Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1897, p. 2

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`l`H J. co*s| A `:4 1A_J \IgnaI i,"h3vib alrondyfhaii 200.000 .a in wanna pm:---1 01.0 maid. nuginnn;-:tam.na_cninot`:.; .....4- :L mm~f'iAY. 001291318 20.. mm. yang! 9wmga.7 w I--jun: Ainonmsubr oLi:AR v Wnrres A --------4 .__..-and no dan._Iu_Ipu I Mug lnli-|I`_3.I_; 0` rub Ina-that. 1:1 mum on the (titli- .n.._ n..-.n-_ -1 nn.n.I-.n_.IhA ltnr lllbillip Um 1 IIIIOII I pllwnl totho "clergy 1 hithlul may of tho dloano upon III! we hulwvu-In "6! the {omen of religion. the christian family and chrilblnn `iohool, which an Ming do- turninqdly uuuod in tho pnoont day by "tho (mu issuing from tho `autos of ball. Ell can In opening dwolt. upon the `rur- polo 9! the Eternal Word in dueling nmonnol man. not: only of atoning for our lsmrmxtr er MATRIMONY. | poee `OI MIC liternel word In uwueuug em _ men. "not only etonllur line 3 else of regeueretiun rneizhind. iving to humenity e new birth end e new ile. The entire nice of Aden hed become eo oerrupt. eodegreded. that nothing ehort 0! e new eieetlen could euloe to reetore it toite hi eetete. The individual. the family. t enetione everywhere bed to he horn over egein. end nursed end reered under e new eyetem oi til ht end con- duct. through the egeneiee o is new civili- ution. in oonlormity with their new end euperneturel life leedieq to their heevenly destiny. And eo beoeuee oi tle tur i- tude. the vice. the idolatry end t e deprevlty of men the Menieh oeme to redeem the loet world. And Bret the family hed to be puried; regenerated`. trenelormed into e foundetion of virtue end holineee. How wee this to be effected? By the inetitutioil oi the holy eeorement oi metrimon . the indefeotihie corner-atone of the new vilisetion. A pledge iron: God to the Ohrietien oou le. that he will be with hem continue! y by Hie particular D.-nui gene: and will nrnrh ll divineinllu- Providonoo. and will eiorb HI": divinoinuu- once over their inindu and hurt. their I........n- and mgnnnm and MMDOI` ' sud their mind: nnu nenrw. uuuur Inn in e um! mennera and hem rend whoa emunor in relnionho eac other end on their children; enabling them, and making it any for tlnem,to live hnppily bo- geuhec. in eooorclnnoe with the low: and condition: of their state, and to bring up their off-pring in the knowledge of the Oreebor and Hi: holy four and love. Hie nee lengbhily dwelt on the holineu end nppineu of Chriobien marriage and upon in inuence in the roaring ofohildren. Selntl perenu rear up children in holi- nm or the unoticntion of Chriutinn -....:-L- society. r In discussing Catholic education es an eseentiel duty of psrente the mother-`is charged with the primsry and most im- peretive duty. On her delity to this duty in its Catholic sense. will depend the selvation oi the soul oi the Cetholio mother. The ilret question Jesus Christ will put to her at the bar of divine justice. shell not turn upon money or dries or fashion or any of the things of mere seoular life, but shsllbe "how id she bring up her chil- dren?" It is the husband's duty as much Is the woman's. But it is mentioned directly as the woman's oioe. because the home is emphatically her sphere. and the children. in their earlier years, are imme- M diately in her charge, always near her. do- - endent on her for everything. their eyes and their little bends alwsye turned to- wards her. and their hearts bounding with elleotlonate promptings of ready oom- plienoe with her wishes, her likin s and dislikings. Shehas chief part in no moulding of their minds and hearts, and the formation 0! their oharsoter and man- --- Th; Ianniann in nnnnnlnd EITH- Kingston Ladies college, A CHURCH sgnooL, 331'." ht: "$8331 ..2.".".r,"..,' "xii. ";uEiE{.ILi~ Provi once. exert; HI": divinoinu- -_-- AIIQI n...:.. ...a.u.. ma harm. their the forlnetion or their onereuter Inu men- nere. The huebend is occupied with eern- ing breed for the femily; hie deye ere moat- li epent ebroed; end he seldom given direc- ton lor the children'e conduct, exce t when the Inother e euthority mode to eueteined. Therefore the women ehell be eeved or loet~by thin criterion, "Did ehe.by eeeiduoue oere end orderly direction of the elfeire of domeetic life. end her unfeiling vlgilenoe, trein her children by word end enmple end timely inetruction end cor- rection, end -niotherly reprooi end rebuke eleo in roper eeeeon, to abide with her "in lei end love end eeuoticetiou" (which meene cheetity) end eobriety Y" The epoetle Peul in inetruction to the bieho of Epheeue doee not mehe her re- eponeible for their pereeverence in this good order 0! life eftar they ehell hnvepueed from under her control; the word he ueee refer! to their ehiding in the prectice of thoee chrietien virtue: while they abide in her home. For thie eho muet answer. I::.... I.-ml. IY nf France end St. John her home. for true ene muen nuewur. King Louie IX of France and St. ChryeoetoI% doctor of the church and po- triarch oi onetentinopie. are referred to at lcngth ae pereone who had heon trained in mothere. and who roiiected the brigheet o virtnee. Hie race briey presented the Catholic doc no of the unity and in- dieeoinhility oi eacramental marriage. in theee two indieponeible character-ietice reeted the ecle eecurity for the chrietian family and the dignity and eacrodneee of woman. "The chief cauee oi all the hor- ton and delemente of the family home under the rule of paganism. remarked hie race. "waetho degradation of woman. he had uoplaoe of honor in the house- hold ; ehe had no title to claim companion- ehi with her huehand: ehe was hie elave or ie toy. a creature of a lower order of heing. the victim of hie whime and lreahe of temper. whom lie wee free to eject from hie home on whateoever day she failed to pleaee him; and under certain circum- etancee could put her to death with impunity. Thie abject con- dition of the lemale in every garb of the world had brought womanhood nto eontempt. No one reepected her. and no one iear-ed her. By the unity and indieeo- iuoility oi ohrietian marriage. the wile hae been made the legitimate companion of her hoehand. whom ehe muet he reepected : hermother ood ie eaored in the one of her children. by whom ehe muet he nor- tdandoheyed: eheie now the queen of the hoeeehold. and her dignity and author- ra. ... ...|.-m-Iulnul hi all. and moiety II.` wI"DI' "-"I nd lullholuhulcy oflnlrllt Archbishop" ' huluudd p plliorll otho may n_.....u ....... ALL 4.... hnlunnl-Hl"l Isha IO IIOIDIOIII. Ind IO!` ulgnwy Inn Intact- nook lodpdb sll.|nd `B c\ !liu.nhn:s'I Ilnohcl be u_A.-48: -nil nnnnin-w An lb` IIPIIQIIX Will IDIIII IIIII IIIO llllll U! HUI!-Cu vuua udonch and oourhuy sud ch; nnrenoo duo to both: byonry Inn in ovary walk of life. No Iondc. thontoro. the the ohuvohhulno up msinuinod than divlno ntldbnlu Iurrllcl with all tho brood but _ Hut bishops and ` II: Inc! In 5 iuounnl-1! lltlnnt ludllly out guns and powerful Quint}; Julian. who Ikovoiobnsk don the winch qutouwl ohrinticn civili- -n.. 3."-.unn.-innings Phillip Anna- V j I ` lonunnm. ml. 331- T ` ?"m.... (}..A. no triok,.buIlM- Aged. bppoulu Inn onold Park. Ap- nnpn-nmx Ir. Boalnl. Ontario 8`. IIIUCI tutu g_.g.. . EASTORAI...ABOU'l: _ Alllll doueluo oou uouvu-ea Inlay Ezushociq all put an 5! W- 0- .3.. `. - on." 133115., ' Thonan can now goon an: Inn: lnr oogouov ,ouuin'n. pol-fog of u uoinhg. h wound in wydo. ISOBIIICIMI LID Ml ulvurpuu. A gitixeg whu toot I rimhlo along .thg mm` from yesterday up the `linen! in- duntry which be calm Icvou Along by the locomotive vuiorki, the Moool-u company and dry dock remlndcd him very much of the nu: front in Li-erporol. `- - tlvonlng Dllpgn. To-dn we put-on our bu-guin tables I lob oi;-I no gain nlippou. Thou no I few pain of I nurn _ r_ol' different kinda. remnant: in it won, formor priced 82. 82.50 and 83, now 01.50. Cull in-And no if your sin in there. Hqiuu & Locket. they lnew1'he Pnsnleeu. A search of the dwelling in the west end from which ode were stoien on Mondsy night roves ed the fact tho the thieves took more then was at first suspected. Eve:-ythlnghpolnts to the fact that the cul- prits hsd s knowledge 0! the premises. - . 44., _._ -_. Inn Illuonioul ndunugu. ` I M O '$n:'&.' `3o`s:?a'3.u3'. .-nr_r. -341! .nl Ilnlvnrnlli (hul A DIIJIIIIII nuu I aunu On Saturday afternoon a tragedy oun near being enacted in the north outer notion of the city. A citizen came home in en inboxicatcd condition and sitar cbueing his wife attacked her with a lathin hntcheb. The timely intervention n` m. ohhnra m-ovented the man from of no hbora prevented carrying out hi: intention:-. _.__._____. ._.. .-,,_.,__ lathinr hatchet. The umoly mwrvuuuuu 8 l'l'|llCd 'l`nQ Iv In-ueu. Yesterday morning D. L`. Moody visited the Kingabon penitentiary, and expret-sod hinuelf as being well pleased with all that came under his notice. Further, he laid he had been all over the world. and hadinapeeted all the penal inatitutiom. and without. doubt warden Mebcelfe was. the moat: humane. and at the same time capable, governor he had ever met: with. "OI" I'I'0IU]. Sol: pillow covering: in silk and satin. ready for use, with back and `trill or uhe tog oovoring only, in finished dgaigna ; oi or down or dreued ux cushions. Now embroidered pillowahams, toilet covers and droning cue covers. New curtains And table cover: in new materials. The only place you can bu Crouloy carpets. the beat. nude. R. Mc aul, Kingston. our- ..- um-nhnunn, Return The Hymn llookl. Forty of obs ln mn books loaned to the audionco at who oody meetings were not to be found at the close. A: than booln have to be returned to the publishers or paid for the secretary of the Y.M.C.A. will be glad to have them brought. to his otlloe. Cub nubuoripblonn for the Record spoken of by Mr. Moody mun: be in by Fri- day to bo available for the 600. club robe. we Delta muuu, x pets wuehouze. EXIII I'l'0V|lIIIIII vvul puaaav-c In another column will he noticed on advertinmenb from the Provincial Secre- tary. Toronto. concerning Extra Provincial Companiee. setting forth that every com- pany not incorporated must, before Nov- ember lab next. make out 3 statement, as detailed in the advertisement; and for this urpoee, and with a view of securing uni- ormit in the returns. the Provincial Secre- tary`: partmenb will. upon a plication, supply to any company a copy 0 the form which ha been printed for the pnrpoee. ._.----.___-___-:-- :-4 Bath Road None. The brick yards are hauling up the clay for next yeer e make. Meeere. (iilloepie, of Pimhurg. were through here last week in eearoh of a farm. 0. H. Vanorder and '1`. A. Keyee returned hat. week from Mani- toba. They any there in more wheat wan.- ed there thauiia grown around here. They intend returning next. apring. Mine F. Day has returned from New York. Mre. W. Keye-, who has been visiting her Iieber in Michigan, arrived home Friday. Mra. Hull, Michigan. in viaibing at. her eiator e, Mina Hm-knr. A Pupil In Trouble. A young lad shout fteen years of age. residing with his parents in the vicinity of the Grove Inn, and attending classes at the colleginte institute. has got himself into dilculty. On Saturday or Sunday lest he unused himself by wntingpbscene words} with chalk on the brickwork of Victoria school. He mede free use ol the names of sevenl teachers. The matter was reported to the police and constable Aiken detsiled. He had little trouble in tracing the work of the'o`snder. The Ind {will likely be expelled from the collegiate insti- t. n tn. IIIIUIIIUUI Thonm still low aoott out late 9.1- .. ._......-mp` A-Awlnl` mrfnonnnm of KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE nun, lVllUlll'I Miss Hnrkor._ T Io!-"aw wann- Grub mm, .9 Assam-yw. `(Flu Allnilu demonic con! delivered tony ...-.Jclmni+.- gt ll nu: mm In W. G. lllwl tum. Ilup Ii mung. In the course of his nddrou in S don- ham street church lab night 1). L. oody pleaded with the cougrogntion in bohulf of the Y.ld.C.A. The unooistion in saddled with 3 819,000 dubs. Thu looks like A big cum to one muubut Ipmud it. over As many -span`: ll in `h. Church `ad sum munbut Ipl an over In many pooplo u auunblod in the church in Inn a mall mutm. In giving. to the Y.M.C.A. a mu: gives for the bonot at auxin laiunily. Tho mocioy doe: not ltonvo In cgooltoptov 0 I coco ro- ot-tation for she young non of &o clay and I place whom bible and may be can-iod on. `mm nnoomlon wu oing work Among NIX WIIOPI DID]. III!!! III] III: vuulvu on. The association valuing the young non and was naming tbs nhnrnhg W. Wlll IOU `Inn wvl-. Ir. Wcuthcrh. the chief angina: who mimic dopu-mans. .In-on to the dope!) iohhr that it would Inna-I n nuvoy wu node p pnpnnd hr in poopnud sit. for tho Kingston drill Inllmlnwincooutouulu ovary two and on half huiuunh above Ilontnnl IGIOOL Ho nguutod that the work In donolnytln Royal Inili oollqo ondoh undo: the nw . Tloodnuuniom an in to its otnnudutnl CK UIICHG hliwm lab Icdaunoo at Abunda- ~ Dunn. Jnhnnmloot. &Ij'wuIyI:uuu-';-:u -- its to-nuIuvnIl0|.u. Lon: Rubber ootl. Fine quality at Abernathy`; 1 - n--a-----u-5---A---- ~ nonlnacd man an -Ivornool . .__|_ - __...I.I- _l-.... .------------_j Extra Provlnolu Oomponlu. -.L.__. _:n L- ...-Alu cr AND vuoiunf. Wmlikuuuuuva Gun. Johnston lent. Cllrhtmu Term Botllu No_v. IBM. .3:.....'" .'.*.;".*:*...::`.:.fc.:'..`:!.:v "` vvu cu: VIII no `rho work. I21. _Al __.|.- AL- ALRAR A--Inn: _____._.__..._. A Drunken Inn`: Act. ,1; ____ -.. .. 5....-. Pnlud The Warden. I s,_1\ Y` \1,__,: Vary Pretty. -------:----- olp It Along. ..___ -t |.:- -.l.l.... rAnAa R`Ai-H3. mono up av on Bus)! upon-rgns no lploo or mm: on 1'"!-'5' p.....|. Ann Quk|nnAh-at--IOtIhI - W IIIIIUJ DWIIIII ders at MoAulo_y't Nnrhh Rina Ian Ohoioe cone. .1. cm; a On. J. J. Bolun in My improkpd today. 3. .D.'B|bby' in h Elmion on Unlnuu. For nounlgiror toobhuho H3 _Arnot'a. Arnio Anodgum, . ., Winter ovbring bulbs. Johnson. {I m-int. RI-nnk shrank. '1 mar IIIVUI lIl' Uu lulu: - V-W"-I orisb. Brook most. 800 Dnnlo if {Iota duiro to an IIIOMJ on ordorod, th . Williun Swain. Ema tutor. Luvs or- .-I_... -5 ll..A..l-.-J-. nnng .qg"`f'$}:v`. .'."X'.'?`.`.I:v:`.i*.`&:"}.f".'.1x`. um oultun oi homo , Idwllhth III at Inonul mum Dopnunont Ln churn 0! Ir. Arum} 5.. Inc o:nM and ohohvmnvsu of arch of st. 1: Iudulono. Bmuom. II totllvutun pan. Sundays. J. 1*. uanloy. Inna. Bellovillo council hp [fun 8100 for that worthy purpose. the roliol ol the 6:9 Inor- III. on. A:-not ; A1-Mos Anodyno for I pain, In- ternal and oxterntl. A. W. Campbell, provincial and in- ngmctor. will visit Brockvlllo on November 0th. ders at Mo_Au*lo_y'tbook non. _ . N ornh King haven for Roohentu ch 5 pm. Sundays. J. P. Huxley. IRM- Ballevilla council hm thou 810010: the Try our 260. Jaiaan boa. J. Craig & 00. James Flanagan, Bu. Catharina. in a viaibor at the Minna Flanagan's. William 1-. x. .........a.A nus . ...- (1 'I`,R.. Mme. month. Who does the been his ciroumltnnou |l- . low doe: well, not: nobly. Angel: could do no more. I]... `(Hanna 3- {nu-ntnvino ninii. h do . M1-c.Kit.aon is improving nioely. She did have I relapse. but the oriaie in now nicely paued. Kurma" tea. J. Craig & Co. Dr. Mundoll intends removing shout Nov. 7th to 228 Brook street, formerly oc- cu ied by Dr. Bmol-(house. denbieb. In Runlnnnn has Inf: fnr Montreal to root. In in reported than s new G.'l`.R. time- table will go into eboh on tho ab of nut month. um... am. oh. hank M. nimnmnmnnnn nlo iod by Dr. umulmouao. uenmw. r. Rycknnn has left for Montreal attend the meeting of the miuion board of the Montreal Methodist. conference. I A I nnlunnrl [Yhinnon lg}: n! Nnnl. oi the Montreal nleunouneo oonm-once. J. A. Lochend.Uhicego,lete of Nepsnee. is now in Toronto taking e poet.-gmduntuo course in the Ontario college of dentistry. Choose was sold in Weterbown, at 8311: to 919.; Qgdenebur~, 85: bud; Iro- quois. 90. bud; (,`;mt.on, .Y.. Sic. to 910. On Monday mho next the Nah P.W.0. rlm band will ay teveml selection: for the benet. of any Brock : gremephone. vm.. nnllamtinnl u. the Moadv meebimze the banana 0! nnrry Drocu I grnuunpuuuu. The collections on the Moody meetings were about 8|50. After expenses are mot :42`. Moody will receive between 875 and 100. Choice pdlml, 81. J. Craig & Co. Lienb. March. A" buttery, had A tall from his hono on Monday and will be con- ned to his room for I weak. Bo wu bsdly bruised. u...i.:.... m mwl u A:-nob : Amicn Ano- %n:n1. "ns'rTrn""""nown=. IT I Porsnleotaxchuce. p mmIuwm bruised. Nothing I0 u Amos : dyne for toot. ache. A tow drops on e umell piece of cotton removes the pain in- emnbly. Penintonh perseverance bu echieved more nucceuee in edveniolng when all the ....:~l..-I:h- nnniml And In-nlbd "hllik" IIIGOOGQOI In uuvurvuuug uu-u -.. ...- originulib , capital sud Io-culled luck put. togot or. ` _ Chan crockery. J. Cnig &Co. Mom or: of the Gnniu junior football tam no pushing the ale 0! ticket: for thcir coming match on Saturday nexb with `Vanity III. . I.it.r.la and bin hove knickor punk, undo IRCiDEN1'S`0F% um n. `Vanity 1u. Little and big boya puma, from the remnants of our boat quiet. 76c., 81. 81.25. Lot: to half-price. Bibby'e, Oak mu. King Itroob. w [1 m..|..hv_ Cnbourlr. and formorly King Icroou. W. J. Riolnby. Cobourg. formotly qrgsninb of Chslmen uhuroh`. this oit . has secured An olingomanl: in 86. our : church. Quebec. - ` t...o.ne. nnh. one nrioo only. If we did Quebec. a Instant. ouh. one price only. lb my other way we could never sell the fine clothing _we are showing. Bibby : Oak Hell, King meet. A n. Mmhv. reeve of Renfrew. was in He, King meet. A. C. Meokey. the city to-dny and later lefb for Montreal. He eeye the WIN!` work: nyeoeu in being repidly completed in the shining northern mum. bown. Provost, at the N ow York clothing chore, never. hnd such I In-go assortment of r'oady-made clothing this season. Hie apo- cinlline of boys pnnu for 350 cannot be beaten. ' 1 We give you more choice then all the little stores in town put: together. Over- coat: and unit: for boye end men at Bibby : Oak Hell. King Iuoeb. Mu. Veele and hmily leave this week for England. friend: having nieed euth- cienb fund: to put them in the old lend. Mu. Veole wu huely deoerhed by her huebend some time ago. 0. Hevwon. meeeenger for the Dominion expreu company. he: resumed his dutiee on the Brookvil o-Ottawa train. heving re- covered from the about be contained in the recent wrook at Stittaville. A nail no in- to hie foot. That 818 blue and black overcoat we on selling er. 8l0. Choice trimmings. Bow- ing in right. Sntin nieh. Potent an or vou can : hove in. Bibhy'a, Oek Hall. King etnet. "Cellthnt A kind men." and nnector ....-:.:.... n' .n Abennh ecouelnt.eneo-"e h|.I9l.UUOXIIlIIww|lII|. 3M&.I Mutton: nvwhouunl Oinlnlll. % in popuu."""n:"uh uaooum D oceanic!- Kin ' llthnt aponkin oi an nboent. ncqua|nunoI-"n m w o is away from hi: family and never send: them I fnrthing? Cull thus I-=--An-u W "Van: um-omminn Hndnlio" und WOIIIG DI IIIITI In van In .... ...,_ done much for that `city, an own non lot the utulligopnblla In-um v. a nu. wmmn. x'.y., died on Eundny on tho mulho! an nocidonu conning ooncnuion oi the upino. Ho nu shitty-nino you: 0! ago. In Aunt; this .ho wuIurriodnoIlnIlnuhGood- . d ` `rim Bay at Quinta By. an` dnonlho 0 U1. Qllinlo There are thousands of sickly school-girls all over this broad land that are dragging their way through school-life wh~ v might enjoy that abundant life which be- longs to youth by simple at- tention to hygienic lawaand a proper course of treatment with Scott's Em '_;." sdvollln wan an my Extra Provincial ompanlos. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT under tho provision: of Hootion 101 of the The Ontario Companies AM. ovary company. xm` lM:0BI`UlA'l`Rl)||Y on mmln TIII unnot- rry or AN ACT or nu: u:ulal.A'rUII or ozrunlo, which now or prior to tho tlnt day of owin- her A. D 189'! curios on bulinon in auto. huvln; gun for its pnrpou or obioot. for tho oarryln on of which 3 company ml in be In- norboll nndgr t.h_o_guld L90. up oa_n__gr ml at no In- oorpou undortho said AM. .n.`hb.n or before the tint day 0! November. A. . IM make out and haxnmit to tho Pnvl hf somelrary a aeatomenu. undo:-`oath. also In -. (u) The cot onto name of the company. (b)How an under what spacial or (moral Act, the company was I oonnorahd, and the Acts amundlnu Iuo spacial or nanarnl Act: GIVENTHAT The Companion CVO!-[_oqIp_cny. `AW 6 `uTg "MT ng an h'h9ucI.ot III 91000 W ` AlIIlBIopudIIoYIIwIovo\hDun . olontnlo. 1;: 9-5. 3..-IA.-an A0 Alnnnuulnr And the Lou Ilnlncuuu Iuuu upw--. u. general Act; (oi Whore tho held-oloo of tho `coupon: Initulhd; ' " ~ ' (d) That amount 0! cm antholod - onlhl . ; .. -, 0 o) o amount of-stock subscribe! or lo- mod and tho Amount laid up thonon : ( ) Tho nature of ob ind 0! business which the oompnn` in ompowond no DIN ! on` and what had or mud: in ct lo: 130 ' ~ - a)xt"c'.a`x'z.p.nra:nhu'3i' In can in'ia`.`.'8u`.".? B3Xx2`.'. : 3'.i:`.` 3.'n':"" ` daytfior new guy dux-inst` witch ,nn::u.': 0011 nun RD OVOI P$ OI` `Cm? u;onM;:.':'ont.tm1v:ll`l.oa or u}oomohn~ gm o In on VI co 0 on trongoou wt Inontorlo any III. un- our for not company. shall onbh dot upon which ho no tnnnotu nah Iuluou In- onr I penalty of twenty dollars. Form. for the purpose 3! ouuwqgogmpgg: be obtui Ilcnrd. JT`ENn1aaFEm turn your toes to S'U'I`I-IERLAND, the pre- fesaor of foot comfort and past master of shoe style. Wear SUTHERLANU8 worthy Shoes and your be always on "easy 'atr`ee`." The Albort'l'ollt50lPC0-o mu. 5 Consult SUTHERHKND when your nqe to be treated to a new pair of Shoes. Hein the Old Doc- tor" of Shoedom who al- ways lead: in Low Prices. Come in to-day and gave a But; when he has once (vi.-atee i to a bath with BABY`S~OWN soul-' -.-mm: no other.--booanse he knows ; no other makes him {echo nloe. up , ,, ,n__- n-u-.__ ..l D..|un'n fhun Qnnn no Omar mum: uuu uni.-0'uv ulvvo I Many Imitation: of Baby : Own Soup. 1 look like it. but babyfmlsthe differoncc. I ANNOU_lfl__l_3M'ENT. II. IIl4I1|JI4u\wv- . begs to inform his pdlmna and the general public thut he bu noourad _tho assistnnoo of H. B. Henderson. who in an Al operator And rotouohar. having experience in some of the but studios of the United States. 11 1'l -..1-........ ...).-J.-I gins QM Il patrons tonrrango 101' many u .. early I (into so aaib_l_o,|_qd_D`pvo,', the holidnv rush. display Calhoun u Phtinoa. n.`nIIn:nson. - nuotocnnuun WE IIIAVE. WE'LL HOLD." A llar. O-ll Ivlnnbuvwuu n - patrons to arrange car`! A nfh ll D038 ALLl*{'8 SHOES. , \ 1 . Anything you niod5'h* the Hg-dw_n_ro|iII'IlIutu [193: .__...a..$.._2.I1_.`. an -, _ I we umwa DIIIIB. H. Henderson would duo sivioo his ~1-----1----4-`nun bun I . Incl: $r.`$:'....._ fQct .DlAllONDS am will burn l'l._ `HB1}1_DE_g2soN na}dwarehIYi||9- ta-nnuuwnooa. V Ihc Ulllu IIUU DIV:-v any `for sitting: ct u Bc'st. mi jilj--- - `ii " OM! lnIIWbodYnrd. K33 IO0IWouII|too\ new Ta'EiiI -.ma.- Machine Mada QAICAIHC-II m` | IIIIVIIIIIV luuuv IAINAIIIID Will IAII Eli clbbilulllodtlllhlulphtluh lngvuolnuunsuhouunuuu-au Ahoovuudnnbtludonn-nu! who Wutnududunllv - _-__.....-.- wpg V; Lig ABSOOIATION PEOPI BTY I in (mud nonndu. Thu Jutla- humMm| '~' *' ":':..' :. .1.- m::2::;'..':. .... .::.'::a-....... .3: I h mama lyvrlrmhnthwmn Ctm~ ` was . ulnglo application 0! CH1-mun (dimout). Ihoxfmt nkln cum Ind n full don ` no 33119034. ulsm llm: ot blood guum 3 ,wMnnlloluu11|. 4 . I M. *`:"anm;;- `Incl twill nqnuroouy unoun - no don to :31-owln; no- . a om. A1321.` to . s.sunn. . ullluo 3 . ` "` v w = ~ on ,nu'J)Nl on Snot. M 7 I vld J. Whlbohud. anus ~ ' ill! oomplobo 1%. Lot 3120]!!! v_ |muu Apply to . V. Ilnn on-n.-inn. and AI-murlmr nf itnhlno. -)|'1l'._ll'l ma _ .Iw.In All one am. A. n'l'In lnuriznn. mm lllemluhou. a. mlAInOnI*n. . nvlp lhum,"!u:o. .d-. ' ` gut-d ler | a . 1 nanwx & nouns. Ontario A ..:.~ TUTTI. U UU-v-w --vvw YU'K.ON .2.". .`.. *-'s-2.-.'.*..-.. ED315908 only to -9.4 can pursue a Buni:eu or Shorthand oouru qt the ll Ul':QII nun on-sung. v Unlvonu Lugua um co culm3u1' " 3%`. out oulmu othonu Io!" vi to dnuhun 0! 0| EDUCATIONAL. Will not burn, but 'l'0[E ?Ii:I.."`:!I"....."""""`*.;i'......" '1. _i'Iulu\. Il8|hI\.Iu\Iw- & uu III hlnnllli h kl CIIOI. III to hhlo huuulnnnt k uh A..'-atmntn n. ij 50!: snug. ' [11- W3` mo Iran agfv I(g.:S800IA'I'ION 1'TI:).1'llll'1' I v ox - 30:5} a non: tom g uowln; : Ihlw llo-nlahu. L`|movn.\ Mn 1-. 3.3.3933 mu ' [mm msg msuucs.} my :7s"'u;33o"':"!1w`m'1.m's3.".Tt5'e'aT.'3. `yduhun mm Ilodmdiw church Inc had to the doors. lb dlaoouroo wu atone as: non. VII: _"P;i:on omn- innlu Qnign uh" nd "'l'hntond9ncy to give up ocrhin portion! 0? tbs biblm. "Than an hhrotuulrtll of I million mi An.oli:u: wan: v:r'w| .,.. A\. . ., T ,. In Isnlfu-tad Inch lutorut My crlnlnnll And clued For I Oollootlon In than no- lnl!-Ion Won `funny at tho Night I ... mm. _,.. `ii .. , .. ` n nu.-- In . |l--.|_ L4.--. In nnnni Chiar- [lye ouhln pomonl on ma mun. , "Thaunu three carbon ppoplulunptl boom on in AIn_uica--Ilwli 91 than young men. he and. Thoy would nmr hnvo boon than if 0,110! Md had an mun olnncc. "Ill! 0` I013 II ! would heve been . , I!` one vnlu hedooevenohence. eny then here Eenltont men end went reeding meter. hey oiten uh lo:-i end there ere moo]. in feet. meet. at the out in our lead. when tending wetter cannot be ohteined. You oennet relornye men by more {eminen- Inent. I wenetotry end etir yo Gene- dlene up. 1! than oonviotla theyieQ- iete onrkndneee. When e men ne ownle tinetohel him up. Irieqde ere needed when ml ortune comes. not when eneoeeeie onre. We went oil-M-dot vlueger. Let'e ehow Ntheee in ironed men thetwe one "for them. He e their any from eerth to heeven ee eeey no on oen. Get good religion: hooke or theee conviote to reed in their oelle. They will heve to think there end God will telk with them. No one llke e mother onn hit to them. {or it bring: re- collection! of the time when they, et e eeinted mother`: knee, repented elm her the worde ol that meet childish reyor. Do eomething to reach the hearts 0 these IVIIIIIIU ln. young men. A: is! collection to purchuo books {or convicts was tnkonup. ab Mr. Moody : tying. Mr. Bu-kenng by nquoft "Bnvod by Once. M.-_ Mnndv mum: up the second part of "Sued by` Grace. Mr. Moody tehin up pert hie dieeouree eeid:"$here in e tendeno to- dey tore'eot eertein portione oi the ible. The devi gete in e meeter-etroke when e men cute thle end that out of the word of God. If you are goimz to give up thiepert end the: p'ert-3ive it ell up et onoe. Don't tekeveyeeu todo ethlng when you oen do it in ve minutee It you cut out whet thie men wente out and reject what this man wente rejected, you eoon would heve nothing left but the oovere. Do I believe that ell the eoripture ie ineplred 2 _ No ; but I believe it wee ell given by in- spiration. The thinge ol the old leetement thet men deny ere t e thlnge the Son 0! God llxed hie eeel to when on eerth. I be- lieve it ell. `Ae it wee in the deye of Lot Io ehell it be inthe deye ol the coming of men. I teke in ell the etory of Joneh end the whele. People will eey thet eolenoe bee proven euoh e thin to be impoeeible- thet the mouth ol the eh wee too smell to permltol eunh en eetion. But I reed in the ho word : `God prepered e reet leh. here it ie x no trouble 1 hen your heire heve become ee grey ee mine. when on heve ee men; menus on one ride 0 thet derk etreeu ee on the other. when lriende ere leet eeing to region: of etemel glory-thereie eweetneee. there le met. there it peeee in the hope thet when the night ie done we will meet them in the brighter morning. Wheneten tekee ewey thle hope. the hope of the reeurrection. he tekeeliie'e eweeteet.deereet thought. J eeue eroee lrop .deeth; we will ell erlee. Il you tehe the en neturel out of the bible ylou tehe the t out. A euperneturel ..A .......e L... e eunerneturel bible. 5?! tehe thebeet out. A enperuuuru Inuet heve a supernatural Every hook in the bible lenlled with pupal`- natural thlnge. and there are more in the four goepele than in all the rent. When Ohrlet was how in Bethlehem an angel oeme lrom heaven and epoke the glad tad- lnga to the ehepherdn that wee eupema- tural. Thean Ie of heaven eeng `Glory to God in the h xheet. peeoe on earth. good will towerd men --that wee eupornetural. Chriet spoke to death. and it obeyed; ho e keto the grave. and it aleo obeyed: oee`aote were eupematural. Chriet in net deed: we do not worehip a dead Jew. I~n`t that ao? You can't "believe the old teetament ll you don't the new. We all one book. and a book not going out at date. but juet coming ln. `Heaven and earth_, paee away. but my a a word not pen any. The ......a. .1... amped were etgmned WON! IIIIII I10! PHI! INC . 5 any words Joana uttorod woro atumgd upon tho mind: of men. is parables wore novor forgotten; Ilia `aonnon on tho mount has come ringing down through tho on no ua. Hi: word hon boon oraoalatod neosbodiorouh lunguagoa. Indel: and akoption may bocomo buck numbora, but can book in going to aumd. No portion of bin biblo in no convincing to akopiioa as tho luiilod pro onion. Evory one othooo prophouioa has n luillodoo the lower. Two hundrod prophooiu ro- udi Joana Chriat alono havo oomo mo. woul doubt my own oxiobonoo uuoon a I would douhh tho worda of God. Oiviliaa- lion ia found ouly when the biblo it found. [I anything has mudo Eugiund.tho Unieod Button and Canada root. it in that old book. Don't do anyt ing with him pauuzon in it you can't axpiain. Thorn on shin about my body that I don`h un- doraia . but I boiiovo I'vo gob a body though. I Ind oonobhiug our whouovor I ....'2 "x`3""....." "2..'i'i.3' '33! um""` I! n doubt it vlllwun home one All doult; it he lint in dhhouuty M will wonttoonboufil sboutdkhomuzgnil In N! II MO pronto OI! [0 -33:: thy lather And thy mohhor. Am I not rich 2 Uuy `Anna. yeti :-oohym-Iona. thou! 1- blah the caning III! in IN lpu in tho on who upoando. tun hook. gun IMHO! an that Iuilron the ublund throne! tin hmon mum: tho ynr. You'll [Q0 DOA- oo. _ . liny. and I (left nowwhgull. Td unto what IOIO nlnluon pnubd about. would have to an :_`.aT. ,- know: vim!` `III . UK! It up-I I|D i ` ..::`.:.':..::'.::.'"* " C Imp In up lilo It in I IIl IHIlllA$IlIl%II- WhH4-'- ood b.-I-M9-!-.-|mm-r- ,-.z..:L:2:'_:. :.':.2:';.=::.9'.:':.:"':'.; """'"'.=w-= MQqHT;;;'c:nAEreo. work sum :1. 1...: .4. mgughb than ripe God. Christ In: 1 good hriltli in prisons. It in G nlmoinnd but the V: ........*- ;:=w 4':" n, In -to y of lilocgoton the In prison. n In unnnuu u go uuo nun rloooinnd at way Mo baton nuneu. 0-mind I .3 `u_r.plno- lag in the `local pan tonhiuy copies on . null book which he Ind 'ptIpIIId {or priooq york. hnviult alrendyvhad nonla nluni ii! lid Dllt "I9 00 II - ,I. * ` , ,_ oo5'o9;5a'-':"o'i':u'i'a`if"r:,sa'3?-#7-`E','eZ._a1'al'a$ at . apnea was paid. . would devoted to this `pnrpou. The be aw limo no luck. ma vho on on odownwnd psth in jnulnlm-6h: have been arrested; wbon tho pro pl: in 3 call away from theft old unh And habit: and with plant 0! than to think. He mudbgxha 0,001 Chrintjan woxk,rtI,.0 gin non Itunnn 60 thin lmpbrhnb `ur- v at. tl. In Moody too! II III! ooxb part of the Shiny-touch vouool tho womb ohtpur of 8:. Mark; 1`ho:urb nob In (tom the Kingdom ofod." In Christ : time show were many men Hi! the Icribo who ulod Mao question which brought forth the IIIIIOI` oonmood in than out; thoy were our Ibo kin our of God. but just: mined in. ' hero in huh, one way to got into who kingdom wot God. It is not blo to buy yourself on entry ohoro. _ho _IpoI_kor. _oook.u_p_gho God. 15 ll nor BIO I11 Dlly yuurwu an there. he epeeker. took. up the wary of St. John the Beptieh end king Herod, showing how Herod was near the kingdom of God, but mined in by hie pride end einiul note. John the Bepbieb. aid Mr. Moody, wee the greebeeh preacher them ever lived. He drew bhonuende Iron: the oihiee into the country, where they oernped for deye at n time no no to be near the preacher. His pxeeohin poeeeued the eloquence of heaven, yeb e must be clean- ed emong the eensetlonel presohere. He told the people plelnly oi 'ehelr ein and won doing. In in only agent: of the evil who tell men they are all I-ighb. Thi epeeker eeid he did not wonder en the look of euooeu of letter dey reohere. when the preeohing of John the price would not touch the heeroe oi the ople. end men eotuolly turned lrom `hmtfe own worde. God is no reepeetor of pereone. There in not one tell ion for the poor end enother for the rich; 5 l Inuet accept the tune truthe. Sinnere were oouneelled to give up their one pot. ein bhet. wee kee lug them out of the kingdom oi God. n to deolere shemeelvee for God. The nine to decide wee on once. A little ehrnggle end the victory in gained. Nu `doubo Herod he ever einee our-eed hirneeli thnb he did not take ohe edvioe of John the Bepbieo and decide at. once for the righo. ---_...- I-nu-2: e nt5ELlf\E KIVI II vim. ll - In-Inc 'lcon| Plokod Up Along The Inn-bot Item. The tn Thompson, Manual. Ln-ived this mom with ve Ii ht ban on. ML. CaPQ"|IP nh|EInM.A.rAgIl'iVQd this I R]! IDINOI ON NORTH Imon mu am honu was 0. with rumooo and other this mornin mun nve ugut nnrgu. The Mag alker.Chu-lone. arrived this morning with three noel laden barges con- Iigmed to the M. '1`. Co. 5.- c.....o...m nl I-.l>m ntmmnr *B|nnoni. Il nod no me M. 1.`. V0. be forefoot of the ntoumor 'Bunnook- born was found to be knocked out of plsoo. The dumogo is not serious but it will take some time to make xnin. . mm. 5...... J....nl. .h.hmn_ uh Rumi- mmo I0 more to m. Tho horgo Jonnlo otbhowo oh Broch- villo. huboon romovod from tho ooono of tho wrook to tho 0. P. R. derrick. whoro oho huoboon unloodod. Tho bu-go will ho tokon to Ogdonuhurg for ropoirs. Tho divor undo examination of hor hull ond found ooumll holo in thou 01-clan ol hor how which rooted on tho roc . AA nx..I....-Ia... A. Rnm'_.Rn|>monn|- Armin bow which reluea on one room At Rioherdeen & Bone -8ehooner Annie Minnee. Wellington. 7.500 bushel: of wheat; Iloop Monitor. Bey of Quinta porte. 2.000 bnehele of and ovate; sloop Maggie L . Howe In and. 3.500 bushel: of one and u; Iloop Idlewildowe Ielend, 1.50!) but ele of once. Ber Star loeded 1,000 tunnel: of whens for onu-eel. Welland Duel Report. Pom` Oonnonxm. Ooh. 10. - Down : Steamer Persona. Dennis to Oepe Vincent. wheeb. 'D.......e hunnmuu ak 10 ._ I);-urn 9 when. . Pom` D.u.nomm:. Oct. 10. Down : Stonmor Ningm. Loraine to Pmooto, nil- roud iron; Parsons, Detroit to Oapo Vin- cent. what. menu, on ur. lllm. In the on-of-I-or oontoob. right bolt vs. lots hull. one pull lutod ovor tony-vo minuuu; one wu thirty-vo minnow. And one 0! Cunt; minuboo duration. IIIL- ......-. Mm: n! mnnnmmnnh nonnhhd ol Inna Inlnulnt unnuon. Tho comm but of nununmonh oommod M: Pruidom. Lions.-Col. 0. W. Drurv; Vat.-Mujor Malia. CAP0. G. H. O llvio. Onpb. H. E. Bumull. (mph. W. E. 0. Link. A. I`. Much. Sotgb.-Mujor W. A. Blrond Bonn.-In. W. A. Long Rid.- gug Wnnuu 01:35:, rViv!s`1Ix`al.;n cu n.Borgt. .Punon. r. . 0 . Br. J? Burh. I hr the Br. Burke won the Mosh _.-no.4] -uni. ant. I'M-, kpuinp [g Br. Burn an I'D wt was ntdhm` and Srrrving trophy r IIIOIIII urchin uhlouu `I'M noon Ioniblo vidlnionu at 8:1 In the county of Run. Out. and the town :|Wl|duor. N.g.k."ohouId In 1'. warning to person ov doou-not bokoopnoovcnd cl an zinc mos. Olldonloov Imam `b:.h6r5.! Olunnuo npnuuh vary lghut \y as lowcroul-punt nun. Gin him a null. n_..;hI-A-nah. gunk. Ah ll It trio 0. with 0 or on. Alno thy Mono Dwel- 1` In I IDINOI 011 NORTH do ol hon mu: 3.?` ['30 Shut. with madam unprovo- Iu .I_oJonu Iluml. _ "A" FIE LD_v BATTERY SPORTS. Aura; ur. a Baddling u "I`ilt.inn uh uaid an-n-l|u`nn'b| MARINE INTELLIGENCE. it he is willing :3 mike himself useful. [Full infurmution upon application. Addrou I ~I -H.-DIV lnnnlnn n}

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