Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Nov 1897, p. 8

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i Mr. Boyd, orrreecotu. Rev. Dr. R. F. Burns. formerly of Bali- fax, now deceased. was the ret. minieter olChalrnere . He preached hie first eer- mon in May, 1846, when nineteen years old. in the city buildings. and was ordained on July lat. I-`47. Mr. Burns resigned in Jimc. IRES. The foundation of the former church on Eenl etreet. was lnid on the l.`t.h June, law, and service was begun on 23rd. December of the same year. "Auapicionn day. wrote the young en- t.hmiinst.ic minister in his diary. "Good audiences. Jnt-erecting. epoch in our con- gregetionnl history. The more solemn to mynellfrnm happening on my birthday." The completed church was publicly dedi- cared on rich J une, I851. The eervicee were largely attended, end'were conducted by Rev. Mr. Willis. D.I). of Knox college. Toronto: Rev. (,.`.eorge l . Young. of Knox church. Hamilton, and Rev. Robert Burns, 1).D.. of Knox church, Toronto. Aha: Mr Rvvrnl nnianntinn R87. B. 1). U.. of Knox cnurcn, '1'oronw. After Mr. Burns resignation Rev. 1) Pearce succeeded for a time. The congre- gation having again become vacant. Rev. Prltrlck they was called and inducted in 1558. He remained pastor till his denth in 1876. being greatly beioved by his peo- ple. A memorial winddw to his memory ndoms the present. church. Rev. Findley Mr:Cunig succeeded in July, 1877. and re- aiunnd in Jannnrv. IRR7. The ureaent. D3!` Mnuunlg auoceoueu In uuny, am 1. uuu Iv` signed in January, 1887. The present pae- tor. M. Macgillivrav. M.A , was inducted in September. H87. and has been most. faithful and energetic in his work. In February. X888, it, was decided to build A new church as the old one was inadequate. Work was commenced the following August and the cornerstone laid on Oct. 23rd. On Jan. ."t.h, I890. the present church was opened nnd dedicated bv the Very Rev. Prinnipnl H nut, 01' Queen`: and in nu; afternoon and evening the tires I \ ory Kev. l'nnr`.IpnI In ant-, 0: queen I mm in the afternoon evening pastor of the N\urch.Rev. Dr. R. F. Burns, now deceased, conducted services. The old church on Earl street was pnrchuod by J. B. Carruthora and was torn down in April. H90. Only about six persons are now living who were connected with the church in its Infancy. Tho nreoonl: odico coal. $l.',00U. of church in nu mlancy. nreoonu which amount about two-thirds was paid whon the church `was completed. The debt has been sinvo greatly decreased. nnd us now well under control. One thousand dollars is naked from the mngrogntion to- morrow hy the I.rnatoe.- ma :1 jubilee offer- inrv I A Movement on loot 'l'o`Preeent Their Icxeellenclss Wlth e Testlmonlnl. At as meeting of A few of the fiiends of Sir George and Lady Kirkpatrick. belt` in Toronto, it `I! resolved that an address and suitable testimonial should be resent- ed to them upon the occnsion of t sir de- psrture lrom the government house as a token of the personal respect and esteem in which they ere held by ell classes of the community. and as a recognition in some slight degree of the uniform lxindlinese, courtesy. and hospi. tality which has chnrecterized both their public end private relations with the peo- ple of the city and province during the past four yearn. A committee. comprising Sir Frank Smith. Hon. A. S. Hardy, E B. OslOI'. hl.P.. lhlton McCarthy. M.P., end ninteen other prominent citizens of To- ronto; ll. '1`. Walk-em. Q C. J. ll. Mscnee. John Mclnlyre. Q C. of this city end re- presentetives from London, Hamilton, Ottawa and Welkerville was sppnintad for carrying this resolution into ellect. The locml committee have called a meeting of citizens for Monday elternoon in the mayor's office to prepare Kingston's sub- scription list. It is presumed the tee- timonial will take the form of I present; tiun of silver plete. lllllllle Q;-cu uupzu-nun. Four cue! were preeented to police magistrate llu` this morning for hie die- aosel. James Johnston, nlien Red River . im, on in charge of vegnnoy, was cent to jail (or six month. An old commitment of six months, which etoocl against. him. was enforced. He will eeeiet. en the wood pile. The ho Meckomie, whose roving nature takes him on the etreetn. wee remand- ed for one week. Anthony Quinn. 14 cripple, who has been living on cheril for some time. was charged with runhenneee Ile wee picked u on Montteel etreet Ieet evening by l`.Ce. im- mermen end Lawson, and taken to the nation house" in 1 Mb. On his pereon wete erde of appeal. containing four etenme. appealing to the eyxinp-nthy of the publio. He can tent. to jail for one month. A ..|.-..... ..t .........M. II` nmlen-ed monm. A chorgo ol "|u4iu.'t. I'M proiorrod ogoinob W. KolI_\-, photogropher. by T. B. Powers. moilolork on the` Bay of Qninto train. Mr |'owor1I oomploinod thou W. Roll iorcibly ejected him from his otudio. Ant o oomploinoui. could nn: roich tho city in limo for court. tho rose wmlodjonrm od until nut Ink. A Ionclorfol Ponornoneo. l`lo_\-goon in thin city will oodn hovo on opportunity of sooina o notoblo production. Thio io Ednrd F. Kidder : brilliont Eng- lioh rnililo dromo, "Shannon 0! tho Sixth." whic will ho pronnlod homo out Tuoodoy owning os tho Groud opon bouo. The oeonoryoorriod fol-Ihioploy iool tho moot Olobonh ond hoootihl do- ocripoion. and tho coupon}. hoodod b tholovotlto pong phyor. W. ll. Povor. iooeoroful Joloetodono. Noonoilr eoroouod in grooo Soon! rohollion of ll.`i7. loglontfo poor. Boot Indio vor. oloold foil to oootliio (root ptodocoiui. ooid to to tho otrongort nilioory dnuo 0" vriuon. Tho plon will _u ovyofo Ioadoy morning as I on. I Priooo. 25 . no. and 75. . I H C I-""j-- } W51-mg`, Out, _ Nov. I3 -TB notary ruwuvict villa`: vu carved by but- :|:'n|utI|i(ht,nnd$|li1 otolcnltoullo II A Thnnnq 2-:-----------:----_ Picture framing _...I I'D- sun c:Eo m':t-:"ANo wuss. lllldnro lluocbl _,n,.u_.___._.._.IA...-g. Annals one Adjourned. W--- __---_.-.a L- Ladies Cloth. nevest shades .of I Green and Blues, scarce goods, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25. I ll Latest Goods 1 Broadcloth ' White, E Cardinal. for ildren's C Ladies Capes, $1, $1.25, $1.50. |)on`t1Iu-ow Away 40 pieces Fancv Colored Brbche Dress Goods, all colors, usually 75c, e.pe- I cial at 50c yard. : fl :1-A_` wax. -- --- J ubular Braids, all color. 2c, 3c,V and 5c yard. ,... I __ ___`___ Black and Fanc'y Jets--very large: range. V ` - rn:imnsasm`QuaaEc.. A BRAKESMAN LOSES THREE FINGERS WHILE OF ! DUTY. Ala Sent to cuplure 3 Poucher -W|t.nvuon Porjured 'l`ha_InIolnI-A Vauol Loading for Gnlwny Wu Wreckad In Thursday`: Gale. Quolyoc, f\'ovemhor 13.--.-\ hrnkesman wlnle coupling (`um yr-sterduy {dior- nnnn nt Vnlm Dauw l)e.s'umzes. on the coupling yr-sleruuy guu-r- noon nt Nolre I)zu1)t\ l)l Sll)L!t`S, Lower Lnurmltian ruilroud, had three fingers of his right hand out off. He \\'.'is hrought to town last evening and taken to the Hotel llivu hospital. Mr. Joni-us,superiiileiiiloint of fish and ;r.~une, has sent t'()|1>ll:Ii)it`:s' (:|()llt`lle and MrC.-u-tl1y,of the provim-iulpolit-9. to aid constnhlo lluteuu and office-rtire lhum, of the fish and gauno prntectitw service-, who were sent soine days ago :i.fIc-r L:ulo1lm=r, the Ih*:|u('N- and M9 guntir p(Nlt'll( !'. It now seellis as if th- \\ilOi(` population is nirling l.:n|ou(-<-r.u.~` tlwir to-le-grain inrlil-ates he has ncllvu :lt`\`0ln[)iit`( . 'l`hv_v also state that they lmw svizetl n fnlsh quantity of skins -it :~`p:illimr. llt`.'ll` tho Anwric:In frontier. If I,.-ulmlrer loos not got into llIt`.\`l:lll`S, -'l\' he is now trying tn do, his (`:l|Hlll`t ill soon he :u'cnmplislu-(I. The uuthorilies` will give no dofinitt` stat:-Im~nl of the t`.'lllSl' of high run- ....I.i.. a:..I.i`.- visit In .\'\\'o*vfsillll`|I_ hut ill he :u-cmnpllslu-u. .~tu|nIc- ('::\|`.- visit In >`m-ptslmrg. in mmos from an uulhu-mic .-;oun-c- that ho Inn gum` there in vunnovlion uilh llw pron-c-dings \\hiuh nn-. to he |:Ik(`n against oerluin witlu-.~uw.~' nn Ilw I-Icly case who n-an charm-I with hav- umtpr_iurv-ltlwlnsc-lvwuiurimz the pre- lim'mnr\' inwstimuiun. .\o \fnIiu Hm Hum hn rk In-ulimz lim'mnr\' mwshmumn. <\t If:-Iiu, the Ihnssizrn hark In-ulilm fur l`riu- Hrosx. & (`n., was driwn zmhure luring lhr nnrih-east uulv nu 'l`hur.n- (lay on l`nin!o-.-\II~u-Iwlle-~ ;|II1I\\'illlw :l min! \uw'k. Hrr fnrv nnd n|:\inums~1.~\ and mine-n (up nmwt are ;.:nm- and her hull is Iuully dulmun-I. Ilvr l`l`t`\\ \\'.'n` wevuml lw ;\l=.~.~o.~. l'ri"s turn with murh (|iffi1`lI|l_\' and nlnmzc-r. She` ix" :1 unmlc-n vmuu-I of -I50 lullx r1gi.~zI9r.and rut tlw Iimv of Hm nvvirlonl h.-Id nn Iumrul nhnul 10.000 lo\:n|<. Shv \\':ns|n.1l- iuu: for (::uI\\.-uy, lrvlnml. Joseph Glynn Passes Away 'l'h|s lornlng After a Brief Illness. Shortly after nine o cloclr this morning Joseph Glynn. hack driver for Mc(.`am~ nion s livery. died at the Oriental hotel. His illness merely lasted from Thursday last. but it was of such a nature as to cause the alicted man great agony. On Wednesday he lifted in trunk off his haclr. the edge of which struck him heavily on the loft bowels. rupturing the intestines Since then he had been conned to his bed. sullering great agony. and morphine powders Irene necessary to relieve the pain. Last night he appeared to be resting easier. and talked with friend, who left him about eleven o clocl:.ss he dosed intoa sleep. About one o'clock in the morning. Mrs. VValker. the hotel proprietor} wife had occasion to go past his door. and she heard Mr. Glynn breathing heavily. She entered the room. and tried to arouse him. but found that ho was unconscious. She called Mr. Walker. who hastened for Dr. Ryan. Other boarders arose and with the doctor worked on the prostrate form until eight o clock this morning. but their efforts could not awake him from his unconscious state. Death relieved him shortly alterwards. 'M.- a......uI man a mu: nnnnlar vnuno Old Plcturu Cleaned and Rolnaltod _- n_|| go 1\l\|A Q POPULAR HAEK omvsn new Ilolln reneveu nlm rnoruy uwtwuue. The de-med wee e very popular young men. twent. -seven yeere of ego. Hie perente ere end. but. he hue two hrolhere in Chieego. end two eietere in Montreel. He hed been connected with MoCemmon e lwery for four yours and one of their most muted employee-. He wen A member of the l.C.B.L'., having joined the organize- l.ion two months ego. Hie pleuent feoe WI" be greetly mieeed around the city. Hie brothers have been telegraphed for end are expected here N)~ln0l`l'0W. BOIIC ll nuuru-cu -.--vwu---y An extnordimry team took nlnco in Muiechal college. Aberdeen. Ponding` the noctlomont of Dr. Johnson : cue. tho univonity mthorition rouppointod_ Rov. n._ mm. to conduct the biblical criticism IIDIVIHR] outnorluou II Ippuuuug nuuv. Dr. G to conduct tho biblical class. n he oponod bio cont-so Ioctnroo in dno form It King) eollogo. Dr. Johnoon. however. resolved to osnrt bin right to conduct the clan, ond obtoinod tho no of tho pothologicnl clue room in Mari-clnl collqo for tho purposo. Hi! oudionoo woo modo up of on: and modicol otudonu, ond thoy ctoolod Inch on nproor that Dr. Johnoon wont on for o tilno in dumb ohow. Thoooonoculninotod in profoooor Homil- ton ontoringlho room. romoving Dr. John- ton'o monnocrlpt Iron tho doot and odor- ing tho room to ho cloorod. A-Uuuvu -uqg -u vv-v-an Son-Iulr1mt. Ont, Nov. ll-Captain Iuuhu-1.. Iighlhouu input at Chunky inland. npotuthnn quantity 0! wrai- apconoiuingoltholppc Iotkoolu ousu,sloonbou'd life ptuccnr. with the noun "E. B. Halo" on than. also uhonontlnwntolChunty idclld Int` night. The tonton the bacon on no Ionthcud at Chantry inland Ill valid o by Inc mus`. pa. ltohunnothhod. Aunnsnrln. Out... Nov. 11-15. dunno: Pnohndo on mind this morning hyvloti lhvhull in" tho rivu `Io; K`; . g -n-at nut an IL. In. 1. III. III VII out uu L1 DC` Inuit Rnlonnd dcunndod cunpun. so um! u-anndnodunointothiapal-labial In- dklvishoulnnoheuluony. `Do dun vunndohuti-Iyueln dfld z`Iit&OEdndP`UI Duuo. soon In Abonlun tnlnnlty. ,I-,__ --__- .--|_ -_I _1____.__:-._:.__jj.~ - Removedto138Wel|ingtonSt. ._ - -s---\I4QlI 13. 1. of! Curl Cloakings. bought from the scarce maker, splendid values, $1, $1.25, $1.50, `$1.75 . I . Q5 Brewn and`. Beautiful designs in Black Brecade aildx-en's Cloaks. and Silks, large range. 90c, $l.00, $1.15, $1.25, .u.. an nun En '` Rn '5' 2 3?4E A `Seventy-ve -New Pieces Blacl ;Colored Satins for Ladies Skirts -very large;Tx-imminge, 75c, 80c, $1.00, $1.25 ' -$1.50. . R. WALDEON. A Sample Lot We Close our Store In a., Few Weeks Tln1e.. UNDBRINERR. an :1 n.` ` , `,7 j______ '__ `P- A rumor llugctoolu Into an Accident- al Booth. Edwu-d Ilcm-nth, who won!) Ioihbing. Minnesota. to hrin down the body 0! his dooouod bro.hor?I-oturmd homo this morning. Ho nyd shot on Monday oven- ing, Nov. l|_L., his brother. Fnrick Mc- Gnth. drove up totho lighbaod water homo to ll two lnrnll Isiah want. In wollinrrbomoin pitgto turn tho water on ho no pun tun-woy to tho pup. thodoor on which won opon. By Iona unknown onto Ir. IcG|-uh loll in- to tho ing. and it is thought. that wbonho udhinnoli Idling ho gtupod the door which Iunodiouly cloud. crush- ing NI hand jgoilsl th lnllowwk. Huh Ilnuuu Io iodionlolhin was found oahbohookollbrighlhnd. At any Into. the that won cloud. and this in tho thou!) ulvaood. huh Onn. noun: in tho onnlov d su."v7I'n'.o. as. q.'::'.'5'a': :'csa':a"3ou nminnh AK II hlj. Th WI 'IBII|IlC II? II III . AI IWII vubtonghslothfn Inn 5 ollohot, nuns 0! 3 top: banned uonndit. uonowhlnovnwulnokcl Iolln Ilconlhndlholdiclolilovil-' lagodid ollin their povurtolnlpnllovislo thogrhldthbuund wider. Pntek Icnzlvunfhnodinn. Inning .lmnstKi oaoIItho86thclJn|y.l8M. 'Houu1-id iunnh Illlrboch on St 1 Put : elIInl.lihUa.ou July lath. I877. mndnondtocvhu-ry. llichnuning rthcou-wl@.vIu ho % hr Hib- Uq. Iiu. `l'lI\9o lac \lI -`---a-v-_, I GK-OLAS:-X DR-IS! AND IANTLI MAK- vDru`0m.un and I In pol-hotly ` .1 `nal 0 lmulltl to louun-from um to nil `I ` student. Minn Inn own um family i aging `.0 rnouoo on whllo lonrninx ` than out to Iuonauru lroln my design hvnrlouu bun um. i no vmugv. uuqnvuwu 1 lnnianlo I&' it My 9-..- L.-_-pkl I4 lLA'1n `RELIABLE, srvusn AND INEXPENSIVE. A |VLJl_3l\IlII-_4r-I-`u 800 Heavy Ribbed Underwear r 15c. 450 Heavy Ribbed Plain Under our for 25. (`:00 Heavy Pure Wool Underwenr for 450. -` 81.00 Heavy Pure Scotch Woo! Underwear for 6730. $1.25 " " 76c. 82.50 Heavy Finest. Natural Wool Underweer for $1.86. Men's CM-digcna. $1.76 for $1.00. $2.50 for $1.25. Ladies` Vesta for 121a. 15c, 18c. 20c. 25c-coat price. $1.25 Ladies` Yeats. Silk cud Wool. for 69c. Black Tights 81.00 for 50c. 81.26 for 75c, $1.50 for 900. AT 25c we have a fine lot of Fancy Dress Tweeds and Cheviots. new and pretty % patterns. AT 35c Fancy Mixed Cheviots and Stylish 1 1SPf_ A;__ AT 35c Fancy Lmxea bncvlutu uuu u.,..u.. , Tweed Effects. JOHN LAIDLAW & sou. UUIIII hllliuiu vs :W~....w-u&w-w.....v""' ' THIRD OFF! Waterproofs worth $4.50 for $3.00. " $5.50 " $3.67. " $6.50 "V $4.34. $7.50 " $5.00. buaom MINNESOTA. P. 9_HL.KE:. ?2\7;CLSH S. SPENCE :9: CI LIIAII `.1, 4 {$1.50. You know all about our latge assortment and Low Prices on Dress Goods of the ner quali- ties from 75c to $i.5o a vard. If you don't you ought to for your own interest. Welmve remarkable value to offer you at lower prices, Goods which, although less in price. are fully reliable and are stylish and handsome beside. . Mantle Velvet. warranted fact pile, English goods, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, `$l.50, $1.75. ) ot of Ladies Waterproof Mantles in Tweed and Cravenettes. Atvery Modtate ~i>Ru=.-s in extremely qualities. UUOQ The Leading Mantle and Mllllnery Store. 7-ve -New Black nd tins Skirts and ,% $1.25 and `tlo luv ltruotun lady Pot the luv!` slag -O Sunl- .....,. _ .... ` Ounnoqno Ropnrtu. Died 5! her residence. out and ol King It. umanoquo. Int Saturday. Nov. h. Mn. Elm Kidd. acid uxty-nine -... 'l`|\- .|....n.d warn the second old- `III HIV IIUIIIIIU --nu; nu. --- -v~~- can at II-uh. auction of thoybullding involvod nu unount of wort. but I uoitat unit 0! non vuu oogupd to null: the volumo -nut Tho Iuuu0o..dunnuN;b mamas. with which nix hlhltbluiudtluhlguuuutvl Ihodsy. nihlu Ihonllnyul noouulnvo rth!!! nlagtb I-II--I||i-3~ wmo-nrurutnonnolupcu I`-C-ll .lw!I.lqvuudnt Ch V audio hr _-a. `I='|.-`H `J-3% MOOER8 ELEVATOR READY. Mn. Elm luau. upon uxuy-mun ho dooouod was him 1 yum. . ` no dun tor ol the late John Fur. long I , Turner in lnnodowno. but who muons hi: 1' n-.. 0.- Dnnrn in Hannnouuo. Sue wna vehra year! at age. When she reechedli TRIO!` Ill lAlII'l0VnU. uuuwuu Ilpvun until he! let year: in (iananoque. want here in Bligo. Ireland. but her parenu 1 Ilnlgreeed to Canada when ehe weal. voonaae age ehe was married tn He y` Kid. who with two eoiie and three denim`:- tere eurvlve her. Her eldeei. eon. Wil- lien. and his family reeided with her; ` Theuae iea in-chmiee in Butmu The ;, dannhtenare. Mre. Baker. Toronto: Mn-. ` A.N. Parhe. Uananoque: hlre. Tanner. Geller Repine. Iowa. Mie. Kidd waea qoneidene Inernher of the Church of Eng- land. In which ehe` united a\ en'eerI_v age. ' Bhe ealered an an attack ol rheumatuin ` vMoh~re_eeheO her heart; and remained I lezeeeeeleee he the leet. Thelaee eacra-I t Vere adninieoelel to her Saturdey . which ehe enderetoad and ap- . BIO helxe the clergyman let! M ee. alee n ItIIfIeI'werde.ehe' and mini. ! FuI':N,::w Grands go In Hoavy Wool Hose? - 15 CENTS PER PAIR. AI`I I j? __ _ Huh". "$8-and "90 Princess Street. F.;1'li: E. 0. REDICK. g..... on nan nn-an AND MANTLI IA` Tou EN B " Bouuncm: jillll nu Inlllll. A- II ;.Z_`:'.'_'.':.'_;_; . - . I00 nuuoxu-nun-.'1~. whore yum -an homo from over my dnm-om. nylon I I an! Ionldlu II Frllnv to Ann. tho Fla 1 mu 5!. II] % plivva. ' Boys Heavy Ribbed Hose, 25c'per pair. Mon ; Fla; Lamlfs Wool Un- ; derwcarktsc and 50c. Fine Fhnnel Shlrts 75c and shoot V . ` Knit {r_qpjSIm-ts 40c,504c and g `M .' I In--.. .-. ._..__.. ,__.._.. .01.: neon... I-`rlnmou. 1! nnmu-2 mm mpnlr. Ill. silver or Enamel them I equal In no N. saving you money. I -A - . -\,4__.._; `J _._...__..._._.__._.______ IQ tho Lorne Franc. CA in. Oman at am B-oak nroot. oppoolso Gol-Jon Lion (honor: lion-cos mm! prompt nun- uon vu-'11`! be anon hg Dotti 0! In. lonry Iilad. . -....- I)_-n-On- u .nu.J..:.ua;..-.. ' lb and Cl Prlnuun Shoot. __.___...._..__..__ "i1oHmLL ....| In Ppinnna inch _ and Ifepairing. mm m. snn1un.| 'l ."V,.lI ElIII our - v _,_ V` *60_ 6av.=Woo| Socks I0c peri 4Q.- Tho You Intact News crowded Into The Smallest of Input. Try Sawyer: (or I good solid waiting boob. . Men's good heavy all wool tweed punts $1. sold eloowhoro tor 81.50. Grand Union; Hninn ntrnnt. moms church-lcev. C. I-1. oloowhoro tor N.nU. nrnnu Unluu. Union Itroot. Ihpmo church --luv. I Burroll Sunday mm. nndp.m. and all the \ ivook. All welcome. ' u-..'. Haul I-Mnnln" alone at 3|. the 1` book. Mon : linodMooh|" glovac 3|, tho '-{I 50 make you buy elsewhere. Grand ` Union. u n..n.'..., nf Mnxicn. N.Y.. viainimr H. Union. H. Nolhbn, of Mexico. N.Y.. visiting I J. Shnlol. Clergy ntreot, for the put week. ; p.m. Ursnd Umon. l Thy Church of England. B-th. In: re- ;quoIud tho Archbishop of Ontario to ap- ` point Rev. -E. '1`. Emma, Odom. be than ` rectory. The church in more than a cog- ` wry old. : I! won Inn}. to feel warm And comfort- ` bu returned home. , Latent shapes and but quality , but for 81.90 Saturday nigh: from . Ursnd Union. The 1 ! old. If you wnnb warm nblo get 1 pair of logging: 4 . an-lnwyer u. . * Th. milimrv mun am an `for ovgning war. or Savvver n. ' The Kingston ym b olui) has received a notiquuinun from the Boys! Sb. Lawrence yacht club. of Montreal, that the matter of the formation of I marine corps will bacon- mdered at the next. meeting 01 that club. n-.......c..u ..a..hr. It-nm 7 m 10 um, two mdered at. hue next. muuug U1 uunv ..-...... Saturday night. from 7 no 10 pm. twenty-ve cont. ties for I quarter and two tiny cent ties for half a dollar. All shapes. Grand Union. O1-goodo and Hamilt.on s share of the gate uh Hamilton was M64. Oagooie had 836 only deducted for 205 complimentary mckeu. lb 300. each. The Quezon`: team did nob object to these tickets, as reported. It. was the union. thud. nun:-nnnfl 39.50. 33. and ` member being Andrew 1). nest. ` This very docidod change in the corps of Ithe general uuiceu of the K. of L. will `cruise considerable astonishment in labor ; Cl|`\:l6I throughout the country. Save to those who were "insile. so In spear, . for the lost three months. there was '~ absolutely nothing of this known. ' (in very mood authority it is learn- I el that it was with Mr. So\'ereign s ; . most hearty apurovssl that he steps down ' and out. It is likewise with the approba- tnon and in fact, love of his brethren of the . order that this is done. The same holds 3 good with the tube! ollioors who were re- V lievod. Mr. Sworeiun stated that he wished retirement. He wanted rest from the labor which the ollice entailed on him. I 11-..-.. A ank. lhn mmnnal imntor 1[AYLOB, Men : overcoat: $2.50. $3, $3 75 84 50, regular price: $4. $5, 86 and 87 50. This in no b|u"' bub genuine facts. Look nu bhem. Grand l'niou. 1 Ilnmo Allcmlnhlnx Ohnnzu Mule In the (lotion! unless. I In: l\ ll.l.F, N.) ., Nov. lZI.-.l\n1oa R. I Suvono-gn. who has been general muster workman of the knights of labor for the hunt. four year: or more. was yesbordny re ` lieved of his nine by the general masons. ` bly, which has been in union in this city since Monday Int. Under ordinary con- ditions Mr. Sovereign`: harm of oico would not. hnvo e\pirod until the next meeting. This hnamvnr. it in laid. makes no not new e\p|reu uunu ulu nun Iuuvuu`. Thin. however. it in said. . ditlirence with the order. ,Wll0!O general l otllcern during a meeting are always in the E hands of the an-ombly and can be chosen and deposed at the will of the majority. , Along with Mr. Soverign there were three other nlllcora retired. \i1.: Thomas B. McClure. general worthy fetomnn of Am- etonlem. N. Y.: D. Bmwn, of Montana, and ll. 8. Mnrtiu. of Minneenta. members of the executive committee. u-...... A m..|.. no` Nan: \'m-lc, alintrict ol the oxocuuvo communes. ' . Henry A. Hicks. of New York, district * -25:1. New York city, wan chosen to an .\I r. Snvomgni oice, and 1. D. Chamberlain, |....mn (`.nIn.. wu uloctad La usnenl the labor wnlcn we ounce enumuu uu uuu. Henry A. Hicks. the general meeter I ` eorkmemelect. wee seen after meeting. ` He mid thet he did not intend to outline the future policy of the order under his ad- miniztreticn for eeverel deye yet. 1 . _,,.._. -._ _ _.___ ' A Sueceeelnl Event. `I The tee held lent evening by the ladies` |' I benevolent eociety et the Ieeidence cl M... , \\ e|eh. No. 51 Cle y etreet. eehpeed ell "other evente of e the netnre they have ' lever held. Both nencielly end numeri- celly it wee in success. end reecte much ` | credit upon thoee lednee under whose men- ` ngement it wee conducted. Mn. Mc- l-`erlene. preeident. end Mrs. Werd, vice- preeident. eeristed by Mu. Cicolen. serv- ed the tee, while the Mieees Birminghem end Brown presided cut the candy table. " The other Iediee who rendered velueble ee- : eietenee were: Niel F. Munroe, Mire Hurt . Mnee F. Sulliven. Mien De-_rer end ; I the ireee Weieh. .__.____,____ Snvololgnl OIIICO, ma 1. II. Unlmoorlum, Pueblo. Colo.. wu aoloctod general worthy foromm. Sxraeld Fitzpatrick, of MOnlh'c_ Mud Henry Boawark, of urem- bly 300. glut wuckera. won chosen an the member: of the executive board. the third member being Andrew 1). Boat. -mu. \-nu ulmvhlnd nhnmvn in the mm: I Tho crow of the nchoonor Mary. whivh inn Inch into the harbor lat nighb for ` . oholtor upon that 3 Iuumr and n hu-go ` no lying 1% nnchor in tho In of the Main lbgch. Fuzz? dcacription gix-on of tho honhilio g t t ey are the steamer I) I). Otlu-in and her a-smut Augusta. which Iolt Cnpo Vmcont at six o'nlooh on Thurtdny owning for Chntlolto. The Calvin and her oonnort an the boat: which tho (`III of tho Two Brothon roportod to ` ham oopsnud on Thursday night. Thoy i no ably Inehorcd at tho Duchl. ` , ' GENERAL P_ARAGRAPl;|.w QIIIIOII In The New Drlll llnll. A mating oi the oonmndiug oioan at local corps Ira ullod tot thin nftemoon st Lint. Ool. HonN:unlnn`_I ollioo to pro- puouliotu`rooIn0.undshcat|ou\ion.no- `ensign in tho propotod,,noI drill dud. `Mn nmn an m-mun`: l.innh.(hl, 'C'VIA- `Inf: ptanfand Ribbed cashmere? songs 20c and 25c. ' V ' _' III `I WQKW Ilflll T- ooun to none Inn: Lieu-Col. ontiunhrl. D00: Lint-Col. E. R. as and nu or Skinner. of the nu. gg; [.84-no . T3-o'. II Hutton. and 1...: l\..I lb.-nnn, 5:` `AH bullpen u x 5 EM: Urn Onl. Def. NI! ungn, me] 3 Uni.-Dal. Ikuunn. uh Bold hungry. I Anuuu w. Novluvlo -an pup... . pn... `ohhdoind qururo for Iubntuion to | 1.50 name 0* -man. ma ddnoo. -._..___._. flit-I--vs vww. -' I! hit. Chg: IiQ3h.|I00c.a I OI ulcru I uu. mturdny night I-nut. and hi KNIGHTS or LAT`on. Thought To Io Calvin`: Boots - _..._ -1 AL. ..I.._..._ I-_.. This Gun llym0|||0l- It wi xinga or over-gainers mlity of felt. , 7 to 10 \ Han Bantyyg mom)! OVER A RECENT DECISION OF` THE COURTS. the Wnter Supply of Egypt light be cut 08-Doee Not lnteud to Ohnllence-To Decide Whether the Present Regency In . to be Oonunned. Lure non. N ov. 1:1-The eo-celled Baro- nebe trade union," in other word; the move- ments of the beronew to protect their righhe and seek redress for their grievnncee in view of the recent. decision aceerding children during the legal life of peers the title of honoreble, end giving them prece .I-..... .4`... mm munanr children of herons honorsblo, mu gwmg mum pwuw donco afoot the younger children sud ahead of buonobo, in taking form. A meeting was held by the aggrieved baro- nets on Wednesday And resolutions of pro- tests were udoptod. mu. rannl-tad nrenance of French oieora edopted. The reported presence at Feehoda. between Khartoum end Wade- lei. hoe re-awakened the feare which Bir Col. Scott Monerie` ieu-ed three yeerngo. when he expleinecl how a civilized nation on the Upper Nile might ood Egypt or out off ite water supply at pleu- ure. This close relationship between the prosperity. of Egypt and the control of the whole Nile from Victoria. Nyunze, to the Mediterrenenn in a power- lul argument in the hands of the mlvm-`ates `oi l.lm'forwurtl policy." 'l`he Engliah public is cleerly growing very` uneuy et the persistent-e oi the In lien outbreaks. The heroism of Slklll, Liordon llighlnndere and the N orthempton ` ehiree wee splendid. but the queation is forcing itself painfully in ion the public `at- mnt.inn- When no can follow this itself pmnluuy )on one puuuu uu mention : go terrible wants of but British blood on the Afghan frontiers." 'I`hn Prince of Wales` new racing yacht, frontiers. The Prince racing yacht, being built by the Hendersone, of Glas- gow. litter the design of George L. Wet- son. is discussed with great interest in yachting circles. ltis expected that she will unite her debut. in the Mediterranean regette next spring, and the Sporting and Dramatic News 0Xpl0B!0d the hope that the American yacht Defender will be there and meet with such a genuine repre- sentative of the sport as the Prince of ur..I... 'l`hAPrinnn of \Valee does not in- OI N18 8p0l`D II! ulu lrluuu ux Wales. The1'rinoe of Wales tend Do challenge for America's cup. .g........,u..a m A Ishtar from Berlin. nub- tend 00 challenge Ior mnencu a cup. According to 5 letter from Berlin, pub- lished in London. I\ number of the adher- ent; of the (laelph party in Brunswick, which has grown considerably of late, are making active preparations for next year's elections to the landtag. which is expected to decide whether the present regency is to be continued. The opinion is held in many quarters that if _ the duke of Cumberluml, or rnther his son. should recognize the imperial constitu- o.;m. nml the nresent Prussian Illll Dun nypnuuuu. I will lltlll the Kama ; I . MI ;l.o'_b oi LA dlt. rl-- u H. ` rl. D ` Pbtl I|l`1on1.rrxht*ugpta: tn: 5 I In to. II wlll pay you w [my thin gun, ll you no any. ll. u-ortolulrwnl now yrm ta I."`Q l1l{yg`|`lu|'IAVon't one 1!. ln nlrunu. n- m for huclnnwnnd It will you " non" I0 will In. _ ouu-_to u for lpu-clog Goods. -~ -___ ..._-----q- -1- I l`N`0glll7.0 H10 Imps: nu \ uuuuu-.~ tion and present frontiers. there would be no reason to ex- clude him from the throne oi Brunswick. The Hamburger Nachrichten, on the other hand. which has always opposed thia view, recalls thefreeolution of the federation on July. I.`-X95, to the eifect that the duke of Cumberland : rule in Brunawick is incom- patiable with the fundamental principles of the federal treaties and the constitution of the empire ainne he does not recognize the etatue of Prussia guaranteed by the cnnetitutional treaty of peace between the members of the federal. and claim! pJrt.ion of Prussian territory." 1. ..,.-.. M. in nu that thin reanlution of Prussian territory. It. goes on to any that. "mliia resolution rays nothing about. the reasons for ex- rlusion being canvelleil by in formal re- nunciation on the duke`: port, so that. he may succeed in Bmnawi--lr. llut. if he did the eincerity of his declaration would not. be believed in, and. despite all euuroncee to the contrary the more would become 3 hot bed ol uuelphic conspiracy. from which the most. dangerous intrigues against lhuuie and the empire might be expected." mm. ).n.m.mr in nnr. hallowed to be the expected." This however. is not believed to be the prevniling opinion in the highest. quarters In Berlin. |-....: a:.`I.l..~i.. Qmitlu in Hm SnnnIenr.1 Berlin. . I Prof. Uoldwiu Smith, in the Speaker. urges the liberals to drop their disaensiona q and unite to provide An otfoctive organ to voice the sobsr oocond thought of the na- tion. Prof. Smith adds that another gmnt. work for the liberals is the repressing of jingoism. which. if unrepreeaod. is in n lair way to get into serious trouble on the Amorictn continent. and aloe where. nu... ....I A: pnnnlvn lug hnnn Lrlinalinnlad Amurictn continent. and ulwwuarn. The earl of Rosalyn ha been Ldjudicnted rs bankrupt. James Francis Harry St. Clair Erskine. fth earl of Rosalyn. was educated at Eton, and married a daughter .4 I) 1' \'u....- of I-`..irlinlrl. Yorkshire. educated at. man, um mu_rnau a'uuuI{LuI' of R. U. \'yner. of Fairhold. \orkshIre. He owns about 3,400 acres of Innd. ml... I ..... Rn. Jnmnc l in /nun nuhlishen He about Si,-Ill) acme 0| name. The London St. James Gazette publishes A printo letter which given I curiuus And interesting explanation of the recent. troubles in the MAhomAnd country on the lndiAn frontier. The writer rays thnt. An oicor. whom he calls "\ wne sent. with a couple of aquedrons to reconnoitre up the \\'Adi|Ai hlley. After breakfast, the ` forcoAd\1Lnced about eight miloe up the whey and halted. when A friend who was with them II Aguide happened to mention In u\"' OLA}. A villnoa clone bv hAd A Bri- with mom Agulao nnppanuu w Illuuuuu to ".\"' that 3 village close by a tlsh cnvnlry horn which bud bolted nt Chnkdarl with carbine. sword. and evory- . thing. its rider having boon killed. So u\'`' ulmd leave from the nolibical ollicor lhlll. ID! l'l(1BI' nlvlng IJUBII luluu. cu .\" ukod have from political who was with the forcemo burn the village. Permiuion wn granted and it was set. on re. um... than in.-..Au-a n-nan nl.nrl.IAd hv hul- tire. Soon the invndere were startled b hul- lete whining put them and were 5; ad to mount and retire quickly. Thie they did. being pursued h the or six tribeemen. who kept ring rom ambush. They got back to camp without cmuaueltiee and thought no more ebout the alhir. but thin wee euppoeed to have been the begin 'ning of the whole Mnmund troublel on the ealne day general Jeneye arrived andeem on the aeeae ground and it nae out at night that his camp wee et- teched by the natives. who resented the deetruotion of their village. In the late ection in which general Jeilroye loet eo lieevilyhe lound hirneell beniuhtod with e ilefenceleee mountein battery end one of hi: eteil. as he took up e position ouuide .3. village. just on- dernceth it and wee red into et thirty yerde ell through the night. It` we the very village which bed been burn- ed and the generel`e battery wee out up eo hedly that it meld onlv work {our gum elterwerde. Whether there wee any truth in the originel etory of the etoleo eevelry hone nobody eeeme to know, but e pretty heavy price wee peid for .\e" lcipihte nominee. lllli IID. mu |_u I 0` 2. gligh mil! ' I1! Mil 1: WA! ICC!`-I-K Q I -our: nun-uuuy. A joint musing oi connittou ol city council. board of cduouion and mechanics` institute V30 hold yuiudny that-noon in the nonunion` inotituo wont. to tumult on who uublislunons ol 1 public lihnry. Thonsuuvonunnidcrod. ndaoounis hlnppainhd Io u-attain huh: fuchnnd :;,nport assassin; Ioboholdlnxtfri ; T____.-_--. - .3. . . -. . . _- .- [II ouuuruut no - Tb band! I. dxj. jg d0-j.Vn.-b1_ Iurvnvu I, an a-tlinchilinn. drlunllmlunuh On Tnutlqy slntsdioi in lsllontocn . J. hamm. in his nnutyuhid sou. llo hunill fornuuounovilh Dcglvfltliunlo. During lhohiing or` Inll R Lgnnnzlnj A flit ` TIIOGIIII A PIIlIe Minn. ..-_. ___--.2__ -1 _.:AA.._ tn` bmt 'wnw.{ sAfrirnu`Ar" xovnmm _ OHALMERS` CHURCH .1uau.::. ----u---n The illnlory at the Phone) Free: In Ver- mm!--u. The aongroqetinn of Chelmen` church be-marrow celebreue the jubilee Anniver- snry of the existence of the church u e pneoorete. end ennivereery services will be 5 conducted by Rev. William Patterson. of : Cooke : church. Toronto. A brief outline oltha hiebory of C-helmere' church would be interesting Al. the present. time. In ISLIA thorn Inn A nnlih in the Church be interesting at the present time. In 1844 them was a split in the of Scotland, and the Cunada" Presbyterian church went out. Kingston was affected, for a `considerable number needed and hold service in Ontario hall. Shortly at-. tarwarde another split occurred, resulting in the formation of Chalmers and Cooke : churches. After the disruption, the church in Cenade became known as the Free church. Chalmers church was organized under this designation in i844, and for sev- eral years the congregation worshipped in the city buildings, going by the name ol..the City Building Congregation." The first sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Boyd, ol.Prescott. Rm. Dr. R. F. Burns. formerlv llo

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