Ladies . V A% Rain Umbrellas. lpIr|II1I||II'40V`|I-I! Ion-nlpohlloll Auusv. N.\ , Nov. I6. --1`huro mun in- ! cnrpmsmd With the mercury of auto to- ld-\_v n moiety tn be known on the Now York State Asnnciution o! Spiritunlist . The vouiety prnpona m co-operate with the national I-pmtunlin nuocintion ol the United Sun): in dimmimting the doc trinoo of opirilunlicm. - A rrohcuo wm-u. Qrr.r.Vs1m\'.\', Nov. 16 -'l`ho Italian humus I-lop:-rim. Cnpt. Marcela. from Phila- delphia on Oct. min. which his [not arrived hon. nporu hning snvonod dating hu- mp Acton the Atlantic. thouonndo of call at petroleum. cabin doom. Ihip booms, etc. Some of tho cuts won mark- .) nl l.|um " I !"-I \T"UjC- I Lnsnmc. Nov. I6 ---Tho duke of hlu-L I home to non! Iotlfnther to tho dnuMIr ollonrmnd ad] Churohil|,o Oornbury 3 Put, It St JI\IIOI' Palace yulcrdn . TM - queen was ropn-omd by the lady Churohillnnd tho uarchlonouol homo. ` The common of Louodnlo wn godmother of the inlnnt. Ilium-. aw. Cd "UIbon.' To can old noun. to but in intlohnt ulccr. or to upndily mm pog. you and ginply apply Tuck`: hhgnoue Ointuoni ucnotdnni to directions. In uogic-like nrpmo you. Sold by E. C.: HIICDOII. Satan Paisley, of North York. drew his money Iron the bank 3! Stonlvillo and alliolvohol nixltvuobob and L_. .....h A. Lt-H-gonna. Q1! 1.5 at 3'0"! IIII IIIKII win uni urn 3.`..2"'..;"a"..`L'..`."'.". A consuuia .6'ii7'_ron. _:.l .`:.. A local mama; `O ,.. In TL- .l..I.A )Twsnr nus wnm.n.1 We will make: it pay you to give us an ordet Wall Paper. Fans: ot Art tutu. Photo- IYIDN idea i ' all the late}: Itylnbytlune ptocus. what Comes to Us from All Quarters. V . lcnnunnsan PARAtRAPllS.| 1ELEGRAM8 FROM THE EARTH`! FOUR QUARTER8 GIVEN. um. llntun `nun [noun lurybody-- Noun I1-on All Oval---l.m.lo of Ivon- thlng Innnuv Rad um nonwnhond by Tho Don! Pllbo. ` lphtherin is rampant in Hamilton. Toronto has `.228 salaried municipal oili- ciala. A....\.L.:.I..... `I .........;..'. hnnllh in xlnwlv l\ l`\`. IIUIBHI improving. 'I`nrnn tn u improving. _ Toronto will spend $90,000 immediately for new schools. I la u..:.......s. ..n.....-uniun Ml`. for for schools. _ J. F. Boiaverh. conservative M.1'. for Nicoleb, is dead. All tho: mtnrinn in Hunlnh are bllBV and Nicoleb, is dead. All the fuctorioa in Gualph are busy several are running overtime. ua. wm..m I....m.r will lantura before tho bur 0! Quebec on Nov. `.:m,u. The dry good: trade of won-torn Ontario shown a Ihrae incroa-0 in business. Thu I3:-nlul Trllnk l`l\\l7llV `NILE rt ODOR` shown `mrae mcroa-o lll ouannez-us. The Grand Trunk railwn was first open- od sixty-one years ago Fri ny last. Rm-nntnan niinsiolmries sailed from New If>-+Lwe:&s90| several rumnng overnme. Sir Wilfrid [murier will lecture before the bar of Quebec Nov. `Josh. Tho rlrn nnndn trnrln nf wmntnrn Olltfi L0l\(lDll, um... III at-ulufawu uu'-.ruxn"""- A Chatbum rm shipped `.300 08865 0!` 6,000 dozen of eggs to Liverpool on Satur- dnv. rm... r!.......l:.... Am-inn Hm mnnth dnv. The Canadian banks during the month of October bad a total vlonranoe of $lI7.- l-'u6,`.!`.. .'). Rnnlinn nI'nu-1:: tn nnntrnl the Coroan \ ork tor work In ngypn on rrloay. The cost. of the new jubilee ho-pital at London, Ont... in ea-Liumted at 360.1500. A Plmtlmm rm nhinnnd `.200 mean N od sixty-one Inuny man. Sox-ouboen nriusiotmries York for work in Egypt. Friday. Tho an-0 nf Hun nnw hnhilnn hnlnitnl I-IU,`.!`.. :). Rueajesn ellbrta to control the have caused at strong war tooling in Japan. I-Inn lmrlpn Fitv.nnt.rink. U C.. aolioitmu In Japan. Hon. Charles Fitzpmrink. Q 0.. general, has been elected batoinnor of the Quebec hm`. Thu (1 1' IL hm: rminmd mm-enuer ratoa Quebec run`. The C.I`.|{. has reduced pnav-anger one cent a mile on as number of its western brunch lines. A...1....... |.':-Ln.I.-:.\|; null nnnialnnlnnv lsrncebrumo. Unr.. Egypt`: population. nocordiug to the census lately taken is 9 700, increase of two million since 1893. m..L.........l.\.:. in krnnlrinn nut. nmnnur the brunch lanes. Andrew Kirkpatrick was accidentally ki`.led on Tlmrnday in the lumber woods at Brncebridco. Ont. l.`.....u`. nnnnlgnn nnnnv-(Inf tn `J18 sun YEAR. NO. 207. of mllhon IIDCO Irmzz. Tuberculosis in breaking out among the cattle of Mr. Clark. A dnirynmn, near the Oltuwn experimental farm. Tnnnn fnr S`)."i(NM) for new !0\\'6l`! in Ultuwn exporluummu nu In. Tender: for $`. .').0m) for new London. Ont... huve been accepted and the work commenced immediately. In... o..~....-....|.inn| nninn nf Rnnlnnd. work commoncea Immcuuu.oIy. The tvpogrnphicul union of Rosalind, 13.0. in in revolt. over unfair doaling by the Evonimz Timon of that. place. TM; Rllhi hnnr nfnrlnmxtinu `Ill \Ot0d pupil! 0! mo cnlleumto Innntuto. The banks of New York on Saturday held $21,765 150 inoxcona oftho require- ments of cimulation and buaineu duals. 15.5`... l.l....uhu-A nitiumn nan-A Hmul Ah menu 0! clmulnmon nnn nulunou muuu. Fuft._v Brnntfnrd oiV.i1.ens were lined st tho police court. for neglecting to obey the board of hen|th'a order to 01099 their walls. n:..:| .......:,... lug nimm lhminn. board or health : nmer (0 0mm ululr wou-. Civil porvico reform hm: givon ltncino. Wi.-cons-in. two separate police forces, each ofwhich I.-ponds ull its time watching the or her. 1.. L..A|...... .. ....lnn nnnrnnnn I hnv renhzad. Mrs. Trimrner. of St. Thomas. Ont. has entmred on action to recover $5,000 nniuat the (LT R. for canning` tho death of her hnnbnnd. m|.- .J--u.. ..t M... \X7:llinm imnnnn, the I-Jvonlmz `nine: or man puma. The Sarnin board ofodncntiou has mborl down the prnpm-nl to charge fees to the pupil! of the collegiate inntituto. 'l`hn hunk: Saturday other. In Chntlmm A judge sentenced a boy named George Allnmn to two mnntho im- primnmont. und live lashes for indocent. :5- unit. 1).... (V A l1m~I\n.n- nnslnr nf Lula sanlt. Rev. (1. A. Barbour. pastor of Lake Avenue Baptist vlmrch, Rocha.-mr.hns boon nppnintod president of Rochester uni- varsity. `Nu. fruit nnnt. tn l-`.nn`nml bv the crow- Cool Nights vanity. The fruit ntmt. tn Hng`nml by grow- orn of (lrimnby, 0nb.. In an experiment: has been highly successful and good prices mnlizad. u... m.:.........- M Q. Thnnnnn Ont. hnn mur your- Mennrn Tnrte and Mnlnck ware among the speakers at the opening of tho new mom: nf the St. John`: ward libornlclub of Tornmn last. night. hr Thnmnn Pxvnnn, Hm fnmnnl Ameri- husband. The dunk of Mrs William Simpnon. wife of the Indian land agent it. Wlnrloll. One, is recorded. at the age ol seventy- fnur yearn. \l ..-_-- 'l`-..5.. --"I \'ulnn|: negro nrnnnu Tornmn um. Ingnc. Dr Thnnuul Ex-mun. the fnmonn Ameri- can dentin. who Aided Hm "Ihh of or am- nnm I-Jugumie in l.\\'.'0, died in Purim on Sundny. He was uvemy-ve years of INF. ago. The Ontario government. has rent in- npoctor Greer to I-Zmhro to invoatisuto lam canon of cattle poisoning. Two hundred dollars is oered ion` the Arron. of tho otTon- A--- UUINII dora. A -I norm. Arthur H. A. Mm-hon. oonnorvntivo, wn elected to parlimnont. for thn borough of Dnptford yesterday by n mnjority of 824, nfnlling of?" from the former conoorvntivo majority. my Immlmd mindear Are to be collected majority. Six hundred reindeer no from the l'nitd Staten government. horde in AIM-hm take part in the oxpodition M he cant. In the eight whnlorn ice-bound in tho .\vcHcJ |l'|\."I.|u--1. at Panto. Tnrnnln Inn}. in mo .-ucru-..I Th Iuhernln of Centn Toronto met. in 1 convention at. `[0-mpornnr-0 hall last night. I Ind nominated (8-.-orgv H. Bertram as their standard boa-or i 1 the coming bye-oloctlon ' for tho comrm nu. n..-- nnnnnnn I....I..I. at In-min kn-n Call for just a little re in your ---ln "nu uvnntn (` If. this for ma nu. Over 6.0(lI0\H bunholn ol trruin have been xdoctroyod by Iron. in tho Hiubricb bound by the on of Aznv in Runio. II was ready for export. and comequomly will Ion-on the world`: ampply. Th; Nan Vnrh, Nor Huron And A- will Ionon the `term : nmply. The New York. New Haven and Hart.- ford railway oom pmv hu boon covnpollorl to pay 8.'I.'$,m0 for the death 0! l:`.mily.i`. Mixnll, ol Now York. TM: in the lust verdict roeordod under the new luv. '35.. n....s....r L.-tun nnmrnluinrml-I verdict. ncomou unnor me now uw. The Mnntrul Inrbor commiooionon have mlly nccoptod the plan of hnrbor $m,.ro\-omonu propo-od by the dopamncm _ 0! public worn Tho povnrmnonb will do ! the work. vhieh will con %`\.000.0l\0. n 1- .o.s..I nun oh. mnnnn that Mr. l the work. which Inn con |.1_mm,n--u. - - It in -uhd than the nu-on that Mr. Sovereign nnicnad from H-0 oiu 0! pund- mufu vorhmn 0! that Knights oi labor in that in might. have fun Much to run for pm-idom ol the lfnitod Sun: at the clean 0! Mr. Ht-Rinlovl Mm. ` II-L- ....c...... .6 'l`nnnnnnnn alulinnhrl ch. 0! Mr. nlolunlorn rot-In. Tho vrotonnl of `hunt:-no dorliosud tho | nriouu monument: onebed on the battle- lhld of Chiciuuup vumduy. Time was s ` largo Anonthnoo of the gum! Army of republic and tho govomor at the men of `hunuuu. n 1- ..........ul 15.9 nnnntinlkn nmnn lint tbn mu 0! Tnnonooc. M in rnmm-M um negotiation: an on foot M button Austria. I-`nnooud Horunny in regard topho onporunomn at cumming an intormuonal oonhru-to to noon 1 gen- cnlncrunontlot Ibo dimension. or its .L.n.u.., nl -an I-nun. ll ZICDOIII III III unuuu mum... at am italics. | ma. Archbishop Lnngovin`a health is slowly m nrnvinn, "Ian" In cushy. b0) Unit lot Juan is muu uru nu ,uu. grate. You waste Cuel at. this time unless you use our Straits- ville Coel-p|-incnpslly because 1 amnller volume of it will hold the tire. There are other ree- sone; some Coals are called " Stmitaville" by courtesy. What we other you we have handled. exclusively. for years. pl Ind hear all Ibout it. But Any Penalty the Ilnlster of customs lnsl Decide. 0'rr.uu. Nov. l(i.-8ir Cberlee Tupper sells for Englsnd from New York to-mob IOW. He goes on minln business. In is understood thsc Sir Cnrlee purchased some valuable mining properties in Rose- lsntl recently. ' ~ W. H. Barry. as counsel for the Lslrsnce company. is engaged in arrnngin with the customs department. for 3 set: ement. of the trouble which bss arisen over the entry of the engine purchesetl by the cor. nnrsbinn ol Ortewa The entry er. Nisgsre Fulls was made. not by Lalrance people.buh by the agents more or Mnrun & eons. Mon- treal, who are the repreeenbssivee `in (`en- ndn of the Lsfrnnce company. It is not improbeble that the outcome of Mr. Bar- ry`s edrta will be the granting of permis- sion to abs firm to nmlso an amended entry. but what r-hall be the penalty, if any. for the alleged under-valuation is an lnatlvr for the minister of customs to decido. mu- \:....I ll... hnrn nnoiml Sir Richard minister or customs to necloo. The Head line have notified Sir Richard Cartwright. that tiny will withdraw} their refusal and accept tne subsidy ol $7.500 for winter service from St. John. As the amount. was voted to them their accept.- nnce of the government : term: pebbles the matter and all the winter Iubendiee are ar- ranged for. Dlvldlng New York ltnte. ' New \'nnx, Nov. ll'i.-~When the New York legislature meets one of the that bills introduced-. says nssemblymign I'M.- rick Trainer. at the thirteenth dictriet of New York city, will be one providing for creating A new state. by permitting is con- utitutionnl amendment to be pinned and approved b the l'nited States govern- ment. divi inn sixteen counties of the mate and included in what shall be linown us the state of Manhattan. The counties which itis proposed to not oil sire: New York, Kings. Queens, Richmond. Sullolk, Weatchester. Orange. l'utnnm. Dnchet-u-, (lolumbm, l'later, Greene, Rnckhnnd. Al- bany. Rensselner. and part of Schoharie to be formed into one state. with l\ popula- tion of 3l,ll0Il.`.l`.'0. M computed with `. ._ll7H,- l`_`fl for the forty-four remaining connties. This would make the new state of Manhat- tan the second lnrgoot in the union in re- gard (.0 population, Ponnnylvnnia ulone exceeding it. -.... _ . ..._, . EIITIIII III IlDIuI'Illl- l)r.1`mu'r. Mich.. Nov. lll.--Robert.` he:-ho Whca-on, l) I) 8., L I) 8.. of Montrenl, was married last. evening to Reno Gertrude (lrme, at the residence of tho hrldo`| parents in this city. Sawhelle lmlmlarretty, of Montreal. acted arbour. man. Among the out of-town gueece were David Wat- son. {ether of me groom, and Arthur Smell, of Montreal. and Min Mllle .unl Charles (lroao. of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wnuon lelh on an eastern trip. after which they will take up their reaidence in Mon- treul. A In; nlnrtgugo l"ylod. MIc.\'n.\n|.~ur.n. Mich, Nov. Hi -Tho large Inorlngo our recorded in the remabrnrhn ol oe was trnnoorlbod unor- dny. It mm the mortgage 0! the C icngo &North-wutorn RR. 00.. to tho United States Trunk. 00.. of New York. und John A. Stewart. trustee. and was for $105,- 00().()00. Tho mortgage was in we rogu- Isr form and mmie R pamphlet of eighty- bhreo printed pages and in olfoctnul umil IP17. /- IIII nru-w on -cu-. l.uVnu~:, Nov. 16 -The queen in return- ing to Wlndnnr will mnke linnl arrange menu: for the settlement of the ducheu of Tech`: eetete. The duke of 'I`ecl`1`n income wil|`ho heavily reduced by hi: Info`! death: but she left: him eb Ieeet. H.000: year and jewels and plate worth 8::5u_uuu. These Will probably be purchued by the duchooa of York or the queen, end the duke will be enabled to remain at White Lodge. A Pouch Tron Dnmlnd. \V|\`n.~xou., Ont... Nov. Iii --JoIm Murray. A farmer near Wood:-loo, has commenced n uninowhnt. novel action nsrninab W. llilbum nf Lnaminamn Mireoning Mowror, Mich. He claims that Iho defend: I'I Iumod one of his pench trees winch Iuul boon imported from England by stripping oil` the buds last spring. Ho ski for SWO dsmngoo. IIIITFU I987. Sulllmn `rain The Watch. Hoorao Sullivnn has taken the watch of- forod by Don Mullnn for the running con. lost. and which properly full to him. up his opponent failed to appear for tho nal race. (`.on. Millnn in thinking of taking Sullivan to (lnnancque to chnllomro all comers. Bonn lilm Bight. \\'muw1w'K. Ont. Nov. I0 --l{enry Dalton was tried before Judge Finkle fur robbery and felonious uuulr. on Mr. Mar- shall. pork doulor. and at-utonood to Lhroo yours In Kinguton poniI.ont.iary. EAWFOH[l'S Footol ` The old four nanny building of the Nut:-imont Go; unnufncturimz chovnimn, Chicago. was burned, together with n Inn amok of pepsin and hum!-ioun foods. The low in estimated st Sl0u,000. woll un- I -..-..l | [VIC IV` I aurod. __.__ the Party or the Dinner wherever full dress is .good form. our DRESS SHIRTS have those lit- tle touches of "tailorst made" about them that add so much to your isatistaction and com- on F28 T`?! 1:. uvmasmu &aB'o.. . Clotmcn and Furnlsllcn. ' "M13 and 71. Brock st. ; MAY ARRANGE IT. -i;}rio| lA)ot-Iwdnll. ... I xv In In- Tho nuts 0! `l'u~k. In vl\n.- _..,.__. OPERA T '53 763:7"?! nnd cold odneadny. hlophono D. .Manl|es&lackels fo Prices an inspec- tion will tell you at a. glance they are right. ..._ I` livery (Ear-ment we show is thoroughly 171'-'11 )-DATE IN S l`\'l.|-2, FL'|.I. TAILOR M.-\m`:. [STEAM STEAGY. unu. IILIIII. Tm muunm mmnnnI--In-loo Pr! OOII mum. Tolophono nu. Open Day Ind Nth . fE"'].\'|-`.l\'\' (}.A\l\'\ll~`.NI` l.\l- mlm-:n direct from the makers in Berlin. Dlnot. lmpurtars DI-an Hood: and Hnntlu. Ilnn up n uunm u. hunnm Unnn-run um Inn.III--1d Prinoou strut, Oornu Bydonhun shoot. lo phoua oomln nnloauon ~ ------no T F. HARRISON COMPANY Iv...l..-o-L.-u nvul Itn\|u|I|nnrn_ ill And H D. D. Uvlvunu L A; l'NRl{Al. l)llHCC'l`0E. 881 PRINCESS BT., Klmtat.nn.uuoonumr to W. I. Brennan. r - III .L 1 . nAnnLDULV \J\lJ.ILL_'L&` J. lhulamuern anal ltnmulunon. I38 and II I`rnnmuu- an-om.. 'l`hnnu:-- Wnruoonn. I0. Ilouhlulwo. 91. Upon clay and night. Qj-- Fummu l'uu-max ~Ab Sb. Juan` church. Nuv. Nth. 1:497. by the Rev. J. K. Mo- Morino, M.A.. amused by the Rev. Mr. noon, of |Bolle\'il|o. Rev. R. S. Fornori. l%.Il.. rector of 80. Album church. Adolphunbown. and Rural Dunn of [An- nox and Addington. to Junie Alil Phippon. ofthia city. I max H(`)l'uE. 1l|nl"VI. add to on . o Don 3011101: on. nWN|`0 Ion hr. Hopmmlm. App: non 00! R 'N|.(`Il. ALAIKHE ll`llNl W00]! IN UlNTlMh luunllty. modem tmprm-gmonh. Drlvah homo. No 3 Brick Torn-soc. oppmlu M. PomI`n Huhlmth Hohool. Montreal hunt. ::- HA1` muunnlolrx-I nmol not .14 Ni. .-lmouod nn Barrio Strut, 09900 10 I Orlvkvt Hcml Mn lnhly Mon puun no ronnlr. Non! runnlushlo. Apply to `J. I `NR. Hnnh-ry (`,0 , CH-y. -?n~muunn1ous How am. MI-ut,opuo|1 n.1.~x..u. rum Mu lnhly nuum fl|I.0 D! II ruum lull VII/II vucuul-. us can: mu -I water, I-aru Hull; mum unl lltchon Item. can pm` month, nu-ludlnl mm and vutur Anni: nut xlour or to 45 William St. mumh, "Inn-ludlnl gun um vmtur Apply loan St. TWO l.All(H\`. 0()lI0l)l0Uz-I NEW BB1 llomou. In-M the rumor of Alf:-Id In PI-lnnuu Htruntu. nonhunhm In rounmhol wmor fnrmwo. and all modern lmpro Inrnhurli Maul. Fur furtlmr pm-rlmllnnupo to Man. .(1.'l`mummN. Oornar rrlnoou an (`Jun hum Strootu. Prof. Oupenler. The world`: greatest. hypnotlet. will open ethree nigrhtfa ongmemenu In MO oporn house M. popular prloee on Thuml ox-suing. The Ouuu (unen hen the to - lowing to any: There was greet. fun ll HreuI.'e hall Int. niglm It. me the open in`; performance there of Prof. (hrpent. the renowned hypuobist. Several in the nudxonoo nhuoet went into convul- eionn with laughter and had to be con- lrolled by friende eiuing elon aide M them. l'mf. Carpenter proved in mqell to ~ be An Artist. 0! the very higheet ntteinmenh in hit lino." We have just passed into stock a new line of Ladies Rain Umbrellas, fast color cover, steel rod, Paragon frame. "natural wood hand- les. Each Umbrella has a good cover. The whole outfit is lady-like. $1.25 each. I) with hm-h nlnuo and dmwlo roomuan` mmlorn onnvonlouou. on. ma Queen Hhoot. The Beefer line nteemer "lake Bapt- ior" which errived M. Quebec thin motel: ; in cm her I-evemh Mp. which in the 0 4 time on record these velel-bee led!` sewn voyage: {tom Liverpool to Qeeblo 4 in one oeeaon. 1 EL. nu... Ih.-an -III nnrlnnllno tin.` W3hi_I'!U.$ f Luke. 10 |.m.:-Sbronga vliudl - W` and 1:13. westerly to noh wou- arl , min; ooldor. with local A Him I: snow full: or urriu. fair AA-.l|AI`II Bunion:-MI To Fourteen \'IIl'l. Mux-r|u:.u.. l.|uo.. Nov. l0.--Judgo Hal in the court ol quoon`n bench. an Augusto Bruenu to fouruou yarn in tho penitentiary lot dragging md MIh(|IOlI.- Iy robbing an old country Frenchman, . nunod J. Bruno. of H.001! Inna In tltll ontylut. Sepumbor. / ' In . Sir Oliver How will mrnudot IIIS dopurtmonkol juuioo to-day and Iish sworn n ur ltouumnvgovunor of Ono urioon Thundu . 1 --x- ._.l and no u-ngthgn nnnu-[Ind ah 7 nnoon Inunuu 5 Snow and col or washer pnulld at Winni . the thormonohor During touohd xorofort ontunnthianuon. go a long way towards the: appearance of a g-entlennn._ We have received our nevi stock and have a remark-f, ably new ueortment. ___ Ac Wdchj-udhvcllo O&'dPl&1Wj AAAI A. 0. Jainism am, and Mornings liq Are one of our Specialties. LAuIEs*'mcIii1ntu's WEATHER PROBABILITIIQ K Alum ltl'l!NIiHl(`.D ROOM 1!! URNTlLAIa lmmlmv. tmonwomonh. _. '.""` " I ' _. .. .._. k OARIHCRS CAN BI A(XX)Iu0DA with both ulnulo and donblo roomnml nmlnrn nnnvunlauuu. Dunn |I`O0\. .j- `BRICK H()lY'.-NC. N0. 1:? (`OLBOIINI OT, ' lmtwui-Ii Bunio uni Division mrooumi 9 mm haul: romu uni water olouonhot uh I in-an ant. In Iwr mumh. -1 P. M. EDITION. kgirf T I\||IlnIVIlV\I I uni DI)` HENRY BRAME. run..---an nun A um -|nnA st.` '3As. mam, . in-.__... --- ,1 TO Lf." IAIIIIIIIIX 1 `COG ll&r. The Bully New Book. rot Whig Bataan To Post Thomnolvu bv. ' on" in coming. See "Shnnnon of tho Sixth'Ib the opera` house tonight. The aocinlmmogod by Mina Medley-"ac ' old will be held on Wodnuday gening instead of Monday. 'l-umamhar St. Paul : Sunday school con. ygening instead or Monday. Remember St. Sunday cert tonight in the school room at 8 p m. Come and hour the concert of the season. Admission. adult: I50... children we. A 1 r'1I1.~x'i'.n1'.ATs"- Cnxnniss HALL. N I-IX PEIIIENCED IAN). Apply at 161 - ANTIs])-lNDlIs'l`m gator. Tm: Lxxsc-u'r` ` 00 To unuuoq ml Servnnu Must, An-`Iv tn Inn, MnwA'r.l ___..------.--_____._.___..._ GANANOQUE. A GOOD UF.NF.- rnl!-lervnnt. baa good Imuuulmsu. Apply to Its. own`. M) Johnnmn intro b. --w __ . . . ..... nu _\ -_f, WANTED-TH,REE LAIIIRS Tu l.V I`B.0- duceu hm1~ehold work. Bplena-M vo- thrns to competent. pa:-noun. J. UALLUWAY. Toronto. : `GOOD GENERAL NElU A1\'T. ONE WHO undormmulu cooking: also It undor uurue Good rufanncen required. Apply to Man lcsomsu, Roynl mu-my Cuegp. Gentleman's Umbrellas at $1.00 and $1.25. Steel rod, natty handles, Para gon frames, taet black COVCTE. . , WAYTKD-AN RXPKRIENCEI) (`. \NVASS- _.' to travel and anpoint, nu-Ms No msnvusain Salary undoxpeu an aid. True nnum.|:\'-( .unu~:1'n0N (`.0 . Limned. --rontn. . h EN AND WOMEN Wm) (MN WHKK hurl talking and \Vl'H.UI_BiX houn daily. for six days a week. amul will he ooutant, with ten dollars weekly. A-lnirmm Nnv l|\l-ZAS `!n., S E. Corner Bay and luchmoud Sts..Tur0nt0, (int. \VANTF'.D -- HIGH-uunm-. vvuvn-\n \Ir gondvhurch standing Willi--at to learn om huninmm. than to not Ma Mummor and Our- mumnulen`. hare; Mnlnvy $900 Ennlmm self- nrldrnsae-1 ntnlnped unvolnpa h) A '1` F'l.m~:II, (lenoral Manager, lmx A. Nl|'0 Imlly Wmu. _ luui inesa, than to art. as Mnmnnr and ()urre~4~ umlenl. In-re; zmlury SWO hncluue sn|f~nd- I-eased smmprd envelope to l`. A. lcnmcu. Gononl Mmmuer, box A. mun Dally Wum. ...____.__..____..__.__.__._.. \VAN l`l".D- HIGH-HRAIJE WOM\N U!` 00dI`hll|'L`h mu hu..ine:.a. Munnnuj (`_>|_-- \ ANTEl)-Hllill-HRAIOE MAN OFHUUID church nN\nlng. willing to learn our and (`:0rre~4~ nnndanl. In-re: hnglurge !)~I\d- I ELP-REl.IABl.E MEN IN EVERY L0 oulity.lonnl or tmvnlllng: to lntrodum nncw dd-oovery. and temp our show can! tacked up on trees, tom-on and hridgu throughout town And vountry Smudy om oloymnxm Commlsllon or salary. $6.`! po- monzn unrl axpannon ml money damnin- od in nu hank when uhrhad For pnrtloulnn nddrun me W()l.l.l) Mkmcu. ELECTRIC Co London. Ont . Cuuudn. S ArtStore;| ,u~n'1`AR!.H-`LHILD 1874. Arrixfing daily-En,qrnviugs, Etch- ings. Photogmvures, Etc.. in large variety suitulgle for the holiday season. h'ADY&6'0| E3 Exhibition _of Paintings in NEW ART GALLERY opens DEC. lat. Public invited. Fine Picture Framing a. specialty. Tm: worn. in London. Ont , ..._________. pnnqu gmv FLOORING | vlivur--_' ...-- -- . -_ ,7- Hardwood Floor: are permanent. and will lut nlifetimo. They are becoming popular bocnusa of their beauty, durability and cleanliness. Why not have one in your Hall or Par- lor 2 See samples and designs at the practical maker!- The Carnovsky Company, I32 UNTAHIU STH I-.ET. f'Pl|nnl 1 -I --?:-.----z-1- |(|-_6m9 om: IIOUSE. D] lEE:1?nT'i6Is_=: l I59 Picess STREET. I 'Phono 1 --_ \ IIKIIIII\llI III I.II\; \JII\I.uu u A Thrillhm lmy nfthoe uy Ra-hollinn of 1916-`. A .~u~enic- -luplny uf ( riomn| numni- nor P0. the Mum --I the nu-rhI\nim\I In-v, inter- morse-| with l.ri.:l\- and lnh-retlimz .~|v0(`h||- tin,-. `co the Unmt Cnunun Wm 0 Th`. nlnn will onou Monday at I!` n. m. :u\ ~.':-m{**T iussmv. NOV. M}. A (hand nvpnrhllnlly in {ulunsin an idea of Iinnlnlm`-o |onih|e Hunt In-Han Wnr.! Tna'l`:uln~nIed Yuung Auhnr. __. -- -\J'\IQlI'n Th". pun wllx lIW)`0l"4. Pram ._. _..-._:__. 'l`Nl\IInl'o lull IN um I: I , Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Nox . 18th. Nth and 1019: a?:_:. Illlu II- n sa---..--`y `n E. E. KllN`ER'H l`.u-nrml Renliatiu I-IMO 1nd 1 War Spqwtnrlo. .5. 1- -1 (`I 1`, I99 llul V\ Ar Hpevrnu-nu. Shannon of the Sixth ! ; -n..:nn.... ~n.\.r nflhu Hurmv Rvholliulx lint npponnnvo berm M {ho Worl-I`: Great- est Hypnotm, I'I`\II I \.IUIIIu -_-v--_, Pine!-tin: 90 you than llmn. Ku|r\'lml.I -v .1 |.nu;|InMu. Porlmmu -1 now Nlum who pub- lh`. Chung: ul prdarnmmo every night. Dan`: fall tn A00 him PING: nmy I-n.!I`cnn~! .1 v. ` Sunnght Baking Powder 3 .'.`...R.9.V_E i I>I>I>ll>I>` I-(I-I-I>l> l>I>l> IIGIGGE` 6 _ntivnI io on-V CMIDETS ARE BLT TEMPORARY. Tlmunlx choir nut. W J. ll. WlI`l'I.h In doing I you Inn bu:-Inn In Klan!--n than an II; M up capital and ngmuu noonnon-on it to all. ` Exvnlunucnn roux AND nonalc- M167 King St:-oo_t.. Stop right here. Read this udvertisement. It will interest you unless you always go bare- R_-A..l In In nknni E 1'! III Zuni--u no--n Wnnur-3.801. I3. -II in undontood. hath! Hod C. H. Mnciinmvl. in It `hovqublgthauthwul IVl|'I'lOIip on Jun. ht. will an 150 odiklhlchit ol tho %hnl. l_(1_._!|nnt. -- - g nan: F501 riiu_'i'.h 1-.A s'9 -01301:.` Ju~P1.v`' The Guard%iFn. tins.` tho (tnnnun `vol /The plnn open nwyufu. Pnvon 15:`. I ! 0 and I5. A.NT|D-lNDlI.H'I`R.l()US MEN Uh` UH U!- Lmsrowr (`.nMl'ANY. Toronfo. _PRor.[..IsI2_~.I.!*_~. Ill!` I:\II'I.IIl:II l\I\ll|- n\\-tun. w. H. Powa R. .. -. nun-.nn-u n .....-t..| u....I;-oi.u I-`n i`.`s?.$a`I'l'..'.`$ T0 VROVE to your nliulacun mu tnnhlul Inn Ono him uafy In noouury. msn who no using it apply nu-no -r Iorno um urxuu '1` in no .-anal. HIT JVII nlw- u you .. -..... foo . It is nbout SHOES-- not cheap in quality but cheap in price--whcn you buy at um: um an in no equal. mos. u. qonns. 5 0 H 0 :10 PRINCESS 81'. FIRE AND LIFE COMPANY. LOCAL MEMORAN DA. .r_ . _ _ _ ,, , (EBTABLISHLD 1874.! ..._rL..__I \._: THEE!-3 mun rs ()NI.\'. , I`,I_l_-. -....n dgbu-J: }W75i 7575?] bum war i0Nl1l|.E|l.| run cAnAnA:s_gJsI mcms| JIJHNSTIIN & 80., Cor. Princess am! Bagot. The Dlscussih Still in Progress at Washington. CANADIAN R`EPRESENT-ATIVEJS WILL STRONGLY CONTEND. ` They Will Not Agree to (live Bonotlt Wuh- out Recolvlng Iionom. - The Qnnulou Involves other question: on Iloth uldu n.. A...-..|..-n nmonv. \'|qw|-A gg llther uneeuonn un um... unnu- --An Amen-Icon Ulllclere \'lewI-A Bull of Settlement Ilpy Boon he Agreed Upon --Olliolule Wlll Boon Return. . W.\siii.\':'mN. Nov. 16 -When the Behring see meeting began lit the etatede- psrtmenl; yesterday the delegates stated that there was every reason to believe than the nal stage would be reached before night. The expert:-,it. was relmbly embed had reached ecommon ground of under- standing and would sign a joint. report, with this plan in hand. The (liploinute planned to devote the afternoon to consid- ering n joint Iuruemeut between the llnimrl l-lmmn and UreatvBrit,ain for the joint Iuruement Detweun mm United States and Great Britain cessation of pelagic sealing. This feature was ielt to be the vital issue of the negotia- tions on which hinged not only a settle- ment of the Behring sea question but, also probably that of reciprocity. border immi- gration and all lliequestions pending be- tween the United States and Canada. From reliable quarters it was learned that the diplomatic contention had already taken delinite shape It is understood that the proposition of the American represen- taiivee involves two features : u...-. .I...r a`..t...I.. mmimi. i.lm imnerinl ....,..........,. one year. It. In M involves tenures First. that Camuhs, l.h('()lI|{h the imperial ambhoritie-,ahal| consent to the stoppage uf pelagic peuhng for one year: and. second, that negouations shall be opened for 8 suspension of sealing beyond this term of nun Vllr. l It is understood that the Canadian of- ficials do not regard this proposition with favor. It ie said that they would be glad to reach any basis of settlement by com- promise or fair concession, but they How this proposition as one for ab solute surrender on their part From this standpoint. an agreement to stop seal- ing ior one year and then to negotiate for stopping it for alonger period would iii- volve` their giving, without any denite respect of receiving. benet for benet. Vhetlier this shall develop a critical issue when the diplomats got together cannot be foretold. Each side insists on ita respec- tive coiiteniions and both are earnestly hopeful of a solution. From the American standpoint the failure of the negotiations will not only affect the sealing: question be- tween (lrent Britain. Canada and Uiiiterl States,hut would implicate the recent treaty between Russia, Japan and the United States, the entiie theory of that treaty be- ing that llreat Britain and Canada would co-operate in a limitation of pelagic seal- ing. From the Canadian standpoint. a failure of the negotiationii would affect not only their Behring sea interests but also reciprocity. border immigration and the many subjects on which they hope to se- cure adjustment. Tim Attitiirln nf the ndmiiiistration to- ldjutnmnc. The ettitnrle of the werde the subject of reciprocity with Cun- udu is probably disclosed in the following statement of a government ollicinl: "The task of the government would be made eueier if the etetenmen in congress would be controlled by the interests of the country etlerge. Some of them. unfortunately. confine their views to n particular concession to be obtained {rim n foreign country for a local inter- e~t. und then desire our compensatory ronceoeion to be made. not by their own, but by some other locality. They make of reciprocity e eeries of questions to be 4-ettled in the interest at mrticulnr die- tricte. We Inn be able to secure errenge- mente which wi I Add millions to our nu- tionnl export trade and yet it might be de- feated by a combination of a few minor local intern:-tn, not amounting to a million. Yer reciprocity manna mutunl concession. Without this nothing cnn be O\(`l`0mpllnllQd. We must give is market if we require one ,,....r mu-....nn`Iv A true nmrket. but an O mu!-I: [_'l\'0 merxeu II we rvlluuv mm --not necessarily a free market. accessible mnrkot. Take voal for an illu-- t.rat.ion. By giving acceaa to the New England count. we might. gain nccoae (per- hept concml) in the coal market. of all con- t.ralCnnnda, with mutuel advantages by reenon of geographical and transport can- ditiona. Would it. be wise for cool pro- (lncere toantagomzo Lhooe natural condi- tions? It II the same with other artlcloa ol commerce, where the long water trum- portation is lmlanced against short railway carriage. In some things we can avqnuro an almost exclusive market. greatly in- croaaing our export: in eyhange for n merket open only to the competition of the other party. "Rnit in with name uh-nee of the nneation 7F(3'17g otnor party. . Suit in with some ph-not question ofloqa uni cmrno lumber Against manu- facturer: of wood. V\'lm'-es-or wn onlnruo the marker. of mmuhnvurvvn we inevmshly enlarge the lo-unnni nf nur raw maternal {mm which they re math and this tendl tuinoronso the price [lid to the origmal 1 producer. The ndvnntagu of incnuod undo no widely diunbutod." `rm. dglmnhg m tha Baht-inn nu moot- ILIIOO ere Ilaely murvuuwu. The delegafen to the Behring meet- ing hui condentielly expected to bring their labor: to e clnre yesterday. but after two erduous eeeeione. leeting until 5:510 in the evening the ex rte hed not been eble to reconcile ell their ditferencee. It wee determined. therelore. to continue the meeting to-dey. Up to the time of cloeing yeeterdey the experte hed mede good pro- gress reaching` an eareernent nn ell but three or four reeerved propoeitione. There, it ie expected. ten be egreetl upon et this eaorninfe eeeeion. eo thet the expert report our be eigned end the meeting concluded van for en the experte ere cnncernetl. This wall In-she eveilnhle ell the date nrcee-ery hr enneidering the vital dtplnvnetic question of Mapping Iegtc reeling The mrention in thet Gen. newer. Sir Wulfrid Lenrier end Bur Louie Du-iee wall meet the afternoon to go ,over the re- volve reported by the experts end. it pne- aihie. agree upon: be-to or nettlornent. The outcnmo ol thie duplornetic meeting continue: on be much in doubt. II in eeeheg bee yee ed :-it e ywnible nd lorenieeble edjootueee. E-ea-sh eeereeeeteeed thetlttletevee "..':.".L?.'.".:-.:'.c.":'.".:'.".':.*?.'.'.'.': ......___.___.~. __ . KINGSTON. ONTARIO, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 16.` 1897. of the continuance of the meeting Sir Wil- frid Laurier and Sir Loni: Davies will not leave until to-Mniglm or perlmpa to-marrow. _.___:.. Amerlcsn Bepreuntnglve At on-dl Bap Bnleed A Storm of lndlgnntlon. LoNnu.\', Nov. l6.-Hon. 1). T. Phillips. United States consul at Cnrdi". Wales. in in a peek of trouble. Out of the xiponeee of his experience. he has been telling the pie 0 V |lee of the awful einfulneu of bicngo, where. he says. drunkennets and proatiuntion widely puovsil with the cor- rupt connivance of the law; and for the pnrloun condition of New York. which city, nye this American consul. "is now a nest of corruption and Tammany thieves. If u.. m..u:.-.. hut` hnnn mnmnt merelv to of corruption am: '1 amiuany. wuevus. as Mr. Phillips had been content merely abuse and villify his own folks he would have been well. but he was simply holding up Chicago and New York as awful exam- ples to the people over here. `With ex- quisite taste and remarkable tact he tells the pee le of Cardill` from the public plat- form t at although Chicago and New York are almost as bad as hell. Cardiff is really worse than either in regard to the openness of its drunkenness and vice. l'robubly," he said. there is more vice in Chicago and `New York. but Cardill`ex- cels them in the freedom with which drnnksrds and prostitutes are permitted to llaunt themselves in the streets." With the perversity of human nature the citizens of Cardiff have complained bitterly of their consular libeller. The presumptuous Welshman have not hesi- tated to say that the American consul has no more business to go about abusing the institutions and people to whom he is accredited than an American ambassador. They want to know what would be said in Americalif a British consul in New York. speaking from a public platform denounc ed that city`s wickedness. drunkenness and social and political corruption. "Lot Phillips, they say, "stick to his consular work and reserve his sermons for home consumption." It is to be feared that this is just what Phillips will not do. He is unhappily a Iluent speaker. an ex parr son and a temperance advocate, amiable qualities in themselves. eapecially if their possessor is a plain citizan, but distinctly disadvantageous in ll consular representa- tive in a friendly st-ate. Mr. l'hi|lips' in- terference in matters outside his ollico has grievously impaired his powers of useful- ness to the government. and the good people of Cardiff say that the least that ought to be done is to cable him muuling orders from Wusliington without delay. Juno-nulun ulmvultlu. L0.\`Im.\', Nov. l6.-A dwputch from Shanghai says serious tension exists be- tween Japan and Run.-ia,owing to the lat- teneoxta to control the Coroan customs and that some of the leading Japnneno ministers are urging the adoption of strong -nan-nrnn 'nvnn tn Ilmnxhnnt. Of W3!` nnnu.-ten urging one nuupuuu un uuuu-5 meuurea.'evon to tlmextaom. of with Ruuin. But. the marquis Ibo diacoumen- ancon this step and urges inabond that Great Britain. the Unit,edSbIt.oe nndJnpnn make joint representations to Rllllil on the subject. of Goren. Arrival cu llmclulu. H.\\'.\x.\_ Nov. Ill -The Spanish steamer Aliennte started for 8 min to day with illm pick or invnlidod no diorr. The `steamer Alfonso X ll arrived here to-day, hnving on board annitery sub-inspector general Mane, brig.-general Diego Fngoron. twenly vq ollicera, live nlmplinnn and TM) soldiers. Admiral Luis l .n-tor Lnndero also arrived luv the Alfnnnn \ll. He immediately re- lieved admiral Navarro. the Spanish naval commander in these waters. who will re- turn to Spain on Saturday. uol-many u Tlken Artlnu. Cm.m:.\a., Nov. lli.-A deapmch to the (Suzette from Berlin mya that tho nnilnrn and l'l1`|l'lll0 belonging to the Harman cruiser l).viAion,oll' the coast of Chinu.h:we in do a landing in n force at Kiumchnnbny, 0| nnnrnnf hurl . tn Ynn (Ill Fl). in lyll de limuing in Iorce at l\l|IUClIlIlIuIIy, tl nearest port to Yen Chn Fu, the Ionthern part of the Chinese province of Shun Tun, where the (lermnn mii-~i.ini\riea were recently murdered, with the view of forcing the government of China to com- pletely satisfy the demands of Germany. .4._ --_--, -_-__.. Another Death From smellbox. Mu.\`1`|i.i:.\I.. Nov. Iii -There is another death to ieport from ernnllpnx. that ol Flore Philibcrt. the twenty-i-ixrh end lest pelient eince the outbreak of the dmeine four and ii half months ego. The girl was employed as neerviint in St. Catherine's boarding school from which two of the pupils hiu] been previously taken with the same disease. The rchool hen since been under quemntino regulations for the Int fortnight. Weylt-r'e Conduct To no Invenllgotod. M \l|ll.Ill. Nov. I6 ~-The eemi-otliciel cor- reopnndeiwe, referring to e Havens de- npetch published in the New York Herald, Sunday, mu-erting that (Ian. Woyler cer- rieil ell` maps and minor documents concern- inz Cube,nii_r- : "The gravity of the note- mema does not permit comment. The met- ter mint be completely elucideted. for if conrmed the government will be obliged to iieoume an inevitable attitude " NEW sT0 T~:".|