Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Oct 1897, p. 5

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Rood Ana nu frypowrltor. Spmkor Tom Roml has been learning to mo 8 typowritor and often practices on tho xnnrhino in tho ways and moon: com- mittee room. One day Attor the naaistanis noorotory of tho t-ronaury had boon toiling the committee about. tho tlnanoou of tho country Rood not. down to tho typewriter uni gave to Dourko (`ookron tho following intoroatlng opinion on what he thouht. had been the roeuit. of tho oontorouoo w th the Democratic 1-mnmitt no: _._,...,..m,.~:\' mmnMNH'l`G?iiP.."3| Not Natural. "Were your wife`: plctlu-on amm- h yr: _ Eyllnnd nicmms onounh. but not at all namnu. " What mm the dohot?" Why, ufuul of as photographer took her while ho was looking pleasant."- Phlludelphla Bulletin. [INT lny uuuguvvu |uuIn..., ...... ..- 3-...` bankrupt? Smylohrht--(`ortnInLy. Old uol.mx-\\'vll. that : more than I onn do. Tnkv her and try to be happy.- Brooklyn Llto. IIIIl\!llI:II;I Old Got.rox-I)o you think you can sup- port my daughwr properly without. going Dnnln-nm.? hryyn } "Good plctums enough, not ! natural. ` u\|'k-m urn: hn dnfnnt?" ` ho win-n he gmwn upr I npn--He'd make 3 am clans olvll Ion"-loo exumlner. He`: constantly nklng quutlona about things um nobody know: anything nbout.-Now York Sunday World. Ho gtullw n IIINII ll(`|u`l-. ~ "UL. It might u` lxmn worm. I gt;-uok 5 guy ymn-Him` that uiuunv a order on Q bathhouse. ' `-Cim~hmMl Enquirer. Democratic cununmm: -x-qwenySXBBBDMXHTG?llP,."3| 77-'4'-ll.--I\'ew York Pmsl. Naturally Qullod. Mnmma-I wonder what Tommy will he up? n......_n.wI make 3 Nwkietnaiwvl ji E131? Q Q lard luck Btorlu. Perry Pun-MI:--\\'\-ll. what luck? \\`m'wurn \\'nI.~run-\\'nrau in the world. no :(u;IIlw nwnl llckot. --n!. It. Iuhrhl n` bwn ` VUI nuwu "Going to talk without when putty non." Pooh! lLywlfo`n done that for the hat (0 ymn."-(`lo\'olnnd Plain Dealer. " uoouy uwppru --Chicago Rmord. an tn nu-ox Inn Avril-no 335$ nxnoa. . -RlIYlm %f II. ALI "No?" IIll!..II I lirlvy Hutu-IQ "Johnny. what am you crying about? Bobby m-pp:-ml on my left nenmold." -l`J|Innnn Rnrnrd. N01 :51" ALL Maw. Pllldol ` u:k.lul`lI|on?unl::::b:n `ml 0|: - f'\'I"l"f"l'l'i, flh Iuqnlh n lo- u-uvy Ichlotu -ha! Am vnn ervlm Dlndounjlng. ,. -|_x_|. Not How. '\"hut It In That cannon IIIIIUII shown no noumuod. ` - Pllny rrgm-dad nosebleed as one o! the dlntlxwtlvo olmrnctorlstlcn of the human moo . for he Imld that "man In the only ct-outuro (rum whum blood now: at tha mtrlls." and. properly underntoqd, he wan rlghi. Of course blood wlll ow from uuy pnrtof any annual when tho nierleu or veins of that part are opened. but It ll 0 {not thut noseblood. occurring wlthonl guy apparent. cause. is seldom, If ever, noon in unlnmln. The mason for thin lmman po- culhu-ny In that the membrane lining the nostrils In mm In onpoclnlly full 0! blood von-mla. the wnlla or whlpb are weak and anally ruptnml by slight ounces. h. In mnmllr vurr (`mm m rnnmmlne nom- Ihy 1'lIfWlII'l`lI Dy lllllfl Olllllfl. In In lllll'l`"_' very may to recognise nose- blood. hut sohwtllnos the blood now: back- ward mm the Mn-nut and shon In coughmr upor vmnltml and may be thought to mum from uhemorrhugo of the lung: or atmnnuh. nnd so cause much noodle: alarm. A- .. -..|- .......|.I....A 0. . 41.1.... -0 gllnko nmrm. As a rule. nmohleod II a thing of slight Importance and amps of Itself utter a l|t_tIe whuo, but the mood may escape In Inch qunnmy or the hluedlng may continue no long that the pntlnnt is gmucly weakened. When occurring In chiklren. It hill on]!- unrlly no almllnvunco, though this Is not ulwufb to be taken for ginuted. butln ol1l~ er persons It; may be u s_vmpmm of some other illm-sa, ~ nob ns tho beglunlng of ty- phoid lever on 1 trouble of the liver or huur. Mn.u.|.|.uuI I. nun 1.0 Olga nnumnnhn I-nnn|. Nnsebleod In one of the oommnn manl- fvatnwma of that curious condition In \\-Inch thorn in n tvxuloncy to nuvero lmInm-- 1-huge um.-r any slight Injury or even \\-|th- out any cause that can be discovered. Chndrun with thls prodlapnsmon, often called "blocdora." anvr {mm {rvqnenl and uncontrollable ntmoku of noneblu-ed Ind hunmunws dlo in one of them In amt: of nll uffm-ts to mntml tho hennnn-huge. nnnnnnllu olmm I. Ilnln tn Im rlnnn, for (II [III lll'IOl'lH I0 (`UIHIYOI (H0 DPlllUl'l'lIl|gI!. Onllnurlly them In little to bo done. for tlm blvmllng usually maps of ltmll`. The child nlmuld `ho nuuln tn alt qnlelly ln n ohalr wnh tho hand only nllghtly lncllnod forward, just. enough to In tho (Imps {all clear M the lips Into a Main. All clothing Ilmuld bo louaemwl about the nook. he may be npplled to the hack of the neck. or ice water may he dmnhrd Into the tuna cl mudo tn trlvkle down me back. In I- ..-..D..| ..I-.. 1.. In`.-L 4 N50`; ulna` WI}! flllol Bltvlllu van uuuvuuu GAP! V NIW YORK. In loilovhi II . "Nu III nlhblo Information I to IIID. A. 0!!) otottnnl IL W. Qgllncuton. * A .A. . . mt. muno m u-mun uown me man. It In nu-erul Man to Insert A lmlp piece of 100 Into the blood-Ina nostril--aomctlmmn the effect: In honor It tho Ice in pm mm the other nnsu-II--and n-min It then fora mo- ment. or two. orn um better plan In to annn` up a mixture of alcohol and water as hot as It can hu hon-no. Thu Introduction of mhweba Into tho bleeding nostril often Induces couunlntlnn. or the some pm-pone may he nurvml by a little wad of loose wanted which has been plulmd apart. I! nhnnln mmnnnnu fnll. Hm nhnlnlnn WOIIICH Wlllll Illll wen IIIUIIRI lI|lIlO. it simple mouumron fail. tho phynlnlnn Ihould bo sunnnnned beforo exhaustion \muuco.-\`onth'a Companion. A Iofmol on now to out no lolql Cmtomorn. In a paper entmmi "Hnw to Gel: and ` Bold Custmnura." mm! by S. Brlokor of , Listmwvll. Om... ut the nmmal meeting M the Om.-n-In Hnrdwnro nsmwintlon. he said: [ ` nun... |....x...... ....... ...|mI~.|m.mInIImnr. { 1 `H]0Ull|'.'ll`lll llYIl'll\Vl|!'l' lI.II!lm`uIuuII. nu Muu . "Thu lmslncsll mun whnlo0kanIdollvu-I'- ` inn hln gnmln nnd gvttlng hln money as the only clung which In related to mull l ` tmnmvtlolx hm: a wry lmpormm. losaon to lr-urn. Nu llnllht thorn nm sumo who dlller wlth mo ln llsla pnrtlmllnr and my: Busi- ness la lmnlnr.-9. nnd frlmdshlp tormn no pm: of It-. Axlmlttlng that It la all unal- u um-m nml Mun. tlm mmlnmor ants mlno roaouy uouno is. "A customer`: money in only a matter of tho moment and has nforenco to a par- ticular imnaaotion. Hi: patronage. his will. his inilm-non. however. an) of paramount importnnoo, to: which wo ahould be willing to tort-go very much that he may in retained with the home. A custoiuvr who buys but one bill in not prolltahlo oxot-pt to the extent of his pur- chase. When we got a chant-o to sell to a party one bill, we are in duty bound to our bilninepa to treat him so well that whon ho lmvoa ua ho will any. `When I - qulro anything more in thia- line. I w ll buy it in-om this man. Slnoawo are an ineviiahiy dependent upon each other and necessarily holprra of each other. It would he very unwise and almost connin min for a marohant to oainblinlt the rule that he will do just as ho please: and not solicit the good will or favor of any one. Ability to satisfy a customer with your gouda will induce him to buy. Pnlltvnoaa and honest tn-atmont will induce him to buy again." -Ila:-aware. -u:-:--jg-- |)l|I'l'y OI IY-. IHIIIIIILIYIQ Illlui II In an IJlIl|I' mas and that. the mmnnnor gr-ts equal to his mnnvy, hln rm-mo pun-nnngn II nomrtlnclvua to ho mnsltlm-ed and sollcitml apart from his mnnoy. Botwvm the two we may not ho nhlu no mnko the matine- Non wry quickly. hm. than In Julianne- Mon nowrmlmloaa. nnd he who has unremi- ly at-mllul the philosophy pl undo can readily donnu it. `I A nnntnInnI\'| mnnov II onlv I It-n who have worn the Jmllolal onnlm generally have certain prlvllqm In court that tho atmggllng young lawyer would main any nacrmm to olmln. A newly admltted mepnbnl-ot the bar made I anu- gt-mvn H-mark to erlndgo Cnnls of New York about thin. and Che ohl gentleman became very angry. When he you mad. he Mn hlmnlt loom Ila Illtl non thin occasion. but nally wound up vmh: "I nmafnolflnvnthohgnlholol earth!" The yonnptco suntan:-I to soothe him with the remark: "Judge. all mm anfoolnulma. llavohnnahol nyu-It." The uncut oll hwyuglnd at him. "You afoul!" Muted. "Ya. all a Mun tool an` yon. " Illa anal the July In tho ll hair kn Jpn lb vuuahlo `*1 any It. III" haunts "nlunllnl Youconlllave `unhlqu-lnnllhall. lonhavnnonho annuity. g no! Ila noadwl"-n Innuhnavgcnant arlL l11)N'ANlA)_fi0ll`lBAL unn. BUSINESS TACT. O M: L___ ....A_._ AI.` In..`.A NOSEBLEED. IOIIN." OI usuoxoul IIIVOI ll Iuyvn I qw-u . . - Odnudu mum and that In sir nbuanih n us can .uuIu All noun gr} I huo suvudcd this A1 And No on ch? tn `.2-3. 21:25:-.a.`:.:-..:.";:m:7.*'.:;~as::.;.... :.:....-.*.::' shun. Hocnh. J`-A-.IUl. 9 Pnlnuuu II U am 1 u, no '(O;5IIi\ iomwut Ind Olson. 1'01? - u W1- opt I` I 1 van! on! tnolmonh:-. olooo. If ' 1|. II o . 0M mum%xJ.. iupgcnnn .u..`3 mnnd ." ...m.:g.,';.m,-""~"---~-"----i--~~, Q - T- Browery at London. Canada. umas MoPARI.AND.- - KINOBTQN. ._......n._n.- up -jwa Kingston .& rsmnnoxe The Art Amherst Hall and Parlor Cook Stoves are tted with the dup- lex Grate, Powerful Heaters, Ec. onomical on coal and handsome in design. We have the largest assortment of Stoves in the city. Examine. them before pmjchasing. ELLIOTT BROS.. 75 8; 77 PRINCESS STREET- ITIUUDHIVUJ In Uuu Reliable-Periect-Economical III Gohhu-1| Toni the Prln In! tho Moat Navel Cutnlno. At ndlunor party gm-n oxvlunlwly for lndlon by Mrs. Lmvmnm (irmn at Bit Harbor a few days mm who wears vied wlth mohnthor In lnhmluclng the monk novel oosmmu Mn. Gohh\nlwunnw|nl- It In extraordinary what coho man an Ioonmpllsh In ml!!! of III foiilh. Yale!!- ohngln had Mn right thumb to hull: Nt- Oon hy a leopard some V -' ' Ihnl II had to ho nmpnumll. (`E line at he- no I-ho middle Inga of I; right hand no IIudonnek1uhyIiao\\Byl'mlIoII the ueeppoa MOM` the cancer bongo o! up also hand wvro Ilmnard. Neva-thlun Vant- chngin In one of the PM-embn palnieh In R main and make: an ooxvu-out ma at II: IIQM hand. had ultlnnonynnln Imam A . _:-_----------..._....- "K5; lin-I)lIl\I'II' 3 l`R9II/I--~ ed the palm. Slw min a man plnk (knol- lntn hudhm and n pnlrnl` her husband`! tnmnvrn glnlnl ahuut. tho wnln with a pink msh. Unv la-not tho I-l\)\ll\l'I Wadi pullul up to tho knm. dhavloslng 3 pink ullk nsmvklmz. Mrs. khlmnl haul as nthor ush-r tlul to tho hm-k of Mr nevi. and her hair Walt! strmmluu dowh her back. In Enter`: Popovon. Bent I run. without at-panting. until thummzhly mlxul. Add II mi of milk. PM n nip 0! iluur Inm nnutlmr mwl. Add to it gradually mini 0": and milk. Bun uusil alnooih. Simin through an onlinuy. gravy ntrninor. Pm. mums Into hot gem puma and bake in Q modennl quick own for its iuiinmm, I! then are properly made and pmporly linked. they should um-ll nix iimm chi-it original bulk. and man be used for hrmlxiant or lninnhqbn or unwed with a liquid pudding nun a drama. Whole when our, it lifted in n ..... - .....u 5.. -nluntllnt fni DINQ llf. I dma('I\ Whole when Ilonr, ll Ilium mun I mum, may be nulmlluwd for whm our. I [mu [mm mm lnnun honor rumlb than than made of lighm mem|n.-Mm; I. `I. Io!-er in lattice` Home Journal. . ,' uouuuqupugunuuuut ,nauauuuauIunI-atone dual dqnlllhnolwnyl huh D Q I than an wuhn [Inn A " " nhhuhrd.nmw1 pm&oD|. vlllllggbvhct. cam W `P'1'tTc' g.n'w.y. WORE FREDD|E'8 TROUSERS Whl I pillll lulevwuwu ulr Ma nan.-st Matlvou in put Mu Inna` mm: and Inn hlngnm the moduli; doc not bedln unul gfm burial. I RU VUUPIXIUII II Ujj Then an no nnhrmkm In Japan. when n punondlmlkluuuectunun tot u. ...._.a wanna; man his Inn: I CIJIIVTII Iwu In ling In hhmz";n an Clc room nclrclt, Thu Itnullluv-on homo! uh npntlunu "teed to give perfect satisfaction. mun. ac` . uuna nu` I mu THoU , -. I--_.-...!- F1311` ""sib"s'i\ eh I w M r. ..;_.*1...:.=.-..-;~.s::::?.... u-.'.:.'*`.?'=:~.`.7:*.`"`.::..'*"`*...~.~i ?`n`:v...... on this ooullnonk hpvo noglnd ugh unlu- 4 . nan. uvcnu.\un's c_oe`rrml. A Huck: INK! so In! Hull tho but Ho pm -2, t:*- *w* '1; T Ii T on `ill Ull II III! Vlhl` II II. Ii land oi the lholo The "tnupo" he always n young In! good Ionklng girl. uenomlly the-III It or ndoptul duuplmr of the chief. I II chosen an mulxl N we village" amt lulu- tnlm-al by comrlbuunnn Inviul from all III! | lnIml)|tnn_Is. who supply` her VIN: (nod. vmthlng (the mm not a heavy ll- slvo Imnnmln lame. well bu I in In whluh she I: upmm! bu dlupouh bu- ! pltnlm to an Important vlnlnu. rm... or mm mammu no alum: ' an %a om-go nu run some Lmaqr magnca. I`I|o0ppo0|ln. Grant our lm In M: rem Ihoollowlna story ol bad The Ooumopolltun club wan to meet In 1 room which Wnttrsmlio. uudixu Ihvmllo vhhl hung an ononmm plctum MD of "Theodor; and Bounds. In naked non: noughton what an unpu- Ianhed. "Oh." he replied, "yon HVO heard ol want` what This III Watts` hen." rungs--IiuFrF.`uTiiiiuc mos Tnlmof hummus lull: chm ten ounoanaml mm In I V wi ...._..s.... 1\n....n nj all lnupommt union. i '1`hl-no or run: mmxdnw cg qlwn : mu |Ior,w|mno duwlt. In natal churn bur. but to_ ken n n syntohtnl an ' it and no um n 0 nhwl ntsnyn Ibo path of pmprlrty. aha being unuI;sun- many to wed non rent :3 . IIO ceremony inking pnco t-ho vlll b which the brldugmnnu belong! mul lblh an uerlngur valunblo mm H III!- mlon of road and vmonuxkln o to the vlllngo or whlnh Ilse II IN in an unk, amnn fmm um IDIIIIINHCMKC :)Tl'u`evii I`u'\};3i` 'v;l'\iI;}`I--I-II_0 I I Wdiiilc ' \ an that, apart from any uhnluh \ .Inn-mt Innnnllhv. nlm I`! looked DBO III l that, apart I1-om any uuuuunm '- ` alum-not Iuomllhy. also I"! looked I! mlunble nuns nml Ingumnloulnuoorlurlp ` Hlmultl Illa. honwr. yield to $0 III- unnn of come hnmlmune young IIIIIIB (dandy). lm hale In ucuppul uhon. also In an-Ippul ol her ulmnlo llnny IIIII Ilncllid to the post. at numulnm nl the non 39$ dent vlrgln who may In) choaan II In!` Im- mamr. my the other hand. the young bluml" lming: hlmnult on hll orgasm. and tho nmm rul\'onmNI of Oh! Incl It onn boast. of mu mum highly be It nulli- oml. 'l'hmI. tlnnpglu the Ian cnlynbhnl the two. tlm,\\-oman hm to A` ml! IIO murlncss null hm: M1 the pun ohllcnt. H that In um nmtwr in loan the" womb qullu In much with tho lmmnnn Imam of oI\`iIl:alluu.--John Harmon III` II Harper`: Mngarlna. - . x `ounces and Inmm In III? ....`:":.:'.". ....'V"`.....""' for an lvoll-. Tum nu! Inuuu --wu coppofln. Apply with I Ohi at-com! or man an, mu unnnlhl Lnunnln ...."'r:""` .. M ' Inga! t vhwm `duo? . \ "Ya. no mind an I ah nvoukl Ichsnmnwhaj Ih :.":`:'.'::.'.': `*::.;"..`:..".:.'.:'..".`.`. he Llvcrraol (culling at llovlllo for I.ouIondoI-ry may lam-day Inn Man- pul. culling :0 Quebec. t"`*u-mun. Mnnllnnl. nan nub WOMAN OUE.STlON "IN SAMOA. M0 lmeli not not In j "'v`o".'.:. ' '.\`v "" . `-.=,!,=..am~.>-:.&:"=..:"=-""'* =5 nmnunnuA.n!.al 1| ._ .-. ._; ta`. "~f .1. . "5 . I K ..-u ---..----.--g Ax % . xnmu V&-L_"unn;.!|Qn._ Jg...uL'I.Iv.... cl . VIC `$5993 J hon Home-n$:J :......"".:..:.*:-*'-'".s'"~'a %..SLTR- .HER __ ..-__;-- __ - nn_A.._..-A u Hlw run `run. L_-A- ji- fvb 0| cue. noonuu pf 'VV`.JS'I'- pi Ina, Album` llpyr York. ny- null -In III! III a an \ oulunu. KNXJV IL` ALLAN LINE) IAIT AND WIIT. IIUITUI `V UIIIIII sot;-r:'aw:7 ' In-IAIJ Q n Ilnutl WAX hagarn Faun. ' A Loni: : ILL!-N3; ` ] DEJ Ll '.l.'.j:.- Ild. Bnord. Woroctt. Pro- noo. Ionon sad tho '3 All?` 1: v. T mmon. Ipplugnoo go. '1 UN: |:'I`.3.|n!lCoI. To `It. lawman sin. NORTH KING" E Klnjlwn Ind llochootor N_.Y. Hm'D'!ldrth ` "luvs Bunion .5 ya II; 0` nut to churn than without jaglnhho. Uh. . ? .'."i. u r. an n r. 3 m ~ -r" 1-. 1 .",` 4 `bag vtysdt [51 and l'ridux- _ , . II: KATIE: _BR'l' LINE : .:.'~ M L'?5..`.`.'3!3.'.'"..;;m Inn Nd) I I V .| " Ill. . . tug r:tnm..:&60-'5: :':".'3o.'9'g :?|:`a"':':'a '5o'u-1. s:n'o3v3E' bfakgrf 0' u.?.T..."'7.'.33'3i'." ""' ' " "' Enunnr. [I I3 l_l0llIl'l or VIN noun men wlw ubtlignmo. I'M:-_lI In the drum place to the peculiar but poaltlve fact. _ that nearly every country man who 1 In habit in O lmll-hla mrmnmflnal make mm o ballever In higher prices, no matter how the quotations may stand. and be In seldom able to mnslnr the lntrlou-lug 1 0! ohonuolllng. Eatlzxxnm mode by old `time apeculntorn tend to show that fully t-hrm-fourths of the grnngor operators are .` bum -This In ltsull given the bucket shop proprietor as mg known In advance which Aldo of the mar- ndvanuge. as ho. hat hls trade will be on and in omsblod to ; trim hla deal: acoonllngly. llut by for the nmmut advantage llou In the opportunity whloh an out of town cllontolo nffordn for Juggllng prlcon. Even the ulmrpmm of clty can be given the worn or It oom- nlonally on quotations. but when a cun- Oomor la hundreds of mllos away from the Ingltlmnto math-6 ll la on can manor to win from him oonununlly and systemat- losl . R1:-y I. M. Inn? In the nut nlmo moat 483m-yuethodu ofawlndiinz Aun- whgtlqqs Bpeaxlapon. - |" i3b'rArxoxs ARI Immunn. IIIADIVO lulu. Tnoy opomrm HI Laluouju on J. R. Willonl & Co. until the board of tndmooluln got after them, when they `cold out the Chicago branch and transfer- red tlblr main ofca to New York, man- nginglrom that cltay nearly 75 ngonolu In Imullor towna. ` n..n| .4..--.61-o Olux DA-anon (`nnun\IInInn "law uown on wow," u unoy any m up!!!- }Ih0fVo pthnooc Ho hldonp the 151319 thing before In Ohlo. rbtlrlng with It little matter of $600,000. and his last Chicago deal is believed to have boon lm-guly produ- ublo in tho way ot oonnsmtod margins. Thu mnthndn nf 'llIArd & Ca And tho Tm) lnotnoua OI It lullu (15 U0. nun I-nu Ruorvo company wore the Mme u obtain In all large bucket shops. Suoocu depend: \ (Inuit. mtlxgly upon coming 5 largo out. ol lawn mum A City gunman In taken, but E QM dollln of the oounlry men that ad on`. ......- mm. 1. Am. In Mm lull]. Bow ln It done? In tho m plum D1103-chop Indu anmndoonn loom margin. From this In dmlnotud 58 the mm Q commlnhlon otpno dghth of as corn to: Inlhotlna the bmdnma. leaving the 'op0onnonl.y nova-oluhthaot I com to ptotect his deal nanlnst. tho uotuntlona of the market. It the hualnma vwm honou- ly oondnccd. tludb-eighth mm commu- [0306 mo worn or us III we cuu. J."R. Willard & Co. anti the Reserve Commission company wcm rcprcamtativc cnnblidhrnenin of their kind. They were conducted on the some general plan an hundreds of other concerns which are null running. Willnrd & Co. was mcrcly tho business name for Jay nnd Elmer Dwig- gina, two shrewd young Hooaicrs who cdmo to Chicago in 1801 and outnbig Ipiurge in xuonhtm-y and foul estate circles. undcr thc tutelage of their unclc, Zimri Dwiggins, tho nnnnoicr of Columbia Nu- tionul bank fnmc. iimri "bummed" his bank and 27 of its do micni: country cor- leopahdantc.-whiie h n nephews mule a smash in the realty lino and inter bloa- aomod out an "commission" men in upco- uintivelinm. Thcy operated in Chicago n: J R INIIANI & (Tn nnl thn hnnrll of Doublo Service, Commencing Mon- Imuuor towns. Um-ll recently the Reserve Commission company was known na 0. C. Vinii 8: Co. Thomuon for the change In nmno my in the foot that John liiii, Jr., the nntl buck- Q IIIOK tighter pf the Chicago board of Made, ml furnisiiod the postal authorities with information which led the lam: to atop V'inii'n mail. As Vinll was doing I good busineaa ho momly swlochod his ooh- oorn into the Remrvo Commission com- ....... -...u 1...... u ........a.... Ln... \V|IlnnI Drnncnou. When the bull market not In good and mung and his country customers began to have big book prullta In sight. Vhll "laid down them," as they any In spoo- nlgtfvn um]-mu Hg huldnnn Chm IAIIIQ IQIIAIOEII ||lnI-IooontlblIIn'I lorvocorcnnonlguok when In 6 lunch in en . 1-eocne unspent lion! the J . R. Willard G: Co. and Be- ncvo mmlhjllon company bucket nhopa_ wmoh may be 0! bonellt tn peoplevmh u ulntlv tnndanoieu. ml the Chicano bane. And-tlgh have it may be prop- oy Icatod that bucket shop: Ieldong fall In Hm nnllnm-v nooonmtlon of the word. I!'ly Illtl inn nucxun unupu usxnyxq IBM In the on-dlmu-y uooeptatlon the word. When the market goes their V, the bucket shop men make money and keep re: Whetrthe market goon I[IhllI them. the usual plan in to make money hymn- pemllng bunlnoil and` hanging the oath which` their customers may no on depos- it with them In the shape of margin: or oewnalble prots. It In ulmoat nu bud to but a buoko Chop elltietowln at A bruco" taro game. A wine-man may get Away wlshalew beta if he In alert and calls for his winning: on every lucky deal, but It ho plays an open promotion game utalluwrhln uocmmt to run he is sure tone: the worst of it In the end. in Willard A: Go. and the Reserve in) no IV$\l'V0 trolnllllllull U0!!!` and kept It running. Like Willard O 0., tho Roaorvu Cunnnisalon company Ind-an oxtolnlvu patronage from country branches. nn...... 0.. hull m.-5.0. no. In nnnd uni Ihidlly newton on ma Plomruquo Day M otQu1nto.- >- aux . (Bud: 9006) '5`?`1'E'.." 55%;?` inc s:n::- I0- : I Inch mmm and Bo'l.lovlllo. sl)lO III we way or 00nll!K`.nwu nmruulu. The methods of Willard 8: Co. and the Innnuwn aux-nu.-no nunnn Olun llll II nhfnlll . IKIIIDWIBBIFI L- A1- _.|_ l._lI-mg A '_nncAL' svcxn show: ` touched, and a limo lave: 08}; comes in as theprioe. This loks like as good prot, but tho innocent doos not get it. Thu 3 bucket shopagont is no gmonhom. All orders `pm taken subject to approval in Chicago. onwitomver tho" main mice may be. This means thus the trade is wired hero.` and tho customer must wait. for so O.'K.f answer before the deal is binding. By the timwho is advised of the jumps in prlqo he becomes anxious to not in on a thing and nally oonscms to his or- der boing illled "as near the market M possible." The wheat is than billed to him as near t-ho top price as tho agent thinks ho will stand, and it becomes on may thing towipo him out on the that break of seven- oightha 0! It cent. whereas if the deal had been honostl conducted ho would have made s pro 3 of I76 and not back his 043.75 margin insides. ` It sometimes happens that nnothor man may st the same moment wont to sell 6.000 bushels May when: at 02, and if so his order is mind on the spot. for tho mnrkvt is advancing. and there is a sum prot in therdssl for the bucket shop without ru- cameo in Jugglery. rm... suns-at us-m of mnmiuulntion. how- uolluuxpwuu. reuuuw. lurlluuuu mum: su..agno1aekm"3? coon. nnwpouonhol-an on; otHIO|.D6 dodlmhdlonoommhnlonm. |uv|n:thaoummor~o hduooot 048.75 onmuah. . It the prleodropl. tom 1-8,` he is wiped out. But prloeuo nqtgplng and with ha In sun at the wlndqlytl in unsup- an nldur F &Ul ll, WWII UIGJEI-|lI|'l|W nu! tmdenq. 110 make: out nnd..hudn M -hlhsolerk with 11 I917. The worst orm of manipulation, ever, in in the holding back of quotations In tho oiiloou of legitimate broken px-icon -.. ........n .. (nan AIl1h(lVO0In0VUrtah0 In otncuu ox lcgmmaw nmxun pruxn an postal u (not as they come over the who. In the city buckets shops they arc duo put on the bhwkbonnl with some ahomot fairness. but In the out of town acuuclu tho gures are used as may best acne tho tntumta of the men who are backing tho gunc Caro is taken to keep the posted uotattona withln the range or board 0! gurm for the day, but be- ynml this the bucket shop man makes prices to suit himself. Thu: May whom- m uct-unto, on as given day between on In 06 cents. opcnlng at 02. nagging o to 00. thcn advancing" to 04. dropping hack to 03 and finally touching 05, with n mac- tlon at the clown to 03%. This in tho klnd of a market the bucket shop nwnnr du- llghtu In. for It. gam him nmplo opportu- nltlug for nklnnlng his victims with as color- lty and auroncaa that would pm-nlyao n prlno butcher. Botwt-on the Myth and low l! man of the dtytho manager of the main 0 ca makes hill ovm prince. holding hark tho logltlmnto quomtluna uml \")(`|"s out such M will win for his firm thu lnlgoat amounts of money. N mt... um:-gm nf this hnld bmlinela In the ` The worsoot thin hold business in cam and safety with which it tlt\V bo con- ductml. Tho man who pulls two (`.ih|'dl M I timo from n orookod fnro box token dos- pornto ohnnoos of detection in mmporison with tho bucket shop operator: who mnnlp~ ulntou quotntlolis. It is imponiblo for the daily nmvspnpom to rt-oonl on tho iluotuxr tiona of tho mnrkot. Tho Ilguroa givon um mm-ly thosw of opottlmr and viosinn ond tho high and low mnrkn. (`ompurimz the buckot shop qltotntinnn with thoso gziwn by the pmau tho victim ilntla t-hum oortwt no for an thoy pound noooptn witimut ques- tion his loan as the rosult of poor judg- ment in guessing tho turn of tho nmrkot. Nor is t.ho country mnn tho only victim. Thom are men in (llnvlutt) nml Now York who daily go against 5 sort of brow game without knowing it. Na-arly ovory city hnokot. shop in ilttui with both tologrnph mui ticker M-rvioo. Instnntnnouns quota- tionu oro aunt ovor tho tologmph wims. uml tho prinm tmvio on tho ho-ml of trmio on- hnown in tho bucket shops on inst an oloo~ trrioity can iluuh them. With tho tiokor. ltowovor. than in homo littio uuovoiiinl lo dolny. the tiokor qnototiona ht-inn Illlnh)` about one minuto hohind thooo aunt. by tolognph. Thin in oaunml by tho fact that the ticker opurnton hnvo to tint pwpom than for trnltmnindon. It in tho tinker nxurm which are marked on tho bIiwk~ board and from which donln no nuulo. Tho k-loqrnph prim! on: iortho privnto in formation u( the buokot shop ownor. Thus tho tologrrnph may convoy tho infornmtlon that whout is at I: oontn. lh-tom tho tlvk- er ligulw om romiwd tho cuutomor oors to buy i's,i)o0 but-hols. but. is told to omit until "the next nurkot." inn minute the ticker records 02. and at. the ante instant tho tolt-graph oonmyn tho information that item ho: hum in sudden brook tolh, and the ordor la plncotlmt tho bluokhoanl Quotation. thtu giving the bucket shop Inn I clear gain oi one-hall coat. on the trade. It. on thnothor hand. the talqrn h ohouhl neootdcnuivnnoo thoordu-will hfuud. . That there inbigmonoy in the bucket chop bonlncu when tho right kind ol country connections on made in plain to every man who has ever ph-on tho nuhju-.t Ittontlon`. Here. again. the Dwiggins and Vinll proplo alonl good lllunntionu. Both conoarna had hunhnnno and expon- dvob oqulnnd olun In Now York and Oliaqo and maintained agencies all own In country. inn Minneapolis on the aim. kn lnnotnco on the was and Ncworhunoonthodmtltlhqhndl -_..|`-.-A-nun-bnlh:lu|hn`j.l|I ,_;r. ,- "jet -; . a naacmvmropuou marked mm. gmlukpgngc pm ehu. um: ehunu-tee nnnn mu-ml to-mlunem `II: Inning out \' ' ' -EIXTL` - H ' ""-::::,'?s.if:.'::.'.".'.':'; 9 s'k iR:s.'%'..'.`.?12..`.`.f J13 `Lmrrao ITATBI. WOIIIR hlnoo Bloonhn Oar: botwoon nAnn uranium Ann unw YOR` IQ! intlol would nvul: I1: I tunnel: AN X RAY ' INA? INOT haul I Col M : 3.".:u'"l.n ..:."."'.::.....`."`:....'.'..="`n nunnor n"0Z!l-'I5wIuIIIuIn pou- uovrhovnnt Inputs 5 fortuncfrom 3, onouhnthouenun-nought fa. `Tun DAILf wine, Jrnroxf. ooronnn gnu. ism. "How uqyou KXIOVVY" "By his prologue to the social, in which he asks: . Satire or sense. ulna. .een Eperurfeell Who breaks a buttery upon I wheel! `'0! course it`: A fool question, because no one breaks anything upon: wheel it he can help it. They are too bud to elean. But it shows that you eouldn'i'. tool him onvtlxe subject of bicycles anyway. Then the Old Testament bobs up again with a mention of `a wheel in the midst of e wheel. which in so clearly is reference to the sprocket. wheel that it seems almost. like a waste of time to explain it. There is also a line about a bicycle that "needed nI`II\I " QHQIII II It-Iu-In-nun -I u-up-p .- v volu` Hit It 13%. - "llmrnbsuld it In hoopnkot ohllvola II I. modern Invention. " - "um It uompu-u.uvely~mo1Im-nf" Not at all. not at all. Why Rlohhd -Gboriipootoftho hwarlllottholut century, speak: of 5 girl who `revolves the and vlchmuden of th ' an `Ibo turns the giddy wheel. ' To w brunderjho Inn mu thou violndlmdea refer it not to the bk!yc16P.` I'll bet it [had all he over new . here I could nd some mien-not to bloom- u-?" And he`: not the only one. either. " I pl! "Nor" "Well, Ishonldjwnot. You can go M clear back to the 0lclvTeItnment and nd the can of a man whose tire wan punc- tured ln name wq wltlle ho wu trying to l oool his brow with thoscontanta 0! the old \ mien bucket. It`: ln Ecoleuluta xll, 0. ` that you wlll tlnd the mentlqn of the `wheel ` broken` at the cistern. And Pope knew of them `too. " . } How dq you know?" \ nu. M. nmlmme to tho ntilu. 1 ll IIIBU I oiling.` " In x Allan av:-uvunuw -. The drawing room was a veritable mu mum of prlcoiosa wnyks of um, and yo: no (`Amloss of its smronndimru in low that tho two sat them in tho twilight oblivious of all snvo tho one pohem; fact-I-thoy lowd ouch othor. Rvmbrnmits, Baryo bronze.-\, iII'N\:uroa from tho orient and gonna from darkest. Africu lay and hung all about them unhmdod, for their thoughts \\'vn) oantorod in omth othvr. And yvt. tomor- row ho must bid ndieu to tiion-moms. No more would his mnnly foot; (mm! the soft oarpotn, nor would the Louis Quinta sofa hold the lovers cumin nftor tmnight. A ...a nu. ojumn-ht. fnnmi nizmnmoo whon clung. "In what?" "In "l`he Brookalde, 3 poem by Lord Houghto . He writes of wandurin along by the!) k and then intimates I: at he had A enky wheel and that something went ng with it in the words, `The noisy wheel was still. Even Disraeli compared the world to a wheel, and Milton spoke of the wheel: of Phmhus, who was evidently the ilrst. person to start as bieyrlo ` livery. Why, it nmkoa me tirul to hnvo people neiingnnd talking as if no one pm- \ vlouatn this generation knew anything." \ -Chicugo Post. hold the lovers aumul mwr wmgnu. ` And this thought. fonmd utmmnoo when 1 she, looking up at_hlm with eyes of love, --hi - ` mu, 1 said : nun "Patrick. `tin tomolry tho fo1kn ll bo utthuruwomln homo, and thin. bogorry. I who kltclmn`ll be good enough for tho \ lulkos of us." 0| llnauu-rw vnIl`lVn I`nll!ht." hi}: I ` us." Bogorry, yon`ro might." laid 110.- New York Journal. duty. ocobu uh. IEIAIIII content AND 'a1Lmz. Mll

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