are BLAEEAT GRAND FORKS.` Anldlktlunod. n.. II_Il f\.h.J .B Clby LII`/6 DOCK] IHIITIUU 0!` by fire. Tho loan in about ` FASHION. 131:1. oAu:t wmm dqiuduocy and pusiuunl insulin; . :cp'L|ly and _ph)nml'ly [than 35130! In nun: noounnu. ' h.!:vI::I..l.);. lC.--A ' glooptoh n : Du-not, who tuned up lam agar : visit. in uhplud inn . his la-our nnhnu. .I:.-4I-...._.I.....|.A._Al.1_..:. WI! IIIHCJUKI. PI-unhlum Sam quietly culled the count`: um-ntion tn the breach of diplomatic eti- queno and declined. with much cannon. but mmcn. to dlocnsa the matter. Tho n.-sun wan flu Ludo-rs _Wl!Ju-pt In jail I for dnymlonm-r. but was nally In zxpnn thv mines: ot Minister Powell. on n-pu-5:-mauve In Hal. `I T"I""I_Il R11 IUD Hut I-loan. Don 1.-Whocc N. Hpr'|. 3. juqh oi; porl.d!H|d: ma. Ill! 1: 104; No. 1001 .u.qd- oorn 35: In our. . uud; b|oon-|on` out: hug` dz Iooduhort out: nvy.l\e . I\O.0O|M- 0-I'M-J can xuvu-I nu luv ucuvuv VI UIU uauluuul lullll and to serve one your in prison as _woll. Lnedcn appealed to the German consul at Port an Prince. This oicini happened to be Count Schwevin. 3 young and perhnpq impcmom charge dhtfniroa. Th count. instead of conferring with tho . nitian minister of fnmign nfrnir.-.. in mid to have gone dircctiy tn zine pninoo (1 President Simon Sam and demanded. in a loud tone and with imoient manner. immediate ID- dresa He did not want much. He only asked that Lunicrs be rcieand and paid an indetnnicy of .0I.o00 for each day be had been imprisoned, with aim-that indemnity - of 85.000 in day {at each day tho min: was delayed. ' D-...|.I....o cl-.. _.-a-g|_ __n..n An- --.-_u_ uuu E II INIUJUCB 0| NIB KIIILT. Ucmmn or not, Luoderrqunxtdd wlth ` 0 cnbmun. and It. Is alleged that cnbblo got the worst. of the M-gmncnt.` Luoden was uruasmnl lu Sopwmbor. com-lctvd on Oct. ` H and sentenced to pay a tlno of 0500 and coats for the benet of the assaulted man and in among nun. up`: In -.-I..\.. -- -...|I Il!(I1'I`lH|l IUHIII IIHIIIF. Lumlrrs Is the son of acrmnn merchant ` who auttlutl In Port on Prince many yum \ M10, and his mother is In full blooded Hal- tinn woman who mnn-led the merchant Whcthvr or not Luedefa was ever a citizen of Hunt is In dispute. `Sumo no;-counts any that he oncv was. but that he subsequently mm himself enrolled at the German lega- tlon as a subject of the kaiser. Ilnrlnnn nun hnf l,nn(Inn-Jun.-gala` -Mk FI.\lH. l.UEDER8. V and G:-rmnn Mood who little thought \ when ho ho nn his quarrel with u cahmnn 1 Ill Port nu. rlncc that it would end In an Imornntiunnl ufmlr. `I .....|..-.. L. on... ...... ..a .. n........... ....._..L_..n 00: Gollchownkfu Scheme 0! dppo|l- thn to the United stun. One q! the few men whom the neoent changes In the Austrian cabinet. did not affect. I: Count Agcnor Gbluchowskl. Ho Cnuu of tho Controverly Between nun And Germany. Emil Luodcrs, who is the cause of the Human-German controversy which has throntonvd to Involve this country in a diplomatic wmnglo with tho government of the knlsvr, Is a negro of mixed Human. DVJULV I llU|4U\4llU '1 D31: is still minister of foreign nnirs. It would be much to the benet~ot this and other American countries it he were not, for the nt is a most able diplomat. wieidsn werful inuence in the inter- nntionel affairs of Europe and is the en- thusiastic advocate of a scheme to unite all the countries of Europe in e commer- cial war against the United States and the South American republics. llfhlln fhvlu nrnnnnlnn nf the nminont an we lnvnns nu nwlr ulspusm. In other 1Iintt('r:s'(_30llI)c Goiuchowski, in spite of his formiduhio uzuuo and ferocious whiskers. hm; tho reputation of being In pence-i'ui and consvrvutivo stnturunnn. It was his cnlm. (im-isivo notion in the late (iroco-Turkish niiuir that kept. the small ` provinces in an atom of pence. Concerning N dipionmtio 1nnt.tor:I oovoring_the uncertnin ` territory botwevn his own country nnd the ; Bosporua his woni is low. The count comes from n fmuiiy which Ms boon pow- 6.`|'fll| in Aux-`trim; nlfnirs for generations. i i aoum American rupuuuua. While this proposition of the eminent Austrian may seem startling and prepos- terous to us, there is good reason to be- lieve that the recent speech in which he set tortxh his radical views was no mere Iingo uttornnce. It is even hinted that his proposition had been submitted to other European diplomats and Wm) made public with their consent. Both Franco and Our- mnny have for 1; long time regarded the United States as a dangerous commercial enemy. and Germany hns been espociniiy active in adopting defensive measures. Both countries um said to be in favor of a universal European concert. for business purposes only. and it is by no menus im- probni)lo that such a couiition may be brought about nt no distant duto. A tnrninu nninr. hm: he-on mnchedln i nrougnu unouu nu nu ulsuulb uuw. A turning point has hm-n renchetun , European devolupxuunt," ho is quoted n ` suylng. which culls for tho unremitting znhbentlonot govormnents. 'J`hugrent. pmb- ` lmns of mulvriul xvclfuro, which have be- como mom prusslng every year, me no ` longer u mutter of the future, but require to be taken In hum] at once: The (Instruc- tive competition with trunsotzvunin coun- tries. which has pnrtly to be cnrrivd on M present and partly to bo expnclml In the hmnc(H:1tu future. ruqulms prompt um] thorough (`mum-rm-ting ln(uISlll`uH if vital l'nI:on-sis of the ponplos of Europe are not to be gravely cmnproml.-u-11. They must llghn shuuhlor tn :-'hullldg'r nnd nrm them- svlvvs uu'uII1.~'t. thu cunmmn danger with all the mvnns uh thq-Ir disposal." `in mluw mnnm-..- (`.n|Inf. (}nlnr\hnwnl:L in llnnlionul Oolncll. In Iltlill of nunbon at tho educational oouudlfu I891-It nppesn the name of A. P. Knight. I.A.. M.l).. Qnoon o uni- vui . and anon` the onminu-I nppoint dlclh I0 I50 I I. . junior leaving. Ionior wAufs"c oMMnIAL mm. COUNT GOLUCHOWSKI. EMIL LUEDERS. SA'1`_BD._& 1. ngncmunnn 18, 18.97. ` ouunhnnnpu. __ Lozmox. Doe. l8.--A d oh to I50 Shndudtronvionnn cynic in nasal `&IUIIuihBudauhnuup|dPI Puus. Duo. l8.--.Tho chamber of no In opiu oi the objoctiooo ol. . Tami. the minister 0! public ` -orh yutnrd: ndopeod Aapropotul Ix- ink nponhngournni 3 day : wotklot railroad ouployua. Thin in to be followed ' by no how ol tub. I `-. -.- -..-_...-- _ ...-' , lyllullll II: Inc vvuvuuuu Ir-cum, wmuu ` ----~ tim brought him up notico u an ox-J -----.-----------------! pon. Ho grntdlnzntod an aomgoyul 7 [ Y V buy college 0 ingnon, ` 3, in , L and Among otborldutiuchionl ha ha ' A ll ""1 "'""""' '""" "'d" " '""" ` A doIl|rbot.tloo!I.D. n.|..-.-573.. m`- U'`'`" ui'"d i` ` 'i ` I as regards mm hm whoa nu conuntn I once! the olden Franck-Canadinn lamb | union for any form onnatguuoa, It In an you no in lunnou. 1. '` -{. ........,.,_ lxrs we mean cum: on ` _[:Al7tl.<`._ 18. -,'l'In do- ` ISTOIICH ILLS. -1 u.- ..|.a...oa..... nl __ Iroed Arrow, London. Eng. Lieutenent E. I . Girouerd. D.S.O.. R.E.. director of railweye in the lhloudan, haearrived in England from the ecene or hie operations in Egypt. where he hee done euch eplenam work in the conetruction of the railway towarde Berber, and was" entertained by hie brother oioere at the B. E. meee re- cently. Hie vieit to England ie purely on bueineee connected with hie work in the Soudan. `purchaemg reilway plent, end arranging for the conetruc- tion of locomotivee ruitable to the requiremente ol hie road. Ae en inetence of hie remarkable ectivrty be? 0" 05- Thuradey. The couneil_ol the townehip of Kingaton only ellowa himeelr fourteen deye in Englenri, on the l2tlri'net: It will be remember- ed that lieutenant Girouerd wee em-[ in reconetructing the railway the Wooleich ereenel, which first lrrnnnhh him to notice an ex- l and returne to the Soudenr Tonoxro. Dec. l8.-Frederich L. liber- hnight, who has 6 ured around the city for eome time claim my to be a connection of en Englieh peer. appeared in the police count this morning on the charge of writ- ing a vile end ineulting letter to lord Aberdeen whom he regarde ee hie enem . 1 In the police etetion Ieet night Ilberhni; t l eecribed hie erreet to "jeeloue prejudice" ` on the pert of lord Aberdeen and he wrote e oeble doepetch to the queen aeking her to boil him out and act ee hie protector. In court thie morning he wee anxloue to He wae remanded until next will likely meet next week to oooeider auditor hlinnee report on the examination of eir-treaeurer Purdy e boohe. know whether any reply had been received I their decision. Attorney-general McKenna held that goods coming directly in from foreign countries, through (`median ports. were not subject to the discriminating duty of ten per mutt, and that foreign goods ship- ped from countries other than British pos- sessions in British vessels, were not subject to it. The collector atSan Francisco saw t to impose the ten per cent. discriminating duty and the case had to go to the board of general appraisers. from whom either party may take an appeal to the courts. 'l`his legal situation is an outcome of the customs administrative act of 1890, which took away from the secretary of the trea- sury the power which he had previously possessed to decide on rates of duty in dis- puted cues and gave it to a board of gen- eral appraisers. References or 3 Inmuy Punt To I lung. nton Grndnno. -. . .,_,._, u__.:-_ I~__ GEORGE MILLS & 00., IIIIII Ill -IIIIQII Y London. Eng. ljnmumunt. 1-}. P. Uu-on Board or Appraisers In favor of The Ten Per Oent Duty. NI-zw YORK, Dec. lS.-A special to the Evening Post from Washington says : From a generally trustworthy source it is learned that the board of general apprais- ers which recently, listened to arguments on tho quertion of im sition of ten per cent discriminating uty under section twenty-two of the hingley bill, has decided the care in favor of imposing the duty, and now making ready the formal text of their decision. n.-m-nl hlnk'nnnn hall` that uenmu prela agency 0! .I.uruIu.u. In is understood that the dominion gov- ernment In a decided to permit goods to the Yukon from the Umtod States to pass` through Canadian territory in bond. I.imr...(`.ol. Moore has retired from the auu UILU. l.lU\VU\'Ul`. lllll HUD yUU D65 DXUU- 'l`ho Great Commonwealth company of British Columbia is asking power to con- struct a toll stage road, tram. electric or steam railway or water navigation couree, or parts of each, with branches from some point: on the Edmonton branch. Canada Pacic railway. to the Klondyke, with the necessary powers for each department. Annlinntinn will be made next. session IIUUUUBIIFY PUWUTE [Ur DICK] uupurunuuu. Application will be made next session for an act to incorporate a company to construct a railway from a point on the International boundary line. near Cascade City. B.C.. thence in a westerly direction lollowingtlie valley of Kettle river to a point on the boundary line near Carson. also from another point on the boundary iine near Medwey. thence northerly fol- lowing valley of boundary creek to a point about twenty miles north of Medway , with power to construct and maintain ranch lines and connect with Spokane Falls and Northern railway company. The Cnnnrlian mininnr cnmnanv s exhibit `BDBIOH 0! ID! CUEFIBT. The Central teas agency of Canada. with W. F. Macfean as editor. is seeking -ncorporation. It intends taking over the Central press agency of Toronto. In in nndarnmnrl that the dominion) nov- DOKEII H1! PIECE. The minister of agriculture announces Limb he in arranging to send one thousand -amplca of Canadian when to the country millers of Britain. The grain will be eo- Iected from the different. Canadian grades. Parliament Will Probably Moot February 8rd-l:ompanIoa mu Seek Incorpora- tlon-Amu-loan Good: for the Yukon lo 01) Ihrough In Bou(`l-Llont.-Col. Moon Hal Rozlred. OTTAWA, Dec. 18.--The likelihood is that rliamenl: will meet: on February 3rd. The ate. however, has not. you been xed. The Great Cnnnnnnwmxlth nnmnnnv nf porrs, to applying tor mcorporamon. The Brockville and New York bridge company will apply next session [or an ex- of its charter. VP}... !*....A....I I'\l\. nounnnlv AI (`ax-nnrln nnrougn uanaulan territory In uunu. Lioub. Moore has retired Hub battalion, and major Mcbaron has taken his place. 'l`hn minister of nmicultura Fur Lined Wraps $25.00. Big` sweep, fur trimmed, dedp fur collar and tho- roughly up-to-date. -7w5'c. 99. $I. $I-25} 1 LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, $r.s<:.r$2.$2-so. $3. $4. $450. V" '3`-'1' 1"! 1"'J`- ) 1'31 $5- . NECK SQUARES. CASHMERE SOCKS, BRAcEF.', s11.1< HANDKERCHIEFS, T0 INCORPORATE A c0MPAN'| FERWRAILWAY CONSTRUCTION IN, BRITISH COLUMBIA. :.Vorr,nern runway company. The Canadian mining compan e exhibit at Montreal. to collect and exhi in minor- al: and curry on 'buaineea of uaayere. -netullurgiata. prospector: and mining ex- ports, is applying for incorporation. Thn Rrnnkvilla and New York bridge GENTLEMEN. KID GLOVES, A A Qlliltixii Illililwlrlilwiliiilililvillili` -v_-v-- -K`_--_.___- 25. 30c. 35c. 40c. soc. 60. 75- HA8 REACHED ENGLAND. DUTY TO as IMPOSED. 25c. 30c, 35c, 40c, soc, 60. I\`I'\l\ . :25 35c, 40c, 50c, 60c, 35: 40:5-0C-,'6oc, 75 $1.00, $1.25. nurdsquuty-"1 `n.unm.n-an-uuu6nou=c_ --V---v_. --__. 5 Th. t meonhocood noun! AIOHFI E ho not 1 noomlnond Jar they have and jg. marl n` '1 I dlhr IMO! no I. II. C` {to In liquid from It vault! 50 4 [lg bngn nuulo. no you no vh-I V ad liquid Iron II would no nloum buuvt Wm -00 VI! .IuhohuIu`onndnnuI than-t :3 rounds cushy. EIIIII WU-IIJIIIJ -emu cue -new -pvuww1. ll for prejudice ror I $L..-_J-- plan for xmn nyon NINOIIIATI me this. BUPIRIORIM do from lenn young - ork; thay are tasty snu-nuns! and npporlzlng S ILIOHT Alwnyu prmluoonha but AKING} reanlh because it. in POWDIII PURE` Evening Games at 5c, 10C, 25c, 50c, etc. Solid Leather Writing Casey, Portfolios, Bibles and Prayer Books. Special low price. . F. NISBET, Corner Princess nndwellimzton Streets. { J--~-----v ------- -v ------- ISEHWCEABLE CHRISTMAS [HHS Lav, (nun nuu Gabe Ladies` Imitation Lamb Gaunt- lets for $1 and $1.25. Man : I-Tnnnuv Dvnnnn ab `-\o\O`;\ov\ lute`-I IUI ll. QIIKI V1063: Men's Fancy Braces at bottom prices. ` Latest style Collars 2 for 25. Men's Fine Cashmere Socks 88 and 90 Princess` Stu Kingston ` A v uuu duvvo / Hem-stitched Silk Handker- chiefs, large size, for-25c. fauna I-Inn-\.cOl~r\knrI Ci: Lin-`A- bill!-IIU. Inl 5U inbv, IV! `(.3 I Fine Hemstitched S\i'lk Hand- kerchiefs, with iuitial, {or 50C. r`f'\'I\l'nr` Marl! Qrnnnu-no or-\AI~:n`) l\\l\allI\olD VVILII lllllll. IUI av. l Colored Neck Squares, special. value 35c, 50c and 75c. `-'r\nr'nf\rr\n (`rnarn (`Al/so-A4` AV\.\.I\ :nunun\.|\.|lI\.|.`) rail, vl.3Uu Ladies Fancy and Plain Kid Gloves for 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25. Men's Lined Kid Gloves for $x: $125 $I'5o' xoo dozens Neck Ties for Izgc, 15c, 20c and 25c. v I A:nr' Imionolnn I .......L I`-..-.4- 250. ` All Reduced in Price to clear balance Vof stock. New Embroidered Lawn Hand- I kerchiefs for 5c, IOC, I2}c. 15c, 17c and zoc. I 11...... .a.'o..1...,I cm. 1I.....Jl..... '"i?m5 6n3Zc'}'n{ 'o1ored Silk Neck Handkerchiefs $1, $t.5o. Ir|rnc' wnnnur nnnl D`r\:v\ VIII Holiday e Books, ETC., ETC. IMPORTED JACKETS R. wALDRON.L Bald Jealousy Inn At The llotton. In_.____,. I\__ In I'.V_..I--:-I. I III. 200 lengths NEW fA|.L GOODS, `suitable for Dresses, 5 to 7 yards in ach, greatly reduced, $I.50. $2,-$2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4.00. See. % {nmj Parkman`; Works, 12 vols., $x5, regular price $18. Dicken's Works, 15 vols., ne paper edition 88, regular price $15 George Elliott's Works, 6vois., Cloth $2. ` Boy's Own Paper, 1897. Girl's Own Paper 1897. Leisure Hour, 1897. Suodaywat Horne. Chatterbox. Prize Children : Friend. ' Infants` Magazine. British Workman, etc. juvenile Books. I`,_.,_ J .., _ , -_. For DRY GOODS go to TAYLOR S, Can be bought from our large stock of FANCY DRY GOODS. ` Corner Princess andwellington Streets. O0 CCCOQO? lw. JJllGK&SON. The business or W J. Dick a Son tobeclosedup as soon as possible. Prices All Reduced. As our object. is to wiid" up the present business ALL 3AfT `ET 3? E33 Esoots, shoes.1*nmks and Vallses. GRAND OPPBBTUNITY -l'0ll.- XMASI BUYERS. LADIES. {KID GLOVES, A_ A- -_ A- ..-l i Mirrs, MA: I 5 5!, -25cI35cv 40?: 50 75! 8C! `L HANDKERCHIEFS, Ioc, nit. 15, 2o c, 25c, 30, 40} UMBRELLAS. St. 33.53 32. 31-50. $3. 83-50. ft, flnavf '5. fuau. VJ, 'J|a\I' -$4 `sax STOCKINGS, ` zoc, 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 60c. FANCY NEEDLE CASES, 15c, zoc, 25c, 30c. A com lete stock Ladies`White Cotton nderwear. Night Dresses from soc and up. White Skirts from 50c and up. VVUII VVUUIII UL: Glut 5oc yard will uy a Fine Heavy Tweed Dress Goods, 54 inches wide, the former price $t.oo yard. \ ` """-:" _ % An excellent Food, admirably ' adibtid' to the wants of Infants and Young Persons, and being rlah in Phosphates and ..Potaahfis of the grhust utility In supply- ing the bone-.forming and other `-in'.`E:pcn3a_bIe ofsments of food. rim (`ms .\; fhsnicrznx. .\I D. L. `D nnhl nbulgal BARGAIN LOTS DRESS .GOODS. r VV IUIII lVlbltClIII WUIIII j \ 3oc yard will buy Fanc; Plaid Dress Goods, 42 inches wig.-, well worth 4oc yard. Jinn inns-A In:|' `\IIII n u:nA unlrli `Yu?{y BL'gZ'a'n"s i"n"our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT too numerous to mention. I 25c will buy a ne Double \ Width Matexial worth 35c. 1.. Dan... 4.... ...._.I ...:II .... .BLA'C-K DRESS MATER- IALS, in Plain and Fancy, from 25 per yard apd pp. Mann kornina in IQIIII IAMINTB O. n -nut:-nnhll $11 u urvn-cur 3;, $x.a5, $1.50, $1.65. wv _-- --_.-w, L ' "a;o PIuNcas s1`. I'IIEI`I'I`*I-'II*)?4l`I. I `II IDIIIILL PIODOOI IAIIITSV. Il--A.-I as...` l'\... I n_lI-.... -II..-a_4 S9.a_s.wa.hl.. Selim % luuuu manna because II. In POWDIII Ialnnmcurrnnu. Pools. Eto.. best qunlup. Iowan price. jjlfbll I &IlllIIv- ZCQQD I50 lontrdlu QM-'. Dev. l.a-onr-oootptn hm lrln quln. Qnotauonn: pawn` 75000.10: hum 89:1 . KI) to :10; a'!o":s:;ro `trans 9`) .1 1 0 do no: -mum Ban. um so 1.1:` " -OIIIIAL I'I'00I Illllflu . C All. OH 'IlIl$'jU mi 5". pI for tho July cumin- I 70 Walllngton Street. rvvv.-u--...._v ..-__-_ ~- INGLHH }You will have delicious pins for Xmn if you IIINOIIIAT TOR llF_|lI!_ID IIWELIII8. TIIOS. H. JOHNS. , - , Iunnnnnuunn nail s .-nu" . l::utuI:ueo.::'t::wmp!-I 3': - Iannkhn-an Ina.-Lin -.- L4..J uvIdroo_I. IABIKTB. 44,1-.. I\.. an EL; u .____._._.... couumcan. ;-__.__ Ilcrohnu vonvwy bu;y_:-hio durnoon uluddqlothic Thu 'I- lIII$WlT IIKKIIIX W 3. qulif_v`r_m or igtm undo rugninntion. Ab Kingdom-Rudd A. Balm, Allan John I`-rr, H. S. Fauuuon, H4-rrgo ll. lldlg lhmord Han. Cushorinok lo- nihy. JAUIC W. IIIQ. HIIWHO R. Hljntmndlub II; R Uijfilnl III con- ..--._--:r-.9-'~__.:~::..t:-:- 4: |\uIq-rrln-VI. J. Ami}. J. J. (homo F. H ull. Joni! W. Iiino. ' Tho lollowi onndkluoc pond. tho quglffgfng crvsdofnminatjon. Tn:-Ion cuno nun. The public 3:1-hot was lively thin morn- ing And (um sold (rent qunnbitioo of poultry and product. The ultondunco. than h, In: much smaller than was antici- pn . Good price: were secured for n`nnlI.rv. Prion: Rmf. 3c. to In 2 nark WI. LIUUII PIICK WEI"! Z3333! XIII Bounty. Pricon: Boof, 3c. to 4c : path 1 the quarter. ac. to '.'c ; hogs. 85:50 to 85:75: lamb. 71:. to Sc. : mutton. 5a. to 0a.; vul. 4c. to 63.: hnkoyo. I). to 81:50 ouch: dnch.60c to75c. Ipcir: gnu. 50a. to 75. uch;chiqhnn. 403. to 500. 3 pair; butter in prion. 17. 8019: :\ Jb; rolla. 15. M 17 ; ngxl. pschd. 1'3: to I83; (rah. lS:. to `:2: gppcatooo. I00. to 50. I Inggtnmipu. 30. I bog: mtrou. Ilka. to 40. a bag; onions. 50. :1 gm. `, uv- run vvwv yuuu-w-unu- The lieu of cmdidstu who paid 000 nrolilnimry civil Iorvioo onlninacion in Nonnbor in pcbliahod in the Canada uncanny UHF LIIIII PTDLIIUIBIUII WU|lI|l UU uuu VIUTUI1. "Aroiwo.then. todo nothing. are we to stand idly by -while inumperanoo , -olaya in thousands. oarnouo men and women may ask 1' Coroainly not. We much ho up and doing. but along right. linen and not by exploded methods. Chris- tianaaroanroly noc idle now. If we are not doing our best to raise tho fallen, to inspire the doubting with faith and to have the lonmn an not Christ`: disciples. True. Ive also have a duty to do an regards legis- at-ion. Prinoipnl Grunt in his letter no me To- ronto Globe on prohibition lays : "My but at prosont. is none inquire whut it the boot liquor luv for Conndc, but up point out that, prohibition would be the worst. "Am '3. then. mdo nothinn. Am we All lined And Iloolodc Yestsrdey efternoon the combined com- mittee oi the boerd of trede and citv coun- cil met Messrs. W. Abbott end F. 1`. Pee- oook. representing the arm of Abbott Bros..end prepersd the legal ezreement between the city and the firm. The com- peny egrees to erect substentiel, up-to- delse buildings. furnished with modern mu- chinsry end epp|iences.ebIe|to turn out her iron end steel. hone shoes, pressed spikes. mile (both cut end wire); end weshers. The plent and buildings must be worth $`_'.'S0,000. The compeny`s pey list must eggregete 840,000 per ennum. with 125 workmen. The company is to receive is eesh bonus of 850,000 and s free site velued et 810,000 edditionel, end must deposit with the city troesurer e certied cheque for 81.000 to reimburse the city for expenses incurred in presenting the by-lew to the people. . .. ... ,,, -m. u-.__. The Late Humphrey Goodearle. This morning Humphrey (loodearle. University avenue. died after eight days illness from inllsmmation of the lungs. the only serious sickness in I lifetime. leoeesed was born in Kingston in 1815, his lather living on the corner of Barrio sud Colborne streets. Mr. lioodearle learned the cabinet making trade and in I855 was married. to Miss Iss- belle Carmichael. Eight children were "burn. ve surviving: H. J. and .\llrerl.l , Kingston; R. 8., Minneapolis: and Mines A nee and Jessie. Kingston. Mrs. George. eth Roed; Capt. Uoodeerle and Miss Hnnnah Goodeu-Io are sisters and brother of deceased.` He was an ad- herent. of St. Peul e church and u liberel, e man of quiet, unostentetious habits, true and amiable in his round of duties end eminently 3 men of intelligence and scholarly attainments. His death wee as peaceful as his life bed been. His remains will be privately buried on Monday. I wish he expressed frequently during life. IIIU UIJIIUII unwu use nun. A6 a meeting of the Ontario hockey union held in Toronto Int night, the ache- dnlee for the three series were Arranged. There ere ten clubs in the senior series. Queen : and Royal military college teams play their two matches on or before Jan. 25th and Feb. lit. The winning team in this round play: the winner of the Corn- wall-llrockwllo round on or before Feb. 8th. 1- M nvermedinte seriee Frontennca score to la) e. 1.: the eemi-nale thia team will meet the winner of the Wellington- Osgoode round on or before l*`ebrueryl`. th. Frontenac 11 and Queen's II play their two metchee in the junior series between Janu- ary l`2th and l7th, and l7th and 24th, the winners playm oil the semifinal with the winner of t e Peterboro-Norwood round on or between Jenuery-`. 4th and 80th. u-..-..c_.... n..o.... I.` 1 ) HM... ..-.A "M, ' Ti ; Gov lite llo; bu. u=:L11v'e'o xIc;0h'o"u'o'. V In. no to mm; 501%: I won. Secretary Benton. E. P. Brown and pro- sidonc Martin lorm a sub-committee to do}! with I compluinta. neevily insureu. McVei I: swore that Laing admitted to him t ree. weeks after the tire that he drove to :Scovil s buildings and he eat in the buggy while Johnston touch- ed the match. Laing said he was to receive from Scovill $100 and Johnston 8200 for the job. Laing gave as his reason for peechinx that Johnetonaiid Scovil were trying to beat him out of his share of the spoils. It is understood that Laing will tell his story in the box. Eight more witnesses will be examined. ent IDDI in we country. no sup- the fire to be of incendiary origin. because the fire started in the house and burns at the same time, al- though some 400 feet separated them. Subsequently he heard that Laing had told dnfarenu parties that he and Johnston fired the buildings for a consideration from Soovil. A warrant was immediately it- sued for L1ing s arrest. but he diseppeered before it was executed. Soovil, who is an intimate friend of Johnston, asked Johnston, and tackled him about the affair. but he strenuously denied all knowledge of it. stating that the wee in Brockville that night. Scovil ec- knowledged being well acquainted with Laing. and played cards with him and Johnston in Athens. His buildings were heavily insured. McVeirm aware that Lsimz _..,.__ loildontl Of `thou. Out. On 'l'rI|!-lot ` On Fire." I BR01'K\'lLl.E, Doc. 17.-Wnllinmhsing Illd Harry Jolmabon. two residents of Athens. were given 3 preliminary hearing to-day before police mngintrnbe lbadcon on achnrgo of sonic tire to the house and harm of T. K. Q`-laovil, of Portland, on Novomber 21, 1390. (Luu mum -ihnnnnnn -urn nrnminml Novomoer 21, 1590. Only bwomicnouu wore enmined, Boom nnd Naehun McVeigh. proprie- tor of the Armstrong house, Athena. after which the court: adjourned until Tuudny. Tho tanner tumod that ho was nhing nur the narrow. nur Porn-` lnd. on tho dny of the tire, Ind .1153 wife and family were visiting an di`er- ens {roam in the country. He nup- nnna Hm n: tn ha nf ilmantlilrv II. 2 A! KioqIIMn-W. J. Amoy._J. J. Bohul, huh: I`. H nll. Jnmm W4 Kiln; .._....._. .. ..._.... ;__ _*._.. ALLEGED INOENDIARISM. C>i lIdN:;II.' |-,- ,1 ._,.|,-I,._, ,,| , Prohlblllon `lino Wont. Iuiwilulluvmr. uupuu. n.a.. Ill`- thotiudw. Nicol. M A., science. `fhbdiltldnmootingon Frxr. nod K IX difll nxl tho nu. Ibo Schod ulen struck unou undo ;aurdny in connection with the Puma. Iandsl. ll. Ilonti Marat. a member of the chunbot ol do Mia. and 11. Mac dosunt India, a Kw-naucnbor, hue AI-about can in- to caddy by no polio ntbwiln. Wylie court loft yesterday for Osborne, hit of Wight. whom than will ho lug; Christan path: than usual of the Bus- unborgo. Connnghta. Lorna and All bunyu. though the facial will In of tho quiotont dqocriptioo. a: vvvvuvuun -up.-n. nvv nu-. At. the annual acting at Woodbnrn. L. 0.1.; No. 012. hold on Tuesday Doc. 7 . the lollowiog oit-on won clotted for tho omui yan W.M.Bn Roborhlogannton: 1). 3|. I1; Willisu Boll: |dn,nBro. An new town: nontu-y. to. our] Johnnon; tnuunr. Bro. Rohon Brown. (re ducted); lecuxnt. Bro. _Alonnd Mo- hunzooniuiuoo. Bros. Jcnrld Jolmuoo. (Ioromun. Francis Johnutoo, Thoma Woodl And John Uclutm. \ g`ho chopping streets are bunt-liko. The curbotonoa boinu crowded wish vondon of 1 wondorlul variety of marvolloun penny. um. 'I`L- A...-A I-l- _-.L-_J_- S..- l\-L.-_- 0|:-Innn In `London. Lo.\`noN. Doc. .ls.-Tho extraordinai- mild weather continues to the munifeat n - vunllgo of London'I poor. The regulu Chriounua don n06 appear so h0|rtrInd- in; u usual. Th: nhnnnino ntnnnh urn In-.nnAr.Iik; Ul'|KII'I OI DIIIU |l|'U ll HUB llIUI`llo It is believed that Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Howe. who bed rooms in the third thor of the Nah building. perished in the ames. It was nuppoeed thet they had been uken to the house of friends. but A thorough cenveu of the city feile to discover them. u.u. LKIU IUUEUU Ir!) IIUIIIYLSU III IUIIUWIZ Hotel Dakotch, $175,000: Nash Broa.. stock, 8|60.000; Grmd Forks mercantile company. $l50.000: the burned whoioule buildings, 8100.000, and othen loses. in- cluding hotel furniture. minors` stocks of gooda.nnd building about 075,000. The origin at the lire is not known. It in Lgllgu-All that Mr --ul M-an A II Iwuwuuunuwwungon rr:|'. mu hllodifunnl mocha who pn- nnnhhmomndlarlhnlulu nuning. oa-Jv,uu! v. Nash Bros. wholesale grocery began to burn before dawn and eet tire to the Hotel Dakoten. Nearly 1,000 pereonu were in the hotel and the only eecepe wee byeledder one foot wide running from the eixth down to the first lloor. The patrons and hotel help fyled down this led- der elowly. The re depertmente rnieed eoverel leddere end eyetemetized the reecuee. The hotel wee destroyed. the Grand Forte mercantile comp1ny e whole- sale groceries and eeverel other struc- ture. The buildings were owned by the eecurity truet company of Neehun, N11. Theloeaee eroilemvmd as follows: l.l..e.l "\.|.nt.|. CITE nnn. \T..I>. Dus- |aIlU IIUITII UI ll are damaged 750,000. N-ah Ru-no on E00 ICE. Tbe tu Rescue. of Doaeronbo. arrived in port t in afternoon with Mrs. James Dickson. Hay Bay, who will undergo an operation to have an abscess removed. She was taken to the general hoapical in S. 8. Carbon : ambulance, accompanied by Dr. Wood. I ..-L -......:..... ..m..--- ........ ........:....L...! 1.. nlngawn IUURB, - AVD. DU, LU U I. IV Diack, vice-grand, was nominated for the position of noble grand. T. D. Minnea will likely receive the position of per. manenb secretary. The nominations con- clude nexb Friday night. Hotel Dnkotah Destroyed - Hundred: of People Rescued by Moon: of Lnddero. .'H..\Nn Fum\'s, N.D., I)oc- l8. - All the buildings on both sides of Third street. in the heart of the city have been burned or Arn rlnmnnn hv r-A Thu: Inc: in nhnnr. ODD LIBPITDHIUDDU. Mrs. W. Robinson is at present in To- ronto with her daughter, Mrs. (J. Clerihew. who is ill.` Ac soonaa she ro- covors Mus. Clorihew and family will re- move 'to Kingston. (hntnin Hnrhnrh Mnumt, nf thn nrmv rn. move too lungaoon. Captain Herbert Mowat. of the army re- serve. non of Rev. Prof. Mownt, of Queen : univerzity. has been appointed private aeoretery to Sir Oliver Mowet. lieutenant- governor of Ontario. The second steal baron bulldinn at the KUVUTIIUT UI LIIIUIKIU. The second steel barge building at the locomotive works for the M.T. company. will be ready for launr-hing within two weeks. She may not. however. be placed in the water before noxb spring. Tho hnrlu nf Mun. Infn MI: I I) H Ari`. In El]! WHIUT UIHUTC nuxu Upflx. The body of t.he- lube Mus W. D. H Art: was taken to Uamrequi cemetery this nicer- noen accompanied only by members of the lamily and immediate relatives. '1`. F. Harrison. funeral director. was in charge. A rnnlrlnnf. nf (Inna Vinnnnh who uhanf I1Il'I'lB0l'I. IUHGTII UITBCMIT. WI! lll GHIFKB. A resident of Cape Vincenb who spent the afternoon in the city said that the in teroat in ice hosting an the Cape will not reach the same height this eoaeon as in former yeare. N 0 new boas: will be placed on the ice. IINI... 5...- `D........ .1 I\ .... .._A- -...-:....A IDBDIUIIDO E3078. Governors Capt. W. Bruce Carruthera and Prof. D. Marshall visited the general hospital thismorning and in company with l)r. Third made as tour through the di'er- enb departments. Mr: W, Rnhinnnn in nf. nrmmnf. in Tn- W000. Last evening oicora were nominated in Kingston lodge, No. 59, 1.0 0 F. R Hinnlr vir-marnnrl, unu nnminnfnd fnr thn Ul V53. Heine: & Lockett have a very attrac rively dressed window in the form of a set of steps leading up to I latticed trams ver- nndeh. Lset evening Mina Ethel Armstrong took Ears in an entertainment at Brookvillo, eld under the auspices of the collegiate institute there. l'!...............- I`....L ll? I)...-A {Va --uthnuu Vorawy grounul no-any. Dr. lion wu inicinted into the mys- teries 0! oddfellowahip in Kingston lodge at its meeting last evening. A Rvdnnv rlnnnntnh nnntgn that the Eml- UBO BUFQBI? I'BllWIy company. John Arneil. Capo Vincent. wasin the city this afternoon visiting his uncle. James Mitchell. who is quiet in. Au-nm. n AI-ninn Annrlvnn nnld whnlaula (HI. 1-`. G. Kirkpatrick. of the theological faculty of Trimby college. is in the city to spend the Christmas holidays with rela- hives. `lI ..:..-- I. Y....l...LL I........ .. Ann nbl-u-an nno guoau at. me may now. * Arnotla Arnica Anodyne. the best. inter- ml and external remedy known. Cures all pnin. M Rnv, .In|m' Hnnlnn arrived from New Wlbll DIG lnmuy. ' A number of small children indulzod in tobogganing down the hill on Queen : uni- voraiby grounds to-dny. Ilr, Run: 111;: initinfml infn Hm mn- Ill lag IISE 0VBl'|ll'Ig. A Sydney despatoh autos that the Bug- liah eloven won the match with the Aus- tralians by nine wickets. (U Ankin ;|.........nI Id- inba.-`Han of 'nn_ Urllllllll Dy I'IlU WICKED!` W. Aubin changed his intention of go- ing to New Yo:-hand has re-onguged with the meet railway company. Jnhn A:-nail. Cam Vine-ant. wnnin the JRIDOO MIDODOII. WHO I! qulen Ill. Arnota Arnica Anodyne sold wholeule by James B. McLeod. Kingston, and to- tail by all druggiaha and generalaborokeepe Grl. any. _ M. M. Mann, Chicago. is here on bun- neea. - J. D. Reid. Cardinnl, was it! the city this morning. Amok : Arnim Anodvno cur coughs. mus morning. Amos : Amino Anodyno cure: coughs. colds md aoro throat . - 1...... Y-....:...u. `Dab. DA-Imnn in nmnna C010! mu IOTO IiI|I'UI|'u ' Janet Jumioson. Rab Portage, in among the guest: at the City have]. Ar-non : Arnina Anndvna. the best. Rev. John` Dunlap n_-rived from New York at noon today to spend the holidays with his family. A nnmhar nf nmnll nlnildran indulnnd in isms B11112 sclssons. AND THE NEWS TOLD IN BRIEF -A an ..o\A. I rrno Very nun Iron on: And commune -'l'ho (Inland mun By Ioportnn And the Iloalcro Noni Wind To u Ounudlnn P1-an Rockwood uylumrink wu oodod to- (luv l\-U day. `nub Ina ouooq. ` I .329-.9: 1.8. -.._.I~..-':*.-.-:..`.:--._ .1 """- *:=o.':':.:.:.=.';*'~ W I dd to mob, lip: um mason Dnlor. Iowhok `as. `O `n, .I) In I .- "E.'?.'. ..'