IIDX p.'h..a. tobloeull. nfnnhoomviotion. ho ulnmod tlnubvcnlict was In. Neck other Thou GIG II -UI'i' Irlhzufmdwhlf just, and in and an in kind Guldcnnppu. This lotlgnutd [am not plan `Villa '3 all in Clio jail VII lacing papar- odlu-him. Artulorynnu Bncucd. Loxnos, Doc. l.--Tho vo nu-tillotymen from Shoohnryncu. who were sent. out no larch for A host in which six gunners won ndriftnnd who it wu thought had boon lent, ruched Woolwioh n!olv.- New England. an inland mar South End. Ilvcrulhhounnd urn in not nnounded by 3 high un- wull, wuowunpod durinstho gale. Every- thi . including: tumor and his ily. Mn building; nhnnn. hnnn mt.- I Mariette Mun Ieeung. ' A mass meeting of the uud:mt.s of (.3,-teen : run bold in convocation hall you- lerdey nftomoon to beer candidates for Aime motor elactione. Jemea S Shortt. M.A.. was elected president. as R. F. Hunter. M.A.. his opponent, ,reeigned. Mr. Hunter eteteri then he always adhered to the principle of 5 candidate for the pre- sidency being brought out by I constituent body, mud on that Wes not ea in hie cease, he could not consent to run. elthou I: he would nu very much to no e 3 con- teet. Mr. Shortt'o eim will be to bring the members of the younger year: more into the work of the society. Speeches were made by most of the other oendidntea. eneor two going eoler ea to ollor the Indie: e pretty bulletin boerd it elected. Euhuiu, nu-:-.v;`u-you,`--1-us]-`T-dg-'-.-`zv I INIOI` . shonfnm hullcggn. cheap. horns sud out- LIQ. inn ninnt Anni. was man uuuulngu. u no. In: neg any. no mo me new or me nouoriecy. There in not. a man in New York where tongue is more vicious. whore example is more dangerous, who baa numer- od more that is bad all over the greater city. His dabbling in politics result- ed in more corruption of the people. pre- viously innocent. than any other thing that ha happened in this country. This man has done more to injure the morality of New York than any man ever known before in its history." no Slate: ,vDr. Pu-khnut In a Very Severe Manner. L.\Kl\`.\\'I>0l>, N.J., Dec. 1. ~Richard Cro ker red 3 broedoido into Dr. Parlrhurst last evening. He said : "l)r. Parkhurat shows his real character every time he opens his mouth. His utterances are but reiteration: of his mental makeup. In and out of the pulpit, when he seeks political notoriety, of which he in so fond. he turns his back on the precepts that should be his religious texts. and his talk is the talk of the Iowent slums, where he laid the basis of his notoriety. u'l'`l...... .. l\l'\. .. _.-.. Sn Una: \.'a-u-I: -rhnn: King nroen into very guuu ewIg1iug,uuu ul- eady snow vehicles have been putinto use. _` & Jarnieson is still operating his threeher in the California district. Our hunters , were unusually lucky this season: J. Miller brought down four deer with his trusty Winchester. Bert Miller came next with three to hie credit, while W. Holder and S. Lake secured one each. Another party of two from here got one deer. and found a lost man. hailing from Napanee. Acity paper-hanger and painter is improving the interior of Leon Vanluven e reeidence. A furnace wee lately put in. which gives en- tire satisfaction. J. Ducet is building an addition to his residence in the village. E. Ducet, Verona, is aeaisting in the erection of it. S. Vauluven has moved into his newly-purchased house on Church avenue. Charles Clark is completing the construct- ion of his new house at Keelerville. As soon as the contractor com- pletes the job the services of another kind of contractor will be called into requisition and then Charley will begin house-keeping in real earliest. The many friends, young and `old, mourn the early demise of the late W. Dueet. Hie quiet and good- natured disposition made him a general favorite. Hieillneee was of short dura- tion. Saturday night, the 20th inst., he was stricken with that fatal lung disease, pneumonia, and on Thursday. at four o'clock, the disease had conquered, al- though three medical men were called in and did all in their power 50 save him. The funeral was conducted in the Metho- diet church the following Saturday, Rev. Mr. Plette oliiciating. The brass band and the Orange lodge, both societies. of which the deceased was in membenaseieted in the service. ' IDOHUI ODDIDICBI [elf- Volunteers. who served in the days of the Fenian raids, and who are entitled to medals. should make formal application to Col. Hon. Matthew Ayhner, adjuta.nt- general. in whose hands all claims are at resent. Possibly after a while this ` war will he turned over to some other 5 oilicer. but there will be no turther delay 5 than is absolutely necessary in awarding these dtcorations for services rendered years ago. The militia authorities fully re- cognize the perseverance and energy which the volunteers of thirty years ago have displayed in pressing their claims, ' and now that the long sought and well- i merited recognition has been granted. the >old proverb, He gives twice who gives quickly, will he acted upon. i can-:11:-' ' A lndanotlbvulrontho ODDIIII-- lath: a famine. OTTAWA, De.l.-Liout.-Col. Strathy. of the Fifth Roysl Scour, Montreal. ha been diuniuud for .a-sunning ll-ior Gem-1 Guooigno in the pun. /4 If; in hhormllrhlv umiarltood unomz H10 for `Xmas I no: mo r In il`I':|lhIy undorloood unong colonel : many friend: that be will ask for I oourt martial. Th; IIIIIQL-IA A, 6|.` Thu-`nnr hnln hi xur IDS VIOIIIU UlJIK40|'IlIlP. It in the intention 0! the department to orgovize A mountain rie corps in south- ern 45:-ibiah Golumbid us brnnchea`of the active . militia. At`. present the mining camp: in Kootenay are without. my armed f force to quell disorder should it arise. The ` new corps wouid be armed with the Lee- Eneld magazine `rie. Justina 'Burhidan of aha excheuuer HD0010 ED832100 [1110- J uetioe Burbidge of tho exchequer court: at Ottawa hoe conrmed the refel-ee'$ report and given judgment to A. 8. Wood- burn for $34,289 for profits on his con- v truck for the book binding to the govern- ment, whieh was given to others outside the contract. FBI.` ....-A.._.- -..AI.__:L:-- k-.uu snarl- burn (IDB CCN|DI'KC|'u ` The customs authorities have made two eeizuree of tee. amounting to some hundred cues in I". The seizures were made at Smith's Falls on ten imported at Montreal. which dues not comply with the govern- ment}: chemical teat. Val-unrnnpn nil.` -A-uni-I in ERA Java nf , Wlll Be Illued By All-Hnudrede were ' Lucky. | B.\1'r|<:nMcA, Nov, 30.--Tho recent. frosty i weather has caused a thin but. smooth sheet 1 of ice to form on the creek atfordin excel- ` lent. skating for _t.he boys. The lig t. snow 1 fall on Monday has been transformed by | king Froab into very good eleigbingmnd al- I rmulv nnnw vehicles have been nubinto use. I noun: manual, . The purchuo of the Windsor house by 3 Toronto peb la is how all but consummat- ed. Anew holwibe opened on Wol- . linoton at:-ant. in 5 Ian dawn. ' glngnon IWOOE In I low (says. Dr. Plath, 01-51. R. Prince Edward county, is in the city. He in 1 candidate for the vacant senltonhip. It in tha intnntinn nl tho rlanarlzmlnh tn Eh 5 HOW DUE`! will DU UPC I lington street . in tow dayu. I Dr. Plum. nr.M 13,. Pt? T:{-#3:`:-no no any-. to in ouo ll. T I';`;:Ti'lY is msmussn. Q oEA-Tb? A RESTIFENT. CROKER'3 ATTACK. I: III manna Glllcoc um I I: SJ). 0.-ph'n II lnpo'ruuI I: In the non ohonnnl onu happiness. I'_ L.` IAI.- -&n-nn|u- .g--- --L.--- l..-..-__ ll. 1:. c. I-1u.s`.':..."'..`."'.':.'.:L no 1-Vino Ooltnl Prllon. Lmnsn. One. Doc. l.-'l'ho Thom broehcu. found guilty ol tho muulnona tor of W. H. Surya-, were suntan to twouty-than month: in tho Oootnl prioon. llllillinory uh thin wank no Hu~dy e. Ono-lonrth of all taimmod millinory. lfly-eight ya-an Ilo 0.lu\7&|u of opumhor. (ll-not Unrlill an-I her taunt. through their heroic oort. naval `from A wuory nun nlno melon: oouln. The work cl mo saving and calm mu nu .11: SJ). III! UIDIIZI In Ituu nuppluj. Unhealthy stomach: ulna Inhany homeo- nnlnap hoopla. when-our they on load. lldpaolllnodounforulnllly no no hand In I.lI.C. Tu ll. 8565030 donnmnnt. lllu I'll! Alla vicious. nwv.--we WAsIII.~m1'u.v, Dec. l.--'I he cabinet ee- terdey considered the subject of men ing relieffaothe people in Klondyke. Premi- denf. McKinley received I telegram from Portlund chamber of commerce. mtin lzhef. there mu 3 danger of deetitutioar en nuering in the Klondylre. end offering to lupply the neceaeery food .for relief if the government would undertake in treme- portntion. The cabinet. coneidered every phase of the eieuetion. end dircuaeed way: and moon: of affording relief. the die i- tion being Do do everyhhing poeeibuto prevent etervetion end rnieery among the Americans in the Klondyke. ii l":n (-y `hairu-U1-u 1.2..` on and ca line: no ullon. lononmluoln. anon: wn lino : they no sin ulna. Our lino of X mu Prounu no I): useful and ornamental. above the Ivor- an. W0 hold your urohnos untxl xnms and dollvor an you win . Vnnva. ~' on u .r. I FBHCH OI Dpillll COIOIIIBIL Uenede has mede concessions to Grant Britain in her tariff, and Greet Britain will be obliged to do the name. That would mean preferential trade safer an the colonies are concerned. This would be carrying into effect the plank to amalga- mew All parts of the British empire into one custom. lnlll don-uncut. Amnlnmnzlon 0|` Cueeome. \VAHlllN(T0.\', Doc. 1.--Commercinlagent Sbern says Germun_v'a exports to (zreet Britain proper in 1896 were valued at. 8lIi9.93`2.000. and to the British colonies $26,4lB,0O0. The great. amount; of trade in due to the treaty of most favored na- tions, existing between Germany. England ant.) her colonies. Germany does not. have the some advantage with the Dutch, French or Spanish colonies. l`.nnnrI| In-n maria nnnnnninnn tn Cruel . nun IIIII Jwuav-n IDA HILL, Dec. l.--The past month has been one of inclement and blustering wea- ther; it is hoped- that December will be pleasant and agreeable. Thomas Patter- son has resumed the rinding of feed and is kept busy. J. ogle, a wide-awake fruit agent from Battersea. canvassed the village last week. R. Austin has com- pleted his residence. W. McGuire remains still on the Toland property. . One of our villagers lost some very serviceable dairy cows within the past month. The second wood shop is again occupied. William Murphy has been indisposed for a few days. the result. of a cold. Collectors for the Salvation army self-denial have been at us this week. The calling of agents seems now a daily pest. Those who drove milk to the dairy school on Monday en. countered a snow storm. One of our pro- minent citizens will shortly take to him- self a lifelong mate. The skating rink will shortly be patronized. A young bachelor will, in a few weeks. also take a partner and set sail on the sea of true matrimonial bliss. May his voyage be everasuccess. Weekly prayer meetings are well attended. owo ween. Notice has been cent. in that Hon. E. H. Brannon, on account of illness, will not be at. the house until lube in bhe session. if he amvea at. gll. Toronto. Dec. 1.--Tho rivato billa coilin- mittee of the assembly wi 1 not meet until next. week, and perhaps not until after Christmas. There are only forby bills pre- sented. which is about seventy-ve per cent. of the usual number. They no for the most part unimporfan. The anvm-nmnnlh hm: intimntnrl ran the [U8 ITIOHIA PETE llI'll|p0l'7ll'4. The government has intimated no the opposition that the house will adjourn on December 23rd and stand adjourned for two weeks. \! ..L:.... L... |........ .....s L. Ll... II...` I` `II Wunxzmmx, Doc. ` 1.--Senor Dupny do Lame. hho Spanish minister. had an inter- viaw with auiunnt `no:-otnry Day. loin bhoplnnof Capt. Gen. Blnuoo to ~ take ntnna for thn immndinta axnuuhianolhhn nuopunm uepu. uou. nI|urn_ no talc etepe for the immediete oxeoutnonol the reform eohemee ol the Madrid govern- ment, and, to do lhie logelly. A provision- nlnrrnngement will be made. '1`hecnp- tain-geuernl will appoint directly 1 full acting oebinet, composed of 3 aeorotnry of the interior and juetioe, who will bathe premier, n eocretmry of nance, uncre- tnry of public instruction, I Iocrebery of public worke, and nally n-Iecretery of :5:-iculture, induetry and commerce. itb this cabinet the oeptnin-general will harm uh I-urn! hhn mnnnn fnr A fnlln evnnin. VVIIOII Dull CIDIIIBV CIIU Ulpbllll-KIKIUTBI Wlll heve eh head the meene for e fully equip- ped executive vernmenh which will lest only until the e octione ehell have reeulbed in the choice of is new government. These elections are dele ed. in in eeid, only hy reason of the leak o an hoourete ceneul of the population of Cuba, which is eaeentiel in order to apportion the representation in hhe Iegieleture; Ln'mu>noL. Dan. l_-LaH.are received Something `Special 1 VH5 I0g|I|ID|lI'Uo Lxvn:a.rooL. Dec. l.-Leitero received here in the West African mail bring ter- rible newe concerning the Cuban exiles on the island of Fernando Po. thespanieh penal colony. It is said than 150 out of the %0 exiles sent there are already -dead and the survivor! complain bitterly of the" treatment they received. Some of the ex- iles were transported. from Cuba without trial and were landed at Fernando Po to live he best they could. The dead were buried without coins. Canada In owing Along Llnes The Club Endorses. Ln.\`Do:~', Dec. l--'l`hs annual meeting of the once famous Cobdan club occurred yesterday. Lord Farrer presided.| |1`he annual report expiemed regret at the death of a member, the late Henry George, of New York, and announced that the in- come of the year 1897 was 668`. After recording the \l0C8lB0 of the imperial ml]- vcrein scheme the death .blow to which was given by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the premier of Canada. and the declarations of the premier of New South W alas, the re- port continues: In view of the adverse comments made in Canada anal elsewhere on the scal policy of the dominion gov- ernment the committee thinks lt right to state that it has reason to be satised that the presontadministration at Ottawa is in- spired by a genuine desire to advance on the lines of free exchange, so far and as rapidly as possible consistently with pru dent regard for the difficulties created by the long rule of a high and comprehensive protective system. Thn r-.hnirmn.\_ arlrlmnaina the meeting. PTOWCEIVB lylwln." The chairman. Addreeaing the meeting. announced that the gold medal of the club would be given no the premier of New South Wales, the Hon. George H. Reid. A rnvumu mum: to lo ox-guinea In [In- Budget or Item! unabated In the Layma- OI-urn `coaoau CLUB MEETING. Aid For The Inning People. I\,, u IIIL, __I_:__n ASA-EWIBLY NOTES. sonny: \4|a\.a|ln IT'S RIGHT TIME I-`OR MANTLE and FUR buying. The weather necessitates their use, and the best place to buy them is this store. Stocks and prices _mal it easy to select. livery day people look at our goods and look elsewhere, but they always come back here to buy. We are after your trade. Don't you think we deserve it? Starr & Sutclie, S TO-DAY we invite you to {inspect adisplay of Palms and Grasses, natural plants perpetuated. hat is the fairest description of them. The best imitations cannot compare with them, for these are real, live na- tural plants, caught in -their fullest bloom and beauty, and made everlasting. They will stand heat, cold and rough handling. Use them in the home and for de- corating churches, clubs, studios, hotels-whercver it is sought to give a charming effect. Prices are 75c `and $1 each. 1"I(` 1\If`YI"l` 'll\/IT.` 1.`I\l) `l\/I A\Y I`T TT__-_`I 171 Y!) - nklof Uolmneru d - | n . . , 1 '1): r n a o%on?.~ngog).vI::1.n us rootor ru 01 0. . J lhVloe- aldnnt Wuvorn U British Agatha -nuuunoo Oommniou J- Llmu . Aulntun General Manager llldlnn rat 0! (Jonum-rue. A. - ll. '0 . B; Ame: coo. l rr.-esldont '30 Iotoallchsn 0- Hmm . nnnn. Grain mhnnt. Dimutor about this business are goodsmarked in plain 1g(ures andpone price only, the cash system, money bac any time you say so, and the freeness with which you can look at goods, ask questions and consult without being worried about buyin.g. There are other things too. Ample stocks and ri ht prices, but people like liberal treatment and free om, and it is this that is building business for us, and yet `.his store is only in its infancy, has not yet reached its limit. is growing and going to grow because it lls a want in Kingston. 'l`I\ T\A\7 ..... .....IL,. ..A.. an ....~..(...4. .. Alan]-.. A6` [THE smma POINTS $ Moones Appv I-long PORMERLY RICHMOND & CO. I18 and 120 Princess Street. HI5 IIILIU H ([151. Lllllli UUUII U U; GENTS` TOUPEES AND WIGB, LADIES BANGS. WAVES, FRONTS, BWI'l`ClIl*}S. WIGS, Etc. All such good: so add to comfort and good looks. ".8Ui;l`?;EB' 1'73` stock of umplel of his famous ART llAll GOODS. l1E`\Y'lL!| WDIYDIPDQ IUD nnan On his previouu trip he was I0 busy that many were unsble to see him, sad to aocommodnte these he has stringed I visit on abovo,da.to. Ll- hue:-inn A L:n -Can`: A` nnu-nn'A- A Jlemmber at British Amrican Hotel ` FRIDAY. DTEQEMBER 3rd. BRITISHAMERICAN HOTEL On Friday. Dec. 3rd- Prof. Dorenwend s W. D. lull`. llnunr Ht Amla rd oml Agent. lngntnn. A tour good ngonu wanted.- Return Vlslt to Kingston at. Wlul0F IIIITIIUK W3! T T * mono . Save all you can by the IMP Y HOME. Soldonly st Eutotf nos. 71 Princess! Wohavo cl Inothutdnnll Cou.lnndWoud Moves. obth m Anna. An cum: and An Sultunaodinghnl. Indus our uockbduupuvhdlg. The Happy Home ange ' constructed on Iciontio prinoi Ind ospocinlly sdspbd for largo (hum linlaunl it -ill Inn:-n umtinnnnnlo l >'n..'e"fK."J.a"s':"'.'.'5n"| i"n'.n"35u ""'uouay' without. furthot troublo. Coll Ouch u_... -II _-.. .._ I... -4.. AL. 3' rCjCU'-IV-T I V. QX'cnn&ut.Io:tOnoocn'IWIoInnsIo BoI&'din5."A ,k0l!{x3otlonutor, I n A x .`8?`c"ivoo.u..'1';"s..T;"1. an and vlnn HIGH 10. um, Grain Iuronnnz. Duoubor Wouum Rum-unoo Company. I. 1%. 3001.83, .I.D.. l'.B.U.B., etc . London. I L. g`I'.IlI'. Rreuident Kemp lanufncturlna Wn.t.fAu Imxxrmn. Prouldent Toronto Railway Uompany, Toronto. .. A-.- 4...... uuonnoupnnn . 3E'u}Z5i'o' 'x5i;'c5'Toa; F: a. 00x. J. B. Cooke. General Agent, Kingston W. D. HAIT. Ilnmunr Standard Bank. Sno- I-...F;_'HA!:RI$0r1 .*wI PRESIDENT: I'll ROW. 81!! ULIVIIQ IOWAT. RC. GA`. IA} , Lieutenant-(iovornor. VICE-/PRESIDENT: Joanew. ruvunnn. uanuuu Director The Wm. Unvlou 00.. and Director Unna- dlan Bank of commerce. Hanan: Iucxumn Bowlcnn, P 0.. l.C.ILG.. Ulunto: ox-Puma Iiniotot of unnarla. .J..'D. ]nuLl.P.0., Q_(}.. l.l`.. upouker one of Oolnmono. . M. EAITY. Commluionor Public 110 6;` I, Ontario. Box 3. A Ox. onutor, Prosident Cuna- ciltn-Bnnllof Uolnmeruo. '10 lo lltool liens: Ham: . Btuun, Grain Wouum Anunnoo G JO 9- UIIU-`O UCIIGICI l.Il, BIUSQIIIII W. D. HAIT. Ilcnunr Humlard Bunk. Spo- Anne. lnnncnn. llapilal, 039 Million Dollars. osvomeo wmi ma nongm. Iormovaknmauf. Balng tho Lnrkut Dopotlt rlidof by any Clnidlul Life Insurance 3.01390!- $29:.900, Presents I ' :-v1:v -:u_;-xv :---v T ,- s V , V I . b- , nlsrmmcaxsxua vomas. hfe Assurance y Tlnlunoof nllolootiona in the disposi- tion of nnmnclaobota to hold back to tho JOHNSTON & U0 SI moohroxwrtn 37 sncuz. AC!` 0' TBI DOUUIOU PAR- 1.-uuumor Op-p. Golda: non Onooorv. 109 Brock Itriot. Klnctton. - u-----u-_-- - - Undutskon and l`nrnltu.'o Dealer: ` NEW sfoaa. - -.-- ..--g.--` -ca `:1 ---3....-_ _. pAnLon crux: NETS. c`1}}>'e'c Swcepe Oer. ADVERTISEMENT. 1.. Ahiiao N. n_n_.._. -_... _._. n...._g. :L-n...u "i"1v'(i$'i3RIAL _S}`r;at Wnklu or ennui In I frunod plc`uro is not an oroumont. It In an enapn. Inaxetnn that vn-inilu can be mount- otl ctr I II mn Brook Strut. Ill -pl wavuuvv-no no any u-cry-r _ A 4 &io:1-o'lnomoclcobor_s noun _@3' GAIN .`_.DA- A lnnuinnhmnd tho pnuumptionin um LL._ -... nI.-I.x.._ 1-- 5|.` -5.3`)! G`... I? l'ICI IIIIVVI Watch this Space for BOARD OF DIRECTORS: IABKIT VALUE. I walla. Yours. Hardware I Corh`ett s Thlsl: one of the new doll u In Par- lor Och noun It. In msdo in mnhonny. In: Law 11 front. lass door. tituu Inna Minor: and in very handsome. We bus 0 nice lino oi Ihuo Pu-lor Cabinets from -7 to ISO, any one of which would muku I aluirablo Xma- tuunn. same may 0 mid of our Chino Ooblnots. Booknuoo. Boorotm-In (we have some special mops In Boorotu-lu for )un_n_u-). Hockey, Racing and Spring Skates. .0_ hrohnnt. Director `IIDIHV. II"! III IIIIICIIUIIW. 15 II an 8 IIJf`- In `Iowan . Cd not I 10 la! Brook Strut. 4' doll will anuuauo all nvuchmonu, 00 ' MW or dlplomn not to wrinkle. Inn. Mar U-don. Puhlloa. lnnnvinn Now Menu. McLean, Wallace, Robert- son, Oelor and the root of the troublere In Toronto district may make up their minds thnt to ho honoot and ooneietent and cour- ageous. no they wont to appear, they moot ropoot thoir chugoe ogoinet the govern- ment in psrlioment. And i! they do not act without o good it will be applied. Mr. Bottrlln. M.P.. was nthokod. in tholoto byo-election. lacunae of his roll- gionn opinions, and be publicly put. on re- oord A docluntlon that was worthy of him. H0 in the tint mu that bu boon drivon to thin oxtnmity. but it wouldn't ho u had idu to but from some other: upon this lino. 7 Poot loner! The pooplo of Tomaso hovouind bin up conned}. and put I pro- ptcltluohnponhinhlk. Holanolova _._ 8.5 ......II._ 5. In-.. l'|.4I4I. .._ 'vvvu---cur vu--v--cu cu .--u coal. Antllbcndoouoat d-3;; cu-nuutnuubncoupud an undern- nuIdllr.`l`_aohuon|L plvuuuwuuvj taut pvt-U an tun In-uu din lolhophdouof Canon `Bonito Inn tho Appnnl duh puphclcuuls. .._- -.. rvn nu... In Mr. Bertram Centre Toronto has n l member who will wornhily roecb public ] opinion in perliunenb. He in n liberal, ` bu always been one. but is a nun of inde- pendenb mind and action, 1 man from} whom the government: will seek advice; rsther then expect. I blind nllegimoe Inch on Mr. Howlend would have given 00 hi: petty. The indopondont popon have fund had- ly in tho Toronto bye-oloction. Only one 0! thou. tho Stu, won with tho winning oido. The othon ought to mania connot- utivo pnpon. Thy cannot fool tho _.__l- -_.. I-_4... F TUIi$f- CIUZICQ nCIv-V-cvgg Illlluoolzmlug to King Doddc. coo- urvovonndounpniclnnhoin I Inilar. ooltlloa dlplomn Inca. U-Ion. Puulloa. I cnvinu 0| My othor Hutu. mountod wl haul the queue wnnkioo at 100 Brook strut We can do work int n norfoot and chum- wwul-run we uuuuu nun. wv...u.B. And the election of Mr. Bertram, under these circumstances. cannot be depreciated. He represented the Laurier government in the tight, and his success is a complete and satisfactory endorsement of the policy of that government since its advent to power. the conservatives. ina conservative constitu- ency, do not approve of the campaign led by the local leaders and members of parlia- ment. and specially Messrs. Mcbean. Clarke Wallace. Osler and Robertson. These men have hurt themselves innitely ` more than if they had let Mr. Bertram be elected by acclamation. Deleat. with Mr. Foster, is perlerahle to surrender. So it is under some circumstances; But not when the candidate of a popular cause is a pro- gressive citizen. a successful business man. an employer of labour whom the working- men_oan cordially support. The contest demonstrated nothing so much as that a des- perate party will do desperate things, that its misrepresentation knows no bounds,bun : that electors are independent and will act as such despite the dragooqing of party hacks. Mr. Howland and his friends . thought that all they had to do was stick up a man, and crack the party lash, and . he would be elected. They have been ' woefully deceived. and nothing teaches like ex perienoe. I. ll. I)_.L..-_. t`1-_a_- lI'\........a.. I.-- - More than that. the election means that UIII-Ilvuveov Iv Iv'-uu -- --v uuouuuuu ----.9 to prove. end the legislature me be ineffectual, may hi! to pale the home, unleeeit appears to be e pne- tioehle or worhble eeir. The experi- ment. however. to Jon-ect an evil tendency oi the dey would be interesting. If men realized that union they need their votee they would lose them, they would, per- haps. velue their privilege more, or teke I better one of it. The notion oi the legim letnre. therefore. upon the bill. will be oereiully eomtinized. A SIGNIFICANT ELECTION. The `bye-election in Centre Toronto yes- terday had a special significance. a signi- cance which was increased by the claims, contentions and demands of the conserva- tive party. It was important enough. locally. at any time. but when W. Mc- Lean. M P., E. F. Clarh, M.P.. N. Clark Wallace. M P., and a lot of other busy bodies got to work the issue became won- derfully magnied. It then alfeoted the whole province, and the political life of some people. according to some accounts. depended upon the result. The old guard was especially aroused, and from distant points they sent their appeals to E. F. Clark. a sort of brigadier-general for the Toronto contingent, to the effect that the heights had to be carried some- how; ancl"Ned waved the message at the forces, and they cheered it to the echo. Then the importance of the election took a wider range; it was world wide in its in- fluence and effects. The people of all Europe had. heard of it. and awaited the and of the polling with an awful suspense. John` Bull was pictured with his ear to the trumpet of a ballot box. listening to what it had to convey regarding Canada and its preferential tariff. and his face was broadening out into a smile as he caught a whisper of what was coming. a_.I LL- -|--i.:... _.s as- D-..a........ .....s.... uvvguuuu vs-v .-v---cry-cu .- u--u an looking for the null Sour u.... sL._ ....n. o-.. 1...... ...A 3. . ....a. mu. I-nu w-v vvv Ivan -uu -v Icvv up-an Mr. Weir, unolnbor ol the Quebec legisla- tuu. ha a mature in hand which in calcu- lsbd to can the evil. It: provides for the diutnnclf oi than who do not bol- , __I_-- -A_L__ --.. __.._I.. ,1, ,A1-A Ioovcu U-Iv onto. What my be termed u the diioult. thing .1... ` v-no Curry lnainhtnrn rnnv . DUI Iii UUU-IIl nun way -----u -v-Iv* time: they this too long and do nobvote. ll- `IVA- - -gunk`. AI 61- ; nu-Inna Inalnln. ultolwuu-Q:-runway vs uuvav vv-w nu uvu y..- N lot in All clIu7Inn-`nlou they an supply 1:. _..n:-x._n. ...... u \l7I.-a. _.-.. L. 5......) THE DAILY `WIT-IIG. Thooouaunuvndfuooto snow! the put-uncut oundonud on Mr. Tom : no- WIIIIIOI It IN moot Strut W0 int nu-foot and chomp- or than the acclaimed old oahll-bod. now, movom Ind uhnod high priced. n:-clan 110-uliouIIqiodoIVIl.nndtho ._.l..._A1.I A_.L_ ._.l.i._ 2- _.._ ._...L "Orin: per or... p;,,,_.. --u now. nU'bn'u'vw. "Ibo time of canine of urgcsnt. Hamil- ton. ol bounty "A. oxpind Inc weohbut his to-engagement. has hon gnnud by the nlnineu oi militia. u upocial cut. The nu-punt, though only forty-four yam of ugqhu spunk CIQI]-0070! you: in but IIj0Ity I urvioo. Guelph Mercury. It is a fortunate thing that Mgr. Cleary e outbreak is eo violent; it will do the less harm to hie co-religionists. thous- ands of whom, we are satised. have no sympathy either with the pastoral or with the outrageoue language in which he at- ; tempte to vent hie ill-temper on the On- tario prose. In all that goes to make up the decencics of life. we are sure the news- paper men of Ontario will etand compari- aon with this prelate. The press of On- tario on the whole gives to the Roman Ca- tholic church the same courtesy and right thatit does to other churchee, and is ac- cueed aometimee of giving an undue share. But its bishops are not thereby exempted lrom criticism when they tranagrees the rules of charity. and ill calculate the spirit of bigotry and ill-will. We refuse to be- lieve that archbishop Clenry s ebullitions are any gain to the cause of our common ehrietianity. or of the Roman Catholic lohnrchln particular. We also refuse to ' Good Thing It was Violent. I I believe that they are countenanced to any great extent by the Roman Catholic clergy and people of Ontario. Itlll Two Vooonclol. Odin to the removal of Capt. Cook "and Major udon than are two vacancies in the aulf of A" honor]. Lions. Eaton, oppointod to ll ono voaoncy. it expected hon shortly. Lions. Eotaon wu originolly on orllorymsn. connected with the Ohm- va Sold buttery. bublntoly Iwu boon ll- imv on ulvnnnml nnm'l.inn in u.. inhnhm In Dooomlnt McClure : Anthony Hops givu tho lint inoulunont of the Ioquol to "The P:-honor ol Zondn." It opens on- ` . Hun no old friooda. Rudolf `mull, tho ptinoou Finis. tho king, ntl0ol.8npI.cnIurkodonnurhIofdn- node udvonumn. 'l\.l._l.n...... _.....L._ -n .L- n_.___n-.. The C'|n-Mun nunlnr of tho Canadian Muuiuia worthy of apooial nation. It cushion II) it opuuiqlly illntnbd. ondhuu hr:|'|.`hoIiIlny cont. Goldwin ` S-ilkuindml Pnrhh uul mu.-o Pu. '1 uni oonvlnoo youult At no lino! All work In nnnnnlnd nun rnnmn. IIII nun Inga! nonuuy aid`. uolawm Snub. |l'inoipII Putin and Qilhrt Pu- ur on the shut chic! autdbuoon. W nun Dlllfy. DIN} Illly [III BX" III in; an advanced position intho intnntry. uuupn Advoclta. _ _ , We will not stop to consider whether it 2' is the Int vestige of prot.ecLion.- which,` like the pnlmy days of autumn, still lin- gers aupmuonaly with us. or Sir Wilfrid : sunny ways, sh-c are l-olping our indus- } trial. However, nearly every large fac- tory in this city in running over time- thin fact. in all we care to know, and we are E glad to know it. Broolvllle ueoomor. . Mejor Welsh will a doubt be nleesed to hear that his favorite eversge. t e festive onion. is to be restored to him, as a pro- cess of evaporation has been discovered by which that highly avored vegetable can be reduced to ver smell proportions for ehipmentctaothe londyke and elsewhere. .lee The Elleete: slurmlee The (lease. Guelph Advocete. \k'n -ill nnl: uh-an in nnnnirhnu mhnfknr if lplussuv-s snsuuvug tenant`: or vac--nv- -.--u-J who would not otherwise have seen the speech _ to calmly contemplate is. And the general conclusion was that Mr. Foster had not al- together covered himself with glory. It was observed that Mr. Foster had ignored , entirely the leader of his party, and so! gave fresh evidence of a new tear-up in the party leadership. Had all been peace and harmony Mr. Foster would `have apologin ed for Sir Charles Tuppor's absence, would have explained that the good man he had helped into the saddle at the expense of Sir Mackenzie Bowell, had gone oil to England on personal business. but that he I (George Eulis) was there to answsrthe roll-call in hie name. But not a word had he to say about his absent chief, and a lot in glorication 9/ of himself. It is not surprising that the Telegram. which supported `Oliver Aiken Howland in his pretensions, should fallfoul of the ex- llnance minister and call him down. It has discovered by that "magnificent speech that"Mr. Foster is too tender in his regard for the C. P. R ; that in regard ; to the Crow s Nest Pass railway the ar- rangement of the present government is preferable to that of the old government : that, rightly or wrongly, the country gained the impression that the ministers of the last government were just so many clerks at the service of the C. 1 . R. ;" that the mistake of the present government} was in following, in any degree. in the. footsteps of the party it replaced ;and so the Telegram has no hesitation in declaring that "Hon. George E. Foster dis- appointed the country s friends, one of whom, to be sure. is John Ross Robertson. M.P.. of the Telegram. The most disap- pointed man, however. is Mr. Foster him- ` self. He remained in Toronto, according to one print, to offer Mr. Howland his con- ! gratulations last evening, when the voting ' was over. and he was called upon to per- form the last sad rites at his party's po- I litical funeral. 5` ' Toronto 'l`ole5;mm. I Even in his wrath Hun. George E. Fos- ter does non forget bojbo respectful of the Canadian Pacic railway,` which was the supreme boss of the late. but not lamenta- od. government of Canada. Ill: lnvol-Ito Dish To Follow Elm. Brookvlllo Recorder. M-inn \.UnInh -vi" nn nuhh Inn nlnnnn I Ghathnm Planet. Tl. in A unnrhar I Ghathnm Planet. I It is a Wonder some mean man has not ' suggested bhatin was the strains of Lhel bagpipes and not the bnyonets of the Gor- don Highlanders which routed the tribes- I men from Dargai heights. ii` I I I d U f f K I I luinll C. II I IO!-0 \ of aux " P. ' 0HLK. f\I!\ fIl\Il| flan llvnnnnu-up hm Iudonl pppoiitibn, an Inn with I talking hand, or usher . talking index 81:30:. mu a gust horo in the Cantu To- rontohlootion. He turned up at the Inn hour in tho oomhitnoqhy to dolivor I powerful ontion, and thd offort wu oon-' uidorod so well than ton bhouuud copies of n8a,a.n. r.......a. pplut uni; ``L:_ __._.I_ __-..- .I:-L_:|_..L.n -_..__ AI.-. I vrwvu-u vvwuu nu-----no-u --w-. vI-v| :I'octou._ Thus um tho mistake of tho political bouu, since it ambled many -1`. `much! nub. nthau--ring In-vg nnnnl nun-cu u Toromo Telegram. { l1`.:nm in hm wrnl KIIUIUII III VICII visit will vuvu-wpu vvruuu an `his Ipooch won dim-ibuutl among tho! -I..6.i- U:-O. -`n LL; -nnnLn nf f.I\A i 1. `I ..__..'_- `I .._._A.... PRESS COMMENTS. Talked (Huge:-ly of It. PI`..l....-nn. A Vllo lnulnuntlon. L_-..__'_:.---j-- .- AIIIM III IIIIII. " Nlw Yomt. Doe. l.--The jury in tho Ihrtln Tlnom Inul-dot out nun-nod I vot- . . . . 1?: wn..m-|?..."n:a |....'n: :'..= - Framing Pictures - AS AN ART.