Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Sep 1897, p. 5

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%';3wrn1".':'.+".`;`.";:% -%-!=-='-"=-- a-sass: EPIDEMIC OF LA CRIPPE. A ,\lun:nht lllnlnur. G Aa'i`IN EA U. '.;'..':.: j ..,... .. I! 3 new. ptr It-.r.w on he calls upon you man bananas. thing: which you do not with to use in print. llrdounot all for information for the fun of it. Be B there on business. It you `vs the information frankly. you will. I ninety-nine one: out at 3 Inn- clnd. In urn-Intel; nponed nail rs spectfnlly (natal. If you refuse on any other nun trivial (munch. your nth-once will he raqocled. ll try lo onus-it the reponar by an on Io aloha; hit: or by direct niuepncanta-' liuu.youu~nInlonnhnneno(iI` audwinhyouhdheenhnuot Dlntgn-I-mrnindotopyhnllnl 5- plroct rgttta-nun asa_a'='uo'wuna."""' - `E 4-xnu-njj M... .:..':..:' IE1`! On Q n. F'I1IlllIl.UUU- Cu aux; wuwl. III. X bushel. 80. lo35c.:g'ooo. par Iuohol. 73. to 742.; barley. pot bnhol to 843e,; oats. pot buohcl, 25:. Go ue; one. ol .ptrbnnIn|. 97k. to 296: 00.909 buhol. 46c.: E.h'zL50;m-3|.` now laid. I60. : ht- su. u.ln..L.u.-I-` llomo,WatertowV1iA& gdonshurgllyl N.V_ ('1 L II II. RR n, Lnnnna. And (ha i'l}`."s..'ii.""`..u'1'.;':s'.l'..":'3.1-.;"si.."sI' cube. dairy. 120. to Ian; chicken. pot p-moon. to wczturloyt. pr It. In. `.?..'?`.L'.'1'2,_.E.'.E`.' .:..'l".E. IIUNTKIAL` X I.'-`LlI.I" WUI` IDOIIIE 600 head of butc ere cattle. 40 oalvee and 800 ehoep and lambe offered for eale at the East End Abattoir today. There was a good attendance ol butchers. bus trade in castle was rather elow and pricee eaeior. A few ol the bees cattle wen eold at about Cc. per lh.. with pretty good etock as [com 3&0. to 35`.-. per Ib.; common dry core and rough young ctoek sold at from 9:. to 30. and the leaner beaete at about lie. lb. Calvee eold at from 82.50 to CB eec . but more Irena no extn wale among them. Sheep told es ahout So. I!) : Iambe were higher today and no at hon 3&3. to 4c. per lb. Heavy hogs eold at about ; u. per In; light hoge at Me. so 5ic- per llxmfor lad hog: | no \l1L..a ._|.:a- no. Int an n Tono.Vm.o8`ops. 28.-- When. whim. por|m|hol.80o. to 85; wbott. rod. per hnnlnL lo. In 851:. 21':-non. |m- hunks]. 5 the IIICIQ Untitl- primo beox-ea on the market to-day; putty good Itock sold at from 31. to nonrl_\'04c. per lb.; common dry con and rough youn stock Iold ab from 20. to 33. per lb.:nn the leaner bounce it. He. per lb. Calm were scarce and pussy high ricod. nnging from $3 to 88 each. Good Argo cheep brmg frog: 3c. to Me. per lb.: lambs sold nurom iuc. tn 3%. per lb. Fat. hogs were scarce; heavy bop sold us from lie. to 530 . nnd the light out an Iron: Mo. to I little over M0. pot lb. Storo bogs sold at from 86 to 813 each, Ind pigs at from 83 to $6 each. I Ian. 3 pounu. Flour and feod-FIour. baton . strong. $5.00 ho 85.955 bbl. ; Hungarian. potent, 85.75 MS!) 90: bbl.:fnmi| 365085.75: bb.'; bran. 819 to I13 I eon; u 813 to ON A" ton: ontalncnhnnd rolled oats. 83 mo 83.80 I bbl.; cornmeal. 81. 1Q n on: ohopn, 814 to $15 I ton. Buy. new. 36 to 87 I ton; old, SIO to ill ; pronsod. 8|? $0 813 utnw. 400. I owe. C I I50. l`ruit-A)plea. $1.50 "to 82 0 bbl. Canadian choc. 300. to 600. I basket; Cnmdinn plume. 400. to 400. I buketv: Canadian ponrn. 40.3. to 600. a ban- komcanndian gnpoo.25o. $0800. abu- ket: imported grapes. 10c. nlb.; `nur- molona. 100. to I50. ouch; lomone. 201:. to 253. A do:en;0ulifornin plump, 100. on I50. sdczen: Cnlifornin pun, 200. to 300. a dozen; Oulifornh pouches. 200. to 30. I damn: banana. 150. to 20. ndoxonzhoney. I00. to I50. 3 pm: 8: coconnuu, 50. to 70. - each: ligc. 16. I undo; hickoljy nuta. 60. to Inc. A quart: lbortl. poosnn, wslnuto, I50. 3 pound. I`lmn- and hnd_.FInm-. hnlnn . ntrnmr. Vegetablon-Tomntoos, 200. to 30: a buaholwauliowors, 50. to 15. oaolnturnipa. 15. a peck; carrotp, lei-taco. onion-.. ru- iiahoe, beets. parsnip, mint. 60. a bunch : poutooo, 100. a peck ; tweet. pota- gn, to 40. I pack; cabbagu. 3o. to . one . n..u-.._...: ......- wt-.. I.':.I ........- In- 00. HIGH. . Butter and eggs-New laid eggs. 160. to 125:3. A dozen; fresh humor. in prints. `Inc. to 233. a lb: packed or rolled, I60. to IRn -nae ; rye. 100.; uarley. I. -I0. cu ;.'.uu. Meab- Baef. forequnrberu. Qc. to 33c. A lb.;hindqunrt.ers. 450. to (Sc. alb.: cute. Go. to l`.. c. 3 lb; pork. quarters. 7c. to 8c. 1: lb.;outL-. 7c. to 1250. alb.; hogs. Me. to 0.50.; Ipring lnmbgquurtort, 70. to Dc. u lb.; yeurlings, quarters, 750.; chops, 60. to 120. 5 1b.; mutton, quartaorn, lie. to `Z0. B lb. ; cute. 50. to 10. A lh.; veal. 3c. to On. alb.; boot` bonguoa. 20. to 40. nnnh CBC. Fish--Ciscues. 10. a lb : kippered her~ ring, We. I dozen; pike, (So. I |b.; perch, 15o. nd('I.en;m|t herring. 100'. to `.. 0c. a dozen; trout. und white 65'], 10. a pound. British Columbia salmon. 20. I lb.; cod and haddock. 70. :1 lb ; pickerel. So. a lb.; blnesh, 100. B Ib.; halibut. Me. It lb.: oysters. atnndnrd. 40. to 500. a quart; bagel: bass. 10c. A lb. ; tinnan hnddie. 10. a I I I The Itudud lune Gunning the X0000 Ilrlots. Kxuoswox. Sept.29.--The attitude of the local trade this week hue been brisk. with a full supply of saleable goods. The Attend- since at the murket on the port of lenners has been small. due. no doubt, to the claims of the threshing season. The prices rulin the garden Ind deir produce have verie but little since use report. A change is more noticeable in quotations for groin and fruit, the former `being ruled to a great extent by foreign markets, and the letter bydireot eupply. Local butchers claim that beef this full will command s higher price than during recent cold eeir sone, owing to extensive shipments to the United States and to Great Britain. The prices quoted by dealers are found in the appended list : Grain--Manitoba wheat, No. I hard, 81 to $l.0`2; No. `.2, hard. 98;). to $1: northern. 9Sc.; white winter. 830. to S8c.; oats. 23c. to `Z-lc.; buckwheat. 30a. to 3`.2c.; pens, 43 : rye. 45c; barley. title. to 250. Mant.- Reef. fnrenunrbarn. me. to Illc. A "Uu I 180. Inlet: Iluwhorc. ' Mox1'1uu.. So 28.--Thorn were about :00 Ingntl nl hnin nun ngbtld All nnlvnn and PRODUCE AND PRICES; Iovtolculcpcnon B.n-A- Than cod no made only from ohoioo pnnsprnnn near. They have bun nun}! ll nblnt. chemists. and hue been prononnne ' Mun! mound." "of dollnlom uvor and mum-tor quality." Cuhluln raoomlnen-I tlmm In their Inub In for! `I'll! (HOLD. SILVER ARI) llllllll H Al mum, SILVER um msuuzn llukul and Two! Diploma " have boon Awndod this Ala and stout at the (hut World ! lamb No v x Mfhlladolohlo. U EMA. mu; Onusdn. ms; Sydney. Auutnlln. xm; > |, France 1m;J.unn1u.wmtndiu.m1;oh1nuo. U.-.\A.. III; and an: tn- 1 .-dam 1.11. . . 'l`No?)'t%:x- u.?$o`3$;.. on um oontlnonl um rooolvod mm mm- ohb tommonlsla. Brewery at London. Canada. JAMES McPARI.AND. - KINGSTON. ' Qijij Zggrp j ALE and STOUT. Ia 7 ` . It 1:00:-vod to ohnuo tlmo without ' ~ lmibr lntonnuon mfmhh ADD!) M) H. H. V .___:_.. _.. Joril *r'r- _ cIIL.aaaA1"ED *_ - .- jg jug; ': -dhj no." "of uouclom mul Iuvorlol quuuy." `I-autumn: throughout min nu-cmuuenul I-omtfno uufornnou to 0 or lmmdg. mum, uluvnn. ANII nsunzn IIIMLII and Duncan" cl 0 worded World`! lxhimglonn x Phllndolnhin. I7 !l.A 111:1: nnmrln. It-Me Hnlnnv. Auul.l-nun. um: I. IFIIIIPIN IIIIICIII V In I337, award In; to the omcltl re- cords ot the lot you to hrindp. hcrmlgnoclml tune Ooh- mme hull he at the Saw I bull. Che-lam. Sir yre Inn: Shaw, no then chief of [he bu-bigulc. utlonul Ibo l!_I'0lC: During the find It the ar- nco of Angina A It Phrclnl. Na conduct Inn heat on m whole nth- tnctory." ' , Tin alumni curl nun-In! In II: can nary." The Q I tried! III to Duh maul I: wl(|,::: Int lnploynoltolnwull-know! of lamina mug. - Ierru \uu llll'- lrconm OI Ina Drllll II that of a anmun in the merchant nor- vice: with a second mute`: certificate. He was ntalod than to he mgr:-Sod. to have panned an 1 iul educational num- nntion. and to five feet six and 000- ha" inches` in highth. On Nth IBM, he was accepted from the clrili class into the nth ol the hrindo, and commenced his service gt. the Southwul headquarters. under the late iIl|IOI il-I I de t H tch' To :l!!`a`. '33:; 1'0-I lullly-',lIIlp[P(I IFIDIQ III? Inll. Early in 198] he ` `Md the drill class" 0! the Motmpo itan I` re brigade. and. his "previous ocru tion was on- terodpn the noorda the brigndc an that nl A mnmnn in [III mnnnlmni nor. The New Burl of Inna! Wuln III n) Yoltlnonurtn Ithndo. The Earl of Egmont. who recently `succeeded to the title upon tho death ! of his cousin. wag born at I`; - ui,Can- ta-rhurf. New Zealnnd. on une tth. IP56. {Q was Nlumtod as In naval cadet on the \\ on;estor training ship at Green `the, in the Thames. but even- lun||y.,ahipprd before the must. Rn:-Ir in IRRI ho ininnd [ha "thrill EMGKELVEY & BIRCH I Now is the time to have youx-Stoves and Fuficeo tted up before the rush. All orders prom;S_Hy~_:IE- tended to. A i i ,_ AA\bA- 1, ALLAN LINE] [75 a 77 bn|NcEss's'rnae1'. -----w(-_.._ Iuu1.u-In. !O.-IItln In nlmnnnmn nohhnn nln InlnI_Innnnn Iv\obl\A\.oV-A two We have a large assortment of Se cond-HandH`|1l Heating Stoves. - 2- ` % ` Examine our leading lines before purchaain . ' \ 0' __..:------ ._' _Tt10USANDs IN USE_ llellable - Per1ect- Economical ROMANCE OF THE PEERAGE. HAPY HOME` Ihese Refuges hie made in sixteen 33-_ _ ` styles ilidl every Raijge teed to give satisfaction. -- HAPPY 'rHouoH'i*?7 if'\NOE.; Tunl an A Mn: nu" I ma ~---w-.."__-'v-_vwvwww-7uy:&:-- sole Km:-ton Arents. HAINES & uocmrrr 12517? I "W-IQ 2- jvilll ' c ouuF-'7-y smnw hon Mon- at ,, V L no d.imn'u......mu am" . ' ......... ..;"..`. ..:`.`:.. E.1:.L:!QIT BR.Q; HAPPY HOME RANGE. lnlxltl in | I H at Jun: hrfourgrf :3! _ .`.;3':.':.-. .....T "*'.:.'::`;*.";.;'.'..!.'.':...'.'. n funnel (])RBE'lTS HARDWKIE 'mt.Pl-launnul vangu- gB00KJBlNDING on lhomn one. men. But: known to all Klondihn or Shy- nt-Honen (hut "Qulh" Ill l"Chupneu" an eoubhid bun. Are trying to Get RW|c`H uni an I I aIavy_v_\l_II| and remember thut ass guarantee 0! the single one you lIIy.ovIr ve hundred in and thou! K - man are to-day delighting th users. .. Don't be` molded (III! E can buy an in ml to T HAPPY? OUGH . his the only Ranges that has retninodflts name and stood the test for tho past 14 yccn. - TCQII -_-ju-3 Duuy Icivioo gfqtantrouronm Ins vundglnli at 8 p.II. (sundnrn oxoophd} I way urea. and I: noluuo Doin- auto. v{l'lo.Brlh .' nton. MEN Don't buy an experiment. Don't buy an imimioa. Don t buy a "just in good) , Buy |"HAPPY THOUGHT" nrl r.n\nn-ulnar 031:0 an n adamant`; 69 & 7| Brock 8| KINGSTON. Bullion` lhrlwnn. cnllorv. loclmuw Tull. llcychu and Sut. OIID. Pihh I *9 ` lacuna. Inuit all it -:j-u vjl Iqllhj -; |nnas1on;, 8N`r 4 `B8-` STR. "NORTH KING" Q_n III--|_I_ $A__.A.__ __.n n.._L`_L-.. l'un|-H|InIlton. uni)` return. auo. `ro- 3'o:`'5'J:'7::'h'a"IimIn I:i\3:ll' t.:3:"uu:?I onnoot o no In: as ontnnl II) or Quoboo amt as-auonu. __ _,,, , _- "V '* ' "*""'- ":::z::*.:.:rs:.;-.,.- uu n';'.`.`.. ..|'.`.' -'3' .a`.... '``` *=*- .2;a..` I"-'EK"xVI'X\Il"I'lIiI IJLIV1 nun llnngop 'huday.'1`bu II A -It-Int 41803.31. 1:. p. . on): tho Bu 0! ounce by Iumnxron ANn_r)N1`RaAL una. BTKHER. "BA.Ila'l0N" cg.` llnunllhuu Tnunnn [Inn-Qnn IN!) l`Il'IIlIlIa--an -ulUIl \I`l\snug-gnu:-|.n|O0un'IIU he notch and ovary lnfonnnlon apply Go I Q,. -.3 1` -I .`C, A :-I Jsxuljs scamc uuaoir Ansluck. ' PIIITOIIIUIQO Illllluzl lnyhguoggy, goo '7 ugwnl unoudolunb . II II. -.,.V ~*-" a [' Ilnnlnu I -D lldnrn $3171: a ontu-to llmganol company.` nan---n _n-gnn- null! AI! A $l!lIllI A lgouaor... II " " ljlu. I am: onmu mom son from lutoann. Inummm. Mm oowbu and mu uovomtm.~ '* ,;$ ILLVAVAI Janina: Mam Bteamdhips '.:`:.' " ::'.'.'." m ~.-.'-3...... "W "- lI:`.`VI6:-IBIDRAY" -. o lankmnmmon. 00.50 r:turn.n:`lo. '.l'o- . I 32.. '`.'.i:.?.`.'.';.'."..`.`;;. .2.'.`.`.:.'.`.`.'r . .2....".`.'1?;: '--I _*__ --n--An .3. L . ~..zAv`:LLiu&;svaoi4.3?% pu-v, v - -vv- -w vv - vv -3-:-uw-u - N-Y. O. I II II. BR 00. hunt. and the 01000 hflool NJ. 0. C II. B. B8. TRAVEl..|.INCn-BY RAIL. Ivvtvvu-uq vuwwnu. uvvun v-I uuulru 1. - ~ '_, -nets:-a aoon us one. huh uonood noinn onlv on much] u guvaivoou. saavlcn cu A I` nlrrvmnni luv` 3; '.- ,.'_;,-VIA DIIII`. aunt: l` 05"`? noou.v'o3_ 16!: E! .. :3-" ,_.;L- "ii. ni.`3B.n;n. T` 12th Annual Exonrsinn NEW YORK .IlI.dl. lipid: at 3 514-135`. ' IIlIjU&I` '= '"="*.:.3a*:'n.e...`*""... :2:-.:.':9 n__ ....'_4_. -a_a...____.-_ in. 3 am 86136` "E-RAIN8 . nrnirv Ilrnnnbll nut Anhnnnn ` xmcsmu_q._1{1amnnoxe I. OANADA $11! all non luuouuun rumba Novunuu; Mu oi` punch to bondondorrp or to 8 7u?&un--gI.uoo mo uid: uoupouo noiaosua-um um nun.` ou.u`eo clutiil Lboudb Lotion. rrm .:=:.:;...r':'.-.`.'::.`." -'.'.%.. .`:.'.';'.`. .`*. xmnnon To NEW 5 I Am IIITUIIN onu uvuuy -vv-- llanloy. J.-D. Glldouluvo. N. 0.1.3. nation. 4! Olunoo IO.` -- :: V1-v wvuu ----`.- g VIA Du: cum. in . .4 1-` .n..u.|..a In-L1 EIIIIUIIII ["1 am noun ::d2I'r'l::|;o hr oiuxouo. xi IVOI IIIII UTIUII Sand: agbnu with `n u -I-I- an-Ivtu !:'.3s'.;`.'i'.3.`}`?..`i."3"" `ngug. Innnlnvn nl I n In Cu -PI:_ Railway: WESTERN EXCURSIONS BIPT. 80th._2_O'I`. lit. 2nd. $7.50 I In .9 an Inn Ill}: L. 90.3 I. 0 mm |. 1.11: IIIIKI HIIKEI III IUIIIK SIIU UIIVTV IF KIIIIH Oonlto and the hllkndo. `Ibo knot! at Wlonl. I tnncy. however. there In quite as much monq in raising whoa: In Inni- ooh: at 75 or 80 come. Them In as regular procession at when: trains day nnd night lmwcon Winnipeg nnd lb:-Q Wlllhln. A0 Pan Arthur the C.P.B. has nu elon- r at 000,000 hnnhols. used principally he donning uunutv (rain. but Pun Arthur In on tho whole rather dull. Fun Wlllhnu in no mg receiving nnd ably pill point.` `then nnthroonluvntnnol 1.300.000 hunch not and 3 now one of 1.500.000 II bolnc bum. Tb whnnu nl Ibo Ioutlol the Knnlnintquh an wununuhdnnn lovlnhnn. bntlodny Ann-lnnnulunncallh Iho(hnIh" hhovu-l00.000ouIo(l\rIWlllInnIo 9 `DIX 3813 IIIl'III`q INT? WAGNER P UAOI cuts. nblo berth In Ilooplnc out 08. action 04. IQ:!O0I ti. drawing room on chain 01.50 III . 1.` , (I I0]!!! OVIFIOUYO 108'] llllllll. Between Fort William and Rn: Portage tone or four thousand pmepeotore no at work. They will return when the cold weather set: In. Ten or mom mine: on being worked wlth good neulb. the one moot uted of belng the Olive at lino: nun.` and Rh. Illkgtln III]. II `nu; uuu qua non! II lur.Ipsvu- mm purposes. All the notion to the country as pure romance. tholnwnon of none our-nouvo Tory mind. A91.-is D` WIIII-n. null put Ilnnnnn IIITX HOW!!!` IT LIKE aupenor. A Toronto paper makea out that the Ontario Government in allowing a "ewnrm of Grits" to "grab everything in night." A: it matter of fact, the Mich- ipicoten diltrict has been proclaimed a mining division and Mr. Blue, head of the Bureau oi Mince. with Mr. Boyd, another omcial who it to act as inspec- tor, in on the ground by thla. In a min~ in: diviaicn no-called the prospector has to PM '10 for a licence that is good for n year. and It allowed to intake but one claim. Salli aorta in area. which he mun work continnouaiy. It he'atope work for iliteen days the claim lapses go the Crown. ` it lapcoa too it it mmaina unworked for three months after being staked. Certain tiona are made to than rules; for inntance in thoee high latitudes the owner of a mine need not work trom December i to April 1: then again, he. may Itake out as many claim: at he iikea provided that. if on the name vein or lode. they are three milee apart. and that he pay: 010 to tho Government for each. But in II simply impoexihle under the regulation: for any one. Grit or Tory. to buy land and hold it teaspoon- luthrn nun-nnnaa All the atnu-Ian in min -%-| --u lnnvv nu nu - u u u V - v u The cargo of the "Alberta" on the way up to Fort William consisted of 700 tons of package trcighb. There were sugar, iron and groceries from Montreal. well- pnper, bedetends, stationery and groceries iron: Toronto, laid and hardware from Hamilton, dean and eeshss from Ottawa, snddlery from Gnelph, siaovee from Brenttord. candies from Pete:-horc, peaches from Niegere. cement and turni- ture ti-om Owen` Sound, hen-ings, pickles and tile from England, for the Hudson Bay Oompenrs store at Winnipeg, and a lot of dry goods lrom various pieces. in- cluding some {rem the departmental stores at Toronto which appear to sell urbl et olbi-to Toronto itself and Con- edn qt large. In addition Montreal sent a mieeeiieneoue assortment `of etuifior the Crow's: Nest Pass road and them were several tons of mining tools and mining outline for tho Snult and British Columbia, which came from Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton. Kingston, Ottawa end elsewhere. . . _ The Gold Died at ltiehipieoten. There is a rush to the Michiplooten River, where (old, both quarts end pincer, heebeen dieoovered. At the Sonic A (loan ot our passengers got oi! for thni land of promise. but the majority of the ~ prospectors get there by the Canadian Pacic to Miseinebie station. Meyer Big- ginge, of the Sonic, docs not know whether there Is pincer gold or not. but isqnite sure of the existence oirich gold-hearing qua:-te throughout the re- gion trevereed by the Miohipicoten, Doc. Acewe. Montreal, Meg-pie and other sti-enlns owing into Lake Superior. A 'I`m-nntn nnnnr mnknn mt that: the nu .?vvqs.v uvpuuuuu u--- ------ down hi; loads of when end near and returning to Fort Willipxn with his cars goes of merchandise. The new elevator, with n enpnoityof 800.000 bushels, will be nished in stew days. The present one has A enpeeily oi 950.000. There are plenty of osrs and no time is lost in rush- ing the export grain to Montreal or in supplying Ontario rniliers. who went Manitoba wheat to mix with their own. At e moderate estimate there ere 88,600,- 000 bueheleior export in Ienitohe and the '_errito!1h|- _ In .prne districts it is not turning out quite as well as was ex- pected it the thresnor. but it is e line, Bright sample. nnd, though there he been (slight drop within the lest few days. the price is a good one. IIVI... -_..__ .1 `I... It AI|.-..s.-H .... LI... u--- LEITERI [From Oat-respondent.) Winnipeg, Sept. 8a.-On the way. up tram Owen Sound evexybody wu talking wheat and mlnel. - mines and wheat. Owen Boundhllll wupereulu-ly buy. The Gandhi! .,PIoIlo but! are taking ` an--. I.l_ Innaln 40 -hunt anal an: nn u Gold find :8 llo||Iplooton-'l'ho funn- oII' Penman-`rho _Wl|nI Bantu--Ir. Oman)`: non!-_-`Ila Prion 0! Onion Tlnlnp luo Ohnuul. oun cqdnzavonur rounma IN THE NORTHWEST. 2 |jQ CV95} I5 UQIJ - `-.*.:.'#'...:*.t:.'.'t-.:-..'.'.:':: ...**' W"- . no llllhd Quinn. Vin. `tnulfh Mr IIII. um. Inuluolvo. Q | n` I'0UIu'I` AOINTI will Locom- ::I: no ololnlon sad Minn! to tho contort g muntnhtl nnnnnno of nnnnlon. ji- than 2 IDIQUUT-' 3` Xbjlt. rqwi bhh lb i D "K" L.L.:`.n....-.. may Rmlll I) In R-Iul.-(I In Ina runvlrnnn that once the Qmdlnn Pacino has hold the" gran to Port wnnam tho route at last reamanoo-tho chants mun. In Ihort--h bound to he by Bulhlo. Mr. 0rum.way`s scheme for bnlhllng a and from Winnlpng to Dul- uthwonlll. ottoman. and all thonnoro to can the hallo over to no Auclmu. Wluuvu chug Ioalvnl nu Inn at mounting in puma: n the can out- lototlultoh would In dun none. Soc I an thoughtful an ICU In Win- alps actually think that Grammy`: mad. Illthovar um. will in tho!- glnnl of the and at Oulldanucn. In! hint! to Duluth. Bnldo and New Yul. wall not Ian nhnlno tho Cnollnn nil in vonll can In winch: uni. up is mainly AL... Q13 I _.-A. -LI-L --QB `ll . -" -'\::'-V ' "*-" It In poialhlo that we may get some 0! the ammo but what: the mid In-om Parry Sound In going. But. to hall the truth. hlnnltohnns ham not much faith in that route. I don't know why. but they call to be named In the conviction khan mun than (`nnndhn Pnnln ha: uonuuu In nu (muun \1'lt.VuI. ' Thin tall: the whole story. Deepening the anal: in-low Pnsoott to H (cot will not help us much. 'l`o light the Bunlo i move successfully it would be lwomsary up deepen the canals from tho Welland eutwardm 20 feet. which would cost .1 mini. of money. Buffalo receives 180,000,. 000 lmuhols of grain during the season from the Western and Northwestern sum. It is carried to New York lay mil * and onnulucua oxcordlngu low rate. This uh from New York to Llva-rpool is three pt-non hull penny jun now or toms.-~ thing over 7 cents. Al .\'ow York than an nlw.-syn summon in plenty and the Montmnl guns ot squeezing shippers by col-railing apnea cannot be played. Tho dive!-nlon of the wheat Home of the Northwolt 0:! American channels east at Fort William in 3 most serious manor concidoring all In have open: on annals. ,, n_.\_ _. -5, In__.A AVOPUHWGHIA IU 00l`0I'llt'(l. 1 The other day when I was at Fort W.il'.'inIn the "Roerdnle." n Cnmndinn steamer, loft for Prescott with 73,000 bushels. Her onmsl loud in only 53.00.), l.e., 15.000 bushels will have to be light and at Port Colborno, ehipjmzi to Port Dolhonsie hy rail and re-lomled_ when the vessel gets there. At Prescott the entire canto will have to ho tskvn on: and transferred to hnrgos going through the canals to Montnui On the r-tune day the American stunner Bioinmn" loft Fort William with 100,000 bushels for Ilnslo. She goes straight there In o :20- toot channel without any dclny or light- erinn and inside of six days the grain will bu on bnnrd the ocean steamer ut New York. whereas the ordinary trip to Montreal takes CWOIYJ (toys; that is. the grain men count on its taking from 13 to 14 days till the wheat!` is silent ut Hontreal in nn coonn vessel. ` I|.I- Oglln OIL. ulvlunln eOnv~I- Yhnnnnlnn WIOIISIIYIUI 0| Duanma. The Commercial aye it does not fol- low that a farmer like the one referred to. operating on a largo eoalo, can raise wheat for less than a farmer with email- er acreage. The large farmer must depend upon hind help. whereas the small farmer can keep his work more under hie own control. and can give his per- eonal attention to many details of farm work which the large farmer cannot` do. The odds are in favor of the farmer who operates on a moderate scale and gives attention to live atook and dairy intereete in connection with wheat growing. The \\'lu-at Routes. Canadians. I regret to any. are not in it" in tho tramo of tho uppor lakes. American vessels do practically all tho immense lake business, Canadian ship- ping being only about 819' vvr cent. of the aggregate tonnage pnesing through the canals at the rlault. Last year 1,600.- 000 buahole oi Manltoha grain went to Montreal from Fort William tile 4,000,- 000 or three times as much went to Eur ope via Buffalo and New York. We have spent I00.000.000 on the St. Lawrence route. but apparently to no purpose so tar as securing the grain trade of the Northwest in oonoernul. ml... ..ot..._ um`\nl\ T mug in I7.-e J..- Hes wheat-growing paid ` at the law prfloeeof recent years? That it has is. i ,think, suiolently demonstrated by the rowth of Manitoba. Wheat is the staph- snd it seems obvious that it wheat-raim he had not been pro ble--in other" words. i! the oommnnii , ad been run- ning at a lou--we should not see such unmistakable signs of prosperity as are sppu-ent `on even hand. Winnipeg has grown into a solid city, with fine stores. well-to-do merchants, many beautiful residenoee and an air of thrift and com- fort everywhere. and the name muy be said in their place and measure of Bran- don and the Portage. The best proof, however. that wheat-raising has paid in the fact that the farmers have been pew- inn air their debts to the loan companies and implement men. 'I`hi- nun ohm: m-A nn Eamv nhmnt nml tutti also oxonnlon. noun. HI loo an Into:-nuuna only N .z.e.- -. '[`.?c.!3'.:;!.:`.:u......'?:s?: III] IIIIIIIUIIIGIII IIIUII. This year they are on Easy street and no mistake. The Winnipeg Commercial tells of a farmer at Alexander who has just sold a crop of 17,000 bushels at 84 }g' cents, the yield of 1,000 acres. ~I-.le calcu- lates that it cost him 26 cents a bushel, which includes the cost of ploughing. sowing, harvesting, threshing and mar- keting. He reckons his land to be worth 810 an core, which at 6 per cent. would make an interest of 0900 a year and he allows as much more for interest on his buildings, implements and general plant. Hence it gures out in this way: Net cost oi` growing and marketing the wheat, 95 cts. per bushel. Price realised. 84% cents per bushel. Prom, 50% cents per bushel, or a total of 810,116. Deduct- ing from this 81,800, there remains a profit of 08,815 from the season's opera- tions, besides the interest earned on the land, or A return, including interest earned, oi over 0100 per acre. This looks like a profitable business. 'l`hc same farmer sold his wheat last year at 64",` cents per bushel, thus showing 30 cents per bushel increase in the proilt as com- pared with last year. Thirty cents extra means a lot for a man who is growing thousands of bushels. ll... l'L.-.1.-tnsnnlul gun: It ulna: next In`. yUu'_'hcnit1_ny an--can nun: ur own; .cA;uu. At gawk the mqllqjtrn ` . gcitlng 11: noon! oiirhulf pi! hbl _more Inn the tumor '15 Ihld who in equidistant tfnmlako Superior; :1: (hot, ho is not- t In thn much more than the Dakota Inna.-. -uh` In toll m\Hnn nan:-nu tho In}: `x{5u;4awv_nupenw;,uu new at In gu- t ng more the farmer who ll 120 mllen nearer the lake. The union lo that Canadian Puollo rum: to , Fort William are lower than Northern Paolllo and Grant Northern I-atu to Duluth. Luke rate: from the two ports to Bullaloare the-some though Fort Wllllam 1| ten hours V nearer the Small. Thll ll no fault of the Cnnadlan Pnolllo. which ceases to have any Interest In export wheat onoe .lt reaches Fort _Wllllam. Inn- Ir...._.-_.l lI...IAl-.. The Furmon" Ponlthm. In` A , -mg." 7T I Aclnphrotloalduh. '0ut nt Loss accident: to prune: on \ wchlcumnvrtro paid by an Immuno- uunpnyIn the mouth from Junollt J: llnllruuls and Rtncurllnnlr ` In HI. musty-clxporlooolellncuu Nov-bud 18 men but with nplrlng Haydn. Ollylwo cannot luyhp Outthu hp bung nu dun: M qclu npunulntlollac 8n:nthqnua-IruI- llrqwuu"spunnI by rounIu.""nI Inn :3-`$.09 nun 0", `u .3 um VIIIIIDIU I0 `TDOIIIIIIIIC. Abbey`: Effervescent Salt. is a standard English preparation which haa boon in- troduced gonomlly into Canada within the past fow month!-, and `endorsed and pre- scribed by tho moat cumnant. phyuiciauo of Graat. Britain and Europa. It in acknow- lodgod by all who know in qualitiao aa tho moot wonderful regulator of haalth, the groatoat provantativo ol dinoaaa. and the moot ooacioua tonic known. It euro: as well an pmvanh Laurippo. in an oaay. ploaannt way. " All d all toll is at sixty cont: a largo hon Don't be led to believe that any othar proparation in ma! aa gozd" aimply booanao you aro KL aha-uumiacnaua ac:-is Icahn}:-upuuln nblub. llohuh h.'1_nA-nix nl IX Band L--5 - A-nu-` ...-- --.---cu Thorn In a muscular panel: In Williams- pon. l'n.. who Is earning: local reputation R humans of his great physlml Itnngth. He In the Rev. Farmr Martyn. Ir. Martyn has A vnmlcdul dmelopmontuf (III limitl- dernhnd In capable of um-Iklngn blast of am pounds. lie hnn on than ooeulom. when nocmdty dolnnmltd. hoehul Iona o lln-Ir tree with n sin.-no blow. HI: chest measurement is 3'.` Inolua. and In an ex- puul It 5 inches. [In In 5 tan 9 Int-`mu all and `might mo pounds. H0 is w` al- $ doubt the moat nmucuhr autumn In t nu-Izl Outlay. HUI IIIIIUW I.- De Ill. Lt?! It EWIII IIIW'r $6 :"` "1 have greet pleasure in beering testi- mony to your excellent xeperetion. I take it every morning Before In cold beth. end it keeps me in the t of heelth end epiri I Iney trey thet by the continued on 0 your Abbey e E'erveecent Selt during e terrible epidemic of le grippe Ieeceped en ethck. elthough olbn worn oht with the extre fatigue and greet Itrein put upon me when grappling with it. It keeps the blood cool end alley: fever. nod thue heepe tho system in e condition of inoueeeptibilit to diphtherie. Fevere and other blood noordera. 1 else nd it e velueble enti-rheumetic. AL|....|. DA`.. ...A n-n :- - -A__A-_.l IUTI. Lo Grippo oftentimes leaves no manyun- happy and unplouont. after eocta thou provonutivo measures should Lt. once be taken Against an attack. Or. if the dread- ed dunno. with all its nccompmyinx pain. has already taken hold of the system, the moth offao bivo method should immediotoly be adopted for its oxtirpntion. In thin nnnnnnhinn hhn fnllnminn Intfnr OB IUOPDUH I0!` III exurpnuon. In this connection she following letter from Dr. W. H. \Vright,L R.C.P.I . l..M.. M.R C.S Is`... LS A.I., medial oicor of lleultli. London. England, will be found of npociul inter out :- "I hnvn nun}. nlnnnnnn in hon:-inn IA-Oi. The Montioal Star of the 2nd inst. eon- him the following imm :- bl'MNEB uiur IN UOTHAM. "New York in Iuifering from an Attack of uummor grip. The symptoms an aimi- inr to those of inuonn. ace 3 that there are no pain: in the joinu. seven cold and nlmoaa constant. sneezing are the chief characteristics." 'l`I.:- :. AI... ........ _I.... All. .I._-_.l-.l U|IIl'IUlHl'|lLIUI- This in the eeaeon when this drendcd malady may be expected to make itself telt. hero. There have been many cues el- reedy reported in Cnntda. but use dioeue i`:_ nokh yea eo prevalent here u it in in New or . I _ l`\..!-__ -lL_._A!..._- I-A..-_ -A ...-.._.... THE DREADED DISEASE NOW PREVALENT IN NEW YORK. symptoms sllghtly Dllonnt. lint tho Erct tho Iumo-Ilow to Prevent and can Ulll Ul Nil`! VVIIILI Lu!) Uyli Ul ll uuur. "Things have changed," he said, "since Sam Hunun, of Griswold. and the .3st of us used to worry old Vun Horne. My, how Vun used to cuss! Sum onoo,o ero-11 him 850 n mnn_th and board to drive oxen. 1-in usd to cuss so bud that at last my wife w0ultln t let mo go on deputa- tions to intvrview him but made me stop us lmmu and work. I guess that : ptirtly how I came to quit agitating." :1 A `l\TI:V A It II IUl'l\. - They boil in 1: e States about I Popu- list frmm-r, on his way to a meeting whore he wus about to describe the hope- lean condition of the funnel-as as n oimxn, turning bank and ordering his wife to be sum uud have the piano tuner M: the house that day. I was reminded of.this story when I found my oid friend from Griswold, with his {vet under the mo- hogany of the Manitoba, svmming the bill of mm with the eyu of is dudv. "'l`hInnn hnvu nhnnnn " hn ainlrl ninnn UUIITIU OI FYI!!- '1`he implement men are doing I tine businem. Collections are oomlnn in well and there is n brisk demand for machines as the wheat area will be greotly aug- 'mented next spring. 'l`hing| Iluvo Chlngod. When I was hcre fourteen years :30 the Farmers` Union was in mu blast and one of the chief klokere" was A former at Griswold, on Ontario man with n keen nose for a grievance. Yesterday I discov- ered that he was stopping at the Manl- tobn, the swell hotel.` He is on his way to Ontario tor a holiday. He goel every year after harvest. ``I found. he said, that there was more money in raising ; wheat than in raising hell. I omne here.- ` in 1878 and have had my ups and downs. But I have 850 home under tillage. a stone house. barns. implements. oottle nnd sheep, everything of the best and all paid for, besides money in the bank, :40 I oonsider I have done well. This is bound to be A great country. An era of prosperity in setting in; at least I never saw in bet rfeoling abroad. You couldn't get up on nitation among the farmers today. no. not it you prodded them with o fork." llII...._ s..II I- 4|... Glens. ..I.....L - 1).... was a combine unong 3!-oln buyers enu milieu to i-uinlown the price. `rim-e"in no such thing. It `is an impossibility. The only pnotieeble means of keeping the prion down below this market value would be for the, farmers themselves" to combine and refuse to accept the right `gure, and this the? no not likely to do. A combine amongst buyer: and mil- ler: is simply out 08 the question, tor, uuuming one could `be engineered at the thousand and oneipoints where they are competing. there would be nothing to hinder the farmers from shipping grain direct to Buiraio or Montreal, New York or Liverpool, and thus frustrating the conspiracy. The Canadian Pacific could not more to tolerate fore day the exist.- once on buying combine; it would have to smash it at all hazards and the readiest way of smashing it would be to help thu farmer to send hie groin straight to its ultiumtn destination in Europe, which indeed is frequently done in the ordinary ` course of trade. "`|\a\ C-..-.In-nu-uh -nan -- A`!-n_ n Dun 1 nnwun .n-. V. - -. uu. --v. 1`lf3DAv. oc'r. 5th`; '97.

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