L1ver P11]. Take no other, ICU U-UI-I-- 1 and or 1-Iv u--I V?! In viola: AN; mutant} in Iluncou this you. no opllhp of Mint: to tho cum nu!- vlllulunrliu . Ihll cm W. J. B W Ill. 9:: c u ct. -NIH-`at the ihqo 9 in run: Klnknfon. Srul Poe . -__..__.___.:.. Robinson.Bros., is generally the most. lasting. If you Wolllul make a favorable im- preaaion on yonrllolidny visi- tors yoa ahonld see that your room: are neatly pnporecl. This does not mean a grant outlay of money. as some of the Pnpeu we are showing on be pur- chased for 3 Very Low Ifrice. HI-`. PUBI.I(`. Is mummy Hl\`l`.'N .'\'U`I'lUl\i tlmt the Council of tho Curporat-ion of the Ly ..! Klnm-mm intend pnsphw n By~luw rm Hm :~u\imth\n of one month (mm o-nd `WEAK `ELECTRIC IMPRESSION THEFIRST L -j 1-l-L Uo- -J & Electrlclam. combination on and Bloctrlc Fixtures and Blocttlc supplies In stock. SPEI:|AlI|ES:$$I:i :`.Tr..";1'A.%;=.?.-.-;,;.;o.::. BAOOT STREET. BELT and snpportln;.: suap0n- .~'nx'_\' um lhv rv.~'ulln ul' 3!! _\'unr.~x` prnvllco as n !~'|`I`t`HlHRf. Tho` vom- hhw my Idouu n n per- row m-If-trmltllwnt for \\ l~}.\l(I\`lu).\`SI*}`N sm-ll ns . lIl~`,lHl.l l`Y. DRAINS. l,u>`.\`l~1.\`. I.\lP0'1`l*`..\'(tY. \\` H A K It A C K and \`.\R1LI()L`ELE. `V. M. DRKNNAN. -gm`, CM: Clark *1! HNN AN , (Tip Clerk. the Event: ol the Week `The: ooneern the Iuldentl ti! th0_ Ildlllld DIlh`lot- Little Escape Notion, And lee!) booe- llty Out: Find nothing of Into:-eel. BATH, Dec. l5.-'1`he young men of the villege were eongntulecing nhemaelvee on having a. epeciel meme ol enjoyment in the new billiard room at the B View, bun the village counoll refused a icenee. The woilcl la widmlxowever. and the young men can console themeelwee on the bright proa- peeba that lie belere the newly-organized hockey club -'l`ne new post otce in npw occupied and is a neab". convenient build- ing -~Mr. Gage. for many year: t. reepeol od resident of our village. is about to move to Kingeton.-'l`he church of England will hold ite annual Sunday echool entertain- ment. in the town hall on the evening of In" 01}: Vn'1'oiu.\, Dec. l5.--W. H. Fxink hsu started to make arrangements to. `dress clover asreoon as we weather is cold enough --W. C. Snider. tax collector. in making every elforb to collect taxes by the proper Lime -1 . B. Mclver. Cams- rnqui, passed through chie.sect.ion de- livering silverware which he had previous ly sold --Mi!a Frankie Gilbert, Link`a Mills, is the guest". of Muse Pearl Amey.-- Roberv Me'7.ler ieiiuab erecting his new cheese factory, which promises to be second to none in this section. He inn very industrious cheese munuiuclurer and `will do all he can to further the intereeba of his ppti*ona. ' Bl-Hs:\\'lcR.'H MILIH. Dec. l5A--The roads are in it very bad condition. owing to the min and soft weather -Jdtnea Smith, William and Peter Milne and William Me- Kruum have returned after a. very success- ful aeaoon on the wnter.-The people and children regrub very much than Miss L .Chnnce has railllbd our school to accept. her own school, Howe Island ; she will he succeeded by Miss Clmtberton.-Mra. J. Rachefort is spending; a week with friends in the cit.y.-Mr. Liotlejohn, cheessmnker, has taken his departure for his home in }<`.|giii.~~-h'lisuo Elim Ben-iuan, teaching at. Ardoch. has returned nnd intends to Lake a course in the Kingston collegiate institute. --\Ir. Keen. lteilton, spent. a couple of days last week at T. Ben igun'-. H191: In Dl Dec. `Z-(Lb. i NHAT ouh inbusmlous sun-* `or OORRESPONDENTSWRITE. 1.-1-3:, ZB_]E_2.I_EOZK % .__ .. _ 4.4 S(`()T('|l Com`!-:1`-_ l).\(`. 16 -Thrcahing is over. Messrs. Chambly and Pool nished lash \Vedncsdt\y after a very aucceanful sauaon.-Brushing and wood cutting is the order of the day --J. Dowdcll he)`: built. a shanty in Gonrgo Low`: woods and will cut. wood, logs, rails, etc. A. Martin is en gazed cutting for E. Chnmbly.--Tho snow which fall on Tuesday improved the Heigh- ing -'1`he shooting match at W. Coadu a was a good auccoae.--The dance at Brub- wel| a Friday uighb was well attended; a good time is reporbed.-0ur teacher. Mien Slack. has beonengaged fox lH!)h. -J.(.`hnm- bly. who smashed his thumb with an axe some days ago and was slowly recovering, has now out the same hand wiwh the axe and will now be laid oil" for some Limo. -:----. 7imcsIen iglcf NOTES.| Fn:iuu'sox`:-s FAl.l..\`, Doc. l7.-J. II. Mor- ris has completed the rhingling of his house and stable, which makes quite on nnprovemcnt. to the buildings. -- Little Mary` Shepard. on the nick list. is improv- ing I-lowly.-Minn Mary Simple returned to her home at Black : Corners on Friday after spending a couple of weeks as I). llnrricks.---Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Morris spent Monday in Perth. ~--William Mc(`mf- {rev has started a harness shop in the brick building on Jerome etreet -Owing to the low prices of poultry in Perth last. week some attended the fair at Smith : Falls on Wednesdays-Nail l)onnel|y has changed his place of residence: he has moved into the dwelling adjoining C. E. SmeM.on a store. I$.u'I'i:nsII;A, Dec. H -Rev. M:'.Tomkin, agent for the bible society. preached in the Methodist church in _ the oveuim: from the words. "The Lord (Sod is A Sun" He gevee highly instructive end intoreeting di-eour-o. (in the 'l`uead.1_v evening fol- lowing he delivered the ennunl address on behell of the bible I-oeiety. At the con- elurion the officers of the eoclety preeented their reporte, else-: which election bl ollicere for the ensuing your tool: place, resulting ee follows : Szcretery-treasurer, Ieeec lnhe; depoeitor, W. J. Anglin: col- lect . W. Aoglin and W. Kirkp=.Itrick.-- `At but meeting of the quarterly oili- ciel board it. wee lecivled to !.-ii-go the cue- tomery ennnsl tea-intetingg. and hold in- emu! in lecture and 4-once.-t on the I"rid:I_v evening before New \'eer'e.--At the ennurl busineee meeting of the Methndiet Sabbath nchool the lollowinz ollioere were electeth superintendent, W. J. Anglin; ueielent superintendent. lane lnlre; eecretery. R. _J. Devideon; treemrer. W. Anelin; endl- tdre. Uuie Kirhpetriek end P. M. Ven- luven: orgenlot, label Lske. It wee eneniinouply decided to hold the usual Ghvletuiee tree end entertain- ment on (fhrletvnu eve. The petrone end shareholder-not the Betlereee cheece fec- rory held their ennuel meet! on the tint Beturdey ol the preeent rnon . Ieeee Hol- der presiding. The endltore their report which wee eeiefee-` tory end edopted. Hugh McDonald peve e levorehle re rt of the hedneee done by the factory the r. hut not heving e by in we will giving it tilleleter ete. Bellotin fa` oornetitlu renlted in the I-eeppointing e! the e- eent nenherrlor enothel yeer. 3 Bernie end J. Robhe were eppele endl- ton. Selneol oer peg: nee have the Klondylie lever pretty ly and exert their intentiene el ping theneein the Almioni-ix. Dec. 15 --Tlia recent ruins have I-poiletl our aleiuhing and left. the roads in poor shape for whooling---Our new merchnnb. J. E. Blainia doing ll. rush- ing bnainoaa.'~Miu Jennio Lielor in pay- ing this vicinity a prolonged visit.--Our local drossmnlrer, `Miss Annie Ritchie. in very busy at present. - James Tully and sister, l`ert.h. paid friends in this vicinity n {lying visit last week.-.1. A. Norris is Attending the Kingston dairy echool at p'ex-ent..-Mi1-s Currie Dowdoll in visiting at. Harper's.-M. J. Blwcho. ll:-rpt'r s, oponc Sundny l-ero renewing acquaint.- nncca ~~~Jnmen Flnlierly and Miss Jennie Crozior spent. a low days in l'orlh last week -~A number from hero inland baiting in the assembly In Mnbcrly. tho lbhb insm. J. llygrovo attended in party at l_"ormoy last. week. - The trustees have nccurod the zervicoa of A. Kano for tho ensuing year. Our present. lonchcr, llemgo Campbell. will be missed.--.\h-. and Min. R. Men- zies. Bnthurat, paid friends here A fly- ingvisit on \\'adncadny lnel. - Wal- Let Nuil is working Ihi~ weak in company with M. H. Urcmior.--Tho council moota next Wed: eeday n Mnbcrly. --Ever_\-ono in nwait.im,: the Clnietmu fertivitlee; It is exported there will bn n hut. Lime III the old toun."~-A numbor from here nuondod the Perth poultry fair and 5 repnib puicon -wood -J. H. Dowdcll I visibod friends in llodford la-Lwcek.-Snrto of our young folks mm in favor of tho atngo lino. ---cu-ts `tho space or The uonugrupou gm :5: . Innnnt nnnngnnlnil. ` Btltel. . `Prof. King. of Olives oollog Michigan, has been appointed United SJ to: minister in Siam. `III I ? III luv -Iu--- u-your f-- --u Luca Douunohio. Archbishop Kenno,.lAM of Washington V univereity. In to be created I cardinal. Min Minnia Paws:-I. of Lockhut. N.Y.. lIDlVI`&Ilay. 1-!) DO croueu I Olfullllll. Min Minnie Powers. of Locklgut, N.Y.. in eight. icon in height, Inching one inch. In New York on Mondnv the rth lunch: of all kind: promptly ptbndod O0. 339 IIIG 81'. """3%Z"- TIIJPIOII In in eight feet. In nelgno, Inclmg on men. In New York on Monday cargo of Hnvena bobhcoo Irfived in M70 ran`!-I. yedn. - Boot and shoe fwtotiuuo to be built. in Soqsland to compete` with the United States. 11...: In... ..c rnano. mII.m., Minhianm. to sum.` ~ ._ The rate from San Frmnoitoo be Damon City bu been placed for I single puecngor at 3300. A In-no annsnruinn ruu-Ev '1". FmV'lariuk- 3300. _ A lurge excursion party Ian Fro'lqriuk- ton. N.B , on Monday for Floridn to hunt. aligatora. n..u I....:..I.- ...I..uI .0. RI`! nnn warn rn mine. B._U. . _ Charles A. Hardy. publisher -of the Ca.tholio`Qunrterly Review. dioi in Phila- delphia on Monday. _ A nnw nAt.immI bmlu-ubtcv bill has been Ion, ` Japan has purchaaad an immense quau tity of Alabama iron. Jnpmxoee agents are purchasing extensively in the Unwed States. n.......-.....+..H.m. nf Hm Mm-mnn nlmrdn IIIIB IIHUII I augatora. Gold bricks, vnhned at 813,000, weto re ceived at Rn Portage from the Mindo mino.B._C. (`Jun-Inn A Hu-rlv. nblilhf '10 dolphin Monday. A new national bankruptcy -reported by the judicary committee in the United States senate. 'l`,... l...u...... nnmnmn nnurl-. hm: (Iirnnmd Uuited 5531.03 senate. 'l`ne Indiana supreme court has directed than all bucket mops in that state be nup- preseed to gambling dens. Prinve Arthur. sun of the duke of Con- % Gainful Transaction. pressed gnmnnng uene. Prince Arthur, sun naughc, is serving at Eton as the fag of mung Astor, the Amozican millionmre s Inn. _ States. Representatives of the Mormon church of Uhah haw contracted with the Mexican government. for `200,00l)`,()U0 acres of land for colonir. xtion. A .....m.........c-. on Han ihlmn hnn human tor colomr. mon. > A monument: to Hen. (Ribbon has been erected in Arlington cemetery. naar Wash- ington. by the "Iron Brigade" of \'el.er.ms. IL. has coet'$'L. .7.0U0. M. I1.-.m.. Hun Alumn lnnrlnr in mnntinu Ii.-uncnr. on Iuesuny. The senior students at Princeton, N.Y.. uui\'ersit.y destroyed the Robert Bonnet` gymnasium. in which their meeting was held on Monday night. Damage $3.700 Two small towns in New York abate have been absorbed in In large reservoir for (ireabor New York city. The inhabi- Lauts are moving Lon new cioy named Kamnab. m...._-...\r nun -:m..l.+.x.. (`.1 .-unim- in man coat `..'.1,UuU. Mr. Bryan, the diver lander. is meeting with enthusiastic receptions in Mexico. Ho delivered an address in Mexican pm`- li.-uncnt. Tuesday. 'l`hn nnninr nhidmiin nl. Princemn. N.Y.. nxawnun. Clemont\ . Ball, of .\'mckt,on. (`ml.. claims to be a relanlve of Hcorgo \Vu:vhiugLon, and also lays claim to an estate of l7l.O0U acres of land in l"enm.Iylvanin. Kanbuolry and other states. A ....... :11 \r...,|. n....,.|:.... I.:n..a his war. and corner grams. A man in Nnrcln Carolina killed his wife. He was indiotmd, Lrjod and convicted within thirty noveu hours nfborhia crime was committed. and sentenced to be hanged on Doc. `..". nd. 'I`lm uwnnt.nant.h nnnual Hebrew bk" DIXIIKGG on U00. '.5'JHCl. The aevent.eeuth annual Hebrew ball was hold at .the Auditorium. Chicago, on Tuesday night.. It. was largely attended. The receipm amounted to $30,000. last. year the esuno event: brought $21,000. The proceeds are devoted to charity. A farmer named Mcuueerv. of Indiana- PTOCOBUH ('8 UBVOOOII D0 Cuurmy. A farmer named Mcuueery. polis, Iud., has been alllict-ed for some time with a peculiar disease. When he rubs his forehead when heated his hnndkerchief is covered with a substance like sand. The medical men are puzzled and can give him no relief. MuQueery a general health in not much allocbed by his d|0~\')0. .. ___. ...__... If he doennob smoke we have necktie boxes; hnndkurchief boxes. shaving sets. droning came. drinking cups. nalu.-. shaving micron. perfumes, bill books, letter books, curd cases, etc. E. C. Mic- ohell. nu nI...A.l-.. ..I......... ah- |.:..,I nut Hr.- Cinder Sifter; OHBII. Old Cheddar cheese, the kind chnt. bibea. `.2 B had at Gilbert's. I no you ready torn ? ` Ache nun Mr per unit Hat by ukatu7h on put. 9 1 on 9 $;x;'..'.d :-'3?" *:"..";...."* On-vhq Gulf: uni! Fofk co II. Donn bninnonnd sun: to Onrvhq lulfe and Fofl I II. Donn buinoo-sud saying pgau you in not "tmulvh." HARDWARE; J. CORBETT. PITH our mtqw; PBINCISS BTRKKI. , , aaxsnus , onmu Logan. , HOLIDAY W Sick Hadache, Constipation, Jaundice, Dyspepsia and all Stomach and Liver Complaints. ouu kinds. hm! Ilmn. All who sud wood {rum smon. Also con Donors` Io:-cons and ovary dnorlptloll or Who Wort and Wm cloth :0 low. when Ionllootund by F. PARIRIDGE. 9o'R."3a x3'.`..' lynx:-Liver Pills ne\-rer gripe. Mid leave no unpleapanl after eeots. sou uyin III-uulstg at us. a vial ou- B (or 31.00. Cook s Cotton Root Compound _ I. M... nou nnfm rolilbll IVBHICLE5 I g-,(::-.'$.""t"..":...'.!. `I No. 1 lot oruxnuy cuc- is by for the beat dollar medicine known -sold I) druggluta, one Dollar per box. No. for 3 ecial cnsea-xo degreee stronger--uold Say druggiltl. One box. Three Dollua; two boxes, Five Dollars. xv- . Ar Mn 1 mniled on teceint [F501-I In Klnmw Mmlley. llruggistu. Inlur -:-- 22---`.-. A Lll |o'_S!nfTed Over \\ ln frame BABY CHAIR. In Figural (`-nnlnrny. with frlugo. ONLY `I0. The.-o nro sol :-re. Only; I. w of them left. A lure uuorhnent, of EASIL8 nnvl TABLE 0Nl.\'.'mu. JAMES nun. susmas lws-am JAMES ummnr. % E ' Bo >054-when imam CQPIAIN J. D. CIIARTRAND. Threl Five Dollars. No. 1, or No. 2, mailed on teceipt `)0 price and two 3~cent stamps. -rm. coal: camnnnv. Irrmln. Slbiplouneao. Nightly Emir \ n`nn.c.otv.. "uusnd by pant. nlmolu. grim: v unrumicvlne to nhrnnkan ol-Inn: and ` unruly raslomn Ion! Manhood in o d or 3 Em1Ip~o1rriu1iu_veaL poglgut: Effects. Designs. Prices. Wall Paper: suitable for Kitchens, Dining Rooms. Hulls, Bath Rooms. Bedrooins, Parlors. Drawing Boom. Oiooa. Etc. T. MCMAHON & ($0.. _._a. -___. -1...: nu uvcwuv-----v on w--' liqcnhnhhlsboplnd oolunnooxtnaoornrnlur Send mum fnrnur b--Iululln-wk IIHIIOIV4 v n 1* am." Whnt table to um.-nt." and as M I Qplmmno 34% raw -r..i.`rk' tund?:'gv ms at. JunnI.gn0th.t 'l`Imm.Iv hm: nl lulnndnnln TN - RI IHJRVON. I T.,:.,.t:' M9, : ...J.,... gqg . Timon!) `rm 0! CJPICIQOO I uh lbomln I 8 1'3... ';..:.:...._.. i`:``...`.':`."...'."" ta-sum in Iummon by Henry \Nm|o. W- "- Mhullnv. 1))-umrishl. Axhhulnnng 141' A. A npcuasn Tn},s [3 gs BEAUTY. '6}.7'.2'.;. '.} .=?.'...-.E.'i.".;.'.%.i. I' wall can a Mr puplh oz hlrhono. as Bydcnlnn Ilroot. not: In! Shoot. can botwocu 2 not Ell. Wntuuucnolial dlh van use about Ann-n link: lntndlnoil olaooour ton-not noun; W0w|IIIIItOlOOIII5UIlOICI|O' uauici-L -.-'cuqu..-.ap.....__.aa IUI IUII IKUUI vvunyvuu-a Is the oxil nfe, reliable monthly me icine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. '- ---A... --A In I>-n f I: prepared in two degrees of elven . ` N o. for ordinary cue: .- I.-..o .In1Inu- cunt:-huh known ?/10147 and tuna U] IUGGIOI _, ..-.__ _, mine Coolgaampany. Wlndaor. Odalo. THE mumm rum`!- Tvnn uouz-us. cmr wodo mo con mm. :76 n-manna-nu. v Or have you palpitntlon, throbbing or irregular beating, dizziness, shortbreath, smothering or choking sensation, pain in the breast or heart. If so, your heart is atfccted and will in turn atfect you nerves, causing nervousness, sleepless- ness, morbid anxious feeling, debityz Tm only perfect C------0L&AN_I`) w'_ 000. B0K.BEl!NG| o1`T,'<'$'."'~* -a:::.'=.... Atom I yqon In. nmaun. on u Mskjsntl g. Tqronto. nu; uhujud with In (hippo. `yhlqh uootod her tuning to numb anbxont that the Inn completely dost. It ml 5 action: sanction and uh: tvled> may romodia and oommlhd 5 Ifomjmqb iulht on gar diunen, but on-mad no` net. By 3 In `py circum- ntaney u wu led to use 1. 0hue | Conn-h` Guru. Ind bolero Ibo bud oom- pletod 3 boxen be: hearing hudpnrtiullyl returned. ~ ah- n.-.:.6.u1 In Aha nnnllnntlnn nf II returned. She persisted In the application of the remedy, no condent wee cheat ultimate euu,gud by thotinnel bolerhnd been uicd her hem-ln`g wu completely restored. For 8 months now she has been free from `deaf _ -cud no emancipated euerer we! ever -. -. delighted than Mrs. Bindon. Of! -~ A ~ jhi goes to church and enjoyl Ghn . ` i thing she was unable to do Inc It. `I Kiirlnnl ` ' 4* use`: Calerrh Cure gem her D01-~ !_Jl`.'~un|se'I ualnrrn nun; gun hm. ' unsung. this as can A nox. " `Canning Irlth Blown. I'IlII 20 VIII I U a nun- "., ` Complete with Blown. Iold by snlulon. or in-lmnnson. Batu C 0).. Toronto. on Milllln-n _s r Heart a Nerve Pills Curo all these complainls by regulalin the`he.1rt's action and building up ll nervous and muscular system to perfo hcullh nnd slrcnglh. Price 60c. per IQ or 6 boxes for $3.50. At all druggis Even 11 solicited to do so. Beware of imitations 01 Same Color Wrapper, m:%nEiF * ` BR. CHRSPS IIRTRRRIINIRE GmJI38.vnnmo11. ` In ' ` """"" A Iiyun In. in anon: Knmd 81.- 'l`or.nCnf:o. nu utwhh with won-mg. I!n='l'oIoIto" . "en-on Wham mam ~33` w-no ' ` ' ""1" the FRAUD ol tho dny. PIANO FOR SALE- an wujli mun -mmm 800 you get Oart,pr'g. Ask tor Cartor. I llllllllu Hvuaq In For Sale or Exchange. n.--` I-L__A..- `uh )--I -- 1 K, . Oontogt and longevity by having you Footwear mule Do odor. ,.n--;r- -51.4.` A nn--Qvnuhc Inn in you n.J.' nj `nnnnuuu-5:` Zgnj Lima Liver Pius, Is Your Heart Strong? -i:'|TIin'ass stnam. . 4-35 \ ` {$.1- quickly to run and ten moongr auuuu it. but then he remembered that mother was not at home. She had gone to the city to buy some Christmas presents and would not return until late. Johnny begun to feel his toes and fingers begin to grow cold from standing at the window so long. So he drew his little chair up to the cheerful re grate and eat quietly thiuiliing. Pussy. who had been curled up like a little bundle of wool in the very warmest corner. jumped up. and. going to Johnny, rubbed her head against his knee to attract his attention. He atted her gently and began to talk to her u out what were her thoughts. N Halted hum nu /zlln over the two H068 her tmougma. He had been puzzling over which had come. and an int he made up his mind about. them. "I know now. pusay. why there are two trees. This morn. mg when I kissed pupa at we game he said he was oingz to buy one for me. and ma- mma. who was busy in the house. did non hear him any no: end I am sure she must. have bought the other. But. what shall we do with two Christmas trees. 11...... ;........A inrn hi: Inn and nurrad % GARTEITS with Christmas trees. Pansy jumped into his lap and purred and purred. A plan 1-uddonly flashed into Johnny`: head. "Would you lll(0 to have one Pussy?" Puuy purred more loudly. and It seemed almoab an though 1.-he had said you. ~`--mu! will. I will.if mamma will let me. at Iironuonl. Hut, H-:6. I`.'t.'\. IHUI : Whoa I won nppoincedmilh Mn. .\Iucal- "hun.t.oropnnontnur unionnt. the provincial convocation. I III not on all certain oi bo- ing able to go. but I tuned for IN-onqth and vontund out. renting ovor Ibo Sob- both A: Toronto. On Mondoy afternoon I not many white ribboron nun boordod I50 train for Bnntford. Tho little knot of whito ribbon was our introduction. And In won non quite unintontionnlly unnot- in` Ibo ouonuon of rho uniniuotod by our moot vanvonuuon. I-`roupo hon pm! that. out no we could no. won that on-I gogod. hvu myfonno to In in tho, groupot whichr Ila. Ivy \\'ilo_v. )mvin- l ch! in; nootoury. van 0 con- tn. Urn. ihyuudolandhodtlnfuo ' iought to have on bond nl tho right Lino o npplyol vary loo Ar_-_ thing 1) Btnnllou-d.vo on not A Indy who noud on to our Iilloh. aid. An )0: his |IutuIonn\h_ounduaon willuv yonder tho; uooo choice!- Ol|ICy0l1- loll tlonouidoovluo you wont to [0 E1! In all right. I III In n .10 Ullrlltllllll Ill uau nun-nu Only two more days and (Jhriatmu would in bars ! It had been snowing hard. And Johnny was standing at the window. looking on the mic. white snow. which covered the ground huli G loot deep. Pre- sently be heard the noise of wheels coming up the road. and 9. wuggon turned in. at the gate and come` post the window. Johnny was very curious co know what who waggon could be bringing. Ho proascd hislibtle none clone to the cold window pnno. and to his great surprise saw two large (Shriatmaa trees. Johnny wondered why there were two trees, and turned quickly to and tell mother about in. huh then you will be I! nappy u 1." It was growing quite late and lamps had to be lighted. There was a ring at the door bell. and quick as in (limb Johnny run to meet his father and mother and tell them all his plans. Johnny was no eager to tell that he talked. oh! so quickly. and had to atop often for breath. But. at. last. mother and father understood their limo boy. Johnny went`. to bed very. very happy, for were nob the pets to have 5 Christmas tree too`! VF}.-6 I\:(I`|h I\nll\ fnnlnnnd l.l|8 lrc into Christmas tree too? That night papa fastened the tree A block of wood and nailed it to the oor of the barn. The next day when Johnny hnd finished his lessons he wont to the kitchen. and at-had Annio if she would Dave I" the bones. potato paring: and all the leaving: from that dny`n table. He al- so begged for salt and cornmeal. which she put. III paper bags for him. Then she avo |n'm some old din-hos that wore not use on the table, And A wooden bowl. Johnny would tell nothing of what he was going to do; all he would any \vna,Waut till to-mop row. Ho gathered up all his gifts and put them safely in the barn for next clay`: nee. Christmas morning came and John- ny did not forgot the pots` Uhrii-tnuns tree. Ho hurrind to the barn. tied a paper bag 0! onto lor Brownie. the horse. I bundle of hay for White Face. the cow. and some more for Spotty, the calf. Ho not the bones Annio had saved for him and put them on the tree for Rover. Undo!` the tree ho plnced .L- ..-...... ..........;.. Hm Imwl lnr nimrvwtn: said "Oh!I will. `I will,if I'll hnvo a Christmas tree out in the barn for you Pushy, and all the pets. and than will be happy I." In was urowimz unite MJIIIU lllulu IUI L).n.w\J. -.--u nuns: .-- the potato pump in the bowl for piggywig; hour this he placed a bowl of milk for pussy: on nno pinto the salt. for tho pot lamb, and cornmeal hr the chickens. On the top of the bran he put A bnekoo of nuta forhin pet. nqmrrel nnd bunny, w_hom he nearly forgot. A bunch of mrroba. Jnmmv wan dalmhbed With the tree md nearly forgot. bunch 0! narrow. Jolmn was dolighbed nnd clapped is hands and naked mother, father and Annie: out. to no it. It _-. .. -usndarful tr-an Haw nlggggd Annie: to It. It wu rs wonderful treo. How pleased all the animal: were. and didn t. they wish Johnnyn right. merry Chistmaa, and not only to Johnny but to Johnny`: pnrante and Annie because they were sure every- one much have helped their limo mulor. _..._.. u vu u-- v-_ --uvu---.-- hot hnvnon Johnson and sail on limdnz mun (II AUnd'It.. homo and lot.` HI . `~ homo and lot. and burn. .-.... Lullaby. Ono winter night a mu shone bright. In ndiunco killed the sky: Then angel: cum, with light flame. To tall the shepherds why. A little child. moot. pun tnd milJ. '10 born chi: Uhrmmu dny: His homo and bed. I much shod. A Imngor Bllod with buy. Then sleep and not on macho:-`I breast. I Within the reght warm: ` And it tho night he durk or bright, God keeps us uh: from hum. --l'.ntt\' Hill. z _ ` Innu,nI-u- Wha`b, w hu nhsll Santa Claus bring Mar- ` on . `lab. 11!...- Santa Claus. Guy balloons no light and airy. Tops shut min liho any fairy. ' Santa Claus. Alli;-nnr Qmi Ion : Stun Clam. Home for dolly door to dwell in, Little ton: to lung I bell in. Rush: lmnn. BID`. bluua. Arm hone: prancing grandly. Soldiers riding toll and manly, Rnntn Claus. DOIUIOYI titling `Ill Iuu Iuuuq, Bantu Claua. What, whnb shall Santa Claus bring Annie? ` Smth Clans. Little browniu fun and jolly, Candy, cn.|'.o and I wrath of holly, Hunt: Claus. llopon m uonvonuoi Mn. M. E. Hammond`: uopotb of tho \\' 1` T U. provincial convocation, hold at Brunbford. 000., Oct. l`.!l.'I. I807 \.l-`L4. I -an nnnninpnu-I nil`: Ilrl. `IDEAL IJWFII IOWUI D0 IIIIIK I lawn in. - Snnm Olnuze. What, wgnphnll Santa Claus bring Har- ol 2 ` Slant: (`Jun- Utlly, CI-IO um I WFIIHI ul mun . Bnnta Claus. Wbob, what shall Santa Claus `bring Wil- |' 2 " mi Hanna f".huu, M810 IIIIIV. A1!nd'Ii..houu It homo and bun. " near Prluaou. I hmuu. Klan sud (ion 1%.. 5 house: and land luau`! ling BL non Gore 8%. vmsnt lot. dmu. l fmma `mun: Goo: 9 lhroot. Hand: and 10%. col. 0 George cud liuwsrt It In! at.. near Gordon 8%. . dnulvh brlok hnlno 41 Johnston It.. now homo and lot. ram. 414 " frame homo. And 1M ollu pmportlu in clip and Donut) tot ado. to In OI exchange. in A nuungmnnnn l|--I Q_A_A- A .._..._ Ohrlntmnu In the Barn. - W... .x__. -...1 m `Santa Claus. I(J1C|l.o --Eleanor Smith. Part. I. '1I|'ll'|. -1-my mrecr. remrm wurx. Mrs. Wiley, correwponding secretary. nuatod that the number of members was - 6,12-i:ehildren in bands of hope, 2.685; unions organized during the year. thirty- one; number of reports taken, 170; number of letters written, 563; post; cards. 640; Misa McArthur. treasurer, Cornwall, re- ported the gain in membership to be almost. 900, the total amount received to be $1,- 271.59, and prose report, 565 columns lled by our W.C.T.U. reporters. 1:. was re- commended that items of W.C. '1`; U. and articles be sent: in early, a few days before the paper goes to press, when at all pos- sible. to secure insertion. Jnunniln wnrk hv Mr: Pratt. 2 Savenroen snow. to secure insermun. Juvenile work by Mrs. Pratt. : Seventeen counties report band of hope work, six of an increase: 4,000 band of hope children are receiving instruction; six medal non- bosts reported; twenty-threenensboys in Ottawa have taken the pledge. Scientic temperance instruction: Mrs. Bigelow re- ported thirty-{our counnios, 9. gain of four, being regularly taught; the nature of alco- hol and its etlecb upon the human system. Rev. E. O. Taylor-`u work throughout the province was much commended. It was recommended the: our W.C.'l`. ll take an intiresbin the work and visit; the school teachers. Mru. Starr. provincial superin- tendent; of work nmong soldiers, re- ported work done. Our camp work compared favorably with others. altev. Mr. Hamilton, of Convention church, was introduced and gave us `n warm wel- ..-..... D-.. II. `I-Ynsn|u`nn nlnn nvrnnrlml parted, noping no meet again. We found Mrs. Thomley to been excel- lent presiding oicer. Eich day : worl: was begun with a prayer meeting with a short ecriplnreleeeon. Mrs. Ann Gordon. Ottawa, lmdbherge of and conducted the meetiiigs. I found the inuence to be something precious. I thought of our own union and I am lure that Mrs. Macallum will second my propoeiuion that we spend half an hour of each of our meetings in religious conversation and prayer. All the interests of our work require it. and es- pecially as we are planning to go into direct reform work. ll .. llfilun nan-nnnnnlii-no nnnmtnrv. .in them. A solo. A Song of Triii-it. was then sweetly iendered by Mrs. Homing. Brant. ford. The church was ornamented with form, owers. foliage and banners. some of them very beautiful. Mi-e. Spence, To- ronto. spoke to no on women`: franoliieo. Let us take it up in Kingston and find whiit we can do. It was receininended that the unions petition the municipal coiincllii to memorialize our legislatures on the subject. Mrs. (l)i.) Youmaiie spoke uf the legislature as our larger home. re. Bropliy, Brantfonli gave the addreeii of welcome to the C0nV0llLlOn._ Miss Mur- ray. Toronto, replied. Mr. Wallier, plioto~ are her, Brantlord. pi-ei-outed the Brant- for union life size portrait of the hie Mrs Youmune. 'I`he mayor of the city came upon the plulferm and welcomed the delegntei-. R.m.'. Dr. Ross. ronreeentutivo of the hlnhgomgxr `vIho`eIi%i{e: in Tine 0'! our active W . U. ni$ihhe'!"I there. They ereworklng leroChriet1n air eieter Pree- byteribh olqeroh. end before going into the dittiee of eeeh day they invoke divine help around the -family alter. At the dinner table on Tueucley we were joined by an- other Bet, Mrd."Roberi.eoxi, ofhlexville. ea 01 lend of our own Mrs.` Mncellurn. Mu. Robertson is the delegate frbrn an energetic union that Mrs. Mhcellntn help- ed to build `up during the years of her stay in Mexvillei Our home wee ell that we could desire, but so far from the con- vention church that we were obliged to take the car in the morning end at night; but our hoeieee -had arranged to have In take dinner and tea near the church, end, from the {Act that the table: were well ll-M ed. we getherod that other hoeteuee hed done so. too. Thur. met from diiferent parts of the province, we emnpared -notes of our work. and these hours between the eeaeione were seasons of christian com- munion ae well, and` when it was over we parted, hoping to meet again. . We found Mrs. Thornlev introduced and gave us It wurul Wm- nome. Rev. Mr. Hutchine also extended greeting. saying many kind words. The otcers and delegates present responded to the roll call; `Mrs. Thornlcy then gave hm- carefully prepared annual address. It. mu; 1! roview of our work throughout. the pro- vlnce. She stated that legislative enact- ment; hnd been far from satisfactory. not- `wibbebavldinvg the fair promises given, but we must work on and hope on. Hunmne principles and ri,-gln; pruobioe will yet pro- veil. because of the dxvino uplifting power .in them. \ ..,.|,. nix 0.1."... .-.6` 'l`-nu. -nu than EBtution delegates. Rev. Dr. Ross. representative dominion alliance. oddro-cod the conven- tion, and spoke of the running of street cars on the Sabbath. Let us llk tho Subbathallinnoo to rond out leailou to croato and increase righs public sentiment. on the I-nbjoct. He also apolm of tho plo- bincite mu advised unions to gov. voters lists curly, from I municipal lenqno. up- poinb acrubinoora before hand, cmivrul voters directly. women to vote for plobiw cito who vote in dominion elections. on- nwer tho nownpnpcrs, have platform moot.- ingn. minister mul laymen ~'penkers. din- lrIlVI|l"-0lll6l`l|Cur0 blur. deals with objec- tions ruidiu-ve chelocal papers. llev. Mr. Kirby then gnvo rs short. bub grand rul- droaa. Min l`holpn in her roporn of work mnonnr cnlnrod people said than the colored people`: vote issomotimoa whiter than the white man's. \I-- ||....-l.-l..\n ....l Xlum l!.\nInn Oh. WHIIO ITIIIIYG. Mu. Donaldson (mil Ur:-. (Ln-lon. 03- * town. gave a report. of tho \\'.(}.T.l'. bnililing now owned by Lhn Obtnwn union! for exhibition purpose:-. Mrs. Rondo. Tcoewntor, and Mia! May Gordon. Or.- tan-ii. "ported Y work Iortbe province. inducing them to come in and help us in our work. shall in tom 1! Y committee to work especially among young women. Mn. Mncollum gum her report on Sob- both observance and Mrs. Daub, Mitchell, gova one on uyutomncic iriving on Wed- nesday morning. Och. l.'lrh. Tho Hall`) 3 in. bible reading was nlvmyu gii-on nnd the noon tlmo nmyur 0bl0\`\'Bl'. In the afternoon Mrs. Gordon govo her evangelis- tic roport It was good. On `Phimdoy alto:-noon Mrs. Mccnllum gave u paper on "This You : Lesson." in which aha gnvoo -ynopaisotour work in Kingston. Mn. hr. \'oumun'n gun an address to women only on oociol `purity. I wish all our women A part of `a tcaspoonful mixed in milk and given every three or four hours, will give the most happy results. ~ F The cod-liver oil with the llypopllosphitcs added, as in this palatable emulsion, not only to fccdg tlgetchild, but glso regulates `its dig/cstivc functions. A Ask ypufdoctor about this. - .-. -_AI. ... -II A_._L... Scott's" Emulsion is not a "l\al_v food," but is a most Avxccllcnt` food for kabics who are not well nourished. _ qosuuuugnuu; nuaruggnvu. SCOTT hloltl. Chnhmfucu, 537:;"i:E?1-,5.-, ' .".*.1 .j.':..': :...I.... ~= 47;. . - .-> .-iiii DAILY um 15:` mzzmu. nncmmmm may 10 D0 emu 0| eucn (100 UK us an um nun ."She hath done what. she cnuld."-\1.un' C. H.\\1MoNn, Kingston \V.C.T.U.. evan- ` zeliatic superintendent. \ Ran .EIIE..i1Qi'L!*.~.PW"' OOIIIG have IHOUI mg _ _ Mr. Buchanan. ddibor oi hhl Templar, gave an address. ` Rev. J. 8. Ron. Bunn- ford, held a conference on the plobinoim "God With Ue. , was she cub och. After bho election of oioera and olegatod to dominion T and world : conventions ' and several other items of bnainou, the con- vention was closed by forming a circle from the stand to the door of the church, claaping each other`: hnndq und singing "God Bo'Wii.h You Till We Meet Again..' after which we went out various ways. many ooming to remain in Toronto to atw tend the dominion and world : conven- I ona. ml um Agimnogn nlm hnnlz nrnminnnf. I I ~ All the delegates who took rominent part were evidently coneearete women. and they were not only zealous in this righteous work, but they were enthueiea`. tic; their heart who in their forceful words and while the vverioue departments of work were represented by the eonven- tion presidents and provincial superin- tendents of departments, it was seen that eubetentinl edvnnce lied been made. Thin result. could not have been secured but. by the quiet, pereistent efforts of in- duviduel worker. I am` I0 glad we con each do something for the uplifting of the fallen helpleee ones, if we/try. Let us, my dear eiiatera, be wide awake, watching for the chance to speak n kind work to thoee whom we meet. There are many all around us who are hungry for sympathy. Courage nnd rindependence` are needed for this Christ-like work of baking a real interest in others. Nob when others are by. but to one alone. "How do you do, spiritually, is always well mken and often leads to the conversion of the individual. It is the little elllzrts that produce large results. be- cause God accepts and magnies them. May it be eeid of each one of no at. the last "Rho: lmth rlnnn what. she cnuld."-\l.un' riot;ul i hnvo ih` Ila Rnnhnn-I-I 14 karat solid gold fountaiI).pna $1 each. E. C. Mitchell. City Kimznmn intenal xmsulxu My-law after the 1w;\irn.tlnn (mm Mlor Ihn In! of the rim. of Hmlhnt. pul-Hum rinn of (hm mules In-im: the third day of Do cu|n'1or.)s6u7.nu.nw1y : A}, g mgulnr nmeving of Hm said council to be held in tho numth of Pu-lu-nary, 1311!, rm- uutablilhlgm` :. nominal up. nmkimr nnd prm hi- im: with sMewI\lk.~4 l\ nut-lie strum. to euend Sixth Strum. Ql\.-1h`.l`ly to l)l\i.-11on:s`treet in the City of Kingston. an-I for onpropruuimz the nooessu-yln\nd.< forum! purpose. being the lands fuunwnm :- n.unnmnx~inn ut. 1!. point in the westerly TH!-T PUBLIC IS HEREBY GIVEN N0 l`[Cl\`. nun. the Cuunvilnf Curnoration `THEY CAN'T TALK to US T1".{.?'1!f!".'F'.F{`?!{`.!'E'!!_`!~,-F! -I'l\E'4.I.'4 lJ\.JKl1\ l'!l|lI||l1| ull. sun! m-Mod upun request. Over ILUUU vull In:.l yo-ur. DR. SANDEN. 156 8'1`. JAMES B'1`.. MONTREAL. QUEBEC. ` uvu -In-V` vv - :- OARDINBW5 Real Estate Agency. 151 woulnnon 80.. nausea. Inna to Ian at lovuu vntu