Drought Wlthoin Punl.lol-Wntor lamina Threatened Our: Luge on-en-RoportI From Val-Ioul Hutu TQII Awful Tales of uutrnotlon-sItun.Ion Is Growing Worn Ivory Day-Well: and lpl-Inn Dried up-Paoplo Are Praylng For II-In THE NAPANEE BANK CASE. [FARMERS FIEHIINC rumuasl 'HEAVIEST Loss us on THE conn cnop. No General Rain Fallen For Six- tv Days. ` JFHRESI FIRES RHEINE. KINGSTON. ONTARIO, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1897. V , ed. .500 Ill ! can-oy A _opoc1`nl {mm Wuhin.gt.oI{n- gnrdmg (-you Bntun 0 rohuul to pin the proposed pg-|und|gd gonfonnoo at Wuh- mgton up tint Bntun and he brought when-uncut by rotaliuiuzon Gnmdanna mask that wool to GM Klundylo coun- try to nluod toccudiun through United Show Iurrilory. Arclnlsiohop Brnclnni, lontnsl. paid an oficegl man to the mayor and council ol Manual on Tue-day. prior to his dopa- cnrolor Rona. Howuuoonpnoiod by, uohhiobop .DIIllIOl, cl llayor * Wilton Bcntb undo I mtmltury .4. duo. A reception In thuolsbbbopolt. Joan Baptiunnouiuuty at tho Iomnnouc Nation]. Judge Last- 30! wand Ibo dint. Two Ibunncl -tuba: can punt Tb Ihtop vu douply Auhtl. c-ndcodsof uwla /3 Amegcan Lady long waist Cor- 'set 75c. Prnrnninnan y A nap` E T `LDC new u. r. 5.. enort line to Montreal hes reached Pendleton. e_vil|ege thirty milee dietent froni Ottewe. The worko! ible. The line will likely be open for night thin winter. At the linel meeting yeeterdey of the Meneion bone Indian mnine` relief _ land, it wee ennonooed that the fnnd emonnted to neerly 600,000. end that the ooet of edvninieteting the fund only come to one- hell penny on the pound. J. A. Gempbell, oi Kingecleer. N.B.. pnrcheeed neverel prime nettle in Ontario. which bewiebed to exhibit et the agri- cultural eo'ciety'e feir. Toe) were Iound to he eelering from tnberculoeie.- After in- veetigetion the eninlele were deetrnyed. [nee M1200. ~~- . A relay of nix thorouzhbrod horse: from the Habits of Thomas W. South. Philadel- phin. road five miles on the Tioga bicycle truck ogazmt {our crock bicyclists and the bones wen in 9:52 with the whoolmon only ve yu-do behind. I The new C.P.R.. short line to Montreal ll Illnnhntl vnnrllnknn 1 ..:Il-..- A|..'_L- opinion. New York society is diacuning the re- ported engagement of Min; Helen Gould and Alonzo Potter, oldest son of the episcopal hilhop of the metropolitan see. Misc Gould : fortune must. be about 32.- 000.006. The strike in the Bell orgln factory, 0uelph.bu been amicably settled. The wage: have been adjusted in favor of the employees. The comp:-ry Ins compelled to not jultly by the force of public opinion. New V nI-H -nninltu in Al-an.--1.... LI..- -4, uu_yu. Ic ie eemi-olcinlly announced that cep- tein general Weyler will be recalled from Cuba this month and it in probable the cortee will be diuolved in December and them (I new perliemenb will be convoked in March. 'I"L_ .4._:L. :_ AL- w-Lu . - The stock market on Wall street. New York, wu never known to be so dull as in has been for the peat. week. No tra.n-ac- tiona are reported to have taken place even in favorite stocks during the page two dun. pusuuu an 300 and cone. Bush [iron are raging in the vicinity of Embro. Ont. The damage done to farm- ing property Already amount: to over 830,- 000. Soveral persons have been fonrfully burned in fighting the tires. In conaidamtinn nf Hm lmulou l..:ol.....o.. uurnea In nnnung the tires. consideration of the loyalty hitherto exhibited by the Afridie in the govern- ment service, they will be excused from participating in the punitive expedi- tion against their rebellious fellow tribu- ln. nu Inuuuua. _ At 1 meeting of theconoorvsbivea of Corn- wall and Sbormont. at Nowlngton yesterday John Mchu hlin. Avonmoro, wu qoleotod n the candi ateo! the party at the coming provincial elocbione. Rnnum-A ...I.....|...-.. -_.. --...-:--.I s- pruunolll erocmone. Brsntford whoelmen are re uirod to carry 1 lamp and hell on their w sol: b I recent by~law of thetown council. he penalty for an infraction of the law is placod at 850 and costs. Rnnh n: nl-A nah... :. H... ..:..:..:n... -2 avvo ` French Sateen Steel Filled Cor- sets 75c: Ar-ngnnnnil I an-`I: `Ann IIIQI-B` (`A- rupu mic. During last week the Le Roi declared the regular dividend of $25,000. The total profit; of this mine no date are $625,000. It. has been worked day nnd night. for the past six months. At - ........L:.....: ;L..., -_,, 7--' -1- lUl' llfll. London Vunity Fair says that the queen. who has made a close study of the Ameri- can people hold: almost poenimiatic views in regard to the stability And future of the republic. nm-.'.m Inn}. m..l. LI... 1. b..: .I--u_..-.| ululu. .I.n6 C0l0n_ V Will pay llll GXDOHBOG. Henry Atkin, of Tuclrahoe, N. Y.. mis- took a fur cap for a woodchuck and as a result. blew an Italian s head to pieces. The dead man has not yet been identified. Albert Senior is under arrest at Frederic- ton. N.B.. charged with stealing by whole- sale. The amount of his picking! are `placed at $9,000. He has been committed for trial. I .....l__ Ir____-._._ `TI 4 way compqiy will amount; to 5500.000. New South Wales government has o[l`er- ed 2.000 Lancers to the British govern- ment. to aid in suppressing the rebellion in India. The colony will all Hem-v Atkins. of Tnnlmlmn N` V min. uunua In umeronn occupamonl of life. The prairie res in Manitoba have great- ly interfered with telegraphic communion-~ tion. Reports say the loss to the GI . rail- way compyiy will amount to $500,000. Salltah WRIGI onvnrnmnnt has Afro-_ UXPUFIJ 0|1.l,t'JlO.UDU. The new Ontario normal school It Ham- ilton, opened on Fridny, has been found in. edequabetoaccommodnte the number of pupils desiring admittance. Over 3 000 000 Innrnnn urn ......:.... :...:.. pupua uuulrmg aammance. Over 3,000,000 women are earning inde- pendent incomes in the United States, and 27.000 of them are supporting their hus- bands in different occupation: of life. The m-nil-in Run in Mnnifnkn 1.. .... .....o cuu rcu, 1 oronw. The imperial board of trnde statement for September shows an increase in the im- ports of :2,l89.l-48. and a decreaae in the export: of l.5l8.950. The now nnluu-in nnv-nnnl ...lm..I -; l:l ..... TICLI IIOKOI man. Rev. J. B. Warnicker, pastor of Point St. Charles Baptist church, has accepted the call so the Beverley street: Baptist church,_ Toropro. Tho Ilnnnnunl knnml _l L_-.I_ _.__L-_.,,,L IHIVU Dill I030. At Loinuter. Mo.. a jury awarded 81.789 damngea to a merchant named Melchor, whose sweetheart jiltod him to marry a rich hotel man. D-.. 1' D n7--_:-I_-_ __,A, .n - . r-w-w- v---yr we--vv-u Our special stayed waist Corset 5oc. we-anal-I calnnn cl-AA` !.a`:ll..-I (`nu-, rpeuuu. Fires in the vicinity of Selkirk are raz- ing ercely. Hundreds of well-to-do farmers ere rendered homeless and liven have been lost. AL `l -:..-L.... `ll- - :..__ .f, I I In -1"- HUN. The stock market Vnrk. wn nnunr lam..- o- I... .. .a..lI -- : Sir Wilfrid Laiirior yeamrdsy received the degree of L,,L D. from the university of Toronto. Hon. Edward Blake made a speech. Firm in the vininitw nf R.lI.:..l. ...... ....... ll HUI! UXIECICV-4| DU Il\'6. _ The board of works. Lindasy, has been dissolved by the town council. Waste/`of the poopIe a money was the cuuae. Oxfnrd street Mnhhnint nI...-..l. 31..-: In people 5 money was me Oxford street Methodist church, Brant- ford. wu presented with a new ball by R. Hartley, I mombar of the church. Value 3800, U Ibo pploo .o! The Morning Pnporl and tho . Latent Doopatchog The bank of Bengal has increased its rate of discount from six to seven percent. Typhoid fever is pbvalenb at St. John, N.B. TOD nth rannrlnrl nn Tuna-. Iypuolu lover ll pxzavalenn at an. John, .B. Ten deaths are reported on Tuna. ny. Al . Eng: on Mnnrhur ninhl-. A.-lh... l ....l. u-Ki; Euex on Monday night Arling Leach bud his legs emit o' by A C. P. R. train. He in not expected to live. Tho board of Im-In, Liminu I... 1...... PITH OF THE NEWS. '1`={oi 6u'ee'n'E ICIIDEIIIIC ll __:.T:./ A Vloolxn Imcl. K Wnnrowx, NY.. Oct. 8.-IutaInd .Gothnvuutuckbynvnclor stacked to 0 tnolloy our hbilo riding on M: wheel our tho tuck, but night, and killed. Hi: Abodyvudraggod In /todnbdorothe our wunoppdgudvuhdly nnnglod. Ir. 0005:: who 0 can All Darby Gotlnmovucr I at tho Blvwnvmo in: van. Ion Inlnuod Elm. Vicronu. B.C.. Oct. 8.--'l'bo United States ohory commission Itoolner Alhattova nrrived from Aluh yooutday. having on bond Prof. Alexander. who ha been mak- in; I stud of Links nlnon. Atoll tho potu in lab at which the Alhotrou stopped on tho way down, Capt. Motor no I man man counted him to bring oou,h.t-hoyhovinghilod (occur IhopuoIoYokon. : - -, ,,_g.-.-; Q :uvuuue- -IJuIIlUIlI SWAN Laxn. Mum. Oct. 8.-Word hee jnet reached the vill o! e ehoocing occi- denc, by which John enmen. the eixteen- yeer-old eon of Robert Penman, loen hie life. He had been out in eeeroh ol gene and wee putting hie Ioeded gun in the boot to go on the rivet when the gun wee occi- denully diecherged. The whole c entered the young meo e hreeet-. killing him ellnoet inetently. UK IIIIU ITI1 WUU UUIIUUI} Sir enri Joly gsvo his cheque {or 825 to the Iutforaru from the fire along the Canada Atlnntic railway. The aubocrip- tione an pouring in {mm all over, and the dutitnu are being cued. lor. ` Wlll I900 III [III IUUIKIIIIIIUH. The postmaster-general bu decided that all Cnmdinn mnil begs supplied to the government must be of the mennfsoture of the parties who tender. Hit Han:-i Jnlv Dawn hi: nhnnnn lnr I95 IIIIEZ-I IUT IJUIIIIIUII PITIIIIIIUUIP. It in reported that if judge Woods of Perth, is grbnted I retiring nllovnnoo he will send in his resignation. Thu nnntmnntononnarnl hu dnoirlnrl that The Superintendent 0! The Iachlno Cnnnl u Boon Dlunluod. 0rrAwA, Och. 8.-Dwuat. the superin- tendent of the Lachino can], has been dis- miaaod for politics! pnrtinnohip. It in rnnnrfnrl HILL if iurlna `Wand: nl a;;.r11en s seamless Wool I-Iose, special 19c. ' `Hannah : n'n:n Ar I"-sknri Pugh- ITIIUUIIIUIII4 UUII` from $41)0,0()0_. Carried on Iwledllag For four Years In Every Way. Naw Yomc, Oct 8.---The police have in their custody a prisoner, who if all the charges against him are true. is one of the most remarkable awindlers in the criminal annals of this country. According to chief detective McClusky hie `depredations amount to nearly. if not over. $400,000. and extend 'all over the United States. His name is Emmet B. Gibson. He is of middle age and bears the alias of George A. Shsrin. He claims that he is a lawyer by profession. a railroad promoter by choice. was at one time a judge in the state of Iowa and he is vice-president of the Akron. Ohio street railroad company. The com- plainant against him is H. P. Stimson, auditor for the hotel Netherland and Im- perial hotel of this city and hotel Walton of Philadelphia. The specific com laint against him is the layingdown of a ogus, cheque for $640 on August 26th, 1896 and defrauding the Hotel Imperial, this city. of that amount, in ad- dition to failing to pay an howl bill of I 3965. bogus cheques, oated bogus stocks, worth- less bonds. and carried on general swind- ling operations for a period extending back four years, and in that time he has succeeded in obtaining by means of various fraudulent designs and device a sum not far from 400 000 He is accused of having laid down .` LBIU Ul Illln At`. next morning : roll call she was mine- ing and when search was made for her. the attendants found that one of the iron bar: of the room in which she had been conned had been ied and bent outward. The bar could not- have been moved except. by A great outlay of etrength, and All the circumstance: go to prove the co-operation of outsiders in her eeoepe. `_ The nulzhnritien hnvn nnt. vnf. non:-arl nnv on uuuuuure Ill nor accept). The nubboritiee hue not yet secured any clue to the whereabouts of Ienorite Evan- geline. Several employees of the unb- liehmente have been ll'l'0l00d. ` [NIH IIAVIIIKUIIIIB \JUIlIU Uluruag uurulllo of the sensational venture with the Spanish governor of the Isle Pinesklesceped Wednesday night from the Case de Reca- gidee (house of scrapings) where she had been conned for several months on charges of conspiracy against the crown of Spain and of an ettempc up- on the life of Gov. Periz. governor of the Isle of Pines. As. ......a. .......-...'..._7.. ....II ....II -L_ ...-- __:-- uurulg IIIJU BIIKHKUUIUIID. Col. Rotger, an official deapatoh says, has been engaged with an insurgent force at Carmen, this province. The enemy, the Spaniards say, occupied high positions in the interior of the mountains in that vicinity and in this manner they explain the fact that Col. Rotgor loan nineteen soldiers killed and two of his otlicera. an army physician and the man who guided the troops. In addition twen- ty-eix soldiers were wounded. Tho Spani- ards thus admit a lone of nearly fty men killed and wounded. VF]... ln-....t:l..I libel- f'1..Iy..... --..a-:..A. cl--- KIIIUU llll wuunuuu. The beautiful little Cuban patriot, Seno- rita Evangelina. Coaaio Cisneroa. heroine nf thn nannntinnnl 1-nntm-A with Mm WIIIUH hull DTUUP5 IUUHU uauot. In is further oicially announced that Gen. Molinu has captured. after I abort. re- sistance, an insurgent camp situated on the heights of Riscadero. province of Havana. Lieub.-Col. Alfan was wounded during the engagement. Cnl. Rntoar. an nininl dnnnntnh mum, Spnnlnrdo Ambnnh on lneul-gent Bont-An Engagement Reported In Winch Open- Iela troop! hoole Fifty oldlel-I Killed nod Wounded-Senorita clone:-on En- cepee. ' IIAVANA. Och. 8.-According to the bul- letins iseued yesterday from the headquar- ter: of the Spaniards. a government zoroe has ambushed and captured in boot having on board 207 boxes of ammunition, and has also seized 249 boxel of ammunition which the troops found ashore. If. in fnrthnr niniallv nnnnnnnn that THE GOVERNMENT FORCE WAS READILYAMBUSHED. BPUUICI I 9|; Women ; plain or ribbed Cash- _mere hose, 25c, 35c, 50c. _ Gloves and Corsets. lnmzscnma or APRISIINEIL1 undrcds of~ Boxes of Ammuni- tion Secured. A REMARKABLE SWINDLER. sumnss mlumsn. bAOU8T LET OUT. A I hooking Aoolddllt. ...- 01... A n I la uvmcsmn ma! ~.s;2';m!.Ia>L All the Celebrated Brands of the world's. Buy your Gloves tron Ill. An immen from "'"'``' to choose '-3airl s. Warm Wool Hose 15c raring:-I : nan:-v\`npe anon wmnsn GLOVES Ponnuur lurdotod. Un.Y,Mich.. Oct. 8.-Dunonn Pnnl.pott.- Inutor at Agpin, Inn found dead in his oioo. ahott rough the had. It is sup- poood be In: rnnrdetod, Dana : oondluon Bel-lent. Nzw Yonx. Oct. 8.--T|:e condition 0! Cherles A. Dunn, editor of the Sun, bu bo- como so much worse today one the family has been summoned to hit bedside. Mr. Dane but been ill for three month. County loglnnr Dad. HAMILTON, 0nt...Oct. 8 --Col. Cunpboll. rogintrnr of the county of Hnlton, is dead. A few weeks ago he wont west to vinit 5 brother in Iowa. .A hologram wu roooiv- od on Thnnday Announcing hi: lndden death. He was I mun ol rniddlo Ago and I'll in good health when he wont uuy. ylu wuru Injuruu Illa nlgnu, IOVOIII 0! them seriously. by the telling of I plat- form at the Fifteenth street station of the Independence electric nilwey. The ete- tion was crowded with euburlun residents. who were returning home from the comi- nl feetivitiee. Thlny People Injured. _ Kntsa.-a Crnr, Mo., Oct. 8.-Thirty peo- ple were injured last. night, seven! of sham not-innnlv_ bv thn fnllinu nf A nlnt. . --u us nuuu-grnuon. Tonowro. Oct. 8.-The following is the 'I'eIegnm`s special cable: By oicisl re- turn just issued it is gathered that during the mouth of September, the number of British emigrants to Canada from Great Britain was 2.474, and of foreign nation- ality 612. During the nine months ended Sept. 30th. the total British emigrants from parts of the united kingdom. was 13,- 978. and of foreigners, 5.802. -uvvv up-u an: aunt. Rocnns-rim. N.Y.. Oct. 8.-'l`wo expert craolmnen blow, open the safe in the Brighton post olce. two miles east of Rochester. at'3:-$5 o'clock cn Thursday and ssoapod with 8900 in stamps and 886 in money. The oilioe was wrecked by the force of the explosion. which blew the big iron door of the safe six foot, tore out the rear partition of the building and broke the glass irontato the letter boxes. An alarm clock which was on A small bracket near the safe was blown through the box frames against the front wall of the office. a distance of fteen feet. III F1560 AVIIIIJI UUTUUE. It is understood that Mr. Noidlingor does not believe that tho prohibitory duty on Canadian barley will Int for many years. When that timecomes, and (Jana- dian barley can be imported and minu- fnoturod into malt no a reasonable prot he willlmvo nplnnt for the handling of Canndlnn malt exclusively. Purchued I Melt lolle. 0.~zwIv.u0, N. Y.. Oct. 8 ~--Adem Neid- linger & Bone. N. Y., are the most exten- eive manufacturers of melt in America, and their houses. four in numbenere located at Ceynge. Rondout and New York. To this complement the rm has added another, the house of the Oswego melting company in East Ninth street. It .. .....l-..A.....: AI.._L \:_ \7_:.u:_.___ THE DAILY BRITISH uyllilllll ll) Ill-Ill [Ill]. The explosion was so severe that the boat they were in was sunk. Mr. Fewoett. although severely injured, maneged to swim to Mr. Daniel : bout. He was taken from there to John James , when Dr. Herlmeee was called from Wellington. uuxu, wmuu uu was nolulng In me nnna. Thonne Fawcett, another well-known farmer of that district. with him at the time. had on our blown off and the side of his head badly bruieod. The men were in a boat on the canal, about two milee thin side of Wellington. when the accident oc- curred. It is thought they were ueing the dynamite to etun sh. 'I"I'm nrnlnninn Iran an nnwnu-A Ohm!-. {Mn A Farm at`: Tnglo Death on The Rldoun 0nnnL Norm: Gowm. 0nb., Oct. 8.--Robert Jnmea Smith, I well known farmer of South Mountain, was blown to pieces you- terday by the explosion of a dynamite carb- ridza, which he was holding in his hnnd. Thomu Fawcatt. nnnthnr wnll.hnn-n nnnulunu wluu our neignoorl." Answering a qltion regarding the pro- posal toadmih representatives of Russia and Japan be the Behring sen conference Mr. Fielding remarked: "The proposal to bring in other nations is open to the gravest objections. and the` government and people of Canada will ,be much pleased at. the decision of Great: Britain to with- drew from such I conference. DI DUB |lUlllllll0|'Io ' In an interview Mr. Fielding eeid: The Canadian government in well ewere that 3 number of inuential men in both pertiel V0f\. the United States ere dieutieed with the present etete of trade between the United Staten and Gen- ede, and it ' is ` quite pouible this will lead to eouae action. . If the United States government epproeoh~ es the Cunediau government on the subject it-will be met in the right upiiit. We strongly believe that it ie for the advance- ment of Canadian as well as imperial in- tereste that there ahould be friendly trade relations with our neighbors. Answarincr n mtinn rnmu-rlina Hm nm. Oslndlsn Govgrnmont Will. loot Unlled ltntai In Friendly lnnnor. LONDON. Oct. 8 --:W. S. Fielding. min- iatarof nance of the dominion of Canada.` has urrivod here to _ nogotinte a loan of 2,- 000,000 at high interest to take u out- otnnding obligation: of Canndn an tou- nfit in the nilroad and oaml developments of the dominion. Tn. `In {.-.L.-..:._. ll- II8-IJ:__. --:.I . IHIIL. KILCED av DYNAMITE. - K, . WILL BE FAIRLY ME`!/'. Tide of lmmlgntlon. .... (1-; D NIL- :-n-_,: Blow Open The Info. __- \1 V n-; 1) III Of the Warmer So-rt are. .now Wanted. We're ready tto suit you 5 D`-.-I -..L..- LL3-I- `l).'LL_.I ..-_-l W1-11 And you will save money. Best Makers at tho Lowest Prices. WALTHAM l'o|-not Lady-In-Inning of lnpnnl n _ lotto A th-[M Illddt. Vmnu, Oct. 8.-Arua Stiller. who wu- lormorly I lady-in-uniting to the {MIC ompnu of Union (Clnrlowo, that of Eli king of Bolgium. and widow ol Input Maximilian). in dying in I hospital IICOII the vault of uumpclng to ooIuII||"n9- cido by reputedly subbing hinull In ID i dun! OHIIIOOIIIIOIHCIOIQIIL` 'i'-`hoe ::!ort.nnant: wvuun,':`bo In Ind! - !our years ol ago. was In in ad oonndvith blood. She hullul uob_ . .. of a melon on: nine: ah uh;-ul Europowiththolornnt pea. l unvnsszusm UIEN VIOTO mg L: and Reign ' hu cnplnlid Empire. Bxcnoadlnny tutlm tho nut mon- and for copy! . fr-on ` In tin of Lorna urn. `The host. po III In ol\Io Queen Ihsvo soon." Her :1 out a kind letter of appreciation. 80 lin by and: nine onthunluo-lo uthlnot on. vnuon muting 01640 to 60.00 voohl pontnu {no to anti. Tm: BIADIJY um Co,.LIml . Toronw. ELP--EEIJABLI HEN IN EVERY L0- calltnlooal or travelling; to In anew dl-oovory. and him out show > tacked no on tron, lonoou and in throughout. town and country Stead` one 21. in ploymonb. dommiuton as nala . ot. an ax nu an mono duped- 'ond ll; gnank mu uhrtad. For [farcical addrou I Won. llmou. Inlonlo .. London.0nt., Canada. 11' You awn CHABAOPIB, Mm ID00- auon. -ood npoouonoo can convene lul- ly. no lndust.riouu.bnt. not maa tho money You douiro. write to me. I will to I you new havo holpod warn of man. and -one womn to paying onlllonl and happy lives. '1`. I. Lnmru, ntfotd. ` HIV`-G IQIB 59 `JD! / Girl : Cashmere Hose 15c to 25. . ' (=:o-I . `KIA:-n-\ .\n` "A-A 1-an 9 W9 mu your advance agent ; we ' insist upon getting the belt, and as we know the dierenoe between good and poor cool. we get the beet-eo do you if you buy from us. H (nun. 179 M10: 1} onndli, proforro Int! 0 In per 001 0 cheap. Apply through this oloo. A uuu. uuuma: BAR.-BIL. tuna ,,_,. .._,---- AT ONCE. A, GOOD anxlmu. snvnr for family of mhroo; an-o an lxoorlo Nurse for one child. Apply to III. 9 Alma Atnot. `nu nv `TX ;j:---uh: A GIRL TO DO HOUBElAID'8 WORK LID holp with one of child. A ll- modiMe'y to lns.lcKx1.vn.1u Bun nnoto nuno tor on __._._:_..____..:__..__.... A GOOD O"0K AND A HOUHE IAID. AP- ply after av 11?. m. to Bill. Immun- mmr. can of Dr. a lson at tho Bu-not`; ``a__ _r i V A- GOOD GENERAL SERVANT N DW F- in; or ironing Apply to $.31. Fun. no Bu-tie nu-ut. ' BnA1'r1I--In Kingston. Octobor Win, `If ' n_u Coupor Bosnia, and Ilxhy-IIVD` years. The lunenlwill take place from hot lab roaidonco. 772 Prince strut, on 8IIn- V day nlbornoon at 2:30 o'clock. Frioado and noqunihbanou are respectfully iuvlh - ed to nbtond. Ponnous-BnvuunuI--0n the 6th IMO. It ~ 80. Paul : church, Montreal, by the Riv.-; James Burch`. D. 1)., Douglu Poreoouo. o! ow York. to Alien Boll. only daughter of the lube Robert Ion- ridgo. of Dnmfrioo. Scotland. (Edinburgh pcpon plltll copy.) _ _ . _----..-...-u\;.n.v \a\J.u.I.L 11.1.` L Umlerhkorn und Embnlmon. D88 and [$- Prtnceu Street. 'Phonu:- Wunroouu. W. Reslduwe. I41. Open day and night. , , - IF YOU HAVE cuuuorln, _ aMo_n._-ood_ {nu- Pnnoou strut. Oon-not I! phono communication. \ T F. HARRISON COMPANY lln.I..A-L-... -...: B__|.-|_.___ ..-- _,_ ln SE11 '1` Ln U All!-W ntuaoic. 'l'olol::on:r1 :l`A|.. Open myum jjaj- -> , HINBY IILII. I Lnnuio UIDIITAIII an llununa--Il PI-lnoou strut. Como: Bydonhun mat. fol: -_j----j-._-.____:_ WANVASSERX-5` "QUIEN J And. Reign? cgpI_n_I\d 3 Irom u H) to 81.00 per unit. ' V ' Gents Gloves. an doslublo mnku. st upo- cinl prices. STEAM STEA6 ." } ECHO OF A ROYAL TRAGEDY. uuvvuu, uru. ( Button Eugllsl: Doukln Tun onlydlt. I Pulh lutton English Htylo ulovo. Ch 5 Lace Stud mu French me in Bitch and if Oolorl, 01 V 4 Button Bin It with `red ollow nun strolling, A dec?d:c'i novelty. Jury #110.` Ladies` Iunuroo Glow: in black and M . for morning won and driving. 01 build [I Ladies` wme. ma Glovu.with bluk utltoh. ' 6 buttons. at soc. - ' Ladies` Black Undroued Kldl. 01 and 01.85 Colored Undnouod Iidu, 650 to 01.. Pen-ins` Undrouui Kids, 01. 9 Button White, blnck ntitch. 01 25. I Pnuh Button Pen-I Gray, with I color stitch. $1.25. A button Fancy From-h Kid Glove: in `pm: . and black pink and white. yellow and `I very ntylis , (or afternoon can and calling: 5 01.95. Paris Novolty Kid Gloves in Itylu oontroll- . ed by us for Kingston. OI tn 01.06 per 1 C . . Al.EXANDl*l.E KID GLOVES. for I log! VI are Solo Agents, in black and colon. Evening Glove: all colon And Inn-cl... 3010 Agentu, in black colors and lonqolu. from 11 I0 lo 01.90 Gloves. ml dnhnhln mnhn. mg mg. _.--_ ...... u an uun unuuvu -uu llilfy pair. A ll..oA....- Dl-..|. _-.n .1 |.._ n.,_ - L 4 la.ockFustonr Colored Kid ulovu. W I " . CT CT` JVK Boysjextra thick Ribbed wpol Hoe'.A 15c to 25. PLIIA.-.n'. (`A3,-aw-ngon pull. 4 Button: Black and 091011 l'in.o Punch, Gloves. `Me. ` , A Bulb.`-. `Il'....Il..L Ix--. |.u__ m,,__ ,..I-r -- - FALL, 1397. n _STECYf S. arm. DOUBLE mu-nun. HAITI] L vollhf. `lo: `H mmndn `N EXJ n.lE \CED GINIIBLL `IBVLNI. Inn. R. K. Row, 1115 Stunt Strut. In sifvcr, gold or Aurel! as money is lost 5)?" not having a good watch... Snve it by buying a ____., -vru. Inn QUIAIIIUI 3' Iote a few of our styles sud prion: lhock rnulnnur Hnlnrnal ELI lllnngg um. Kid Glove E Department Importers Silk: and Dunn _ WEATHER ` PROBAIlLI;Tr`;.m chiI3r$7fibbed Cashmere Hose mc to 25. Chi . Plff nan -run in ','"utationary or A little big hug perabure; shower: in colllt p|IcIl .-.9. S-t,urd-L - ~. ] Sh. [mnonoo (app:-).--l'luoa:T 4 P. M. mirrxolw. _\_}_IAN'l'ED. us. 3:11}.- I I nnnnuu u-_4 TILIPBONI 0. PIANO FOR SALE 64TH '0 CAI-I. \-LIL. T AIJ 3. NO. 234. - uj WIIIUIIWD I lnvYuu,0u. I.-JaubRu ESMQED. Iilsnyhlonbut. Ilnlo Wilton. dnpglour 1:! Raw. Hourywillon. lornorly uhchod to St. Ioo|Idnl,wi|lIIovoddodontlgo ilk us, to had. Wanton, wholulnh n&eIuI.N.Y. Iiuwiluou in at pro- unlnuphinhthtnnbol 850 8:1.- Iionu-ny. lIlI]Hl IX "XI IUNI QIVU III "ICC Quota`: otnngeh. Than will has gust yachting naming and situation. Bnoouut. N.Y.. Out. !.--lav. [Anna llnuIClnrIo.ol8yruu-0. will to and euhnnnnnunh nun P:-he-5.. Zj IJIG C 5,? VIII 1 1| lO|&l@IbJIh Fifi Lhlmnkhn. lnuillnm-1| IL. To U ! loothull matches wilm the sauna with g I rush. Intake in one day vi I bring the Uranium lullyto Ibo Irons and (in an kind 0&5 ntllnnl Than -ill hngannnh UIPB IlI%0lI. IIIC IIOTO OI FIDO ITIIIIVIQI mid. will not n nut in the Capo uuombly nun nut gonen! election. The chic! IIIAIIK in "in nlntfnrln will R "I'g(Ial-Atinn Juneau VIII look A look. Loxcbon. Oct. 8 -A dolpncch to the Daily Mail Iron Cape Town any: thus Capt. Junuon. the hero of we Tnnuvnl Plill Dnl 315 A aunt in ILA (`Ann -nnnnuhln UIIIICI DKKT CUIIUUI II? UOIOII, Edward Nye ol Dunvillo. Illinois. to be United Shun oonnulutankow. China. Both of that uppoinhoo an nonpspor non. Mr. Adah)" lacing Washington cor- anb of the Norfolk Landmark. and Mr. N yo hing oonnoctad with the Dan- villo Oonuorcial. wan via any com. wuuaun was uyplugu Dy glwli Hull 0! corn. towering high lb0\'0 the pulpit. The !Ol'Vi0O wu road by Ron. J. K. Mellon-ins sud W. Lswin and Rev. G. R. Bssmish preached from the ground of tho Jswish feat of ubornsclos; than compsrsd soil to the spirit. of fsith. snd campsrod the sprssding of roots. the growth of the stem. bunches. loaves snd Innis to tho progress of the christian soul. The discourse wu very osotivs sud wsrm- ly spprocisrnd. The choir wss present in foxes. It-nu-I-In vvuril-ll-oi lVUVUI' IIVI I.lIll!IIo Waannccrron. Oct... 8-'l`ho proaidont undo tho following nppointmenu: W. W. Aobbv of Norfolk, Va., to be United Batu consul at Colon. EA-and Nun AI llnauuln Illhuuin on Lest evening the ennuel thenkegiving service of St. Jemee church we! held,with 1 large congregetion expressing. ontwerdly nt leeet. their ecknowledgment of divine protection. The ettenaence hed the not nnueuel characteristic of twenty woman to one men. Perhepe the lediee here more to be thenkful for then men; per- hepe they ere more greteful end sincere: or perhepe it in e repetition of one o! the old fellow. who declared that i! he did not attend himeelf he always lent the chil IT. The chancel, pulpit end lectern ere roiueely decorated with llowerr, oliego e fruite. and some of the more an: tentiel l the fruits were banked in a nine. Th remerkeble growth of the eeeeon wee typi ed by greet atelke of corn. towerinn hillh' about than nnlnir. ____.-_ -_.`---.'. FEW HUNDRED POUNDS DAILY AT the DAIRY SCHOOL. Partlonlau on up- rlloulon. lo milk tuna from pottomof choose fuctoriu. _._..v- _ o-` - -..u-u w NUMBER OF` EXCELLENT INS'l'R.U_` memo to rent by the night. month or sea` son on very rouonablo terms. Apply at Walt} Oioo. puuuou. lo a J. A Oounllnn Journnllnu lover (lei `I ._._...,._A.. l\ _A n CIIL- ,,_,, What's in A Name ? 1 pnaunt. oacllplvd by Jeromlnh lillnn. '1 :- tlo Dorfoot. Aply to owner, Jeremiah Illllan, on nromluu. ul street. ~ no porllot. A premium, -aiiWs ?Oi:`iibi3n? b3i':ArirT2a?1inE'r.7u occupivd by Jeromlnh Hillnn. Ti- tln nnrfnnf. Annlv tn nwnnr Jnrnnnlnh IIIIIAI1, I IWU LARGE FRONT R0Ol.l"UBNi iHED. hosted with hot. water. with or without. bond House has all modern conveniences. in Union Street. just Above King Street. UAHDEHS CAN BE AUGOIMUDATEL with rooms, or rooms without board if rrofu-nd,nt880Brock street. Elootrlolighc In every room. Use of tale hone and every modom oonvenlonoo. Telep one 446. OAEUEEB CAN BE AOCOIIlUlJA'1`EU with both single and double roommwith modern conveniences. at 288 Quoen Street. WU LARGE UUKIODIOUS NEW BILIUK Houses. near the corner of Alfred and Prince St:-eats. containing 10 rooms. hot Inf-or nuance, and all modern improve- mentlz lghtod. For further particulars Apply ta lino. . C. Tnonrrou, Oornor Princess and Ohnhun Streets. 0. 286 QUEEN SPEEICT. NEAR. Y.I C.A. Bulldlnc; suitable for boarding houao. Eleven roomu, ood collar; recently conontod and newly du nod Bout modonto. Apply co mus & Cunnuxaunt. W0 LARGE OOMKODIOUS NEW BILIUK PI-innnn Htrnntn. nnntnlninu In Inn!-nu hat. In auuu u Inunnlv ua Ioiris' QITAKER BREAD. IYCV. H. IIIUIIY UII "LIIIICIID OX IJUIIUUII ' It the Y.M.0.A. to-night ll : eight o'clock. Football Ramos. Saturday, at athletic undo. Cndelsu vs. Grunltuoa I at l0u.m.; R30 Brockvillo II n. (lnnitos II at 2.`p.m.; Ongoodo II vs. Queen : II at 3:30 p.m. _,A____T,, , _ _ , RICK HOUSE. 181 DIVI~`ION STREET. AT present. occupied by Prof. Dsy. lodern nveniences. Hot Water lhnnnce. Fumes- lon In September. Apply next door to E. E. Wtncn. }ii}?DLY?%C0l W BIG IIIII HTIIISIJII. - J. Paul Ouzonouvo in The Three Guards- men" M2 taboo a homo w -night. Rgov. R. Mno_ sy or`n_ "_Outcu_b 9! London no Dally xoionoon l'orWIIIlu`I` Tofu: Thonulvoo Iw. Boys] Arcmum motto to-night. Stuloy an Junu first uumbly in the Wine lull to-night. Pun! nnmnnvn in "Thu 'l`hr-an {inanim- ill! IIIII gOl|OI'Il Oi%HOII. IIIC OIHOI at in Ilia platform will be "Fodention lnlh All-og" VPWO LARGE FRONT BOOK.FUBNHHEI). ` hunted with hot. wntor. with nr withnnt. BOABDERS CAN BE ACCOHMODATEL with rnnmn_nr room: without. hnnrrl IL with both nimrln and dnnhln rnnmmwith OABDEBB CAN BE A0O0IMU1JA'I`!9Ul pumos FOR RENT. vuunnn nu n-nun.--`nu .. IIOI1" ID 0000 I IIOIIII Ilrlllslli. Rev. Mm on "Outcub 0! .1: tin V, M,U_A. hmninht. 11'. niohh n nInnk_ HE STUNE HUUSE UN EARL B'l`H.EE'l', at ynorfoot. Annly owner..leremlah Illllan. '39.} for Ff IIGIIUQCINIMIOIB `Uh L'\4"KI\rl Hair Pins, two cabinets 5c. Invisible hair Pins IC. Pins IC. Garter Elastic 5c. Ladies`, Children's and Men's 4 underwear all new season stock, small prices for right goods. \J\JLI|\L|A1|.L4I.a \ll. )5! TY in such a name as ._____A __.m.____ ___ `Ti: said (and truthfully) that A rose would smell as sweet by any Othpr name. Raul lab up gnun.- 'r`\Ac-41,5 n IIJ Elly VIII)?` IIJIJIDQ But let us say: There's a GUARANTEE OF QUALI- TV :n run`: In nnvv-In on "7" V"`1".`.I'.="_ :- -2:--:-l:j-- Ill! olo 3 Grant Ink. __ _ 1 Al II ,, _._1_- nu-not Thou Ilglvlng. nu-_{__ LL- . _ _ . ._I AL-.. LOCAL MEMORANDA. ' oll. J. A BUDDIUK. Supenndont $37-TE: ply owm Lu-I WTTETT BOARD.` UWIII ummu. uli In Icpl. 1 nghrtdopntnuttljudhq O Kli Juno 0. cl udnuoouhh pus-lhhuu`&.huo&uluh-5 INT WIHT XVU j K llj or tln toncuou, I nuvzg of whom oumot undontand why they no uIIIp:tnud.u thdyclcinhknownolbiog nlusingiollnoeus. Atthonmotimo the duuativa nodprolonling guano} Ihrovoutcnrynnurnnoothtslluynnon I-Iorigitlrlck. Inallptob|HhtyIlIocx- uniauhnhulcu ungiucntobdywilllnu neouplootys. U TICK`. 5. UIIX KUTT IINI DOI- Pootoo ofollovio. f , sodl. . ldddtn, nddonr in the production. Train or npnun Shun viscous have bun II nud fm Lln rnmcntion- I mun nl KIIIIIIGF. D. II. DIIIIC. II). I OI ID. hook heronvu on thonood citing ovi- donco ngu-ding tho comhinstion of the vault Ind other matters robbing to the working of tho hook. Nothing of 1 cori- ou Mnuun wu brought out unions the occnnd. who cum: to me hit noonvinblo porition with opponent compound. Tho court hoot-0 vu completely junlnod hyholhnnn. l.Gn|I Porur sod Col. Pnnhnn. ll alluring nnnnnrnrl far ntinnndc av-1-1. NAPANII, Out... Oct. 8 --'l'ho trial of William H. Poooon, chorgod with tho rob- hory of the Noponoo brooch of tho Domi- nion bank. on Aug. 27th, oponod boforo polico mogiunu Duly oi. tho court home at too o clock. At. tho oponing of tho court until 12:46, when "tho court odjournod lot dinner. E. B. Bolnoo. tho again of tho hank hm-gun: an nonnd nirinn nui- `I110 `folio! hand: Bl: Pull-lusty lrlsl `l'n,nIn' XIII!-IIIVUI Ul IVUIKID III III II. The Standard says: "Y; roam with socrotnry Sherman to find bin way out of I col!-crowed ditculby winhout n ncrico of uignity. The nail! "nil - " "Thu imhAl.nnniD.v nl `" 13*- .Cromptons D. & A. and E. T. celebrated Corsets, all sizes. ` Special Cashmere Gloves, 15c, zoc, 25. `Ringwood Gloves, zoc, 25c, 30c- Handkerchicfs and No~ ons. ` Children : Handkerchiefs 1c, ac, 3c. Hem stitched Handker- chiefs 5c, IOC, 15c. Embroidered Handkerchiefs xoc, 1z}c,2oc. 11-}. D:I|n `nun nah-\:ngOn pun (II IF . e Daily News :` "Tho impotuoaity of the United States. and their douiro to in- cludo oonntrien not directly inboruood no nnpleuant future: of the controveny. UIIIIEI Dhllo Insoox. Oct. 8.--'l`he Dnily Urephic and other pepere justify Lord Saliebm-y e refusal to participate in I conference ee to pelagic eealing which includee the repre- eentetivee of Rueeie end Ja n. TL- Hhnul--.1 --..-. u L ...-L- _:LL BI-lteln Never Agreed to lineal: anci Japan conferring. WAsn1m:1-ox, Oct. 8 -The state depart- ment he received full inform-ition an to the position of the British government on the propoeed Behring eee conference. The British view. ee laid before the state do- pertment, is that et no stage of the nego. tietione hen the British government agreed to: conieronoe except that between the expert: of Greet Britain, Cenede and the United States. l...u..... l'\..L 0 'l|L- I'\.:I_ .i_._L:, WIIIIIUT W111`: HIV [Ell uwlaruyuu. Li-rru: Rock, Ark., Oct. 8.-Drought and forest res are doing great damage in Arkansas. and the situation grows worse daily. Thousands of dollars worth of valuable timber and other property has been burned, and stock in nearly all sec- tions of the state is suffering from the scarcity of water, while in some places there is not even drinking water for the people. No general rain has fallen for over sixty days, and in some localities the drought is of even longer duration. Miles of fences have been de- stroyed, saw mills burned. cabins gutted end in some instances the ames have been communicated to large fields of open cotton which were destroyed. In hundreds of localities wells and springs have entirely dried up and residents are hauling water in barrels from the nearest streams. while some sections are twenty miles distant. Nearly all the large ve etables have been Perched in the elds. be people In many ocalitiee are holding meetings and pray- 1 ing for rain. ; lu. Fowr Wavmn, Ind.. Och. 8.-ForesI: fires are rnging in the eastern part of this conn- ty, and farmers have organized to ght the (lumen. Bu-nu. corn in shock and Acres of winter wheat have been destroyed. 'I'.'I-1-rim Rnmz, Ark, Ont. R _T)|-nuahf. WBIUF d UIIIRIHCU UK DIX UNIQU- VALPARAISO, Ind., Oct. S.-The marsh res are rapidly spreading in this county, though the farmers have given up all other work and are lighting. at all hours of the day. Several more houses were destroyed last night. The residents of Hebron. Kouts and Kinman are badly frightened as it is feared the tires may sweep across the heavy ditches which have been dug across these places. At Daceteur and - Lagrange. Indians, forest fires are raging. The farmer : ere now so organized that they anticipate no great damage unless the wind suddenly changes. Great fires are burning in the marshes near Rochester, Ind. 's`.\..- IlY...-... `[_.I I'\-L u IVA_-_s. A--- I0 I Is Mascounu, Ill., Oct. 8 --In the experi- ence of oldest settlers in St. Clair and ad- joining countries the present drought is without parallel. The damage done by the drought in Southern Illinois cannot be accurately estimated, but it has been great. The heaviest loss to the farmers is on the corn crop. which has__been cut down fty to sixty-ve per cent by the dry weather. It has also done great damage to all late vegetation and to the fruit crop generally. A water famine is threatened over I lsrge area of country. Many farm- ers residing east of Mascoutsh are hauling water a distance of six miles. `7 .- ...n.-...\ 1. ! fine 0 TL- ..........L Nn.s;~x. Mich., Oct. 8.-Esst snd north of this city the terrible marsh res still continue. Farmers have fought the ames night and day for a week, and sre utterly exhsusted. They have moved their house- hold oods to places of safety and have sscri cedtheir homes. NesrBerrin Springs on what is known as the big meadow, the re has swept over like a prairie lite, and thousands ofscres of potatoes have been roasted in the hills. The tire is the worst that has occurred in this vicinity since 1871. LA A unnnmsn III l'\-L u T.. Al... ---.-..:_ LORD SALISBURY JUSTIFIED. 3H0SlERY_