Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1897, p. 1

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.81 WITHIN] DI UIIFIIIIG WIBIII DUE. IIIVUI" Ih nuch ochor statutory doclnmeionn an onaid ll tho mmuw--gononl mu call for shall be no Id." In! ..._...uI- I`-......I N .`l4| ll. "n`t\AL OIII lDl' Illlll D. II IIIIG. "I rooontly loomed." said Mr. Mulook. "um ruin contractors hr clothing nup- pliod to this and other dopu-tmonn of the naval-nmnnh hum Qnr mun! vnm-nhnnh hnnn WIIIOD Ell. PTUVIIIDIII Ill IIIII WIIFI rorformod. and pnornlly nothing orth such Information n the poobmuuh nornl may roquho. und n will onnbh Im to dotormlno whothor. And. it no. In what rupooto my of eh. rovlnlonn of the oononob my `MTG boon v olnhd. In the out of the oonbnchon-`I nbuonco from the country. his oxtromo illncu or dubh. but. under no other olroumnunou. may ouch ntututor dooluntion by the contractor nnrnnnd v ha dlnnnnnrl with: but. non. .'3?5'e.o'r" E'o'L'I3rIi3zT"E"Ei'o' oT%ru'u3? pononul bo diapomod withabuc. nom- Ihnlnn. nuoh nmhu nntnmrv dnnlnnhinnn IDI IllD`00ll!|'IOl0l'. unu MID p0lDlIII|"oIl" nornl may refuse to tempt any work por- orlnod Is 3 nub-oomrnobor in violubion of ch. at Mon heroin oonpnlxnod ngnlnn him /I.\` |ub- eating. "3. Thu run so be mid in the enou- I|III`IIIloIlIIs "3. The win: to be id in tho enou- olon of Ohio oonbnoh tho I ho ohooo genom- ly oooopbodu can-ono in ouch undo for oompouoo workmen in the ammo whoro tho work In oorrlod on. It thin condition In vlolotod tho pomnusor-gononl any oonoolsho oonu-sob ond nfuoo on oooopo my work dono hhcroundor. ond oho con- tnooor will ohorodur not ho ollowod to undorooho any work for tho pooh-oioo do- portmonb. "4. Thu [Acton and tho work than balm! pertrneno. "4. The leotory end the work there hein performed under this contract ehell no I reeeonehle bimee be open to inepeoeion by pereone theretlo Authorized in writing by the oetInuber- nenl. " . Before he ng entitled ho peymenb ol any moneye which the oontnobor may from time to time eloim to be due him_ under hie oontreoc. he ehell lyle with the @- muhergenerel. in eupporb of each ole m. u eoleun etetutory declaration of himeeli end oleuoh obhere no the poetmuter-genenl my indicate. beetilying to bhe nuee oi run: nnirl in nynnntinn nf thin nnntl-sol. WI Il$l0IW. IIHFIKJIIIS I10 VIII FIKI 0| id In oxocution of this contract. sn to b 0 mmnor In nll othor rupoou In which tho provision: of thin work nnrfnrmnd. And nnnunllv nhllnn oonu-oou. "2. If tho oontrootor violotoo tho condi- tlono horoln moationod ogoinot oub-lottlng ho oholl not bo ,ontitlod to rooolvo my pay- mont under thin oontroot for work dono by tho nub-oontrootor. ond tho pootuootor monnnl mow min. to on-cunt nnv Hark nor. l0I' $011 OHIIIOO. Wlllll Ill DI IIIIHIOWII ` from any money: pnynblo to In under the nnnhrnnh. lbtlon Barnlnn. Ilgnh... `n`I_-Al- I no roqulnu : "1. All moil bogs included in this oon- trooo sholl bo mods up in tho oontroot.or's own iootory. ond no rhion of the work of moking up such moi hogs shsll bo dons oh" ehs houoos of tho work vooplo. This oonbroob shollnoo. nor shol ony portion thoroof. bo bronaiorrod withoub tho written permission of obs poshmosbor-gonorol. and sub-lowing -of this oontroob or of my of tho work to bo psriormod undor this oonhroos. othor thou um which no bo oustomory in tho trodoo oonosrnod. I horohy prohibihod. Any infringomonb of tho provisions of hhio olonoo. or my oi thorn. if provod to tho ootioioohlon of bho govornor-in-council. sholl rondsr tho con- troobor liohlo to o no not oxoooding no for oooh oifonoo. which to ho d Canon gnu smnnnun nnoonhln On ion nnrlnr IMA ITANDARD WAGE! MUIT II PAID ON GOVERNMENT OONTRAOTI. Tho Prlnolplo of lrotootlnl Labor to In In- oorpoinlod Into Ivory Government 0ontnot-'l'l|o oondltlono no hold Down In 3 mm In; content Jul Put On! lot Oolnpotlllon. OTTAWA, Oct. l.-Rooonbly Hon. Wm. Mulook. pomnutor-gononl. oallod for under: {or A contract to Iuppl oho dopam- monb with null bugs, om. noorponbod Mnongoo tho oondmonn are ooruin provi- Iionn of vary for touching otfoot. Tho por- miouln ooncnoo in not om of grub tn ni- hudo. but the Adoption of bin rlnolp o of promoting labor mum that ch 3 prinolplo will horultor bo embodied In ovary gov- ornrnono oontnob. The condition: no no follows : IIIIIILL - nnnn In nun-nun:-hrnn hn nnnh. IIIIBINEI ANIJ |JN|lJNS.] lun swm snnr wnm(.| rouowe "With a view, to euppreeeing the emet- ing eyetem end eecurlng payment oi lair wagee to the workmen, and the per- lormance of the work under proper unitary conditiona. the contract ehall contain the lollowing claulee. and strict complienoe with the true epirit end intent of the varioue provieione thercin contained will be required : "I. All mall bean included ln lahle non- An lmmrtant concession by the Gove_rnment.- * :.2.'.I J.'.'.`I.`:'..;'.`,` an` In 54 -up-plnnnnnu KINGSTON. ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1897. -IlII'PXlI| LIHU UIIIIUIWUII U and no. A mu. lot is damn 1' 3'1 mutual Wool Unnhrinkn lo U r 81. . 4- `.Ooll|rI. 311 shapes nnd lines, 0 0. ... In. N K II` work will Agni`. -..L nun vuuuon Illll III-nu III now. 3. intone. ot Olun. d dad at A muting ol the return than in tho Ill ollho Mun club |uI_I:M. "A in-:4-nol" X ih I-nah` Inn N0 '0' Will X IIKWCI 1 V ID! Innate! I oldnlo In Oath` New York II the chant In untold. K4 -._..\_Al.- Al I...ns... L`; l_._..; IWI IIIVI VVIIDIII Hill. The Clyde plupbuildlng Mums for Aug! thou 5 (not falling o owing to the min 0! the onginun. Wink III-(ulna In his Inna nan: IL. oil. I09 IIHII 0! II HI'|lTIu Whllo driving to M0 who not In vil~ `II! M KOIANQ, Hugh Flotobbr MI out 0! Mn and hunt: Ila nah. nnjn Ann 33:; An-- -g..-I-.- g.. WI" OI RUIIIIO. l'II[II IKUQIIIT lulu wagon um! huh his not. I lnhnnn A. DIM-Q, llluuunu u on only out. A boy nunod Allan wumogho In the Inuclalnory of minnow : mm on `honton ynomloy and hlllod. am from tho Yukon for Vol In tho Mon ml with tho fuhiono lo not I: Now York and Woololngkon. Clrdo clnpbulldlnn I'l'IIlIIIl' IIIHI Illtl llDI'In 1 NO addressed I largo public meeting 1 Bunch- ro Int nyht. Al. ..I AL_L ...n..l..I--5 l.I-?l..I-.. _...l |'0 IUI III DR {sin nltfthnl pmldono McKinley and the ml 0! Ahordeon will no In New York at an only date. A but nnmnl Allin III much In tin in. unmd emu vnnhlpo on an com of Mexico an nportod undo for mu! war- hrs. B_....l-.. II-..I_ -_J m- (1.4... D-.. `lino Iploo of `rho lot-nlug Puma and In um: Doopncohu 'l`horo`un aid to In 40.000 unmsrrlod womon in New Brunswick. I)-.. I]. ll`! An..--. -A-I-\n Al AL- Inn-.. WYNIIIII In HIV DI'|lDlW|0In Rev. Mr. Mol.onnun.putor ot Iho Dunn- vlllo Prabvurlnn ohnmh hu mlgnod. Pun-In In in rln A-AI all. Oh. hvlmn uh` I'II'lI II U3 U0 IWI Wli FIIU WIVIIUI WIT` ' nuiunoo. A now aynon in to bondopu ml. noun lor nnyunng uolpo ulmuuln an Soul once. They will boliovoin tho luy n on of hand: and nnolnbing with con- nongod onus can for all the ills ab in hoir to. I0!` 0lKIII"OII|I|'U IVIIl|l|'. II IHIII. womon ond girl: llo nto tho vrorohouoo. Boob oporotivo ohooko up tho Mmo oroditod lor tho wook`o work out! Inokoo Mo wonbo known. Tho grooorloo. moot. bum. oggo ond oundrioo oro voichocl and mouurod ouo ond chorgod on on ntfooo ogoinoh tho cro- dlb for work. Gnnorolly tho bolonoo io in {nor of tho workmon. ond norolly tho bolonoo io ollowod to ooonmu oto until tho -.....I...... ....A. In IIVL... II In |.-........- AL. mm ulnnnt euppuy me oremoor em- ployee with the thing: he went: moeb. an order on the big Icon in Sb. Gear in given end the en- oount. in oquered. Hhe emplo iuboub co be merriod and mode turn bare for A home and lumber for oh. comb:-notion oi his home. he [ehe en order for hie furni- ture and lumber. If he went: bobuy e ieee of ground. he can elweye find some- who will trade ground for rniilou-den. in doctor will ncoepb the order: in pey- meno for nervicee. bub ch in en exception- el thing. for the primitive ` Mormons. thooe who have noc been infected by gentile n- nocietione. uni cell in e pix`- ou u eioien for nnyhing except dim mu-oinel mnne Thaw ekill hnlienin the DIIIIIOI II IIIOWIII U0 IOOIIIIHIIIII unnu II om loyoo noodllt-. Then If in bus pom uh. mil cannot supply tho 0 door om- nlnvnn with tho hhinnn ha Hunt; (On. ' Since it woe ret ootahliohed the mill hat boon run regulorlyanpporting a number of of luniliee Mid lorming the oontro of a very intereeting incluetrial oommunity. Tho ro- oourcoe ol the country are nocoourily limi- tocl. and communication with the outer world in diiliuult. The preuont menagor in Thoinoo Judd. He has boon a Mormon Iniuionory in Englond; he wao lor I long time hiahop ol one of the win-do in St. George. hie home town. and he it o portnor in a or moroontile farm. manager of a ailvor in no ond mill at Silver Roof. and owner of 3 big ronoh on the Rio Virgon. To diopooo of tho cotton and wow in `(code made at Waehington. Mr. Judd mind it nooooeory to takeanything in pay- ment that in olferod. Tho man who vn..te overall: or towole or rhooting or cotton bag in mo; oomo from away down on the u dy in hottoot Novoda,a hundred miloe on . He may bring rook nit to trade. or utter and oggo or driod fruit. Ho mey oomo lrom norooo the Arinono lino and bring lumber from the loroota that fringe tho rond canon of the Colorado. Whexovor e oueiomer come from end whatever he bringe ho ie ecoolmnodatod. Pooaibl . ll.000 in oeah poaooe the door of the mil ina eor.but Mr. Judd deoiaroe thattho total snot more than that. The cotton betting rnanulaoturod in eont to the co-operative eto holongin to the church in Salt Lake on bringo can or it: oquiva- lent in meroh dioo orodite. Outaido of that tho on H ore not without the pue- inmol-ad lar.. .. .. A-.. In-.. -Q- -0 aL- ..-...lal.. -1 In OI-I IOIIII. ~ my day tum h .050 of bin novoleiu of 3 lifottno tn II vialbor. Tho ouhior -nlnn In -Inn K.-LL-An`; Mnnnnlugnnan An IIIIUUWI 59 ICU VlIlC0l's {III IIIIIIIIITJ who in tho I . umokupor on pg mun-.uk min: vmhoun ndfolnlng the . Inn {M Ma coma hr nlmhm nnlnuuln nvnninn. I-.hn mun. IU]D|lIIll' ICU- UNIQUE II If THC for closing on Inn:-d owning. the man. lo l0-..L ........u... -L..I.. .... AL- H..- .....an...a Bu.-r LAKI Orn.Utah. Sept. 30. In the extreme eouthweetern corner 0! `t le etate la a cotton and woolen mm mete than a hundred mllee from the neereet railroad, run wlthpreotloal no oaeh capital and do- ing buelneee elmoe entlrel through trade and barter. The etory o the `factory In oloeely aeeoolated with the early oolonlelng A Iornoa pennultp flatten on Iulaeee I: Barter. IZ- eorte of the Mormon ohnroh directed by" Bri ham Young. It wee hie lloy to ee- tah eh oolonlee wherever the and and we- hAe\ nhnhabn nnnenoi n An`: A vanaanrannn. nan. IIIIIUIIII IIOIIIX III!` IIII POO II: - Ho Iolootod n nmnbor or famlliu to on- Mblluh 5 mission among tho Indians In what In now Wuhln hon Oounb . Tho mlulon wn begun In 1 01 and In Among in object: qulblnlion of cotton with which to Iuprly tho yooulo with cotton goodn. huol prondwo Ming. hobhopnrpou and tho nh man an. ndln II-I62 an 30 III`) I II T I WIIII UQIWII [V01]!- Tbo oolyproyod wo Ida`?! to bho pm-pooo om! tho ub crop got rod in 1802 won oboub 100.000 undo. To oovo lrolgln on tho row motor ol and - on tho oomo tlmo ol- lord work for oklllod lobor I plonh woo ohlppod by wouono to Wuhlngoon. whom bhoro woo wotor powor odoptod bomonulom burln purpoooo. Tho plonh had originally boon rough: ocrooo tho plolno b ox mm, and woo not up on first In Bolt. ko Clay. but bod nob boon mod much lot lock ohm- ton. Elana IA -nnn nah A15.-LN-|\A:I IRA -ml" Kan DIDIIIII UDIOIIIK Wl|Ul"VIl' III. III! IIIII WI` her right: named to oor A proopoebol por- mnnnh hmnn hr hln nnnnln. j `wt II can tune. 23: nor ngnu IIIIIIIII to our 5 mnonb home: for hln poo lo. _H_o polootoqi Q 0 fan |l'|IX|"|'DI'llII IUIWC TIIIIKIIIIIU nllonhonhunolublutn I. No vornawill 50 mile unto foe hm-m-AI Am I. ll-`Ann LY.-n "1;-umlor Hardy and Hon. dd:-nnnd A In-on nnblln mach lilo Prabyurlnn ohnlih Pain In to do my witfh tho trolley win mlunng A non Ivnhm In tn hnmlnnh. WHERE OAIH II NOT NIIDID. PITH OF THE NEWS. `r. ouhiolg In A unuhnnn 'VsuIuuon'rT humus oioivd V ` ` ` ID` OIDIT FCUIII VTKIWII WIIOI II|I bu boon pursuing pan of the tiny. vhih A new and nation mics: in` Mill to into but plan. poutmlilhn no uni; bdllhnz sum tbo.n::ucnd9Noan ol tho navy in In Nhlv nnnbnn will hi: IL: on III Inmuu to Ian nljnul Into 0! porhotiou. This In at pnoonl no naval vouqazhon modem enough In [in tho -mu. wheeling It should hon. Tlnold Michigan is hopolouly olnoloh. II to ho thuoongtouwlll noun noo- uoily o dturnlngurd Inning hot dome honiuo in making nrnyo. glad to tho WC 0850!` pncolhl Mom Mob N ha: Inna nnnulnn mm! Ihn lI'L uh.l|n in Hill. `ho grub lnkumhloh fol -In a part at our frontier uni in onion vulnerable. ow- ing to the rich uouno Mouton upoos ed to Iuddon much. It In to LA..- AL- ...mn. 5. LL. L-L..n -A-A- I: n0:o|'.-`II th IN h M - " .:...:: '5f...m :~.:: nu-hntinn. virtu- o IIIIICI HF pl_Ill- ` A naval oioor. whoao rolationa with tho dopartmont an to oloao an to onahio him to havo aoourato hnowlodgo oi what ia contoruplatod aayo it in tho purpoao of sourc- tary Long ami oaoiatant ooorotary Roooovolt to attompt to iniuoo onough naval onthuai- aam into cortain oootiona of tho country to load to tho ootahliahmont of a naval mili- tia along tho Atlantic ooaot lmm tho farthoot int of Maino to tho tip of Florida. t onoo all about tho ahoro oi tho (half of Moxioo. along tho Iiooinippi rivor from ito mouth to St. Paul and Minno- apoha. and nally all ahout tho roat Iatoo. Tho grout lakoo alroady vo about 800 non onrollod. and ammo pointo on tho Miooiooippi rivor havo nado a atart. It in oxpootod that thooo man will to dovolopod ooon into good won. and in oaoo of a hruoh with a fotoign powor thoy willho dopondod on to bououao volantoor naval oiliooro on tho that day of ` tho work and tato thoir piano in chargo oi raw rooruito. whom. it in antioipotod thqy ` will quickly loavon into oxpononood ght. ` IIIVII IUFIVIIEJ In VII WIWTI 0| III` ban a dlatinob maanln . Tho vlalh ol aaalahanb aaoratary of anavy Rooaavalt to cha grub lahaa thla anmmar. aha abun- ulon paid the naval mllma ol ulna inland mm: and tho auocaaalnl vlalh ol a Unlud Bum racrultlng otlloar to varlona Iaka porta an all a part of a wall-lald and pig- nlllcant plan. A naval nmmr. ihnna ralatlnha will: tha I0 OI IIIIOVK In 0l'llI|' 00 QOIIIIIIIII I0 VIII roqummonbn of tho ogrulnonl bohwun tho Unmd tutu und Gnu BI-min. Nuis- ing the numbor of mud nuoln on the grace lnku. nnrnnlr. Mink. nk. l._..A Wnnhlnn. noon uuoo. Du-non-. Mioh.. Ooh. l.--A Wuhln - ton opooiol ooyo: --wnu. tho novy o- portmonc ooyo in lo rldioulono to outdo! to my inbornocionol trouhlo through oon lng ooondomnod hulk liho tho old Yonhio to "tho groot [non for tho honoh of tho Miohxgon novolrooorvo. you tho unnouol novol octivihy In thooo wohoro of loto Inn 1 dintinnh rnnonimt. Tho violh nf l_|l III. CIOIIIIIIIDII." Tho Ynnblo in one of tho oldolh vocal: in tho nnv -, Bho in n woodon nhlp. bum In 1864. or cllnpluoomono in 000 tom. her mood 8.3 knot: and hot horn-powu 2915. - n mm-In awn nlnminnh nmnnhh horn I (I-5 IIIDFI Ill IIUI` llDI'X`wWII' KIO- 0 carries :3 nine-itniach ::;&thnb;':; gum. om 3 vo-poun or r gun and one two ponndor brooch-loading nulhnr. I-lnr mun. hnvnvnr. will hnvn llll nnu OIII SWO p0|lll(lIl' DIIIIIII-lilulnl owluu. `L gum. hovnvcr will hnvo to bdihiov in ordor an oonkm to the .......A..._-..A- -1 LL- -......-..-A L.n-.... IDU |IlIIo Ab tho novy dopnrtmonh thoy mot!` on tho wholo ohobomonb. but oh tho oomo blmo do not: don bhob tho modom hotury wtll ho oonh to `do. Thin In about bho my bhoy tolls: Whob would no wono to orm tho Yonblo tor? Bho Io only good for about oovon lnoto. If wo woro going no sure any oohomo ol dofonoo hhoro no we uld plooo tho [unoupon oomo o! tho owoub_y- knoo book on tho lokoo. uh; l...o--.l ..l .....-n.... M...` A....l.._ A... 'orn lighting moi: IIIDU DUIVI 0 I`llU MIX: "Bub imcnd oi wanting timo. trying to follow an imuginnrf chemo to mnko a mod- h n`: cub 0': tho Yanlbio. w y two you. poopo up t on an I Mr thou Uunnditn rovonuo cruiun [on the rublnku. W0 know all shout blmn. boy an regular modem ghoing lhi . wibh ram bowl. torpodo tuba Mid ob or oqui menu oi aim mean. and the mm- mm non for than in randy to hand. in in the dominion." ' FBI.` \7.....Al.n lg Abl -5 AL. `IA.-A I. `nu not A: In as man, Vrroua. K0-.0ut l.-WIIlI|u( blanching -nunnnnnnlnnouxnnh LVIICIJIKIII IIIVII I-"V's Tho popor owoohu grub lmporlaonoo be thin. ololmin thou in will unouno to I vio- lation of dip omotic ngroomonb. limltiu oho number of not vouolo Uncle Sam on John Bull Ilnll maintain on oho rub inku. It in oloimod to L. highly pro oblo thou Britnin may and tiny or olghoy nmnilwnnhipnbotholohu. to brin tho United Bummo realising some 0 tho Iibuoblon and oh oh. only way out: would bo for no to build o corruponding oot [or tho Inn. A m um ..-.... A--- ..n...-..n oh-.. .....u' .3 Al.` The Placing `or Yanglc on the Greht Lakes. Dlplonnlo Anoonono Vlolnood-llnmbor of Wnohlpo on (iron Lohoo unma- ltovy Doponnuono In tho Ionolo lo I now OonotIo-Aok why In Onnndlon Iovonuo Orulooro Aro Not Loolod Ann -Ionllo Ono of tho mum Voooolo In llnlood Iooooo Novy-DImonolono nu M-nonono. ` Dnnorr, MIoh.. Ooh. l.--'l`ho Woohinp bon oorroopondonu of tho Dourolb Evoninp Now oondo tho following to hlo popor dobod Sopb. 29bh: A Now York porn- ooyo donlto ordoro hovo boon loouod or tho ohlpmonb of o bobbory of n Id ring guno no Erlo. Po.. hhoro to bo poood on tho oorvotto Yonblo on oho pooooo on hol- my to bocomo tho troinlng ohlp of tho Micblgon novol rooorvo. `Tho nnnnr Ahnnnhn nmnh lmnnrhnnnn M IBRHKETHIHEREEMENII I '39`. Cu `U BIIIPUIIIUI ; For uvonl dnyn put we have boon tolling you shout out ` WOOD and GOAL. Itiu nun , yngbmbtg budun 9:: than ` r l Ih an whit wo chin than to -tho BEST WOOD and COAL in Kingston. Our gnuuntoo mun: yqur money but if you want it. lummm mnv TAKE AIJIIIIM TH! UNITID 8+ATII NAVY DI- PAIITMINT IOOFP. la umsron ma] N _ uguugu . 5'50; uullfonul in abundance in can dopu-taut otou olqut lino at summumnuunp. DNIIIIG~wII.lIc..Iuc It pupontn an opportunity ht Economics! Buying that nobody can Alford to niu. ` Such-latch. Nowcutnuutlous. lnew FALLSTOCKI Tho Olhn libonlo no ng upinnl the motion 0! loan. occlusion and Bolooun in recommending consona- uvco hr pinup In the pub! union. But talking through the ad- vorti column: of Ta: Wmo in not np-not by u long that. Thonforo. whsumr wo hue to tell you. in thin Ipsoo mun be short and to the point. Wan annual dawn nnnl -A haw: ` _..____._...___._.._ . Be Fail Wif|iYil`l-f-8_l:-|f- IIIIII looolnplnymg mom. NUIIVIII wuunul. Thou h hoovll ornoi. tho ohorfo om- con too tholr ruhhlng without noting my ostompo to no thoirgono. Tho woco onmumhorod. Ion to ono. hut tho` um withsholrlou. Hodoohohhoon rod oonooqnonoo would hovo hooo foorhl. oo tho omhoro won fronnlod. II In rouorod thol moro on-ihon will oono hon lo holp Iritimldolo tho noo-onloo non. ii IIIII WINI NICIT IIIVI I|'I(l OIIIDI. llllill in ma ulmonl unoonooionu. Mon 0! tho workers and do ueiu was injured. and uvomlof the ion. including |ho.wo~ men nooompunying than. noomd wounds. Thnnnh hnvilv nr. Ihn Ihifl am. f.".'I.`o'.I1 s"3f5'.i.'.'?.' i"2?".?5".?'.'.$Ii`.' 00 3.: him with Bholr How and olubo. until Lg um. nlmunh nnnnnnnlnnn Mara ll. AKA Ill. The ntrihn, more than than hundnd. with the woman. In on! numbond the workers. who won guarded by a form oi dopuby chum`: on their way to the mint. W. Mccuno. I dopuuy nhorl`. in tho oo- corting proouolonmu dlumod and dug- nnn in (ma nth. EH!!! 3 ornvul of nu-{inn A PIN-hod huh With Itoooo and Oil!- Nolo lllhl. 81`. Lnmo. Mo. Oct: I.--'l`o-day wbon tho minor: omployod In Ibo odloon oool coupon '0 obottl no Bavudlvlllo. l||.. won go ng on work tboy ION olhobod by I mob of cu-lion. who into on by thirty or more womon 0 non. `Ibo nu-inn throw otonoo and on onno po and boob their op xononu w bb olubo. In no thou won oncl nobody wu billed. Ono minor. bowovor. bod bl: ohull onnhod nod numorom obboro won on! and brain- Ell IIIII IIIIDII Ijm D II IKNUIIIOIE Anho oonoluolon ot tho pmo on tho guoou out down to dntnty rofroohmonu oorvod by tho ovoz foiohlul woman : unll- ory undo: who ouporlnoondoncy of Mn. Linton. Tho tabla, Ind boon niooly ur- rnngod wich oworo and with oho amph- lng coho and oooo gsvo wholooomo Ip- potitoo. Thin broughnho owning`: pm` gnrnmo to I olooo and ovory ono pnoonb votod to tho moon nuoooulul oponlng neop- Non ovor hold. l|0II|ll|' In lIV0l' OI IIIIIIIIIIOIYI IIQU Lilli`- ing tho bolt timo A. E. Bhonnun incl M l`ln|d to gin on oxhibioion of club winging with oioobi-Io ligho no- ooolmonb. Tho fun rofuood to work homvor. nnd tho oudlonoo won my much disappointed at tho oolorod olocbrio II Inc govo romioo of o planing exhibition. in noon hull of who but boll no wn much like tho um um! ronuitod n Obown ooodn two mom in booidufnothrow. Thoo or Iido too ooorod n (no throw ALu- xnlnhun bl.` Aauhnl Aauunn O nnlnn Kn I Ivuvw I I g:",`:`}......Forvrordn....... {B}:,.l.:, gt; ono ......... ..0ont.ro ..... .i .`.Il:I`. or: ow nnoll } """ ` `D"" ' ' Rounnon foroo. phyndnnl dlroohor Bo:-non. Tho gomo woo oxooodingIy (ooh. ond owing to tho foob um lb was tho III-o_o of tho oouon. uomowhoo rough. lortunnoly no ono woolnjurod in my woy. For tho roo low mlnuooolndivlduol ploy woo tho vory morhod ohoroobormlo of bho mo. Thou boob oldoo bogon to work o oom Ino- Mon bhob proved moro plooolng to lovoro of oh. oporh. Show. Molouo. Hotnilbon Rob- innon ond Dnnlop woro much in ovhionoo. ond Ohovm bolng nnphoohod no ohlo to oooro. Thin hopponod onoo moro during tho u-ob half. moth`-.13 tho noon four to nntklnn In Inunr A. nunIMnn'n uh]; `Mir. UIITIII IWD llll` II IIIIIKIII "TI U|lVWu mend shun mung no soul noon 9 point: to I. It wuogcod guuahr sloluool dunn- d h b an t Ion. "A.":h.".2 ...::'lf.?Z'.f'. 3... .1...'."2n .... l2AVIFOll 8 won momoa nppmm. The boy: shun lined up for but bull u_ follows 1 n,.., ... . 1 v\....|_.. gun u-P.-wuvu way: an... an... 2B'.'Em makln I; nothingin [nor of um||uon'| nido. Dur- ing Mm hull Hm: A. R. Rhnnmm Ind an oonount uoo ona muon o )0yI(l. About 8:30 o'clock tho uooto oooomhlod in tho gymnasium whorot o phyolool d|roo- tor hod orrongod otrongod on hour in tho "gym." Tho hoyo wont through tholr dumb holl drill on It thoy hod hoon proo- tlolnf for montho. In truth It woo tholr rot Imo thlo ooooon ond oouo of thou: folt it If thoy didn't ohow It. Thou oomo rogu- lor clooo work on` tho porollolo ond oloo on tho hom. Thin work woo lormod wlth oomo dogroo ot "form on woo Intonat- ing to wotoh. Thon Mr. Horton. tho phyolool dh-ootor. govo o ohort oxhlhltlon of odvoncod work on tho horlnontol ond rollol horo which ohowod Mm Indood o nlohei oth oto. Hlo oxhlhltlon nooivod woll morltod opplnuoo. Thu hnvn than llnnd uh for hllklh bl ll An Iuonhlo 'l'lno Ipont 0| tho Y.I.O.A.` IAII IIQII. Th?` M. 0. A. hullldlng iplhoooghtod o vor voyoppooronoo out ngt. ooo- oo on boln o roooption tondorod tho oung non o tho olty by tho uooolotloo. rom top to bottom tho buildln wu brilliantly lllmnlnotod and no no Hur- thor ottnotlvo 3 orol dooorotlono. Imi- In no footoon oround tho voriouo win- dowo and uohuyn, and oholeo owou dooontod tho tnhloo. About oliht o olook In and uh LL; uuun-- -`Au. Lnngn In nnnnm 331.233` s'n'.'.'."uT.'. 'Ki.'ou'o'.'a"i_o 3v'i;&i tho you mon begun to noon lo and at 8:30 tho ulldln no well and for room._ All has vu-loan opamnonbo mm o n for lnnpooolon and all doholln of tho wot woro minuboly oxplnlnod by dlu-one mombou of tho roooptlon oommmoo. who won on hand to grow tho vlnltou. During tho only part of tho ovonlng tho piano no In an-on demand and oholoo aloo- tionn woro rondorod to tho clollghh of those ' who haul bhom. Tho vnlouo uomon wore in constant ond muoh oojoyod. Ahnuh man n'nlnnh him much nnmhlld ITRIKERI ATTAOK MINIRI. YOUNG MINI RIOIIGION. .::&-2 ugmyouguuu. Dnnlo ' {Blame 1 .....or nun Ihnnnn an 003816 81`. mu-um-_. cum:-u. ' Xfdjim LQLJ `3~-`."_"3`?l _' `P- monnooouuythunngoot Alumclock. We an an "AN$N1A." whiognsnoknowlodacd-lb Then Few C.` I'C'UZ'I` W n dopu-Ononi V0 ".0N1 I:Al.. Qnoqhool. d cu-Nu hydnnuo but pumps non und Itqqoc mm no the hull wbouby A Iago qnnlhq ol Vl II mood. Wm: Inch napalm Inc found that own a pnutqnutd Mu-wu.d'nvn |5:|I.:.I|llIlaI|I anoint nu-Inn but It need. `an no maul induct I than name but up all an ..`'t'``'` :u':a"`aI1`c am vlhtoonn .1 an ettylnuuryycu-Iy. l\`|IIlI||I&- and Ihwuhtvorhnplhndcu OI lluduhnllucln an inn n_d_ |o_I_0pu of I 9 Ion non " I 15 nut. ` u k I noun\on- 1 II on: r ouy.'R:l I no Iumh-`W .....'i in soon. or 1) I ndlonuofnppnotl an. I NI I0- ndn.-glvuionthuuluun an 3 O . vuunns . '- ` c Inn (M. , "`.". .2" `"'...- ":.:. ` to I ma con 9 0 "us. Oonm ulna :13 Isltn. nndnn. Ont. IIMW 1IIQOVI|`O.IIll I009 OI! IE !~_._.TE5:?;!~*.-i`.?'*:.i.:'x'.'~LE7__-"_.. E,` -` Ind III on Moon. Men 5 9 to u o 3u'u'u3'.' o..`.'..':.. .'}ao:::"u:Iun. TALK ISEHEAP Y UIIAV VOIAIAOTIB, IAII ID00- F. I u u. Iomqspuunnoo on notnm mo- Iy m mu oumbus ugly.` In tho mold n`.`.:\':1;.::'.:..::.':r-........`:.'.'.:.'.:.'.`: "xxx NS UIIIDAY IOBNXN IN ITY. A T and much llmsmo on`?! gun I orown otpoul Iohlln . I` nag V ho! ully rounded by luv nu at n 0 Tn-IloMIm.AN--In MIMI Bo Ilul Jonah T. to Min Bllulomm. MI of 3`. mu 0. Ont. Oluumm-Loonnnn-M tho Nlldonoo ill IO bd... IIIUII`. I. M` 3..."'.."z..rA.'1&2.n|!'. ..a':3 at! o';:'.=.w=.:...2*.2:*a:. M u? vrll run I [NONI | GA llnnr `lb:-non. H mm Nut . TUESDAY IIOBN In NY. A mu umllluol 5 I I ll: nnrnl fnva '. ` (w.*::::.?-...'*. . 31.5.-L:;.;s'*:. (.)`l\lI`*::\.' `Il:|:|r"t|no`::ul \s town `:3 lnvmc M t In . Glo. II. cunt. N SUNDAY BFPWI 0 N mo. Hal who llllu _ with plan nun I TI marl 3'53. 0:0 .'(':`...a.. -........---'&:.'-2.-:..-11::-... .. ... `-.'.-:.:.'-.*.-.-.:..-...-..::.' "'"' pnd m wall and fuhiotbly Gland ` Beyond tll oontrovorl il you buy your mm FLL M M Li ISTEAOY& STEACY. Ai 3r I-".1-IARRISON oonlmmr -- ,. _.___ AL` ._._.I `AI Nowhere in Kin oton "om you `I00 mob I largo nn porfeotl Ioloohl. utoolr of Europesn Nov slow, The collection numbon thouundn of tho very uent gsrmonta nude. 5|, ~ nolow an to defy oompolmoh . 0 invite inlpootion. ' " ` A FEW PRIOE INDICATORS: Heavy Boucld Jacket: $83.28. well worth 31 mm. Flno Black Beaver Jackets .50 and 05.00 Tallor-made Scotch Mixtures 05.00 and 00.00 Extra ne taIIorhi'|`i`o.i;cI't'oVt'i 80.60. 07. 88. 810 HI MEANS 9*w`r.=+*=-mzsa-1-*a.: ~- Inplro. mud! 5,: -we--. : ~.'.. . v ` men 5.3 . ...n'.~~'h.."`.n..u :3 A an I n:-nnsunnau-V C Ummulmn an nmbnlln mud III l`|`InnII| Mun. ' honnh Wanna. I). MTK U. VII. I -ICKI| II`! 1! VI IV\-Z' T`. On 30'. W. P. `. $9 0' am. to 1!. ohm! J. Onolnsn. 0! Outp- ' j'i`iin. u. on I . or Yank II In. :1 00! I LY to Mill. J. I \aa.n|1!o(?(1)lI I:|!!u-I. ".::.i'E.{'i_`1.}":'.".'a.`.`.` .":` .".'Ms'.1n`3o'u"." .. I paying nut.I:o:|:i` .umrrm'. STEA C Y .S. There Are Things own, 1 wurmn PROIAIILITYIC. nmuun mmbum . n u Strut. l:.o|\In- I`! L onnmm. Opon sync nlg < Inporun lllh and bull Good; 4 P. M. EDITION. ` It lawman juppot --Iolunb winds. luau dool ally nah. XIII! M : nu-nu-u-in Ann` 11 _\gAu1':n. aim.-i IAIIIID. 353- mi nnnnmlu nIn_I um vo`u nb ` Attained the lat Vi IIO IIVIIl`\i IDOKKIII1`. '.I`..'E`-.' :`:`.'.`f\.)`$ DH). I . uvunco usunns. (Ill!!! vuotoun MALI. A- AQnL`} 1. NO. 228. uM`R5. B. REDICK. ` A`l0aD0\II'I&IlOfEpI0O0I. Vnnoouvn. 3.0.. Oct l.-'l`h|o6|nr ol Iuzuqho In 0: 0n:I`\oHp.v an loud. was ad lluldnnu and Inooonuoncnonn mo: ng. `lhoroto uooblo In nah o! tho Hlghlond oodolo. Tho lodo Ind Ioomod Iholonowoononwho Incl only boon In thooorpufow wooko. noto booppolntod ollootonontonhio promising. Io bring o daonl-oeruiIo.ollolwtonwonldboyIholr own onllonno. Thoy rooolvod It um woro.. doooto downing ond coup Ibolr out Iojot tho nano- tor. Ioyo mu: Iboy do not liko tho woy horonoohorogi-onuhoyun Ioovo.uho lneondo to hovo Mo on way. Row. lnbutullo loo Ioon oppoiuhtl E.`.'.".'L.`:.!`.`.'1'.` :'P)..t:.'.'..': ...'.?;':.'E Ul'0"I NCI VIC IIIIIOI 0! III U.l'.l% ..`3`t. ".: .`.`..........'""`.`i.'. ..`:..".i.`.:`:`.it"`.`; (hnadinn voynpunon tho Nib upodmon in 1884. In hon. orpuh n party to go to Oh Klondike in Ibo 3 ng. Thanh tank]: In Email of Illa l0l'I'I.I.Ah. UOK I.-Uh. IIIIIIKIIT Illll lily lunch-Otnndhn lnbonn Inn 50- Inorrov to work on the construction of tho Crow : Nut Pun NIINI of Mao O.P.B. f\--.5 JAA Inn-nnnln ll. winnings Dunp lUl' Lvu. 20110:. Girlfnnd Boys Tuna sud Clpl 86. IMBDY & 6'0 u--. Orcnlnol 3 any for `rho I|ondIko-0I~ :00! To `rho Plan. lion"-rnnn. Oct. I.--0no huudrod snd lln 'nn.nnIn.fXnAlNAl| Inhnnm IIAIQ 1. l`IUlIllB' 14 Ill I'I|In`l}l\lYlllI III An rs W114 mm. ad up to noon on 1~u:suA9 NIXT lot ` cant I worn required in build- In oxhnolom um olhu tmprovomqnu to Fr nl lzlouu on Quun am [or J. B. On- r thus. In. `Lowest had not nooousrlly noooptnd. hl1\L`lI I. 3'! A nnhlnuutn mm mm. ".k`."P'| w-vvv-- -- cu -- ---- --v-.-v- WILL OPEN HY IJIW PBIIIBIS. an Prlnouu mm. with an Inn bankrupt stock of Now Goodu. It you have my one on low In or out Furnlmn you run to gun I: 0 can drop a card Incl M will be mull: uuncloa to M hlchout rlou pnld. tlno in n 1 In shock of Booon- -Hand Fu- nllun an Now coda. I... ABRAMSO N. Still on View. - w wn V u ----w- w-`:- II-Iguana mm. as nnonvnx`) AT mm: In of the undonlunod (vino plan- nml nnnolnnnnn mgr In nan). nn to DIE! Wllala IE RIUIIVID AT THE ohm snd Ipoolloulonn ms t? sum up to Iomloakpm. on THURS A . 7th 5%.. for 0 ouvorultndon work: m ulndln t. u crou- ton and ogflltlon as s uh:1un`oYa`on URI 0 nor 1 rs Aov'nnnA Cons I): I'h|... .. n V. uon and fonnflnlon of Rumumo on the comer 0 Pt K 3:306 and Unlvonlty Avunu for Dr. Lanna nr nnv hmln not noonnrlly An- Lowu 009100. - v v- w - nu.-- - v-`:- RNDIBB WILL BI RECEIVED BY TH undonigtmi TUISDA NIX1` (or onnnl worn ncnlnd CV? UIIKVIIIIVBI ' Hun! Nut Oil st 100 per box of 8 ban, Ootioulu Healing Son: 160 er box, Pure Ontile 10 per ox u 6 ban. 8 cake: Olive 0:! sud Outile Soup for 100. an Ann llirln` nn Rama mam: mu! I`|URRAY'5 ELECTRIC CARPET Clonnor In the best method by which "all the dunt"ls ukon out o!` the Carpet. We guarantee to give utlshctlon. ludoruhlp mun: nuporlorlty. We alto do Upholatu-lug. In our: room. Use or me none on Inodnn oonwnhnoo. `blah one 0. IEWLEANINILI '3? i9TB%'9_%F_T3_E- - pg; BOARDIRS OAR Bl AOOOIIIODATID _ with both ulnclo and doublo roommwlth modern oonvnlonou. me no Quun um. D wluh roomuor room: wlhhoua bond If tofu-rod. no 300 Brook Street. llootrlo light II the of mo hon: and won '15! TWO LARGE OOIIODIOUS NEW BRICK onuo nut the corner of Alfred and Prlnoun uhutn. oontnlnlnc 10 rooms. hot water furnace. and sll modern lmprovv montn: luhud. For further nu-tluulnn nppls so u. . O. Tnonnon, Oox-not Prlnuou an Ohnthnm smm. to Inn. 1!. 0. Tnolu GOOD BOOKS T0 RENT WITH BOARD. all modern oonvonloncu. Apply to In. J ` Iluoxnu-mu. Ill Karl Bu-uh. A TEOEOUGHLY RELIABLE PERSON, A npoolnllr food luon 8:, much lsno, a man now and I pathos condition. and- mmo mnhonn: nu. Anon at once to DA. The Saturday List W0 LARGE OOIIODIOUI! NEW BRICK Pplnnnu I-|'f.rnh. nnntninhm 10 rnumn. hut .-4-1- 11: Doll) loco lick I-awn; luau Qnbgnnlmn-nnlunnli. IKIIU lUjIlIII'vvu:'-v-con U0 Poll IIOIIOIIG IV. " City mlulon orgnnmd It Y.Il.O.A. lull to-night. Ipoolnl lam-dsy ale :6 Woods Mr. 300 tdvt. Building. In No for bananas hon Iovou rooumfo 0 HM; Moo sly oonoro and newly dn nod. no mo cube. App: to mun & Omllnmnn. N0. 808 QUIIN BEBUIIT. NILE Y.I 0.A. nlmou and In perms common. Hund- Iomo unhofn OIII. A pl: WAnn:u.. 3! ohnntons me. -*-:- AIBIOK HOUSE. WITH Ah IODIIN oonvontonou. Apply MM an Bonn. I Toll LIT. IUIINIIIBID. W 8 Hill!)- hu porous! In tho Cone:-cl o$ loo:-nor man and can o am. Apply (0 ALIII FURNISHED. SOLID IBIOK HOUSE. ALL modorn In rovomonh; hot nd cold nu. uood no 1 and llchud bn sou-tony 0 toughen. App 1 ohrouh this omoo. THE 8101!! BESIDINOI. H0 QUEEN 80:. non Olorcysh-ooh Bound by hot `nun. All modern onnvnnlonou. oxnnnlon HI BTONI BESIDINOI. H0 QUEEN Strut Okra: strut uted vs I. All modern oonvonlonou. on onto him omoto. pl; to 05p6.'1`homn . Tn?- Ior. on tho prom on. loom up po largosnd nttnollvo it in at! (or III to Ilnglo out the for Him loh lhii up: will tell nbout. llbolory Rom. - Woman`: {uhioned Bnmlou Gub- lnm Hon No. Woman`: Ribbed Oubmm Hone Mo. Ohildron'I Onsh- mero Hou. ribbed. 100 to 200. Ben` Doubln Howl; Ribbed Hon 100 `to 800. Bgr oublo Knot Ouhmore Ribbed on lilo to 250. Furnluhlna Specials. New Nookwou 150 sud 850. Bnoo Ba sinn-50 donon Bnoou. but nish obsir Ends. mndo for 850 sud 600 linu. our pick st 860. Ilufupui ne Undorwou 600 anal `IL: A HM]: In}. A nlnn Hnhf. and nun! dmnorl. mm to mu: 5 Thou: ; B0e'I`l`DIR8 CAN BE AOOOIIODATIL hroommor room: wmaoua IIUK EOUII Ill DIVISION BTRIIT. AT pnuno oooaploa_b`.Pn-of. Du. Modern Jonvonlonou. H06 5 2 oo. Pounc- ` nwlaogopumht. Apply nut door so I. }ooR BOOKS 1'0 nnN'r"TN1m mum. I madam nonvnalonon. Anni! ::-Tg BRICK IOUSI. Ill DIVISION STREET. AT` nnnno ooounlod by Prof. Du. Modem __co~p-gpguo uonuus. ___T0 ggmnAcToRs. DARDIRS CAN BE AUOOIIODATIL wluh wluhouo nhrnmnalorook Ilootrlolllht gn......u* T":`n lulu apnea Ana...-an Dr`! A`; I K.L..lI SOAP BARGAINS. ff___-I tI._L f\2I -1 Dll LIT. FURNISHED. wrlui IlIlD- an In! Out: ontmt. Applno n. moron-'r.Ouwronn. . T0 CONTRACTORS. unnnn QIOII n -- nnnnvuuvx Ann nl JA TK`OB`{'OUGHfII; RELIABLE PERSON, I A man A um Anon Kr. llhnh nlnnn. OFF FOR THE PAII. LOAL IAIMOIANDA. 5 `II. Oorpotvnopsn. I Tho Newton. Brighton, lost my- lluh Blnpu and Trlmmlnn In Fnll Illllnuy. Not too lnoo impact them no. II I105 IIXUIIIYIII IOVJIDZCIO POWER & SON. Arohluoh. -1qj QJX. _AL...L4... In Hal. Anni. In Iuwun ht. wbohlu nhdon work I n.. IIVIIVII III! Illnao Gum Elutio Bo. Hat Elastic lo. Inviniblq Hair Pins lo. Bsfety Pins, 2 cabinet: for Go. Hsir Pins. 2 osbineta for Go. Hammad Ilandkorohiefl 80. Go. 70. Qnlu -nnQllllQ TO LET. BOARD. odom Pounn. K WIWEX III IIURKIC IUD- XIU&l'llIZ|IC'|wjIUTP vithnnlwhowutnqliud tohrnllooonucobonlndpt tu- ocllld It non-all-not uhmuon upon. under uuuiluy ooudiNou.nndIoon." WI? IIITI IHICIT DID` I0!` III." DWII KIWI onay that ohoul to the work-pao 0. or! parfomod at an than living can in alnoah oartatn to ha dona nndar condi- Ilona unfavorahh to good monla. haalth or comfort. Tho Canadian ayohn 0! Iain- I mam contract: without ngard 3'3" to ho paid or raahriohion again on Jamng ha: undouhhadly pn- duoad lnjumoaa naulla. and it In haoauaal an fully aatiuad on this poinh that I pros poaoadopun Iaaaanraolopuotaonhawagm aarnar and t honaol anployat. M . "Thou will now ha no niddlonan to _I:h_o_a_EE| out at a lob at aha an- -..L... -_ aL- _..L ...n| PIIX F0 BHII Ill DFIIIT (lIpIl'I'oll|IlIUI DI HIU vormnonu huo for Inony yooro book boon mnlng out tho oonbnuto. ting tho work porlomod undo: she wont ngu tom. they sub-Iotting tho work and t r nub-com trooooro ing thoir om loyooo Itorvouon wo d toroo N or bhoir out in lnolRIrv.LlI.)|l2honI tho won-Lgonuxlg UIIIIUCWUII 4; `Col not

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