Ilvn-nlhv--C--._..._.._ a._.__.___., . .. - The ;'ogular weekly dnnoe was held in the Bnrrioeld town hall lab night with I good attendnnoo. Downey a orchutnaup plied the music. - - Mann; nnffnn an-nun.-I fun}. Quail! -...~._... uluyurauny uanuunte. Yaastrim. the new baking powder, with handsome bread knife. `.35c, at Gilbert : grocery. Th rnonlnr WIIALIII Annnn man l\Q'A :n uumup. lung urou. Mon nrotnlking ubouh I probable major- ity in ovoity ward for Charles Livingston. mnyoraliby candidnte. Ylfrilfl. hhn nnw hnlrinn nnnu-`nu n-ll: wneru no nu secured another situation. Snturdsy night bu-guins : Scotch wnol underwear, 750 A unit; linen collars. 5c. Dunlap. King streak. MAI! |rA`I`.n`&ina nlru-nub. A nook-Lin .-...l.._ Ill! I flllll [Of H0358. I Ex-motormnn Dibble. of cho electric i street railway, left for Wntorbown today, when he has secured another situation. Rnlznrd-u ninhm I.......:..- . n.....-|. _.-..I gruuury. ` ` Foromm Wright : `army was busy to- day relieving the street croaeingu from ur- plua mud. A Oh: nub. 'An`nu-nan at -A-------- pllll IIIIJU. Tlle am of the art lecture: at convoca- tion hnlloccure this evening. There has been I rush for teats. Immntm-m.... n:L|..I- ..t AL- -I-A---'- gums. uumop, lung Icrooli. low side. A. Shaw. custom! collector. In: sum- moned to Ohtuu by telegram on Wodneo-u d-y-,. I41-e tin bnsd diuh,`with covar. Add 1 lb. In In g_ poyvder. for 500, at Gilbert : grocery. Farnmnn Wright : up-nu u... 5.... 3.. Uli- Invutigoto our Saturday overcoat bu- gsinv. Dunlap, King uh-ooh. low side. Shuw. autumn lnntnr, an Inm- lllln Prineoia street merchants uv-o tn'king down the awning: from the fronts of their utoru. l......A:...-g- -.__ u_.__;, , , In Black and Colors, at reduced prices, THIS WEEK, by WWII full. `D- nun-1 I-Iujlhplli KIUIIII II]! II] III! loponiu on than Innndn.,. 24lbI. E o rnnulntod ougur for 81 at Gilbert ; liligaor won. Aidonmn G. A. Allen van in Potarboro yoatordny. W. AHMAD. rm:-nnnnnu . Innm-.....I L- muurnnca Igeuu report that business rilth then but been remarkably good this n I. M -T ' vv. ngnow. wproaonul bacco firm. in in the cit ` ' In-numta '..-sunk ... ~' ' '3-I-oi-an I v - lousy Panglpphl Plololl up y our ~ lnnnrn nn 1*h.Iu`lnn...I-, Iouolalldhglnung Ind. lunch... 5. pk. L.-- L_::_n__ ,- . __.-- .., --rv-gun---a - -uvuulvun nu` ncco . _, Inaummb ifftit ro"'r that bhsinou with them [III btll ramnrhnhlv ann this MARIN E INTELLIGE NOE. rm: UP-T0-DAIE BOOTS AND SHOES y. W. Agnew. rqxooonting 5 Montreal to- ncco firm. in the aim. nucubzrs of 1'l;|'E DA:(_ .g mun? vnue, FBIl5A`!`% NOVEMBER 12, 1397 vi: nu ruuuuuju It all Inf Anlbhhopuul the Von llowtholhal ` ` ' ofonhrio. . * llhvmua Bocldunoo oz Ahnndcr ` `*~"=`Gunn.JohnsconBtn:ot. _ chrlstman Term Betlns Nov. lsth. . m 30. N II I` `MC. [Rh U!IWl01II::m)_.:?IGoon\'v:l?lonM. ' KT XIII. wiwo Luc owning the teacher: and oicon of Sydcnhun mm Methodist church Sob- hnthuchoolhulnnocinl time togothct in Ibo Icahn hull. Abnhun Shaw. form]: ups-inhalant. through nhoooeo Iromt ' city and picnic ol work, tendcnd his rcoignndon Int mouth. The teachers took ndunhp 0! this ptboring ol show- ing Ihdrnppccinioo ol the unions labor all k& hdpof Ir. Shaw. and 'inhndcd pnvulinghin with ulnrgocuy ouninbnt visual! vuonndy to pchko ol cuppa nhlqnnvunaindtton Mr. Shawn Xuupnvh-Ln Lul L.-nnulal-.I-...n "on-7""-T. "' i'."u.ia"';`.'."..aa.." "i,`Z.i" cdthuy In-_ on bodnuu. and II On: nnunnn-Isl. Ca. 54-. In In :. oL. _._ vuuuuv nit ruuuwuxu IX UT. I1 is in ilnpodblo for him so In in the city. Hows-var. Mn. Bhnv necopeod tho gilt on but h-huh noun. ch um... u..;.... wiw over 100, Sn! nlgnou ever recorded. The board has nested the adminis- trator! of the Mn: ncholnnhip bcqniot to coincide! the udvionbility of tanning nput a put 0! the amount. to that it might. be med by chlldln of parents who are unable tomcat than of education at the inni- nu. `l'hoebdrIInndlIliohou'd And the chairman ol the ohnding commituaon was named uuloon:'Init.t:o lo confer with the city eounci an pn lie ibnry in regard to tb uhbliohlnontof I (no public libnry. non-reeluens pupue Iony-all and pend 83.30: eeven pile lelt theeehool. The Cituenf bend erentederoom in Queen street echool huildin et 82 per month. The enrolled ettnn ence in the public echcole lor October was 2.433: in October. I898. 2.346: avenge ettendence, `.3, -'7; Octoher. I896. 2,084. There ere 186 pupils enrolled in the kindergerten cleuea end IS) in the hell-time clones. The en- rolled ettendenee for October at the inni- tnte wee M3: everege ettendence. 385. Ononedey in the month the ettendence we-o over 400. the highest ever recorded. Tho hrnrrl Inn Innnnnlnrl th ml.-.h.:., Bnslnell Performed n the Beulon lleld Last Night. The board of edncetion metlent night with smell eheendence. Resignecions were received from Mine Hilton and W. H. Fletcher. Miss Clara Lochhead. Uentre~ villa. Applied for I position on the stall . Miss Nerve Mecdoneld asked for on in- crease in selsry. J. J. Tilley, model school inspector, in a report expnessed satisfie- tion over the work of the modellizex-. who are cerelully and intelligently taughb. Giants from the government were received: N50 for model school. 3245 for public school inspection and 867.54! for kinderga- wne. The sum of $83.63, less $7.50 for collection, was received for tuition of pupils from Wolfe end Howe lslgmds in the collegiate institute iron: the county council. Since the imposition oi lees on non-resident pupils lorty-six bed paid 33.30: eeven nunils lnlenhamhnnl. Th. w-. , nu -vv --an -.u.. v--.u-.1 Mr. Abbott would like work to begin etonee upon his return. if his answer be favorable. end with this view the consult- ing engineer remsinn behind. It is pro- posed that the levelling of the lots be done this fall for foundation eonstruction during the winter. with s view to removal in the early spring. For work of levelling the company will be guaranteed against loss in case the by-law should fail to pass by the personsl bond of the members of the citizens committee. The owners of the lots consentto this arrangement without prejudice. ..--._ _- -._........ -.......... .. ......_,. Mayor Skinner and president Chadwick, of the board I of trade. have used uncommon energy in the city s in- terest. and deserve high credit for the success that may follow this new opening for the city's industrial good. They. were well sustained by alderman McKelvey, Ryan, Elliott, Minnes. Wright, Livingston; Messrs. Dalton. Richardson, B. W. Folger, B. W. Robertson, Robert J. Carson, Edw. J. B. Pense. John Gas`-rin, James Minnes, James Redden: city solicitor McIntyre and W. H. Martin. For two days examina- tions of the proposed site and consultation proceeded, and nally the consulting engi- neer of the works, a gentleman from Cleve- land,alter reviewing the ground plans of the proposed buildings declared himself satis- ed with the location. It is the lead works lot, with several lots adjoining belonging to the K. & P. railway and private proper` ty. the whole costing about 88.000. The committee possess options and the railway lots will be put in at actual cost. Every encouragement and assistance has been ex- tended by citizens. The bonus asked for is 850.000 cash, the site free. and freedom from municipal taxation. The city will receive proper guarantees of permanency for maintenance of a force of 150 men at an average wage of $1.40 for the first year ; for 200 men afterwards. ll- ALI._AL __-,,IJ IEI _ ,, _ I ., a end Everybody one They Wlll-lnrneet gllcgotlntlonl on Both Olden-'-Hort to Begin et'0hoe 3': the Lend Worn-The Ejlnlllifofolor Tlllnti. " ' The negotiations for the removal to ._ Kingeton of the Abbott iron works. of ' Montseel. wereended last evening In the unenimoue eoceptenoe. by e combined el- dermen end citizens committee, of the preliminary oer of Meeera. Abbott. This, it is expected, will not be e premature , blnet like the Trenton explosion, but will lend to e bone tide egreement on both sides to accept the settlement in good faith and begin eotuel work at the leed works next week. The city solicitor will prepsre the necessary by-law t once for the council to give it e rnt roong about Wedneedey next, when Mr. Abbott. the negotiator, returns. provided his proposal is accepted by his colleagues. The by-low could then be placed before the people about December 15th, and every hand so for today being holdup in its favor, it would be nlmoet certain to carry. ll....__ GL:....-_ -_) .... .:..I-._A. fVI__.l__.'-I_ 4 IF THE P50-PLE BUFVOTE A REA- [maxi woj1(s1=0n Kiucsron. 1 BOARD or EDUCATION. Ind A the Gathering. -g___ AK- A___L_._. __.I _ 80NArBiLE EONUS. I T CKIIIII II- nghw melanin. in ban the result of this fl-loudly visit and active opnntiono willntoooolb puuuto ciao fotox~ aluioh rod in and noun Kingston. An. an mags,` ", .dj.mnn '., oconon-n_y ol the my ol New York. undo to Bro. ucnnghwn lamb room, U0-uns do" *0 0-" city -if-in. bu it when o n and other rofronhmenta were "0" ""d " `-5 '3"! ""53" Em ' , 359;. .p..5....,. .|i,,,,.d I but locntodouoohho nuioonoo gronudo. y Baa. Evian. Cornott. Godwin HI-t one-I H-_ mud bone. in - ma (5.... .1 on... .5... . N" pg`, locnhcy. It as won known that non chi]. out ovaniog nu brooghno I clo-{by n'ng- `"9" "' """'~'d ` '3' 870103` 1 `M i 35. mug. .g.u,.._ articles to ho found than. and to locate an unclnoiunhn "-"`hK"""d"" 5 "5" 0' I illd 1;-nd] yigigmg `,5 ,p...- tncknndnoorthovolonoltiiuuubid. willotoaolylha "gig. ding form nocidolmoud to undcltnod Ioluionvotkinoadoroon c_Il_r:n-an [ganonoaouncdnnaxidntbohyon oroilroodouon Ihobnaohjrncklo tho ooonbpotthootlurdny. This rui-ninnh no at on nymoagna. .. 1...: .0 W. "1 nmgayui .3 `D `y 1. input: wul Iva: us: when I0! UK llllcll Vilma; Brethren were Well Received by ` the lemberl. A regular meeting of the Limostonu lodge No. 9| we: held lent evening. e feir astcndence being present. Brother Cor- nect. of Genencquo, e member of the grend lodge executive. end brother H. Evieon, grand o nieer lor Oncerio, `were preeenu. Brotherrf Neehit, meetierworkmen. efter calling the lodge to order requested the grend organizer to teke the cneir. which he did. The regnier hneineee of the even- ing wee then with. ether which Bro. Evieon in e few well chat-en remerke introduced Bro. Cornea. who then eddreeeed the Ioe on the I princi- ple end workings of the order. Bro. Cor- nect eleo Inede some excellent enggeebione ee to the node of are {or exteneion work end the work that in now being done in C`-enenoqne, endfdvieed the ilnmedieoe appointment of e committee on exteneion work. Bra Co:-note wee listened to with e greet deel of ettention end pluenre. ee 3 he elweye ie. end ee e reeelt Qt hie remerke e motion wee es once mde the: the rneeter he re- qeested we tend oneo! gr-end orgenixen to wa-h in Kingaroe es en eerly dete. AM I50 Illtinh III Alnlmrheni can puupw uavu neurnea lor mo nrsa nmo um. Fno Methodists protest against hearing the pending notes of an organ when they assemble for worship. Rev. C. S. Spaulding gives notice of his withdrawal` from the Free Methodist church. He is the oldest pastor of that denomination in llliuois, having entered thc minietr in I865. Some months ngo Mr. Spool ing permitted the use of an organ in 3 Sunday school which he had eterted an n mionion. A conference of the church considered his action in violation of tbe denominational mice, and he was -u-pended from exercising miniattrial oi- lices for the period of a car, and was only to be restored at the end of that `time upon making a eatiafactory I logylor his con- duct. Rev. Mr. Spaul ing has pondered over this punirhment and has concluded that he does not deserve it. His cano has attracted widespread attention and many people have learned for the first time that F`:-an Matlmdian .mn..o ....:...s s...-.:.... Enter now for A course at the King- ston Business Oolloge. Day And Ivsning Beuionn. Individual In- stmotiond. Bond for s new Cuta- logno descriptive of the courses, And` containing pu-tionlnrs why you should attend this College for that olnss Business or Shorthnnd Ed- `. -`Bastion. Address J. B. MCKAY, Dresldenf. i 0011030 on. 1. o. o. 1. Block. corner 11'-d-0008 and Sydonhun Struts. ' lulu acct!!! UIII. A Bollevillo paper copied the remarlul of the WHIH upon two prominont. gentleman of ixingeton having been hindrances to the eucceu of negotiations for the Abbott iron works. Thoreupon fresh inquirioo were made for their identity and King Bea a pmached rding the secret. With I. 'candor w ich habitually din- mngniahos that public benefactor he re- pliod with deep l'oeling--"'I`ho hoaxenly iwins. archbishop Cleary and principal Grunt." 9 wu w unuxe ms nela as II no would my, "I told you no. The verdict of the Lann~ downo jury is quite in accordance with general ideas on the subject and it begins -+0 appear as if general manager Hnya bud over-reached himself in his elforte to econo- rnizn. `Th rnluo Economy Around town. says the Bellovillo Ontar- io. the frequent collisions on the Grand Trunk of late are the cause of much con- volution. and this usual thing is for n citi- zen to shake his head if he would vou The verdict. nf than Lnnn. ..... -n-uguuuu ynlpuln nun-uuuuo Carrie: 3 full lino of upholatering goods in silks and wool damanka, wool reps and jute dnmasks. pluehoa and pluslvettos; gimpe. cords. fringes and mussels to match. Brass extension rods, bmaa tubing. picture hooks. rings, poles, extension brackets, bowel rings and towel racks, stair rods and plates, etc. When xing your house give us a call. R. McFaul, headquarters for house furnishings. Fret Use 0! Hands Required. Aamullsboel point. to be attached to this vane on the dome of the city build- ings, arrived yesterday. W. Newman, Brock street, was requenfed to place the point in position at. once. but his hands are so stiff and sore {mm climbing: to the vuno he is unable `to take tho nocdamry grip for the zucent. mg Lllld no nuu neon aruggea and root of five dollars the night before in vicinity of the Grove inn. He could any who his assailant was. Robbed or run n:n-Iu-u. Frederick Turnbull, King sheet `west, laid a complaint with the police last even- ing that he had been drugged and robbed five dollars the nioht. hnfnm 6n who vuuuuvu cur I uuuulll0(IVOo The locomotive works will be given the coutracbbo build is combined locomotive and freight car for the electric street. rail- way company, which will be need on Minors` elevator auction of the street. rail- way. u uuuuzu vi -re q&IJlt.'Ilo Last evening about duck ve wooden pnilalwero stolen from the fronts of B. Mc- C|rey s store on Ontario at-recs. Suspicion reahron or-umpywvho were soon in that see- uion of the city during the afternoon. Got. Pljincess and Bagot. u aunuunu aulru :0 H081 Illa Pu-`avast, of the New York clothing store, has been established since I872, and hug always kept a special line for order work. His 83 50 pnnta, his $13.50 suits and his $12.50 overcoats are great: value. To-Nlghrl Lecture. Professor Capper was invited from M on- treal to Kingston for hinlacture on The Median! Monastery and its Architecture because of the prdiaea given it wherever heard. lbisagom. LIMESTONE LODGE, NO. 9|. I upuclll -lIl IIOII. Too much cannot be said in favor of the naifstora. G1-out display of wall paper, bountiful pictures, frames and artistic photos. Call at D. A. Ween & Co's. 10 . Ilnueen Conn. 190. _ Ladies warm cloth overgnitu at Raine: & bockettla for 19c. You cun t nbrd to be without them. ' Felt bedroom slippers 20, ' The Kingston Carpet Warehouse I......:;._ .. I..II I.'__ -1 .,.,l 7I-A Bulznud Ills l'ooluon. 7` Q Cl_, |I', Contract For A Locomotive I---__,.:,,_, , . -.. . . A Rellnblo Store To Deal In. nu-L Al LL_ \Y..__ 17, I I Kingston Ladies College, A CHURCH SCHOOL, cm! AND vnfuitv. Wooden WIDO stolen. .uu..:..... -|v.....L ..l..-I_ c,_. The secret out. I- _--._._ _.#,',.I A. Bpoclnl Ienuon. . . . _ __4. L- __,- 1 ,- UUUU the not ouwr lupus IncoInu' uly. This ninincbuohn oxpcrioneovo Ind inthos_uIionoH.hIrwndhoulo thoothu BIS WI-I Ill ITI 7. Nothing short ol I hob 6:0 or an earth. qnako will over do much lortho political economy of Chminn dounh: nnr nil: -B-4-. k.. :5 CITED. 1! the truth were known, there he been more corruption in the city of New York under the two years of mayor Strong (him- self a good man, douhtlosa) than there has been under Tammany ball during the un- broken regime. for a like term. of a bun- dred years. If there muet he an excuse for stealing. then let it be end to the cre- dit of Tammany hell that she tekoe `her rake oil` from the rich, although in the last enelzeie, of courts. the men who cerriee t e dinner pail rye the shot. It is probable that judge 'en Wyck, the newly elected Ineyor ol Greater New York. with her 3.300.000 people and her fty thoueend olliciele and her untold wealth. will prove one of the beet otciele in the land. 0! oourre. thenew charter for (ireeter New York ie no iInproVeInent over theold one. for like thet. it ie con- structed alongthe liner olmorlu npo- liticnl economy and on ie nude in the inter- eatool the rich and powerful, ineteadol the week and needy. Nnthinr lhnfl. 0' I `on An gnu g--LL uy uuuer governing DOGIOA. For instance, where the democrats un- der Tammany hall have stolen one dollar during the last thirty years in the city of New York. the republicans in the city of Philadelphia have stolen three or four. No one who is at all familiar with the his- tory of these two cities durimz this period would pretend to dispute this statement. This comparison would hold gear! with Chicago, Boston. St. Louis, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Bullalo. Brooklyn. New Or- leans, San Francisco nnd the other large cities of the United States and Canada. Under pro-cnt economic systems and standards of society, which are based only and simply upon the size of the pocket book. everybody will admit that for tifty years them haa not been a common coun- cil of any city, large or small. in tho western world that could not he approach- ed, mom or loss. successfully by large moniod interests. And so it comes back to the original proposition. We must judge by a comparison with other places. and with this as a standard. Tammany hall stands for and away above any other organiution which for long periods has had charge of enormous some of money. All this land talk about the unparalleled corruption of Tammany hall originated with the black republican party in the state of New York. the biggest gang of unwashed thieves that ever cursed the earth. It ak- a_..aL __-_- L, _,,,, .1 , a - COAL that COAL at P"'vo we in is true. Ilovortiieioae. Triminany hall has had her black spots. notably the reign of William M, Twggd, '1`wed abused his power an the head of that organization to corriiptly appropriate large :`u`i.n of l'lr]0ll0{l0dll(lil0Wt'n pockamh But even use we I no once i. of his misdeed-. for Sainugle J. lldalzy Abram S. Hewitt, Miinton Marble. Sum: uel 8. Cox and many other great and tfuo man tracked Tweed from one end of the world to the other. and liniilly eelely land- ed him behind the lure of Sing Sing, where he died the death ol n felon. No onecould protcnd that large iimoiinta are not: stolen undnr the administration of Tammany hall. But the only method of judging of the merits or demerits of 8 governing body, iindei-proeentoutriigeoun economic systems. I! by comparison with the record presented by other governing bodies. Fin'innf.nnr\n whni-A than .la...........s.. ..._ ulnu nab usuun LU um Ian 0! any other City in the United States. Of course all this sounds very ubrmtgoly in this part. of tho plnnes. but it is true. novorbheloas. '1`-nmrnnnv Imll km: in"! I.-- I..I-..I. _.._A_ my mum in can never be counted. C.Il`l_)'l0 is reportod as sayingLhut popu- lar notions are many times lair from the brutli. This observation of the hard- headed old Scotch philosopher is well ex- emplied in the popular C0llC6})l'al0ll, es. pecially in Canada und Europe. of that, gloat organization in New York city, known as Tamlnan_v hall. AH a personal actor in the scenes and things of Tammany` hall for in period of nearly twenty years I can. without cgonism, lay claim to ROIIID knowledge of this much-misunderstood arcl much-Iniareproeoiiterl organization. I ah- ` sort, therefore. in me boldest manner, that Tiinnnany hall for n hundred years has given New York city a better goveriiinent than has fallen to the lot. of other city Suites. Of mum. .n n.;. UIIIEIUIICEH. The result of the American election: has ` wrought sad havoc with some of the pro- diction: of the Kingston prose. and also with tho predictions of the press in many other places. We have been proudly told by many knowing people that eilverism and Bryanism were well buried last year, but the Novombor elections of this year do not look much that way. If William J. Bryan lives until the next preaidontul o|ec~ Lion he will be oluoted by no large a major- ity that it can uovor be counted. (`urlvln in rnnnv-had nu .....:....u: 1...; 1`>>A> wua uuvermement anyway. To a citizen of another country all this agitation over the promulgation of a few church rulea eoema quite amusing. Do the poolgle of the dominion realize that Canada is a out the only country in the world that keeps up this eternal commotion over religious differences that were largely settled three hundred year: ago. The best thing that Canada can do is to forget that there are two branohea of the christian church. and not be too ready to put an in- terpretation upon an ecclesiastical utter- nnce that it was never intended to bear. Forgot. g_entlomon, forget your I'0llg|0l.l8 dmeroncea. 'l"l... ..a- a.L_ A, one gray Olu nmeeoone Olly. I` It was said of Lord Byron when he had nished his Childe Herold. that he awoke one morning and lound himself famous. and in like manner the western continent people, at least, since the much- talkedol pastoral, know that there in such A place as Kingston on the St. Lawrence. Let us be thankful for this much of gratui- tous advertisement citizen of nnnthnr nnnntrv all thin Tammany Bu Given New York the Ben Government Blue line End In I llnmn-ed Yen-e-8coundrela There Were. But Thev Were Brought to Juetlee. Kl.Vh:s1`0N,N0V. l0.-('I`o the Editor): What. with the America) elections. the` manchmenb of his grace atcnbiehopCleuy. and the coming city charter election there is no lack of exciting topics these days in the gray old limestone city. We: saidnf Lurd Rm-nn whnn has had [snoum { WELL IN PEACE. ,' FORGET ALL RELIGIOUS DIFFER- lrufhco '1-A nun: A Luna n-An-an ..---u --u--- nu.|.u\II\IUi IlIl'l'E\ ENCE8-TAM MANY FACTS. N`6 v% M'BWERl`; wm auto 3 law pupils at hwhono. 23 Bydeohun street, near lul Strut. can between 2 and! II. Protester oi French human. _ __`_ _:- -j&j classes will noon on Monday. No vombor I5 Inning Chum on TUEDAY. Nov. Mlh. ` Prmpovmn at the B0035. cone: ol Princess and Ionndal nu _ CHAS. I. WRINBKLLB. Pl-hoivtl. V l no o1|ou`o':)o "I 35633; nic- I . . . Ill! u.:'.'i.a'i.... .. $32.1. ' 'uLVT-`CLASS Dims nu) IANTIJ lull- insn Evonlnrontumu promptly Mund- ed to. hing nu lining on shortcut notice. All kind: ol Patterns ton on hand ut- vlnu hroumukon wanted at onoo. French tron-lncnon uyncom taught (no for balance of he ran sun nylon of garment cutting taught. IYIIII O 00.. 9 ICIIIIOI IS. ill. ART scjjooi. To me LADIES OF KINGSTON; Ildf.-I`! Ann nnnunn Ann u....-. an .. . - v ---- ----gr-n-our III lIIlV\J|\']V. FIRST-'CI.Ass D3388 A "in . Evonln ooncumu prgmpAc1,._.`...!.!. Orin;-. Inn__-_ _ __ ,.. __ llnnton Punt alloy and loan Papa Duo-A (DB. EIOOI t HAGUE!!!-III Wall Papers suitable for Kitchens, Dining Rooms, Hulls, Bath Booms. Bedrooms. Parlors. Drawing Booml. Oicea, Ego. xuvvuvlw VI IIIII VII VI Kingston . ADIIS AND GENTLEIEN :-AT THE file 1 quest of O largo number 0! Oman: I have ulm-[dad tn bocomo n mundldnuu for tho poul- tlun of Mayor for ISM. 1! 1 Mn looted I nhnll do mf but to ill] tho position with end to the (` my mm to your nuhluntlon. Ins! your VOID Anal lnlluonva in nlv lnvnr um city uaihfuntlon. I ask tnuonva in my favor. In the meantime! mall onduvor to man A pononal CIIIVIII of the city. Your: Vrnlr. III BISI IS HI CIIZAPESI. To the Electors 0`! the clly of "In an! an MAYORALTY OF 1898. cordially solicits the sugport of the Electors as a candidate for the Alderman (}l.1g1r.lAeask_I.ivingston lSuI1@ad s Lady where she buys her Shoes, she ll say why made a mistake by buying ours. They look like a $5 Shoe, and we have a $2 Shoe that the other people sell for $3. T. MCMAHON & CO.. $3T() O- SHOES. -mu...-. vxul-l\IlIIIIl ur cvnuulupllili I0 IUD It0'ml'.`h and liver. and llnnllf JDOIIOIII the whole Iyntem. onnslnfl gonom ability and nerve troub 5. Disc urges from that nnuo Ind throat. ad breath, stuffed-u nostril: md bend. pn-ssure and aharp pm In In the -mud. dlulnns. nueexlnz. now-bleed. In- lumed watery eyes. deafness, and hawking nul` spltumz of mucus no tome of the uymptoma of catnrrh. The Munyon treatment for utarrh ll. ansed upon the latest sclentmo lncovgrlel Ind In a DOIIUVI`. euro. Tho Munyon Cn- 'nrrh Curb. `price 251`. rmnnently eradi- tntmn the (1 `W180 bv tn uvtlon on tho ulood and nerves, and` the C-atnrrh Table-If N prlce 25`. olenlnao nml houl the Ilse-an Farts nnd restore them to a healthy coud|. Ion. Munyonm Astlmm Rt-modles roll:-\' In [Ive mlmm-:4 and our In It tow `dun. 'Authnm (Turn with Asthma Ilnrbn. $1. Mnnyonm R(`lll9dI(`I nt all drugglntmnont. I ly 25c n vial. . Personal lulu-rn to Prof. Munyon, I1 and I3 Alhr-rt Mm-t, 'I`nrontn. answered, with Van medical advice (or am dluense. Tu] A'l`:1hl'l'I0 ASSOCIATION PBOPE RTY nmd tbs lonood nonndn. TIA Onon- llon I i will run dine!-I1 through tluolotav I olou to snowing noc- 9o!.: 9! .0. our. Anvil to 1. s. Bxnntn. , Cutarrh seldom fills to lect the who! Iyatem and to break down the genera health. It extends to the lungs. producing Iathmu. bronchitis or consumption: to the _nyut_p;n_ cngqlnx ability and W|Ni0N'$ BATARBH TAsk Any OF E:oU;Rsi-` u~ - 4 Effects. Designs. Prices. who my. truly, - . J. B WALKEII. .:: Nobody ever ......._....__-._____.._.._:.___.. TB! HANIISOIJI NEW RESIDENCE ON Union Send. non Dlvislon u-cot, Incl ooouolod by Dnvld J. Whlbohond. A an: oxpondmuo will complete it. hot nolgn mu` Oollm `ground; Apply 00 Ullon ind Albert Btroo Apply to A. Etumnu. 1 Mac or Johnston Stroou am home went 0! so St t. with uznou And other noon noon. A no the Stone Dwel- Enc. I8 Barrio Stun. with modern Improve menu. Apply to Joan luau. mnnnnni 1-an mm. a. : .G.A.Kuk H .bootl- :gz{o.`-:. 3oafl::pouco I-oao n'.1'a1.s " u-A1-not a noun. Ontario St. rk. Ap- Tnzzug , THAT LARGE RESIDENCE ON NORTH lid. of Johnston Show 735:1-no Stun. furnnea nml othu --I,_ _ 6E'n t7n.N mnnnnn of Hon. G. A. Kukpnt:-log. bug. I ...|. 1.. l llllh funtnd. nnnn-Mn "Andnnn A 11-I-.a.'... - aw `. J".i'. i m..v.=;:." u o on n- Haitian Prllna Odloo. pl: at no Iaclnino mic . Gunman van` an nnun IIIII-I-I0--mun Annular gnnnmnn-aL..nn.._n.......n. otblod putmm uu nmno}/duryoh `Q; ' V N. 41 '0' u a In mid lnunnlnuno A. ....-m n..--- '1' A BAlluA1l-THAT BEAUTIFULLY ultunud dot had Brink Honu. corner Mich treat. With four full Inn. ; n annulus!-Anal ul!-AU'.l1l'Ul414Y dotnghod Mlon treat, {our full Iota. pply Ann ' Ii. 0.801311 Hiin ff T .. iffior 3 your oven em: mnnv __ _.'9.9.{!I:.!q,9':-..,K1n ".I'00M-l1o|II- not than ulvontuu. with gun gr! and oonvazrnoo. 00 Oroquot und ' .u. r. :3. :..:*.v':-.-::.~:.. ~==-...-~.. '.*..`.`.s'..".`I.':"`u..`.':*':.r.".:: r....*.=...t nnmnnl In nhnian nf ll-. `illum- -----jujj - In to an I . duff %h?Il.Iu:rn 00:1: 11:11 ; '15.: lo p .110: lop uIr.-Wiru\ bum with Cu- _. ` no loll! .o!cu1-I vv I _anr]r_!ou~I o Ctmcmu B:-:`v.`- 01 lcnopnrlnoro humor nnmn EDUCATIONAL _ snuu n,1mJ( `hilt! ck`-urn. noun I . . n :.m.u".'.'..-mo. llln Ionod lvl hnnnllul _kind :ofWood mop. me 1'0 3: l..BT._ l"O_R sAL:.' :15 LHKJOIATION nlanood nnnndn. Tin nxhn. wl . I C ' Ina :3 Cwugnxuu II humor qua _` _ ., .1-'*.u.: or Best. I _...-pg ..--- mod mil nnulod :_.Cv?u:Du Ion. FQZUTEIKFIW us. ehnhloo noon to can at lnlknnd ha... 9hf&ro! Ibo pad: III arm: Ill but It cone calm bdnnuunnniuvlnavnun-as-I-n mac LjdofAnn, E-Hogan ` olnbhocnnpd 0nuO'lIouh.|nb nnurtuttho Kinguuneu chi )lt.0 lIou-kovill pnpuolloieo phyla`. n ohglllnnn -5.-I lg. n.-. pl I-.o --A tum. up. _ L"l` |lT|'ll|I|I'hChtholponhAnm LIT Humilit- ulnu.` IHIUC! lull!!! um I chemo ind it would tho uonlnl tn In uuumuuu uuu I.-out ID one lnllloll wnoro boot. adapted lot. The salesman would hos-o no tronblo whatever. Mr. Gallogher was confident that u nyutom of direct con- nignmono to Eoglond could be successfully eocubliohod. `Ills. L..-.... A..L. _ .I:a._._. "en. ,- -I .'-.':-..":'..'.-.':-.-.'. = *.'.=..:'..--! The I`:-ovntenee Beleemen Likely to may By the Ihyerl. The coneigning of cheese direct to Eng- lend wee egein considered et the meeting of the Frontenec cheese boerd. A lively debate followed the introduction of the subject with the hoyere on one side end L. L. Gelleqherln op ition. The lettu in- formed the baud t et he had eold neerly ell the cheeee entrusted to hie eere in lslontreel. The bulk of it hed been ehi ped to Englend : e ernell emount wee eti I in Montreel. The price received wee 8c.. the eheeee to pey e freightege of fteen centa per hundred. Deducting the freight chergee the rice obteined wee ebovo the price olfe et the Frontenec boerd meeting that dey. If the feetoriee heve not ell sold out by next week. he will briuge men from Montreal who would ship the cheeee down for ono~eiglnth of e cent per pound. end he gould not drew on the bent for money until elter the errivel ol the cheeee to their deetined `market. The lectoriee could rend their cheese to the ` Grnnd Trunk ahedr. where it would he ` exemined end sent to the merket where ' heel. edentul In The ..I........ ....~...|.r Rfgct it Not, uuwsnn may. The trslllc over `the pose, going both ; ways, was enormous Inst summer. To _ clear the pass a corduroy bridge was built, I but the ground was so be gy that the ' bridge would sink out of sig t in one day. Nothing of extreordinery interest attract- ed his attention while on the journe ex- cepting n cloud-burst at Ghee amp, 1: smell poet station on t e 1) ea trail. The rain swelled he river to such an extent that the station was completely ooded. cor ing nwuy tents and shsnties. At Cheap mp Messrs. Bcolt end hlecinrlnnd will relnsin for the winter. and proceed on the way in the s ing. The llow of olviliution townrds tho Rllondgvlne has been stopped for the winter. on the people will spend the cold months living in shenties along the route. In his travels Mr. Carr-Hsrrie met inspec- tors Wood end Strickland, o! the mounted . police. They ere graduates of the Rays] lnilitsry college. No coho was our worth 5 tap For n nuonl an to u. Inc which no Incident. no -hhp. Ounld possibly India in. TL. II-s:L.-. L... .L.n.....| Tho bu on took 3 diennt view ol the nnthr. ha nnnvnnl align.` l`QQ`Q-Q |.-.l . journey northward, Mr. ' Va`:-1' larder-s" of `tie tlead'yte- Ined In Paying uuaatltlee at up the Dyea Trail to the Olallloot Pass. After a summer spent in British Colum- biu and adioining country Robert R. Carr- Hurris, son of Prof. Carr-Harris. Royal military college. returned home on Wed- .eqday night.` looking `robust. health and much the better for his veution. e left the city last May and went direct to Bri- tish Columbia,` spending much of his time in the mining oentlenacquainting himself with the work of prncti.eal mining. At Granite Creek. in the Yale district, he de- voted the greater part of his time. At that point there are established hydraulic plants developing quarts veine and turning out paid in paying quantities. The mineral ound at Granite Creek is of a high grade, and the mines give every indication of plenty of it. The hydraulic plant closes its work when cold weather sets in, and does not re-open until spring. - K. H. Maelerland. a graduate of Queen's. and T. 8. Boott. O.E., a 90 graduate .of the school of mines. Both these gentle- men had resolved to go up to the Klon- dyhe and left Vancouver late in the sum- mer. Although not fully prepared `fora barr-Harris deter- mined to accompany them ashort distance. As with most all the people who signify their intention of going tothe new-found gold eld. they were surrounded with boomers. emphasising the advantages of the dilfenent routes. The Skeguay trail appeared to be advertised more extensively, but Mr. Carr-Harris and his companions were advised by good authority to take the Dyoe trail, which broughtthe travellers to the Chil- koot pass by a shorter route. The former trailextcnde over forty-ve miles. while the Dyes is only twentyfour miles in length. Mr. Carr-Harris only went as far as lake Lindeman,just over the pass. From that lake boats tulle the travellers to Dawson City. The Itrlmn nvar "Hm mun, Dnino hath 1 I Mr. Carr-Harris had as companions A. ,` I sPonTm'o PARAMIAPHS. CONSIGNMENT OF CHEESE. (main 1jaE_LANn or E65] Ano `IHE WESTERN wu.ns KINGSTONIAN nnunns. hock =5 Blot! loooooutlolalo. The anilora of thonohoonet'l`vo Brothers. which arrived in port 1| daylight Ihil mcrning. report that a tour 0! height hoau uopnntad non the hhin Ducks during the night. Tho count 0! the Two Brothers led her some diotnnoo from the Ducks. but tholighu of the summer could he noon novingahone. no tho hahowncudnvoh ingcopieknpha dri' concern. his thought the not was bound for Ogden- hug. Tho tug Walhr I'll at Oowago yluaduy withthno Iugarlor anal, but izionotourtninlhatnhohhforhcn. --v-uuuuulIglIIII VII. Rduning In Ihobouobnilding open- liountpnnnl goingon in Ihoeity. s p:onia:.Ii:buiocn-uu.n.nI:ruIdIoon- or nursing in hdgnont froxouuuhclugctvcc-utltrotufarunote in oxcaud\hntnIIIdtIIocity,undinvoh- odnncnuvuhu mlihl 'l'I--|- t! Cm.non.\'r. Nov. ll.-Dovn: Sumner hut. Chicago to Ogdonabnrg. cu-gu; schooner Singapore. Aun- hontbnr to Prescott. wheat: runner Onnha, ilnukoo to Oungo. barley. nun u.u.nu1'.vnr., NOV. u.-l)own: Steamer W. L. Frost, Chi to Ogden- bnrg.genonl cargo: name: had: Emily, Clovohnd t.o'I`oronto. bricks; ateunor Pet- Iil_ Sh Cnlihnrinnn tn Mnnbmgl .....-...I uuovuuuu w Luronw. oncxl; cleaner 1'! - uin, M. Cathuinoa to Montreal, general enmo. AT.LE:N'8, SHOES. . .. Iniwuhlbhc. A ,6 g ,-3; \r gum: nununsu ouanoln were puckoa up on Tuesday and put in bags for sale In hog and chicken food. Streams of teams are going into the town with purchuora. Irv mung up wlm urlp now me gruin lost in the hnrhor through the olovnmr re. The men are paid ftoon cents per hour. Three hundred bushels picked Tuesday nut ban for male :1: hm ulew or )6 around uamoa. The BLT. company : barge Toronto wee discharged from me government dry- dock to-day. end the berge Montreal took her place for general repairs. AU Gods-ich th tun Ernlvn nn an.- uur pulw lur general repairs. Goderich the tug Emlyn and cnw are taking up with drip net: the grain lost throunh the alnnmr Rm z-nu was In coll [or one M.'.l'. com ny. Stephen Bnllinn, e eeilor, wee ly in- jured eh Oewego. N.Y.. by a winch her. He hails from Prescott and was one of the crew o! the steamer Samoa. Tim M 'I` .............I. 1...... m-_._A- Tho tchoonor Two Brothers Arrived from Charlotte at daylight: this morning with 240 tons of cod for him M.'l'. comny. Flnmhan n|I:.... . ...'|..- -.- .u_ :_ ll!!! IIIIIIUO The steamer Hamilton touched at Suite : wharf yeeberday on her wny to Hemiiton. IIVL- ..L.__-.. III... h__AL._,_ .__re 7 I I UllCCc A van loed of young people drove out to Kemp brochere. Perth read. last night, and devoted ehe evening boon to the neat] party games. The return trip was mule at an early hour in the morning. In-Inc Item: Picked Up Along The Bar- hnr Inn-:1. JIJHNSTIIN & co.,4 uuuu. uunlup Ior clonnlng umee. The drawing of ship protate and aver- egobondnia e opecielty of the business of J. P. Gilda:-sleeve. notery public, 42 Clarence street. Twenty-ve yearn experi- once. CHI : J 87 2' secures 3 fine black worsted wit, sack or cutuuy. stripe trousers if desir- nblo. Dunlap for clothing valuoa. Th dnwimr 0 lhih fifnfnlfj and nun-_ "nun ru an me warm no me," 110 signed. She smiled on him with gentle mirth. And when he said : "Bo mine." she cried : "Pin very wrong to want the earth. Some of the members of the board of educsoion have gr-wood the monthly meet.- inga only two or three times during the GFIBH. - William Swain. piano tuner. leave or- ders at MoAuley a book atom. You're all the world to me," he signed. smiled on him with wanna mirth, our Ill-W001 weu-umoreu ulster an ID. Renfrew cronmory butter. 'freah and sweet. just in at Gilbert : grocery. A we:-tern nubliahmnr onmnnnv hru m. avvuuo, Just In an unborn a grocery. publishing company has re- queatod James Gunu to furnish them with 8 description of Kingston and her indus- tries. I'l.7II:..... D_...:._ -2--- L.-__-_ I -7 V so am: [mu mine 85 aruocn. Dunlo '3 overcoata took the lead last year. hey do in again this year. See our all-wool well-tailored ulster at 85. Rnnfraw nnnnmnru huh... 'C..--|. .....l cur unu never Wlll DIVE. Peter Niaaon. formerly identied with the school of mining, is controlling I plant at the [old mine at Ardoch. I'\....l....|. ....-........L.. A....L `L- 1--.: L4 Wolhncll cum! Report. Pom D.u.nov9n:. Nov. ll.-Down: ltnnmnrw I. I'm-h Dina... 4.. n`...I-_- plluu (all!) music. Mecca colfee. ground fresh every morn- 'ing. M: Gilbert`: grocery, It has no super- ior and never will have. 17.}-.. Ni..." c........--I.. :.I-_;:c_.I _:.L