?'* I `jg and GOU|50o i ` `g m-`..\1`m(`I-`. 1'0NNE$l-IN. Ibwsm lord, mr vol'I_v van" mo nmnu at IJIO pill . Titania noothu Indian in tho world like the dnilyNuovIpnpotl`ot lugitinobo adv`:- E`-.:I..LAn nan nnnnnl :3`.-up ml? |?3"w:'."L."3"$`.T'&7J "190. 0' IIIU IIUCHI OI .IlIIIHlI|l DllI'Il'. William H. Ridaing fnrninbu to tho Nnrth American Bovtow an inlontug view ol"'l`onnyuon in the lalool Wight," including 3 minute dc-etipxion ol lining- hrvl, fnr Voy Mun the home 0! tho pan`. 'I`Lann in nuunlhnr nnnllinn In llnn nmlal Iii. I'll`. 5.` `HUT. VIII 1 [I0 "'7'": Outing for Dccombor ooru clout. of good thin to all inhroncod in 0 ms. Caribou un but hunting. quail. a duck shooting, `golf. tha kennel. the stable. baht-ball, Indium ball. yachting. cy- cling. snovrshoelng. skating. has-ol um! c- tion. all receive aunmicn. A... ghnuu-nb n-an nn "F4-Unnnnrl I105: non. all rotowo uunuon. An eloquent any on "Edmund Burt: and Hit Abiding lullunnoc." by 3 O'Con- nor Powot. coollitntu one of the interest.- ing numbnnn in tboonh Anmiean Rn- viov for December. This tour Inuit the centenary ol the death of fdunnd Burl:-. William ll, Ridninu fnrninlnn In La: lo we nclgure on prurpunny. , Harry V`. Powell. grand chief oi the order of railway telegrephen. ie in the city to- day. Hie visit ll aid to have some con- nection with the confonncl between the order and the C. P. R. ciciele. which ie not yet ooucfuiod. Both partiu. however. exam that there will be no etriko. l\...A:__ l..- I|.uu..o.L.- nugnn A fgnnb In` Hon. Frederic : C. Poneld. Into United States, diplomatic agent. in Egypm. fur- nishes in tho December North American Ro- viow on article on "England's Absorption ol Egypt. It is u olotr. oushurnm-e viow-from on American: standpoint-of what Emrlnnd hon donopo his the land of the I-Pharaohs from the slough of deepond to the heights ol prosperity. u-re V Pnunll, grand 4-hint nl Um ardu- nu plot noovuuowmc. The Sun: Oluus who luu ban and n rll to puovido for will nd ultiuflutlou and um. tom: M. nu uuu V-Ivuvuu` u nvvuy. Friends of A. T. Smith will be glad to hour of his impmved condition. Thin morning he was able to sit up in bed and road for 3 short. time. llirst. diaobarge. nuguuxuu. A\uII.nI:I' Vlulv Iuucu D)` ([10 Ilnotl II Ive Dollars for lrllrtlnx. (:r.};x-:.\`|-om`. N.\'.. Dec. 12 -Lqyin Johnson. I colored youth, was srroated for Ilirting At a prayer meeting. Jolmr.-on. in addition to lming, puaed around lozen- ge: on which woro nmmpod "Do you love mg 1" and Ana you jealous?" He no knowledged hia guilt. and was fined ve dollars. - u-nu. run nuwu 1.:-uucu M.\'r.mon\. .\lexico, Doc. 13 ~ l anlu!on and Victoria Nngnillen were shot. in the jail yard today for the murder of Dr. Manuel Corhuo. Five policeman. com- mandcd by Sergt. '-Harnandw. were thg tiring party. Pam:-`lon was shot first, then ,Nogml!en. Neither wow lulled by the li r: t. dinnhnnrn, Cancer mauled Death. This morning. Mrs. Ward. lilginburk, died suddvnly at the general ho.-pubnl after 1 long nrlhcmon from cancer. The first. trouble with the growth broke out. ve years ago. when a doctor operated. but apparently failing to remove all threads of the cancer. Since then Mrs. Wurd had undergone four operations, but without lasting benefit. The cancer was located on her left, side. and had worked its wny inwarda to the region of the heart. Her sisters were present when she died. End To Quit The work. NE\\ YORK. Due. 13 --William H. An- derson, the wheelmsn who started in Octo- bnr last to ride sixty-ve consecutive cen- turies. stopped at the end of the forty- eighth. with what in ball-player would cn'I a "deed arm." Otherwise his health was good, his heart beat regularly, and his ap- petite was of the best. Andersnnfs prac tiso was to title 10' miles each night, be tween ve o clock and three t|.In. The doctor said tholnes of power in his arm was due to a stroke of paralysis. but was caused by the constant vibration to which it had been subjected during the hundreds of miles the rider had traversed. Next spring he intends to undertake the same feat again. LIUUIUIIII Wll4l| lill KIUIWUIIHH. Br':RLI.\`, Dec. l3 ~lt in said that prince Ilenrynf l'rus~ia, nprointcd to the com- mand of the second Herman squadron on the coast. of China. will visit l ekin whole the Chine:-e_ ompercr will rcoeivo him as an equal, an unusual honor. Prince Henry it. is announced. is the bearer of it message from emperor William to the Chinese em- peror, in which in included a programme of Cllineee reform. LIIU I`4K_yPL||III IIUUFI "3"- According to 9. deepntoh from SLg_gghi to the sauna paper. the Hormnnsa an: ex- tending the area of rmrrrupation M. Kim Chou and now comm) 400 square milen. ' They lmvo arriuigerl :1 German admininuxu tinn mid are nlrcady collcvbing dulien. The Teung Li Ymncm, says the despatch, has appointed E pl`ill('0 to negotiate A set.- tloment. with the Germans. n.'~n..\< `\nn I`) lsb. 2 luu Duuuuy EUHUUI unrby 3138!`! ago. VVA.SlllM'I`0N, I).C.. Dec. 13--All the members of the cabinet whose ollicial duties permitted their leaving Washington started from Washington today to attend the funeral. l`he party included secre- tnriea Alger, Blins. Wilson and Gary, and ubtorney-general McKennn. Ex:-hnnu 0I.; rounIsuI. Lm~'no.\', Dec. 1:! --The Berlimcorrem pmdent of tho Dasily Mail says he hears I.hnr.Hroab Britain agrees not to oppose ("Jormanya orx-upmion of Kiao Chou in my turn for Germany's prnmise not to interfere in the Egypuan question. Annnrrlinw tn :1 ulnannhulu fa-am Qlm..n).: Services WIII Be Held In the [Inc I E. Ohuroh. lauton. Clsxrox, 0., Dec. l3.--Funeml services over the body of Mrs. Nancy McKinley will be held in the First M. E. church at one run. Tuesday. the interment will follow in Wesb Lawn cemetery and Tuesday evening proeident; McKinley and his wife and oili- ciala from Washington who attended the funeral, will leave for the capital, reaching there at noon Wednesday. I _ Rev` Dr. Manchester. tlm mnlnr nf Hm w. A. MITCHELL. IA `Ill. I`! Pplnnnnn Hirsch. III LIIU EHFVIUUH. ` The First M. E. church the is one in which Mrs. McKinley worshipped. Three weeks ngo she was in heiypow as usual. The president is a member of the society. In this church he was superintendent`. of the Sunday school thirty years ago. VVASlllN(:'I`0\'. I)_(7._ hm-., 1:! _ All Hun Sir Wlllrld Lam-Ier Will spent at tho N}nnln_ntlonI In Nlcolol County-l`nxm~ on to bi Arronul Who Engaged In Smuggling Cool on. Mom-rmr.A1., Dec. I3.-Tho customs au- thorities have made A seizure of the litho- graphic bills of the Rice & Barton extrava- pznrvmcnmpany. which in playing At the theatre [loyal this week,` on the gruund than they were of an indecent character The complaint was made by the cibizem league. - Sir \\.'ir-hl [.n|n-inr in in Inmn I-In will gnu. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is ip town. He will Attend the nmninationu in N ir-nlet to-rnor~ row. 0. A. Uorneillier, Q.(}., will vpeak on behalf of the com-ervalives. ' 'I'|.n-.4n..n....\ nI>ll....-a ...1lI ..Iy..\..oI.. ......|... UUHIH DI LIIG C0llF9l'\ lllIh`B!. 'l'ha'yovonuo otlivera will shortly make another batch ofnrrontu-in comic;-.tion with L o .~nnugQlim_r of cm! oil. tobacco and olgurdtter-I by St-. John`: farmers int-o Cana- da from the United States. Many farmers. it. is claimed. are engaged in the business. IIIIUFU DI! HUUI) VV euneauy. Rev. Dr. Manchester. the pastor of the 1-hutch, has announced that it. is his desire to have the ministers of all churches. of which there are about thirty, participate in the services. 'l"L... |.V;..;; M 1.` ?\Li-Ar1L .L- :- :_. `THEY wan: sauo TO as on: AM mosczm cmnacran. ` SEIZED nus snow mus. MRS. M7i FUNERAL. In Connluclng Hlooly. __l A II`! D, '.L _:II L- A B0\".S SANTA CLAUS It is dul cheaper In ulvorIoinutI'on| pupal-Iol In-gocvinuhtiou, than in: to ad- roniuioiu mall p`u.pu?`o! mull duzhu. ` ` . . .. . .....-=--......-- .. .;'--'..::-... --~ too well cuorgymcn. H. F. Eoton, toocbing or Lyn. rocurnod homo on Soeorioy. Mm Goorgio Porcivol. Chantry. is visiting or. I`. P. Sloc| o. A wodding in onnouncod {or Tueodoy night. of I popular young mon 0! Athens Ind o young lody xooiding ormtlo out. of tho vil- Iogo. Kobort Cueidy Ion on Tlmrodoy for his homo ot. Almonto. Ho boo boon om- ployod in Roportor oloo horo. Tho Soon of Tomporonco convention. bold boro on Fridoy. woo won roprooontod by dologotoo from tho voriouo surrounding lodgoo. A tompoqnco rolly mooting no hold on Fri- doy ovoning in tho Mothodm shuttle. in which good oddxoooo and points were nivong by tho dilforono ho. Ambroeo Dorbyohiro hoo oold Mo Iloo `oh neoidonooon Honry otroot to llro. (Dr.) um. Hr. Dorbynhiro inhondo moving on hio form in Plum Hollow. I. B. Rollin roturnod homo on Fridoy ovooing from lloniltomottonding tho onnuol Iloooing oi tho boo kooporo'.oooociot.ion. Bo woo o|ocO~ ed proudool of the oooooiouon. A oooo of oooonla woo laid boloro jusiioo Orswloy on Friday by And!!! Poppor. Addlld. ogoinoo who of Mo oooo.` A ooubuoot woo roochod by tho lnoyo ohppiog ool. any n gnu The lumen` institute meetings which were held in the high school lull on Mon- dey leet were well ettended by tho farmers from the eurrounding locelity. Mien Com llenuut, llelte, is in Athens pm- pering to teko users in Miee~Heecock'e miuicele on the l7th. (lherlee Feulkner. who lllo been in the employ of I). l`ieher e carriage work-. hen opened up in paint I 1-liopover 8. Mcreten `e shop on Meinl etreen. Mine Claw bi farewell to `-` o pupile of the model ooliool on Ftidey . turning to Lyn. The model tetln his cloeed end the modelleee lield their con- mencement excrcieee in the hell on Wed- needey evening. A*ood progreuune wee rendered. intenpcr with eddreeeee by the locel clergymen. H I` Dunn I-gnhinu at Len, returned The Ilodelllee Held Thelr commencement E lcxercleel. "'A'rm:.Vs. Dec. 13-The bountiful sleigh- ing of last week has been completely wiped out by the recent rein, causing the roads to be in a terrible state. No clue has been found of the burglars who entered the post. oalice hero on Sunday night. Ma:-ter Archie Merrick. non of Mrs. 1 . Y. Mer- rick. Wnlue utreet. in very ill with inam- mation of the lungs. The even elistic nor- vicee, conducted by the Rev. L. hmchette, in the Methodist church. closed Inc Thun- dny night. The human` inntiluin mnntincrn which Persons having parcels put away for them, and on which a deposit has peen paid, will please to call, and secure them at once. MI WALSH S GREAT CHEAP SALE The time for the payment of accounts has been extended one week-=-until Saturday, Dec. 18th, when those accounts unpaid will pass to the attorney for the estate to collect, ' ' SPECIAL NOTICE." Have you semi onr unique display of CHRlS'l`MAS NO\'EL'l`IE.\`. it. include: l*`omcy Boxes and IhI.uk(5tH.(?\1ps and Saun- ra. Ja.p2mesaJurs. Tidy Slippers. Tannin bluoon. Hugh-. Flowers, Porm-lain Jun. Jugs and Pitchers. savings Banks, Trum- pets, Santa Claus. Bears. Children. Birds. me. Also Tom Smith`: Christ.nm.~x Crank- ars and .-`urnrine Stat-kings. [Tea and Dinner Sets. ru now: : ---u-.- v._-_v- In "a Dud Gum Sport." and mnkos prosanu Iooordlncly. Skates. ockoy Stivka. Jnvk Knlvomumu An-I othor sporting Goods Iill hln pooh ooovorowinc. Th. llgnln nun. u-hn Inn: bnvn Anal I to Choicest Confectionery :4-van-an-J v- nlclluu uuwv, III ........-. ,.........-., --... belt goods of loading nmnumotnroru. such 9 . .: as Ganong. Webb. Fluklll and others. `I`i`iV\_|D9``O`?``?`ii.Oig0'ii\9i##0##! iiiiiii` ` We are showinglsome handsome sets in 1 rich and delicate colors and odd shapes. % A visit to our new store will repay intend ing purchasers. Robertson Bros., WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT. \NzLS1{ S. Elegflfltlyg (Muckleston s Old Stan ) GEORGE MILLS & 00., ' onsou vntnllu M D Drool in not In can in week hat a porloot and their or than thonoclunod old ounbluboi, now. 303% and ncrtod ugh-ptiaod. Involu- no. 1%.: and oouviuo nun" at no luck Q an work is nnrntood satisfactory. tolls '~guI;- not an ornament. It In II 0700010. Ev own I I vrluluu on be noub v 0'6 am as mo 1 shoot. I. 0 ll will nnunnhn All nnmhnnnh- ii Brook Shoot. 1-. O Klwlu Innnniu nu urohnonu. certicate: or diplolnno not to vrlnllo. Inns. W101: Odloll. In-kilns. In-I-Vina: oortltloatoa diploma vrlnllo. ' "M ".....--- '--~-".:: 5-: :*=-..:.- or an a run noun I vrlnllu at D Drool Minot 0 I nndovuklusu maatnlulnhonr Wrinkles or nuts in 5 hand picture in not It in _lun nlotnn than vrhluu on be none. v - framingniictures - AS AN ART. --::.._.j..___ IJBHNSTON & G0 S , LOCAL NEWS. too Pairs MEN'S KID AND PLUSH SLIPPERS at Re- duced Prices /7o.)@a%ztd4//Zt7iZ`f_ Rift sweep. fur trimmed, deep fur collar and tho- roughly up--to-date. -1720: SATURDAY NIGHT. _l_1ARDUUAREa J. CORBETT_, It is hnrulo to tlud n more nnonlly ac- cenhhlo pnaont. than I! box of Fine Ohooolntoa. Crenmn or non Bonn. and we lmvv no hesitation In luumntoollig thun- petfevt uwisfumtlon if putchnoal here. Alan-go vurloty of Ilnvon. positively the of Webb. Fluklll Order Your Christmas Cake. ESTATE P. J. WALSH anon. Young Corpsman` Tool Oh: . 9 I11 mu tools. `lbc. MI III on luslonl Alum Olook-I. Bl- eylo bulb. Lumps, Cyclomohrl. 8oddlu.3m. Wotnlndo by hnnlnn tho but Uniquo and meta! mm for Ohrlounu givin hon Acme sum no nun ooh: sum all on; carpenter.` Tool Olnutl. [3 nod tools. KKTUTIIZ \n'vwI'!!- TAYLU R S, Saddles. Rm. ' ' wont lulu by lupin; Mod: pamdnaa ammm. T.9V.E :5~ HOLIDAY King Street. Fur Lined Wraps $25.00. * HANDKERCHIEFSI `We can give you may pxicc or quality from 2c up. `In! Dnvnn New Kiri Clnvt-I: in lvoo int. `X130! Yul ad Indian style: jilll into [In an aunt ullogulouo nom- X CI tho opting up on Q&I|x_gu_`___A______ fdouht I - 7.... A_.._I__ A qulub] hulu as. up :25 Dozen New. Kid Gloves, _in Fancy -and Plain. with button, hook or clasp, for 5or', 75c, $1, `$1.25.- :-4-. n,-mm-. I-la:-n~dHh'~|'In.` '.If\l` .Qn.z3.- 50 Dozen Hemmilched and Initial Silk Handlmrchiefs, all special valua, for 25c, 50c, 75c, 01.00. _ . can nnmnn Mnn';! Marl T;A'! I-I1 '1-UV: zoo Dozen Men`-J Neck Tic-.3, in all the latest makes, for I2c, 15c, 20c, 25c. nnr ucu-inn; and huu nr-Emu: an I0 _._.._.. IONTIILL PIODUOI IA IKIT8. |l-_4_.-I nL_- AIL... IO4DInn-"II-._-I-1 35, "sun, 43. For variety and low prices go a DOMMEF`C|A|.. IOIIIIAI. ml -AIIITM AII of I70 Wellington Street. 259 DOZEN ` Lace -and Embroldred Ihugiokuh nut] in M9 to them- &dhoIuIvith out; 88 `and 90 Princess Street. Por the Christmas Trade. - a 0 .uIu. .1. 4. \.J.I:;...n M and O? Prlnoou Stunt. j :01 ibvoto. can-nu n ' potdol` W"- buu-. :::|`i'uuc:p~. jowdm-':':'Tn`: B; K"?! )'W0I W!" In '0 in Sand I! 5.3;. .,.'..g. dim. " u. .53. m H to in u vohuno called "To London ti . 5. h Uh Jubilee." dllni Vkl` pf'E,'...,{,',f[' r gum M, I has Indosoturdnfn onnbo Mai a nu- ipapu-: hvrlouon Item the mad`: hit amunuuaung Ivor-othov0ty:ohuc'olIhoitcIan`:'I&:hjoI.i`c 1 can an eqaeornl -sou olanllovon ` 5- MM n-I_-n dvepticn I - upon: lino ml. hueonnltou: 5" ""d'T':`""` in E ` udou an `"*' "'* 5 .|._..;.... I will to bolt Iauvuinntl nnnlilltninn um and Iluucn nuns ""*"" " """"" ""' -1 ulcwywunll _ . "' v------,,,, ---w -.--an a-won-u-q tun--u vvIwu' Aniohnt cmtoun ins nctor Shut. opens Sunday in tho city vi his family. At noon to dny he returned to uuunoquo to continua thoinvutigntiou into the bunk: and slur: ol the mining colloctor Ornit- tun. So In III`. Show say! nothing hut bun loan}! wrong withhin hooks, and than is no up! of Au} dounury. Tho oumiuntion in romhry-1 dimculi on Ac ` count of romeo! the book: being destroy- od by rommo t-inc ago. Hothiniu tho wborubonu 0! (ho ummg sun in known to his Inondo. oduornh. vriurng porslolioo. phyiog on-11 iouugdriohju cupv. jnolcu-I on. buglagllooogoodndinoowonronblotoul tiunlhrrko Ibo "Ruhr dodcr bugsr aqua. 5: u Mltehoil. - } lune! II: A nplle. ' This morning whiie working: at the M_. 1`. company`: new elevetor Hugh \Villia lull a narrow escape from death. While Me-ietingin loading epileo on a truck. one 0! the heavy logo plipped and struck him. knocking him to the ground. The piece of timber mlled on hi! legs. bruieing in n painful manner. but fortuneteiy not break- ivg my bone. The injured min was ur- ried to the oioe of Dr. '1'. M. Fenwick. where his wounds were dreeood. after which he wee driiivi to his home. Proeldeul A. ll. Fm-ll Wlll Agnlu (lnlqle the Oulnrlo Uulnn. The annual ineeting of l|ie(|nl.eriu rugby foebbell union wan held nl. Toronto on 3&- ll.ll`(lV. A. B. Ford. M.A.. M.l).. U. . pre:ilout of the union. was re-elc-r-led luv in second term. The other otiicera elected were : First. vice-prei-iileiit, R. H. Eeeeon. T.A C.-Lornea; second vice- preeident, J Mel). Mnwnc, Oqgoode; nec- remry-treeeurer, J. Mc.\lurrich; executive committee. George Mnnerief. Petrolea: U. A. |loDouell. `London: 0. H. Barber. Hamilton; George (isle. l`.A.C.-Lorneo; E. W. Jones, Brorkville: E. R. King:-bon.Oe` gmole: J. S. liohorleun, Wellington. 'l`he tree-urer e took: showed A balance of over 3000. Retiring necreuuy Fm. g.bbon wee grenbeql N00 for his service-I. A resolution wee adopted to form n board of referees. Al: escli senior matcli the re- feree willroceive 8!!) from the union for his eervicee. beeidee his expenses taken lrom the gate rezeipm. The referee: er. junior msitchee will receive 35 end expenses. Member: of the executive who reside outside of towns end cities wherein meetinge are held will be paid at the rete of live cent: e mile for travelling expenses. ` 1`..- -.l.I:o:......l .-Ink. Lx.-a :f\:Il&(' .|\Q GXKNIIIOI. Two Additional clubs have joined the Ontario Union : Omun city and the Ar- amnuuh rowing club. Toronfw. The `Var-ivy club was "fired" out of tho union for fgiling to mule good `to London 811.9,}. ordorod to be paid over by the union. LI ID wk .' l oloztiono j b: to give II hl-ndn-lnlm. hAllnLnn|n|hn alum. mngsnon uela nannery. Not. since the burial of Sir John A. M so- donnld, and Sir Alexander Campbell. has Kiugulon seen such on largely-attended funarul us was that of l)r. Cunningham yo.~t.oru'-ay. '|' a general tu"rn out was truly I! touch - y 'riln'!a to the memory of the deceased phyaicmn. and n ruvelauon of the universal enteem in which he was held. The cork-no was over three quarters of .1 milein length. and not until the louder: began to fall out of line did the ond of tho prpcenaion leave Lho fumnly re:-idanco.` community." The service closed with the singing of the hymn "We Will All Gather Home in the Morning."nnd prayer. After service hundreds viewed the body, encased in B lisndsume casket. and blH`l9d in A perfect bower of wreaths. pillars and other iloml tributes. Ab three o'clock the funeral pro- ceininn lefo the house and wemle.l its way up Princess street. moving in this order ; Court Stanley, C.O.F., Owen Jenon, high marshall; art: and medical students of Queon`s univer-sit._\: iindorfnker l .eid`a car- l`l;!;If`: hearse; chief mourners: full faculty nf I.Juuou` university: citizens and car- u-iugua. The pull-bearers wrro: A. E. `lfmmingh-un. IQ. U. lfnnninglnun. R. W-alilron. cousins: S. Alnraliull. ll.. Main llllll W. Pearson, brnthers in-law. Among the many floral tributes were the following contributiom: Wrentli, Mr. nml Mrs. H. Curinixigli-.nn;croee. Mr. and Mrs. ll. Weldron, ar.; wreath. Mr. and Mrs. Wnldmn. jr; wreath, Miss Kidd; wreath. J. Henderlon; cut flowers. Mine Montgomery, liliee, Messrs R. and Burtm (A-Jwdyz aiclrle. S. Corbett; wreath. W. H. Reid; wreath. J. I}. Wal- kem; anchor, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Livingston; cros-. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexander Newlnnde; out-flowers. Mr. Wilson; wreath, students of Queen : college; wreath. medi- ml faculty of t,Iueen`e college; wreath. Kingston field battery. Nnr. nimm the burial of Sir John A. A Lengthy cottage Follow: the Remain- Dr. Grlll|I.h'e `tribute. The romaine at Dr. I). L'mn-nngham were conveyed to their last resting place yester- day. and an imposing eight it `vue to see the multitude of t-.iti7.ene line the streets to view themourniul pr0oeI!i(m.'. Service wee conducted at his mother`: reaidence.Syden- ham street, b Rev. Dr. Urillith. Brock- vvlle, who epo e impreeeively oi lilo and its ailiation with divinity. of in dependence on e Saviour. who worked with individual nun. . He aleo delivered a touching eulogy on the life which had jnnt departed. How well I remember our young-.lep.~medlriand, when he had completed hiu college career. Woolten eat in him eurger and cunvereed, when he told of hi etrugg an and heruehipe in Itudent life; of bin aims untl desire: as teacher. Min was a character for which i had the proleundoat respect, and he poa- eeueed an energy} a purpose. an ambition which I knew would lead him to pre-emi- nence. How brilliant he was as a stu- dent! How ably he handled hie subjects as ademonetrator! No matter whether he taught the individual or the class. he gave hie inetructions with cleerneee. He nut! that brilliance which was bound to give him pro-eminence in the profession. Hie true character was seen in his deep reverence [or his mother, in his affection hr sisters and brothers. The numerous floral tributee spoke of the esteem in which the community held him. The newe oi hie illnoes was a sorrow to me, and we hoped that illneu would have only been temporary. but the announcement that my young friend had departed from this world wee a deeper sorrow to me and my family. One thing we known is that hope, during life. out eun- shine into many homee, and even on the eireet -hie cheering smile made many happy. May we all live in that same a hero of brotherhood and friendship, to t at our departure may be felt by the whole community. rm... EAIVIJRK` ..I...n.l ...n.I. elm nimwinrv nf mm. ElllII[|N.l DR.'C2`l.J_il.P"l`I-FIEIHAM LAID AT ass -----.-:.- ELECT?`-IND "'5CbND TIM E. lothlnz Found Wrong ._A -___A-_- .__ __ |JL_ [UII-III!` vlvilkl IIUIIIIII. "III Owl will both noolifhtuniog and nlnhlnnn ln|.nm- . I OWHOO I71 I00 IAIKI DIIWHOT UIIZTICC. ' Dr. Ryan asyrho in n compnntivoly ; youaghtnan tn the pntctico of medicine. but. . nine: in connection with the Rays! modi ` calcollego it bu loot six members from iuu stall : Dru. Irwin. Dupuiu, Bender!-on. Ssundern. J-`onwlck. and Cunninghun. J This Inotning Lieul*..~Col. Montixunbort. i D 0.0., ncoind from the dopnrtinons 0! militia. plum and npncicmioqo for the pnopoud drill hull hero. Thay were Iona up for approval, mud slur hnving `boon by the various comunnaunu iu the city will ho turned to Ouuu. TL; I'\-an-Jig- AI.._._. 1... I419 I.-- -.. ClI_V WIII IK I'IIHI'|l$ T UHCWI. The Cxnadiun Almanac for N38 has up- pound. mating the fty-ntyour of pub- lication. It in mill in the `growing sage. having boon increased to an pages. It in.-nob icyclopodin of pnbhc knowlodgo um.ir. would be ohoroor to any who: is due: notoohhin than to cnnnonto in dopomnonts for lady rotor-moo. Tho Cup>Cluk tmnpnny no doing oxoollool |::::ou to the country by this annual at;-L IIVI L IARIITE. H D00 11.-WIOAI N. S-pr}. in I IMCIOJ JON; No. I 001 3464-1; 0 in p h:l;pnrk.UIIl; lard.ua W now, . ovhbqoon-l\ onh bu E; tonlovtouu cuv.Ile . lhi. Gllnlod l [IIIW EIIIIIOII UUFHIUSI. The Baltic mine. ab Houghtow. Mich . * hu nished driving n cro.-a cm. south of ` the shaft und the vein is found to be forty- vo foot wide. carrying cnpper throughout. It in the lat t. copper` boarirg not over opened in t. 0 Ln: Superior uiatrict. : Dr. RVAII nurrhn in n nnmunntivnlv . |I'U"l UI ll[IWIl'UUu l'u \.'o Wlbclllla | Bivhop Donbenx-illo. New \\'est.min.~ter. L has loft. for Winnipeg to two rd 3 mmting ` of the Roman Catholic dignitaries. over! which archbishop Lmgovnu will pronido, ' and at. which the tchnol quostion will he ; disnuased. ` ` TL- ....l:.... ..Lll..2..I- .....- AL-_I.l ..I 0- ll ... I unsnuaseu. The police oicials ave thankfnl to Hun. ` William Barty for A number of depart-3 mental books and papers. brimlul of infur- } mutiom. l(\ngaton's member taken pninl, to keep hm conalituol to poatoa on do- i pamnonul bunnesn. ! uur:.y. It. is continuous. bold nrh'cr:.iaing that pays. Once in I whxlo an ndvartiscr has made: success by rmping small ads. coutmuoualy. but the grub successes are made by the use of grunt. aptoes. Sn nmnh nf Hm nnmnllnd nhnnv Imir I 1 \ TIIIUD Dy (DB U30 UK KIVJUE IPIUQF. ` So. much of tho so-called ebony hair, brushes an chonp Herman imitations winh ~ glued bucks ours are all solid backed ; French goods, stamped ebot y. Prices ' from 8| upwards. I-I. C. Mibchull. I D.'..|u.n IL-.-.r.....-ill- K`--. \\'...6-nlnponu ` GIF. John Eilbeck. late of l\'ings'on, bu al- ready been promoted In the railway ser- vice M. New York. over 8 number of other clerks, with an increase of $10 per week in ulury. He in making his mark nnr!v_ V IIUUHIO mom. In Toronto there is no new feature in the Imp market. No. l in halo: are quoted at. l'.'c. to 13:. per pound: No. `.2 at. around 13:: ; old hope nommnl. But. of here are quoted choice at 120. K1:-n KL-(`.n|nvhnrlv wm nf .lI\ln| Kln-` IIUKH U CHUIUU lilo I LZC. I Mrs. Mc(.`AughorLy, wife of John Mc- : Caugbercy. farm instructor. Kingston ` panibeutiary. is ill with pneumonia. Her` two sons. ill for come time with the sun 0 | disease. are couvulcpcing. I ArnnI. A Arnin-\ Anmluun nnhl whnlnnuln ' UIEUHEQI. I1! U\}|I \'MIUPU|ll.:o ' Arnots Arnica Anod_\-no sold wholesale ; by James B. McLeod, Kin;,:at.0n, a_nd ro- 1 mil by nll dluggiata And general at.orekoep- I HII fllllu Patrick llenegnn, Niagara. Ont... com- mitted auicide on Monday by hanging himself to his bed-poab with a towel. Ho had [cab his position as buili` some for months ago. (`Juan nulah fr-nun J0.` On Q`! n nlnn n:nnr W IXIIE. Ev!` I009. who Inland to mm-oo` n ~KiId.'5odAfiIl|] mlhomnn 810553` '3 land C5 Mud cannot Canal! lujcil. 30 Kid tho 5... IIIUIHJIU KU- Cigar cues from 40. to $3: rnoisbouing boxes and cigars. more acceptable to A smoker. oholl. I \-o....t:..- \'-....-.. 'l-......A.. Detective Vornoy. Toronto, arrested a young man named William Laing on n charge`: of burglary and neon, alleged to have boon committed in January last in Brnckvillo, 'I`\L_ _....L L2..|.-.. -I IV...A....L...... .I nruuuvum, The archbishop of Canterbury Ina nseuod n pronouncement. that he cliwpprox-es of the re nnrringo of dwomod couple:-. und um. his vicar-general borealter will not license them. I.. 'l".._....... 51.--- :- .... ..-... I_..n..._.. ... LLHHA Ullyn Arnotfa Arnica Anodyne. the beat. inter- nal and external remedy known. Cures all pain. Vnlr-in`: llnnnnnn Ninnnrn (inf. nnun. LHU l|Ig -Wulll|l`HlI`1llI\lUU{| IIKU Ulllllll. Modern luattlea are won with guns and nub with bows and arrowa. Mernhuntn dn nob win business with eigusur circuaru. but. by the boat. means, newspaper adver- biting. Hn Hm E!-`ml innh I.Im mnlntn nf Hm LINN. On the "..'.fml inn!-. the cadets of the Royal military college will leave fur their annual vacation, reporting at. the college onJan. Sch. Clnesoe WI be resumed on than day. ;\rnm. n Arnimx Anmhmn. Mm I-mat. inter- Ul.IB|'- Miu Anderson and M in Pagan, of cl 0 Deaeronbo public school eba, have bender- ed their resignations, to take ellbcb at New Year's. >Il`l... l\,._.........a-. ......n.... ..-.....:..o:.... In... .l.UGl' 5- `Thu Dcaeronto poultry association: has issued the prize lieu of its first mmual e.\- hibinion, elntodlor Dec. 2lat. (Jood for the lime town. v 'I`|... Iy........ \Y..L......I... In nnn I....Lp.l- LHB IUBU IH IIUUUII 0`-.'n),UU\` John Hinds, conducnor. has left bhe em- ploy of the street railway comp<.m_v, and on January ls-b will connect himself with the C. l .R. telegraph campany. VVa nmmr had such ll. nnmnlnta ntnnk of DHU U. I . IV: lyllgrllvpll C3lI]pIHy- We never had such 3 complete stock of parlmnea for Xmas. ranging from 10.: to $1.1 boctlo. Uux 25 cub-glass bobtle is n world-beater. E. C Mitchell. 'I`I..\ I` I) LI y.-. ZI.I'l'BQnln rnllllvvn zllnnu I D: Montreal. Qno..|1)w. 18.-Flour-ltooolpuu. no bur nut qmot Quotatlom: pnunt w|lI0l J|to(II3: hunt spa-In n. nan to tllgmnlnm hollow Mar to M0; urn. am. so 4&3. Bnporlno Llmo a.:o;s1rou Bum HI Jnlulo Bun tut to I In. em. um. no. a nfanneoba um. Mo to I! irt \ol'e; Phone. in Coho: Outs. I000 ' rlo1.N3IolOo;lln.mn 9050:); 0.3:], (`.0 to 1.1-oornnul. an to no vuou-roa.ols,m to um;I..n1 to to U: .110 to lie; Hana. Inn to lIe:0hoou. w to N hum mwlmhlpo. 100 \o lb; dial. to Ila; inn. lac to no. WUl'lU'UUHbHr. 1'1. U. LllIlC[IUlh The C 1 . li. nxwigzntion company, \'ic- toria. B.(7., claims $5,001! salvage for nor- \'i(:c.- rendered to the British Ship Senator. The tug H.1di(` hm made a like claim. \l._..l...... I...s|...4 ...... ....... ...:nl. ...... . ....l U U DUIIUIIV HIKIJU Dy HUMIU U1 Llll ll`|U|l\.lIn Hon. 8. N. Parent. minintorr-c_n[ vrn am lands and mayor of Quebon. in o'onvalo so mb and occupied his new in (he leginlalurc on Mondny. Hnlnnf. vnnr nnmh hpfnm thn rnnh. \\ a mununy. Select. your goods before the rush. We turn putting away goods every dag !ols of t.hem--tor wide-ewpke buyers. . 0. Min- cbel'. Ill-` A...I.\........ .._.I \I2..- D;..u--. AC tl g IIIIDIU LUWII. The huge Nebraska, 16.000 buehois wheat, was discharged at Mooera elevgtor no-day. The when is owned by J. Rich- ardson & Sous. Mk. .-l...n...m. \l.......:.. I! n.\r\` DI.-.n:n HTUUUJI U: DUND- Tha schooner Maggie IL, Capt. Blonin, was sold by order of `the court at Quebec on Monday. Gagnon and Freere purchas- od her for $210. (`nut-`..l!..nI.i.. C- Inhl |Ir\ uulbk nru nl- uu HUI` lUl' W&lU- Captain (Ruskin is laid up with an al- tack of fevqr and pneumonia. resulting from exposure at the Richardson mo and the Roaedule wreck. 7!... ......a.. |...:l.H..... -1 II... l.':n`\:lInun Ln` I DUB IVUBHUIIIU WTUCK. The main building of Li and provision company-1 1 was burned to the g: 1 The loss is about $25,U0(~ lnlln I-liuzle. ,.n..A.u.>4..- ISNIPPED BY THE sclssoks. AND THE NEWS TOLD IN BRIEF FASHION. The Very Intent From onuanu continent -`l'ho Gathered lmuu Ily Bnpouon And the Wand : Now: Wind T0 the Canadian l'nou _ Henry Folgor is visiting Uhicmzo. Bubmnnilk for sale by tho quart. or gul- lun. at the dairy I-cbool. Wrath may alter I100!` _ N, .I l`.uu-.n\n in an inunnntnr fnr in Al- hlloi. lhod: bacon-Ix out I Q; Q $0 01 nlo otm av`. 1 R. IO M. 003010` QC noon, R. J. Carson is an inspector for the os- tato of G. B. Smith. (lritth, who has as- Iigned. `Nan avian nnalnr uh-nna hint hnnlr intn hlm Ilgnea. The wise angler dropa his hook mm the pool which contains the moat. sh. The wine advarmior patronize: Lhe best paper. I-Inn. Mr- I)ul}'v_ minim_ur~ of mnbliu wane auverw;-or patromzes um uesx. pupal`. Hon. M r.. Dulfy. nuiniatur ~ of public works in the Quebec (mbinot. was banquet- ed on Sunduv night. by name of bus Manda. "nn H N Pu-nnt., nniniamrmf r-rn am 1 in ngmf I the Michigan beef ,`-I plant. at. D!-)'..I`0i0 -1 md on hinday. no. ; also cigar Nothing in E C. Mic. .i3":!|.('-5A-_=';_"`-F*_-- \_-y&'=`_3 A\`E"":. : as }_2`gqn{;-#r2 :5 =m;;m;A; j DEC `um 13, 1397. `T W TIT . Wasamztou. Duo. I3.-'l`ho nomina- tiandJ.l.(hopu. tohoollootot dun pond Olvqo. N.\'..Ino Inn hcidul upuundvill hunuohunsh upon thopuiliduhntltnhttogisy. DELL T()WIll AT IOWA AGRlCl'l.'l'L RAL COL- uux. to tho r-halt of French and German at the ngrlrnlmml rnllcm`. nml slx yearn lawl- nmrrlul Prof.-smr Stanton of the faculty. For urn _\-curs slw mntnmcd her duties In the mll--_au~. null thvn roslgllml to cstnhlluh on home. But she ll('\`l.`l' lost Interest. In the clams. and fur many ,\-mm was is sort. of luau-r mother to hundn-du of glx-ls who at- tcmlutl thu cullvm`. The Iu\\'\'r which In to be on-mu in hot Incxnnry xylll numd In the center of nclump of pluuo` which cmwn the cunt u! n llttlo knoll. 4 ll wlll be or Lrlck wlth stone and term cottn`tz-lmmlngn nnd wlll cost about 96,000. It is cxpcvtul that the tower will he cumplotnl and the bell: him; ready for tho dudlcatlon by next June. Tho chlmu am to cost about 0l0,mI), and will weigh 12,000 pounds altomtlu-r. Tho tenor hll slum Is to wolgh 3,000 pounds nr.,\ I nu I. nu-n.u..~..n. II sldln of Vhvr own. nml shu did no. Bu- fm-n tlm ml uf lwr llrst. your us u prufu.-=~ uiuuul plmtognusplmr hr-r zunlnmun hml unt- gruwn hr!` .~'m'l'uum|Ing.-. mul shn nmvml In (illirugo, \\'|\v1'u her wi(lu\\'vd .~'l.~'tvr, MI`.-1. (Tlum K|l`L [).`Ill'iul{. was cumllu-timz tho 1 grain I-nnnnlssinn lm.~'hws.~I which her hus- huml haul loft. .\lrs. ]\'h'kputrk`k suw tho possihitlea of In-r yuungga-r sistc-r's sohmno, and snltl out the grain Imsim-s.-1 to vlltvr upun thv nuw \'l'llfl`.!`l`. A prhmu )m11. on u fushlunuhlu uvvmw and trunsfurnmd into n ]w1'fm-tl_\'unmintrd studio. Mis.~1 'I`nInn\dnII |nuv:|I\ tnl.-imr an-Ii.-tin nhntn- W38 `U-II]. Atliopvli court today E. Rmlko. Chg! {ha polioo-Io Inch trouble on Chliqlloucu No man. can ned 0100!` out with option `of Iponding I'D XIII in jail. III Inn was pic! and In nnn Ijnl, IIU ll [ll'l'll'l'l`l_\' Z|]`|HHHl\ U l`ll||HU. Jllhn 'l`mnu-.-4cn In-_:::m tuking: m'ti.~'tiu plumm- gmphs of (`-hh':|.'n pmplu, nnd tlwn bl-um-had out by muking nrtistic groups. which found u n-:ul_\' sale at. Mt stm-v.~. I`lnnH_v an: udwx-tl.~'(-I` u.~'l;n-tl for u plvtlvru In which his vur.~'-'t.~a .~lmulxl gun`. llu gut` H .u..I u-...- .l..H-vlnml Hllum nunnnfn.-, III \\'llIl'H H15 |'UI'.`|'\.`| Plllllllll IIKIIIV. Ill` ,`_ZU|.` it. mul wus (I\'Hp:hl(`lL Ulhvr mnnufm-~ llll`(`l`H \\`unl:~d .~:lmi|zu' Ht]\'(`l`fin\`IlI(`lH . nml .\H.~.s' l`nnnc.~nn hu.-: _;-,rmluull_\' lnuilc up n rm`:-1 Hm) M` lnxshn-~.< \\`l`.h'II`l.mp.~' lwr huslllnu, fur icluw uni hus ,-;i'.'vn her 1! big hm..n..u -llI lllllni-'l Urlglla-n auvuuvuu n-nu Mule Ear Very Bnooeuml. Mlu Beatrice vfonnesen of Chicago is the young woman who has develop? the business of photographic advert sing. Probably you have notlr ,-` the radical change in the nppearzmco hi magazine ad- vertlst-ments. Instead of thecrude, mean- ingless pictures with which they were of- ten illustrated you now seen beautiful halt tone reproductions of artistic photographs, in which all sorts of mer<'h.'nmllst- are plo- tnrcd iirn must nttrurtlw manner. It 1.. lat: "l`nnnn=nu u kn unnnllnu Inna}. I ll`T0hl|IIOI|'I'()l'1:ll|I1 Methods Kan ` nu--.I- II... II... Q-nan-AAn'Il'_ ` H1l'(`Il `III II HIUSD nIl.J'[Ir`ll\l' Iuuulwr. \ It in Mlas Tonncsun xx ho suppliva nmst .` of them phutogruphs. Her pictures have ` becoumftxnous for their urtist.ic merit. ` One reason for this is that she spares no pains in_ secm`l_ng for models some of the best looking young women who can be In- duced to pose for her cumern, Hlu: ls ulr ` _ ways on the hunt for moduls. '\\hcn she sees a pretty shopgh-I In 4: street car, she makes her acquulmunce. asks her to-conu-I to her studio and nine thn.-3 out of ten has her in the back pages of u umgnzlnu within 0 month or two. `Ilium "I`nI\r|nanI1 kn.-van nu nu nnfhllalnutin VVIIIJHI LI HIUIILH U1` l-\\ U. Miss Tonneson begun as an enthusiastic amateur photographer when she lived in Oshkosh thrce years ago. She had stmllcd nut. in n cmnnrnl wnv Fur a.m\"xrnl \':-Inn) UBIILUIIII unnfu ycurn ugu. lm nuu nululvu art ln :3 general way fur auvrnl yesura uud had made in spucinlty of portrait work. She applied to a local photographer for in- struction and gulnotl cxporlunco by phot-u graphing her friumls. Fhc bucumo so skill (u1 rm artist that she was u(l\'lso(l t_u set. up A COLLEGE BELL A Gun PHOTOGRAPHER. III] In In lihuntod. II.-I` Ilnnx u