Ourconl Rocolvon Careful Attention. "W. -- I `.3 FTIICIU. IIIID |JIlIIp' boll, 0.0.; vice-pnuidqnb. D. W. Bola. Androw St:-sup. A. Black: ncnury. D. W. llccrohon tnnnnr. R. Cameron. QlTllJIg Ill UIPIVTI lylll (II, Wllall B09 plain India who are ging Britain. he delegates plimbod upon their Mats and shouted. Down with Britain." The pro- goal of Gran Britain to in Inland a ` tholic university was also anonncad. The climax was reached when William Redmond aid that. Eh land was bully. n pinto and I nvngo. I other in Indin or Afriou. and uprooted lyllllthy with the [non]. in Indili who Am n Lino Rrihin. It-Iahlnen At A lever lleat. Drmux. Oat. 12-The first national convention of the Irish independent league, organized by John Redmond. the Parnel- lite leader, opened here yeeterday after- noon. Eight hundred delegatee were pre- rent. The independent Iriahmen of Boa- ton aentfreetinge together with $100. Mr. Redmon characterized Mr. Gledetoneae "The Englishman who betrayed Ireland." He denounced the liberal` for abandoning home rule. Alllinde of reeolutione were adopted in denouncement of the govern- ment. and calling upon Iriahrnen generally to respond to the appeal to raise a l'arnellit.ef,* fund. Louie Stuyveeent Chandler eaid that the Irish would never achieve home rule until the were united. and warned them not to unite themielvee with toriee or liberals. "Engliehmen." he eeid, are never juat end never doe neroue act unleea forced to do it by mil mm. The brute mey have felt en irroeiehble deeire to bite. end eo he preferred not to heve en opportunity. He grew woree end hit three men some deye ego. They went to the Peeteur institute end need: to be doing well. Hie mietreee, whoee foot he ettempt- ed to bite. fell ill leet week. though the dofe teeth hed not pierced her ehoe. Fever eupervened end then ehe hed eon- vuleione. When her mother went to kiee her she cried. "You must not; I only Hee- ed Bob. end see I have hie dietemper. Finelly ehe died in convuleione. Brute Wu I Pot-End Been In-Nnreed by I Olrl. Loxnox. Oct. l2.-There is I ahutling warning in the fate of the Peril young wo- man who died of hydrophobie on Sunday. She was not. bitten. but. Allowed I pea dog, who wee ill, to lick her face. Mlle Enn- teaiero had A bull terrier. Bob. of which eho was very fond. Bob two monbhe ego, fell ill. His miahreee nureed end onreued him. and he showed his gratitude by lick- ing her hand: and face. He then ran gram her end howled if she went noer um. 'l\L- L....A- ...-_ L-..` l..Is -.. :_..-_:_A.I.I- FUHEOH GIBB- Some veluableinformntion has been oom- municeted by:\ men from North Ba to the Toronto World. which may be 0 the greatest use in tracing thethievee who rob- bed the bank. One day lest week three young men arrivei at North Ba and registered at the Queen'e hotel. hey nid they wented to go to British Columbia. One of the party in buying drjnlre at the bar roduoed e we 0 new bank bills, end ten ered I 810 Dominion benk bill in payment. The newness: of the bill and the - size of it attracted the attention oi the bar- tender, and on looking at it he noticed that the lllllll signature was not on it. Be as. clined to take io,nnd other money was paid for the drinks. An ski. Hm. lulu. It... 54...]... |.-.I _..L l0I' DIIU Uflllll. At. this time the bartender had not bend of hue Napaneo robbery nnd did not know of it. for A day or no After the above occurrence, And he then communicated the facts to several prominent citizens. Jghn Andcnon'l`odd.Bdlovillu.dido'n In-dgunipnnnfunnnhn an... n.. U Ill; 4 The community still refute to ontortuin any idea of the guilt of the accused. and come 0! hi: friends are now talking of an-nugornonto to give him I grant reception if he in acquitted. The rouontinn no just on positive of a comm ttnl. Mr. Pm-tar olnnnod A Mn hill Int. 'I`mn. Juli? II POCIDIVB U! I connnluul. Mr. Porter changed I $60 bill In Tues- day At Bollevillo. The bill In: gn the Dominion bank, and Mr. Porter no in- formed chub inquiries were being undo ro- Imrdinn in. Mr. Porter nhnnonrl thn hill, xorlnou Eula Inquiries WEN Doing unao re- garding it. Mr. Porter ohngod the bill, received from I lady client outside of the Ponton one. 0...... ..-I...L.l.:nt.......-s:.... L..- L--- -...._ Toronh World. If A on `III! (In. A STARTLING WARNING. THE PONTON CASE. / Wants A Divorce. 5. r\,. t\,. In no thrown ol Button}. Wane, Bniud. Bonita, Conooooook. legit and ulna. ii that vicinity whnonr has hon ntlilnny hr and yarn. van git-In nnuoeu innate prison ' 15 `hit in probably the "gun. gnu. nxmnlhl-Mn in nnnln mm. no-lug looot Ionyvolcul. Co .1. 1. on. l2.-0oa'goH. ' 1., _.'_";fmd_`_.. m `when 0` Thcmost extcnstvcrange ? u auto-. fva-J. of Material for Fall. and .`:_m.j.~.:;.h.s:u';,d.uuv:n `.3: WinterOvercoatsand Suits `u ` O I - . J-:-mu-. - w-n-mug.-::.-.39`: ever show: In Kingston III YIIIUII XUIIICIUOI Flmmillllyn VIII. onpuin-gout-ul add: that ho In: the (fat- on denim Io end the Ilonon of war nod to uhbli In the Inn Not be .........: '*' ' lhnnm, Oct. l2.-Goa. Ramon Blnnoo. the now cnphin-gononl ol Cnhnmnnounool that he will act with gun energy ogninu tho innrgonu ad will onploynll politics! manna nnton quality 0! trutlmnt in tho vuiou uctiouool thooommnnity. The mnnin-nan:-nl nddn that In [an Lhn unn- IXIIUVUIUIIII WUl'In An important oonlorenoo woo bold at Montreal on Monday botwoon the hnrbo oommiuionon, to utivu of tho of trndo, corn 0: ngo. chombro do oom- morco. cit council and shipping oom- ponioo on Ben. J. I. Torn, minister of blio work, who won ncoomplniod by r. Goboil. Sir Wilfrid km-ior and Hon. Biinoy Fiobcr. The who]:-Station of in- Innd nnvinntinn Ill diam '8~i`d'n;y whole IIOI land nnigation wu di . lllll IIICI VUl Il WOIIIIGIG. At Monday`: prooeedinge of the King`: Deughten. who are now in annual eeeeion in Octave, it we: resolved that the oonven- tion express ite interest and sympathy with the eetehliehment oi the Victorien Order of Noreen in Cenede. end recommend the members to do ell they `can to promote it: benevolent work. In i--us-A-..6 A4-.I.-..... _..- I.-I.I `L I'll llll connnnuwu UZUU. While e tredeemon e deputation wee con-_ farting with the government at Rome on the tension question. yeetel-dey.e riot wee started by e mob outside. The police ec- tem ted todiepene the ple, and e erce con ict took place in w ich one rioter wee killed and several wounded. AI I\l.An'- n-.u.4AaI:....- -4` AL- I.':_..`- UIIIXU. The Toronto board of control hue voted $500 to the fund for tho "sufferer: from the eastern bush tires and the same amount for the sufferer: from the reirie re: in Meni- taobe. Hnmilton counoi bu eleo voted 8500 for the Ottawa {and end the governor-gent rel has contributed 8200. While I ll-nnnvn-n : Jnnnb,-llnn can Ann, licioi 6u'ee'n"s`E. ' TILIPHONI 0. HUI! nuns. An oioiel telegram has been received in London h-om Yokoheme etetin thee Jepen accepted the invitation to ten ere reeen- tetive to the eeeling conference. to held in Weehingbon. on the underetending hhet the whole Ieeling queetion wee to be die- cuneed. ML- ll!_--._;- L---) ,: ,_-A__| 1.- H-.-) luuuu DIIIUIIK Ill! TIIIIII CI 3 DIP" Downg- ing to William Tuck. conoouion ve. Har- wioh, which inn destroyed by re. He probably slept in the burn And Accidentally not are. L... o.:-:-I A-l-__.__ I.-- L . . _ _ _ . -:..-J :_ ll Duo uxponinn. Thomas Kell . of Toronto. was arrested IE` Allendale, nb., charged with bound- broaking on Tuesday Inc. and atuling olohhu. which he wu wearing when arrest- od. He was remanded. A ...l:5..... ..a:..- -n IJ'-I:I`_.. -s_s-- AL-L Ulla BIB WII I'UIIlIO(In A military officer It Halifax sum tlnb the aubhoritioa have in View the pinning of two Britiolx regiments in Britioli Columbin. and tint a oonungont. oi troops will be sent out. there within I month. "l`|m nknun-A .......:..- -8 - 5...... ...-... Olc |'-IJOFB WIIDIII I IIIOIIUI. The charred remain: of a tram were found among the ruin: of A barn long- inn to Willinm Turk. nnnnnnninn Eva. Ar. ago. Mrs. Dr. Youmnna ban. from I sense of duty. decided to give u her pnctioo in Winniromo take to t. o plntform Advo- cw o b o return : of which the W.C.'l`.p. in la exponent. Thnmnn KAHI. nl Tn!-nnfn, inn AI-lull-.n(l mg: wunun can no spareu. Senorita Evangelina Cosoio Y. Ciunoroe. the Cubnn girl who escaped from Cu: do Racojidu, in Havana. on Wodnudny hub. has arrived in New York. (`L-gag --- LIA -5 I .._.I.;_ I...` ll. 5.. IIII IIITIVDII III CW (OTI- Cheolo was bid at London. from 9c. to 9}o.; Iroquois. 0c.; Ogdonabnrg. N.Y., 89; Cowanavillo. Quo.. 950.; Watorbown. N.Y., 850. to 810.: Canton. N.Y., 90. to 98:1. DI-;`TIeOnMI|`lbOl`O|lKh heir will be baptized next Saturday in the Chapel Royal, St. Jamu palace, and the prince of Wale: will not an sponsor. The tnhimr of nvidem-n in tho Lunhnnrt UFBIIBI FD DUO jury. It. is stated that Spain in no hard prouod for money blunt the government in ntbom t.- ing to sell all tho public lands And bui d- inns which can be spared. Evnnzolinn Ciunoroe. PIAN03 FOR DENT. %...;'.'u.'`..`. .....`.'.'E.'.`.'; 910. Mm `hm. father of 0. ye, enenl mann- aeu of the G.'1`.R.. di in ew York on Sahurdo . cm... I ...-5...: 9.-...- L---) -: ..-......-..L.:...| names has decided to Ipell it ":{i{ieed States bond of oognphicnl lglondiko and not Clondyke or Klondyko. Hnmilhnn m'r.v -nnnnnil has ii:-Ad I500 tn I100 UIUHUYIU 0!" l\IOI'l(lyKU- Hamilton city -council bu wired 8600 to mayor Binghnm, of Ottawu. for the relic! of the are sulforera in Ruuoll and Pul- cont. 1).}. 1.. I_II.'..... ____._-II.. LL__.._I.-..L AL- Uuin in falling generally throughout the ruched belt. of the western states. and the ong dinltroul droughts have at luh been broken. "FL- \l-..II.....-...-L I...:.. _!II L- I.-.._L....J wm non II sponsor. The tnkin of evidence in the Luotgnrt murder tn : in Chicago wu concluded Monday, and the counsel began their ad- dreueu to the jury. It in ntntnd that. Rnnin in nn hard nrnnnnd II III IUI'- , TE: inluhiuutlol Pdnqlho birth- Jun If an, Wnulno, nun nnnnnrinn In Elmo Hutton that um-on lnrybodr - lotu from All our-[Attic 0! Ivan- thlng lullv Band and Bononboud In `tho Don Public. Montreal council gnvo'85,000 to tho Russell re zuorou. All Sninu church, Pohorboro. wan formally dedioutod on Sunday. Mr. Whihnnv nddruud mootimn At. Iliflllllly UQUIUIIOII OD nunuuy. Mr. Whitney add:-used mootinga st Bonverton and Sundorlnnd yesterday. On Sana. 30th than-n~wnm nvnn nuinidn DUIVGHOII nnu uunuarllnu yeewruey. On So u. 30th therewvere seven suicide in New ork hotels. nix by the gen route. Edwnrd Tn-box. of Hamilton. has lefh THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. III LVUW IUII DDDOII, III Dy FIIU `II TUIIFUI Edward Tarbox. of Hamilton, bu Iofh for Venezuela to engage in mimonny work. ' `D-.. lV-..-.. f`L......- A1-) -5 Y)-2-I..-n WU!`- Rev. Cnnon Chance died at Pniuloy. 0nb., yesterday, at. the age of sixty- ei ht. n- 5-51.-.. -11`! II ,`II.... ...-..-..-I ...-..-_ 1:L`eaRAMs FROM THE EARTH ! roun QUARTER8 mvsu, ' !NEWS IJF THE WllR|.Il.l Iwhat Comcs to Us from All T Quarters. {IJIINIIENSEIJ PARAERAPlIS.] n puuuu I1 tinI870. hulngklpgnl nunbanol-cg-gnu. .- & C A_.A In 1 To Ind Ware lo:-ton. ._ A_A in 11., In , I6 LIVINGSTON & BR11|Lc.Jons'mncIlI.. Want-`Buchanan. Call eafly and get the choice of complete stock. Latest London and New York Fashions. Bnsnum.Mnn.. Oat. l2.-JImu John- nton. non of Morton municipality, nonh- od the nnnninonu nomination for Turtle Monnuln no tho oonnrvntln convention hold hero youhcdny. Panning pan and packet. 30:: and 40: a poet. at Ou-noniyh. IFALLANIJ W|N1[Rl 1| : IVHID-V I -uIIvIII av:-us Tonowru, Oct. l2.-J. P. Whitney. the louder of the connorvativo puny in tho rovinco, tpenh on Wednesday at Linda ; hundny at. Tweed, Friday at Not`! , Monday. Och. 18th at Ronfnw. Wainsc- dny at Pembroke. Thurodnx nth:-noon at. Ru-rommith. Friday Alton-noon at Alu- andrin. " New llulee To Ie letzreed. New You, Oct. l2.-N'evr relee gov- erning the shipment of grein from Cenede ex rmd by the port of New York. Phile- de uhie or Baltimore. to take elfect Oct. 25th. heve been recommended by the rnenegere of the joint Ireic eeeocieticn. Grein from the province of Quebec end To- ronto will be inspected end graded in Cen- ede before parsing the frontier end the cen will be turned over to the trunk linee with duplicate certioeue of the gndee from the Oenedien government inepectcre etteched to wey bille. I'l IVIIlIU IJIIUITIIIII IIIVIIII O'rn\va,'0ot. l2.-Some time ago the department of cuatoma aaked the authori- tiee at Waahington whether a Canadian would be allowed to put together at St. Miohael e, for nee on the Yukon river. a at-bottomed ateemer for navigating the shallow reaohea of the river. A reply has been received. cheerfully granting permieaion. There is an Ameri- can eub-collector of ouatome at St. Michael's, so that there will be no diicult in tranelerring cargo to analler craft whio ia able to navigate the Yukon. Several parties have been anking for thle informa- tion from the customs department. 64TH nnouu no. Mn. Nick but an word to the district attorney hhnb IIIO in ready to toll all she knows about: the murder of Guldonuuppo if the be allowed to plud (nil? to man- nluughtor in the line degroo. be dim-iot. ntbioxnoy bu I-eluted to consider tho propo- uir. on. _.. ll crouuror. . Prof. Snundumof the oxporimonhl (Ann. bu returned from Nova Bcotiu. when he was attending the Hnlihx exhibition And looking over the oxporimonul Inn: at Nap- nnn, N,R_ `rho Inter: la lolval. NnwYo|u<. Oct. 1l.-'I`he myetory lur- rounding the deposition of the mining head of William Guldonaup ha been solved :6 Inn. The head h been hidden by Thorn in the bushu near the oomgo ln Woodeido, L. I.. when the murder wn committed. and via afterward: thrown in- to the recon July 211$ by I friend of Thorn. The latter told nfollow prisoner about in. II.` \Y-nIp L`. ---l u-anal In Oh: (`inky-hu I80, The Ontario delegntu of tho King : Daughter: and Soul are buy nishing up their work here before luving for home. Mrs. E. M. Tilloy. of London. was oloctaod aooretnry, and Mrs. E`. Morris. of Ottawa. is crouuror. Dust gnuulgun Al` DI.` A-ngoh-nnniul Comm nmuy. The inuences of the}. M. C. A. were inohrumonul in enriching the exchcquor of Canada by the mm of 825. It. was lor~ worded to taho cuubomn dopomnont. "through the Y.M.C.A. of Onuvn," an conscience money, being the amount of which some rcpcntanl: hnvollor boliovod he had cheated the custom: about son you: can 0.'1,aUU. . Another death hu occur In tho ro- ault. of laabTuudn '0 ro. hlhnnh. of Ouoolmnn. lovonby-wo. who was bndly burned died from him otfoou of his injuries oh the Water utroob hospital Int. night. Decouedmonvoyod to the hon ital on Sunday night. was badly burnod I uh the Anna. lo`: and body while trying to uvouomo of in propel-by. Blood poison- ing at in on Soturdny. Ho lava I large family. `lull Ohooaoe lo Norwoy And linden- lung`: nonhun Iloee|ou."""` 0'11-A\u,()'nts.. Ooh. l2.--Are Mrorn the Oenodion ooounoreiol Agent 0 Norway ond Sweden. 0. Sonhom. which ha been received by the department of trade and commerce. re rm thi the change: in the new tori of bhoeo oonntrioe slightly aoat tho orticloe which ore imported from Oenndo. The obongoe effecting the chief ertiolee of Conedien oxporu are or follow : Rolled oohe. formerly free. now 10154:. ger 220 Ibo; wheat flour. formerly 6a.. now e. per 220 lbe.; froth opplee. lormorly 25:13.. now 310. per 220 lbr.. dried opplee, formerlv 5io.. now 10 4-50. per 220 lbe.: redietore (heating agpontur). formerly free, now $1.35 per 1 lbe. Anoumonr. mmmininnor Probh will hove Inc, now u.ao pot IUU mu. Auounont. oommiuioner Pro will have his Annual roport ready for the public in I luv doyo. It will Ill0W. it in aid. on in- orouo in the value of uumble proport of over $050,000 and not quiu I million. ' an inoreuo in the po uluhion` of "ovu- 2.l00 And not q~ a 2.2 . u the popula- Iion low you .. us 51.540. The prooonb population, nocording to 11-porn, in oboub 53,700. Annthnr Ankh Inn nnnm-rad nth: rs. Ir. Whitney`: Bunion Tour. __._., f\_A In I `'5 II'L!A_- IUIVU wit?` IUD CT 090 $13 II . THE OTTAWA UDOET. Prlvllego Ohoortully Olvon. ..._. 'n.. so a-...- .2... ._ hound no In-uluuon. _ _,, II__ A,. I(\ I._,, -r -v u--vw vvwvcvuig CW WT hcilitiu for obtaining uunI,IIhI' } icpouiu. fwuito aticb ulna; Qxungnghnontnhbolngz; Onlywhcnyo Ipplytlnl hovldp Ioohhinthobanunlu. T Ou-knowledge ofwhtt up-to-duh Jewelry. ooopld which.- l`.lIlAl.- I... -LA-:..2__ AL- _....__ .__.gL_.~"f nrnplro. munold 1 hlnllnolh gust - 1 0% . znmmo "N 0' ponllu Once]: I haw Inn." at Had mu: of appreciation. W 51 --"' =-"'1:-*:::':-x`: "".-:." -..,_`___n ' unon II o . poetu In: M" II. Tlmlli-II Ion 0o..Llnl . tome. snow discovery. and Io-p on lI`.`.{'.r.`.`.'f...`A".'.`.'..`.`."."u '`.`."f' "*1 ~c.`.3 tukod In: on one: [noon unrouhons town and aonnn ploymou. Oouuniulon at nun. aotgn and urn. and up r I on: `lately ' OI. Lthnndn. no: woln I I don. t . (hands. CANVASSIML `-`QUIIN V we Illtl Baton has an Empire. lxtnovd 1 can soul: I noon NO. 237. MITIU-mun-HIIADI IAN ohutoh Ihldlng. willing to- buolnou. then to not on law: ndont. hon: uluy D00. 0] -cued stamped onvolopo to 'l`. Gonna! Inn-or. box A. can mm d I In re: no! mo. ol -:u::I| uutupod o::'olopo tongl`. Gonna! Hunger. on A. one DMD Irvuulnvlt CIIAIMOTIB. run 00-`, ulna. -ood nppoutnoo on convene ly. no Induutrloumhut not nnun QIQQIII1 on doniro, mm 10 mo. 1 will to I u COW Yhnvhholmd raft of ndonhnd al a .. t n on I on: on by ' . L(:n':x;1"r`. gnnord. ` . ANTED - H Ian-(mAD1I _WOIl 0! [and ohnmh shading wnlllun 0 In our lruulnolmthon to not no In I II nnoondom. hob: `salary D000. 0'`? uuhlruud oumpod onvolnno MA (hnoral Innuor. box A. one Dally AN l'lD--HIGH-GRAD! Ill willlnn bnahunn. than to an! An Innnnnp A1 11 commission for thoroughly rollnblo and old-utnhlhhod rm. Addloll Onun. III _ Boston mroot. lalilmoro. Id. . -r mm: m xx-uuntonm n3 ' A ' m mum. Applyto In. limos. Strut. T uumc. A mun HENIIML SIIVAIIT. Apnly to In. A. 8. Ouvn. om-not [Inc and 00!`! Strata. _. ~ WARTID HIGH-HEAD! W0! 0' ohnmh Inn nnr Inn-Inn:-_ than In Ant An Inn;-n g-ul g Liv: Inn in sum. ran-cu or M or` commission lor thoroughly NI lo and Onton. IIII Yon mu be mu that tho oonl you buy from us In: boon looted wnn one at the mines. M: 6 In. that on In no :15! mind up in It; an that In nu boon vutoho In tho transpor- utlon from the minor to In homo. llul um. menu that than in no :0 mind up in It. Out coal In all ooul--ood coal Thu : vhyn. Mlllll honor and gin: out more Inn to tho ton than other coal. .'I-Yn BABLoW--In Kingston Ooh. lltla. 1007 Bernard Bu-low, ngod 24 you: and` months. . .r. The funonl will an plooo from MI ; mother : mldonoo. Piou-cl moot. our; Ridoou, on Wodnoodo so 2: o'o!od 1 to BB. Goorgoh oobh ml and than 00` Cntnnqul oomotory. Frloudo cod no- quninumou no mpootfnllylnvlhod to attend` Annnnnn--In Klnnton. on 11. Math ` Aldrod. aged 50 years. , The funornl will have 240 Monbrool mm. Thundny nftornoon. at that o'clock. Friend: and noquoinunool no roopoolo fully Invited to attend. - _. _ . ______...---w-w --r--- -ncw Q Unduuhon and lmbnlmon. III and II_ P:-Inoou Much. 'Phnnu 1- Wsntoolnl. W. Bouldonno. 01. Opon day And nigh`. - v '35; E-LII| TII IAIAIIIIO UlDII'l`AIII-|- Du T mm. lblnphono nu. Ono: PL:An AI um I I PIOI DICIII phon.::onmuiIoouon. rrlnuu nun. Oornol I phono communication. u T. 1-". HARRISON COMPANYT lv__n-..A..L_-_ _..j Q.._L-|_.___ --. -__n `-A LI:sLu-At 205 0:13:12 mum on out: llt.h.oho wife ofdunu no of u dumb- kl`. ' any. uu In Wodnaduy. mtoh. uuh 4 human not French In Glover and Match in and white. (allow an 1:411:51. for nttornoon ton and o ' i l.fh Novulty Rid Glovu in Ink: no ILIO. Pnh Novelty Rid Glow: In as In 0 mu-' K '.*:rE,2:*;:14`Aa~.':es o.'m'.';;l.;'::.i'".t..% ax: Solo Anna. in b|_|0k and on on. .....I._ n|......_ n -_|__A __; |-..-A|.- Eiblii Kid Glove Depgr_tmenti; --uvuwy -vrug us- raj--- vvvx Note sfow of our style: nnd pIioII~:_'}`7{ 4`Look Dunno: Ooloncl Kid Glenn. D: ; pa 2'. ~ ~: . 4 Button: um: um Colon mu lanai` Glovoa. Mo. ' 4 nuuon rnguun Doukln ram only us. - I Push Button English Style Gl0VO..lu ` 5 Inca Stud Ru! lunch lid in link all " Colon. 01 u - ~ " ammo an .1: m. A utltchinctfu do.o(t`l::i xovolty, onlfk." Lnrlln `Lung:-nn (llama: In hlA hh`hi`AA_ ' uunuru. u `pk cow? ~ India` Knnuroo (Nona In bla" \ , 5 for morninirwur and dtlvinu` U1, ` 3 Ln dim Whlu Kid Glon|,w1tlg' 5 ` I buttons. H 300. 7 . Indian` Black Undmud Kids. on gulp! Colored Uncllnud Iidu. Mo to CM Purina Ulldlolu (1 Kids. H. I But! White. blsck utwh. U1 '1` Pl:u.hl anon Purl urn. :; 0 _ , . ' lmotolrhnoy pink nag?! in, A K`: FALL, 1897. AT suaAc1('s. :j ALEXANDER IUD GDOVIS, lot INCH W0 I in black colon. zvonlng Glnvon all colon sad lonll. ` from 1.90 to 01.90 per och. (iontv (ilbvu. nu duhublo nnknml mt ` -T--:- IFYDUEAVII CHABAOTI3. VAX. ulna. nnnnnnao on nnnvnn wan-|n'uua.unIuu. :j_ `T ONCE. A OOJD HENIIIAL SIIVANT. Annlr A. H. Ouvn. ms.-nu Klan 10? ABOUT SIXTEEN T0 WOIK IN TH. Gunny. H. Hnnnanu. Photographer. `YOUNG MAN WHO HAKHAD lK)II IX- pcrlcnoo In typo nmng. Apply at WIIO ` 0.- Knowledge is Power wan:-can PROIABILITIEI. T Impothn Silk: and Dru: Goods. 4 P. EDITION- b. Inn-anon (nppor) s d d may tr?` :n:tn.r|vRnun|n':I.'l.n.i 1.1.1: min! WIICII III `HIT. WWW rum-I1 . unooulod sud Id day. than turning could and '? lnndnv. ~ EINIY DELHI. Innntlurin A-`ll Inn ii JAB. BIID. Ilinnnuu nnn__1 DIID. lchonnq Plan. Tonoum, On. Oct. 12 -A ` dol- puoh so the um and lupin night nonouswn uyn: Dr. Bordon. ulniour ol-ilitigio mlhotily for tho muons than LinnL.(Ll. Olin will h rov `I'IODhtl|lIOIo0l'I'|I|IoPIt OI IIOI InI-4----- II`-n IEII IVE 0! THE GENERAL (X)IIlI'- too II (1 of others lnconnual In tho bone- volonunummon will In hold In tho conn- ou Chum-or on TuUlL\uIAY Al'AIBt00N at Co`olock to rooolvon report from tho lovsl mmmmoo um (or the Innncuon or othor buhon. I B IIlAIQ-Il I H EQ`ll\IQ II-_._ J. EWALKKI. J. 8. SKINNIB. Inyor. Boo`: '1`:-cu. Lhuiruum. VICIORIAN ORDER OF NURSES m CANADA. IEIHVO OF THE GENERAL O0lIlI`~ no L: 1! cu! othcn (nun-cm! in than hang. YIIIIVV I VII hllixnr GOOD SOLID Hll-I TONID PIQNO will too IOII cheap for cash. Inqun through wmooloo. Ff. VI IIIU UIIIUCU |JU.BUO H. Henderson would also advise his patrons toarmnge for sitting: at I8 only 3 date as pouible and nvoid the holidav rush. Soc display of Cubans and Phtinoa. ` ll. HENDERSON. - NIOTOGIMPIIER ___.- V V begs to inform his patrons and the general public that be [me secured the assistance of H. B. Henderson, who is an A 1 operetor end retoucher, hevmg experience in some of the beat studios of the United States. If YY.._j.____., _,_IJ -I__ ,j_f__ n__`_ lJAS.JOHNSTON&C0 S| |ANN0um=.mENT.| I IIIIIIIIQ Iultll vvsvuvup l\r-In, (M the pnmhuo of the whole or Any portion of tho following debentures boning interest at tho run of 4 per cent. pu unnnm. payable ml-annually : .I.nnv nun hghgnonnga Ilnunlnn Hnnnn\ 1~l. II.7o0-Payable am Doo.. loll. II8.5oo-l-`nynhlo am Doo.. mm. .9300 ~ Payable Inn. 1100., 1920. Th hi but or any under not neoouully Aouptm . For futthu plrtloullrs IDDH to. ll` (1 YRIIELANI). lhv Tmnnnrnr. Fresh Goods direct'from the manufacturers In Ladies and Misses and Children's Fine Dongola Kid Boots at U llllllirpljuiu up In: AI u UIUUI uvuu. uu FRIDAY. l5tl\ October. I897,| tn. 4).. nnvnhnln nl Mm whnln mu nnv non-Mon IBABGAIN SALES., W - -"'-""...'-.1-a'. :'.*".'i'z.-E`-Z"..'.`..."i`... BOARDIRS CAN BE ACOOIIOUATEL with rooms. or room: without bond if nforrodntsaotook street. mootxlo light a ovary room. Use of tale hone And ovary Inodom convenience. Tolep ono M6. Q-I III. B. U. TIOII Uhuhun Struts. D with both uncle and double roome.wr modern oonvenlenoee. et as Queen Street. _____.__..._-.__..._..:_ IDEBENTURESII BICK HOUSE. 101 DIVIQION STREET. AT pnunt ooonplod bLPto!. Day. Ilodorn Oonvonhnou. lint. W: rlmrnacu. Pontia- lno.n Inocgoptombor. Apply non door vol. I. W0 LARGE IODIOUU NEW BRICK Bonus. noun 9. 0 corner 0! Alfred and Prllmnu struts. oontsinlnz 10 roummhot TWO LARGE 00 IDDIOUU NEW BIUUK Prlnoou Sta-ta. containing roummhou wash: nuance. and all modern immova- montml Mod. For furthorpsnlonluunpol ea In. .0. Tlolm-ox, 00:-nor Ptlpoou on Ohuhnm - WANTED BY A YOUNG ILEEI ED UUUFIAIE loud and Lodaln . Addron with pu- ucnlnn L. 0.," one Iuo Oioo. _____:._?.._j._.__.._L__. `lie-Dally looolook Iorhlglauou `In 10...: I'hn-nnlInI hr. TIC` I-Kl! IIUK lurch I'll Winn. ------ `lo Punt TIA-ulna by. bone Bur club uumbly in Wum hull to-night. 'ZUc'r1' ON S `A`L`E` hvnnnnnaaqlnnnnrh-n.-ugh...` O. as QUEEN SEBEIIT. NEAR YJI O.A. Bullchncv unable {or boarding house. Ilovu. roomn, food oollnr; recently oonol-cud undcowly du nod. llont modonh. Apply to line In Ounpmmmn. WANTED BY A YOUNG IIABBI El) OUUPLH: linnlnn "5. O.." oua IALED TENDERS will be received by the undo:-plgnod up to 19 o`oluok noon. on Human`: CELL A\_.n.-I_-_ can-1 NET6W . BOAEDEBS OAN BI AOOOIIIODATIGD with both uncle and double roomumltli nodam oonvulonou. (moon ....-._-..-- gaunt HOUSE. DIVHION STREET. AT nnunt ooouplod by Ptof. Du. cor. Princess and Isaac! Sta. A GRAND WEEK OF mnnodron snua. hI\l\ L*l\l II'\ IIILIIJ K\`l-I\ H. I'IEl_`{DERSON_ . Said a faultless dresser who knows how to make her money reach far: I like to keep a good Cape handy. There are so many times one needs such a wrap, and they don't get out of `style in a hurry." That explains our great Cape `selling. Our own make of splendid two-sided Golf Cloth $7.50, made up to your order. Cheaper ones if you want them. More Coats fresh from i the maker's hands this morning,` made after America's best and latest designs, ready` to wear or to your order, $7-50. $8. $9. $10. More New Milllnery To-day. Tziidan ABOUT. LOCAL MEMORANDA. -EDI IllI"iII'I' |)Dl'l'IUllIIl'l Iyvll III F. O. IRELAND. Clay TIIIIIUOI. ._T:_ IM 0 Dobonturu (purohuo of Fnir "Groundo). payable by annual instalment: within 80 nun {tom 2nd July. Ian. 2? Dobonturou (Om; portion u J"Loonl Improvement) pay- sblo in 80 you: from Bud July. 1397. D__Debonnnrn (Debt. Annunc- I1n:_;\c), dated Slut Docombor, Ill] : ) Debentures (ltlevauor Bonus). "payable by Annual lnntnlmants whhin 20 you: {tom 2nd July. TO" LET. BOARD. --vvuvjjvvi-vi-won! Bnocxnun. 0&l2.--Frihy ulna-noon. Quhnlun. uh cl Nu-an Icon. 3 ` nut ng. I hr in 03. an. In nu Monday is a good day to order. UIIIXI ITIICIU II -I"~ III? VII'IDIIl"l'l`i oolond. Bhowubomin Ghent in l795.' Indnurly ull hot lift bu bun spoon in this hbothood. Bin iuhomothuf at nine chi dun. in of whom no not living, but oldou daughter hing oighty-npvqn ""'"'~ *.:.:**".':."""'f:.'"'.':.; yuan yak, an I cont 1 V Kabob nriglnr ` the to Inn to rldo lnggnnddnghtusn vhcol. W . Ivunnunotilullrpdll. Ioxnux. Oct. l2.-A pnlluun who mind from Vnlloyold thio morning usliuthulhnunin tchnngoIin- pnnhlh ooonuillooolr pnyhhuou-ylhca. 1'50 tic II` III!` Wllill IDOIII CKJJIII am: `BBC UPC Catholics ncood (with 23,000. The Epil- oopnliun number 10.000. R0 any: that in the matter of church government. 0 `ritu- nlly and thoologionllytho Epincopn and Brook Catholic churches in W no clan- or than any other religions in. and in-,. tiu_n::oI.hn thotwobodieo may soon be can . ' A (blond Ilnrolno. I CIIATIIAI, N. Y.. Oct. l2.-ChnthJh'c olden resident in In June VonBurIn.`, mnlnnnll Ilsa-nnhnn-min llhnnl in T08 I clu-Iulnnny In Japan. SAN Fmsvmm, Oct.l2 -Bichop. McKin. the E iocoptl prolno of `Polio. in in tho city. ouya than do total of 150,000 convert: in Japan. the Roman Catholic: an Inc with mono 50.000 and `tho Greek l'*-oL..l:.. ........l t_:nL 01 Ann IBL- l`..:- -no vvun -nu -we la-IlI--VII Bl`l~`l-`ALO, N.Y., Och. l9.-_William B. Lynde. ettorney for Clarence Page, who waea epeotator at the celebration of the opening of the steel arch bridge at Niagera Falls on September 90th. applied to justice White today {or information as to who are the proper authnritiee of the (}.'l`.R. Co. and the Paine e ireworh to one for dam- agee. Page, who livee on Allan street. thie oitv. in about to bring an action ogainet both companies for 825,000 dan- agee for pereonal iniuriee which have die- gnred him for lie. He allegee that while he wae etandin on the brink of the gorge a large eky roc et. deeoending per- peripendicnlar, etruoh him in the forehead an penetrated hie lace eo that eeverel of hie teeth were knocked out and hie oheek wee horribly lecerated. UOHIITIIIUH. The present sensation has been caused by the perseverance of a widow. who con- sidered herself defrauded by reevo Hamil ton. In the spring sf 1896 Mrs. Stephen- ave a mortgage on her farm to Hamilton. ghe suhseguently repaid the loan, she alleges. an applied to Hamilton for a dis- charge. On Nov. 25th. 1896. she secured what she thought was a total discharge of the mortgage.` Beside the mortgage she owed Hamilton on account of 84. She signed an order in Hamilton's oiice on Nov. -23rd. 1896. for what she thought was 84. telling G. M. Vance. her lawyer, who held money accruing from the sale of the farm. to pay . the amount. When Mrs. Stephenson went to Vanoe's omoe she was. surprised to find that the note was for $158.73. The amount had been changed and a clause inserted aehin Vance to get a discharge from Hami ton and register it. Mrs. Stephen- son is eure there was no such clause in the note when she signed it, and her brother veries her statement. Hamilton was ar- rested in J one. but the defence was so ovelwhhlming that he was acquitted. Half a dozen witnessee for Hamilton swore that the document contained the amount 8158.- 73 when it was signed. It is these wit- nesses who are now under indictment for perjury. Two of the men who swore they were at the signing of the order. were not within twenty miles of the place. and another of Hamilton's witnesses" now swears that he was not in Hamilton's of- ce at the time in question. It is likely that more arrests will follow. OTQCT. ""'|I`-"--J - $25,000--.3; [M/My & C0 $17,0o0~~,' % % $;,045.251'f $23,1oo-_;. ouu. Reeve Hemilton in considered the chief gure in the conspiracy. and if he in bowl- ed over A whole row WI" bonnie over. The In: other Arrests lleve Been lode- Proteeelonel Perjurere ue Been Oper- etlng In the Vlelnlty for lone Timo- A Deteetlve WIII Work up the cue- The Way the Boeve Defrnuded 3 Widow Ind Wee Acqultted-l`he One Will he lnteroetlng. Sunnnvml. Oct. 12.--No sooner `hes the desperate Melenethon gang of rebugs been solely pieced behind prison wellethen the crown comes forward end says it has unearthed s gong oi proleseionel perjnrers, who heve also opereted in`thie vicinity. and on Saturday lest John Heniltomreeve of Shelhurne end in justice of the peace; J emee Gumnons. Thomas Gelleugher end Aden London, farmers in the vicinity were arrested. The prisoners were re- leased on bell. The crown decleree that it has informstion of a widely remilied sys- tem of perjury by which witnessee were kept on top and were "squee:ed for long or short memoriee es the circumstances of litigetion required. The attorney-gem ersl s department hue been sexed for the eid of I detective to ferret the matter I]8ul'U In 9110 CUIIIPITIUY. III II DU ll UUWID to ple move : note and mortgage uainou has ne- ceuiteted frequenb suit: in the course by which he has: been thoroughly trnined in the vnlue sud qunlicy of evidence. Gen- enl Alarm it felt. among those who have taken part in the move : lnweulte. end one former ah Mineeld he made e alzorbling declaration. ML- ....-....c. .....--A:-.. I.-. L--- --......l THE nasuu or A .wmow-s PLuco_ FIGHT. renames nr PERJIIRY. lwlmzsrnm cnusrmmzv. The Reeve of Shelburne Placed Under Arrest. lblnnufucuntnrpou ..-.. A4 In A ....n._. [lo Will Inc For DIIIIIIOI. 11 V 0-; I0 I17 KINGSTON. IONTABIO. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1897. l . he: run In Bound To `I'M: haunting Chloe nII.._-._A- I'l1-_IA 0 :d. Toronh worm. 4 ' NAPANII, Oct. l`.3.-I in nid here that the slip of paper lound by Lin. MoGreer may have been the deposit slip of 3 oorlsein packet of bills in uite plausible. but there in a pouibility u an in night hue been of one of the stolen peokegeu. The defence say they can account for Pont.on a whoreshouln on the night at the robbery very easily. uni that. although in will be very unpleasant evidence {or Pon- ton to have to produce. he will be able to do in. VIVL4 nammnnitn still ...I.... L- -_L-..L_:_ JQIIII AKCUII ITO. DC~V'|I-. Ci Baudnyniglgnfluuohort moan. ndvubaninootlndin I823. Iuhunlivhgin lb llsh eonouinu `bond! lotfortyynn. vhtohooom ductdo Ho Invunhnilyol I've hnghhn: In. (Ram) William Built. Ianuhontg In.B.ich, Iichipng In. lunar. Mia huh and Inn Roluun. Al.&-A can ! Inn II: Jun low. Kn..\lnoo. Mich. Oct. l2.-Hury Ogden. who in indicted horn on n elm-go of burgluuing A. Viohburfo nddaoou. is wanted in Toronto. than In in chugd with nnnnlnghhr. no can known than it "Scythe." Ila willnot go tocunda until that to visit: Jnohon this pthon. Olson or The Auoolntloo. Wntsn-Io. Oct. l2.-'l'ho unnnl mut- ing ol the Winnipeg libanl uooeiuion `took plus but onmng At which that 0&- oou were elected: Hon. 8. R. Junluon. ll.P.; prddont. Camp- Inll. 0.0.: vice-nrnidoni; I). W. Bah. WIIII I DIVOPOO. Cnnnwean, Ont., 0ct..l2.--The lether of Ethel Towneend. the fteen-yeer-old girl of Hurleton; N. Y.., who merried Mitchell 0. e,8t. Begin Iqdien. e year or no .ie now eeeking to heve her divorced rein hee dueky huehend. who ie now doing time in Dennelnore etete pi-ieon. having been found guilty of ehduction.The cleim of di- vorce le heeed on the hot thet the user- Iriege tooh pleee without the ooneent ol the ir| e pereute. i Stylish Capes.