And OAUONO B|`2_05'. mmgn agar x Allowed BIO Ircoclom. AIL,,. N3 DATE FIXED IIICIIIIICTIW IX\JC$ FT! IQ vcuyumwtllhlnndhhl nuovul I` \o Kingston hoothry b I lit Will nnA.n|nnnml:7Ihn nlhnl ab PEI Al- W IHUIIIU ZIUIIIIUCI. Mindon lodge, No. 25.1, A. F. & A. LL. it the regular nnoun Int night clocked than oicon: Bro. aha Nicolle. W.ll.: W.'Bro. J. I`. Own. 8.W.:' W. B-o. H. Mount. J.W.: Bro. Rev. II. II `II. any, chaplain; V.W. Hm W. M. 30! . tnr nunuw. Rm. '1'. I). Ilinnn.ncnhrv: UIIIIIICH TIT II FTCKI III ltluhnnduouo 6lIo(hnk|l pt-hon ht nnonn inn!-I, will II: I--ih&II lfv DIVIIIIIIII \Il IIIIIIVUTI At the rogulu month! muting 0! I.C. Blgi bogd in bhoir halkd I ollit:gton altars, on on ny owning a Army nun than oioori were hooked for the onning your : Pm-idont. 1`. Milno: at vice-pew -idont. W. B. Taylor: Iooond vioo-prub dent. oooph Kohoo: rooording not-nary. J. J. yrnon; nuncisl not-our`. P. Dom- ain: uonuror. John J. Illeoho I; marshal. fllgnnuu nnnnnnnk ghnnunn T znnnn_ ? 71'... D -...: n.. w 9 I U! UTUWII llllulu . A eigniflcent foeture of the dobete wee tho dneinclinetion of Mr. Whitney : lieu- tenante to mehe eny definite ohergee reaerding the interview which the Michi- en Iumbermen hed with the overnment. `ho premier invited Dr. Wiloughby to formnhto e cherge end promised him e committee of the house to inveetizeteit, but the opportunity wee not eccepted, the doctor oonlentlng himself with vegue ene- picione. _ Writ Agelnet llrnntford street oer On. Bmwrronu. 0nt., Dec. 8.--'l`he Cene~ dien general electric compeny hee ieeued e writ egeinet the etreet reulwey oompeny ol Brentford for $230,000. on en old oonetmc- tion eccount. end judgment hee been ee- cured for the emount end pleoed in the sheriff`: hende for execution. Thie will pretty heevily rel_w.e the street reilwey compeny end eevee little room [or Mr. Keaton to get hie demegemreoently eveni- ed him. of 80.500. XMAS STORE. Requlrlng the Bnwlng 01 Legs In Ontario- The Lumbu-men's Interview. Tonmvm, Dec. 7.-'l`he two sittings oi the house to-day made substantial contri- butions to the discussion of the rominent questions which have lormed tie theme of the debate on the address. Hnlt A dozen speeches were delivered. and there yet remain many to be made by liberal. conservative and patron members. who either have something new to say or de sire to emphasize the oints which have already been made. 'Bbe minieterialside of the argument was ably presented by Messrs. Stretton. Clelend end Flatt, and the opposition spokesmen were Dr. \\'illoughby. l)r. Meachem and Mr. Miscem bell. The threatened amendment 0 the opposition, which hnd been foreshadowed in Mr. Whit- ney's speech Inst week. was introduced by the member for East Simooe. It concurred in the lieutenant-governor s expression or `regret that the United States have increas- ed the import duty on sawn lumber, and found {suit with the government for fail- ing to take steps to compel the manufac- turo into lumber in Canede of all sawlogs out under license issued by the department of crown lands. A .:....:......a l'..-L..-.- I ah. J..In.t` `mm: , .. .. - , -.- 1 an oyeter euxmr at the Wlndeor hotel the - : 3rd inst ! t twent -ve member: y took part in the feast. . A. MoCahe. - connected with the Merrickville hotel for a number of years. has purchased the Oity hotel from M. Filzgerald. He took poe- uion on Friday. Mr. Connor. late roprietor, has nnved Into B. o-her`: houze on Brock street. Mice Lynch, Jasper, epenta few de I in g town gt the residence of D. Moe er e. Frank Sylvan. an employee oi the Percivel plough and etove company. met with what might have been quite at Ierioue accident e few days ago. He had hit hand caught in 5 some cog wheel: and the end wan taken of!` ~ his third finger and the little nger was I hadlyjammed. Rev. M. J. Batelie unint- f ing the Rev. '1`. B. Conley to conduct a re- 3 vival meeting in the Methodiut church. - (.)nit.n A number of voumr neonle Attend- I IHIIIIRI UOIIDIB UK IIIUHCIII Wlhll DE!` llllnl] ll rs. George Hrieve, Centre street. Mine Mary Wilson. Selby. eieter of Mrs. Schry- ver, has been lying at the point of death for the last. month. The doctors hold out no hope of recovery to the alllicted one. F. Burrow:-, 1.I .S , is in Ottawa this week attendin the normal school examinations. of which a is en examiner. About nine o'clock laebnighb the tire alarm sounded. and upon investigation it: wee found to be a false alarm. 'I`|ie`oount._v council in in session here t.hi_e week. IIUIIOII [Ur I 3UlIp|U Ul WISUIE. uuu Ulllll wee not loolred for. The immediate cause of death was the bursting of s blood \ouel in the head. end the and came very suddenly. The deceased was in his thirt -seventh ear. One brother survives. he funere takes plece this afternoon at 2:30 p m.. to the Nepsnee cemetery. Mm, u-ri.~mn_ Alnxnnrlr-in Rev. N.\'.. is uomuwry. Mrs. Usrrison. Alexandria Bay. N.\'.. is s`>ondinga couple of months with her sister. K rn (Inns-on Hrinvn, (`.nnfrA ntrnnh. Min uvuu. NAPANIQE, Dee. 8.-Yesterda_v was "fair day." but there was no evidence on the street that anything unusual was taking place. But if one visited the Royal hotel ysrd, it was reported that that was he place gnu could pet more fun to the square nioh t en anywhere else on earth. Horses were swapped sud re-swapped several times before the do was done, and all the time the un rsn mountains high. Yesterday morning the spirit of William Henry Perry took its ill ht to that better world. The deceased ad been in poor health for A couple of weeks. but death we: nnt. Innluad fnr. The immediate the guest or Miss xsontn uusnreuy. A very enjoyable time wss spent st the residence of Mr. McLeo'd s. St. Lawrence street, Monday evening. when A number of young people assembled and spent A social evenin playing games of various kinds. J. H. odd is all smiles now; Mrs. Todd presented him with I new baby. The en- nual meeting of North Leeds end Grenville tumors` institute was held in the town hall lest Wednesdsy and addresses were given by Mossra. Raynor and Palmer. A very good programme was given in the evening to e cro wdeu house. ' Messrs. Moxley & MoKibbon ship d 9. our load of oettle to Montreal Setnr any. `and Messrs. Butes.& Atkinson shipped one load Tues- day. - ono Trader: In Bou|on- Death of I Rul- 4-..; VIVBI "ICON": In I'aO,MW'|0l1|Il.': lJDlll'Gll. Quite e number of young people unend- ed the box social lent Thuredl night as the residence of Thomas Our iner. Wol- ford. J. H. Prouu ie busily engaged gob- tlm: hie eketlng rink in order. Jemee 0`Brien. Smith : Fells, fapenr Sunday in town. Miu Jennie m y, Eaton : Corners, ie ependin efew eye in town, the guest. of Mine dibh Miekelly. A varv nnimmbla tfme wu pnnnn At. the Wllloonc `lblhuuou. Hnuthicr. oonvmd cl Phnhulo cl LARA.-ul-n-Am Alnlhnjl nnhnn h V IHIJFIVHIULAJQLV $ JOSEPH w.'m Director Tlw Wm. Dnvion 00.. And Dleootur Oint- dhn Bank of oommoroo. Hon. Sm lwxlmzm Bnwr:m., P.U. x.c.u.u.. Senator ax-Prlmo Mlnlotu of hands. lion. J. D. I:mn.P.U.. Q.0.. n.P.. xspcmkor Home of Com mom. Box Wu. Hun . Oommlulonor Public Works. Onbnlo. BoN.G/I-:0. A Oox. Senator, Pruldent Cuna- dlnn Bunk of Uommoroo- 11014.8. c.Woon, Managing Director Froohold Loan and Havlnn Cu. J. J. KI1luY.Vioo-Prmldont Wonwrn E BI-mnh Amu-Ion Auunnoo Oomnnniou. .1. H. l'1.uuuIn. Auintnnt. General Manager Canadian Bnnk of Oomnu-roe. ` A. E. nuns. of A. 1!. Ann: 00., 'l'r(ml Toronto Stock Exchnn - Iluun N. Bum. Grain orohnnt. Director Weutern Auurnuue Company. I. "ll.'Cl.I`.s, I.D.. 1".B.0 14.. em. London. :1 ought In the con Ilnob-1n llujonblo . Ivonlng. 'Mu.3wxvn.u:. Doc. 8.-Mn. W. Wil- liamson. Pan Hope, in viuiun ah the rui- Ldonoo 0! her mother. Mn. . Newman, Rivoruide oottago. Tho Onngcmon gun HIRE! hotel - 3.-A inn? uh Innnhmvn mnmhnn mu: uvuurur. dllllllol. uwunuu; muunnl . Clancy: amount at-urns. '1`. Mann. --%\-.j._-- AN AMEDMENT OFFERED ' punommto AN norm g..:.7.:~`..;.-.r.m... -_ |.J_- M- (SKI A T ; V.VVo HI :1: lulu.` WT` v . Bro. T. I). HinnU.Oon_hry: Bl `Plot: KW. B80. Woloh i nlugndnou. ~ llootlon Of (Mice NAPANEE ia5?Es. 8, 1897. ' iilunhiniesszstneer. `hlophouo Van. LBIIIWIJ Uullipnlly, Jul unnu- HANAGING DIRECTOR: F. G. OOX. J. Cooke. General Agent. Kingston W. HAIT. Ihnunr Hhnnalnrd Bank. Sno- 11;. lmlonco of out Inning stock lulu urinal wo have now tho Pinon. IA: null and Moot Complete Moot In Central OMAN- Our pukaou nnlow and vr-uh wclldolo. A trial nllcltosl. Photoqnphy In all In hrnnhn. Don`: doing that Christmas onion. 00:0 In now. D._A.WEESE&CO - ,_. ____ . ._.._g___ jpnums All] rams. COLD WEATHER. The holiday spirit prevades the store. Each day will see something new in stock. -The store itself be- gins to take on holiday attire. The goods themselves are only merchandise and are sold as we sell every da articles-fair prices to the public. Come when you wil . Children's Picture Books, board covers, at 5e, 8e, 15c, 25c and 35c each. Dressed China Dolls at 5c. Dressed Rag Dolls at 20c, 25c and 35c. kid Body Dolls at 25c worth 4oc ; 4oc worth 50c. A special line of Dolls at 10C and 25c. Large Japanese Dolls at 15c. Best Doll value is here. Test us. Children's Tea Sets IOC, 15c. 20c, 25c, 45c. Fancy China Plates at IOC, 15c. 20c, 25c each. Iiancy China Cups and Saucers 5c, 10C,` 12%c, 15c, 20c and 25c. - Japanese liive O'clock Tea Sets $1.25, $1.50, $2. Fancy China Ornaments 15c and 20c. Jiancy Baskets IOC and 15c each. R9 d y to Look at To-Morrow. A choice collection of Imported Decorated China in all sorts of odd shapes and novelties. Come and S( c them. Starr & Sutclie, Holiday Merchandise Holds Sway. B UVHIL _4j- Eh luhuouhuhowvucpcr nl ` khaki. N.LD_IY-I-hlhh ' x; Custom Tailor made? twice Looktorlthereltt breast pocket. Cex-tifies quality, ~size,7and makers price. _ ` Put there to grote'ctre't`eiI purchasers against ver- charge and to `ensure to em the value intended by the manufacturers. uits ready to wear, sleeve and pants length corrected if needed. Wananted to look, and ke_e2 shag equal to the_ price. L ` Silk label stitched intofleft d THE HlDeDEfN:t, S HALL M-ARK, PORMERLY RICHMOND a 00. I18 and I20 Princess Street. udI\UgInaw.. W. 1). I-IAIT. Ilnunr Hhnnulnrd clll Aunt..K`uuuI'.nn. HA low good Igoutn wnntod. aq- bl Ullli FOR THE ag [I Ivvwul vluuuyu B! h. inclndi Boot And Shoo woo ofF.A.O ord.Iun my in I pod n to gin Gnu `no in than nes, as well u -lulo Clothing r 7|-:7\.BRA1*!50?!~{. _ _: -`- ii Thjlmv soon. no Prion; vsmoj ' H-QC lhnnnnh -Lnlnnglg - . {The ;!o0plo s pportunity ngpnrohlldlovltll krupt n Innhnnn Hm (ml Rlmn TIUIV. 06? TI T "lax! thins`: Wltih. Be Sure Co. Wn.wm IACKINZII. President. Toronto Iullwoy Company. Toronto. ilANlA!ll\HI BYHIDFFAD - J. 9. uuvna us-nu an `Ill. nnugowu W. I). HAIT. Ihnunr Hhnnulard Bunk. Spe- Anent..K`um-tnn. . PRESIDENT! 7 TB]! HON. SIR ULIVIIB. MOWAT. G.U.I.G. :-nor. EURS Being the Largest Deposit nude by any Canadian Llle Insurance Company. llapltal, ue Million Dollars. DEPOSITED WITH THE DOMIN. - ION GOVERNMENT. $29:.900! T.1B:oc` The Nyaiuii 'Ie_ii:ii'eEo.}" . N.S Inntlnn thin nnnnr `than you unlu- life Assurance Co y OH` CAN ADA. I _.A -- ___.N ! am an arm Dicor. `1N JOBPORA'1`l:_D7 by SPECIAL AC1` or may nouxmozq na- znunwr. The attractive ties: at which 1 119 lotiun BOOTS and gut -2.--) _-- - I`! U IVS III IJ\I\II3CIl\l S80 5 were oend us tnmptqd us into ovorstocking ouulvu. Now we are ob- Ihud to unload. W0 now to- that our prices an Chan -Inn ALLA: JOHNSTON & mrsl Ill >IIIII VIII" PTICUI IT` LO` than an otlm Shoo Home in the . Call ndnuthbupinou o`0lC I1 nu oonvlnoo youulf M. In Brook mos IIIU IVJIQII -5II5lIS UV. II III luuon this popu when you write. 3;"'1`.'l,'C|.EH, 11.11.. l".l!..U 34.. em. London. u g`. lItnI'. President. Kemp lunufnoturlnu D 1 s'E"ii"" E 9. * - During seventy years ` N_Y-AS-SAN] IMPERIAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 9. Golden Lion Grocery. Drool Iltroot. Kxnnton. Will be an L wAmai-1uo address of ovary Iumror In America. ._-._ nn_nn_n__A- 3..-, up- See it. vxcspamsxnnm` : If I AYYIRIIII` vll-an-I MARKET JALUE. ioiz ALI`: {rm 7 7l3na hex`/i failed in . any case. 'non Boots. in otlaor wordo. an obuolnuly Aldonnon vscotb. of Toronto. our old! lrlond. Ian. according to tho Toronto Nun. "coho council with hlmoolt and do- dod nos to oppooo Mayor Show." Aldon ` vlllooul Moods. ho oonoot mm ony- oomoodhuhoallnotd taohlkin lalui |nl-IlIv wuuuuuu--u-n This is a degree in advance of anything i that has so far been attempted in the good ' citizenship movement of the Christian En` V deavour society. Hitherto the movement has been of an educational character, the training of the young people in the princi- ples of citizenahip and the implanting within them of the desire to aim for the highest ideals. It has not been coneidered prudent to go further, to ` aesume, like the temperance people. a dictatorial role in municipal elec- tione. It may be well that the candidates for municipal honors should know that the , eye: at the young people are upon them, ' and that either as prospective legielators ores member:-elect of the council they, should realize the exalted eel-vice they are expected to perform. But there is an ele- it ment of danger in an unwise or injudicious interference. The young people must ` have discreet leaders else they` will ` land in diilicultiee that, at the outset of this new departure, will injure, and perhaps destroy, their ideals. Municipal politics are supposed to be con- ned to municipal ailhire, but, unfortunate- ly, they are a mixture of all that consti- , tute partyism, and one cannot touch them without having to invade territory that, ` for good citizenship only, should be forbid- den ground. The young people must, , therefore, have a care. They are right in preferring for public life, and seeking to elect them. the men of principle. the man i pledged to social and municipal relorme, , will be hard to how to a given lime, i as experience has shown. ; The deetruobion of the official pepore deeling with the service of the Cenediun militin iegimente during the Fenian raid we: I terrible blunder. It wee committed M by Major-Generel Herbert while Sir 5 Adolph Ceron wee eating an minister of { militia. A worthy peir. Papers of his-' boric interest should not have been no the mercy of any men who did not known their value. ' I :v-r---nc.. 7? 13.1; }.'{.."a 2'.'.I'a'."..";.." cons ht Inch. o framing Pictures - ASAN_ART. The Mail is dintruud because {our ro- I glutrnnhlpn an vuocnb. and any be filled a by present member: 0! the legislature. l Our oonhmporury but become unduly non- Iltlvo ml! at once. A good many M.PI. ; had the promise ol oico whoa the romodial bill In: before the commons, and the Mail did not no any harm in that. E `u Tolqnu in cucuuc. It rolou lotto Icrycppcdllon in \hoconnon:- which lthndcd to cu-n-"u the n- ushccl ogovcrnmocl which no non` |ccn|cuHothoU.l .R. unnthopncunl ; n II\.-A |.x_.I .1 A-II. A... .4 Bob. Rogerl. ol Winnipug. who oleime ` that be known eonewng, allege: that I "nothing oen now prevent Hugh John Mwdoneld from carrying the province when the general election comes eronnd." I Mr. Mecdoneld will do it ell. -He doee not I need any help. He will carry the province ' -in hie mind. . u--wuv--u ..u - v..-_-v~- A telegram, which wns general in its cluracber and went the rounds of the pres: yesterday, read as follows : Al\L_ _.-...._.-..A. 4.. ..-.......:.... ..p........ n-.. Jun--......`,, .-.._ -~ .-.._..- . Th . H I Montronlstar. . mVml t 078ml Y"a P90` 1 The consorvatavcs of the Ontario legisla- P'" 'i`i` i "h h"h" `*9 `"50" i ture will not; visit. the fat stuck show, but: "19 '11liP5` 'ti"' '1 5" d"`"'d `| labor on will give an oxhibicion of certain am. `:.:`:::"l.2:"%`:.`::::;.:*;:..*:':::?.,:: : to A onnar POULTRY msrmv. The government will make a great dis- play at the annual exhibition of the Eut- srn Ontario poultry association in Corn- wall. on Dec. 28th. 29th. 30th and 31st. This display will be under the direction of- Mr. Gilbert. ol the experimental farm. Ot- tawa. and the idea is to show how poultry. intended tor the British market. should be I dressed. Mr. Gilbhrt. it is also stated. will deliver two addreses. The pity is that some ceneral movement is not made for the education of the Canadian farmers -upon this poultry trade. Few persons," outside ol exhibitors at the poultry show, can and it convenient to go to Corn- wall and remain there during a lour days programme. The gov- ernment. during. the winter, should have the various districts. usually covered by `farmers institutes. visited by the de- 1 partmsntal farm stall`. or by representa- tives ol it. and the dressed poultry shown.` and the work upon them. There is money in the rsising of poultry, and thoie who realize this hsve been eager to become I possessed of all the inlormstion possible in regard to it. The farmers in the Kingston i district should be up and doing in their own interest. They should meet and ask the government to have among them an exhibit of poultry dressed as it must be for r erportstion to the mother country. There s money in the business. One ship. leaving this week for England. took six hundred tons of turkeys. How many went from Kingston district '1 Y.P.;EE. IN POLI;1:ICS. Wrlaklu or M00000 In a tuned plo`nro In no an o nuns. II In an onion. van in own um wrinkle: on be mount- "PPVIV par moo..- T I Not `lrentod Fairly`. Goocge A. McGowan, cigar manufactur- er, hoe written to the mayor protesting ' ` ngninet the opening up of Sydenhnm |;etroet. Should the by-lnw be earned it . X will be the means of turning him out of the . ` premises on which he hna expended con- Jidernble mone nnkin them suitable for ' 3 his business. f oompe led to vacate them jhe would Inlfer great loss. If hnving to I remove without remunerntion he would : deem thnt his intereatu an a citizen have, Inoh been fully protecte , He would be I compelled to turn him At ntion elsewhere. , lnduoelnente hovlng been otfered. He he- ` rd business by employing nix hands, now , e bu ninety on the pp; roll. ' ' ` Before 1 factory is opened the govern- ment eompele a triple net of plum sud blopeeioetiona of the promise: to be sub- . mined for approval. These are costly. u ` are also the xing up of e euitnble fnctory. I llllllb unu UUUH IUIKIIIUUI ' In reply to the last. epoekor, alderman Donnelly stated the elevator had cost. over the specified sum. The theoretical die- ,cherge wee 14,168 bushels an hour. The | cepecity wee more than the terms called 1 for. 534,000. The elevator was first-cluea end the city hud received all the company had agreed to give. 0 Aldermen Wnlkam wan nmnnmrl nnh tn `roman occurs. Major Rivoniul 0 uh: I 0 II in - \;d .50 will polxgfonug uhclldl to the lnulq purhtnlhovorkoflout.-Col. cg Iplhdnuuu y animal jaunt guard. ! Wlll Oonlolt The Ono. John Bu-rio. Syncuoo, N.\`., oxdoubor {or an unto thorn. bu onhorcd unit hora quinot. Mn. O'Neil. Into 0! 8 ncun. for : rocovory of O`.50eoou nwu-dad n unit do- oldod no Syncuu. Mn. O'Noi| `tutored unit oggioue the annular {or $00. Do- hndono won and was awarded can to tho oxtono of 0260. Buboequontly pldnu ` Ian the United Batu withoul` labeling ooou. honoo sbonit hon no rooovor then. The doloou will cantons the nation on tho nd thus nu-rial woman osnnoo In ' Hu 5 c.m;..--.Tnm'E.. tutored nit u'fuinu W. Inch. jl'.. at the up- . h ng county court. Plaluu` cold do- ul 3 unload ol Ihlnglu. lot which do- hndun tohnorlo pay. owning on ex- hndouo! Mao wuunnlotl. Bohr um liuhounlyounouhudhndcl. I III ISIUUU 90 IVE: Alderman Walkem was repured not to support the report if the e evntor did not come up to their terms of the agreement. He did not think it neceesury to ssh for I de- tailed statement of the cost ; the word of the chairman was sutlicient. After hearing the report he was ready to support it. He ' hoped Mr. Mooers and allies who had put money into the elevator would reap a 'rioh harvest. He was satised as to tie l stability of the men in the company. ILIIIIUT IIUDIIIU. Aldermen Richardson said he had op- posed the Mooers company for comcion- uioue reeeone. He asked if the elevator ind coat. the specied eum, $l00.000. He `believed in would discharge the stated amount. 12.000 buahela an hour. No al- dermnn could aupport the report. without ; knowing bhnb all bbe terms of the agree- I mom. had been iuilled. 1.. ......|.. u- u... I-.. .....-|'...- ..u-......... ' nu. ma uu Mooon col -........-L|.. .. Toronto Toiegnm. This reduction of postal rates within the empire will be a great boon to who ex- pabriabed old-countrymen who have occa- sion to write ome for remittances. orrnnnt. II In nmlun I II o P I will gunranuo tll oarvhmoqhh. of W or (II lnmou not Qo \v:nklo.;~ - 0 Mar |on. Puullu. In nu-Inn or other emu munnto-I win out the all It st 100 Brook strut. null Montreal Star. Th: nnnlnrun Hamilton Hflltl. Emperor Will is said to be not in touch with his people. He has pmbnbly done all the touching possible. ` air. '.xbi' preeident oi thellnited sum-. wee dim corned to have a etriklng reeemblance to the late Emperor Napoleon. This eug- geeted the pom-trayal of him. in pictures, aeageneral with a Napoleon hat and e Napoleon pole. Now he in in a poeltion to show what he can do.and. he refers to A Cohen gingerly that nioet people are of opinion that he doe! not want to light. Weyler has been recalled, he lays. and it was his brutal `order: that "inamed the Americen mind and ehoohed the civilized world." Only that. - Not a word about the duty of the United State: in the crisis, not a word about the neceuity of getting into the (ray and of atopplng the carnage in the interest of hu- manity and the American intereete. The Daily Chronicle. of London, tribes the situation thus : "The central p vincen are yadelert waste. The sugar i duetry can I only be restarted by the iniuni of` Eng"- ` liah and American capitol. Fe dare in- I vest. The island in lost to Spain. and it is |clearly the duty of the United "States to intervene in the interest of humanity and I But McKinley does not see it in that light. . Heia nota Napoleon. and he will not wear 5 a Napoleon hat again. mac. n.. . r..i`a,.ui..` civilintion and to end this fearful inferno. 3-Blur I Toronto Tales:-am. Thin rndunlzlnn Hamilton Hornlcl. l 1.`...-.n..m. fill in VTT M H II "nous," Inn U_[lov I. A Oonlorvlm vo Exhlblt. I an..- PRESS BKETCHES. on: out Dunno. n-.._...._ n._L___ C Iculor To Write `time. !-|.. It `Wale: Ion. Publlu. In nu-Inn wtllllu II M`! llrool stuck 0 can do work jut mo pol-loot and nymp- Ihnn tho uoolul-ml old eovnhluhod. now. renovated and nut! high priced. Ilnl-oluu uhtonu. He II Out 0! Touch. tl_._.I,| Send your lddnas for putioulnn, nnps Itinerary o! the "Dawson On: Reno! lctpoclhton" and other train: Wnkly urvlno. Jun. 15th from South In ntaeunor co Inn. Wnnml. thanoohy v 0 Klondyka Rapid Transit-Olnvor Locomntivan rovommondod by tho Hon. I-co`: of War-cwu Blvu.Lalo and land. Irrlvlnu five months nrllu than My any oehcr autom of tnnapottulon. Andrun. ltonulli Inn! 0 lol Illlllt on. 1100-1110 Chamber of Commerce BlIq.. Olloun. J0lII'lI lumtrn, min. I. I. Noomnrnh. urn. Ion Bldg, Ollooao. Joell ! [on Ihoco|aiTes !] Fnncy Boxes and Baskets. Great variety to choose from for the Holiday: at -Illrwull III! I` Iuuuunl. Bo.~l1*o.\', Meee.. Dec. 8.-Alberl. M. King. the ebeoonding meeeenger of the Bovlebon netionel bunk. ploaded g-uiltyin the United States oircuil: court yeacerdny to embev.v`e- menu. The district. attorney ebeted that alter en investigation of the been in the one he lied come to the conolueion theta, the intereete of justice would be served it the indictments were pieced on 1 le end the defendant. allowed to go free. he court. ordered thin diepoeltion of the cue. King is only nineteen year: old. He run ewey on Mey lllth with over 830.000 of the benk'e money but on King`: erreet. ell but IAII -u rnnnvnrul DIIII U IIIUIIU" "III? 0 $50 was rocovored. [Going to the +`}s:J- REES- In AIrl.0l st. ueos-|e's Mission. The musicalo given at the residence of Thomas Mills. University avenue. last night was of a superior order. the contribu- tions by local talent wellsustaining the ex- cellent reputation new enjoyed by the performers. The -programme included vocal and piano solos, quartettes, readings. rocitations. and pleasing selections on John Routles grammophone. The performers were re. Iietu-1, Mrs. J. Evans, the Misses llailie, Shaw, Richardson, Mills. McMillan and Bawdeu: Messrs. R. Harvey. - Arthur E. Ellis. McFaul, Hutchlson and Malcolm. Durimr the evening a sale of candies and ice cream was carried on,_ from which a neat sum was realized. The musi- 'cule was held in the interest of the build- ing fund of St. (lecrge`s cathedral mission, which will be augmented by over 850. Over one hundred tickets were sold by the ladies of the rniusion. Inc All in thin . OHLKE.. (hm onltlnn Lian llrnnncru use I in nuunood satisfactory. for it , . Stella scnmunuouT.' S'rr:i.i..x, Dec. S.--About two hundred persons attended the concert in the Vic- toria hall on Friday evening. Peter John- son, grand lodge ollicer, paid a visit to the Workman of this place Monday evening. Four young ladies of this place have been joined in wedlock by Rev. Mr. Tiglie since September. Another ne young lady is to be married by him on the 15th of the present month and still another inashort time. Mrs. Mont- gomer has returned from Black River, N. Y.. w ere she has been spending some months with her daughter, Mrs. Murray. She intends residing with her son, John, who has just built a new house. They expect to occupy it in a short time. Mrs. Hinton paid a few days visit in Kingston lately. A good number went to Kingston on Saturday. William McDonald and William Beaubien returned home from sailinga few days ago. Miss Caldwell, teacher of No. 1 school. leaves here to talie a school at Murvale. Many of the children regret very much that she is going tolesve them, as she is a good teacher. Miss Soammell, a former teacher here, paid A short visit to her old friends lately. Mrs. Wright has gone to spend the win- ter with her daughter, Mrs. Mc- lienzie, North Bay. Hugh Fleming has returned from sailing. Christmas en- tertainments are now being talked oil`. A number of cattle, pigs and poultry have been shipped from here this season. John Mc\ eon is dealing quite extensively in ap- ples. Kl-ONDYKE? Ill UDLBWII In Jllllllfyu The Normal school opens for the winter session on January 18ch with it; usual complement; of one hundred students, aevonbyaix women -and twenty four men atudenba. GU LIIB Clyu William Okilvie will lecture to t.l1oSb. George's society on "Scenes and Experi- ences in the Yukon. I and A... 3-.. Al YA-A I\..`i_.. ...1|| I... UIICUE Ill I-H0 I UKUII. Lord Ava. son of Lord Dufferin, will be in Obta`va in January. This Nnl'|nAl nnhnnl nnnnl fnr Hm wintnr Ill UUHHUII. _ Messrs. Tarte and Mulock have returned to the city. William nbilvia will Innlnrn In Hm Rt. For The Iloatlng or Parliament-Wlll llavo In Full Complement. OTT. \\\'A, Ont... Dec. 8` ~-Thegovornment has not. arrived at any decision yot. \ in re- nd to. the date of calling parliament. he matter has not so far been discussed in council. 11--..-- m.._i._ __.I |L.i....I- L....- _-...___'_,x - gum V leaded late Jnetlee Ferguson at the court louse This Io:-IIIII. The grand jury forthe court of as its presented their report to justice Fergmon this morning. through their foreman '1`. G. s Rrirdd: `In their examination of the county jail they found each department clean and in good order. with discipline well main-2 tained. and good management generally observable. The able-bodied mule prison- ers were found sawing wood. and as they are largely of the tramp class. we think the county ought to utilize their labor to the fullest extent. We found three old men and one old woman in connement. we are of the o inion that the houee of in- dustry woul be a more fitting place ' for them. In this connec- tion we cannot recommend the erec- tion cf a count house for the poor. The jury also form an insane man a patient in the goal. They recommended that he be removed to an insane asylum: The vsntl~ lation of the jail was not satisfactory, and should heim roved. If a cheap system of electric light ng, to replace the dangerous coal oil `lamps. Cnlld he introduced it would beagreatimprovement. Several cop- ies of the act relating to witnesses and jurors referred to by hie lordship in his address.` were found posted about the court house in conspicuous places. A Visit to theKingston penitentiary revealed that the institution was apparently in a very satisfactory con- dition, and its affairs well administered. The rand jury had listened with profound satis action to his lordship`s eloquent re- marks in reference to her gracious majes- ty s diamond jubilee, and joined in his lordship's prayer for a much longer exten- sion of her majesty e benecent reign, and hoped that his lordship might have many future occasions for giving expres- sion to the same loyal sentiments. Finest in Canada. Try them: A-Star.l_|i_ng@A[gqmenL|