`I put off si ling for PHOTOGRAPH you in- .tendse_nding to I ds at `*!I._"?":`3v:`~ % A \'o|or|I Dead. Bu.I.mn.|.r.. Cnt, Nov. 9. --George .\lern|l died on .\!on lay from acute pneu- moma. He was be u near Pu- tvn sixty- onght yeare ago. an d had been a nmdont of this mty lur twenty-re years. Snrtiving him are two sons and ve daughters. Judge Slerrll and l"cr:_\' Memll. of Picton. are brothels of the dneeeed. Mr. Merrill Iran-or; Iclivoin aivooeting the rights olthe wteraneot Ii.` and He I-cute large pouuonlo the queen onthnir be- hal! and tan a recular mine 0! information an tegatda their rlaime. The tnlnaine rue taken to Toronto for inunnent. The \\'mu waeeeteemod by deceeeed. it hav- ing vigorously aided him in urging the china at the veterans upon the Canadian government and queen. ' III! UKKIUUUUHW Uullilu Turenty year: ago a young married man named Donald .\lc.\lil|an. of the township of King. near Toronto, took his wife to her plronln' homo and started wont to make hi: fortuno No never has been heard from. and twelve ymro later Mr: McMil- lan married again. l"nro_\'onrs ago Donald's unc|o died and left him a legacy of SNIII. which has never been applied for. The supposed widow baa appiuod for the money and legal procecdmgo have coxnmonood. ..?::':.'..-:- .....**'~ .`.-.'.*J::-.-.1-.-3: I WI! 1100 K0 `R-SHOII5. Cheese sold on Saturday at Ltindon, for 715-llic. and .\'c.: at Wntertovm. .\'.\'~, for So. and S;`c.; at Brantford. fnr Tic. and Se :ut. l.'uwnna\-nllo. I,|uo.. for Tic. ` and Tie. Irouuoin end (`owanevillo boards Adjourned until May. Eight. coma was re- fuv-ad on tho ll`0( uois baud. and 730. on tho Ogdenaburg `)oud. n-nnlb I-aura non n vnnnnr v-nun-win` Ifllll KOFIWIIIIIB. The theory that the railwav bed at 1:.-unison, the scene of thetaul wreck on the New York Cemrnl railway. was deu- twyed by dymmlus has been abandoned nnd it. is now believed tbnt. the dinner was duo (on washout. l`I........ AA!) A.. Q..A.._.I_... _A I _`_..I.... RA- llrllllllo The Gould heirs have asked for a legal dotermimtion of the suit, brought by Mr.-. Angell who chimed to be the first wife of Jay Gould, ind plaintilf stopped from fur~ thor proceedings. It. Wu a bogus Attempt. to swindle. TL- AL--- lI...A AL. _..:I_._.. I.-.) -n UIIBIIIIIIQUDIO WIIUCOIIIIM A rumor has reached Simla that a native olcer and thirty-x-o Sikhs belonging to the Kurnn column have been intercepted bv the trihesmen in n ravine and slaughter- oa, but the rumor is not you otliciully con- tinued. ` VIVL- 1` _._I.I I.-!_. I.-_.- __L_J R-_ - I-___I Denrulgual , Annicial statement has been received at. Havann from Porto Rico muting tlmt. the Spanish steamer .\lom.serrat with Ben. Weyler on board left yostotday afternoon for Spam. \.\'i|Iinm \\'nlh\r nlrlnuf. nnn nf fullnr IILUITIOUU [Ur Dplll. William Wnllor. eldest. son of Walter A`ford. Belluvillo. died very suddenly at his home on Sunday, aged sixteen years. He was a member 0! the Y.M.C.A. and nn enthusiastic wboollun. A -.._..- L..- _.-..L...l Q:_.I- AL-s - .._A:.... Ul PIIIIUTIJII. The United States government has de- cided to fraud the revenue cutter Bear to the relief of tho American whaling eet. mid to be destitute and ice bound in the Behring nee An nic-inl nnhsmnnl. Ime hann rnnnimvl Our patrons arexurprised at choir superior quality. We` are surprised to End the de- mnq so great. There is 3 -_:-.A. 3- _A-__ I___ _._ CIV- Owing to the renewed outbreak of small- pox in Mornbreal, Dr. Laberg. the health ollinor. it-determined to put. in force the law ordering the compulsory xmccination of children. VIVA- IY..:A-.I Dm-A . . _ . . . . _ _ _ -_L I.-- .-I- V U"ll|H UK UUIIKVKIIAIUIM A man named Dreyfus. living in Paris who recently eullered losses on the Bourao. bin w.`fe, and three young daughters, all cbmmittod suicide yesterday morning. A rnnnrd I-hunt. nrnn in nrnnmnrl in |.`ULllll|lI;lUU UUIUIUU _)uuLuruuy IIIUTIIIIIK. A record wheat. crop is expected in Queensland. The area of plantation is double of last year and many crops. it. is estimated, will yield forty bushels to the 1107!}. [DTUUIPLU E01165 Il| Vl!I'- ` " As a result. of general Woyler s policy of driving the women and children of the in aurgenba into the cities of (`ubn, thousands are dying of starvation. A man nnmnri Dnwfun, livina in PM-in ICC-ECU UK KIIIIIIK VV Illllll KIHIUUIIUUEIPO. Mics Nam Clench has been playing in England mcently with great success, and she scored A special triumph in Liver- pool. Ir. has been decided to appeal to Europe lllrllllly UUIILUIHEKI. Emperor William is learning tho Rue- sinu language. Last week at. A hunting banquet. the German hneer recited an im- promptu tonat in verse. * An A rnnnlt. nf mmnrnl Wnvlnr n nnlinv nf WI]: ' appeal Europe and America to raise the sum of 8100.000 with which to relieve the terrible distress existing in Games. Dmnmr, (`ml . has nnnnd an nrrlinmma EKUHDIIIL III \.`lUUCU- Denver. Col, has passed an ordinance xing A llcen.-o fee of 81.000 for all dealers in cignrottea. The ordimmte will be im- mediately contested. Fmnnrnr \\'illinm in lnarnimr Hm Run. Illliflllll IINIIIIQ; 3| IAJUT Ul l.iLllH(I|. The jury has been secured in the murder case of Martin Thorn at Long Island Cit_v_. accused of killing \Villiam (1 uldouauppo. Minn Nnrn Clannh hnn hum nhnnmr in IIILIIIIIKUKI Mount Vesuvius is in arrest activit,.v_}nd two wide streams of lava mo owing in the direction of Vitrovn. lI..:.\.. In]:-\ ll IJ.... ..A` :l... 'lV..-....A.. IIHU UIITIKIUII UI V II.rUVIl- Major John Ii. Ray of the Toronto wlmlosto grocory rm of l).n'idaon & ||u_v. died sncltlonly _\'esterdu'. L`I.. ll .I..L , I..A._ _ --...-._..__n unuu Huuuouly .\ I:zucruI_\'. . Sir lhlph l`|mmp9ou, Into pernmnonl. under secretary fur war is in Montleal and 'Intvn1faIlmking :1 hour of (uml.-\. Thu Inn! has hnnn noon!-nrl in Oh: winnlnr nu! UITIIIIUT IIUK lllsllli The nancial cum in Venezuela is so acute thnt. trade but practically ceased. H.M.S. Resolution in huina nrhlnd m Hm ICU|vU IIIIIU IFIIUU IIIII PTUCKXCIIIY W56- H.M.S. Resolution is being added to the Medigerrnnoan eet from the Channel squadron. Mnnnf. Vnlnviun in in nvv-Ant. nr-Huihv nnrl Some of..the pl-emiers closest friends were an the state department. yesterday ur- ranging (or bi: visit. and indicating the foregolnfbrond scope of the questions do- sire to be bzoughlz forward. ' _..__. I the Spica at The Morning Pnpcu um the ` Latent Donpatcnan. ` H. Elliott. of Bayeld was shot dead by his brother last night. - Thu numinl nrinin in Vnmwnnln in am -..._..o Alan!` Pl"l'H OF THE NEWS. I-I-:"""."'., Bnobl-_ um sac tuna aura ul pqnhnty. thouglldovoll ducvotkno iuidou Invundhnlthhlqnlitiu nnhilnhr ::5uiordtinhin_onryvnyhthenIud ulnlunld uatdJqIInnul$n 11.. Ka....L... .L..I. 5.0.5.... sausantmn-41 llnoouolkhonyityeolltelor d eno- wunuhowthlnot chard In 1 in- pothdhnhoucundcniocolhonovlill mnhncg Innug lhuaxoo. - Au`!-mos. Out Now. 9.-Min Annie Sliovat Inn entered a hunch rf , DIDO 0! marriage sail amino! J. H. II unehc. of AI-nprior. lino Slionn chino 8|0.(lI) dunngu. and chino to Inn may luau which will pron Hr. Icunohch ul- Iqcdptominofnnniugs `Ibo ll-[Inn Wroclrd Bum-~.uu.I:. Ooh. Nov. 9.-An oecidont under similar circnlnntancoo to tho ono that occunod on tho 0 T. R. at hnodowno Sunday morning took ploco It Manitoba oiding last. night. Tho onxihuy in to- Iurninc from tho Lsnidocno truck. can- ing into Brockvillo onthodown main track. It appears tho. pilot. bod onion to go Iron born to tho aiding on tho down truck. in- ooood of tho up main tuck. ond I collision Ill tho nonlt. Tho onginunof tho two engines. on toning tho dongot. iunnodioto- ly romnod. but not in tino Io proton: o eolliaon. The onginoo won both wrociod. my unl nls nrumln ann Iron: nrueman. The jury questioned the witnesses c`on- l_v to try end ascertain if n ni ht. operntor here would hue prevented e accident. and It oeome-l on be their opinion that lie would have been useful. but it might. hnve happened just the meme. The jury were out three liouro and relnrned I vonlict: "Thu deceased came to his death by the colliding of mine, which collision would have been prevented hr an operator here. and that the Grand Trunk urns criminally negligent. in not nupplviuc eulcient help to mnmge their trains." Wig- ._ 2.. _,-.n __,, __- __.A,, IIIIHF ITIIHF. The Injured men are rating quite ouily to dnv. but tha recovery ol Mr. B.c-knoll is uircertliu. I.l'Illll Ull IJIO UUWII `TICK. No. 508 a fast frei hr. in charge of con- ductor Clark ariiv at Uananoque. And as no report could be obtained of the other trains they were supposed to be blocked on the down track. 90 No. 103% received orders to run to .\lallorytoIrn on the up truck rexardleeaof all up trains and to slow down when it arrived at the other trains and ascertain the trouble. Thie*"the_v did, picking up the ling man of rear train. who i-aid he had heard the other whistle oil` and thought she was gone. No 453 then pru- ceeded and paced the two trains. both of which were in motion, and came'on here. where they pitched into the van M '.".". ., which had backed in on the up track in order to place dinabled cars on siding and allow the other trains to proceed. In do- ing this they werein the right. not expect ing any down train on the up truck. Engineer Davis of 98 did not see the danger until about a train length away. He whiatled brakes. reversed. and jumped. as did his reman and front hrakeman. `PI... :..... ........;.......I n.- _:._-_.._ .4--- uuuy vnnaruercu llecessnry. The facts aubatantially were as follows : Trein No. 722, conductor l`o|lier, V out bound, broke in two about two and one- half miles east. of (hmnnoque. The front portions came on here while the mar part was pushed on by the engine of N0. M. a train following. The angina then returned for its own brain. In the meanwhile mother train had followed. making thmo trains on the down track. \'.. uu .. `.5.-I` t...:,.|.. :.. ._L____ -r -___ I The lnqnon Held. L\.\'~`uow.\'i;, Nov. 9 -'l`he inquest con- cerning the death of Dr. Wray was held in the town hall last. night. The crews of both trains wore sworn and gave their evi- dence in I clear. straightforward manner, proving to the satisfaction of all ptesent. that they observed all the precautions that. they considered necessary. Tho fnntn nuhnt_qnr.inlI:.- I-Ara nu fnlln-.-n - Shawls, Clouds, Hoods, Tams opened last week. (`Ol'\'UU. R T. Bicknoll had three ribs fractured and othorintornal injuries, bub not nfn serious nature. He will recover. The other man, named McGuire. of Colborne. was ludly bruised but not omierwiae in- jured. Their escape from instant death seems miraculous. UUIIUTTUU. It. is said the doctor was killed instant- ly. He was chnown against. some boll: or protrusion, which pierced the brain. One side of his head was badly disgured. No further injury to his body was ob- served. I) VI` l.')1AL_.,II L_.I;L___ ,-I. I A I Iumua (II II!!! [Boner Inn mower are ounea. From what can be learned of the acci- dent it appears the freight. oaron which the unfqrtumxte men were broke in two near Immiowne. and the conductor lost some Limo coupling and getting up speed again. and knowing Lhata fast freight. wash to|Iow- ing he took the siding at Lanndowno in order to let. in pass. The canductor in change of the fast freightfollowing thought. the freight; ahead was on the main line and they took the siding. No night. opentor being at Lanadowne the movements of the trains were not. made known to each other and in ooneequance the terrible accident. occurred. I4 ... -..: I AL- _I,_;__ __,_- I -n,,, Couduuoru Did Not Know Each Other`: Ilovomeuu - ls. ll`. Bic-knell Snnnlneul Ila-vn-re Injurln-Annu-r Man Wu : Raul- I_v Ilrnliuul 'I`heIr`I-in-npe From I):-ml- N4-uuu III:-annlmu llluute IJOIINII. N \I`\NEE. Nov. `J. The l'0ll):lll\!i M the Into H. II. Wruy wormbrought. to Napalleo on the Iniilniglit~t-i'n`m- Bmulnyv-and` taken to his Into l`08ld0lll`0. His brother Frank arrived yesterday. It was a sad shock to him when he received the tidings of the terrible accident. The funeral will take place this afternoon to the Nupanee vault, and H5 is said the remains will be removed at, in later date to London. where the re- Innina of his father and mother are buried. l`t\rV\ .1-lmo ..-.. L... I..-......,: ..t .1... ......: WAS OWING TO THE ABSENCE OF AN OPERATOR. His Funeral Occurred this After- \ noon in Napanec. ,'llR.H.B. WRAY BIJRIEIII PARIIEULABLF wncx.l Kclllnldlnpcrhd-` 9. [I :.L \?__ ll TL- la uvmcsmn usual IMBDY & C0] GlNIlEM[N S fliEl5E IS oNE*i>LA`r1*-: Foi me BEST 0FVEnY- nuns IN W. Anbin. unployodn tho that nil- ny Inmn,inon the sick lint. While u~ tuning in lifting 0 heavy voightat tho bum in strained hinooll. And Den`! You lotto! ll ! Alnmuhy bu tho cheapo and but mbhhn In tho city. ' After A Summer`: Vlnlt. A9. noon to day James Bum and family, of Houston. Texas, left for home. accom- panied by John Bats and wife, who have been the guests of A. McMahon. Welling- ton -street. Mr. Blue and family Arrived horelu-I. July, and left greatly plenod with their summer's any in the city. Mn. Crovolin. I Kingston lady. left {or Hone- ton on the some train. nuance or nquor. I It ie not. known exactly how the nuir happened but it. is hinted that there was I quarrel between the brothers. At my rate Harvey wee shoe dud by the tther. The murderer is under arrest nncL e inquest in to be bold lhxa afternoon. 1- Ivan Sl2.\l`0l`.'l`Il, Onb.. Nov. 9 -Non reached here from Baylield this morning that an awful tragedy took place there last. night. a man meeting his death at the hands of his brother. Harvey and Fred. Elliott. nn the Albion hotel there for their mother. Yesterday Harvey Elliott went. to Verna. a small village a few miles out of Bayliold. and returned in the evening under the in- lluence of liquor. It in nor. Enrnrn grunge`... L-.. AL- - .?- And Now Ire. Johann In Under Arlee! Chnrged with Extortion. ' RUI`IlI`.\"l`F.R, N. \'.. Nov. 9.---Ml`!. Elimbeth Johann, who live! with her husband on Maple street in this city. was nrreseed Sunday on the charge of extort- ing fioni Michael Debus $ll0. Debne has been an intimate friend of Mr. Johann. end for home time has frequent- ly celled there nnd played cards. On labor dey. at. Mr. Johann}: invitetion. he celled no usual. On entering he noticed them Johann ire! ealeep. or pretending to be, on the couch. As soon as Debua enter- ed the room Mn. Johann threw her arms around him and kissed him. Johann jump- ed u not that moment and ordered him onto the house. Since then Mr. Johann has demanded and obtained "huah money several times from Debug. OIIH3 and Punblas. "-W!-*9--.5 llnrvoy llllon. Shot Dead By ll Brother Fred. on _, _ , A . -. - -- Evening Silks. A! U. street: vu-roan w.uu No. 20-.\lrs. R.oym\rd a street: W. J. B. \Vhil*ae. M.-. -n D n........!.. L......_ any luilmu; u. A ouuw. No. l9-Mrs. Bailey : house, Princess street: J. Brickwood. BIJTQUIZ `V. J. D. `V nu`. No. `.'l-P. Derr_v s house, I E. Hiscock. A O.) \I__ I)_,_-.__) I Kll|l`2.\l VANU- No. l."i-Mrs. l'ugh s house, Division and Colborna streets: G. Young. No. I6--l. Asaelt.-tine's house. Johnston atroot; T. Arselstino. No. l7--J. Ken'nody`e house. Brock street; J. J. Patterson. No. l.\'~.\lrs. Nicholson e house. Univer- sity l\`0nu0: I). A Shaw. K .-. In kl..- D-:|....I_ L.-- n._:----- l`KU.\ l'P.{\|' \\"\l{l7. . No. ll-\V. J. Mor;:an a oice. Princess street: J. Anderson. No. l'. -l-'. Auchinvolcfn house. 001- borne and Clergy streets; W. Humor. No. l3-E. McFadden`: house, John nf.r|u\f- I`. K|nnnnnl:I AVU. I'D`-[1 \\'. Purtell. I`.\'l \|{A~_|[`l \\.uu. No. 7 ~ I`. Bennews store. Wellington street: T. Dunn. K No. R-4.\1i9s Curtis house. Wellington street; J. Bnrrie. No. 9~ -J. Longhorn : house. Bagoc street: C. H. Hutch. No. l0-John I)ulYy a house. lower Bagot street: D Sullivan . l'|Il|\"l`L'\' Al` \\' \Dl\ A\ 0. lo)1I'A. street: W. C. \!.. II D. l\U- street : KY- Capes or jackets, our own make up. No creases. no ugly folds on HARI)Y" garments. Best of quilted lining. besf of silk sewing. Genuine first quality gen] fur trimming, 315, x7.5o, 19. Ta. nan. .....!-.. -......... _..2....- `iou Who Will Act For the By-law and llnulclpnl Eloolloul. The by-law to open up Sydonhnm street. from Johnston to Piincau streets. received its second reading lul. night at, the council meeting, and will be submitted to the elec- tors at. the coming municipal eloctione. The dcpul'._v-returning ollimrs were ap- pointed to act in the matter And will also not for the municipal elections : \`\`l\I\`.\'lIA\I xrinn "V Bl IIHKDOH IIFOBII; '1} Mcullllu No. 2--Mn 'Millor u house. William nreot; W. C. Martin. n\-n- \ I-1.. u` . nu nu. .1 N0. 1 street; J. JVU n.`cI.-f "\ l|l`NIIA\I \\'AKD. No. l---Mu. Sullivan : house. Gore and Wellington streets; '1`. McAdam. N11 `)._K'rn lilII- Hanna 7iIlinvn DEPUTY-RETURNING `OFFICERS. gntiodvrith the hint Lain Indov York Ityllo. ouopluo vhuoyoucnpuhoboocuilxq iii-hinllloeitya __________.T__ TRAGEDY T BAYFIELD. !L'lX.`K- 22--.\1rs-. Rogers H. (7. Rate. `way: To your order same pnces. Newwool Goods. 5 Now In Your Chum Borlin. Shetland and Andalu- sian tools. 2c. pu stein, Wod- \ noedny only, at lludfe. SIIO F(5F_?'A KISS. U\ l:\IilU \\ \Nll. Ontario hall: R. Hendry. -Mrs. Flanagan`: house. Ihagnt . Johnston. FURNISHINGS. H . -l. l'l|||| E ` IL(|l'9. . Bibby. 5 A. L\lc-ll|ulmIn'.< ollioe: LIIUI` IOUUDH I VA. . McDonald. . Oowida houne, . IIil`.\I I. \\.\IKI'. |'nu|'e Iture, I : , 1, house. hOll9v John street ; nu; ull, vvogu, V/.)u, vy. vnua Imported garments $3 to $6. Sealetto Goods. street; 0`Ki|l Barrie Victim C.hv&I. I xnndnhunnlij QQLQ Wilt: PAIR 0173313 that unt nihrllothon. Wovlllnalolho fruit It yocrnno. lneonndqutlnlyouvilli hot you an vouhc Ghana. Iohnvo upplinnouhrhnunclhoqoh unj nnncnrlvclvonl nld. Ouronnhnlhn nddxi-oilloucyuu Dublin.-ndOoonl1onkshh0Q& Iotovhluliinnnthclj A._l}._{0ll_HS'[1)! gm. 3 `Tmlwxns out an Aotx)InonA"'_-'-'1-an wich both single and-dollnlo nongwi nocloneounlhooonmtuonunutul. j 21.?--Rl.lABl.l [IN IN [VIII ID- eolnnloonl or Onvollc; to In snow dl-ooru-7. um lap on that union! up on tun, lawn and throughout town and country ploylnont. Conninloh ct salary. Inontn All oxplnll and none: 190: ad in goal when :1u>bIl Po! nddruo 5 Won. lnucu. London. out . (buds. . ' \vAN'l'EIL-Hl(,lH-UIIAIII IAN 0' (KXDD c-hutch nunrlinn. willing to Inn on bminoss. than In an as law and seldom hon: salary Ill). clout mind stnnpod envelope to 1`. A. Ocncnl Hunger. box A. can Ihy .-:j.:: \ TANTBD - ll[(}H-GRADE WOIAN 0' my d :-hum-In standing vimnulo bun" our business. than to An! as Human and Oom- rou-ondan: hen: salary I911) lnolono ml!- nd Irusod oh mood onvolnpo toA 1' {L1 (}o`non| Ilnnnr. but A. can Dally Ina. ' 'Joi'dxiee'n'r'. EDI - AI:\\!nh an HENDERSON : `nu nnu nu-nu w nu UAR Wulll A hard tnllhunncl vrltln nix holln dll . for six Inn I week. And null`-o content vi ten dollars weakly. Ad-Ina Nlw Imus tn- In: six lays vnll ho oonol Will dollar. A-l-lrou Imus 00., gulf. Como: Boy and Richmond 8u..'l oroI|to. \"A.NTlt|L- AN RXPIIIURNCED (`-NVA88- or to travel and nupninl llt No onnvnuinz Snlurynnvl upon-on id. Tl! Fl.Al)l.I\`-U.\Iln:'r8n.\ (`o.. Llmllo-J. tonto. \'A.\'TBD-'l'HRRlt l.ADllt'.-1 10 INTRO- duvou hon 1-hold work. uplonnhl Io- hxrnn to comnotonl pononno J. \)Al.u.)IAl. Toronto, ax AND won as wno can W73-1' hulking and vrltln dll& took. WJIL mncom vi AUl"ll:IAll| WHERE A PARLOR [MD in not A my in the owning to In. Slll`|llT.|8 Its. ncklonIon`I. 13! Bill Strum. , - `V A1\'Tl.D- lNIvl'.~`TRl0Us Int 0! OBLI- notur. `rm: LIAM urr Cl>ll'ANY, Toronto. ` ------ M-'CM:Ir.I.I.---ln Kingston. on Nov. 8th. Robert. McConnell, proprietor of the Russell Iiouro. aged 29 yeara. Funeral lrom liia late residence on Warhol- day afternoon at Il:.'l0o clock. Friend: and acquaintances are reepeotfnlly in- vited to attend. V l).u`-Nov. Sub, Georgina. dearly beloved daughter of Mrs. H. Day. 934 Univerai- ty avenue. Funornl will take place on.WednoIda af- ternoon at two o'clock. Friends an ac- quaintances are roepectlully invited to attend. HAIIIIIID. MI`K}2R-JuIIN~'1u.\ -0n November Shh. ah Chalmers manna. by the Rev. M. Mncgillivny, M A.. Jon I) Mclin to Nettie Johnntontgth ol ingooon. J. .1. . .LJ.r1..I.\.L\.I.IJ\I.LV \J\J1lLJ.'1..LV 1. l'mlortnkon and Emlmlmon. 883 and 85 Ptmnoan Street. `Phonon :- Wnrorooms. I0. lleaidonno. 9|. Opon dny and night. _ We received on Saturday a lame shi ment direct from japan of Pure ilk Goods m all the light shades for evening wear, 30: per yard. . Our Mantle Vslue is best prm/en by the busy depart- ment. Bnsy in the order depart- ment. Busy in the ready-to-wear department. Goods of our mak- ing; up, $6.50, 87.50, $9. $10. Innis:-Ont` nnrrngnba .5 in `R u say. nun: I LI. `ran Lunnm Uzmn-ux'n-8M-II Pnneou suoot. Tolophono nu. Open Duund Night :nuu u n IJIIIIAIIIB. Lnnnna Dxmnnln um haulin-ll Prtnoou duet, Corner Bydonhun shoot. `lo phone oommnnlonuon I T F. HARRISON COMPANY l'n:Innf.nhgI-c ntul Ii`-.I\-Inn-.. on: .-..I In: T "T1653. W` `"_" l)`A\n:.\'n.\' At Windsor. Nov. Rh. 3 dnughtor to Mr. and Mrs. J. I-2. l)'Avig- I'|0ll. Dlroot. Importers Dreu Goods and Iuntlou. [STEAM STEAGY. s. s7_C6ii'i*71T UNRRAL DIRECTOR. 281 P81 Klnst.nn,nuccouur to W. I. I [III-T DI \TB.\'. AN IX PEHIKNORD CO3! Apply to II: l.I\\'l.-I, llhhopnlolch. .__________.._._________.._.___ xrxuul I. un1u 1I\l.`1`I.`A.ll`l D1lJl\O good value at $1. special 750. _ FRENCII LUSCAR BLACK SILK, r{nI-nuf`a nninlunnlnzl unnln. II! R ...... 1; uuuuu LIL/DU1\l\ uunun ozun, Bornet`s celebrated make $1.50. spe- cial for $1.10. ' jut Tlhlrutmx 9. 'l`ARTAN PLAID IRISH POP- LINS, very new and desirable, worth `$1.50. special price 31 yard. This holds goods in ovary deput- mont in our lCstn|lis2InIn1ennt. SILNS lmvo always lmon one of our .12- (`-lAL'I`[l".S. THREE GREAT LEADERS: m Two`m.a.;s{`s..7..;.,n ... Earth, Quality and Pri;:e F:NRRA'. 8KR\ AN'l'. APPLY `I0 I88. Mrlncvsu. Baum--h. - \ OK -LISIAIU WHERE r.uu.oiz Apply tho ovlninn to Inn. We'll Furnish Your Eyes ;n-bu: aluxnvo Wu, 5|-DUI 32.50, L"3 Inspcct.1on mvxted. St. [AH-once (upper)- Strong r 5'0 wind: sud plan. out And couch ' t.o~doy, unnamed with rain. Iliglxer grades 82, special for $1.85 n) u (I RR can nun. NO. 231. FAN! WEATHER PROBABILITIVEB. Ana wonxma FOR us. KNCY PLAID TAFFETA SILkS n I n Inn -0 |hl ........`..I I'll. 4 P. M. EDITION. _}{ENR\' BRAME, 1-I\mIuA-:- `-5 $--. {WANTI-=9-7 W:I6A_li~6.~ '3As. REID, I Ilsovuun.-I; --n I PRINCESS 5'11, .Il.U1-onnnn. THE DAILY BRITISH %WHIG. P INGIISS 8'1 '.Il.U1-onnnn. `I111!!! 8165 /at ouchhhnlnhthn Quad Wydl T I . TI: nljillitj W VIII IIr_ Iutudohdiiv Inn. can you` in- ml: Rahal Sbur. anointing: : tourhuyqgn. an yun ou- ptbnutulnnllvouyhnlos ajf Ijl 0:3.) [III $130!. lllll ll ppuodtohn ` and ltoundefoctivo -um pips. Tin Ion I`ug_\ is prouily oilunlulon tin than ol thohliandwipgu $0 than niluhou the railway station. unfit putouiud manly by Ilonuoulua. `ho ghou we sound by iunruuct mos. I-I. `JOHNS. m H313.` Q`nnaO Duncan I-pond. -u-vv-- -- wuvu ;:ud-"1y-il`r`.`l`nun . The an v;:'l'i:. sound About 5:!) in naming. and in nhl In hnvnnnininnlnal lining dnfnnlivnn lhouond I7 Hm Nun-I HATLKY. Que. Nov. 9 -Fin oonphly dulroyod the large manor board! been known an Glen Pam. crud y III . Nun nvudio annual `Lon .\~_V| 1 in mnrnino. and in tiny In `tho Noun? / Marx? \'Im.~mN, N. Y.. Nov. !l.-Mrs. Charla Ii. liolliour. qpd twenty. unda nohd beauty. in naming from her Iunbu|d'o home here. An in Naom- Dnncolllho phi remind put of oduen tion in ahlonuul convent. It is up was tho girl`: aunt. Mrs. Dun- conln. I Ran Chatter. from when Mn llolliour vouldiuhorit millions. knono! ht-vhunhonu. Tho Imohsnd up that tho nut to mini toupnutb him from III wife. n. Good Road I :-octloouo .Rn.I.\'.\, Nov. 9.-ln tho northwest na- Iomhly yootordny J. H. Ron announced than Mr. Chalmers, who had been sent to unto I rapid explontion o! the country bo~ tween Edmonton and the Home In-or had just. returned and ham mponod by tole- gnph that A good road was practicable from Fun Auinohino to lhoco river. The govormnonc would. therefore. make or- rongolnonu for conotmcting such I rond. This announcement urn mcois-ed with much cheering. wm tale A low pun:-_x at [rs hzmo. 23 Bydenhnm Btreut. near Em! Street Can between 2 and -1 P M. qpnlu J. _D. (}_ARTRAND, lRRT~(`-LAS8 IIRI-NS AND ll.-\.\"l'l.l-2 MAI- iug. llveuiu =usu1|uos pn\mptl,)' Annul- ed tn, Cuiug ul - I-`nlhm on z-h~rto\.~t native. Allllnxla M Pnturnu Iu-pt on hum! l-`ir.~!- oluu hnumnkon Wllulod at mum Fn-nvln 3-ufootuul s_\2.tom taught Inc for Imlunve of tho III! mun-In 0| mumout umuu vnunht. nlfhlti A l`lI n n-n-.-I an |r|_..-n.._ To me LADIES or xmasrf. DON'T [AI |N!'l'llUWTED BY HRS A. .`l(IVl'T 1 all at m Wolllrgton St. . \hnnl\o\`o_ 51.0 Bexlroomsuits, llosmondo. Evanuton. Side. (`who and olhor `Pnhlos. lilnirx Chniru. 0M|aI'u rot. Lnnxpa. Sou. ~iulmo.\n1. Rqfriggu ntor. lnurusnu. Sprin[s.(1rookc\ry, uh. mum litvlnon Range (manly now), Hull Stove. CI rpm 4. Oh` Sale at ll`~:IIo`olm~k. Tu-nu Nlsll. J, RAI.`I`RR_ Au.-Ilnnnnr AUCTION SALE NOV. n2m.| `yaw:-nun uuu--u jean-an U A NAVAL (X)ll|`.DY DRAMA. The lenulliul Curnl Root. SE Harbor at A pin. The Capitol at Wuhina1on.|Ilumlnnlcd Tho Forty bunt Trip from -lo-not Cal)` M Now York. An nlvmln-ol pr-rfoel um |llu plum. and Inn autonualin . rtivnm .\`N-nu. an ucrurnto mprmlnvtion 0 the Hnnmnn horror ZN-0 the WRECR ()|-` THE 'I`ll\`..\`1`()N.'|l PIN-n~ 150. mm In ml :5--. --wwuccuu `aunt: nus I I using. No rvuono. lauvin !oI Ilnhml. I [turn Piano. \\`nru\nI. | VIII to purvlusor :1. Han of lo. can |u..mnnn-nan n\' nu. A nn.uu-. nu. | v.___._r u_..__r \___..._a um NIuht0n|y--l`ltllIA\. Nov. huh. LINCOLN J. CA RTIIPS mu Production. iH_EI>.9.M!"| nnu wnu nu -7 _. ........ .. . - 0.. mew ART GAL1.1;iiY :;';}}."DE_c: I Y\_I,I,' ` , is[. T Arriving daily--Eugmviugs. Etch- ings. Photogravuros. Etc.. in large varigty suitable for the holiday season. 32$ Exhibition of Paiutings in KYIFIIV I I1. I` I I `I I.`I\`V ._ , T\I'.'Vf\ 0000000000000 Carnovsky Factor)/,| Kirkpatrick s Art Store, (ESTABLISHED 1874 Send them to MURRAY. We guarantee to give porfeot satisfaction. New Carpets out and laid. I59 PRINCESS STREET. Now is the time to have your (`ur- pots cleaned. [AI INNTRLVWTED BY IIR& A. 1 ml] at m \\'ollh~ntun St. . thunlmrn ml... to IRS. N. U. TRIO!!! (`-Imthlm Streets. F;e'ncl`\ Language. lCARPE"r5| .5300 Mn: WBECR OI-` Pm-o~ d. \o.5m Imus man who in strain ononuh to play golf all day. or hold out" A lmndnsl noun-I1. lid! 3 nonnlo at Ooul too here! to lm. Ah uni`... L--. A.` .1; is \A.'. -.-uh -gm II` "'CI" 81" II II` .7 KDTIIIFUI \`I""|"K ' Inll`. IIYRNIS & $0.. ll lontnnl st. lilnxuon RICK HOUSE` lslDIVI.sl0N s'nu:1c'r. AT pruont uouuplodb Prof. Day. Modem Oonvonhnun. Hut WI 1-Furnace. Pouulr lon m Sopmnbu. Apply next. door $015. 8. Wlncu. . THAT CUIIUDXOUS BIIIUK H0l7HE. NO. 98. uitunrod on Barrio Must. oppoulte tho Orlckut Hiqm. u lately Mon putln onl ronnlr. Rom rnuonnblo. Apply to J. Rw- TON. Hook y 04)., Guy. TWO LARGE UUIIODIUUS NEW BRICK Honuu, new the unmet of Alfred and Prlnmu struts. containing no I-ouml. hot want furnace. and all modnrn improve- menu: llahmd. For further puruluuluru npoly to Inn. 11. C. Tll0llN`l`0N, corner Princess and Dlmtlunm HAT COIIODXOUS BRIOK HOUHE. NO. (J1-lckut. Hind. Hun lately Mun um. in mm! W0 LARGE 00|ll0Dl0U:| NEW BRICK Prlnnnn HM-nuts. nnntninhm in lnninl. hm. ALAEUE l'l'l(Nl.1Hl\}l) IIUUI IN UENTKAL locality. madam lmpruvonnnto. prlvmo home. No. I -Brink Turnuo. oppoglto St. Paul : Sabbath Hohool. Iontrul smut. IJQ IIIVIIIIIIVI nIII`I-InI `Phone 74. cu-pct Department 800. Fine Picture Frmning :1 specialty. LARGE rmw:-uuco noon IN cmmfit. man. No. I -Brink Turrnuo. onnonlh st. IIIUI I WIIIIII lll UKCI I91) IIDIVU I0 IIII. Their wlvu hsvo to do it. We want non lot omtonon who hlvo too much neural for nun wins to nnkqshun bolnta ol burthon. but will all unit stoves and furnuooa with onrOoul TIM Suih." Public invited. I32 owrniuo smear. mug in n__...s I\.....-s...-..n ll ovk. Tunis Null. J. SAl.`l`l!R. Auvtlonoor. IDTIT W F 13 IT; VIII Auction: donol. Tho Athnticbhotiuennlrovatyin dlupduntion. luoolunonncingu-poet ounoyanogqudnuuunngoases ennui-`accrual utwuhingoon and udonnodu vivudi acting a us- .._.|.';. nno.nonnAIn-n-5 A-aJn--6 IXII IIW II IIIKIQ mom ICIHUIII. On the matter of nciptocity the general purpooeof the negotiation: would he to give United Scene the benet of minimum clan-eof the present (`gnedinn law In ex- change for the twenty per cont. naluctiou elloted under the Dingley bill. The do site of Sir Wilfrid end hie enocintee will be to conne the emngremente to e few inponent Articles ellowing lime to develop ize ueefnlnees end extend in nope. Ontheputof Cenedetheerticlee likely to be pmpooed for reciprocity ere : visa. and. lumber end barley. nu my red ofrne Fnnlegnsbelel the erticlee like- yto ntein negohea`iomuecoel. and oil. corn. milvey endehciticel inp- plieo. machinery of all kiqdo. agriculture! inpleneutn; uetive woody. weuzheo. clot-ho, cotton and eetuin tonne ol inn and Iteel. (hnedien let pet-uileoneeighkh reduction 0! detieethie yeetend oeefoenh tedtm tion eextyenrto eechceueuieeee give "edventege to At present the` good: gel the reduction. while rzawutaav 66 `Tl Ufll \/IIIIUI.` On the other hand. it is claimed by the Canadians. that about .'i.l|ll| Americana nre on the Klondylie territory bolonging to Canada. er.d that fully lu.1N|0 American contract laborers are worlin in the minute of Britiah Colulnbin. The `inter! States immigration laws. it is asserted. are ad- ministered with Iuu-ehneee along the Cana- dinn border. and are a daily eource of ir- ritutinn. Sir Wilfrid. therefore, suggest: tint the causes of irritation be removed on both tides. and it is understood that he is prepared to oll er e repeal uf Canadian re- atrictione in the Klondyke and other re- gion: if the administration of the Ameri- can law in made mom lenient. fl- AL- ...-aa-.. -8 ..........:a.. AL- _..___.I UUIIUI IIIILII III [I BIILIUHU open. Sir Wilfrid lau int and his utsociutoe will urgo strongly that the border immi- gration question he settled mud on this point will vonfor with thoprotident l'ndor the proniior's diroctian tho Fmndn p.uIia- men: passed 3 alien immigration law last. spring by which American contractors and American lanbor won barred from com ioti. tion in the work on the CNN`: Neat. `us railway. in govunmont. undertaking in western Canada: (1.. AL- ..aI.-_ L-_.l in 2- -|-:_.-.l L- AL- FKTW 0' In SIBUIIQ WI" I` doubt until tI|tiona open. Sir \\`I"r-irl `All Star Ind his :1 CIII IE TTCIIDU. Among the plans suggested in that of an indemnity large enough to permit Cnnnda to buy out the sonlen and retire them from buninonn. With this one. the l'nited States. Russia. Japan, (Ewan. Britain and Llumdn. would be t.0;:et|ier in a -npprem-ion of polngic sealing. There is no dotorminntion, however. to ld\'nm`0 this plnn in profonnco to others. and the scope of thY.o&eg .A_r.ont will remnin in .l....|n ....oil A .. _- s.-n: ...... .... ners. , The essential features of Sir Wilfrid`: miaeion were communicated to the olliciule here by persons fully advised of the pre- mier'e plunl, and it. can be said that the suggestion that the declra be cleaned of existing diapulee between Canada and the Uaited Stiatee met. with the favor of the ad- miniatranion. The Cannuinn authorities ntbach much lees impvnrtnncelo the Behring nee eeulementvthan they do tothe other question: mentioned. They any that the llanadian aealing interoa: ia conned al- most. entirely to the fur western territory, where the eealere t. out and that. even there a considerable per contage of the so- callod Camuiinnaealenl hail (cop Seattle. San Francisco and other Amencnn pnru. who lih out in Canadian rte under the British ling. What. haeie 0 net tlement can be reached is not dieoloeed. but. little doubt, it is paid, is ielu by the Canadians that. an amicable adjustment. can be reached. A.._-.... al._ .I_.... -........-a-.l :- aL-a .. ECU DENISE IHLI uanuuu. There is direct and denite information that Sir Wilfrid Laurier comes prepared to take up all these questions end, if possible, include them in one general settlement-, whereby the constant friction they have engendered may be overcome. On some of these subjects he will confer with president. McKinley and on et leeat one of them. that. relating to alien leberere eroueing the bor- der, he will suggest such mutual modifica- tion of present restrictions as, in his opin- ion. will be of material advantage to the thousands of Americana new in the Klon- dyke end British Columb mining conn- triee end on the same time will be of ad- vantage to Caneda along the eastern bur- ders. NV]... _---_A2-I |`....A........ Al Di. \\`:ll`_}.I'.. I u I-Inn rut \VAel>llN:I`(\1, Nov. !).~--The authorities here have ben.ndv.is.ml/that the arrival .of.. Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Sir Louis Davies will other olliciala of the dominion of Canned: in to have an important bearing. not only on the Behring nee settlement. but on I the pending queationl which have been no rces of international oomplicatione between the United States and Canada. namely. the pueege of alien laborers to and from Can- ada, the North Atlantic sheries question. the pretence of many Americans in the lilondyko territory belonging to Cnnadu and in the mining regions of British Col- umbia. the fisheries trouble nlong thegreat lakes, the bonding privileges granted omi- dmm-. the controversy over rights in the Frnzer river. British Columbia. and in the Puget sound, and also the question of o reciprocity arrangement between the Uni- ted States and Canada. ll`I...... :. .I:..-..p .....} .I..6l..:L.. :..|'..-.-..el,u. lcmsea mama RELAIIIINSI BETWEEN THE TWO GREAT NA- TIONS WILL BE URGED. An A nplonblo lettlomonnf of tn the DIl'lIonI- tlu WIII In Anen:ptod-~'l`o licunovo um Conlnmt Irritation Along the Border WIII -ulnpfa Plan Illmllnr to the Lulu Mr. lllulnwn - Amhlnlulrntlnn Willing to (Tun for `I! s. n nu .| . Too Stroll: To Curry Coal. KINGSTON. ONTARIO, TUESDAY, Nuvmmsmn 9. 1897. JIISIH Be I "Then u` Intact` ` loIh0ddI:of'I:.h`IIodta ui.|i._vIrh:-E: Puuuintlludns ' Xn`usn.n. Nov. .0 --Will Outlay cl , hot owning dunno Pup, shy. Ancricginuioxiq cutout in tvutynuuh. Tioeanioceanodlluu ueitnunutiuupnniugeiteluul thus- hncolniollolientd. `$50860; hntdthluotionn. Outlay . lIVCfTCj'TI- will ulranpcl two ad,` hll inch: in ._..u IFIIIIIW. IECWUIIIJ ill [1 III` Will u a III ' IQ .1:-d - .lIIt0`I Ballet. H.n;\.\'.\. Xor. 9.--)hn|nl Blanca hu intact! the following edict. oichlbdco ctibocl u uptc-ting the nngnnnimoun nnmnonuol tho-pun agent, and tho lira dotonninuion of Ibo nuioall gonn- Incnt: I pu-don.in lull. All than the hnrolnouptwecutodfor thou-inn of to- bollion. Rahal: prooocnud for common uinaq indupcndut of Iololliommch u Ipoliuion. inuonlily and tho lilo. till he mun...-I ..M..L.|. hn sun.-I up an... RG33`; ignlwlto n;I&I.Uyo|; if yoh try them. Lave your otdct. xocpu-lb,.V