will utmcuu (ointment), the great nun cum. cura , Paton: Dunn AIII Dunn. IIIVU you IUUII IEIIUID .' UIU. llIlIlI0p- Alderman Livimznton ia receiving con- gratulations for the auooeu of the repairs some dome of the city bnildinga. The buildings look better now than they have for many years. We wan to let the whole world know of the wonderful values we are olfering in purses. Seoour atock and compare. E. C. Mitchell. u- a...-_...- Y...l-...I _._...a..I an I--. Cllllu Among the may oral tributes to Ma'- ter Bonnie Brown. killed in I railway sc- cidono on Saturday. in 3 beautiful wreath of call: lilioa from Miss March, his public school teacher. I`-II as...-4u;_L __.I .--L.__...-l .._.I.:_-.l lnll WUUII UHLI cuamplonn. D. Roob. Miu Lora Root and Miss Mary Ida Hugeboon. of Grenadier Ielend. Roch- porh. Arrived lent evening on the nlseemer Alenndrie to vieib relatives in the city. The beat Englieh goods made in water- Broof clothing : e very fine coat for 86. unlop. King sheet. No date has em you been set for the nu- nunl sports in connection with Rockwood hospital for the insane. end the employees erwnnderingif any ere to be held` thin fe . [Ill- Everybody planed with the values we are inn in purses. nub good: we have over ghovlvn and prices the lowest. E. C. Mit- el . A_...... AL- _--_ A---` ._:|...s-- a... 1:--' BUIHKII (TOUCH Fnll overcoat And waterproof combined. HIVO you lean them ? 810. Dunlap. Aldnl-mun Livimntnn in rnnnivim: nan- moF[`]i:':a<'lid damage to 3 wharf in Belleville. owned by the G.T.R. oompeny and occupi- ed by the Ruchbuns. About forty cords of wood were burned. Solid. reliable. eervioeable pureee in the "kind we sell at pricel that will Inrpriee you. E. C. Mitchell. There in some talk of sending I basket In-II fauna '1-turn uh. Inngl \' 11 (V A in VI`... IIIUTU ll IUIIIU ll Ul IUINIIIIK I DIUKUU ball team from ue local Y.M.C.A. to To- ronto on tbsnkaeivingz `lay to contain with the west end championn. `n Rank Mill Lnrn thank ant` Minn Marv gill! Wllyll Willi! ITUIUIIIUII UII DH[Iul"1I"n The city council adjournod M : 12:45 o'clock this morning. It. was the longest. session the council has bad for many months. I:\:.. .I:.: A..__..... 4... - ...I.-_l :_ '|b`.u-_:n- DUB IIBIHIUT IHBUTIIILIUIIIII. The Y.M.C.A. has organized a rugby footbull team md will play their nta game with Queen : frenhmon on Saturday. Thu nitv nnnnnil ndinnrnnd at. 19-4. : FINE UP-TO-DATE BOOTS AND SHOES UIIDCDOII. The by-law grunting partml exemption to John Mcbood on his tnnnnry nucument, pasted the council Int night. Government. inspector T.~l)onnelly And J. P. Thompson are in Preacotlj. inspecting the steamer Internntionnl. VFL... V II (V A I. . . A _ _ . ..:-...I _ .......L_ uuoou (90 Ullli. I IlUL|I|U- 1'4. Un Ell0CUUlIu . Mfg, Capt. MoCormack. Boy City, is hero on a visit to her mother. Mrs. E. Mc- Gmth. Mu-kland street. gnu] m-gin nu:-pan And nu-rl cum in than umm. murxuunu auruuu. Seal grain puree: and card cues in the new shades of green st 50c. each. E. C. Mitchell. "'1... I... l--. u-nnlnn n.u-hnl Avnnxnlinn I712. E. In-Ontll. lhrkhnd moot, ro- Hv A Inlay:-An an nnalnu -hna um: guuuelnau. Genuine California Syrup of Figs re- ducod to 50:2. 3 home. E. C. Mitchell. 11... rs...-.9. Mann.-m...|. R..- rm- :. UUFB CU mcnulgy I IKE` IUOIDQ _ E. Soars will stub for tho Klond he in Much nexl: in company with In hmwa gentleman. Canning nnlifnrnin Run-nn nf Winn I-A- Williu-n Swain. piino tuner. Leno or- darn :b McAI_Ilgy n book store. '57.. Hanna will -nu-h fnr thn Klnnuhn in uumup, lung IFIIIIB. J. Corbett. hnrdwuo mu-chant. bu pur- chased a handsome grey mare for delivery ' plll` 9. [Ilium RInin_ niinn Imnnr, Tnum m-. Dl'0lo G IVIIUIIIF, 'l.Ul'UC0. II III DIIU (Hiy- M r. Cook has taken the general sgency of 9119 Imporinl life ueunnoo compony in Kingston. Englirh waterproof ooou,!86,$8 md $10. Dunlap, King street. J. Pnrhntt. hAl'd-Al`A mm-nl-nah. hm nnr. KUIJIIUTUKWTG A. V. Hurst-. ropruonting Warwick Bros. I Rutter, Toronto. in in the city. M r. Cnok bu tnknn tha nanarnl umncv m'-7. _% TIIZIIE Ill EH11 GIIIIII. Johnnouatroct. chrhlmu Tom Bums Nov. 15th. 1 but with nnlncouno. Otoqnot and Shaun`. LI; MA I Unlvoul End hr. 11 nttcntion oltvon to In vldnAl`:oodn Nuny Pnngnpln Plclod 0;; By our Bopornn on their Bounds. Read Htrrioon & Go : udvlz. to dny. Pnrua from 60. no 85 at Mitchell ; Ball progmnmu. pcnoiln and tunnel: at _Wum oioo. To-day in the 56th nnniverary of the birth of tho Prinoo of Walu. ` H....--|.-IA -_--..- -3-.5. L..L6l.- `Ith- UII'lilI UK I-I-K FTIIIX UK VVIIU5o Household ammonia, pinb bottles. 10c. McLeod : drug lion. ' A. V. "n I-cl`. Inn:-Alan ti no War-it-It manly so 0l)|l.B uuurmuu an " The request via nally relorrod to the board of work:-. to propuo an ugroegnont and nubmib the IIIIIO for nppronl no I I - ninl mhntina of the nonncil ha ha hold pd. E ....t"-""332? s'.?. ..I.`I.'.'a'u`2`.7"n.2'n'..':L':'w7'al nuday nlbornoon. EU FIIU WIIUIU II"lIZUIIh WU WIII DUI! DIIUVUI no? snow. nor will we hop tho road in re- nnr nr an tn nnv gunman. WI did not Ill IIIUW. HUI` Wlll WU IX`) EEC I'I-|l III II` r or go to uauexponno. W0 did not vnnbtogothoro. bconun to dose manly to oblige alderman M Th: rumanh `ll nnllu I-elm-rad tn Hm YIICII If Cl." C. Mitchell. 'I`L:- --_-:_... 1 Ana. VVIITIIEIIZIKIIIIIIFIIKXIII of won-he could meet Tuesday and the council on Wedneedey afternoon to receive aha nennrm . ""8. . l'olg`er-"I think I can put I Imp t_o the wholo argument. We will not show! nnv nnuw. nor will no icon tho mud in 1-3. for tho to tho oloutol-`would Inivo W ay naming. Altwnlkulpdnbdmtthstthoburd of work: could maul Tnudnv um the rah! nnonuon (Inn to mama need: ` Th ulnunont sad culture homo It Ivlth tho mun mental tnlninc. Ildo lnponnont In oh ol Ir. Anhnr light`. into nht an oholnnutor ol (ush 0! st 1'! Iudulnno. Bradford. fuclosuts or me DAY. 1 "l`HlI"mMW`BX! wLW;WWI5::.Ei)AY. Novn1iei5ii`i:ii M. An-:97. % Inland canal Ixnott. Po3!Ou.nogn.Nov.8.-l)own: Sunn- C Idhouno. Cleveland to Montiul, .f|IQl"o;Oon,Ch' 0oPnococt. an Dudnc.Iarulno::gcnoott, Iron. 3 130 nnltnntvcih `In. I _.I\\-n - TI} W IJIIIX U3 KIT, IIDII. Pom; Dualocsn. Nov. 8.-Down : Stunt limdsb, In-I Winiun to Pun- ...a _L..n. .n.._._ l:...oI.-A nI.:...... no. W, m VVIIIIIT K 1'!!!` what: nuns: Phntlaod. Chiolgo Io Ptaaou. pig iron; burp Dobbins. Chuongo Ptaoo Fa; iron; tanner Smith. Chi- man In (`Ind-uh-rm. nun:-nlenrno: dam. 'U. Iii ) Cw ZIIEIII Iolonuunl.p-enlarge. awning lot gunuru Iopuru. Arrival: 10 Riohudnona elevator: Sloop Madcap. 1.200 bnoholn of mu; ldlowild. moo bunch rye; Pilot, 3,000 bulnhouhrom Bay ol Quint. ; largo Dandy. 3,000 hunholu mu, Iron Wndhn. _ VIIOI yuan-uny. A Mining machine for a tlpilo driver ll`- rind thin gaming Inc an of the Montreal The burp Toronto. of the M. '1'. Co : out. tutored the go comment dry-dock thin naming for gunonl repairs. Arrival: at Rinhndoona olovnzor: Onllg Inn: in Dnrgu. grlnn-Iuuen. The schooner Two Bremen in chartered to bring coal]:-on Charlotte lor the M. T. com . , Tznoop Manic L. diochu-god 4,000 bushels of on: an Richardson 8 Sons ole- I 0|`! W IIIIIIII IIII UVUllIllg. Swift. & Co. M1 landing a huge with coal for n Smithi Fall: morcnmt. VIVA A.- . |...-- .-`I- -iIl `ll Inhnn OLA IQ Ill W 50- hIWI"l'|CO Cllllll. The tag Thonpoon lot: for Montreal Int. evening with Ii: bu-gu. grain-lnden. Th: nnhnnnnr `Pun Rmnhnn in chnrtarnd unrlry. It In: pointed out that the meeting could not take any action beyond the ap- pointment oln committee. It was there- fore moved by Alderman Allen nnd Stewart. that the mayor. Aldermen Livingston, . Minnos. Toyo Ind Johns form a committee to confonwith the directors of the mecha- nicn' institute And board of education no to the formation of 3 free library. lathe no-an Picked Up uo`ug The un- bol Front. , . The schooner Mnry in AL Charlotte with coal for the M31`. company. Th: cram-nnr Rnnnnnkburn cleared for %Cl l0I' `DO El. 1'. company. The otoomer `Bnnnockburn cleared for Fort William Int evening. R-in. .k (`.41 gm lnuiimr a hung with em] I0" I UIIIIUI I IIIIU IIIIYUIIIIID. To day : houy gale will atill lower the Inter in the 80. Lawrence cnmla. Inn. A... 0lI|..._...... In. 6`... Lin-.o....I Ins IIV'0l' OI HUG BUSIDIIBIIIIIUHIZ U! I [FIG IIUl'II'yo Aldermen Elliott pointed out thnt the movement to form a free libnry wee not A new one. The school board refuse: to give up ite Itock of books and certain right: which it enjoys. The city council end boerd of education did not fevor the lormeiion of I public library. Evidence of this use found in the feet thet the school boerd did not need A ein le representative to the meeting.end lrom t ie slim ettendnnce of Aldermen. He enquired ii the mechanice institute bed complied with the regulr tione which governed the grant of 8300 to the institute. Rev. J. R. Block replied thet it had. The reading room was kept open to the public. Fnrtaecue nave nomo information Kingston Ladies College, A CHURCI1 SCHOOL. OPCH W [:09 plllIl|C- J. Fortoacuo gave some information touching tho coat of maintaining I free Iibrnry. In urn nnintad nut. that the maatimr [HO grunt 50 Du. XTUU I|UI'Il' . Aldermen Allen and ohna Ipoko in favor of the eltnbahmont of 1 free library. Aldnrmnn Rllintt nnintnd nnf. Hugh Mun DDIITI OI UITIUDOTI. Aldormnn Minna Asked what sum the city would lnvo to contribute towards the nufport of A {roe library. . In reply to this Dr. May said ._....I.I A--.-...-I ......_ LL- ...-........,.lA.. -6 I|l `JUKD Ul IIFIJU llllrlfy. Yn ib would depend upon the generosity of the council. Ho proaumod the grant. made to the public school board, in nup- porr. ofito librnr , would be included in the grunt to hho roe libnr Aldnrmnn Allan nnd .nhna Innka in I2 I punnc IIDFIT . Mayor Skinner uked if the mechanics institute wu willing to hand over its stock of book: to the city. Rev. W. B. Cuey. epeaking personally. favored doing en. Ha nnnld not winch for the antira ulruy. upuunlug purau1'Inu_y. mvuruu uumg no. He could not vouch for the entire board of directors. An-!-......... u;....-. ..I....I ml-mt ....... Hm ClUyI CUIIII DIXIDIUH III III `JUFD 0l|GK'U' of. The Kingston mechanics institute hu 5,625 volumes valued at $4,590. These the directors are willing to hand over to the city to form A free library. There is no reason why the public school library should not be smslgamated with the mechanics institute. the whole foun- imz a public library. Mnvnr Qlrinnnr uknrl if tho mnnlmninn IWUPII UVUT UIII-HTIU uunug IIUU PIED ,0!!!"- 'lne epeelrer qlioted A number of in- etencee to show the great etridee made in oaeoe where meohenicf inetitutee hed been converted into public libraries. Chatheufa mechanism institute had 1,790 readers, while lent ear 8! a. free library, it bed 20.- 475. At gt. Catherine: the mechanics inetitute had 5,523 readers, while us a free library leet year it had 26,585. The Ger- den Island free library actually has a larger number of readers then bee the Kingston mechenice inetitute with ite 188 readers. If citizenh wanted in free library they could demand one-half mill of the city `a total taxation in support there- Kimreton IIUII Ulljill U1 EHO` IIIKUIDB, mayor DIIIIHUT called upon Dr. May, who said his object in being in the city was to inspect the mechanics institute. and at the same time endeavor to arrange for a free library. The Ontario government grants annually $46,000 in support of public libraries. The minister of education lavors such institu- tions rather than public school and other semi-private `libraries, maintainin that public monies should be expended or the good ot the public and not fora low in each community. The children of the public schools get a superior education to those of any other country. but it is necessary tosupply them with reading matter of asuit- able chslrscter after they haveleit the public schools. If Canada is to become the great nation it is destined to be by the wealth of its natural resources it is necessary to educate Canadian mechanics and citizens, and this can only be done successfully through the medium of free libraries. No province pays mole in support of public libraries than does the Ontario government, which con- tributes $250 to each such institution. In 1896 there were twelve lree libraries in Ontario. Now there are 360, and it is noticeable that a great moral change has . swept over Ontario during the past year. 'lna sneaker uuotad A number of in. UT IX KIIIIZIII III III! WIT Ill! A.n|bhIoo|ndthoVor!lnv.thoDun ol0nbrlo. III:-hvn.I.neo Boddnnoao! Auuuxdu (Innn Jnhn-can -%QQO, THE MATTER DISCUSSED IN PUB- LIO YESTERDAY. or. lay Aclareaaed the Ieetllll In Behalf of the Iehemo-l!ow the Library any be AttaIned-'l'he IOOIIIII Not Very. En- thnalaetle our the Alan. On account of the "presence in the city of Dr. May, provincial inepector of l`reelihrar- iee, mechanics inetitutee, art achooll. etc., mayor Skinner thought it would be a good opportunity to have the inepector address a repreeentative meeting of citizen: in` be- half ole`free library. Conaequently the mayor called a public meeting at four o'clock yeeterday afternoon, eending a special invitation to the chairman and member: of the board of education. At the appointed hour theee put in an -ap- pearance: Mayor Skinner. aldermen Stew- art, Allen. Toye. Livingston. Careon.Johne, Mooera and Mines; Meure. Forteecue. J. Maraliall, H. Crotherl. Reva. J. R. Bleak and W. B. Carey. After explaining the object of the meeting, mayor Skinner called upon Dr. Maw. who nid hie obiect wBL1cusmi scum. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Could Not PIII `IIO `l h.I\CIl0. When 3 rdiahlo potlounn like Thpnu Siuunoou. Chnoyh Loch. cognac ol the sauna Juan Built. coma forvud of hi: on account And add: his testimony to the value 0! I Inodical own, tho public but u- ouaheo that than in oonoehm; donning oiatunlion; ondou lot the pun two you: he uporkocul inugn pin down thoociaucnotvoztonnnwunu tint! r.....- -..- - ~..-.-:*.~..~.:-;..'-.:~ no. vuu ' to J oludnyn "Bola! the Int homo 0! hr, Inn . RlI-Intin lfl Lad % bnln. lwuoyu "TU 31 IIIW XCHU C gr. Hull : Rhoonsuccnnhsd Ruinin- u|."nyo Ilninuou. "I ouldhul the houdehleloeeqnndby th Inn I had -nnullaunoi-nnnn$niIvnnnul h CTKTC.fq II `T I i ulonrlnn yard. Bios: lmtopz-ing`Ihav|hauunti!bl_v Inn (:3 En: .lhll'uBhtuuIicuIn|H|t." ...._.._J-8. ngL._ I-LA:-Q g-J F2 "" "'"' """"" "T in in-Jfll 7413' I PP" undo:-hhno. Ha UIIIXTI III III I wide circle of lriondn among vurywiuhio tpgtbomi huuccoodin the citizens. on for Nan Illu.VC,WIIl-IIIIIIXEl IIEIICTIIII his now uudutuiing. B0 on [or Non Scotia Int nighton route to Aldus. v-pm `viii! -uu-.-wuvu On Saturday night lust Capt. Cook. "A" Bold buttery. WI! tendered a farewell dinnor at the otlicon men. About May 0! Capt. Cook :-friend: woro mumbled about the boord. many of the number being citi- nm. Although officers of the local , volun- I nor corps wore also protons. At the con: oluoioti '6! the upon the nccnwomod boats were honored. Capt. Cook : hoolth alxlnd ungouo wonrtrud hon-t.`i ly.h"l'or o'Io oll Goql ow,"unng yt. ou- uomblngo. audio; omphuin to the fouling: of those patent. Capt. Cook wu very poglnnmh hiabrothoroioonuudhnd a vi nil-nln nl lriandn nmonn Lbs m'linnnn_ Oolloco Once. I. 0. 0. 1'. Block. come: Pzlnoou and Bydsnhun Sh-uh. IULI. Blue Ribbon tea is without doubt. one 0! the very best blends put. up in lead peck- egoe end no ie in us reasonable as other we in packets, why not eel: your meat for If. whnn hnrino vnur nnxh nrmn of tan 9 IIVC III PCIUBU, WHY HUD IIUI yU`|I' I1K4"r IUT It when buying your next poun of too? After uaing once you will always use it. Call to-marrow And try 5 cup at the Blue Ribbon Ten parlor, open house block. ,, __:_.._ \l|rI1u nus. The citizena of Kinguton have received. from the Blue Ribbon Tea Co., 1 real treat for the past: ten dnya. as the company pun out an inviubion for all our people to cull. and hundreds of calls were made At. the Blue Ribbon parlor. whore evaryone who visited received a cup of rich, pure Ceylon tea. DI..- D:LL.... A..- i- -:AL.\.-L .l-.-I.A -__ -1 Improvements Al Alcxeudrln Bey. Plane have been completul for exten- sive alterations to the Mnredon house no Alexendrie Bey. N Y. The old portion of the hotel is to have another storey added end an addition is to be built; on to the east end. The ground floor is to be re- modelled into three scores. Aboub $10.- OOO will be upon: in the improvements, no that when completed the gonerel ap- pcnrence of the hotel will be entirely changed. and the now Mareden will he {our stories high; contain fifty additions! 'sleeping rooms. and be eupplievl with veranda and balconies ecroee the river front. II IUIXUWH I l`i9.'--TosAl of hues. 840,330 66: collect- bed, $l3`2.45'.'.O:2: remitted, $7,066: per- cennnlten $1,542.69; balance. $807.64. lS9(`-Tot|l,$l39.8l6 H;colIoct.od,$ll3.- 22171: remitted, 85,988.63; percentage, 714 14'); balance. $`2(J,(iU5.7!.l. I897--Totnl. $140,742.80; cofiecced.ss3,- 252.38; balance. $47,439.92. RI;-nnh.n:nfAv-inn I.bllh:_"I`nl>.I Cl '3'?-'1 Kn. Tux collection: To Date. Ah the cit` council meeting last`. night tax collector bomp.-`on reported collections an fnllnwn : I-I1 UUI IUUDU an follows : I 00'. VI`. .:u:.ao; nuance, Q-u,-m:J.u`.'. Scroemwnzorine. l89i-Total. 8|.775.50; collected, 8l,478.89; balance, $296.61. EIIU UIIIUIUIIIA UK Our mumr, "Thnb this council desires to exprosa its sympathy and condolence with the widow and family of the deceased." IllUUlIyZ That this council having heard with the deepest. rogreb of the death of 6!-!\ld0l'- mun G. S. Fenwick. who during his berm of olco won one of the moat. conscientious and eicienc of our members, "Than thin nnnnnil dnninu on nvnrnnn :6. nonolntlou or andolcnoo. Ab last night's meeting of the council this resolution was introduced by alderman Allen and Livingston, and adopted unani- moualy: That thln nrmnnil hnvlnn Inna-pl ufk -l;;rno\'od A No edle. Yesterday J. W. Barrio. Canoe l.:ike. on the. line of the Oatuwa, Arnprior & Par- ry Sound railroad, arrived in the city to receive treatment; at: tho general hospital. While walking around his home in his stocking fool: he stopped on a needle,whicli penetrated the joint. of the big too of his right foot. breaking off at the eye. The X ran 5 were brought into urue. !\ shadow- raph displaying the location of the steel or. The flash was laid bare and the noodle removed without any difficulty. The Klnlg-non Carpet Wnreliouae Cru-rios a full line of upholstering goods in silks and wool damaeka. wool reps `and jute damasks, plushea and plus-hettes;_ impa. cords. fringes and taasels to match. fdl extension rode. brass tubing. picture liooke. rinqe, poles, extension brackets. towel rings and towel racks, stair rods and plates, etc. When xing your houso give us in call. R. McFaul, hoadquartura for house furnishings. A strange moment. Wile looking through an old cndaeldom used bible this morning Capt. Booth found a newspuper clipping which contained a report of the late G. S. Fenwick`a speech against bucket shops, at a meeting of the board of trade. Mr. Fenwick and Capt. Booth were intimate friends, and it seem! a peculiar incident that such in nd should occur, immediately after the esteemed gent.leman a death. wm Int Elm Next lprlug. James Lawless and W. Dhaney, of the Rockwood hospital shall`. will mean George Sullivan my time next spring. Both are in a bed condition of repair owing to ac- cidents on the football eld, but are will- in): to meet Sullivan on the cinder path next spring. n-qr.-uu nuuil l!l'IIIII rill. The grain: pain caused by A burn, scald or wound is instantly relieved by an appli- cation of "Q-iickcure. Its healing quali- ties are marvellous, u it destroys the mi- crobea which usually enter where the skin is broken nndonuao inammation ond ro- tud healing. Recommend I ` 3 Acceptance." The Bethel church noard met last even- ing to consider the resignation tendered by the punter. Rev. J. R. Black. After due deliberetion _the board decided to recom- mend ice acceptance to the congregetionel meeting on Wednesday evening. nus 0.3.00 pmu, nu U13 DU lllibl $12.50 overcoat: are great valuo. - awunluv HIGH` `[0 IDOII Illa Provost, of the New York clothing store, has boenkntnbllahed since 1872, and has always kept ll apocinl line for order work. His $3.50 pants, hit 813 50 unit: and his $12.50 ovarcmtn am on-an-_ vnlnn ro no Anne to use eo-unne. The annual meeting of the oioere of the 14th P. W.0. rie: will be held at an early due. when in is expected major Skinner -vill be formally invited to who command of the regiment. ' ' Cor. Princess and Bagot. lolog for luppuo. Grub variety at Abornothfl. Capt. Cook lnnqnotod. A.__j-_ _!_LA I--A t \__l A lollublo More To Deal In. .-..L -1 ;L- \Y___ \r'_,,L J, 41- lntnnt Ballot From Pain. _.._-. _-: _ _ _ . . __J I CITY AND VIGINITY. A strange Incident..- .-L3__.. LI____.__I, II u your unit] uI_v uuu III I uuruon. II in bocanao you no not well. Minot : Con- pound Iron Pill: will obnoot this condi- tion, and work will booono 3 plenum. Sold by I -2..C. Mibcbell. R J Willinmum has Loon A-an-a-gal In 1 U, I'a.-\J- Ilxlnuc R. J. Williamson bu been engaged to touch the ionic: clan In the Vanna public tchool. ' IUIYUH IEIIIIUI "OI" EJYTUWIIIK '1']. DING. OH. 'uon,'|`. A. Huffmen. druggino. end one daughter. Mrs. Lune. She wee e resident o1NapeneeIor about thirty-ve years and vmn beloved by I very large circle of in-sands. The funeral tdku place to-non 0'. noifiar In. nnmun. N.u~.uu'.:, Nov. 9.-Mrn. J. C. Hulfnnen. en old and "very highly relpected reel- dent. of Napeneo, penned peeoefully ewey Monday morning aged shone eeventy-ve yeerl. lleoegned had been In feeble health all summer and sun tenderly oered for by her daughter. Mrs. Freeman Lane. She lam-ea beside: her eon-owing husband. one lenn.'l`. A. Humen. drumrinc. nml nnn NOVEMBER lst. CLINT WT PAII IT jblhdl Oj 1.` nal--an-ndlnhjhnnnnn ,'pUVVl.'lEl!l ll! IEIIHDIIHIT 50 {I15 CID] marl. Mayor Skinner explained blunt. the ac- count was for work ordered by the city solicitor in reference to the wit over I branch of the street railway com ny. The work was 0! n npocial nature. , he expla- nation WI! satisfactory and the report In: adopted. Aid. Pnrmn nnlimiund aha rnnort. M than uuupwu. Aid. Carson nulnnittod ehp roport of the board of works. as nlrudy published. Ho I presented fol approval the Agreement tween the city and the person railway .........-.._ n...-..L:..... oh- xlauklg I-...Ll.... -1 I [IYUXIIIUU IUI IPPTUVII UIIU IKFXIHUIIF railway campany touching the double tracking of Prince street. nuupteu. W ith referonce to an item `of eight dol- lure for typewriting. Ald. Allen naked for an explanation. -The city owned 3 type- wntor, and an effort was made to engage a typowritiat as assistant to the city clerk. Mu-mr Qlrinnnr pxnlninnd Mun. than An. uu.. our; uuuu nluu, vmuu; H. u. 1 Jenkins, SH: J. A. Skinner. $15.80: W. A. Mitchell, 6148.: pay list. $720.95: W. Tarkington, 812: W. U. Craig & 00.. $81); E. Henderson. $1.75; Bawden & Sonic, 38: insurance on and repairs to cit. buildmgu, $31.48; I). Grim:-haw. 8`.Z5.43;t c Rabhbun company. $96.94; pcrkn, pay roll. 8160; Booth & 00.. coal contnct. 867l.5.". Adopted. W ith mfnrnnnn tn nn ihxm `n5 ninth}. dnl. III pyllllib OI [0050 IICCOIIIIIKHI George Wilson, 3800: C. Clarke. .$l43 61; E. McFadden, $337.50: M. 1:]. Grant, $10; C.l .R. telegraph com- nny. 31.76; H. H. Iioeho. 81.2. ); nturnqui cemetery company, 84; I . Del) : $11.50; jury list. 36; U. A. V'Vo|la, 82: Rnthhun (-nmnnnv S.l".'- I-lnnnv Qnlhu A: lull . on. up , ll. 11. l\-UUIIIJ. 91.21); 84 ; Dnly, Rathbun company. $47: Ranoy. Selby & Co.. 370; John Kidd, $4.50; W. C. T. Jnnlnl il..l- J A Qhinnnr Ilu I IIUF uuu Ell!- Ald. 'l`aylor--From J. J. Harpoll and others, asking for opening up of Mack atreeu. Referred to board of works. ADI VI`--.I..-. KP--.` I..|.... `I 'I.l--._..|I BIFUUU. IVBIUITEU LU nonru DI WOTKU. Ald. Taylor---From John J. Hnrpell and others, asking for construction of `asewor on Victoria hreoh. Referred to board of works. A IA VI"--ale... Ii`........ T..I.._ `I D. _....II CUIIIIIHDLSB. Ald. Livingston presented the report of the committee on nance. rocommond- in payment. of tbeao accounts: Hp-nrnn Wilnnn, SRO!) - F`. (`.Inr-Im 01% o! Ohm city. A Ioaot. Oluonu I WILH llUWUl' LU ECU. Ald. Mooors-F'rom Franklin Clow and others, uking for the construction of a tile power on Gordon-street. Referred to board of works. AIJ T\........IV.. 13.... Il_. ___ 1.. ,, Ul WU|"Il- Ald. Donnolly-From Messrs. Arm- strong, Evans and others. asking for ex- tension of tire limibs as far as Uentro screen. Referred to committee on fire. wa- ter and gun. Alrl, '[`nvInr.-._Wv-Am J J Hnrvmll nnrl UUIIIU Ul \VUI"IU- Ald. Tnylor-From John J. Harpell and others, asking for extension of water works on Victoria ntreou. Water works committee. Ah! I:..t...\.-A A . . . . . -..L...l Al... ._-..-_. Ul [ilflls Ald. Donnelly-From John F. Litton. asking permission to build a drain on Earl screen, out from Alfred street. to his pro- perty. Referral to the board of works with power to not. All] lwnnnr-.I_Wrnm W1-nnlrlln Flinn: and UUHH; \"ll1ll I Aid. Carson. From Mrs. Mclntyro, asking pexmiuion to cut; down and brim certain shade trees on Division street. Granted on motion of Aids. Carson and C. Robinson. work to be done under an r- viaion of city engineer and wperintemreenln of parks. /Ur], nnnnn`lv-.Frnm Jnhn F` T.u'Hnn Ullfll Duuru Ul W0l'K3- From 0. E. Hewton, re painting of por- traits of ox-muynra.--Property committee. From J. A. Metonlfe, re over aasoumenb of mxation.~-cou1't nf rovieion. 'l"|.n... .-moioin..- .....-.. ......-....A-_: _...x Ul U\Xl5l.lUll."`CUlll'[ UK TOVIEYOH. These petitions were presented `and dealt: with: ALI l'`......-... I`........ ll..- ll_I_L_.._- .11!)-lfll UI `VOTE!- Frnm B. W. Folger. Tho Kingston, I o.-'Lnniouth' & Un.taraqui street railway company requests leave from the corpora- tion of the city of Kingston to construct and operate in conmmtion with the present road, a line from the Kingston elevator and transit company along Gore to Ontario - atreet,to a connection to be made with the Grand Trunk railway at William street, to make a connection with tho Kingston &. `Pembroke railway on their property adja- cent to their station, to draw freight cars Board of works. l.`.mm n L` lJ.....o,... .. ....:...:.... ..r __._ If your every dny dntioo no I burdon. it I human: vnu Am not null, llilln-h 04-- Ul FUVIBIUII. From F. S. Spence. Toronto. secretary I of dominion nllinuce. re petition for lioomo l lhw nmendmomu. Finance. l.`.-mm l)..t..:.I, l`)..`:-|.... I....-_-.._ -I_.'... 3333*? ..a T535` "a`?35. 3.}' I u an . - dolollui no: will :3: directly through tluolola whiohuo oloooto snowing no- tion of :5: city. A pl to J. asnun. 8 uw urnenuummu. ununce. 1-`mm Palzrick Chrinley, lnverary. chimn- ing $25 for damages sustained by his horse. Board of works. I'4`........ D \U l.`..I.-..._ uvnn, 1.-,-,,_,,. IIIIIU; lyluu. ` Re appeals from nsseumont--F. A. Fol- ger. for Kingston Light. Heat & Power 00.: G. Young. C. A. Wells, H. Skinner 81. Co.. ro assosoxnent; Mrs. M. A. MoCum- mon. M. J. Brown. remission on account of vacancy : Mary Hsrrigan, estate of Mrs. I . R. Henderson, refund onincomo. Court of revision. I4`..._.... I` G D.._._ .A III- unuuce commlumo. From Clnrko. Bowen. Hilton & Swnbey. Toronto. making for declarations to MOOOII company elevator. Elevator committee. Frmn "nu Rylmau-A l1I.I.- -..I.:.... 3.- uuulpuuy exevaoor. mevnoor committee. From Hon. Edward Blake. asking for fundu to (main. home rule movement in Iro- lund. Fyled. .8 nnnnnln from nnnnnm-nnnb.__,I` A val. Hun `These oommunimtioua were received: From Wnlkem 8: Walkezn, to refund or taxes to Grant Northwestern telegraph company. The oompnny will not press claim for refund of permnal tax for 1894- 05, providing the city refunds pereonll tux for 1896. City solicitor Mclnt re advised acceptance of these terms. {erred to nance committee. V .11`-mu m....n... 13-...-- nun-.. n. n..._|..... Ln VIIIKIEOII. On motion of Aida. Wright and Wal- _kem. the minutes, as printed. WON |dP5' ed. Want How Dlllll Oponod up II Well on Now 8t.rootI-I|tor works lxhlnlon Alkod For-Tho layout: of oolnlnlttou Proountod-other Buolnou. A r ulnr meeting -of the city council wu he d luau ovening.nt which these mom- beru were In nttondanco: Mayor Skinner. Aldo. Carson, Donnolly. Johna. Kent. Minna. Mooora. McKelvoy. C. Robinson, W. Robimon, Sccwnrb, Tait. '1`nylor.'l`oyo. Wright, Wulkom. Boll, Elliott, Rym._ Livingcton. u nmo.:.... -3 Am. ll7_:..l..L -...I u7-| MATTERS BROUGHTBEFORE THE {ma Busmxss dsliin qnvcouliouq. T TE! HANDSOII NEW RIIBIDKNOI ON Union Street. near Division Street, mu ooolplod by David J. Whiuhoad. A sum (mun will complain if. Lot. ad in: '3 Oouon noundn. Anni: to V. _-v V- -`--2-tun, ,..;`.;;.7..:;.. ........m... .. . Dropout: d Ink! mug: in ml its VI3:I.l.5 Io`: The required to horn ,on 60 all van. . . l_pwBuHi8|nSlm ISPEIIIAHIES: 33Hll1HI'.. "'9I""-lallll |L.oourd1er ' j -' Electrician. conuuuon on and alocu-Isl-luau: Inllocuicsgppiloalauud. Illnion Punt lhop ndloonrspu D000 (118. BROOK O BLOC! IXIIH j1: Wall Papers suitable for Kitchenl, Dining Rooms. Halls, Bsth Rooml. Bedrooms, Parlors, Dpwing Boom, Oioea, Etc. T A BARGAIN-'l'AT Bl5AUTll'UI4I.oY Iitutod detached Brink Homo, corner Union tad Albert Stunt with (our full lot; A to A. human. 63:: be round {or the V In month: M I van low rent. S'l`RAGHAN S HARDWARE. NW1 Elephant Ready Mixed Pa1nt,A1abast1ne,Ka1sorn1ne. Varnishes and other neces- saries at When p0l'f0I'mOd with tho Now Tnntxnon ulvon by Madame Ireland, Hair Specialist, NO MORE BALDNEP. n un Rooma- 2 and 3. Exohanco Chamber: Ot1ord's Block. Brook Street. ~rl'Ia|'l'u V IIIUIIA uuua hthuuutttcubo-sly Oooln )11ii1TsEELEAN1Na o"7uu. am is com. a neucncv oi= FLAvoi.{"% supemonmr IN ounurv. nn A -run: u A gun nnnnnnn-unnu- Shampooing IQd.|'|`M1I l;lVlkIlClI * ;.m`.;.-!.s; }.~o"cbmp3Er'{u7{' ' TO THE NERVOUS on DYSDEDTIC. NUTRITIVE QUALITIES IYNBIVALLID. In Quarter-Pound Tim only. Prepared lz JAMES EPP-`3&. O0. IA.d., Holla- wopnth nohomlatn. London. inland. the ulty nml to your satisfaction. I ask your vote and Inuence in my favor. In the menu times I annll enduvor to mnko I pa:-sung! canvass of the city. Y t I u".l.'R."NAI.I:nu ... ---v --vvuvua vn uuv vat; VI Kingston. All] E51 AND (lEN'I`l.ElEN :-AT THE BE- ; quest. of A large number 0! Omnenn l have decided to become a uundldnto for the posi- tior of Mayor for 1898. If I Mn elected I nhnll do my heat to till the position with credit to the uity mm to satisfaction. your my favor. ENBLIEH ' " ' BREAKFAST COCOA EPP3.. .0..0G0A To the Electors 0`! the Clty of H In 1:35:10: Ill XITII DWIIIB. Vlill IIIIIIIBI IIIG OIIOI odorn cunnnioncou. Allo the Stone Dwel- ,3: Bantu `root. with modon immova- Iunu. Apply! Joan lunm. cordially soiicits the sugport of the Electors as a candidate for the iMAvoRALTv OF I898. Alderman [}I}1gr_l.tas;`Livingston mllair drum! for the evening. Pononu the following dhtlnotlvo morlcn T. MCMAHON & CO MRS. B. O. REDICK, Il I.l!I.A ICQEI ANY! HAEQIQ I111 ;m:;:,;.';' |_A_l05 FOR DENT. I 1- 1-A-uun_.. -..._ ONLY IN l'."}nd(2'." `rm ems- ro2.u,ow DIRECTIONS. ---..--._;.;. U can at Hon. 6. A. Kirkpatrick. bunti- hllionltuatod. opposite lnodonsld Put. Ap- ply X1; ATIIOK t nouns. Ontario 80. \NANTS.( And her Wonderful Toilet Soup. us` lxr. no noun rnmme nun. Effects. Designs. Prices. a fuxury AT IJABGI BISIDINOI ON .NOB'!'ll Ildoo! Johnston Show ilnt homo woof. ol lhnh Btnat. with fnrnnnn and nun: AT DABGI BISIDINUI ON .NOB'.l'll 0! Bank Street. with {ammo and other modern . 3 Bank ` not. with madam lmnmvn. !u'Iltnovn|UIInhI- mm & 's mm] Iniitstsmatanst. \ \ \\ \ I` . ID Johnston Itnot. Good loamy. . all lnodnn oonnthnou. Conn. ADDILL UIIIIIHID TH] D . Rw- -nt-M us Joli-Ililfil ntnot. Good loamy. Enter now for A course at the King- ston Busineas- College. Day and evening Sessions. Individual In- structions. Band for 3 new Cata- logue descriptive of the courses, sud containing particulars why you should attend this College for first cluu Buainan or Sllorthund Ed- ucation. Address '1' A BARGAIN-THAT BEAU'l`Il'l'I4l.oY nltnntnd dots:-had Brink Honn. om-nu ' Duly Iiil,dry.'Ihh, and filling halt. lull- llllttlnll-IIIIPIII. manual. p,All ylold qllckly to warm bath: vltl Olmwu Don. and gentle anointing: um (nmcou (alumni). us. great nun .1` - _ muiua muons RED ROUGH HANDS uhnnllkiulsotwood istobe Indatlowutprian. prices, nus WEEK, by J. B. MCKAY, President. ,unn-... val.` Penn Dunn Ari > n( I.mbr:uw1u oompau 195 ad 1%: n_ noun p . III. la ITAII ol UIIVIIII Blldlllld. Ination stun via noodu lln.'.l'Io homo ElTl;0ATIONAI:.* URN lonunnu TH] uni n of Hon. 9. A. Kirkpatrick. bunti- Iutod. onnoolh An- *" `T TO 3! L81 . 763 SALE. ALLEN'8 SHOES. . . . Ihc I I` '1' OVER THE IIBBY I to. King nnut.uuo1n- In-hmlv nu-mu 7 Cltflcvltllxnuvo Best-I IE HIBBY 7'.'is`%R.`.':; Forget it Not, nuwny uuupuly. ll Ian any US null!` vitlnhorud `lhukctunyothu-ulna ilvu ads?! thousan- y potato u can. put- powould Iuobjocghl inlhocuu ol Ihoutcognilwny oonpnayitnn nuns- hr of ups!-innit. Than vuno unr- meolhushegb-J`:nay eonldhulono on: noncuoian Ali Id IIm3h& candle: in- : Q& b uncon- HI ICC`! -II T153. I1 IFICI 1' `ohm! No villingnun to wt in. `I'M: n-and in an-nlind ' _ Aid` I- Till I X 5 Q5: nqnut Inn oonplnd' A Dolnollyolpluincdhin objootionlo cutting Mr - "M -":7:-.:.:* ..::"* 6 . t 2..".{.} ;".."..'5"a-..... ...... "' .5": Kl` ICCTUI I0 WIIC W3! Q rocks, on ugnomaut. drum upmdontoh ed into, ubjoot Io nticntion by tho council. Continuing. Aid. Elliott laid thonvunognnnuo thnthounoltho nnotwonld not in grnnntl fol-npotiod ovcttvns yous. ' Tho council did not wsoltoh iotoolnpudmnltbopob pounlnuolthlponionol area. It tbochimunolthohoudolwothwoold .. -_....I Ll. umohn oh. .....|... .I._ VI WOKII 50 XI WISH- Ald. Wright could not use any reuon for nch hub. The council had bouot pun judgment upon the agreement to boontorod into by the city and the street niluny OOIIIXIIV. IIXHII Gilli UIUVIIUK 50 K OXIOIII5 OI 326.000. should not act in n niggudly manner ovot I little much: likely to be of usintanco to it. The council should glad- ly do I it could to promote the inure of the olovntur, to which ovotizody look- odionnrdto nan manna ol. lping the city. At thin Iago Aldo. Elliott and Knob in- troduced an amendment, ptoviding for the nnnnr hninn nhnnd In tln hoard nl lun U. KTIJIIIWII ulu I105 If EDIE ID WI! neceeeary the council ehould know what arrnngementa the Mooern and street rail- way companies entered into. The council did not uire no to the an-angemente en- tered into y the Montreal transportation and Kingeton & Pembroke rnilway oom- paniee. Tbeatreet railway company only wanted to no a little more of the same street used by the Kingeton & Pembroke railway company. The Mooers company. he was euro, would do whot wan right. and he favored leaving the matter to the board of worke to deal with. ALI II?-.`_|\a Auu ....a g.` -.... .._-.._ L... favored granting the privi- lege so once. The city is inmate-wed in the Hooon com y oleutor to the oxtont. of 895.111]. nhnnld not not in A niaonrrllu mmmM&w obstacle: in the way 07 the com- pany. Ald. Mooere and himself had fre- quent! talked over the matter of occur- ing rai reed connection, and he had urged Alcl. Ilooera to aeek an early mean: of doing I0. One reason why he objected to the granting of immediate conceeaion was the fact that the Mooere company had not made any egreement with the street nil- way company on to the coat of hauling grain laden core. The compan had done everything in its power tow a the full- Inentofite reement with the city, but the speaker 0 jected to binding the city by any agreement not sanctioned by the coun- cil II A wimla. In] Igrwulcnn uuu saulcuuuvu 1;, B06 coun- cil ts I whole. . Ald. W. Robinson pointed out that the ooon oompnny could not make any agreement with the street railway com- pany for the hauling of freight can until ah. nrivilnan mind for hnd hann nnonrnd, I'BIDII'I - DU WI! .....n A IA Ila...- Donnell] objected to the Inc remark. B0 In: not putting my nlnunlnn in thn Inv of the enm. (H0 DWTII DI WUIII ll LOITIDIIIUI-5.] Dy KVUH representative Aldermen who have ever tho intoronu of the city at heart. The council could rest assured, the ratepayers would be fully protected. The apuker thought oertmn alderman were putting obstacles in the way of the Mooora com- HIIII. WTUUUUII l.'l|Il'lUl' IUI llllll l!)l.ll.' Ald. Canon explnined that if referred to that body. the board of work: would have An agreement drum up in which the city : E-`bta would in every way be rotocwd. 0 board of works is comcitut by seven ran:-numtnlzivn nltlnrmnn ihn hmm amu- WUUIII TUUUUT TU. KTIUIIIK Ullbll Ald. Kent: wanted to see I clause insert- edln the agreement giving the privilege for twent years and no louver. It was too muc of 1 ood thing to great I peruetunl charter or this spur. Ald. Canon axnlninnd that if referred to UIIIAII IXJIIIIUII IIJUB IKIIII. I Ald. W. Robinaon conaidered that the Manor: company had done all it had agreed to 'lo. It waethe duty of the couneilto assist the corn ny in every way poasible. The elevator, y agreement, must be in operation by the )5th inst. If this matter in allowed to stand over for another week, how is it possible for the company to full its agreement by having railroad connec- tion? He had heard also that the com- pany was going to do more than it had agreed to do; it proposed operatin a roll- ing mill in connection with the eevator. Aid. Tait also lavored the granting of the privilege naked for without delay. The work must he done aoon,_a.- heavy froet ` would render road grading diicnlt. I Aid Knnh -nnluul in ma A nlanuu inaart. Ill IITU FIIHOICI UIINUE Ald. Wright did not favor granting such power to the board of works; The Council an a whole had 5 right no 5 voice in the mutual. And the alderman wanted to know the terms 0! any Agreement entered into. He suggested allowing the mnbtaor to ltnud until council met ngsin. AM, W, Rnhinnnn nnnnidnrul Hut. than lllly IUl' BIIU IIIIIIIIIK Ul IIUIKIIII CIT! IIIIBII he rrivil 0 naked for bud been secured. A d. C. binoon did not no hint. it was __ AL- .........:I -L....l.I |....-_ _|.-L Wear IUIUITCI Kl FIJI IKKKII 0| WUTII lUl' IUBIUII Ald. Wolkom pointed out hhotit who the duty of the council ho {militate in ovory way possible tho efforts of the Mooero oom- pony to ocean nilrood oomnunicabioo. By the plan proposed A short out could be ob mined by she olovohar company to the at u-oat railroad outlob. A IA `ll-..L> .I;.a -nan` l-..-- ohm-u\`:na-u .-...L mun 1:. .vv. linger. preeenwu to one may council et ite meeting lest night, eeking pet-mieeion to build and operate e epur in connection with the etreet reilwey eyetem, iron: the Ileoeteconipeny elevator to the Grend Trunk reilwey tenninne, Aid. Don- nelly objected to the oonceesion being granted until more particulate wore forth- ooniing. It wu the first intimetion he had thet such I requeet would he nude at this perticuler meeting. The council did not know enough ebout the propoeed epur to know denitely thet it wu wine to give the bond of worlu power to ecb in the nutter. He did not propoee to throw away any rights or privilegee which the city The council should have more `iniormetion belore granting the privilege. Ald. (`.11-non mound tlnh the ramneh be IIIIUFIIIIDIUII XIUIU `KIIIIIIIIS UIIU |l|'lVllUsU- Aid. Couon moved chat the roqueob be roierrod to cbo bond oi worn for action. AIA IlI.lL-... ....:..L..I ....o slums _-. cl.- `Iii Donnell Inn to Ian Ion Interna- t|oI-IIo II 00 lemon Ibo Inrplul new no [cap the Ioulbod In Bonu- II. V. lolgu bu slvltnot Inlluuy company mu not. With nloronoo to the communication from B. W. Folgor. pruontod to the city council at in mnnhlnn huh night. nkimr [THE onm1osmm.spunl REQUEST OF THE STREET RAIL- WAY COMPANY CONSIDERED. uuug any nll` |.-A I... .In Black and Coiors, at reduced IUIUIIIIZI. Ii p@l'lllIOD0tly'IlI0 rnuilatodthssil '.:Ildl|0C!IIBdhO|0lI` journoyout. Ticket 8. Foalricdknwu ntdiahb on ol ryoot . good: . when onuotoingltoninthollliol. Iona. Ihvid0iluoun1IJcuph I. Clark wuohllovelarh. Hchurouhrudtbo art. In. -CUl'ISII. HIIIIIIITI IITXB, I'D` mind I Iolqnu on Sunday am: hint tho body of hot sun Patrick, H! in no accident at llibbing. Minnocoh. would not bobroIghtht.hooity,bnt Ind boon bur- iodoutlhco. It ponnthobod vuoo Inntilatodthnn v.IldnnnInnrl{hnInn.:v In; rat winwr storage. Protect gonna" this `rather and one of our Psgliah numroo! comm. :- tn long-ca nuts fat 80. Dunlop. King streak. lo. U: IIIBCIKIL This evening E. C. Watson. M.A.. will be presented with the bowl: wgn by him at the bowling club contents. The preeentm tion taken place eh the residence of Dr. R. '1`. Welkem. Q. C.. president of the club. Aldermen Stewart think: the Mooere elevntor company will have no ditliculov in lling its etorehouee thin winter. He in eetiped abet the elentor could be lled us once even if it. wee double its capacity. There in plenty of gnin in the wees look- ing for winter utorupe. Probes vmu-all thin wnnthnr and an U. UIISUIIUIL Cit? treasurer Ireland reported It lut. night a meeting so the city council mnrkol. fees collected to data: Previously report- ed. 8484 45: to fortnight ending Mb inob., 888 70; total 3573 15. Made up in all asyleI-our wutorprool coats. Dunlap. King street. The oinari of tha rnnnntlv nronniznd cone. uumop, lung luau. The oicera of the recently orgenized citizens brue bend ere: President. W. } Solee; vice pr-eeident. W. Allen; commit- Lnm T. Rnnrlnll, A N[nf".nnnAnL- nnmunlmr-. K4l'1Ul'Ul'.d. lb. JOHIICUOII. No need to curry 3 uhehby puree when we can sell you men 3 pretty one {or 350. which look: equal to mono pnnee at 81. E. C. Mihcholl. DUIX; YIKE WTIIKIIB. W. AIIIIII IX)IlIIlIlD- too. '1`. Randell. A.MoCorInAck; secretary- trounror. J. E. Johnston. NA unt. Ian AQPIII A nhnhku nun-A -hA-\ light`. mu nht and oholnnuur or Inch :1 Iudnhno. Bradford. Fllrontonbnottun. along:-ghomulltotuopot nnnnm. A I one-third to tlnughton of cl IQ. lot full mlonnnlon Apply to IDIIWALL. KL. Principal.