TI-IE AILY BRITISH W1-110. wonu. opus n-om uni Inlnngnom of jnriodiehion thin Guild Orient in not nooaniud bean it bu upnnguqunobibhfnu in I-i|uAl.. Tho now lodge willnotlnmoguiud and no- siuthunhungivontotho ptopc anchori- bll'I'vu,III'uInn GIVE 5.5.14` luau: Iovu-bonrdnou (hum coal AL. .A.._...P- I... 0-3. A. Il..-o... IIIL. XIHK I-I UYCIIZIU IT (1 IhoIeunor oIutu'ipI.oIon '1': Int! lnnnotbunnoovund. urine! the oeuqrnxhn ol the civil can still continues. nonhuman L.L--- IL; -5-ILA: --J AL` ..__-AIAI ILA VII TI` XIII WHIIIIIT 5 f atvoullthoutrikol-uundbhoeountsiloltbo burhiloduf discs In uljmuanl at tho dicnllio. & William Van Hunt plddntdlhoi C.P.lL|dHo-da oulnbuuulhipulim Iputiontotho mile cunt. Bailo- s 1;. 3. our I Bl IIIQIH-t guru}; GIIIIUIIIIPII III! III Chm Olllf There nine in Montreal e lodge which won organized recently without the on- thotity of thegrond lodge oltheprovinoeof Qoolloc. The munheto ore neetly all old country Fxeoohnen, holiene. end n tow S_yrione. Thoyore working node n elnnnrlromlhennd Orient all`:-um; low qyrunu. Anny an worn charter from tho Grand Oriout I not of nuonry which io not by och: Inuonio hodiu world. Aput from up n! inrindinxion thin a c WI Franco. ted tho blillincrv Department. % .mou'"' 'JS'...m" 'h'."n'iu {2 .'.'r'u's'.'e?.'3s".; `onblo talk in nuonio on-clot. 'l`|n.-g g-int. in Ilnnlnngl ; 'au.-n -|.l-L ("Ill TICIIIIC IHIC "I00 UIWUDD Uly. The railroad can be operated the year round. but during the winter montha the water route will not be open for ateam- boata. The chief object of the deputy- minialer a weetarn viait ia to inspect the progreee of'work on the Crow'e Neat Pan railroad. which virtually means another Canadian trana-cor tinental railway. The government haa granted it a auhaidy of 810.000 a mile. Itia being built by way of Nelson, on Lake Keotenay. and will run throu h the Roeeland mining diatriet. .It in an ecided yet whether or not the new overland line will be extended west to tidewater or join the Canadian Pacic at Hohe, which ll eighty eight milea each of Vancouver. The total length of the line will be about Bill rnilna. Ill` IUKI II 600 miles. A lot!) or luau who non oonuond or no ugh: nnq, Iolnul. Oct. 5.--An alleged nchiun unon shunombon ofthocnninenning ` nnblo talk in nnnnin aiming I ., . . ._ I : I The Bnllrood could no Opel-nted the Year Round. SAN Fnzmcxsxro. Oct. 5.-'1`he construc- tion of I mlroed from Vancouver. or from some point out of that place on the (inr- dinn Peoie line to Dawson City and the Klqndyke country in general. will not be a very ditcnlc or expensive undertaking in the opinion of Collingwood Scbreiber. oi Obtnwe. who in now in this city. He |l`l'l' ved here yeeterday with n petty of Othewn people, including E. Nowcombe, deputy minister of jnebico. In rli-nnnnino lm hnilrlinn of n rnnrl in UII III]! U.f. l.\. lll IIUIGT COWPIDJ 1! making one of the survey: and the govern- ment the other. It will be necessary to build only ninety milee of nilrond to nuke I good rail And water route from the Cunn- dinn Pacic line into Dawson City. The nil:-and can be onm-and Llm vmr WI . he supreme court mot today, when justices Taechereau. Gwynne, King. 8edg- wick and Girouerd were on tbojbench. The nbaeuco-of-leevo 0! Sir Henry Strong, the chief jIllNoo,'hI\I nob yet expired. The Quebec lilo we: proceeded with. IIIIHIIIUT 0| JIIIIIIUIL In discussing the building of I road to Duuon.Mr. Bohroibor says: "Two surveys are now boing made from difforont. poinu on the C. P. R. The latter company is nnkinn on: of thn nunmwn and Him pnvnrn. tnu city. In connection with the circular issued from the department of e rioultureletely on the need for ventilated c embers on steam- ships for the carriage of ....apples_._p the following is a case in point: A lot of 267 barrels of a piss was carried lately in cold storage to lasgow. They are reported as having averaged eighteen shillings per barrel. At the same time alot.325 barrels. of apples was shipped in the old way to Liverpool. without cold storage `and realized only _eight shillings per bar- rel. Both lots of apples were from the same stock. 0! the 325 barrels of apples shipped in the old we 124 bar- rels were reported as wet and "slight- ly wet and eighty-one barrels were re- ported as sleclr." Thus out of the total shipment of 325 barrels without cold stor- age `.205 arrived in a damaged condition. Col. Sam Hughes. M.P., is an enthusi- ast on militarga matters. His regi- ment. the 45th_ ttalion, has just com- pleted its annual drill, and Micro the ollicers dispersed to their homes they de- clded upon a momentous step which is em- bodied in the following communication sent by Col. Hughes to the minister of militia : "With the object of assisting to up- build the British empire and strengthen the bonds uniting the mother land and the colonies, and the full condence that none would more loyally uphold the honor of Great Britain, or bear themselves more bravely in the hour of danger than the young men from the Victoria. midlund district-of Canada. I have the honor to tender the imperial overement, through you. the hervices o the 45th Victoria Midlanders regiment and to request au- thority to increase the establishment of 'corps1.o 1,200 men for active service in any part of the globe. Hnn. A. Gflnir in mnlrino an nfhinl UNTRIM MED HATS 40c, 50c, 75. 8:. IJIITI Ul DUB "I000- Hon. A. G.`Blair is making an ofcinl inspection of the Drummond county rail- UAW. To the Imperial Goves-nrnent-Keed lo! Ventilated Chambers. On-Aws,Oct., 5.--R. 1 . Low. oi the geolo- ~ gical survey has returned to the city from hie summer: ex lorations of the eouthern shore of the udson straits. having had charge of one of the parties. which went north um spring on the eteamer Diana. From the tenor of his replies to enquiries about` the conditions prevailing about the st:-site during the partys etay. it is surmised that the general belief is that the Hudson strait is navigable generally from about the mid- dle of July to the middle of November. or about the period of safe nevi ation of the Straits of Belle Isle. yhich II the short route between Liverpool and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. . . I D lllhhnno M D I...lA- Q. oh- .u. DD. lJIWl 6llL`U J. P. Whitney, M.P.. lender of the op- position in the Ontario legislature. in in nine city. In nnnnnnlninn iith tlm nil-nnlnr innml Inn aunts-2 Iiljdi & huhulhquh ' '_E_ur_y_Ic.rrou. ranun outt & 3. ix- Inuarlannlitl nan: TL-an-ul-I-. nu- WILL NOT RECOGNIZE THEM. wpgg;.p..uqr,._a&mrIscuL1. OFFERED HIS REGIMENT Ibll llOIhOI1l. ,2: -L_A AL- .14-] L- _.I_ av-uvuwqy. Lolnon. Out. Oct. 5.-Thnro sun 3 hot time at the cont! 0! Dncgin name And UIITIIT II Ulilwinun The nelionel congreee 0! minere, in eel- Iion eh Liege. Belgium. decided to mete e demend for en ednnce of lteen per cent. in wegee. If thin demend ie not (rented by the middle of November the executive committee will oell e yenerel etrike. in: `la. lmennn naarl Q.-Anti-then: COIHWIWX Wlll ill I YUIIIIII ILl'lIU- Mia Man Glouon, aged twenty-thno veumdnnk oubolic acid in about-ding home at Pongbkooptio. N.Y., bn Sunday night and digd in GM minubea. She van in good npiiiu during the evening. And noomuoocn bolllillod forhorhnty sc- I.inn_ . FIGHT AMONG SCHOOL BOY8. London. 0It.. Ind Quito 3 Llvdy Ilia 0131"` IVUDUIIIU` EOIIIKIUIIBII D$CIh Tho hum of Mrs. Robert Amutron '3 plnco. Markham. Out. oocupiod by r. Granger, station wont, was burned this morning with I quantity of houbehold lur- nituro belonging to Mr Granger. Incon- disriun in Inspected Thu nntimml nmmrnn nl miner-I. in nu. I'0yIlllKI WU!` TIUIQIIOIL Four men were drowned by the cnpsizing of u boat ll : Long Bunch, N.J.. Mondty. The dead are Jouph Herth. Adol h Pier- son qnzl A. Houdrichon, Brook yo, sud Gootgo Robbins. Monmouth Bosch. Tho Inn: nf Mm. Rnhart An-nnI:mno | [0 `D9 Kr? IIIII Ull Ill I'CVUIIIII'u Frederick Cleve And, of bnking powder fume, died in Albany, N.\'.. on Setyrdoy. Deceased In: I sufferer from peralyeil for yearn. He wu fty-nine year: of age. Mu. Funk Ihvin. of Sohuvler. Neb..nuI: yolrl. HO WIH Hay-IIIIIB yOIl'I OI EKG- Mra. Frank Dxvia. of Schuyler, Nob..puI: "at:-ychniue .in the eolfoo for her family on Bnndsy, and the and four children no dead and the others in I dying condition. Dr Thnmnn Jnhnnnn Allnwnm nnn nf (ICU Inu Bu UIIIIUFI III I uylllx Illllullalllllu Dr. Thomas Johnson Allowey. one of the foremost gymocologiou of the domi- niorr. died at Montreal on Saturday. He hed been in ill-health for several months. Late Mnnile deopotohee any that deo- rete ghting has taken place in the `hillippineiolandgnnd that in one on- gagement. which luced Ieverol houro. the roynlisto were defeated. Fnnr mun warn drnrnnd hv thn r-nnnixinn Illlo George L. Lewis, one of the largest coal operators in America. died on Sunday at Butfalo of hunt`. failure. His forhuno is immense. rm... _......._n...-I ........a.... .3 AL. r<-.......I:..|. unmeneo. The reported murder of the Cavendish expedition in East Africa is contradicted. `me two Englishmen had trouble with their hand man. (nun- -|.:.........L. ..... AL- ....A...,.:..... .6-...., IIOIQ llllu Cattle shipment: on the outgoing steam- ship: to Montreal for Liver were never known so bosglu-no u at. pronoun time. The trade is booming . . A an-aha hfnrnnninnnt nlnnn than '11:. 1'nor.nue II DKIIIIIIP. _ A number bfprominent. Cubans who re- aide in New~YoI-k. In inuarviewe deohre tint nothing but Absolute independence will satiety the petriou. The nicnntinn at Rio Jnnerio in uroimr UUU- ` , A Indy bicyclist from Ashbnrnhnm was fined as Poborboroyecbordny for riding on the sidewalks. I1.......... I17 Y\:..l.:.\-an nun VA:-L hu- menu 0! H CITPOD II050I'y PHOTO. Sir Chulen Wyclra; formerly British consul general in Central America, is dead. He was eighty-two years of age. Hnnrv (lanrom who in A mndidnm for oi`NI nun. no. 231. I10 WI! Olglly-(W0 yBRl'B OI I36. Honry George. who is n candidnw for the mayornlcy of Greater New Yoyk. de- clares himself to be n free brndor. `\._L_u.\Ll.... t......-L A--. -... ...n..-..-Mu] in norm-wear. Dounuary OI VVO0GI|'a0CK- The New -Jersey vote resulted in the carriage of the anti-gambling amendment by a majority of six hundred `and twelve. 'l`|m dnnn:-Lmnnr. nf than inmninr ha: no ny u mnjoncy 01 mg nuuureu `ulu Lwunvu. The department. of the inteior he: no knowledge of C. R. Devlin having resigned his aicionnaimmigretion agenu in Ire- Inntr) f1........ 1` T .._:- A..- at AL- I--nun-L nnnl Wlll IIFIII, Kalil FIIIDKII. The aicnntion It Rio Jnnorio is going from bad to worte. The financial condi- tion of the government in critical `owing to the great fnlli at? in revenue. I1`:-Adm-inlr Clown and. M` lnkina nnwdar IIJIJNIIENSEIJ mmcnnrns. um. Inttorl Ills! um-on nvoryboay--5 Notu I`:-on All our--Little of Ivan- thlng Iuv Bold uni Bononbonll by `rho Don Pnblh. The price of when in on the decline in London. . . Sagan : new ministry for Spain has been sworn in. ' rm... :- .....-a. .a-..u..o:._. -......... 9.1.. 0C UWOI'I'I In. ' There in grant doatitutian among the poor of New York. Tmfn rnnnintn 1|`. thn (`._P.R. innrlllad P00!` 0! NOW I 0l'I. Tntc receipt: :1: the C. P. R. inorouod 8255.000 huh week, the total being 3764,-9 mu, 4 I H18 DIUQWIIII. George W. Dickinson. New York, but been appointed United States consul at Belleville, Ont. The Ilnlkinuni-A kn-nh-" nlnh in in mnhnn DOHOVIIIC, Unli- The Baltimore buoball club in to mnkea tom-'0! America. after which they yill do- part; for Europe. PM-is- ()nt.. is to have A new mat oico A revelation even to those who expected large ~th1ngs of ck; I-I A R [IV para ior numpe. Paris. 0nt., is to have a new post. office building erected immediately. The de- nizens are jubilant. Rnv, Mr, Rnldwin_ rm-mr nf Old St. IIIZBHIIFUJIIDIIIIID. Rev. Mr. Baldwin, rector of Old St. Paul : church, Woodstock. has ruignod owing -to ill-honlbh. 'I`|\A tnwn nf Hnndnn, Ont. in nnkad to OWIHR `ID Ill-KIDII (Ill. The town of Dundu, 0nt.. is asked to give A bonus of $60,000 for the establish- ment of a carpet. factory there. Rir (`Jun-Inn Wvnlzni fm-mm-Iv RI-ihilh CIITCU IIIUJUOII I00 U3 (5 H150 OTDUUF. Deebructive forert res are reported in Blandford and Ellice townships and on the north-west boundary of Woodstock. 'I`hn Nnw.Jnrnm1 vnrn rmlulted in the 1 :L':an`Auis FROM THE EARTW8 roun quunans mvsu. |NEWSIlHHEwRL.l What "Comes to Us from All Quarters. la umasmu um] quota` about ` |II'IO5" baggy. nnullfound in abundance-in WIIU WAIJUUL I the H>ARD"Y. dcputnoul ol on;-0-land list of It ptooonu an oppottnnity for Eoonomiqal Buying Gut nobody can dad to mill. |NEw FALLSTOCKI "'-'r"'s",'a"" "'"fw"s w 9.... led nay . . . Iocioty u oxpocsicon to un' Ellico conrms Darwin : thooty u to tho foun- tion of oonl blond. He Fail With Yumself IIIHUK UV`? ID EDI I'CElVUl'Io In in roportovlthutLondon.Eng.,wu got- ting Inuy ol tho prolonged viii of the king of Siam. H0 in and to ho much dinppointod bocuuu the queen Inn not crusted him I knight ol the print. Not lining a Ghrintlnn manu-ah In` cannot. hkn The receiver: of the Muuohnlotu life uuurnnoo company. defunct. hut boon in Cundn trying to nah unugononn with the Canadian nnthotieion b which death claim: an be psid and all undo our and above the am unt neoonnry to pay than handed over the roooivorn. In a- .......A..In..Al_.....l.... I-.. _.- ....s cruuu mm 3 uugns or an 'II'lG . not boing I Obricthn monuch ho` cannot Ooh uncouth of tho ordor. `FL- H-4|-1 `Y H E -..__._I.l..I 0" III WIIU IIBC Ilia Mr. Powell will bring oevenl argument; to beer on the government for we unp- porc. nomely, the opening up of I oountry rich in Ininerela. by which the overnment will 'be fully re- nnn : than ulvnnmun nl rununninn All The beautiful show room was well worth coming miles to see, to say nothing of the many tasteful exclusive mil- linery styles, and all priced to please the economical purse. New arrivals at the department yesterday. More to-day. Ell. UVUITIIIIIHU Wlll Ill llllly KU- courodug the advantage of in; An exc uulvoly Cumdisn ovorlnn route to the gold elds. ' Mr. Pnu-all nnnn (mm ham tn Tm-nnI.n. goln nuluu. Mr. Powell you {mm hero to Toronto. Ind then back to Ottawa to bus further negntintiono with the govornmont. And in the connect an: week: will prooood to England. . neuweeluvlw qnn~.a;uuu nude. -. Mr. Powell eeye the new reed will open up 700 Iquere miles of country well adapt- ed taoagriultune. eupooiall the growing of when and barley. The and in the One- einr plain in good. end there in plenty of it. The epring in thet pert. in much earlier than along the coat. the moisture and the heavy snow fella which pro- veil there not being met with further inland. Down from the Behrin sea, by way of the Yukon river, comet e warm "Japan" winds. and these melt the snow long before the elopee of theadjaoent cont land have ehaken themeelvee free from the whim mantle of the winter. A peculiar feature of these winda. Mr. Powell eeye. in that in the Autumn thaw Run the mnun. lolnuru ux uuzlu wluun, mt. rpwuu llyu. II that in the autumn they ho the moun- tain top: vnnn for some double time after the cold has called in bho vnlloyu. Thu onmmnv Ihioh Mr. Pnrall ram-n. .1107 BIIU UUIU I11 CIT In 9|]. VIlII I- The company which Mr. Powell repro- unta will build I Iloigh roul st once. And it. will be ready in bhroo Innnthn. It. will be I toll road, oortoin charges to be made on all who use it. ll. DA--I| -:II L-{.... ...-._.l --........-..t- inoues. Mr. Powell says the rouu will be opened up at once. The van of the. expeditionary force being now got into readiness to start on the first of November, when a winter trail will be out out and stations establish- ed for the storing of provisions and other supplies preparatory to the making of a summer Waggon road in the early spring. At one point, _along the Deaas river. some little difficulty may be experienced in keeping the waggon road in good condi- tion, on account of glaciers. and there it is proposed to build a standard gauged rail- way for a distance of some 160 miles. From Edmonton the route will be to Fort Aesiniboia. a distance of sixty miles. At Fort Assiniboia the Athabaslm river will be crossed. and the trail will then pro- ceed to Fort St. John on the Peace river. At Fort St. John the river will be crossed and one of the branches 0! the Peace. know as the Half-way river, will be skirted to its source. `.220 miles u . Lake Taehudy. in the Cassiar plains, wil then be reached, which is the source of both the Peace and Laird rivers. VFL- .......:.-n. In - I...-4: sung. auwanl aannwa IJIITU IlVUl'I- The region in a large open grnae coun- try. and across this she road will gobo what. ie known as the Black river, and down along the Black river to non hhe conuence of `the latter with the Laird. The road will then pass over to the Deere river. and down the Deaeeto its junction with the St. Frenoie. The coun- try here is an open plateau. Proceeding up from the junction of `the Deane and the St. Francis. the bank: of the labter will hefollowed for a distance of 140 milee. Polly lake. at the heed of the Polly river. will then he reached. which in quite e large body of water, being between eixty. end ninety milee long. Frn the hood. I Pelly lake the route will deloend the Polly river, or. an it. in reality le.l.he Yukon river to the Klondyke on Fort Cuhady. 400 milee Ix-om Pellylnke. l`he will thus he Lgn llm Ana. LEO nu:- i.7oI.I'1`.1i".'.'uI 'i*J&E.E.'n'J.". batman -.400 And.I;B00 uilu. - Hr pn-All nun thn nnw um: A Vleloor In Suntan run About the - our-Ind Bone. J. B. Powell, 0.13., of Neleon. B.C.. manager and chief engineer of the Great Commonweelth development and mining company. we: in the city today on 3 short visit. He bud en interview with the Hon. A. 0. Blair, minilber of railways and cumin. so Montreal yeetordey with reference to en ell-Cenedien overland route to the Klon- A-.|-- I-A-n 'D;I-unn-`ban `In Drug." nnnltn. CIIIEIOII DI DIIB Ofpfllu The route which the proposed overland treil will follow has been decided upon and Mr. Powell says that it will be through a trect oi country which eeems to have been purposely fashioned by nature as a means of communication with the far northland. At no point which the route will strike is the elevation over sea level mqre than 2,300 feet, while the snow-fell throuphout the whole tract at its msximum never exceeds two feet six inches. and the average for the a greater part of the `distance is only ten inches. , ll- `D--.-II .-.-. LL- -n.uLf-II L4 nnnngrl I|l*UIl|IUlIl19VIl'lIIIlll'0uFO I0 UIIU ILIUIP dyko from Edmonton. Mr. Powell repro- unu 3 munbon at wql|~knoIm-Engliah. Amoricnn and Cnmdinn cnpitdiots. and has oomo out to oonnult the dominion government as to federal aid for the prone- cution of the entarprite. 'l`hn I-nun: whinh the nmnnnnd mm:-hnd Papal} Stylus. Lute Novohhn. fllll A ROAD TO KLONDYKE. |&_*?J01|1`$?0!* & no. -'Fi."."{.TJ.'J"'.EI"..In.`.i.a"n.."'...' Li "m' " ouunnuu uuonringchovoodqbn V0 not nooudod ineuohlng his yd. lo nubou nvofooodx. lndnduk nul- Iuho. won 3 light 31-oyoou Id In! nnnn. . |AB0v WATERMAN S IDEAL WILL CUT} CU. $TTII Ihl%lT. wuwn Iron: nu", many nluullg III lqu in removing the rinp. Suing I villdo comlnnlnnmnnd mA. llhnnu-A .-nnv nu nnnonng mu nngu. cum; I Vinny comlnghouoapodtot. Bbopud`uwoIIh.v Thu nnouln nl Lhn nun-nnndlnn nmnnhn non A llglwqnnun `rook llor llun Iron Ict_ rlnpu nut Wndnlllo. .- WAnnavn.:.n. Ont... Oct. 5.-MjIi dd Bhin. daughter of Hon Bldmll ' . _' the noond concoction ol on. no to Wnrdnvillo high school Iotnkykll ing, and who shout I Illii cl thovillago. on thognvol V .0 trump jun from the fuel cult nd viobn ytooh two Ho and much from her. nearly lag removing tho rinks. Quaint A .11: I .ploymon$. Oommluton or ulory. n`.1.P- MIL! I31! IV Y, ID- olllg.looul or tnvolllnl: to nhod Inow dl-oovu-1. and horn our nhow tucked up on true, {anon ad throughout town and country 1 0:- $ POI indolnth 5:4! fpznuul 51% our IIOII In VIIJIOI . OIDI Addrou `PHI Wouo lumen. lnlcnlo London. Ont, Canada. C- . ' W4 ANVASSEBS. QUIIN VIU1OBIAv ' M10 and Edna" In captured the 5.mpIro.. Ext:-no:dn'uy tut-l:no|hla Ion anon mon- son or no . of Lotus up, "The t no"!-'34:. of Queen Ihuvu soon." or +81 all! C klndlutu of app!-olulon. 80 Ii, by their undo : alvu onnnninuo uthlut on. vuun mnllnc 0155.0 to 40.00 woo is pot-cu {no to I mo. 1 !!! BIADLIY Alllb aux Co .Llml . Torqnlo. ' A GENERAL SERVANT. IU8l' II A GOOD cook. A pl to In. P. stunt. in King Strut ii. nun evening. Ir xuu HAVE UHABAUTIB. PAIR ID00- nttnu. cood uppounnco on: convene {no- ly. on-'9 lnduntrloumbut not null?` Chg money You desire, write to ma. IV!!! 1 roll Iaov lmva holpod morn of men. and some w an ifmpcylnj oumonu and happy llvu. . I.` 30011. utford. 1)lNTI[(`! BOOK GIRL l'Q QUIIWI H0- _1jjj PARCEL BOY WANIID AT JOHN LAID- npv hors. po 95!: - Ul 1!-aux vvouu, n.I.u.. I300 bunny-uII'OI yours and four d: a. ' Funeral will take {I00 from hot Into noi- denco. 124 Wall ngton street, on Thun- day, at 2:80 p.m. Friondl VIII, plan accept this notice. 1 tum. at u Ilunio with vhllo The gm holdlnt umrnul not rooumlni . nlnkluvo nu will In prouolbd. `lav av" r nu-In Hg, Rp- x Children's and Misiiati Jackets and Ulsters. We show a nice range of these . goods at moderate prices,~"and would like you to inspect umoif you are at all interested. I STEAOY& STEAGY. U35: EEK!` Tn Lnmlo Uxnnnxn-I shoot. 'l`ol0vhono1du. Opllll TIEIVZI EZQJJIQ IIADIIIG UIDIIIAIII AID Innate!-II Prlnoou IMIO0. Ool-not Bydonhun stunt. lo phone communication. `h:-1-j '1' F. HARRISON coxiamusiy _. - . _--__.-._.-v-v `uv---- ---v - Umlortnhn and llnnbalmon. us and no- Prnnuus Htreet. 'Phnnu:- Wuoroomn. U. Ranhlouoo. In. Open day und night. . `.` a_..... ...- h ldl ll 0 0 53. Jnvnn bOnl?Iolln'. :34 Ous-ran u gggrnnnln A Ea V_ "nnrI1A'- .995 V ,` i- . ~ 3-mmpgvrlnlil-u :73 w :3. W 0. $3. $4 After 9)], much of n, buiiness de- pends on the buying. That ac- counts for 9. great deal of the prominence we have gained. `Go- ing direct to the manufacturer, buying in large quantities and taking advantage of every club discount reduce our cost tog mini- mum and enable us to male `h3me ' of the low prices. "L 7 Woou--At. her homo in Kiffiion. 000 Mb. Helen Gertrude Urquhart. bolovod nih- of [am Wood. M.D._ and t.hln.w.|.In~nn 'Ho*\/T .We Buy. *? IF YOU HAVE OHABAOTIB. PAIR ID00- sunu. aoonnnco Mn nonvnnn mg. ELP- ABLI HEN Y`,ID- oull .1005] Onvollln : (-304! now discovery. turn show u WEATHER PROBABIQTIEI J. St. Iawnnoo ( )-'-hill! IouthorIynnduouth-`:np:'orl winds; gononlly fnir Ind warm I NI loot! L showers. chlev at nlnhh. union uururuuu urquul, nuovou VIII- of Iona Wood. M.D.. aged thirty-UIIIOI vars nnd four dun. . puma umonu mworr, I3, SCHOOL GIRL ROBBED. {I Cannot` do a man`: work neither can 1 cheap Fountain Pip Importers Silk: and Dunn Goods. %ou-nuun un%wan.uo-an J KOIIITIII, IIll' IIIII WITIII WI showers, chiey at night. 4 P. M. `EDITION; -nnmu muum. -n-nu; run Ann Eu- WANTED. us. um. Yhlnnllv-A III... LOST. nuvuch mdli nuns. his was dtnctiugun Liulo Iinbht. his chair wu P NICO A II. 0! handrail, Inning. broke Ir. Buriuiub tho sully. nun Inmnnainnn Illjo Ella. III in- IZF'$E$ ll . BIITDIIIDCIIUII-. Home unconscious hnouo lino. Iutit aioohlitvul hl.unIIdIodnu-iouim Damn Wu In IHIOIIIS pouumnn IOIIII unrsy gun and roproountod North Middle-ex II the nude logiolnturo during two pu- liamuu, being lint olochd in I867 und upinfin I871. Ifio vs: run of h.1o3|illi- \n our rl, mm 1803 to 1868. in~ olnnyivo. F: orgufud the Mcuilliu-ny rioultunl soc-Qty. In 1860 and hold tho nice 01 pruidonlr for uiuoon you-I. Bo mind A largo family who an grown up and woll-Iodo. In politlul lilo he in lunilu-ly known II "Silent which nick uqo syn [inn hm: during the reign 0! the Smdold Msodonhld govommonk TIII TCIZVI QC -rivj Bunvu, N.Y.. Oct. 5.-A rpooialto tho Buhvin Nun up that Hesly SOllOl'iI- h o lunhouo in omhtool. lourteoo miles from Bolivia. in dueoyod 5 En Monday morning. Bio dnghlor Inn, Iona yuan oil. in band to dash; Mary. hon quuold. was so badly burned tlmohounldiog Enumlthon unsold. jumped from tho pppur vi 1 And cnupod without injury. Bu huh: vu nriouly bound wlnlo trying to nvoclan. wholulhorlih. Thooginol thoroil salmon Lox nos:-;)o-C: 8.-Aa accident occurred Iondqyutblnynu-Ion @310! J. I.Bnnb.lh0uIIornd V 0:; -Lllnha-n-all-nnnnnnnhnn lb! | house; An Ardont Polltlolnn `l'hlI-ty Ian Ago -Iu Wall Known. Lonoou, Ont, Ooh. 6.-Jnmu 8. Smith diod yutordny morning oh his tum in the township ol MoGil|i\'roy. He had raided in than township for forty-one your: sad wn known for and wide on on of tho moot motive nook minors in tho wutarn penin- Iuh And I farmer of odvoncod yum. Mr. Smith VII on union: politician uomo thirty Innrn Ann and mnrnnanhnd North Middlll rlswo LARGE FRONT BOOKS rumunuw. hound with hot water. with or without boa d - Home in: all modem` oonvonionoon. an ion sum. iuntibovo ling Shoal). In III. II. U. TIOII Olmhun Shoots. BOARDERS OAN BE ACOOIIIODATEL with rooms. or rooms without. bonrd if roforrcd,|t.3&)Brook Street. Electric light. I! ovary room. Use of solo bone and ovary modern oonvonionoo. Toiop onoua. F5 lIjI`V-uj :---- Adnpud by Hurry St. lhur, introducing the brll|lIn$ oomodlonno. MARGARET MA Y. A--l.A-:I I... - gglnnt anunnnnv nf nhnvnba 9-I HE iuhE.UASMEu 1" itbontb loinlo Pl0dm`).I|'.mL% r'l`)inR in hunt, Inn! V `(mom in Action. hie-lac. Goo, `Ibo. The Point is ' Just Hen}. O The Bully I [look lot WM; louder! `lo I `rlnnulvol M. - ` Auombu Wma mu ho-ni ho. Opening conoorh at- Y.M.O. . to-ni ht. Married men : uooinl at Brook In-ooh :- n....u.a. ..|.......|. on.niahn_ Admiuinm 15. (`GOD ROOMS TO RENT WITH ROAHD. I all modern conveniences. Apply to In. J Ilucxus-ran, 1:9 mm Street. BOARDEBS CAN BE AOOOIIIODATID with both ululo and doublo roonmwm: modern conveniences. :0 288 Queen Strut. Bnpponnnoo of London`: Greatest Comedy. - 2--IAAJIEN AQIIRTN III.'LL\\I`1L\IJ .5 LILKL J. . Amdntod by 3 select. eompnny of play r . Prlou-Mo. I50. boo. 3 Supportovl by Ir. John A. Luna` and Oompnny 0! Plants ll Alcxnudor Damn hmom Comedy Drums. INDIBS WILL BE REGIIIVBD AT Tms`. oilloo o! the undoninod (whom plans and s Mouton: may M` noon`. up to 5o'oloa pm. on THURSDAY. 7th mu. tor tho uvonl tndu worhu aired in the neo- tion And oolnolnlon 0! n nidonoo on who count of Ptincon Shoot. sud Univonny Avenue tor Dr. H. B. Dull. Lnwnnt. or ADV umlu not nooouu-ll! lo- 110' 0099.00- uamoa Iooul In pruou urn mu- chodint church to-night. Aduiiuion. 150. N0. 808 QUEEN SPIRIT. NEAR Y.I O.A. Bnlldmc. Inlcnblo for bonding bomb. Ilovon rooms. ood oollnr; noonuly oonontod nndnowly dr nod B0110 modonto. Apply to HILL: 8:. Ounuumnnt. Last Week's Mllllnery Exhibit % TWO LARGE OOIIKODIOUS NEW BRICK Bonus, near the corner of Alfred and Prlnonu sh-non. oontninlnn 10 rooms. hot W0 LARGE OOIKODIOUS NEW BRICK near Pnoou sumo-. containing rooms. tutor furnnee, and all modorn unprovo- motmrl Mod. For furthorpnrvloulnnupols tn llml. . O. Tuonzn-ox. Oornor Prinoou an Ohnthun FRIDA\7L_6"ifdi3IiR 8th.| .._______..____.__....._..______.__ FRONT BOOKS IUENIIHED. w sh board |ll_modo3x_:` oogun_1onoos. RICK ROUBEJUI DIVHION STREET. AT pnunt oocuplod b Prof. Dny. lodorn Oonvonhnoou. Hotws rlfumuco. Pomon- Ignwlutcsoutombu-. Apply nut door tolt. 0 II. II: I`! YUIVII`fII\II\lo INDIBS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE nnd snoolontlonn may bl won). an `M Ahnulyi oEAfH or JAMES s smm. `\00D TO BENT WITH BOARD. 1 all modarn aonvanhncu. Anni! See th new style Mantle: plaE- ed in stock this week. Paul Cazesneuve. ____ -_4_.| 1.1:. 1.1.. I I--.-......a n.......-..n H I Iznjjl * ONE NIGHT ONLY. rnunsmv, 0c'[oBBR ma.` `HI STONE RESIDENCE. uo QUEEN Strut non Olnrcyt-ltrut. ntodiny hot Mu-. All modorn oonvonlonoou. extension III etc. Apply to Capt. Thomas I`. Tu- ma the premium. T0 CONTRACTORS. Ilh IIILI. DE IERFYVED A1` 'I` `_ The Young Romantic Actor. LOOf{ MEMORAN DI. Au Antoni Aeolian. ._ 1\,. - L _-_2.|_._A Olrl IIIIQII 150 Death. . \Y \? l'\.A I A ONE NIGHT ONLY. TO LET. Iu/'mr&co"| BOARD. UUTIII III: EU VII Clllrfw `nu didgnnd Allnou boyond Mon; A Goran woman. I little it down tho ring: In Alan maid in Lnon huh I... III. 5...; rive. innlao nid to Mn lost but lib, but nodouilolnvobunnainduyot. Iohllloatlbrodlyllnu` 4 Ixcxulon, Ilium, Ocl. 5".-'l`ho hohl Iahyothntinootonln dulro b In vnlndnv II nyfdui Wnnllotrrn. Hum. Oct. 5.-An old mm nun: 53:3,`: banal` nnditnp Va :1 yuurdny inn nul- ipn.g' petition, with ma boo buried in the burning Inning. He was clnrnd and dinnrl Alumni Invnnd mnopnitlnnj IIIK. IIIIIIII nnu II'llI'o It wan to led at Morris thah a Man- noniu lanai y. conaiating of huaband, vita and child, living in the western village on northarn bank ol Ilorria rivanwara butnad to death on Saturday. You cm got more ntilflctiomout of I ton of our oool- boaun ott good quolitioa-th|n you oon got out of my other kind. A good oloon ood in what you want. and at in what we om givo you ; 3 cool at will burn right through to oahos. and got have my olinkon. IUHU (:0 CH6 01335 X0l' oruu. ' The expedition discovered a now lake and two active volcanoes and crossed from the gulf of Aden no the Zanzibar count. by much the same route as that previously followed by Dr. Donaldson Smith, of Phila- dolphin. ---1;-vu no; -11 --.IU. Qunnc. Oct. 5.--Word comes from Montmorency Fell: to the effect that e child which wee playing on the eidewelk there was attacked and eeverely wounded by e lerge eegle. It has been seen for eome time put Around the neighborhood. soaring up high in the heevene. On Sundey the bird perched at the foot of e cli'. when one of the inhebitentl ring hed the eetlefection of seeing the creature feIl'over deed. The bird menar- ed no leee than seven feet from tip to tip. Tho Awful Puma I'll-co. ' Wmxur-|a.hlnn..Ooe.6.-Willinm Alum, I farmer of Lalo Francin, in: driving 3 load 01 lumber when I nirio tin overtook him. The nagon and one won burned. und Allan Ina urribly burned About: the "Icon. hands and nuns. IO. -nn nnnnl-Oar` AI. Ilnrpin Ohn . An, The cavendlsh sporting lxpedltlon came out Without _Dnna3e-Aruond 3 Late Not llltlserto lIplored~-DIscovery of I New tale and Two Active VolounoIl- Pnrtlee Not lnrdered. Lennon. Oct. 5.--A letter was received here to-day irom Kikuyu. British East Africa. which disposes of the story received at Rome `from Beladir, saying that the Cavendish sporting expedition which left Berbera. East Africa, last year. arrived at Lugh.8omaliland. about the middle of, November. proceedin thence towards Lake Rudolph. had geeu attacked bys. band of Ascaras. who murdered all the members of the expedition. consisting of two Englishmen and ninety Asca- ras. The later news says that Cavendish. who is a nephew of the duke of Devonshire. and Lieut. Andrew. his com- panion. arrived at Kikuyu on August 5th after a trip around Lake Rudolph, which up tothnt time had not been explored. Cavendish and Andrew had u trying time. Their headmun incited the Ascarae -to mutiny and the two Englishmen were iorced to yield to their demands. But near Kikuyu Cavendish and Andrew seized the two ring leaders. who have since been sent to the coast for trial. - VF]..- ..-.....I:H4-.n plignnnnogpl . nan. lab; Armonlan Botngees Wlll Be ordalnsd As I eats. Losnox, Oct. 5.-The correspondent of the Times at St. Petersburg says: The Armenian Catholic di nitsrios have assen- ted to the request 0 the Armenian re- fugees in the United States that tho Anglican bishop of Washington should or- dain some. of their number as priests. The Russian government is con- fronted with a delicate political ques- tion by a petition forwarded through the Russian =bishop of San Francisco by the thousands of (lalician emigrants in the United States and Brazil for admission to the Russian church and Russian national- it]. Their leanings towards the Russian church led them to leave Galicia and seek, refuge in Am rica from Austrian prosecu- tion and alien d the vsrmneot grant the petition it is turd Austrh will pro- nan. A run: up}: Wound. Lonnox, Oct. 5. --The Times in a special article this morning says: "The Wolcott oommission intends to request the govern- ment to give s nal end immediste reply to its monetsry propossls. After giving 1 review of the history of the queetiqn the writer of the Article concludes: "The core of the whole subject ie the question whether hi-Inetsllism is wise or foolish. The United States snd Frenoe sey es. On behalf of Great Britsin it is decide; to -.n .u. Dub :0 u... L` -...-.-....l .... L-I._It UH UUUIIX UK LITUIII DI'II'aIlll II. II UXIUQCI W) any no. Rubi! you be unawerod on bohnlf of India. In alnll be in I non of contradic- tory proposition: indeed. for the keys of the Indian mints no in Downing street no loan that the keys of the London mint. THEY Pu`r_RINoLA'oERs BEHIND --TH-E sans. IINIZIIEIJ nu: nscmms.1 Werc` Forced to Yield to Thclr Demands: ` ` `BRIMMED HATS. $2.50, ~ -and O5. |EucLIsnmAu s mm AcI.| Ibo Atontnl PI-hon. 'l'onon1o.0c0.5,-`l`lnnuI|lIIOutnl I-iQn&&dInunn-um--nu Iknnnnn-ul ASSENTEB TO THE REQUEST. EJ311503` 6)-*lillI'.I K\l`l'K nnudnynfeu-noun thousand Lin IQ:-_ ll. &nnan'iI..n|nn-vi`: In Athokod By An lnglo. 1` I'\-A I II7-_.I _-_ Anroodfulnu -____ II,_ I\ . KI1*TGS _1`0N.`_ ONTARIO. 'TU18DAY. 00103131: 5. 1397. FELT SAILORS AND WALK- ING HATS 75c, $1 and up.