-.?_j_`, _ London Luncuhlre Llfc Aunt. anon Company. 1uo1...........uu2ws run...........uo-1 The nub qulnqnomvln) dh-lllon of prot! will take phsoo after @110 slow 0! the bank: on an Dooombu 1397. All those joining the company boron this date will be entitled 90 one your : prots. Mills on Cunnln hann, Gononl Au cu. Uloronno 8 root. House Ana lot. oor. ox uoorgu Inn uwwnn on. 60:66. Eu 1%., non Gordon 59... double Inlet house us ohupton St... new houunnd lot. mm. 114 " fume homo. ` And 150 other properties In city and want) for sale. to lot or exchange. . _........-<-`.- 1...: I-|-A_L_ ;__.._ F. NISBET S| uu runv. vv Ivv V. _-.. ...._-. OARDINEIPS Rgal Estate Agoncy. 1 .1 n1-n|.._o.... no Ilnnatnn Effects. Designs. Prices. Wall Papers suitable for Kitchens, Dining Rooms. Halls, Bath Rooms. Bedrooms, Parlors, Drawing Rooms, Oioea, Etc. llnuton Punt she and Room Pout 0011. Block t BAGUI STE!!! _---_j VEHICLES II WI susmus 'v`~ r`3-cm .nAM_ _munun. ,. nu.-- ___..________._______.. TO THE LADIES OP KINGSTON. FIEiBT-CLASS D AND XANTLE MAK- ll . Inning oogcumu promptly stand-. ad (,0. Min; 3- d Fitting on shorten notice All kinds oi Pnturnn kopt. on Inna Plut- clun Dunc-Igmkan wanted at one: Punch {nrfootxon Syd-in touch in: for balsam 0! In your aw atylu ol garment unsung taught. BY I1!!! I 00.. `loaned IL, Shanon 1- Ln E? I [1123 In \J\Ipl rhnuhcturen of 'BlIlhrd nu , Pool TING. . ~IInporton or Blluud mocha nuns. `non. I`-to Om-,0olnmbuI lloetrie lonouo known kzbazhoboatlnusd . __.._.__.._..... THE L1:m'ro1-*`TnnLwom.n OUR szuvloa IN AR 0nr,0olnmb\lI moetno ulunonl an I tobothohout mun` Second-|nnd'l\blafro-Oltolt Gainful Trgnsactiop. ; 3.1.. 31`:-nan .1 co.. __...n-.4_-..... _l hlllland Ad` vu-u---.-- --...-- --v- - 3; St. Denis St; IIIJnireaI.| HER??? I unusv-tuna-\..a -`--- -.---.- --. 151 Wellington 58.. Kingston. Money to loan at lownat vnta. T. MCMAHON & C0-9 I -uunvvr - '""'.... :'.. '...*.`'.:-3; L n'.'-'uuJuu-n.`AnI:nwm L-3'"-v w PIANOS FOR VENT- 'nv-nnun (ID ltntl.l.ll"l III?! IvIl-\l LII I van: v- u , 3'} when: ` `n count in 'loIIV|! hr hvho your loohnu undo _to calm. Il.LbE0llABP&Ll'Y. n- A I|1.n.I4DII- in great variety. I Uhlllllu ur Irv For Sale or Ecmue. ag:/std : Yellow OIL -4L ..._... ......... lYmuI c -_._..-.__.:..-__- Bu.1!'oI-ad lo: Years. TI _ 4-. _|. -L_..-l~ wm Flt you rltht. `II UVUKT XIII IIIUII mumfncbn . on re- psirod no 0 Wm row: with tho Whocl Window. 0! ovary duct! eion nmufnct.uI_ _!___I -5. II.'-_. ';u"u>?cass' `TIDE? -` _ Oouto Dlotmblllln. Non QM!!- o?'r:`vna noun thoworldh 1 8 point- o own; the [ROI Indus` don ol our hvlou. to calm: from th swun- wodonda . 'l`I&booI hsoboon loin who: suit 01 want. Panaman- Iadlnythonlohuo rut. " 0h5vos..A:_ 331 .1_ 1@!'.E} : mm `.a..,.;....... or utvrrs vmms. *- 2::-. ~-.'::r..L.:.=-.~,.:.'-..V;...-*'+ vuwru, nu. n.--`t`wv- _--f- ---:r ` will ptuo A mmuonpry _ ;r2'.'r`.2un";I':.'nhnai.e church Sunday eventua- in the city on Sntm-day.--U. naooocx :- going to Maeoow at the oiooo of sun not an opcntionn in the gold mine In about to ho cont.inuod.-'l`. Babcnck nearly land -5 stations re Thursday morning.--3. Gowdy anti wile visited at A. Leeann : lab wank. ---.,-:.:- kn Gnnmowlm, Dc. 7.-A. Hopping win city Saturday.-0. Bab_oock in ....a.... fn Mnnnow at. am Thursday mm-mng.--a. uuwu, .. . D1-151cm` L.uu:,`Doo. 7.-'I`be4 recent snow worms have made good aleigbing.-Tbo' hlsgs ate now frozen over, providing excel. I u-...'.n.-:.... car than hnvn.---F. Mung, who ' him: lrozan pruvuuug um--. lontialnting for ghe boyI.-F. Mum). who formerly resided us Florida, has moved in- to this vicin_it.y.--A. Keech is moving may from here.--B.ev. Mr. Motcalf will preach here next Sundny ---A` visitor. at B. Lee's. jr.-ih s A boy.-Viaitora : Minsk`. -Snook, E. and Mia: C. Tryon, Weatport; Mr, and Mrs. G. Kemp. Mums. Dec. 7.-As aleigliing has come the tumors are getting one their winim- a wood.-The young people are preparing for a box social at the schoolhouse on Fri- duy night. Dec. l7th.--W. Curran will soon have no spend the winter so Verona. --A baby boy has arrived at the home of F. Mart-in.-Willinm Shnngruw and family spent Sunday to D. J. Ourran`s.~-Mrs. J., also Mrs. A. Martin spent Monday at`Mr!. Lake s. --j_-- VENNANIAR. Dec. 7 -The weather is very cold at present; though there in not much snow there is enough to use eleigha. --There has been quite a bib of exeitemenb around here abouo a man known by the nickname of Jack the Hugger. Two men were in pursuit" of him ubouq two weeks ago. and it. is to be hoped he will nnnn he mntured if heia as dangerous as WGGKS ago. nd ID I8 [0 DU uupuu uu vnu soon be captured dangerous ' reprosented--Woparations are being made for an entertainment; at Chriat|nne.--The limo daughter ol Simon Ball, who some- time ago was badly burned, has almost to- covered. BTEUE ELLIS. AROHITEOT. OFFICES- llxnhnnle Ohnnbou.0l!o:d'| Block. 81 (:'l.I'11\'\'ALE, Dec. 'I.~The Sunday school will hold their annual concert between Uhristmns and New Year The public school concert was given last. week in the Orange hall. the proceeds to he used in getting prizes for the cbi|dren.-The Rev. J. B. Robeson, (Ystaraqui, preached in the Mothodiso church Sunday a.fLernnon.-~0ur teacher. Miss Ansel-sine, is engaged for another year.-Mra. l).xviaon. who has been very ill. in recovering.-Visi_I2oru: Mina llolcombe, Montreal. at J. Ell'erbeck e: Mrs. Hull and daughter, Michigan, at J. Harker a. Powr Mll.F()Hl), uec. 1.-A-A now Uuuusu is among the latest improvements.--Capla. M. Hicks, of steamer Water Lily, is home. We congratulate him on his very successful season ~- l`he steamer Resolute and steam- berge Lake Michigan have recently taken refuge in our herbor.~S. 0. Church has moved here from Melville. His many friends here are glad to have him back a sin. He has secured a yearly position Wlbh F. Newmau.--W. H. Pierson has pur- chased :1 term above Milford and will reside there soon. He is very popular here and we will be sorry to have him leave us. Mll.k`()Hl), Dec. 7.---A now improvements.- M Hi:-lm, nf steamer Lily, in V'1o1.r.1',Dec. 7.~'l`he merry jingle of the sleigh bells can again be heard --We are sorry to hear than our former teacher Mim-Oundry, is very ill at her home in. Goderich and no hopes are entertained of her recovery.-Rev. Mr. Shoroy, Morven, preacheda missionary sermon here has Sunday.~Wiilie Robson is suffering from meaalos.--Our teacher. Miss Cameron. been engaged for another _vear.-Wo hear no more about the singing school. Is it going to be I failure ?-F. nider is having A kitchen added to his house.~-F`rederick Snider and wife have returned from 050 after spending the summer there making nhnaln. W-uo Vnnozu, I_)u..-- ..-.mir.h null nrnnnh Ml IGI El) cheese. I B.\'rn, Dec. 7.~-Miu Jessie Dwy is home after spending the summer in Water- town and Sackettfs H|rbor.--Church peo- ple were quite delighted to hear of the up pointmeift. of Rev. Mr. Evans to the curacy of Bush. by his grace. Mr. Evans! will take charge in olcial capacity on Sunday nexr..-Hugh Johnston is conned to his hou-e by ill-health. We hope to hear of his recovery soon. -The A0. U. W. held a very enjoyable evening on the 7th when full justice wee done bothe ample supplies of mine host. The comfort) and appearance of the academy has been much augmented by recent. improvements in the way of storm windows. BELL Rom, Dec. 7.--Sufl`1ciont; snow bun fallen to make eleigbing.-Imac Care- callen. bownahio collector, made him ap- pearance here Snturdey -W. A Glover spent Sunday at home in Camden Eaet.-- Mr. Parker and non, Mountain Grove. are visiting at A. P:|rker e.--Frenk Army has gone to Merlbenk, where he hue secured a good sitna.tion.-Miee Minnie Wheeler en- taertained A number of her frlende on Thurs- day evonlng.--S. _Pome're has recovered from e severe Attack 0 quiney --The amount of eiclmeee la ebebing somewhat. the sick list now containing Mrs. Mary Meets, Mn. Alexander Pmker, Mine Libble Pomeroy and George Moir. Buck's Mum, Dec. 8.--l-1. J. Comm and Hugh (`.nhum`,. of Msrmoru. mining oxpcrta, have been prospecting on tho pto- ' petty of George and Jnmon Block. of Black : Mills. for copper are and report sur`uooindiout.iona very favorable. I run any of the nmplu taken by them is ncisfuctory operation: will be begun in the lpring. Numerous ample: of ore were brought. to the oxpolftl by IOVOPII farmers in the vicinity. but owing to tho cold weahhnr And mow furtbor enminutionu cannot. In undo now. Tho oxpreuion has often bun undo that: this rock: con- tained aomobhing sad it in hoped that the oxunihgbiom my prove successful Ind that tho Nauru. Bitch may ho well ropud for that now enutprioo. PLaA.s'A.\1' V.u.1.l:v. Dec. 7.--Thomee Weteon hes just returned from Hannibal, N.Y.. to which ptnce be had been to see hie brother in-luv who hed met. with e Winful end serious eccidenr..-Dlre. M. euaon and Mrs. Thomas Kingston have been on the nick list. but en reported het- tet.-;,yVe,ere sorry to hem that Mr. Smith hen lent id hie Ioeignnion end will nnt re- min in thin eohool another year. We wish hie: none: in his next Uoeetlon. -'l'he tet- vieee in our echool are very well encoded. --C. Elmheeh he returned from leni- toha, whence hehed goneon sheherveet excureion.--Vioitove : In-e. George VER- eon eh, Thomas Weteoo e; Ha. ind Mn. 8 Barr et George Berr e.---We have my little now get in than loocLlity.,hut. thigh- ing in very good. ` Autumn. Dec. 8--lm :- BMIh.ieonIhedohReIT-WerI[III'Ihe my-1'3"" I 511 WI `egg! 55.. Inhon. --_-.-..:__-_.-.__:_- .3... an. Kelly. nai- nl. n vninninnnrv nu-mnn .---A church ....~.-..rn `IL. ng; fo ` . but thigh- ' `.W > I 1 I gt *2 ... sputum hu`;h"m-3~&' must at her alum Mrs, M. Inpuun`:-.-b .Vilill,,I u. Donald F!D".'s`|.Id high- 3.915,, Manitoba, ut. Arthur Innis: mud W. Wulur. Wilton, IEJMIOI , Itch; Goorgo LnoIA.,;gb_. ll . A_ylIwort.B: Mrs.` A. Wnlaota. . skqqnp. abhor duughcofa lire. Rnlph Buiiugiu: Min Enmn Sgpith. At. Seymour Smit.h |.--- Mrs. A. Lsughlin bu rotumod to ,3:-oak: villo after spending I cauplb of woohiu -this vicinity.-Mn. J. Pinion. vinihd at the station one day has woek.-Mr. and Mrs. Seccomb, Odessa. were at Damon Qnhlnv-H ' lfl. DEG! Snider : Hnnnowsmnn. Dec. 7.--E. Freeman bu renued C. Steworle mill and will run it this wintei-.-Our village will soon be ehle to boast. of Another general note. in C. 89.0- warb. jr.. in having the building now oc- cupied on post: office. thoroughly renovated.- end will put in 3 `full eoock.-Mre. Jamel Williamson end little son are spending a few weeks M: John \\'i|liemwu'I.--Last Sabbath evening the Rev., Mr. Sbnudan preached in S5. Peter : church to a. large ` congregenion.--The Rev. D, Fleming heel" resumed his series of eennone on The Great Men Of'The Old Testament." the engfectnbomnluh Sabbath being -- ext Sabbath evening the Rev. 3'. Meredith, Verona. will preach in the Me- thodist church.-D. Wnllace has moved to the villqie for the winter. also 1). Wood and fami y. PRl'.STON\'ALl-2, Dec. 7.-A large number of our young people atteiidedtha Sons of Scotlanifu concert held at Lanai-k on the lat.-G'eore`Huloy.SIni!h`a Falls, is visit- ing his father.--Oharloa McNiece sold his farm to Mr. Halfpenny for upwards of $3,000. Mr. McNieco intends roaidiug at North Gowor.--Miaa Bertha Richards. |).icre. is visiting hm` friends in this vicin- ity.~-Whilo returning from Linark, James Close s ne young team became unman- ageable and run for A short distance.- Mias E. Richard: left for ltonfrow last wook.~-AU. Rimoier has been re-engaged as cheoeo-maker for the coming season, his work having been very satisfactory last year -It is with sadness we chronicle the death of James Mcllquhmn, of the tenth concession, l)rummond. Mr. Mcllquham was one of our most respected residents. and hiasudden demise has cast a gloom over this section. --_?.__ COI.l~2lIR()0K. Doc. 8 -We have fair win- ter weather ab; present hind very good aloighing.-The l`lVB!` iq fkman over and furnishes a skating area of about two miles long by one eighth of 3 mile wide. The young folks are having A uy time on it. I The Rev. Mr. Anderson ad :1 song nor- vice in the Methodist. church last. Sabbath which was well Mendel and gave general astisfacbion.--Porcy Anderson has cloud an agreement. to touch school near Bollo- ville. Wilbur Benn has had a not of double harness stolen and Alfred (lnlhraith at-single not stolen. The shaft. was com- minted in one night. They are in close pursuit. of we hurglnra. and ib is hoped they may be brought: no justice -Rumor says there will be a cheese factory built hora during this winter, so as to be ready for business in the` epring.~Jnmes Bell is seriously ill; there are doubts of his to- oovery.-'/I Brown is able to be out Again after a short. illnees.--F. S. \Vnrl.mnn in on the nick liac.--Viaimra: Frederick John- Mon and wife. Deseronbo. at F. 8. Wart- ----- n .1 f` Wnrnnr ha: ndnnmd H16 and wife. Ueseronbo, an 1:. o. wan.- mau s.-A. C. Warner luu ndopmd the cash system, and in selling all kinds of goods at remarkably low prices. i PERTH, Deo:- 8 -fI`qe water works com- pany expects to be pumping water by the 10th inst. Pipes are being laid irom Ba- dor e Mil|s.-!Vlr. Patterson has again re- signed his position as principal of, the col- legiate institute here and the resignation has been scoepted. Louis Stevenson has accepted the offer of the school board of the position as principal.--Some ol the farmers have taken advantage of even the light fall of snow to draw in wood.--Turkey iair will be held in Perth on Friday and Saturday of this Week, Dec. 10th and 11th. A big fair is expected if the sleigbiiig holds good.---A large number are going to curl this winter and as many as the rink has room for have eubsoribed their names. A second team will be orizaiiized from among the younger mon.-Model school examinations opened on Monday and the school closes on 'I`hursday.-Quite a number of the uiodelites, attending this term, have ob- tained 5choole.--An open literary enter- tainment was held `in the oolloiliate insti- tuto last Friday at which the midsum- mer certicates were awarded. After Typhoid Fever. After I had typhoid fever kidney troubles ensued. I had terrible piiiiis in my back. head and shoulders. and felt tir- ed, drowsy and drugged out and had ah- noyiiig urinary troubles. I have grown daily better since I commenced using l)oan s Kidney Pills. I have no pains of any kind, slee well. feel rested ; and the urinary troub as have completely disap- peared. J. W. Douglas. Port Hope. l.I'l-I' I'-UII- Fumuxn, Dec. '4 --John Smith bu eold hia ne farm to (5. Johnuo;`)and intends leaving this neighborhood. Ho end his family will be much mined by all. J. B. Achlend brought. homo n ue lynx `Iub week which wen captured nenr Weetporc. He intends heving it mounted to add to hie already ne collection of birds and lowle. A pleasant. limo mrpriee party wee held at (1. ])oweett.'son Tueedey even- ing. 3 number from Sioglotolfe being pre- sent. J. Smith and T. 0. Morris are again eerinuely ill. Mrs. M. Grehnm and Mrs. A. Hendrick visited triende in Levee- downoluc week. The eorvieen 0! Mine rlieeorice Gallagher. Newboro. heve been secured for our uchool for l)8 n A reduced celery. Why ehould nob Leechera share in the better time as well an the fermere -....I I....:nnn- man `I In DIE ml Illuuu and business men ? _% J..n.....:'.; F.3.".," No pill! on earth have hndno much phiu bestowed upon them as Wade`: Mnndnlo "Pills, only one is needed for a dose. Cure: every form of Stomach and Liver Ootnpiaine Constipation, Sick Honduhe. etc. $ pill: !or 25 cent.-, only no Wade : drug store. DGII1 UIITJI ll nu. dose. Try them. _ Darangemonb of my liver. with constipa- tion injure: the oaunphxlan. induct pim- ploe,onIIow akin. Remove thtoaun by using Cu-tot : Little LiVOl' Pulls. 01:0 1 Tr! 01' Twenty Years lxpu-Ioloo'l'oIlI What 3 II:-lug Indian Woman : loin In Icon to -01 lcnyrs A--o- claim. This in to certify nut. I have been I lullu nuns for the no I twenty nun and I an plonnd to any than for iho put n yours 5 number of my pctunu hnvo nod Indian We nun nun. and it has brand I grand no-e_oog Biimber my have and India]! We ' lain rl it In . vod a mean Egan cum! WON`; t'c':on-:51! I! to on Indian during pg-gggngoy ___ _ _ "aqua avian-on I) I. (1 lid. III I VICE ntfvlly I'IuU:-u-u -v r can. ` I.ig.:.fl$ g..8::ncpv1no. on. u Iru-l_|r'I"nou. `I 1,, u, [Awom M123. wm3.t 1oy.ot the Doatmit` 0! - om. in _ . J0 .`.:`.E.'i`-:*.;.i....2'.`au:` .s "'.:-"'31:-s ml . =3. vv uupvlvg I V` "" '|'-' Militln, out.-n._ It noun Kidney 2 % that on W uoani nlunuyys remedy ho curt sleepless I rsl dobil undo lifo " H on Donn`: K` I though` t r y the: u h at _ n` remedy ooeded ir. ..a .. . ,_,_ .u._ n...` - _.....A.n-0 0781` we Iuunuyi, 1 elsqhuluhu. see on La gono- pdobilit 3110 lites nrden. "Hoariu . 0.! Donn : Kidney ill: thought I would try them, using wha.t.no other had gho- in my ooh. Wail. from the nut I wonderful ohnuga took place. and I continued to im ova rnpieilily until.u the undo! six weeks, was our . I now at well, sloop well. have no in. A:....:....... m- hmuhmhe. gnd gm inf 3|] eat well, Imp wen. uavu u dizziness or headache. sud an in 1 n 1: n....I.. tn T)n|n I Pill. whic Oonnty uobonmroo. ; p a nun Ftonhonno 1 ti. Olen oppoutq a ` or headache. ma an m nun In ` 0. K.. thanks to Donn : Pill. which it in ` needless to my I recommend highly." n.....v. Kidnnv Pill: are sold by all drug- 1 reoommenn nlgruy." * Donn : Kidney Pill: by drug- } glsta at 500. per box. or nix boxes for 89.6 . ---:-J Ono Luis-uvo'p Plll ovary rush: for a Month will Cum Oonulpsuon.` In -------.-- - _ `..-_ I WOOD'S PHOSPIIODINIE. The Great Englluh Remedy. SL1! Ihckaocu Guarantud to promptly, and permanently can all forms of Nunavut Wcahuu. l.`uMu(oaa..$porIn- atorrlua. Iulpotenovand all area! Abuao or Emouca. Heat orru, eooeulvo uu qf lbbacoo. Oplumor Hmnw tank, which noon load to In- -, J. -___..u.. nunummhnnndnn aarlunravu. `"4 " " """ V "" ' kmu, wnwn nwnuuu w nu rmly, lmanlfu. cvmunupuon and an early at-aw. Bu bun proscribed over 36 year: in wound: ol cum: in the only Reuablc and Honut lodtoiu how. uh drusglnt for Wood`: Phouphodlln If he oorl some wonhlou modiulno In puoo ot tun, lnclnoo pride In Ietmnnnd we will and by rotun ....n_ Prlco.`ono mouse. 01331:, 05. One will will and by town mull. PrIco.`ono mouse. 01"; $11, places. do will nun. Punphlon tron to any nddron The Wood Conlvlllio Wlndnor. Ont... Cuudl. ttsold In Dunn: Me-slay. l'nLk1st.I. HINDOO REMEDY Pnnm7"!n '1` .1: AIOVII Rouulhiu clays. nu all Nervm u In-census. F Iluhrcmory Pa:-och. 8 human. I; 1 link- IIonn.ew..-nmnotl by past ohnoou. (Ivan vlnor nud the to a nutter: an uml qulokli b un_golyHruIoro>| _I_ M, __ ` n o d`o.r ....__.j_. --.._., omen: cnuce B. KOOANN, ACCOUNTANT AND REAL Intsh ens. Bonn and Icoounto col- Ioqlo to loan at Iowan. nun. Qloo Wide`: Um: anon. DLLNUHABD. OEARTEBED noon omnod. noltnd. Audit- lo Knife. No Planter. No Gauntle- .... ..Ilo Paln....... A Painless Home Treatment. for Cancer Tumors. Sorofuln. and all Malignant Blood Poisons. by a. scientic vegetable compound. Consultation at olce or by mail FREE. The Abbott M ran Mason Medical Com- pany. of New ork. have opened branch oilloes in Canada. They will give or mail free no any one interested it 100- book the oonta nn much valuable informs on about the woghilngs of this wonderful remedy. Address 0!` on iiiifi gnivlnu IIIDAPU. `10!!! aruun lo'o'hi`A"&$"`r'.; : as... Henry Wuuu. lDruu;lIl.. muuswou. om`. om. "cm." 577 Shel-bourno sc.. ronouro. flflll Rlqlvllllll burr} cw. For unloln KLnutnn.0nt.. by Hour: :4; and Jamullclnod. dtnuhlu Cinder Sif}Ae__n'__J .4 -, _-n_ ___._-_- win an atcvfvllllllouthc Iydoohunstu-not. botvoon2nnd4P. DOGEIIIVIC. U. flaunt 5:733; Vidh: the chews! nan` `Ara wkmwks * H. BRAMES ...........-_....._.-.._--.--~_--4-s---------- MONEY AND BUSINESS.` HIUIIUU wvunruulu IIII Find: our 391,000,000. In addition to which 3 polio! ho! on hnvo for security Mn Illllr shill of nil tho Itookholdon. `ND PEBTY Insured at PARK awed poulblo nun. Bdon renewing old on via. now bulnouut rate: from IIRANGE 8 U18-ANGI. blank. ..I hlalcullulhnu "{...`._ 1.f,`h3m, \JIII\I\aI \a--ww- -7 cull klndn. Banal linen. All who and wood {nun Hilton. Al 00;! Dunn Barton: and can I of wmwmk and wire cloth st` low.-t idea annulus Ind) ' }. PAIIHIIDGE. 9R3{'. u`.!.".!`. tl'Sold In Klnnton by Henry Wado. W. H Ihmlav. hnullsti. o`r1-3: ' }B00.K_1}!iD1NG THE ABBOTT VIYROI IASOI IIDIOII. 00. any uruuuy .. __ ___ pramaor of I-`Fine; uniiaii: VITALIA OURIS OANOIR. Illhu IIII-n rl IIIFIIV AJAX TABLETS POB1'I'I& 1JLt.Ne.-noun huaooo- mmlmpouncy. loopluunoulmto. noun 1 Ab echo 1-` J Ind or -anon-." 2-J7: r 11$ loin. A-damn ....a...""`s`a_.`.'.``n'.'7. . lnsntstunnnt: I nlorod 1 gunman: "I nuod grutdonllorn xona time with seven pun: in my book the kidnoyu. n mndlmn hnndnnh. .i...}....... rN'l`. '. sli `.5 :- UlY'S LIVIDY OPEN DAY ANUnU.uu'.l'. Toluphono 10!. COQI. AN!) W(_)0D,_ up ocked 5 com me cure. b no but at tho hundred: mo rs .who..sn~dollhted with Dr. '1 0n`u_ngn|. 83 W21, Holeswanhs 01:! En baby covered an cm: the` hoe, sides an with Eczema. The true 5 llcation o Ointment stopped. the i u, and ... ...m| . mmnlato _ AROHITEOT. onions- Exchs e Ohunbou,0l!o:d'| ook Hem . Klnuton. Ont. _____.__..._.._.__.__._._... { Annrxnur. come`: o Brook_ and g ; WU l`:;nuIvIUI-I DNIY 1'94; AN IN LARGE uuanuuu. at out nun oi launch on City II III`! Pnporty. Iaoun (unto on Olty I Oounty Dobonuu-on. A ply to Tuolu L':.$&?`3J'.' 3.%`;'.`ze. J3 'i53.`.e`33. v---.._.- The Guardian Fire & Life Ins. Co. u....a..... In Klnnton this IOGI. 37"` III`? C LVDVVIIIHH. \H"3NIE8 IN TRUST. OITIOI I II lb [of Reta Aullnlnnma mllnltul .._._.......,`_.__.._._.. BS. CHAS. K. a mac` bpby 5 on ha: hady. her when out-ythin oth mothgr who_ hold; salami: 1! `usmgn month H.035`. Q Difllg `RIM. I old. with Itching Dr. Chm : Oimmani g also Isilad. Dr. Chane : um u..a.....nn.. out. new boy ol uma1XIIUw o 2 _ ....... % Berlin. OM. - um.`-1.~..s.s. nmmmn old. lniiuinsrs mum. Pl'WIoIV\oIauuu-_-- I by In dulcmw Edmuicon. I '1`otonto.0nt. IIII oolllpunuuu. uuw .-...~ GODVVIN'S EMPORIUM. lathe nquu ft: on)! WM|n'o'vnu8ton. not. next to --* SMYTHE & LOSCOMBB. _n.mnmu tn vrnnm-. on-rm: I Ill!) uuuuuuu Luv - ...... -....- -__ in doln1a big hnuinou in Klnnhon you-. no up nlon of olhon to the oonow nul- wllhanndln . Usll on W. J. B 11132. 154 30103 tract. and let him [he you the urn. nu um Ila for_ mews IIII Q L.uru1In Anna. 1 ' '"'."!' '!."3'l'!.PI'rw-:w- Made Pm and win}; by C ....._. _%__.._ ..._____._ 4: MEDIEAI. CARDS. I-IORBB LIVERY. ; AN IN LARGE 03 SHALL I. Ah on men lnhtut. gm nu, Liverpool and Globo Plrc lluunnco Company. -.- .... ..... r.. -.IAuI..-u 4.. -hlnh -?---:u- rrm.`ocutinl0.8- .. 5-..... up ldmuilon. BI PIANO FOR SALE- u\I|A.u.IN.I\ IIYIIH ltln Thsunnncm "'-_""'T, DENTAL. `yIhANUuAu.La. UIll.nd|`n:&:al: ,Duoh o n . b nun1IKnnno1alr:ut33onta E.oondontMl. AddnuI1u- Inf '0`. I I01! DO laElN'1'S L.D.B. DINTIRT goo to |l`POI on Well! xafnon. nuubumd In 1 . ho. . Iuldonoo It XIII nob 19;. an. mm C 00.. TKJSLI. V :15, Square ' n. 1. Mon. A PIO8PROUO' YEAR `FOR can. mo 9.1.3. a It. .OIIlI'l cue-A Curlonl Uphol- 'Hq-. in-up nun--Laay none...-n ova:-1'. Loan mocuou-ring 1.5:- Qpuuan. Otmwi. Don. 7.--This has been I `>18 your to: the two Canadian .! IWF7." 1. L._ L--- n.- 3.--... can} fnr tho CIDE- one and the cumin person. In answer to upponin from Rossland the Canadian Pm-iiic promised as few weeks ago to carry its road from Robson to Rouiand. The company nlnndy has a line from Ramon tu Noloon which will mnnevt there with the Crow`: Neat Pass line. Hence if the Canadian Pacic were extended to -Rqsslnnd Roillund would soon be in dinot. conmunicnlion with the cod deposits. and cheopr ooh would mun chonpor nnolting; halides a van mncern like the Canadian Pmiiio could silo:-ti to gun: iowor transporta- lion moon for on nnppliunnd mmhing ciao than a locsi nun-ow gouge road like Mr. Heinu`a. . u-_-u....'. I7...|.gn_ Ill`. nclulv H- A cumin I5.-um. It wan thought by some. howovzr. that It would scarcely be nut to crush Mr. Helms`: monopoly to death. So the Camullnn Pnnltlo undertook to buy him out. Nogotlntlona have been going on for oomo time. but Slr Wllllum Van Home in jun announced their failure. As I nude:-shad ll. the nlnators employed the Cqnadlun Pmlllc found that Bolus ; two road: Mid smelter was worth 8800.000. But the C-nnldlnn Pm olo offend hlm 0,800,000 In onler to got rid of Mn peaceably. I-lo van to raisin u- 1-..: -nhnk-II, In-_ Hahn: donondal d him poooenmy. no In: to run... his land Iubddv. Mr. Heine no loos thllI`Il.3&0.000. he to hop the hull. The Canadian Pnclllc I-dunno pay any such mm and declare that they will I-naughty oouxnonoo banding (tom Robson to Boulnnd In compliance with Iii phllui to tho Rmohnd poopb. `llnl In. lldnmnnd his friend! la- . erect. ea. In Univ0r`|t1 Aug:-.. zloo noun. `$532. :'*aBf`i'.;.?.:Y'B.`B1a..'u`%.E; plain to no uouuuau pup... But Mr. Hdnaonnd fare- hudlo to strong enough Ionopsho I Pndotrom doing to. Baton ilroad , lilo, or, to _ 3 niore_eor _ lg. out `people. who ,w.ou_ have to, J! in the forth 0: enhanced rates. in. it it not that unit of a` nun. The story Ilium-ate: what `a men we get into through running cgwny with th'e idea that email independent local lines are under all circumstances an liifniiibie safeguard against railroad monopoly. An American authority says that, alluring: `considered, the two big Canadian roads treat the ripper.reirly_ well. The great drawback is our slim and scattered population, which hinders them from making rnteq as low as in New York State or Pennsylvania. It is said indeed that it they would ohnrge lower rates population would increase in proportion. But surely it would take in man of triple brass to ask t ` itieh in- vestorr in the Grand Trunk ecuept for uu lndeiinite period at emulier return for his money then he _i4 getting". Hon. Davlul Hills. ` Everybody is glad to see David Mills in the Cabinet. He is n man of great nbiiity umf attainments and after 30 yeurs of public lite more a reputation without stain or blot of nny kind. He and Sir Richard Cartwright have worked together pretty much ever since Contai- eration; hoth are simguiariy well equipped men and represent; thebest traditions of Ontario Liherniismi. Mr. Mills is u vul- uuhle addition to the oral strength of Ontario within the Cabinet. The 'l`ories any the inrgzw spending departments are in the hands at minor-province men, so thnt while Ontario pays the piper the him no Voice in milling the tune. As u mutter of (not. expenditures have to be passed on by the (`uhinet as in whole and _ Sir Hiniiuni. Mr. Mill: uml Mr. Biuiock me not likely to permit wuntn. assum- ing, which is most improbable, that other Ministers should propose or desire a. .\ mm-anmnt in nu {nut to start ll other Mlnl.`lBeI' nulnu prupuau un \lIuIAv it. A movement. is on {out so third or independent party in Ontario. One of the lender-.a of tho movement said i rocvnly: "Mr. Mills`uppnl1m1mnl; is un additional guurnntoe that Onmrio-1 in- I(-raatn nru going to he looked utter. We trust Sir Riv-linrd mul Mr. Mills. Solong us they remain in the Cabinet we shall bu content to support them by everv mmm in mi! p0\\'v'.`, but if anything should occur to furre than out, to lend thmn tn rutire-, the new third party would be strong in nllunsr. every constit- uem-_v from Windsor to Cornwall. '.l'he_v represent more than the Liberal party of ()nInrio; shay stund for ull thus is aquun-, honest and of good rrporb in nil parties, nmi it is well their colleagues should know it." . uh Rinhnrd will hp hunk to-day from lt." Hlr }{ichnr(l will be hunk to-day ` t..1l;ing ulna waters at Mount. (lemons. ` }le hm: suffered a [mod deal lately from n \'lol'ents rhnumatlsm 111 one of Ills ll-gs. hub Mount. Clemens seems to have brought rollcf. At uny mlm he wlll be as vigorous as ever next sesslnn when, us Slr John used to any, he wlll once more light the beasts at Ephesus. I ...Iv Alusrllpd-II n Order. Lxuly Alwruec-n's Uruar. With the best intentions in the world, : Lmiy Aberdeen has been trying for some time but-.k to estgthlish the "Victorian Urdor of Nurses," that is, to get 1 nrliu- nu-nt, the munit-i'pul onunuils nnd the peupln at large to raise A fund for the nminlzenanoo of such an order. There -is not a sufficient number of truinnd nurses in the country. she tlninlis, and the cost of nursing is too high. so she would im- port nurses from England and the Uni- tod States nnd reduce the charge. This at least is my understanding of her aims. It is not easy to know from the printed account exactly what she means. rm... nntnra nlmnnt to a man ODDOBB IIOOOIIDD uxauuy vvunu uuo anuunn. The doctors almost to a oppose the scheme. There are over 2,000 trained nurses in Canada. A girl who wishes to enter the profession has to serve in the hospitals for three years. getting barely enough-to clothe herself. It is unfair. the doctors say, to subsidise foreign compe- tition against this large and deserving body. Their charges are not too high- two dollars with board for each 24 hours -but for those who onnnot afford to pay there are free hospitals all over the land, tree hospitals for both sexes, for all sorts of diseases. for patients of every form of religious belief, so that except perhaps in the Northwest or British Columbia. where the population is too sparse to al- low or many institutions of the kind, no one is over neglected. One thing is tolsrably clear. namelv, that so long as the medical profession is hostile Lady Aberdeen oannot hope to place the order on a permanent basis. That is to say. while her exuberant en- ergy mav succeed in getting it going, it is sure. with the doctors against it, to wither nmi (lie so soon as she leaves Gan- iuln. Holding this View and being of opinion also that the order is not called for by any public necessity, the Muni- cipal Counoils and members of Parlia- ment in this part of Ontario do not feel disposed to vote money for its establish- nnunf Centre Tm-onto did not. ndd to the Inumls of Mr. Foster. Tory leader de- fnoto. He discovered that, there as else- where, his part In the bolt. is remembered against. him by Tories or the old rock, more pnrt1bulurl_v by the older Orange- men over whom for many yeurs Sir Muc- kenzle reigned an urand h'o\ orelgn. To -II tlm mxmn and l)Htl`lIV the lB&d8l' lit knnzie relgnea an urnnu hm unugu. sell the ])&\SN" and batm_v a critical moment in the party's history was hm oenoe indeed which Mr. Foster will and some difficulty i'n living down so long an the victim is spared to peraxn~ buinte the country nnd tell every one he ` meets about the nest. of vipers." u. 13...... 5. dull` to has hnnkimr on 3. n. auskv nun. no near Ml Tolophono I9. I. KILBORN ID. .1 . t 8.. LATE Iodlosl Bnpotlnbo dons ton Gono- lllonntenl. Corona to! any country 5150 lonnotly occupied by the Inc DI. Boun- Tobphono No. MI. meets about me "meat. 0! vipers. Mr. Foster is said to be banking on n victory for the party In the Provincial eleotlons. it so. he must be u sanguine nmu. Here in Eastern Onterlo Mr. Hardy is gaining ground. The army oi 1-`s-dc-rel ofllciels is not lighting him this time nor has the Opposition much to otter in the ion"-m of men or measures. Had Mr. Hstdy and his colleagues been" caught hookiling the cry They've been in long enough" would have produced some eect. But they ere so superior to the Whitney party in brains and have managed things so well end so honestly. that. so far at least as appears on the enrlsoe, is not ehengrlng a vote. The Log Question. lit. Gibson has given notice of e bill to enehie him. eppersntly, to provide thet logs shell no longer be town! eoroee to the United States but shell he mean- teetured in Onterio. This log question is tell of dlilienltlee. As tiilngs stead the United Btetss teri taxes our sewn lum- ber 03 per thoneend end provides the: in cess we impose en expo!-tduty on loss the "esnonnt of such export duty shell he edded es en edditionel dnty." This is e cruel Incense,` hnuamteotion elweys ieomei. I do not knowhow'l`nesm-y oeiek etweehmgten will treet e Pso- l winelel regulation pohihiting the expat 0! ions, hnt.'it they eennet Internet the Act so es tooenehle than to elient the twe-duller duty. Congress". In will ptohehiy the Aetend hit `as heck eoIne~ uuunvn uu up... Lxuly Alwrtlec-n Al... I ..t :..5mnrInnu In th The Lncnl Elections. should be npoppad M an axntrrtzdty . levied by this. Ani'ex`1can duty on aawn [qmb kn ha:-inn an!` In consequence. Aniaidcan lumps: uuuluu be Increased In con;-xequehcg. Qnhgu again are utrnid that in oommerclal wur with the States aver logl` `and lumbar may be a serious business for the Genus- dian lumbar trade, besides dlmlniahfnt the value of limits by excluding Am'oirl- uan buyers, and that this war` may extend to other conunoditletl and possibly cei- uuinnta in absolute non-intercourse, which` would involve the abolition of the bond- x..... .._IuI'lnan Bll.llOI'II.I lIll' guys-. R` V. Martin, Barrack street, Kingston. was for two years a aulferer from inamma- tory rheumatism. He spent several hundred dollars for different so called "cures, but obtained no relief. Finally. he was com- pelled to take to his hed.suil`ering the moat excruciating pains. A friend persuaded him to tr a bottle of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure. e had only used one half of the bottle when he was able to get out of bed. ` and four days later he wae at work. He continued the use of the Cure until he had used four bottles. Since then he has not had an attack of his old enemy. Never- theless he always keeps a bottle of the Cure in the house. There is no medicine in the world like Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure, he, says, "and I would pay ten dol- lars a bottle for it if I could not get it for loss. 50. per bottle. For sale at Wade s drug store. n. __....u. Ir_||.._ nu hhm than who relptlons necwauu um um xmnu-199 are more st:-tuned to-day than thuv have been in u lunfz thpe and thus in In not cruditublu to their Christian slvmzatlon. The lumber schedule of the Dingley Act; is the very renemenl: of pr-otecnlonisc selshness and. is is no wonder the Canadian penple feel 1lke- ro- senting it. But whether we nan. mend the situation by returning blow for blow l'6lll&1| AS to be seen. GATINEAU. ._._.-._-...:-- llljylru I luuuvv vu. The grant plnin cure. Used externally cures rheumatism, swellings. sprains, bruises. stiffness, pain and soreness of every description. Internally used it cures croup. colds. sore th rout, hoarseness. asth- ma, bronchitis, .quinsy. etc. Price `. 5c.. all druggiets. - . . 1` A ), f!LLI_ 72..-- .... .... -35.`. . Why don b you t;;()artex"a Little Liver Pills? They are a poaitive cure for sick headache. and all the ills produced by dis ordered liver. Only one pill a dose. i'_'2_------------<-"" we DON'T A ammo L. _- .a.. n.. In-nu-Ann: hmlncu of shoe!!! Wnum Iuvulvu uuv u-uu.....v.. -- `-7, ing privilege. ` n One can any yvvlthout (our 0! contradic- L... that aim 1-nlatlons botween the two yvvlcnoun mar us I.:uxn.nu the 1-elptlons .....no..Inu urn vnnrn ftrl :0*dy t Canadian Almanac, paper 25c, cloth 50c. ARTISTICCALENDARS Booklets, Christmas Cards Children's Toy Books, New Books for Boys and Girls, Oice Diaries, Pocket Diaries, Etc. The Corner Bookstore. Oornu of Prlnoou um Woulngwu atrooil Wu .sw.E..29!:tt.90W' hot between John strut. x200. (:36 Alfred 0... 1101:. N hon hot. bomwoon Johnston and In] on Gordon I t.uot.ux200. ` house and 10%. 3:14 " homo and lot and but. " non Prinoou. I houln. King and Gore St... 3 houses and land. mvxuw King 86... mar Gore St. vacant 101;. `X138. "I fume house: Gear 0 . treat. Home And lot. o (horn and Stand 8%. _ _ _ HUG: u\IIV I ` I--\vuj But we do the Inn nnoo hunlnou than any nd vldnlty in! I name. That. in to say. we uvo our clan and It is inononlu: so fun- thb nor to lo the Inn on I000 xed- Iont companion. Low mm. A - ----`O-A 1-nt1\I\fff1[