o clock am: is making wuwr. The Allan line atoamhhip Montovidean, from Montreal, lua_run ashore on Lake Cl; Dnnr Yr. in fhnnnhf. nnnn fah POHIOVI` Montreal, hna_run usuore on Lulu St. Peter. It is thought upon the removal of her cattle she will oat. She is ashore in the mud and no fear in MD for her hull. mg- |......+. ..nno..-um-var nnrriod ishromrh mud and fear in ma tor nor nun. The largest contraouever curried through in in line in Quobec was made by Monro A. Touunint & 00., wine merchants. who 1.....- .....mIy...gA -nmn 0.50 hang of Q;-gpgg Touunint. E Uo., wine mercuuuw. vvuu have purchued some 250 tons of grapes for the manufacture of wine in thin city. They have added eleven extra vats with I capaci of fty-ve thousand gallons to their p Ant. They intend placing fountains throu h the city where they will give wine awe! roe of charge. Ir . rm-A Rumlav has iuat returned from awe`: free of charge. '1` e Lord Stanley has just Cep La Roche. the scene of the stranding of the steamship Arsbis. She will imme- diately return with two more sohooners. pumps. etc. The damage to the steamer is more serious than at first reported. Hold Nos. 1, `.2, 3 end 4 no taking in Inter; only No. 6's hold being sight. The name of the pilot. is Severe Perron of Deschumbonlt. The S B. Montevidesn has been oated off Lake St. Peter and is proceeding slowly to Quebec, where she is expected to arrive to-night. ._ _.. Anne ru: nI\\uED le Held By Brltnln-'l`he Army to Be In- on-cued. Loxnox. Sept. 27.-'I`he average Bri- tiaher has come to the oonclueion that he in the arbiter of the tube of Europe and hold: the balance of power. In mint be oonfeeeed shut. the chenged tone of the continental politioiene and newspaper writers from ebule to oereeeel encouragee the ueumplion. Even prince Bismarck recensl deprecated the oonetnnt. badger- ing an baiting of Green Britain by Ger- mm statesmen and writere. As mebtore atend. in the event of VII`, the side eecur- ing the nuisance of Great Britain mueb In. win. In the meantime it is evident from the tenor of e oh of Lord Wuleeley at Glau- uow on hureday laat. when the freedom of that city waa conferred upon him. and from the remuhe mode by the arlimnen- tary war ofce. Hon. W. St. J. rodericlx, the same night, that the government in prepnring to introduce a scheme for a ooneiderable addition in the strength of the army. which will probably cell for the formation of a dozen additional battalion: of infantry and a ro- portionate addition of oavelry and artilfery during the next eeuion of parliament. The warnin e have not been -aounded too soon. A to ling inetance of the militaiy wealmeu of Great Britnin wn afforded It Alderehot on Thursday. when tlie second battalion of the rie brigade left that camp for a tour of ooloniel aervioe, includ- int? n aniourn at Venoouver. Though for tour or colonm eervnoo, InuIuu- ing an eojourn nominally as full beatelion, there were only elightly over 400 men. end the detachment will hue to be reinforced from the tlrnt. battalion of the rie brigade. which is now on its way. Lightning Doee Greet Damage. Cmnxsnunu, Ont.. Sept. 27.-A barn and brick house occupied by John Geddee. neer Delphi. ebout four mllee from here. were attack by lightning yeetaerdey morn- ing. The line bun wee entirely conun- ed. The eeeeon'e omp. A call eudwlob of hen: were eleo burned. together with e concrete hen-house. The residence, which wee 300 feet. lrom the burn, wee oonuiderebly detneged. The bolt ewept e chimney completely oil . teering the roof badly end knocking the Inner _od' the ceiling: of two rooms an 5 hell. The bolt divided end puseed throu h the etone founddion at oppouiteende o the home. The entire family wee in the home. but no nun inn ininmd. ' 100 cnww IIIIIIIJ am was injured. LI-iqr Ono WeoK {il1 n~will7get 20 PER. CENT. of all _ up of`! Jnpuoss Itsslon work. Tonomo. Sspt. 27.--At tbs Isthodist mission oioss it wss stntod thst tbs mis- sion work unsung tho Jspsnoso in British Ooinmbis is sssuming cohsidsnbls im- pos-tsnos. Ibis ostimstsd that thsrs are now nsuly two thousand Jspsnsss immi~ grants in British Golnmbls. A church for the Jspsnuls Msthodtstsis about to ho srsotd stvanoouvsr City. Two 0! tbs connrts luvs givsn strong svidsnos of tbs siuosrity of thsnr Chrmisnity by aiving up thsirwork dniing tho shing sssson st Stsvsstoo. B. C . to sot ss nnrsss of tbs sick Jspsools. has of ohu-gs, sud unin- tsini thsnsslvss by work during tho hul- snos sis yssr. an an uponnnuuu. Idwud Banner. 6! Tnnlon. wan killed In: sink in not mill at Canoe Lnh. Ho want:-Ioibys phooolbonrd thrown on hr A elnnhr nu. wuIn'IuIuynpu by I cltulu av. C 9-1" IIIITUW -I:'vu BIOCIVIILI. On, Sept. 27.-A than you old dngllhr oi Ir. Ilia.-hull, Inni- Vilh. had 3 Ihscnlous map from death tho otdu . lot dnu`uIhtnnout- B:u.nvu.u. Ont, Sop! 27.--Bollovil|o pout oaohdo biourodoootlin cum: comnhdon Mao. and In tho olllchlo but been mind. excepting tho pouuutot. Two pt touring nllounou and othn have has uponunuhd. Edward nance. M Tllnllll. kill!` Aoounurs To \itss:La. _` THE BALANCE OF POWER 3-|I__.1 Kdoti and Shoes. Anna-ononn nuan- __---_ a\_- n-_A 1 A . .L-..n an I .nI:n "'.'n .'6`.'."'i.' bruins ; I. It K 00'` It. Hal I EXISTENCE I_LFunno. | THE BORING OPERATION `HAVE OEASED UNTIL SPRING. --:--:- luv. A. Ouuucl. OI Incl!!! `'D` gm. 1!. on Dliut QQHIIII 0IIKi--'.- uou. ; OHAWA. Sept. 27.-)hjor-goon-gl Gu- vlaoino bu returned to the oit_y from Eng- Inna. ~- D. '.l`ornnee.of the Dominion line, in here to-day seeing the govornmont than the British and oubaiaiu. - V A lglgan-Ii` Kn: Hahn liid `P01 R.Vu A lug} gusntity of New Full Goods tfolvid `will go with the rest. illulpl for Ouh only. 0 good: on upprobstion. Brltieh llllll enbeiaiee. ~ .. A telogrem he: been reoeived from Rev. A. Cameron, Brooklyn. eooepting the cell extended to him by the congregation of the Fix-et Beptiet church. Rev. Mr. Ceme- ron eeld he won away when the call resch- ed hie residence. and that he would be in Ottawa next Sundny. m. wamm Lnuriar will nttend the ex- Obuwn next Bunny. Sir Wilfrid Lsurior will Attend hlbiuion in Halifax on Tbundny next. t n l.....h. M an. amrlnnionl survey hibition in name: Inllrluly nun. L. M. Lembe, of the geological survey department, has just VlellQd the site of the petroleuq boring operations at Pelican Rapids, Athabaeka. Boring operations huveceaeed at a deptli ol 800 feet. Gee was struck in such a ow as to inake it necessary to stop work until spring to al- low it to blow oil`. There was tar struck in euch quantities and kind as to ensure the existence of oil. Mr. Fraser. the 'mena r. and party from the Athabasca well ave gone to Victoria. - where they are now working. At Victoria the well is down 600 feet in blue shale. A [low of gas and salt water has been struck. but so far no tar or oil. Work is being pushed on rapidly. however. The shale formation has continued nearly the whole depth of thewell,with some low thin_ layers of limestone. . 61- AA.-ulnlma (`Lu-nn and Hon. A. G. limestone. Sir Adolphe C`-Aron and Hon. Bleir. minister of reilweye. are expected to reach here this Afternoon from England. Hon. J emu Young. of Gelmwho is in the city, is eeld to be here looking elter the eennborehip which Sir Oliver Mowet will veoebe when he goes to government. house, Toronzo. rm.-:...i.. On oi... -Auinnnl debntee hu The index to the Ieeeionnl debate: just. been printed. It makes ninety close- ly printed pages and is compiled with &be usual cue end exnctneea. For this as well As for the prompt appearance of tbeindex all the credit. is due to editor Boyoe of the Haneerd. ...a.... r ...-....... m-..idad at the rexrular l Bo oe of the Hanurd. udge Lavergno presided at. the regular term of the superior court in Hull on Saturday and received an address from the bur, congratulating him on his up- pointmenh no the bench. The Smell-Pox Petlentl Removed to hole- uon Iio|pItel--A Ledre Deeth. Tonoxro, Sept. 27.-Ab the uaizo court. is being heard an ecoion brought. by (Apt. F. A. Ceeton against. the city for 8100 for elleged wrongful dintreinb for taxes. Cu- ton say: be paid $75 cues and has a. receipt. for that emonnt, but alleges this amount. in imp y credited to cit treasurer Candy. he owns the house It joining his nwn. own. At the ueine court this morning evi- dence was heard in an action {or damages for 850,000. brought. by J. C Smith. form- erly of the wholeeele boot. end ehoe firm of Cooper & Smith, which iniled in 1803. against W. T. Boyd, solicitor. and J. Cooper, Smith : former pu-tner. the chuge being that Boyd and Cooper conspired to nether to wreck the firm. Whnn Rnwl wan nhmed inthe box b? 5110 [ether to wreck the nrm. When Boyd wee placed in the box by pleiuti' the evidence was of such as churne- ter thet the plainti a -olicitor naked leeve to amend the action, he the charge would not hold. The judge relueed to uni ow this. and diamieaed the case without prejudice, however, to any action which may he brought by the ueignee. Th. mm nmnllnox mtiente Whitney and brought by the nssngnoe. The two smallpox tients Whitney Bullivant were disc urged this morning from the smspox hospital. They will he kept for 3 week longer at the isolation hos- pital. Whitney is badly marked. He. it will be rsmemborod, is the youth who was found to hove dovelo the disease at Bellovillo and caused t o qusrantining of the summer Passport at Toronto st the be- ginning of August. Miss Annie Loton. who bod been lying JA.iaoHusm1i_90~,I ginning or August. Mine Annie Logan, lying unconscious for over two weeks at Once hospital as the result of being run down while wheeling on College street by 3 run- away team. died this mornin st seven oclook. An operation was per ormod yea- terdey by tevernl physicians in the hope of relieving the pressure on the brain that curred uncon-ciourneen. but without fl'ect. Mien Lo an mm the daughter of Hector Logan. 0 Beuerton. Her father run with her at the time of her death. `CC VHIO . . ::.-.:E .m-.-.- Al-one .... . . Oolneeted Win: the mum: Axnerleen lIot.el-B|ll of lure. Fresh cooked menu. I` plate or und. Rout fowl, spring chic en and bur oy ll- weye ready. Poetry of all ducriptione. Ice cream 60. and 10:3. (including cake). tee. coffee end sandwiches. Open day and night. Te|ephone292. _ Cennot Be We:-med. Loxnou. Sepc. 27.--The Sb. Jemes Gazette thie ellernoon remerh: ""16 ie quite cleer thet no oonoeeeion we oen mete end no div-pie . however sincere. of our wish to friendly hu eveiied one job no dieerrn the bitner hoetiiity of then Amerioene who ere el- weye reedy for he eotion. Neither ie there e shred evidence Ioehow thet. the cold. peeeive dieiihe which no meny Am- ericene, who ere friendly enou h tothe individuei Engliehmen, feel for i. Britieh am...-nmena-. he been wenned in the leeet heullin ex-IecrehryOlney ulIegeddiu- turn that I I connecsion beoween enropem end en American state ie iuiceelf unne- tnrel, the St. June: Gazette eddo: Thu. eome uuoh doctrine in working in the Au- erioen mind is evidenced by many nine 0! which the peniuunh nursing of the Behring nee dispute in not the least. Thin in itself in e not ol which we end the gamu- usenu intereeed In Alnerioe mun take notice. not en excuse for losing our heede ud ` ruining to meet en evil hell-wey. bet. ee good for clearing out uinde end ptepuiog lot serious prectioel ennn. Iv. A. (button. Cl lluunuu. -w-pu- the cm to lint noun cInnh-Po- troloun Won at Pollen: Iupldo. Amn- hnln-lndox to luololsl Debates Is- _....I ndividunl Isngmnmnu, Ion: xor our nnuun -out-nmont. bu boon wunnod lone w;.: :5. ';'g;::;aa.m. dnd 61 Ptlnoon Shoot. SUITS IN THE COURTS. 3%: FRONTENAC CAFE. Thmyiiiliineryanaglilantle Store Stock now complete. No lady who wishes to be well suited should purchase before seeing it- . CHILDREN'S and MISSES' ULS'I`ERS-Scarce goods, of which we have some very nice styles. _ CORSETS! V CORSETS! P.D. and all the leading lines. 3 A newspaper or Sherman coumy.un-., unit does not know of a farmer in the country who will not he able to dis- Id- I-nglnk-Angnn [him (all -|.-__. _ Next Door to Standard Bank. One of tho Jurorujwnl lIoI--Will Pro:-cod _ To-Ion-ow. Mos-nu:.u.. 8opt.27. -'l`ho Tun-Gronior libolou-edid not proceed to-dcy on to- count. ol the illnua of Edward Luivibro. howl-keeper, on. 0! tho jnrorn. Judge Wnrulo adjourned choouu until to-Inch row. And in doing to aid he would adjourn tho court trhm day to day nnt.i| the juror bad ruovorod. lh. llnnnnnn lif. Itlu lud recovered. Dr. Guoouu amt cnerticsto tuning the Lnriviero v M nulforing hon indign- uon. J udge Wu in then doopnubod Dr. Bouclurd to onmim who not man. On his nuarn Bonohud mid the `trot val ill but would likely be oonnhoonnl to-mob ..... u (1 ll; Phnl. 0.0.. for tho uro- but would Illuy no uunvu-was uu-mun row. 8. C. 86. Pia-to. Q.C., for pry- ucugion, id be wonpd to have Bur Wilfrid Laurie: and Bar _OHvor Mono ouminod no-mo:-row if poonblo. Hr. Cor- nollior. Q C.. tor the dofcnoo. to ind that he would nah no pnunhu; nu dopam- oduponthoruulcohmotionbopropoud mo nah to-non-ow Impacting ill! get!!!- si t pcnsupndto Min 0 y:r'n:E':ouIon. Inouodthoprouod- :.._. unalnv, llbofdinltion. ",1 Sir Adolphe Caron nmhod this any Io- duy.vis New York. Iron 1:`. land. lo nil In Md gem strand on p oh; hi. 110 Ml for Othpu. Ilichol UDIOR. VQFI . VII. Aluu vuuvu -nu ynvvw-- in to-day. glass in I vcihbh min at turn: unong the guard: 38 85. Vlncuot do Pnl ponltonduy nu vault at his dbdnul cl unguudu by tho mung vudoo. G. L. latent. Nomolthnniulncunln Choir uono. Bovutlohhooonviollublttll nIbIduk|Io|ou\h0lCI|IdIbdriII- nhordlndoa. n:. A4I..I.L. u-an lllflhh HIV} F:ANNELE'_f'l_`_l_?7__Dl.lAV\_"ERS AT WALSH S GREAT CHEAP SALE. _\c.n ._` QI.$I.I|.IDl;; ip3oIaiGASoN - L-.. -_.I -.. -- -A WALSH` pom MAKE up Heavy Tweed in Halifax Checks, worth 250. 800. 880. for 190. Fine Tweed. in Fancy Check and Twill. worth 8730. 400, 500. for 880. Heavy Cloth Frieze in check and plain, worth 600, 000. 650. for 400. All our Finest Scotoh.Tweeds. worth 75c and 000. for 500. Blue Serge for Boys` Suite. worth 25c forl19o. 860 for 250. Fine Black Berges. Venotians and Corkaorewa at oolt. Dozens of Remnants of Tweods in every length at your own priou. A few Suite of Boys Clothing at half price. A special bargain in Men's Underwear worth $1.50 for 76c suit. Finest Scotch Wool Underwear. double beck. worth 81.25 for 090. THE CASE ADJOURNED. Planneletie Underwear it you want to save time and expense. Come and see .what we are showing in Ready to Wear ,, SPENCE - '-"':;'.; I'llIuuIIIII[m |shn|oona~ LAmLAws992)a)99LAmLAw's l It does nu Know 0! mrmer In um who ,0 oh hi. indebtedness ma; mu. 0 hand of Jim Stevenson, u, Lexing- ton . in said to mmeura ole-van imhn tom the wrist. to the tip or the ihlddknngar. The thumb nail is up. aegbod u of the nine of A half dollar. . my mama neonle out at Eaton Rap- VlVI..4I.4u.4-n --- _--`...-. __ For Children 25 CENTS and up nccordlhglo iii! I43 PRINCESS STREET. For Men's Twccds and Pantlngs. FLANNELETTE NIGHT GIIWNS. Ladies Sizes. muses slzes Children : Sizes. /7o.J9/tzwaa`/3/%f_';_, moo. urea II In A ormou wuvmwn. Liouh.-Col. O. E. Panto. deputy nlniutor ol ulmis. Ottawa. in min. In Nrunnty Dr. Lcbollo, Manual. !or 310,000. Mu-lune lonlpuiu cold. rid! the s ol rodompuon. o on-Ml! lulu-out u 960 Coinlno. ulna ht Lion.-Gov. Chap- lun. Bnbnqnously I join nook company was formed. and tr I Into slloud shuts. Harlan no I0. it In shined. fotfdtd hotti Ihgh sholopuolulu. Gmwnor to-` `pro-unzip: Nu hilovv-uookholdu-|,A"Int Do Lotus. is lying dnngoronuly ill lromihho etfocta of I may bullou which nhrough his body on Saturday attor- nnnn. H`. van workimr in 3 Bold through his body unurauy Ina!- noon. Ho wu won-kin`. when the bullet lunch in. and the and the only explanation obtod In thaubo bullet cum from tho (Job 80.. Luoo tango-. a mile sad a hull sway. whom the B030! 11...... ..... ...uI.....un.- um. -own-nnnnb _ ` ` .Iono`(_)d Iu0;In[I. On 0:10 -{Ann near Flint. Mich.. there Il! 1.120.000 cabbagu. 9: Are bqlng found in number: . Ban In in pu-In of Vermont this fall. Ono jam 1 iqqr villp held a honoyconl Iw txhuad several inchea lhilcl)x. - A nmnmmnr of Sherman county.0re.. milo ma III" IWIV. VIII` III lwyul Soot: were nod o.hdr_ Ylllllonb ur tpnotioo. Ml will pn5\a:n|b in sbolitlon ol the nngot 83. Laos. Luau II in Mal 1;... ma n I`. hung, nlnlnliv nlnlntnr V E W0 , Tho Leading Millinery Shore an bod o! the use or mu: uousr. . amount people out Rap- ! M|ch.. mu be guessed by the record at hounwlfe. who in a. your has baked oightysfohr loans of bread, 72!) biscuits. NO ` 150 fried cakes. I91 pies and ,1. cookies. _ wow: no beati or worming the II. bout Sont Fniontown. Mich. nd hpon the corn fields in um, um! golo hr. it it soberly aver- tb pout che}: On the fence: Inning the approach of gun- 5 to at` Iqpllpc Junk` Ah :3! rnnnwu horse, :1. .Florence. 8.0.. I nix-foot (ate. and. the du ontohl on` a pickg. Wu pa Iod_ in such a cnilnl turned a unmar- on Na back. but it `gain. Tutg an on. . #___--__4.- -. I 3 r (is m. fnooha Hard. the to OQN. ' Pa-0 In Donn; \ NI`; 700'! lob; And uveral Incneu lmcx. of Sherman county.0n-., nun. dun ll-VU \l\lJAIIv-v-u vv v Y : Hr.` Drlncoiss and Baqot St:-. -0 wan I ind _ FYI III! `our uwpwuu in Inn 3 d an no In. This! mm in In ly prepared to moor your on on shooting want in` who no uliablund inoxpon- Iivo manner poniblo. _ _.._._ -11:11 -1 -I?-Jbvlirs. Etc. New Dress Eorulnin to about In cm nu-nor nu ulpl. . A. ch", jr.- In spanking of tho touohingu of the sauna: Roudalo and Date on the Snake Iuhnd ohoslu. lontahom ohsnncl. In and In wondcnd how so may I--n a-nt. I.|n-nnh' tho until of H10 hltbof ehennel. be wondered how so any home goH._hrough' the gates winhonl nding bottom. " The eoathern chennelie used almost exclusively in pre- "Hrenee to the nort.hern'chenneI.eimply_ be- eauee the channel to the pouch in buoyed, wr .Ie the other. the enter end better of the two, in not, In entering the harbor by the eoubhel-n ohennel it I boot pueee the eboele `near Bueke elend light also i in denger of going uh on Simone Ielend. or on some ol the eboele edjecenb thereto. By the southern channel there ie not no much nl-L Ila! I,WdI-Known lnlhn in to In :1... arm. umman of Both. riek. . '.l`here ie really only one ehoal to be avoid- ed in paeelng down the northern channel. That exlete about a uarter of a mile weet of the Snake Ieland I ght. It the govem- ment would cpueent to place e" gee buoy on thie ehoal it would make entrance to tide harbor much eater. Capt. Booth aaye thin anal! ehcal could eaeily be removed with a couple of well-placed ehote and at a email outlay. Between thin` amall shoal and what in known on the four-ecre,. ahoal there in a Iplendid channel having over lorty feet 0! water. In com- ing down the late a venel would make for N Ine mile light. then veer acrone almost due north until within a ehort diatance of themaln lend and in the vicinity of Rock- wood asylum. when ehe could jog along ealely. without tear of ahoale. To remove the little ahoal above referred to would he prelerahle, but falling in thine a gee buoy | would make :.he channel quite eale. ML- ....:..:.o..- n! nnhlin wnrha hen de- ' would make the cuannei quite rare. The minister of public works lien elared in levor of every encour ement be- ing given to the through (Jan ian route. Here then in hie o portunity. Kingston harbor hae been neg ected for two years, probabl through preeeure of departmental work, t ough in 1896 84,000 was voted for improvement, and was revoted in 1897. with 82.000 extra. The Canadian route is injured by theee grounding: in the beat lake harbor in Canada. and very little expense will avert the trouble. The blow- inglup ol the emall ehoal north of Snake l'g t would be a short operation, eepeoielly an the government eoowe end npperatue ere etored here; .'I`hen gee buoye could be provided at little expenee. The old marln are euioient for light dreit boete but the large oanalere now coming require practically a channel of twenty feet. The nbetruqtionto the north channel in no triing that the vernment cannot eord to longer negleet t e demolition. The gas buoys would be invaluable {or night eervioe. Kingeton taxpeyere and ite llrme together are spending $225,000 on elevators and the government ehbuld give them the beat en- oout-agement_~._ CANADA BOUNTIFULLY BLEST. The reople Returned for Their Generosity to the Ilel and Needy. Harvest home services were conducted in the Union street Baptist church yeeter- day. The interior of the edice was beau- tifully decorated. fruit, vegetables and grain forming the central features. Large congregations graced each of the three sor- vlcee. At morning service Rev. C. W. King, pun-or. took us his text Joshua m, -l :` "For 5 have not passed this way here- mfo..." THO speaker dwelt upon the necessity of the christian entering into the higher spiritual life at en opportune time. At the elternoon service a special pro- gramme was rendered by the children of the Sunday school, in behelf of the Grsndo Ligne mission, Quebec. The service was . appropriate and heartily entered into by all present. In the evenlnn Mr. Kim: took 8! his W,qt_ av choice and nobby ; We would advisev an early ...L..j _'-_ wm, _ "NORTH VI. IOUTH CHANNEL. '.IC IIWIII-KICWII -ll'IuIr -- nu W Upon `rho union Ono of the but uuthoriciu on mutton attaining tohnhoala I? this harbor in Capt. an A ..-t' ._ n "jun. 01 all present. In the evening King text Jeremiah VIII, `I: "The harvest. is pest, the summer is ended. and we are not saved. _ Before entering upon his sermon the speaker dwell! for the ' space 0! fteen minutes. upon the t year's perplexitiee and perities. e illustrated the per- plea ties which the people of Canada and the United States had undergone. and had elso assisted in sharing the burdens of other nations. namely. in sending relief to the oppressed Armenians and the famine- strioken nativee of India. As a re- eult God had rewarded the people of this country and of the United States with an ehundant harvest. and other nations which had not lent a helping hand to those in distress were themselves today in dis- tress. stricken with famine and war. min nnnnhnr nfm-rad to the oeneroeitv of nun, Itrlolen wlm lamina anu war. The opaakar rafarrad to the gouoroaity of the Canadian people. and showed how God had rewarded than in the way of revealing gold laid: in the luau and nilvor minor in ma aaat. Canada holds a batter and B1 in- or poaition to-lax in the heart: of tho groat nations at t. a world. an a promising country. than our baforo. Spocial music was randared at both services. A L-..-Agb Lnaan Innliunl Cl" `IA KAI!` in ronuoreu II . noun urvlcou. A bu-vat. homo leuinl will bohold in the church to night. I II VIII Jug`!-I IIIII. J uutioo luloonbridgo an-ind in the city this morning to open the full hitting: of tho high court of justice. Owing to tho non-nnivulof the lawyer uctin for the plnintl the only out on the doc ct. tlnt ol Goo:-go Gronvol vu. ' Jouophlno Much. notion on`: judgment, could not ho. taken up until this nltotnoon. Whoa tho out in un It Ind procoodod only an hour whoa 0 justice oonoludod that tho plaintiff Ind not ouciont ovidonoo to prove puooml nu-viou. Ho. that-oforo. ndjournod the out until October 23rd at Olgoodo ball. A IVKAL44 LI ZI-.-- llitldutttilllhattluiox` III-nuulp man A Qmnlivcyiunc Ur byhghn .I`hpiIIuvluIudIo vohunuhw hr-I: hdnnn Thiunuuingllvu npwhdmhm; aging - vuvuvv Ir: ---Iuvvu. The bond of gonrnon of the school of n'uII on Saturday 0 and H. R. landlo. ol Now You-I. min tug. onninur for on can! at. I ll?! M LN`), Th: nth 0' CW IWI, Ellllll Ullllil "If WI. you st a ulnry nl SL600. The other ncnhn ol tho ou` mnlnz PI-6!. _Good- win, dun; Prob-. Nicol and llllu. The sandman oi condoms will to lug: than luiynr. which run [rut ndnnooon panning condom. Thu ning up 0! II- othcohouiosl lotus-story wuocdnnd. it bin} notary todmdothoolunl owing up that: ovovdod Ihu. :w``_';_fI,:Ao\V.kood' lines for $3.50, Wjavoos.-86. 97.50 and mo. *AAji%i$.%th_e etter Goods at Rea- sonably ' Prices. ' loidny night hmdowno was around in uduuol Icuuho nddono of A. F. Bolt. `[50 building and oonuubvon man--nod. In -an 4 Ian: wanna -:--------$2: A Ololoo of lichen. -__.l -1 ..-_...___. -l AL- _ _- .. no can adjou-nod. D- I--_|._:.a... -..:..-.l 1. Inuit`!!! Whit. .n_LA I __.4I-..; _._ |1i9nn'3v ran Aim THE NEW! mu. an inner cnnulhhl, FASHION. `I'M 70:] land from on: AM Oatllalt --`I10 Gounod Lu-u My lupcncn And the Hull`! loin `Ind `to tho cumulus Prom Bnclllcic spin captain of the Ottun = Smith : Falls bicycle club will hand I clndcr Frcd. er. Rochester. N.Y_., of Safe uddlc lune. la in the city. M.-. n. hind. -ho in nriouclv ill, in ugglo lsmdhggg the city. fl. r. h ' ' I i roportod . mu. c nI`:e1?tl:-d.:.yt.|n. y ..` . nnnd millinorv display at Eu-dy'o bo- V.` :'SeIpct Line` of N Goodimw showing at Id little cutie: today. Grand Inillinory display morrow. Onouiog at 9:30 n.m. (`hum an hid as London lforn 9&0. to Opouiog on 9:30 9..m. Choose wu bid at London 9&0. 9%.; South Finch.to 9c.;Iroquois, so 9c. J. B.` Davis. pomnutor of Kocwwn, Man.. in reported to be 02,000 than in `his nooounu; n.. n.:.f.g 1., Mnmlv will hold oun- f:IlI6lD_ llliiilnuv In vi.-nu -n v----~- oh and 16th. V R. Konnody, Johnnton street, has gone to Vulloyeld, Qua... when be but Iocurod I ood position. rod. Luuon. of Sydonhsm, spent the Sabbath am. hi: non. Rev. Elwood Law- ..u. an! naknvnannai nirllih Blnlluin wwn nll Ion. nu non, of Cntuuqui circuit. Mnntmnl rmrbv Mam ` Hamilton. will play lull met. The Monhrul am given lengthy opinions of the captain: of the union senior club: on tho pwonpecu of rugby this lesson. rm... ummnn'n madiml oollozo uh St. 0! Utmuqul clrculu. Montrenl rugby team will be Itronger` this our than over. Souehnm, Into of Hnmi ton. will play tull back`. -rs... Mnnnnml mm nivu Ionacbv opinions of rugby tmu lesson. The women`: medical college Potenburg has oponed with 160 students. and u runny more were orowdod out. rm... Rnnnrnfh Timu moon: that twenty- and were orowueu uuu. The Bancroft: Times report: ve came buyers are urohuing in that section tor the United muse marketer Rev. J. B. Robeeon and Elwood Lawson Are engaged in Ipecinl revival service: At. Collin: Bay. The meetings are inherent- inn in . V `rho Hamilton Tigers played an exhibi- tion gum of rugby with the T.A.U.,st Toronto on Saturdsy. The lather won by 91708. n... T D 1........:... mm mm children. 9 to 8. Mn. L. H. Lomoino and two children. snd Mina Lillian Whelnn. Pembroke. are viaiulng Ah the homo of Mrs. C. Lyons, Col- borne utreeh mm. ........a.... .ll us. Awninal on hhe TAYl0R S. Thin morning all the Awning: on window: of the British Ameriom end Fron- tennc hotel; were removed and etpred away for the wirftor. Two nine- under eld guns were ship- pedt.oPort. ope to-dey Irom "A" field battery. They are for use more of the 14th eld battery. - 'n.. nmnnnhl nf donation: bv nrivete citi- Nth new battery. The amount: of donations by private zens to public inamutiona in the United Satan during the your: 1893, 1894. 1895, 1896, were no la: than $120,800,000. Th; :....n..-.im.. Ara nut. for the wedding 1896, leu than :uzu.uuu,uuu. The invitation: are out for the wedding of Miss Josephine Mabel, daughter of Joseph Deacon. Q.C.. to James Wellington Stegg. both of Brochvillo, on Oct. Ebb. Rnv. R. J. Gnin hen t.o~dev received whioh willbe pubuenea lnnew wean. D. M. Ronnie. Buenoe Ayree, formerly of Hamilton, Ont... bu been nppointod coxnmeroinl ugent for the dominion govern- ment for the Argentine Republic and Uru- both 0! Brookvillo, um. um. Rev. E. J. Craig t.o~dny from London. England. nal printed proof: of his work "Mario of Lichtenstein. which willbo published innfew weeks. n M RnnniA_ Rmmnn Av:-on. formerly ......... .... -..- ___-_____- ___ gun . '1` e Kingeoon eld battery has secured some of the herneu heretofore in use at. '`A field battery. Two webs`! herneee accompanied the two guns cent to Port. Hope. ' nnrim-r service in the Union street Bap- Hope. During service in Bap- tist church hut. evening as quartaot.te,Come Unto Me. . wn well rendered by the Mine: Turnbull, Arthur Frost and T. F. Brooke. r.......|. 1:51.... at IhmilI~.nn_ Inn nan- Joseph Fnhey. of Hamilton, sun can- tancod on Saturday to five yours in King- ston penitentiary for attempted robbery. Fuhoy bu not been long out. of the pom- mnntinrv. II GUI? Ill bontiary. Mn. I home than nnornoon. The mortgngo held by the estate of Alex,- ander Sutherland, late of Bellovillo, against the Buy of Quinta bridge will likely be foreclosed. The mortgage in for 845,000 sud thovbridgo coat 8150.000 'l"hn `Rnwmth lnnua of Cnhrullli one BARGAIN WEEK : Mrs. Morris Bhnver and children. of South Indian. Ontario, have been visiting friends at the parsonage at Cnturaqui dur- ing the lulz few dnyu. They lefc tor their home this nfiornoon. Nil... _..._b...-..- halal Ln Qhn Alta}; nf Alnx. noounu; Rov. Dwighe L. Moody mu ;olm.io_ meetings in Ottawa on October Ad`: and Ith. uzu W10 VDIIG OOID .lUU.VUU The Epwotth league of Calm-oqui gue O Iociel entertainment to the young peo- ple of the congregation lut. Friday even- ing. Grapes. ev.c., were served during the evening. A good time wu reported. `Ania Mnnnnnld. A nhm-mun of Point evnmng. A good umo wu roporwu. Louis Mcbonnld. I sherman Ann. near Bellovillo. had 8100 wouh ofuill notes Ibolon on Fridny night. He and Another mun camped II Zwick'| island that. night. During the night the not: were stolen. Tho nah rnnnh Innrlinlr, wirmbnund Durinn mo m on one now were stolen. The new roach loading. wire-bound twelve-pounder eld guns, mcently arrived from England. were taken into use by ``A ' Bold battery to-day. The human and trapping: now uaod no bu color imtond of black. ML- -..... .....--.0. nf Mn Rana rlnnahtnr or man. The engagement of Mine Roee, daughter ol Clmrlee B. Kemp. Bri boon, Out. and Rev. W. A. Vroomen. ethodiec Ininiever of Calgary. Alberta. N. W.'l`., ia announc- ed. The wedding will take place late in October. n:..s....a n......I.. ...mIm.ui hv Jame: cuooor. Richard Brooh. em loyod b y Juno: Munro. farmer. front. of idnoy, drovuway with his employer`: rig on Thurodny` lane. E0 was nrruted n Bri hton nnd brought. to Trenton for trial. 0 was placed in tho count. jail. A n raimnn ihn anhn the IIIM of mur- LBu'n'e."T..|. ' " x A orgymnn who enter: the men ri this took preached I notmon utuda .. .... -. .... - ...,- r, . on oroilm. Another young coup o Alton - ing Bydoohun Itroot. ohumh yutordoy were no I homily on the dutiol of wives to has ml: and husband: to wivu. 1...: |:.. Ir.......:. n....|. -Im mu-and to alumnus Ana announce to wwu. And 811' Fnncin Cook, who mnrriod Tonuuoo Chain. in reported to have just. divided 010,000,000 botwoon hit two mom in at-dc to chat tho ohuaoollor oi the u- .I...-._ And -1 ch. guuuuanninn tlnir -hlnh III (I1II' U OIIGI IIIO ounuouuor 0! in! II- ohonuoc out of the nonunion duty which won hnotoboptid if the monoywon lot! A: an otdinury oy. As was Ptlnoo lbort. N.W.'r.. on Sundny In broke out in I brick building ovnd sud occupied by R. llolaod. gon- tlollufu hmlnhinn. The lone: spread npldly and consumed u oonhouonory and fancy good: don uad I gomnl non. Thy any vcryuull lnumnoo And the loan will In has . Thoma paint, I tumor -0! Bloahoim, dlullnzhclsbuqilslonctuduy from sin nah of u had lunch. En Ind ouluod may funluotlnclgaulvlcncc Botlin -ndanahvdnnn-nhnnnnd Down wmaclua nonmv} THBI am; noon FOR ma sasr PH] '1 t%I.IKVIuI II nurlm nirntioudo Ilootlnundhowu nnovorl to II III. `rm docnying toothhndnuutlnnnbountotonnoutbo I-- -LlAL Ln-:34 and M hInnl`.I-Inlnnnl. . , wnm. xoim; ir. snmnmnnn V2? 1397. WIIC nvuy. Qvnl, B_apb.. 2'f'.-Mgr. J. C. K. La- anuno. taotor of Laval unlvouit and au- poof ol.aho Qnaboo oaninax-_v. w o topm- aanod Canada at tho intornational geologi- oal congroal hold at St. Pahoraborg. baa bean" olootod om of in vice-proaidonva. Sir Henry Strong, chic! justice of tho aupmna court. of Canada, arrived hora Hamrdav. Laddroea of welcome (tom Illplbln court: 0! vlunun I Saturday. odd:-on 1 Hm hnr tn! 0 will be 'Bul|l:I:`l::y.UU-I :&dr`:nM-f-'w;Vlt':6I:io from tho but of Q will be recanted to him. 11.... :4. ma! thn .cumer Conudionno. here! Q ` willbe preeenteu to man. Ospt. me! the steamer 1 from sud wey ports, who lsnded ` here the oeptsln. crew And meurisl of the j schooner Mu-is Vigllent wrecked neer Cope Megdslen. reports the following per- tloulsrs : He says the eohooner was lying st, enobor olose to Cspe Msgdeleu loeding ` rewood for Grouse lsle when suddenly s hesv see set in followed by I strong gele whlc oeueed the vessel to dreg her on- ohors, end dos its the efforts of her crew she won rlven on, the roots snd become e totsl wreck. The cs tsin slso reports the stesm tog lor- renoe, sshore st Fox river. snd expects she will be e totel wreck. He also reports the brig R. L. T., which left her. st enchor st the ilgritns. She hsd been run into by s passing steamer end wss evidently struck on the starboard side. Her starboard csthesd wss carried swsy. her cutwster smashed end bowsprit end jib-boom her- ried ewey. Those on board the brigentine reported that their vessel was run Into by e passing stesmer, but did not ask for my essistsnoe. The R. L. T. will returnto LL}. -us-0 (new pnnnrrn Illllllnuc. Ill!) 1. u. A: -v--- ------- -- thia port. for repairs. The SS. Aruhia, In-om Montreal for Ham- burg with as neral cargo. ran uhoro yu- terday at up Ln Rocha at about six clock and is making water. rm... Au... lam. mumhhin The Greeet Opportunity you will lilfe thii Fall to secure Genuine BM`- jlihli -` ' ' Srike the iron while it in hot. `.