Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1897, p. 6

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.iHA=4< :-.i1i'ch Material for 18: yard, regulausc. ` .- :..-|. n-nan (`_nn.`n fnr '.lEf`,_ --?.__..__.-jq- A Iouuodlu Pan ousting". __ \'-_ I IS I)`. ll`: 1'31! DAILY Wvlluat. TU`l9Sl).:LY. NOVEMBER` 16, 1897. Establishment ofsn Anuooomonl Govern- inenc would Not. Eoa Warlord. 1 HA\'A.\'A, VIA Km W391, Flo . Nov. 16. -Cm~.si`tlemble anxiety is expressed in of- eial circles here as to what. will hap- pen after` the arrival of (Jan. Wogler -_in Spnin. Many Spsnigh oicern are re- sturning to Spain on Ipuve of ob-once. and their number has commenced to attract. Mtenmon here. Even in this city there is a feeling of Iuppreesod resentment nninrb the Snguba osbinet. and there are lnurmuvl heard even against. the queen regent. due to her permiuing the premier to attempt. to on-tabliah autonomy in Cuba. Hugh mdln [ha Hnnninrda the mean i! the as-Lablnm autonomy In vum. 3 What gnile the Spaniards the most ` feeling ah the abbernob to entnbliah auto norny is_due to bhoinuence of the United Stnboa. - ` "Bl... mhnln nnnnlp in runnina Hm mmf. Stnbee. The whole outlook is cunning the most eerioue eppreheneion emong the wealthy Spaniel: residents. and it. is intimated that a civil war in Cubn_ would beoerbnin to follow the establishment: of an autonomous form of government. The Cuban: are quite excited in their utu-r~ ancee on the eubiact. and timing `the last. few days have made thmnlelves heard fre quently in public. ` Ir. wnuld annear that the mere prospect r I I l Null: lllrd The child. On Saturday last a little three-yeerrold daughter of Joseph Wilson, Rideau etreet. met with A very painful accident. one which it was at rrr. thought would de- prive the little one of life. She wee pleying with a blower and n-ciden- telly lell while the tin imtrumont Inn in u her mouth. It struck the oor. end her weight. in falling upon it. turn the roof of her mouth uvuy. The i wound bled pmfmely. and Dr. Bell paid it use the worst. accident of the kind. l and the most ditlicult to operate on he had ' ulendod. Tne little zizl in doing nicely, but may have her speech impeired. In spite M the met that the press h--e repeated y warned perentn of the dengeroue practice in ellowing children to bundle these Instr-uuieuu4. they take little or no notice and euch eccidente es the one here recorded is the result. Dr. Bell thinks there should be I luv prohibi- ting the manufacture and Iele of pee-blow quently In public. It would appear prospect of autonomy is making matters worse than ever, and day by day the belief grows that only annexation to the United States will save Cuba from anarchy. Mrl. BOl1,IIIh)|ll Soles Thought It Wu Cough Mixture. What came nenr terminating in a fatal accident occurred this` morning when Mrs Benjamin Soles. James street. nearly end- ed her life by u. dose of carbolic acid. Suf- fering from a cold, she thought to secure 'reliel by taking n dose of when v-he thought was cough mixture. Although the bottle she took the mixture from was llbeiletl "Sweet Spirits of Nitre, she was Eoudenb the contents was a mixture frr coldl. and was in the act of takmg a tee- spoonful when noticed by her husband. He shouted wurning but almost too lute. She had placed the I-poon in her mouth. and the {right she receiv- ed caused the handle to drop from her hands. Some of the acid was ejected from her mouth, but the greater part of it was swallowed. Mrs. Soles fell fainting to the lloor at soon as she be came aware of the nature of the .~atulT of which she had pnrtaken. ller lips, month and throat were terribly burned. n.-n Rn mu! Rnnn were lmntilv num- and Lnrnnu were wrrimy uuriiuu. Dre Boll mid Rona were hrintily num- iiioned and upon responding found Min. Salon in a precarious condition. After nearly an hour's work thay succeeded in rescuing her from danger, but. left her in A very weak (`0nd|Li0l1. She had a very mir- row escape, and but for the pf'0m|I'Il88" in i-curing iiiedicnliiid would hiwo succumbed. It. will In-hm Mm guuno ru , 0 its point. And in mm up than lien: and hrlmn them I um. up this -2: .. n. It will on you to buy ml: gun. If yqu The Steamer 'l'|lley Menu Heavy sen and Twice Rune .\gI-ouuil. The nteemer Sir L. Tilley and consort Merritt. had it very rough experience in ninliing her voyage from Fort. William to this port. On ull the lakes the F081! rolled ercely. greatly impeding her progresi-. and training the timbers of both boats. The most vigorous seas were met on lake Erie. where the Merritt. shipped is quanti- ty of water, damaging a portion of her citr- go of grain. When the steamer wee crow ing this hike the wind blew at the rate of eighty-2-ix miles an hour, and raiued such a. tumultuous see that the steam- cr labored from four o'clock in ` the morning until twelve o'clock noon-in going the distance of fteen miles. Early this morninz she ran ashore on the edge of the reef at. Four Mile light and whistled long for relief. but no tug responded. Her con- sort swung around with the wind. and hi` i-iiiiin on the tow line, together with ihe power of rover:-ed wheel.-. the steamer alip. ped oil the ledge. On her stsirboerd side, the lead line measured tilt:-en feet, and on the oppouite side twelve feet. The Tilley was then drawing fourieen feet. Reaching the hillbl`, the steamer again grounded near the Birrieold score, but was relemicd withoutdiiculry. R l\liicK-iy. of [Iain-. ` ilton, the owner was in the city to day. Kenny Robbed I Pour Pulmmuuer and Ro- ponllnx. rum where the lwnoy Wan. Mll.\\'Al'Kl-IE, Wia.. Nov. 16 ---W. J. Kenny in last. July robbed postmaster Au- ton. of Luke Church. of 8200. He was tried and ucquiued. but he was re-nrreeted for steulmg II bicycle in this cnty, for wh-ch he is serving um months in the house of correction hero. Yesterday he leurnel than the prmxrn utter he robbed was un nnnr than ":1 nxunw, in MM YY.0Y'lIV.(`0|'|- "1014 y \\'IF Hlfln. I I: wuu .h~co\-cred in a woodpilo near the pun! nlhco. Kenny ul-Ao am] that he was at-out to be mamed. but. when his bo!rnt.h- ul lmrnad of hm cz-imuml carver aha fur-~ sook hun. He uh] he had no use for the money. and \v1|n-`ed the po.-aumtamr, who needed it. to receive the stolen money. Ie:u`ne.1 I-nan um: pueuxxlsmm uu luuuuu -um u poor man. llv cwllnvi in an auoruoy.con- Vt`:-`Haul the robbery and told him where the hidden. I 1: Wu! .h~r~n\'ered in woodr-ilo . APPREHENSIONS IN HAVANA. Dreyfus In no Innocent l'ARl~`. Nov. 16 -~.\l. Schruror-Kentnor. one of tho vice-presidents of the tonavo ngiuting for. n reopening of tho cu. of Capt. Allrod Droyfu. undergoing imprin- onment forlihfor the nllognd selling of important miliurv phone agent: of 1| fomign power. Claims to have ovidoneo which inorilninsloo mother. cunning IIIO uunrp or In! UKI Inuvlnu 9] deputy calm wnrdons in Colorado. batch- clatinp that he ironds 9,006 that on xik-ox and his dopuziu no triad [qr mur- , . I |.[|.r`j ll!!! Vvlruuuu vv-vu -----vu- I D;_1\`u;. Colo , Xov. N`.--ROV. Hymn | W. Rood. paint of Brmdrny IOIIIPH. 31- cgggtgd gouuhing o! I unntion while dio- cunoing tho killirp of the Uta Indiana by rlnnnou aging -gyrlnnn in Colorado. bI.da- cuugun was on... Blnmmvua. H3, .\"o\" 16.---loan Bap- tiuo Uuulloootb nu unncod has today ____# onlhehu ol having nbhudmd nur- (ICHJ St. lsibd Qn. -u-u:':`:.u. o,uI:u:`:u. uupIIU_ -h-L ' nun. qy SWALLOWED CARBOLIC ACID. n 03505303 mun no um | u to. It will on You buy you A ulnodi lmvvono. ll a-ortululy wln mu ym tn l hntlt f` on huvolm. one In (4 Ilrun, to- Ilg I hm Iuuluo: buuluua-nun it. will got. ~ Mao minui- sowlll vu. Come to un Io: so n-um; (luodu. GAVE BAdk MONEY. ... Charges The Warden! with Curler. n__...__ n.|_ \'-.. Io: D-.. 11-. A Rou-e'i-1' -VOYAGE oown. `IS A CENEROUS l)0NATl0N. .1,noss RoaE31:s_o'n ewes 3:2,- 0.1`. It. Elevator In Godot-Icln Wlll {lot Bo Bobu|lI-0huno In 'l`ra|n IorvIoo- A lerionu Accident Ilr. Ono: Nnmed An I Llquhlatlgn. Tonoxm. Nov. 16 -Jorome Hill. I biz cotton operator from St. Louis. Missouri. is looking around in the city with I view ` to opomrg an eatahliehmeut here. Tm (jnmdinn Pacic rnilwav Vvill on I 1 to oponu g eatanueumenn nuru. The Canadinn railway Sunday wiglidmw ono trniri each way be- tweon Hamilton and Toronto. via. , ll sun. from Hamilton and the 8:40 p.m. from Toronto. This will leave ve C.P.R. ' train: each way for the day. In ..Mir.inn tn hi: mnnv fm-mar peneroul tram: enen Way Iur nun uny. In Addition to his many former generoul domwione.J. Rose Robertson. Mv.P., has just. given $12,000 to the hospital for nick children, which has been doing a noble work in Toronto, but is loaded with a heavy debt. . _ Ir. in nrmtv carbnin Hut. the G.T.R. will heavy debs. In in pretty certain that not rebuild the elevator recently burned at. Godericb. It: cost was S-I5.00U and (lode- rich is regarded as no longer a sutliciently ` importanu gmin distributing point. 0 jus- ' tify rebuilding. The lrada will be divided 1 between the elevators of Collingyvood and 1 Sarnia. An A-uulahsnf nnnurrnr] Ina}. niuhh nnl Hm I Sarnia. An accident occurred last. night on' the C l`.R. between Guelph and Guelph Junc- LIOII. Farmer J3`-. Benson was driving a waggon with two horses across the track when he was struck by It passenger train. Both hm`:-es were killed. the wuggon ema-hed and Bowen in now lying in a pre- carioun condition an Guelph hospital. \v;n;..... Rullu, n vnunn` married man.! CHFIOUB OOIICIII-loll ED uuelpu uuupluun. William Sullv, a young married man, who lives at 141 Gerrard street. east, was sent to the Central prison for nine months yesterday lor stealing 3 bicycle and selling it. for $l'2 I- 5|... ....-.-nnnon nmIr~I'. this mnrnino E. :.js1':I'i"cJ1'=1:Ja1Lr..l an and H Prlnnon Hf-root. for $12 In the surrogate court this morning E. B. O.-ler. M.l .. was appointed liquidator for the Farmers loan and savings com- puny. ` _ Haulers m tova anneal` to antlcxpatenl - . Deniers in toys` appear anticipates particularly proipsmun season. The im- ports for the laar..four month are $l.\`,1)7.'), aw against. $31,456 for the same period last. yeah Pnlim mnsmble Welsh was set upon be Police constable Welsh upon tween one and two o'clock this morning by half a do /.s>n men in uniform and badly beaten. Ilia assailants were Royal (Irena- diare, probably members of ("3" company. The oonsl.ab]e red four times but none of hi- Ihoba took ellbcb. The vrowd then took the revolver from him and left: him bleed. ing and exhausted on the ground. The attack took place on Lippincotb street, wlnch Welsh mu patrolling. Steps will be taken to discover the identity _of the uarnilnnts. A Ch0I:In[ Prole-Ilon. Henry Clown. the reliable New Yoth 'btnur. nyp: "The forces working for an impmvomont. in the nancial pituahon an mbotantinl. Those in the opposite dine- tinn are mainly Iontimentnl. Tho huh 4)! the means ndunoa in nih-ood,ueuriI5on i still in oxiotanu. of which the nilnul uminge urtho ovidooo. I vongutatht predict-ion that the coming Iprinc bui- nouolthiaoonntry vnll buholnrpu on an-nnod"\' The Berlin System 3 Grant Improvement on tho Americnn Dinner l'nlI. In New ldnglnntl Innnulucturlng town: you will sue scores of children going lln-nm:h the streets on weekdays. each carrying a tin dinner pnil. They are mk- lng "pup'a dinner to tho fnctory In many Cll.RU: "pop' is allowed only hnlf an hour leisure nt. Inldtlny and this does not give him time to walk home for dinner. He could tnkoncolu lunch with him in this morning but he wnnts some good hut colfvo nnd nwzmn dish or two So the nuontlmo dinner pnil. tilled with stonin- lnn mnscionmklng food. is sent byonu of the children` i |.. u....n.. . "can.-n nl nvnv-|rIv\nn'n tllnnnll tho cnuuren. ln Bcrlln a system of workmen : dinner cnrts hm: boon mluptcd which does the work much more mtmuctorlly Finch dny .. II .. n\ cl... non-1.: lnnL'n thn I-nnnnln nl mineral out Wont. 0\I.\ll.\. Neb.. Nov. l6.--A heavy snow hue been falling over the western put of l the mute for the luv. twenty-fou_r hourn, g and this storm hoe uemnevl the proportion of A hlirzard. I Same snow has fallen in the eastern part. ' of the stile and et Omebe. The storm Attained ice gnnbeat. violence in tho northwestern part of }\'e- ? hrnnlm. extendim: into Wyoming end \ South Dakota. The mercury is hovering ` around /ero all over Nebreekn. end indiom ` tions are good for a storm of considerable ` durnzion all over this motion of the west. l HOT oIN`NERs`%5 WbRKMEN Work mucn IIIOI13 RllU`.~llI1'.u)l'lIy mum uu_v nt, II n In tho carts make the rounds of ` the workmen sdwellmgs and colluct. tho * dmuors. V\`Lllcll are placed In In-den dishes \ /I Ho Loved Too Much. I 0r1'a\\'.. \'.w. 16 - Too much devotion I in the fair sex he! not Mr. De Repentigny, i of Hull. into trouble. Lent. week he was tried Ior breech of promise at the instance of Mine Courville. I `bluahing demsei. who fully expected to capture his hand. Judg- ment was given this morning by judge Lwernne. in which he pointed out. than the defendeni. had made the mistake of courting two ladies on once. and being nble only no merry one. hed inicted 3 wrong upon the other. In View or the (act that the defendent has only a mall supply of | thin world's goods. |.hQ damage: were ea- ` seated at one hundred dollars. Picture Framing --.l I`)- v-- A W0llKMAN'S DINNER CART IN BERLIN. of uniform size At ll :80 tho carts meet and sort out the collection The dishes for tho \'lIl'l0llS tnctory streets nre pninwd n (lliloront. colnr. so thm. one curt tnkos. for instance. all the yellow dishes. another all thu blue onus. and so on Inn... ...|..... an |......lln.. nu. nan-O, duh-an CDO UIUO OIIIPB. ll 50 OH The wives. on hnndlmz the cart driver thmr hushamls dmm-rs. re-<-.el\`e A clean dish to be used on this following day. the empty dishes being oollu-mud from the fun- mrws As (no carts are hunted by not Mr thu dinners um kept. wnnn glunmz the dis- tnhnunn and the workmen not thvir Invnls ns hut. as It Just from tho oven. Tho ` -lmrgo lor this Iervlce is loss than 4 cents a month `rIj$Cv!II-I$CIIZ.:-0 , lnnaox. Nov. M -150 Daily Chnnlplo `huh. n-hlinhnn Ihntlndk duh j III. '0PIImIlIJIZu&- 51,, up 1- I\_n_l1 IITCOSTS JUST one cEu_T_ "SALAI|A" The Purest and Most Delicious of All Tens. . Sold in Lead Packets Only. 250, 30c. 40c, 500 and 600 per pound ' Don't Forget to TlT_>ajtAronlu ` -en: Reeldente of _Anetln. I n.. Moe From `l`y- I pholcl Fever and Diphtheria Brrrxnn, Nov. I6.-A_epeoia| to the Timee from Austin. Pm. says : An exodus _ ` 01 resident: has been going on for the put two or three deyn. Those tbet have means , ` to get away from thie plague-stricken vil- y hue ere departing es fut ee possible. Their objective P\n:s an about us various en the relugeee are numerous. Typhoid fever etill reuse. The number of victims 3 in new npwetde of 100. Le hee been pre- l viouely reported. e malignant form of diph- thetie hes elee broken out end in eleo nd- ing ite victims. A._..._ - I III IIIU vvvluu-u V-nu Pun-r Coumnxn, Onu. Nov. 18.-Hon. A. G. Blnir. with John L Payne. his pri- nu accreuty. Mr. Thompson. engineer. and Mr. Gubnon. M.P. for Lincoln. an-ind here than morning on tho car Cumborlsnd. The party vi-`nod Dunnville and rum:-nod vo Port. Colbomo to man In inspection 04 the Wollnnd canal. Caner Brno. kindly plncod I mg at. their` d-apmi, And A thomngh inspection of tho huboc wu- undo.` Altar nohon rido out on bio Eric the _v prootodod doim lb uul an In an allund. when thynd tho I!- utnoou thin for `Iconic. _.._, __ ,_ .-.l....,,- __J --J----- filly World. Vueonvor. lLQ.__ ` IL. 1 D D-Q logical D-A. :Take advantage of these Bargains before : we close : {ART AND CURTAIN M1rsr.ms- AT WALSH S GREAT CHEAP SALE 5'. B. LoUE:Ks,335 KING STREET PLAGUE STRICKEN VILLAGE. Don`! Throw Aw: RELIABLE, STYLISH AND INEXPENSIVE. 7c, 80 and 90 Art Mn.uIin.:, in fancy colors, 5c yard. 15c. 17c and 200 Femuy Tinsel Urnpu 50 yard. lc Fancy Figured Sllkuline 100 yard. 20c Fancy Double Width Mun-liun lUn yard. 1130 Wide Bordered Muslim: 100 yard. 250 and 80 Fancy Mushns 160 yard. 200 aml32bc Double Fancy Curtain Muslim 150 yard. 85c and we Double Fine Swiss Mualins 150 ysrd. -Tea Cozios 25c for 15c. fine for 25c. 600 for 35c. AT 25c we have a ne lot of Fancy Dress Tweeds and Cheviots, new and pretty patterns. AT 35 Fancy Mixed Cheviots' and Stylish qr-10` [\| 33 rancy mlxeu \.al|CV1ULB auu u.,..u.. , Tweed Eects. JOHN LAIDLAW & sou. on'in_J'7uIIuu cum. I` , ,_ V , __ AA. \_, In \NALSH S. You know all about our lalge assortment and Low Prices on Dress Goods of the ner quali- ties from 75c to $1.50 a yard. If you don't you ought to for your own `interest. ,__H `X7;-\'1nun fnnlhhl VRIIIE to `interest. We have remarkable value to o'er you at lower prices, Goods which, although less in price. are fully reiable and are stylish and handsome beside. \ CEYLON TEA To send us our. name and address on I Poatal for 3 "FR E" Sample Packet of Old Pictures Cleaned and ROIIMHBJ Tom in Ooooo Doylo. A friond 0! his hid ofton boon hold was than in an nkolouon in tho cupboard of ovary houoohold. no mutter how roopocb oblo thou housohold mo ho: and he dolor- .minod to put. this 0 niontooprocticol | most. Solocting {or t o -nb'oct. of his ox- ,rpor|mont o vononblo on-oh oono! Ibo, church. against whom tho moot oonooriouo critic hod novor broothod I word. ho wont to tho noorooc poouolco. and donpohohod 1 thin ulogmn to tho rovorond gontlomon: --A||io diooovorod. Fly It. onoo!" Tho amhdooooh dnooppoorod and but non: |bobr-hnordof_-inoyu been received In um pace at In Ic- cidem which happened e! the cotton- ginning uabliehnenl o! `I . J. Semlnenll. who llvee near lellln Creek. While ell the workmen were hey i not- eenin tlleprenlx-.Be|n _ l ell ve- . you--old boy`! o?:I neneged to get in oh- no.-n nnnnl. gndgj j In Ilnonon hr A Dual`. I30: locnuy. Ilioh.. Nov. l6.--l'nd Cuwlinw Ivtnby-In ynn.`ol up, mun- ht Bros. utoudvo coda: buy- cmwu 4 dull lnndtylolrullcufroun Cunning` `ovunbulcnlotadurby I until tho lay rm; us. A an or cotton. Wnunou. l`ln.. Nov. l6.--News bu nun nooivodn this plan at an no- -.|.,,. _L.-_L L-..._._.J -5 ILA AALAA-n. THE MCCLARY M'f g. Co., Lennon, MONTIIAL, ` Touonrro, W-uuurm, V nccouvn. Q3 . lulu; Illln Io Iwwlouo. ; tl h Mir M! II to %; an-. Iona: in-. man. IIYIIPOOI. IAIKITI. - NOV. I..-W' N. *1. VI aid hmfolde No.1 ` 1h 1!` onvn -_:_.:._"'="..s.'.:.'.': "'= ""3 .":."`? an.` ':n 3.5-: -2 nu. ma I lenture. Oven ventil- ated and cem- ented lop Ind bottom, ensur- ing even cook- ing. Dal` VIC. I10`. `tail : Boll an. .4 --* ....... T W v- ii A . can \ } :.":-`-....:f~..g'-';.':: :2. . ,'..*-....:"a;. .;.*' luv u. | K 1 No.1 ' |O0NQHI\vd.&\%o Io: lb toNo;0t|6. ,I\owna:Byo.Ivo loll); .0-Oonunl dunno obinoonohlann moo, I Q n Iolmclcoo. f In guns; In In: inn. Io Mo. . ;,F0I', `this week we offer some Sgocfgl Cut.Prices : c'Jn': 07 '-_'nuo-n... `4 O mortal rpviaionlnoi Int evening cola mud Iluocninstoa fora locaul im~ . Iovtro-uLiviug-toaavonuou-cl mutant. `thovorloteouuucdngsho oovcwilibohrgnnonu. - -,_` ` I Ionian ruoooot innnnn. a mu. 8 .3:-mo Reno! `bnr -3'3 q:l:t q.:":'I..= pu'::` 0310 sgu-I: :15. A _nl) In Cl . ll to Al): nun. Sm. SPECIALS .88 and 90 Princess Street. ,-._-_. OOHMIRCIAL. non-unit. noon nnnn-I. AI] 0! m:l.IuPuuoInuvu...._uu n It .... .. - .u....'.... 0 J I00 IIIIUUK uncut: I`, whom you can choose from our lly dimronn uyuu ol Mouldings 0 Frunr to -an the Plo- tnro M rig Q prion. OM Burton: l|'r-unu. P. OIILKE mm npolr HIM. Sllvov or limmel mom oqnnl 0 MI. nvlnq ynu Inmm; .._...___..__._._._._-.___ M Inn Invest Pnco. All on Imus -cl ma B-out Mroom. opposite Holden lduu Gwen` Klunton. snd prompt num- Ilon wl \ ho uvon -1 nu -IX}-J--L 4-I.-I .M and I1 Prlnoou ____.-_______ IVSUIII .Q)\n - 42-inch Dress oods for 25,` worth 35. % _ !_-L T\..-_- r`,..-.l. `Ali 1A!` IIUW IIVIIIUI Ill! Ivvv na-av-n Expctb workmen. good mnberinl And peuonal Iuporvilion on ull work contract or oehex-wine. R Wo make contracts for` Uooonting Ind Glazing ` new homo: at. low gures. " - A ...--l__.-.. .......l Rnhinsnnmsy 275-7 Bagot St. anluepairing. Hinton Boson-non. 01u'..u, IUD: 4 will Iprlnu MN; Am] in urine nro..ut.l-an DRESS uunnsi - I vitod to Ibttnd mo meaning. In ll nluogothor likely I muting will be ` an-Ingod botweon tho Poborboro And Grun- : in footbsll team: for tlnnhgiving day. I rho Pom-boro aggrogasion uh 75 to `come down. The K.A.A. uuooinciou is willing to put up 850 Ind the street. rail- } wny company will make up aha bnlnnco of the required unountg. `.\. .`I. ".\!2'l.", .'l"_`I ;~rn.- (!_~v-".; .1 Q huguemo, nancial sev.ret.nr\; L. Van _ luvon. trauurar; C. Holder and I). .Iruma- can. duroctora; W. \V. Sands, M. I). and | B. Knapp. auditor.-; W. lmguotw. u1.ma~ u`: F. W. Cmnpbell. conductor. What In Tnnnplrlng In tho llponluu Anna 0! nm nun: mu. Tho Hamilton Timon wants the Cum- dlm ohunplomhip game plnyod in King no 1. 'I"ho Osgood: Iootbsll club bu protutod the gum won by Hamilton on ' Hnturdny. There are eight ch: on laid. 'l`h.`u-m reunion or `Sum:-day : name, Thoro ought on: on ma. Thognbo receipts `Sum:-day game. i Toronbo, wore SL396. and the exponuea 8184, leaving 8l,2Il be be divided. Of this amount. tho tum: get $484 each, And Ashe uninn 8243. Mk; ll`.-nnnnm hmkov tum will re- the union 0243. The Frontenac hockey tum orgnnlu. The duiro of tho mun ls to ilntroduoo nnumbor of younger playoro. who have not berotolore appeared in lmchoy olroloo. Every junior player in in- vited attend the meeting. In .. -Inurnthnr liknlv n mnnhiml will \lhvu Toronto Ulobo A um-o I-n-iah (iloomy woether rovailed for the Boe- bon exchreion which on here today. The event wee nob ee well amended as had been expected. owing. doubtless. to the fact. then there had been two large excursions ` recently. and the ndvenving reason. `Home 0! those who left at noon to-day l were : Mr. and Mrs. John ()H`ord. Prof. r lleKelb. Mrs. J. Helligan. L. W Murphy, I (H! For Barton. 0 George Wilson. B. W. Robertlon, Mine M. Wilder. J. F..l*`eranson and Miss E. Reid. I 11' "4-unnr Infr. hu rim (Sana \'mnent. } Wlldei. J. l`..r`ormIaon Iuu mien n. nulu. J. W. Power left. by the Cape Vincent. ` a onmar. He has bu.-inon at. Albany and New York And will iebum with the Bouton party. Min Wilder will remain until the I spring. ______ nu--. nn__L -I- 151.....- A very bright end thoroughly enjoyable tee was given by Frenk Kirkpatrick, of Trinit.y university. in his attractive momn ;in residence lush Fridai nfbernoon. The ` plenum. nlhir was bold y the genial host 1 in honor of his sister, Miss Row Kirkpat- i rick. who is staying in Lownoh present. with ` Mrs. Tyrroll. Sborbourne st:-eeb. who nlno acted uchaperone on Friday. A bache- i lnr bee in college is sure to be a particular- ly merry function, and this was certainly no exception to the rule. Among r.be.ot.her gueote were - Mrs. Grant. Mecdonos|d.Mias (inns Mnodonnld, the Mines MoGill, of Kingston; Mlu Main. of Markham; Miss Theodore Kirk brick. some of the Be. u.|.a.. .......... I. in: mm! a nuvnhnr nf hha WUI ul 3;. A42-inch Dress Goods for 3oc, regular 40. ' I31..- All ll7..nI Tnnnnrlnr` hr. Theodore lurk uncle. some or and no. Hulda young In ioc. 3nd I number of the `other Trinity students. | Don! Buck To Huron. Lent. evening Jacob Roblin. whose home ie at Picbon. epplierl er. the police ehwion , for protection. He had live dollars in his l paeeeeeiou and was well able to secure for . himrell proper ecomnmodnuon. but no I doubt wee desirous of paving the ' cost. Roblin wane at one time en inmate of Rockwood hospital for tho ineene. but ehowiuz signs of recovery was ! liberated. He wee kept. in the police etu- ` lion until this efcernoon when he was placed aboard the etenmer Hero. the oi~ oere of the boat. being inebrucbed to lend him at. Pioton. QUITE IIKIII u-II! Tho semi-Annual meeting of tho Buster- Mes brass band. was held Saturday evening. Inch inst. Tho treasurer`: report. showed nhnnd-~*- uu'l\'u hand Aftor paying all linLm..nus. the foowinq ntlinern wore elected for the ensuing nix mnnths 1 Sam- uul Jnmicmn. preside-H;'I`. Furgu-on. woe .... \\ H .....u .n....u....... .1 Q St. Andrew`: Society lmloel-I. The annual meeting of St. Andrew's eocneby wee held` last. evening at which these ntlicere were elected: Pronident, Jamel Stewart: tint vice-proaidont, l)r. Neulnon: aecond vnco-pneident; J. B. Mc- Key; secretary treasurer. A. Horn: chap- luiu" Rev. M. Macgillivmy; auditor. J. B. Mel ey; piper, J. Clark; bard, Evan Mc- Co I. In -.- plan?)-rl in min: I nnnnnrf. tnnnrn Klnulann llulry NI'mmI ` Tliu (`IA-r_y pohuul npeun I-hm veur vnlh tlmmnwmk tor nu IIuIp|e1\s|enN| -wwm. .\|rom|_s' lly-nus slu:lmnh- lmve bum. I -nk' eel/Emn-ivlwz- it In ink:-I_\ :|n- unm- hor, vull he gromly nuwlcm-ml bu-'-re "m rchlnul opem on 'l`hursn|u_y. `. 5Lh me-K. Superintendent Ruddvck looks furmml to turning out. a largo chue of superior cheeno nd butter-makers. which will strengthen ` he present. high ropubation of the school. 91}. E. Publow hna boon re-engaged up in- ntrucwt in choose-making, md L A. Zntolt. ol Chasm-ville. will look after the hullgn-Jnninrn Uoll. It was decidod to give Q concert. townrda the clo~o at this month for the-purpore of replenishing the fund: of the ooczety for charitable purpose-. To llulld. Buy Or Chin-tor. Capt. Cmig will mturn tho sloamor Paul Smith toito owner. who loaidoe In Mon- ltroal. Tho otoomor won only chartered. land not: woo! will ho taken out. `Captain Croig hon boon ollerod many llno ntaotunorn. both {at onlo um to clamor. And he will negotiate with the owners 0! than otonmors on to their terms. ll those comic: in undo somlucrory. thou ho will build 3 noomor how this winter. In any cue Capt. Craig will I hovoo uoomor nub summer for oxcimuon r"r*" ___ A loolot Ioou7o_-. ` Friondo ol 1`. I`. Vonluvon. tho missing ox-oountv ctouuror. tho roprooonuuvoo of tho guoruntoo oonponioo oorrying his rich ond nouhoto ol tho nonoo oolmniuoo of tho county council won in connulution to- doy trying toorrougo o ooctlonont o! tho ooontyoo cloimo ogoanol tho mining mo. cum. , Thoir noocingo won nocrot. A low Ooouol Anoogod. Tho Wolfo inland cuunoil not this morn- ing in tho ollino ol I-`olgot hrovhoro and tlgnorl n can -ml with lhot Gnu to supply . lho Wollo ioloud forty. Tho new contract V `o ptochoolly onmwol ol tho old puivil- ogu cuulrollod by Vulgar hrothora. ` lnptlor I'|I'- Aulgu. Join Tierney R San. Arnptior. Mlod 9 la um crditon Io unto `nu mignmonv, nudthoiroor Imus 35.2. mm on tho IA|IlUIl' Ul uuvu buuoblntkora. IUBIIIII qua Fine All Wool Imported Dress ' Tweegls, 5oc yard. - ; 1 54-inch Tweed: for oc and` In Bonr'y:1.:!-T_5._ _. ._.. -.___..__.._. sroinmcs PARAGRAPH Ghvo An I Jonblo Tu. llmu-not Ilnnl Baud. u . 2.1, smppnn in HQ SClSSORS.! run very CL- AND THE NEWS TOLD IN BRIEF FASHION. HOW Iulunwuu-u. uuun, Cvun -mu.-. - .-..-., King street. [bit likely that W. R. Brock will be the conservative cehdldete for Centre To- TOIWO. n....I.-- -.-nomlun Hnnr, NIH. nnncknue. Quaker pancake our, loo. npuckaga FiIher a. -~ _ rm... nnannln nf nhuun In Canada '30 (`IV 753.? FiIher The supply of choe-o in Granada to day exceeds that of thittime hat you by 131,- 000 boxes. 1.11.... 01.. nnw Hninnrt, inllien in one 000 boxes. . Jellycon. the new do-`pert. jellies in one niinute. 150. package. J. Fisher. M Rnmu. um Dalvnnniot. onndidatmha! minute. mo. package. a. maner. M. Romu. the Dolynnniob bqpn elecmd preaidennof the Greek cham- bor of deputies. '1' I), Minna: hm been annointed to bar 01 deputies. T. D. Minnos has been appointed audit) the book: of the township of Kings- ton trouurer. `In `Fan-nnfn nhrnn nnw hnnl APE (1lIOt;Bd In Toronto choice new hops are quoted `ab about luc. to 12. per lb. in bales. Old hog-y are nominal. 1 Ln]. -ylmnr. nnr` Hr-nlmm llnhrfi. beat how nominal. __ hole wheat and Urabam Hoizrs. beat for dyopaotica. Finhe:-'3. Mn, W U. Kidd. viaitinz her son. Dr. for rlyopaomcs. Lmnera. Mrs. W U. Kidd, visiting son. Kidd. at Chicago for the past six weeks, returned home to day. nhu-In Willxinnnn has numhnIed`(} S. returned home to day. Charles Wilkinson has purchaled `G O'drieve a interest. in the poulbry farm of Wilkinson & Oldrieve. u-- n..-|:m. at s'.u...m nmnl. Man, um: Wllklnlon oz Umrleve. Mrs Purliffe of Sheep Creek. Man.. wins found dead on Sunday; cause of death un- known. An inqueeu us being held. Hnlnnrlirl vnlunn in Cevlon ten. 300. and known. An Inquest. nemg nela. Splendid values in Ceylon tau. 40:. Fi'~her. ` ll` I17 Hanna 1 D Rnlnnnklin Rrnl, an I _- 11-1----` CL.-gal Delure. L M. Nolin. one of the best known mer- chants in Ottawa. dropped dead Monday night. Heart failure is supposed to be the (`A IIIH. horn Ill anotlanu. Mrs. Mary Jennings, wife of Abraham Jennings, Brnntford. fell dead in her kib- chen on Saturday. Heart. trouble was me cause. She wne ft.y-nine years old and leewoa 1: large family. (`Inning M Rnammar, mnnnunr nf the 4m. Fiher. T. W. Kenny. J.P., Mclnchlin Bron. head book-keeper and one or the leading men of Amprior. Ont. , died Saturday. n|n..:.... ..l nnuianlinn an the New York of Ampnor. unu. men ancuruny. Closing of navigation on the New York at-am canals will take place Wednesday. Dec. let. unleu aqvere weather closes them before. r u \Y..I:.. .-..... .3 oh. hut. hnnum mar. cau-e. Twolvelending lines of breakfast: foods to select from. Fisher's. King street. 1\.-vial Ifnnnarln nnntl niuhr.v.l`.wn_ an OI!` to t-elect lrom. runner B. Alng nureou. lhvid Kennedy. aged eighty-two, an old and respected citizen of Brantford. died suddenly on Monday with only half an hou1 a illness from heart trouble. u .\.` I.` Mn... lnnnnnn .` nnnl||L|1nnnr.'|| hours Illness Irom noaru trauma. ` Hon. E. None. Japanese -`consul-general 1 in \'ict.oria, B (1 . has been promoted to ` the position of conauljzoneral of Japan to the western states, with headquurtma at Chicago. Tm. hinnuih and nnncnke llour. two lame ` umcagn. Ten biscuit and pancake llour, large packages `. 5c. Fi-ho1 a. 'l"|m American Slam Marl: and Wharf Penn:-ylvnnln. Mra. Allison Menzies of Amherstburg, 0nb.. died on Sunday, aged sixty-nix. highly respected. She hm: resided in Am- herabhurg for forty-ve years. She was born in Scotland. Llm. nu-n In-`ulna: u:n n` Ah:-Ahnm packages `.'. ic. M-hora. The American Slam Mart Company. limitorl. of London, Englanvl. with l\ napiml of `3. m0,1)u(), will try the ex perimont. of importing slam to Europe from Penn:-ylvnnin. Mn. Allinnn Men-/.ian Amheratbunz. 7:9- For Imported jackets and Drgss Goods go to and leaves large mnuy. Charles M. Spencar. manager of the postal telegraph service an Deadwood. South Dakota. shot himself in the Met.ho~ dist church at Weabville, Idaho. on Sun- day night. while the service was in `pm- grosa. Cause. despondency over nancial Lronblos. n.. a.....1.... ..:..l.s I... - nit:-mn mlm AIM Lrounma. On Sunday nightlaac a citgimn who at tended service in Chalmers` church dr0p~ pod Mi pocket. book.cnnt.aining upwards of $700 in note:-.119 well as other valuable p\pern. It was picked up by the caretaker, Henry McInt.ou\h, wuu nmurlied the puuso to its uvmor on .\Iu.:r:Ja_\'. The wife of Denver Ejwnrd Smith. puui lint. nomlninmd suicide at. BPHZI`, Ind , in her room by taking utrychmne. She was thIl't>V-ve _veur:- of nge. No cause was as- eignod. The only writing nho left, wad an note to her little on. very nifectionntoly bogwmz him to grow upn good mun. D..-mi. Flglmnw Qt. Jnhn, nnnnmnnr of bomzvnu mm to goon mnn. Pntnclt Flnherty, St. John, pensioner of the British army, private of the Cunmmghb Rangers, and wenrer of the Crimson medal. Sebnatapol clasp. Turkiph medal, and long service and good conduct. medal, is dead. aged sixty-two years. He died in the hon- pibll. He was one uf the city workmen. AtIuctodV A Hrlgule. Sl\ll.A. Nov. lli.--Ollinial despatclnea to day trum the Bntiah camp in the Maidan valley announce than Gen. Kemp-ter`a brigade whnlo coming in yesterday evening was umwlwd by the enemy In farce. The tribe:-men were duven otf with the unint- nuce uf mar shells. whuch Illnmumled the venue of tho mmn-Inter. 'l`h~~ HI-n.I-ln nlliourn fnunrl in the rui- lvuce Of UN: Mullah Solid .\KbUl` ll.- I.nv-I from that Hmidnh \lul|uh an} - lug: "Tim Turk lmve hmwu H10 (hacks. and lmvu swzunl who nppnoaclnea to lndia,nnd as the British reunfurct-nwm.e are cut olf. now is the (imam amiko a blow for Inlam." u.... . V... In ,,"l`I.g ll.-Mlnk m!`mi..l.; I0!` lllll Snn..\.. Nov. l6.-Tho Britieh otcialr have accepted the aubmiuion of the Mud- dnkhola on the surrender of the property and rillea looted at .\lai1.ar and on the payment. for such property that is not forthcomiyng. Thisunbo hula Alto to pa) nine of I0.000 rupees and to surrender twonty hostages for their future good con- duct A Tnln Donllod. , -' '1 Hrn.-us. Qua. Nov.` I6.--About seven o'clock |.ul.nmht. the west.-bound gravel mun was dorulod just opposite Hudson v aucion: wolx-e mm: won: in thetlubnsmml ' most 0! them had their Ihooln cut clean ' .n' 'p& ....- ..I._.. _ ..II,. `I ...I.--I_ ._..I .. ... IDUHI4 UK LN!!! ll||'I ll|I,"|" IIIDUU` CUB CIUIIII ( ~11` In one place a pile 0! wheels and can presented quite a furvu-dable n\.-pect.. The D maul expleee wee delayed about. two home when they succeeded in geilvg the truck.- oiear to let. her -0. Fortunately the no cident. hep on the main line, just up- poeite the ewihch, othet wine tunic wmd here been empended lot en indenite time on the branch. No Mule ie.yeh known for the accident. A meeting train in new on the eoene clearing may the dehrie. Provi~ dentielly no one received my injurie-. el- ehoegh eome wry clue cells were |I[.ll" umouuy aluppumn no ucuunuu mu. ol the n.u....m church M that Citylut Sunday and the follow- ingduypoknuninuu. Nxw Ynmz. N . ~ Seth law decided to me the ` id: 0! tho citizens` union for tho rs: mnyor of Grant- or New York. he RM his roignnlion as president. of Columbia collogo on the board M crustaos The hunt docidd to lay the: ' umttor over until the monzhly uooting.| ll: Job Walla! Int Illa: l which was held Hominy. The hoani do- cidod not _to Accept the nsigoution and re- qnentnd Mr. boy to wicbduv it. This ptomlont bow conunhd to do vicious comment. PM ' lath-It From on: And Ounllnonl. - The Gathered Line: In lhsporu-I-I" And tho wmuro News Wired To tho`. Onnullnn | I \9Il `~ New buckwheat flour, 25. none. Fisher. l 73.... -6-nunh .1 tvinjtt v -Ivwt ur--yrrr. [ Du\\`\'.-, Ru. .\'ov.'I6.-~B0v. Williul A. C. Wnght. one 0! an `bloat ad nous popular pvachon in: ages, a - mam. aigppgrod. no donned u mnungu nl tho Hntlnnnlinl church It This dun llypnotlus. In wl

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