Remember our Fancy Goods and Toy Department is full of good things. HARDY& CO Sllly Women Wrlte Numeroun Letters Thlt . Never Beach The Murderer. SING Sisn, _I)ec. ll. -- Warden Sage'a mail is ooded every day with letters from all over the United States to be given to Martin Thorn, the condemned murderer of William Guldenuuppe. These letters never reach the prisoner. Mont. nf tlnnm urn fr-mm `mam... ml... 0-.. (IUIBI W'l|.H I10 BpeCl8I IDBDUTOF. The London trude a council has issued a circulnr to all later organizations in the kingdom, inviting their opinion on the question of calling a national conference of labor unions. with a view of giving ef- fective support to the striking engineers and also to arrange a plan of nccion to be observed in future industrial disputes. ......__ UK \THI),UUU Ill Wgel. The commercial summaries of the New York agencies of Messrs. l)un and Brad- atroet state that there inn steady retail trade in the ordinary lines of holiday goods, especially in the lighter lines of toys and presents, but that usually business is quiet with no special features. The Innrinn fr-nrIn n nnnnnil has iannnrl on UUKIIIIIIUH IIIHUIVBUCY IKW. Sir William Grey. the principal ship- builder of Hnrtiepool, has issued a state- ment of the condition of the shipbuilding industry. in which he says the engineers strike has caused a reduction of the output of eight large steamers, which means a loss of $70,000 in wages. The nnmmnrninl snmmm-inn nf Hm Nam V Ill KUIII UUIH. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has informed the OL- tavm board of trade that immediately upon the return of Hon. Dr. Fielding. the gov- ernmonl: will receive a deputation of the boards of trade to discuss the question of n dominion insolvency law. Sir 7illinrn llrnv thn nrinnhmlnkin. IIIIHIF UVUF $UU,`YUU. According to a despntch from Lydon- burg, in the Transvaal, ll body of armed highwnymen have robbed A mail coach from I`.i|grim s Rent. about bwency-ve miles northwest of Lydenburg. of .L'l2,()0() in gold coin. mp Will`.-ill I.......'.... 1.... :..c,.......,a n... m LUV) Wlll IVCCUVUT. The freight. rate on wheat from Fort William and Duluth to the eastern markets has been increnaed to six cents pm` bushel. This movement will cost. two `Winnipeg rms over 360,000. An.uu.A:.-... an .. A........L-L :_..... Y...L... DTIDIEH navy. ` In the village of Douglas, Ont , there have been several cases of diphtheria. Those who had been alTect.ed are now con- valescent, and hopes are entertained that they will recover. VFL... .....'...l. -..L.. .... ...L-_. 1-..... 13...; DUI. Drblly. The polling of the English striking en- gineers on the proposals made by the em- plo on will not be completed until tn- nig I2. but it. is believed the proposals will be rejected. ' -Thu unnrnhnr-n nf [kn nnun 'nnrInA nuunlitn UV l'UJUULCU- ' -The secretary of the navy leaguo credits the Toronto branch of the organization as being the first, which seriously mooted the idea of securing of colonial seamen for the British navy. In Hun villnn-n nf n.-.....l.u. n} Hump-A We have just $1,059 worth of Boys and Me n s Clothing in stock, and we don't want it because our other departments require more room. Mautles and Millinery particularly. 'l`hcrcfor,d we only know of oneway to make it go fast and that in by price. Be- ginning To-day and continuing un_tll_ Xmnn, we place all in four lots. Iunwny Imvu Udall Ill-Ll'6(0(l. Major W. Fowlis, paymaster of the Royal Scots and major G. Foster. quarter- maater of the same regiment, have phi ed their resignations in the handaof L' ut- Col. Strathy. The nnllinn nf Hm Fnnlinh at:-ilzinn an. Iumluu Ul uurmunv. The county council has dei coulage the introduction of ugriculture in the public ac] rum! districts of Wentworth ll. ...` . . . . _ .... lunu u!Bbl`lL'LB OI wennwortn. Mr. Shaughnessy. vice-president of tho C.1 .R., strongly denied the report that men engaged on the Crow e Neat; Pass railway have been Ill-treated. Kluia.-. \l7 l`.....l:.. . . _ _ _..L-._ -1 LL- IQIIKIIEII l`yI|lI|l"l[8. Riohing is reported at Port Au Prince, resulting from popular indignation against the government; for surrendering to the de- mnnds of Germany. Tim m-.....+.. ..,.......:I I...... .:....:..1...: L- ..._ uvur hue Hume penoa mar. year. Tho_dec-mnposed body of William Mno. `mhie, St. Andrew s. was found in` the Cornwall canal. He had been missing two weeks. AL AL. ....I_ -t AL- -_.,I ,1 A II 1 v Auluuuu .l..'.,JUU. Chevalier llrolec gas left. for England to complete arrangements for the sale of his mining rights on the Saskatchewan to an English syndivatef _ Rinlhinrr in rAnnv~l~.n.l at. Van}. An 1".~in'nn I\'J_vu.l ucauurny. I8 (1630. The receipts of the post oice depart- ment: for the past. four months are $2-lI)_0U(| over the same period I-mat The dcmmnnnaed hndv nf Vvillinm Mnn. At. the sale of the earl of Ashburnhamha library in London. (}axcon a translation of "A Books of the Hoole Life of Jason, fetched .L". ,l00. J lIsm....I;.... I\...I.;. .. 1-;-L :-_ r.wM,u__.v L- mun, yuewrua . Cattle exporters from Canada to England complain that. shipments were large but were very unprotable. Jnhn Lnunlnhnrnnzrh PIA:-non than din. WUKU VUl'y UIIPTOIJDHUIB. John Louglnborouzh Pierson, the dis- tinguished architect: and member of the Royal academy. is dead. The rnnnirmrn nf tho nnntnina rlnmu-I>. 17- -, `gr-wwrvw 1:: 1 wow vi two `Bays! Suits priced Ally. Huitl, priced $1.50, $2,$2_50 for $150 ohe $3. $1500 and M, in one lot suit. | It 1 UI LIHIHIHJUII. Amuble Laguterre. aged fourteen years, was killed on the C.A. railway ab Cassie- man, yesterday. 7nf.f.In nxrnnrtnrn from Canada 1-n Rnrrlnnri 1 uuuur_1y Ln I_;_ne provincial elections. I It is improbable that F. .-\. Colquhoun willhave any opponent for the mayoralty E of Hamilton. A......I.l.. I _._..n...._..- .__J r,,_,,;_, , _.,, _ . DI H IHH C0385. - The Portage La Prairie opera house has . been closed indenitely. . (Jharlea Fleischmanmthe yeast: manufac- ` turer. of Cincinnati is dead. A Dr. Barr is the conservative nominee for Dufferjy in the provincial elections. H. in imnrnhnhln that F .\ (`nlnnhnnn 11 ELEGRAIVIS FROM ms EARTH 8 I FOUR QUARTERSGIVEN. Llttlo nurse :-u 1-mu mm-on Ivorybodr -- Hotel From All Over---Llttlo of Ivory- thlng Enuuv Road and Remembered by 1 ' The Door Public. Another severe gale is reported on the Bntish coast. ML- 1 ).........- Y - n__:._:_ -__-_., LL.-- |_._ THNDENSED PARAERAPHS. mews or ma wnnLn.| iwhat Comes to Us from MI Quarters. SYM;;l-\-1:HY FOR THORN. decided to en- : ofa. teacher of : schools of the -51. LOT 3 at $4. mmmmamj Ih]BcEi[uiir Custom A dose of Miller : Worm Powders occa- sionally will keep the children jhealthy. Sold by E. C. Mitchell. ` New nm-lanf. dinning Inn I909 all .i.-- .'..A Low 0 Laugh: At Distance. Cm<'\(:o, Dec. ll.--l robsbly in all Chi- cago there is not. another young woman who-e lavor travelled so far to wed her as did Nollie Chesney s sweetheart. Thous- ands of miles over land and sea from (Jape Town,South Africa, came Giles E. Car- vetah, and presented himself at the window of marriage license clerk Salmonaon for n license to marry the girl of his choice. Mr. Carveth is a Cnnadian. He left: this city five years ago for the gold elds. promising Mina Uhenney to return and marry her. The wedding took place yu- lerdn y. DON] Dy 114. U. DIIDCDBII. New pocket diaries for 1898, all sizes nbd bindings. R. Uglow & Co. j - -mu; nuuuuuuu vvlun `pups: WASlllN l: r()N, Dee. l1.-Gen W. J. Fou- ter, in charge of the Behring sea negotia- tions. has taken up the general subject of wider treaty relations with Canada, and on Friday he was in close consultation with a delegation of prominent sh merchants from Gloucester. Mass. They were Messrs. Cunningham. Smith, Pugh, all interested in the sheries oil the eoaet of Newfoun- land and neighboring waters. The gave to Mr. Foster a good dealof informa ion as to what the Gloucester fishermen needed in the way of enlarged facilities, should a new treaty be negotiated. Saved In A Critical Condition. SAN F1u,\':is:u, Dec. ll.--Miohnel Pur- cell. boiler maker, was making some re- pairs inside the smoke stock of the steamer Wellington so the Folsom -streeu wharf when six res weie started below him. He was strapped on a chair. suspended from the top of the stack, about forty feet from the dampers below. It. was impossible to go up, and to go down without. assistance meant. being roasted alive on the hot dam- pers. Dense volumes of hot smoke began rolling out of the stack while Purcell shouted for help. The heat`. increased every moment until his clothing caught; fire. He beat on the iron with nll his might; and shouted for fully` ten minutes before his helper on the outside came lo the rescue. l urcell is in a critical condi- tion. 1 mum. IUUK L0 10!` prowcmon." It is suggested that lord Aberdeen should m-k at what: time Canada was made to understand any such thing, and also who were the parties to the underat.and- ing. It In suggested That Lord Aberdeen Quen- tlqn Mr. Blake THll0.\"l`(), Ont. Dec. ll,-A London cable to the Telegram says the speech of Hon. Edward Blake at the ham uet to lord Aberdeen at the national club, `oran- -to, Wednesday night, has been much talk- ed of here. The impression is that Mr. Blake would have Canadians believe that they can never get anything out of Great Britain, no matter what the dominion may do to benet British trade. This is re- garded as an Irish separatist assertion. The following sentence in Mr. liluke s speech has been vigorously criticized. In his speech Mr. Blake said: "Confederation was accomplished, and since confederation has been accomplished. the English gov- ernment hnve, in the most unmistakable fashion, given the government of Canada to understand that from that time forth we must not expect that the British people or the,Eng|'u.-h government should be called upon to take any active part in the de- fence or protection of Canada. . . that if we should unhappily come into collision with the United States, it was ourbwn arms and our own stout hearts that we must look to for protection. It is nnurrnafnd that lm-A Alvmmlgnn Arrangements have been made for an interchange of parcels by post between Canada and Bermuda, commencing Jan. 1317. The postage rate to and from Ber- muda will be 16c. per pound and 12c. per pound for every subsequent. pound or frac- tion thereof. Lot %|, $I.50. uuuu ..tuu U1 uuuuury. A statement of revenue and expenditure in today : Otcial (`.av,tte shows that for the ve months, ending 30th November last the ordinary revenue exceeded the expendi- ture by $3,248,852. The expenditure on capital account was $443,000 greater. The revenue for the putt month was $33.30-1,463`, as compared with $2,783,118 for the same month `hat year, or an in- crease of $421,287. The ordinary expen- diture for the past month was $l,409,900 less last month than it was for November, 1896. A.._...._........-_:... L____ L,__ _._.J_ 1 I 1558 rHllWyo Parliament has been formally proxogued until `.3461: of January. A nmtemenb nf ravnnun nnrl nrnnnditunrn Rhuwsn to ho chat`-to:-od-Poctul Arrange- monu Made with Bermuda. Orr.-\w.a, Dec. ll.--The Dot-Langloia milling company, Monoreal,-' in asking in- corporation for a compnny to operate grist. mills_ and carry on business: in flour and grain. The capital stock is put an $90,000 and the head place of business. Montreal. I Annllmatinnn will In mndn {nu I-nihnnu unu uuu uuau place 0! DIIEIIIBEB. MOHIFBHI. Applications will be made for railway charters next. session for a road from Ed- monton no Smoky and Peace rivers; from Mills Canyon to White Horse rapids on to Lewis river and to extend the Edmonton railway to connect. with the Crow : Noah Pass railwhy. Parliament: has hcmn fnrmnlln nu-mnnmml of giving and rmalving umanvhich in inierestinnavory one at thin canon of the your. mates 3 visit to LIVINGSTON BROS of mrpn.-uinn plusure as wall as prot. `Tho Inuny thing; that men lit. to receive belt -mont useful to thoIn-no hero in all the beauty of the ' latest styles.` Buutlfulxookweu, I--Iknnth .korc.hie!l. Dresning Gowns. Smoking Ju-kehusllk Ifmbroilu. Silk Mutou_ Shirts. ONE. 1011: stock suggests mun: bountiful and useful thing: that would to very acceptable 5'! HOLIDAY GIITB for anntlemon Alook in our window would give you an iclno o! `hilt would be suiuhld. Come into our stun llld your mind will be made up. You in II- Inyn Wolrnme in come, whether you `gnu wish to no or no road: to buy. unlluanred, CFHUCIEGER MR. BLAKE. Treaty Rolnuoun With (ijls ...-..,...... 1:... II 11.; II) 1 _THE CAPITAL TIDINGS. uamg took place Vorm occu- children `all. s aizoaahd v & Co. A GREAT GLDTHINGSALEI j,r`Il`I - LVZCI FOR. THE rcnrauourn PUBLIC WHWL. a llama Tanner holding a ucollbdhn oortlllont-em Suva ulna. ou.. III opylly yu- .:%' `:0-:r|.ubncol..' vol nun `Dru ljg I 0 . ,, . , -2- ~ MIIBIBO OF` THIS (DIYIT All 3800!!- ud to moo: st who come noun (coma-:1 l"1iIu'HII and Iorhu intact) at. 1 o'clock -harp IFNDAYA r . N to amend the fnmul of our I o. D Ounmnclnn. I D lumbar: of Court Portsmouth an In- vxcP,',`,`.`, ,'.J'.'.'_""` ' -mm moi. n g K; I}. JUHNSTIIN & BBO., '9 Wntchmnkorl R Jowollorl. 3` Camera! Prlnoosa sud Wellington ` n._--a._ A AAA I COURT STANLEY N0. :99, c. 0. F. of entirely new patterns.` We are showing them set with Pearls, also Pearls and Diamonds. mm. uumop. mm: aueer. The freight. department of the G. T P. reports the gningbuaineu to be the large in ten voara. nuyun ua uuv 5 years. Miss Jennie "Shier and I).-i}. Hinchoy. both of Shellield, were united in the bonds of matrimony on Wodnoadny. The core- mony was performed by Rev. J. R. Sotlon. in Christ. church. Tamworth. D.:..... --.. on an on . .._.-_-_ __-,- an An In UDFIHD CDUYCD, 'I.'l'nWOI'In. Prices are $3, $4. $5 ; prices were 86. 88. 8|!) ; man`: overcome; job lot from Mou- treal. Dunlop. Kine street. The frniuhtdnnnrtmnnh nf Hm (1 VI` `D CHAWFUHITS Foot of QUEEN ST. 1 _}E)AIll!ElL CAN an .uxx)uuom'r1D with both single and double l`00ll1I,Wah modern oon vanlencea. at 288 Queen Street. um\rs-uum( BLISINESS Is NEWER tlmn ! 1' years past ; IIIIO have better and fnstersolling hooks. Agants cloarlnc from ll0hn'4Hwoe|I'y. A row lender: no "Queen Vlatorin." `Life of Mr Gladstone." I1 MOHH-r'u Bible; tunrlea," "Proguon1voHpuk- vr." Klnndyka Gold Fields." "Woman." `Glimpses ol the Unseen." "Breukfnmt," Dinner and Supper," "Csnnrln: an Ency- clupnedin. Books on time. Outt! inc to ounvn-users. Tun BRAlII.l 00.. Limited. Toronto. (iEN [`.~%- THE HES!` l.ll'E OF HER Mnjswfyl have men " writes Lord Lorn ul-out Qloen Vivtnrin ' Agents mute u dollars daily. Outt. free Tun BBAI)LlY- GARRIWSON Lo. L1miMd. I`oronto. I ELP-H.IChIABLE MEN IN EVERY I40- onmy.loun.1 or travelling; to Introduce anew discovery. and lump our show ondl tacked up on trees, fence: and brldnl throughout town and country Bandy om- ploymont. Commission or nlary. wiper mhntyn nndoxpenson And money dnpmlt ad in any bank when ulmrtad. For partlonlln add:-on Tm: Wonu) muuon. ELICTIIO 00.. London, Ont... Canada. llllhllo Cl7NNINmm:u-In Kingston, on 9th Dac.. 1897. David Cunningham. M.D., ggod 29 years, 11 months. Sundny afternoon !Ol'VlC8 at 2 o'clock at house, N7 Sydenhnm street out. Fune- ral at 2:30. Friondn and noqunintqnool are renpootfully invited to Attend. (Toronto and Rochester papers plouo copy. % AGIRI. THATOAN Mann.` GOAT VEST OR. Puntu. alum a Girl to laurn the Tuilorlug. Apply to I4`. W. Glclt :1-:. 64 Princou Street. ted to nth! By order. ;.na.4;\ In I. I.JIIL1LVlL`l' [ammo Unnlrnnnn um lclnuun--140 Prinoon Itroot. Corner Syclonhun stunt Talc phono communication ` ;. 4. . J.L.l.'.\.L\.l.\.Lt3\J.LV u\J.ll.|.r.t`.|.LV 1 Undertaken and Emhnlmou, 388 sud Ilb Princess Street. Phnnes:- Wu otoonu. 90. Residence. 91. Open day and nlgft. T P. HARRISON COMPANY Undm-tnhnrn and llmknlm..- on -..A an: IIDIIH V II It If you went t.heeVery Best leave your order with us. u `:04. Anna: ll. Tun Lnmmu UNnl:n'ruI:n--IN-Isa Prlnouo street. Telephone 141;. Open Day And Night ---:.j.:.____..j._. ISTEACYHTEACY. Direct Importer: Dresn Goods and Kantian. S. We. YJORBETT, FUNERAL I)IR_ECT()B. 281 PB! Klnzstrmmlxocessor to W. M. I -_-_. -_...-. Y. ..a VJ- If you wish something more elaborate we have them in all the newest styles of handles in Sterl- ing Silver and Gold Effects, from $4 to $6 75 each. No two alike. No extra cost for engraving -- `V [J . - . . .. -uv uuv I-Anny: engraving any monogram or initials you de- sire on Umbrellas costing $4 or over bought from us. Inspection invited. Perhaps it is a handsoue Ladies or Gents SILK UM- BRELLA you would fancy. If so we can suit you. Medium priced ones from $1 to $3. Tl` __ This is the question of the da , but a visit to our store will casi y and delightfully and economically solve it. Ottawa and St. Ln "once valloyr. 10 mm. - Unnamed with occa- aionnl rain ; winds increasing to strong breezes or I moderate gale. shffting to north and warm. turning colder to-uighb; fair and modt rat_oly~ cold Sundty. [CHRISTMAS 2 Pure, Well-Sized Coal. '~w1;at S'halll- Give Fa} UEN'l`s-B()()K BUSINESS HE'I"l`ER mars nut : nluo haw; hnunr uni _*"_sa~n.a PIENDANTS and WE ATHER PROBA BILITIES. UHF! NTBD. n nan-n.`-;nuv-vn -u-nu Inn . 4 P. M. EDITION. HENRY BRAME, llun-nnu--m .u-.\ u.... motnennula TIE and delivering it promptly. We ' gusrmtee fully every load we send out. _,,, A. AI , 17, h_,L _3As. REID, I IVnn\u-um;-n-. I '-mos. good. 0.3 BROOCHES PR INOESS 8'1`. '. Dronnnn. j:---o-u-221 is positively the Best you can buy. We have the most com- plete arrangements for deliver- mg LVUW VIIPUK DUE DH uuu. Carnovsky Factory, ll`! n!-nnun ct!-nus:-r n CRl\WFORD S COAL `:32 .'+.`.a.o srEa}.' $014. A Output Dopnnnontl Telephone 9. 6i'f H YEAR. N0. 233. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Wm inaugurate a. series of Winter Iloottnca by holding I Smoking Concert in Whiz Hun WIDNESDAY IVENING. DBO. 151.11. All Young Llbenls are 11:. vltod. N I 0-cannon, San unug` -nnvnsvnaann ' navy: Iv First app:-nnnco hen. the famous En link Beauty and Urlninul Gniety Girl, 0 S~Y Fl rzua-mun. the Unm-o Queen. presenting I I Now York`: grout-.39. laughing: success. 1; PI'l.llN I' nnvzw uuyv - nnunurv, new lurn. --SEE SUSY \V[NK.-- ' Prim: 01, 750. 5C~and n. Plnp opens Tues- : dny at no mm. at Sawyer .-. -Z-f !(| emu-1 House? "Au: ll. Lmamnt, - [3';~. : 3T InURsBX3?:"tec. 16 Plus -.......-_...... l...-- u... I- .......- u-__|:.|. gu:;:;mu;;voWpe:;e:t`:;s;;cti;: New Onpeu out 31:: laid. ! 7"'53i3`I"3i3"i7Ii !% :'l .._--- - up`:-vn By Wm. Lestbcq (author 4 ll. bnon. In roducad Hon`: Theatre, ew York. __nIIIIp uI.|u\I Inn IIEDALLIONS for Chrlstmu Prosents. All the old favorites. as well in twenty-livv new subjects to choose from. --'4 Lament and Best. Stock between Toronto and Mont:-ml. Bought at It large discount we no selling for loss Mun other deal:-rn osn buy them. Have you son our ART GALLERY `B-N -ESTABLISHED 1874. I59 PRINCESS ST.. - KINGSTON. l&I I'I'IIIV` Telephone Weeso. KiPkD_`WT%$_!`JP!SW | LOOK in. ID.A.WEESE &CO LARGE STONE HOUSE. CORNER Ah- wtngton Avontp and Union Ht-rests. Pos- union at 0:100. Apply J. Enwron. Hominy 0o..0ny. V Now in the time to have your Car 9 pets olonned. V Send t.hom_ to MURRAY. We ....-....._A-- L- _____ _-_l_-A --A;-A_-L3-__ BRICK HOUSE, N0. 137 IXJLBORNE HT.` between Barrie and Division Htreotmnwizh separate bath room and water closet, hot and cold water; large dining room and kimhen. Rent. 89 per month, imvludimz taxes and water Apply next door or to 45 William St LARGE FURNIHIED ROOM IN CENTRAL locality. modern impnwements. private home. No. 5 Brick Torrnco. opposite 81:. Pull : Sabbath School. Montreal Street. `LOT 2 at $2.50. Jun Hum. n: I All Youths Suits over [$15, and.alI Men's Suits 1556.50, $7, 357,50, for $4.75. u-sum The younliherala wlll hold a smoking concert; in the Wnm hall next: Wednesday evening (`.nurh Fltnnlnv F`, will mnnf. Rnndnv UVUlll[lg Couro Stanley C.O.F. will meet Snnda! at 2 p.m.. and attend Dr. Cunningham a funeral in a body. t1'PubHc always welcome. The Bully Note Book For Whig Readers To Pout Thom when M. The Oak Hall open till 11:30 o clock to- night. 1111.. _._.-_ni:|____I_ ._.In 1.4.1 - .._.._|_:..._ vouna Llaeniu. cum gm 4 at $415. LARGE STONE` Hows. comum wlnnton Avamn and Uninn Htrnntn. LARGE FURNHHED CENTRAL lnnnlitv. mmharn iinnrnnvnmnnf-A, nrlvnnu BRICK HOUSE, N0. GOLBORNE S'l`., botwoan Barrie and Dlvininn Hfrnnf.a.wi'.h l2l PRINCESS STREET. ..._l \__._;_I \..__ A.Lnsnu. ll rumm. lnm --oucg-_ --- ` Locm. MEMORANDA. jI ARE COMING. N. I. O'CONNOR, Sec. :-_: ' o! "Jnno") nnd E- l for 20.) night: At. . . I55 UITIIRIO STREET- TICO 74. Dopnnnont 800. jj Mon : Nita. new Jot Scotch Ind: 810, I 812160. M350. Oak Hsll. Dnusu, N.M.. Don. ll.--In an Mfnmpt to hold up tho wort bound Southern Pau- c puoongcr train so Stain`: Pun. ninety miles was of this pheo, no nine o'clock Int. bighb, "Bnudy Collins wu shot and killed by or guud Jonuinz. Tho three ooh: min Inonntad thcir bonus sud lad Anny. _ {laughed Up A Inch. Nom\`o9n,Dec. |l.-W ilo George Kong. ol Wootwood, VII ploughing he unearthed A silver watch an bri ht and shiny as the city it In: undo. c was identied as I timcpieoe lost by J. H. .Camorbn while ploughing in the nuns field thin-men yours . Cameron took it. to D jowller. who cleaned the works and `nut in A new hair- Ipring. It hoopfoxoollenc time. Doubled Bls Money In` Iexlcu, Sn A.\'1'0.\`m, Tex . Dec. ll.--William Jennings Bryan arrived from Houston this morning and departed for _Mexico. He received his first practical introduction. to the cheapnesa of Mexico`: money at a bank hen just before going to the train. He had 8500 in American `money exchanged and received in return for it $1,000 of Mexican money. Bryan thought that some mistake had been mnde by the bank and could not understand how"it was that he received such a big sun; until he had figured it out for himself at the current rate of ex- chanue. He says his next step will be to pee if a Mexican dollar"s butchering power is as great in Mexico at an American dol- lar ie in this country. ' u IIIKTIIBTU. D6 UUHIUIIHLTBKASU BUG ICU LHIHI no farmer should be without a silo. This matter as well as the enailage question came in for a good deal of discussion and through it all much valuable information was adduced._ Mr. McMillan said we were only now be ginning to reap the benefits derived from the experiments of the Ontario agricultural farm at Guelph, and he expected yet to see farming the paying industry that it ought to be if given our best attention. great deal more olineatinnblo intero t. which not a farmerin the county co (1 well ailord to mine, was related by _tho speaker, who regretted that so few farmers were present. Mr. Mc.\lillan in a very uent speaker and handled his subject in in a manner which clearly showed the thorough knowledge of the practical farmer that he is. . ` llll UTKIHI lUI' DUU EUTIUUI. Yesterday afternoon and evening farm- ers institute meetings were held in the town hall, at which Prof. Dean. of the l).A.C..and John McMillan, M.1`.. Sea- fnrth, were the principal speakers. Prof. Dean took up the subject of butter mak- ing and explained and treaLed it in a man- ner which showed his thorough knowledge of the subject. Mr. McMillan handled the agricultural part of the programme veryy; ably, and made plain the fact that farm- ing should be done nowadays on the scientific plan. He gave some good, prac- tical ideas and much valuable information that could not fail but be of benet to the farmers. He demonstrated the fact tha ..l..\..l.l I..- ....`ol.....A- .. .... 1--..-- HUIU Dy DHGIT Tlllly ITIUHUB. ` Mrs. D. S. Warner and granddaughter, Gladys, returned this week from a months, visit with her daughter, Mrs. O'Beirne, Stratford. (l. C. Taylor, Maple Creek, N.W.T.. is staying for a few days with Rev. W. W. Peek at the manse. Miss Smith, Utica, and Miss Ethel, daughter of S. C. Warner, arrived in town last week to spend the winter. John Livesley has been appointed inspector of agencies for the Ontario permanent building and loan\_as- sociation. for the counties of .ennox, Add- ington and Frontenac. On uesday even- ing last the model class presented their teacher, John R. Brown. with a handsome- ly framed group photo of the members so companied by an address. Mr. Brown feelingly thanked the donors. giving them some good advice and wishing them suc- cess in their chosen calling. A very suc- cessful concert was held in the opera house last evening by the pupils of the west ward school. The proceeds are to be used for an organ for the school. Ynnrnrrinv nfrnrnnnn nnll Aunnirur fnrm. IUIHII ['3- Un Wednesday, the 8th inst. . Miss Amelia Wager. youngest daughter of James Wagar, River Road, and Samuel Hambly. youngest son of Joseph Hambly. North Fredericks- burg, were united in marriage. The in- teresting ceremony was performed at the Western Methodist parsonage by ltev. (J. Parker. Miss Estelle Wagar, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and William Baird performed a like service for the groom. After the ceremony the newly- wedded couple drove to the residence of the hride s parents, where a reception was held. A large number of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties were pre- sent, and after partaking of a sumptuous tea the evening was yery pleas'antly spent. The presents to the bride were admired, and the useful as well as the ornamental were there in rich profusion, testifying to the esteem in which the young couple are held by their many friends. Mrs. D. R. \Vm-nnr nnd arnnddm-nzlimr_ It would at Lent and The Town or rue" Trump Nuisance-Wlll Be Established When Publlo Uplulon Favors It-8omo Protable Speeches By Prof. Dean And ~ J. Ilollllan, Ill. P-9ome_ Pleasing ' 0I'lluonles-Other Orlsp Items. NAPANI-2E,Dec. ll.-'l`he matter (isms poor house for Napanee has long been der consideration by the charitably-disposi ' ed citizens, and a deputation waited on the county council on` Thursday afternoon last. and again laid l 3 matter before them. The arguments in favor of the scheme were set forth by each member of deputation, but it looked as if the matter would again be laid over for consideration. The commissioners said in their remarks that they found the scheme was opposed by the country people. and they would be ready to endorse it when public opinion was in.favor of the undertaking, and we hope that public opinion will be in favor in the very near future. for a poor house would be the means of ridding the country comparatively of the tramp nuisance, and that alone should be a great incentive. The charity of kind-hearted citizens has been sadly abused by those gentlemen of leisure. ll- \l7..,I........J.... LI... uil. ..-L Kiln; A I1nl\`:n IA HIIME {on THE lNF|RM.l 2009999099092 Meetings lleldln Napance were Very Profitablg. _, `_ I8 DISCUSSED AT SOME L E[NGTH- _BY THE COUNCIL. IFIIRMERS lNSIlI|JIES.! KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SAIURDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1397. . my-nu -v-----,1 -nu:-n.-uo | l\':wc.u41-Ls. 11,-While playing I with mocha on ov. 24th tho t.btu-yonr- old daughter of John GHIIOD not n to hot clothing and van manly band. 10:- tcdnylhochilddid. All out conductor Dead. Bnocxvn.:.r:, Dec, ll.--W. G. Murray. for many years. zs conductor on the (}.T.R. between Brookville md Montreal, and larc- ly between Brockvillo and Bollevmo, died on Thqpday. of nlvular di.-can of tho hurt. uh]: which be had been troubled for nomo time. Pout omoe Robberlee. Nl~:\V'.YOnK, Doc. ll It was learned to- day that one of the biggest robberies in the history of the New York poet ollice oc- curred on Nov. (Lb. The amount involved is stated to be in the neighborhood oi 8l00.000. and was taken from ro- gieterod letters in the railway mail service on that section of toe Cen- tral railroad of New Jersey known as the New York. Somerville and Eaeton branch. On Nov. 9th.i is stated, two bags con- taining 330,001 are taken. How long the defalcation had gone on before that date has not been ascertained. Major Charles F. Lewis. of the Philadelphia branch of the government secret service, was in the city today inveetigatin ' the robbery. _which has been kept. aecre until now by thevpoetal authorities. ` VVIIOIII BUB '85 l'0UH(l. For fourteen years Miss Gall had worlred as a tailoret-9 most of the time with Charles Travetlmn, formerly of Minden City and llockerville. and now living at Cass City. Misatiall began to work for Mr. Trove- than at her homo at Cnnnington. Onb.. fourteen years ago and csmo to the abate with his family. The um Hm! men-rodud. Pom` Hrmw. Mich, Doc. ll.-The police last night topk_charqe of a girl who gave the name of Lara (lough, and her brothers took her home this morning. It has been learned that the girl (lough in Florence Hall, who disappeared from Dec- lxerville, Oct. 5th. Her parents live near Quebec, and failing to receive word from her they sent Rev. John Hall, hor brother. to look her up. The police will not. dis- close the story nor will they tell with whom she was found. 1.`..- t....-g...... .:..--.. \I:-_ n_u 1.-.! ____u,-_n I nice 1,:sU'.:, DCHIHIIBF 1.;:r.'. rmlerre I,- 7-l(i, Hale l.70.';, Waller 1.685, Pverce 1.- 637. Elke-s 1,550, Golden l,."1.`ll, Enberman 1,517. Miller \\-ass`:-I3 miles ahead of the record for l:2l hours. Miller equalled Hale's 14".! hour record of 1,010 miles eight lups,ab 1:37 n.m. We want t,o.aay these are new goods, made by one of the best high quality manufacturers in our Domin- ion. Every garment is well tailored, w,ell trimmed, and of good honest material; Remember although we have a great many Suits and some Overcoats, they will not last long at these cut rates. (`Anna .\n..I-- `Ag R.-no. nhnunn ..2l- The score at 1:15 a.m. was: Rice 1,809, Schinner 1.79; . "H: lJ..I.. I "A": |I'..II.._ I nu: NIH UIDIUUH TIUUTH DDCUIHBH Insane. There were a number of exhibition races throughout. the evening. and a few of them were worth looking as. A. A. Chase, the English middle distance champion, rode ii three mile exhibition in 6:26;. Eddie Bald rode 3 one inile exhibition, paced by (lou- goltz and Lamlgerjuck in l:44. Taylontihe French champion. rode two miles in lzl-l, nnd Jimmy Miclmels broke the track record for live miles. going the distance in 9:55. In the maccbrace between Teddy Goodman, New York,and E D. St.even.aon,Bull' milo, Goodman won both beats ; best time 0.`)! nlvlcrru. Uluclully unu I'8p0X`D "goes, ' 88 it were. but it gives not the faint- est idea of what the` real condition and appearance of the majority of the riders are. They are all strong enough to go on with their pedaling until midnight tonight. and it is not likely that there will be any further withdrawals unlevs for cause of accident or unless another of the ambitious riders becomes inaano. 'l`I........ ......... .. .........L..._ A: ..-.L:L:L:__ .__.___ The Scan-I 0! the Rider: at Mndilon Square Garden. NEW Yomc, Dec. ll.--Ab Madison Square hicyle race the police authorities as night; insisted upon an examination being made of the men by the police aufgnns. The resulb was a reporc by the surgeons which so for showed a very anbisfautory conditjon of alfairs except in the case of Rivierre. Oicinlly this report "goea. as it were. but. it. nivmi nnf. thn faint. LIUII. Enquiry by Mr. Willoughby, in the ab- sence of Mr. Carnegie-,--Wlmt portions of the Algonquin and Rondeau parks are un- der license as to pine and other timber, and when were any licenses issued ? Hm]. Mr. Hnrrlv rnnlind that linnnnna uuu wuun were uny IIOGHBBB 1881100 .' Hon. Mr. Hardy repliad that. licenses have beenissued for the whole of Algonquin Park. except 165 square miles, and licenses for that: place might be issued at any time. The license covered only the pine tgmber. Wllall DI-IU CU- In reply to questions by Mr. Whit-ney, tho iuiniater of agriculiure further ex- plained than fruit. which had been sold in Toronto had been found to be infected with scale,which is so virulent that t,hepar- inga of the fruit would convey the infec- tion. I.`......:.__. I... 11.. ur_'I|...._L|_.. :_ ;L_ ,|. U1 EHO UHI. The bill as drawn prohibits the importa- tion, scale or exchange of trees, plants or shrubs infested with the scale. Any person having suspicion that his trees are infested with sale must notify the minister of ag- riculture end give full information. and an inspection will be made of the suspected tree. Power is given for the immediate destruction by burning of such tree. and the Inspector must report a fair estimate of the value of the tree, provision being also made for compensation to the extent not exceedimz one-fourth the value. A penalty of ne and impri.-sonmont in do- iault in also provided [or neglect to comply with the act. I.` ......I-. L- . . . . ....L.',..... I... ll- \'lVL..'A.._-.. uilon. Mr. Dryden introduced his bill to I prevuntz the spread of the San Jose scale. , In doing so he addressed the house at some length In explanation of the) urgent: neces- eiby for the measure and of the provisions of the bill. ` flu... |..;II .... .I..-..._ ._..-L.-L.:L.. LL... :..._.._n.. OlU,UUU lUl' FUIUUU BUGUUIIM Hon. Mr. Hardy informed the house that the etenogrephic report of the various in- tervievvl between the lumbermen and the government in connection with the regula- ` tions respecting the cutting and export. tiun of eawlogs would be laid upon the table. In reply to uquestion by Mr. Wlnt- may the premier added that the documents would be furnished immediately the report ofFridi\y motning s interview was complet- ed. IIIAI. unuv Auuu 11.11.16 Ia. uuvn-v vvuv nuvvva Come early for first choice. Store Open Every Evening Until Christmas- TEUUIUIII. ` Hon. Mr. Hardy handed to the speaker a mango from the lieutenant-governor, submitting Lb eammnues for we yam`. ' The nounluuzou c was the legislature will I be asked to provide is $3,397,367.9.3_, of- which $3,191,687.92 is lot current. expen- diture, $186,180 on capwai account. and $19,500 tor retuud account. "An I "nrrlv infnrvnnr` fhn In-`nan flan!- boulohtlon Dunn; mm The San dole Ionic -lnqnlnol and Answers. Tonorvro, Dec. ll.-Before proceeding 3 with uh: regular buamees of she day in one logisluure W. A. Uharlwn, Mr. 50. John and Hon. Mr. Hardy complained they had been mlarepurlzod in connection with their remnrkl. They made tho necessary cor- recbionl. Ll-.. ll- `l:l .....l.. L:.n'.l...I L- 4| . . . . . .__l.-_ MILLER IS STILL LEADING. TO sump out THE PE,ST. cmid nn|I`y"|sn}u;d. n a nu -- : Msixor 1,900, Ruin!-I-A I . To `hie Fun In Tho Advance. Loxnox, Dec. 11 -Acoording to I don- tch to the Daily Mail from Cniro,600 ritinh troops will take part in the adunca of tho Anglo-Egyptian expoditibn in the Soudnn, which `win postponed after tho upturn ol Burhgflut Boptombu`. in orda- in and tho Iui'nnnn_ I oupuaru or Duran IIIF DI N tvotdthohounlon. Llvee were Loot. \'u'r.m.I'A, B.C.. Dec. ll.-Five or six and perhnpa I-even ,livee were loet in the White Horse rapids, Lewis river. during tholut two months, according to John Hepburn. who has just arrived from there. A boat built for four or six men was found below the rnpide one morning but no trace of the occupants. They mnut all have been drowned. Another boob wen vamp- ed and I mm named Anthony drowned. Other pnrtiesloat their outts but man- aged to` save their lives. There is now very little opon water between the rapid: 1 and the Inkcl. YOIICII IJIU prisoner. Most. of them are from womep, who ten- der him their aymynthv and assure him that thew believe Mn. Neck in an guilty as he in. Thorn lmowa nothing of the inter- est. which cranks are taking in him, an the warden keeps all knowledge of these let.- tera from the condemned man. All Boys Suits priced $5, $5.50, $6, for $4. 1