lorglog Bel-rlater lenteneed -- Labour Found Dead In Bod. Tononro. Och. 6 -Sir Wilfrid Laurier received a special cablegram this morning from London. announcing that Peterson, the contractor for the fast. Atlantic line of amamnrn, had Innn oh- .-..mi....I .I.......:. Andrew |.atour'e Brother Dlaappeared Eighteen Yeare Ago. l)ic'ruoI1'. Mich., Oct. (i.-A deepatoh from Laurange. Indiana. eaye: Andrew Latour, a wealthy contractor oi Montreal. hu juet been reunited with hie brother alter a reparation of eighteen years. In I870 hin brother'e wile died, which no ulleoted hie reaaon that a large amount of real estate wae loet. and he dieappeared. all traoe being loet. Latour spent a fortune in udvertieing and other methode in the ho that he might be found, but al elforte proved in vain. It`ie not known whether the brother went to Ottawa. but about twelve monthe ago heetarted to work on a farm east of here. Hie actions were etrange. and being a French~Canadian. hie language was not readily underetood. `All eorte to End out who he wae were futile until laet week when his father'e name and eddreee were lound. At the meeting between the brothere hie reaeon seemed to return and both wept like children. IUIII I) ON. A number went from hero Inc Saturday to attend the Roblin Mills {air And all ro- rh an oxcollonu time. The streets nro ing vorv much improved this your 00- monh wslh being laid on the muin Itroetl. Rev. Mr. Fnrnuworth preached in the First Methodist. church Sunday morning and do- lightod the congregnion. VIUIIIIII u G. Morden. one of our hi h nchool faculty. who had oneo! the atrial bonea near hie ankle broken while `aylng foot- ball one day Iaet week. ie rap dly recover- ing. W. S. Hodgine. superintendent of Ontario mutual auuranoe company. Waterloo. Ont., in epending eome time in town in the intereata of hie company. We underetand he he appointed Gerald McKenzie agent for this county. Our fall fair brought numbers from the adjoining oountiee. aleo Cape Vincent and Watertown. There were nine hundred brought from the north by the C.O. rail- way by epecial train. The deepeet sorrow is felt for Mrs. Adelbert Wyoott and Mien Wyoott. Mr. Wyoott bein so well known all over the county, the low is keenly felt by all. A nnmhnr Ivan}. fnnm ham Ian. Q-nu-A. Iundey nun Delivering Prohlblted-Oe- melt Welke, Ilelnt held. P101-ox. Ont., 5.-Wellington Boulter. mayor of Pioton. hes juet returned {ton on extended trip to Menitobe end Britleh Columbluurhere he hue been in the Inter- est: of hie canning feotory. He has been ver I-uoceeefnl-in lnoiug large orders. Ho t Gilbert. tn. Smenlon M and Don Llgbtbell left to-dey for Toronto to attend Vietorle uuiveroit-y. Our mllhmen have been warned not to deliver milk on the Sabbath ee 1 b -luv to thie effect has been posted sun which went into elieot on Oct. let. therefore the man who wirhel to sleep undleturbed on Snbbethjnorninz, may now do I0. R. B. Maltinlelt for Toronto on Mondey to beehoemnfew duye. R. H. Hubbs left for St. le on.'l`huredny, having. we un- deretan ,eome mining interest: in that noinit I` 7 II-_A_.. __- -1 -.._. I.1_.L -_I_--I I on [III Inca IIDIII nnrcr inlll Uninqy. I I unnll villngo Owolvo or thin-tun milou south of then. which we. understand in dam-oyod. No clues for agooial alarm hora or in shin immodlato noig box hood that wo know of, at nmo time All pnommionnry manure: no bpipg ulna. -. lull Inluvyw II III` II IIIOIB. Rocxunn. Ooh, Ooh. 0.-Beginning four miles loath of horyand cxundln routh-ens and wont. mom or loan. bun than have pnnilod for put two or three dc 0, but no serious dnmogo that we know of u boon done mare: shun Ohonoy. I . Imnll villnnn hwnlvn nr hirthn miln mouth ooimx -mi 2.5 in: pun. V No um- inn Guarani M In all known. ; .-..-.:::.:::,'.".'.::'.'=:,..'.".""`...... Rm-.xl.nm_ on n... n ._.l BROTHERS WERE RE-UNITED. u---as :- w-`- - `thunk no Hugo: won t n hunting. A ':`.1r?.`L"..".`.2l":.."...?i"u".l .".a.-'`. .`.`1':`. tot J33... mind that. the it) man be 3 ~ REQUIRED DEPOSIT MADE. ""FIIo xhighl NEWS FROM PIDTON. -uuvvu -I n-vwrlry. The non run on` as Invuuy yuhnday Iron -plondid ovens: and uunchd u largo nthudnnoo. Thno clan! were lined. tor vhick good pcinn won given. In tho Inc-for-All the winners won: Bitten. and by I`. Wohour. Kingston; Punk. J. Bunniguu, Kinguuo; gob ol Ridun. tol 11:: .cuuIoI bcoquluo I. an Wnolou lo 6 man man [000 [Ill-thoroughly nllnb 0. and worth can can mid for 1:. Thin umnnhc nutm- E I l Ir. Ilol To Young Ion. "A more fault with a goodly number of young men is a disposition to quarrel with their surroundings, whereas the real fault is not there,` writes Edward W. Bolt in "Problems of Youn? Men." in the October Ladies` Home .ournal. "Young men do not seem clearly to realise that where they are they were intended to he, and for some mighty noovl purpose, too. The plsve where a young man finds himself is exactly when his (`restor meant that heshnuld he. Therefore, he is capable of filling it. God makes no mistakes. But it is meant that we should grow of our own efforts. get strong thr_ou h the mn- quering of difficulties. W on s youn man starts out to live a useful life an starts out with a right determination. an Adherence to honorable principles and a faith in God. no power on earth t-an retard him long, seriously interru t his rareer or effective )' stop him. ife is bound to win. ()ur fsilurea are al- ways due to ourselves. never to other people nor to our environments." not-usr In ubucr lwlw. lirlllll union. (`hiof architect Wettherbo. of the do- pumnont of Inilitiu and defence. Otuwn. nrrivod in the city yoototdn to look over work done in connoction vi Fora Henry. Ho wu utiood with the program bdng undo. UIIIII BUIIIIIIIIOU. Mon : blue boavor ovomoato. uinglo or doublo bnutod. at 86. You pay 87 for no better in other wane. Grand Union. (Wain! an-nkilannt \IIg`|L--I._ -8 AL- J- l\. u. r. runway. no ulm ll GOIIO [0 gm my. and the only long: that ol the us consumed. u...-. u... L....... -..-..--._ ..-_.n. ._ U IUW (I DO. t. ni he's rain pnoticnll oxtinguiahod the bush no ngin along t. o lmo of the K. & P. niiwny. o dam is done to nrononv. and tho onlv Inn in that nf an I11. New India utntionory. in cram. helio- cro and blue shades; invitation cards, vi: ting card: nnd wedding ntntionory. R. Uglow 00. ..s _:..LA|- ..x_ _...-.:--n_ -_A!_..._:_L __| lW:>'Ix.h Gonmn Lloyd: Itounor Knioor Wilholm dor OIOIIO bu nilod from New York to Plymouth in live dnyu. {man hours, thirhon minutes, hosting tho ro- cord. ' on! W um omco, D1 Inquiring 0! box 2. Wolocd and "otheu" follow in boys clothing. Como in und look us our nook. Price! to roach your bookot-book. Gnnd Union. \`l...4|. n-..._... n__.n- -.-___-_ 21-.---_ 5`F?9BT:_ up rvunuullcu on uyuunnlln IWBOII uounn. An art: scholarship, for full count at Quoonfo college, can be pnrohuod through the Wnm oico. by inquiring of box 2. Wnlnnd Anrl "n.hnrn fnllnnr in In-um Iuuanunlu Ill an. uoorgtl ounouru. You cnnnoh equal the line of underwear we all no 750. per unit. worth 81 in other about. Grand Union. I'M.- t.....n....t n_..s n|.__;..__.n ___:_.-_u Iwnu. urnnu union. ` The fumily of Cnpb. Chnrtnnd Arrived in the city from Montreal. They will take up ruidonco on Sydonhnm Itmoo couch. All lltl nnhnln-shin. fn! full nnnl-an ah UI l\IlIKUlKJlIII"'n We are u|ling:mon u blue buvor over- conu. single or double breasted. to 89.60, worth 812. Gnnd Union. Ah MAI` nnnt Inn-. n'nI.u.L u.--A4...I-_ D U wunn 91;. urnnu union. At half put four o'clock yutordny R. I`. Harvey nnd Linus. March we I private muaicdo in St. George`: on odral. You cnnnnt. ennnl thn Iinn nf nmlnrnnnr The lnvei-ery fair in program ho-dey. There was at large attendance on the pert of Kingetoninnu. uuu, only 40. l W: Am u||inn'mn.\ - |\InA 5...... A194: I owner IIICLIIOC. The demand for Hughet Boston homo- mudo broad in inorouing daily. Try A 2 lb. loaf, only 70. TM: `nun;-nun `.n:n nag . in -..4......4.. A-,.I-.. `V rlxlllu V The Iillk of puiuling the K. & P. froighh shed in About nished. The place now looks presentable. Qnnninl vnlnn this Iron]: in man`: ...:L. .r. Ul'lllll U IND- Moro Klondike gold dust taken out of the carpet: cleaned by Mun-my than any other method. TL- .l-....-...a 4'-.. u.._L-_v n--..._ L-_._- IIIJU ILIDIIUIIO III 509 spring. Mrs. M. Haney. Watortown. N.Y., was A visitor in the city today. Firlh olna hnnrd and Indaina at. mndn. wan. ` WUQ ` raw prices. ZUU Quoen aurooc. Extn heavy all wool pnnu for men to $1.25. worth 82. Grand Union. Mr uni M... I In n....n.. n-_u. _... pruulmanlr. Special vuluo this week in men`: suit: At; 87.50. regular price: were $10. Soc chum. Grand Union. ll... I(I.....I:l.- _-I.I J..-` ;.|____ ._.A ,1 u vlulwr Ill Inc cltay Lonny. Firth clue board and lodging to mode- raho prices. 290 Queen street. Elm-A hanvv All -mnl runn Cm. nu... .0. QLZU. wurcn oz. uranu union. Mr. and Mn. J. T. vlin. Porch, are the guest: of nldermnn A d Mn. 0. W. Wright. ' Tha Imnlr nf nninlinrr Mm K L D In-night. Tho Very Iatut Nun crowded Into Tho Innuolt ot Ipnoo. - Boys rulers, 8|, 01.50, 82, up to 86. Grand Union. E. Dooley, Enrl may. has gone to New York to visit friends. G. Oomper. Johnston utroob. in at Walt- blook visiuing rolntivea. Honry Po|lm..bnker.uva he will luv: Im- IIIUUI VIBIMII I'UIIlVOC- Henry Po||m..b|ker.nyo he will luvs for the Klondike in the spring. Mn. M. Haunt. Wntnrtnum N V -ma GENERAL PARAGRKAPHS. `NEG ! II While rn I..l l\.4 n I A luau AI lnnnry. mg n...` - -A l_..___.._ An excellent Food, adnnbly _ to the want; of Infants and mm: Persons, and being `u-Mr In Phosphates and Potash Is #1110 greatest utility In supply- ing the bone-forming and other lndlaponuablo elements of food. |AI WAl.SH S cam cum SALE. J2./Sc. Walsh s.2a lmcmvnv & BIRGH .:.~::*.:-.2-ma-.~.-n-.-.~.| Next Door to Standu-d Bani. Display of MIL_LINERY and MANTLES the Indie: are all of the same opinion-never new a better. Their Millinery is bbeautitul. Mantle: in material, {it and finish excellent. Styles the very latest. Prices the most reasonable. Do not purchase before seeing their stock at IN REGARD TO _33W[XIlESLAw & son. 25. 1Vea&e. 5` feed L_eaqing Mllllnery Store. o- HAPPY THOUOHi: RANGE. All the Latest Novelties now ready. BRAID TRIMMINGS and TUBULAR BRAIDS. DRESS MATERIALS SPENCE & CO S We offer this week the nut dhanco `f at our 40c. 50c and 60c "DRE 8 - GOODS at 250 the yard. Don't miss this opportunity. in .a great variety of materials, suit- able for Early Autumn, and the heavier weights for Winter. 25C. 336. 39c and up to $1 vard. THE LAST CHANCE. TAYl0R S. e1.n"IF."'?3-Iy"&`ns2'TE'g'Ii.'L'f users. . % IIrII I I I [l\l\J\.ll'I In II II I!!! only Range that ha retained its name and stood the teat for the past 14 years. Don't buy an experiment. Don't buy an imitation. Don't buy a "just as good." Buy n"HAPPY THOUGHT" and remember that an a guarantee nf Oh: .:....I. nun man. In... g...` -nu uwlucluuvl lull II I KIIIIIIIIIBU at the single one you buy. over ve hundred in und about King- ston are to-dnv delinhtimr than Don't be persuaded that {Ion can buy an thing ual to_ l_` E HAPPYT OUGH . [tinjtgg --I.. I)-_..- AI.-. I... __ 69 & 7| Brock Strut. KINGSTON. * 148 PRINCESS STREET ` Acoon JACKET ro:`s3.5o, 04:80. 05. 89 so- 25. uni-nu nonucu unxnu. 1:54! 4.1.. l\-A. '-_n|-__ n_--n_. I511". FINISH GINIRAL IIII GEORGE STUART WHITE. nrved won! of MI Elmo no major inn Scotch regiment. having been attached lot many you: to the famous Ninety-com mumn nexus! taunt;-cu rillivvi - liflu you` Q... 006- ` -ll Incl , 3'... turIoI.qnh\ )uo\::a'o:u: p.. .`. 6 P5000! {tl to u r -uo so .05: aa- nlmo no;x-unu anon i_ _ *_ u;I-I||\O.Nu Dial: ads` OOIIMIRCIAL; poplin. noon auxin. "lunar: iii lamina J`- ` r T mllnnteed but at the prices yoi: purchase. [9 Q'_lIt ne uocli of "'s'.lL`}I..L"L{."c%L'......... M n. imcHm.L, 88 and 87 Prlncou stunt. 3------------------ AND MATERIALS -fUI'IlI' rllijiipll. Torontoworld: At nouns`: are thofnvotmn in tho hot n for no chun- piogohlp. and Vanity Ear tho Toronto III IQ- `rh Hamilton polio: oonniuinu-I but dud Ihonquutoltho rugby club to allowoonnbluluuad Clarke up play viIItIIh|I.cIthoroIalIIs||Ivou|d lnhthn will choir other (hum. lull-aha; .1 `IN.-...u. .m .4... .L. IIZIUI VIII SQ? 81 `I51 Bo! qdfuuuullnhuth Iodnnl wnclly nolohuolawuon Inhrhv. nun uoviu ll'0III no nozzle to put out the Nut. - Hon an two ocouiono had run- nlng that the nut thing bu ooocrnd. In ituottlnonroundy III oflootod! On: in dopu-uncut can enough : the men an ocioob and should be tarnished with pro- por In Inhunz nnmnmn." Ilnwoul and mount! DI um: pot u ghting uppunun. I` "II nu uopuunouu on In omoionl. mm the llrsb thing In know Kiogtton will ho at book by the lnuurnnco under- writorr. which will man an increase in the rate ol innnneo," remarked I merchant thin morning. I particularly nlor to the mod olgood hon. Tho way Ihohooo burn that van in on at the Grove Inn fire, on Bniurdny was a diagram which only Klnpotnn would lolorato. Thu ocouion nu nob an oxcoption. The (In that shronunod to burn Campbell : our mill this morning furnished another example. go nut DIE-:0 ban and into 0- . own y yum. blllt no hall! that burgh nnfohnt n! lhn -GlI`0I0`. `DO, _'.I|U. burtit hadly that bonly ueiont ol tho uid lord In-om an mu]. m nnl nnh lhn was no Inalv an nanny nllciont 0! tin N laid loved Iron tho nonlo to put out the HUI All tin meoninnn hand nan. `Ila I000 Again Burgh II the committee on re. water und light does not can some notion sounds In; the tin doputlnoob on on ofoionl. mu Kiqgofon -lII L. --A L--I. L- AK- x_-___-___ In} on: mu After other bnqinou had been trunn- nocodnoluding unngornonu for purchno of tool. tho bond udjonr . ' r. n. Duupns. ml. 0. nonnouy. M. nai- pin, J. 0`Nail. J. A. llauhownon. jr. The monthly raporto! conduct was aoca tad. Savaral aooount-I were and o and to ba paid. A veto of t anka was tondarad totha chairman. Rev. J. V. Neville. for ,uwo haaueiful ictuna donated to tho aohool. A union of oondolonoa was iou-oduood b J. A. Mabhowaon. aooondod by Row J. . Neville : "Ruolnd. that. whoraas. God in Hi: wiadom baa allqwod the award of aon-ow to fall so hatvil oh aha home 0! our oozaomod mambo:-,1 . . Baanpra. in the death of Illa balovad wife. he in raoolvod that. we. the nmnbara o! the Portauoutb aaparata aohool board 0! truatoaa. one! to him in hia hanavamano our haartfalc sympathy. Be it fun-that roaolvad that thin raaolution be anhavad on the minutes of thin muting. alao a co [inn to Mr. Baaupra Ii nod by the fullpgoard. ` aw` vs. uu uuv - ;|no gin. by fullpgocrdl AHA! nihnr hnnh hbthauhunup-Inga... 0 11111.13." .. van 9-tin: on Uipulpvv Uulllln A rogulur monthly muting of hho Portl- monbh oopuruto oohool bond was held luo ovum. 2 PlQ.|I : Row. J. V. Neville. P. M. npro. M. J. Konnody. M. Hul- nln. J. 0'NIiI. J. A. Mnhninnn. ir. Tho XVUTIII IIUTUU UII'IIV-IIIIUIIII. : In the march from Kabul to Knndnhur for the ruiivf oi Gem-rai Primrmo While led tho van with iiia hichiundoru. but hack Iho Pnythunnl. captured their strong- hold: and oionrod tho way for the rose oi the brigauio. For that day`: work he wins givontho bravo: of iloumnant coionol. u C. B. and than decoration which the Brit- inh soldier moat prison. the Victoria orou. After that ha sorted in Egypt and in Bur- ma; doing signal service in both oom- INIM and winning more honors and long doiayod promotion. From 1880 to I803 ho commanded the diviaion at Quota. that {root garrison on the Afghan frontier. *I" V\I II-IUII Ul IIII IIIIIU II` IIIHJUT II! II lor many and rogimont. now known on the Second Battalion Gordon highlundon. In 1879 he was on tho uni! of Lord Rlpon. vicoroy of India. at I`-nloutu. on military nccruuu-_v. Ho I-aligned hil pon when the second Af- ` gimn war broke out and wont to the front with his regiment. winning diqiinction in several iiorco ongugumontu. . In Hm In-rah lrnm Knhnl On Ifnnrlnhnr CIKIII Viltfiloitl $0-it-IUU1 ICC!` 1:3 5-Moi Army. 8!: George Stuart White, tho commands din chief of the B1-ltloh ormyln India 3 and the man towhom Inglaniboi In- * - txuutod the take! `luhdnlnn Ibo my: new on: nbolllon which bu oooun-ed within tho pain for many nut. in I man who bu won his honor: Inc In mo. \_Eoahu,_ been n` tho army for nun-Iy 15 non. and lomnon than two-thirds of that this he Iorndxln obscure foreign nations. III: rut nnmmininn, whinh ha -an In 1;: the meantime, however. in has neon loin of hard uorvioe and some exciting ; campaigning. He won his K. C. B. on tho bnttleold. helng knighted in 1880. Although an Irishman by duocnl. he SIVIIIIIJ uuuuuru lUl'I!I'Il llnllvul. Bin Hm commission, which he won in 1858, Ivan that of an ensign, nnd_ it took him tan yearn to reach the rank of captain. II man In can more boron he became a rogiulamn major. Along`: in the eighties. however, his ability and valor began to be reoogniaod. and ainua than ' ho lma been rapidly advanced, unl now he in in au- pramo command of 295.000 troopa. 76.000 of whom nre Briliah ragulnra. All Eng- land look": to him to anvo for the crown the ilnparinl province. Ho la. in fact, very l much in the public syn, and can well at- totd to forget the long year: when his win manly an unknown name on the army nnll Iounluuihuqnndlouuobhco 34- I. 03; mum. Anna`. 1 - . ugh llo\ouo:OSouI! i-`gt?-3::-3-`u-1-1|. N. Ila to m. Hivnnoon nnunt. [W-ICC. Ont. I.-WI I N . 3 2 white. in ; No l0o|...In Itl;'::t'n gmhaz .5). I; Ind. an on r. :booo:Lno-union . I Ihtluhln . ` && ooauu.qu"-A" I an--._.. l Iuuubhoonoouu. nu g A `A L ..__.n-_--_ Pom-oath Ioponto Iolnool. -__.I-_ _.-._ALI_ _.._-A1_._ -1 AL . 1 Inning Puucnpht ll Wu-Isl . A A AA\. coumuuom IN mom. yuu-I anon! II j 5'13` DINO nod two aura. noidunu an `Alon II). Chm)`: station mnud on bud hunch ol the u Input-Inst `l`IO|npI- ugton so um and. Indian. night ndnount Ouahoon point about six Man. he at nillo j TL. Inaldlnntn -._.;.-_-._..._: _ wtvun-0 Lrrrn. iDlIX1uIo(mIohlnpovd _. 3. 711$. uwy uouunt." Mr. Sqohu nothing but words of pain for the twin otlicinln md the noctionmon of the rod. who Irorkod inrk-fntigahly to lnco the trunk in: auto condition. As tho idgo our the Nntion. at Uuoolmon Inn hoondnmund itto not lilo! that than will In my tulle out the to: out of Cure]- Iun to-do . l'u-ticulauu to the burning ol Chono 0 Station have not pt been re- ach-ad. t it ought curl In the day. `no tuidontn pounded to nch III. I`|DYiOliI HID WGXII W X IUIIZ 10? miles. and at tho opinion thus more Ihnonoyou bounablotorucluplnco of safety hofon being overtaken by tho u-yolomont." I. Sn-nhn nnkhnp has -...I. -0 ....:.- veriteble billovre of tire. I hue. no doubt. e number of people met their deeth. for Devon] wememiaemg eh Ceeoelmen when we left leek night. Moreover. jun befote the re reeohed thee village tunnere drove in. renamed the bond: m in .m... c... `fl you. paid Mr. Soge. "it won an ewfnleight. and I never went. to eee on- ooher like it. On every ride but one were veritable billovn of re. 1 number n! nnnnin mu Ahniu Ann. 0... uunuluxl WU!` IDIIIO. 1'00 - legera new that the plece wen doomed end hurriedly collected their veluehlee. They then got cum on rocln in the middle 0! Necion river. Another hour and the bush in the immodinte vicinity In: one` lieu of eeething tlsrne. When neerlng the train the tire pr-ovidentielly epreed in I circle end we were able to run to veto ground before the hueh nearest ue took re. 0|` OAII g... 9) --3_.I ll- HA... I ueai-ruumun. ane uanger seelnl now peat. Around here the neareet the in about a mile awa . but about two milee further back of t at the whole bueli eeeuae to he in a blaae. The larmere are all out ghting hard to eave their homer. Other lax-mere. whore property is out of range of the lireu. have gone to aaeiat their more unfortunate fellow-beings. The light rain which fell laet night had the effect of retarding the epread of the tire, but there ia a heavy weat wind blowing now which mean: a continuation of the devaetation. The emote wan to denee that it wee aimoet im- poeeible for e reon driving to we their horee ahead o them. O1-uwa. Oct. 6 ---There in no railway connection between Ottawa and Caaeelman ae yet. but the arenger train which left Montreal yeeter ay morning. and which wee hemmed in with the fire all afternoon yeeterday and all laet night. reached here early thie morning. J. Sage. of Ottawa. wae one of t e paeeengere on the train. Mr. Sage etated that the train of which R. Peaee wee the conductor reached Caeeelman about ll:45. Ever)- hody on board knew that a eerioue re raa raging. for the air waa thick with emoire and cindere. Kowever. the en- gineer did not anticipate an trouble in reaching Ottawa, and steam `out of (lua- eelman on time. But about two weet olthe village the train wae llagg . and when it had been brought to a atand~ etili the conductor was informed by a sec- tion man that the fire had deetroyed South Indian, and that the further progreee would be fraught with the greatest of dan- ger. The could hear the roar of the ilamee att e time. and within an hour were forced to retreat. Ceuelman was on re. Thegriet mill caught iiret from a llaming branch. but coon half a dozen huildinge were ableae. The vil- Ianara saw that. ah. ---- raInn Uu LU U. II Around them zinc nnd unlou ruin col burn. no there 0.. u..\.s LL. 6}. IUUI `NICO- Cuuucxcn. Ont. 0: niternoon|b_Chenoy. 0: [And branch of the Can way, the whole villnge bulb res, including th .....-I --..-_..I AL....--_..I -_ PIUUHIK UIUSIIQ Ian` IUUUUT In" is, throwing Moonry down. about thirty fees. He fell M hurting his side very bad] . this morning. This wu I. 0 known in than vicinity tor the LL..- _-..-- _.|..-.. ...-n. _....L IIIHVU y` took pl: (`mun IIIIlgIlu KAZUBAZUA. Que., Ooh. 8.-'l'he re `which wee eo had here yesterday in aimoon exoingniehed this morning.. U to about nine o'clock last night. the who e town we! in great danger of being wiped mam Al- moeb every houoe was on tire at ditferono timee. By dork about three hundred men were on the scene. At one time the store of MoGinn & Abbott was in great danger, also she iiwelling of Jame: Crane and the Iroquoie house. The content: of theee buildin I were redoved to the south of the vilnge. Wongen and children went. clean frantic. Mr. MoKenny men with a painful ecoident. He wae Icanding on the top of a ladder throwing water on the roof of Irwin : ehop. and eozne parties pausing caught. the ladder and ran off with it. hhrowimr Mnonrv down. I nlinhnnn nf IIK lIII'F|IUI' IT DI Ill?- Non-ru AKIFIILD. Qua. Oct. 6.-Bunh llru raging in over direction round hero this morning. but lingo in no immediate dung. KAZUBAZITA. 0:13.. On. I\-.'l'lm r- `IVUIII uIIIII" UUIIU In FIIII THIGH- WANIWAKI. Qno.. 000., 6.-Numorouo bush lire: hue been ruing nlrnronnd we village for the put few days and tovenl within about 0 mile, bub apart. from tho bush consumed, no dumnge to property hu- boon nmlood. The copioun min fall of Int night bu done much coward: checking tho In-shot run oi Bra. Non-Hg --- _....__ :_ -...__ JR--_A:__ ..-.._.l L--- lovo of tho u: Inn lovonl Place: In l g|oIoo--canon III` in In: Inn --VIunoo of ouulnu and Dunn In. in: ad qclon DuMoyod-roop|o an Io-Ohio-Aid uni. ' Wunrxnnn, Qum, Oct. 6 -Bu_uh u-on no puny well oub thin morning. No noln dnmngo done In this noohion. WANIWAKI. 0:23.- Om... 6.--Numnr-nus - um rvuvnou was VIIIIKI unnorc dl'0V0 ` ropottod the woods to in china tor IQ. And ntnnnnnnd Hun Anininn club _...... atvzuuu. vu.LAa:s wan: con. ` PLETELY wman out. lwsn FIRES" am. worm. illll IIIIU IIIIUUT IIIU KI" UH WIDII I dintnnca of moron n pail. sido He in better -. greatest fire as has twenty- whon jun Inch another re I I) , ` r:)""'/V 4-.., u- L r()` 5 `DALI? wme. `iiDfrnsn`AE`ooronnn 6. 1897. A lull`-on-hand Iudonl. lihuin. no Inc mud in; nu uun. llonry Prohaan. a Klondyhar. of St. Stanislas. Qua. in here on his wedding tour. Ba was married flalarday at St. Eugana. Ont. to Mica loud. Ba will winhar at Saattlo. Waah.. and will loan in tho apring with his hrida for Dawaon City. I? modauly stated that ho ownad aavaral c min: which ha did no! propane to call. IONIC kl All IIIIIO OOIIIIO. BAMll.`|'0N. Ont. Och 6.-A car on the Jamaa auras: routa oi the Hamilton nu-cot railway. coming down Jana: attach thin morning. collided with the dummy Laugina at tho aaailion and Dundaa I-ailwa at Main atraot. and had in iandar and root plationn tom 0! and neural windowa omaahad. The Ilotorman waa only alight- Iy injnrad and no oshau wan hurt. Janaa Raaaall. a anaak Ihiaf. waa can- tauoad to hlaau month in Oahu-al prio- !UII IOU! WIIIFUT. ' Rev. J. D. Wnrnicler, of the Point St. Chu-lee Baptist church. bu ueceived a cell to the Beverley eueec Baptist chntch. To- ronto. He bee theolfer under conden- hinn. Prullouoron Lou or uh. Mo.\'-rIu.u.,0o& 0.-J. H. 8. Socrotnn.0t- nun. who went to the Klondyko on bohnlf of an Octuu ryndiouao. is In town. He picked up oovoral cluinu. Ho prodiou granules: of life Among the minor: who no onduvoring to pull: through t.o Daw- :on this winter. D... I l\ ll)-.._:_|_-_ _I -I- n MIG!!! 01 Vlrloul llntll. - Juno: Elan. Inboror. who Ind been an!- foring from heart. trouble for I few days post. was found dead in bed this morning I at his homu. I87 Duohun ntnob. -oeuner-.nuu mace we required dopoeio. Thomae W. Holmee. the barrieser who was erreetad yeeterdn y charged with forg- ing the name of a client. named Bomere to a note for 8100. pleaded guilty before police magiurate Deninon thin morning, and wae eenlenoed to three montln` im- prieonment. The prieoner wae at one time awell-co-do barrister here. but he for some time been embarrassed and indie- breeien of nrioue kinds. ,l...... DI.-- I-L...... ._L_ L__a L--- - 2 mus uuuuiwwr l0l' mo lllto Auanuo line 0 Iltumormhnd mudo the rcquind dopooiu Holman. the bu:-inmr -h. [ml-thoroughly reliable. and worth cm: can paid torn. umnnlu. I W A to oral about oh: quality and Vmno [nu wolup Xi'an ne nook. no to up on do both: for you Is`: hue to own And we here to show 10. booking 3 obllgot on to buy-ohouh la brtnu