the {eilure of the poteto crop. weather-epoiled grein end generel egricnlturel depression. Theme- moriel eenerte theta e greet mejority of ten- nente in Irelend will be ruined if they ere compelled to pey full rente during the coming winter. end thet. thie will leed to egicetion end dieturbencee. 1_...- ._.- UIIIII. I II IITX |'lV'I'q $1 Kug nun that: In-ondoua mountain slide hut I-L: lm`: n-J QL-A {I OH; gnu-na:-A nl |'al'II BBQ llll Bl , ITS IIXOG. The tumu b being renewed. the presi- dent cloned the eimng, declaring it im- pouible for the house to transact business, and edding that he would communicete in writing the order of tabs city for the next. sitting. The Tumult Wee Renewed. VIENNA. Sept. `Z5.-The motion of the president of the Unterhaue to proceed to- day to the election of Austrian reproncntm tires on the delegntione was adopted yee- terdey by 3 vote, of 296 to I10. efter 3 long tumult. in which Herr Schoonerer e party, the Pen-German wing of the oppoei- tion, endeavored to bring about the post- ponement of the matter until the propor- tion: of the common expenditure of Ane- trie and Hungary are fixed. Th: tumult. hnina 1-Ann-Ad. thn nrnni. DUO UCIOHIIIIIII WI! 0. 1.`. IIBHUFIUII. OI Trenton, the pleinti"s uncle. Hendricks kissed her on July 15th when she was driving with him tohis house. He had put his erms uound her. The delendent aware that he did not kiss on the occasion mentioned. He hnd been accustomed to kiss her from childhood, but always in the presence of others. He denied having ask- ed her to leave her husband and do what he asked her. He was seventy-six years of age he said. Justice Robertson. in his charge to the jury. said the one we: ridiculous and should never heve been brought into court. The defendant had no improper intentions. His gray whiskers and gray heed proved this. The jury brought in a verdict of twenty cents for the plaintiff. Postponed General Adnnoe Axslut Arri- dls--Irltlsh Destroying Insure For-tl- Iloitions and Vlllsges -- Faith In the Iullnlu Is Dutro,yed-0onld Not (none the lluules of the Brltlsh Guns by Their Dlvlne Ilnns-B1-ltlsh occupy Jnrobl. the Village of Hedda); lnllnh. Emu, Sept. 25.--Owing to the pro- tracted campaign Against the Mohmands Gen. Sir William Lockhsrt, commander of the Punjab frontier force. and in supreme control of the punitive operations. has de- cided to postpone the general advance egsinst the Afndis. and Tirehs, their sum- mer heedqusrters, until Oct. 9th. The Afridis ere enosmped in a. strain position on a. rugged plateau. which it vi 1 bemost diioult to scale, and they are usembled there in rest force. A....a- J-.. 5- .'..L-lI:_-_.. _-..-:....A 0.....- ulvme means. 3/ Losnou, Sept. 26.-According to special epatchee from Simla. the British who on Wednesday captured Badmnnai Pane held by tho Hnddeh Mullah. with a large force of Mohmande and Shinwarie. have pushed on from the peas and without op- position, have occupied Jar-obi. the villa e and headquarters of Heddeh Mullah, w 0 has ed. It is believed that the capture of the village and the flight of the prieet will break the back of the occupation of the tribeunen to the further advance of the British. 3% qlllity. Lowest