um um; sun or the Kingston retorinnr ratings is a guarantee to any pnront that the work of teaching voter- Innry medicine will he well done. We ohaerve that veterimry anatomy and the diseaau of animals are taught. b three veterinary surgeons, whereas we anbfpctn an physiology. chemistry. pn- tbology and. lnctenolozi. being com- mon to both medics! and veterinary stu- dentl. are taught by the ngulnr pro- fenon 01 Queen`: nninnity. Conan quentlyt if n vatqrinnry student. that untinu. doing to study human me- icino. he will get credit for that be has done while u otudont in veterinary 7 mm `I: the naion olnithe . Int: Queen nnivo ty that not gn]_r.n: ntudonu aims. in want to when they \\'nIM to. - The woman who wears the mm! to t-hun'h made out of_ birds` IIFPHSIS is` generully most indignant when the minister talks about the shame of :1 civilized country nllowing hull fights. \\'henm'er two women meet after Foing away on a mention they always yegin by hmstin to each other how font-fully dirty their houses got, and how clean they were when they went away. .\ girl's education is said to be com- pleted when she begins to hint to her mother how to not before com Inn) . The average man would rat er have ll woman sneer n`! his religion thnn at. his necktie. * In every novel_written by n woman the men do the proposing and the wo- ggn are Always trying to stave them No woman is truly 'hnppy `till her ` husband is sick and she can make him pm his feet in n pail of hot mustard water. _,4___:____ llnllocclnnn 0! A llaclolor. New York Prvn. Woman is a lowly In-nun--uml Ihvn you wznkv up. . - Some` poople take a In! of stock in In-aven on u might ' Slll nmrgin. When `the devil (M-3 his grip on n snul he often: Ill prizv fur the heat way to gel up a rhurrh row. |-.\ery man (`an amp smoking when he unms to, but very few can want to umnl to when tho-y the ||l l`.'|8lS is gt*nPru||}' indiunnun whnn Hm l`|l\ Incl wnu IBEIIIIDX. Mrs. John Empey. on old led living in Mudoc townehiplsued her eon Jo n Empoy. poetmuter at Empey poet oioo. for get: ting her to sign 3 note for 8180 which she thought was I receipt. The note Ina ordered to be delivemd up. The N80 was justly due thownn on I former judgment obtained ngoinet. his mother. Cam-on A hnu u run 1-- n_--- '-- auunnonll Illlled against Thoma Shipmun, who without any provocation struck him at the Lanodowno fair. A lady ukod Bbrkmun to find Shipmnn. and when the former called to the latter in the crowd he won unulbod. MI-n In}... I.`_...-__ _,, ,II n . uuwruaa or one uoptembor output at 9c. Herb Horton. Sand' Bay. has started. with his wife and family, for Brunswick. Georgia. where he propose: doing buainou as a market gardener. E. C. Rooenzi. of Philadelphia. general manager of the Canadian-American oil company. is at Napanoo negotiating for the purchase of the machinery lately used in the exploration for oil at Froderickr burg. . ,`Josoph Borkman. Rockporc. has had a summons iaaued against Thomas any provocation ltrunh M... News 0! The Dlurlot condensed Iron `rho Whig Exchnngu. Cornwall`: popu||ti?6 increased by 207 Ian. year. It ll now laced to 6,326. D. Derbyrhire has closed with Mr. Ken- ing, of Lanodowno. for the make of his {our factories of the September Horton. Bav. hu -tn?-J S_} EClAlIlE8:'$-{` ... an-um given. mu-mou ngunnt. ma mother. George A. Dana. M.P.P. for Brockvillo, not with a painful nccidant. Wadmml-v :5 electric po_I at A oung u few eye. n taken in on I. an unwise I e Capt. Go: I! riod to Mia r dnughter of I See War: 1 Grand open - 35c., 500. f R. A. Sul an nawul 1'Indl. The chief of police he been naked to koe I lookout for two stolen/bicycles. one taken {mm Bunlo. N.\'.. and the ober from Brentford. The Buffnlo wheel was `A Bison. No. 10,132, for which I remnrd of ,..r...._.- "on; uuauuuu, WI!!!` he has been stationed since recoiving his commisaion. for India, to join his regiment ab Kawul Pindi. Th. .I.:-c -1 ...-n:-- L V - - puureu In an outside paper. Liout. W. `V. Norbhoote Cantlio. Royal artillery. aoco: ' son of James A. Cantlie, Montreal, and \ R.M.C. graduate. bu taken his departure from England, where ` India. to inin hi: mm'.......+_ ISIIOIII. I we put nurse wean. hu roturnod homi Delay: are dungoroun. If your eye: trouble you NOW in the time to Attend to them. We test oyu froo._ E. 0. Mia- choll. guuue. ls. U. Mitchell. , .. See Warren Oonlen M Obhe1lo" up the Grind open home to-night. Prices 2513.. 350! 60c Mine Here. vieitin her eieter. Mn. (Dr.) Cartwright. et Rooieeter. N.\'.. during the put three weeks. he: home. Deleye dnmmm... If ....... --..- Tliolloss Medicine 00., Toronto. - ......... vvgll-ll nu vsuuuo Ill I-III Grend open house to-ni lab. rioel 260.. am. 50. " A son is surprised sometimes `hen his father unhende 1 little. to nd what `good lellow the old men really in. - ` Tnlcum poI(dor.,l0o. and 150.: uureery bottlee, complete. 10. All kinds innate goode. E. C`. Mitchell. all Kn-an nnl-n .. Iins(;I|-:r _. .1 . 1 Jun we ouuou glow, 60. Oak Bull. ' Boo Warnn Oonlun u Othello as tho .Prio|s . ;.. lufl wu_:,`I:u-returned hon.` ' Lined kid ploveu 500.: the Gordon Eug- .liuh two button glove, 000. Hall. Warren Conhn u "(N,hnll.-0' .s H-- Al Inch; 1!. 1.4. " THE D|STR!CT DASH ES. ii-.-;t,9 !f".;(t-l;: Kingston '00! I!!! la guarantee In mu- l sol-lnnry Madonna. :1 -I_fl -1 AL, I V cucunsrirg or iii thy. -.---v-d- ` ` I` .- :a_. lBIE_?.Z_EC.'K_ E jg`-- :._ I3 ||l'l`f|8lS I! ~ ; s h other how 00 ms '.'c'?so"..'i's'i".T.'" ';`wo'l"l>lnonandHnir0ootnmu| _ $12. - ; = ' Tinted Cuncl Skin! Pglhnn. ,3 _.- luil!.J|llIliIl:Ek0l I una. h ' `may Gunman, wit - ouluigno. in mm. Curl or saw` Rico`. 33. 810. 81!. $15. $18 moi) Handsome Bhck Good: 38 750, O}. 81.25. 81.50 yud. ' vBiehTintedOa|ut 0on|inoIiooIin' Oovottni ' ot75cn_ndy|Ii. Here up high an Novdtiu. rioh.l Itylish meals. with uoir o{exclun'vo- non and null`: for main war,moct- ly in single costume} 5. no two `nlilmjnat one of 0 had. "inns: RI-glp (1-.L.._.._ _ .-n. A -.__ , - Typeeannot do justice to the display ol'.Dress l Stuffs here, but we've made the seeing so easy and com-. fortable-that you only need the hint to come and en toy the feast of beauty. There's no questionin the fact no other-store shows equally great stocks. here is no questioning the fact that good taste--sl and train- ed good taste-governed the gathering. And prices are fair. The only disappointed visitors to this store are those wh}do({1'tt:;`ke time to see all, -afraid to. ive trouble, a rai per a s that the mi htbeu to u . You need never be aliraid of thzit in gtrhisstogd . Y The Bonnets and Hats, Feathers, Flowers and ` Trimmings have captured the feminine heart. Beauty reigns. Styledom is here, and still this beauty is only merchandise priced most modestly, priced fairly. That's the keynote to perect storekeeping-that's our way. Women's Jackets and Capes. .C|\dren's Jackets. Reefers and lllsters. Greatest stocks. " Entire lines made specially for us in London, Berlin, New York. The prices may be half what you have expected to pay. Style perfection. Autumn Dress Stuffs. \Ve are measuring up all short lengths of Silks, Dress Goods, Linens, Cottons, Flannels, Etc., and will offer them for sale at the rear circle counter on Friday at half regular prices. There the matter rests. It isin your hands. You can make it a sucdess or not just as you wish. Open House For Millinery Lovers. Friday is the Jonah day in busi_ness circles. We are going to do some experimenting to see if we cannot work business up to a decent average. Going to try and bring the people out by offering extra inducements. Experiment No. I will be Remnantispat Half Frice Friday. `I 4_-O Pills IO Cents. ,,,,--.. ---v...--.-y, xuunuljoiilg Illvn : From W. Voullun Pottlgrow, l.D.. format I Q C BIL 0 ' 9'57 "3". Hospital. London--I have no hultnuon In In lgyliovo 63:30: . '11 II :- wlth any medicine no eflloaciouu u an Ant!-opumodi and Bud; sum tlon. Asthma. Din-rhau, and oth rdl IOI;Ill am that VI! I rjlllll." ` arl Russell oommunlieatod to th 00 of 1310 nl Sh! I tel: from Her Majesty : Consul M. Mnnllln to tho mot that o no bu jl I mad that the only nnmmr of I Iorvico was cm.onon1ll.--S60 [oat W. CAUTI3 -BEWABE_0F puucv AND ml CAU'I'ION-Vloo-Chancellor Slr W. Page Wood Itatod 0 D K I B! van undoubtedly the inventor of cnmnoovu; that the wholo n 0 0 on! man - a rag: deliberately untrue, which ho nu-ottod to any bad boon uworn 60..-In Timon. III. II. --n.?2}f` l;'5.1'}`: ."s':..':3.l:-'.`*&'.'1.';".".,`Z"' 1?-' .`2`.';'&:`.l;`:;?2;.J1`&`&`3?&:l%'i$`:;:`i.`&?.'2l Tontlmony uooompanloo uoh bout e. Sou M.uwnc1'unu-.l. T. DAVENPORT. 88 Grout Bunull 3%.. Bloomsbury. Londomlu j-`j2i OIIOIIAL LII n % In em: mx - , DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE as ou-rlunn: wnxrpnn of every Bottle of tha_ - % `ORIGINAL ' wancmsrmnanxnsz Sold Wholesale by' an Proprietors 01 . . Woreosterf ' ' Crosse & Blackwell, Ltd., pondon; ;. - _and Export Ollmen generally. . .- nrrm. Ivmiwulns. L , I AGENTS : ,1. 11. Douglas & Co. and Urquhart a 00., lion}-_ogI..~ V LEA Ann noon-our 'run- run DR. J. E:oL.L1s BROWN:-2's A CI-ILORODYNE: CHLORODYNE 2 13%. Ross; KIDNEY LIVER PILLS THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE In admitted b tho pro!o:on to be Mu union won- dorlul and vs ublo run one dlpoovoud CHLORODYNB `n`.f.';1L ?f..' .`:?..?" " """' "'""' CHLORODYNE ;:'::.':'.`3 :. .`..z=.'::.*.:':'.'.':.':.:;.:..".?.n:';":?"'-"* cmononvne ::*:..*::.:.:.::-:'.:'a $,?.`:::.':,.--* '9 W -W` ORODYNE- u". 9d.. cs. ad., and in. each. None in to word: ngno vlthout us` an 0" on the Govornmont. sump. orwhollnlm dial '. . !F-1 on u o chum in Dhnhaaud In o In C 0 on and lhuntgry. . E :.':;::'_"' .,*.`:*::..:.`.'*:'.:d:......" "*- ' W a :;o:':ro:?.L'..?a`.::.`.:.`::.:?. ::!f.:.`t:-..`;`.!" . IIAAAI -- s - vitlnoom binotion calm halt. 08.75 Ii`:.lI::r`:dnli snafu or 39110901. Hr- -,_-..v_ _`_- no 315 I. Rhlinlnn, I. no. including Shoes, Rubbers, Over- gaitop,- Trunks and Travelling Bags, all at . _ ' All CURB aISuther1ana sl j '11 Inuuwlaun on none-. AK-. IL;--II- {_ --- -'- -I - `- N o agprobtion. Sales for Cash only. Steacy &st{eacy. FRIDAY am; you will mm 15.... Their aapntntion in world wido,and tl ey an only be procured in Kingsta :1 mm. , . U \ -_I-P n CORSETS ._ :1`. ,, x ->i -In on v, 7' " ', ' 1. ..u.. *.' I `T i|`aJ8 89\ir. To..DubZlin; A J A To Berlin. ' ~ To Paris} =-,To New York. 2 ~,,-To Boston. * or any city ii: the. `world and ask `fol. ` ' Not An 1 Atlocgg` (kn... -_. nL. .|._-_- BARGAIN PRICES. OR DRUGGISTS. will 1 be a Monster Shoe Bargain Day New % Fall Goods, -jun .1 Sick Headache. Blllousness. Constipation. AND X --.u--av-u--uuqIQI% NH I] lloonhliogovunnull off the agricul- OIlOI&KI.IJ.P. Wining will Ion bdIIpnigItIhhba'Igntu'novgdw- nnubhlolh glut) at at cl. Ir. W&Q`In_hhhvniuuI buying In nlltriilliaiulonnn Kiij. , ; 1:."-'nn`Itouuoa.a'apo-atakuu hint let all. It cannot qylhuugy null. lhhtioliakciog. ' -.--u--u. nu nut ICU lilll thydo notknownchanoupu0od lnvo(hnnda."ndwhon itlnn-ithnnnd no Iounimud pumps hound out andnuplurby ll:-. llayooohit will to tinonnoqh lurilontoudnpoisinlhoir jinn: --- nu -vuqnnnn Tho oehor doclontiont. affecting the twin coognn and tho pstrout. on with- out jutiution. Tho Hamilton Herold, which know. an that three ponona ro- uninod sound while the hoolth ol the quota wu hoing dincnnod. hug no one hu hndtho hndihood sowuam am they umdins opirit ol diuupoct. Theo in not I Inch of tho undo oongnu who dun hywordordood out opp:-ohrimnon Ilnuuo of tho qnooo. Not shot tho ptivilqo would he dooiod him. but Ouwlo hunouotoc autumn ol thin Ihllpin any ol_ its oouloib, wothiugnon ot an--in. A. 4... -1.. -----L -......-, uuuw u-uuuvuv uIII:IIInlbIllI.`C, lllll have advocated the independence of Dennis. but not ee I reeult of dieeetlefeotion with Great Britain or u e prelude to `ennexetion with the United States. The indepen- denoe the Sun talks of in rent dieloyelty, which he not hed en existence in Cnuede. It! complete oonnnercinl independence has been demonetreted. end it he political in- dependence to the extent of being allowed to direct ite own eiire. And nothing in ex- oeee oi thie cen he deeired. The assump- tions of the Sun era. therefore. of e piece with ell it he to ee_v_ ehont Cenede. end its neuel cherecterietic ete Inehoe, hetred and feleehood. vv -cw !GIIlClI II |uIIII}ll`$lIlcIIvl0ll DI Sllll kind 2 Who In: hard of the independence relerred to by the Sun? At. dilferent timee, under different circumstances, men hung -.I.u....A..I AL- :__J_,,-,J-, -- -' and nun D x-uxulxnruuu h1Un'.l'. l)ona,e! the New York Sun. is ill, but . hie animua ha been Ihared by his staff, and it in evidenced by the repeated attack: of the Sun on Canada. The laleet sense`- tion in that the independence queation in being inoreaeingly dieconeed. and the only objection that eome have to it in that it in premature. Among the working olaaaei. ihia declared. "the' sentiment in favour of national independence in out- Ipohea. and at the banquet oi the trades` oodgreea in Hamilton. when the Queen was proposed. _eeveral of those preaent retained their aeate." Nor is than all. The Bun has discovered thatthe patrons have abandoned. an the cloning ode in their meetings. "God Save the Queen. and substituted "God Save Canada, than which, it is assumed, Canada in this generation. flu; - cl....- -3 a-|-_|__-;_ . Inv1,. - ..-. cu cu"; .wuv|-Iuvu. I tissue of hbohoodn! What in to be [ruined by min-oprcoontation of chic Hm! 9 III}... In. 3....) ..r .L- :_.:__-_._n__-_ ' any -nu-urn IIIII on IOIIOD. John Donnolly. jr.. Inn in tho city to- dnyIotnol|on time. no also up from Bloolvilb N procnn additional appliances to in land In ruining the ochoonor Jennie Nation. not at the C. P. R. wharf then. In Ilium have oonploud the work of ac up all buck: and oponlnp. and up nduood the tutor in but hold nxrncnd on-hullhot. but the llutlmn ,'o Wilhthoddoljooh sea. Iuhovillnothnnydicully in pidnghcr ------_----J -u-an-uuuuu -usluluuvvlluu In uuu utino proscribed by Lord BaIinbury.on behalf of Cnnnds. given utoniahmonp to the uniua sum. bub what also could he do I -` Hip om-rondu-'wu inevitable. wvvwvupu -- vuuuru uvtvlu-ull IIITI Ill !- Min lu'nzu'd totho Bohring 50: main. cuop. Ho ho: dfloonnd that II In Owsdn that ha objected hq Rustin Induhpcn hu- la; iiaihtdc not OOIIOOIII thom.. it ptohbly right. M Thin will not that the award { of t.ho,lL/ubitnou pours. rm award id End and anal. ' Bat growing out of iv Inn Man niny mmaou upon which i Uu'mdsum- nhd Cumin. desire 3 Better uodcfucqnding. Tho gpvernmdnt of Great Britain oonnotm. and will be l'o- I prg!0nbd;_ but the" dilouaaiona will be I lnjoly. if not `oproly. with the experts I I_nd dolognta from Canada, and the ox- porta Apt! dologutpa 0! the republic "to the : south of III. ' ' n tsk - III` It was an impertinent. proceeding in the link place, to invite these power: to en- gage in the but of this nature, and Rania and Japan mutt see the error they have oommioted in ruponding to an appeal that was one-aided and for ono-aided purposes. cnhary Sherman : aoquieacence in the umnl-3..- .-........:L...I L... t-_.n u-i:_n.____ -_ Naturally enough the iituetion bu been emberreeeing all around. but Cenede hu ineieted that thboonferenoe be limited to those origlnelly epocied, and interested In it. end the United Snetoe will be left to enterhein in friende from Rueeie and J open u it not fit. V What Raul: and Jnpan oen have to do 7 with this ieene no one but Col. Johq Boy, I the American unbeeeedor in London. And bhoee for whom he in eating, can only may. He eeemeho here euggeeted their inter- ference in e letter be addressed some time egotaobordeliebllry. but my lord did not pey my attention to it. Col. Hey mistook thin eilenoe` for hie ooneent. `end hed Rneeie and Jepen worked up on the question. Ind only ether they hed die- petohed repreeentetivee to the United Stetee, for the oonferenoe in Wnehington. wee it eecerheined that` they were not in in." 1 .- - - I THE 8UN B FLICKERING LIGHT. `II--- -1 AL, `V, `V n - j- o.unp.urou 1-op. ,;_ : Thbonddn oornopondonb Now - You; map. known all thontsbodiicvilby 1 between an unnod Bonn and am 3.-i. L-:_ I. _......J .|.- AL- II_|__.2, , THE_ _pA1g,:Y_w}gIG. -g--1 ii pea - pu Dlnvg -- __--_ v.----- -c Ira-UIIU ITIIIIII. A gnu pa-oducuon of Shskupunh nbliliu Inpdy "Othello" will 50 pto Iintod by the Wu-I-on Oonlun company on ghin than taming ni he 01 their Inns. at opon bonus. '1` in igunpqnyhubunpnmlodunon to am. uuu uu guuuru onucu oxqumu. The num- bor was I tochnicnl trial of ltngth and it proved Ir. In bun I mutor. Among other selections phyod were a striking footivnl muvh of/his own competition and the famous lung}: from 'Tnnnbnuonr.' done with a power nboolnuly thrillina. The hot copy received from England of the Mount! Journal of the incorgontod Io- ciuy oi Ininioinno npooh vary ighly of o oonpolition ol Ilr. lnglnnfn I Innoiod of- Sec of the holy communion, Intel publish- od. His Iovtimnninln iron man, uw an can not; OOIIIIIIIIIIOII, Intel publish- jlia tron non. ohumhnrdcnnand musician in Bnglnnd lihn'lly into I book. ' ox me numbers: Bemeueo in A by Dalbouclt. the reeouree of the Vox Humane shop were no exquisitely brought out that per- epne in diauno pert: of the cathedral wore willing to declare that they had heerd I choir of hove` And hen : voices. The qua-7 min; of tlae voicee in: clearly discernible and the general edct exquisite. The num- technical n-inl nf .g.g....n. ...A as VI uuun clay: ` "The or n is so comprehensive an in- strument t at its capabilities in sound are practically unlimited. yet rarely one hears the precise effect 0`! a choir of human voices obtained from the greatest of instruments. In St. Michael's cathedralon Sunday after- noon. however, an English organist named Arthur lngham. making a short stay in the city. played for a couple of hours. In one of his numberea Bemeuse in by the Vox Human. um. uvcilvinj Ill'- KIIIIO. Arthur Ingham, Inneical director for Kingston ladies college. has already a goodly lint of pupils. He attend: at the college from ten to twelve o'clock each day. On Tuesday afternoon he gave a private 0 an recital at St. Gearge e cs- thedral an the bearer: were convinced that a moat important addition has been made to the musical ranks of Kingston. He come from Bradfordflingland. two menthe ago. bein attracted by the anooere here of the late r. Stooke-Hammond. a fellow-towne man. He made a record at Toronm. no witness this notice in last Saturday : News, of that city: ~ "The; nroan in nu nm..n..|.....-...- __ .-_ -jj______;_.- ouuu An '0IIouo" no-nun. A uncut In-nnnbhun .1 aL-L....-___n. hbhrwn dity. and d'.itlPP" Q0 opdsharbeart to him and give expseesloh to her thoughts on the issues of- the day. Among other things treated in their letters was the home rule ` qution. in which she appears to have so- tertained views decidedly at variance with `th of her prlmeininieter and adviser for tbeofine being`. some comment has been inspired in consequence. "People hold up their hands in dismay. -says Goldwin Smith in His llzarmers Sun. "What do they expect! `Do they think that any human being. crownedver uncrowned. can be without an opinion on thegquestions of the -day. or change his or her opinion as often as there is a change" of ministry ! Many years ago tliere was an uproar be- cause it was found that the Prince Consort by was telling .the queen hie mind about for- m; sign shire; as though man and wife could lay their heads on the same pil- low without talking of matters of] com- mon interost. The position of the consti- d tutional monarch who `reigns but does not govern is environed with venerable g- ments. Most people must he at least half conscious of the conventional charsc ter of the Innguage which they have been using for some months past. They must have known that where the constitution forbade action of any kindpositivo achieve- ment wae impossible. and that without re- sponsibilimthere could be no merit. The church preys God every Sunday to [make the sovereign well. though if God did make the sovereign govern. instead of letting the ministers govern, the consequence would be a revolution. Nature now and then breaks through the buclrram, and then we all pretend to be shocked at her disregard of the constitution.-" Which is not the candid way of looking at matters one would look for from Mr. Smith. To be sure the queen has a right to express her opinions. privately or to friends. but that is one thing and the pub - lication of her private opinions is another thing. For assuredly the advice given by the late Prince Consort to the Queen was not meant for publication; neither was the correspondence which is now given to the people in the biography of the late Lord ; Tennyson. It may be that consent has _ been obtained to the printing of their lot- ters. which alters the situation. In that event how futile will be the hopes of the queen s grandson and his wife to modify Irish sentiment by a visit among the people whose capacity for self- government is denied them in the corres- " pondeuce of the queen. And how common. place anyway is much of the material that is crowded into biography nowadays. It could have been made apparent that I.ord Tennyson was specially favoured by her majesty without reviving letters which. however interesting to the party to whom they were addressed. should have remained in the Tennyson archives. i l Bocolvlng nigh Pnllo. . `K....|._.... ____-:_,I ,1 Tho Inn` London, Puss mama York lulion journals any thuurbbn ahulu ol gun, oochujaouh gnu and wunuu utonuu no natives of llclntyl-0'0. I-`or that-dog ol youn, Wilton. both: known at the "Ruuian Anugtor. you could undo for 3 ouipod Montana unsung. 3.A.8. Geis as me Asdn. ....u. nuugumg nu gnu commenced owingtotholnto have. 8. Burma in- tend: snonvlina nu Name... in . .....n..._ vwln Iv an IILI IIIIVOIB. D. uunln in- srnvlintbo Vfntor in I southern none. I C. . Buck. donlor in muung poniu. would taste I trip out ban in the wool! nu ho cauldpunchul tone which won! ntoniah Ibo native: of llclntyr. that-dog wars. Wilma. hun- uuuq In `tanner yearn. Charles buoboln ol In whicil At present is worth OIJO. Plongbing has just commenced 0'il'AICv0hO||tl hAnmnL 3 "Ann 5- New: I run Welhnlln V\'.\I.Ii.u.u. North I)n|rou, Oct. N).- The prolonged hung;-y howl of the wolves echoee over the prairies. meking night. hideous with their cries for n thenhgiving gohhler. which they generally get. nnleee the owner is on the some with n Ihotgun. Threshing in half completed. and in e uhorl. time Jack Frost. will pay hie half-yearly visit. This town is booming. owing to the advent of I new railroad. end where there won one general more there ere now eight, beeidee other lecee ol bueineee. Robert. Huffman, of meutown. is the onlv den- tist here, and In doing well. "The Moun- teineet" newspaper has jun been lterted. Wheel. in eeventy -live cents a bushel. nearly double what it ' has been in Inn... n... m.. _._ - I ,uu wuulu use mew turn Unnauen. ' he said in I half-joking, hnlf-ecu-neat (one. `Not. only you. I replied, `but your young emperor and all his people. `We have Confucius, he replied. `and you have your Jeane: ere they not. much the sauna? `By their fruit; ye shell know them. I replied. Then. before we could carry on the con` venetian further, imporune despetchee were brou ht in. and the vioeroy had to give them {in attention; but ee I tenant. took the book from hie hands to place it in his librury. he nid: Don't. carry it. to the librar_v;teke itto my bedroom table. I wish to look at it ugain. " -- ..... .. u. -on yuan : ago. ans DIG gentle- man was no intent on his reading that he did not notice me for several minutes. and as Icould see the title 0! the book,I ut upa silent but earneet prayer. that od might eend him some meeeage in his read- ing that would appeal tohia heart. In a little while he raiaed his eyes. aud looknn Ittentively at me eeid: `Dr. Coltman, or. as he addreuel me in Chlneee, `Man Tai Eu. do you believe this hook? , `Your Ex- eelleney, ' I replied. `If I did not believe ' that book I should not have the honor of being your physician. I thoroughly be- , lieve it. `Are you sure it in not all rumor and report? he again aeked. `Ver lure, I replied. `How do you know? he contin- ued. `By a tent given by the book iteell. Does it not aay in the book that a bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit, nor e good tree bad lruit? Your exoellency has ad- mitted to mepreviouely. that the oonditlon of people in western lande far eurpaeeee anything in the eeet, and I can ensure you that the happineu and prosperity of the various nations you have recently visited in in direct roportiou to the neerneee with which they ive to the precepts taught in that Book. Would that your oxcellency also believed it. `Why, I 'v<\lieve that you would like meto turn Christian. ` he Kid half-inkino. hnlhnn-ngno an..- r, -- -.... new gum-umuuu. vuul. uuu Just : been sent him the Rev. George Owen, of the London lesion. The tips and pa- per were of the same kind ee I; At presen- ted to the empreudowegeron her jubilee cel- ebration A few years ago. The old gentle- inten rudimr that ha ........5u. gnu uunuumu UIDIIU WON g00l -good II our own, but the sheep were fer below--there did not seem to be anything denite in their breeding. Trusting you will exc no my remirh, but I can ee- sure you hey are meant: in the beat of good nnbnre. more with the hope of shit- ring up and carrying on A discussion with you on to ehee breeding whereby we can each learn. r wool trade ie not good now. Lut year we made one ehilling. This yenrylor the same wool tenpenoe-half penny.e Our mutton in making seven to evglftpenoea pound. carcue weight. `We 1 have a great rush of Lincolnelrom Argen- 1 Dina, but the coarseness of hobh wool and mutton will soon cause I_ bulb. u wuul In nngIena-- end they ere active weer-end-tear sheep. The other day l was at Liverpool and new .e oomignment of sheep from Monbfeel, end-I trust: you will excuse ugy preeumpbion-chey were in my opinion In most mongrel-looking crowd. I wee informed that they were shove the average. The Cenedien oettle were good own. the sheen warn 0..- ,_ -_,_., _--.--w- in me 81`. nupnon Ml an Hodeolr, of this city, superintendent: farmers inntizutes. Mr. Other any-: "I- em sending to you 1 copy of our current ock book. I truouhat. for our mu- tual Advantage Iome day Ive may have some trade together. I have little fear as to Wemleydaleg being fonn_d suitable sheep for Canada. for one 'reason. they are the hnrdiest of any of the long woola. Their mubcon in lean. their wool is ne-~in face. the neet. lustre wool in Eng|nnd--and they active wear-and.tgg.r ghggn_ The nthnr (`Inn I ulna W; uuaer cone of September 28th to F. of. -menu-I. especially In view of the ex- " oellent repuution earned by the came not {mm -slain comm) to the British market. In in quite."e`viden|. however. Olen there mu: be gpfd Eeune for com- plaint concerning Canediui aheop when each forcibl'e_lnnguege an that quoted is used by e genctoman so well known and highly esteemed no 11. Other. of `Howgreve, Ripqn. England. aectetury of the Wemleydele long wool sheep In-eed'ero' euooietion and ock book society. Writ- , i'n nnderdase of September 28th F. . Hodeomot thin nitv, nnnnn' . VIII! \J "AI: uxr-J UOIIUIO IIIIF D15 in lonnor years. Charles |`I'I 'fnnr nnrlnnoln at "1 . = llntuyhg. . T T036131. Got.` 11-1: in rather -Imam. -nc to am` of Canadian duo: lacing dilioobdu roll by [in bag` 5|`l10I'|. ""3, in viol the. ox? tabulation an-nod hv than ma-.:.I. ' ofiniu ` . 09'-In or nqgtngnun -pause ' am Vary llltttrlll. Ll HUNG CHANG. ...`-.---q; wvufv IIDQUZIII IIIIVQFIIII that not on! do obtain the decree of D. .U.8.'frwn the univenity. ' at the veterinary lutitltlon In Dr. A. P. Knight. tho pro tenor cl yslolmvil the university. TIE at I [hilly fnrnbh in- W. In lrnnann-w I-_ -: juj jotw-5-`-ij Electrician. co-undo: On: an BloctrlcPIxtu'u and Bltctc Supla Inmdx.