uuuauu uI:IIIlIII- Amonsz the foremoet cloeing exercieee held in the public echoule yeeurday were ' thoee conducted in Lounee echool. Each room wee decorated with llage end em blems of the Chrietmee eeuon. and eech clue gave a progremme ol eonge end l`0Cl- tatione in their ecveral roome. In the fth clue. Mire Chown'e room, Major Holloway acted ae chairman. The parente of the children turned out in unall num- bers. On Tueeday the pupile of the school contributed a quantity of vegetehlee and groceriee, pert of which wee sent to eeven families, end the remainder divided among poor children. ' vv vuusgwuu ulrul B0l|00ln Closing exercises were hold in Welling- ton etieet school yesterday morning and afternoon. All the rooms were testily de corsted. and the pupils of the different classes took part in short programmes. In three of thec-lenses present.-9 were distri- buted from well laden Christmas trees. All the children contributed vegetables.` etc.. and these were sent to" the W.C.T. U. for distribution among the poor. In the afternoon the puplis of the senior fourth clsse enjoyed a treat. Trustee Sears was present during the day and sided in mak- ing the event I success. Regret was ex- pressed tbet I greater number of parents did not show sufficient interest in the pro- ceedings to lend their presence. vvuuau unguh unu cneery appearance was so much commented upon. Mr. Media, chairman of the board of education, acted as chairman, in the absence of the chair- man of the school. Dr. Fee, and trustees Mclntyre, Galloway and Lambert. and Rev Mr. King, were present. and made short addresses. The lady governeeses were out in full and showed a great inter- eabm the cloing excrcioea. To-day the Christmas tree was stripped of its many preeenua for the children of the homo, and this was the event of the year. Ul yuulll IJUIIIO. Tho orphans home had its closing oxer- cir-ea yesterday. Tne room was very beau Lifully decorated by the pupils. and a do- lightlurprugramme of choruses. recitation: and dialogues was presented by the pupil:-. whose bright. and cheery appearance was commented nnnn_ Mr Mani.- mm mm a w atermene gold tountain pen. Tuesday was a day long to be remem- bered by the pupils of the senior 1`ertI class. The festive decoration: were very appropriate and beautiful. The pupils were accompanied by their parents. testi- fying their interest in the progress of their children. After a programme was render- ed by the pupils, the ten commandments. apoatle.~ creed and the golden texts for the term were recited. after which the good thing! arrayed artistically on the Christmas tree were distributed among the little ones, and they enjoyed a rare treat as in conclusion to their patient and stead y work during the term. pupllu UIEIIHBEBO ior uie noiiaay s. In Miss Allen : room you had but to look to admire the taste and skill which had almost transformed the sombre appearance of the blackboard to fairy like scenes As the tiny pupils gazed at the picture of Santa and his reindeer, they seemed to feel the inlluence of that good spirit who con- tribute: so much to the pleasure of the little ones. Thepvisitors listened to a care fully prepared programme, and were amused in watching the amount of edibles that could be stored away by the little prople in such a short time. The class was then disinissed by wishing all a merry Christmas. Frontenac school. Thejuniof Part 1 class had a very in- teresting closing, a number of children tacking part and tlieirsoogs and recitations were very entertaining. After the pro- gramme a treat was given the children by their teacher, Miss (.`ai-diner. The second and junior third 0133888 combined and they also were treated to candy and fruit by their teachers. after ably rendering an en- . tertainiiig programme In the other clases. namely, senior third. junior fourth and senior fourth, similar entertainmeiils were given, the classes being dismissed by the chairman of the school, .\ Horn. The assistant teachers surprised their principal. W. .l. (iodwin, by presenting him with a Waterman s gold fountain Tuesdav wesa dav Iona in be mmnm. also their percen from the weekly ber bfda/y}' pup` was seventy-nine (lrace LeRiche.. Bertha V\ atte . . . May Kennedy. .. Maggie Kennedy Willie Harper... Lizzie Liddell ... Flossie LaRush.. Naomi Lewere. .. Isms Kennedy. . . Herbert Lallush. Laura Mullin. . .. Ralph Adeit. . . .. Sara Donnelly. . . Russ Ill Lewers... Fran ie Harper. . . Herbert Brian. . .. Adeline Sauve. . .. Wakeford Dix Julia Garrah. . Lizzie (lray . . . . . . . Myrtle Simone. . .. David Kennedy. .. Bennie La pen... Nellie Mul in. . . .. Emelia Rochlort. . Joe Garrah . . . . . . . Wilfred Lambert. . Nellie Gray Jessie Kennedy... Willie Brian. . . .. given b Tim ninialnnr. &nA('h\Irnl nu-....:.m.l il...:.. lu Miss Beuhon e room Master Truemnn Poster. a former pupil, acted as chairman while a short programme was rendered, in which the following took part: Annie White, Georgina Mclntyro, Mamie Sweet.- man, M. Smith, [via Watson, (} Elliotm, Florence .\lcl.augblan. Berti (lanes and v Samuel Sleuth A number ofsongswerealso sung by the class after which the pupils received their usual (`hristmae treat. God Save the Queen wnsthen sung and the pupils dlElI1lBE8(l for the holiday Allanha mam rm: hnd hut. in lnnb Depot school. The qlosing exercises of the depot school were conducted in a manner suit- able to the festive season. Both the senior and junior classes decorated their rooms for the occasion, though the pupils feared their parents would not nd the school in euch a snow storm, their fours in most: cases proved groundless. The visi- tors came prepared to encourage the pupils by their presence and in A more substantial way, which was duly eppre5 ciared. I .. ll}-.. l)-_L-_.7_ _-_,,< II I "` SECOND HAND CLOTHING. -ouu.-.-_.-__ _ _ , The `School chlldien lied mpg; Ilmee Before Perth`. Willielneville school looked bright yet- .. terdey afternoon. The children were out in best bib and tucker and sang and re- ` cited in joyoue` iaehion. The einging wee really good, led by Mine Bertele on the gutter. Mice Rogers had en entertein- inept inlier room alone. Mice Gill em. Mice Bert"ele joining in the principal a room. The eewing cf the children was on exhibition and ehowed that the little folks were growing expert with the needle. J. G. Elliott, chairmen of the school. was present and spoke. He eaid his efforts would be put forth to have a much needed addition made to the ecbool. The sale of the Queen street school property would put money in the board : hands, and he thought `facts would conyince his colleagues of the necessity of increaeing accommoda- tion et the `head of Princess etreet. He found that children over eight years of age had to trump from the Olly limit: to Louise. Central, Frontenac and Victoria echoole? Wolllngton Street School. .... -... - ,-- -.A- | J1 ' " H;" Loullo School. Orphanr olno. ._-) L-__- |__,I :. new no a care 1 nt 1 1 I I E I F 1d E er 1`. " J nod lube L Al I... I A L_ `I uu onus: log uo.'.'o. unnlop. lung nun. Tho `BicycliII. n But Friend in a (unil- iu nun ; for Truck : Magnetic Ointment. I Ilvayr randy {or omorgonciu. While 5 Ipecilic for Piles, it who inauntly nliovu And cunt cnta. lamina. alt. rbonn, ocumo and all atfocoionn of the thin. It novor hilt. 25. E. C. Mitchell. . 1-`in o o|oclx an ab. J. Uni & (To. Min Shaw : brooch o! C. King : Dngbtan provided 1 Chrilunu not at the Y.W.C.A. rooms for ohlldrcnoltho poor. About twenty-than children won prounh. ouch ooenoilving a lung ol candy. hqtolpopptd counoloo a doll for nah 'r.uud stop one for thobovo. ll-ov. . 1-2. But`: an Boob Chuganl and gun nuunnnlhr ihodllilun. AIIX!I1ZlJ-u_n -....h.u... .5. uvuunou l0I' .\ mu II : unwyorg, Ovorooab bargains for `hand: \:-v;`ri.- day. "012 nlncon. tho my bus of 3:; w, 010 coon {oz $6.26. Dun! Ki icvcliatfn But 1412.2 1'. fund]. unu pluuy uungnu. Draining gowns, English in: Oak Hull. I `You can get. father or moths? 5 pair of ovonliooa tor .\Inn at 8uvyu n., OVIIOOIU banning for Thu!-HIAI an I`rl. ulrl Drown, po.JU. un Hill. The vaudeville concern compon{. 1 local organization. draw a may Argo crowd toyhc city lull last night by their nnnounocd concert. and dance. The plu- lonn wu nrrcn `ad in tho unual style {or mimtrcln. tho rot part. ol the prognmmo taking that form of a show. New down- tlona undo the platform attractive. while the drum 0! the porfonnon \\'u 0! original and H. deli nu. I):-gar; on-`nu. I-Ennlinl. i...-...o..I an At the NEW STORE because th my have the stock. See our" Engravings, Etc. gun. law 0! mom In uwyorg. Tnilor made ulnar: lot man. Black and dark brown, 80.50. (Mk Hull. Th: Inuulnullln 1-nun.-0. nu-.......... - CHI u 1)} you have ever seen a little child in a paroxyam ol Croup, or if you have been an- noyed by a conabant. tickling in the cbrogb, you can nppreoiate the value of Ransom : Hive Syrup and Tolu, which given quick relief. 25:). E. C. Mitchell. The closing exercises of Ragiopolia col- lege took place yeoterdny ultornoon in the rgooption room of the institution. All the prolouou and students were preaonb. The programme consisted of rocitamons. songs and several excellent. selection: on the grnmaphono by Clary llanloy. A warm (alt. nlinnnr mnknn . mm! '\'m.. IIIPIIUIII Dy UIUIl', nnmoy. warm Mt -lippor mute: I goad .\mu gift. Iota of them At. 8Awyor I. Tnilor mud. ulnar: for man. ' Hlnnlr Anal HUG. `III IIHII. J. l'raig& ('0. have this best. assort- ment of bread and butter plates in the oil: ` _____ L____ ______ _A__ , 1-... u u. 1 Uh UUIIII 1 IUUKU (Ll. (Y. l1.lV.I`. Scar caramel: and climax cbocolau ~ 3 lbs. for we. at Rees`. 1398 p Lbernu. fancy colored shirbe, 90. Oak Hall. ' ,.__;_._ ,-,, |__,_ .1` I III". Open every night. More overcoat: sold this year already than luv year : total sales. Dunlap. King street. Rev. G. R. Beamiah. as curate of St. George's cathedral will preach his nal sermons next; Sunday. In the morning he preachoaa Christmas sermon, n' ' in the evening he addresses the Knew` `I Sc. John's lodge A.F. & A.M-. J Hun r-nrnmnln and nlimnv nlunnnlnt. 1.. J IUY ULDIWB I.U'U5y- Boys 50c. cape, `grey lamb, fancy corduroy, blue serge. grey plush. Oak Hall. ' I D .055 | A. Jackson, H. ])yner and I). McMas- tor, guards of British Columbia penit,en- ` tiary. who accompanied several pris-\ onus to the Kingston penitentiary, left {or Ottawa to-day. Hnvn ."|lh- nnnn n|-an Inn-nIn fanny. Vllllllllx ITIUIIUI III DUU Cllay. , Cnley n chocolubea in unsorted boxes cheap at J. Craig & Co a. AI. Hnhnn. rnnrmmntjnn Hm l.nn:I at IJHUIIP B0 II. \/Flllg W4 U0 Us Al. Dalton. representing the "Land of the Living theatrical company in regio- tored at the British Amonioan hotel. -1 u.. .......|- .....| ....n-.... ..)...,.....v. s._ -_..- D. A.WEESE &%CO LUTUU Ill: EH6 Dfllallll IKHIOIIOCTI uolol. 3 lbs. maple and colfae almonds for 50c. "at. Been A l....I.-.... I) l\__.._ ___.n 'l\ Il_ll HUI Hall. L. Mrs. Fitzgerald. Pictaburg. Pa., in visiting friends in the city. }nlav n nhnnnlnmn in nnznrfnrl in-um. Lllll. Evory day -I lbs. royal mixtures for 25. ab Rees . |.l_- I) I4`.'A__.-__I..I 1:,-.._L,, , n j-.4-` What the Buy uoporton onught on the llv. ' Holidny books. Ii. Uglow & Co. Scotch on cake. J. Craig & Go. Read every page 0! the Wmo today. Silk sunpendors. opecinl, 75c., $1. Oak Hall. . . . .. . Wlllin Hnrnnr rfllll llllfpl` anu LV1_VI'U3 NWIIOHB. The attendance of pupils of senior de- partment. for the term iagiven below,` percentage of marks obtained examinations. The num- `of1ia y}' pupils might: have attended aavenby-nine - ATTI`INl)A.'\`(?l-2 MAIIIKH, DUIHIIU happen. . From senior third to junior fourth claw,- Floame La Rush and Ralph Adeit. Frnmiunmr fn nlhhm-nninr Onnrrh nlnns_ 1.` IUEIIIU JAIL nuau llllll lllpll JIUBID. Fromjunnor fo ulhbm-enior 0ourth class- Fraukle Harper and Myrtle H-mons. The nnmlrlnnnn nf nnniln nf nnninr (In. IIHLIUUH Ill lU8 ECDIOT ucpunmenn W916! From junior t.bi.d to oenior third class- Herberr. La Rush. Russell Lowers, Wake- ford Dix. Lizzie Gray, Lizzie Siddell and Bonnie Lappen. Frnm nnninr thirdm hlninr lnm-fh r-Inan.._ Business Is Rushing EUUUUI \l' . vv . t1yll:uWUl'bl!,prlnClpIl,)DEBUG- ed the examinations held on Wednesday and were unanimous in expression of satis- faction and appreciation of the excellent ivork and general progress of both depart- ments. The rooms were neatly decorated with palm, ags, pictures, etc. and every one seemed pleased with the eiforts of pupils and teachers. The pupils who passed the recent promotion exami- nations in the senior department were: Frnm iuninr r.hi.:I tn mninr thin! Man... cloning Eurcllol. Gnrdon `Inland Notwithstanding disagreeable weather a large number of the parents and friends of the pu ii: of Garden Island public school (F. Ayleawortb,principnl,) Mend- ad the examimuinnn hnld nn Wndnnndnv 5 van-Iululllu ruuuo BCIIOUI. Closing exercises in '2' Portsmouth pub- lic school were held yesterday Afternoon. V A programme of songs nnd recitaciooi was given by the pupila,and n Chriacmutroe wu unloaded of many lancy articles and dia- tributed among the juniors. The exercises were conducted by Mia: Bowden seamed by the principal of the achool. Mus Bew- den bu gained the condence of the nchool board, and of the pupils `parents by the interest she takes in the children, and etciency of her work. uwlurnl council. The children of the cleseee preeided over by Mieeee Hilton and Ahrame, Cenfrel echool, enjoyed a Christmea feetivel yester- day. The rooms were teetelully decorated, appropriate mobtoee end deeigne being drawn on the bleckbourds. The children took part in at short programme. after which they received Chrietmee gifte. songl.` choruses nnd recitation: wore given by the pupils. WHlG'S WIND WAFT8. Portsmouth Pnbllo School. Central School. -_ -1 .L_ _|,,,,, -ll 64 K`) ,; (34 (BK ` vuv-- III` The New Siorc. 336 Princess Street ' Nan (`An-nu`: unmu..- u- I 750. , um 50 ll\ iii In uu I56 nn I uulluvlui nun J.E. Rolmock, Budo. N.Y..iatho' ow olcuclnll lot 24. am: oonouuion ol . Ho but bad nvonl tony! much. All nivinn cold from n tlnllu-n m OI l\IlIUII'. HI IIIIIIIII KYQYII I~,S made. all giving gold tron u dollm to one bindnd dollar: 3 Ion. Lat night: Ir._ Rolntopk gnvo out I contact {or Ilnllg II Illldur. llollovlllo Sun n,L,., I n ma .1 - . vuu--v : -v--~v- r I 9, IIUUIIIUU ` J Evening Games at 5c, xoc, 25c, 50c, etc. 4' _ A Solid Leatlicr Writing Cases, Portfolios, Bibles 3nd I r_a p f 'l ! Books. Special low price. i F. NISBE 7 |li.\$ *"' \'- xumsrox Auzm-3. I Mn$wuuwuuwwoouMow Having purchased several Bankrupt Blocks; including the Boot and 61109 stock of F. A. Otford. I am now in a position to give Great Bargains on these lines, as well as Ready-Made . Clothing. L. ABRAMS()l\l. 'I'I.- Il-... 1-A--- than In - Holiday * Book`. ETC-. ETC. CCOO _ __j_i__._, . . NN6 O6O9~O4 -0- .- J\I\dO A Live \Vz1ltz-wittiest waltz of the year-I..:c. Ask to hear the new song. liverybody w nts it. - E[`I~Ieadquartcrs for all kinds of Dress (} .ls, Mantles, Millinery, Furs and Men's Furnishings. S*atrs9ftc|i4. J vHIiET MUSIC-/X11 the regular vocal ahd in- strumental selections at 5c and IOC copy, regular price 25c to 5oc_. , 117 1. . .. .. . 4 AJI\L \_/1111.4 LJll1\\J1llLV'jllUL)lJdlu3 American Perfumes, all odors, 29c _0z., regular value 50c oz. (`l!1`T"I" Il'l*I`1`l'/` A`II .- -..1............vu .I.l\4l`J Lu ulu yuu xu yuul DUICLLIUHD. We have entered into this spirit of the times with reduced prices on many lines of articles to help spin the money out. Service is arranged for quick ac- tion--e.\'tra help in anticipation of two days extra busi- ness. VVe expect crowds, but don't hesitate to come. We can wait on you quickly. That's one of the ad- vantages of dealing with a store that employs experi- enced brainy help. ' A PliRFUi\Il.i BARG/\IN-Hubbard's best ,!I,'I ` A .......I....... Y).._f.-.._ - - Coming to greet us this year, the kind we used to have when we were boys. Everyone expects a brighter, more cheery time when the snow is on the ground and the frost nips the nger tips. Are you doing you share to make it so ? `Are you awake to the spirit of the times? lfyou visit this store it will help you swing into line. Bright` faces to greet you. nimble ngers to serve you, experienced help to aid you in your selections. `R71: I-unuyn n.$.6-nun,` .'..4.,\ LL.'.. ..-_..-. _. ~-. -n\nI.AuJ' ; sa man LEAtFIExfs omx. A Real Oldg Fashioned` Christmas A Tie People s Opportunity _ "P'arkman'9 Works, 12 vols., $15, regular price $18. Dicken's Works, 15 vols , ne paper edition $8, regular pri -515 George Elliott's Works, 6 vols., Cloth $2. ' Boy's Own Paper, 1897. Girl's Own Paper 1897. ` ` Leisure Hour, 1897. Sunday at Home] . Chatterbox. `\ Prize Children : Friend. Infants` Magazine. British Workman, etc.` ` juvenile Books. , Toy Books. 'L`........_..I"_...._.. _A .._ -4- -_._ FGRMERLY RICHMOND `a co. I18 and I20 Princess Street 9 _- -w--:C&-nnIl\J,\ Were impelled by furious motives. SOME" sale curiosity; sorno . a genuine wide-awake desire to get the best. Tea offered--'1`-IU`1Y : ' I`: ALL FAST CON Vl`lI{TS NOW. "SALAIIA " CEYLON TEA -. `.1-.-.;.-;\J.LV ..._;_a`l_ Is Supreme" in Ptirity, Flavor and Economical Properties. V 110 Qn . AAA EA` _.AfA IA- Con;er Pxincess and Wellington Streets. 9!-1I:.0N IE? Running noun, iodolcm nleon A: In H-oubhl. on than In at tnr mud! . way In 9:: by uh} ll Ointnoal. lunatic. out and luck. It is lit glut no. I. 0. llhlnll. (1-.AIA_|. .11.... .;..|. 1., Arms: in Icon. V Dou Hnilhouund the nod 3 Xmas at tluqnn bout. rial. lion. adnIu2u..oounpuuonto, A. J. REES , Simmons Bro; IGCDIOIII IOU IIVHI` DIQO Ina ITOIIDI! Their price in modern; and 5 enjoy the splendid wnrmtb theygi The Gurney Foundry 00., Limrfj Ierenu llzue, wltn or wlmoub N18 0. They Io eapecially euy to rag. and clean. very economical with . and have all the latent meohnnicnl. {actions for nving time and troubl. Thnir nrim in mmhu-gt; and 1. And enjoy solid winter comfort. : are very bnndaome stoves. mnde in ferent time. with or without. the TI:nu uA -ll\nI|;n"Iv :.-.- on -.... COUNTFSS OF OXFORI [In You Use a SIM . ----- -uuvv nnnnvill LlVrCIUIE'I 25. 3oc-.f4oc, soc arid 60 J WHY N01` Bl'Y A .5, Ggnnngfg lWLIf\I11\l' A"l\`l.Vl'I _ 1 I\I'\1IA TORONTO. `mus kn be BVf 4 will Pthgy 7 SWEETS 1--I`II`lVVI`l IZ1. Thoiuhuu K.&P.tninIhinno|-niug Iudluu-oooohuiniu nah up Than vuoaovdulwnth bolidny n. A quhlluigitqnnvauuaobodlo chur- uulubnohundhulqhtthooonvnkloo dllvblndunloulnndnpuohnui. D Thou 58. :2: pmncess STREET. nnhonn Wanna Luuulnlluu uu., III: V A DRUG BTORVEQ `PHONE 219 General Agent Manufacturers` J lusurnnce Co., at WAUE'S TIDIYIJ. Q'Fl\DlZ` auuu, Pucks. Air Ries. l`-ml Uh:-at . maker. Knives. Riomle -iundrie-. Etc For Insure Folk:-. Plnbod Ware. llnlnin waders. Moon. Chunpars. Carpet Swoopon. Cnrvlng Set-. Olnnlnmmznrn, Fol-non and hour: of other Iemible gun for tumble on -pie. JOHN R. WRIGHT; _ ` _.. .- v, x: gr-II I\JIvIIIIl\, Hhouvd be I man one. We've dolhhr. -mt plonuura fur im in Skate-.Honkey BrluIa,Puok1I. _aukeI. ~undria-. Ice.-. Your Boy s Christmas Hlunnnl L- . -.-..__ --- - v loo I Bottle :8 All Drought: or lion Iodlolno 00`, Toronto. I If you In thlnllng of LIFE INSURANCE boculdod by oxpuioneo of other: and toad f.IIh:- Tcouuurr, Wluiactvrers * life lnsurancgu In pn|'tlvo.whuo ho\re'u A healthy` stomach and wood dig:-sf-ion Dr R. was Kiduo ml Liver Pills arc masrvelu in olonm nu 'ho system and koepln: the Llvor In port-ct hunlth A good LlVul moans good h- alth, gunomlay. DR; ROSS . PILLS i HARDUVARE-.' NERVE ` __----- v|'.un \JuInIIl D oHocULXT1 and CREAM BON BUNS. Try a pound. Put in a Nice Box or Bmket at HIM! puhl nu:-pun: on pmov. I dulra !.u- th ~.-ruant. so adope the third nropou - an, Mn is who (run. I am; very thankful to vb company fr their pr mpcnumsndl um wo.l ntluod am! the uuplnp on the premium: .._.-u v- to \oII'IIIII\"I`II, vgrotcuor 0! French Language, Wm hlostcw puplhsthvrhomo 23 Iydonhnmnu-oot,nou-In-lltnot. on hotvouaudo all Bo Pollux 0601. That lrl : ~ . ~ Your {Ivor tn ha 1! with regard 9o -urpln: pnlov. I dulro `nrruant. M1090 third nmnn. at as!!! V. JJU PTIIIUESS Nut Canon`: Wholonlo ___.__________ Tho Ilnuhotuuu Llfa Inn. on . for 4:50, On. PRINCESS STREET. St. `rholnu. 011%.. Nov. min. 1397 1 (Signs 1) DOUBLE W'AR, ___For Christmas. TONE FURNITURE. BTOVIS. ITS. j Drop mos postal cud null villpn alsdut price in out for all spcond-I Ia ` V I L--- _ -V Youn tmly, nd villpny tho spcvond-Hcnd Prinoou St root. `W. nrsnox" Life J G. M. Pullman dilinhoriud hi! Iona bo- ` ctulthoy won waywnrd and rebellion. ma um nu. man to scoop us. will my vumhot dowry frontho ootstoinordor. to provido lot tho boys. What it into how a Iynpsthctic and lo:-giving not-bu, ? ma s3.0w.ooo. wsa. nah . an on; buy. win Iihly 300 E I ' Hon. Mr. Mulock e defence of hie poei- lion in |lIOFlI IIIOI'l Loen company hue been enicienl end complete. "He be- i lieved is wee ell right end pub hie money - in it But We e bed thing for our public 6 mentobeeoreedyoo lend their nemeeo: entec-prises with the menegemene ol whichtheyheveeolittletodo. ` 9 no I.u1l\I. but ltoro.t7.I Pnoo.-n smot. bouuu sy-i dcnhun and Clara: Stucco. A chap in Toronto married, his wife in- vitod her mother to live with honthoy form- 4 ed scombioation. and now they hold the 1 tort and he in out. He sought the help 0` 5 the court to diolodgo tho mother-in-law ma 3 ` mm. Hiaoounuol said. "He did not in- M and to many all his wih o"rolntion|." and 5 I the Matter in Cnumboro said, "It has ) ' transpired under the mam-iugo uttlomont i 1 thotho Inn done so." A wurning that! some men will mnombcr. ' new -an uuv anuuuw Ill ulvuuav-y. How Sir John Meodoneld need to laugh when he had done eomething that "diehed the grits! And how the roguieh Mr. Hunk. must leugh at the diecomture of his op- ponente. That he he diehed them goes 4 without eeying. He hee silenced them for the time being. And they will rennin _ nilenced-if the tory preee hu its way. M The pepere any the bill embodies Mr. i Whitney ideee, end of course he muet en- : ` done them. He cennot do otherwise and i npere the orgene which have been trying a 1 I no hard to nerve him. I I *ernment has adopted at its demand. The .....~u-vu new auaaauunu 0! course a retreat had to he found of some sort for the opposition. Mr. Whit- ney admitted that the situation was incom- prehensible to him, that he did not know what he was going todo about it. And yet the Toronto World and Mail and News are all labouring under the delusion that the government has acted as under force of circumstances, that Mr. (:ibson s re marks were apologetic, that Mr. Hardy simply, embodied Mr. \\'hitne_v s ideas in his proposed legislation. Which, to use] the language of the said Mr. Whitney, is incomprehensible since the leader of the opposition has been care lul not to dene his policy, not to declare that he had a policy, save that of object- ing to everything that is done by the gov- ernment whateverbe its trend and na- ture. The World is inclined to take.` credit unto itself for the new work of the government, which, it allirms, the gov- World was always a very peculiar paper, and it has certainly never lacked for no- tice on the ground of modesty. (In Him Jnlun I-nJ..__I.I .--_-I A- |~~~ -J- Not since Sir Donald Smith made his historic speech in the commons, on the Pacic scandal, has there been in political literature a speech that hes paralleled this one of Hon. Mr. (Jibson. Mr. Smith (not then knighted), had been a supporter of the government. and in the terrible crisis of 187-, when everything depended upon a vote, he rose to speak. He discussed the issue pro and con for __some time, ba- lancing the evidence for and against the government with the skill of a judge, and no one knew until the last moment, until he was about to sit down, what he was go- ing to do; and as he declared, solemnly, that he would be compelled to vote against the government there was a propound sen- sation. Similar was the effect on the legislature when Hon. Mr. Gibson had finished his remarks. no u vuv -uvwaviv III Ivlwlsullls This campaign of misrepresentation at last, however, reached an ,end. The-time came for the government to explain its position, the position forced upon it. by change of circumstances, by the legislation of the United States, and by the action of some timber limit purchasers. Its bill was introduced by Hon. Mr. Gibson, com- missioner of crown lands, who is a deliber-e ate, and in some respects, to the opposi- tion. a tantalizing speaker. He went into a review of the case. discussing minutely the various changes that had occurred in the lumber policy of Canada and the Uni- ted States, and the various conditions ex- `, ipting in Ontario and making hasty and immature legislation imprudent. I`he op- position regarded the whole performance gleefully, at the outstart. The government was going to refuse an adoption of its policy to the emergencies of the times. Still. as Mr. Gibson proceeded, traces of anxiety appeared on the faces of opposi- tion members. An occasional observation by Mr. Gibson tended to show that some- thing startlinc was likely to happen. and whcmeventually, it was announced that the logs cut in Ontario, in the future, after April, would have to be made into lumber in Ontario, the liberals broke into cheers while the conservatives sat gloomy and si- Ianb `Ft... ..|.,.II.. ..........-...-.1 L.'..I -_ ,_ . , . ? NQTTHE Toatm. The govornmone hill, dening ite new` `timber policy. inf the but evidence that an be ntfordod of Ontario : nnlwer to the Michigan lumbonnen. The opposition members got it into their heads that these lumbermen had I eecreb proponl to make to Hon. Mr. Hardy and hie colleagues. no then thev'eonght and secured a eeoreh meeting. Hon. Mr. Hardy has repudiated this idea. but Mr. Whitney.Col. Mnbheeon, Svenborinn St. John, and others. know betur, and kept on insinuating that the government : poiicy wne not B patriotic one, that it who framed and perpetuntod in tho intereet of foreigners. Thin 1|`:-nun-:4n-n ..l _:--......----L-L:.._ -5 [g`H`;%12A1Ly WHIG. -4 uv-unu vuuuvua any KIIIUILIJ nllu BI` The wholly unexpected had come to vvvili \UlVU|l IIHIIIL go , 6., 'i.'"`, am : Haul." " lnvuuou `W ted " `B11001: Plbnll. All nu. Undo:-I inn ; `CHM: Wanting` -T 1 men uurcn, mm, aged Iorty-nine years." i . The window in the work of N. '1`. Lyon. 6 of Toronto. It completes the mvo of the church. It is expected thet everything, | except the out window. Ivill be nished . belure Chrietmu day. The services on Christmas are at 3 and *in..m. :1 kl To `rho `Prue Bamody. I William Du In, St. Albm o stream To- . : mm. lays: '" no wag : hoop ltziougrno win). Ransom a we ru 1 1 ' ; zznnumpcion. couzhn. cgld c.r:up o: 3:035 ' | in! troubles. Exponmo ted 't.h ; 0550". but never got the $l"IllQ nzodynurxiyl ' In and Ramon : Hive syrup and Tolu. , :0 0th:.r 'oIn_:dy ozn take in plneogn our onn. in I we avoucortnin an euro 1" MP cough. colds. cronp. whooping , 0011 ll. etc. We, would not bowishon it `~ in houu." V ` lo, 3. all. A. -_..-_:___. .,,-.u .. 7 v > F 3-IXUVFIHUUDK -\IIaOIlIQ'i nodn I panel. Pneu : lhthno. childroo: 10. ;` adults. 25. to All para at tho homo. ' y uenveu In green so unmge lrom. . I The church wee more nearly completed . then on Sunday. The memorial window to I Rev. K. L. Jones has been placed in posi- tion. It in very handsome and represents F the two evengeliete. St. Matthew and St. Luke. with the recording angel above, bearing the worde. I have kept the leith. ' The inecription is : "To the glory of God - end in memory of Rev. Keerne Leonerd . Joule. (or seven years rector of t in church. 1 Died March, mu, aged forty-nine years." 1 window in the work nf N 1' [van FlVC 0hild IU%diQlvbC gljugg-Q I6|hoopc:Ahounnnd`.\'uagu5....m main I mu-an vs... 31.... ,` In is idle to experiment with other rene- ydiee, even if they are urged on you n ` "jeeeeegood" u ,L'Reuaom z Hive Syrup end Toln. They are not ee good. he- ` oeueethie remedy hu 3 record ol cures. and ie guaranteed. It never tail: to can u. 254-. 1:, n nn..n..n u `nu-unload. II no :3"a'J.'l}'.' 254-, E. c. Mitcholl. | an. Illurl I SISIVICU. The big snow storm considerably nil'ect- ed the congregation last night at St. Merk e. The eervice. however. was bright and the sermon by the very reverend the dean war a moat admirable ono. His aub- jectwee"Worahip.andaltercongretulating the people on their beautiful church, com mending Mr. Pence for his work of faith. and referring grecefnlly to her to whom the chancel in a memorial. _ he clearly ex- plained whet true worship ie--not en ,_` t of receiving, but giving. He dealt M I the modern errors concerning worship and . showed the scriptural reasons for the teaching of the church. Altogether the -sermon wee one that everyone might have , derived _e greet ed untnge from. ThC Chllrllh Wll mm-n neuu-lo nnunnlnlrnri "WWII: I hop I In-(nook of Now and Sooond Ind |'oad9,IhIch I ull It I very low gure. I PIAA-.4 Toronto News In casting their ballots for school trus- tees the electors should pay gr-Jater regard to the tness of the candidates than to their reputation as word workers. The I work of the board is not mere child s play that can safely be entrusted to anybody. l or given as an honorary reward for politi- lcul services. The very best and ahlest men in the city should be urged to aspire to a place on the board. for they could use their talents to excellent purpose and ren- der their generation substantial service by undertaking such duties as are required of school trustees. 1 Toronto News In nnnrinn OI NOCIJOBLOI` LTDIOII. _ A Topeka man wrote to a cagarette com- pnnv that he had saved the pictures of 1.200 packages of cigaruttee, and asked whan price the company would offer lor thom. The answer was that :be company would give him A coin .1` he woull smoke as many more Yet there are people who any that corporations have no souls. l'Il`lIl0lS' S1111. 'l'0l'0l'lf-0. The temperance people, if they are`. lrightened by this, may comfort. them- aalves,wit.h the reflection that principal Grant : forecast. has not alway turned out true. He boomed Sir Charloa Tuppor for the premiership, and found that, as lord Salisbury said of himself, he had laid his money on the wrong home. llll Eochosto! Union. A "`nr\-Ira an... I lloncreal sen. If the split in the liberal party in (Que- bee continues to have the some effect as it had in Nicololz, the conservatives will soon have not a single member in` the dominion parliament. I Forccnat Not Always Bullsblo. ' Farmers` Sun. 1`ornnt.o. Th: fa.`-`nan-n-nu. I|l|nn`n J LL..._ Hellevule unmu-xo. We thought; we would have genuine Christmas weather as soon as the liberal I government got down to business. The Liberal split; The row Smash Montreal Scan. I If [ha nnlif in OLA Ilu.....I ......A._ :_ 1` Whabia this we hear aboun a poor man, because troublesome, being removed from the house of industry to the jail, and in- carcerated as 3 vagram? Than charge. in the anonymous correspondence of a contemporary. must. be met. The directors must. investigate. "A-TE2-my .!4i!.s .-___-... Dame 0! Good obrlatmaa Weather. Bellevllle Ontario. W. r.)m....m ...- .......|.I 1.....- .__._._: QCIAIJAVVJ anvil lvnulle ;- `The Chronicle. of Munueal, a commer- $5.1 paper. reecting the views of the best :nanoiers, including those at its publisher. ayer"Wilson-Smith, is opposed to the. W 'bill which is now before the Quebec legis- ' lature. and which favors the taxing "of ie mortgages. The Chronicle's objection tothe measure lies in the fact. that it would discourage the investment ol capi- tal in the province. A-tax upon mortgages would fell upon the borrowers, and it would simply mean the taxing `of these persons twice. That is the one state argument which has been used.. -against `the imposition of this particular tax. It has had its in- liuence in the past and it will have its in- uence in the present. The bill. of course, does not aim at affecting the capital of other provinces and countries that may ow into Quebec for investment. It is not the money that is made productive of in- dustrial life that the legislators desire to reach, but the money that people with- held from active business and lend out at high rates among a distressed peo- ple. Bome men borrow, too, be- ~ cause they can do so easily, and because they got the money "cheap. It is the facility for getting mortgages that makes them so common and irritating. Granted that the borrowers would bemade to pay this additional tax it would be the means, in many cases, of making loans non-negotiable to the benefit and advan- tage of the people. It is not the capital~ ists, the men who put their money into manufactures. that the legislators are after, but the petty money-lenders, whose business should be taxed or licensed. WHAT EDITORS SAY. St. Mark`: service. lVI__, W'iAXING MORTGAGES. A 'l`ImeI-y- Word. Gonoroul Oar. -`I..- F'rnzVn.mt%wa1,u. 'r1iuns'b.u. nmnusga 23. 1397- -9 'r.;.,.;. tree llndel-gotten cloelox. The children of the free kindergarten gethered yesterday, u usual. in "their school-room. comer William end Bertie streets. A beautiful Chrietmee tree heel been provided by the "bend A Hend cir- cle of king : deughtere. Alter einging eevenl pieces end playing some 0! their genee. the children received their present: lrom the heads ol Suite Uleue. who treet- ly delighted most of the children. though come felt I little timid. Each little girl received 1 hentilully dreued doll, end eech little hoy e mulicel top, while each child `of. candy. popcorn and ed orenge. Cebu-nqel leheol. x Inch Iile who exhibited around Genre- qei school eucdey. the children bright lid cheerle entering the elhein eurcieee with en eeroeetneeu that made In pueete the were preeent. Belplee cl IGI TIUIIV` Tolophono Waco